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Desur Regional Dissemination Meeting
Province of Bologna
September 25th, 2013
Italy and Emilia-Romagna’s CSR framework
socio-economic frame
National and international
Economic, environmental, social
and financial crisis
Globalization processes
Population’s growing old
Emigrants and immigrants flows
Italy socio-economic frame
Iron and Steel
GDP 2012: industrial sector 26.7% agriculture 2% service industry 71.3%
Industrial sector is mostly concerned with:
Italy socio-economic frame
Smaller number of global corporations than other
economies of comparable size
Productive processes are commonly fragmented and
clustered in several industrial districts
The country was the world's 8th largest exporter in 2011
Italian economic fabric consists mainly of SMEs (99,7% of active
industrial enterprises has less than 250 employers)
SMEs employ more than 81% of actively working people,
particularly in the service industry (approximately 49%).
SMEs are quite often family-run
Among SMEs, 81,7% are micro enterprises
Italy CSR framework
Academic insight
The Italian Academy treated the subject as early as 1968
in an essay "Structures integrated into the Italian
distribution system," in which the italian economist
Giancarlo Pallavicini, stated that:
“Business activity, while aiming to profit, should take
explicitly into account a number of internal and external
instances, including socio-economic”
Italy CSR framework
Forerunning Entrepreneurs and Managers
Adriano Olivetti (1901–1960)
Italian engineer, politician and
industrialist whose entrepreneurial
activity thrived on the idea that
profit should be reinvested for the
benefits of the whole society
Enrico Mattei (1906 – 1962)
was concerned with a
highly socially responsible
public management
Italy CSR framework evolution
CSR ranges from philantropy
to Corporate citizenship
Italy CSR framework
Laws and regulamentations
Art. 41 of Italian Constitution :
“Private economic initiative is free. There shall not be conflict
with social utility or in a way that could damage safety,
liberty, and human dignity. Law determines appropriate
programms and controls so that public and private economy
may be directed and coordinated towards social ends.”
Italy CSR framework
Laws and regulamentations
Legislative Decree n.460 (12-4-1997) “Reorganisation of the tax regulations
for non- commercial and non-profit organizations of social utility”
Law n.342 /11-21/2000) “Fiscal measures”
Joint return Italy-UK (4-29-2003) on CSR
Memorandum of understanding between Unioncamere and Ministry of
Labour and Social Welfare (11-27-2003)
Memorandum of understanding between ANCL (national association labour
consultant) and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (11-27-2003)
Memorandum of understanding between Assolombarda and Ministry of
Labour and Social Welfare (6-9-2004)
Memorandum of understanding between Confapi and Ministry of Labour
and Social Welfare (6-9-2004)
Memorandum of understanding between FederAmbiente and Ministry of
Labour and Social Welfare (3-23-2005)
Regional legislation and rules (aknowledge of EU requests on CSR)
EU CSR policy
Green Paper (July 2001)’Promoting a European framework for
Corporate Social Responsibility’
CSR is defined as “a concept whereby companies integrate social
and environmental concerns in their business operations and
in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis”
Communication from the Commission concerning Corporate Social
Responsibility, (July 2002)
‘Corporate Social Responsibility: ‘A business contribution to
Sustainable Development’
Communication from the Commission concerning Corporate Social
Responsibility, (March 2006)
‘Implementing the partnership for growth and jobs: making europe
a pole of excellence on corporate social responsibility’
In October 2011 the European Commission published a new policy
on CSR (A renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for CSR)
CSR is ‘The responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on
International CSR standard
most implemented in Italy
SA 8000 Social Accountability International
Sustainability Report Guidelines (GRI)
AA1000 AccountAbility 1000
ISO 26000
ISO 14001
Social Audit
Social label
ISO 9000
OHSAS 18001
Italy CSR framework Public initiatives
CSR – SC (Corporate Social Responsibility-Social Commitment)
project (Ministry of Welfare 2002)
Based on voluntary CSR approach and the promotion of CSR
across national socio-economic system
Third European Conference on CSR (Ministry of Welfare - Venice, 14
November 2003), Italian multi-stakeholder Forum for Corporate Social
Initiative aimed to encourage the dissemination of CSR between
businesses and Italian organizations
Italy CSR framework
Private-Public initiatives
Q-RES project – Quality of the ethic-social responsibility
Supported and promoted by Centre for Ethics, Law and Economics -
LIUC University of Castellanza (1999)
CSR award
Province of Modena and Chamber of commerce in partnership with
Università of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Banca Etica, FocusLab
ORSADATA CSR Observatory
Sodalitas (in collaboration with ISVI and Impronta Etica)
Sodalitas Social Award
“Dal dire al fare” CSR exhibition
Milano Metropoli Development agency, BIC la Fucina, Koinetica
Social Value Award
Mani Tese, Action Aid, Arci, AI Italia,
Fondazione Banca Etica, Ucodep, Movimento Consumatori
Italy CSR framework
Private-Public initiatives
Q-RES project – Quality of the ethic-social responsibility
Supported and promoted by Centre for Ethics, Law and Economics -
LIUC University of Castellanza (1999)
CSR award
Province of Modena and Chamber of commerce in partnership with
Università of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Banca Etica, FocusLab
ORSADATA CSR Observatory
Sodalitas (in collaboration with ISVI and Impronta Etica)
Sodalitas Social Award
“Dal dire al fare” CSR exhibition
Milano Metropoli Development agency, BIC la Fucina, Koinetica
Social Value Award
Mani Tese, Action Aid, Arci, AI Italia,
Fondazione Banca Etica, Ucodep, Movimento Consumatori
Italy CSR operators
Research and training centers (ISVI Istituto per i valori d’impresa,
Centro Studi Enel, Officina Etica, Osservatorio FinEtica)
Academic research center: ALTIS, Alta Scuola Impresa e
Società,CesCocom (Study Center on Consumption and
Communication) EconomEtica (academic center for ethical economy
and CSR
CSR awards (Sodalitas Social Award - Company’s Social Quality
Awards Provincia di Parma, Sustainable innovation Awards
Confindustria Giovani Reggio Emilia)
Consultant team (FocusLab, Bilanciarsi, Sinopsis Lab)
Non profit organizations (Impronta Etica – Fondazione Sodalitas –
Club Modena CSR - GBS Study Group for Social report)
Public bodies (Chambers of commerce – UnionCamere – CISE -
Ministry of Development – Ministry of Welfare)
International laws
National laws
Regional laws
CSR playersFoundations
Big corporations
Non profit organizations
International occurences
Rising environmental awareness
Financial market trend
Human and workers
Consumers expectations
Companies scandals and
CSR playersEthical investors Research and training bodies
Rating companies
Certification authorities
National standard promoters
CSR awards organizers
Consultant team Auditing business
Italian CSR “engine”
Source: First report on CSR in Italy – by Prof. Mario Molteni – Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milan
CSR bodies
Italy CSR culture
Increasing number of consumers aware of sustainability issues.
In particular 44% of consumers in 2013, compared to 38% in 2012,
are willing to pay more for product/services made by companies
that reinforced CSR programmes
In UE such percentage is on average around 36%
Survey by Nielsen Global survey on CSR carried out in may 2013
on a sample of 29.000 interviewed online in 58 countries
SMEs and CSR in Italy: what’s going on?
Companies socially involved: diminishing in number, raised
invested funds
Why companies invest in CSR: ethical purposes and
corporate image
Funded initiatives: rising attention to the employers
SMEs and CSR: for 67% of them CSR makes relationship with
employers stronger
Ethical code: over 50% of the companies have adopted it
Internal stakeholders: focus on workplace quality and safety
External stakeholders (local community): sponsorships and
Environmental committment: alternative energy sources
Source: SMEs CSR workshop 2010 – Faculty of Economics – University ‘Carlo Bo’ - Urbino
5° national report SWG for Socialis Observatory “Corporate Social engagement in Italy“ - 2012
CSR effectiveness measurement: it’s still little common
Internal communication: 27% of companies invest on it but don’t get
employers involved
Most used medium for CSR activities: Internet
Dissemination of CSR principles among employers:
Intranet + Social report
SMEs weakeness factors:
Scarce economic resources
Instinctive management
lack of incentives
SMEs and CSR in Italy: what’s going on?
Source: SMEs CSR workshop 2010 – Faculty of Economics – University ‘Carlo Bo’ - Urbino
5° national report SWG for Socialis Observatory “Corporate Social engagement in Italy“ - 2012
Emilia-Romagna socio-demographic features
Emilia-Romagna is one of the 20 italian regions and It’s
located north-eastern
It has nearly 4.5 million inhabitants (7% of the
national population), of which about 12% are
The population in Emilia-Romagna region has been
growing again, after the stagnation of the previous
two decades, essentially due to foreign immigration
rising average age of
the population
italian lowest mortality
region is characterized
by an effective
and efficient education
Emilia-Romagna is the most important junction trading of the
The port of Ravenna is the largest in the Adriatic Sea.
Significant increase in the car use (from 58.4%, regional average in
2001, to 67.2% in 2008, 7.4% of cycle-pedestrian modality, slight
decline of 0.4% in the use of public transport in 2012)
Moderately fast growth in the use of web technologies (still remains
a part of territory affected by a partial digital divide.)
E-R infrastructural system
Land consumption in the last thirty years have grown by 74%
Urban sprawl and loss of urban systems efficiency
Loss of competitiveness of urban systems due mainly to the flows of
goods and people handling, firms, workers and residents location
The processes of production and energy conversion account for a
significant amount of polluting emissions.
Energy efficiency improvement, however insufficient to meet the
targets set by the EU
Growing development of recycling and waste recovery systems
Industrial sector accounts for about 10% of water withdrawals
E-R settlement system
and environmental quality
Emilia-Romagna socio-economic features
According to the Regional Innovation
Scoreboard in 2009 Emilia-
Romagna got an innovation
performance score medium-high.Emilia-Romagna
Emilia-Romagna has one of the highest european GDP: 30.493
eur (ISTAT 2009) exceeding 27% of the EU average
In 2013 unemployment rate raised up to 9.4%, compared to 7.1%
of 2012
Less than 30 aged unemployment rate 17.4% (2013)
Enterprises operating in the region are approximately 400.000,
mostly SMEs (99,1% - less than 20 employers 97%)
Emilia-Romagna is a region where social capital is widespread,
witnessed by a research carried out by sociologist R.Putnam, who
defined it as "The trust, rules which regulate coexistence,
networks of civic associations, elements that improve the efficiency of
social organization by promoting initiatives taken by mutual
Such level of social capital is confirmed by prof. R.Cartocci who
analyzed it over the four-years period 1999-2002 in the 103
italian provinces by means of 4 indicators
E-R social capital
Daily press
participation level
Blood donors Social
Trieste 225
Bolzano 210
Parma 208
Genova 202
Piacenza 201
Bologna 127
Reggio E. 126
Modena 125
Ferrara 124
Ravenna 121
Aosta 172
Cuneo 169
Pisa 164
Livorno 162
Pistoia 162
Ravenna 208
Ragusa 191
Siena 169
Mantova 166
Parma 165
Parma 151
Mantova 144
Piacenza 142
Trieste 142
Bologna 140
Productive system is mainly arranged in local production systems
and (differently from national trend) networked industrial
districts, based on the region-spread presence of small companies
(mostly family-run) and cooperative system
Production pattern is characterized by a high quality
manufacturing attitude and strong industrial vocation: Parma
(Barilla and Parmalat), Reggio Emilia, Modena and Bologna (Ducati,
Ferrari, Italjet, Moto Morini, Maserati, Lamborghini)
Industrial sectors widely ranged (chemicals in Ravenna,
mechanic in central Emilia, textiles, electronics, ceramic districts in
Modena surroundings, logistics in Piacenza)
Well developed, also, sea tourism and tourism in art cities,
especially from abroad
E-R economic framework
Regional law n.21/2005 about Workplace conditions
Norms for promotion and development of mutual cooperation in E-R
(L.R. 6/2006)
New Productive Activities Programme 2013-2015 meant to support
CSR resolution issued by Regional Committee on july 7°°°° 2011
by which Region committes itself in leading a nation-wide
innovative CSR policy through an ever more public-
private partnership
Memorandum of Understanding between Region of E-R and Ministry
of Economic Develpment to promote economic growth
and SMEs sustainable competitiveness
E-R public initiatives to support CSR
Regional law n.21/2005 about Work conditions
Norms for promotion and development of mutual cooperation in E-R
(L.R. 6/2006)
New Productive Activities Programme 2013-2015 meant to support
CSR resolution issued by Regional Committee on july 7° 2011
Memorandum of Understanding between Region of Emilia-Romagna
and Ministry of Economic Develpment on the matter of CSR
training according to OECD guidelines
Memorandum of Understanding between Region of Emilia-Romagna
and Ministry of Economic Develpment to promote economic
growth and sustainable competitiveness of SMEs
E-R public initiatives to support CSR
E-R public initiatives to support CSR
Ongoing and planned initiatives fostered by Region of Emilia-
Romagna are:
Participation to CSR Transnational Interegional Project along with
other regions
Planning of regional CSR workshop network by means of the
involvement of local CSR initiatives
A thematic website concerned with CSR
Organization of regional Forum on CSR issues plus periodic meeting
aimed at a comparison and assessement of CSR promotional
E-R CSR public-private initiatives
Public-private partnership to promote and support CSR
CSR Award Province of Modena (by Province of Modena and
Chamber of Commerce)
CSR in the industrial districts - Surveys 2004, 2008 (by Focus Lab
and Province of Modena)
Impronta Etica initiatives
Ugo Project (by Cise – Chamber of commerce)
According what emerged from Desur survey
Knowledge and the approach to CSR by SMEs is generally weak,
mostly intuitive and unefficiently organized
Dissemination can be considered still insufficient
CSR is often meant as an additional cost and not as an opportunity
Insufficient development of an entrepreneurial culture of CSR
SMEs hardly understand the competitive surplus that might result from
activation of a sustainability strategy.
Frequently, SMEs in this area are included in an industry production
chain where competitive criteria is represented by the price
CSR activities are often ‘unaware’
Insufficient attention paid to external stakeholders
Top management and/or the owner/entrepreneur play a key role in the
implementation of CSR strategy
CSR culture regional framework
Main CSR focus among those internationally recognized, are:
Work quality/Human resources
Local project and connections
Social accounting
Environmental innovation
Work safety
However, to be mentioned also several experiences in new CSR
area of interest, such as:
supply chain involvement
stakeholder engagement techniques
work-life balance activities
co-planning in collaboration with non-profit’s
home-work sustainable mobility
social entrepreneurship support
CSR culture regional
CSR culture regional framework
It’s still widely understood that CSR is a philantropic activity
Among management tools, companies are being focused on
Social Accounting
SA8000 Standard
Ethical Code
Values Chart
International CSR standard reference are
OECD guidelines
UN Millenium Goals
UN Global Compact
GRI international guidelines
Source: Region of Emilia-Romagna Triennal productive activities programme 2012-2014
Report on CSR
Most implemented initiatives are focused on:
Cultural awareness raising event (courses, seminars, conferences,
etc.) Quantitative research (survey)
Reward (awards, best practices observatory)
Most considered CSR issues regarding such initiatives:
Work safety and quality
Conciliation daily time and job
Locally relationships
CSR culture regional
Source: Region of Emilia-Romagna Triennal productive activities programme 2012-2014
Report on CSR
Thank you for your attention
Umberto Mezzacapo - CesCoCom
Studies Center on Consumption and Communication
Department of Sociology and Business Law
University of Bologna

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Conferenza Desur 25 sett2013 su Responsabilità Sociale dìImpresa nelle PMI

  • 1. Desur Regional Dissemination Meeting Province of Bologna September 25th, 2013 Italy and Emilia-Romagna’s CSR framework
  • 2. Italy socio-economic frame National and international occurences Economic, environmental, social and financial crisis Globalization processes Population’s growing old Emigrants and immigrants flows
  • 3. Italy socio-economic frame Tourism Machinery Iron and Steel Chemicals Food processing Textiles Motor Vehicles Clothing Footwear Ceramics GDP 2012: industrial sector 26.7% agriculture 2% service industry 71.3% Industrial sector is mostly concerned with:
  • 4. Italy socio-economic frame Smaller number of global corporations than other economies of comparable size Productive processes are commonly fragmented and clustered in several industrial districts The country was the world's 8th largest exporter in 2011 Italian economic fabric consists mainly of SMEs (99,7% of active industrial enterprises has less than 250 employers) SMEs employ more than 81% of actively working people, particularly in the service industry (approximately 49%). SMEs are quite often family-run Among SMEs, 81,7% are micro enterprises
  • 5. Italy CSR framework Academic insight The Italian Academy treated the subject as early as 1968 in an essay "Structures integrated into the Italian distribution system," in which the italian economist Giancarlo Pallavicini, stated that: “Business activity, while aiming to profit, should take explicitly into account a number of internal and external instances, including socio-economic”
  • 6. Italy CSR framework Forerunning Entrepreneurs and Managers Adriano Olivetti (1901–1960) Italian engineer, politician and industrialist whose entrepreneurial activity thrived on the idea that profit should be reinvested for the benefits of the whole society Enrico Mattei (1906 – 1962) was concerned with a highly socially responsible public management
  • 7. Italy CSR framework evolution CSR ranges from philantropy to Corporate citizenship
  • 8. Italy CSR framework Laws and regulamentations Art. 41 of Italian Constitution : “Private economic initiative is free. There shall not be conflict with social utility or in a way that could damage safety, liberty, and human dignity. Law determines appropriate programms and controls so that public and private economy may be directed and coordinated towards social ends.”
  • 9. Italy CSR framework Laws and regulamentations Legislative Decree n.460 (12-4-1997) “Reorganisation of the tax regulations for non- commercial and non-profit organizations of social utility” Law n.342 /11-21/2000) “Fiscal measures” Joint return Italy-UK (4-29-2003) on CSR Memorandum of understanding between Unioncamere and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (11-27-2003) Memorandum of understanding between ANCL (national association labour consultant) and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (11-27-2003) Memorandum of understanding between Assolombarda and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (6-9-2004) Memorandum of understanding between Confapi and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (6-9-2004) Memorandum of understanding between FederAmbiente and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (3-23-2005) Regional legislation and rules (aknowledge of EU requests on CSR)
  • 10. EU CSR policy Green Paper (July 2001)’Promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility’ CSR is defined as “a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis” Communication from the Commission concerning Corporate Social Responsibility, (July 2002) ‘Corporate Social Responsibility: ‘A business contribution to Sustainable Development’ Communication from the Commission concerning Corporate Social Responsibility, (March 2006) ‘Implementing the partnership for growth and jobs: making europe a pole of excellence on corporate social responsibility’ In October 2011 the European Commission published a new policy on CSR (A renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for CSR) CSR is ‘The responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society’
  • 11. International CSR standard most implemented in Italy SA 8000 Social Accountability International Sustainability Report Guidelines (GRI) AA1000 AccountAbility 1000 ISO 26000 ISO 14001 EMAS Social Audit Social label ISO 9000 OHSAS 18001
  • 12. Italy CSR framework Public initiatives CSR – SC (Corporate Social Responsibility-Social Commitment) project (Ministry of Welfare 2002) Based on voluntary CSR approach and the promotion of CSR across national socio-economic system Third European Conference on CSR (Ministry of Welfare - Venice, 14 November 2003), Italian multi-stakeholder Forum for Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative aimed to encourage the dissemination of CSR between businesses and Italian organizations
  • 13. Italy CSR framework Private-Public initiatives Q-RES project – Quality of the ethic-social responsibility Supported and promoted by Centre for Ethics, Law and Economics - LIUC University of Castellanza (1999) CSR award Province of Modena and Chamber of commerce in partnership with Università of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Banca Etica, FocusLab ORSADATA CSR Observatory Sodalitas (in collaboration with ISVI and Impronta Etica) Sodalitas Social Award “Dal dire al fare” CSR exhibition Milano Metropoli Development agency, BIC la Fucina, Koinetica Social Value Award Mani Tese, Action Aid, Arci, AI Italia, Fondazione Banca Etica, Ucodep, Movimento Consumatori
  • 14. Italy CSR framework Private-Public initiatives Q-RES project – Quality of the ethic-social responsibility Supported and promoted by Centre for Ethics, Law and Economics - LIUC University of Castellanza (1999) CSR award Province of Modena and Chamber of commerce in partnership with Università of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Banca Etica, FocusLab ORSADATA CSR Observatory Sodalitas (in collaboration with ISVI and Impronta Etica) Sodalitas Social Award “Dal dire al fare” CSR exhibition Milano Metropoli Development agency, BIC la Fucina, Koinetica Social Value Award Mani Tese, Action Aid, Arci, AI Italia, Fondazione Banca Etica, Ucodep, Movimento Consumatori
  • 15. Italy CSR operators Research and training centers (ISVI Istituto per i valori d’impresa, Centro Studi Enel, Officina Etica, Osservatorio FinEtica) Academic research center: ALTIS, Alta Scuola Impresa e Società,CesCocom (Study Center on Consumption and Communication) EconomEtica (academic center for ethical economy and CSR CSR awards (Sodalitas Social Award - Company’s Social Quality Awards Provincia di Parma, Sustainable innovation Awards Confindustria Giovani Reggio Emilia) Consultant team (FocusLab, Bilanciarsi, Sinopsis Lab) Non profit organizations (Impronta Etica – Fondazione Sodalitas – Club Modena CSR - GBS Study Group for Social report) Public bodies (Chambers of commerce – UnionCamere – CISE - Ministry of Development – Ministry of Welfare) Enterprises…. Managers……
  • 16. International laws National laws International Standard Regional laws Legislation CSR playersFoundations Unions Public Administrations Business associations Enterprises SMEs Big corporations Banks Non profit organizations International occurences Rising environmental awareness Globalization Financial market trend Human and workers rights Consumers expectations Companies scandals and breakdown CSR playersEthical investors Research and training bodies Rating companies Certification authorities National standard promoters CSR awards organizers Consultant team Auditing business Italian CSR “engine” Source: First report on CSR in Italy – by Prof. Mario Molteni – Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milan CSR bodies
  • 17. Italy CSR culture Increasing number of consumers aware of sustainability issues. In particular 44% of consumers in 2013, compared to 38% in 2012, are willing to pay more for product/services made by companies that reinforced CSR programmes In UE such percentage is on average around 36% Survey by Nielsen Global survey on CSR carried out in may 2013 on a sample of 29.000 interviewed online in 58 countries
  • 18. SMEs and CSR in Italy: what’s going on? Companies socially involved: diminishing in number, raised invested funds Why companies invest in CSR: ethical purposes and corporate image Funded initiatives: rising attention to the employers SMEs and CSR: for 67% of them CSR makes relationship with employers stronger Ethical code: over 50% of the companies have adopted it Internal stakeholders: focus on workplace quality and safety External stakeholders (local community): sponsorships and charity Environmental committment: alternative energy sources Source: SMEs CSR workshop 2010 – Faculty of Economics – University ‘Carlo Bo’ - Urbino 5° national report SWG for Socialis Observatory “Corporate Social engagement in Italy“ - 2012
  • 19. CSR effectiveness measurement: it’s still little common Internal communication: 27% of companies invest on it but don’t get employers involved Most used medium for CSR activities: Internet Dissemination of CSR principles among employers: Intranet + Social report SMEs weakeness factors: Scarce economic resources Instinctive management lack of incentives SMEs and CSR in Italy: what’s going on? Source: SMEs CSR workshop 2010 – Faculty of Economics – University ‘Carlo Bo’ - Urbino 5° national report SWG for Socialis Observatory “Corporate Social engagement in Italy“ - 2012
  • 20. Emilia-Romagna socio-demographic features Emilia-Romagna is one of the 20 italian regions and It’s located north-eastern It has nearly 4.5 million inhabitants (7% of the national population), of which about 12% are foreigners The population in Emilia-Romagna region has been growing again, after the stagnation of the previous two decades, essentially due to foreign immigration rising average age of the population italian lowest mortality rate region is characterized by an effective and efficient education system
  • 21. Emilia-Romagna is the most important junction trading of the country The port of Ravenna is the largest in the Adriatic Sea. Significant increase in the car use (from 58.4%, regional average in 2001, to 67.2% in 2008, 7.4% of cycle-pedestrian modality, slight decline of 0.4% in the use of public transport in 2012) Moderately fast growth in the use of web technologies (still remains a part of territory affected by a partial digital divide.) E-R infrastructural system
  • 22. Land consumption in the last thirty years have grown by 74% Urban sprawl and loss of urban systems efficiency Loss of competitiveness of urban systems due mainly to the flows of goods and people handling, firms, workers and residents location The processes of production and energy conversion account for a significant amount of polluting emissions. Energy efficiency improvement, however insufficient to meet the targets set by the EU Growing development of recycling and waste recovery systems Industrial sector accounts for about 10% of water withdrawals E-R settlement system and environmental quality
  • 23. Emilia-Romagna socio-economic features According to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard in 2009 Emilia- Romagna got an innovation performance score medium-high.Emilia-Romagna Emilia-Romagna has one of the highest european GDP: 30.493 eur (ISTAT 2009) exceeding 27% of the EU average In 2013 unemployment rate raised up to 9.4%, compared to 7.1% of 2012 Less than 30 aged unemployment rate 17.4% (2013) Enterprises operating in the region are approximately 400.000, mostly SMEs (99,1% - less than 20 employers 97%)
  • 24. Emilia-Romagna is a region where social capital is widespread, witnessed by a research carried out by sociologist R.Putnam, who defined it as "The trust, rules which regulate coexistence, networks of civic associations, elements that improve the efficiency of social organization by promoting initiatives taken by mutual agreement“ Such level of social capital is confirmed by prof. R.Cartocci who analyzed it over the four-years period 1999-2002 in the 103 italian provinces by means of 4 indicators E-R social capital Daily press circulation Electoral participation level Sport associations diffusion Blood donors Social Capital Index Maxim um score Trieste 225 Bolzano 210 Parma 208 Genova 202 Piacenza 201 Bologna 127 Reggio E. 126 Modena 125 Ferrara 124 Ravenna 121 Aosta 172 Cuneo 169 Pisa 164 Livorno 162 Pistoia 162 Ravenna 208 Ragusa 191 Siena 169 Mantova 166 Parma 165 Parma 151 Mantova 144 Piacenza 142 Trieste 142 Bologna 140
  • 25. Productive system is mainly arranged in local production systems and (differently from national trend) networked industrial districts, based on the region-spread presence of small companies (mostly family-run) and cooperative system Production pattern is characterized by a high quality manufacturing attitude and strong industrial vocation: Parma (Barilla and Parmalat), Reggio Emilia, Modena and Bologna (Ducati, Ferrari, Italjet, Moto Morini, Maserati, Lamborghini) Industrial sectors widely ranged (chemicals in Ravenna, mechanic in central Emilia, textiles, electronics, ceramic districts in Modena surroundings, logistics in Piacenza) Well developed, also, sea tourism and tourism in art cities, especially from abroad E-R economic framework
  • 26. Regional law n.21/2005 about Workplace conditions Norms for promotion and development of mutual cooperation in E-R (L.R. 6/2006) New Productive Activities Programme 2013-2015 meant to support CSR CSR resolution issued by Regional Committee on july 7°°°° 2011 by which Region committes itself in leading a nation-wide innovative CSR policy through an ever more public- private partnership Memorandum of Understanding between Region of E-R and Ministry of Economic Develpment to promote economic growth and SMEs sustainable competitiveness E-R public initiatives to support CSR
  • 27. Regional law n.21/2005 about Work conditions Norms for promotion and development of mutual cooperation in E-R (L.R. 6/2006) New Productive Activities Programme 2013-2015 meant to support CSR CSR resolution issued by Regional Committee on july 7° 2011 Memorandum of Understanding between Region of Emilia-Romagna and Ministry of Economic Develpment on the matter of CSR training according to OECD guidelines Memorandum of Understanding between Region of Emilia-Romagna and Ministry of Economic Develpment to promote economic growth and sustainable competitiveness of SMEs E-R public initiatives to support CSR
  • 28. E-R public initiatives to support CSR Ongoing and planned initiatives fostered by Region of Emilia- Romagna are: Participation to CSR Transnational Interegional Project along with other regions Planning of regional CSR workshop network by means of the involvement of local CSR initiatives A thematic website concerned with CSR Organization of regional Forum on CSR issues plus periodic meeting aimed at a comparison and assessement of CSR promotional initiatives
  • 29. E-R CSR public-private initiatives Public-private partnership to promote and support CSR CSR Award Province of Modena (by Province of Modena and Chamber of Commerce) CSR in the industrial districts - Surveys 2004, 2008 (by Focus Lab and Province of Modena) Impronta Etica initiatives Ugo Project (by Cise – Chamber of commerce)
  • 30. According what emerged from Desur survey Knowledge and the approach to CSR by SMEs is generally weak, mostly intuitive and unefficiently organized Dissemination can be considered still insufficient CSR is often meant as an additional cost and not as an opportunity Insufficient development of an entrepreneurial culture of CSR SMEs hardly understand the competitive surplus that might result from activation of a sustainability strategy. Frequently, SMEs in this area are included in an industry production chain where competitive criteria is represented by the price CSR activities are often ‘unaware’ Insufficient attention paid to external stakeholders Top management and/or the owner/entrepreneur play a key role in the implementation of CSR strategy CSR culture regional framework
  • 31. Main CSR focus among those internationally recognized, are: Work quality/Human resources Local project and connections Social accounting Environmental innovation Work safety However, to be mentioned also several experiences in new CSR area of interest, such as: supply chain involvement stakeholder engagement techniques work-life balance activities co-planning in collaboration with non-profit’s home-work sustainable mobility social entrepreneurship support CSR culture regional framework
  • 32. CSR culture regional framework It’s still widely understood that CSR is a philantropic activity Among management tools, companies are being focused on Social Accounting SA8000 Standard Ethical Code Values Chart International CSR standard reference are OECD guidelines UN Millenium Goals UN Global Compact GRI international guidelines Source: Region of Emilia-Romagna Triennal productive activities programme 2012-2014 Report on CSR
  • 33. Most implemented initiatives are focused on: Cultural awareness raising event (courses, seminars, conferences, etc.) Quantitative research (survey) Reward (awards, best practices observatory) Most considered CSR issues regarding such initiatives: Work safety and quality Conciliation daily time and job Environment Locally relationships CSR culture regional framework Source: Region of Emilia-Romagna Triennal productive activities programme 2012-2014 Report on CSR
  • 34. Thank you for your attention Umberto Mezzacapo - CesCoCom Studies Center on Consumption and Communication Department of Sociology and Business Law University of Bologna