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Final Project
STCO 348
Joshua Gordon
Joel Miller
Abby Schaeffer
Paul Mehltretter
I. Introduction: Our client is the School of the Communication and Creative Arts (Service).
SCCA promises a Christ-centered, professional, and high-level of education (Reputation). One
of the goals of SCCA is to provide students with hands on experience that will land them a job
after graduation (Value). SCCA offers many opportunities for students to develop the skills they
need to succeed in their chosen field. SCCA is great school for students interested in a variety
of things. We cover a wide range of areas for students so they can be well-equipped before they
II. The Potential
a. Consumer
i. Current and Potential Consumers’ common demographics
1. Race- majority Caucasian
2. Age- 18-22
3. Economic status- middle-class and upper middle class
4. Gender- majority female
5. Education- high school degree and some college
6. Occupation- Full-time student- possibly part time job
7. Average Income- for students that work: majority hold part time/minimum wage jobs
8. Marital Status- primarily single
ii. Current and Potential Consumers’ common Psychographics
1. Religion- majority Christian
2. Political Association- primarily Republican and conservative
3. Personality- outgoing, hard worker, motivated
4. Lifestyle- active and social college student
5. Values- community, personal achievement
6. Social Status- non-specific
iii. Reasons for valuing this consumer over others
a. We chose Jeremy, a sophomore at Liberty University, because we believe that
he wants to be engaged in SCCA, informed about ways to be involved, and is inspired to
be a leader in his chosen field.
1. We believe Jeremy will tell his friends about the major he is in
2. We believe Jeremy will stay in his major, once declared
3. We believe Jeremy will a SCCAbrand ambassador
4. We believe Jeremy will share his involvement in his major online
b. We considered Stephanie, the college sophomore, but she is satisfied with
her major
1. She wants to be a doctor
2. She does not need the extensive communication training SCCA’s majors offer
3. She needs to focus on her medical training so she will not be looking into joining the clubs
SCCA offers
c.We considered Amy, a senior at Liberty University, but she’s graduating
1. She has already completed an internship for her current major
2. She does not want to delay her graduation date by switching majors
3. She has a job lined up
Incoming Freshman
Reasons for valuing this consumer over others
A. We chose Rachel, a high school senior, because we believe she will get the education
he desires with SSCA rather than declaring a generic business major
1. Rachel wants to go to a Christian school
2. Rachel is outgoing, energetic and embraces public speaking
3. Rachel is interested in the communications field -- specifically broadcast
B. We considered Emily, a high school senior, but she wants to become a marine biologist
1. She will be pursuing a science degree
2. She does not enjoy social media or being creative
3. She enjoys math and the hard sciences
C. We considered John, a high school senior, but he is more interested in the finance side of
1. He will be under the school of business
2. He will not need a strong communications background
3. He does not see the value or importance of social media
A. We chose Matthew, who graduated two years ago, because he still invests into Liberty
University and the SCCApost graduation
a. He is interested in continuing to network with current students
b. He enjoys helping out current students with opportunities when possible
c. He is in an respected professional in his career and can offer students advice
B. We considered Lisa, a 30 year old, but she moved out of the communications field
a. She is detached from the university
b. She does not visit campus often
c. She is a busy working professional
C. We considered Jamie, a stay at home mom, but she is not currently using her degree
1. She does not engage in the online communities she’s a part of
2. She is focusing on her family
3. She does not prioritize keeping up with things or people related to her degree
c. Current and Potential Consumers’ needs and reasons for using your client’s services
1. Engaged - students want to be engaged inside and outside of a classroom setting
2. Informed - students want to be informed about what they are studying and how it applies
to real life situations
3. Inspired - students want to be inspired to take the skills they are taught and put them to
work in real life
4. Community - students want to be connected to others with similar interests
i. Engaged - students want to be engaged inside and outside of a
classroom setting (
ii. Informed - students want to to be informed about what they are studying
and how it applies to real life situations (U.S. News & World Report Education)
iii. Inspired – students want to be inspired to take the skills they are taught
and put them to work in real life (NPR)
iv. Community - students want to be connected with others with similar
interests (
d. Where does your client’s desired consumer spend their time online and why.
i. Social Networks- 87% spend at least one hour on social media every day.
64% spend 1-3 hours daily on social media. 23% spend more than 3 hours per day. (Content
ii. Email- 70% of 18-22 year olds spend less than an hour a day checking
emails. (Social Networking and Education)
III. The Solution
a. Social Media’s Current influence on Brand Identity and Consumer satisfaction (Current
promises and delivery) (Please give examples)
i. Brand Identity on social media sites
1. Facebook
a. Explicitly - According to Facebook, we say we are industry professionals who give students
a world-class education -- with a Christian worldview
b. Implicitly- According to Facebook dialogue, we are providing a highlights of events. Students
tag their friends in pictures
2. Twitter
a. Explicitly- According to Twitter, Liberty University School of Communication & Creative Arts
trains in areas of Digital Media & Creative Arts, Studio & Digital Arts, and Cinematic & Theater Arts
b. Implicitly- According to Twitter, SCCA highlights events, announcements, and other Liberty
Affiliated accounts. Engages often with comments and RTs
3. Instagram
a. Explicitly - Does not explicitly say who they are but links their Facebook page which would
give more information.
b. Implicitly - Visually showcases events, faculty and staff, students, classes and other SCCA
ii. Current Success and Oversights (Current Values)
1. What channels and content receives the most likes?
Instagram receives the most likes. Content about upcoming events and recaps/highlights of
a. What needs are these likes meeting?
The likes are meeting the need for likable content and positively portraying the SCCA brand.
2. What channels and content receives the most comments?
Instagram receives the most comments.
a. What needs do the comments highlight?
Approval and pleasure.
3. What channels seem to be growing the fastest?
a. What needs do these channels meet?
Information about SCCA happenings. Source of updates
4. What channel appears to be the most popular?
Facebook. 5,552 likes -- followers well above any other social media.
a. What need does this channel meet?
5. Net Promoter Score +20%
iii. What does this information say about the needs we are meeting?
1. Engagement: the social media platforms currently being used are primarily information
based but there is the opportunity for engagement.
2. Information: all of social media platforms currently being used are primarily information
based, and we would like to see the other three aspects (engagement, community, and
inspiration - focused on more).
3. Community: Twitter and Facebook offers the best sense of community for the consumer.
4. Inspiration: Instagram offers the best sense of community for the consumer.
iv. What needs seem to be overlooked or energy wasted?
1. Pre-crisis communication- as of now, there does not appear to be a specific touchpoint
geared towards pre-crisis communication. Facebook could fill this need. Encourage followers to
message us directly and/or give them an email to contact with questions or concerns. (include
within bio)
- There is currently no bad feedback on the channels.
2. Entertainment- Currently, no videos on YouTube or entertainment value.
3. Pinterest- According to our interviews, not many people in our target market are actively
using Pinterest. However, the ones that do like Pinterest use it constantly (a few)
b. Social Media Brand Personae and Promise
i. Our primary service is the School of the Communication and Creative
Arts. SCCA promises a Christ-centered, professional, and high-level of education (Reputation).
ii. Theme or Overall Brand Personae
1. Personal Mentor
a. Training the next generation of Christian Communicators
b. Encourage students to work hard and be involved
c. Helps students along the way academically, as well as being there for them through
personal situations.
c. Social Media Strategic Approach (See Appendix A)
i. Social Networks-
1. Channel- Instagram
2. Unique Promise- To showcase SCCA's community, identity and purpose through posting
engaging visual content
3. Execution- Post content on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
- Share inspiration (this requires improving the visual appeal of content from where it currently
- Showcase faculty, alumni, and students (inspiration)
- Reply to comments to increase engagement
- Run contests: ask users to comment on our photo, share it, mention a certain number of
friends, or even share their own photo with a specific hashtag to win a prize. (grow reach and
(Social media Examiner)
4. 2 Objectives-
a. Increase followers by 20% (76+) by the beginning of Summer 2016 Semester
b. Have 15% (57+) of followers like each post consistently by the beginning of Summer 2016
5. Relates to Goal- Instagram has the potential to visually inspire the consumer.
ii. Facebook
1. Channel- Facebook
2. Unique Promise- -Provide news of upcoming events and an informal “third place” to network
3. Execution- -Post bi-daily content
-Focus efforts on posting content that will help start conversations.
-Share current updates about majors, events, and campus news.
-Create a group that will lead to a community feeling between students
4. 3 Objectives-
a. Redirect 60% of SCCA members to the new group
b. 25% Increase in likes by fall 2016
c. 15% Increase in comments by Fall 2016
5. Relates to Goal- Facebook will help students not only stay informed but opens up
opportunities to create an online community that can be translated into real life.
1. Channel- Linked In
2. Unique Promise- A formal “third place” for alumni and current students to network
3. Execution- -Create a group for alumni and students to join.
-Repost articles
and post prompts for discussion (each once a week)
4. 2. Objective- Have an average of 5 comments per discussion posts as an indication of a trend
towards networking by Fall of 2016
70 New members in the group between current students and Alumni by Fall of 2016
iii. Email-
1. Channel- (FYI- proposed email)
2. Unique Promise- Reminders of upcoming deadlines, events, and internship opportunities.
[JL1] Drive traffic to other social media outlets (awareness specific to SCCA social media)
3. Execution- -Continue to inform students as is currently being done.
- Add social media links at the bottom of emails
4. Objective- Increase traffic to social media through including links by 20% in email signature
by Fall 2016
5. Relates to Goal- Although this channel tends to lean towards traditional marketing, we
believe RSS feeds provide a convenient way for members to stay up-to-date on what is
happening within the SCCA.
v. Microblogs-
1. Channel- Twitter
a. Unique Promise-To present our audience with information about the strategic
communication, graphic design, studio art and theatre arts [JL1]
Updates on what SCCA is doing, retweets of related materials, engagement with followers.
b. Execution- Daily- -Post daily due to the frequency and amount of info shared
-Interact with followers through replies, retweets, quotes, and likes
- Encourage followers(students) to tweet SCCA with quotes and updates from class. Use the
hashtag #LibertySCCA and/or #LibertySADA
(thought leadership pieces for each type of SCCA major) RT’s from credible accounts and
posting links
c. 4 Objective-
i. Increase followers by 20% (111+) by beginning of
Fall 2016 semester
(Customer Relations)
ii. 20% increase in favs by the beginning of the Fall
iv. 10% increase in re-tweets by the beginning of the
Fall semester (EWOM)
d. Relates to Goal- People want to feel heard. Twitter, probably more so than any other social
media channel, provides quick short bursts of info that allow consumers and companies to
interact, problem solve, and promote each other’s insights. We believe the immediacy created
by Twitter will create more of an online conversation between faculty and students involved in
the SCCA.
2. Channel- Pinterest
a. Unique Promise- Educate [JL1] by sharing relevant infographics and information for current
b. Execution- -Set aside 30-45 minutes three times each week to upload and save content.
-Save enough to stay relevant on the consumer’s main feed, but not flood them with content.
-Save pins that not only cover topics relevant to the consumer’s SCCAneeds, but also touch
on outside interests.
c. 4 Objective-
i. 5% increase in saves by the beginning of Summer 2016
(EWOMand Identity)
ii. 25% (262+) increase in followers by beginning of
Summer 2016 semester (Identity)
d. Relates to Goal-We believe planet fitness members will implement helpful (outsourced) info
they find on our Pinterest boards.
vi. Multimedia-
1. Channel- YouTube
a. Unique Promise- Provide previews for events, more in depth student and professor profiles,
“why you should take this class” videos, and buzzfeed style videos.
Customer Relations
Visual content (same purpose)
b. Execution- Weekly- Create a channel with several playlists.
-These playlists would include the following:
Profiles, Class Preview, Upcoming Events, and Your SCCA.
-Through these videos the client will see major growth in their department through incoming
Freshman declaring the major right away or current students switching over.
c. Objective
i. Increase transfers from outside majors to SCCA by
15% by end of Spring 2017 semester
ii. Increase incoming Freshman in the Major by 10%
by Fall 2017 (EWOM)
d. Relates to Goal- Youtube will help educate and inform the consumer about not only the
SCCA but it will give a more indepth look into the majors it offers, the faculty and professors
they’ll be under, and it will inspire them about the opportunities to come if they choose to
become part of the SCCA.
Channel- Snapchat
a. Unique Promise- A personal and behind the scenes view of SCCA. Snapchat will give SCCA
the ability to entertain students in a new and effective way.
b. Execution- Weekly- -Post behind the scenes footage and classroom visits.
-"Model taco bell snapchat.”
-Integrate the use of screenshots to run contests and polls to engage with Snapchat users.
c. Objective
i. Gain 400 followers by beginning of January 2017
ii. 5% interaction rate through screenshots & snap
d. Relates to Goal- Snapchat will give the consume a unique behind the scenes look at what
it’s like to be part of the SCCA and the community the current students share with each other.
IV. Identify Desired ROI (under 3 min)
a. Identify Cost
i. Time and Energy
1. 1 Social Media Director Responsibilities- 40 hours a week
a. Monitors social media
b. Directs and Oversees Social Media Managers
c. Directs social media campaigns
d. Reports Consumer Feedback to Operations
e. Reports Consumer Feedback to Marketing
f. Ensures consumers’ social media needs are met
g. Measures social media ROI
h. Reviews and schedules all posts
2. 2 Social Media Managers Responsibilities - 20 hours a week
a. Report consumer feedback to SMD weekly
b. Review community engagement
c. Track growth
d. Replies to consumer feedback
e. Post daily to Facebook
f. 3-5 saves on pinterest weekly
g. Compose email blast every week
h. Potentially a grad student pursuing a strategic communication degree
3. 2 Volunteer Social Media Contributors - 5 to 10 hours a week each
a. Research facts and data for Social Media Managers
b. Edit content to be posted (photos, write tweets, check grammar, ect.)
c. Explores and proposes new social media technology
d. Find ways to partner with CSER and internship/practicum opportunities -- undergrad
4. Total hrs a week needed – 90-100
ii. Resources
1. Equipment- Computers, Phones, Tablets, cameras/video recorders, editing software
3. Work Space – Need three office spaces
a. Directors Office
b. Managers Office
c. Volunteers do remote work - report weekly to managers
iii. Money
1. 3 Salaries
a. Director- $45,000
b. Managers-$18,000 (each)
c. Total- $63,000 a year
2. Contests and Giveaways
a. Cash prizes $500 annually
b. Merchandise $2,000 annually
d. Total $2,500
3. Total cost $65,000 annually
b. Identify Reward and Measurement
i. How will you measure your success?
1. Growth of followers and engagement from the beginning and end of the implementation of
the campaigns (by semester basis - summer included)
2. Facebook Insights
3. Twitter Analytics and polls
4. Surveys
5. Focus Groups/Interviews
ii. What do you hope will be the outcome of your proposal?
1. Instagram: Increase followers by 20% (76+) by the beginning of Summer 2016 Semester
2. Facebook: Redirect 60% of SCCA members to the new group. 25% Increase in likes by fall
2016. 15% Increase in comments by Fall 2016
3. Snapchat: Gain 400 followers by beginning of January 2017 semester. 5% interaction rate
through screenshots & snap replies.
4. Twitter: Increase followers by 20% (111+) by beginning of Fall 2016 semester. Increase
amount of engagement (likes, RTs, mentions) by 20% by the beginning of the Fall semester.
Have 15% (57+) of followers like each post consistently by the beginning of Summer 2016.
5. Pinterest: 10% increase in saves by the beginning of Summer 2016 semester. 5% increase in
saves by the beginning of Summer 2016 semester. 25% (262+) increase in followers by
beginning of Summer 2016 semester.
6. Email: Increase traffic to social media through including links (in email signature) by 20%
by Fall 2016.
7. LinkedIn: Have an average of 5 comments per discussion posts as an indication of a trend
towards networking by Fall of 2016. 70 New members in the group between current students
and Alumni by Fall of 2016.
8. YouTube: Increase transfers from outside majors to SCCA by 15% by end of Spring 2017
semester. Increase incoming Freshman in the Major by 10% by Fall 2017.
V. Liberty University’s School of Communication and Creative Arts has a well established
presence online. However, there is untapped potential and a much larger target market they can
be reaching. We believe through the social media strategies talked about today they can further
their reach and bring growth and inspiration to their school.
Appendix A
Social Media Strategy
Goals for using Social Media-
- Engagement
- Inspiration
- Training
- Recruitment
- Education
- Entertainment
Consumer Needs: be engaged, informed, and inspired
Theme/Brand Personae- Training the next generation of Christian communicators
Channel Unique
Execution Justification Objectives
To showcase
Post content on
Thursday, and
Instagram has
high levels of
followers by
20% (76+) by
identity and
visual content.
- Share
inspiration (this
improving the
visual appeal of
content from
where it
- Showcase
faculty, alumni,
and students
- Reply to
comments to
- Run contests:
ask users to
comment on
our photo,
share it,
mention a
certain number
of friends, or
even share
their own photo
with a specific
hashtag to win
a prize.(grow
reach and
(Social media
thus posting
multiple times
throughout the
week will build
brand awareness
and showcase
our audience our
identity and
Posting three
times weekly
would allow for
without flooding
people with
the beginning of
Summer 2016
Have 15%
(57+) of
followers like
each post
consistently by
the beginning of
Summer 2016
-Provide news
of upcoming
events and an
informal “third
place” to
-Post bi-daily
-Focus efforts
on posting
content that will
The organic
reach of
facebook pages
is at an all time
low. Studies
show that up to
Redirect 60% of
members to the
new group
25% Increase in
help start
-Share current
updates about
majors, events,
and campus
-Create a
group that will
lead to a
90% of
Facebook users
don’t return to a
page after
clicking “Like”.
When posting on
a facebook page,
that post will go
to less than 2%
of the fans.
(Elliot) Moving
to a facebook
group will
engagement and
Currently our
Facebook page
reaches an
average of 584
views per post.
By creating a
group, that
number will
increase and we
will reach our
desired target
likes by fall
15% Increase in
comments by
Fall 2016
A personal
and behind
the scenes
view of SCCA.
Snapchat will
give SCCA
the ability to
students in a
new and
effective way.
-Post behind
the scenes
footage and
-"Model taco
-Integrate the
54 out of 60
reported having
a snapchat.
Taco Bell does
a great job of
entertaining and
informing their
Gain 400
followers by
beginning of
January 2017
5% interaction
rate through
screenshots &
snap replies
use of
screenshots to
run contests
and polls to
engage with
target audience
Snapchat. They
have created a
brand on
Snapchat that
you can’t do on
any other
Snapchat will
give SCCA the
ability to reach
students in a
new way. By
creating a
Snapchat, that
keeps our school
SCCA ahead of
the game and
To present
our audience
about the
n, graphic
design, studio
art and
theatre arts
Updates on
what SCCA is
retweets of
with followers.
-Post daily due
to the
frequency and
amount of info
-Interact with
through replies,
quotes, and
- Encourage
nts) to tweet
SCCA with
quotes and
updates from
class. Use the
Twitter provides
an outlet for the
consumer and
the company to
through short
messages. 70%
of consumer
complaints go
ignored on
Twitter (The
Ignored Side of
Social Media:
We believe
SCCA should
engage with
followers by
20% (111+) by
beginning of
Fall 2016
amount of
(likes, RTs,
mentions) by
20% by the
beginning of the
Fall semester
pieces for each
type of SCCA
major) RT’s
from credible
accounts and
posting links
tweets. Tweeting
and retweeting
followers is an
easy way to build
the interactive
SCCA is looking
to stimulate.
Educate by
information for
-Set aside 30-
45 minutes
three times
each week to
upload and
save content.
-Save enough
to stay relevant
on the
main feed, but
not flood them
with content.
-Save pins that
not only cover
topics relevant
to the
SCCA needs,
but also touch
on outside
Pinterest is also
the most mobile
social network,
driving 64% of its
traffic from
mobile browsers.
Data from
Shareaholic also
showed that
Pinterest now
drives more Web
traffic than any
other social
Academics use
Pinterest as an
online library
(University of
Texas Libraries),
which is the
direction our
client should be
taking their
10% increase in
saves by the
beginning of
Summer 2016
5% increase in
saves by the
beginning of
Summer 2016
25% (262+)
increase in
followers by
beginning of
Summer 2016
Reminders of
-Continue to
inform students
as is currently
- There seems to
be no issues
with our current
Increase traffic
to social media
events, and
Drive traffic to
other social
media outlets
being done.
- Add social
media links at
the bottom of
email system for
passing on
updates of
events, and
-We chose to
add social media
links so that
students who
check their
emails will also
begin checking
social media.
including links
by 20% in email
by Fall 2016
A formal
“third place”
for alumni and
students to
-Create a
group for
alumni and
students to
-Repost articles
and post
prompts for
(each once a
“LinkedIn is the
most powerful
marketing tool of
the 21st century
and there are
three reasons
why -- media,
and clients”
By creating a
LinkedIn, this will
give current
students the
ability to
network with
Alumni to find
internships, jobs,
and other great
Have an
average of 5
comments per
posts as an
indication of a
trend towards
networking by
Fall of 2016
70 New
members in the
group between
current students
and Alumni by
Fall of 2016
YouTube (New) Provide
previews for
events, more
in depth
student and
-Create a
channel with
Use the videos
to educate on
SCCA and the
majors it
transfers from
outside majors
to SCCA by
15% by end of
profiles, “why
you should
take this
class” videos,
and buzzfeed
style videos.
-These playlists
would include
the following:
Profiles, Class
Events, and
Your SCCA.
-Through these
videos the
client will see
major growth
in their
declaring the
major right
away or current
switching over.
students to
declare or switch
into a major
through videos
that give brief
profile a
professor, or
explain aspects
of PR.
90% of shoppers
find videos
helpful when
making a
purchase. The
same principle
can be applied to
students looking
to register for
classes (Follett).
Spring 2017
Freshman in
the Major by
10% by Fall
Works Cited
Chansamooth, A. (n.d.). Why LinkedIn Is the Most Powerful Marketing Tool of the 21st Century.
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Course Guides: Visualizing Value: Using Pinterest to Market the Academic Library. (n.d.).
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Elliott, N. (2014, November 17). Nate Elliott's Blog. Retrieved November 16, 2015, from
How To Use Pinterest For Business. (2014, October 21). Retrieved November 19, 2015, from
Issa, T. (n.d.). Social networking and education: Global perspectives.
The Ignored Side of Social Media: Customer Service. Knowledge@Wharton (2014, January 02).
Retrieved from
Membership. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2015, from
Robinson, J. (2015, January 19). Media, disrupted. Retrieved October 16, 2015. from
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Final Pitch Outline SCCA

  • 1. Final Project Outline STCO 348 Joshua Gordon Joel Miller Abby Schaeffer Paul Mehltretter I. Introduction: Our client is the School of the Communication and Creative Arts (Service). SCCA promises a Christ-centered, professional, and high-level of education (Reputation). One of the goals of SCCA is to provide students with hands on experience that will land them a job after graduation (Value). SCCA offers many opportunities for students to develop the skills they need to succeed in their chosen field. SCCA is great school for students interested in a variety of things. We cover a wide range of areas for students so they can be well-equipped before they graduate. II. The Potential a. Consumer i. Current and Potential Consumers’ common demographics 1. Race- majority Caucasian 2. Age- 18-22 3. Economic status- middle-class and upper middle class 4. Gender- majority female 5. Education- high school degree and some college 6. Occupation- Full-time student- possibly part time job 7. Average Income- for students that work: majority hold part time/minimum wage jobs 8. Marital Status- primarily single ii. Current and Potential Consumers’ common Psychographics 1. Religion- majority Christian 2. Political Association- primarily Republican and conservative 3. Personality- outgoing, hard worker, motivated 4. Lifestyle- active and social college student 5. Values- community, personal achievement 6. Social Status- non-specific iii. Reasons for valuing this consumer over others
  • 2. a. We chose Jeremy, a sophomore at Liberty University, because we believe that he wants to be engaged in SCCA, informed about ways to be involved, and is inspired to be a leader in his chosen field. 1. We believe Jeremy will tell his friends about the major he is in 2. We believe Jeremy will stay in his major, once declared 3. We believe Jeremy will a SCCAbrand ambassador 4. We believe Jeremy will share his involvement in his major online b. We considered Stephanie, the college sophomore, but she is satisfied with her major 1. She wants to be a doctor 2. She does not need the extensive communication training SCCA’s majors offer 3. She needs to focus on her medical training so she will not be looking into joining the clubs SCCA offers c.We considered Amy, a senior at Liberty University, but she’s graduating 1. She has already completed an internship for her current major 2. She does not want to delay her graduation date by switching majors 3. She has a job lined up Incoming Freshman Reasons for valuing this consumer over others A. We chose Rachel, a high school senior, because we believe she will get the education he desires with SSCA rather than declaring a generic business major 1. Rachel wants to go to a Christian school 2. Rachel is outgoing, energetic and embraces public speaking 3. Rachel is interested in the communications field -- specifically broadcast B. We considered Emily, a high school senior, but she wants to become a marine biologist 1. She will be pursuing a science degree 2. She does not enjoy social media or being creative 3. She enjoys math and the hard sciences C. We considered John, a high school senior, but he is more interested in the finance side of marketing 1. He will be under the school of business 2. He will not need a strong communications background 3. He does not see the value or importance of social media Alumni A. We chose Matthew, who graduated two years ago, because he still invests into Liberty University and the SCCApost graduation a. He is interested in continuing to network with current students
  • 3. b. He enjoys helping out current students with opportunities when possible c. He is in an respected professional in his career and can offer students advice B. We considered Lisa, a 30 year old, but she moved out of the communications field a. She is detached from the university b. She does not visit campus often c. She is a busy working professional C. We considered Jamie, a stay at home mom, but she is not currently using her degree 1. She does not engage in the online communities she’s a part of 2. She is focusing on her family 3. She does not prioritize keeping up with things or people related to her degree c. Current and Potential Consumers’ needs and reasons for using your client’s services 1. Engaged - students want to be engaged inside and outside of a classroom setting 2. Informed - students want to be informed about what they are studying and how it applies to real life situations 3. Inspired - students want to be inspired to take the skills they are taught and put them to work in real life 4. Community - students want to be connected to others with similar interests i. Engaged - students want to be engaged inside and outside of a classroom setting ( ii. Informed - students want to to be informed about what they are studying and how it applies to real life situations (U.S. News & World Report Education) iii. Inspired – students want to be inspired to take the skills they are taught and put them to work in real life (NPR) iv. Community - students want to be connected with others with similar interests ( d. Where does your client’s desired consumer spend their time online and why. i. Social Networks- 87% spend at least one hour on social media every day. 64% spend 1-3 hours daily on social media. 23% spend more than 3 hours per day. (Content Marketing) ii. Email- 70% of 18-22 year olds spend less than an hour a day checking emails. (Social Networking and Education) III. The Solution a. Social Media’s Current influence on Brand Identity and Consumer satisfaction (Current promises and delivery) (Please give examples) i. Brand Identity on social media sites
  • 4. 1. Facebook a. Explicitly - According to Facebook, we say we are industry professionals who give students a world-class education -- with a Christian worldview b. Implicitly- According to Facebook dialogue, we are providing a highlights of events. Students tag their friends in pictures 2. Twitter a. Explicitly- According to Twitter, Liberty University School of Communication & Creative Arts trains in areas of Digital Media & Creative Arts, Studio & Digital Arts, and Cinematic & Theater Arts b. Implicitly- According to Twitter, SCCA highlights events, announcements, and other Liberty Affiliated accounts. Engages often with comments and RTs 3. Instagram a. Explicitly - Does not explicitly say who they are but links their Facebook page which would give more information. b. Implicitly - Visually showcases events, faculty and staff, students, classes and other SCCA content. ii. Current Success and Oversights (Current Values) 1. What channels and content receives the most likes? Instagram receives the most likes. Content about upcoming events and recaps/highlights of events. a. What needs are these likes meeting? The likes are meeting the need for likable content and positively portraying the SCCA brand. 2. What channels and content receives the most comments? Instagram receives the most comments. a. What needs do the comments highlight? Approval and pleasure. 3. What channels seem to be growing the fastest? Twitter. a. What needs do these channels meet? Information about SCCA happenings. Source of updates 4. What channel appears to be the most popular? Facebook. 5,552 likes -- followers well above any other social media. a. What need does this channel meet? 5. Net Promoter Score +20% iii. What does this information say about the needs we are meeting? 1. Engagement: the social media platforms currently being used are primarily information based but there is the opportunity for engagement. 2. Information: all of social media platforms currently being used are primarily information based, and we would like to see the other three aspects (engagement, community, and inspiration - focused on more). 3. Community: Twitter and Facebook offers the best sense of community for the consumer. 4. Inspiration: Instagram offers the best sense of community for the consumer.
  • 5. iv. What needs seem to be overlooked or energy wasted? 1. Pre-crisis communication- as of now, there does not appear to be a specific touchpoint geared towards pre-crisis communication. Facebook could fill this need. Encourage followers to message us directly and/or give them an email to contact with questions or concerns. (include within bio) - There is currently no bad feedback on the channels. 2. Entertainment- Currently, no videos on YouTube or entertainment value. 3. Pinterest- According to our interviews, not many people in our target market are actively using Pinterest. However, the ones that do like Pinterest use it constantly (a few) b. Social Media Brand Personae and Promise i. Our primary service is the School of the Communication and Creative Arts. SCCA promises a Christ-centered, professional, and high-level of education (Reputation). ii. Theme or Overall Brand Personae 1. Personal Mentor a. Training the next generation of Christian Communicators b. Encourage students to work hard and be involved c. Helps students along the way academically, as well as being there for them through personal situations. c. Social Media Strategic Approach (See Appendix A) i. Social Networks- 1. Channel- Instagram 2. Unique Promise- To showcase SCCA's community, identity and purpose through posting engaging visual content 3. Execution- Post content on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday - Share inspiration (this requires improving the visual appeal of content from where it currently stands) - Showcase faculty, alumni, and students (inspiration) - Reply to comments to increase engagement - Run contests: ask users to comment on our photo, share it, mention a certain number of friends, or even share their own photo with a specific hashtag to win a prize. (grow reach and followers) (Social media Examiner) 4. 2 Objectives- a. Increase followers by 20% (76+) by the beginning of Summer 2016 Semester b. Have 15% (57+) of followers like each post consistently by the beginning of Summer 2016 (Identity) 5. Relates to Goal- Instagram has the potential to visually inspire the consumer.
  • 6. ii. Facebook 1. Channel- Facebook 2. Unique Promise- -Provide news of upcoming events and an informal “third place” to network 3. Execution- -Post bi-daily content -Focus efforts on posting content that will help start conversations. -Share current updates about majors, events, and campus news. -Create a group that will lead to a community feeling between students 4. 3 Objectives- a. Redirect 60% of SCCA members to the new group b. 25% Increase in likes by fall 2016 (Retention) c. 15% Increase in comments by Fall 2016 5. Relates to Goal- Facebook will help students not only stay informed but opens up opportunities to create an online community that can be translated into real life. 1. Channel- Linked In 2. Unique Promise- A formal “third place” for alumni and current students to network 3. Execution- -Create a group for alumni and students to join. -Repost articles and post prompts for discussion (each once a week) 4. 2. Objective- Have an average of 5 comments per discussion posts as an indication of a trend towards networking by Fall of 2016 70 New members in the group between current students and Alumni by Fall of 2016 iii. Email- 1. Channel- (FYI- proposed email) 2. Unique Promise- Reminders of upcoming deadlines, events, and internship opportunities. [JL1] Drive traffic to other social media outlets (awareness specific to SCCA social media) 3. Execution- -Continue to inform students as is currently being done. - Add social media links at the bottom of emails 4. Objective- Increase traffic to social media through including links by 20% in email signature by Fall 2016
  • 7. 5. Relates to Goal- Although this channel tends to lean towards traditional marketing, we believe RSS feeds provide a convenient way for members to stay up-to-date on what is happening within the SCCA. v. Microblogs- 1. Channel- Twitter a. Unique Promise-To present our audience with information about the strategic communication, graphic design, studio art and theatre arts [JL1] Updates on what SCCA is doing, retweets of related materials, engagement with followers. b. Execution- Daily- -Post daily due to the frequency and amount of info shared -Interact with followers through replies, retweets, quotes, and likes - Encourage followers(students) to tweet SCCA with quotes and updates from class. Use the hashtag #LibertySCCA and/or #LibertySADA (thought leadership pieces for each type of SCCA major) RT’s from credible accounts and posting links c. 4 Objective- i. Increase followers by 20% (111+) by beginning of Fall 2016 semester (Customer Relations) ii. 20% increase in favs by the beginning of the Fall semester iv. 10% increase in re-tweets by the beginning of the Fall semester (EWOM) d. Relates to Goal- People want to feel heard. Twitter, probably more so than any other social media channel, provides quick short bursts of info that allow consumers and companies to interact, problem solve, and promote each other’s insights. We believe the immediacy created by Twitter will create more of an online conversation between faculty and students involved in the SCCA. 2. Channel- Pinterest a. Unique Promise- Educate [JL1] by sharing relevant infographics and information for current students b. Execution- -Set aside 30-45 minutes three times each week to upload and save content. -Save enough to stay relevant on the consumer’s main feed, but not flood them with content.
  • 8. -Save pins that not only cover topics relevant to the consumer’s SCCAneeds, but also touch on outside interests. c. 4 Objective- i. 5% increase in saves by the beginning of Summer 2016 semester (EWOMand Identity) ii. 25% (262+) increase in followers by beginning of Summer 2016 semester (Identity) d. Relates to Goal-We believe planet fitness members will implement helpful (outsourced) info they find on our Pinterest boards. vi. Multimedia- 1. Channel- YouTube a. Unique Promise- Provide previews for events, more in depth student and professor profiles, “why you should take this class” videos, and buzzfeed style videos. Customer Relations Visual content (same purpose) b. Execution- Weekly- Create a channel with several playlists. -These playlists would include the following: Profiles, Class Preview, Upcoming Events, and Your SCCA. -Through these videos the client will see major growth in their department through incoming Freshman declaring the major right away or current students switching over. c. Objective i. Increase transfers from outside majors to SCCA by 15% by end of Spring 2017 semester ii. Increase incoming Freshman in the Major by 10% by Fall 2017 (EWOM) d. Relates to Goal- Youtube will help educate and inform the consumer about not only the SCCA but it will give a more indepth look into the majors it offers, the faculty and professors they’ll be under, and it will inspire them about the opportunities to come if they choose to become part of the SCCA. Channel- Snapchat a. Unique Promise- A personal and behind the scenes view of SCCA. Snapchat will give SCCA the ability to entertain students in a new and effective way. b. Execution- Weekly- -Post behind the scenes footage and classroom visits.
  • 9. -"Model taco bell snapchat.” -Integrate the use of screenshots to run contests and polls to engage with Snapchat users. c. Objective i. Gain 400 followers by beginning of January 2017 semester ii. 5% interaction rate through screenshots & snap replies d. Relates to Goal- Snapchat will give the consume a unique behind the scenes look at what it’s like to be part of the SCCA and the community the current students share with each other. IV. Identify Desired ROI (under 3 min) a. Identify Cost i. Time and Energy 1. 1 Social Media Director Responsibilities- 40 hours a week a. Monitors social media b. Directs and Oversees Social Media Managers c. Directs social media campaigns d. Reports Consumer Feedback to Operations e. Reports Consumer Feedback to Marketing f. Ensures consumers’ social media needs are met g. Measures social media ROI h. Reviews and schedules all posts 2. 2 Social Media Managers Responsibilities - 20 hours a week a. Report consumer feedback to SMD weekly b. Review community engagement c. Track growth d. Replies to consumer feedback e. Post daily to Facebook f. 3-5 saves on pinterest weekly g. Compose email blast every week h. Potentially a grad student pursuing a strategic communication degree 3. 2 Volunteer Social Media Contributors - 5 to 10 hours a week each a. Research facts and data for Social Media Managers b. Edit content to be posted (photos, write tweets, check grammar, ect.) c. Explores and proposes new social media technology d. Find ways to partner with CSER and internship/practicum opportunities -- undergrad opportunity
  • 10. 4. Total hrs a week needed – 90-100 ii. Resources 1. Equipment- Computers, Phones, Tablets, cameras/video recorders, editing software 3. Work Space – Need three office spaces a. Directors Office b. Managers Office c. Volunteers do remote work - report weekly to managers iii. Money 1. 3 Salaries a. Director- $45,000 b. Managers-$18,000 (each) c. Total- $63,000 a year 2. Contests and Giveaways a. Cash prizes $500 annually b. Merchandise $2,000 annually d. Total $2,500 3. Total cost $65,000 annually b. Identify Reward and Measurement i. How will you measure your success? 1. Growth of followers and engagement from the beginning and end of the implementation of the campaigns (by semester basis - summer included) 2. Facebook Insights 3. Twitter Analytics and polls 4. Surveys 5. Focus Groups/Interviews ii. What do you hope will be the outcome of your proposal? 1. Instagram: Increase followers by 20% (76+) by the beginning of Summer 2016 Semester 2. Facebook: Redirect 60% of SCCA members to the new group. 25% Increase in likes by fall 2016. 15% Increase in comments by Fall 2016 3. Snapchat: Gain 400 followers by beginning of January 2017 semester. 5% interaction rate through screenshots & snap replies. 4. Twitter: Increase followers by 20% (111+) by beginning of Fall 2016 semester. Increase amount of engagement (likes, RTs, mentions) by 20% by the beginning of the Fall semester. Have 15% (57+) of followers like each post consistently by the beginning of Summer 2016.
  • 11. 5. Pinterest: 10% increase in saves by the beginning of Summer 2016 semester. 5% increase in saves by the beginning of Summer 2016 semester. 25% (262+) increase in followers by beginning of Summer 2016 semester. 6. Email: Increase traffic to social media through including links (in email signature) by 20% by Fall 2016. 7. LinkedIn: Have an average of 5 comments per discussion posts as an indication of a trend towards networking by Fall of 2016. 70 New members in the group between current students and Alumni by Fall of 2016. 8. YouTube: Increase transfers from outside majors to SCCA by 15% by end of Spring 2017 semester. Increase incoming Freshman in the Major by 10% by Fall 2017. V. Liberty University’s School of Communication and Creative Arts has a well established presence online. However, there is untapped potential and a much larger target market they can be reaching. We believe through the social media strategies talked about today they can further their reach and bring growth and inspiration to their school. Citations/References Appendix A Social Media Strategy Goals for using Social Media- Networking - Engagement - Inspiration - Training - Recruitment - Education - Entertainment Consumer Needs: be engaged, informed, and inspired Theme/Brand Personae- Training the next generation of Christian communicators Channel Unique Promise Execution Justification Objectives Instagram (Same) To showcase SCCA's community, Post content on Tuesday, Thursday, and Instagram has high levels of user Increase followers by 20% (76+) by
  • 12. identity and purpose through posting engaging visual content. Sunday - Share inspiration (this requires improving the visual appeal of content from where it currently stands) - Showcase faculty, alumni, and students (inspiration) - Reply to comments to increase engagement - Run contests: ask users to comment on our photo, share it, mention a certain number of friends, or even share their own photo with a specific hashtag to win a prize.(grow reach and followers) (Social media Examiner) engagement, thus posting multiple times throughout the week will build brand awareness and showcase our audience our identity and purpose. Posting three times weekly would allow for frequent engagement without flooding people with content. the beginning of Summer 2016 Semester Have 15% (57+) of followers like each post consistently by the beginning of Summer 2016 Facebook (Refocused) -Provide news of upcoming events and an informal “third place” to network. -Post bi-daily content -Focus efforts on posting content that will The organic reach of facebook pages is at an all time low. Studies show that up to Redirect 60% of SCCA members to the new group 25% Increase in
  • 13. help start conversations. -Share current updates about majors, events, and campus news. -Create a group that will lead to a community feeling between students 90% of Facebook users don’t return to a page after clicking “Like”. When posting on a facebook page, that post will go to less than 2% of the fans. (Elliot) Moving to a facebook group will increase awareness engagement and community relations. Currently our Facebook page organically reaches an average of 584 views per post. By creating a group, that number will increase and we will reach our desired target more effectively. likes by fall 2016 15% Increase in comments by Fall 2016 Snapchat (New) A personal and behind the scenes view of SCCA. Snapchat will give SCCA the ability to entertain students in a new and effective way. -Post behind the scenes footage and classroom visits. -"Model taco bell snapchat.” -Integrate the 54 out of 60 students surveyed reported having a snapchat. (Robinson) Taco Bell does a great job of entertaining and informing their Gain 400 followers by beginning of January 2017 semester 5% interaction rate through screenshots & snap replies
  • 14. use of screenshots to run contests and polls to engage with Snapchat users. target audience through Snapchat. They have created a brand on Snapchat that you can’t do on any other platform. Snapchat will give SCCA the ability to reach students in a new way. By creating a Snapchat, that keeps our school SCCA ahead of the game and competitors. Twitter (Same) To present our audience with information about the strategic communicatio n, graphic design, studio art and theatre arts Updates on what SCCA is doing, retweets of related materials, engagement with followers. -Post daily due to the frequency and amount of info shared -Interact with followers through replies, retweets, quotes, and likes - Encourage followers(stude nts) to tweet SCCA with quotes and updates from class. Use the hashtag #LibertySCCA Twitter provides an outlet for the consumer and the company to communicate through short public messages. 70% of consumer complaints go ignored on Twitter (The Ignored Side of Social Media: Customer Service). We believe SCCA should engage with consumers’ Increase followers by 20% (111+) by beginning of Fall 2016 semester Increase amount of engagement (likes, RTs, mentions) by 20% by the beginning of the Fall semester
  • 15. and/or #LibertySADA (thought leadership pieces for each type of SCCA major) RT’s from credible accounts and posting links tweets. Tweeting and retweeting followers is an easy way to build the interactive community SCCA is looking to stimulate. Pinterest (Refocused) Educate by sharing relevant infographics and information for current students -Set aside 30- 45 minutes three times each week to upload and save content. -Save enough to stay relevant on the consumer’s main feed, but not flood them with content. -Save pins that not only cover topics relevant to the consumer’s SCCA needs, but also touch on outside interests. Pinterest is also the most mobile social network, driving 64% of its traffic from mobile browsers. Data from Shareaholic also showed that Pinterest now drives more Web traffic than any other social network. (Hootsuite) Academics use Pinterest as an online library (University of Texas Libraries), which is the direction our client should be taking their Pinterest towards. 10% increase in saves by the beginning of Summer 2016 semester 5% increase in saves by the beginning of Summer 2016 semester 25% (262+) increase in followers by beginning of Summer 2016 semester Email (Same) Reminders of upcoming deadlines, -Continue to inform students as is currently - There seems to be no issues with our current Increase traffic to social media through
  • 16. events, and internship opportunities. Drive traffic to other social media outlets being done. - Add social media links at the bottom of emails email system for passing on updates of upcoming deadlines, events, and internship opportunities. -We chose to add social media links so that students who check their emails will also begin checking social media. including links by 20% in email signature by Fall 2016 LinkedIn (New) A formal “third place” for alumni and current students to network -Create a group for alumni and students to join. -Repost articles and post prompts for discussion (each once a week) “LinkedIn is the most powerful marketing tool of the 21st century and there are three reasons why -- media, partnerships, and clients” (Chansamooth) By creating a LinkedIn, this will give current students the ability to network with Alumni to find internships, jobs, and other great opportunities. Have an average of 5 comments per discussion posts as an indication of a trend towards networking by Fall of 2016 70 New members in the group between current students and Alumni by Fall of 2016 YouTube (New) Provide previews for events, more in depth student and -Create a channel with several playlists. Use the videos to educate on SCCA and the majors it encompasses. Increase transfers from outside majors to SCCA by 15% by end of
  • 17. professor profiles, “why you should take this class” videos, and buzzfeed style videos. -These playlists would include the following: Profiles, Class Preview, Upcoming Events, and Your SCCA. -Through these videos the client will see major growth in their department through incoming Freshman declaring the major right away or current students switching over. Persuade students to declare or switch into a major through videos that give brief class descriptions, profile a professor, or explain aspects of PR. 90% of shoppers find videos helpful when making a purchase. The same principle can be applied to students looking to register for classes (Follett). Spring 2017 semester Increase incoming Freshman in the Major by 10% by Fall 2017 Works Cited Chansamooth, A. (n.d.). Why LinkedIn Is the Most Powerful Marketing Tool of the 21st Century. Retrieved November 16, 2015, from linkedin-is-the-most-_b_5706017.html Course Guides: Visualizing Value: Using Pinterest to Market the Academic Library. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from Elliott, N. (2014, November 17). Nate Elliott's Blog. Retrieved November 16, 2015, from facebook_has_finally_killed_organic_reach_what_should_marketers_do_next How To Use Pinterest For Business. (2014, October 21). Retrieved November 19, 2015, from
  • 18. Issa, T. (n.d.). Social networking and education: Global perspectives. The Ignored Side of Social Media: Customer Service. Knowledge@Wharton (2014, January 02). Retrieved from service/ Membership. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2015, from Student-Engagement@-What-Do-Students-Want.aspx Robinson, J. (2015, January 19). Media, disrupted. Retrieved October 16, 2015. from Smith, M. (2011, April 13). How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement. Retrieved November 16, 2015, from engagement/ Teachers' Expectations Can Influence How Students Perform. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2015, from expectations-can-influence-how-students-perform Thompson, D. (2014, June 19). The Most Popular Social Network for Young People? Texting. Retrieved November 15, 2015, from snapchat-most-popular-social-network/373043/ The Evolution of Social Media Use Among College Students - CampusQuad. (2014, February 19). Retrieved October 16, 2015 18 Big Video Marketing Statistics and What They Mean for Your Business. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from 19 Year Old's Social Media Survey for Business. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from 19 Year Old's Social Media Survey for Business. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from 26 Tips for Using Instagram for Business. (2013, September 9). Retrieved November 19, 2015, from
  • 19. The Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Spend Time on Social Media. (2014, September 17). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from media-manager-schedule-checklist Clubs - Club Participation, Why Participation is Expected to Benefit Youth, Benefits of Participation in Clubs. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from The Podcast Consumer 2015 - Edison Research. (2015, June 25). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from getting-involved-in-college-and-how-to-go-about-it