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Réseaux Sociaux

                          « Démocratie 2.0,

        Pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs numériques»
                      Les fondamentaux : du Web 2.0 au Web²

10/02/2012 – les fondamentaux du Web 2.0 au Web²          SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   1
2. Découverte de différents concepts, enjeux, techniques et usages

                      « We can’t solve problems

           by using the same kind of thinking

              we used when we created them »

Einstein         SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   2
Petite historique du web

                      Télé , en mieux

Einstein       SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   3
Petite historique du web

      Messagerie      Internet 0.0
Communautés universitaires
                      Communautés militaires
    Bulletin Boards
                      Ordinateurs                       Ordinateurs

                                  Peer to Peer

Einstein          SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   4
Petite historique du web

Einstein    SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   5
Petite historique du web

  écrire - lire                                     Vente en ligne
 information                                                                    Paiement en ligne
         NTIC                                                        économie
                                 Entre méfiance et
                                     confiance forcée
Listes de diffusion                                                                Sites vitrine

                               Web 1.0                                              Bases de données /

                        (Content Management System)                     X

                      Droits d’auteur
                                                                       HTML 1, 2, 3, …             Flash
                                                               Protocol TCP/IP               SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                            6
Petite historique du web    SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   7
Petite historique du web

 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   8
Web 2.0

          Réseaux sociaux / « social networking »

                  Si utilisés intelligemment…

                     Avantage entreprise

                      Travail collaboratif


              Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)
                           Mobilité        SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   9
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 1 - Technologies

                              … nouvelles utilisations
                              et déploiement différent
                                                                                     version bèta
   SaaS, PaaS, …
                                        Databases                                    perpétuelle
                                                                                     micro formats


                                     « scalability »
The value of the software is proportional to the scale and dynamism of the data it helps to manage.               SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                         10
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 2 – Client Oriented

                          Partage : conversation
          Wiki / FAQ
                                Participation                         « social » :
                                                                réseaux, bookmarking, …
    Sites                        Réutilisation
comparateurs                                                             évaluation
   de prix

                  buzz…                                                blogs
                                 Eternal beta versions
                      « users creating value »
                             Exister / se manifester             SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                  11
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 2 – Client Oriented

                  “Release early and release often“ => "the perpetual beta"

                                    Users : co-developers

    Services such as Gmail, Google Maps, Flickr, delicious, and the like may be
                             expected to bear a "Beta" logo for years at a time.

Real time monitoring of user behavior to see just which new features are used,
    and how they are used, thus becomes another required core competency.

 A web developer at a major online service remarked: "We put up two or three
new features on some part of the site every day, and if users don't adopt them,
     we take them down. If they like them, we roll them out to the entire site."                  SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0     12
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 2 – Client Oriented

Sciences Po Poitiers | 2011      SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0          13
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 3 – Collaboration, crowdsourcing

    (public) chat
                                                               « intelligence collective »
                                                                             « Curators »
                   wiki           Recherche
    workflows                   Réutilisation

                                                                      social bookmarking

                           Outils collaboratifs           SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                         14
Collective Intelligence Wisdom of Crowds - Crowdsourcing

             “A large group of people can create a collective work
                   whose value far exceeds that provided by
                       any of the individual participants”

                                   Ex. : Wikipedia
    but also : Flickr, YouTube, eBay, Twitter, web mapping, Digg, Amazon,             SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0        15
Collective Intelligence : hyperlinks & tagging

Hyperlinking is the foundation of the web
As users add new content, and new sites, it is bound in to the structure of the web by
other users discovering the content and linking to it. (ranking it and connecting)

Much as synapses form in the brain, with associations becoming stronger through
repetition or intensity, the web of connections grows organically as an output of the
collective activity of all web users.

                                         Google's breakthrough in search was PageRank,
                         a method of using the link structure of the web rather than just
                     the characteristics of documents to provide better search results.

Web 2.0 Technology                 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                16
Collective Intelligence

                  Network effects from user contributions
      are the key to market dominance in the Web 2.0 era

Web 2.0 Technology             SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   17
Web 2.0 | Gratuité, partage

Knowledge is the only thing that grows when shared           SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   18
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 4 – E-identity & Social Networking

                    Exister / se manifester                            facebook
 (public) chat                                                          linkedin
  Twitter, …                                                             Viadeo
                    (Re-)définition de soi
          dans plusieurs communautés ou sphères
                           Intimité -extimité

 liens « forts » - liens « faibles » - trous structuraux
                   Bonding & bridging
         Audio /
                                                                 Aggrégation / mash-up
         Vidéo !

                   Donner pour recevoir      SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                     19
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 4 – E-identity & Social Networking      SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0        20
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 4 – E-identity & Social Networking

                                    sans engagement, ni objectifs
« me places »                            liens faibles
                                    opportunités pour donner

                         Social networks
                       online communities
                          débats entre acteurs égaux
                   engagement, interaction, support
                                                                           « we places »
                                    données fiables…                SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                   21
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 5 – nouveaux modèles économiques

                             Implication client
    Réactivité !
                            Information client
                            Fidélisation client

   Rich user experiences
                                                                Rémunération au clic

                    Extraction information des données
                           « Marketing 2.0 »            SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                  22
Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 5 – nouveaux modèles économiques

                          The Long Tail – Chris Anderson

                             Google, 37Signals, AdSense, eBay, …

                                     Key Web 2.0 principle:
                    the service automatically gets better the more people use it                   SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0       23   SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   24
Petite historique du web

Sciences Po Poitiers | 2011    SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0          25
Web 1.0 => Web 2.0 => Web² / web 3.0

            2000-2004                     2005-2009                                  2009-…

                               Databases                                  Automated Data collection
                                                                          Learning data
 World Wide Web                Saas                                       The network as platform

                               Mobile                                     Augmented Reality

                                                                          Information shadow

                                                                          Talking to the web

                               Sharing                                    Participation

                               Crowdsoursing                              Collective Mind

 Hyperlinks                    Contextual                                 Semantic

Web 2.0 | les mots clés            SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                             26
Evolution (Wikipédia)

      Status            Name                                                  Details

                                 Ironic expression denoting the phases of development before the actual existence of the
Already deployed       Web 0.0
                                 Web , the fact that some people do not have Internet or no effect of ad content .

                                 Pleasing expression designating a website using outdated methods, or Internet services be
                       Web 0.5
                                 deployed without really mature (especially the Web mobile ).

                       Web 1.0   Static Web

                       Web 1.5   Dynamic Web

                                 Participatory web, social and collective intelligence . Concept proposed by Tim O'Reilly in
                       Web 2.0
                                 2005 .

                                 Web 2.0 made it easier to access , , the expression is mostly a reflection on improvements
                       Web 2.1
                                 to Web 2.0 in the near future.

                                 For some, means the Web turned into a platform for online applications expression also
                       Web 2.5   used by the company for its method Criteo intelligent content filtering (Web 2.0 is seen as
                                 the provision of content indiscriminate by the participants).

                       Web 2.B Web 2.0 oriented to trade, see also Business 2.0 and Marketing 2.0                          SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                                     27
L’avenir du Web ?

                  Scenarios    SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   28
Evolution (Wikipédia)

     Status            Name                                                  Details

                                The Web as an information ecosystem . Concept proposed by Tim O'Reilly (and
Ongoing                Web ²   John Battelle) as an intermediate step between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. The choice of the
development          (Squared) "square" (square) means that the web development should be seen as exponential, not
                               linear. General circulation "Squared" even in French .

                                Expression denoting the next major evolution of the Web. Expected as the Semantic Web , ,
                     Web 3.0
                                while others think it will be the Web3D.

                      Web3d     3D websites; supported by the Web3D Consortium

                                For Nova Spivack, CEO of Radar Networks, WebOS means the possibility of working with
                                online tools only .

                     Web 4.0
                                For Joel de Rosnay or Seth Godin , , means the Web symbiotic used continuously, without
                                challenging the relevance of this division, Olivier Ertzscheid think this Web 4.0 Web 3.0
                                precede .                          SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                                        29
Petite historique du Web          SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   30
Petite historique du Web : interactive => add your own comments !          SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   31
Petite historique du Web : the new 2012 interactive map => add your own comments !           SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0         32
Web² / O’Reilly

       1. Redefining Collective Intelligence / New Sensory Input
                  Collective intelligence applications

       2. How the Web learns : Implicit vs Explicit Meaning

       3. The Web meets World :
                  The Information Shadow / The Web of Things

       4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind               SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   33
Web² / O’Reilly | 2. How the Web learns : Implicit vx Explicit Meaning

                                                     Collective intelligence :
a large group of people can create a collective work whose value far exceeds that provided by any of the individual participants

                       But is this really what we mean by collective intelligence?
                                Isn’t one definition of intelligence, after all,
                        that characteristic that allows an organism to learn
                                 from and respond to its environment?

              Ex.: vs and ISBN registry provider Bowker                        SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                                      34
Web² / O’Reilly | 1. Redefining Collective Intelligence / New Sensory Input

   Hyperlink = vote / Votes can be ranked and interpreted by machines

   Geolocation / learning process by machine (smartphone)

   Recognized Speech (« you are speaking to the web »)

                                 Some databases are « taught » to the application
                                                              Others (recognition of speech)
                                                                          are « learned » by
                                             processing large, crowdsourced data sets          SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                      35
Web² / O’Reilly | 2. How the Web learns : Implicit vx Explicit Meaning

 Meaning is learned “inferentially” from a body of data / “machine learning”
                                 Ex. Speech recognition and computer vision Google’s AdSense (auction)
                           Facebook’s “Social Graph” => combination of machine learning and human input

  Giving structure to what appears to be unstructured data by teaching an
  application how to recognize the connection between the two.
                           For example, You R Here, an iPhone app, neatly combines these two approaches

 Example of “Taught Meaning”
                  the association between street addresses and GPS coordinates                SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                                   36
Web² / O’Reilly | 2. How the Web learns : Implicit vx Explicit Meaning

                         A key competency of the Web 2.0 era is
                             discovering implied metadata,
                  and then building a database to capture that metadata
                          and/or foster an ecosystem around it

        Ex.: vs and ISBN registry provider Bowker                SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0           37
Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World :
                     The Information Shadow / The Web of Things

 Smartphones : microphones, cameras, motion sensors, proximity sensors,
 and location sensors (GPS, cell-tower triangulation, compass).

 Mobile applications are connected Applications

 Sensor-based applications : designed to get better the more people use
 them, collecting data that creates a virtuous feedback loop that creates more

               Ex. internet-connected GPS applications with built-in feedback loops, reporting your speed and using it to
                                                    estimate arrival time based on its knowledge of trafficahead of you.

 Ex. : geotagging of photos: users taught their computers the association between photos and locations by tagging them.
      When cameras know where they are, every photo will be geotagged, with far greater precision than the humans are
                                                                                                        likely to provide.                        SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                                     38
Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World :
                     The Information Shadow / The Web of Things

                                              Real world objects have
                                              “information shadows”
                                              in cyberspace

                                              Mike Kuniavsky of ThingM       SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0         39
Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World :
                     The Information Shadow / The Web of Things       SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   40
Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World :
                     The Information Shadow / The Web of Things       SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   41
Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World :
                     The Information Shadow / The Web of Things       SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   42
Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World :
                     The Information Shadow / The Web of Things       SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   43
Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World :
                     The Information Shadow / The Web of Things

(buzz)      SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   44
Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind

 As it becomes more conversational, search has also gotten faster
 Blogging added tens of millions of sites that needed to be crawled daily or
 even hourly, but microblogging requires instantaneous update

                             With services like Twitter and Facebook’s status updates,
                                                    a new data source has been added to the
                         - real-time indications of what is on our collective mind.

             Twitter hashtags: a human convention that facilitates real-time search on shared events.
Human participation adds a layer of structure - rough and inconsistent as it is – to the raw data stream                   SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0                           45
Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind

             Worried about the dehumanizing effect of technology ?


                             communication binds us together,
                  gives us shared context, and ultimately shared identity.                  SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0    46
Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind

             Worried about the dehumanizing effect of technology ?

                                       There are many
                  who worry about the dehumanizing effect of technology.
                                  We share that worry,
                             but also see the countertrend,
                          that communication binds us together,
                  gives us shared context, and ultimately shared identity.                 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0     47
Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind

                            The new direction for the Web,
                      its collision course with the physical world,
                    opens enormous new possibilities for business,
                  and enormous new possibilities to make a difference
                        on the world’s most pressing problems                 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   48
Web² / Van Dijk | Study on the Social Impact of ICT (2010)

                           Ten trends reinforced by ICT

                  1. Time: the acceleration of all societal processes
                  2. Space: increasing mobility
                  3. Scale: globalization
                  4. Social infrastructure: network individualization
                  5. Complexity: the rise of registration for control
                  6. Capitalism: rejuvenation and growing instability
                  7. Class: growing social inequality
                  8. Politics: civil emancipation and the rise of populism
                  9. Culture: the rise of participation in the media
                  10. Daily life: increasing choice opportunities                SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0      49
Web 2.0, Web², Web 3.0 : What kind of a society do we want ?

                          Both positive and negative trends,
                  opportunities and counter effects the web offer us,
                     implies that thorough and ongoing research
                       of treats and opportunities is necessary
                           in order to structure our thoughts
                  about what kind of a society we want to (co-)create.

            D’où l’étude de la société sous toutes ses formes « 2.0 »                 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0   50

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  • 6. Petite historique du web écrire - lire Vente en ligne information Paiement en ligne NTIC économie Entre méfiance et confiance forcée Listes de diffusion Sites vitrine Messagerie (e-mail) Web 1.0 Bases de données / catalogues forum CMS (Content Management System) X frames Droits d’auteur design HTML 1, 2, 3, … Flash Navigateurs DHTML standardisation Protocol TCP/IP SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 6
  • 7. Petite historique du web SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 7
  • 8. Petite historique du web SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 8
  • 9. Web 2.0 Réseaux sociaux / « social networking » Si utilisés intelligemment… Avantage entreprise Travail collaboratif Communautés Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) Mobilité SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 9
  • 10. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 1 - Technologies … nouvelles utilisations et déploiement différent version bèta SaaS, PaaS, … Databases perpétuelle socialCRM plateformes micro formats workflow API adserving « scalability » The value of the software is proportional to the scale and dynamism of the data it helps to manage. SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 10
  • 11. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 2 – Client Oriented Partage : conversation Wiki / FAQ Participation « social » : réseaux, bookmarking, … Sites Réutilisation comparateurs évaluation de prix Recommandation buzz… blogs Eternal beta versions « users creating value » Exister / se manifester SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 11
  • 12. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 2 – Client Oriented “Release early and release often“ => "the perpetual beta" Users : co-developers Services such as Gmail, Google Maps, Flickr, delicious, and the like may be expected to bear a "Beta" logo for years at a time. Real time monitoring of user behavior to see just which new features are used, and how they are used, thus becomes another required core competency. A web developer at a major online service remarked: "We put up two or three new features on some part of the site every day, and if users don't adopt them, we take them down. If they like them, we roll them out to the entire site." SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 12
  • 13. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 2 – Client Oriented Sciences Po Poitiers | 2011 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 13
  • 14. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 3 – Collaboration, crowdsourcing Partage (public) chat « intelligence collective » Participation « Curators » wiki Recherche veille workflows Réutilisation social bookmarking RSS Outils collaboratifs SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 14
  • 15. Collective Intelligence Wisdom of Crowds - Crowdsourcing “A large group of people can create a collective work whose value far exceeds that provided by any of the individual participants” (O’Reilly) Ex. : Wikipedia but also : Flickr, YouTube, eBay, Twitter, web mapping, Digg, Amazon, SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 15
  • 16. Collective Intelligence : hyperlinks & tagging Hyperlinking is the foundation of the web As users add new content, and new sites, it is bound in to the structure of the web by other users discovering the content and linking to it. (ranking it and connecting) Much as synapses form in the brain, with associations becoming stronger through repetition or intensity, the web of connections grows organically as an output of the collective activity of all web users. Google's breakthrough in search was PageRank, a method of using the link structure of the web rather than just the characteristics of documents to provide better search results. Web 2.0 Technology SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 16
  • 17. Collective Intelligence Network effects from user contributions are the key to market dominance in the Web 2.0 era Web 2.0 Technology SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 17
  • 18. Web 2.0 | Gratuité, partage Knowledge is the only thing that grows when shared SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 18
  • 19. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 4 – E-identity & Social Networking Exister / se manifester facebook (public) chat linkedin Twitter, … Viadeo (Re-)définition de soi … dans plusieurs communautés ou sphères Intimité -extimité liens « forts » - liens « faibles » - trous structuraux Bonding & bridging Audio / Aggrégation / mash-up Vidéo ! Donner pour recevoir SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 19
  • 20. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 4 – E-identity & Social Networking SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 20
  • 21. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 4 – E-identity & Social Networking sans engagement, ni objectifs « me places » liens faibles opportunités pour donner Social networks towards online communities débats entre acteurs égaux engagement, interaction, support « we places » données fiables… SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 21
  • 22. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 5 – nouveaux modèles économiques Implication client Réactivité ! Information client Communautés clients Fidélisation client affiliation Rich user experiences Rémunération au clic Extraction information des données « Marketing 2.0 » SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 22
  • 23. Les 5 fondamentaux du web 2.0 : 5 – nouveaux modèles économiques The Long Tail – Chris Anderson Google, 37Signals, AdSense, eBay, … Key Web 2.0 principle: the service automatically gets better the more people use it SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 23
  • 24. SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 24
  • 25. Petite historique du web Sciences Po Poitiers | 2011 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 25
  • 26. Web 1.0 => Web 2.0 => Web² / web 3.0 2000-2004 2005-2009 2009-… Databases Automated Data collection Learning data World Wide Web Saas The network as platform Mobile Augmented Reality Information shadow Talking to the web Sharing Participation Crowdsoursing Collective Mind Hyperlinks Contextual Semantic Web 2.0 | les mots clés SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 26
  • 27. Evolution (Wikipédia) Status Name Details Ironic expression denoting the phases of development before the actual existence of the Already deployed Web 0.0 Web , the fact that some people do not have Internet or no effect of ad content . Pleasing expression designating a website using outdated methods, or Internet services be Web 0.5 deployed without really mature (especially the Web mobile ). Web 1.0 Static Web Web 1.5 Dynamic Web Participatory web, social and collective intelligence . Concept proposed by Tim O'Reilly in Web 2.0 2005 . Web 2.0 made it easier to access , , the expression is mostly a reflection on improvements Web 2.1 to Web 2.0 in the near future. For some, means the Web turned into a platform for online applications expression also Web 2.5 used by the company for its method Criteo intelligent content filtering (Web 2.0 is seen as the provision of content indiscriminate by the participants). Web 2.B Web 2.0 oriented to trade, see also Business 2.0 and Marketing 2.0 SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 27
  • 28. L’avenir du Web ? Scenarios SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 28
  • 29. Evolution (Wikipédia) Status Name Details The Web as an information ecosystem . Concept proposed by Tim O'Reilly (and Ongoing Web ² John Battelle) as an intermediate step between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. The choice of the development (Squared) "square" (square) means that the web development should be seen as exponential, not linear. General circulation "Squared" even in French . Expression denoting the next major evolution of the Web. Expected as the Semantic Web , , Web 3.0 while others think it will be the Web3D. Web3d 3D websites; supported by the Web3D Consortium For Nova Spivack, CEO of Radar Networks, WebOS means the possibility of working with online tools only . Web 4.0 For Joel de Rosnay or Seth Godin , , means the Web symbiotic used continuously, without challenging the relevance of this division, Olivier Ertzscheid think this Web 4.0 Web 3.0 precede . SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 29
  • 30. Petite historique du Web SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 30
  • 31. Petite historique du Web : interactive => add your own comments ! SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 31
  • 32. Petite historique du Web : the new 2012 interactive map => add your own comments ! SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 32
  • 33. Web² / O’Reilly 1. Redefining Collective Intelligence / New Sensory Input Collective intelligence applications 2. How the Web learns : Implicit vs Explicit Meaning 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 33
  • 34. Web² / O’Reilly | 2. How the Web learns : Implicit vx Explicit Meaning Collective intelligence : a large group of people can create a collective work whose value far exceeds that provided by any of the individual participants But is this really what we mean by collective intelligence? Isn’t one definition of intelligence, after all, that characteristic that allows an organism to learn from and respond to its environment? Ex.: vs and ISBN registry provider Bowker SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 34
  • 35. Web² / O’Reilly | 1. Redefining Collective Intelligence / New Sensory Input Hyperlink = vote / Votes can be ranked and interpreted by machines Geolocation / learning process by machine (smartphone) Recognized Speech (« you are speaking to the web ») Some databases are « taught » to the application Others (recognition of speech) are « learned » by processing large, crowdsourced data sets SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 35
  • 36. Web² / O’Reilly | 2. How the Web learns : Implicit vx Explicit Meaning Meaning is learned “inferentially” from a body of data / “machine learning” Ex. Speech recognition and computer vision Google’s AdSense (auction) Facebook’s “Social Graph” => combination of machine learning and human input Giving structure to what appears to be unstructured data by teaching an application how to recognize the connection between the two. For example, You R Here, an iPhone app, neatly combines these two approaches Example of “Taught Meaning” the association between street addresses and GPS coordinates SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 36
  • 37. Web² / O’Reilly | 2. How the Web learns : Implicit vx Explicit Meaning A key competency of the Web 2.0 era is discovering implied metadata, and then building a database to capture that metadata and/or foster an ecosystem around it Ex.: vs and ISBN registry provider Bowker SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 37
  • 38. Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things Smartphones : microphones, cameras, motion sensors, proximity sensors, and location sensors (GPS, cell-tower triangulation, compass). Mobile applications are connected Applications Sensor-based applications : designed to get better the more people use them, collecting data that creates a virtuous feedback loop that creates more usage Ex. internet-connected GPS applications with built-in feedback loops, reporting your speed and using it to estimate arrival time based on its knowledge of trafficahead of you. Ex. : geotagging of photos: users taught their computers the association between photos and locations by tagging them. When cameras know where they are, every photo will be geotagged, with far greater precision than the humans are likely to provide. SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 38
  • 39. Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things Real world objects have “information shadows” in cyberspace Mike Kuniavsky of ThingM SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 39
  • 40. Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 40
  • 41. Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 41
  • 42. Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 42
  • 43. Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 43
  • 44. Web² / O’Reilly | 3. The Web meets World : The Information Shadow / The Web of Things (buzz) SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 44
  • 45. Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind As it becomes more conversational, search has also gotten faster Blogging added tens of millions of sites that needed to be crawled daily or even hourly, but microblogging requires instantaneous update With services like Twitter and Facebook’s status updates, a new data source has been added to the - real-time indications of what is on our collective mind. Twitter hashtags: a human convention that facilitates real-time search on shared events. Human participation adds a layer of structure - rough and inconsistent as it is – to the raw data stream SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 45
  • 46. Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind Worried about the dehumanizing effect of technology ? Countertrend communication binds us together, gives us shared context, and ultimately shared identity. SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 46
  • 47. Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind Worried about the dehumanizing effect of technology ? There are many who worry about the dehumanizing effect of technology. We share that worry, but also see the countertrend, that communication binds us together, gives us shared context, and ultimately shared identity. SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 47
  • 48. Web² / O’Reilly | 4. The Rise of Real Time : A collective Mind The new direction for the Web, its collision course with the physical world, opens enormous new possibilities for business, and enormous new possibilities to make a difference on the world’s most pressing problems SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 48
  • 49. Web² / Van Dijk | Study on the Social Impact of ICT (2010) Ten trends reinforced by ICT 1. Time: the acceleration of all societal processes 2. Space: increasing mobility 3. Scale: globalization 4. Social infrastructure: network individualization 5. Complexity: the rise of registration for control 6. Capitalism: rejuvenation and growing instability 7. Class: growing social inequality 8. Politics: civil emancipation and the rise of populism 9. Culture: the rise of participation in the media 10. Daily life: increasing choice opportunities SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 49
  • 50. Web 2.0, Web², Web 3.0 : What kind of a society do we want ? Both positive and negative trends, opportunities and counter effects the web offer us, implies that thorough and ongoing research of treats and opportunities is necessary in order to structure our thoughts about what kind of a society we want to (co-)create. D’où l’étude de la société sous toutes ses formes « 2.0 » SciencesPo Poitiers | 2011-2012 | web2.0 50