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Flash Coding Convention for Action Script 3.0
                                                              [Collected by Tan Tran, Logigear, DS team]

Ref links:
Table of Contents
Naming Conventions ..................................................................................................... 4
  Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 4
  Avoiding reserved words and language constructs ................................................................................... 5
  Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ 5
  Word boundaries ...................................................................................................................................... 5
  Package names ......................................................................................................................................... 6
  File names ............................................................................................................................................... 6
  Namespace names .................................................................................................................................... 6
  Interface names ........................................................................................................................................ 6
  Class names ............................................................................................................................................. 6
  Event names ............................................................................................................................................ 7
  Style names.............................................................................................................................................. 7
  Enumerated values for String properties ................................................................................................... 7
  Constant names ........................................................................................................................................ 7
  Property (variable and getter/setter) names ............................................................................................... 7
  Getter/setter variable names ..................................................................................................................... 7
  Storage variable names ............................................................................................................................ 7
  Place Getter/setter method ....................................................................................................................... 8
  Method names ......................................................................................................................................... 8
  Method names should always be verbs. .................................................................................................... 8
  Event handler names ................................................................................................................................ 8
  Argument names ...................................................................................................................................... 8
  Resource bundle names ............................................................................................................................ 9
  Resource key names ................................................................................................................................. 9
  Miscellaneous nomenclature .................................................................................................................... 9
  Naming Boolean variables ....................................................................................................................... 9
  Naming custom components .................................................................................................................... 9
ActionScript Coding Expressions .............................................................................. 10
  Type declarations ................................................................................................................................... 10
  Literals................................................................................................................................................... 10
    undefined ................................................................................................................................................. 10
    int and uint literals .................................................................................................................................. 11
    Number literals ....................................................................................................................................... 11
    String literals .......................................................................................................................................... 12
    Array literals ........................................................................................................................................... 12
    Object literals.......................................................................................................................................... 12
    Function literals ...................................................................................................................................... 13
    RegExp literals ........................................................................................................................................ 13
    XML and XMLList literals ...................................................................................................................... 13
    Class literals ........................................................................................................................................... 13
  Parentheses ............................................................................................................................................ 14
  Coercion ................................................................................................................................................ 14
  Comparison ........................................................................................................................................... 15
  ++ and -- operators................................................................................................................................. 15
  Ternary operator .................................................................................................................................... 15
  new operator .......................................................................................................................................... 15
  Statements ............................................................................................................................................. 16
  include statements .................................................................................................................................. 16

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import statements ................................................................................................................................... 16
  use namespace statements ...................................................................................................................... 16
  if statements ........................................................................................................................................... 17
  for statements......................................................................................................................................... 18
  while statements..................................................................................................................................... 19
  do statements ......................................................................................................................................... 19
  switch statements ................................................................................................................................... 19
  Declarations ........................................................................................................................................... 21
  The override keyword ............................................................................................................................ 21
  Access specifiers .................................................................................................................................... 21
  The static keyword ................................................................................................................................. 21
  The final keyword .................................................................................................................................. 21
  Constants ............................................................................................................................................... 21
  Variables................................................................................................................................................ 22
  Local variables ....................................................................................................................................... 22
  Classes ................................................................................................................................................... 23
  Constructors........................................................................................................................................... 24
  Line width ............................................................................................................................................. 24
ActionScript Comments .............................................................................................. 25
  Creating ASDoc comments .................................................................................................................... 25
  Writing an ASDoc comment .................................................................................................................. 25
  Placing ASDoc comments ...................................................................................................................... 25
  Formatting ASDoc comments ................................................................................................................ 26
  Using the @private tag........................................................................................................................... 27
  Excluding an inherited element .............................................................................................................. 27
  Using HTML tags .................................................................................................................................. 27
  Using special characters ......................................................................................................................... 28
  Hiding text in ASDoc comments ............................................................................................................ 28
  Rules for parsing ASDoc comments ....................................................................................................... 28
Organize ActionScript Classes ................................................................................... 30

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Naming Conventions
Choosing good names is critical to creating code that is easy to use and easy to understand. You should
always take the time to think about whether you have chosen the right name for something, especially if it is
part of the public API.

Our naming standards are mostly consistent with those of ECMAScript and Flash Player 9.

Choosing good names is critical to creating code that is easy to use and easy to understand. You should
always take the time to think about whether you have chosen the right name for something, especially if it is
part of the public API.

Our naming standards are mostly consistent with those of ECMAScript and Flash Player 9.

Avoid them as a general rule. For example, calculateOptimalValue() is a better method name than

Being clear is more important than minimizing keystrokes. And if you don't abbreviate, developers won't
have to remember whether you shortened a word like “qualified” to “qual” or “qlfd”.

However, we have standardized on a few abbreviations:

                       acc for accessibility, as in ButtonAccImpl
                       auto for automatic, as in autoLayout
                       auto for automatic, as in autoLayout
                       eval for evaluate, as in EvalBindingResponder
                       impl for implementation, as in ButtonAccImpl
                       info for information, as in GridRowInfo
                       num for number of, as in numChildren
                       min for minimum, as in minWidth
                       max for maximum, as in maxHeight
                       nav for navigation, as in NavBar
                       regexp for regular expression, as in RegExpValidator
                       util for utility, as in StringUtil

This list probably does not include all abbreviations that are currently in use. If you're considering using an
abbreviation that isn't listed here, please search the source code to determine whether it is already in use. If
you don't find it, think twice about whether abbreviating is really appropriate.

Occasionally we are (deliberately) inconsistent about abbreviations. For example, we spell out “horizontal”
and “vertical” in most places, such as horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy but we abbreviate
them to H and V in the very-commonly-used container names HBox and VBox.

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Avoiding reserved words and language constructs
The following table lists reserved keywords in ActionScript that cause errors in your scripts when used as
variable names:
                  add and            break         case
                  catch              class         continue              default
                  delete             do            dynamic               else
                  eq                 extends       false                 finally
                  for                function      ge                    get
                  gt                 if            ifFrameLoaded         implements
                  import             in            instanceof            interface
                  intrinsic          le            it                    ne
                  new                not           null                  on
                  onClipEvent        or            private               public
                  return             set           static                super
                  switch             tellTarget    this                  throw
                  try                typeof        undefined             var
                  void               while         with
The following words are reserved for future use in Flash, from the ECMAScript (ECMA-262) edition 4
draft language specification. Avoid using these words because they might be used in future releases of
                  as                 abstract      Boolean               bytes
                  char               const         debugger              double
                  enum               export        final                 float
                  goto               is            long                  namespace
                  native             package       protected             short
                  synchronized       throws        transient             use

Various acronyms are common in Flex, such as AIR, CSS, HLOC, IME, MX, MXML, RPC, RSL, SWF,

An acronym is always all-uppercase or all-lowercase (e.g., SWF or swf, but never Swf). The only time that
all-lowercase is used is when the acronym is used by itself as an identifier, or at the beginning of an
identifier, and the identifier should start with a lowercase letter. See the rules below for which identifiers
should start with which case.

Examples of identifiers with acronyms are CSSStyleDeclaration, IUID, uid, IIME, and imeMode.

Word boundaries
When an identifier contains multiple words, we use two ways of indicating word boundaries: intercaps (as
in LayoutManager or measuredWidth) and underscores (as in object_proxy). See the rules below for which
method to use.

Sometimes it isn't clear whether a word combination has become its own single word, and we are
unforunately inconsistent about this in some places: dropdown, popUp, pulldown.

Follow the acronym-casing rules even in the rare case that two acronyms must be adjacent. An example
(which isn't actually in use) would be something like loadCSSURL(). But try to avoid such names.

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Package names
Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: controls, listClasses.

Package names should always be nouns or gerunds (the -ing noun form of a verb), not verbs, adjectives, or

A package implementing lots of similar things should have a name which is the plural form of the thing:
charts, collections, containers, controls, effects, events, formatters, managers, preloaders, resources, skins,
states, styles, utils, validators.

It is common to use a gerund for the name of a package which implements a concept: binding, logging,
messaging, printing. Otherwise, they are generally "concept nouns": accessibility, core, graphics, rpc.

A package containing classes that support component FooBar should be called fooBarClasses.

File names
For importable APIs, the file name must be the same as the public API inside. But include files don't have to
follow this rule.

Start the names of include files for [Style(...)] metadata with an uppercase letter, use intercaps for
subsequent words, and make the last word “Styles”:,

Start the names of individual asset files with a lowercase letter and use underscores between words:

Namespace names
Start them with a lowercase letter and use underscores between words: mx_internal, object_proxy.

Interface names
Start them with I and use intercaps for subsequent words: IList, IFocusManager, IUID.

Class names
Start them with an uppercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: Button, FocusManager,
Name Event subclasses FooBarEvent.
Name Error subclasses FooBarError.
Name the EffectInstance subclass associated with effect FooBar FooBarInstance.
Name Formatter subclasses FooBarFormatter.
Name Validator subclasses FooBarValidator.
Name skinning classes FooBarBackground, FooBarBorder, FooBarSkin, FooBarIcon, FooBarIndicator,
FooBarSeparator, FooBarCursor, etc.
Name utility classes FooBarUtil (not FooBarUtils; the package is plural but the class is singular).
It is common to name a base class FooBarBase: ComboBase, DateBase, DataGridBase, ListBase.

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Event names
Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: "move", "creationComplete".

Style names
Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: color, fontSize.

Enumerated values for String properties
Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: "auto", "filesOnly",

Constant names
Use all uppercase letters with underscores between words: OFF, DEFAULT_WIDTH.
The words in the identifier must match the words in the constant value if it is a String:
               public static const FOO_BAR:String = "fooBar";

Property (variable and getter/setter) names
Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: i, width, numChildren.
Use i for a loop index and n for its upper limit. Use j for an inner loop index and m for its upper limit.

               for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
                  for (var j:int = 0; j < m; j++)
Use p (for “property”) for a for-in loop variable:
               for (var p:String in o)

If a class overrides a getter/setter and wants to continue to expose the base getter/setter, it should do so by
implementing a property whose name is the base name with a $ prepended. This getter/setter should be
marked final and should do nothing more than call the supergetter/setter.

               mx_internal final function get $numChildren():int
                 return super.numChildren;

Getter/setter variable names
Prefix variables with underscores for getter/setters
Prefix variables with an underscore if they will be modified through getter/setter methods

Storage variable names
Give the storage variable for the getter/setter foo the name _foo.

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Place Getter/setter method
Place the getter method above the setter method
When creating getter/setter methods place the getter method first

Method names
Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: measure(), updateDisplayList().

Method names should always be verbs.

Parameterless methods should generally not be named getFooBar() or setFooBar(); these should be
implemented as getter/setters instead. However, if getFooBar() is a slow method requiring a large amount of
computation, it should be named findFooBar(), calculateFooBar(), determineFooBar(), etc. to suggest this,
rather than being a getter.

If a class overrides a method and wants to continue to expose the base method, it should do so by
implementing a method whose name is the base name with a $ prepended. This method should be marked
final and should do nothing more than call the supermethod.

               mx_internal final function $addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
                 return super.addChild(child);

Event handler names
Event handlers should be named by concatenating “Handler” to the type of the event:

If the handler is for events dispatched by a subcomponent (i.e., not this), prefix the handler name with the
subcomponent name and an underscore: textInput_focusInHandler().

Argument names
Use value for the argument of every setter:

Do this:
               public function set label(value:String):void
Not this:
               public function set label(lab:String):void
Or this:
               public function set label(labelValue:String):void
Or this:
               public function set label(val:String):void
Use event (not e, evt, or eventObj) for the argument of every event handler:
               protected function mouseDownHandler(event:Event):void

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Resource bundle names
If a resource bundle contains resources for a particular package, name the bundle the same as the package:
controls, {formatters}}, validators.

Resource key names
Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: pm, dayNamesShort.

Miscellaneous nomenclature
Avoid “object” because it is vague.
An “item” is a data item, not a DisplayObject.
A “renderer” is a DisplayObject that displays a data item.
A “type” is an AS3 type; use "kind" otherwise.

Naming Boolean variables
Start Boolean variables with the word "is" (because a Boolean value either "is" or "is not" because of its
nature). Therefore, you might use the following for whether a baby is a girl or not (which is a Boolean
value): isGirl Or for a variable indicating whether a user is logged in (or not), you might use the following:

Naming custom components
Component names have an uppercase first letter, and any concatenated words are written in mixed case. For
example, the following default user-interface component set uses concatenated words and mixed case:
               •      CheckBox
               •      ComboBox
               •      DataGrid
               •      DateChooser
               •      DateField
               •      MenuBar
               •      NumericStepper
               •      ProgressBar
               •      RadioButton
               •      ScrollPane
               •      TextArea
               •      TextInput
Components that do not use concatenated words begin with an uppercase letter.
If you develop custom components, use a naming convention to prevent naming incompatibilities with
Adobe components. The names of your components must be different from those of the default set that is
included with Flash. If you adopt your own consistent naming convention, it helps you prevent naming
Remember that the naming conventions in this section are guidelines. It is most important to use a naming
scheme that works well for you and to use it consistently.

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ActionScript Coding Expressions
This section discusses how we use the language constructs of ActionScript 3, especially when there are
multiple ways to express the same thing.

Type declarations
Write a type annotation for every constant, variable, function argument, and function return value, even if
the annotation is simply :* to indicate “no type”.

Do this:
               var value:*;
Not this:
               var value;
Use the narrowest type that is appropriate. For example, a loop index should be a int, not a Number, and
certainly not an Object or *. As another example, a mouseDownHandler should declare its argument as
event:MouseEvent, not event:Event.

Use int for integers, even if they can't be negative. Use uint only for RGB colors, bit masks, and other non-
numeric values.

Use * only if the value can be undefined. You should generally use Object rather than *, with null being the
“object doesn't exist” value.

If you declare something to be of type Array, add a comment of the form /* of ElementType */ immediately
after Array indicate the type of the array elements. A future version of the language is likely to have typed

Do this:
               var a:Array /* of String */ = [];
Not this:
               var a:Array = [];
And this:
               function f(a:Array /* of Number */):Array /* of Object */
Not this:
               function f(a:Array):Array;

Avoid using this when possible. It is only necessary when dealing with values whose compile-time is type is
*, and you should be using * sparingly as well.

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int and uint literals
Do not use a decimal point in a integer.

Do this:
Not this:
Use a lowercase x and uppercase A-Z in hexadecimal numbers.

Do this:
Not this:
Always write an RGB color as a six-digit hexadecimal number.

Do this:
               private const BLACK:uint = 0x000000;
Not this:
             private const BLACK:uint = 0;
When dealing with indices, use the value -1 to mean “no index”.

Number literals
If a Number value typically can be fractional, indicate this by using a decimal point, and follow the decimal
point by a single trailing zero.

Do this:
               alphaFrom = 0.0;
               alphaTo = 1.0;
Not this:
                alphaFrom = 0;
                alphaTo = 1;
However, don't do this for pixel coordinates, which are by convention integral even though they can in
principle be fractional.

Do this:
               var xOffset:Number = 3;
Not this:
               var xOffset:Number = 3.0;
Use e, not E, when using exponential notation.
Do this:
Not this:
Use the default value NaN as the “not set” value for a Number.

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String literals
Use quotation marks (double quotes), not apostrophes (single quotes), to delimit strings, even if that string
contains a quotation mark as a character.

Do this:
               "What's up, "Big Boy"?"
Not this:
                'What's up, "Big Boy"?'
Use u, not U, for unicode escape sequences.

Array literals
Use Array literals rather than new Array().

Do this:
Not this:
               new Array()
And this:

               [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Not this:
              new Array(1, 2, 3)
Use the Array constructor only to allocate an array of a prespecified size, as in new Array(3), which means [
undefined, undefined, undefined ], not [ 3 ].

Object literals
Use Object literals rather than new Object().

Do this:
Not this:
               new Object()
And this:

               o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
Not this:
               o = new Object();
               o.a = 1;
               o.b = 2;
               o.c = 3;
Or this:
               o = {};
               o.a = 1;
               o.b = 2;
               o.c = 3;

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Function literals
Avoid using function literals to define anonymous functions; use a class method or package function

If you must use a function literal, declare a return type, and terminate the last statement inside the function
block with a semicolon.

Do this:
               function(i:int):void { doIt(i - 1); doIt(i + 1); }
Not this:

               function(i:int) { doIt(i - 1); doIt(i + 1) }

RegExp literals
Use the literal notation rather than constructing a RegExp instance from a String.

Do this:
               var pattern:RegExp = /d+/g;
Not this:
               var pattern:RegExp = new RegExp("d+", "g");

XML and XMLList literals
Use the literal notation rather than constructing an XML instance from a String.

Do this:
               var node:XML = <name first="Jane" last="Doe"/>;
Not this:
             var node:XML = new XML("<name first="Jane" last="Doe"/>");
Use double-quotes rather than single-quotes around XML attribute values:
Do this:
             var node:XML = <name first="Jane" last="Doe"/>;
Not this:
             var node:XML = <name first='Jane' last='Doe'/>;

Class literals
Use a fully-qualified class literal only if necessary to disambiguate between two imported classes with the
same unqualified name.

Do this:
               import mx.controls.Button;
               var b:Button = new Button();
Not this:
               import mx.controls.Button;
               var b:Button = new mx.controls.Button();
But here a fully-qualified name is required and therefore qppropriate:
               import mx.controls.Button;

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import my.controls.Button;
               var b:Button = new mx.controls.Button();

Don't use unnecessary parentheses with common operators such as +, -, *, /, &&, ||, <, <=, >, >=, ==, and !=.

Do this:
               var e:Number = a * b / (c + d);
Not this:
               var e:Number = (a * b) / (c + d);
And this:
               var e:Boolean = a && b || c == d;
Not this:
             var e:Boolean = ((a && b) || (c == d));
The precedence rules for other operators are harder to remember, so parentheses can be helpful with them.

Don't compare a Boolean value to true or false; it already is one or the other.

Do this:
               if (flag)
Not this:
               if (flag == true)
Do this:
               var flag:Boolean = a && b;
Not this:
               var flag:Boolean = (a && b) != false;

Explicitly coerce an int, uint, Number or String to a Boolean:
Do this:
                if (n != 0)
Not this:
                if (n)
And this:
                if (s != null && s != "")
Not this:
                if (s)
Let object references implicitly coerce to a Boolean:
Do this:
                if (child)
Not this:
                if (child != null)
And this:
                if (!child)
Not this:
                if (child == null)

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Prefer the use of a cast to the use of the as operator. Use the as operator only if the coercion might fail and
you want the expression to evaluate to null instead of throwing an exception.

Do this:
Not this:

               (child as IUIComponent).document

Write comparisons in the order that they read most naturally:

Do this:
               if (n == 3) // "if n is 3"
Not this:
               if (3 == n) // "if 3 is n"

++ and -- operators
In cases where the postfix and prefix forms are equivalent, use the postfix form. Use the prefix form only
when you need to use the value before it is incremented.

Do this:
               for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
Not this:
               for (var i:int = 0; i < n; ++i)

Ternary operator
Use a ternary operator in place of a simple if/else statement, especially for null checks:

Do this:
               return item ? item.label : null;
Not this:
               if (!item)
                   return null;
               return item.label;
But don't use nested ternary operators in place of complex if/else logic.
Do this:
               if (a < b)
                   return -1;
               else if (a > b)
                   return 1;
               return 0;
Not this:
               return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);

new operator
Use parentheses after the class reference, even if the constructor takes no arguments.

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Do this:
               var b:Button = new Button();
Not this:
               var b:Button = new Button;

Terminate each statement with a semicolon. Do not use the optional-semicolon feature of ActionScript 3.
Do this:
              a = 1;
              b = 2;
              c = 3;
Not this:

include statements
Use include, not the deprecated #include. Terminate the include statement with a semicolon, like any other

Do this:
               include "../core/";
Not this:
               #include "../core/"
Use relative, not absolute, paths.

import statements
Import specific classes, interfaces, and package-level functions rather than using the * wildcard.

Do this:
               import mx.controls.Button;
               import flash.utils.getTimer;
Not this:
               import mx.core.*;

use namespace statements
Avoid them; use :: syntax instead on each reference to something in a non-open namespace.

Do this:
               import mx.core.mx_internal;
               // Later, in some method...
Not this:
               import mx.core.mx_internal;
               use namespace mx_internal;
               // Later, in some method...

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if statements
If the various branches of an if/else statement involve single statements, don't make them into blocks.

Do this:
               if (flag)
Not this:
               if (flag)
And this:
               if (flag)
Not this:
               if (flag)
But if any branch has multiple statements, make all of them into blocks.

Do this:
               if (flag)
Not this:
                if (flag)
When doing multiple error checks, use sequential if statements that test for failure and return early. The
successful execution flow is then down the page, with the succesful return at the end of the method. Do not
use nested tests for success, which make the execution flow drift across the page.

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Do this:
               if (!condition1)
                   return false;
               if (!condition2)
                   return false;
               if (!condition2)
                   return false;
               return true;
Not this:
               if (condition1)
                   if (condition2)
                       if (condition3)
                           return true;
               return false;

for statements
Make the body of a for loop be a block, even if it consists of only one statement.

Do this:
               for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
Not this:
               for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
Store the upper limit for a for-loop variable in a local variable so that it isn't re-evaluated every time through
the loop (unless, of course, it needs to be re-evaluated on each interation).

Do this:
               var n:int = a.length;
               for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
Not this:
               for (var i:int = 0; i < a.length; i++)
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Declare the loop var inside the parentheses of the for statement, unless it is reused elsewhere.

Do this:
                for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
Not this:
                var i:int;
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)

while statements
Make the body of a while loop be a block, even if it consists of only one statement.

Do this:
                while (i < n)
Not this:
                while (i < n)

do statements
Make the body of a do loop be a block, even if it consists of only one statement.

Do this:
                while (i < n);
Not this:
                while (i < n);

switch statements
Make the body of each case clause, and of the default clause, be a block. Put the break or return statement
within the block, not after it. If you are returning, don't put a break after the return. Treat the default clause
similarly to the case clauses; break or return from it rather than falling through the bottom of the switch.

Do this:
                switch (n)
                  case 0:
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                  case 1:

                  case 2:

Not this:
              switch (n)
                case 0:

                  case 1:

                  case 2:

              return statements
Do not enclose a return value in unnecessary parentheses.

Do this:
              return n + 1;
Not this:
              return (n + 1);
Returning from the middle of a method is OK.
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Don't declare multiple constants or variables in a single declaration.

Do this:
                var a:int = 1;
                var b:int = 2;
Not this:
                var a:int = 1, b:int = 2;

The override keyword
If present, put this first, before the access specifier.

Do this:
                override protected method measure():void
Not this:
                protected override method measure():void

Access specifiers
Put an explicit access specifier everywhere that one is allowed. Do not use the fact that internal is the
implicit access specifier if none is written.

Before making an API public or protected, think hard about whether it is really needs to be. Public and
protected APIs must be documented. They must also be supported for several releases before being formally

The static keyword
If present, put this after the access specifier.

Do this:
                public static const MOVE:String = &quot;move&quot;
Not this:
                static public const MOVE:String = &quot;move&quot;;

The final keyword
If present, put this after the access specifier.
Do this:
                 public final class BoxDirection
Not this:
                 final public class BoxDirection
Declare all “enum classes” to be final.
Also declare “base” properties and methods (those starting with $) to be final.

All constants should be static. There is no reason to use an instance constant, since all instances would store
the same value.
Do this:
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public static const ALL:String = "all";
Not this:
               public const ALL:String = "all";
ActionScript 3 does not allow a constant to have type Array or Object. Declare such constants using static
var rather than static const, but put them in this section because they are conceptually constants.

If a variable needs to be initialized to a non-default value, do this in the declaration, not in the constructor.

Do this:
               private var counter:int = 1;
Not this:
               private var counter:int;
               public function MyClass()
                   counter = 1;

Local variables
Declare local variables at or just before the point of first use. Don't declare them all at the top of the

Do this:
               private function f(i:int, j:int):int
                 var a:int = g(i - 1) + g(i + 1);
                 var b:int = g(a - 1) + g(a + 1);
                 var c:int = g(b - 1) + g(b + 1);

                   return (a * b * c) / (a + b + c);
Not this:
               private function f(i:int, j:int):int
                 var a:int;
                 var b:int;
                 var c:int;

                   a = g(i - 1) + g(i + 1);
                   b = g(a - 1) + g(a + 1);
                   c = g(b - 1) + g(b + 1);

                  return (a * b * c) / (a + b + c);
Declare local variables only one per function. ActionScript 3 doesn't have block-scoped locals.

Do this:
                                                                                                       Page 22/27
var a:int;
             if (flag)
                 a = 1;
                 a = 2;
Not this:
             if (flag)
                 var a:int = 1;
                 var a:int = 2;
And this:
             var i:int;
             for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

             for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
Not this:

             for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)

             for (var i:int = 0; i &lt; n; i++)

If a class simply extends Object, omit the extends Object clause.
The only “bare statements” in a class should be calls to static class initialization methods, such as

                                                                                          Page 23/27
If a classes has instance members, write a constructor, and make it explicitly call super(), even if it does
nothing else.
If the constructor takes arguments that set instance vars, give the the same names as the instance vars.

Do this:
              public function MyClass(foo:int, bar:int)
       = foo;
       = bar;
Not this:
              public function MyClass(fooVal:int, barVal:int)
                 foo = fooVal;
                 bar = barVal;
Don't set the classes' instance vars in the constructor; do this in the declarations of the instance vars.
However, if you need to reset the values of inherited instance vars, do this in the consturctor.

Line width
Wrap code to 100-character lines. This has the following advantages:

              • Developers with smaller screens don't have to scroll horizontally to read long lines.
              • A comparison utility can display two versions of a file side-by-side.
              • The font size can be increased for projection before a group without requiring scrolling.
              • The source code can be printed without clipping or wrapping.

                                                                                                  Page 24/27
ActionScript Comments
Creating ASDoc comments
A standard programing practice is to include comments in source code. The ASDoc tool recognizes a
specific type of comment in your source code and copies that comment to the generated output. The ASDoc
tool recognizes the following formatting and parsing rules for comments.

Writing an ASDoc comment

An ASDoc comment consists of the text between the characters /** that mark the beginning of the ASDoc
comment, and the characters */ that mark the end of it. The text in a comment can continue onto multiple

Use the following format for an ASDoc comment:

* Main comment text.
* @tag Tag text.

As a best practice, prefix each line of an ASDoc comment with an asterisk (*) character, followed by a
single white space to make the comment more readable in the ActionScript or MXML file, and to ensure
correct parsing of comments. When the ASDoc tool parses a comment, the leading asterisk and white space
characters on each line are discarded; blanks and tabs preceding the initial asterisk are also discarded.

The ASDoc comment in the previous example creates a single-paragraph description in the output. To add
additional comment paragraphs, enclose each subsequent paragraph in HTML paragraph tags, <p></p>.
You must close the <p> tag, in accordance with XHTML standards, as the following example shows:

* First paragraph of a multiparagraph description.
* <p>Second paragraph of the description.</p>

All of the classes that ship with Flex contain the ASDoc comments that appear in the Adobe Flex Language
Reference. For example, view the mx.controls.Button class for examples of ASDoc comments.

Placing ASDoc comments
Place an ASDoc comment immediately before the declaration for a class, interface, constructor, method,
property, or metadata tag that you want to document, as the following example shows for the myMethod()

* This is the typical format of a simple
* multiline (single paragraph) main description
* for the myMethod() method, which is declared in

                                                                                               Page 25/27
* the ActionScript code below.
* Notice the leading asterisks and single white space
* following each asterisk.
public function myMethod(param1:String, param2:Number):Boolean {}

The ASDoc tool ignores comments placed in the body of a method and recognizes only one comment per
ActionScript statement.

A common mistake is to put an import statement between the ASDoc comment for a class and the class
declaration. Because an ASDoc comment is associated with the next ActionScript statement in the file after
the comment, this example associates the comment with the import statement, not the class declaration:

* This is the class comment for the class MyClass.
import flash.display.*; // MISTAKE - Do not to put import statement here.
class MyClass {

Formatting ASDoc comments

The main body of an ASDoc comment begins immediately after the starting characters, /**, and continues
until the tag section, as the following example shows:

* Main comment text continues until the first @ tag.
* @tag Tag text.

The first sentence of the main description of the ASDoc comment should contain a concise but complete
description of the declared entity. The first sentence ends at the first period that is followed by a space, tab,
or line terminator.

ASDoc uses the first sentence to populate the summary table at the top of the HTML page for the class.
Each type of class element (method, property, event, effect, and style) has a separate summary table in the
ASDoc output.

The tag section begins with the first ASDoc tag in the comment, which is defined by the first @ character
that begins a line, ignoring leading asterisks, white space, and the leading separator characters, /**. The
main description cannot continue after the tag section begins.

The text following an ASDoc tag can span multiple lines. You can have any number of tags, where some
tags can be repeated, such as the @param and @see tags, while others cannot.

The following example shows an ASDoc comment that includes a main description and a tag section.
Notice the use of white space and leading asterisks to make the comment more readable:

* Typical format of a simple multiline comment.
* This text describes the myMethod() method, which is declared below.

                                                                                                       Page 26/27
* @param param1 Describe param1 here.
* @param param2 Describe param2 here.
* @return Describe return value here.
* @see someOtherMethod
public function myMethod(param1:String, param2:Number):Boolean {}

For a complete list of the ASDoc tags, see ASDoc tags.

Using the @private tag
By default, the ASDoc tool generates output for all public and protected elements in an ActionScript class,
even if you omit the ASDoc comment. To make ASDoc ignore an element, insert an ASDoc comment that
contains the @private tag anywhere in the comment. The ASDoc comment can contain additional text
along with the @private tag, which is also excluded from the output.

ASDoc also generates output for all public classes in the list of input classes. You can specify to ignore an
entire class by inserting an ASDoc comment that contains the @private tag before the class definition.
The ASDoc comment can contain additional text along with the @private tag, which is also excluded
from the output.

Excluding an inherited element
By default, the ASDoc tool copies information and a link for all ActionScript elements inherited by a
subclass from a superclass. In some cases, a subclass may not support an inherited element. You can use the
[Exclude] metadata tag to cause ASDoc to omit the inherited element from the list of inherited elements.

The [Exclude] metadata tag has the following syntax:

[Exclude(name="elementName", kind="property|method|event|style|effect")]

For example, to exclude documentation on the click event in the MyButton subclass of the Button class,
insert the following [Exclude] metadata tag in the file:

[Exclude(name="click", kind="event")]

Using HTML tags
You must write the text of an ASDoc comment in XHTML-compliant HTML. You can use selected HTML
entities and HTML tags to define paragraphs, format text, create lists, and add anchors. For a list of the
supported HTML tags, see Summary of commonly used HTML elements.

The following example comment contains HTML tags to format the output:

* This is the typical format of a simple multiline comment
* for the myMethod() method.
                                                                                                    Page 27/27
* <p>This is the second paragraph of the main description
* of the <code>myMethod</code> method.
* Notice that you do not use the paragraph tag in the
* first paragraph of the description.</p>
* @param param1 Describe param1 here.
* @param param2 Describe param2 here.
* @return A value of <code>true</code> means this;
* <code>false</code> means that.
* @see someOtherMethod
public function myMethod(param1:String, param2:Number):Boolean {}

Using special characters
The ASDoc tool might fail if your source files contain non-UTF-8 characters such as curly quotes. If it does
fail, the error messages it displays should refer to a line number in the interim XML file that was created for
that class. That can help you track down the location of the special character.

ASDoc passes all HTML tags and tag entities in a comment to the output. Therefore, if you want to use
special characters in a comment, you must enter them using HTML code equivalents. For example, to use a
less-than (<) or greater-than (>) symbols in a comment, use &lt; and &gt;. To use the at-sign (@) in a
comment, use &64;. Otherwise, these characters will be interpreted as literal HTML characters in the

For a list of common HTML tags and their entity equivalents, see Summary of commonly used HTML

Because asterisks (*) are used to delimit comments, ASDoc does not support asterisks within a comment.
To use an asterisk in an ASDoc comment, you must use the double tilde (~~).

Hiding text in ASDoc comments

The ASDoc style sheet contains a class called hide, which you use to hide text in an ASDoc comment by
setting the class attribute to hide. Hidden text does not appear in the ASDoc HTML output, but does
appear in the generated HTML file so you should not use it for confidential information. The following
example uses the hide class:

*Dispatched when the user presses the Button control.
*If the <code>autoRepeat</code> property is <code>true</code>,
*this event is dispatched repeatedly as long as the button stays down.
*<span class="hide">This text is hidden.</span>

Rules for parsing ASDoc comments
The following rules summarize how ASDoc processes an ActionScript file:

                                                                                                    Page 28/27
If an ASDoc comment precedes an ActionScript element, ASDoc copies the comment and code
element to the output file.
If an ActionScript element is not preceded by an ASDoc comment, ASDoc copies the code element
to the output file with an empty description.
If an ASDoc comment contains the @private ASDoc tag, the associated ActionScript element and
the ASDoc comment are ignored.
The comment text should always precede any @ tags, otherwise the comment text is interpreted as
an argument to an @ tag. The only exception is the @private tag, which can appear anywhere in
an ASDoc comment.
HTML tags, such as <p></p>, and <ul></ul>, in ASDoc comments are passed through to the
HTML tags must use XML style conventions, which means there must be a beginning and ending
tag. For example, an <li> tag must always be closed by a </li> tag.

                                                                                    Page 29/27
Organize ActionScript Classes
Keep ActionScript classes organized and arranged in a way that is consistent with the rest of the source code
throughout your application. This will help later when you or another developer needs to locate a particular
area of the code to make a quick change.

Please use the following structure:

       Initial comment. (Author, version, copyright, code license, and so on)
       Package declaration
       Import statements
       Class-level metadata tags: Event, Style, Effect (with comments!)
       Class or interface implementation ASDoc comment
       Class or interface statement
       Static variables
       Instance variables
       Getter/setter methods (with backing variables)
       Methods, grouped according to functionality

                                                                                                 Page 30/27

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Flash coding convention for action script 3

  • 1. Flash Coding Convention for Action Script 3.0 [Collected by Tan Tran, Logigear, DS team] Ref links: =00001091.html#wp280349
  • 2. Table of Contents Naming Conventions ..................................................................................................... 4 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Avoiding reserved words and language constructs ................................................................................... 5 Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Word boundaries ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Package names ......................................................................................................................................... 6 File names ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Namespace names .................................................................................................................................... 6 Interface names ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Class names ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Event names ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Style names.............................................................................................................................................. 7 Enumerated values for String properties ................................................................................................... 7 Constant names ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Property (variable and getter/setter) names ............................................................................................... 7 Getter/setter variable names ..................................................................................................................... 7 Storage variable names ............................................................................................................................ 7 Place Getter/setter method ....................................................................................................................... 8 Method names ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Method names should always be verbs. .................................................................................................... 8 Event handler names ................................................................................................................................ 8 Argument names ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Resource bundle names ............................................................................................................................ 9 Resource key names ................................................................................................................................. 9 Miscellaneous nomenclature .................................................................................................................... 9 Naming Boolean variables ....................................................................................................................... 9 Naming custom components .................................................................................................................... 9 ActionScript Coding Expressions .............................................................................. 10 Type declarations ................................................................................................................................... 10 Literals................................................................................................................................................... 10 undefined ................................................................................................................................................. 10 int and uint literals .................................................................................................................................. 11 Number literals ....................................................................................................................................... 11 String literals .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Array literals ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Object literals.......................................................................................................................................... 12 Function literals ...................................................................................................................................... 13 RegExp literals ........................................................................................................................................ 13 XML and XMLList literals ...................................................................................................................... 13 Class literals ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Parentheses ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Coercion ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Comparison ........................................................................................................................................... 15 ++ and -- operators................................................................................................................................. 15 Ternary operator .................................................................................................................................... 15 new operator .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Statements ............................................................................................................................................. 16 include statements .................................................................................................................................. 16 Page 2/27
  • 3. import statements ................................................................................................................................... 16 use namespace statements ...................................................................................................................... 16 if statements ........................................................................................................................................... 17 for statements......................................................................................................................................... 18 while statements..................................................................................................................................... 19 do statements ......................................................................................................................................... 19 switch statements ................................................................................................................................... 19 Declarations ........................................................................................................................................... 21 The override keyword ............................................................................................................................ 21 Access specifiers .................................................................................................................................... 21 The static keyword ................................................................................................................................. 21 The final keyword .................................................................................................................................. 21 Constants ............................................................................................................................................... 21 Variables................................................................................................................................................ 22 Local variables ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Classes ................................................................................................................................................... 23 Constructors........................................................................................................................................... 24 Line width ............................................................................................................................................. 24 ActionScript Comments .............................................................................................. 25 Creating ASDoc comments .................................................................................................................... 25 Writing an ASDoc comment .................................................................................................................. 25 Placing ASDoc comments ...................................................................................................................... 25 Formatting ASDoc comments ................................................................................................................ 26 Using the @private tag........................................................................................................................... 27 Excluding an inherited element .............................................................................................................. 27 Using HTML tags .................................................................................................................................. 27 Using special characters ......................................................................................................................... 28 Hiding text in ASDoc comments ............................................................................................................ 28 Rules for parsing ASDoc comments ....................................................................................................... 28 Organize ActionScript Classes ................................................................................... 30 Page 3/27
  • 4. Naming Conventions Choosing good names is critical to creating code that is easy to use and easy to understand. You should always take the time to think about whether you have chosen the right name for something, especially if it is part of the public API. Our naming standards are mostly consistent with those of ECMAScript and Flash Player 9. Choosing good names is critical to creating code that is easy to use and easy to understand. You should always take the time to think about whether you have chosen the right name for something, especially if it is part of the public API. Our naming standards are mostly consistent with those of ECMAScript and Flash Player 9. Abbreviations Avoid them as a general rule. For example, calculateOptimalValue() is a better method name than calcOptVal(). Being clear is more important than minimizing keystrokes. And if you don't abbreviate, developers won't have to remember whether you shortened a word like “qualified” to “qual” or “qlfd”. However, we have standardized on a few abbreviations: acc for accessibility, as in ButtonAccImpl auto for automatic, as in autoLayout auto for automatic, as in autoLayout eval for evaluate, as in EvalBindingResponder impl for implementation, as in ButtonAccImpl info for information, as in GridRowInfo num for number of, as in numChildren min for minimum, as in minWidth max for maximum, as in maxHeight nav for navigation, as in NavBar regexp for regular expression, as in RegExpValidator util for utility, as in StringUtil This list probably does not include all abbreviations that are currently in use. If you're considering using an abbreviation that isn't listed here, please search the source code to determine whether it is already in use. If you don't find it, think twice about whether abbreviating is really appropriate. Occasionally we are (deliberately) inconsistent about abbreviations. For example, we spell out “horizontal” and “vertical” in most places, such as horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy but we abbreviate them to H and V in the very-commonly-used container names HBox and VBox. Page 4/27
  • 5. Avoiding reserved words and language constructs The following table lists reserved keywords in ActionScript that cause errors in your scripts when used as variable names: add and break case catch class continue default delete do dynamic else eq extends false finally for function ge get gt if ifFrameLoaded implements import in instanceof interface intrinsic le it ne new not null on onClipEvent or private public return set static super switch tellTarget this throw try typeof undefined var void while with The following words are reserved for future use in Flash, from the ECMAScript (ECMA-262) edition 4 draft language specification. Avoid using these words because they might be used in future releases of Flash. as abstract Boolean bytes char const debugger double enum export final float goto is long namespace native package protected short synchronized throws transient use volatile Acronyms Various acronyms are common in Flex, such as AIR, CSS, HLOC, IME, MX, MXML, RPC, RSL, SWF, UI, UID, URL, WSDL, and XML. An acronym is always all-uppercase or all-lowercase (e.g., SWF or swf, but never Swf). The only time that all-lowercase is used is when the acronym is used by itself as an identifier, or at the beginning of an identifier, and the identifier should start with a lowercase letter. See the rules below for which identifiers should start with which case. Examples of identifiers with acronyms are CSSStyleDeclaration, IUID, uid, IIME, and imeMode. Word boundaries When an identifier contains multiple words, we use two ways of indicating word boundaries: intercaps (as in LayoutManager or measuredWidth) and underscores (as in object_proxy). See the rules below for which method to use. Sometimes it isn't clear whether a word combination has become its own single word, and we are unforunately inconsistent about this in some places: dropdown, popUp, pulldown. Follow the acronym-casing rules even in the rare case that two acronyms must be adjacent. An example (which isn't actually in use) would be something like loadCSSURL(). But try to avoid such names. Page 5/27
  • 6. Package names Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: controls, listClasses. Package names should always be nouns or gerunds (the -ing noun form of a verb), not verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. A package implementing lots of similar things should have a name which is the plural form of the thing: charts, collections, containers, controls, effects, events, formatters, managers, preloaders, resources, skins, states, styles, utils, validators. It is common to use a gerund for the name of a package which implements a concept: binding, logging, messaging, printing. Otherwise, they are generally "concept nouns": accessibility, core, graphics, rpc. A package containing classes that support component FooBar should be called fooBarClasses. File names For importable APIs, the file name must be the same as the public API inside. But include files don't have to follow this rule. Start the names of include files for [Style(...)] metadata with an uppercase letter, use intercaps for subsequent words, and make the last word “Styles”:, Start the names of individual asset files with a lowercase letter and use underscores between words: icon_align_left.png. Namespace names Start them with a lowercase letter and use underscores between words: mx_internal, object_proxy. Interface names Start them with I and use intercaps for subsequent words: IList, IFocusManager, IUID. Class names Start them with an uppercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: Button, FocusManager, UIComponent. Name Event subclasses FooBarEvent. Name Error subclasses FooBarError. Name the EffectInstance subclass associated with effect FooBar FooBarInstance. Name Formatter subclasses FooBarFormatter. Name Validator subclasses FooBarValidator. Name skinning classes FooBarBackground, FooBarBorder, FooBarSkin, FooBarIcon, FooBarIndicator, FooBarSeparator, FooBarCursor, etc. Name utility classes FooBarUtil (not FooBarUtils; the package is plural but the class is singular). It is common to name a base class FooBarBase: ComboBase, DateBase, DataGridBase, ListBase. Page 6/27
  • 7. Event names Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: "move", "creationComplete". Style names Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: color, fontSize. Enumerated values for String properties Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: "auto", "filesOnly", Constant names Use all uppercase letters with underscores between words: OFF, DEFAULT_WIDTH. The words in the identifier must match the words in the constant value if it is a String: public static const FOO_BAR:String = "fooBar"; Property (variable and getter/setter) names Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: i, width, numChildren. Use i for a loop index and n for its upper limit. Use j for an inner loop index and m for its upper limit. for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { for (var j:int = 0; j < m; j++) { ... } } Use p (for “property”) for a for-in loop variable: for (var p:String in o) { ... } If a class overrides a getter/setter and wants to continue to expose the base getter/setter, it should do so by implementing a property whose name is the base name with a $ prepended. This getter/setter should be marked final and should do nothing more than call the supergetter/setter. mx_internal final function get $numChildren():int { return super.numChildren; } Getter/setter variable names Prefix variables with underscores for getter/setters Prefix variables with an underscore if they will be modified through getter/setter methods Storage variable names Give the storage variable for the getter/setter foo the name _foo. Page 7/27
  • 8. Place Getter/setter method Place the getter method above the setter method When creating getter/setter methods place the getter method first Method names Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: measure(), updateDisplayList(). Method names should always be verbs. Parameterless methods should generally not be named getFooBar() or setFooBar(); these should be implemented as getter/setters instead. However, if getFooBar() is a slow method requiring a large amount of computation, it should be named findFooBar(), calculateFooBar(), determineFooBar(), etc. to suggest this, rather than being a getter. If a class overrides a method and wants to continue to expose the base method, it should do so by implementing a method whose name is the base name with a $ prepended. This method should be marked final and should do nothing more than call the supermethod. mx_internal final function $addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject { return super.addChild(child); } Event handler names Event handlers should be named by concatenating “Handler” to the type of the event: mouseDownHandler(). If the handler is for events dispatched by a subcomponent (i.e., not this), prefix the handler name with the subcomponent name and an underscore: textInput_focusInHandler(). Argument names Use value for the argument of every setter: Do this: public function set label(value:String):void Not this: public function set label(lab:String):void Or this: public function set label(labelValue:String):void Or this: public function set label(val:String):void Use event (not e, evt, or eventObj) for the argument of every event handler: protected function mouseDownHandler(event:Event):void Page 8/27
  • 9. Resource bundle names If a resource bundle contains resources for a particular package, name the bundle the same as the package: controls, {formatters}}, validators. Resource key names Start them with a lowercase letter and use intercaps for subsequent words: pm, dayNamesShort. Miscellaneous nomenclature Avoid “object” because it is vague. An “item” is a data item, not a DisplayObject. A “renderer” is a DisplayObject that displays a data item. A “type” is an AS3 type; use "kind" otherwise. Naming Boolean variables Start Boolean variables with the word "is" (because a Boolean value either "is" or "is not" because of its nature). Therefore, you might use the following for whether a baby is a girl or not (which is a Boolean value): isGirl Or for a variable indicating whether a user is logged in (or not), you might use the following: isLoggedIn. Naming custom components Component names have an uppercase first letter, and any concatenated words are written in mixed case. For example, the following default user-interface component set uses concatenated words and mixed case: • CheckBox • ComboBox • DataGrid • DateChooser • DateField • MenuBar • NumericStepper • ProgressBar • RadioButton • ScrollPane • TextArea • TextInput Components that do not use concatenated words begin with an uppercase letter. If you develop custom components, use a naming convention to prevent naming incompatibilities with Adobe components. The names of your components must be different from those of the default set that is included with Flash. If you adopt your own consistent naming convention, it helps you prevent naming conflicts. Remember that the naming conventions in this section are guidelines. It is most important to use a naming scheme that works well for you and to use it consistently. Page 9/27
  • 10. ActionScript Coding Expressions This section discusses how we use the language constructs of ActionScript 3, especially when there are multiple ways to express the same thing. Type declarations Write a type annotation for every constant, variable, function argument, and function return value, even if the annotation is simply :* to indicate “no type”. Do this: var value:*; Not this: var value; Use the narrowest type that is appropriate. For example, a loop index should be a int, not a Number, and certainly not an Object or *. As another example, a mouseDownHandler should declare its argument as event:MouseEvent, not event:Event. Use int for integers, even if they can't be negative. Use uint only for RGB colors, bit masks, and other non- numeric values. Use * only if the value can be undefined. You should generally use Object rather than *, with null being the “object doesn't exist” value. If you declare something to be of type Array, add a comment of the form /* of ElementType */ immediately after Array indicate the type of the array elements. A future version of the language is likely to have typed arrays. Do this: var a:Array /* of String */ = []; Not this: var a:Array = []; And this: function f(a:Array /* of Number */):Array /* of Object */ { ... } Not this: function f(a:Array):Array; Literals undefined Avoid using this when possible. It is only necessary when dealing with values whose compile-time is type is *, and you should be using * sparingly as well. Page 10/27
  • 11. int and uint literals Do not use a decimal point in a integer. Do this: 2 Not this: 2. Use a lowercase x and uppercase A-Z in hexadecimal numbers. Do this: 0xFEDCBA Not this: 0Xfedcba Always write an RGB color as a six-digit hexadecimal number. Do this: private const BLACK:uint = 0x000000; Not this: private const BLACK:uint = 0; When dealing with indices, use the value -1 to mean “no index”. Number literals If a Number value typically can be fractional, indicate this by using a decimal point, and follow the decimal point by a single trailing zero. Do this: alphaFrom = 0.0; alphaTo = 1.0; Not this: alphaFrom = 0; alphaTo = 1; However, don't do this for pixel coordinates, which are by convention integral even though they can in principle be fractional. Do this: var xOffset:Number = 3; Not this: var xOffset:Number = 3.0; Use e, not E, when using exponential notation. Do this: 1.0e12 Not this: 1.0E12 Use the default value NaN as the “not set” value for a Number. Page 11/27
  • 12. String literals Use quotation marks (double quotes), not apostrophes (single quotes), to delimit strings, even if that string contains a quotation mark as a character. Do this: "What's up, "Big Boy"?" Not this: 'What's up, "Big Boy"?' Use u, not U, for unicode escape sequences. Array literals Use Array literals rather than new Array(). Do this: [] Not this: new Array() And this: [ 1, 2, 3 ] Not this: new Array(1, 2, 3) Use the Array constructor only to allocate an array of a prespecified size, as in new Array(3), which means [ undefined, undefined, undefined ], not [ 3 ]. Object literals Use Object literals rather than new Object(). Do this: {} Not this: new Object() And this: o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }; Not this: o = new Object(); o.a = 1; o.b = 2; o.c = 3; Or this: o = {}; o.a = 1; o.b = 2; o.c = 3; Page 12/27
  • 13. Function literals Avoid using function literals to define anonymous functions; use a class method or package function instead. If you must use a function literal, declare a return type, and terminate the last statement inside the function block with a semicolon. Do this: function(i:int):void { doIt(i - 1); doIt(i + 1); } Not this: function(i:int) { doIt(i - 1); doIt(i + 1) } RegExp literals Use the literal notation rather than constructing a RegExp instance from a String. Do this: var pattern:RegExp = /d+/g; Not this: var pattern:RegExp = new RegExp("d+", "g"); XML and XMLList literals Use the literal notation rather than constructing an XML instance from a String. Do this: var node:XML = <name first="Jane" last="Doe"/>; Not this: var node:XML = new XML("<name first="Jane" last="Doe"/>"); Use double-quotes rather than single-quotes around XML attribute values: Do this: var node:XML = <name first="Jane" last="Doe"/>; Not this: var node:XML = <name first='Jane' last='Doe'/>; Class literals Use a fully-qualified class literal only if necessary to disambiguate between two imported classes with the same unqualified name. Do this: import mx.controls.Button; ... var b:Button = new Button(); Not this: import mx.controls.Button; ... var b:Button = new mx.controls.Button(); But here a fully-qualified name is required and therefore qppropriate: import mx.controls.Button; Page 13/27
  • 14. import my.controls.Button; ... var b:Button = new mx.controls.Button(); Parentheses Don't use unnecessary parentheses with common operators such as +, -, *, /, &&, ||, <, <=, >, >=, ==, and !=. Do this: var e:Number = a * b / (c + d); Not this: var e:Number = (a * b) / (c + d); And this: var e:Boolean = a && b || c == d; Not this: var e:Boolean = ((a && b) || (c == d)); The precedence rules for other operators are harder to remember, so parentheses can be helpful with them. Coercion Don't compare a Boolean value to true or false; it already is one or the other. Do this: if (flag) Not this: if (flag == true) Do this: var flag:Boolean = a && b; Not this: var flag:Boolean = (a && b) != false; Explicitly coerce an int, uint, Number or String to a Boolean: Do this: if (n != 0) Not this: if (n) And this: if (s != null && s != "") Not this: if (s) Let object references implicitly coerce to a Boolean: Do this: if (child) Not this: if (child != null) And this: if (!child) Not this: if (child == null) Page 14/27
  • 15. Prefer the use of a cast to the use of the as operator. Use the as operator only if the coercion might fail and you want the expression to evaluate to null instead of throwing an exception. Do this: IUIComponent(child).document Not this: (child as IUIComponent).document Comparison Write comparisons in the order that they read most naturally: Do this: if (n == 3) // "if n is 3" Not this: if (3 == n) // "if 3 is n" ++ and -- operators In cases where the postfix and prefix forms are equivalent, use the postfix form. Use the prefix form only when you need to use the value before it is incremented. Do this: for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) Not this: for (var i:int = 0; i < n; ++i) Ternary operator Use a ternary operator in place of a simple if/else statement, especially for null checks: Do this: return item ? item.label : null; Not this: if (!item) return null; return item.label; But don't use nested ternary operators in place of complex if/else logic. Do this: if (a < b) return -1; else if (a > b) return 1; return 0; Not this: return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0); new operator Use parentheses after the class reference, even if the constructor takes no arguments. Page 15/27
  • 16. Do this: var b:Button = new Button(); Not this: var b:Button = new Button; Statements Terminate each statement with a semicolon. Do not use the optional-semicolon feature of ActionScript 3. Do this: a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; Not this: a=1 b=2 c=3 include statements Use include, not the deprecated #include. Terminate the include statement with a semicolon, like any other statement. Do this: include "../core/"; Not this: #include "../core/" Use relative, not absolute, paths. import statements Import specific classes, interfaces, and package-level functions rather than using the * wildcard. Do this: import mx.controls.Button; import flash.utils.getTimer; Not this: import mx.core.*; use namespace statements Avoid them; use :: syntax instead on each reference to something in a non-open namespace. Do this: import mx.core.mx_internal; // Later, in some method... mx_internal::doSomething(); Not this: import mx.core.mx_internal; use namespace mx_internal; // Later, in some method... doSomething(); Page 16/27
  • 17. if statements If the various branches of an if/else statement involve single statements, don't make them into blocks. Do this: if (flag) doThing1(); Not this: if (flag) { doThing1(); } And this: if (flag) doThing1(); else doThing2(): Not this: if (flag) { doThing1(); } else { doThing2(); } But if any branch has multiple statements, make all of them into blocks. Do this: if (flag) { doThing1(); } else { doThing2(); doThing3(); } Not this: if (flag) doThing1(); else { doThing2(); doThing3(); } When doing multiple error checks, use sequential if statements that test for failure and return early. The successful execution flow is then down the page, with the succesful return at the end of the method. Do not use nested tests for success, which make the execution flow drift across the page. Page 17/27
  • 18. Do this: if (!condition1) return false; ... if (!condition2) return false; ... if (!condition2) return false; ... return true; Not this: if (condition1) { ... if (condition2) { ... if (condition3) { ... return true; } } } return false; for statements Make the body of a for loop be a block, even if it consists of only one statement. Do this: for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) { doSomething(i); } Not this: for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) doSomething(i); Store the upper limit for a for-loop variable in a local variable so that it isn't re-evaluated every time through the loop (unless, of course, it needs to be re-evaluated on each interation). Do this: var n:int = a.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { ... } Not this: for (var i:int = 0; i < a.length; i++) { Page 18/27
  • 19. ... } Declare the loop var inside the parentheses of the for statement, unless it is reused elsewhere. Do this: for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) Not this: var i:int; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ... } while statements Make the body of a while loop be a block, even if it consists of only one statement. Do this: while (i < n) { doSomething(i); } Not this: while (i < n) doSomething(i); do statements Make the body of a do loop be a block, even if it consists of only one statement. Do this: do { doSomething(i); } while (i < n); Not this: do doSomething(i); while (i < n); switch statements Make the body of each case clause, and of the default clause, be a block. Put the break or return statement within the block, not after it. If you are returning, don't put a break after the return. Treat the default clause similarly to the case clauses; break or return from it rather than falling through the bottom of the switch. Do this: switch (n) { case 0: { Page 19/27
  • 20. foo(); break; } case 1: { bar(); return; } case 2: { baz(); return; } default: { blech(); break; } } Not this: switch (n) { case 0: foo(); break; case 1: { bar(); } break; case 2: baz(); return; break; default: blech(); } return statements Do not enclose a return value in unnecessary parentheses. Do this: return n + 1; Not this: return (n + 1); Returning from the middle of a method is OK. Page 20/27
  • 21. Declarations Don't declare multiple constants or variables in a single declaration. Do this: var a:int = 1; var b:int = 2; Not this: var a:int = 1, b:int = 2; The override keyword If present, put this first, before the access specifier. Do this: override protected method measure():void Not this: protected override method measure():void Access specifiers Put an explicit access specifier everywhere that one is allowed. Do not use the fact that internal is the implicit access specifier if none is written. Before making an API public or protected, think hard about whether it is really needs to be. Public and protected APIs must be documented. They must also be supported for several releases before being formally deprecated. The static keyword If present, put this after the access specifier. Do this: public static const MOVE:String = &quot;move&quot; Not this: static public const MOVE:String = &quot;move&quot;; The final keyword If present, put this after the access specifier. Do this: public final class BoxDirection Not this: final public class BoxDirection Declare all “enum classes” to be final. Also declare “base” properties and methods (those starting with $) to be final. Constants All constants should be static. There is no reason to use an instance constant, since all instances would store the same value. Do this: Page 21/27
  • 22. public static const ALL:String = "all"; Not this: public const ALL:String = "all"; ActionScript 3 does not allow a constant to have type Array or Object. Declare such constants using static var rather than static const, but put them in this section because they are conceptually constants. Variables If a variable needs to be initialized to a non-default value, do this in the declaration, not in the constructor. Do this: private var counter:int = 1; Not this: private var counter:int; ... public function MyClass() { super(); ... counter = 1; } Local variables Declare local variables at or just before the point of first use. Don't declare them all at the top of the function. Do this: private function f(i:int, j:int):int { var a:int = g(i - 1) + g(i + 1); var b:int = g(a - 1) + g(a + 1); var c:int = g(b - 1) + g(b + 1); return (a * b * c) / (a + b + c); } Not this: private function f(i:int, j:int):int { var a:int; var b:int; var c:int; a = g(i - 1) + g(i + 1); b = g(a - 1) + g(a + 1); c = g(b - 1) + g(b + 1); return (a * b * c) / (a + b + c); } Declare local variables only one per function. ActionScript 3 doesn't have block-scoped locals. Do this: Page 22/27
  • 23. var a:int; if (flag) { a = 1; ... } else { a = 2; ... } Not this: if (flag) { var a:int = 1; ... } else { var a:int = 2; ... } And this: var i:int; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ... } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ... } Not this: for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { ... } for (var i:int = 0; i &lt; n; i++) { ... } Classes If a class simply extends Object, omit the extends Object clause. The only “bare statements” in a class should be calls to static class initialization methods, such as loadResources(). Page 23/27
  • 24. Constructors If a classes has instance members, write a constructor, and make it explicitly call super(), even if it does nothing else. If the constructor takes arguments that set instance vars, give the the same names as the instance vars. Do this: public function MyClass(foo:int, bar:int) { = foo; = bar; } Not this: public function MyClass(fooVal:int, barVal:int) { foo = fooVal; bar = barVal; } Don't set the classes' instance vars in the constructor; do this in the declarations of the instance vars. However, if you need to reset the values of inherited instance vars, do this in the consturctor. Line width Wrap code to 100-character lines. This has the following advantages: • Developers with smaller screens don't have to scroll horizontally to read long lines. • A comparison utility can display two versions of a file side-by-side. • The font size can be increased for projection before a group without requiring scrolling. • The source code can be printed without clipping or wrapping. Page 24/27
  • 25. ActionScript Comments Creating ASDoc comments A standard programing practice is to include comments in source code. The ASDoc tool recognizes a specific type of comment in your source code and copies that comment to the generated output. The ASDoc tool recognizes the following formatting and parsing rules for comments. Writing an ASDoc comment An ASDoc comment consists of the text between the characters /** that mark the beginning of the ASDoc comment, and the characters */ that mark the end of it. The text in a comment can continue onto multiple lines. Use the following format for an ASDoc comment: /** * Main comment text. * * @tag Tag text. */ As a best practice, prefix each line of an ASDoc comment with an asterisk (*) character, followed by a single white space to make the comment more readable in the ActionScript or MXML file, and to ensure correct parsing of comments. When the ASDoc tool parses a comment, the leading asterisk and white space characters on each line are discarded; blanks and tabs preceding the initial asterisk are also discarded. The ASDoc comment in the previous example creates a single-paragraph description in the output. To add additional comment paragraphs, enclose each subsequent paragraph in HTML paragraph tags, <p></p>. You must close the <p> tag, in accordance with XHTML standards, as the following example shows: /** * First paragraph of a multiparagraph description. * * <p>Second paragraph of the description.</p> */ All of the classes that ship with Flex contain the ASDoc comments that appear in the Adobe Flex Language Reference. For example, view the mx.controls.Button class for examples of ASDoc comments. Placing ASDoc comments Place an ASDoc comment immediately before the declaration for a class, interface, constructor, method, property, or metadata tag that you want to document, as the following example shows for the myMethod() method: /** * This is the typical format of a simple * multiline (single paragraph) main description * for the myMethod() method, which is declared in Page 25/27
  • 26. * the ActionScript code below. * Notice the leading asterisks and single white space * following each asterisk. */ public function myMethod(param1:String, param2:Number):Boolean {} The ASDoc tool ignores comments placed in the body of a method and recognizes only one comment per ActionScript statement. A common mistake is to put an import statement between the ASDoc comment for a class and the class declaration. Because an ASDoc comment is associated with the next ActionScript statement in the file after the comment, this example associates the comment with the import statement, not the class declaration: /** * This is the class comment for the class MyClass. */ import flash.display.*; // MISTAKE - Do not to put import statement here. class MyClass { } Formatting ASDoc comments The main body of an ASDoc comment begins immediately after the starting characters, /**, and continues until the tag section, as the following example shows: /** * Main comment text continues until the first @ tag. * * @tag Tag text. */ The first sentence of the main description of the ASDoc comment should contain a concise but complete description of the declared entity. The first sentence ends at the first period that is followed by a space, tab, or line terminator. ASDoc uses the first sentence to populate the summary table at the top of the HTML page for the class. Each type of class element (method, property, event, effect, and style) has a separate summary table in the ASDoc output. The tag section begins with the first ASDoc tag in the comment, which is defined by the first @ character that begins a line, ignoring leading asterisks, white space, and the leading separator characters, /**. The main description cannot continue after the tag section begins. The text following an ASDoc tag can span multiple lines. You can have any number of tags, where some tags can be repeated, such as the @param and @see tags, while others cannot. The following example shows an ASDoc comment that includes a main description and a tag section. Notice the use of white space and leading asterisks to make the comment more readable: /** * Typical format of a simple multiline comment. * This text describes the myMethod() method, which is declared below. Page 26/27
  • 27. * * @param param1 Describe param1 here. * @param param2 Describe param2 here. * * @return Describe return value here. * * @see someOtherMethod */ public function myMethod(param1:String, param2:Number):Boolean {} For a complete list of the ASDoc tags, see ASDoc tags. Using the @private tag By default, the ASDoc tool generates output for all public and protected elements in an ActionScript class, even if you omit the ASDoc comment. To make ASDoc ignore an element, insert an ASDoc comment that contains the @private tag anywhere in the comment. The ASDoc comment can contain additional text along with the @private tag, which is also excluded from the output. ASDoc also generates output for all public classes in the list of input classes. You can specify to ignore an entire class by inserting an ASDoc comment that contains the @private tag before the class definition. The ASDoc comment can contain additional text along with the @private tag, which is also excluded from the output. Excluding an inherited element By default, the ASDoc tool copies information and a link for all ActionScript elements inherited by a subclass from a superclass. In some cases, a subclass may not support an inherited element. You can use the [Exclude] metadata tag to cause ASDoc to omit the inherited element from the list of inherited elements. The [Exclude] metadata tag has the following syntax: [Exclude(name="elementName", kind="property|method|event|style|effect")] For example, to exclude documentation on the click event in the MyButton subclass of the Button class, insert the following [Exclude] metadata tag in the file: [Exclude(name="click", kind="event")] Using HTML tags You must write the text of an ASDoc comment in XHTML-compliant HTML. You can use selected HTML entities and HTML tags to define paragraphs, format text, create lists, and add anchors. For a list of the supported HTML tags, see Summary of commonly used HTML elements. The following example comment contains HTML tags to format the output: /** * This is the typical format of a simple multiline comment * for the myMethod() method. * Page 27/27
  • 28. * <p>This is the second paragraph of the main description * of the <code>myMethod</code> method. * Notice that you do not use the paragraph tag in the * first paragraph of the description.</p> * * @param param1 Describe param1 here. * @param param2 Describe param2 here. * * @return A value of <code>true</code> means this; * <code>false</code> means that. * * @see someOtherMethod */ public function myMethod(param1:String, param2:Number):Boolean {} Using special characters The ASDoc tool might fail if your source files contain non-UTF-8 characters such as curly quotes. If it does fail, the error messages it displays should refer to a line number in the interim XML file that was created for that class. That can help you track down the location of the special character. ASDoc passes all HTML tags and tag entities in a comment to the output. Therefore, if you want to use special characters in a comment, you must enter them using HTML code equivalents. For example, to use a less-than (<) or greater-than (>) symbols in a comment, use &lt; and &gt;. To use the at-sign (@) in a comment, use &64;. Otherwise, these characters will be interpreted as literal HTML characters in the output. For a list of common HTML tags and their entity equivalents, see Summary of commonly used HTML elements. Because asterisks (*) are used to delimit comments, ASDoc does not support asterisks within a comment. To use an asterisk in an ASDoc comment, you must use the double tilde (~~). Hiding text in ASDoc comments The ASDoc style sheet contains a class called hide, which you use to hide text in an ASDoc comment by setting the class attribute to hide. Hidden text does not appear in the ASDoc HTML output, but does appear in the generated HTML file so you should not use it for confidential information. The following example uses the hide class: /** *Dispatched when the user presses the Button control. *If the <code>autoRepeat</code> property is <code>true</code>, *this event is dispatched repeatedly as long as the button stays down. * *<span class="hide">This text is hidden.</span> *@eventType */ Rules for parsing ASDoc comments The following rules summarize how ASDoc processes an ActionScript file: Page 28/27
  • 29. If an ASDoc comment precedes an ActionScript element, ASDoc copies the comment and code element to the output file. If an ActionScript element is not preceded by an ASDoc comment, ASDoc copies the code element to the output file with an empty description. If an ASDoc comment contains the @private ASDoc tag, the associated ActionScript element and the ASDoc comment are ignored. The comment text should always precede any @ tags, otherwise the comment text is interpreted as an argument to an @ tag. The only exception is the @private tag, which can appear anywhere in an ASDoc comment. HTML tags, such as <p></p>, and <ul></ul>, in ASDoc comments are passed through to the output. HTML tags must use XML style conventions, which means there must be a beginning and ending tag. For example, an <li> tag must always be closed by a </li> tag. Page 29/27
  • 30. Organize ActionScript Classes Keep ActionScript classes organized and arranged in a way that is consistent with the rest of the source code throughout your application. This will help later when you or another developer needs to locate a particular area of the code to make a quick change. Please use the following structure: Initial comment. (Author, version, copyright, code license, and so on) Package declaration Import statements Class-level metadata tags: Event, Style, Effect (with comments!) Class or interface implementation ASDoc comment Class or interface statement Static variables Public Protected Private Instance variables Public Protected Private Constructor Getter/setter methods (with backing variables) Methods, grouped according to functionality Page 30/27