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Project 8: Portfolio
Framework overview
Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program
We create a Customer Journey Based Marketing Plan with the goal of signing
up new customers to the DMND Program in one quarter.
Budget: $50,000
Profit: For the purpose of this assignment, the cost of the Nanodegree is
$999, we assume a profit margin of 30%, meaning that Udacity makes $299 in
profit per student that signs up.
Campaigns: We want to aggressively grow the program, but, we want to do it
without losing money.
1. Customer Journey Based Marketing Plan
Marketing Objective:
Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program
Since we have a budget of $50,000 and a profit per signup of $299, the “break
even” would be reached with the 168th sign-up. To cover unforeseen events and
some requests for refund, our marketing objective is:
We want to achieve 230 new sign-ups for our DMND Program within
one quarter and a budget of $50,000.
Our primary KPI for this objective will be the total Number of sign-ups, counted as conversions.
Who are our Customers
Target Persona
Target Persona
Background & Demographics
★ Female
★ 38 years old
★ Married
★ 1 kid
★ Lives in the US, rural region
★ 65k annual hh income
★ Has a bachelor degree
★ Works full-time in sales dep
★ Reading
★ Gaming
★ Running
★ Travelling
★ Internet
★ Good food
★ Family
★ Not enough knowledge
★ Gap in career
★ Fear of failure
★ Not confident enough to
defend her skills
★ Lack of time & money
★ A program, that does not
consume too much money and
★ Direct feedback to learn while
in the progress
★ A program that offers career
counseling to find
opportunities while learning
★ Hands-on experience and not
just theory
Sandra Sinclaire
★ Change careers
★ Become a digital marketing guru
★ Work from home
★ Find work in digital marketing
★ Financial security
★ Keep learning & improving
Marketing Tactics
Customer Journey Awareness Interest Desire Action Post Action
-DMND Program is a digital course for
people who want to gain a comprehensive
overview on the topic of digital marketing
-DMND can help you change careers / if you
ever wantet to become a digital marketer,
this is your chance
-DMND is a program for people that have
not that many time. Who have a family, a
job and a limited budget for private
-DMND increases your skills in digital
marketing, helps you in gaining confidence
in this field and even helps you to change
your career and so change your life
-self paced course, your
speed, your program
-work on real life and
live(!) projects
-created with industry
-career counseling and
recruiting cooperations
-direct feedback, mentor
program, 24h review,
slack channel
-a well recognized certificate
-don’t miss out your chance
of career change. Other
people already succeeded ->
showcase of success stories
-10% discount for your first
nanodegree. Limited time
(-incident-driven: Google
restructured AdWords ->
keep on track in digital
marketing with DMND)
-just make sure that the
technical infrastructure
provides a smooth buying
-thank for the purchase
and of course confirm the
-”good choice” -> here are
some introductions
videos, that outline the
key benefits
-follow us on social media
-keep the customer up to date
-new products
-updates in the industry related
to the purchased course
-invite to conferences/summits
-content marketing:
Blogs AND Vlogs POE
-compelling and up to date landing page
with lots of links and additional information
-social media advertising (ofc organic aswell)
-display and video advertising
-search advertising
-social media advertising
-search advertising
-social media advertising
-retargeting display&video
-social media
-social media
-direct communication via the
DMND interface/classroom
-personal/face to face at
-direct mail of invitations,
membership approvements
(name-cards), whatsoever
2. Budget Allocation
Digital Marketing Nanodegree
Budget Allocation for Media
For the purpose of this assignment and budgeting we are going to
focus solely on the cost and return on media.
Awareness: Budget Allocation for Media
Channels Planned Spend Cost Per Click Number of Site Visits Average Conversion Rate Total Sales
Facebook 5000 $1.25 4000 0.05% 2
AdWords Search 2000 $1.40 1429
Display 1500 $5.00 300
Video 1000 $3.50 286
Total Spend 9500 Total # Visitors 6014 Number of new Students
Interest: Budget Allocation for Media
Channels Planned Spend Cost Per Click Number of Site Visits Average Conversion Rate Total Sales
Facebook 6000 $0.50 12000 0.1% 12
AdWords Search 3500 $1.50 2333
Display 2000 $3.00 667
Video 1500 $2.75 545
Total Spend 13000 Total # Visitors 15545 Number of new Students
Desire: Budget Allocation for Media
Channels Planned Spend Cost Per Click Number of Site Visits Average Conversion Rate Total Sales
Facebook 20000 $0.30 66667 0.3% 200
AdWords Search 3000
Display 2500 $3.00 833
Video 2000 $2.75 727
Total Spend 27500 Total # Visitors 70227 Number of new Students
ROI: Budget Allocation for Media
Phase Total Spend
Total Number of Site
Total Number of
Profit Per Sale Total Profit ROI
$9,500 6,014 3 $299 $897 $-8,603
Interest $13,000 15,545 16 $299 $4,784 $-8,216
Desire $27,500 70,227 211 $299 $63,089 $35,589
Total $50,000 91,786 230
$68,770 $18,770
Additional Channels/Recommendations:
Yes, Google dominates the market. But we will not forget to cover bing ads aswell.
A lot of people may think: If they’re using bing, they are not my target group.
And this is good for us! --> Don’t be “a lot of people”, be the one to outsmart the majority.
What about other video platforms, shall we focus on YouTube? For example Twitch and Vimeo.
And of course the paid campaign should be accompanied by organic efforts.
Optimize the landing page, blog and vlog about the program or cooperate with bloggers/vloggers,
improve the content - SEO-wise…
Crazy idea: What about advertising a digital course in print media? Newspapers, magazines, …
They usually even have their own digital channels.
3. Showcase Work
Market your Content
Blog Post blurb
In this blog post I will tell you about
my situation when I was trying to
find a good overview course of
digital marketing. And I will tell you
why I finally chose Udacity’s Digital
Marketing Nanodegree Program.
Foster your digital marketing skills: Turn information overload into winformation overview with Udacity!
Yes my friends, I decided to take the Digital Marketing Nanodegree (DMND) Program from Udacity.
I will explain you why I did that, but first things first:
I am a passionate online shopper and therefore digital marketing follows me on every step I take in the digital world of today. Working
in sales department and with my bachelor’s degree in marketing I always felt the need to develop my skills in digital marketing and to
maybe make a living out of it. But every time I tried to gain some more knowledge about this intimidating big field, one thing happened:
I answered one question and generated 5 new questions out of it. At some point it gets very exhausting to always search for new
answers and come up with more question marks. Especially when you are working full-time, have a family life and one or even more
kids. And let’s be honest: We aren’t those teenagers that grew up online, huh?
So what did I do? What probably all of us did at one time: I searched for a comprehensive overview. And what did I come up with?
Google Digital Workshop, Facebook Blueprint, some How-To’s and a lot of Youtube videos of people that wanted to sell their own stuff.
Rather narrow than universal!
Part 1 of 2
But then I found some courses that were not for free, but still not that expensive, that a full-time worker could not afford them. And they
were even not that time consuming, that a full-time worker with family could not complete them within a few weeks and within a few
hours per week.
Without listing all of those programs and names: One stood out -> Udacity’s DMND
I was searching for a comprehensive overview in digital marketing, that gives me a real certificate that I can show to others and to
myself. That overview should not cost too much so that it is not financially threatening my small family, but it should cost enough to
keep me motivated. It shouldn’t be too time consuming but still make me feel like I “have done something”.
Right now I am working on lesson 3 of 11 and I can already feel my confidence growing.
And guess what: Udacity offers career counseling on top of all that :)
Feel free to like, share and subscribe! I will keep you updated on my progress!
See you around!
Part 2 of 2
Run a Facebook Campaign
My targeting options
My different Ad Images in the end of the project 1/4
Ad One
My different Ad Images in the end of the project 2/4
Ad Two
My different Ad Images in the end of the project 3/4
Ad Three
My different Ad Images in the end of the project 4/4
Ad Four
Key Results
Present the most important metrics per ad
Campaign Results Reach Cost per
Amount Spent
Ad One 22 eBooks 8,188 $ 2.88 $ 63.32
Ad Two 0 eBooks 1,130 -/- $ 17.59
Ad Three 18 eBooks 4,635 $ 1.43 $ 25.67
Ad Four 2 eBooks 2,864 $ 9.21 $ 18.42
Overall 42 eBooks 16,276 $ 2.98 $ 125.00
Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) Audit
Technical Audit: Metadata 1/2
Current Revision
Title Tag Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program Website Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program
Meta-Description <meta name="description" content="" />
is empty
I’d use what I found in :
<meta property="og:description" content="Gain
real-world experience running live campaigns as
you learn from top experts in the field. Launch
your career with a 360-degree understanding of
digital marketing." />
Shortened to 153 characters by leaving out “in the
Alt-Tag 1 src="//
3-0-medium.jpg NONE
Become a digital Marketer
Technical Audit: Metadata 2/2
Current Revision
Alt-Tag 2 src="//
3-0-horizontal-primary-b.png" NONE
Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program
Alt-Tag 3 src="//
8-0-logospartners.png" NONE
Udacity Partners: Facebook, Google,
Hootsuite, Hubspot, Mailchimp, Moz
Alt-Tag 4 src="//
3-0-image-digital-market.png" NONE
Laptop Julia Aspinall
Alt-Tag 5 src="//
8-0-features1.png" NONE
360 degree Daniel Kob
Alt-Tag 6 src="//
8-0-features-02.png" NONE
Laptop Features A/B Tests
Technical Audit: Backlink Audit
I list three of the top backlink URLs I discovered for the website .
Since these backlinks should add value to the website and not be spam, I did not just take the three with highest DA. There was a lot of
bullshit sites among those. I chose my own and personal top performers.
Backlink Domain Authority (DA)
Page Speed
Using the Google Page Speed Insights
tool, perform a speed test of’s mobile presence.
Evaluating the page speed is important
for knowing if, how and what to improve
to get better speed.
Better speed helps twice:
-improve ranking potential in search engines
-improve user experience
Mobile-Friendly Evaluation
Using the Think with Google tool, assess the
mobile-friendliness of the website.
People are five times more likely to leave a
mobile site if it isn’t mobile friendly
Half of all visitors will leave a mobile site, if it
doesn’t load within 3 seconds.
1. First of all I’d recommend to improve/decrease picture size to boost the loading speed. Not only important for
mobile. From personal experience I know how fast I bounce off sites that are not instantly loaded.
2. We need to get the page on the index. Why isn’t it on the index? Can a crawler get on
our page in the first place? If not, why not? I can see that there are some “doors” out of the page. But if there is
no door in, the page is dead. Maybe it is a landing page for an old campaign or the links to it are misspelled?
3. Links and mentions can gained and generated by cooperation with bloggers for example. Find some digital
marketing bloggers or vloggers and offer them something. Get them 50% or 100% off the DMND course and
have the only requirement “please rate our program and write about it”. I think there are quite some people out
there who will do this. Even if they give you thumbs down… Rather bad publicity than no publicity? :)
4. Get some alt-tags for your pictures! I think the crawlers will be happy to read more information about the
pictures on the site than just the name of the pic. Especially when the pic name is not descriptive at all.
5. Work on a descriptive description meta-tag. Don’t let Google decide what your search result looks like. Get your
own words out there, in your own tone and language.
6. My last recommendation is not that technical. It’s just my feeling when I go to that page: Its really static and kind
of sterile. The page does not live. Get some colour in the background, make it look more “elite”-ish. Replace some
pictures with videos instead, that start to play on scroll-over. And make the logos of the partners (inter-)active.
Give them a hyperlink to the outside. Reduce the “bounce-because-bored”-factor :)
Run an Adwords Campaign
Ad Group #1: Awareness
Ads & Keyword Lists
+measuring +website +performance
+javascript +optimization
+optimize +website speed
+search +engine +optimization techniques
make +website faster
+tweak +website +code
what +slows my +website +down
"my homepage is too slow"
+website +optimization
+free +course +website +improvement
why is +website +slow
+increase +website speed
+html +optimization
[critical rendering path]
+website +performance optimization
+faster loading +website
how can i +improve the +loading time of my +website
+website +tuning
[page speed insights]
+website +speed +bottleneck
+homepage slow +diagnose
"what makes a website faster"
+css +optimization
enhance google quality score
Ad Group #2: Interest
Ads & Keyword Lists
+css +tweaks
+website +performance +optimization
website optimization speed
+coursera +website +optimization
[critical rendering path]
[page speed insights]
speed performance bottlenecks website
+udacity +website +optimization
"web development" +first +steps
+javascript +tweaks
+js +tweaks
+udemy +website +optimization
"i want to become a web developer"
"how to become a front end web developer"
+front +end +web +development
"speed up my website"
+increase +website +speed
+html +tweaks
[search engine optimization techniques]
+free +course +front +end +web +development
Key Campaign Results (Campaign & Ad Groups)
Campaign Name BadFlo643252
Ad Group
Impr. Clicks CTR in %
Avg. Cost per
Click in $
Conv. CR in %
Cost per
Conv. in $
Cost in $
Aware-ness 3$ 740 41 5.54 0.92 7 17.07 5.41 37.85
Interest 3$ 629 16 2.54 1.53 2 12.50 12.24 24.48
Total 1,369 57 4.16 1.09 9 15.79 6.93 62.33
Key Campaign Results (Ads)
Ad Clicks CTR
Avg. Cost
per Click
Conv. CR
Cost per
Become a Front... 16 2.64% 1.53$ 2 12.50% 12.24
Join the Path... 0 0.00% - 0 0.00% 0.00$
Optimize your... 29 6.11% 1.05$ 6 20.69% 5.09$
Is your website... 12 4.53% 0.61$ 1 8.33% 7.30$
Key Campaign Results (Keywords)
Since my marketing objective/KPI is clicks, these are the top4 keywords
Keyword Clicks CTR
Avg. Cost
per Click
Conv. CR
Cost per
+optimization 11 5.21% 1.23$ 1 9.09% 13.55$
website optimization
10 2.13% 1.72$ 0 0.00% 0.00$
make +website faster
7 3.02% 0.58$ 1 14.29% 4.08$
[page speed insights]
6 16.67% 1.47$ 2 33.33% 4.42$
Campaign Evaluation
○ Despite my marketing objective being clicks, I can state, that the campaign did result in a positive
ROI. At least if you consider one conversion’s worth with 60$. As I spent 62.33$ and generated 9
conversions (worth 540$) the ROI should be around 766%. Considering clicks only and a theoretical
conversion rate of 5%, I would have needed 1.04 conversions to reach break-even. 1.04 conversions
would be 21 clicks. Since I generated 57 clicks, this “ROI” would be 271%.
○ On average I had to spend 1.09$ per click, which is far away of my max CPC of 3$.
○ At a glance, the awareness ads outperformed the interest ads in terms of CTR (5.54% vs.
2.54%), conversions (7 vs. 2), avg. CPC (0.92$ vs. 1.53$), and so on. But you never know
(well you could find out), how many of which conversions that watched the free course
will pay for a real course. Until now, we only have quantitative data and need to combine
with qualitative results to really gain knowledge.
Recommendations for future campaigns
If I had more budget, I would consider to improve my campaign as follows:
● First of all, I think, that my campaign did bring good results in terms of clicks and even conversions,
so with more budget I would definitely let that campaign run longer.
● I would generate more ad groups. Not only for awareness and interest, but additionally for at least
desire and maybe even action state.
● I think I would pause the underperforming ads in each group after 1 week and try to optimize the
best ad even further by deleting keywords that generated 0 impressions and modify keywords with
[...] or “...” to gain quality clicks.
● After that I would try some A/B testing with ad titles first, so I can evaluate which headers perform
● And I probably would specifically change the objective to conversions, which would include to insert
the snippet in the landing page. (Yes, google tracked conversions, but I am not sure how: Was there
a snippet on the LP or did google track by its own parameters? I want to know exactly and therefore
I need to take over the control.
Evaluate a Display Advertising
Display Image Campaign: Overall Results
Find below the overall results of the Display Image Campaign
Results: Calculate the ROI
1. Present the results of the overall campaign by completing the table below.
2. Highlight Key Results
3. The overall ROI was positive and 323.48$
Creative Clicks Impressions CTR Avg CPC
1,973 282,066 0.7% 0.44$
# New
872.51$ 0.2% 4 218,13$ +323.48$
Display Image Campaign: Ad Results
Review the Ad results below of Creative A and B for Display Image Campaign
Which Ad Group Performed Better?
I’d say A outperformed B because of the image: People and faces tend to
convert better than just a smartphone. Google realized this after the first test
and pushed A even more.
Creative Clicks
CTR Avg CPC Cost
# of New
Creative - A 1,531 216,199 0.71% 0.45$ 686.27$
3 228.76$ +210.72$
Creative - B 442 65.867 0.67% 0.42$ 186.24$
1 186.24$ +112.76$
Keyword Clicks Impressions CTR Avg CPC Cost
marketing online 236 20750 1.14% 0.5$ 118.64$
online marketing
226 38259 0.59% 0.28$ 63$
digital marketing
57 8224 0.69% 0.54$ 30.75$
marketing courses 19 1999 0.95% 0.27$ 5.14$
marketing careers 14 2998 0.47% 1.68$ 23.5$
Number 4 with a CTR of .95 is pretty interesting
How would I optimize this campaign?
Suggestion 1: I would A/B Test a new ad image vs. the old A. (fine tune ads)
Suggestion 2: Try to find some more long tail keywords that are even cheaper
and maybe better performing. Remove underperformers like “digital analytics
Suggestion 3: Try to improve the landing page even more to increase
conversion rate.
Display Video Campaign: Overall Results
Review below the overall results of the Display Video Campaign
Results: Calculate the ROI
1. Present the results of the overall campaign by completing the table below.
2. The overall ROI was positive and 370.40$
Creative Clicks Impressions CTR Avg CPC
1,892 157,517 1.20% 0.44$
# New
825.61$ 0.2% 4 206.40$ +370.40$
Display Video Campaign: Ad Results
Campaign A - Short Keyword List
Campaign B - Large Keyword List
Review below the Ad Results of the Display Video Campaign
Which Ad Group Performed Better?
Video B totally outperformed Video A. My guess is, that the more keywords did the job. It’s just a lot more for google to
choose from. Since A’s ROI is still positive: Depending on the costs to generate the large keyword list, it could still be
attractive to run a “quick and dirty” campaign with A. :)
Creative Clicks
CTR Avg CPC Cost
# New
Campaign A 453 54,312 0.83% 0.64$ 290.21$
1 290.21$ +8.79$
Campaign B 1,439 103,205 1.39% 0.37$ 535.40$
3 178.47$ +482.12$
Key Campaign Results (Keywords)
1. Present the five keywords you consider most successful based on the
results of the campaign?
2. Highlight the best performing keyword from the results. Why was this the
best performing keyword?
I highlighted the keyword ad advertisement for its high clicks, an
astonishing CTR, and good ROI. It delivers cheap (pricy) conversions.
Keyword Clicks
CTR Avg CPC Cost
on Rate
# New
ROI +/-
510 24172 2.11% $0.17 $85.58
85.58$ 1 +213.42$
495 42440 1.17% $0.51 $253.23
253.23$ 1 +45.77$
207 14198 1.46% $0.31 $64.99
- 0 -
163 17437 0.93% $0.63 $103.43
- 0 -
106 8726 1.21% $0.43 $45.50
- 0 -
How would I optimize this campaign?
Suggestion 1: remove the “education”-keywords ad
Suggestion 2: focus on the large keyword list BUT remove the not performing
Suggestion 3: keep the performing keywords in the “large” list, set both videos
for the same keywords and then A/B-test different videos.
Market with Email
Email Content:
Email Content Plan
Email Topic Marketing Objective KPI
Email #1
Thank you for
downloading our free
eBook! Did you know...
Engagement CTR
Email #2
Experience of real
students with Udacity
Engagement CTR
Email #3
10% Discount on your
Conversion CR
Email #1
Email Content Plan
Subject Line Body Summary Visual CTA Link
Thank you for
our free eBook!
Did you know...
● Saying thank you for the
● Confirm, that the eBook is a
good start into digital
● Advertise on the real DMND
and other courses of
Udacity with links and
pictures (“Did you know,
that we have a lot of
interesting courses…”)
● Button to the DMND page,
that showcases DMND and
other courses
Of course any
visual is in the CD
of Udacity.
I’d insert a small
pic of the eBook,
so the reader
recognizes it.
And I would think
about a collage of
happy students of
udacity - enrolled
and graduates.
For the first
Mail, keeping
the CTA
Learn more!
LP should be
similar to
Redesign it to a
Focusing on
DMND but still
provide a
glance at other
Email #2
Email Content Plan
Marketing Objective Subject Line CTA
Gain insights on the
experiences of other
Udacity Students!
Check them out!
Email #3
Email Content Plan
Marketing Objective Subject Line CTA
Start your new career now!
Secure 10% off your first
Udacity Course!
Dive in!
Email Screenshot: Email #1
1 2 3
A/B Testing Email
By A/B Testing various components of your email you can optimize open rates, and conversion rates
on your call to action. A/B-Testing is, so to say, the fine tuning of your campaigns. It can be a never
ending process, if you want (like continuous optimization processes). But always be sure to only test
one variable at a time. So for the example: Subject line A vs. Subject line B, both with CTA A.
Only in another step you should test CTA A vs. CTA B. Ofc you could test all 4, but that just would
increase the need of a really big group of people, to keep “p” low.
A/B Testing
Subject Line CTA
Email #1
Increase your skills in digital marketing
even more!
Tell Me More!
Results Email #1
After you have hit send on the first email of your campaign, you can spend
some time analyzing the results.
1. Calculate the Open Rate
Results and Analysis
Sent Delivered Opened Opened Rate Bounced
2500 2250 495 22% 225
Results Continued Email #1
Results can be monitored within the first 24 hours of an email send, after a
couple days or even after a week.
1. Calculate the CTR and the Conversion Rate
Results and Analysis
Clicked CTR Take Action Conversion Unsub.
180 8% 75 3.33% 30
Final Recommendations
For the upcoming Emails I would of course be sure to check the bounced mails on #1. You can delete or check, what
went wrong. Hard or soft bounce?
Also interesting: What happened to the 75 Mails, that were sent, did not bounce, but weren’t delivered? Yes 75 is a
small number, but still room to optimize. Can we optimize for a certain spam filter or firewall?
Analyze the converted, the clicked, the opened emails: What can we do for making the openers click through, and
what to convert the click-throughers?
Intensify A/B Testing to increase conversions. CTA, Colour, Tone, more or less Text,...
Ask your customers (maybe via Email) what frequency of Mails they think is ok to receive?
That’s what I’ve learned in my studies: Just ask! You might not get a lot of answers, but those you get, you get from
fans, which is what makes those few answers so valuable.
Thank you very much!

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Florian Badstieber - DMND Portfolio

  • 3. Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program We create a Customer Journey Based Marketing Plan with the goal of signing up new customers to the DMND Program in one quarter. Budget: $50,000 Profit: For the purpose of this assignment, the cost of the Nanodegree is $999, we assume a profit margin of 30%, meaning that Udacity makes $299 in profit per student that signs up. Campaigns: We want to aggressively grow the program, but, we want to do it without losing money.
  • 4. 1. Customer Journey Based Marketing Plan
  • 5. Marketing Objective: Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program Since we have a budget of $50,000 and a profit per signup of $299, the “break even” would be reached with the 168th sign-up. To cover unforeseen events and some requests for refund, our marketing objective is: We want to achieve 230 new sign-ups for our DMND Program within one quarter and a budget of $50,000. Our primary KPI for this objective will be the total Number of sign-ups, counted as conversions.
  • 6. Who are our Customers
  • 7. Target Persona Target Persona Background & Demographics ★ Female ★ 38 years old ★ Married ★ 1 kid ★ Lives in the US, rural region ★ 65k annual hh income ★ Has a bachelor degree ★ Works full-time in sales dep Hobbies ★ Reading ★ Gaming ★ Running ★ Travelling ★ Internet ★ Good food ★ Family Barriers ★ Not enough knowledge ★ Gap in career ★ Fear of failure ★ Not confident enough to defend her skills ★ Lack of time & money Needs ★ A program, that does not consume too much money and time ★ Direct feedback to learn while in the progress ★ A program that offers career counseling to find opportunities while learning ★ Hands-on experience and not just theory Sandra Sinclaire Goals ★ Change careers ★ Become a digital marketing guru ★ Work from home ★ Find work in digital marketing ★ Financial security ★ Keep learning & improving
  • 8. Marketing Tactics Customer Journey Awareness Interest Desire Action Post Action Message -DMND Program is a digital course for people who want to gain a comprehensive overview on the topic of digital marketing -DMND can help you change careers / if you ever wantet to become a digital marketer, this is your chance -DMND is a program for people that have not that many time. Who have a family, a job and a limited budget for private education -DMND increases your skills in digital marketing, helps you in gaining confidence in this field and even helps you to change your career and so change your life -self paced course, your speed, your program -work on real life and live(!) projects -created with industry leaders -career counseling and recruiting cooperations -direct feedback, mentor program, 24h review, slack channel -a well recognized certificate -don’t miss out your chance of career change. Other people already succeeded -> showcase of success stories -10% discount for your first nanodegree. Limited time offer (-incident-driven: Google restructured AdWords -> keep on track in digital marketing with DMND) -just make sure that the technical infrastructure provides a smooth buying process -thank for the purchase and of course confirm the purchase -”good choice” -> here are some introductions videos, that outline the key benefits -follow us on social media -CRM -keep the customer up to date -new products -updates in the industry related to the purchased course -invite to conferences/summits Channel -content marketing: Blogs AND Vlogs POE -compelling and up to date landing page with lots of links and additional information -social media advertising (ofc organic aswell) -display and video advertising -search advertising &organic -social media advertising &organic -retargeting display&video -search advertising &organic -social media advertising &organic -retargeting display&video -eMail-marketing -eMail -social media -eMail -social media -direct communication via the DMND interface/classroom -personal/face to face at conferences -direct mail of invitations, membership approvements (name-cards), whatsoever
  • 10. Digital Marketing Nanodegree Budget Allocation for Media For the purpose of this assignment and budgeting we are going to focus solely on the cost and return on media.
  • 11. Awareness: Budget Allocation for Media Channels Planned Spend Cost Per Click Number of Site Visits Average Conversion Rate Total Sales Facebook 5000 $1.25 4000 0.05% 2 AdWords Search 2000 $1.40 1429 0.05% 1 Display 1500 $5.00 300 0.05% 0 Video 1000 $3.50 286 0.05% 0 Total Spend 9500 Total # Visitors 6014 Number of new Students 3
  • 12. Interest: Budget Allocation for Media Channels Planned Spend Cost Per Click Number of Site Visits Average Conversion Rate Total Sales Facebook 6000 $0.50 12000 0.1% 12 AdWords Search 3500 $1.50 2333 0.1% 2 Display 2000 $3.00 667 0.1% 1 Video 1500 $2.75 545 0.1% 1 Total Spend 13000 Total # Visitors 15545 Number of new Students 16
  • 13. Desire: Budget Allocation for Media Channels Planned Spend Cost Per Click Number of Site Visits Average Conversion Rate Total Sales Facebook 20000 $0.30 66667 0.3% 200 AdWords Search 3000 $1.50 2000 0.3% 6 Display 2500 $3.00 833 0.3% 3 Video 2000 $2.75 727 0.3% 2 Total Spend 27500 Total # Visitors 70227 Number of new Students 211
  • 14. ROI: Budget Allocation for Media Phase Total Spend Total Number of Site Visits Total Number of Sales Profit Per Sale Total Profit ROI Aware- ness $9,500 6,014 3 $299 $897 $-8,603 Interest $13,000 15,545 16 $299 $4,784 $-8,216 Desire $27,500 70,227 211 $299 $63,089 $35,589 Total $50,000 91,786 230 $68,770 $18,770
  • 15. Additional Channels/Recommendations: Yes, Google dominates the market. But we will not forget to cover bing ads aswell. A lot of people may think: If they’re using bing, they are not my target group. And this is good for us! --> Don’t be “a lot of people”, be the one to outsmart the majority. What about other video platforms, shall we focus on YouTube? For example Twitch and Vimeo. And of course the paid campaign should be accompanied by organic efforts. Optimize the landing page, blog and vlog about the program or cooperate with bloggers/vloggers, improve the content - SEO-wise… Crazy idea: What about advertising a digital course in print media? Newspapers, magazines, … They usually even have their own digital channels.
  • 18. Blog Post blurb In this blog post I will tell you about my situation when I was trying to find a good overview course of digital marketing. And I will tell you why I finally chose Udacity’s Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program.
  • 19. Foster your digital marketing skills: Turn information overload into winformation overview with Udacity! Yes my friends, I decided to take the Digital Marketing Nanodegree (DMND) Program from Udacity. I will explain you why I did that, but first things first: I am a passionate online shopper and therefore digital marketing follows me on every step I take in the digital world of today. Working in sales department and with my bachelor’s degree in marketing I always felt the need to develop my skills in digital marketing and to maybe make a living out of it. But every time I tried to gain some more knowledge about this intimidating big field, one thing happened: I answered one question and generated 5 new questions out of it. At some point it gets very exhausting to always search for new answers and come up with more question marks. Especially when you are working full-time, have a family life and one or even more kids. And let’s be honest: We aren’t those teenagers that grew up online, huh? So what did I do? What probably all of us did at one time: I searched for a comprehensive overview. And what did I come up with? Google Digital Workshop, Facebook Blueprint, some How-To’s and a lot of Youtube videos of people that wanted to sell their own stuff. Rather narrow than universal! ... Part 1 of 2
  • 20. ... But then I found some courses that were not for free, but still not that expensive, that a full-time worker could not afford them. And they were even not that time consuming, that a full-time worker with family could not complete them within a few weeks and within a few hours per week. Without listing all of those programs and names: One stood out -> Udacity’s DMND I was searching for a comprehensive overview in digital marketing, that gives me a real certificate that I can show to others and to myself. That overview should not cost too much so that it is not financially threatening my small family, but it should cost enough to keep me motivated. It shouldn’t be too time consuming but still make me feel like I “have done something”. Right now I am working on lesson 3 of 11 and I can already feel my confidence growing. And guess what: Udacity offers career counseling on top of all that :) Feel free to like, share and subscribe! I will keep you updated on my progress! See you around! Part 2 of 2
  • 21. Run a Facebook Campaign
  • 23. My different Ad Images in the end of the project 1/4 Ad One
  • 24. My different Ad Images in the end of the project 2/4 Ad Two
  • 25. My different Ad Images in the end of the project 3/4 Ad Three
  • 26. My different Ad Images in the end of the project 4/4 Ad Four
  • 27. Key Results Present the most important metrics per ad Campaign Results Reach Cost per Result Amount Spent Ad One 22 eBooks 8,188 $ 2.88 $ 63.32 Ad Two 0 eBooks 1,130 -/- $ 17.59 Ad Three 18 eBooks 4,635 $ 1.43 $ 25.67 Ad Four 2 eBooks 2,864 $ 9.21 $ 18.42 Overall 42 eBooks 16,276 $ 2.98 $ 125.00
  • 29. Technical Audit: Metadata 1/2 DMND URL: Current Revision Title Tag Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program Website Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program Meta-Description <meta name="description" content="" /> is empty I’d use what I found in : <meta property="og:description" content="Gain real-world experience running live campaigns as you learn from top experts in the field. Launch your career with a 360-degree understanding of digital marketing." /> Shortened to 153 characters by leaving out “in the field”. Alt-Tag 1 src="// 3-0-medium.jpg NONE Become a digital Marketer
  • 30. Technical Audit: Metadata 2/2 DMND URL: Current Revision Alt-Tag 2 src="// 3-0-horizontal-primary-b.png" NONE Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program Alt-Tag 3 src="// 8-0-logospartners.png" NONE Udacity Partners: Facebook, Google, Hootsuite, Hubspot, Mailchimp, Moz Alt-Tag 4 src="// 3-0-image-digital-market.png" NONE Laptop Julia Aspinall Alt-Tag 5 src="// 8-0-features1.png" NONE 360 degree Daniel Kob Alt-Tag 6 src="// 8-0-features-02.png" NONE Laptop Features A/B Tests
  • 31. Technical Audit: Backlink Audit I list three of the top backlink URLs I discovered for the website . Since these backlinks should add value to the website and not be spam, I did not just take the three with highest DA. There was a lot of bullshit sites among those. I chose my own and personal top performers. Backlink Domain Authority (DA) 1 01/keeping-moocs-open/ 100 2 education/edlife/massive-open-online -courses-are-multiplying-at-a-rapid-pa ce.html 99 3 /blog/2013/05/14/hanging-out-we-gee ks 94
  • 32. Page Speed Using the Google Page Speed Insights tool, perform a speed test of’s mobile presence. Evaluating the page speed is important for knowing if, how and what to improve to get better speed. Better speed helps twice: -improve ranking potential in search engines -improve user experience
  • 33. Mobile-Friendly Evaluation Using the Think with Google tool, assess the mobile-friendliness of the website. People are five times more likely to leave a mobile site if it isn’t mobile friendly Half of all visitors will leave a mobile site, if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds.
  • 34. Recommendations 1. First of all I’d recommend to improve/decrease picture size to boost the loading speed. Not only important for mobile. From personal experience I know how fast I bounce off sites that are not instantly loaded. 2. We need to get the page on the index. Why isn’t it on the index? Can a crawler get on our page in the first place? If not, why not? I can see that there are some “doors” out of the page. But if there is no door in, the page is dead. Maybe it is a landing page for an old campaign or the links to it are misspelled? 3. Links and mentions can gained and generated by cooperation with bloggers for example. Find some digital marketing bloggers or vloggers and offer them something. Get them 50% or 100% off the DMND course and have the only requirement “please rate our program and write about it”. I think there are quite some people out there who will do this. Even if they give you thumbs down… Rather bad publicity than no publicity? :) 4. Get some alt-tags for your pictures! I think the crawlers will be happy to read more information about the pictures on the site than just the name of the pic. Especially when the pic name is not descriptive at all. 5. Work on a descriptive description meta-tag. Don’t let Google decide what your search result looks like. Get your own words out there, in your own tone and language. 6. My last recommendation is not that technical. It’s just my feeling when I go to that page: Its really static and kind of sterile. The page does not live. Get some colour in the background, make it look more “elite”-ish. Replace some pictures with videos instead, that start to play on scroll-over. And make the logos of the partners (inter-)active. Give them a hyperlink to the outside. Reduce the “bounce-because-bored”-factor :)
  • 35. Run an Adwords Campaign
  • 36. Ad Group #1: Awareness Ads & Keyword Lists +measuring +website +performance +javascript +optimization +optimize +website speed +search +engine +optimization techniques make +website faster +tweak +website +code what +slows my +website +down "my homepage is too slow" +website +optimization +free +course +website +improvement why is +website +slow +increase +website speed +html +optimization [critical rendering path] +website +performance optimization +faster loading +website how can i +improve the +loading time of my +website +website +tuning [page speed insights] +website +speed +bottleneck +homepage slow +diagnose "what makes a website faster" +css +optimization enhance google quality score Keywords
  • 37. Ad Group #2: Interest Ads & Keyword Lists +css +tweaks +website +performance +optimization website optimization speed +coursera +website +optimization [critical rendering path] [page speed insights] speed performance bottlenecks website +udacity +website +optimization "web development" +first +steps +javascript +tweaks +js +tweaks +udemy +website +optimization "i want to become a web developer" "how to become a front end web developer" +front +end +web +development "speed up my website" +increase +website +speed +html +tweaks [search engine optimization techniques] +free +course +front +end +web +development Keywords
  • 38. Key Campaign Results (Campaign & Ad Groups) Campaign Name BadFlo643252 Ad Group Max. CPC Bid Impr. Clicks CTR in % Avg. Cost per Click in $ Conv. CR in % Cost per Conv. in $ Cost in $ Aware-ness 3$ 740 41 5.54 0.92 7 17.07 5.41 37.85 Interest 3$ 629 16 2.54 1.53 2 12.50 12.24 24.48 Total 1,369 57 4.16 1.09 9 15.79 6.93 62.33
  • 39. Key Campaign Results (Ads) Ad Clicks CTR Avg. Cost per Click Conv. CR Cost per Conv. Become a Front... 16 2.64% 1.53$ 2 12.50% 12.24 Join the Path... 0 0.00% - 0 0.00% 0.00$ Optimize your... 29 6.11% 1.05$ 6 20.69% 5.09$ Is your website... 12 4.53% 0.61$ 1 8.33% 7.30$
  • 40. Key Campaign Results (Keywords) Since my marketing objective/KPI is clicks, these are the top4 keywords Keyword Clicks CTR Avg. Cost per Click Conv. CR Cost per Conv. +website +optimization 11 5.21% 1.23$ 1 9.09% 13.55$ website optimization speed 10 2.13% 1.72$ 0 0.00% 0.00$ make +website faster 7 3.02% 0.58$ 1 14.29% 4.08$ [page speed insights] 6 16.67% 1.47$ 2 33.33% 4.42$
  • 41. Campaign Evaluation ○ Despite my marketing objective being clicks, I can state, that the campaign did result in a positive ROI. At least if you consider one conversion’s worth with 60$. As I spent 62.33$ and generated 9 conversions (worth 540$) the ROI should be around 766%. Considering clicks only and a theoretical conversion rate of 5%, I would have needed 1.04 conversions to reach break-even. 1.04 conversions would be 21 clicks. Since I generated 57 clicks, this “ROI” would be 271%. ○ On average I had to spend 1.09$ per click, which is far away of my max CPC of 3$. ○ At a glance, the awareness ads outperformed the interest ads in terms of CTR (5.54% vs. 2.54%), conversions (7 vs. 2), avg. CPC (0.92$ vs. 1.53$), and so on. But you never know (well you could find out), how many of which conversions that watched the free course will pay for a real course. Until now, we only have quantitative data and need to combine with qualitative results to really gain knowledge.
  • 42. Recommendations for future campaigns If I had more budget, I would consider to improve my campaign as follows: ● First of all, I think, that my campaign did bring good results in terms of clicks and even conversions, so with more budget I would definitely let that campaign run longer. ● I would generate more ad groups. Not only for awareness and interest, but additionally for at least desire and maybe even action state. ● I think I would pause the underperforming ads in each group after 1 week and try to optimize the best ad even further by deleting keywords that generated 0 impressions and modify keywords with [...] or “...” to gain quality clicks. ● After that I would try some A/B testing with ad titles first, so I can evaluate which headers perform best. ● And I probably would specifically change the objective to conversions, which would include to insert the snippet in the landing page. (Yes, google tracked conversions, but I am not sure how: Was there a snippet on the LP or did google track by its own parameters? I want to know exactly and therefore I need to take over the control.
  • 43. Evaluate a Display Advertising Campaign
  • 44. Display Image Campaign: Overall Results Find below the overall results of the Display Image Campaign
  • 45. Results: Calculate the ROI 1. Present the results of the overall campaign by completing the table below. 2. Highlight Key Results 3. The overall ROI was positive and 323.48$ Creative Clicks Impressions CTR Avg CPC Campaign Results 1,973 282,066 0.7% 0.44$ Cost Conversion Rate # New Students CPA ROI +/- 872.51$ 0.2% 4 218,13$ +323.48$
  • 46. Display Image Campaign: Ad Results A B Review the Ad results below of Creative A and B for Display Image Campaign
  • 47. Which Ad Group Performed Better? I’d say A outperformed B because of the image: People and faces tend to convert better than just a smartphone. Google realized this after the first test and pushed A even more. Creative Clicks Impressi ons CTR Avg CPC Cost Conversi on Rate # of New Students CPA ROI +/- Creative - A 1,531 216,199 0.71% 0.45$ 686.27$ .2% 3 228.76$ +210.72$ Creative - B 442 65.867 0.67% 0.42$ 186.24$ .2% 1 186.24$ +112.76$
  • 48. Keyword Clicks Impressions CTR Avg CPC Cost 1 marketing online 236 20750 1.14% 0.5$ 118.64$ 2 online marketing course 226 38259 0.59% 0.28$ 63$ 3 digital marketing training 57 8224 0.69% 0.54$ 30.75$ 4 marketing courses 19 1999 0.95% 0.27$ 5.14$ 5 marketing careers 14 2998 0.47% 1.68$ 23.5$ Number 4 with a CTR of .95 is pretty interesting
  • 49. How would I optimize this campaign? Suggestion 1: I would A/B Test a new ad image vs. the old A. (fine tune ads) Suggestion 2: Try to find some more long tail keywords that are even cheaper and maybe better performing. Remove underperformers like “digital analytics course”. Suggestion 3: Try to improve the landing page even more to increase conversion rate.
  • 50. Display Video Campaign: Overall Results Review below the overall results of the Display Video Campaign
  • 51. Results: Calculate the ROI 1. Present the results of the overall campaign by completing the table below. 2. The overall ROI was positive and 370.40$ Creative Clicks Impressions CTR Avg CPC Campaign Results 1,892 157,517 1.20% 0.44$ Cost Conversion Rate # New Students CPA ROI +/- 825.61$ 0.2% 4 206.40$ +370.40$
  • 52. Display Video Campaign: Ad Results B A Campaign A - Short Keyword List Campaign B - Large Keyword List Review below the Ad Results of the Display Video Campaign
  • 53. Which Ad Group Performed Better? Video B totally outperformed Video A. My guess is, that the more keywords did the job. It’s just a lot more for google to choose from. Since A’s ROI is still positive: Depending on the costs to generate the large keyword list, it could still be attractive to run a “quick and dirty” campaign with A. :) Creative Clicks Impressi ons CTR Avg CPC Cost Conversi on Rate # New Student CPA ROI +/- Campaign A 453 54,312 0.83% 0.64$ 290.21$ .2% 1 290.21$ +8.79$ Campaign B 1,439 103,205 1.39% 0.37$ 535.40$ .2% 3 178.47$ +482.12$
  • 54. Key Campaign Results (Keywords) 1. Present the five keywords you consider most successful based on the results of the campaign? 2. Highlight the best performing keyword from the results. Why was this the best performing keyword? I highlighted the keyword ad advertisement for its high clicks, an astonishing CTR, and good ROI. It delivers cheap (pricy) conversions.
  • 55. Keyword Clicks Impressi ons CTR Avg CPC Cost Conversi on Rate CPA # New Students ROI +/- ad advertise ment 510 24172 2.11% $0.17 $85.58 .2% 85.58$ 1 +213.42$ online marketing video 495 42440 1.17% $0.51 $253.23 .2% 253.23$ 1 +45.77$ digital learning courses 207 14198 1.46% $0.31 $64.99 .2% - 0 - business training course 163 17437 0.93% $0.63 $103.43 .2% - 0 - course digital marketing 106 8726 1.21% $0.43 $45.50 .2% - 0 -
  • 56. How would I optimize this campaign? Suggestion 1: remove the “education”-keywords ad Suggestion 2: focus on the large keyword list BUT remove the not performing keywords Suggestion 3: keep the performing keywords in the “large” list, set both videos for the same keywords and then A/B-test different videos.
  • 58. Email Content: Email Content Plan Email Topic Marketing Objective KPI Email #1 Thank you for downloading our free eBook! Did you know... Engagement CTR Email #2 Experience of real students with Udacity Engagement CTR Email #3 10% Discount on your DMND Conversion CR
  • 59. Email #1 Email Content Plan Subject Line Body Summary Visual CTA Link Thank you for downloading our free eBook! Did you know... ● Saying thank you for the download ● Confirm, that the eBook is a good start into digital marketing. ● Advertise on the real DMND and other courses of Udacity with links and pictures (“Did you know, that we have a lot of interesting courses…”) ● Button to the DMND page, that showcases DMND and other courses Of course any visual is in the CD of Udacity. I’d insert a small pic of the eBook, so the reader recognizes it. And I would think about a collage of happy students of udacity - enrolled and graduates. For the first Mail, keeping the CTA general: Learn more! LP should be similar to https://www.ud e/digital-market ing-nanodegree --nd018 BUT: Redesign it to a general showcase. Focusing on DMND but still provide a glance at other courses.
  • 60. Email #2 Email Content Plan Marketing Objective Subject Line CTA Engagement Gain insights on the experiences of other Udacity Students! Check them out!
  • 61. Email #3 Email Content Plan Marketing Objective Subject Line CTA Conversion Start your new career now! Secure 10% off your first Udacity Course! Dive in!
  • 63. A/B Testing Email By A/B Testing various components of your email you can optimize open rates, and conversion rates on your call to action. A/B-Testing is, so to say, the fine tuning of your campaigns. It can be a never ending process, if you want (like continuous optimization processes). But always be sure to only test one variable at a time. So for the example: Subject line A vs. Subject line B, both with CTA A. Only in another step you should test CTA A vs. CTA B. Ofc you could test all 4, but that just would increase the need of a really big group of people, to keep “p” low. A/B Testing Subject Line CTA Email #1 Increase your skills in digital marketing even more! Tell Me More!
  • 64. Results Email #1 After you have hit send on the first email of your campaign, you can spend some time analyzing the results. 1. Calculate the Open Rate Results and Analysis Sent Delivered Opened Opened Rate Bounced 2500 2250 495 22% 225
  • 65. Results Continued Email #1 Results can be monitored within the first 24 hours of an email send, after a couple days or even after a week. 1. Calculate the CTR and the Conversion Rate Results and Analysis Clicked CTR Take Action Conversion Unsub. 180 8% 75 3.33% 30
  • 66. Final Recommendations For the upcoming Emails I would of course be sure to check the bounced mails on #1. You can delete or check, what went wrong. Hard or soft bounce? Also interesting: What happened to the 75 Mails, that were sent, did not bounce, but weren’t delivered? Yes 75 is a small number, but still room to optimize. Can we optimize for a certain spam filter or firewall? Analyze the converted, the clicked, the opened emails: What can we do for making the openers click through, and what to convert the click-throughers? Intensify A/B Testing to increase conversions. CTA, Colour, Tone, more or less Text,... Ask your customers (maybe via Email) what frequency of Mails they think is ok to receive? That’s what I’ve learned in my studies: Just ask! You might not get a lot of answers, but those you get, you get from fans, which is what makes those few answers so valuable.
  • 67. Thank you very much!