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activities                                      interim outcomes                                       long-term outcomes
Federation-wide Logic Model                                                                                       strategies

      September 2008                                                                                                                                                                                       Diverse members of the Bay Area
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jewish community:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Bay Area Jewish community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   is strong, vibrant and diverse.
                                                                                                    Strengthen Jewish Identity and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Members engage in the
                                                                                                      Community                                                                                            • Develop strong connections to                         community in meaningful ways,
                                                                                                    • Engage people in the Jewish
                                 situation                                                            community in a variety of ways
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the organized Jewish community                        have ties to Israel, and strengthen
                                                                                                                                                      Strategic Grantmaking                                                                                        Israel through their commitment.
                                                                                                      tailored to their needs, interests                                                                   • Have increased knowledge
  Changes in Bay Area Jewish                Changes in the Philanthropic                              and experiences
   Community Demographics                           Landscape                                                                                                                                                about Judaism, Jewish culture
                                                                                                                                                        Program Design &                                     and Israel
                                                                                                    • Educate people about Judaism
The Bay Area Jewish community             Concurrently, recent philanthropic                                                                              Implementation
                                                                                                      and Israel                                        (internal programs)                                • Develop an appreciation for and                      Israel is a strong civil society that
 is experiencing trends that call for      trends call for new approaches to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             commitment to Israel                                 promotes democracy, Jewish
 different strategies to engage its        securing the community’s                                 • Meet the needs of vulnerable                                                                                                                                Pluralism, equality and social
 members. Trends include:                  financial support. Trends include:                         populations in the community                                                                                                                                justice, in part because of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Needs in the Jewish communities                        commitment and actions of the
- Declining formal connections to         - Donors’ increased focus on                              • Strengthen Israel                                                                                    in the Bay Area and Israel are                         Bay Area Jewish community
  the Jewish community (e.g.                specific issues and their demand                                                                                                                               addressed
  synagogue membership)                     for demonstrated results
- Increasing rates of interfaith          - New generations of Jews who are
  marriage                                  driven to service but not
- Increasing geographic dispersal;          necessarily to Jewish causes
  no “Jewish neighborhoods”               - Foundations’ preference to                                                                                                                                     The network, including JCF’s
- Increasing overall diversity              engage with the Federation more                                                                                                                                internal programs, has increased
  (ethnic, national, socioeconomic,         deeply                                                                                                                                                         capacity to meet community needs
                                                                                                    Strengthen the Network                               Building Capacity
  sexual orientation)                     - Donors’ tendency to give their                          • Elevate the effectiveness of                                                                                                                                The network of Jewish-serving
                                            largest gifts to general community                        informal and formal organizations                Building Knowledge                                                                                         organizations in the Bay Area is
                                            causes                                                    (including the JCF) that serve the                                                                   Organizations, including the JCF,                      strong and effective, in part
                                          - The aging and dying of many                                                                                 Fostering Effective                                  that serve the Jewish                                because of the work done by the
                                                                                                      Jewish community
                                            large donors                                                                                                  Philanthropy                                       community:                                           JCF to build its capacity

                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Have strong and productive
                                                                                                                                                                                                             relationships with each other
                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Engage in practices that
                                                                                                    Promote and Channel                                                                                      demonstrate their accountability
      Staff                                  Professional Advisors                                    Philanthropy                                            Donor
      •Planning and Program Devel.                                                                                                                                                                           and transparency
                                                                                                    • Expand the pool of funders who                 Cultivation/Outreach &
      •Endowment                             Foundations                                              support the changing needs of the                   Engagement
      •Campaign                                                                                       Jewish community                                                                                     The JCF is well-known as a                             The philanthropic community in the
      •Marketing                             Facilities                                                                                                                                                    facilitator of philanthropy with a                     Bay Area is strong, large and
      •Human Resources                                                                              • Elevate the effectiveness of                           Fundraising                                   Jewish lens and a leading                              effective, in part because of the
      •Administration                        Technology                                               organized Jewish philanthropy                                                                        supporter of Jewish peoplehood                         facilitative role played by the JCF.
      •Building/Facilities/Security                                                                                                                                                                                                                               As a result, many needs in the
      •Info Technology                       Materials                                              • Encourage more people to engage                  Donor Recognition &                                                                                        Jewish and general communities
      •Finance and Accounting                                                                         in philanthropy using a Jewish lens                 Stewardship                                      The JCF has strong partnerships                        are addressed.
                                             Strategic Funding Initiative                                                                                                                                  with other funders and
      Lay Leaders                            (2005) – five strategic objectives;                    • Encourage successive                                                                                 organizations that have
      •Board of Directors                    new, more integrated structural                          generations of Jews to engage in                  Fostering Effective                                complementary missions
      •Commissions                           model; evolving organizational                           philanthropy using a Jewish lens                    Philanthropy
      •Program Committees                    priorities
                                                                                                    • Direct donors’ contributions to                                                                      The JCF continues to increase its
                                                                                                      programs that meet community                    Strategic Grantmaking                                community impact in the Jewish
                                                                                                      needs (grantmaking)                                                                                  and general communities, locally
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and globally, by expanding its
                                                                                                                                                                                                           donor base
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            external factors
                                                                                                                                                                                A strong network of                                          Other organizations           Other organizations
                                                                                                                                                   The economy and its                                         Other organizations           (incl. general community      (incl. general
                                                                                                       The JCF will          Integration of the                                 Jewish community
                              Large numbers           The more                                                                                     impact on giving                                            doing similar work in the     organizations) that           community
                                                                              The more people          increase cmmty        JCF’s various                                      organizations to
      Engagement with         of people in the        organizations a                                                                                                                                          Bay Area                      compete for the same          organizations) that call
                                                                              know about the           impact by             parts into a more                                  implement
      Israel is an            Bay Area care           person is                                                                                                                                                                              donors                        on the same leaders
                                                                              JCF, the more            educating donors      cohesive                                           programming
      effective way to        about Israel            involved with, the
      strengthen                                                              attached to it they      about cmmty           framework will lead
                              and see it as           more likely they
      Jewish identity                                                         will become              needs and             to greater
                              central to              are to join even                                                                                                                                         The affluent,                 The large number of
                                                                                                       channeling their      efficiencies and      The political situation in   The high rate of college
                              Jewish life             more                                                                                                                                                     entrepreneurial,              entrepreneurial Jewish
                                                                                                       resources             impact                Israel and its effect on     education within the
                                                                                                                                                   public attitudes             Jewish community               innovative culture in the     organizations in the Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bay Area                      Area
Federation-wide Logic Model                                                                              strategies                                              activities                               interim outcomes                         long-term outcomes
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Members of the Bay Area Jewish
      September 2008                                                                                                                                                                                   community feel a Jewish identity and
                                                                                                                                                       Strategic Grantmaking                           strong connection to the organized
                                                                                                                                                       • Presentation of funding/investment            Jewish community
                              situation                                                                                                                  opportunities to donors
                                                                                             Strengthen Jewish Identity and                            • Awarding of unrestricted and
                                                                                               Community                                                 restricted funds                                                                     The diverse Bay Area Jewish
                                                                                             • Engage people in the Jewish                                                                             Members of the Bay Area Jewish         community is engaged in
                                                                                               community in a variety of ways                                                                          community develop a deep               Jewish life in meaningful ways
                                                                                               tailored to their needs, interests                                                                      understanding and appreciation of
                                                                                               and experiences                                                                                         the complexity of Israel

                                                                                             • Educate people about Judaism
                                                                                                                                                      Program Design & Implementation
                                                                                               and Israel                                             • Internal programs: incubation
                                                                                                                                                        and/or implementation of                        Youth have increased knowledge         Interfaith couples and families
                   Changes in Bay Area Jewish                                                • Meet the needs of vulnerable
                                                                                                                                                        community-focused programs by                   about Jewish culture, pluralism        feel welcome in the Bay Area
                    Community Demographics                                                     populations in the community                             JCF staff and volunteers to:                    and Israeli Jewish identity            Jewish community

                                                                                             • Strengthen Israel                                           – Engage the Jewish
                  Changes in the Philanthropic
                                                                                                                                                           – Educate about Judaism and
                          Landscape                                                                                                                                                                    Youth and their families develop a
                                                                                                                                                             Israel2                                   lifelong commitment to Judaism,         Jewish youth are educated
                                                                                                                                                           – Meet community needs3                     Jewish peoplehood and Israel            about Judaism and connected
                                                                                             Strengthen the Network                                        – Strengthen Israel4                                                                to the Jewish people
                                                                                             • Elevate the effectiveness of
                                                                                               informal and formal organizations
                                                                                               (including the JCF) that serve the
                                                                                               Jewish community                                                                                        Israel’s most vulnerable populations
                                                                                                                                                                                                       receive the support they need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       realize their potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Vulnerable Jews are cared for
                                                                                              Promote and Channel
                                                                                                Philanthropy                                                                                           Increasing numbers of secular
                                                                                              • Expand the pool of funders who                                                                         Israelis connect to their Jewish
                                Staff                                                           support the changing needs of the                                                                      identity
                                                                                                Jewish community
                             Lay Leaders                                                                                                                                                                                                      Jews in the Bay Area support
                                                                                              • Elevate the effectiveness of                                                                                                                  and are deeply connected to
                       Professional Advisors                                                    organized Jewish philanthropy                                                                                                                 Israel
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Increasing numbers of Israelis
                            Foundations                                                       • Encourage more people to engage                                                                        accept the legitimacy of Jewish
                                                                                                in philanthropy using a Jewish lens                                                                    Pluralism
                                                                                              • Encourage successive                                                                                                                          Israel is a strong civil society that
                             Technology                                                         generations of Jews to engage in                                                                                                              promotes democracy, Jewish
                                                                                                philanthropy using a Jewish lens                                                                                                              Pluralism, equality of opportunity
                              Materials                                                                                                                                                                                                       and social justice
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Israelis develop deep connections
                                                                                              • Direct donors’ contributions to                                                                        to the Bay Area
                    Strategic Funding Initiative                                                programs that meet community
                                                                                                needs (grantmaking)

                                                                       assumptions                                                                                                                                  external factors

     LGBT, Russian programs, 2x2 Young Couples, Women in Leadership, Wexner Alumni, Communities of Learning, Marin Study Group, Business Leadership Council, Young Adults Division, Women’s Alliance
     ECE Initiative, PJ Library, Chai Baby, Parenting Matters, Diller Teen Fellows, Israel Center programs, Gvanim, Manhigut Esre, Jewish Studies Academic Consortium, Youth Philanthropy
     Youth Philanthropy
     Gvanim, Manhigut Esre
Federation-wide Logic Model                                                                               strategies                                                 activities                                               interim outcomes                 long-term outcomes

      September 2008                                                                                                                                                                                                   Community-based and internal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       programs have capacity to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       develop strong programs and
                              situation                                                                                                                                                                                strategies
                                                                                              Strengthen Jewish Identity and
                                                                                              • Engage people in the Jewish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Community organizations make
                                                                                                community in a variety of ways
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    good choices about which capital
                                                                                                tailored to their needs, interests
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    projects to undertake and manage
                                                                                                and experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    them effectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The JCF is known as a center for
                                                                                              • Educate people about Judaism
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            groundbreaking work in the fields
                                                                                                and Israel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in which it works
                  Changes in Bay Area Jewish                                                                                                                                                                         Grantees understand the
                                                                                              • Meet the needs of vulnerable                            Building Capacity                                            importance of being accountable to
                   Community Demographics                                                       populations in the community                            • Leadership development activities1                         their key constituents
                                                                                                                                                        • Partnership development
                                                                                              • Strengthen Israel                                         activities2
                                                                                                                                                        • Convening                                                                                         The Bay Area enjoys a network
                  Changes in the Philanthropic
                                                                                                                                                        • Technical assistance                                      The JCF provides evidence of its        of strong, sustainable
                                                                                                                                                        • Fundraising support                                       own accountability and impact           organizations serving the Jewish
                                                                                                                                                        • Capital planning                                                                                  community that operates
                                                                                               Strengthen the Network                                                                                                                                       seamlessly and has continued
                                                                                               • Elevate the effectiveness of                                                                                                                               impact over time
                                                                                                 informal and formal organizations                                                                                   The JCF has stronger relationships
                                                                                                 (including the JCF) that serve the                       Building Knowledge
                                                                                                                                                          • Planning and research                                    with synagogues and engages in
                                                                                                 Jewish community                                                                                                    collaborative projects
                                                                                                                                                          • Capital planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The JCF has strong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             relationships with organizations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Increasing numbers of volunteers         that serve the Jewish
                                inputs                                                                                                                                                                              are involved in the JCF and the          community
                                                                                               Promote and Channel                                                                                                  network, particularly young people
                                                                                                 Philanthropy                                           Fostering Effective Philanthropy
                                                                                               • Expand the pool of funders who                         • Internal programs3
                                Staff                                                            support the changing needs of the
                                                                                                 Jewish community                                                                                                    The JCF makes the community             The Bay Area Jewish
                            Lay Leaders                                                                                                                                                                              aware of complex, cross-                community has a “deep bench”
                                                                                               • Elevate the effectiveness of                                                                                        organizational and/or regional          of volunteer and professional
                       Professional Advisors                                                     organized Jewish philanthropy                                                                                       challenges                              leadership
                            Foundations                                                        • Encourage more people to engage
                                                                                                 in philanthropy using a Jewish lens                                                                                 Community-based and internal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     programs use research and
                                                                                               • Encourage successive                                                                                                community expertise to guide
                             Technology                                                          generations of Jews to engage in                                                                                    implementation and to track progress
                                                                                                 philanthropy using a Jewish lens
                                                                                               • Direct donors’ contributions to
                    Strategic Funding Initiative                                                 programs that meet community                                                                                       Increasing numbers of Bay Area
                                                                                                 needs (grantmaking)                                                                                                Jews are engaged in philanthropy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    more deeply or for the first time

                                                                        assumptions                                                                                                                                               external factors

    Including internal programs: Diller Teen Fellows, 2x2 Young Couples, Women in Leadership, Wexner Alumni, Gvanim, Manhigut Esre, Youth Philanthropy, Business Leadership Council, Young Adult Division, Women’s Alliance
    Including internal program: Synagogue Federation Partnership
    Foundation Advisory Council, Young Funders Forum, Youth Philanthropy
Federation-wide Logic Model                                                                                 strategies                            activities                         interim outcomes                     long-term outcomes

      September 2008

                                situation                                                       Strengthen Jewish Identity and
                                                                                                • Engage people in the Jewish            Donor Cultivation/Outreach &
                                                                                                  community in a variety of ways           Engagement
                                                                                                  tailored to their needs, interests     • Internal programs: incubation         The JCF has a strong community
                                                                                                  and experiences                          and/or implementation of              profile, high visibility
                                                                                                                                           community-focused programs by
                                                                                                • Educate people about Judaism             JCF staff and volunteers1
                                                                                                  and Israel                             • Prospecting
                                                                                                                                         • Meetings
                     Changes in Bay Area Jewish                                                 • Meet the needs of vulnerable           • Events                                The donor community is well-
                      Community Demographics                                                      populations in the community                                                   educated about the JCF’s priorities
                                                                                                                                                                                 and knows about opportunities to       The JCF is a strong, enduring
                                                                                                • Strengthen Israel                                                              partner with the JCF                   institution that evolves over time to
                                                                                                                                         Fundraising                                                                    meet the changing needs of the
                    Changes in the Philanthropic                                                                                                                                                                        Jewish community
                                                                                                                                         • Internal programs1
                                                                                                                                         • Solicitation
                                                                                                                                         • Direct marketing                     The JCF maintains its current donors
                                                                                                                                         • Phone-a-thons                        and expands and deepens its donor
                                                                                                 Strengthen the Network                                                                                                  The JCF is seen as a center for
                                                                                                                                         • Events                               base (individuals, foundations,
                                                                                                 • Elevate the effectiveness of                                                                                          Jewish philanthropy, a trusted
                                                                                                                                         • Referrals from prof. advisors        businesses)
                                                                                                   informal and formal organizations                                                                                     partner
                                                                                                   (including the JCF) that serve the
                                                                                                   Jewish community
                                                                                                                                                                                 The JCF works more with funding
                                                                                                                                         Donor Recognition & Stewardship         partners (individuals, foundations,
                                                                                                                                         • Internal programs1                    businesses)                            The JCF helps supporters of
                                  inputs                                                                                                 • Communication                                                                needs in the Jewish and general
                                                                                                 Promote and Channel                     • Events                                                                       communities pursue tikkun olam
                                                                                                   Philanthropy                          • Fund management (incl. planned
                                                                                                 • Expand the pool of funders who          gifts)
                                   Staff                                                           support the changing needs of the                                             The JCF has strengthened
                                                                                                   Jewish community                                                              partnerships with other Jewish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       JCF-directed funds have a tangible
                               Lay Leaders                                                                                                                                       organizations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       impact on social problems, both
                                                                                                 • Elevate the effectiveness of                                                                                        Jewish and general, local and global
                                                                                                                                         Fostering Effective Philanthropy
                         Professional Advisors                                                     organized Jewish philanthropy
                                                                                                                                         • Internal programs2
                                                                                                                                         • Supporting Foundations support
                              Foundations                                                        • Encourage more people to engage                                               Local funders come together to
                                                                                                   in philanthropy using a Jewish lens                                           collaborate on community-based
                                 Facilities                                                                                                                                      projects
                                                                                                 • Encourage successive
                               Technology                                                          generations of Jews to engage in
                                                                                                                                         Strategic Grantmaking
                                                                                                   philanthropy using a Jewish lens
                                                                                                                                         • Presentation of funding/investment
                                                                                                                                           opportunities to donors               Restricted and unrestricted JCF
                                                                                                 • Direct donors’ contributions to
                                                                                                                                         • Awarding of unrestricted and
                      Strategic Funding Initiative                                                 programs that meet community                                                  fund dollars meet needs in the
                                                                                                                                           restricted funds                      Jewish and general communities
                                                                                                   needs (grantmaking)

                                                                          assumptions                                                                                                         external factors

      Women’s Alliance, Young Adults Division, Business Leadership Council, Communities of Learning, Marin Study Group
      Foundation Advisory Council, Young Funders Forum, Youth Philanthropy

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JCF and Endowment Fund Logic Model

  • 1. activities interim outcomes long-term outcomes Federation-wide Logic Model strategies September 2008 Diverse members of the Bay Area Jewish community: The Bay Area Jewish community is strong, vibrant and diverse. Strengthen Jewish Identity and Members engage in the Community • Develop strong connections to community in meaningful ways, • Engage people in the Jewish situation community in a variety of ways the organized Jewish community have ties to Israel, and strengthen Strategic Grantmaking Israel through their commitment. tailored to their needs, interests • Have increased knowledge Changes in Bay Area Jewish Changes in the Philanthropic and experiences Community Demographics Landscape about Judaism, Jewish culture Program Design & and Israel • Educate people about Judaism The Bay Area Jewish community Concurrently, recent philanthropic Implementation and Israel (internal programs) • Develop an appreciation for and Israel is a strong civil society that is experiencing trends that call for trends call for new approaches to commitment to Israel promotes democracy, Jewish different strategies to engage its securing the community’s • Meet the needs of vulnerable Pluralism, equality and social members. Trends include: financial support. Trends include: populations in the community justice, in part because of the Needs in the Jewish communities commitment and actions of the - Declining formal connections to - Donors’ increased focus on • Strengthen Israel in the Bay Area and Israel are Bay Area Jewish community the Jewish community (e.g. specific issues and their demand addressed synagogue membership) for demonstrated results - Increasing rates of interfaith - New generations of Jews who are marriage driven to service but not - Increasing geographic dispersal; necessarily to Jewish causes no “Jewish neighborhoods” - Foundations’ preference to The network, including JCF’s - Increasing overall diversity engage with the Federation more internal programs, has increased (ethnic, national, socioeconomic, deeply capacity to meet community needs Strengthen the Network Building Capacity sexual orientation) - Donors’ tendency to give their • Elevate the effectiveness of The network of Jewish-serving largest gifts to general community informal and formal organizations Building Knowledge organizations in the Bay Area is causes (including the JCF) that serve the Organizations, including the JCF, strong and effective, in part - The aging and dying of many Fostering Effective that serve the Jewish because of the work done by the Jewish community large donors Philanthropy community: JCF to build its capacity • Have strong and productive relationships with each other inputs • Engage in practices that Promote and Channel demonstrate their accountability Staff Professional Advisors Philanthropy Donor •Planning and Program Devel. and transparency • Expand the pool of funders who Cultivation/Outreach & •Endowment Foundations support the changing needs of the Engagement •Campaign Jewish community The JCF is well-known as a The philanthropic community in the •Marketing Facilities facilitator of philanthropy with a Bay Area is strong, large and •Human Resources • Elevate the effectiveness of Fundraising Jewish lens and a leading effective, in part because of the •Administration Technology organized Jewish philanthropy supporter of Jewish peoplehood facilitative role played by the JCF. •Building/Facilities/Security As a result, many needs in the •Info Technology Materials • Encourage more people to engage Donor Recognition & Jewish and general communities •Finance and Accounting in philanthropy using a Jewish lens Stewardship The JCF has strong partnerships are addressed. Strategic Funding Initiative with other funders and Lay Leaders (2005) – five strategic objectives; • Encourage successive organizations that have •Board of Directors new, more integrated structural generations of Jews to engage in Fostering Effective complementary missions •Commissions model; evolving organizational philanthropy using a Jewish lens Philanthropy •Program Committees priorities • Direct donors’ contributions to The JCF continues to increase its programs that meet community Strategic Grantmaking community impact in the Jewish needs (grantmaking) and general communities, locally and globally, by expanding its donor base external factors assumptions A strong network of Other organizations Other organizations The economy and its Other organizations (incl. general community (incl. general The JCF will Integration of the Jewish community Large numbers The more impact on giving doing similar work in the organizations) that community The more people increase cmmty JCF’s various organizations to Engagement with of people in the organizations a Bay Area compete for the same organizations) that call know about the impact by parts into a more implement Israel is an Bay Area care person is donors on the same leaders JCF, the more educating donors cohesive programming effective way to about Israel involved with, the strengthen attached to it they about cmmty framework will lead and see it as more likely they Jewish identity will become needs and to greater central to are to join even The affluent, The large number of channeling their efficiencies and The political situation in The high rate of college Jewish life more entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial Jewish resources impact Israel and its effect on education within the public attitudes Jewish community innovative culture in the organizations in the Bay Bay Area Area
  • 2. Federation-wide Logic Model strategies activities interim outcomes long-term outcomes Members of the Bay Area Jewish September 2008 community feel a Jewish identity and Strategic Grantmaking strong connection to the organized • Presentation of funding/investment Jewish community situation opportunities to donors Strengthen Jewish Identity and • Awarding of unrestricted and Community restricted funds The diverse Bay Area Jewish • Engage people in the Jewish Members of the Bay Area Jewish community is engaged in community in a variety of ways community develop a deep Jewish life in meaningful ways tailored to their needs, interests understanding and appreciation of and experiences the complexity of Israel • Educate people about Judaism Program Design & Implementation and Israel • Internal programs: incubation and/or implementation of Youth have increased knowledge Interfaith couples and families Changes in Bay Area Jewish • Meet the needs of vulnerable community-focused programs by about Jewish culture, pluralism feel welcome in the Bay Area Community Demographics populations in the community JCF staff and volunteers to: and Israeli Jewish identity Jewish community • Strengthen Israel – Engage the Jewish community1 Changes in the Philanthropic – Educate about Judaism and Landscape Youth and their families develop a Israel2 lifelong commitment to Judaism, Jewish youth are educated – Meet community needs3 Jewish peoplehood and Israel about Judaism and connected Strengthen the Network – Strengthen Israel4 to the Jewish people • Elevate the effectiveness of informal and formal organizations (including the JCF) that serve the Jewish community Israel’s most vulnerable populations receive the support they need to realize their potential Vulnerable Jews are cared for inputs Promote and Channel Philanthropy Increasing numbers of secular • Expand the pool of funders who Israelis connect to their Jewish Staff support the changing needs of the identity Jewish community Lay Leaders Jews in the Bay Area support • Elevate the effectiveness of and are deeply connected to Professional Advisors organized Jewish philanthropy Israel Increasing numbers of Israelis Foundations • Encourage more people to engage accept the legitimacy of Jewish in philanthropy using a Jewish lens Pluralism Facilities • Encourage successive Israel is a strong civil society that Technology generations of Jews to engage in promotes democracy, Jewish philanthropy using a Jewish lens Pluralism, equality of opportunity Materials and social justice Israelis develop deep connections • Direct donors’ contributions to to the Bay Area Strategic Funding Initiative programs that meet community needs (grantmaking) assumptions external factors 1 LGBT, Russian programs, 2x2 Young Couples, Women in Leadership, Wexner Alumni, Communities of Learning, Marin Study Group, Business Leadership Council, Young Adults Division, Women’s Alliance 2 ECE Initiative, PJ Library, Chai Baby, Parenting Matters, Diller Teen Fellows, Israel Center programs, Gvanim, Manhigut Esre, Jewish Studies Academic Consortium, Youth Philanthropy 3 Youth Philanthropy 4 Gvanim, Manhigut Esre
  • 3. Federation-wide Logic Model strategies activities interim outcomes long-term outcomes September 2008 Community-based and internal programs have capacity to develop strong programs and situation strategies Strengthen Jewish Identity and Community • Engage people in the Jewish Community organizations make community in a variety of ways good choices about which capital tailored to their needs, interests projects to undertake and manage and experiences them effectively The JCF is known as a center for • Educate people about Judaism groundbreaking work in the fields and Israel in which it works Changes in Bay Area Jewish Grantees understand the • Meet the needs of vulnerable Building Capacity importance of being accountable to Community Demographics populations in the community • Leadership development activities1 their key constituents • Partnership development • Strengthen Israel activities2 • Convening The Bay Area enjoys a network Changes in the Philanthropic • Technical assistance The JCF provides evidence of its of strong, sustainable Landscape • Fundraising support own accountability and impact organizations serving the Jewish • Capital planning community that operates Strengthen the Network seamlessly and has continued • Elevate the effectiveness of impact over time informal and formal organizations The JCF has stronger relationships (including the JCF) that serve the Building Knowledge • Planning and research with synagogues and engages in Jewish community collaborative projects • Capital planning The JCF has strong relationships with organizations Increasing numbers of volunteers that serve the Jewish inputs are involved in the JCF and the community Promote and Channel network, particularly young people Philanthropy Fostering Effective Philanthropy • Expand the pool of funders who • Internal programs3 Staff support the changing needs of the Jewish community The JCF makes the community The Bay Area Jewish Lay Leaders aware of complex, cross- community has a “deep bench” • Elevate the effectiveness of organizational and/or regional of volunteer and professional Professional Advisors organized Jewish philanthropy challenges leadership Foundations • Encourage more people to engage in philanthropy using a Jewish lens Community-based and internal Facilities programs use research and • Encourage successive community expertise to guide Technology generations of Jews to engage in implementation and to track progress philanthropy using a Jewish lens Materials • Direct donors’ contributions to Strategic Funding Initiative programs that meet community Increasing numbers of Bay Area needs (grantmaking) Jews are engaged in philanthropy more deeply or for the first time assumptions external factors 1 Including internal programs: Diller Teen Fellows, 2x2 Young Couples, Women in Leadership, Wexner Alumni, Gvanim, Manhigut Esre, Youth Philanthropy, Business Leadership Council, Young Adult Division, Women’s Alliance 2 Including internal program: Synagogue Federation Partnership 3 Foundation Advisory Council, Young Funders Forum, Youth Philanthropy
  • 4. Federation-wide Logic Model strategies activities interim outcomes long-term outcomes September 2008 situation Strengthen Jewish Identity and Community • Engage people in the Jewish Donor Cultivation/Outreach & community in a variety of ways Engagement tailored to their needs, interests • Internal programs: incubation The JCF has a strong community and experiences and/or implementation of profile, high visibility community-focused programs by • Educate people about Judaism JCF staff and volunteers1 and Israel • Prospecting • Meetings Changes in Bay Area Jewish • Meet the needs of vulnerable • Events The donor community is well- Community Demographics populations in the community educated about the JCF’s priorities and knows about opportunities to The JCF is a strong, enduring • Strengthen Israel partner with the JCF institution that evolves over time to Fundraising meet the changing needs of the Changes in the Philanthropic Jewish community • Internal programs1 Landscape • Solicitation • Direct marketing The JCF maintains its current donors • Phone-a-thons and expands and deepens its donor Strengthen the Network The JCF is seen as a center for • Events base (individuals, foundations, • Elevate the effectiveness of Jewish philanthropy, a trusted • Referrals from prof. advisors businesses) informal and formal organizations partner (including the JCF) that serve the Jewish community The JCF works more with funding Donor Recognition & Stewardship partners (individuals, foundations, • Internal programs1 businesses) The JCF helps supporters of inputs • Communication needs in the Jewish and general Promote and Channel • Events communities pursue tikkun olam Philanthropy • Fund management (incl. planned • Expand the pool of funders who gifts) Staff support the changing needs of the The JCF has strengthened Jewish community partnerships with other Jewish JCF-directed funds have a tangible Lay Leaders organizations impact on social problems, both • Elevate the effectiveness of Jewish and general, local and global Fostering Effective Philanthropy Professional Advisors organized Jewish philanthropy • Internal programs2 • Supporting Foundations support Foundations • Encourage more people to engage Local funders come together to in philanthropy using a Jewish lens collaborate on community-based Facilities projects • Encourage successive Technology generations of Jews to engage in Strategic Grantmaking philanthropy using a Jewish lens • Presentation of funding/investment Materials opportunities to donors Restricted and unrestricted JCF • Direct donors’ contributions to • Awarding of unrestricted and Strategic Funding Initiative programs that meet community fund dollars meet needs in the restricted funds Jewish and general communities needs (grantmaking) assumptions external factors 1 Women’s Alliance, Young Adults Division, Business Leadership Council, Communities of Learning, Marin Study Group 2 Foundation Advisory Council, Young Funders Forum, Youth Philanthropy