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Daniel Morland
Existing Product - Marta Minujín
The first existing products I investigated, was the artist Marta Minujín and her modurn take on
psychedelic art. This art, or my spin off of it, is fundamental to describing what I want to create for
the customer. It's this modern take on psychedelic art which is what I want to incorporate into
normal images. As an extra to the photo.
The interesting thing about Minujín's art, is her abstract use of colours. Each photo has consistently
used a chaotic colour palate, with no one colour taking up the piece. This aggressive colour palate
really gives the piece of work movement, even though its static. The main thing I want to take away
from Minujín's work is the way she creates movement with colours. Her work has ridged and
defined lines, which creates movement in directions, parallel to the direction of the lines.
Even though there isn't one consistent colour, there seems to be similarities and repetitions with
the colours used in her work. The same greens blues and pinks popping up on the page, but they
never seem to be next to each other. I think it's this cleaver use of colours which gives Minujín's art
that dynamic and chaotic look.
People look at Minujín's art as a new form of psychedelic art. In general its an abstract an
developed look on psychedelic art forms. Taking the chaos of life and displaying it in a
"disorganised" fashion. Its an expensive and complex piece of art to have in your home.
Existing Product – Grime art and its business model
The main object/work of art to inspire me to make this project, was at my friend's house. He
described how he used a form or art called: Grime art: a form of art which is commonly linked
to the respective form of music; however, he used this style on some of his images he had on
his phone. The idea for this FMP came into my head when I saw this style over images.
Unfortunately, my friends' example has been taken on a phone, so its hard to see the full
The style grime art derived from the respective music genre. A style of 'underground' music,
which I personally don’t enjoy however, the art stlye linked with it is adaptable to different
images. On the left-hand side you can see some examples of this style which has been applied
to different images. The edit you can see on the bottom 3 examples, incorporate images, with
an edit over them. The edit itself is easily taversable over different images. One thing to note, is
that you primarily see it over people's faces and upper body, as seen in these examples.
The style of art maintains the facial structure of the person in the image. However it distorts the
viewers perspective when it comes to the percived structure of skin and flesh on the face. As if
the persons skin is melting down their face. This strange warpped perspective can be related to
the consumption of drugs, where your perspective when taking a drug like LSD might make you
see people's faces melt. This is refferenced in grime music. The simple yet enticing fact about
grime art, is that it can be applied to any photo of choice and it gives that extra touch,
completely changing the photos mood for the viewer. It’s the fact that this style can be appled
to any photo which entices me the most. I can select any photo at will and put this art over it
with time.
One last thing my friend was telling me about his grime art image was the more time you put
into the grime art, the better its going to look. Its about undersnting the direction of the
melting, which really gives the art that extra bit, and by putting extra time into drawing more
creases and folds in the melting, the more detailed it will look. I can apply this thinking to my
work. But its important to know when you have finished, and the work doesn’t need anything
As a business model, I could propose to draw on this grime art onto selected images for a price
for people who are willing to pay. The customer once they pay, would have full rights over that
image, and I could request to use the work in my portfolio. Allowing me to use past work as my
examples of what I can do.
Existing Product - Lorenzo Gavarini
Lorenzo Gavarini is an artist I have grown up around. I first saw
his art when I visited his house when I was a child. When I was
developing my idea of my art, his style of brush came to mind.
His art style is very unique in the way that it connects brush
stroke movement and movement in the image. Strokes clearly
take the direction of movement.
The bottom image really reflects what I have in mind for my
FMP digital style. By growing up around his paintings as a kid, I
saw his development in style.
Gavarini advertises his work in local art exhibition in Hereford,
so he can display his art to a local audience. A good way I could
advertise to my audience, and I can take away the fact that I
could advertise my work in a similar fashion if I want to build an
audience/customer base.
His art is mainly based on the local area of Hereford. With rolling
hills and small rural buildings. However, his more recent work
has developed into more unseeable art, taking a more liquid and
vibrant look. This really takes on qualities that I want to use in
my work and does a fantastic job at remaining energetic while
still being a frozen image. I need to find that fine line in my
work. Its complex use of flowing colours needs to be adapted to
suit digital art, but im really thinking of using the style seen in
the last image in my work.
Existing Product – Fiverr – cassiaroriz
Fiverr is a website, where customers can request a product
from independent artists which each have different styles.
The one I have chosen is an artist by the name of cassiaroria.
You can hire this artist from £29.52 for one image to
£113.85. He advertises that he will: "simple photo into a
crazy and beautiful digital collage" which alters customers
photos in an appealing and unique way, which the customer
would look for. Each artist on Fiverr has their own style
which they incorporate in their work. I want to compare
how cassiaroria has customers approaching for the work he
produces. I want to have a similar business structure
however, not similar art. I would need my own style which
customers would want to use hire me to put onto their
photos. A structure a lot like this example.
By having a customer base which look for a range of artists
(like on Fiverr). All I would sue Fiverr for, is advertisement
and an established customer base. But the unfortunate thing
about Fiverr is that it is already oversaturated with artists, so
I would be competing with many already established artists
on the website.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
All my researched products include a still painting or image, and this is to reflect what I am planning to make. The
combination of a paint-like drawing style and images people send me.
All of my researched products are a form of art, meaning that I want base my style of work/product as an art form. And
this is exactly the reason that I researched many different arts in the modern day and age, and how the artists are
selling their products or creating an audience. I have to take away the different methods used and apply them to my
advertising of my product.
Another aspect that I saw recurring in my research is the fact that I got 2 digital products and 2 physical painting/art
products. The point of gathering 2 different sources of research, was to get a broad and diverse product range, so that I
could gather information from multiple angles. For example, researched Gavarini's work so that I could develop my idea
with the digital art. His work allowed me to see a style which I was really interested in. Each product has its own
individual reason for why I chose to research it.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
I want to take away small snippets from each form of research. Each product/art style I researched has its own reason
for being researched. First, I looked Marta Minujín's work. This was to understand her take on modern art and how she
builds an audience through a newer type of art. I will take away her energetic style of art.
Looking at grime art as a whole, I wanted too see how people/artists have taken that style and used it for a wide range
of different images from many different times. I used this segement of research to look into the fact that a wide range
of images can be used for digital art, it doesn’t have to just be a set structure of images, like "nature" or "people." It can
be whatever the customer/artist wants. What I take away from this segment of research is the fact that this type of art
is dynamic and adaptable.
Next moving to Lorenzo Gavarini's work and how his style is fluid and creative as physical art. This style I wanted to
incorporate into my work and update into a more modurn and digital design, which I can then incoporate with the
grime research, applying how this art can be adapable over many different images. Looking into Gavarini's work, I
wanted to take away his style of art, the flowing, fluid and energetic style. I also looked into how he advertised his work
to the local audience, which if I do a more physical project.
Last I wanted to look into a digital advertising and customer base, and Fiverr is a perfect example of keeping everything
Questionnaire Analysis
Questions on my questionnaire
Questions on my questionnaire
6. Would you want individualised, standardised or edits on your photos?
• individualised edits
• standardised edits
• Other (please specify)
7. What type of photo would you prefer to have edited the most?
• Holiday
• festival/event
• Birthday photo
• marriage ceremony/Wedding
• Other (please specify)
8. what would you be willing to pay for this?
• £0 - £9.99
• £10 - £19.99
• £20 - £29.99
• £30 - £40+
• Answered "No" Question 5
9. Would you pay more for an individualised edit?
• Yes
• No
Questionnaire responses
For my questionnaire I got 7 responses in total.
This was from posting a link to a group of people
who I thought would be a good target audience.
The target people were between the ages of 14-
25. The target audience was primarily male
however I did get a few females to answer the
questionnaire. Just to get a variety of people.
Audience research – "How often do you take photos?"
• Observation: As an opening question I wanted to ask a direct and simple
question which got straight to the point. Out the answers: 6 out of the 7
respondents took photos, some more then others. This provides a large
target market, if each person would want a single (special) photo edited.
• What this says about my audience: it tells me that a large part of my
audience takes photos which, if they are special enough to them,
they might then come to me for my services.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: it will appeal to them
through the fact that they might want their photo to have my art applied.
- "Literally All the time"
- "Once or twice a day"
- "Every day" – 2
- "Not often" – 2
- "Never"
Audience research: "Out of these photos, how
many would you upload to social media?"
• Observation: This question was aimed at understanding how many photos my target market takes in their day-
to-day life. Looking at the results, it looks like half take regular photos whereas the other half take photos on
more special occasions.
• What this says about my audience: The difference between the 2 markets, is when they will need my service.
The market which takes regular photos, I believe wont need my service as much per photo taken. They will
only want 1 in 50 photos professionally edited. But this doesn’t matter, because they take photos regularly.
The other half takes photos less, however, you would think that they wait to take photos on better
opportunities. Meaning, they take a special photo of family, friends or nature for example. They will need my
service more on average compared to the other half which takes more photos. This would be due to the fact
that they should be more attached to their photos, if they take less. And improving photos to give them more
value, is part of my service.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: what I'm doing for my customers, is improving their photos.
Customers come to me to improve their photos. This question was to see what amount of customers take
photos. There were 2 answers that put "none" as their answer. I must keep these people in mind, because, no
photos, means no customers. I'm going to keep handing out my questionnaire, and see if this result remains
- "Some of them"
- "A few"
- "4"
- "Not very many, once or twice a year"
- "Not a lot"
- "None" - 2
Audience research - "If you wanted to alter the photo in any
way, what would you change? and why?"
• Observation: The reason of this question was to get a more specific understanding of what the target
audience wants from photo editing. This is more 2 questions in 1.
• What this says about my audience: this question is rather open ended and it was to get a variety of responses
from my targeted audience. To see what the variety of different changes that my target market wants. The
promising thing about this question is that there are many different answers to this question. This means that
customers have a lot of ideas when it comes to photo editing. Ideas from, slight colour correction. To a full
filter over the photo. The changes listed in the answers for this question is understandable. When you think
of photo editing, you think of the colour corrections and slight touch ups. Another thing to note about the
answers to these questions, were the 2 responses that either didn’t know what changes they wanted or
didn’t want to change the photo at all.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: The answers to this question tells me that there is an audience
and customer base for photo editing. It just depends they want the edit that I provide. If a customer wants a
photo edited in the way I advertise, they should purchase my edits.
Audience research - "how would you alter the photo?"
• Observation: this question was to see how my target market would go about editing the photo. There are
many options out there to use to edit the photo, but I wanted to see what my customers currently use, to see
if I can touch into their market. Take personal photoshop skills. The customer using photoshop might not be
able to use photoshop to do exactly what they want to their photo, whereas they could pay for my service
and get the result that they wanted.
• What this says about my audience: most of the answers referenced a change to the photo, using some sort of
program. Either using a filter or editing in post-production. 2 answers gave that they used photoshop as their
primary source of photo editing and 1 other answer hinted at using a similar program. This is exactly the
audience that I want to tap into for my Final Project. Other answers gave programs like SnapChat, which
immediately applies a filter over photo being taken. It’s a free program, but the photo taken on this app are
not professional and are more for social situations. I'm going to assume that the SnapChat users don’t edit
their own photos using programs like photoshop, so they might not care about the quality of the images. The
last results are either skips or no edits at all. These people are happy with their photos as it is, or they might
not take photos full stop.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Understanding what the customers currently do is the point
of this question. I wanted to understand what the customers are currently using so I can advertise my service
instead of the customers doing the editing themselves. This means that my product must improve the image
so much that the customers are willing to pay for it.
Audience research
• Observation: This question was a very direct yes or no answer. I wanted to know the
proportion of customers who would be willing to pay for a service which I'm wanting to
do for my FMP.
• What this says about my audience: The answers were split down the middle. 4 saying
that they would pay for a professional edit for photos, and 3 answering no meaning that
they wouldn’t really be willing to pay a service like this. This will be another question will
have interesting results as I come back to it in the next few days to see how the answers
develop as more people come to answer the survey.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: The interesting thing about the
answers to this question is that around 50% of people in my target market are willing to
pay for a service which I want to provide. This is really promising for generating a
customer base. But as I said before, its an answer to look at again as more people provide
their answers.
Audience research
• Observation: I aimed this question to split the customer base in 2. I wanted to see if customers wanted a
more individualised or a more standardised edit for their photos. What I mean by this is: do you want to
pay for an edit that would be to your standards and requirements. Or would you prefer to pay for a more
standardised edit, a standardised art which would be applied to your photo. Less customer impact on the
• What this says about my audience: Again, this is another answer which is split down the middle.
Unfortunately I wanted this question to be more consistently answered, customers either wanting one or
the other edits. The results do tell me that currently both types of edits are preferred, so what I could do
with this result is investigate a way of making an end product which incorporates some standardised and
individualised edits. But I don’t know how time consuming this will be. I'm going to assume the "other"
response wanted a mix of the 2 edits. Or they didn’t understand what I meant.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: This depends on the fact if my product is going to be
standardised or individualised. As I stated, I want to incorporate the findings from this question to
determine what route I should take my edits. And what I can conclude from these results is that I need to
find a fine line between the 2 edits. Allowing for the customers freedom of ideas while also incorporating
a design I can systematically place of a variety of images.
Audience research
• Observation: The question I was asking the customer/audience here: was what images do they think would suit an edit the best. Allowing them to
pick between a few examples. In hindsight, I should have allowed this to be either a multiple-choice question. Because this question could require
multiple answers. The reason I chose the participant to only pick one answer, was because I wanted them to find their favourite style of photo to be
edited. Encouraging them in a way to use the "other" option so they could write their own idea. And if they couldn’t think of their favourite style,
then they could choose from the options I listed. But it looks like I did get a few "other" answers, which also came with written results.
• What this says about my audience: Currently, from these results, I'm happy with what this question says about my audience. There is a range of
answers and the participants didn’t just select the answers that I wrote down. I wanted the participants to use the "other" answer so that they could
write down their own answer, coming up with what they think will suit the most. But first I will look at the static answers. I wanted to craft an answer
sheet which would fit my target audience. With situations like holidays and festivals. All places where my target audience should take photos. And it
looks like there is a lot of the people participating thought that holidays as well as festivals/events would be a great photos to edit. Both can be
energetic environments however; you could have a more peaceful and down to earth environment. These were the results I was expecting, from the
participants I chose. Because I knew they would take photos similar to what I listed. But what I'm interested in the most, is the other answer, because
it has the range of answers. The "other" option as I explained, allowed the participant to put their favourite response to the question. From the
responses, there was a range of answers. From "Instagram posts," to "landscapes" and "other examples." This is great for my customer research
because this allows me to know exactly what I will be editing for. The examples listed in the "other" will be my focusing point when I'm making my
products, and I will keep in mind that my images will be posted on social media platforms like Instagram.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Well, from the results, I will focus on the images listed above. Mainly holiday, Festivals/events, other
special occasions, a photo for an Instagram post or landscapes. Mainly what is listed in the examples above. I got the information I wanted from my
researched target audience. Getting an insight into what I might be editing.
Audience research
• Observation: Question 8 was designed to understand what my target market were willing to pay for my edits. I
have the option to pick from anywhere between £0 to £40+. I wanted to see what the price is that my target
market would be willing to pay for my edits. Looking back at this question, I should have added a separate answer
for £0 or I should have had more of a range in the lower price ranges. This is because a majority of my answers
were are the £0-£9.99 range.
• What this says about my audience: because I had a majority of answers between the £0 to £9.99 range. Meaning
that customers would be willing to pay this amount for an edit. There is also a smaller minority in the £10-£19.99
range meaning that I could price my edits in that range in theory, but this would cut off a part of my audience who
won't be willing to pay that price for an edit. Unfortunately the £0-£9.99 answers tell me that customers are only
willing to pay a small amount for edits. However; with time and edits, customers might be willing to pay more if
they believe that my edits are 'that' good.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: it will be priced in that lower range, as a quick and simplistic edit.
But this is just my first idea for my quality for my FMP. But as I said before, as I complete a few orders for
customers, I might be able to put up my price because the customers might get a better understanding of what
product I'm creating.
Audience research
• Observation: the last question on the questionnaire was aimed at looking into
what my target audience prefers to pay more money for. What I mean with
individualised is that each photo is independent with each edit. Meaning that each
photo should have a different 'look' between them. But this style of edit takes time
to create. And an edit which takes more time will not only look better in theory,
but the customer will be willing to charge more for the end result. A standardised
edit would take on a more universal look. Using a template when editing will take
less time, and the end results should have some more similarities between them.
There was clearly a majority when answering this question, with more than two
thirds of the participants voting in favour of individualised edits.
• What this says about my audience: Understandably, customers will be willing to
pay more for an individualised edit. This is because the customer can request for
example. Each image should be different in their own way which can take time to
do. And as I just explained, more time taken on each project/image, the more the
customer will be willing to pay.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: if I make an individualised style of
edit, then I should attract more customers to my edits.
Audience research – conclusion
Overall the questionnaire did what it needed to do. It
improved my understanding of my audience when it
comes to their preferences of products. Without the
questionnaire, I would have been have to guess more
when it came to what I believe the customers wanted.
Without that customer research, my product
development could have gone down a negative route,
where I wouldn’t know what my customers would have
preferred. And I could have created a product which
would have only appealed to a minority audience. What
the questionnaire does for my product research is display
customers buying habits and what product/style they
would prefer.
Interview 1 – Frans W. - male - 25
Question - "have you used a photo editing service before. Hiring someone to 'improve' your photos?"
Answer - "Yes, but only once."
Question - "what do you expect to see from photo editing services?"
Answer - "The overall quality of the photo is improved."
Question - "What price per photo would you expect for a service like this, editing an important or close
to your heart photo? And why?"
Answer - "£25, mainly because I beleve that £25 is a reasonable price for an edit which I would pay for
I proceed to show and describe some of my early experiments. This is for the next questions.
Question - "what do you think of this overlay/edit to the photo?"
Answer - "looks alright. I persoanlly think that if I did come to you for a photo edit, I would hang your
work on the wall. Its creative and "
Question - "What would you want to see improved from an edit like this?"
Answer - "Adding some sort of blur or distorotion would make the applied edit stand out more. Other
than that, I really like how the edit has come out."
Question - "What would you pay for this edit?"
Answer - "£25, well this is what I would pay for any edit, any higher for a personal photo I think would
be too expensive."
Questions from the interviewee
Question – "how long would each edit take?"
Answer - "this depends on the complexity of what your asking for. I suspect that I could do 3-4 images a
day. But as I get better and I find more of a structure, I could see myself editing 5-6 images on a good
Interview 1 - review
• Observation:
I could choose many different people, but with this first interview, I wanted to find someone who I believe
would be at the higher age range of my target market. Franz is a Swedish national, meaning that they have
their own lives by this point. They might have a sustaining job, with some spare disposable income that they
might want to use on my service.
Franz gave me positive answers. The first being that he had used similar services before. I didn’t ask him
about the image that was edited but he had used an editor before. This means that he went out to look for
an editor for his photos, meaning that he might do that again. So he's a prime target customer for my
proposed work.
Asking a customer directly what they belive a photo editor should do to your photo is obious. But I wanted to
see if he had any other imput/point of view when it came to the end result, and unfortunatly he just stated
that the overall quality is "improved." This isn't a bad statement however, it’s a rather broad answer
compared to what I wanted.
Franz stated that £25 for any edit would be a resonalbe amount. Based off of this statement, im happy with
what he said, because for an edit like this, £25 is a decent amount. It looks like if I price lower then this
amount, I can find a decent market for my service.
What I wanted from the next question are improvements I could make to my own edits, and its exactly what I
got. Franz gave me a great customer insight into what he would want improved from my service. When
developing my ideas, I will keep his ideas in mind when im developing my style.
• What this says about my audience:
For my audience as a whole, this interviews does a good job of giving me an insight to how each indevigual
views my service. This is just one perspective so far. But overall, I can relate my improved style to the
requested improvements listed by a potential customer.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
Well, if I make sure that I stick to the improvments requested by Franz, I can direct my service more towards
appealing to my target audience. And if I aim to expand my audience, I will look towards what improvements
customers request.
Interview 2 – Mark C. – male – 15
Question - "have you used a photo editing service before. Hiring someone to 'improve' your photos?"
Answer - "No, I haven't had the need to use one. "
Question - "what do you expect to see from photo editing services?"
Answer - "good customer service. It's not all about the end product. I don’t want to order an edit and have it come 4 months late."
Question - "What price per photo would you expect for a service like this? *Digital copy*"
Answer - "depending on the service £10 to £50. If an editor is just starting out, I would say I would only pay around £10 to £15 because I would be
unsure of the quality. If the editor is established and well known, I would pay more because I can see his past products and customer reviews. Also, the
editor might have a bigger product range. "
I proceed to show and describe some of my early experiments. This is for the next questions.
Question - "what do you think of this overlay/edit to the photo?"
Answer - "Looking at your examples, I enjoy the look of both images. The first image, the edit overshdows the actual photo itself, and takes away from
the orgigial image. Don’t get me wrong I like it but I just think it’s a little invasive. The second image the edit does a much better job of complimenting
the origial photo, although the colours used aren't great for that example. A mix of the 2 images would be great, taking the best qualites from each.
Both could use a touch up."
Question - "What would you want to see improved from an edit like this?"
Answer - "the second image need a colour scheme change. It would be nice if it took some colours from the background and other objects in the
photo. The first image as I said, the edit takes up too much space. If it was more minimal and secondary to the photo itself, it would look better."
Question - "What would you pay for this edit?"
Answer -"£15 for the second one, because I haven't seen much of your work. and £10 for the first one"
Questions from the interviewee
Question - "would the end product you send back be a physical or digital copy?"
Answer - "- currently no, but more people/customers ask for a service like this then I will look into either providing a service which creates physical
copies of the csutomers image. Or I could referr a customer to a separate business who would then print out the images for the customer. "
Question - "would you give a discount to returning customers?"
Answers - "No however, returning customers is an interesting point. Returning customers means that they liked the outcome of my products and came
back to me for my service. If they do return for my service, I will look at their past products and understand why they chose me a second time as
opposed to choosing someone new. "
first image
Second image
Interview 2 - review
• Observation:
The next person I interviewed was on the other end of the age range that I think my product will appeal to. Mark C. is a
male who is 15 years old. With my interviews, I wanted a range of people when it came to my audience.
The first answer that mark gave, what that he has never used a photo editing service before. But I already knew this
was most likely the case. At 15 mark won't have that disposable income that older individuals have access to. But he
should still have that incentive to want his photo improved by a service similar to mine.
One main thing to point out early in the interview, is that Mark C. (interviewee) asked about the way that my end
results will be published. And this is something I think I will have to make clear to my audience. I must list that my end
product for all my projects will be digital. If the customer wants a hard copy of their photo/image, then I will referr
them to a photo printing company to supply the customer with this service. This is primerily because I don’t have the
reasorces needed to print good quality hard copies of customers images. So the next best thing is to refer them to a
business who can.
Mark has family who themselves have disposeable income. This therefore encoraged him to give a rather broad
amount when it came to the price of the service. He stated that the service I could provide, would be between £10 -
£50. But he said, "that if im unsure of the quality: I would only pay around £10 - £15." This is more of a cnsistent figure,
and I fully understand this answer. It makes sense that he would be willing to pay less mainly because I have got an
established audience if he is "unsure" of the quality. What I take away from this is that I need to create that established
look for my audience, then they might feel more confident about my work.
• What this says about my audience:
Overall this being the lower age range of my audience. I'm pretty happy with what Mark had to say about my project,
mainly because he is the lower age range of my audience. Even though he might not ask for his own edit, he might
encorage his peers to look at my edits if he likes the look of my work. The main thing I have to work on based on this
interview is to build that initial audience. By being established, I can reassure my audience of my talent with more and
more styles and continued, consistent services with customers.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
Over time my product will appeal more to customers as see and understand what my service provides. This should
appeal more to them over time as I create more images with my new style. As my audience begins to see consistentcy,
they might feel encoraged to ask for my service.
1. Daniel, Morland (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on
2. Daniel Morland interview with: Franz, W. (2020) Target Audience
Interview (conducted on 22/04/2020)
3. Daniel Morland interview with: Mark, C. (2020) Target Audience
Interview (conducted on 22/04/2020)

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FMP research

  • 2. Existing Product - Marta Minujín The first existing products I investigated, was the artist Marta Minujín and her modurn take on psychedelic art. This art, or my spin off of it, is fundamental to describing what I want to create for the customer. It's this modern take on psychedelic art which is what I want to incorporate into normal images. As an extra to the photo. The interesting thing about Minujín's art, is her abstract use of colours. Each photo has consistently used a chaotic colour palate, with no one colour taking up the piece. This aggressive colour palate really gives the piece of work movement, even though its static. The main thing I want to take away from Minujín's work is the way she creates movement with colours. Her work has ridged and defined lines, which creates movement in directions, parallel to the direction of the lines. Even though there isn't one consistent colour, there seems to be similarities and repetitions with the colours used in her work. The same greens blues and pinks popping up on the page, but they never seem to be next to each other. I think it's this cleaver use of colours which gives Minujín's art that dynamic and chaotic look. People look at Minujín's art as a new form of psychedelic art. In general its an abstract an developed look on psychedelic art forms. Taking the chaos of life and displaying it in a "disorganised" fashion. Its an expensive and complex piece of art to have in your home.
  • 3. Existing Product – Grime art and its business model The main object/work of art to inspire me to make this project, was at my friend's house. He described how he used a form or art called: Grime art: a form of art which is commonly linked to the respective form of music; however, he used this style on some of his images he had on his phone. The idea for this FMP came into my head when I saw this style over images. Unfortunately, my friends' example has been taken on a phone, so its hard to see the full image. The style grime art derived from the respective music genre. A style of 'underground' music, which I personally don’t enjoy however, the art stlye linked with it is adaptable to different images. On the left-hand side you can see some examples of this style which has been applied to different images. The edit you can see on the bottom 3 examples, incorporate images, with an edit over them. The edit itself is easily taversable over different images. One thing to note, is that you primarily see it over people's faces and upper body, as seen in these examples. The style of art maintains the facial structure of the person in the image. However it distorts the viewers perspective when it comes to the percived structure of skin and flesh on the face. As if the persons skin is melting down their face. This strange warpped perspective can be related to the consumption of drugs, where your perspective when taking a drug like LSD might make you see people's faces melt. This is refferenced in grime music. The simple yet enticing fact about grime art, is that it can be applied to any photo of choice and it gives that extra touch, completely changing the photos mood for the viewer. It’s the fact that this style can be appled to any photo which entices me the most. I can select any photo at will and put this art over it with time. One last thing my friend was telling me about his grime art image was the more time you put into the grime art, the better its going to look. Its about undersnting the direction of the melting, which really gives the art that extra bit, and by putting extra time into drawing more creases and folds in the melting, the more detailed it will look. I can apply this thinking to my work. But its important to know when you have finished, and the work doesn’t need anything else. As a business model, I could propose to draw on this grime art onto selected images for a price for people who are willing to pay. The customer once they pay, would have full rights over that image, and I could request to use the work in my portfolio. Allowing me to use past work as my examples of what I can do.
  • 4. Existing Product - Lorenzo Gavarini Lorenzo Gavarini is an artist I have grown up around. I first saw his art when I visited his house when I was a child. When I was developing my idea of my art, his style of brush came to mind. His art style is very unique in the way that it connects brush stroke movement and movement in the image. Strokes clearly take the direction of movement. The bottom image really reflects what I have in mind for my FMP digital style. By growing up around his paintings as a kid, I saw his development in style. Gavarini advertises his work in local art exhibition in Hereford, so he can display his art to a local audience. A good way I could advertise to my audience, and I can take away the fact that I could advertise my work in a similar fashion if I want to build an audience/customer base. His art is mainly based on the local area of Hereford. With rolling hills and small rural buildings. However, his more recent work has developed into more unseeable art, taking a more liquid and vibrant look. This really takes on qualities that I want to use in my work and does a fantastic job at remaining energetic while still being a frozen image. I need to find that fine line in my work. Its complex use of flowing colours needs to be adapted to suit digital art, but im really thinking of using the style seen in the last image in my work.
  • 5. Existing Product – Fiverr – cassiaroriz Fiverr is a website, where customers can request a product from independent artists which each have different styles. The one I have chosen is an artist by the name of cassiaroria. You can hire this artist from £29.52 for one image to £113.85. He advertises that he will: "simple photo into a crazy and beautiful digital collage" which alters customers photos in an appealing and unique way, which the customer would look for. Each artist on Fiverr has their own style which they incorporate in their work. I want to compare how cassiaroria has customers approaching for the work he produces. I want to have a similar business structure however, not similar art. I would need my own style which customers would want to use hire me to put onto their photos. A structure a lot like this example. By having a customer base which look for a range of artists (like on Fiverr). All I would sue Fiverr for, is advertisement and an established customer base. But the unfortunate thing about Fiverr is that it is already oversaturated with artists, so I would be competing with many already established artists on the website.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? All my researched products include a still painting or image, and this is to reflect what I am planning to make. The combination of a paint-like drawing style and images people send me. All of my researched products are a form of art, meaning that I want base my style of work/product as an art form. And this is exactly the reason that I researched many different arts in the modern day and age, and how the artists are selling their products or creating an audience. I have to take away the different methods used and apply them to my advertising of my product. Another aspect that I saw recurring in my research is the fact that I got 2 digital products and 2 physical painting/art products. The point of gathering 2 different sources of research, was to get a broad and diverse product range, so that I could gather information from multiple angles. For example, researched Gavarini's work so that I could develop my idea with the digital art. His work allowed me to see a style which I was really interested in. Each product has its own individual reason for why I chose to research it. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? I want to take away small snippets from each form of research. Each product/art style I researched has its own reason for being researched. First, I looked Marta Minujín's work. This was to understand her take on modern art and how she builds an audience through a newer type of art. I will take away her energetic style of art. Looking at grime art as a whole, I wanted too see how people/artists have taken that style and used it for a wide range of different images from many different times. I used this segement of research to look into the fact that a wide range of images can be used for digital art, it doesn’t have to just be a set structure of images, like "nature" or "people." It can be whatever the customer/artist wants. What I take away from this segment of research is the fact that this type of art is dynamic and adaptable. Next moving to Lorenzo Gavarini's work and how his style is fluid and creative as physical art. This style I wanted to incorporate into my work and update into a more modurn and digital design, which I can then incoporate with the grime research, applying how this art can be adapable over many different images. Looking into Gavarini's work, I wanted to take away his style of art, the flowing, fluid and energetic style. I also looked into how he advertised his work to the local audience, which if I do a more physical project. Last I wanted to look into a digital advertising and customer base, and Fiverr is a perfect example of keeping everything online.
  • 8. Questions on my questionnaire
  • 9. Questions on my questionnaire 6. Would you want individualised, standardised or edits on your photos? • individualised edits • standardised edits • Other (please specify) 7. What type of photo would you prefer to have edited the most? • Holiday • festival/event • Birthday photo • marriage ceremony/Wedding • Other (please specify) 8. what would you be willing to pay for this? • £0 - £9.99 • £10 - £19.99 • £20 - £29.99 • £30 - £40+ • Answered "No" Question 5 9. Would you pay more for an individualised edit? • Yes • No
  • 10. Questionnaire responses For my questionnaire I got 7 responses in total. This was from posting a link to a group of people who I thought would be a good target audience. The target people were between the ages of 14- 25. The target audience was primarily male however I did get a few females to answer the questionnaire. Just to get a variety of people.
  • 11. Audience research – "How often do you take photos?" • Observation: As an opening question I wanted to ask a direct and simple question which got straight to the point. Out the answers: 6 out of the 7 respondents took photos, some more then others. This provides a large target market, if each person would want a single (special) photo edited. • What this says about my audience: it tells me that a large part of my audience takes photos which, if they are special enough to them, they might then come to me for my services. • How will your product appeal to this audience: it will appeal to them through the fact that they might want their photo to have my art applied. Answers: - "Literally All the time" - "Once or twice a day" - "Every day" – 2 - "Not often" – 2 - "Never"
  • 12. Audience research: "Out of these photos, how many would you upload to social media?" • Observation: This question was aimed at understanding how many photos my target market takes in their day- to-day life. Looking at the results, it looks like half take regular photos whereas the other half take photos on more special occasions. • What this says about my audience: The difference between the 2 markets, is when they will need my service. The market which takes regular photos, I believe wont need my service as much per photo taken. They will only want 1 in 50 photos professionally edited. But this doesn’t matter, because they take photos regularly. The other half takes photos less, however, you would think that they wait to take photos on better opportunities. Meaning, they take a special photo of family, friends or nature for example. They will need my service more on average compared to the other half which takes more photos. This would be due to the fact that they should be more attached to their photos, if they take less. And improving photos to give them more value, is part of my service. • How will your product appeal to this audience: what I'm doing for my customers, is improving their photos. Customers come to me to improve their photos. This question was to see what amount of customers take photos. There were 2 answers that put "none" as their answer. I must keep these people in mind, because, no photos, means no customers. I'm going to keep handing out my questionnaire, and see if this result remains consistent. Answers: - "Some of them" - "A few" - "4" - "Not very many, once or twice a year" - "Not a lot" - "None" - 2
  • 13. Audience research - "If you wanted to alter the photo in any way, what would you change? and why?" • Observation: The reason of this question was to get a more specific understanding of what the target audience wants from photo editing. This is more 2 questions in 1. • What this says about my audience: this question is rather open ended and it was to get a variety of responses from my targeted audience. To see what the variety of different changes that my target market wants. The promising thing about this question is that there are many different answers to this question. This means that customers have a lot of ideas when it comes to photo editing. Ideas from, slight colour correction. To a full filter over the photo. The changes listed in the answers for this question is understandable. When you think of photo editing, you think of the colour corrections and slight touch ups. Another thing to note about the answers to these questions, were the 2 responses that either didn’t know what changes they wanted or didn’t want to change the photo at all. • How will your product appeal to this audience: The answers to this question tells me that there is an audience and customer base for photo editing. It just depends they want the edit that I provide. If a customer wants a photo edited in the way I advertise, they should purchase my edits.
  • 14. Audience research - "how would you alter the photo?" • Observation: this question was to see how my target market would go about editing the photo. There are many options out there to use to edit the photo, but I wanted to see what my customers currently use, to see if I can touch into their market. Take personal photoshop skills. The customer using photoshop might not be able to use photoshop to do exactly what they want to their photo, whereas they could pay for my service and get the result that they wanted. • What this says about my audience: most of the answers referenced a change to the photo, using some sort of program. Either using a filter or editing in post-production. 2 answers gave that they used photoshop as their primary source of photo editing and 1 other answer hinted at using a similar program. This is exactly the audience that I want to tap into for my Final Project. Other answers gave programs like SnapChat, which immediately applies a filter over photo being taken. It’s a free program, but the photo taken on this app are not professional and are more for social situations. I'm going to assume that the SnapChat users don’t edit their own photos using programs like photoshop, so they might not care about the quality of the images. The last results are either skips or no edits at all. These people are happy with their photos as it is, or they might not take photos full stop. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Understanding what the customers currently do is the point of this question. I wanted to understand what the customers are currently using so I can advertise my service instead of the customers doing the editing themselves. This means that my product must improve the image so much that the customers are willing to pay for it.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: This question was a very direct yes or no answer. I wanted to know the proportion of customers who would be willing to pay for a service which I'm wanting to do for my FMP. • What this says about my audience: The answers were split down the middle. 4 saying that they would pay for a professional edit for photos, and 3 answering no meaning that they wouldn’t really be willing to pay a service like this. This will be another question will have interesting results as I come back to it in the next few days to see how the answers develop as more people come to answer the survey. • How will your product appeal to this audience: The interesting thing about the answers to this question is that around 50% of people in my target market are willing to pay for a service which I want to provide. This is really promising for generating a customer base. But as I said before, its an answer to look at again as more people provide their answers.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: I aimed this question to split the customer base in 2. I wanted to see if customers wanted a more individualised or a more standardised edit for their photos. What I mean by this is: do you want to pay for an edit that would be to your standards and requirements. Or would you prefer to pay for a more standardised edit, a standardised art which would be applied to your photo. Less customer impact on the edit. • What this says about my audience: Again, this is another answer which is split down the middle. Unfortunately I wanted this question to be more consistently answered, customers either wanting one or the other edits. The results do tell me that currently both types of edits are preferred, so what I could do with this result is investigate a way of making an end product which incorporates some standardised and individualised edits. But I don’t know how time consuming this will be. I'm going to assume the "other" response wanted a mix of the 2 edits. Or they didn’t understand what I meant. • How will your product appeal to this audience: This depends on the fact if my product is going to be standardised or individualised. As I stated, I want to incorporate the findings from this question to determine what route I should take my edits. And what I can conclude from these results is that I need to find a fine line between the 2 edits. Allowing for the customers freedom of ideas while also incorporating a design I can systematically place of a variety of images.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: The question I was asking the customer/audience here: was what images do they think would suit an edit the best. Allowing them to pick between a few examples. In hindsight, I should have allowed this to be either a multiple-choice question. Because this question could require multiple answers. The reason I chose the participant to only pick one answer, was because I wanted them to find their favourite style of photo to be edited. Encouraging them in a way to use the "other" option so they could write their own idea. And if they couldn’t think of their favourite style, then they could choose from the options I listed. But it looks like I did get a few "other" answers, which also came with written results. • What this says about my audience: Currently, from these results, I'm happy with what this question says about my audience. There is a range of answers and the participants didn’t just select the answers that I wrote down. I wanted the participants to use the "other" answer so that they could write down their own answer, coming up with what they think will suit the most. But first I will look at the static answers. I wanted to craft an answer sheet which would fit my target audience. With situations like holidays and festivals. All places where my target audience should take photos. And it looks like there is a lot of the people participating thought that holidays as well as festivals/events would be a great photos to edit. Both can be energetic environments however; you could have a more peaceful and down to earth environment. These were the results I was expecting, from the participants I chose. Because I knew they would take photos similar to what I listed. But what I'm interested in the most, is the other answer, because it has the range of answers. The "other" option as I explained, allowed the participant to put their favourite response to the question. From the responses, there was a range of answers. From "Instagram posts," to "landscapes" and "other examples." This is great for my customer research because this allows me to know exactly what I will be editing for. The examples listed in the "other" will be my focusing point when I'm making my products, and I will keep in mind that my images will be posted on social media platforms like Instagram. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Well, from the results, I will focus on the images listed above. Mainly holiday, Festivals/events, other special occasions, a photo for an Instagram post or landscapes. Mainly what is listed in the examples above. I got the information I wanted from my researched target audience. Getting an insight into what I might be editing.
  • 18. Audience research • Observation: Question 8 was designed to understand what my target market were willing to pay for my edits. I have the option to pick from anywhere between £0 to £40+. I wanted to see what the price is that my target market would be willing to pay for my edits. Looking back at this question, I should have added a separate answer for £0 or I should have had more of a range in the lower price ranges. This is because a majority of my answers were are the £0-£9.99 range. • What this says about my audience: because I had a majority of answers between the £0 to £9.99 range. Meaning that customers would be willing to pay this amount for an edit. There is also a smaller minority in the £10-£19.99 range meaning that I could price my edits in that range in theory, but this would cut off a part of my audience who won't be willing to pay that price for an edit. Unfortunately the £0-£9.99 answers tell me that customers are only willing to pay a small amount for edits. However; with time and edits, customers might be willing to pay more if they believe that my edits are 'that' good. • How will your product appeal to this audience: it will be priced in that lower range, as a quick and simplistic edit. But this is just my first idea for my quality for my FMP. But as I said before, as I complete a few orders for customers, I might be able to put up my price because the customers might get a better understanding of what product I'm creating.
  • 19. Audience research • Observation: the last question on the questionnaire was aimed at looking into what my target audience prefers to pay more money for. What I mean with individualised is that each photo is independent with each edit. Meaning that each photo should have a different 'look' between them. But this style of edit takes time to create. And an edit which takes more time will not only look better in theory, but the customer will be willing to charge more for the end result. A standardised edit would take on a more universal look. Using a template when editing will take less time, and the end results should have some more similarities between them. There was clearly a majority when answering this question, with more than two thirds of the participants voting in favour of individualised edits. • What this says about my audience: Understandably, customers will be willing to pay more for an individualised edit. This is because the customer can request for example. Each image should be different in their own way which can take time to do. And as I just explained, more time taken on each project/image, the more the customer will be willing to pay. • How will your product appeal to this audience: if I make an individualised style of edit, then I should attract more customers to my edits.
  • 20. Audience research – conclusion Overall the questionnaire did what it needed to do. It improved my understanding of my audience when it comes to their preferences of products. Without the questionnaire, I would have been have to guess more when it came to what I believe the customers wanted. Without that customer research, my product development could have gone down a negative route, where I wouldn’t know what my customers would have preferred. And I could have created a product which would have only appealed to a minority audience. What the questionnaire does for my product research is display customers buying habits and what product/style they would prefer.
  • 22. Interview 1 – Frans W. - male - 25 Question - "have you used a photo editing service before. Hiring someone to 'improve' your photos?" Answer - "Yes, but only once." Question - "what do you expect to see from photo editing services?" Answer - "The overall quality of the photo is improved." Question - "What price per photo would you expect for a service like this, editing an important or close to your heart photo? And why?" Answer - "£25, mainly because I beleve that £25 is a reasonable price for an edit which I would pay for personally." I proceed to show and describe some of my early experiments. This is for the next questions. Question - "what do you think of this overlay/edit to the photo?" Answer - "looks alright. I persoanlly think that if I did come to you for a photo edit, I would hang your work on the wall. Its creative and " Question - "What would you want to see improved from an edit like this?" Answer - "Adding some sort of blur or distorotion would make the applied edit stand out more. Other than that, I really like how the edit has come out." Question - "What would you pay for this edit?" Answer - "£25, well this is what I would pay for any edit, any higher for a personal photo I think would be too expensive." Questions from the interviewee Question – "how long would each edit take?" Answer - "this depends on the complexity of what your asking for. I suspect that I could do 3-4 images a day. But as I get better and I find more of a structure, I could see myself editing 5-6 images on a good day."
  • 23. Interview 1 - review • Observation: I could choose many different people, but with this first interview, I wanted to find someone who I believe would be at the higher age range of my target market. Franz is a Swedish national, meaning that they have their own lives by this point. They might have a sustaining job, with some spare disposable income that they might want to use on my service. Franz gave me positive answers. The first being that he had used similar services before. I didn’t ask him about the image that was edited but he had used an editor before. This means that he went out to look for an editor for his photos, meaning that he might do that again. So he's a prime target customer for my proposed work. Asking a customer directly what they belive a photo editor should do to your photo is obious. But I wanted to see if he had any other imput/point of view when it came to the end result, and unfortunatly he just stated that the overall quality is "improved." This isn't a bad statement however, it’s a rather broad answer compared to what I wanted. Franz stated that £25 for any edit would be a resonalbe amount. Based off of this statement, im happy with what he said, because for an edit like this, £25 is a decent amount. It looks like if I price lower then this amount, I can find a decent market for my service. What I wanted from the next question are improvements I could make to my own edits, and its exactly what I got. Franz gave me a great customer insight into what he would want improved from my service. When developing my ideas, I will keep his ideas in mind when im developing my style. • What this says about my audience: For my audience as a whole, this interviews does a good job of giving me an insight to how each indevigual views my service. This is just one perspective so far. But overall, I can relate my improved style to the requested improvements listed by a potential customer. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Well, if I make sure that I stick to the improvments requested by Franz, I can direct my service more towards appealing to my target audience. And if I aim to expand my audience, I will look towards what improvements customers request.
  • 24. Interview 2 – Mark C. – male – 15 Question - "have you used a photo editing service before. Hiring someone to 'improve' your photos?" Answer - "No, I haven't had the need to use one. " Question - "what do you expect to see from photo editing services?" Answer - "good customer service. It's not all about the end product. I don’t want to order an edit and have it come 4 months late." Question - "What price per photo would you expect for a service like this? *Digital copy*" Answer - "depending on the service £10 to £50. If an editor is just starting out, I would say I would only pay around £10 to £15 because I would be unsure of the quality. If the editor is established and well known, I would pay more because I can see his past products and customer reviews. Also, the editor might have a bigger product range. " I proceed to show and describe some of my early experiments. This is for the next questions. Question - "what do you think of this overlay/edit to the photo?" Answer - "Looking at your examples, I enjoy the look of both images. The first image, the edit overshdows the actual photo itself, and takes away from the orgigial image. Don’t get me wrong I like it but I just think it’s a little invasive. The second image the edit does a much better job of complimenting the origial photo, although the colours used aren't great for that example. A mix of the 2 images would be great, taking the best qualites from each. Both could use a touch up." Question - "What would you want to see improved from an edit like this?" Answer - "the second image need a colour scheme change. It would be nice if it took some colours from the background and other objects in the photo. The first image as I said, the edit takes up too much space. If it was more minimal and secondary to the photo itself, it would look better." Question - "What would you pay for this edit?" Answer -"£15 for the second one, because I haven't seen much of your work. and £10 for the first one" Questions from the interviewee Question - "would the end product you send back be a physical or digital copy?" Answer - "- currently no, but more people/customers ask for a service like this then I will look into either providing a service which creates physical copies of the csutomers image. Or I could referr a customer to a separate business who would then print out the images for the customer. " Question - "would you give a discount to returning customers?" Answers - "No however, returning customers is an interesting point. Returning customers means that they liked the outcome of my products and came back to me for my service. If they do return for my service, I will look at their past products and understand why they chose me a second time as opposed to choosing someone new. " first image Second image
  • 25. Interview 2 - review • Observation: The next person I interviewed was on the other end of the age range that I think my product will appeal to. Mark C. is a male who is 15 years old. With my interviews, I wanted a range of people when it came to my audience. The first answer that mark gave, what that he has never used a photo editing service before. But I already knew this was most likely the case. At 15 mark won't have that disposable income that older individuals have access to. But he should still have that incentive to want his photo improved by a service similar to mine. One main thing to point out early in the interview, is that Mark C. (interviewee) asked about the way that my end results will be published. And this is something I think I will have to make clear to my audience. I must list that my end product for all my projects will be digital. If the customer wants a hard copy of their photo/image, then I will referr them to a photo printing company to supply the customer with this service. This is primerily because I don’t have the reasorces needed to print good quality hard copies of customers images. So the next best thing is to refer them to a business who can. Mark has family who themselves have disposeable income. This therefore encoraged him to give a rather broad amount when it came to the price of the service. He stated that the service I could provide, would be between £10 - £50. But he said, "that if im unsure of the quality: I would only pay around £10 - £15." This is more of a cnsistent figure, and I fully understand this answer. It makes sense that he would be willing to pay less mainly because I have got an established audience if he is "unsure" of the quality. What I take away from this is that I need to create that established look for my audience, then they might feel more confident about my work. • What this says about my audience: Overall this being the lower age range of my audience. I'm pretty happy with what Mark had to say about my project, mainly because he is the lower age range of my audience. Even though he might not ask for his own edit, he might encorage his peers to look at my edits if he likes the look of my work. The main thing I have to work on based on this interview is to build that initial audience. By being established, I can reassure my audience of my talent with more and more styles and continued, consistent services with customers. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Over time my product will appeal more to customers as see and understand what my service provides. This should appeal more to them over time as I create more images with my new style. As my audience begins to see consistentcy, they might feel encoraged to ask for my service.
  • 27. Bibliography 1. Daniel, Morland (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 21/04/2020-15/05) 2. Daniel Morland interview with: Franz, W. (2020) Target Audience Interview (conducted on 22/04/2020) 3. Daniel Morland interview with: Mark, C. (2020) Target Audience Interview (conducted on 22/04/2020)

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.