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BOOK                 2010

discovery + design
In a nutshell, anthropology is the study of all that it means to be        WHAT IS ETHNOGRAPHY?
human and the cultural context within which we live. In essence,           Both a methodology and a product of research, ethnography is
anthropology answers the question:                                         a grounded, inductive method, that heavily relies on participant-
                                                                           observation. These days, the term “ethnography” is used fairly loosely
	      	       “What	does	it	mean	to	be	human?"	                           and expectations and final outcomes vary as much as the people
                                                                           calling themselves ethnographers.
It's the scientific study of humankind; from species origins through
development to modern day (including the mall, boardrooms,                 • It meets people where the action occurs
and offices).                                                              • It is inductive
                                                                           • It does not go into the field with answers running
Anthropology encompasses a holistic view of a person and                   • It is focused on systems, practices, and beliefs
their environment by blending sociology, linguistics, biology              • Everything is data
and psychology into a more complete picture. As with all social            • It is focused for business objectives
sciences, it embraces an inductive approach to understanding               • It is best done in teams
and starts from a cultural perspective.                                    • It uses culture and shared knowledge as the center of investigation

Anthropology is also “comparative” and “cross-cultural”.
It is a comparative field in that it examines all societies, ancient and
modern; simple and complex. It systematically compares data from
different populations and time periods. However, the other social
sciences tend to focus on a single society whereas anthropology
offers a unique cross-cultural perspective by constantly comparing
the customs of one society with those of others.

Everything begins with culture.

Culture is a set of shared, learned beliefs, values, norms, traditions
and taboos.

Every purchase decision is made within the cultural context:
• Geographic culture (Indian, American, NorCal, Silicon Valley)
• Industry culture (engineers, product managers, nurses, taxi drivers)
• Company culture (Microsoft, Yahoo, P&G, Harley Davidson)
• Lifestyle culture (surfer, emo, techie, biker, neat-freak)
• Religious culture (Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, Atheist)
INDUCTIVE METHODS                                                INDUCTIVE METHODS


• Begins with specific things - observations or discussion with informants.
  Based on the accumulation of observation, you may want to build a                                                 THEORY
  general idea on that observation.

• Inductive reasoning moves from specific observations to broader
  generalizations and theories.

• Start with specific observations and measures, begin to detect                                    INITIAL HYPOTHESIS
  patterns and regularities, formulate some tentative hypotheses that
  we can explore and finally develop conclusions or theories.

• Inductive reasoning is more open-ended, holistic and exploratory,
  especially at the beginning.

• Uncover the unexpected activities, intrusions, and interactions that
  ultimately impact decision making, use and performance.

• Attempts to understand why, not simply what.

• Attempts to understand the contexts (processes) in which people live                         PATTERNS
  and work.


The study of the complex issues around how resources are attained,
used, repurposed and disposed of within a household or community
is called resource	flow. In essence, it is a process by which people or
companies catalog the purchase journey.

Statistically, humans are alone only a small percentage of their lives.
We exist in family units, social webs, neighborhoods, work structures
and other organizations. All resource input (salary, crops, material
goods, other captial) will inevitably be filtered directly or indirectly
by multiple individuals, including pets. This is true even for those who
live alone, except in extreme cases. For ethnography in a business
context, you should rarely concept resource flow in a 1:1 ratio.

• A good way to start is to ask an individual in the group to draw
  representations of those things in the home, office or community
  that bring in money or goods.

• Next, have them do the same - but focus on those things that take
  out money or goods.

• There will be debate about these representations from other
  members of the group (in public and in private).

• The goal is to get people talking about how the process works and
  the factors influencing it.

• Make sure to document observations and diagram the resource

• Try to keep any and all participants actively engaged through
  discussion and cooperative diagraming. It's okay to hand your
  informant your pen and paper.
SOCIAL NETWORKS                                                                                                    SOCIAL NETWORKS

When conducting fieldwork, it is imperative that you document,         The old adage "no man is an island" and "nobody lives in a
diagram and explore a subject or group's social web. This knowledge    vacuum" are true. We live in a complex network of relationships and
will help you discover motivating or influential factors; negotiated   communities that shape our worldview, behavior and influence our
self-images, relationships, resource flow and the foundation for       daily behavior.
structural/functional behavior.
                                                                       A social network is the socio-cultural group made up of individuals
                                                                       or institutions called "nodes." These are connected by one or more
                                                                       specific types of interdependency, such as profession, title, kinship,
                                                                       common interest, dislike, etc. They can also be constructed around
                                                                       relationships of beliefs, knowledge or power. Social webs help illustrate
                                                                       the multivariate roles people play across a range of socio-cultural

                                                                       Simply put, knowing a target's social network is the gateway to
                                                                       ethnographic insight. Remember, in a social network:

                                                                       • Subjects and their actions are viewed as interdependent rather than
                                                                         independent or autonomous units

                                                                       • Relational ties (linkages) between subjects are channels for resource
                                                                         flow (either material or nonmaterial)

                                                                       • Network models focusing on individuals view the network structural
                                                                         environment as providing opportunities for or constraints on individual

                                                                       • Network models conceptualize structure (social, economic, political
                                                                         and so forth) as lasting patterns of relations among subjects

Reciprocity is how we define the informal exchange of goods, labor
and even ideas. Since virtually all humans live in some kind of society
and interact with others, reciprocity is fundamental to the nature of all

Knowing and diagraming reciprocity allows the researcher to explore
the transfer of resources (resource flow) and the give-and-take of links
in a social network. There are three types of reciprocity:

• Generalized reciprocity: The same as virtually uninhibited sharing
  or giving. It occurs when one person shares goods or labor with
  another person without expecting anything in return. What makes
  this interaction "reciprocal" is the sense of satisfaction the giver feels
  and the social closeness that the gift fosters. Between people who
  engage in generalized reciprocity, there is a maximum amount of
  trust and a minimum amount of social distance.

• Balanced or Symmetrical reciprocity: Occurs when someone gives
  to someone else, expecting a fair and tangible return at some
  undefined future date. It is a very informal system of exchange. The
  expectation that the giver will be repaid is based on trust and social
  consequences; that is, a "mooch" who accepts gifts and favors
  without ever giving himself will find it harder and harder to obtain
  those favors. Balanced reciprocity involves a moderate amount of
  trust and social distance.

• Negative reciprocity: Includes what economists call barter. A person
  gives goods or labor and expects to be repaid immediately with
  some other goods or labor of the same value. Negative reciprocity
  can involve a minimum amount of trust and a maximum social
  distance - it can take place among strangers.

                        Gender, Class and Power can’t be overlooked when doing fieldwork.
                        While these are often topics we avoid in our society, they are part of
                        the cultural landscape and have to be considered when capturing

                        Power can vary from hegemony, perceived as legitimate, to the threat
                        of violence. Class is the relation to the means of production, especially
                        the right of direct access to the fruits of production. Gender is best
                        understood as the relations between men and women. The three
                        together constitute the fundamental social, economic, cultural and
                        political relations that determine any social system or network.

                        When taking in a setting and taking notes consider the following:

                        • What roles do men and women play in the context?

                        • How are communities divided along economic lines?

                        • How important are racial and ethnic distinctions for the group and
                          how is this expressed?

                        • How is power exercised within the group?

                        • How do these considerations shape both the research plan and the
                          final design of a product, service or message?

                            Capturing everything in the field can be a daunting task. But there are
EXPRESSION      ATTENTION   some basic tips that will help make the process smoother:

                            • Write notes as soon as possible to avoid information being lost.

                            • Capture major themes and broad ideas within 24 hours and share
                              them with your team.

                            • Write down all personal details about the setting (number of people,
POSTURE         HANDS         location, use of space, gender dynamics, product use, etc.).

                            • Note direct quotes as well as your impressions.

                            • Note moments that produced changes in the context of discussion.
                              - A	change	in	story	setting,	topic	or	temporal	shift.

                            • Note moments that produced emotional responses.
FEET            OTHER
                            • Note or draw expressions, body language, and non-verbal

                            Remember, the camcorder is only one of the tools you bring to the
                            field. Field guides, notebooks, sketchpads and cameras are all part of
                            the toolkit, but more importantly, so are you.

 WHY THE INTERVIEW?                                                              NON-VERBAL PROMPTS

 The interview is where you will receive a large percentage of your              What you do and how you interact with your subject(s) is just as
 information on subjects or groups. The ability to conduct a successful          important as what you say. Body-language and signage by your
 and insightful interview will determine the depth of information you will       subject(s) is also important. Make sure to pay attention to the detials
 be able to collect and the and the validity of that information.                even if you're making notes. Remember:

 KEEP IN MIND:                                                                   • Remove coat (coats and objects are interpreted as barriers).

 • Reading off a line of questions will create a barrier between the             • Mind that your notes or camera are not directly between you and
   researcher and the subject as well as produce a stale wooden                    the subject.
                                                                                 • Maneuver subject(s) into a seated position not facing an immediate
 • Ask open-ended questions rather than simple yes/no queries. Don’t	              point of egress.
   lead	the	subject.
                                                                                 • The subject should feel secure, but not enclosed.
 • Questions should be clear and phrased in contextually intelligible and
   appropriate language.                                                         • Be aware of your body language and inflection.

 • It’s an interview, not an interrogation. Establish a rapport.                 • Be observant of the body language, gesture-calls, posture, eye
                                                                                   movement etc. of the subject(s).
 • Get to know the subject(s). Ask them questions about the house,
   family, life, etc. It’s important for them to trust the relationship and to   • Silence is your friend.
   be open.
                                                                                 • Nodding but not saying anything will produce silence, which
 •Add depth with follow-up questions.                                              the subject will often try to fill by continuing deeper into a line of
                                                                                   explanation or discovery.
 • Have the subject actively demonstrate their points if possible.
   -	 “My	truck	makes	a	sound.”	=	Get	in	the	truck	and	check	it	out

 QUESTION CATEGORIES                                                     PROBE DEEPER

 Self-Philosophy                                                         - How do they treat the brand/product? Is it a commodity? Is it used to
 - Ask the applicant about how they feel or think about a particular       satisfy the subject or is it being purchased for someone else?
 - Examine how a change of perspective could or would change the         - Are there any inherent biases? Are these linked to socio-economic
   direction of future actions.                                            status, ethnicity, religion, region, sex, age or gender?

 Leading                                                                 - How does the category play into daily life or social sphere?
 - Asks general questions that motivate the subject to elaborate more
   on the current line of questioning or on a specific topic.            - What emotions or feelings are directly associated with the specific
 Cultural Framework
 - Ask questions about how the applicant believes other people in his/
   her situation would feel.

 - Asksabout past situations involving the topic of conversation, and
                                                                                            GENERAL INTERVIEW OUTLINE
   asking how the situation occurred.
 - Describe setting/location.
                                                                                                     Establish rapport
 - Log time/date

                                                                               Transition to a broad category-oriented line of questioning
 - Diagram - mentally or on paper - how people, places or things
   regarding the topic are connected

                                                                                 Transition to brand/product specific line of questioning

                                                                                                   Focus conversation

                                                                                         Thank subject(s) and distribute incentive

NORMS                                                                      MEANING

Cultural norms guide good marketing, design, and development.              People have to make sense of the world around them and assign
For example, cultures shape how people understand what is “food.”          meaning to their shared lives.
While it is seen as strange to eat bugs in the West, they are a major
source of protein in many parts of the world.                              Rituals, morality, cosmology, even how we choose to clean our teeth
                                                                           are all endowed with meaning. For example, knowing that you wear
Uncovering how people internalize these cultural norms gives us insight    black to a funeral stems from associations we have between that color
into what “makes sense” and allows us to design brands that will           and death.
resonate rather than confuse or offend.
                                                                           • How do people define cleanliness?
• What do people wear in a given context?                                  • How do people pray?
• How do people greet each other when meeting for the first time?
                                                                           Ethnography uncovers not only the meaning people assign to the
PROCESSES                                                                  world, but how that meaning comes about.

How people get things done is another significant point of investigation   WHAT PEOPLE SAY vs. WHAT PEOPLE DO
for an ethnographer. It shows us how cultural roles, beliefs about what
is correct, and the order in which events take place shape interaction
                                                                           It isn’t enough to ask people questions, because what they say and
with place, and tool or a brand.
                                                                           what they do aren’t always the same.

• What rituals accompany preparing dinner?
                                                                           Look for what is going on in the physical space, look for body
• How do people find their way in a retail environment?
                                                                           language, and look for interactions between people.

Note all the steps in any activity described by the subject(s).
                                                                           • People may call themselves “green,” but what do they drive?
                                                                           • Do people have a “tell” when asked a question?

                                                                           Look for contradictions and make sure to ask people to demonstrate
                                                                           what they say.

HOW PEOPLE SOLVE PROBLEMS                                        ROLES PEOPLE ASSUME

Look for ways people adapt things to solve problems in unusual   How does behavior change in a given context? What sort of things are
ways. For example, using stickers on cell phones to “tag” what   socially unacceptable in a given context? You should look for changes
belongs to them.                                                 and roles people seem to adopt in a given setting. Systems of hierarchy
                                                                 and power are typically a visually obvious example.
• Look for the tools people use to accomplish tasks.             • How do people react when they have to leave something behind?
• Look for work-arounds people develop to manage and control     • How do people take turns when talking?
  their environment.                                             • How does body language change between people?

HOW PEOPLE ORGANIZE                                              Try to uncover the social and cultural roles people are playing.

How people organize things can tell you a lot about how they
understand and manage their world. Ask people to explain how     PEOPLE'S "STUFF"
they conceptualize things and how they relate to each other.
                                                                 What kinds of “stuff” people have with them can signal what it is they
• How do people organize their refrigerator?                     see as important.
• Where do people store their "important" papers?                • What do people carry with them?
                                                                 • What do they wear?
                                                                 • How does the setting change this?

 HOUSE KEEPING                                                              INTERVIEW

 • Get permission before you start filming, sketching or taking pictures.   • Remember that you are talking, not interrogating. Listen long
 • Make sure your equipment is working properly.                              enough to put your participant at ease and feel like he/she is
 • If working in teams, assign roles and determine expectations for           being heard.
   each team member.                                                        • Be focused enough to get useful information, but general enough
 • Determine who you want to talk to and why you want to talk with            that the participant can guide the conversation into unexpected
   them.                                                                      areas.
                                                                            • Ask open-ended questions, do not use a script, and be willing to
 CAPTURING DATA                                                               ask naïve or obvious questions.
                                                                            • The key is remembering that the participant is the expert, not you.
 • While it sounds daunting, try to capture everything you see, hear,
   smell, taste and feel.
 • Use video, photos, notes, maps and sketches. Include details about
   family, friends, food and environment.
 • Include details about emotional responses as well as your own
   feelings (uncovering personal biases will help improve analysis in the
   long run).
 • Be sure to get your thoughts recorded as soon as possible after
   leaving the field.


 • Observe reality, not just what people want to show you.
 • While observing, look for adaptations and inventions, body
   language, events that change behavior, social hierarchies, things
   people care about, anything you see as irrational or surprising.
 • Engage in what you are observing. It is through action that many of
   the best questions and observation occur.

Setting Objectives                                                                Domains, Variables and Factors

Fieldwork always produces vast amounts of interesting data. It's what             The next step is to start to articulate the broad topics (domains),
you do with that data that makes a difference.                                    variables within domains and specific factors that create variables.
                                                                                  It is a little like molecular biology. Atoms combine to make molecules,
The first step after leaving the field is to set objectives and end results for   molecules combine to make compounds.
the insights.
                                                                                  Uncovering insights and making sense of behavior is similar to
This means defining:                                                              uncovering layers and linkages that build to form an organism.

• Budgets                                                                         Things to Consider Before You Dive In
• Time frames
• Innovation vs. improvements                                                     Where and how will your idea be used by the consumer?
• Back and front end needs                                                        • Are they an adult? A nine-year old? A soldier?

Cultural Practices                                                                Understanding the context of use and users should direct where the
                                                                                  product will be used.
Above	the	waterline,                                                              • Is it in the car? On a laptop? In the backyard? In a retail
Aspects of culture that are explicit, visible, taught.                              environment?

At	the	waterline                                                                  What functions your product must fulfill?
The area where implicit understandings become talked about,
explained.                                                                        Culturally
                                                                                  Is it about your product or something bigger?
Below	the	waterline                                                               Design for how people live, not what they tell you.
“Hidden" culture: the habits, assumptions, understandings, values,
judgments. The things we know but do not or cannot articulate.                    Technically
- “Irrational” behavior is perfectly rational to the person doing it.             What are the elements of that task in a real life setting?
                                                                                  What are people doing now to make do?

What are the barriers?                                                     • Facilitator assists groups in refining 3 ideas to solve the problem.

• Define cultural barriers.                                                • Groups will evaluate ideas and develop rough prototypes of ideas.
• Define cost barriers.
• Define platform barriers.                                                • Tools: Pluses,	Potentials,	Concerns	and	Overcoming.
• Define biological barriers.
                                                                           • Who, What, When, Why, How – focus on what it will take to implement.
All of this comes down to understanding the context and cultural
process of the user, shopper or consumer.

What Now: Nuts and Bolts

Now that you have categorized data, brainstorm as many possible
insights as possible.

• Select	the	5	key	insights	and	write	on	post-its.		
  - Post on easel, whiteboard or wall.
  - Cluster insights into similar categories.
  - Vote down to 5-7 key insights on which to focus.

• Break into “action groups.”

• Groups will generate long list of potential solutions.

• Brainstorming Tools: Write	It,	Say	It,	Post	It;	Brain	Writing;	Forced	

• Evaluate and converge on 3 ideas.

• Decision Tools: Cluster;	Dot	Voting/Silent	Vote

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Field book 2010

  • 1. FIELD BOOK 2010 discovery + design
  • 2. WHAT IS ANTHROPOLOGY In a nutshell, anthropology is the study of all that it means to be WHAT IS ETHNOGRAPHY? human and the cultural context within which we live. In essence, Both a methodology and a product of research, ethnography is anthropology answers the question: a grounded, inductive method, that heavily relies on participant- observation. These days, the term “ethnography” is used fairly loosely “What does it mean to be human?" and expectations and final outcomes vary as much as the people calling themselves ethnographers. It's the scientific study of humankind; from species origins through development to modern day (including the mall, boardrooms, • It meets people where the action occurs and offices). • It is inductive • It does not go into the field with answers running Anthropology encompasses a holistic view of a person and • It is focused on systems, practices, and beliefs their environment by blending sociology, linguistics, biology • Everything is data and psychology into a more complete picture. As with all social • It is focused for business objectives sciences, it embraces an inductive approach to understanding • It is best done in teams and starts from a cultural perspective. • It uses culture and shared knowledge as the center of investigation Anthropology is also “comparative” and “cross-cultural”. It is a comparative field in that it examines all societies, ancient and modern; simple and complex. It systematically compares data from different populations and time periods. However, the other social sciences tend to focus on a single society whereas anthropology offers a unique cross-cultural perspective by constantly comparing the customs of one society with those of others. ANTHROPOLOGY & CULTURE Everything begins with culture. Culture is a set of shared, learned beliefs, values, norms, traditions and taboos. Every purchase decision is made within the cultural context: • Geographic culture (Indian, American, NorCal, Silicon Valley) • Industry culture (engineers, product managers, nurses, taxi drivers) • Company culture (Microsoft, Yahoo, P&G, Harley Davidson) • Lifestyle culture (surfer, emo, techie, biker, neat-freak) • Religious culture (Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, Atheist)
  • 3. INDUCTIVE METHODS INDUCTIVE METHODS THE INDUCTIVE APPROACH • Begins with specific things - observations or discussion with informants. Based on the accumulation of observation, you may want to build a THEORY general idea on that observation. • Inductive reasoning moves from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. • Start with specific observations and measures, begin to detect INITIAL HYPOTHESIS patterns and regularities, formulate some tentative hypotheses that we can explore and finally develop conclusions or theories. • Inductive reasoning is more open-ended, holistic and exploratory, especially at the beginning. • Uncover the unexpected activities, intrusions, and interactions that ultimately impact decision making, use and performance. • Attempts to understand why, not simply what. • Attempts to understand the contexts (processes) in which people live PATTERNS and work. OBSERVATION
  • 4. RESOURCE FLOW The study of the complex issues around how resources are attained, used, repurposed and disposed of within a household or community is called resource flow. In essence, it is a process by which people or companies catalog the purchase journey. Statistically, humans are alone only a small percentage of their lives. We exist in family units, social webs, neighborhoods, work structures and other organizations. All resource input (salary, crops, material goods, other captial) will inevitably be filtered directly or indirectly by multiple individuals, including pets. This is true even for those who live alone, except in extreme cases. For ethnography in a business context, you should rarely concept resource flow in a 1:1 ratio. • A good way to start is to ask an individual in the group to draw representations of those things in the home, office or community that bring in money or goods. • Next, have them do the same - but focus on those things that take out money or goods. • There will be debate about these representations from other members of the group (in public and in private). • The goal is to get people talking about how the process works and the factors influencing it. • Make sure to document observations and diagram the resource flow. • Try to keep any and all participants actively engaged through discussion and cooperative diagraming. It's okay to hand your informant your pen and paper.
  • 5. SOCIAL NETWORKS SOCIAL NETWORKS When conducting fieldwork, it is imperative that you document, The old adage "no man is an island" and "nobody lives in a diagram and explore a subject or group's social web. This knowledge vacuum" are true. We live in a complex network of relationships and will help you discover motivating or influential factors; negotiated communities that shape our worldview, behavior and influence our self-images, relationships, resource flow and the foundation for daily behavior. structural/functional behavior. A social network is the socio-cultural group made up of individuals or institutions called "nodes." These are connected by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as profession, title, kinship, common interest, dislike, etc. They can also be constructed around relationships of beliefs, knowledge or power. Social webs help illustrate the multivariate roles people play across a range of socio-cultural strata. Simply put, knowing a target's social network is the gateway to ethnographic insight. Remember, in a social network: • Subjects and their actions are viewed as interdependent rather than independent or autonomous units • Relational ties (linkages) between subjects are channels for resource flow (either material or nonmaterial) • Network models focusing on individuals view the network structural environment as providing opportunities for or constraints on individual action • Network models conceptualize structure (social, economic, political and so forth) as lasting patterns of relations among subjects
  • 6. RECIPROCITY Reciprocity is how we define the informal exchange of goods, labor and even ideas. Since virtually all humans live in some kind of society and interact with others, reciprocity is fundamental to the nature of all cultures. Knowing and diagraming reciprocity allows the researcher to explore the transfer of resources (resource flow) and the give-and-take of links in a social network. There are three types of reciprocity: • Generalized reciprocity: The same as virtually uninhibited sharing or giving. It occurs when one person shares goods or labor with another person without expecting anything in return. What makes this interaction "reciprocal" is the sense of satisfaction the giver feels and the social closeness that the gift fosters. Between people who engage in generalized reciprocity, there is a maximum amount of trust and a minimum amount of social distance. • Balanced or Symmetrical reciprocity: Occurs when someone gives to someone else, expecting a fair and tangible return at some undefined future date. It is a very informal system of exchange. The expectation that the giver will be repaid is based on trust and social consequences; that is, a "mooch" who accepts gifts and favors without ever giving himself will find it harder and harder to obtain those favors. Balanced reciprocity involves a moderate amount of trust and social distance. • Negative reciprocity: Includes what economists call barter. A person gives goods or labor and expects to be repaid immediately with some other goods or labor of the same value. Negative reciprocity can involve a minimum amount of trust and a maximum social distance - it can take place among strangers.
  • 7. GENDER, CLASS & POWER Gender, Class and Power can’t be overlooked when doing fieldwork. While these are often topics we avoid in our society, they are part of the cultural landscape and have to be considered when capturing data. Power can vary from hegemony, perceived as legitimate, to the threat of violence. Class is the relation to the means of production, especially the right of direct access to the fruits of production. Gender is best understood as the relations between men and women. The three together constitute the fundamental social, economic, cultural and political relations that determine any social system or network. When taking in a setting and taking notes consider the following: • What roles do men and women play in the context? • How are communities divided along economic lines? • How important are racial and ethnic distinctions for the group and how is this expressed? • How is power exercised within the group? • How do these considerations shape both the research plan and the final design of a product, service or message?
  • 8. DOCUMENTATION Capturing everything in the field can be a daunting task. But there are EXPRESSION ATTENTION some basic tips that will help make the process smoother: • Write notes as soon as possible to avoid information being lost. • Capture major themes and broad ideas within 24 hours and share them with your team. • Write down all personal details about the setting (number of people, POSTURE HANDS location, use of space, gender dynamics, product use, etc.). • Note direct quotes as well as your impressions. • Note moments that produced changes in the context of discussion. - A change in story setting, topic or temporal shift. • Note moments that produced emotional responses. FEET OTHER • Note or draw expressions, body language, and non-verbal communication. Remember, the camcorder is only one of the tools you bring to the field. Field guides, notebooks, sketchpads and cameras are all part of the toolkit, but more importantly, so are you.
  • 9. THE ART OF THE INTERVIEW WHY THE INTERVIEW? NON-VERBAL PROMPTS The interview is where you will receive a large percentage of your What you do and how you interact with your subject(s) is just as information on subjects or groups. The ability to conduct a successful important as what you say. Body-language and signage by your and insightful interview will determine the depth of information you will subject(s) is also important. Make sure to pay attention to the detials be able to collect and the and the validity of that information. even if you're making notes. Remember: KEEP IN MIND: • Remove coat (coats and objects are interpreted as barriers). • Reading off a line of questions will create a barrier between the • Mind that your notes or camera are not directly between you and researcher and the subject as well as produce a stale wooden the subject. rapport. • Maneuver subject(s) into a seated position not facing an immediate • Ask open-ended questions rather than simple yes/no queries. Don’t point of egress. lead the subject. • The subject should feel secure, but not enclosed. • Questions should be clear and phrased in contextually intelligible and appropriate language. • Be aware of your body language and inflection. • It’s an interview, not an interrogation. Establish a rapport. • Be observant of the body language, gesture-calls, posture, eye movement etc. of the subject(s). • Get to know the subject(s). Ask them questions about the house, family, life, etc. It’s important for them to trust the relationship and to • Silence is your friend. be open. • Nodding but not saying anything will produce silence, which •Add depth with follow-up questions. the subject will often try to fill by continuing deeper into a line of explanation or discovery. • Have the subject actively demonstrate their points if possible. - “My truck makes a sound.” = Get in the truck and check it out
  • 10. THE ART OF THE INTERVIEW QUESTION CATEGORIES PROBE DEEPER Self-Philosophy - How do they treat the brand/product? Is it a commodity? Is it used to - Ask the applicant about how they feel or think about a particular satisfy the subject or is it being purchased for someone else? topic/product. - Examine how a change of perspective could or would change the - Are there any inherent biases? Are these linked to socio-economic direction of future actions. status, ethnicity, religion, region, sex, age or gender? Leading - How does the category play into daily life or social sphere? - Asks general questions that motivate the subject to elaborate more on the current line of questioning or on a specific topic. - What emotions or feelings are directly associated with the specific brand/product? Cultural Framework - Ask questions about how the applicant believes other people in his/ her situation would feel. Context - Asksabout past situations involving the topic of conversation, and GENERAL INTERVIEW OUTLINE asking how the situation occurred. - Describe setting/location. Establish rapport - Log time/date Mapping Transition to a broad category-oriented line of questioning - Diagram - mentally or on paper - how people, places or things regarding the topic are connected Transition to brand/product specific line of questioning Focus conversation Thank subject(s) and distribute incentive
  • 11. THINGS TO LOOK FOR NORMS MEANING Cultural norms guide good marketing, design, and development. People have to make sense of the world around them and assign For example, cultures shape how people understand what is “food.” meaning to their shared lives. While it is seen as strange to eat bugs in the West, they are a major source of protein in many parts of the world. Rituals, morality, cosmology, even how we choose to clean our teeth are all endowed with meaning. For example, knowing that you wear Uncovering how people internalize these cultural norms gives us insight black to a funeral stems from associations we have between that color into what “makes sense” and allows us to design brands that will and death. resonate rather than confuse or offend. • How do people define cleanliness? • What do people wear in a given context? • How do people pray? • How do people greet each other when meeting for the first time? Ethnography uncovers not only the meaning people assign to the PROCESSES world, but how that meaning comes about. How people get things done is another significant point of investigation WHAT PEOPLE SAY vs. WHAT PEOPLE DO for an ethnographer. It shows us how cultural roles, beliefs about what is correct, and the order in which events take place shape interaction It isn’t enough to ask people questions, because what they say and with place, and tool or a brand. what they do aren’t always the same. • What rituals accompany preparing dinner? Look for what is going on in the physical space, look for body • How do people find their way in a retail environment? language, and look for interactions between people. Note all the steps in any activity described by the subject(s). • People may call themselves “green,” but what do they drive? • Do people have a “tell” when asked a question? Look for contradictions and make sure to ask people to demonstrate what they say.
  • 12. THINGS TO LOOK FOR HOW PEOPLE SOLVE PROBLEMS ROLES PEOPLE ASSUME Look for ways people adapt things to solve problems in unusual How does behavior change in a given context? What sort of things are ways. For example, using stickers on cell phones to “tag” what socially unacceptable in a given context? You should look for changes belongs to them. and roles people seem to adopt in a given setting. Systems of hierarchy and power are typically a visually obvious example. • Look for the tools people use to accomplish tasks. • How do people react when they have to leave something behind? • Look for work-arounds people develop to manage and control • How do people take turns when talking? their environment. • How does body language change between people? HOW PEOPLE ORGANIZE Try to uncover the social and cultural roles people are playing. How people organize things can tell you a lot about how they understand and manage their world. Ask people to explain how PEOPLE'S "STUFF" they conceptualize things and how they relate to each other. What kinds of “stuff” people have with them can signal what it is they • How do people organize their refrigerator? see as important. • Where do people store their "important" papers? • What do people carry with them? • What do they wear? • How does the setting change this?
  • 13. ETHNOGRAPHIC METHODS HOUSE KEEPING INTERVIEW • Get permission before you start filming, sketching or taking pictures. • Remember that you are talking, not interrogating. Listen long • Make sure your equipment is working properly. enough to put your participant at ease and feel like he/she is • If working in teams, assign roles and determine expectations for being heard. each team member. • Be focused enough to get useful information, but general enough • Determine who you want to talk to and why you want to talk with that the participant can guide the conversation into unexpected them. areas. • Ask open-ended questions, do not use a script, and be willing to CAPTURING DATA ask naïve or obvious questions. • The key is remembering that the participant is the expert, not you. • While it sounds daunting, try to capture everything you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. • Use video, photos, notes, maps and sketches. Include details about family, friends, food and environment. • Include details about emotional responses as well as your own feelings (uncovering personal biases will help improve analysis in the long run). • Be sure to get your thoughts recorded as soon as possible after leaving the field. OBSERVATION • Observe reality, not just what people want to show you. • While observing, look for adaptations and inventions, body language, events that change behavior, social hierarchies, things people care about, anything you see as irrational or surprising. • Engage in what you are observing. It is through action that many of the best questions and observation occur.
  • 14. WHAT NOW? Setting Objectives Domains, Variables and Factors Fieldwork always produces vast amounts of interesting data. It's what The next step is to start to articulate the broad topics (domains), you do with that data that makes a difference. variables within domains and specific factors that create variables. It is a little like molecular biology. Atoms combine to make molecules, The first step after leaving the field is to set objectives and end results for molecules combine to make compounds. the insights. Uncovering insights and making sense of behavior is similar to This means defining: uncovering layers and linkages that build to form an organism. • Budgets Things to Consider Before You Dive In • Time frames • Innovation vs. improvements Where and how will your idea be used by the consumer? • Back and front end needs • Are they an adult? A nine-year old? A soldier? Cultural Practices Understanding the context of use and users should direct where the product will be used. Above the waterline, • Is it in the car? On a laptop? In the backyard? In a retail Aspects of culture that are explicit, visible, taught. environment? At the waterline What functions your product must fulfill? The area where implicit understandings become talked about, explained. Culturally Is it about your product or something bigger? Below the waterline Design for how people live, not what they tell you. “Hidden" culture: the habits, assumptions, understandings, values, judgments. The things we know but do not or cannot articulate. Technically - “Irrational” behavior is perfectly rational to the person doing it. What are the elements of that task in a real life setting? What are people doing now to make do?
  • 15. WHAT NOW? What are the barriers? • Facilitator assists groups in refining 3 ideas to solve the problem. • Define cultural barriers. • Groups will evaluate ideas and develop rough prototypes of ideas. • Define cost barriers. • Define platform barriers. • Tools: Pluses, Potentials, Concerns and Overcoming. • Define biological barriers. • Who, What, When, Why, How – focus on what it will take to implement. All of this comes down to understanding the context and cultural process of the user, shopper or consumer. What Now: Nuts and Bolts Now that you have categorized data, brainstorm as many possible insights as possible. • Select the 5 key insights and write on post-its. - Post on easel, whiteboard or wall. - Cluster insights into similar categories. - Vote down to 5-7 key insights on which to focus. • Break into “action groups.” • Groups will generate long list of potential solutions. • Brainstorming Tools: Write It, Say It, Post It; Brain Writing; Forced Connections • Evaluate and converge on 3 ideas. • Decision Tools: Cluster; Dot Voting/Silent Vote