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IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th
November 2004 - London -
Fifteenth Meeting of the
London, 8 November 2004
Presentation by Gabriele Guglielmi - Filcams CGIL for:
IUF - International Union of Food, Agricoltural, Hotel,
Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations
Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Alberghi Mense
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th
November 2004 - London -
FILCAMS Italian Workers Federation Trade, Hotels,
Catering, Services (294.235 members in 2003) is the category
trade union of
CGIL Italian General Confederation of Workers (5.515.530
members in 2003)
FILCAMS takes care of workers in tourism and join the:
European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism trade
IUF - International Union of Food, Agricoltural, Hotel, Restaurant,
Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations
Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Alberghi Mense
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
The European Trade Union Liaison Committee on Tourism
is a coordination platform of the European Industry Federations EFFAT, ETF and UNI-
Europa and the Global Union Federations IUF, ITF and UNI, representing workers in the
tourism and transport sectors
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Global code of ethics for tourism
Patrick Dalban-Moreynas
IUF - International Union of Food, Agricoltural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations
Hotel, Catering, Tourism Coordinator
Rapresents Trade Unions into WTCE (World Committee on Tourism Ethics)
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Da quando i sindacati si occupano di
Resolution on Prostitution Tourism
adopted by the IUF HRC Trade Group Board, Budapest, December 6-7, 1995
endorsed by the IUF EC, Geneva, April 17-18, 1996
adopted by ETLC (European Tourism Liaison Committee), Brussels on 16 October 1996
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
- Whereas child prostitution is growing, including in regions visited by tourists (more
than one million children are affected);
- whereas all sexual exploitation, in particular of children, constitutes a violation of
fundamental human rights and human dignity; and
- whereas the sexual exploitation of children and child prostitution are in part caused by
poverty, growing inequities and marginalization in economically developed urban societies, by the
destruction of traditional family, social and community structures, as well as by the influence of
organized crime;
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Quale Impegno
calls upon affiliated organizations representing hotel, bar and other tourism-sector service
workers in countries where child prostitution exists to negotiate with employers in that sector
measures aimed at preventing it from occurring, by
The company (or employers’ association) and the union(s) hereby agree as follows:
two examples:
6. Employees shall have the right and make it their duty to refuse to respond to any
request having to do with child prostitution. In the event thereof, management of
hospitality facilities undertakes to support employees in any dispute with
customers. No disciplinary measure whatsoever shall be taken against an employee
having declined to act upon a request by a customer having to do with child
7. No children may be employed in hospitality facilities, even on a voluntary basis. As
a rule, young workers shall not work at night, in particular at jobs where they are in
contact with customers.
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
La messa in pratica delle dichiarazioni
EWC Accor
Genève, le 28 septembre 2004
Aux membres du comité d’entreprise européen du groupe Accor
Objet: Réunion du comité d’entreprise européen ACCOR
Genève, 16-17 novembre 2004
Le bureau du comité européen réuni à Paris le 23 septembre dernier a convenu que le thème central de la réunion serait le
développement durable. Ce thème sera abordé sous différents angles :
Social : …
Environnemental : …
Parties prenantes externes : actions vis-à-vis des fournisseurs; des clients; implication dans le développement local; lutte contre
le tourisme sexuel.
È la prova che, attraverso i temi dello sviluppo sostenibile del Turismo e della CSR, la problematica dello sfruttamento sessuale è
entrata a far parte del DNA del Sindacato
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
La messa in pratica delle dichiarazioni
Development Cooperation Unity
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair
Particolarmente impegnata in progetti di cooperazione internazionale per combattere lo sfruttamento sessuale dei bambini;
ha chiesto e ottenuto la disponibilità del sindacato del turismo italiano e internazionale per partecipare ai programmi in atto
e ai progetti futuri
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th
November 2004 - London -
•EBIT and Corporate Social Responsability
EBIT is formed by trade unions and tourism’s enterprises and has involved CSR on severals
- experiences on sustainable development i.e. TOI Project
- cooperation with Si Può, no profit association acting in tourism and disabilities, into
training courses, finalized to welcome clients with disabilities in the tourism’s industry ,
the project’s name :
“Italy, a country for all: the quality of tourism services for clients with special needs”
- Adoption of ECPAT code of conduct
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
The Tour Operators’ Initiative (TOI) is a network of tour operators
committed to introducing sustainability into their business practices.
The Initiative has been developed by tour operators for
tour operators with the support of the United Nations Environment
the trade union’s contribution to the TOI project ,is the
insertion on the guide lines of the item :
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
“State types of information requested from suppliers, by type, on
(a) Environmental …
(b) Social practices and performance.
Include: Community and staff development, indigenous and tribal
people’s rights, formal employment contracts, social security,
working conditions according to ILO Convention 172, equal
treatment, non-discrimination, recognition of independent trade
unions and application of collective bargaining agreements, health
and safety committees, policies excluding child labour as defined by
ILO, programmes to combat commercial sexual exploitation of
children, and to combat and mitigate the social impacts of
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Dopo esperienza TOI Project,
c’è maggiore sensibilità degli operatori turistici sui temi dello sviluppo sostenibile e delle Corporate Social Responsability
E’ in fase di avvio il progetto di un primo corso al quale possa partecipare almeno un dipendente di ognuno dei Tour
Operators che opera in una specifica area di destinazione dei flussi turistici
es. Kenia
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Turismo di qualità: Responsabilità Sociale delle Imprese
End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Perché siamo qui oggi
Accrescere la consapevolezza dei futuri operatori turistici su:
• lo sfruttamento sessuale di minori anche nel Turismo
• le politiche e le procedure che un’azienda turistica può
attivare riguardo questo tema: la responsabilità sociale delle
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
I – Il turismo sostenibile e responsabile
II – Responsabilità sociale delle imprese turistiche
III – Lo sfruttamento sessuale commerciale di minori (SSCM)
nel turismo
IV – Attività promosse contro lo SSCM
V – Case study: Repubblica Dominicana
VI – Conclusioni
Struttura del corso
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
La nostra presentazione del 13 marzo 2004 a ITB si concludeva con la Fotografia della firma da parte delle Associazioni
delle Imprese, dei sindacati dei lavoratori e delle associazioni dei consumatori del Protocollo ECPAT per applicare e
implementare il
Code of conduct to protect children and teenagers from sexual exploitation in the tourism sector
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
FEDERTURISMO enterprises association and FILCAMS
FISASCAT UILTUCS trade unions association
have insert, in the national agreement for Tourims sector, the following iusses
Rome 02nd February 2004
1. ECPAT protocol
2. protocol to protect minors in the job’s field and to garantee
basic rights for all the workers in the international corporate
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
ECPAT code of conduct
Code’s sintesys
In particular Tour Operators and Travel Agents commit themselves:
1. to inform and to update tourism industry personnel in Italy and in destination countries
on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of minors;
2. to inform clients ..indicating its adoption of this Code of Conduct;
3. to insert in contracts with corresponding suppliers in destination countries: clauses
requiring them a. not to facilitate, in any way, contact between tourists and possible child
sex exploiters
8. to inform industry personnel of this Code of Conduct which shall be inserted in existing
national collective labour contracts as well as in individual labour contracts.
9. to include this Code of Conduct in all new labour contracts.
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
protocol to protect minors in the job’s field and to garantee
basic rights for all the workers in the international corporate
Tale protocollo intende estendere al settore del turismo quanto già concordato in altri
settori economici, ad es. il settore tessile-abbigliamento, in materia di tutela dei diritti
umani fondamentali e di eliminazione dello sfruttamento del lavoro minorile. Codici di
condotta che, basandosi sull’applicazione delle Convenzioni OIL per le Corporate e per la
catena dei fornitori, fissa dei criteri di consultazione delle Organizzazioni Sindacali, le
modalità di verifica e controllo, il coinvolgimento delle istituzioni e delle ONG
interessate, le sanzioni da applicare e le azioni positive da assumere per prevenire e
affrontare il problema.
Partendo da queste basi, il protocollo per il settore turistico, affronterà la specificità del
settore con particolare riferimento alle iniziative da assumere per prevenire ed escludere
qualsiasi forma di lavoro minorile che, in un settore come quello turistico, rischia di avere
le caratteristiche dello sfruttamento sessuale e commerciale dei minori
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
The tourism dimension
Tourism values
peace and safety
destinations carrying capacity
environmental’s quality
cultural and customs’ differences
good working’s quality conditions
All these values are essential tools to
provide good services
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
The tourism dimension
Steps to sustainability
1977 Stockolm
1992 Rio de Janeiro
2002 Johannesburg
sustainable development
is a balance among
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
The tourism dimension
The tourism sustainable dimension
consists into:
how much “richness” remain in the destination
how much “richness” goes to the local community
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
The tourism sustainable dimension
the trade union thinks that
one of the solution can be: to support
the WTO (World Tourism Organization )
to relieve poverty
to spread tourists all around the year
and all around the world countries
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
The social dimension of sustainable development
Sustainable development of European tourism can
only be guaranteed when - alongside the economic
aspects and protection of the environment and cultural
heritage - the highest priority is given to the creation of
sustainable employment in the sector.
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
The social dimension of sustainable development
The main objectives for a tourism in Europe that is socially
sustainable are:
- acceptable working conditions, not inferior to those of other
- fair pay, reflecting the quality of the service provided
- the possibility of professional and career training
- equal opportunities
- quality work
- freedom of association, recognition of trade union
organisations and collective bargaining
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
Market concentration in European tourism
Tourism is a complex economic and social sector
The Tourism sector and tourism suppliers’ chain activities produce
goods and services for tourists.
A small number of companies, operating trans-nationally,
horizontally and vertically integrated dominate today’s tourism
These companies exploit their dominance in price negotiations with
local suppliers in the tourism destinations.
In the labour-intensive tourism sector, this decline in travel prices
has also impacted the working conditions
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
Market concentration in European tourism
In the transport sector, the wild liberalisation have caused a
reduction of maintenance, reduced safety, an increase in risks to
the health of workers and travellers
the multiplication of “low cost” companies have a consequent
further worsening of safety conditions and quality of work.
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
Market concentration in European tourism
to spread trough the tourists the message that socially responsible
and environmentally sustainable tourism has its price.
Sustainable tourism that is not only economically feasible but also
environmentally compatible and socially responsible cannot only aim
at lowering costs
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
Social responsibility of companies CSR
Hopily the European Union will take into consideration the Trade Union
proposals and will fast approuve the Green Paper on CSR
Companies can only make a contribution to sustainable development
when they make social and environmental concerns an integral part of
Companies only do genuine justice to their social responsibility when
they involve their employees and their representatives in the planning,
implementation and evaluation of such measures.
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
The Responsibilities of the European Union in ensuring
Socially Sustainable Tourism
Public subsidies for the projects of companies must only be granted to
initiatives that make explicit reference to respecting the social clause,
that undertake to develop forms of qualified employment, to apply
collective agreements and to operate giving precedence to the
participation of workers and their free trade union representation
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
Which Trade Union Initiatives are needed?
Sustainable development cannot be realised without the
involvement of workers and trade unions
negotiations on sustainable development must be developed
with the transnational companies in the tourism sector with a
view that such negotiations yield positive results beyond the
confines of the European Union, particularly in relation to the
populations of the destination countries of outgoing tourist
Sustainable development must be the object of information
and consultation within European Works Councils
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position
…. and some projects
Networks to monitor the accounting practices and social responsibility of
companies must be developed and managed within the international trade
union organisations, and between the trade union organisations of the
various countries.
In october 2003 UITA adopted these decisions and some projects are develop , some examples:
“Influence of CSR pratices on the quality of employment” (Filcams CGIL, Fisascat CISL,
Uiltucs UIL, FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services; affilieted to IUF-UITA)
Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR UpSiDo) Filcams CGIL
FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services with EFFAT’s support
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
“Influence of CSR pratices on the quality of employment”
(Filcams CGIL, Fisascat CISL, Uiltucs UIL, FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT
Services; affilieted to IUF-UITA)
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR
submitted under Budget heading VP/2004/003
The objectives of the project are:
It is a button up approach that becomes essential for reading and
interpreting the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) from the workers
point of view.
To predispose an experimental model of investigation on the routines of CSR
that allows to analyse the business practices from the point of view of the
workers, therefore from inside the firm and from the lower part upward; such
model will have the acronym:
BURT (Bottom Up Research’s Tool);
IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November
2004 - London -
Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR
submitted under Budget heading VP/2004/003
To inform – train the trade-union representatives trough a shared
 what is CSR?
 how to analyse the CSR from specific points of view: workers, women,
disabled people, costumers, environment
The project’s goal :
To train at least three partner trade unionist , that will became trainers of
other 18 trade union representatives of workers in the enterprises and they
will disseminate, in at least 3 countries

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Fifteenth Meeting of the TASK FORCE

  • 1. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Fifteenth Meeting of the TASK FORCE TO PROTECT CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL EXPLOITATION IN TOURISM London, 8 November 2004 Presentation by Gabriele Guglielmi - Filcams CGIL for: IUF - International Union of Food, Agricoltural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Alberghi Mense Servizi
  • 2. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - FILCAMS Italian Workers Federation Trade, Hotels, Catering, Services (294.235 members in 2003) is the category trade union of CGIL Italian General Confederation of Workers (5.515.530 members in 2003) FILCAMS takes care of workers in tourism and join the: European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism trade unions IUF - International Union of Food, Agricoltural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Commercio Alberghi Mense Servizi
  • 3. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - ETLC The European Trade Union Liaison Committee on Tourism (ETLC) is a coordination platform of the European Industry Federations EFFAT, ETF and UNI- Europa and the Global Union Federations IUF, ITF and UNI, representing workers in the tourism and transport sectors
  • 4. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Global code of ethics for tourism Patrick Dalban-Moreynas IUF - International Union of Food, Agricoltural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations Hotel, Catering, Tourism Coordinator Rapresents Trade Unions into WTCE (World Committee on Tourism Ethics)
  • 5. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Da quando i sindacati si occupano di Resolution on Prostitution Tourism adopted by the IUF HRC Trade Group Board, Budapest, December 6-7, 1995 endorsed by the IUF EC, Geneva, April 17-18, 1996 adopted by ETLC (European Tourism Liaison Committee), Brussels on 16 October 1996
  • 6. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Premessa … - Whereas child prostitution is growing, including in regions visited by tourists (more than one million children are affected); - whereas all sexual exploitation, in particular of children, constitutes a violation of fundamental human rights and human dignity; and - whereas the sexual exploitation of children and child prostitution are in part caused by poverty, growing inequities and marginalization in economically developed urban societies, by the destruction of traditional family, social and community structures, as well as by the influence of organized crime; ….
  • 7. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Quale Impegno …. calls upon affiliated organizations representing hotel, bar and other tourism-sector service workers in countries where child prostitution exists to negotiate with employers in that sector measures aimed at preventing it from occurring, by … STANDARD AGREEMENT The company (or employers’ association) and the union(s) hereby agree as follows: two examples: … 6. Employees shall have the right and make it their duty to refuse to respond to any request having to do with child prostitution. In the event thereof, management of hospitality facilities undertakes to support employees in any dispute with customers. No disciplinary measure whatsoever shall be taken against an employee having declined to act upon a request by a customer having to do with child prostitution 7. No children may be employed in hospitality facilities, even on a voluntary basis. As a rule, young workers shall not work at night, in particular at jobs where they are in contact with customers. ----
  • 8. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - La messa in pratica delle dichiarazioni EWC Accor IUF-UITA Genève, le 28 septembre 2004 Aux membres du comité d’entreprise européen du groupe Accor Objet: Réunion du comité d’entreprise européen ACCOR Genève, 16-17 novembre 2004 CONTENU DE LA REUNION Le bureau du comité européen réuni à Paris le 23 septembre dernier a convenu que le thème central de la réunion serait le développement durable. Ce thème sera abordé sous différents angles : Social : … Environnemental : … Parties prenantes externes : actions vis-à-vis des fournisseurs; des clients; implication dans le développement local; lutte contre le tourisme sexuel. È la prova che, attraverso i temi dello sviluppo sostenibile del Turismo e della CSR, la problematica dello sfruttamento sessuale è entrata a far parte del DNA del Sindacato
  • 9. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - La messa in pratica delle dichiarazioni Development Cooperation Unity Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair Particolarmente impegnata in progetti di cooperazione internazionale per combattere lo sfruttamento sessuale dei bambini; ha chiesto e ottenuto la disponibilità del sindacato del turismo italiano e internazionale per partecipare ai programmi in atto e ai progetti futuri
  • 10. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - •EBIT and Corporate Social Responsability EBIT is formed by trade unions and tourism’s enterprises and has involved CSR on severals aspects: - experiences on sustainable development i.e. TOI Project - cooperation with Si Può, no profit association acting in tourism and disabilities, into training courses, finalized to welcome clients with disabilities in the tourism’s industry , the project’s name : “Italy, a country for all: the quality of tourism services for clients with special needs” - Adoption of ECPAT code of conduct
  • 11. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - The Tour Operators’ Initiative (TOI) is a network of tour operators committed to introducing sustainability into their business practices. The Initiative has been developed by tour operators for tour operators with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) the trade union’s contribution to the TOI project ,is the insertion on the guide lines of the item :
  • 12. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - “State types of information requested from suppliers, by type, on their: (a) Environmental … (b) Social practices and performance. Include: Community and staff development, indigenous and tribal people’s rights, formal employment contracts, social security, working conditions according to ILO Convention 172, equal treatment, non-discrimination, recognition of independent trade unions and application of collective bargaining agreements, health and safety committees, policies excluding child labour as defined by ILO, programmes to combat commercial sexual exploitation of children, and to combat and mitigate the social impacts of HIV/AIDS.”
  • 13. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Dopo esperienza TOI Project, c’è maggiore sensibilità degli operatori turistici sui temi dello sviluppo sostenibile e delle Corporate Social Responsability E’ in fase di avvio il progetto di un primo corso al quale possa partecipare almeno un dipendente di ognuno dei Tour Operators che opera in una specifica area di destinazione dei flussi turistici es. Kenia
  • 14. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - ECPAT Italia – EBIT Turismo di qualità: Responsabilità Sociale delle Imprese End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking
  • 15. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Perché siamo qui oggi SCOPO DELLA LEZIONE Accrescere la consapevolezza dei futuri operatori turistici su: • lo sfruttamento sessuale di minori anche nel Turismo • le politiche e le procedure che un’azienda turistica può attivare riguardo questo tema: la responsabilità sociale delle imprese
  • 16. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - I – Il turismo sostenibile e responsabile II – Responsabilità sociale delle imprese turistiche III – Lo sfruttamento sessuale commerciale di minori (SSCM) nel turismo IV – Attività promosse contro lo SSCM V – Case study: Repubblica Dominicana VI – Conclusioni Struttura del corso
  • 17. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - La nostra presentazione del 13 marzo 2004 a ITB si concludeva con la Fotografia della firma da parte delle Associazioni delle Imprese, dei sindacati dei lavoratori e delle associazioni dei consumatori del Protocollo ECPAT per applicare e implementare il Code of conduct to protect children and teenagers from sexual exploitation in the tourism sector
  • 18. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - FEDERTURISMO enterprises association and FILCAMS FISASCAT UILTUCS trade unions association have insert, in the national agreement for Tourims sector, the following iusses Rome 02nd February 2004 1. ECPAT protocol 2. protocol to protect minors in the job’s field and to garantee basic rights for all the workers in the international corporate
  • 19. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - ECPAT code of conduct Code’s sintesys In particular Tour Operators and Travel Agents commit themselves: 1. to inform and to update tourism industry personnel in Italy and in destination countries on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of minors; 2. to inform clients ..indicating its adoption of this Code of Conduct; 3. to insert in contracts with corresponding suppliers in destination countries: clauses requiring them a. not to facilitate, in any way, contact between tourists and possible child sex exploiters … 8. to inform industry personnel of this Code of Conduct which shall be inserted in existing national collective labour contracts as well as in individual labour contracts. 9. to include this Code of Conduct in all new labour contracts.
  • 20. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - protocol to protect minors in the job’s field and to garantee basic rights for all the workers in the international corporate Tale protocollo intende estendere al settore del turismo quanto già concordato in altri settori economici, ad es. il settore tessile-abbigliamento, in materia di tutela dei diritti umani fondamentali e di eliminazione dello sfruttamento del lavoro minorile. Codici di condotta che, basandosi sull’applicazione delle Convenzioni OIL per le Corporate e per la catena dei fornitori, fissa dei criteri di consultazione delle Organizzazioni Sindacali, le modalità di verifica e controllo, il coinvolgimento delle istituzioni e delle ONG interessate, le sanzioni da applicare e le azioni positive da assumere per prevenire e affrontare il problema. Partendo da queste basi, il protocollo per il settore turistico, affronterà la specificità del settore con particolare riferimento alle iniziative da assumere per prevenire ed escludere qualsiasi forma di lavoro minorile che, in un settore come quello turistico, rischia di avere le caratteristiche dello sfruttamento sessuale e commerciale dei minori
  • 21. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London -
  • 22. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - The tourism dimension Tourism values peace and safety destinations carrying capacity environmental’s quality cultural and customs’ differences good working’s quality conditions All these values are essential tools to provide good services
  • 23. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - The tourism dimension Steps to sustainability 1977 Stockolm 1992 Rio de Janeiro 2002 Johannesburg sustainable development is a balance among ENVIRONMENTAL- SOCIAL rights ECONOMIC iusses
  • 24. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - The tourism dimension The tourism sustainable dimension consists into: how much “richness” remain in the destination how much “richness” goes to the local community
  • 25. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - The tourism sustainable dimension the trade union thinks that one of the solution can be: to support the WTO (World Tourism Organization ) to relieve poverty to spread tourists all around the year and all around the world countries
  • 26. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position The social dimension of sustainable development Sustainable development of European tourism can only be guaranteed when - alongside the economic aspects and protection of the environment and cultural heritage - the highest priority is given to the creation of sustainable employment in the sector. -
  • 27. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position The social dimension of sustainable development The main objectives for a tourism in Europe that is socially sustainable are: - acceptable working conditions, not inferior to those of other sectors - fair pay, reflecting the quality of the service provided - the possibility of professional and career training - equal opportunities - quality work - freedom of association, recognition of trade union organisations and collective bargaining
  • 28. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Market concentration in European tourism Tourism is a complex economic and social sector The Tourism sector and tourism suppliers’ chain activities produce goods and services for tourists. A small number of companies, operating trans-nationally, horizontally and vertically integrated dominate today’s tourism business. These companies exploit their dominance in price negotiations with local suppliers in the tourism destinations. In the labour-intensive tourism sector, this decline in travel prices has also impacted the working conditions
  • 29. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Market concentration in European tourism In the transport sector, the wild liberalisation have caused a reduction of maintenance, reduced safety, an increase in risks to the health of workers and travellers the multiplication of “low cost” companies have a consequent further worsening of safety conditions and quality of work. .
  • 30. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Market concentration in European tourism to spread trough the tourists the message that socially responsible and environmentally sustainable tourism has its price. Sustainable tourism that is not only economically feasible but also environmentally compatible and socially responsible cannot only aim at lowering costs
  • 31. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Social responsibility of companies CSR Hopily the European Union will take into consideration the Trade Union proposals and will fast approuve the Green Paper on CSR Companies can only make a contribution to sustainable development when they make social and environmental concerns an integral part of management. Companies only do genuine justice to their social responsibility when they involve their employees and their representatives in the planning, implementation and evaluation of such measures.
  • 32. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position The Responsibilities of the European Union in ensuring Socially Sustainable Tourism Public subsidies for the projects of companies must only be granted to initiatives that make explicit reference to respecting the social clause, that undertake to develop forms of qualified employment, to apply collective agreements and to operate giving precedence to the participation of workers and their free trade union representation
  • 33. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position Which Trade Union Initiatives are needed? Sustainable development cannot be realised without the involvement of workers and trade unions negotiations on sustainable development must be developed with the transnational companies in the tourism sector with a view that such negotiations yield positive results beyond the confines of the European Union, particularly in relation to the populations of the destination countries of outgoing tourist flows Sustainable development must be the object of information and consultation within European Works Councils
  • 34. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position …. and some projects . Networks to monitor the accounting practices and social responsibility of companies must be developed and managed within the international trade union organisations, and between the trade union organisations of the various countries. In october 2003 UITA adopted these decisions and some projects are develop , some examples: “Influence of CSR pratices on the quality of employment” (Filcams CGIL, Fisascat CISL, Uiltucs UIL, FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services; affilieted to IUF-UITA) Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR UpSiDo) Filcams CGIL FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services with EFFAT’s support
  • 35. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - UITA “Influence of CSR pratices on the quality of employment” (Filcams CGIL, Fisascat CISL, Uiltucs UIL, FECOHT CC.OO., CFDT Services; affilieted to IUF-UITA)
  • 36. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR UpSiDo)”, submitted under Budget heading VP/2004/003 The objectives of the project are: It is a button up approach that becomes essential for reading and interpreting the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) from the workers point of view. C.S.R. UP SIDE DOWN (UpSiDo). To predispose an experimental model of investigation on the routines of CSR that allows to analyse the business practices from the point of view of the workers, therefore from inside the firm and from the lower part upward; such model will have the acronym: BURT (Bottom Up Research’s Tool);
  • 37. IUF- Filcams CGIL, 8th November 2004 - London - Corporate Social Responsability UP SIDE DOWN (CSR UpSiDo)”, submitted under Budget heading VP/2004/003 To inform – train the trade-union representatives trough a shared model:  what is CSR?  how to analyse the CSR from specific points of view: workers, women, disabled people, costumers, environment The project’s goal : To train at least three partner trade unionist , that will became trainers of other 18 trade union representatives of workers in the enterprises and they will disseminate, in at least 3 countries