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‘Run Lola Run’

Task A: Opening Sequence
What was your expectations of the
   film based on the opening
• Translation:
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know place for the first time” T.S. Eliot.
• The sheer the fact the film opens with a quote suggests to me the film has
  some importance to it, and could potentially be hard hitting and perhaps
  based on a true story. This is because most films of those types listed are
  the most common to open with an opening quote, and because this one
  does, it suggests to me it has or features those elements. It also makes the
  film look more intelligent because it is a confusing quote that is riddle like
  which also helps suggest the film has a level of mystery or enigma which
  will be solved in the film. This could perhaps be the plotline of the film.
• The line “we shall not cease from exploration” suggests that the film will be
  constantly exploring and trying new things and perhaps exploring the
  characters, because the words “shall not cease” suggests the entire film is
  about exploration in one form or another.
• The line “and the end of all our exploring, will be to arrive where we
  started” gives me the expectation that when the exploring mentioned
  above is finished, it will finish at the point it started. This suggests to me
  that it will be character exploration and that the character will be trying to
  find something out about themselves but it turns out at the end of the
  narrative they will already know what they were trying to find out.
• The line “and know place for the first time” strengthens my opinion that the
  films narrative will centre around character exploration and makes me
  further think that they will be trying to find something about themselves
  because I think this line means that when they find out what they want to
  know they feel whole and complete. I think the entire quote is a metaphor
  for someone finding out something to complete their life.
• “After the Game is before the game” suggests to
  me that the films narrative will involve something
  to do with a game, perhaps more than one game
  or that it could be set between a game and the
  characters are preparing for the game. This would
  mean the quote is literal because when a game
  finishes, it is before the next game starts. This
  also links in with my idea with exploration from
  the previous quote because the game could
  represent what they’re looking for, but the fact
  after is before could be a metaphor for the fact
  that they already knew it but they had to find out
  what it was to find out they knew it.
• This is a pendulum and in the films opening
  sequence it is licked with a strong ticking noise
  and a strong swinging noise.
• The sound elements suggests expectations. The ticking sound to me
  represents and strongly connotes time and the passing of time. I therefore
  feel that the film will contain something to do with time, and because it is
  in the opening sequence I feel time will be a very important theme in the
  film. The swooping noise I feel is just to make the pendulum swinging
  seem to have more verisimilitude, because when something like that is
  swung it makes the swinging noise, so this I think, is just an element to
  make it look more diegetic.
• The eyes of the pendulum look angry while the mouth looks happy. This
  makes me expect the thoughts and emotions of the characters to be an
  important part in the films narrative. I think this is represented best by the
  multiple emotions on the pendulum. It could also suggest a multiple-
  personality issue with one or more of the characters because each
  emotion connotes a different personality and therefore suggesting a
  character (or more) could suffer from multiple personality syndrome. Each
  emotion could also be representative of all the different characters
  suggesting that there is a happy character and an angry character in the
• Pendulum’s are found on clocks, and this again strengthens my idea of
  time being in the film because clocks tell the time.
• By this point the ticking noise has slowed down
  and the clock hands are spinning. The mouth of
  the clock also opens and the camera zooms into
• The ticking noise slowing down makes me think the narrative of the film
  will centre around a bomb threat because this is usually what happens in
  film when there is a bomb, the ticking slows down. Because of the
  opening being quite mysterious beforehand though I think this idea is a
  metaphor of another idea. This other idea is that the bomb represents
  mortal danger for one or more of the character’s because a bomb causes
  death and destruction and this connotation could be about one of the
  characters in the film’s narrative.
• The fact the hands are moving makes me feel even more certain about the
  passing of time idea because, when a clock hand moves on a clock, time
  passes and this is measured on a clock. The fact the hands are moving in
  the opening sequence therefore shows time to be passing and because it
  is in the opening sequence, which because is an important part of the film,
  it will be a factor in the film.
• The face of the clock is quite monstrous and grotesque. This suggests that
  the film is dark because the demonic face connotes darkness, and when
  the clock’s mouth opens this could be the darkness engulfing one of the
  characters and this makes me think that suicide and self harming will both
  be involved in the narrative somehow because this is what commonly
  happens when darkness takes over a person. The camera zooming into the
  mouth strengthens this because it represents the audience to be the
  suggested character and their going into the darkness.
Quote from the next shot of the film.
• Man... probably the most mysterious species on
  our planet. A mystery of unanswered questions.
  Who are we? Where do we come from? Where
  are we going? How do we know what we think
  we know? Why do we believe anything at all?
  Countless questions in search of an answer... an
  answer that will give rise to a new question... and
  the next answer will give rise to the next question
  and so on. But, in the end, isn't it always the
  same question? And always the same answer?
• The quote is a riddle and this creates a
  mystery in the viewers head. This suggests
  that the narrative of the film will be about
  solving a mystery because this quote has
  created a mystery. It also suggests psychology
  will be a theme in the film because the
  questions posed are quite deep and
  psychological which suggests that the mystery
  could be in the mind for the characters and
  this could be what leads to them exploring
  themselves and them finding out things they
  didn’t think they already knew.
• In this sequence, the camera is zooming past everyone
  and stopping at certain people and makes them stand
  out using a shallow depth of field and focus pull to put
  only the character that should be standing out in focus.
• The fast camera movement suggests the
  characters on screen will not be important in
  the film until it slows down and focuses on
  one individual (using the shallow depth of
  field and focus pull) and this suggests to the
  audience that those who have been focussed
  on are likely to be main characters in the film
  or play a big part in the film because it is the
  only logical reason to why they would be the
  people who are focussed on, so I think these
  are going to be the protagonists and
  antagonists of the narrative of the film.
• In this sequence the character above is
  speaking the subtitled quote.
• The fact this character is the only one to speak
  makes me think he will be the protagonist of the
  film because he must be important if he is the
  speaking character as speech is important to a
  film and since he is the only one who is doing it,
  it’s logical to guess that he is the protagonist.
• He says the game lasts “90 minutes”. This is the
  average length of most films which suggests
  games will be an important part of this film
  because the use of “90 minutes” linking in with
  film time could be a riddle for this film being
  about a game or the film could actually be a
  game. The character may literally be talking
  about football, but I feel this is what the quote is
  trying to connote.
• The people have all merged to make the film
  title. A football has been kicked into the air to
  get this birds eye view shot (via a tracking shot
  of the ball) and the ball is falling back down.
• The fact that it’s only the police man character
  that stands out further suggests he is the
  protagonist as he is clearly an important
  character since he is the one who stands out and
  is not conforming with the others. This suggests
  the plot could also be about being different and
  individual because this is an example of what the
  Police man character is doing.
• The tracking shot of the football further suggests
  that the film has something to do with a game
  because tracking shots are commonly used in
  sports and this using one connotes that the film is
  going to be about a game because it is using a
• A female character is running along a road inside
  a vortex. The names of actors appear on screen in
  the vortex, but she smashes them with her fist.
  Bats also fly at her and attack her
• The fact that she is running in the opening
  sequence suggests to me that running will be an
  important part of the film because of the fact that
  there is a lot of running during this sequence. This
  prepares the audience for the film because it is
  hinting at them that the film will contain a running
• The vortex to me suggests an element of time
  because vortex's are associated with time travel,
  therefore I expect time to be in the film because of
  this element suggested here by the vortex. This
  links in with my idea on time from the clocks and
  the ticking noise.
• She has ran into a clock that has led into a
  monster which leads into another vortex, full
  of other mouths and teeth.
• The fact she is running into something full of
  teeth makes me think that the narrative of the
  film will contain the darkness engulfing one of
  the character. The mouth appears to be eating
  her in this shot. I think the mouth represents
  darkness and the mouth is engulfing her. This
  makes me think that one of the characters will
  end up self harming or suicide because of the
  conventions previously explained about how
  this leads into the darkness.
• The fact that it happens more than once
  suggests the darkness grows stronger in the
  narrative or I think it may happen to more
  than one character in the narrative.
• She is now dodging swinging pendulums in a new
  vortex (same transition as before). Another
  transition is upcoming which leads to an upside
  down vortex. She then gest sucked into the
  vortex and spins drastically.
• The swinging pendulums again emphasise the
  expectations of time to be in the film. The fact
  that she has to run and dodge them makes me
  think that in the film, the time will be a factor
  against them and this could mean the bomb
  threat the film is currently making me expect,
  because in those situations time is against the
  characters because if they don’t stop the
  bomb in the time limit it would explode and it
  would kill them.
• In the photo, there was side view, back view, side
  view, front view snapshots taken (transition of a
  flash), then the character name was written
  underneath the photo with the actor’s name to
  the side. This happens for all the main characters.
• The snapshots of different views of the
  characters makes me think of prison photo’s.
  This makes me think that the narrative will
  involve a plot to do with the police because it
  gives the image in the audience’s mind that an
  arrest will be made in the film.
• The handwriting and actor’s name doesn’t
  make me expect anything from the film, I think
  they are just there to help the audience know
  who plays the character and to help them
  remember the character’s name.
The Music
• The music of the opening credits began slow
  paced but quickly became very fast paced.
  This created a sense of tension and that
  tension only grew stronger as the credits
  commenced. This suggests that rising tension
  will be an important factor in the film’s
  narrative as it has happened in the title
  sequence and it could be preparing the
  audience for tension.
• Most of the colours used were blue, black, dull
  gold and red. These are all quite negative
  colours as blue connotes sadness, black
  connotes death, dull gold connotes rust and
  red connotes blood. This suggests that the
  films narrative will consist of negative and
  dark elements as these are the common
  connotation of the colours.
Did the film meet these
• My first expectation was that the film
  would contain some sort of mystery and
  enigma. In a way the film did meet this
  expectation. There was a mystery (like
  how they kept restarting time from the
  phone slamming down every 20
  minutes), however in a way it was not
  met because this was never solved in the
  film and my expectation would be that
  the narrative would be about solving that
  enigma but because it didn’t my
  expectation was not met.
• My second expectation was the character
  exploration idea and that they would find
  something out about themselves they already
  knew. In a way the film did meet this expectation.
  In the red bed scenes there was character
  exploration where the two protagonists were
  questioning their love for each other. They
  discovered they loved each other and the love
  between them is strong, but they knew this at the
  start but didn’t know they know it. This meant
  that they discovered something they already
  knew but didn’t know they know it therefore
  meeting my expectation.
• The element of time was strong in the film.
  The film kept cutting back for the characters
  to find out what the time was, and it was also
  written in real time (the 20 minutes actually
  lasted 20 minutes) therefore making time an
  important theme. However, there was no
  bomb threat, but there was duress for the
  characters (if they didn’t get the money then
  their boss would kill them). Also the ticking
  sounds in the opening did represent a
  countdown, it represented the 20 minute
  countdown they had to get the money.
• Another expectation I had was that darkness
  would engulf a character and lead them into
  self harming. This was not present in the film.
• Another expectation I had was that all the
  characters in the shallow depth of field, fast
  moving shot would be important with the
  Police Officer being the Protagonist. Those
  characters were seen in the film, but because
  they had a very small amount of screen time
  they weren’t that important, and Lola and
  Mani are the protagonists, not the Police
• Another expectation I had was that the film
  would be like a game. In a way it was because
  the restart of the 20 minutes made it seem
  like a game (because they had just lost the
  level and were returning to the check point)
  and this makes me feel that the 20 minute
  restart were the characters dying (always
  when the restart was) and therefore this could
  be them returning to a checkpoint making me
  feel like I was right about the narrative being
  like a game.
• Another expectation I had was for prisons and
  arrests to be present in the film, they weren’t.

• My final expectation was that the film would
  contain running. Most of the film was Lola
  (the protagonist) running from place to place
  to try and get the money to save Mani (the
  other protagonist) and this means running
  was present in the film so it did meet my

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Run lola run’

  • 1. ‘Run Lola Run’ Task A: Opening Sequence
  • 2. What was your expectations of the film based on the opening sequence?
  • 3. • Translation: “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know place for the first time” T.S. Eliot.
  • 4. • The sheer the fact the film opens with a quote suggests to me the film has some importance to it, and could potentially be hard hitting and perhaps based on a true story. This is because most films of those types listed are the most common to open with an opening quote, and because this one does, it suggests to me it has or features those elements. It also makes the film look more intelligent because it is a confusing quote that is riddle like which also helps suggest the film has a level of mystery or enigma which will be solved in the film. This could perhaps be the plotline of the film. • The line “we shall not cease from exploration” suggests that the film will be constantly exploring and trying new things and perhaps exploring the characters, because the words “shall not cease” suggests the entire film is about exploration in one form or another. • The line “and the end of all our exploring, will be to arrive where we started” gives me the expectation that when the exploring mentioned above is finished, it will finish at the point it started. This suggests to me that it will be character exploration and that the character will be trying to find something out about themselves but it turns out at the end of the narrative they will already know what they were trying to find out. • The line “and know place for the first time” strengthens my opinion that the films narrative will centre around character exploration and makes me further think that they will be trying to find something about themselves because I think this line means that when they find out what they want to know they feel whole and complete. I think the entire quote is a metaphor for someone finding out something to complete their life.
  • 5.
  • 6. • “After the Game is before the game” suggests to me that the films narrative will involve something to do with a game, perhaps more than one game or that it could be set between a game and the characters are preparing for the game. This would mean the quote is literal because when a game finishes, it is before the next game starts. This also links in with my idea with exploration from the previous quote because the game could represent what they’re looking for, but the fact after is before could be a metaphor for the fact that they already knew it but they had to find out what it was to find out they knew it.
  • 7. • This is a pendulum and in the films opening sequence it is licked with a strong ticking noise and a strong swinging noise.
  • 8. • The sound elements suggests expectations. The ticking sound to me represents and strongly connotes time and the passing of time. I therefore feel that the film will contain something to do with time, and because it is in the opening sequence I feel time will be a very important theme in the film. The swooping noise I feel is just to make the pendulum swinging seem to have more verisimilitude, because when something like that is swung it makes the swinging noise, so this I think, is just an element to make it look more diegetic. • The eyes of the pendulum look angry while the mouth looks happy. This makes me expect the thoughts and emotions of the characters to be an important part in the films narrative. I think this is represented best by the multiple emotions on the pendulum. It could also suggest a multiple- personality issue with one or more of the characters because each emotion connotes a different personality and therefore suggesting a character (or more) could suffer from multiple personality syndrome. Each emotion could also be representative of all the different characters suggesting that there is a happy character and an angry character in the film. • Pendulum’s are found on clocks, and this again strengthens my idea of time being in the film because clocks tell the time.
  • 9. • By this point the ticking noise has slowed down and the clock hands are spinning. The mouth of the clock also opens and the camera zooms into it.
  • 10. • The ticking noise slowing down makes me think the narrative of the film will centre around a bomb threat because this is usually what happens in film when there is a bomb, the ticking slows down. Because of the opening being quite mysterious beforehand though I think this idea is a metaphor of another idea. This other idea is that the bomb represents mortal danger for one or more of the character’s because a bomb causes death and destruction and this connotation could be about one of the characters in the film’s narrative. • The fact the hands are moving makes me feel even more certain about the passing of time idea because, when a clock hand moves on a clock, time passes and this is measured on a clock. The fact the hands are moving in the opening sequence therefore shows time to be passing and because it is in the opening sequence, which because is an important part of the film, it will be a factor in the film. • The face of the clock is quite monstrous and grotesque. This suggests that the film is dark because the demonic face connotes darkness, and when the clock’s mouth opens this could be the darkness engulfing one of the characters and this makes me think that suicide and self harming will both be involved in the narrative somehow because this is what commonly happens when darkness takes over a person. The camera zooming into the mouth strengthens this because it represents the audience to be the suggested character and their going into the darkness.
  • 11. Quote from the next shot of the film. • Man... probably the most mysterious species on our planet. A mystery of unanswered questions. Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? How do we know what we think we know? Why do we believe anything at all? Countless questions in search of an answer... an answer that will give rise to a new question... and the next answer will give rise to the next question and so on. But, in the end, isn't it always the same question? And always the same answer?
  • 12. • The quote is a riddle and this creates a mystery in the viewers head. This suggests that the narrative of the film will be about solving a mystery because this quote has created a mystery. It also suggests psychology will be a theme in the film because the questions posed are quite deep and psychological which suggests that the mystery could be in the mind for the characters and this could be what leads to them exploring themselves and them finding out things they didn’t think they already knew.
  • 13. • In this sequence, the camera is zooming past everyone and stopping at certain people and makes them stand out using a shallow depth of field and focus pull to put only the character that should be standing out in focus.
  • 14. • The fast camera movement suggests the characters on screen will not be important in the film until it slows down and focuses on one individual (using the shallow depth of field and focus pull) and this suggests to the audience that those who have been focussed on are likely to be main characters in the film or play a big part in the film because it is the only logical reason to why they would be the people who are focussed on, so I think these are going to be the protagonists and antagonists of the narrative of the film.
  • 15. • In this sequence the character above is speaking the subtitled quote.
  • 16. • The fact this character is the only one to speak makes me think he will be the protagonist of the film because he must be important if he is the speaking character as speech is important to a film and since he is the only one who is doing it, it’s logical to guess that he is the protagonist. • He says the game lasts “90 minutes”. This is the average length of most films which suggests games will be an important part of this film because the use of “90 minutes” linking in with film time could be a riddle for this film being about a game or the film could actually be a game. The character may literally be talking about football, but I feel this is what the quote is trying to connote.
  • 17. • The people have all merged to make the film title. A football has been kicked into the air to get this birds eye view shot (via a tracking shot of the ball) and the ball is falling back down.
  • 18. • The fact that it’s only the police man character that stands out further suggests he is the protagonist as he is clearly an important character since he is the one who stands out and is not conforming with the others. This suggests the plot could also be about being different and individual because this is an example of what the Police man character is doing. • The tracking shot of the football further suggests that the film has something to do with a game because tracking shots are commonly used in sports and this using one connotes that the film is going to be about a game because it is using a convention.
  • 19. • A female character is running along a road inside a vortex. The names of actors appear on screen in the vortex, but she smashes them with her fist. Bats also fly at her and attack her
  • 20. • The fact that she is running in the opening sequence suggests to me that running will be an important part of the film because of the fact that there is a lot of running during this sequence. This prepares the audience for the film because it is hinting at them that the film will contain a running element. • The vortex to me suggests an element of time because vortex's are associated with time travel, therefore I expect time to be in the film because of this element suggested here by the vortex. This links in with my idea on time from the clocks and the ticking noise.
  • 21. • She has ran into a clock that has led into a monster which leads into another vortex, full of other mouths and teeth.
  • 22. • The fact she is running into something full of teeth makes me think that the narrative of the film will contain the darkness engulfing one of the character. The mouth appears to be eating her in this shot. I think the mouth represents darkness and the mouth is engulfing her. This makes me think that one of the characters will end up self harming or suicide because of the conventions previously explained about how this leads into the darkness. • The fact that it happens more than once suggests the darkness grows stronger in the narrative or I think it may happen to more than one character in the narrative.
  • 23. • She is now dodging swinging pendulums in a new vortex (same transition as before). Another transition is upcoming which leads to an upside down vortex. She then gest sucked into the vortex and spins drastically.
  • 24. • The swinging pendulums again emphasise the expectations of time to be in the film. The fact that she has to run and dodge them makes me think that in the film, the time will be a factor against them and this could mean the bomb threat the film is currently making me expect, because in those situations time is against the characters because if they don’t stop the bomb in the time limit it would explode and it would kill them.
  • 25. • In the photo, there was side view, back view, side view, front view snapshots taken (transition of a flash), then the character name was written underneath the photo with the actor’s name to the side. This happens for all the main characters.
  • 26. • The snapshots of different views of the characters makes me think of prison photo’s. This makes me think that the narrative will involve a plot to do with the police because it gives the image in the audience’s mind that an arrest will be made in the film. • The handwriting and actor’s name doesn’t make me expect anything from the film, I think they are just there to help the audience know who plays the character and to help them remember the character’s name.
  • 27. The Music • The music of the opening credits began slow paced but quickly became very fast paced. This created a sense of tension and that tension only grew stronger as the credits commenced. This suggests that rising tension will be an important factor in the film’s narrative as it has happened in the title sequence and it could be preparing the audience for tension.
  • 28. Colours • Most of the colours used were blue, black, dull gold and red. These are all quite negative colours as blue connotes sadness, black connotes death, dull gold connotes rust and red connotes blood. This suggests that the films narrative will consist of negative and dark elements as these are the common connotation of the colours.
  • 29. Did the film meet these expectations?
  • 30. • My first expectation was that the film would contain some sort of mystery and enigma. In a way the film did meet this expectation. There was a mystery (like how they kept restarting time from the phone slamming down every 20 minutes), however in a way it was not met because this was never solved in the film and my expectation would be that the narrative would be about solving that enigma but because it didn’t my expectation was not met.
  • 31. • My second expectation was the character exploration idea and that they would find something out about themselves they already knew. In a way the film did meet this expectation. In the red bed scenes there was character exploration where the two protagonists were questioning their love for each other. They discovered they loved each other and the love between them is strong, but they knew this at the start but didn’t know they know it. This meant that they discovered something they already knew but didn’t know they know it therefore meeting my expectation.
  • 32. • The element of time was strong in the film. The film kept cutting back for the characters to find out what the time was, and it was also written in real time (the 20 minutes actually lasted 20 minutes) therefore making time an important theme. However, there was no bomb threat, but there was duress for the characters (if they didn’t get the money then their boss would kill them). Also the ticking sounds in the opening did represent a countdown, it represented the 20 minute countdown they had to get the money.
  • 33. • Another expectation I had was that darkness would engulf a character and lead them into self harming. This was not present in the film. • Another expectation I had was that all the characters in the shallow depth of field, fast moving shot would be important with the Police Officer being the Protagonist. Those characters were seen in the film, but because they had a very small amount of screen time they weren’t that important, and Lola and Mani are the protagonists, not the Police Officer.
  • 34. • Another expectation I had was that the film would be like a game. In a way it was because the restart of the 20 minutes made it seem like a game (because they had just lost the level and were returning to the check point) and this makes me feel that the 20 minute restart were the characters dying (always when the restart was) and therefore this could be them returning to a checkpoint making me feel like I was right about the narrative being like a game.
  • 35. • Another expectation I had was for prisons and arrests to be present in the film, they weren’t. • My final expectation was that the film would contain running. Most of the film was Lola (the protagonist) running from place to place to try and get the money to save Mani (the other protagonist) and this means running was present in the film so it did meet my expectation.