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Film Referencing 
1, The Exorcist:- 
Lankester Merrin is a veteran 
Catholic priest who is on an 
archeological dig in Iraq. In 
Iraq he finds an amulet which resembles the statue of Pazuzu, a 
demon who Merrin defeated years ago. Merrin then realizes the 
demon has returned to get his revenge. 
Meanwhile in Georgetown/ Washington D.C, famous actress 
Chris MacNeil is living on location with her pre-teen daughter 
Regan. After playing with an Ouija board Regan acts strangely 
such as making mysterious noises, constant bad language and 
abnormal strength. Regan also causes her bed to shake as well, 
much to her and Chris's horror. Despite giving a few unpleasant 
operations, Dr. Klein and his assistants find nothing wrong with 
her, not knowing she is now possessed by Pazuzu. 
One night Regan kills her babysitter and Chris's director Burke 
Dennings who Chris had a crush on (as she and Regan's father 
divorced). His murder is investigated by a detective named 
William Kinderman. He interviews both a young priest named 
Damien Karras, who has lost faith in God after his frail mother 
died, and Chris. Chris knows Regan was the only one who was in 
the house when Dennings died.
After the doctors decide that an exorcism may be the only way to 
help Regan, Chris arranges a meeting with Karras. Karras at first 
refuses to get permission to perform an exorcism, despite Regan 
now being totally possessed by the demon. After getting a 
recording of her talking in 
reverse and seeing the 
words "Help Me" on her 
belly Karras decides to 
perform an exorcism with 
Merrin chosen to help. 
In Regan's bedroom both 
men try to exorcise the 
demon but a stubborn 
Pazuzu toys with them, 
especially Karras, including 
insulting his late mother. After a break and hint of faltering, Karras 
is dismissed. Merrin attempts the exorcism alone. Karras enters 
the room and discovers Merrin has died and confronts the 
mocking, laughing spirit of Pazuzu. At Karras' plea, Pazuzu then 
possesses Karras, leaving Regan's body. In a moment of self-sacrifice, 
the priest throws himself out of the window and dies 
from a broken neck, thereby completing the exorcism of Pazuzu. 
A few days later Regan, who is now back to normal, returns home 
to Los Angeles with her mother. Kinderman, who narrowly misses 
them, befriends Father Dyer, an old friend of Karras, as he 
investigates how Karras died. 
Codes And Conventions Used: 
Extensive use of narrative enigmas. 
The setting is usually dark. 
Jump cuts. 
Clear Binary oppositions 
Use of low key lighting
Camera Angles: 
Overall Angles Used: 
Tilt up is used to show power of the character while tilt down is 
used to show weakness of the characters, especially women. 
Zoom in and out is often used, which is to emphasize on facial 
expressions. When a person goes from blunt to blowing, zoom in 
is often used in the movie for this. On the other hand, zoom out is 
used to show settings 
and the objects or 
things the character 
was focusing on. 
Establishing shot is 
used in the opening of 
the movie and is 
barely used again. 
Various other shots 
are also used, but 
focus was entirely on 
to show the devil powerful with low angle shot and ordinary 
people weak by high angle shots. 
To shoot scenes at the angles he desired (in an era that predated 
"steadycam" devices), he required staff to erect a bewildering 
array of pulleys and wires, which the cameramen would simply be 
dangled from. Friedkin went to some extraordinary lengths, 
reminiscent of some directors from the old Hollywood directing 
style, manipulating the actors, to get the genuine reactions he 
2, Conjurinig :- 
In 1968, two young women and 
a young man are telling Ed and 
Lorraine Warren about their 
experiences with a doll called 
Annabelle they believe to be 
In 1971, Roger and Carolyn 
Perron move into a dilapidated 
farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island with their five daughters 
Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cindy, and April. During the first day, 
their move goes smoothly, though their dog Sadie refuses to enter 
the house and one of the daughters finds a boarded up entrance 
to a cellar.
A few paranormal events happen within the first few nights, 
including all of the clocks stopping at exactly the same time, and 
Sadie being found dead in the back yard. That night, Nancy and 
Christine are awoken when a spirit slams the door and says, "I 
want your family dead." Carolyn is folding laundry in the night 
when she hears clapping in the hallway. 
When she goes to investigate, all the 
picture frames along the wall fall and 
shatter on the floor. She goes 
downstairs following laughter and finds 
the basement door opening slowly. 
When she goes inside to investigate, 
she's trapped there by the spirit who 
claps beside her as her matchstick 
flickers out. At the same moment, 
Andrea and Cindy are attacked by a 
spirit in the wardrobe. 
Carolyn decides to contact noted 
paranormal investigators Ed and 
Lorraine Warren, who agree to take on 
the case, having recently finished up a 
case involving a possessed doll 
called Annabelle. The Warrens conduct 
an initial investigation and conclude that 
the house may require an exorcism, but 
they needed authorization from the 
Catholic Church and further evidence 
before they can proceed. 
While researching the history of the house, Ed and Lorraine 
discover that the house once belonged to an accused witch, 
Bathsheba (a relative of Mary Eastey), who sacrificed her week-old 
child to the devil and killed herself in 1863 after cursing all 
who would take her land. The property was once more than 200 
acres but has since been divided up into smaller parcels. They
find reports of numerous murders and suicides in houses that 
have since been built upon parcels that were once part of the 
Ed and Lorraine return to the house to gather evidence to receive 
authorization for the exorcism. Cindy again sleepwalks into 
Andrea's room and reveals a secret passage behind the 
wardrobe. Lorraine enters the passage and falls through the 
floorboards into the cellar, where she sees the spirit of a woman 
whom Bathsheba had long ago possessed and used to kill her 
child. Another of the 
Perron children, 
Nancy, is violently 
dragged by her hair 
along the floor by 
an unseen force. 
The Perron family 
decides to take 
refuge at a hotel 
while Ed and 
Lorraine take their 
evidence to the Church to arrange an exorcism. While the 
Warrens are on their way home, their daughter Judy is attacked in 
their own home by the spirit of Bathsheba, along with the 
Annabelle doll, though Ed arrives in time to prevent her from 
being harmed. 
Carolyn, now possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba, takes two of 
her daughters, Christine and April, and drives back to the house. 
Ed, Lorraine, Roger, and two assistants rush to the house where 
they find Carolyn trying to stab Christine with scissors. After 
subduing Carolyn and tying her to a chair, Ed decides to perform 
the exorcism himself. Though Carolyn escapes and attempts to 
kill April, who is hiding under the floorboards, Lorraine is able to 
temporarily distract the possessed Carolyn from killing her 
daughter by reminding her of a special memory she shared with
her family, allowing Ed to complete the exorcism, saving Carolyn 
and April. 
Returning home, Lorraine tells Ed that the priest who they sought 
for the exorcism had called back and left a message, saying that 
he had gained approval from the Catholic Church to perform it. In 
addition to this, he also has another case for them to investigate 
on Long Island. When they leave, the music box that April had 
found opens and plays music, revealing nothing before the screen 
blacks out. 
Codes and Conventions Used: 
The eerie tone of the movie is portrayed through the dull/dark 
colors throughout the house. Also the house looks old with all of 
the antique furniture and decorations, the beaten up walls, and 
creaky doors. The viewpoint throughout most of this movie is 
looking at the mom or the other characters. Possibly portraying 
what the spirits see. 
In some scenes, there is a loud bang on the door. 
At many places, dark silhouettes are used which makes it difficult 
to see the character properly. 
Camera Angles: 
We see various over the shoulder shots of mainly two characters. 
The steady-cam effect is also used in many scenes. Like in a 
scene, the audience is guided through an over the shoulder shot 
of two girls walking towards the door in corridor. Their emotions: 
fear and shock are signified by the usage of Dutch tilts and shaky 
camera effects. This not only represents how the characters are 
feeling, but it also appears as a point of view shot and showcases 
exactly what they are seen and how they are seeing it. Moreover,
several close-ups of doll’s hand and face are used throughout the 
3, Annabelle: 
The film starts with the same 
opening scene from The 
Conjuring, in 1968, in which 
two young women and a young 
man are telling Ed and 
Lorraine Warrenabout their 
experiences with a doll called 
Annabelle which, they believe, 
is haunted. 
In 1969, John and Mia Form 
live in Santa Monica and are 
expecting their first child. John 
gives her a doll that she has
been trying to find. Mia loves it and puts it with the rest of her doll 
collection, saying that she "fits right in." At night, Mia hears a 
murder occurring at their neighbors', the Higginses'. When Mia 
returns home and call the police as her husband told her to do, 
she is attacked by a woman 
holding the doll and a male 
accomplice. John and the 
police arrive and kill the 
man while the woman kills 
herself. She leaves a 
bloody symbol drawn on the 
wall and a drop of her blood 
falls on the face of the doll 
in her arms. A news report 
shows that the assailants 
were Annabelle Higgins and 
her boyfriend. They had murdered her parents and are said to 
have been part of a satanic cult. 
Since Annabelle was holding the doll while dying, Mia asks John 
to throw it away. Later, after a fire caused by the doll, Mia trips 
over escaping from the fire and goes into labor, Mia gives birth to 
a healthy baby girl named Leah. The family moves into a new 
apartment, in Pasadena. Mia unpacks her dolls and finds the one 
which they had thought discarded. More strange activity plagues 
Mia and her new baby. She contacts the detective, who informs 
her of Annabelle and her boyfriend's history in a cult that seeks to 
summon a demon by claiming a soul. Mia goes to a bookstore run 
by a woman named Evelyn and determines from a book that the 
presence haunting her wants Leah's soul. Evelyn tells Mia that 
she had a daughter named Ruby that was around Mia's age when 
she died in a car accident caused by Evelyn. She was so 
distraught and guilt-ridden that she attempted suicide. However, 
she claims to have heard Ruby's voice telling her it wasn't her 
The couple contacts their church's priest, Father Perez, who tries 
to take the doll with him to church. The ghost of Annabelle attacks 
him with a demonic-looking creature, and the doll disappears. 
Perez warns John that it was indeed Annabelle's spirit that 
caused his injuries, and that he felt how much the demon wanted 
Mia's soul. John rushes to warn Mia. During another attack, 
Annabelle appears to levitate but, Mia sees the demon holding 
Annabelle in the air, implying that the doll itself has no power but 
is being exclusively manipulated and moved by the demon. 
Meanwhile, the demonic 
presence pushes Evelyn 
out of the apartment and 
taunts Mia while taking her 
baby. Mia attempts to kill 
Annabelle and asks him if 
there is another way, and 
it says that she can offer 
him her soul. John and 
Evelyn break open the 
door to find Mia ready to 
jump out the window with Annabelle in her hands. John saves 
Mia; Evelyn takes hold of Annabelle and decides to make the 
sacrifice, knowing this is the way she can atone for Ruby's death. 
She jumps out of the window and is shown at the bottom of the 
apartment building, dead next to Annabelle. Leah is then found 
safe and sound in her crib. 
Six months later, the Forms have moved on and have not seen 
Annabelle since then. Elsewhere, the mother of one of the girls in 
the opening scene purchases Annabelle as a gift for her child. 
The ending text states that the real Annabelle doll resides in a 
case in Ed and Lorraine Warren's museum and that it is blessed 
by a priest twice a month to keep the public safe from the evil that 
still resides in the doll.
The final shot shows the camera linger on Annabelle, as if she'll 
make a move before the screen cuts out into black. 
Codes and Conventions Used: 
-Low key lighting 
-High Contrast Lighting 
-Empty dark sky 
-Ominous Shadows casting on to the settings. 
-Blood marking of “A”(symbol of Annabelle) 
-Setting is usually dark and is set in fog and windy environment, 
that automatically makes the viewer feel cold and horrified. 
-Good versus Evil 
Camera Angles: 
Establishing shots for various scenes. There is fade to black in 
many shots that shows the ellipsis cut, which is even visible in its 
trailer. Jump cuts is 
used to disorientate 
the viewer. 
In one scene, a long 
shot is taken where 
Mia is sleeping with 
her baby in the cot. 
Whilst the camera 
slow tracks forward, 
we see woman in a 
night gown walk 
past the doorway. 
In various scenes, 
short shots are used to develop a sense of panic.
Made By 
Syed Shan Tariq 

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Film referencing

  • 1. Film Referencing 1, The Exorcist:- Plot: Lankester Merrin is a veteran Catholic priest who is on an archeological dig in Iraq. In Iraq he finds an amulet which resembles the statue of Pazuzu, a demon who Merrin defeated years ago. Merrin then realizes the demon has returned to get his revenge. Meanwhile in Georgetown/ Washington D.C, famous actress Chris MacNeil is living on location with her pre-teen daughter Regan. After playing with an Ouija board Regan acts strangely such as making mysterious noises, constant bad language and abnormal strength. Regan also causes her bed to shake as well, much to her and Chris's horror. Despite giving a few unpleasant operations, Dr. Klein and his assistants find nothing wrong with her, not knowing she is now possessed by Pazuzu. One night Regan kills her babysitter and Chris's director Burke Dennings who Chris had a crush on (as she and Regan's father divorced). His murder is investigated by a detective named William Kinderman. He interviews both a young priest named Damien Karras, who has lost faith in God after his frail mother died, and Chris. Chris knows Regan was the only one who was in the house when Dennings died.
  • 2. After the doctors decide that an exorcism may be the only way to help Regan, Chris arranges a meeting with Karras. Karras at first refuses to get permission to perform an exorcism, despite Regan now being totally possessed by the demon. After getting a recording of her talking in reverse and seeing the words "Help Me" on her belly Karras decides to perform an exorcism with Merrin chosen to help. In Regan's bedroom both men try to exorcise the demon but a stubborn Pazuzu toys with them, especially Karras, including insulting his late mother. After a break and hint of faltering, Karras is dismissed. Merrin attempts the exorcism alone. Karras enters the room and discovers Merrin has died and confronts the mocking, laughing spirit of Pazuzu. At Karras' plea, Pazuzu then possesses Karras, leaving Regan's body. In a moment of self-sacrifice, the priest throws himself out of the window and dies from a broken neck, thereby completing the exorcism of Pazuzu. A few days later Regan, who is now back to normal, returns home to Los Angeles with her mother. Kinderman, who narrowly misses them, befriends Father Dyer, an old friend of Karras, as he investigates how Karras died. Codes And Conventions Used: Extensive use of narrative enigmas. The setting is usually dark. Jump cuts. Clear Binary oppositions Use of low key lighting
  • 3. Camera Angles: Overall Angles Used: Tilt up is used to show power of the character while tilt down is used to show weakness of the characters, especially women. Zoom in and out is often used, which is to emphasize on facial expressions. When a person goes from blunt to blowing, zoom in is often used in the movie for this. On the other hand, zoom out is used to show settings and the objects or things the character was focusing on. Establishing shot is used in the opening of the movie and is barely used again. Various other shots are also used, but focus was entirely on to show the devil powerful with low angle shot and ordinary people weak by high angle shots. To shoot scenes at the angles he desired (in an era that predated "steadycam" devices), he required staff to erect a bewildering array of pulleys and wires, which the cameramen would simply be dangled from. Friedkin went to some extraordinary lengths, reminiscent of some directors from the old Hollywood directing style, manipulating the actors, to get the genuine reactions he wanted
  • 4. References angles-powerpoint films/features/the-exorcist-uncut-secrets-of-the-scariest- movie-ever-made-2106644.html 2, Conjurinig :- Plot: In 1968, two young women and a young man are telling Ed and Lorraine Warren about their experiences with a doll called Annabelle they believe to be haunted. In 1971, Roger and Carolyn Perron move into a dilapidated farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island with their five daughters Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cindy, and April. During the first day, their move goes smoothly, though their dog Sadie refuses to enter the house and one of the daughters finds a boarded up entrance to a cellar.
  • 5. A few paranormal events happen within the first few nights, including all of the clocks stopping at exactly the same time, and Sadie being found dead in the back yard. That night, Nancy and Christine are awoken when a spirit slams the door and says, "I want your family dead." Carolyn is folding laundry in the night when she hears clapping in the hallway. When she goes to investigate, all the picture frames along the wall fall and shatter on the floor. She goes downstairs following laughter and finds the basement door opening slowly. When she goes inside to investigate, she's trapped there by the spirit who claps beside her as her matchstick flickers out. At the same moment, Andrea and Cindy are attacked by a spirit in the wardrobe. Carolyn decides to contact noted paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, who agree to take on the case, having recently finished up a case involving a possessed doll called Annabelle. The Warrens conduct an initial investigation and conclude that the house may require an exorcism, but they needed authorization from the Catholic Church and further evidence before they can proceed. While researching the history of the house, Ed and Lorraine discover that the house once belonged to an accused witch, Bathsheba (a relative of Mary Eastey), who sacrificed her week-old child to the devil and killed herself in 1863 after cursing all who would take her land. The property was once more than 200 acres but has since been divided up into smaller parcels. They
  • 6. find reports of numerous murders and suicides in houses that have since been built upon parcels that were once part of the property. Ed and Lorraine return to the house to gather evidence to receive authorization for the exorcism. Cindy again sleepwalks into Andrea's room and reveals a secret passage behind the wardrobe. Lorraine enters the passage and falls through the floorboards into the cellar, where she sees the spirit of a woman whom Bathsheba had long ago possessed and used to kill her child. Another of the Perron children, Nancy, is violently dragged by her hair along the floor by an unseen force. The Perron family decides to take refuge at a hotel while Ed and Lorraine take their evidence to the Church to arrange an exorcism. While the Warrens are on their way home, their daughter Judy is attacked in their own home by the spirit of Bathsheba, along with the Annabelle doll, though Ed arrives in time to prevent her from being harmed. Carolyn, now possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba, takes two of her daughters, Christine and April, and drives back to the house. Ed, Lorraine, Roger, and two assistants rush to the house where they find Carolyn trying to stab Christine with scissors. After subduing Carolyn and tying her to a chair, Ed decides to perform the exorcism himself. Though Carolyn escapes and attempts to kill April, who is hiding under the floorboards, Lorraine is able to temporarily distract the possessed Carolyn from killing her daughter by reminding her of a special memory she shared with
  • 7. her family, allowing Ed to complete the exorcism, saving Carolyn and April. Returning home, Lorraine tells Ed that the priest who they sought for the exorcism had called back and left a message, saying that he had gained approval from the Catholic Church to perform it. In addition to this, he also has another case for them to investigate on Long Island. When they leave, the music box that April had found opens and plays music, revealing nothing before the screen blacks out. Codes and Conventions Used: The eerie tone of the movie is portrayed through the dull/dark colors throughout the house. Also the house looks old with all of the antique furniture and decorations, the beaten up walls, and creaky doors. The viewpoint throughout most of this movie is looking at the mom or the other characters. Possibly portraying what the spirits see. In some scenes, there is a loud bang on the door. At many places, dark silhouettes are used which makes it difficult to see the character properly. Camera Angles: We see various over the shoulder shots of mainly two characters. The steady-cam effect is also used in many scenes. Like in a scene, the audience is guided through an over the shoulder shot of two girls walking towards the door in corridor. Their emotions: fear and shock are signified by the usage of Dutch tilts and shaky camera effects. This not only represents how the characters are feeling, but it also appears as a point of view shot and showcases exactly what they are seen and how they are seeing it. Moreover,
  • 8. several close-ups of doll’s hand and face are used throughout the movie. References: the-conjuring-2013/ textual-analysis-the-conjuring-30773340 related=1 3, Annabelle: Plot: The film starts with the same opening scene from The Conjuring, in 1968, in which two young women and a young man are telling Ed and Lorraine Warrenabout their experiences with a doll called Annabelle which, they believe, is haunted. In 1969, John and Mia Form live in Santa Monica and are expecting their first child. John gives her a doll that she has
  • 9. been trying to find. Mia loves it and puts it with the rest of her doll collection, saying that she "fits right in." At night, Mia hears a murder occurring at their neighbors', the Higginses'. When Mia returns home and call the police as her husband told her to do, she is attacked by a woman holding the doll and a male accomplice. John and the police arrive and kill the man while the woman kills herself. She leaves a bloody symbol drawn on the wall and a drop of her blood falls on the face of the doll in her arms. A news report shows that the assailants were Annabelle Higgins and her boyfriend. They had murdered her parents and are said to have been part of a satanic cult. Since Annabelle was holding the doll while dying, Mia asks John to throw it away. Later, after a fire caused by the doll, Mia trips over escaping from the fire and goes into labor, Mia gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Leah. The family moves into a new apartment, in Pasadena. Mia unpacks her dolls and finds the one which they had thought discarded. More strange activity plagues Mia and her new baby. She contacts the detective, who informs her of Annabelle and her boyfriend's history in a cult that seeks to summon a demon by claiming a soul. Mia goes to a bookstore run by a woman named Evelyn and determines from a book that the presence haunting her wants Leah's soul. Evelyn tells Mia that she had a daughter named Ruby that was around Mia's age when she died in a car accident caused by Evelyn. She was so distraught and guilt-ridden that she attempted suicide. However, she claims to have heard Ruby's voice telling her it wasn't her time.
  • 10. The couple contacts their church's priest, Father Perez, who tries to take the doll with him to church. The ghost of Annabelle attacks him with a demonic-looking creature, and the doll disappears. Perez warns John that it was indeed Annabelle's spirit that caused his injuries, and that he felt how much the demon wanted Mia's soul. John rushes to warn Mia. During another attack, Annabelle appears to levitate but, Mia sees the demon holding Annabelle in the air, implying that the doll itself has no power but is being exclusively manipulated and moved by the demon. Meanwhile, the demonic presence pushes Evelyn out of the apartment and taunts Mia while taking her baby. Mia attempts to kill Annabelle and asks him if there is another way, and it says that she can offer him her soul. John and Evelyn break open the door to find Mia ready to jump out the window with Annabelle in her hands. John saves Mia; Evelyn takes hold of Annabelle and decides to make the sacrifice, knowing this is the way she can atone for Ruby's death. She jumps out of the window and is shown at the bottom of the apartment building, dead next to Annabelle. Leah is then found safe and sound in her crib. Six months later, the Forms have moved on and have not seen Annabelle since then. Elsewhere, the mother of one of the girls in the opening scene purchases Annabelle as a gift for her child. The ending text states that the real Annabelle doll resides in a case in Ed and Lorraine Warren's museum and that it is blessed by a priest twice a month to keep the public safe from the evil that still resides in the doll.
  • 11. The final shot shows the camera linger on Annabelle, as if she'll make a move before the screen cuts out into black. Codes and Conventions Used: -Low key lighting -High Contrast Lighting -Empty dark sky -Ominous Shadows casting on to the settings. -Blood marking of “A”(symbol of Annabelle) -Setting is usually dark and is set in fog and windy environment, that automatically makes the viewer feel cold and horrified. -Good versus Evil Camera Angles: Establishing shots for various scenes. There is fade to black in many shots that shows the ellipsis cut, which is even visible in its trailer. Jump cuts is used to disorientate the viewer. In one scene, a long shot is taken where Mia is sleeping with her baby in the cot. Whilst the camera slow tracks forward, we see woman in a night gown walk past the doorway. In various scenes, short shots are used to develop a sense of panic.
  • 12. References: 41451139 Made By Syed Shan Tariq As-F