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Alexander Sullivan-Cree
Existing Product
Masthead- The Font uses the
color orange as it can be seen
in the feature article photo. the
color orange doesn't have a
gender stereotype. The word
Neo means ’new’ and ‘recent’,
this fits the magazine as it
mostly talks about new and
recent anime, Asian films,
manga, music and cosplay.
Feature Headline- This is the
second largest and boldest font
used on the magazine designed to
grab the interest of the target
audience. This is a great way to
sell a magazine as it indicates the
main article in the magazine.
’Attack On Titan 2’ is the second
season of the series and therefore
reveals the target audience of the
consumer which is young adults
ages 15+.
Barcode- Another common convention
used on magazine front covers and
other products is used in order for the
consumer to purchase the product.
Freebie- This is another great away to sell a
magazine and draw in the audience because
they feel like they’re gaining something out
of the purchase other then just a magazine.
Selling line- The selling
line is the motto that
usually accompanies the
masthead. This also tells
the reader what else is in
the magazine.
Menu Strip- A common
convention, the menu
strip is used to indicate to
the audience what other
stories and articles to
expect inside the
Anchorage- The
anchorage accompanies
the feature headline,
giving information about
the main article In the
Feature Article Photo- The Image
connotes the anime ‘Attack On
Titan’. This is the main focus to
the front on the cover which
attracts the target audience to
buy and read the magazine. This
image also indicates the genre of
the magazine to the audience.
Front Cover:
Existing Product
Main Image- The main image in
the poster is Shotaro
Kaneda(the Protagonist)
walking towards his futuristic
bike. The purpose of this it to
help the audience to
distinguish the genre of the
movie which is post-apocalyptic
fiction, cyberpunk and political
Colors- The most dominant color is
red which can be seen on the bike,
logo and main character. Red
connotes passion, war, power,
danger and strength. This yet again
informs the audience of the genre
of the movie and what its about.
The other colors in the poster are
gradient of blue which gets lighter
as it goes in, and white. White
connotes light, goodness and
innocence, and light blue is
associated with health and healing
whilst dark blue represents power
and seriousness.
Credit/Billing Block- A billing block is used in referring to the actors, companies, directors, producers and other crew
members who worked on the project. Furthermore if the movie Is based on a book/ novel it will say “story by…”, or
“based on the novel by …”. The director and story writer Katsuhiro Otomo is another famous Japanese anime director.
Masthead- The Masthead uses a
white under layer with a red over
layer. The red over layer looks like
a blood splatter which can
represent the nature of the
anime. The title ‘Akira’ isn’t the
main character however he plays
the most important role. Both
colors neither have a
stereotypical gender association
so the film could be targeted to
both females and males.
Tagline-The tagline is used on
the poster to give the audience
an idea of what the film is
about. This is usually a few
words related to the concept of
the film. In this poster then
tagline is ‘The end of the world
is just the beginning.’
Existing Product
Masthead- The logo of the
advertisements is iconic to those
who have been to the convention
before. This helps the target
audience to identify the event
and persuade them to go again.
The logo is easily identifiable with
its range of colors and unique
Purpose- The purpose of the
advertisement is to inform the
the public about the event. They
have done this successfully as the
advertisement displays the date
of the event, where the event is
located, the fact that kids go free
and where to buy the tickets.
Colors- The advertisement
contains three colors which
different shades scattered around
the advertisements, these colors
being blue, orange and white.
These colors mixed together
create an interesting style which
easily stands out. Blue symbolizes
trust, loyalty, wisdom,
confidence. Orange represents
enthusiasm, fascination,
happiness. White is associated
with light, goodness, innocence.
Target audience- The target
audience of the advertisement
are male and females between
18 and 49 with an income of
under £35k per year. The target
psychographic is belongers as
they like being with a community
of people of the same interests.
Layout- The Layout of the advertisement is easy to read and understand. We have the center of the
advertisement which contains the Masthead in a large size, we then have the more important information
towards the bottom of the poster like the date, place and where the buy the poster. Finally we have the
top of the advertisement which helps grab the readers attention.
Existing Product
Colors- The colors used in the
poster mostly consist on red and
white. The red stripe across the
page help to distinguish the
name of the company it is
advertising. Red is a great color
to tract attention, this is because
red is the color of blood and fire.
It is associated with passion,
desire and love. This immensely
stands out from the white
background too.
Masthead- The logo of the advert
is easily distinguished from other
brands like Nike and Adidas as
the font and color scheme of red,
black and white is different from
the other logos. The use of
advertising along side comic-con
also helps the audience know
what kind of stuff to expect in the
store or online. The masthead
also uses a mascot to further
grab the attention of the
audience .
Purpose- The purpose of the
advert advertising the anime
merchandise is to convince the
consumers to purchase their
merchandise rather then the
competitors. However the
purpose is also to inform the
target audience of the location
either being online and in the
highstreets. This can be seen buy
the locations and information at
the bottom of the advert.
Target audience- The target
audience of this advertisement
for merchandise is mostly
teenagers and young adults, both
female and male as its
advertising items for cosplay as
well as plush and keychains.
Furthermore the use of the
mascot monkey which is also
dressed up in cosplay further
expresses the target audience.
Layout- The layout of the merchandise in the advert is exceptionally organized. As you can see we have the
name of the company at the top, the two mascots in the right corners of the page with the merchandise in
the center of the page. Furthermore the location of the shop and contact information is clear to see with
Poster (Pre-1990):
Existing Product Masthead- The Font on the
poster contains the characters
itself inside the O’s.
furthermore the color of the
font which is red and yellow.
Yellow is associated with
happiness and cheerfulness,
and red is associated with
passion and determination. The
masthead is also the name of
the movie.
Critic Review- Once a film has been
screened to critics, the creators of
the poster use the positive reviews
In the poster. This can yet again
help persuade the audience to see
the film and tell them what genre
the film is. This review says
“Parents will be amazed-Children
Will understand-everyone will
love…TOTORO!” this tells the
audience that the film is family
friendly which is entertaining for
parents and children.
Main Image- The Image
connotes ‘Totoro, Mei and
Satsuki’ who are the main
characters in the film. This is
because the purpose of the
poster is to advertise and
inform the audience the type of
movie it is.
Credit/Billing Block- A billing block is used in referring to the actors, companies, directors, producers and
other crew members who worked on the project. Furthermore if the movie Is based on a book/ novel it will
say “story by…”, or “based on the novel by …”. This furthermore tells the audience what type of movie it is
as Hayao Miyazaki if strictly a anime director.
Colors- The director Hayao
Miyazaki used a range of dark
colors being most dominant is the
dark shades of blue in the
background and on the tree along
the bottom. Dark blue represents
knowledge and integrity. The only
light colors on the poster are the
clothes the girls are wearing, these
colors being light pinks purples and
oranges. Light pink evokes nostalgic
feelings which could link to how
the story of the film is about
childhood adventure.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched
products have?
The most common feature throughout my researched products is the masthead. In all my
researched products the masthead has been easy to distinguish from the rest of the text.
This is due to the different bold fonts and a range of eye catching colours. Furthermore the
also contain featured article images and main images. This helps the audience see what the
product is about.
• What aspects of the research will you include
within your on work?
I shall include many features that I found from my research. I shall include an easily visible
masthead with eye catching colours, the use of a feature article images, a menu strip and
selling line, and a range of colours and layouts to make the magazine more appealing to the
target audience.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: The majority of my audience are female with 55% being female and 45%
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that females are the most common
people to watch anime and read manga.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My magazine will mostly be
directed at both male and female
Audience research
• Observation: 50% of my audience are aged between 16-19.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience like anime that is
directed at 16+.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To make product appeal to my
target audience I will mostly include anime that are directed towards people aged 16 and
Audience research
• Observation: out of 16 responses 11 would prefer a physical magazine rather then 5 who
would prefer a digital magazine.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that the majority of people read
physical magazines rather then digital magazines.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my product appeal to the
audience I will make a physical magazine.
Audience research
• Observation: 18.75%of my audience like adventure anime more then the others, with
comedy drama and shonen being joint 2nd with 12.50%.
• What this says about my audience: This tells mw that the audience prefer anime
that has a compelling story with danger at every corner.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To satisfy the need of my
audience I will prioritise the anime genre adventure more then the others.
Audience research
• Observation: 50% of my audience want to read about studios and films with 31.25%
wanting to read about upcoming anime and manga.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that the viewers like reading about
the anime industry and individual films.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this
audience as I will write articles about the anime industry and films.
Audience research
• Observation: This question was multiple choice and out of the 16 respondents 81.25% of them
would like to learn about anime. Furthermore manga and music both come joint 2nd with 62.50%.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience prefer anime rather
then games and cosplay.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my magazine appeal to this
audience I will mostly concentrate on anime, music and manga.
Audience research
• Observation: The people who answered these questions have a mixture of different tastes
of well know and famous anime.
• What this says about my audience: People in my audience watch anime made by big
companies and that are more popular titles in the anime sector.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: to make my magazine more
appealing to this audience I will write mostly about popular anime.
Audience research
• Observation: almost every respondent’s favourite director or company is Studio Ghibli/Hayao
Miyazaki. This could be because the studio ghibli is a mainstream anime company well known in its
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience like watching films by
Studio Ghibli.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include articles about Studio
Ghibli to make my audience more inclined to read it.
Audience research
• Observation: The respondents have a mixture of recent anime. However the top three are
linked as they’re all Studio Ghibli.
• What this says about my audience: This tell that the audience like watching both
anime movies and TV series.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To target my audience I will
include information about both anime movies and TV series.
Audience research
• Observation: Almost everyone has listened to J-rock and J-pop. These bands and artists are well
know in the Japanese music industry and some have made opening tunes for anime like Asian Kung
Fu Generation.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience likes to listen to
Japanese Rock and Pop.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my magazine appeal to my
audience I will write articles about both J-Rock and J-Pop.
Interview 1
• What was the last anime you watched?
The last anime I watched was ‘Attack On Titan’ but I am currently watching ‘The Devil Is A Part
Timer’ on Crunchyroll.
• What was the last magazine you bought and when?
I have never really bought a magazine however my brother buys the gaming magazines which I
read after he has finished.
• Do you prefer physical magazines or digital?
I defiantly prefer physical magazines as I like to appreciate the art on the front covers and inside
the magazine. We also give the magazines to the local hospital which we couldn't’t do with digital
• What do you think the price for a magazine should be?
£5 to me is a reasonable price comparing them to the other magazines on the market at the
• What aspects of a magazine persuade you to buy the magazine.
The front cover is what usually persuades me to read my brothers magazine after he has finished.
Interview 1
• Observation: From this interview I can tell the person would prefer a physical
magazine with interesting and cool cover art to persuade them to buy it. They
would also like the magazine to be about £5. I can also gather that the interviewee
likes recent and more popular anime, that of a comedy/action genre.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that the interviewee likes a
mixture of anime genres. It also tells me that the interviewee will spend
reasonable money for the magazine.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I intend to make the magazine fit
the interests and the need of you audience. To do this I will make my magazine
cheap enough so that middle class and lower class will still be able to purchase it. I
will also make my magazine about a wide rage of anime genres such as comedy,
action, adventure, horror, etc.
Interview 2
• What was the last anime you watched?
I have not watched anime in a long time, not since I was a kid. However when I was younger I
used to watch, Digimon, Pokemon, Avatar the last airbender and Beyblade.
• What was the last magazine you bought and when?
The last magazine I bought was the PlayStation magazine which I believe cost £4.99.
• Do you prefer physical magazines or digital?
I prefer Physical magazines and comics and I like to collect and keep the magazines in interested
in. I also like to use the images and posters you sometimes get inside the magazine.
• What do you think the price for a magazine should be?
I believe £3.75 to be a reasonable price as I payed way to much for the PlayStation magazine.
• What aspects of a magazine persuade you to buy the magazine.
I like the cover art and posters inside the magazine however I do like the free items you
sometime get inside them.
Interview 2
• Observation: From the second interview I have gathered that the interviewee
would also like a physical magazine as they like to collect them and keep them
when they’re finished. They haven’t seen any new anime, only anime from his
childhood. They also think the magazine should be less expensive then other
magazines out at the moment. He also likes the posters you get inside the
magazine too.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that the interviewee liked
watching anime as a child and hasn’t seen any recent anime. It also tells me he
doesn’t want to spend lots of money on magazines.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my magazine appeal to
the audience I will still keep the price reasonable enough for lower and middle
class people to purchase. I will include some old anime from the 1900’s-2000 to
interest different aged readers and make them feel nostalgic.
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
14+ The magazine will contain aa mixture of anime
genres like horror, action, fantasy, etc. However
some may not be reasonable for younger
viewers so I disclose this on the front cover.
Both female and
The magazine will content will consist of a
mixture of subjects like music, anime and
articles so no one gender is prioritised.
Belonger The magazine will be easy to find in local stores
as well as big branded stores. The magazine
will be printed and written locally.
Social Status
Middle class The Price of the magazine will be reasonably
cheap enough so people from lower and
middle class can afford it.
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
I believe that the Product research helped me the most as it gave me inspiration as well as allow
me to look into the anime and magazine industry and examine what is already popular and
grabbing peoples attention. This also allows me to make my magazine somewhat different from
anything already existing magazines out in the world to give my magazine that extra kick to make
it different and new.
– Questionnaires
Personally I dislike the questionnaires has they take a long time, they also require a lot of
responses to make a detailed and varied questionnaires. Furthermore I would’ve liked to have
asked more then 10 questions as I there were so many more questions I wish I could’ve asked.
– Interviews
I feel like the interviews were the second most helpful as it allows the interviewer to interact with
the person they’re questioning face to face until the interviewer is satisfied with the amount of
detail in their response.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
Personally I believe the 16 responses I got from my questionnaire were similar as the mostly
wanted a physical magazine about upcoming anime, movies and articles about the anime
industry. This is the same for the interviews as they both want physical magazines at a
reasonable price with interesting cover art.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage.
I distributed my survey by mostly sending them to my friends who I know like and watch
anime regularly. However I did also send the link to anime fan accounts of Instagram and
post it in anime chat rooms to maximise the responses. The questions were easily
understandable with most of them being clip boxes and opinion boxes. This also allowed me
to easily review and evaluate the responses.

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FMP Research

  • 2. Existing Product Masthead- The Font uses the color orange as it can be seen in the feature article photo. the color orange doesn't have a gender stereotype. The word Neo means ’new’ and ‘recent’, this fits the magazine as it mostly talks about new and recent anime, Asian films, manga, music and cosplay. Feature Headline- This is the second largest and boldest font used on the magazine designed to grab the interest of the target audience. This is a great way to sell a magazine as it indicates the main article in the magazine. ’Attack On Titan 2’ is the second season of the series and therefore reveals the target audience of the consumer which is young adults ages 15+. Barcode- Another common convention used on magazine front covers and other products is used in order for the consumer to purchase the product. Freebie- This is another great away to sell a magazine and draw in the audience because they feel like they’re gaining something out of the purchase other then just a magazine. Selling line- The selling line is the motto that usually accompanies the masthead. This also tells the reader what else is in the magazine. Menu Strip- A common convention, the menu strip is used to indicate to the audience what other stories and articles to expect inside the magazine. Anchorage- The anchorage accompanies the feature headline, giving information about the main article In the magazine. Feature Article Photo- The Image connotes the anime ‘Attack On Titan’. This is the main focus to the front on the cover which attracts the target audience to buy and read the magazine. This image also indicates the genre of the magazine to the audience. Front Cover:
  • 3. Existing Product Poster: Main Image- The main image in the poster is Shotaro Kaneda(the Protagonist) walking towards his futuristic bike. The purpose of this it to help the audience to distinguish the genre of the movie which is post-apocalyptic fiction, cyberpunk and political thriller. Colors- The most dominant color is red which can be seen on the bike, logo and main character. Red connotes passion, war, power, danger and strength. This yet again informs the audience of the genre of the movie and what its about. The other colors in the poster are gradient of blue which gets lighter as it goes in, and white. White connotes light, goodness and innocence, and light blue is associated with health and healing whilst dark blue represents power and seriousness. Credit/Billing Block- A billing block is used in referring to the actors, companies, directors, producers and other crew members who worked on the project. Furthermore if the movie Is based on a book/ novel it will say “story by…”, or “based on the novel by …”. The director and story writer Katsuhiro Otomo is another famous Japanese anime director. Masthead- The Masthead uses a white under layer with a red over layer. The red over layer looks like a blood splatter which can represent the nature of the anime. The title ‘Akira’ isn’t the main character however he plays the most important role. Both colors neither have a stereotypical gender association so the film could be targeted to both females and males. Tagline-The tagline is used on the poster to give the audience an idea of what the film is about. This is usually a few words related to the concept of the film. In this poster then tagline is ‘The end of the world is just the beginning.’
  • 4. Existing Product Advertisement: Masthead- The logo of the advertisements is iconic to those who have been to the convention before. This helps the target audience to identify the event and persuade them to go again. The logo is easily identifiable with its range of colors and unique font. Purpose- The purpose of the advertisement is to inform the the public about the event. They have done this successfully as the advertisement displays the date of the event, where the event is located, the fact that kids go free and where to buy the tickets. Colors- The advertisement contains three colors which different shades scattered around the advertisements, these colors being blue, orange and white. These colors mixed together create an interesting style which easily stands out. Blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness. White is associated with light, goodness, innocence. Target audience- The target audience of the advertisement are male and females between 18 and 49 with an income of under £35k per year. The target psychographic is belongers as they like being with a community of people of the same interests. Layout- The Layout of the advertisement is easy to read and understand. We have the center of the advertisement which contains the Masthead in a large size, we then have the more important information towards the bottom of the poster like the date, place and where the buy the poster. Finally we have the top of the advertisement which helps grab the readers attention.
  • 5. Existing Product Merchandise: Colors- The colors used in the poster mostly consist on red and white. The red stripe across the page help to distinguish the name of the company it is advertising. Red is a great color to tract attention, this is because red is the color of blood and fire. It is associated with passion, desire and love. This immensely stands out from the white background too. Masthead- The logo of the advert is easily distinguished from other brands like Nike and Adidas as the font and color scheme of red, black and white is different from the other logos. The use of advertising along side comic-con also helps the audience know what kind of stuff to expect in the store or online. The masthead also uses a mascot to further grab the attention of the audience . Purpose- The purpose of the advert advertising the anime merchandise is to convince the consumers to purchase their merchandise rather then the competitors. However the purpose is also to inform the target audience of the location either being online and in the highstreets. This can be seen buy the locations and information at the bottom of the advert. Target audience- The target audience of this advertisement for merchandise is mostly teenagers and young adults, both female and male as its advertising items for cosplay as well as plush and keychains. Furthermore the use of the mascot monkey which is also dressed up in cosplay further expresses the target audience. Layout- The layout of the merchandise in the advert is exceptionally organized. As you can see we have the name of the company at the top, the two mascots in the right corners of the page with the merchandise in the center of the page. Furthermore the location of the shop and contact information is clear to see with ease.
  • 6. Poster (Pre-1990): Existing Product Masthead- The Font on the poster contains the characters itself inside the O’s. furthermore the color of the font which is red and yellow. Yellow is associated with happiness and cheerfulness, and red is associated with passion and determination. The masthead is also the name of the movie. Critic Review- Once a film has been screened to critics, the creators of the poster use the positive reviews In the poster. This can yet again help persuade the audience to see the film and tell them what genre the film is. This review says “Parents will be amazed-Children Will understand-everyone will love…TOTORO!” this tells the audience that the film is family friendly which is entertaining for parents and children. Main Image- The Image connotes ‘Totoro, Mei and Satsuki’ who are the main characters in the film. This is because the purpose of the poster is to advertise and inform the audience the type of movie it is. Credit/Billing Block- A billing block is used in referring to the actors, companies, directors, producers and other crew members who worked on the project. Furthermore if the movie Is based on a book/ novel it will say “story by…”, or “based on the novel by …”. This furthermore tells the audience what type of movie it is as Hayao Miyazaki if strictly a anime director. Colors- The director Hayao Miyazaki used a range of dark colors being most dominant is the dark shades of blue in the background and on the tree along the bottom. Dark blue represents knowledge and integrity. The only light colors on the poster are the clothes the girls are wearing, these colors being light pinks purples and oranges. Light pink evokes nostalgic feelings which could link to how the story of the film is about childhood adventure.
  • 7. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? The most common feature throughout my researched products is the masthead. In all my researched products the masthead has been easy to distinguish from the rest of the text. This is due to the different bold fonts and a range of eye catching colours. Furthermore the also contain featured article images and main images. This helps the audience see what the product is about. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? I shall include many features that I found from my research. I shall include an easily visible masthead with eye catching colours, the use of a feature article images, a menu strip and selling line, and a range of colours and layouts to make the magazine more appealing to the target audience.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: The majority of my audience are female with 55% being female and 45% male. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that females are the most common people to watch anime and read manga. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My magazine will mostly be directed at both male and female
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: 50% of my audience are aged between 16-19. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience like anime that is directed at 16+. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To make product appeal to my target audience I will mostly include anime that are directed towards people aged 16 and older.
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: out of 16 responses 11 would prefer a physical magazine rather then 5 who would prefer a digital magazine. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that the majority of people read physical magazines rather then digital magazines. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my product appeal to the audience I will make a physical magazine.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: 18.75%of my audience like adventure anime more then the others, with comedy drama and shonen being joint 2nd with 12.50%. • What this says about my audience: This tells mw that the audience prefer anime that has a compelling story with danger at every corner. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To satisfy the need of my audience I will prioritise the anime genre adventure more then the others.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: 50% of my audience want to read about studios and films with 31.25% wanting to read about upcoming anime and manga. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that the viewers like reading about the anime industry and individual films. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience as I will write articles about the anime industry and films.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: This question was multiple choice and out of the 16 respondents 81.25% of them would like to learn about anime. Furthermore manga and music both come joint 2nd with 62.50%. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience prefer anime rather then games and cosplay. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my magazine appeal to this audience I will mostly concentrate on anime, music and manga.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: The people who answered these questions have a mixture of different tastes of well know and famous anime. • What this says about my audience: People in my audience watch anime made by big companies and that are more popular titles in the anime sector. • How will your product appeal to this audience: to make my magazine more appealing to this audience I will write mostly about popular anime.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: almost every respondent’s favourite director or company is Studio Ghibli/Hayao Miyazaki. This could be because the studio ghibli is a mainstream anime company well known in its community • What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience like watching films by Studio Ghibli. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will include articles about Studio Ghibli to make my audience more inclined to read it.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: The respondents have a mixture of recent anime. However the top three are linked as they’re all Studio Ghibli. • What this says about my audience: This tell that the audience like watching both anime movies and TV series. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To target my audience I will include information about both anime movies and TV series.
  • 18. Audience research • Observation: Almost everyone has listened to J-rock and J-pop. These bands and artists are well know in the Japanese music industry and some have made opening tunes for anime like Asian Kung Fu Generation. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that my audience likes to listen to Japanese Rock and Pop. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my magazine appeal to my audience I will write articles about both J-Rock and J-Pop.
  • 20. Interview 1 • What was the last anime you watched? The last anime I watched was ‘Attack On Titan’ but I am currently watching ‘The Devil Is A Part Timer’ on Crunchyroll. • What was the last magazine you bought and when? I have never really bought a magazine however my brother buys the gaming magazines which I read after he has finished. • Do you prefer physical magazines or digital? I defiantly prefer physical magazines as I like to appreciate the art on the front covers and inside the magazine. We also give the magazines to the local hospital which we couldn't’t do with digital magazines. • What do you think the price for a magazine should be? £5 to me is a reasonable price comparing them to the other magazines on the market at the moment. • What aspects of a magazine persuade you to buy the magazine. The front cover is what usually persuades me to read my brothers magazine after he has finished.
  • 21. Interview 1 • Observation: From this interview I can tell the person would prefer a physical magazine with interesting and cool cover art to persuade them to buy it. They would also like the magazine to be about £5. I can also gather that the interviewee likes recent and more popular anime, that of a comedy/action genre. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that the interviewee likes a mixture of anime genres. It also tells me that the interviewee will spend reasonable money for the magazine. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I intend to make the magazine fit the interests and the need of you audience. To do this I will make my magazine cheap enough so that middle class and lower class will still be able to purchase it. I will also make my magazine about a wide rage of anime genres such as comedy, action, adventure, horror, etc.
  • 22. Interview 2 • What was the last anime you watched? I have not watched anime in a long time, not since I was a kid. However when I was younger I used to watch, Digimon, Pokemon, Avatar the last airbender and Beyblade. • What was the last magazine you bought and when? The last magazine I bought was the PlayStation magazine which I believe cost £4.99. • Do you prefer physical magazines or digital? I prefer Physical magazines and comics and I like to collect and keep the magazines in interested in. I also like to use the images and posters you sometimes get inside the magazine. • What do you think the price for a magazine should be? I believe £3.75 to be a reasonable price as I payed way to much for the PlayStation magazine. • What aspects of a magazine persuade you to buy the magazine. I like the cover art and posters inside the magazine however I do like the free items you sometime get inside them.
  • 23. Interview 2 • Observation: From the second interview I have gathered that the interviewee would also like a physical magazine as they like to collect them and keep them when they’re finished. They haven’t seen any new anime, only anime from his childhood. They also think the magazine should be less expensive then other magazines out at the moment. He also likes the posters you get inside the magazine too. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that the interviewee liked watching anime as a child and hasn’t seen any recent anime. It also tells me he doesn’t want to spend lots of money on magazines. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To make my magazine appeal to the audience I will still keep the price reasonable enough for lower and middle class people to purchase. I will include some old anime from the 1900’s-2000 to interest different aged readers and make them feel nostalgic.
  • 24. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range 14+ The magazine will contain aa mixture of anime genres like horror, action, fantasy, etc. However some may not be reasonable for younger viewers so I disclose this on the front cover. Gender Both female and male The magazine will content will consist of a mixture of subjects like music, anime and articles so no one gender is prioritised. Psychographic Belonger The magazine will be easy to find in local stores as well as big branded stores. The magazine will be printed and written locally. Social Status Middle class The Price of the magazine will be reasonably cheap enough so people from lower and middle class can afford it.
  • 26. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research I believe that the Product research helped me the most as it gave me inspiration as well as allow me to look into the anime and magazine industry and examine what is already popular and grabbing peoples attention. This also allows me to make my magazine somewhat different from anything already existing magazines out in the world to give my magazine that extra kick to make it different and new. – Questionnaires Personally I dislike the questionnaires has they take a long time, they also require a lot of responses to make a detailed and varied questionnaires. Furthermore I would’ve liked to have asked more then 10 questions as I there were so many more questions I wish I could’ve asked. – Interviews I feel like the interviews were the second most helpful as it allows the interviewer to interact with the person they’re questioning face to face until the interviewer is satisfied with the amount of detail in their response.
  • 27. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? Personally I believe the 16 responses I got from my questionnaire were similar as the mostly wanted a physical magazine about upcoming anime, movies and articles about the anime industry. This is the same for the interviews as they both want physical magazines at a reasonable price with interesting cover art. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage. I distributed my survey by mostly sending them to my friends who I know like and watch anime regularly. However I did also send the link to anime fan accounts of Instagram and post it in anime chat rooms to maximise the responses. The questions were easily understandable with most of them being clip boxes and opinion boxes. This also allowed me to easily review and evaluate the responses.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  6. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  7. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally