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Fashion Essay Example
Writing an essay on the topic of "Fashion Essay Example" may present both challenges and
opportunities for expression. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the subject but also in
the need to balance creativity with factual information. Fashion is a dynamic and multifaceted
field that encompasses history, culture, trends, and personal expression. Crafting a well-rounded
essay requires thorough research to stay current with the ever-evolving nature of the fashion
One obstacle may be the sheer abundance of information available, making it challenging to
select relevant and compelling points to include. Additionally, maintaining a cohesive structure
while navigating through various aspects of fashion, such as its influence on society, the role of
designers, or the impact of sustainability, demands a careful approach to ensure clarity for the
Moreover, expressing personal opinions and insights can be a delicate task. While essays often
encourage a unique voice, it is crucial to strike a balance between subjectivity and objectivity.
The challenge is to infuse the essay with your perspective without overshadowing the factual
content that lends credibility to your arguments.
On the positive side, delving into the world of fashion allows for creativity and individual
expression. The essay provides an opportunity to showcase one's understanding of the topic, the
ability to critically analyze information, and the skill to communicate ideas effectively.
Integrating real-world examples and case studies can enhance the essay's depth and demonstrate
a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Fashion Essay Example" requires a delicate
balance between creativity and research, objectivity and subjectivity. While navigating the
complexities of the fashion world, one must strive to maintain coherence and clarity throughout
the essay. Ultimately, the challenge is an enriching one, offering the chance to explore and
articulate the multifaceted nature of fashion.
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Fashion Essay ExampleFashion Essay Example
The Theory Of The Philosophy Of Education Essay
Teaching Philosophy
Emily E. Blackwell
Athens State University
Idealism, thought to be the creation of Greek philosopher, Plato, is the approach that
teachers use to get students to ask and answer questions in order to reach the next
level of education. The teacher will typically use a variety of inquiry based learning
tactics. This school of thought is used to develop each students individual abilities
and moral character. The idealist feels that with the development of moral character
in addition to personal reflection, wisdom is gained. Teachers who follow this
philosophy generally see themselves as a role model for his or her students to strive to
emulate. This teaching method is typically implemented to focus on developing ideas
through lecture, discussion, and Socratic dialogue. Students can be assessed using a
number of methods including, but not limited to quizzes, testing, research projects
experiments, and individual or group inquiries. Additionally, this philosophy is used
to encourage students to discover their individual truths.
The philosophy of education is the philosophical ideas on the essence, goals, and
complications of education. The philosophy of education is both reflective in nature
and rooted in educational practice. Engaging in philosophy helps teachers to clarify
what they do or intend to do in regards to classroom management, lesson planning,
time management, and discipline. (Seigel, 2015) Implementing a particular
Plasma Membrane Bound Cell Lab Report
A key responsibility of the plasma membrane of membrane bound cells is to maintain
a level of homeostasis within the cell as the environment fluctuates. (Campbell 2014).
The objective of this experiment was to understand how cells may react in extreme
environments, and test the cells ability to withstand temperature stress before
structural integrity is compromised.
The experiment used the standard curve of betacyanin to find the absorbance of
samples subjected to different temperature stresses. The absorbance and standard
curve were used to predict the concentration of betacyanin released from the tonoplast
of a beet cell (Starchuck 2015). Beet samples were cut in consistent sizes,
concentration of the undiluted sample, and the substance ... Show more content on ...
In addition, it supports the argument that the tonoplast of a beet cell incurs sufficient
betacyanin leakage, and therefore membrane damage, at extremely high temperatures
and low temperatures. Table 2 2 demonstrates that the samples tested in conditions of
4В°C, 40В°C ,and 50В°C have a much lower concentration of betacyanin than the
original sample. Considering multiple cuts of beats had deposited betacyanin in a
fixed quantity of water in the control group and the samples that were manipulated
were taken from the control container with some of its pigment remaining in the
container. The low concentration reading suggests that the cell was not effected
enough by its environment to release additional betacyanin, resulting in a lower
concentration reading than the control. At a temperature of 70В°C the betacyanin
concentration was greater than that of the control by a factor of approximately two,
suggesting that at high temperatures the membrane is no longer functioning well
enough to keep the betacyanin contained within the vacuole. At a temperature of
5В°C the betacyanin concentration was comparable to the results of the 70В°C trial,
suggesting the same tonoplast damage can result from low
Understanding The Piezoelectric Behavior Of Ferro-
Ferro electrics are an important class of materials which posses excellent electro
mechanical coupling behavior cite{jayendiran2012modeling}. These materials have
been used in sensors, actuators, biomedical and naval applications for several years.
These materials behave linearly under low electric fields and mechanical stresses, but
show nonlinearity at higher electric fields and mechanical stresses; see the review
articles cite{kamlah2001ferroelectric,landis2004non,huber2005micromechanical}.
Several experiments have been conducted and reported in the literature to understand
the nonlinear behavior of piezoelectric materials
... Show more content on ...
$1 3$ piezo composites with piezoelectric rods (one dimension) embedded in a
passive polymer matrix (three dimension) are attractive due to their tunable acoustic
impedance and excellent tailor made electromechanical properties
cite{topolov2008electromechanical}. Since the matrix materials are viscoelastic in
nature, the influence of matrix in the overall electro mechanical response of piezo
composites have been reported cite{aboudi2005hysteresis,
muliana2010micromechanical, shindo2010nonlinear}. Studies related to the
influence of polymer matrix on the electro mechanical response of piezo composites
have been performed cite{jayendiran2012modeling, aboudi2005hysteresis,
odegard2004constitutive}. A two level thermodynamic based micromechanics theory
for domain switching in $1 3$ piezo composites have been proposed to predict the
orientation dependency of the electro mechanical coupling behavior of the composite
system cite{zhao2009investigation}. Literature review reveals that $1 3$ type
composites are good alternatives for bulk PZT ceramics. Hence, it is necessary to
understand the electro mechanical behavior of different fiber volume fractions
cite{jayendiran2012modeling}. Incorporation of a more ductile epoxy matrix causes
considerable creep in the system under constant electric fields and mechanical
The Role Of Safe Sex In Women
Brothels do not provide condoms for the girls. Without the precaution for safe sex,
many young women end up with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. In
Sold, Monica is thrown out in the street because she has the virus there is no cure
for. The girls were oblivious to finding this out, as they were not educated on the
symptoms associated with the virus. The girls at Happiness House find this out
when Mumtaz reveals, She has the virus (McCormick 210). The symptoms she
faced were getting progressively worse, while having sex with men. At the time
Lakshmi, and the other girls had no way of knowing that the virus Monica had was
HIV. At Happiness House, Mumtaz did not allow or provide the girls access to
condoms. Mumtaz was not worried about the girls getting sick, more so the money
that would be made of the men raping the women. In addition, in the article, Sex
Trafficking and HIV/AIDS: A Deadly Junction for Women Gita is another girl who
suffers from rapeat a brothel where she first HIV as a direct result of unprotected
sex. Specifically, Gita contracted HIV as a direct result of her status as a victim of
sex trafficking. ...Is now living in a shelter and receiving HIV treatment and
counseling (Kloer 1).
Why Is Hamlet s First Soliloquy
The soliloquy implies that Hamlet was weighing up the benefits of both the options
of life or death. He considers that the continuation of life implies having to deal with
the constant struggles in his life. On the other hand, the option of death would imply
that would be the cause of eternal peace even though it was through suicide. The
soliloquy demonstrates the true character of Hamlet as portrayed in the text. For
instance, it shows that the melancholy that he feels is not an entire fabrication.
Rather, it shows that Hamlet is truthfully emotionally disturbed by the events that
occur in his life (Charney, 2014).
By portraying his contemplation, the soliloquy defines the utmost character of
Hamlet. More so, the soliloquy is
Black Worms Lab
There are two main types of toxicity, acute and chronic. Acute toxicity refers to a
relatively high dose of a toxin given over a short period of time. Chronic toxicity is
a relatively low dose of a toxin given over a longer time period. Acute toxicity is
measured by the Lethal Dose 50 (LD50). LD50 is the dose of a specific substance
that kills 50% of test organisms, and it varies from substance to substance. Toxin
severity is due to intrinsic, within the body, and extrinsic, outside of the body,
factors. When determining the effect of a toxin on an organism, it is important to
compare the behavior of the organism exposed to a toxin to that of the same type of
organism when not exposed to a toxin. California Black worms are a North American
... Show more content on ...
Procure 8 petri dishes labelled water control , water 1 , water 2 , water 3 , control ,
low concentration , medium concentration , and high concentration . 2.Place 25
mL of water in the water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 petri dishes.
3.Procure the tobacco solution in low, medium, and high concentrations. 4.Place 25
mL of the low concentration tobacco solution into the low concentration petri dish.
5.Place 25 mL of the medium concentration tobacco solution into the medium
concentration petri dish. 6.Place 25 mL of the high concentration tobacco solution
into the high concentration petri dish. 7.Procure 8 worms. 8.Place 2 worms in
each of the following: water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 . 9.Observe
and record normal behavior of the worms with and without problems. 10.Move the
worms from water control to control . 11.Move worms from water 1 to low
concentration . 12.Move worms from water 2 to medium concentration . 13.Move
worms from water 3 to high concentration . 14.Observe and record worm activity at
0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes. 15.Return worms to their original petri dishes. 16.Observe
the worms at 0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes, recording their level of
NSDAP Memorabilia As A Collector s Delight
NSDAP Memorabilia as a Collector s Delight NSDAP was a Germany s political
party that worked from1920 1945. It stands for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party). They practiced the
beliefs of Nazism. These people fought against the uprising of the communism in
WW1. The Nazis were all about Pseudo scientific racism; means that they wanted to
unite the pure Germans and excluded the people who were inferior (physically or
mentally), political rebels or foreigners. These were the people who were the cause
of The Holocaust. The Nazi symbols consisted of Red and Black color, referring to
blood and soil and used the sign of Swastika. The Nazi s Party flag consisted of the
swastika in a white disk, surrounded by red color. The next symbol was of the
German Eagle standing over the sign of the swastika. If the eagle was facing left, it
symbolizes Nazi Party.... Show more content on ...
In the same way many people have been collecting the NSDAP memorabilia. These
people are obsessed with everything related to the WW2, German Nazi Party and
its Allied forces. Many people call them crazy, but now a day, it is known as the
collector s delight. Some reasons to collect the NSDAP collectibles and souvenirs are:
1.People want to learn, know and understand about the WW2 and its history.
2.People are collecting this Nazi memorabilia, for fun as it is a different and unique
kind of collection and many people are shocked when they see such type of collection.
3.People also collect this to show the items that glorify the hatred, racism, intolerance,
4.Some think that these are the keepsakes of the German army s
The Grizzly Reality Of Trophy Hunting
The Grizzly Reality of Trophy Hunting Trophy hunting is defined as the selective
hunting of select species of hunting game for human recreation and not as a way to
get food, even though parts of the animals may be consumed. The animal or part of
it is kept as a trophy or proof of achievement. Trophy hunters have a code called the
fair chase code, this code ensures that the hunter will give the animal they are hunting
a fair chase and allow it to escape if the hunter does not have the skill required to
kill the animal. By adopting this code the hunter also agrees to allowing the animal
to use its senses in order to give the animal a fair chance at survival. The hunter also
promises not to use illegal methods to hunt such as banned traps... Show more content
on ...
Another observation done by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population
growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated bears do not sit
down for a census (Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters
will accidently over hunt bears once again. If bears bears are delisted it will not be
because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently
asking for the chance to hunt. If bears are delisted it can be years before they can
be relisted and by then it may be far too late. Hunters argue that if the Department
of Fish and Wildlife declare the grizzly population stable then they should be
allowed to hunt the bears. As of now the Department of Fish and Wildlife has
declared the grizzly population stable at a nearly doubled population from that in the
70 s. As stated by a avid hunter If Yellowstone s bearpopulation falls precipitously
after delisting, the federal government can come back in and declare the bears
endangered again . With positive support from the Department of Fish and Wildlife
it seems grizzlies will soon be fair game. Grizzlies are not the only animals in danger
of being hunted for trophies to the extent of possible extinction. In a study done by an
organization called the Dodo they found that trophy
Importance of Human Interaction in William Faulkner s A...
Importance of Human Interaction in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily
Are human beings responsible for the well being of others that they come into
contact with? William Faulkner s story A Rose for Emily considers the significance
that human interaction has or does not have on people s lives. Faulkner creatively uses
a shocking ending to cause readers to reevaluate their own interactions with others in
their lives. Throughout the story, Faulkner uses characters that may relate to the
readers more than they want to admit. Homer Barron, the construction worker from
the North, and the residents of Jefferson are used to expose the opportunities, although
different, they are afforded to affect the life of Emily Grierson, who is the ... Show
more content on ...
They are interested but fearful to get involved in someone s life that is troubled or
different than theirs. The townspeople s curiosity is shown through their inquiries
about the smell at Emily s house, the watching of the comings and goings of Tobe,
who is Emily s Negro servant, and their observing the buggy rides that Emily is
having with Homer. Despite the curiosity of the residents, not one of them reaches
out a compassionate hand to Emily. While the townspeople choose to stay on the
outer circle of human contact, Homer, on the other hand, pursues his curiosity and
engages in a personal friendship with Emily. Faulkner tells the reader how Homer
takes Emily for buggy rides and, according to the townspeople, has been seen
going into Emily s house. Homer has really stirred up the gossips of the town as
they discuss whether or not it is proper for Emily to so closely relate to a
Northerner, who is considered below her social class. While Homer develops a
relationship with Emily, he does not realize what emotional state Emily is in and
does not offer the help this poor distraught lady so desperately needs. Homer,
knowingly or not, misses an opportunity to change Emily s life forever. Faulkner
may be suggesting that just being involved in someone s life casually falls short of
how human beings should be involved in others lives.
The second part of human nature that Faulkner explores is
The Hero on Fire
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a book about a girl named Katniss
Everdeen who lives in the post apocalypse nation called Panam. There is an annual
event in which one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts surrounding the
Capitol are selected randomly to compete in a televised battle to the death. Katniss
Everdeen volunteers in the place of her sister when she was chosen to compete in the
games. Throughout her journey she undergoes challenges but her courage, bravery,
and heroism help her to survive. For this, Katniss can be analyzed in a myth and
archetypical by being the heroin the novel. She takes on the roles of the male
archetype but also embodies female archetypal characteristics. Additionally, the fire
she symbolizes throughout the novel signifies her characterand what she represents to
the people of Panam.
Katniss is a hero because she risked and sacrificed her own life for her family,
friends, and district. An archetype hero is defined as a figure, often larger than life,
whose search for identity and/or fulfillment results in their quest. The hero typically
undergoes a journey or quest that begins when something traumatic happens in
their life forcing them to leave home, and is prepared to make sacrifices to make
sure that others are kept safe. This is shown when Katniss sacrifices herself by
taking her sister s place in the games to keep her safe. Even though it s hard because
she knows the consequences, she still yells, Prim! Prim! [Not]
Michelle Smith Vs Conrad s Suicide Essay
Michelle Smith ( Michelle ), the defendant, is the former girlfriend of Conrad
Johnson ( Conrad or the victim ). Michelle has been arrested by the Temple police
department for the death of Conrad. Conrad was found dead in his truck in a
Walmart parking lot. The cause of Mr. Johnson s death has been ruled as deathby
suicide from carbon monoxidepoisoning. The District Attorney has charged Michelle
with all of the criminal homicide statutes, including murder, voluntary manslaughter,
and involuntary manslaughter. Conrad Johnson and Michelle Smith have been dating
for a few months up to the result of Conrad s suicide. The couple communicated
primarily through text messagingin their relationship. The texts between the two are
provided by Exhibit A and B. In those texts, the defendant and the victim go back
forth and whether or not Conrad should go through with suicide. Michelle in the very
beginning of their conversation gives Conrad many alternatives to not go through
with suicide. For example, Michelle says on June 19th but the mental hospital would
help you. I know you don t think it will, but I am telling you, if you give them a
chance they can save... Show more content on ...
Michelle gave the victim the idea of death by carbon monoxide as a way to get rid
of his problem through suicide. The defendant began to blame Conrad for
consistently pushing off the suicide and having second thoughts. Michelle mentions
in her texts on July 11th, you re gonna have to prove me wrong because i just don t
think you really want this. You just keep pushing it off another night and say you ll
do it and never do. The texting conversation between the defendant and victim lead
to Michelle teling Conrad that everyone will be okay if he does die; also that she
will be there for the victim s family after his death. The defendant begins to have
second thoughts once more. Michelle then begins to tell Conrad that he should do
Conqueror Of Basketball
The Conqueror s Sport: Basketball
There is no question as to the immense and still growing popularity of basketball as
one of the major competitive sports in the world. There is almost no major country in
the world without an official team participating in the Federation Internationale
Basketball (FIBA) leagues nowadays. Our own country, the Philippines, loves the
sport with a passion.
For all those unfamiliar with the sport (which are very hard to find nowadays),
basketball is a two team game, composed of five players per team, with the goal of
scoring the most points in a given amount of time. A score, or a field goal in
technical terms, is made when the basketball is shot through a hoop, or a basket. The
team with more points after 48 minutes ... Show more content on ...
Some of these countries were colonies, and some were just close neighbors. But
nevertheless, this shows that America has been affecting neocolonialism on countries
through basketball, and is most prominent on countries which America has had
influence on. And observations have been made to prove these, a website that performs sports related surveys, conducted
a study on the popularity of basketball per country. What s interesting is that the top
five of the list are USA, Philippines, Canada, Australia, and Iran, most of which have
had deep connections to America in their respective pasts. The Philippines was a
colony of the States. Canada is the closest geographically to the US. Iran was
involved with the US during that Iraq thingy. As for good ol Aussie, their culture has
some semblances to American culture.
The point is, there seems to be a connection between the popularity of basketball in a
country to the eventuality of interaction between them and America. That in itself is
one of the proofs that basketball has a connection to American Neocolonialism, that
the continuity of a country s influence is maintained by assimilation of a part/s of its
culture, in this case,
Analysis Of The Leopard
In novels, the particular way in which information is disseminated dictates the
delineation of plot and the reader s perception of action. For example, Albert Camus
The Outsider often reads as a newspaper article, as the terse and objective style is
detached and journalistic. In contrast, the narrator s voice in Franz Kakfa s The Trialis
witty and more personal. Furthermore, in Giuseppe di Lampedusa s The Leopard, the
style is elaborate and romantic, which aggrandizes and animates certain actions and
objects. However, the styles of these novels also dictate what is expressed altogether.
In The Trial, K. s incessant need to ask questions without answering them overlooks
information and forsakes clarity. Likewise, the unemotional and limited language in
The Outsider omits Meursault s thoughts and emotions. In contrast, The Leopard s
grandiose and convoluted style overwhelms the reader with information and minute
details. While the novels are diverse in their use of language, all three styles
nonetheless dictate what is presented, rather than how it is presented, and challenge
the reader to discern fact or meaning from either the absence or excess of
information. In The Trial, the way in which K. constantly questions himself and other
characters particularly creates a language of omission. Franz and Willem s arrival at
the beginning of the novelcatalyzes the novel s questioning nature, as they force K. to
ask, Who are you? (Kafka 4). K. s initial questionthen
Los Angeles Dodgers Case Study
The Los Angeles Dodgers were expected to make a playoff runs this year, but by
the time Clayton Kershaw fell injured with a back problem, their chances looked
grim, but somehow the Dodgers got all the way to Game 6 of the NLCS. Look,
Dodger fans felt like they could have gotten to the World Series, but just getting to
the NLCS was something incredible. This year in particular saw a record number
of players on the DL, especially pitchers. Between August and October, pitchers like
Julio Urias, Jose De Leon, Brock Stewart and Ross Stripling carried the load. The
Dodgers had high expectations coming into this year with a number of star pitchers,
but the season looked botched by the time the pitching rotation seem depleted and
still got far in the... Show more content on ...
First off, there are a few guys becoming free agents: Justin Turner, Chase Utley, and
Josh Reddick. The Dodgers are going to give a huge contract to Turner because he
has become an indistinguishable part of the Dodgers offense and defense. Chase
Utley might get a contract, but it would be a one year contract and it will solely be
on the part of Utley, if he wants to retire or stay competitive and guide Corey
Seager to greatness. Lastly, Josh Reddick, Reddick will also get a contract that s
probably only one year because the Dodgers have only seen him play for half a
season and they already have a number of solid outfielders. These outfielders
include: Yasiel Puig, Andre Ethier, Joc Pederson, Howie Kendrick (utility man),
Enrique Hernandez (utility man), Scott Van Slyke (utility man), and Trayce
Thompson. Reddick is better than a number of these players, but doesn t compare
to their future or their leadership skills. For example, Kendrick is a veteran that is
good for the team as whole because he has been in the league for so long and
Hernandez and Thompson are exciting young players that could have a future on the
Dodgers. Puig, Pederson, and Ethier are all out of the question staying with the
Dodgers for a couple of more years and will be starting for the most
Monetary Policy And Its Effect On Economic Growth
Economics for Business 2
Topic: Recent Monetary Policy in Australia
Monetary policy is important to the economic growth, and it involves setting the
interest rate on overnight loans in the money market (RBA 2015). This interest rate
is also called the cash rate, and it influences other interest rates in economy which
include the behaviour of borrowers and lenders, economic activity and ultimately the
rate of inflation (RBA 2015).
Why do you think that monetary policy is less effective in boosting economic
growth than it is in restricting economic growth? How do lower interest rates boost
aggregate demand in the economy? According to the most recent monetary policy,
which is released on 04 August 2015 by Glenn Stevens, l will investigate all the
possible effects in economy those are influenced by the change of monetary policy.
After their recent meeting, the Board made a wise decision and maintained the
interest rate at 2.0 per cent. And refer to the earlier announcements this year; we all
know that the rates have been changed twice in 2015, because RBA decided to
support the economy, and wanted to reduce the rise in unemployment. But there are
possible growing risks from lower rates. Lower interest rates effect the economy
growth in varies ways, it makes cheaper and easier to borrow, which tends to
encourage investment, spending and consumption. Thus it directly boosts aggregate
demand and economic growth. But at the same time, it also causes inflationary
Advantages Of Sacrificial Anode
Engineering Chemistry (CHY1001)
Digital Assignment 1
Ans1. a) Sacrificial anodic protection:
Sacrificial anodes are exceptionally active metals used to prevent less active metal
surfaces from eroding. They are constructed from a metal alloy having a higher
negative electrode potential than the metal surface it will be used to safeguard. The
sacrificial anode will get depleted in place of the metal it is protecting. This is why it
is referred to as sacrificial anode.
The materials used for making a sacrificial anode are either comparatively pure
active metals such as Zinc and Magnesium, or alloys of Magnesium or Aluminium
precisely developed to be used as a sacrificial anode.
They are used to protect water heaters, pipelines, underground tanks, hulls of ships,
etc. (Sacrificial anode used for cathodic protection.)
b) Corrosion inhibitors:
A corrosion inhibitor is a chemical compound which when added to a gas or liquid,
reduces the rate of corrosion of a material (which is mostly a metal or an ... Show
more content on ...
If these metals are put in contact (or otherwise electrically connected), this potential
difference yields electron flow amidst them. Corrosion of the less corrosion
resistant metal is usually elevated and attack to the more resistant material is
decreased, as compared to the behaviour of these metals when they are not in
contact. The less resistant metal becomes anode and the more resistant metal
becomes the cathode. Usually the cathodic metal corrodes very less or not at all in
this form of couple. Due to the electric currents and dissimilar metals involved, this
type of corrosion is called galvanic or two metal corrosion. It is an electrochemical
The Life of Patricia Roberts Harris
Patricia Roberts Harris was born on May 31,1924 and died of breast cancer on
March 23,1985. Harris did a lot in her 60 years of living. She was the first African
American woman to hold a position in Cabinet, serve as an Ambassador, and head a
law school. Harris fought hard for fair housing and employment under the Carter
Administration as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Harris grew up in a Single parent home. Her performance at her high school in
Chicago earned her many scholarships. She went to Howard University in
Washington D.C. Attending Howard she was exposed to segregation and racial
inequality. As she was in Howard she became apart of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) where she participated in her first sit
in(in 1943) to force D.C to end segregation. In 1945 she grated Howard with honors
and continued to go further in her education at University of Chicago where she
studied industrial relations. After finishing her two year study at University of
Chicago,(with her husbands encouragement) she went to George Washington
University to study law. A year after graduating at the top of her class, she went back
to Howard as an associate dean of student and lecture.
She was then appointed by John F. Kennedy to co chair the National Women s
Committee for Civil Rights. In 1965 she was appointed ambassador to Luxembourg
by Lyndon B. Johnson. She held that position for two years then returned to teaching
at Howard. In 1969
The Barbarie of Animal Testing
Animal Testing Every year in the United States more than one hundred million
animals are poisoned, crippled, and abused in labs. Imagine being locked up in a
cage your whole life and used against your will to be harmed in a number of ways (
11 Facts ). It does not sound fun does it? Just like us, animals are living. They feel
pain and they suffer just like we do. I personally believe testing on animals is wrong
because it is ruthless and barbarous, other methods exist today that could replace the
need for animals, and these tests do not accurately foresee the results in humans.
Firstly, animal testingis ruthless and barbarous. In 2010, the US Department of
Agriculture recorded that ninety seven thousand one hundred and twenty three
animals endured some kind of agony during some kind of experiment or test. These
animals were not given any type of anesthesia for abatement. Animals and humans
both feel pain in some of the same ways; in fact, their feedback in response to pain
is essentially corresponding. For example, both humans and animals scream. The
frequently used LD50 or Lethal Dose 50, experiment associates figuring out what
chemical dosage will kill fifty percent of the animals that are being tested on.
Secondly, other methods exist in today s time that can replace the need for using
animals, some of which can be more efficient and accurate. For example, there are
profitable, available products such as Epiderm and ThinCert that is made from sheets
of test
The Department Of Aqua Purification And Filtration
The end, an array of clichГ©s, descended upon the planet. The black starless nights
and white hot days of suffocating smog and ash wrought havoc. Subtle increases in
temperature and not so subtle earthquakes, offered up whispers and roars. Red blood
from the eyes of the diseased, and the gore from the murdered, blanketed the area.
Escaped gases, emanated from bloated corpses, contaminated the air and destroyed
the fresh water.
Geneticist, Dr. Jasmine Wallace Quill, distributed water, the new currency. She
headed The Department of Aqua Purification and Filtration. Government control and
regulation determined who she allowed to live. Those whose contribution the world
order found insufficient, died.
Damn you! A grown man needs
Optical Distortion Harvard Business Case
I. Executive summary:
A. Problem statement: Optical Distortion Inc.(ODI) is a small new company, not yet
in business, with a patent for an innovative product designed to prevent chickens
from cannibalism behaviors toward each other. These lenses are used instead of
traditional way of debeaking. ODI must develop marketing strategies about targeting,
positioning and optimal pricing to launch its new product.
B. Recommendation: The dilemma ODI faces is whether introduce its product at a
higher price and continue process its multimarket strategy. Based on ODI limited
resources and current situation of poultry industry in United States, ODI should target
large farms have 50,000 chickens or over, and focus on the ... Show more content on ...
4) able to lower price as well as cost with high market power and high rate of market
to compete with potential competitors.
D. Conclusions: ODI has sufficient evidence to target large farms have 50,000
chickens or over, and focus on market in California and south Atlantic region in the
short term and set an initial high price of about $0.28 per pair. Although it may
appear that ODI may have risk of introducing new products, this option is actually
safest and most profitable for expected sales and penetration. Risk of reluctance to
acceptance new technology, low trained salesforce and new competitors in the
future may lead this strategy less efficient. It is suggested that ODI decrease the
selling price of the lenses in the long term and focus on improving the quality and
services and build a solid premium brand image in order to guarantee market share in
the future. It would be better to find multiple ways of advertising and increasing the
customers awareness and accessibility of products.
Table 1: Farm size comparison
Table 2:
Savings calculation between debeaking and lenses
Reduce Cannibalism
ODI lenses
Cannibalism Rate
Purchase cost (per chicken)
Total cost
Savings (per chicken)
Descriptive Essay On My Dream Car
Whether it s a lifted truck running a hemi or a suped up WRX, your dream car
embodies what you desire, the life you d like to live, and the kind of person you d
like to be. Your real car embodies what you have, the life you live, and the kind of
person you are.
The search for your dream car entails spending months combing over different
makes and models of car, seeing which has the most horsepower, the fastest, the best
for mudding or the best for racing. Pondering what it would be like to own such a
masterpiece of vehicular perfection.
The time spent imagining what your friends would think if you were to pull up to
school in a Rolls Royce, stepping out like a lavish Bill Gates. The flock of people
crowding around the new wheels just to catch a glimpse.
Instead, people walk briskly past your car to distance themselves from the smell of
burning oil and the squeaking the tranny makes anytime you shift to park.
But back to the dream car, the embodiment of fancy, adorning a leather interior,
unnecessary interior lights, top of the line dash clusters and head unit gadgets.
You look down and see your car is outfitted with an interior resembling a 1640 s
tavern. Seats stuffed with a frightening combination of feathers and hay, interior
lights so dim you can t see the pedals in the dark and worst of all, the dash. The
tachometer, idling dangerously close to 3, spikes randomly if you go over 45. As
we move over, we meet the fuel gage, hovering ever so close to the dreaded E.
Does your car know what a full tank of gas is like or only what $5 gets you? But
hey, I m sure that s enough to get to school, right? Next we find the temperature
gage, where even in park the daring arrow continues to inch it s way closer and
closer to H. Then we glance over to the ominous but impending doom of the dash
lights. You know what light that is, but if you don t look maybe it will go away. A
strange box with the word CHECK inside. It could be anything from a faulty light, to
a blown head gasket, but that s not important cause you re not fixing it regardless.
Last but not least, we reach the coup de gras of your dash, the odometer. Dust covers
the numbers, protecting your eyes from the abomination that is the mileage.
Remembrance Poem Meaning
The one thing that everyone has to deal with in some way or the other in their lives
is death, not to mention we all meet our own in the end. Death is all around us and
because of this some would say that humans have grown slightly accustomed to death,
but one thing is for sure, when we experience the deathof a loved one we get upset.
Now we are all aware that everyone mourns in a different way from everyone else, for
example, some bury their grief; while others are very public with their emotions.
Another popular way of grief about things is to sing about it; most popular is a type
of music known as the blues, something that we ve all experience at one time or
another in our lives. Once you ve experienced the blues you can most definitely...
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This is something that is more commonly related to the death of more than one
important figure in someone s life at the same time, or simple someone who is all
that the person has in their entire world. This would be the equivalence of losing
all of your close family in a car wreck and having to deal with all their deaths at the
same time. Most people would simple shut down and block out the rest of the
world as they grief as if they themselves die in the same incident. Thomas Hardy
develops a character that acts close to this same way in his poem Thrush , this
character is on a walk and thinks about all the bad the last century has brought and
basically decides that there is no hope for the future. For people who are not failure
the 19th century was not the best in the history of mankind, especially if you lived
in Europe and surrounding areas. It was filled with hard times, famine, and even
plague. Because of this most people found themselves wishing for, but scared of a
new century. Scared that the new century would be the same, if not worse, as the
worst, but also needing a change of tune with hope that everything would get better.
Hardy himself is one of these people who wants a new century, but doubts that a
better outcome with result from it. One new years eve 1899
Reflection Paper On Retreat
We trudged up the rigid, brown steps, knowing that the unknown was ahead. We
were on our way, traveling down the empty highways to northwest New Jersey. It
was a mandatory retreat to get to know our new peer mentor partners, who we
would work with once a month for the next year. 23 Birch Ridge Road, Hardwick,
NJ was the destination. Camp Mason was the place that we d spend our next two
days on Mother s Day weekend. The retreat has changed my life and I am better
because it allowed me to realize that nothing is ever as bad as I think it is and it
can always be worse. As we settled in on the campground that was filled with
puddles and puddles of water all over the ground, we all realized that we had a long
weekend ahead of us. We dropped all of our suitcases off in the cabins and
proceeded on to the main lodge, with no expectations for what was next. The
instructors split us up into two groups and then it began. Luckily, my friends
Michael, Justin, and Rupak were in my group with me. It started off with an ice
breaker activity before, which consisted of everyone trudging around the room,
hoping that the activity would soon be over. Once it finally ended, everyone
prayed that the next activity would be at least slightly better. We started to walk
out, but before we could leave we passed by another one of the groups. As expected,
everyone tried to procrastinate for as long as possible, discussing how terribly their
days started. We talked for as long as we could before the
Literary Devices In Norton Juster s The Phantom Tollbooth
Norton Juster s book, The Phantom Tollbooth successfully used different types of
literary devices to introduce the main theme of the novel which was the
importance of education. Juster told the story of a boy named Milo who was
described as, ...a boy... who didn t know what to do with himself not just
sometimes, but always (1961, p. 9). Milo was very indecisive and overall, he leads
a pretty boring and uneventful life. However, all of that changed when he came
home from school one day and noticed a mysterious tollbooth in his bedroom. The
tollbooth made him start to realize the value of education and the importance of
enjoying what was going on in his day to day life. The literary devicesJuster chose to
use in his writing increased the quality of his work and they also helped allow him
to engage his readers in what they were reading more. Juster uses a wide variety of
different types of literary devices throughout the entire story but three of the most
common are irony, puns, and allegory. One of the most ironic moments in the book
is when Milo, Tock, and Humbug enter the Valley of Sound on their way to
Digitopolis. From the time they entered the valley it is obvious that something was
missing. Juster wrote, at first it was difficult to tell just what had changed it all
looked the same and it all smelled the same but for some reason, nothing sounded
the same (1961, p. 144). By making the Valley of Sound of all places completely
silent in the book, readers become more
Van Helsing In Bram Stoker s Dracula
In the novel, Dracula written by Bram Stoker, Dr. Abraham Van Helsing is a Dutch
professor from Amsterdam. The novel emphasizes power of religion against a
greater evil. Count Dracula is the devil like figure in contrast Van Helsing is the God
like figure. Van Helsing is a well suited opponent against Count Draculasince he is
the only person that has that understands Dracula s true nature. He is a godly,
intelligent and witty character.
Van Helsing is a God like figure that has to rise against evil to defeat Count Dracula.
During the Victorian period, Protestant was the major religion. However, Van
Helsing is a Roman Catholic. Throughout the novel, his faith proves to be superior
against any immoralities. Van Helsing s first name is Abraham. Abraham has
biblical importance as the name of the patriarch and descent of all Jews. Perhaps,
Stoker is portraying Van Helsing as biblical Abraham that rids the world of evil and
acts morally righteous. Van Helsing performs God s work by saving humanity
against evil. Van Helsing states to the Crew of Light, [t]hus are we ministers of God
s own wish: that the world, and men for whom His ... Show more content on ...
He is knowledgeable in modern Western medicine along with superstitions and
native remedies. Due to this, he is able to combined both modern and old fashion
studies to take down Dracula and diagnose Lucy. Dr. Seward is only informed in
modern medicine so he was not able to understand Lucy s true sickness. However,
Van Helsing is able to diagnose and offer a cure to Lucy. In order to cure Lucy, he
performed ...a transfusion of blood to transfer from full veins of one to the empty
veins which pine for him (10.19). To prevent vampires from sucking her blood
again, he gives Lucy a necklace of garlic flowers to wear around her neck and
places them around the room. Blood transfusions and garlic flowers is one way that
Van Helsing uses both his new and old intelligence to stop evil like
Imperfection In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birth-Mark
In the parable The Birth Mark, Nathaniel Hawthorne reveals his perspective of
imperfection and depicts it as a virtue through the Crimson Hand in Georgiana s
cheek; he also shows his belief of the unobtainable ideal through the downfall of
Aylmer and Georgiana, caused by Aylmer s persistence in obtaining perfection.
Hawthorne s point of view of imperfections as part of beauty takes part in the second
half of his story through the birth mark on Georgiana s cheek. Once Aylmer and
Georgiana have gotten to the laboratory, Georgiana faints. Aylmer, hysterical and
alarmed, demands for Aminidab s help to which Aminidab responds, Yes, master, ...
looking intently at the lifeless form of Georgiana, and then he muttered to himself; If
she were my wife, I d never part with that birth mark (649). Aminidab s response to
Aylmer is one of the first insights of accepting imperfections as beauty Hawthorne
provides his audience. By making Aminidab muttered to himself instead of saying it
in conversation to Aylmer, Hawthorne makes the statement more believable since
Aminidab is only telling himself, therefore being completely honest ... Show more
content on ...
After Georgiana and Aylmer have discussed Aylmer s dream from the night before,
Georgiana is convinced in removing her hideous birth mark and so she exclaims,
Either remove this dreadful Hand, or take my wretched life!... Cannot you remove
this little, little mark, which I cover with the tips of two small fingers? (648). Aylmer
has implanted his mentality of Georgiana s birthmark being hideous onto Georgiana
and now she cannot stand the thought of having it, causing her want to strive for
perfection as well. Georgiana s desire to strive for the ideal (in order to please her
husband) ultimately brings her to her own self destruction, taking into account that if
she had embraced her Crimson Hand, she would have opposed her husband s
comments and
Looking Beyond the Surface at Raymond Carver s
It seems in life that we often look at things without really seeing them. Raymond
Carver demonstrates in Cathedral that looking is associated to physical vision, but
seeing involves a deeper level of commitment. The author is making the point when
you put yourself into someone else s shoes and allow yourself to see things the way
they see them, it can be the most rewarding and eyeopening experience.
During the exposition, the narrator shows that he has no problems with eyesight and
he is capable of looking. The narrator is not blind and thinks that because he can see
he is better than Robert. Because of Robert s physical blindness the narrator thinks
that he is not able to have any kind of normal life. The narrator believes that the
ability to see is everything, and puts no effort into looking and seeing anything
beyond the surface. He looks at his house, wife, television, and at Robert when he
arrives. How ironic is it that Robert, the blind man, has the ability to see on a much
deeper level than the narrator? For example, even though Robert cannot physically
see the narrator s wife, he understands her a lot more than her husband. He has truly
listened to her during the past ten years on the audiotapes she sends him. The only
interactions shown between the narrator, the protagonist, and his wife are short
exchanges in which he seems to get on her nerves. It is demonstrated in this conflict
by Robert, the antagonist, that seeing involves a lot more than just looking.
Oklahoma Is An Oil Rich State And The Most Important...
Oklahoma has been on the spotlight for the last few years owing to the increase in
earthquakes. Particularly, 2014 served a wake up call for stakeholders such as
government, researchers and oil and gas industry members as a result of a sharp rise
in earthquakes reported in the area. The year saw Oklahoma receiving more
earthquakes than compared to California, a region that is more culpable to the
earthquakes scene. In adition, 2014 also marked the largest earthquake reported in the
history of the region, reporting a massive 5.6 magnitude. With these developments,
continous research has been conducted and the review of peer and academic journals
written by past reseaerchers and academic institutions collected to add on the data
required to unearth the cause of the frequency of registered earthquakes as well as the
underlying factors that contribute to seismic activity.
Oklahoma is an oil rich state and as such has seen the production of oil and gas
become one of the most important economic activities of the region. The methods
applied during this process such as the controversial hydraulic fracturing has come
under increased scrutiny as it has been termed as one of the main causes of increased
seismic activity in the state. Scholars, researchers and scientists on their quest to
reveal the truth of the matter have reveaied different causes to explain the seismic
behavior. This paper will therefore focus on these research findings that attempt to
answer the
Bruno Mars Grenade
In this generation, many popular musicians express the hardships brought forth by
unrequited love in their songs. It is probably one of the most commonly conveyed
subjects. Music artists such as Bruno Mars and his songs like Grenade is no
exception to this popular trend. In the song Grenade, he reveals his persistent
devotion for a girl. Lamentably, as a victim of unilateral love, he is inferior in the
relationship. In the song, the girl seizes the dominant ability to manipulate Bruno
Mars physical well being and emotional negatively by being uninterested towards his
love, and positively refusing to return his affection. From such a position of
inferiority, Mars uses numerous rhetorical strategies such as literary devices, logical...
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First, Bruno Mars exhibits the extreme elongate to which he genuinely loves the
girl in the song, determined to persuade his audience that the girl should love him
back. Mars uses words which allude to violence, such as grenade , blade, and
bullet to illustrate his deposition to experience physical pain for the girl s affection.
He constantly uses these words to indicate that these destructive weapons will not
hinder his obsessive love for her. In the chorus, his obsession with the girl is made
even more obvious because he proclaims that he would catch a grenade for her,
throw his hands on a blade for her, jump in front of a train for her, and take a bullet
straight through his brain. His eagerness to make such sacrifices is intentionally
detailed in the chorus which, through repetition, places emphasis on these phrases.
These phrases or hyperboles integrate to Mars ethos because they enhanced his
character by disclosing his authentic commitment to sacrificing his entire life for the
girl. In turn, the ethos of credibility convinces the audience to take his side.
Mar s most vigorous appeal in this particular song is his emotional appeal, or pathos.
While building the legitimacy of his own character, he utilizes pathos in order to
persuade his audience into cerebrating that the girl should love him back. He does
this by portraying
Asclepius Allusions
The first references to Asclepius present him as a mortal hero. In the Iliad (II, 732;
IV, 194, XI, 518; XI, 219 = Edelstein and Edelstein 1998, v. I, T. 135, 164, 50) he is
named as the father of two heroes doctors, Machaon and Podalirius, who
participated in the Trojan War as the heads of the army of Tricca, Itheme and
Oechalia. These early references to Asclepius indicate that his figure as well as his
medical virtue was already known from the second half of the eighth century BCE.
Over time, myths about Asclepius articulated and spread among people ascribing to
him divine nascence. Hesiod in his Cataloque (fr. 123 = Edelstein and Edelstein
1998, v. I, T. 22), written around 600 B.C.E., records two genealogies of Asclepius.
In both of... Show more content on ...
I, T. 3) with slight variations. Apollodorus briefly mentions ArsinoГ« as the mother
of Asclepius, and he cites the myth of Coronis more extensively. The story follows
that of Pindar, but continues beyond the killing of Asclepius by Zeus. Asclepius,
raised by Chiron, became a great physician and surgeon as well as a sorcerer. Zeus
killed Asclepius, because he was afraid that the latter was going to trample on
divine privileges by raising people from death and leading them to impiety. Apollo
enraged by his son s murder and in revenge he killed Cyclops, who had forged the
divine thunderbolts. In turn, Zeus punished Apollo throwing him into Tartarus, from
where he was saved on his mother s intercession. After that he was imposed to serve
as a thrall to a mortal man, Admetus, for an eniautos. Later, Zeus brought Asclepius
back from Hades and made him immortal. From then onwards, Asclepius never again
resurrected people from death (Edelstein and Edelstein 1998, v.1, T 105 115;
Wickkiser 2008,
The Red Scare And The Hollywood Blacklist
During the Cold War, the United States was deeply enthralled in fears of a
Communist takeover. The Cold War, a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the
United States, lasted from 1945 to 1990. As the Cold War progressed spies and
individuals of the communist party were uncovered and put on trial. Joseph
McCarthy, a Wisconsin senator, took advantage of the United Statesfear of
communists by making up false evidence and accusations against innocent people.
Americans feared that there were roots of Communismthroughout communities in the
United States, and more specifically, in the government. In February of 1950,
McCarthy made a radical statement announcing he possessed a list of 205
government officials that were involved in the communist party. This sparked the
beginning of the McCarthy era. Because this list was made up, McCarthy had to
keep his lie going to maintain spotlight attention from the media and its millions of
viewers. His false accusations led to tension and outbreak among numerous
communities in the United States. McCarthy generated the Red Scare and the
Hollywood Blacklist, these two events ruined thousands of innocent peoples lives.
Joseph McCarthy was driven by the need for power and, briefly, accomplished his
goal through the use of fear and accusatory tactics.
Following World War II, Americans were confronted with another enemy in the form
of communism. The Soviet Union has a communist society, where all property was
publicly owned and each
Dating Vs Online Dating
Dating is not like it use to be now there are many different ways people meet and
start dating. Some examples is online dating websites, through social media, and then
there is offline dating which is like it use to be. There are also many differences
between online dating and offline dating like communication, technology, and
knowing who the person is dating.
One of the main thing that is different between online dating and offline dating is
communication. When people are dating online they talk through computers and
phones so they are basically talking through a screen. Offline relationships often
take time because they have to chat a while to build connections and people never
know if its going to work. People that date offline talk more face to face they have a
better connection because they get to see each other and spend time together in
person. Also when people talk face to face they can share common interest and see if
the relationship is going to last or not. The way people communicate in relationships
offline or online determines how the relationship is going to work. ... Show more
content on ...
Technology can be a good thing when dating someone online sometimes because
people get to meet other people that they have common interest with. Also when
someone is online dating they become more advance with technology then
someone who is not using online dating. Breaking up with someone online make it
easier for the person because you don t have to see their feed or chat with them
because that person can block them. But when it comes to offline dating people
don t meet as many new people as they would if someone was trying a dating
website because they are more then likely to stay local with their relationship. Also
breaking up with someone in person is harder because they see the other persons
emotions which make it harder to do. Technology can be a good thing and a bad
thing when it comes to dating
Teenagers Negative Influences
The Negative Influence of Celebrities
Public figures are famous for their actions and behaviors that are universal to the
world. Just because they have money and fame does not mean they should be role
models. The title of role model should be given to people who have a positive
influence on the society. Children do not actually sit or see their role models
everyday like their best friends. That is why they should have role models they can
interface and have a real relationship with. Even though many celebrities do plenty of
charity to communities, they can still have unacceptable behaviors in society. Many
teenagers can be negatively influenced by their celebrity role models because actors
and actresses often make poor decisions or have false personas.
Celebrities are unfavorable role models because just as their noble and righteous
decisions are highlighted, their bad actions are broadcasted even more prominently.
As a result, the society s teenagers are easily influenced by their role models poor
decisions. Teenagers are influenced by the actions of famous people more than their
parents. As it is quoted, No matter how many times a child is told by her parents
that certain behaviors are inappropriate, disrespectful or dangerous, the double
standard is still pervasive, (Hamlett). Teens adapt bad behaviors from their role
models that parents do not want their kids to incorporate into their daily lives; this
can affect their mental health. Parents see their children changing their actions to
become like their role models which can negatively affect the teen s relationship with
their parents. In addition, In fact, some teens are more likely to listen to the words of
their favorite celebrities than their own parents, (Theodosiou). Teenagers will be more
impacted by celebrities than by their parents because they believe that mainstream
public figures, which have heavy influence on the media that teenagers consume
everyday, are more knowledgeable. Blindly following celebrities actions can very
easily destroy a teen s conscience because teens constantly attempt to imitate every
aspect of celebrities lives, which are almost always unattainable; for instance, teens
who try to copy the celebrities diets might
Abortion Vs Abortion In Beowulf
The Killer Within Within each individual, there is a sliver of a killer living deep
inside. The most evident of these is expressed through the action of abortion. In
comparison to abortion, Grendel s attacks in Beowulf blindsides the faultless
people of Herot demolishing the town where they reside. Grendel unremorsefully
targets the helpless citizens of Herot while abortion also quarries on innocent
victims leaving emotional, physical, and psychological devastations in its wake. In
comparison with the emotional baggage that comes along with the attacks on the
hall of Herot, abortion similarly impacts the lives of Americans today. The
aftermath of the attacks played out by Grendel can easily be compared to the
lasting effects an abortion can have on numerous lives. The theme of innocence is
best displayed when the author portrays Grendel coming upon sleeping citizens of
Herot. As any vicious monster does, Grendel takes advantage of the individuals
who are asleep and strips the life away from their souls. Likewise, abortion
essentially commits the same crime as Grendel. However, abortion can be
delineated as the monster of the real world. To elaborate, abortion permits the legal
act of murder while tacking on distress to those around them as a result. One key
difference among many is the simple point that abortion grants permission by law to
legally seize the life of a child who never even got the chance to take a breath of
fresh air. In addition, some Americans even view
Investigation of Tissues Essay
Investigation of Tissues
Tissues are defined as a group of associated, similarly structured cells that with their
ground substance act together in the performance of a specialised function for the
survival of the multicellular organism. The tissues are classified into four main
groups which are epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous.
( accessed 08 October 2004)
Epithelial Tissues
Epithelial tissues form the covering of all body surfaces with the functions being to
provide protective covering, absorption, secretion, diffusion, sensation and
contractility. They are tightly packed together with little intercellular matrix and can
be squamous ... Show more content on ...
Connective tissue examples are; adipose (fatty tissues), loose connective tissue, dense
fibrous connective tissue, elastic connective tissue, cartilage, osseous tissue (bone),
tendons and ligaments.
I have chosen to look more at adipose (fatty tissue):
Adipose is a specialised type of connective tissue which stores lipids. It collects in
large numbers and is shaped to be large round or oval cells. Adipose has a similar
function to that of fibrous tissue, which throughout the body connects by irregular
network of strands to form a cushion layer to support blood vessels, nerves and other
Adipose is essential for insulation due to its low thermal capacity which allows the
body to retain heat, thus functioning normally. Its other vital function is that of
protection of delicate organs such as the eyes and kidneys. Fat cells offer this by
forming liquid and being excellent at absorbing pressure as they cannot be flattened.
Adipose tissue is needed for the body to turn to in times of need due to it being
able to form a food reserve. Excess carbohydrates are made into glycogen and turned
into fat and stored within adipose tissue which when energy is required by the body
converts back.
Adipose tissue is normally localised to certain depots within the body such
Empowerment For Ministry Among The Philippines
Introduction An issue many pastors face today is the definitive difference
between a called professional clergy and a called laity and the necessary
responsibilities for the empowerment of laity within their specific missional
context. This issue of empowerment for ministry among the laity has long been a
problem debated within the ranks of church leadership and the field of practical
theology. The average believer is faced with the challenge of developing a biblical
understanding of the call of God that is received from God for the fulfillment of
their ministry, which is necessary to form a clear understanding of the role of the
laity within the church in light of the professional clergy. This paper will focus
upon the biblical understanding of the priesthood of all believers, as the laos, or
people of God and the role of the professional clergy to equip, empower and
encourage laity to flourish in the work in which God has called them to do. The
development of the historical views of lay ministry within the local church is also
a necessary component that will be addressed in dealing with this dilemma. This
paper will also seek to present biblical narratives presenting the importance of the
role of both a called clergy and a called laity for the successful continuation of a
biblical model of the church within today s society. Properly Defining the Roles of
Clergy and Laity within the Pentecostal Church An essential part of defining the
difference between clergy and
How Did John Alexander Dowie Contribute To Religion
John Alexander Dowie was born in Scotland in May of 1847. His father John
Murray Dowie, was a tailor and part time preacher. The family immigrated to
Australia in 1860 his family immigrated to Australia, and settled in Adelaide. At
age 21 John Alexander Dowie travelled to the University of Edinburgh to study
where he discovered the teachings of Edward Irving (1792 1834). Irving disagreed
with the cessationist theology and believed the Gifts of the Holy Spirit were
available today. After graduation young Dowie returned to Australia and became
the pastor of a Congregational church in a small town about 50 miles from
Adelaide. In 1876 he became the minister for Newtown Congregational church in
Sydney. Several members of his church became ill and died because of an outbreak
of disease that impacted the city. After God spoke to him about how the sickness
was from the devil and it could be resisted, Dowie started to pray for his
congregation and there were no more deaths. He was so impacted by this revelation
that he left the pastorate and became a full time, healing evangelist. He relocated to
Melbourne and planted a church. He also published a magazine about healing,
Jehovah Rophi.... Show more content on ...
During the Chicago s World Fair, he had healing meetings outside the fairgrounds.
The meetings were elaborate, and people were able to see crutches, braces and
other medical devices hanging on the front wall. He set up his headquarters in
Chicago where he preached to thousands every Sunday. People travelled from all
over the world so he purchased a building where they could stay. He promoted the
divine healing message through founded a publishing journal, Leaves of Healing.
The congregation fed the poor, was highly evangelistic and impacted a city that was
known for
Individual Reporting Scenarios
On Wednesday 05/16/2018 at approximately 1945, I, Officer A. Rodriguez #217
was dispatched to the University Police Department Lobby (located 6300 Ocean
Drive Corpus Christi, Texas 78412, which is on Texas A M University Corpus
Christi) in reference to an individual reporting that he was bite by an animal.
Note: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) was requested by the reporting party and
Lt. G. Flores #110 would be checking on the individual until I arrived.
Upon arrival I activated body camera #5 and made contact with an individual by the
name of Jackson Gray (student/non resident/ reporting party). I asked Gray what
happen. Gray stated that he was helping his girlfriend (which lives in apartment
#103) pack up her belongs into his truck. When he saw a female individual later
identified as Madelyn Harvey (student/resident/owner of the dog) walking a dog
(unknown breed). Gray stated that the dog started to bark and would not stop
barking. Gray stated that he likes dogs and that he trains them as well. Gray stated
that he opened up his hands to show the dog that he did not have anything. Gray
stated that Harvey told him ... Show more content on ...
I advised him that Gray should be on the other side of the building. I got Gray to
come and speak with Joshua about the incident. Joshua took photos of his own of
the bite mark. Joshua stated that he needs to speak with the owner of the dog. I
escorted him to apartment #104. Joshua knocked on the door and Harvey
answered the door. Joshua advised Harvey that he was here to give her a bite
notice (A bite notice is form that explains that the owner of the dog needs to
contact Animal Control as soon as possible to talk about what is needed to be
done. Joshua then asked Harvey for proof of her dogs up to date with the shots.
Harvey showed Joshua her rabies dog tag on her dog s collar. Joshua stated that
Harvey s dog is up to date with shots. I then
The Mystery Of The Universe By Benjamin Alire Saenz
In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire
Saenz and Maximilian the Mystery of the Guardian Angel by Xavier Garza
demonstrate how positive male role models are part of the Latino culture in
literature as well as in real life. Throughout these two books which target young
adults, Saenz and Garza emphasize the constant presence of positive male role
models and the importance of their impact on the characters. Similarities between
Garza and Saenz indicate that contemporary Mexican American fathers/role
models can be affectionate, involved, as well as morally and emotionally
supportive which helps shape the young individual become a better person
academically and socially. In Saenz s work, the positive male role models are seen
in the main characters, Aristotle s and Dante s fathers, and in Garza s work, the
positive male role models are seen in the main character s (Max) father, uncle, and
great uncle. Dante s father, Sam Quintana, an English professor, is portrayed as a
caring, encouraging, and present father who is always there for his son. You know
what my father said to me? He said, Dante, you re in intellectual. That s who you are.
Don t be ashamed of that (Saenz 35). The role of the Dante s father is much more
than just being there, it is demonstrated in the open lines of communication he kept
with his son and the self confidence he instilled in Dante. Aristotle s father, ex Marine
Vietnam War veteran, Jaime Mendoza,
Two Kinds of Commerce by Aristotle
Clive Thompson on Why the Next Civil Rights Battle Will Be Over the Mind
By Clive Thompson 03.24.08
Illustration: Paula Scher/Pentagram START
Previous: A State By State Look at Where Cell Phones and Driving Don t Mix
Trolling down the street in Manhattan, I suddenly hear a woman s voice.
Who s there? Who s there? she whispers. I look around but can t figure out where it s
coming from. It seems to emanate from inside my skull.
Was I going nuts? Nope. I had simply encountered a new advertising medium:
hypersonic sound. It broadcasts audio in a focused beam, so that only a person
standing directly in its path hears the message. In this case, the cable channel A E
was using the technology to promote a show about, ... Show more content on ...
Will the Fifth Amendment protect you from self incrimination by your own brain?
Think about your workplace, too: Your boss can already demand that you pee in a
cup. Should she also be allowed to stick your head in an MRI tube as part of your
performance review?
But this isn t just about reading minds; it s also about bombarding them with
messages or tweaking their chemistry. Transcranial magnetic stimulationnow used
My Love Story
I loved Bob with all my heart, or as much as you could love someone in 1252 in
England as a female. I have told you about Bob before, haven t I? He knew
everything about me from my favorite color to my deepest secrets. We did
everything together, too; we went to the pond together, we went to the market
together, we even ate together. We always exchanged I love you whenever we saw
each other, and everyone thought we would eventually get married. He cared
about me, and I cared about him. We were the perfect love story. Of course, all
perfect stories must come to an end. It was a warm autumn day. The sun was
shining, the leaves on the trees were brilliant reds, oranges, and golds, and
everyone was out taking care of business on our measly dirt road. Bob and I had
spent the day cleaning his home and taking care of his younger sisters, so we were
both burning up. As we left his house, I had a brilliant idea. Bob darling, let us go
to the pond. We can cool off there! The pond was a beautiful, tranquil place. The
only sounds that could be heard were the breeze rustling the weeping willows
beside the pond and the birds chirping in the willows. The pale, calm blue of the
pond had helped me fall asleep a number of times. It was a wonderful place to cool
off and swim, too. Bob however, instead of getting excited as he had on multiple
occasions at any mention of the pond jumped away from me, guilt written on his
face. I can t, I...I... Bob? Are you alright? I asked, concerned. Of course. I just can t
come to the pond today, he responded, his composure regained. I...uh...I have other
plans. I m sorry. Oh. Alright then. It s okay. He smiled at me, and I smiled back,
although it was a little forced. Then, he turned around and disappeared into the
bustle of the market. As I watched him walk away, my smile faded. What was
wrong with him? Or is it me? He always hung out with me, even if he had previous
arrangements. This continued for days; I would want to do something together, but
Bob would have other engagements. Soon, we were doing nothing. I quickly grew
suspicious. What could he possibly be doing? Eventually, I decided to follow him to
his other engagements . It was a
Maritime Compass Llc Essay
1.How much is the Bet Performer worth based on comparable transactions? What
ship is the best reference transaction? (the closest comparable)? Comparable
transaction is a conventional method of evaluating the value of something that is
ready for sale. To value a ship, one had to identify a set of comparable ships where
comparability was based on four main factors: ship type, size (DWT), age, and
condition. The Bet Performer was a 11 year old ship, built in 1997, 172,000 DWT
capsize bulk carrier. From the Exhibit 4, there are five ships which are the most
comparable to Bet Performer. They are Martha Verity, Ingenious, Sumihou, Cape Sun,
and Coppersmith. These ships all have the most similar characteristics, in terms of
ship type,... Show more content on ...
This is logical because, larger the ships, more load could they carry, and thus make
higher profits, so are priced higher. Relationship between Age and Ship Price:
From the regression, we find that as the ship ages by one year, the price of the ship
drops by $ 4.54 mln. This makes sense because as with any other vehicle or asset,
the efficiency of the ship drops with age. As it gets older, the carrying value of the
ship lowers due to depreciation. Relationship between Charter rates and Ship
Price: With one point increase in the Capesize ship index, there is a slight increase
in the price of the ship by $0.007 mln. The Capesize ships took like a year to build,
and are good for 25 years, after which they are demolished and sold for scrap. The
economics of this ship breaking differed by ship size and type category. So higher
this index, higher is the price of the ship. b.Can you think of other factors that
might predict ship prices? Apart from the 4 factors ship type, DWT, ship age and
gears, there are a couple of other factors which affect the ship price. They are Type
of main engine, Confirmed time charter contracts with creditworthy counter parties
Loading equipment (cranes and derricks) Shipyard (original builder) Location
(where the ship was at the time of sale) All these affected the price of the ship, and
hence can be used to
The Golden Style Of The Lincoln Electric Company
The most admired company
Lincoln Electric Company is an epitome of a well run company with an outstanding
record of accomplishment in terms of productivity. This success has achieved by
prioritizing the needs of its employees. Even the group of stockholders will be the
last order of priority of the company.
The company s philosophy has centered on Christian ideology. Lincoln Electric
Company has an astounding reputation of being generous company in terms of
giving bonuses and other benefits, which the company continues to embrace since the
early beginnings of the company. Because of that, it achieved tremendous success by
properly motivating its employees. ... Show more content on ...
Aside from it, this essay will enumerate the golden rules of the company, which I
believe the core of its success. This will base on the Case Study of Arthur Sharplin
from Harvard University in 1989. In the concluding part, I will describe based on
what I learned from this case study about the kind of management style does Lincoln
Electric Company
Nascimento Research Papers
Edson Arantes do Nascimento
On October 23 in Tres Coracoes Brazil, Edson Arantes do Nascimento known as
Pele was born. Pele was living in the city of Bauru with his family when he was
little but he grew up in poverty. His parents named him after Thomas Edison and
was nicknamed Dico . Before he became a really good soccer player he started with
a rolled up sock with rags stuffed in it. There is no origin with the name pele , his
friends just started to call him that. Waldemar de Brito convinced his parents into
letting him try out for the Santos professional soccer club when he was 15 years old.
His first international game was in the year of 1957 against Argentina. That was his
first goal even though Brazil lost the
Dihydrogen Monoxide Evaluation
Dihydrogen Monoxide When I first looked at the site
/Dihydrogen Monoxide.html, I found out many things. The first thing I learned
was that this site focuses on the dangers of the deadly chemical, Dihydrogen
Monoxide. It shows you the facts of dihydrogen monoxide, the uses of dihydrogen
monoxide, etc. After digging a bit deeper into this website, I found some
interesting facts about the organization,, and discovered that this
chemical was a hoax. My rating for this website would a 1 star because it was a
prank. The only way to improve this website would be to add a note at the bottom
saying that it was a joke, so people do not actually believe that Dihydrogen
Monoxide is real, and I cannot really recommend a better website as this is a fake
topic. Before deciding that this website wasn t credible, I had to go through an
evaluation... Show more content on ...
This website was made by the organization I know this because it has
advertisements and links to on the website, and at the bottom of the
page, it shows that this website is copyrighted by If the domain of the
page is familiar, it definitely influences my opinion of the website, but http:/
/ Monoxide.html s domain is, and
after doing research, we have found out that is not a reliable source.
Therefore, the domain of this website did influence my decision a little bit. I
wanted to find out the real truth of dihydrogen monoxide, so I opened up a new
tab and searched up Dihydrogen Monoxide. I found out that this so called
chemical was actually a fake, and what they were calling Dihydrogen Monoxide,
was actually water! This website and the organization was made by a
14 year old boy for his project on How Gullible are We? After doing all the research,
and finding out some information, I have decided that this website is not
The Importance Of Life Changing Experiences In My Life
Life altering experiences can occur in the blink of an eye or over a longer time.
The experiences that I went through in 2011 are by far the most interesting in my
life so far. Please join me as I reminisce on times that have past but remain engrained
in my mind. From leaving the comforts of the dreary state of Washington to living
inside stonewallsin a foreign land. I lay in my hollow empty shell of a room as I
look at the clock tick away so loud that I felt it in my hands. I knew all those nights
of staying up late anticipating the day to arrive like a child awaiting to open
Christmas presents had finally come. We stumbled our ways into the bus with two
bags two are names and a metal instrument of defense by our side. Mindless chatter
arose in the bus, I began to stare out the window as I watched sons say goodbye to
their dads, Wives to their husbands, and husbands to their wives. Senseless
communication like one that you would make with a stranger at a coffee shop
waiting to place your over priced coffee order. The wheels began to roll and the
sun began to set. As we pulled up to the tarmac everything fell silent as if someone
had set the world on mute. We ambled our way across the tarmac and all you could
hear is boots rubbing on the cold wet gravel. Ample seating available on flight as
we knew that it was not one for leisure. The wheels came up we zoomed skyward
and a gloomy day turned upside down as we broke through the crowds into a vast
sunny place that seemed to make everything alright in the world for that moment.
The mindset once we arrived to Victory Base Complex in Baghdad had changed
dramatically. Life here was simple and never changing unless we received some
unwanted fire work display by the enemy. Our living quarters where shared very
much like a dog kennel with two dogs trying to coexist. But who are we to complain
those that came before us had it much worst. As you exited the living quarters in
turned into a labyrinth of stone walls and other living units surrounded. The ground
which you use to be mostly sandis now covered with rocks for better traction. In turn
it did not provide better traction it felt more like quick sand. The bathrooms are
shared by approximately five hundred
Management Philosophy Comparison
Management Philosophy Comparison
Management philosophies
June 15, 2009
Management Philosophy Comparison Management aims to accomplish group
purposes with the least expenditure of material or human resources (Koontz, 1969, p.
415). The term management philosophy seems almost oxymoronic in that they appear
to work toward different results. The goal of management should be to improve the
organization. (Kirkeby, 2000) suggest that the objective of management has always
been the goal of making the group, institution, organization, or nation, into the
strongest organism possible. Triumph, subjugation, gaining strength, and survival are
all priorities of management. ... Show more content on ...
All of these examples and many others function and are produced at a higher rate
of efficiently due to Scientific Management. Frederick W. Taylor born on March
20, 1865 considered the father of Scientific Management . He strongly campaigned
for less human interaction and more machine driven production, even going on to
say In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first (Worthy,
1959, p. 73). One of the driving factors for Taylor s scientific management was that
he believed the industrial management of his day was run by individuals that had no
professional amplitude Deming suggested that management could be formulated as
an academic discipline, and that the best results would come from the partnership
between a trained and qualified management and a cooperative and innovative
workforce (Weisbord, 1987, p. 9). Taylorism became the first big management fad.
Taylor s scientific management consisted of four principles (Weisbord, 1987): 1.
Replace rule of thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the
tasks. 2. Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively
leaving them to train themselves. 3. Provide detailed instruction and supervision of
each worker in the performance of that worker s discrete task. 4. Divide work equally
between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management
principles to planning the work and the workers
Benefits Of Child Care
Benefits of Child Care
Care centers provide child care on a regular basis inside or outside of the child s
home. These programs help teach children the information they need to be successful
later in their lives. Daycares also aid parents in taking care of children when they
begin working again after a baby s birth and throughout most of the child s young life.
Early child care centers have been around for many years; therefore, there are a
variety of centers for the parent to choose from. The history of daycare services in
the United States has proven to be beneficial for children and effective in helping
working mothers be able to earn a living and effectively raise their children.
Child care centers have been around since 1898. These centers ... Show more content
on ...
Children s sense of competence and self worth grow as they learn to take care of
themselves and help others (10 good reasons your child should attend preschool).
Potty training is a problem when a parent tries to enroll their kids in school, the
children must be able to use the restroom with minimal help. The kids also must be
able to feed themselves using silverware and keeping somewhat clean. Being able
to feed themselves and use the restroom on their own is not only something they
will need to know to go to school but to live. Preschool centers are made to teach
kids not only necessities for school, but also for everyday life. Teachers boost
children s desire to do real work by having the help in the classroom, the students
help set the table for snack, or feed the class pet. The kids are also taught to wash
their hands before they eat, keep their belongings in their own cubby, and put away
the toys they were playing with before moving on to do something else (10 good
reasons your child should attend preschool). Early child care programs teach their
students how to do these everyday activities so that the parent does not have to
worry about not having time to prepare their kid for school and everyday life.
Daycares are crucial to the early development of a child with a busy set of
Victorian Literature, Characteristics And Description Of...
Victorian literature was produced during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 1901), so
BrontГ« sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne) are bright representatives of the
Victorian period because their famous novels such as Jane Eyre (1847, Charlotte
BrontГ«), Wuthering Heights (1847, Emily BrontГ«), Vilette (1853, Charlotte
BrontГ«), The Professor (1857, Charlotte BrontГ«), appeared during the Victorian
period. Other leading novelists of the Victorian period were Charles Dickens (1812
1870), William Makepeace Thackeray(1811 1863), Thomas Hardy (1840 1928), as
well as many others. England in the 19th century experienced technological, medical,
scientific and social advance due to the Industrial Revolution. So much of the writing
of this time dealt with the pressing issues of the Victorian period. The following
chapter will display main themes, characteristics and description of ... Show more
content on ...
During the reign of Queen Victoria England experienced significant changes in
science, medicine, transport, religion and technology such as development of the
railways and discovery of the telephone. The following chapter is going to study
notable discoveries and to provide the description of the Victorian period and all those
changes that contributed to the development of the 19th century Victorian England
that will help to understand the general picture of the Victorian period in order to
examine the novels by BrontГ« sisters.
The Victorian period begins in England on 20 June 1837 when Queen Victoria
(1819 1901) mounted the throne after the death of her uncle William IV and ends
in 22nd January 1901 with her death (of natural causes) and succession of her
eldest son King Edward VII. King William was the third son of George III (the king
of England from1760 to 1820), but King Edward VII governed the country from 22
January 1901 until his death in

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  • 1. Fashion Essay Example Writing an essay on the topic of "Fashion Essay Example" may present both challenges and opportunities for expression. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the subject but also in the need to balance creativity with factual information. Fashion is a dynamic and multifaceted field that encompasses history, culture, trends, and personal expression. Crafting a well-rounded essay requires thorough research to stay current with the ever-evolving nature of the fashion industry. One obstacle may be the sheer abundance of information available, making it challenging to select relevant and compelling points to include. Additionally, maintaining a cohesive structure while navigating through various aspects of fashion, such as its influence on society, the role of designers, or the impact of sustainability, demands a careful approach to ensure clarity for the reader. Moreover, expressing personal opinions and insights can be a delicate task. While essays often encourage a unique voice, it is crucial to strike a balance between subjectivity and objectivity. The challenge is to infuse the essay with your perspective without overshadowing the factual content that lends credibility to your arguments. On the positive side, delving into the world of fashion allows for creativity and individual expression. The essay provides an opportunity to showcase one's understanding of the topic, the ability to critically analyze information, and the skill to communicate ideas effectively. Integrating real-world examples and case studies can enhance the essay's depth and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subject. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Fashion Essay Example" requires a delicate balance between creativity and research, objectivity and subjectivity. While navigating the complexities of the fashion world, one must strive to maintain coherence and clarity throughout the essay. Ultimately, the challenge is an enriching one, offering the chance to explore and articulate the multifaceted nature of fashion. For assistance with similar essays or other writing needs, services provide a platform where you can order custom-written essays tailored to your specific requirements. Fashion Essay ExampleFashion Essay Example
  • 2. The Theory Of The Philosophy Of Education Essay Teaching Philosophy Emily E. Blackwell Athens State University Abstract Idealism, thought to be the creation of Greek philosopher, Plato, is the approach that teachers use to get students to ask and answer questions in order to reach the next level of education. The teacher will typically use a variety of inquiry based learning tactics. This school of thought is used to develop each students individual abilities and moral character. The idealist feels that with the development of moral character in addition to personal reflection, wisdom is gained. Teachers who follow this philosophy generally see themselves as a role model for his or her students to strive to emulate. This teaching method is typically implemented to focus on developing ideas through lecture, discussion, and Socratic dialogue. Students can be assessed using a number of methods including, but not limited to quizzes, testing, research projects experiments, and individual or group inquiries. Additionally, this philosophy is used to encourage students to discover their individual truths. Introduction The philosophy of education is the philosophical ideas on the essence, goals, and complications of education. The philosophy of education is both reflective in nature and rooted in educational practice. Engaging in philosophy helps teachers to clarify what they do or intend to do in regards to classroom management, lesson planning, time management, and discipline. (Seigel, 2015) Implementing a particular
  • 3. Plasma Membrane Bound Cell Lab Report A key responsibility of the plasma membrane of membrane bound cells is to maintain a level of homeostasis within the cell as the environment fluctuates. (Campbell 2014). The objective of this experiment was to understand how cells may react in extreme environments, and test the cells ability to withstand temperature stress before structural integrity is compromised. The experiment used the standard curve of betacyanin to find the absorbance of samples subjected to different temperature stresses. The absorbance and standard curve were used to predict the concentration of betacyanin released from the tonoplast of a beet cell (Starchuck 2015). Beet samples were cut in consistent sizes, concentration of the undiluted sample, and the substance ... Show more content on ... In addition, it supports the argument that the tonoplast of a beet cell incurs sufficient betacyanin leakage, and therefore membrane damage, at extremely high temperatures and low temperatures. Table 2 2 demonstrates that the samples tested in conditions of 4В°C, 40В°C ,and 50В°C have a much lower concentration of betacyanin than the original sample. Considering multiple cuts of beats had deposited betacyanin in a fixed quantity of water in the control group and the samples that were manipulated were taken from the control container with some of its pigment remaining in the container. The low concentration reading suggests that the cell was not effected enough by its environment to release additional betacyanin, resulting in a lower concentration reading than the control. At a temperature of 70В°C the betacyanin concentration was greater than that of the control by a factor of approximately two, suggesting that at high temperatures the membrane is no longer functioning well enough to keep the betacyanin contained within the vacuole. At a temperature of 5В°C the betacyanin concentration was comparable to the results of the 70В°C trial, suggesting the same tonoplast damage can result from low
  • 4. Understanding The Piezoelectric Behavior Of Ferro- Electrics Ferro electrics are an important class of materials which posses excellent electro mechanical coupling behavior cite{jayendiran2012modeling}. These materials have been used in sensors, actuators, biomedical and naval applications for several years. These materials behave linearly under low electric fields and mechanical stresses, but show nonlinearity at higher electric fields and mechanical stresses; see the review articles cite{kamlah2001ferroelectric,landis2004non,huber2005micromechanical}. Several experiments have been conducted and reported in the literature to understand the nonlinear behavior of piezoelectric materials cite{cao1993nonlinear,lynch1996effect,lente2002domain,davis2006temperature,zhukov2010e ... Show more content on ... $1 3$ piezo composites with piezoelectric rods (one dimension) embedded in a passive polymer matrix (three dimension) are attractive due to their tunable acoustic impedance and excellent tailor made electromechanical properties cite{topolov2008electromechanical}. Since the matrix materials are viscoelastic in nature, the influence of matrix in the overall electro mechanical response of piezo composites have been reported cite{aboudi2005hysteresis, muliana2010micromechanical, shindo2010nonlinear}. Studies related to the influence of polymer matrix on the electro mechanical response of piezo composites have been performed cite{jayendiran2012modeling, aboudi2005hysteresis, odegard2004constitutive}. A two level thermodynamic based micromechanics theory for domain switching in $1 3$ piezo composites have been proposed to predict the orientation dependency of the electro mechanical coupling behavior of the composite system cite{zhao2009investigation}. Literature review reveals that $1 3$ type composites are good alternatives for bulk PZT ceramics. Hence, it is necessary to understand the electro mechanical behavior of different fiber volume fractions cite{jayendiran2012modeling}. Incorporation of a more ductile epoxy matrix causes considerable creep in the system under constant electric fields and mechanical stresses.
  • 5. The Role Of Safe Sex In Women Brothels do not provide condoms for the girls. Without the precaution for safe sex, many young women end up with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. In Sold, Monica is thrown out in the street because she has the virus there is no cure for. The girls were oblivious to finding this out, as they were not educated on the symptoms associated with the virus. The girls at Happiness House find this out when Mumtaz reveals, She has the virus (McCormick 210). The symptoms she faced were getting progressively worse, while having sex with men. At the time Lakshmi, and the other girls had no way of knowing that the virus Monica had was HIV. At Happiness House, Mumtaz did not allow or provide the girls access to condoms. Mumtaz was not worried about the girls getting sick, more so the money that would be made of the men raping the women. In addition, in the article, Sex Trafficking and HIV/AIDS: A Deadly Junction for Women Gita is another girl who suffers from rapeat a brothel where she first HIV as a direct result of unprotected sex. Specifically, Gita contracted HIV as a direct result of her status as a victim of sex trafficking. ...Is now living in a shelter and receiving HIV treatment and counseling (Kloer 1).
  • 6. Why Is Hamlet s First Soliloquy Shakespeare The soliloquy implies that Hamlet was weighing up the benefits of both the options of life or death. He considers that the continuation of life implies having to deal with the constant struggles in his life. On the other hand, the option of death would imply that would be the cause of eternal peace even though it was through suicide. The soliloquy demonstrates the true character of Hamlet as portrayed in the text. For instance, it shows that the melancholy that he feels is not an entire fabrication. Rather, it shows that Hamlet is truthfully emotionally disturbed by the events that occur in his life (Charney, 2014). By portraying his contemplation, the soliloquy defines the utmost character of Hamlet. More so, the soliloquy is
  • 7. Black Worms Lab There are two main types of toxicity, acute and chronic. Acute toxicity refers to a relatively high dose of a toxin given over a short period of time. Chronic toxicity is a relatively low dose of a toxin given over a longer time period. Acute toxicity is measured by the Lethal Dose 50 (LD50). LD50 is the dose of a specific substance that kills 50% of test organisms, and it varies from substance to substance. Toxin severity is due to intrinsic, within the body, and extrinsic, outside of the body, factors. When determining the effect of a toxin on an organism, it is important to compare the behavior of the organism exposed to a toxin to that of the same type of organism when not exposed to a toxin. California Black worms are a North American ... Show more content on ... Procure 8 petri dishes labelled water control , water 1 , water 2 , water 3 , control , low concentration , medium concentration , and high concentration . 2.Place 25 mL of water in the water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 petri dishes. 3.Procure the tobacco solution in low, medium, and high concentrations. 4.Place 25 mL of the low concentration tobacco solution into the low concentration petri dish. 5.Place 25 mL of the medium concentration tobacco solution into the medium concentration petri dish. 6.Place 25 mL of the high concentration tobacco solution into the high concentration petri dish. 7.Procure 8 worms. 8.Place 2 worms in each of the following: water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 . 9.Observe and record normal behavior of the worms with and without problems. 10.Move the worms from water control to control . 11.Move worms from water 1 to low concentration . 12.Move worms from water 2 to medium concentration . 13.Move worms from water 3 to high concentration . 14.Observe and record worm activity at 0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes. 15.Return worms to their original petri dishes. 16.Observe the worms at 0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes, recording their level of
  • 8. NSDAP Memorabilia As A Collector s Delight NSDAP Memorabilia as a Collector s Delight NSDAP was a Germany s political party that worked from1920 1945. It stands for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers Party). They practiced the beliefs of Nazism. These people fought against the uprising of the communism in WW1. The Nazis were all about Pseudo scientific racism; means that they wanted to unite the pure Germans and excluded the people who were inferior (physically or mentally), political rebels or foreigners. These were the people who were the cause of The Holocaust. The Nazi symbols consisted of Red and Black color, referring to blood and soil and used the sign of Swastika. The Nazi s Party flag consisted of the swastika in a white disk, surrounded by red color. The next symbol was of the German Eagle standing over the sign of the swastika. If the eagle was facing left, it symbolizes Nazi Party.... Show more content on ... In the same way many people have been collecting the NSDAP memorabilia. These people are obsessed with everything related to the WW2, German Nazi Party and its Allied forces. Many people call them crazy, but now a day, it is known as the collector s delight. Some reasons to collect the NSDAP collectibles and souvenirs are: 1.People want to learn, know and understand about the WW2 and its history. 2.People are collecting this Nazi memorabilia, for fun as it is a different and unique kind of collection and many people are shocked when they see such type of collection. 3.People also collect this to show the items that glorify the hatred, racism, intolerance, violence. 4.Some think that these are the keepsakes of the German army s
  • 9. The Grizzly Reality Of Trophy Hunting The Grizzly Reality of Trophy Hunting Trophy hunting is defined as the selective hunting of select species of hunting game for human recreation and not as a way to get food, even though parts of the animals may be consumed. The animal or part of it is kept as a trophy or proof of achievement. Trophy hunters have a code called the fair chase code, this code ensures that the hunter will give the animal they are hunting a fair chase and allow it to escape if the hunter does not have the skill required to kill the animal. By adopting this code the hunter also agrees to allowing the animal to use its senses in order to give the animal a fair chance at survival. The hunter also promises not to use illegal methods to hunt such as banned traps... Show more content on ... Another observation done by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated bears do not sit down for a census (Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters will accidently over hunt bears once again. If bears bears are delisted it will not be because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently asking for the chance to hunt. If bears are delisted it can be years before they can be relisted and by then it may be far too late. Hunters argue that if the Department of Fish and Wildlife declare the grizzly population stable then they should be allowed to hunt the bears. As of now the Department of Fish and Wildlife has declared the grizzly population stable at a nearly doubled population from that in the 70 s. As stated by a avid hunter If Yellowstone s bearpopulation falls precipitously after delisting, the federal government can come back in and declare the bears endangered again . With positive support from the Department of Fish and Wildlife it seems grizzlies will soon be fair game. Grizzlies are not the only animals in danger of being hunted for trophies to the extent of possible extinction. In a study done by an organization called the Dodo they found that trophy
  • 10. Importance of Human Interaction in William Faulkner s A... Importance of Human Interaction in William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily Are human beings responsible for the well being of others that they come into contact with? William Faulkner s story A Rose for Emily considers the significance that human interaction has or does not have on people s lives. Faulkner creatively uses a shocking ending to cause readers to reevaluate their own interactions with others in their lives. Throughout the story, Faulkner uses characters that may relate to the readers more than they want to admit. Homer Barron, the construction worker from the North, and the residents of Jefferson are used to expose the opportunities, although different, they are afforded to affect the life of Emily Grierson, who is the ... Show more content on ... They are interested but fearful to get involved in someone s life that is troubled or different than theirs. The townspeople s curiosity is shown through their inquiries about the smell at Emily s house, the watching of the comings and goings of Tobe, who is Emily s Negro servant, and their observing the buggy rides that Emily is having with Homer. Despite the curiosity of the residents, not one of them reaches out a compassionate hand to Emily. While the townspeople choose to stay on the outer circle of human contact, Homer, on the other hand, pursues his curiosity and engages in a personal friendship with Emily. Faulkner tells the reader how Homer takes Emily for buggy rides and, according to the townspeople, has been seen going into Emily s house. Homer has really stirred up the gossips of the town as they discuss whether or not it is proper for Emily to so closely relate to a Northerner, who is considered below her social class. While Homer develops a relationship with Emily, he does not realize what emotional state Emily is in and does not offer the help this poor distraught lady so desperately needs. Homer, knowingly or not, misses an opportunity to change Emily s life forever. Faulkner may be suggesting that just being involved in someone s life casually falls short of how human beings should be involved in others lives. The second part of human nature that Faulkner explores is
  • 11. The Hero on Fire The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a book about a girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in the post apocalypse nation called Panam. There is an annual event in which one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts surrounding the Capitol are selected randomly to compete in a televised battle to the death. Katniss Everdeen volunteers in the place of her sister when she was chosen to compete in the games. Throughout her journey she undergoes challenges but her courage, bravery, and heroism help her to survive. For this, Katniss can be analyzed in a myth and archetypical by being the heroin the novel. She takes on the roles of the male archetype but also embodies female archetypal characteristics. Additionally, the fire she symbolizes throughout the novel signifies her characterand what she represents to the people of Panam. Katniss is a hero because she risked and sacrificed her own life for her family, friends, and district. An archetype hero is defined as a figure, often larger than life, whose search for identity and/or fulfillment results in their quest. The hero typically undergoes a journey or quest that begins when something traumatic happens in their life forcing them to leave home, and is prepared to make sacrifices to make sure that others are kept safe. This is shown when Katniss sacrifices herself by taking her sister s place in the games to keep her safe. Even though it s hard because she knows the consequences, she still yells, Prim! Prim! [Not]
  • 12. Michelle Smith Vs Conrad s Suicide Essay Michelle Smith ( Michelle ), the defendant, is the former girlfriend of Conrad Johnson ( Conrad or the victim ). Michelle has been arrested by the Temple police department for the death of Conrad. Conrad was found dead in his truck in a Walmart parking lot. The cause of Mr. Johnson s death has been ruled as deathby suicide from carbon monoxidepoisoning. The District Attorney has charged Michelle with all of the criminal homicide statutes, including murder, voluntary manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter. Conrad Johnson and Michelle Smith have been dating for a few months up to the result of Conrad s suicide. The couple communicated primarily through text messagingin their relationship. The texts between the two are provided by Exhibit A and B. In those texts, the defendant and the victim go back forth and whether or not Conrad should go through with suicide. Michelle in the very beginning of their conversation gives Conrad many alternatives to not go through with suicide. For example, Michelle says on June 19th but the mental hospital would help you. I know you don t think it will, but I am telling you, if you give them a chance they can save... Show more content on ... Michelle gave the victim the idea of death by carbon monoxide as a way to get rid of his problem through suicide. The defendant began to blame Conrad for consistently pushing off the suicide and having second thoughts. Michelle mentions in her texts on July 11th, you re gonna have to prove me wrong because i just don t think you really want this. You just keep pushing it off another night and say you ll do it and never do. The texting conversation between the defendant and victim lead to Michelle teling Conrad that everyone will be okay if he does die; also that she will be there for the victim s family after his death. The defendant begins to have second thoughts once more. Michelle then begins to tell Conrad that he should do
  • 13. Conqueror Of Basketball The Conqueror s Sport: Basketball There is no question as to the immense and still growing popularity of basketball as one of the major competitive sports in the world. There is almost no major country in the world without an official team participating in the Federation Internationale Basketball (FIBA) leagues nowadays. Our own country, the Philippines, loves the sport with a passion. For all those unfamiliar with the sport (which are very hard to find nowadays), basketball is a two team game, composed of five players per team, with the goal of scoring the most points in a given amount of time. A score, or a field goal in technical terms, is made when the basketball is shot through a hoop, or a basket. The team with more points after 48 minutes ... Show more content on ... Some of these countries were colonies, and some were just close neighbors. But nevertheless, this shows that America has been affecting neocolonialism on countries through basketball, and is most prominent on countries which America has had influence on. And observations have been made to prove these, a website that performs sports related surveys, conducted a study on the popularity of basketball per country. What s interesting is that the top five of the list are USA, Philippines, Canada, Australia, and Iran, most of which have had deep connections to America in their respective pasts. The Philippines was a colony of the States. Canada is the closest geographically to the US. Iran was involved with the US during that Iraq thingy. As for good ol Aussie, their culture has some semblances to American culture. The point is, there seems to be a connection between the popularity of basketball in a country to the eventuality of interaction between them and America. That in itself is one of the proofs that basketball has a connection to American Neocolonialism, that the continuity of a country s influence is maintained by assimilation of a part/s of its culture, in this case,
  • 14. Analysis Of The Leopard In novels, the particular way in which information is disseminated dictates the delineation of plot and the reader s perception of action. For example, Albert Camus The Outsider often reads as a newspaper article, as the terse and objective style is detached and journalistic. In contrast, the narrator s voice in Franz Kakfa s The Trialis witty and more personal. Furthermore, in Giuseppe di Lampedusa s The Leopard, the style is elaborate and romantic, which aggrandizes and animates certain actions and objects. However, the styles of these novels also dictate what is expressed altogether. In The Trial, K. s incessant need to ask questions without answering them overlooks information and forsakes clarity. Likewise, the unemotional and limited language in The Outsider omits Meursault s thoughts and emotions. In contrast, The Leopard s grandiose and convoluted style overwhelms the reader with information and minute details. While the novels are diverse in their use of language, all three styles nonetheless dictate what is presented, rather than how it is presented, and challenge the reader to discern fact or meaning from either the absence or excess of information. In The Trial, the way in which K. constantly questions himself and other characters particularly creates a language of omission. Franz and Willem s arrival at the beginning of the novelcatalyzes the novel s questioning nature, as they force K. to ask, Who are you? (Kafka 4). K. s initial questionthen
  • 15. Los Angeles Dodgers Case Study The Los Angeles Dodgers were expected to make a playoff runs this year, but by the time Clayton Kershaw fell injured with a back problem, their chances looked grim, but somehow the Dodgers got all the way to Game 6 of the NLCS. Look, Dodger fans felt like they could have gotten to the World Series, but just getting to the NLCS was something incredible. This year in particular saw a record number of players on the DL, especially pitchers. Between August and October, pitchers like Julio Urias, Jose De Leon, Brock Stewart and Ross Stripling carried the load. The Dodgers had high expectations coming into this year with a number of star pitchers, but the season looked botched by the time the pitching rotation seem depleted and still got far in the... Show more content on ... First off, there are a few guys becoming free agents: Justin Turner, Chase Utley, and Josh Reddick. The Dodgers are going to give a huge contract to Turner because he has become an indistinguishable part of the Dodgers offense and defense. Chase Utley might get a contract, but it would be a one year contract and it will solely be on the part of Utley, if he wants to retire or stay competitive and guide Corey Seager to greatness. Lastly, Josh Reddick, Reddick will also get a contract that s probably only one year because the Dodgers have only seen him play for half a season and they already have a number of solid outfielders. These outfielders include: Yasiel Puig, Andre Ethier, Joc Pederson, Howie Kendrick (utility man), Enrique Hernandez (utility man), Scott Van Slyke (utility man), and Trayce Thompson. Reddick is better than a number of these players, but doesn t compare to their future or their leadership skills. For example, Kendrick is a veteran that is good for the team as whole because he has been in the league for so long and Hernandez and Thompson are exciting young players that could have a future on the Dodgers. Puig, Pederson, and Ethier are all out of the question staying with the Dodgers for a couple of more years and will be starting for the most
  • 16. Monetary Policy And Its Effect On Economic Growth Economics for Business 2 Topic: Recent Monetary Policy in Australia Monetary policy is important to the economic growth, and it involves setting the interest rate on overnight loans in the money market (RBA 2015). This interest rate is also called the cash rate, and it influences other interest rates in economy which include the behaviour of borrowers and lenders, economic activity and ultimately the rate of inflation (RBA 2015). Why do you think that monetary policy is less effective in boosting economic growth than it is in restricting economic growth? How do lower interest rates boost aggregate demand in the economy? According to the most recent monetary policy, which is released on 04 August 2015 by Glenn Stevens, l will investigate all the possible effects in economy those are influenced by the change of monetary policy. After their recent meeting, the Board made a wise decision and maintained the interest rate at 2.0 per cent. And refer to the earlier announcements this year; we all know that the rates have been changed twice in 2015, because RBA decided to support the economy, and wanted to reduce the rise in unemployment. But there are possible growing risks from lower rates. Lower interest rates effect the economy growth in varies ways, it makes cheaper and easier to borrow, which tends to encourage investment, spending and consumption. Thus it directly boosts aggregate demand and economic growth. But at the same time, it also causes inflationary pressures.
  • 17. Advantages Of Sacrificial Anode Engineering Chemistry (CHY1001) Digital Assignment 1 Ans1. a) Sacrificial anodic protection: Sacrificial anodes are exceptionally active metals used to prevent less active metal surfaces from eroding. They are constructed from a metal alloy having a higher negative electrode potential than the metal surface it will be used to safeguard. The sacrificial anode will get depleted in place of the metal it is protecting. This is why it is referred to as sacrificial anode. The materials used for making a sacrificial anode are either comparatively pure active metals such as Zinc and Magnesium, or alloys of Magnesium or Aluminium precisely developed to be used as a sacrificial anode. They are used to protect water heaters, pipelines, underground tanks, hulls of ships, etc. (Sacrificial anode used for cathodic protection.) b) Corrosion inhibitors: A corrosion inhibitor is a chemical compound which when added to a gas or liquid, reduces the rate of corrosion of a material (which is mostly a metal or an ... Show more content on ... If these metals are put in contact (or otherwise electrically connected), this potential difference yields electron flow amidst them. Corrosion of the less corrosion resistant metal is usually elevated and attack to the more resistant material is decreased, as compared to the behaviour of these metals when they are not in contact. The less resistant metal becomes anode and the more resistant metal becomes the cathode. Usually the cathodic metal corrodes very less or not at all in this form of couple. Due to the electric currents and dissimilar metals involved, this type of corrosion is called galvanic or two metal corrosion. It is an electrochemical
  • 18. The Life of Patricia Roberts Harris Patricia Roberts Harris was born on May 31,1924 and died of breast cancer on March 23,1985. Harris did a lot in her 60 years of living. She was the first African American woman to hold a position in Cabinet, serve as an Ambassador, and head a law school. Harris fought hard for fair housing and employment under the Carter Administration as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Harris grew up in a Single parent home. Her performance at her high school in Chicago earned her many scholarships. She went to Howard University in Washington D.C. Attending Howard she was exposed to segregation and racial inequality. As she was in Howard she became apart of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) where she participated in her first sit in(in 1943) to force D.C to end segregation. In 1945 she grated Howard with honors and continued to go further in her education at University of Chicago where she studied industrial relations. After finishing her two year study at University of Chicago,(with her husbands encouragement) she went to George Washington University to study law. A year after graduating at the top of her class, she went back to Howard as an associate dean of student and lecture. She was then appointed by John F. Kennedy to co chair the National Women s Committee for Civil Rights. In 1965 she was appointed ambassador to Luxembourg by Lyndon B. Johnson. She held that position for two years then returned to teaching at Howard. In 1969
  • 19. The Barbarie of Animal Testing Animal Testing Every year in the United States more than one hundred million animals are poisoned, crippled, and abused in labs. Imagine being locked up in a cage your whole life and used against your will to be harmed in a number of ways ( 11 Facts ). It does not sound fun does it? Just like us, animals are living. They feel pain and they suffer just like we do. I personally believe testing on animals is wrong because it is ruthless and barbarous, other methods exist today that could replace the need for animals, and these tests do not accurately foresee the results in humans. Firstly, animal testingis ruthless and barbarous. In 2010, the US Department of Agriculture recorded that ninety seven thousand one hundred and twenty three animals endured some kind of agony during some kind of experiment or test. These animals were not given any type of anesthesia for abatement. Animals and humans both feel pain in some of the same ways; in fact, their feedback in response to pain is essentially corresponding. For example, both humans and animals scream. The frequently used LD50 or Lethal Dose 50, experiment associates figuring out what chemical dosage will kill fifty percent of the animals that are being tested on. Secondly, other methods exist in today s time that can replace the need for using animals, some of which can be more efficient and accurate. For example, there are profitable, available products such as Epiderm and ThinCert that is made from sheets of test
  • 20. The Department Of Aqua Purification And Filtration Summary The end, an array of clichГ©s, descended upon the planet. The black starless nights and white hot days of suffocating smog and ash wrought havoc. Subtle increases in temperature and not so subtle earthquakes, offered up whispers and roars. Red blood from the eyes of the diseased, and the gore from the murdered, blanketed the area. Escaped gases, emanated from bloated corpses, contaminated the air and destroyed the fresh water. Geneticist, Dr. Jasmine Wallace Quill, distributed water, the new currency. She headed The Department of Aqua Purification and Filtration. Government control and regulation determined who she allowed to live. Those whose contribution the world order found insufficient, died. Damn you! A grown man needs
  • 21. Optical Distortion Harvard Business Case I. Executive summary: A. Problem statement: Optical Distortion Inc.(ODI) is a small new company, not yet in business, with a patent for an innovative product designed to prevent chickens from cannibalism behaviors toward each other. These lenses are used instead of traditional way of debeaking. ODI must develop marketing strategies about targeting, positioning and optimal pricing to launch its new product. B. Recommendation: The dilemma ODI faces is whether introduce its product at a higher price and continue process its multimarket strategy. Based on ODI limited resources and current situation of poultry industry in United States, ODI should target large farms have 50,000 chickens or over, and focus on the ... Show more content on ... 4) able to lower price as well as cost with high market power and high rate of market to compete with potential competitors. D. Conclusions: ODI has sufficient evidence to target large farms have 50,000 chickens or over, and focus on market in California and south Atlantic region in the short term and set an initial high price of about $0.28 per pair. Although it may appear that ODI may have risk of introducing new products, this option is actually safest and most profitable for expected sales and penetration. Risk of reluctance to acceptance new technology, low trained salesforce and new competitors in the future may lead this strategy less efficient. It is suggested that ODI decrease the selling price of the lenses in the long term and focus on improving the quality and services and build a solid premium brand image in order to guarantee market share in the future. It would be better to find multiple ways of advertising and increasing the customers awareness and accessibility of products. Appendix Table 1: Farm size comparison Table 2: Savings calculation between debeaking and lenses Reduce Cannibalism Debeaking ODI lenses Cannibalism Rate 9% 4.5% Purchase cost (per chicken) $2.40 $2.40 Total cost
  • 23. Descriptive Essay On My Dream Car Whether it s a lifted truck running a hemi or a suped up WRX, your dream car embodies what you desire, the life you d like to live, and the kind of person you d like to be. Your real car embodies what you have, the life you live, and the kind of person you are. The search for your dream car entails spending months combing over different makes and models of car, seeing which has the most horsepower, the fastest, the best for mudding or the best for racing. Pondering what it would be like to own such a masterpiece of vehicular perfection. The time spent imagining what your friends would think if you were to pull up to school in a Rolls Royce, stepping out like a lavish Bill Gates. The flock of people crowding around the new wheels just to catch a glimpse. Instead, people walk briskly past your car to distance themselves from the smell of burning oil and the squeaking the tranny makes anytime you shift to park. But back to the dream car, the embodiment of fancy, adorning a leather interior, unnecessary interior lights, top of the line dash clusters and head unit gadgets. You look down and see your car is outfitted with an interior resembling a 1640 s tavern. Seats stuffed with a frightening combination of feathers and hay, interior lights so dim you can t see the pedals in the dark and worst of all, the dash. The tachometer, idling dangerously close to 3, spikes randomly if you go over 45. As we move over, we meet the fuel gage, hovering ever so close to the dreaded E. Does your car know what a full tank of gas is like or only what $5 gets you? But hey, I m sure that s enough to get to school, right? Next we find the temperature gage, where even in park the daring arrow continues to inch it s way closer and closer to H. Then we glance over to the ominous but impending doom of the dash lights. You know what light that is, but if you don t look maybe it will go away. A strange box with the word CHECK inside. It could be anything from a faulty light, to a blown head gasket, but that s not important cause you re not fixing it regardless. Last but not least, we reach the coup de gras of your dash, the odometer. Dust covers the numbers, protecting your eyes from the abomination that is the mileage.
  • 24. Remembrance Poem Meaning The one thing that everyone has to deal with in some way or the other in their lives is death, not to mention we all meet our own in the end. Death is all around us and because of this some would say that humans have grown slightly accustomed to death, but one thing is for sure, when we experience the deathof a loved one we get upset. Now we are all aware that everyone mourns in a different way from everyone else, for example, some bury their grief; while others are very public with their emotions. Another popular way of grief about things is to sing about it; most popular is a type of music known as the blues, something that we ve all experience at one time or another in our lives. Once you ve experienced the blues you can most definitely... Show more content on ... This is something that is more commonly related to the death of more than one important figure in someone s life at the same time, or simple someone who is all that the person has in their entire world. This would be the equivalence of losing all of your close family in a car wreck and having to deal with all their deaths at the same time. Most people would simple shut down and block out the rest of the world as they grief as if they themselves die in the same incident. Thomas Hardy develops a character that acts close to this same way in his poem Thrush , this character is on a walk and thinks about all the bad the last century has brought and basically decides that there is no hope for the future. For people who are not failure the 19th century was not the best in the history of mankind, especially if you lived in Europe and surrounding areas. It was filled with hard times, famine, and even plague. Because of this most people found themselves wishing for, but scared of a new century. Scared that the new century would be the same, if not worse, as the worst, but also needing a change of tune with hope that everything would get better. Hardy himself is one of these people who wants a new century, but doubts that a better outcome with result from it. One new years eve 1899
  • 25. Reflection Paper On Retreat We trudged up the rigid, brown steps, knowing that the unknown was ahead. We were on our way, traveling down the empty highways to northwest New Jersey. It was a mandatory retreat to get to know our new peer mentor partners, who we would work with once a month for the next year. 23 Birch Ridge Road, Hardwick, NJ was the destination. Camp Mason was the place that we d spend our next two days on Mother s Day weekend. The retreat has changed my life and I am better because it allowed me to realize that nothing is ever as bad as I think it is and it can always be worse. As we settled in on the campground that was filled with puddles and puddles of water all over the ground, we all realized that we had a long weekend ahead of us. We dropped all of our suitcases off in the cabins and proceeded on to the main lodge, with no expectations for what was next. The instructors split us up into two groups and then it began. Luckily, my friends Michael, Justin, and Rupak were in my group with me. It started off with an ice breaker activity before, which consisted of everyone trudging around the room, hoping that the activity would soon be over. Once it finally ended, everyone prayed that the next activity would be at least slightly better. We started to walk out, but before we could leave we passed by another one of the groups. As expected, everyone tried to procrastinate for as long as possible, discussing how terribly their days started. We talked for as long as we could before the
  • 26. Literary Devices In Norton Juster s The Phantom Tollbooth Norton Juster s book, The Phantom Tollbooth successfully used different types of literary devices to introduce the main theme of the novel which was the importance of education. Juster told the story of a boy named Milo who was described as, ...a boy... who didn t know what to do with himself not just sometimes, but always (1961, p. 9). Milo was very indecisive and overall, he leads a pretty boring and uneventful life. However, all of that changed when he came home from school one day and noticed a mysterious tollbooth in his bedroom. The tollbooth made him start to realize the value of education and the importance of enjoying what was going on in his day to day life. The literary devicesJuster chose to use in his writing increased the quality of his work and they also helped allow him to engage his readers in what they were reading more. Juster uses a wide variety of different types of literary devices throughout the entire story but three of the most common are irony, puns, and allegory. One of the most ironic moments in the book is when Milo, Tock, and Humbug enter the Valley of Sound on their way to Digitopolis. From the time they entered the valley it is obvious that something was missing. Juster wrote, at first it was difficult to tell just what had changed it all looked the same and it all smelled the same but for some reason, nothing sounded the same (1961, p. 144). By making the Valley of Sound of all places completely silent in the book, readers become more
  • 27. Van Helsing In Bram Stoker s Dracula In the novel, Dracula written by Bram Stoker, Dr. Abraham Van Helsing is a Dutch professor from Amsterdam. The novel emphasizes power of religion against a greater evil. Count Dracula is the devil like figure in contrast Van Helsing is the God like figure. Van Helsing is a well suited opponent against Count Draculasince he is the only person that has that understands Dracula s true nature. He is a godly, intelligent and witty character. Van Helsing is a God like figure that has to rise against evil to defeat Count Dracula. During the Victorian period, Protestant was the major religion. However, Van Helsing is a Roman Catholic. Throughout the novel, his faith proves to be superior against any immoralities. Van Helsing s first name is Abraham. Abraham has biblical importance as the name of the patriarch and descent of all Jews. Perhaps, Stoker is portraying Van Helsing as biblical Abraham that rids the world of evil and acts morally righteous. Van Helsing performs God s work by saving humanity against evil. Van Helsing states to the Crew of Light, [t]hus are we ministers of God s own wish: that the world, and men for whom His ... Show more content on ... He is knowledgeable in modern Western medicine along with superstitions and native remedies. Due to this, he is able to combined both modern and old fashion studies to take down Dracula and diagnose Lucy. Dr. Seward is only informed in modern medicine so he was not able to understand Lucy s true sickness. However, Van Helsing is able to diagnose and offer a cure to Lucy. In order to cure Lucy, he performed ...a transfusion of blood to transfer from full veins of one to the empty veins which pine for him (10.19). To prevent vampires from sucking her blood again, he gives Lucy a necklace of garlic flowers to wear around her neck and places them around the room. Blood transfusions and garlic flowers is one way that Van Helsing uses both his new and old intelligence to stop evil like
  • 28. Imperfection In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birth-Mark In the parable The Birth Mark, Nathaniel Hawthorne reveals his perspective of imperfection and depicts it as a virtue through the Crimson Hand in Georgiana s cheek; he also shows his belief of the unobtainable ideal through the downfall of Aylmer and Georgiana, caused by Aylmer s persistence in obtaining perfection. Hawthorne s point of view of imperfections as part of beauty takes part in the second half of his story through the birth mark on Georgiana s cheek. Once Aylmer and Georgiana have gotten to the laboratory, Georgiana faints. Aylmer, hysterical and alarmed, demands for Aminidab s help to which Aminidab responds, Yes, master, ... looking intently at the lifeless form of Georgiana, and then he muttered to himself; If she were my wife, I d never part with that birth mark (649). Aminidab s response to Aylmer is one of the first insights of accepting imperfections as beauty Hawthorne provides his audience. By making Aminidab muttered to himself instead of saying it in conversation to Aylmer, Hawthorne makes the statement more believable since Aminidab is only telling himself, therefore being completely honest ... Show more content on ... After Georgiana and Aylmer have discussed Aylmer s dream from the night before, Georgiana is convinced in removing her hideous birth mark and so she exclaims, Either remove this dreadful Hand, or take my wretched life!... Cannot you remove this little, little mark, which I cover with the tips of two small fingers? (648). Aylmer has implanted his mentality of Georgiana s birthmark being hideous onto Georgiana and now she cannot stand the thought of having it, causing her want to strive for perfection as well. Georgiana s desire to strive for the ideal (in order to please her husband) ultimately brings her to her own self destruction, taking into account that if she had embraced her Crimson Hand, she would have opposed her husband s comments and
  • 29. Looking Beyond the Surface at Raymond Carver s Cathedral It seems in life that we often look at things without really seeing them. Raymond Carver demonstrates in Cathedral that looking is associated to physical vision, but seeing involves a deeper level of commitment. The author is making the point when you put yourself into someone else s shoes and allow yourself to see things the way they see them, it can be the most rewarding and eyeopening experience. During the exposition, the narrator shows that he has no problems with eyesight and he is capable of looking. The narrator is not blind and thinks that because he can see he is better than Robert. Because of Robert s physical blindness the narrator thinks that he is not able to have any kind of normal life. The narrator believes that the ability to see is everything, and puts no effort into looking and seeing anything beyond the surface. He looks at his house, wife, television, and at Robert when he arrives. How ironic is it that Robert, the blind man, has the ability to see on a much deeper level than the narrator? For example, even though Robert cannot physically see the narrator s wife, he understands her a lot more than her husband. He has truly listened to her during the past ten years on the audiotapes she sends him. The only interactions shown between the narrator, the protagonist, and his wife are short exchanges in which he seems to get on her nerves. It is demonstrated in this conflict by Robert, the antagonist, that seeing involves a lot more than just looking.
  • 30. Oklahoma Is An Oil Rich State And The Most Important... Introduction Oklahoma has been on the spotlight for the last few years owing to the increase in earthquakes. Particularly, 2014 served a wake up call for stakeholders such as government, researchers and oil and gas industry members as a result of a sharp rise in earthquakes reported in the area. The year saw Oklahoma receiving more earthquakes than compared to California, a region that is more culpable to the earthquakes scene. In adition, 2014 also marked the largest earthquake reported in the history of the region, reporting a massive 5.6 magnitude. With these developments, continous research has been conducted and the review of peer and academic journals written by past reseaerchers and academic institutions collected to add on the data required to unearth the cause of the frequency of registered earthquakes as well as the underlying factors that contribute to seismic activity. Oklahoma is an oil rich state and as such has seen the production of oil and gas become one of the most important economic activities of the region. The methods applied during this process such as the controversial hydraulic fracturing has come under increased scrutiny as it has been termed as one of the main causes of increased seismic activity in the state. Scholars, researchers and scientists on their quest to reveal the truth of the matter have reveaied different causes to explain the seismic behavior. This paper will therefore focus on these research findings that attempt to answer the
  • 31. Bruno Mars Grenade In this generation, many popular musicians express the hardships brought forth by unrequited love in their songs. It is probably one of the most commonly conveyed subjects. Music artists such as Bruno Mars and his songs like Grenade is no exception to this popular trend. In the song Grenade, he reveals his persistent devotion for a girl. Lamentably, as a victim of unilateral love, he is inferior in the relationship. In the song, the girl seizes the dominant ability to manipulate Bruno Mars physical well being and emotional negatively by being uninterested towards his love, and positively refusing to return his affection. From such a position of inferiority, Mars uses numerous rhetorical strategies such as literary devices, logical... Show more content on ... First, Bruno Mars exhibits the extreme elongate to which he genuinely loves the girl in the song, determined to persuade his audience that the girl should love him back. Mars uses words which allude to violence, such as grenade , blade, and bullet to illustrate his deposition to experience physical pain for the girl s affection. He constantly uses these words to indicate that these destructive weapons will not hinder his obsessive love for her. In the chorus, his obsession with the girl is made even more obvious because he proclaims that he would catch a grenade for her, throw his hands on a blade for her, jump in front of a train for her, and take a bullet straight through his brain. His eagerness to make such sacrifices is intentionally detailed in the chorus which, through repetition, places emphasis on these phrases. These phrases or hyperboles integrate to Mars ethos because they enhanced his character by disclosing his authentic commitment to sacrificing his entire life for the girl. In turn, the ethos of credibility convinces the audience to take his side. Mar s most vigorous appeal in this particular song is his emotional appeal, or pathos. While building the legitimacy of his own character, he utilizes pathos in order to persuade his audience into cerebrating that the girl should love him back. He does this by portraying
  • 32. Asclepius Allusions The first references to Asclepius present him as a mortal hero. In the Iliad (II, 732; IV, 194, XI, 518; XI, 219 = Edelstein and Edelstein 1998, v. I, T. 135, 164, 50) he is named as the father of two heroes doctors, Machaon and Podalirius, who participated in the Trojan War as the heads of the army of Tricca, Itheme and Oechalia. These early references to Asclepius indicate that his figure as well as his medical virtue was already known from the second half of the eighth century BCE. Over time, myths about Asclepius articulated and spread among people ascribing to him divine nascence. Hesiod in his Cataloque (fr. 123 = Edelstein and Edelstein 1998, v. I, T. 22), written around 600 B.C.E., records two genealogies of Asclepius. In both of... Show more content on ... I, T. 3) with slight variations. Apollodorus briefly mentions ArsinoГ« as the mother of Asclepius, and he cites the myth of Coronis more extensively. The story follows that of Pindar, but continues beyond the killing of Asclepius by Zeus. Asclepius, raised by Chiron, became a great physician and surgeon as well as a sorcerer. Zeus killed Asclepius, because he was afraid that the latter was going to trample on divine privileges by raising people from death and leading them to impiety. Apollo enraged by his son s murder and in revenge he killed Cyclops, who had forged the divine thunderbolts. In turn, Zeus punished Apollo throwing him into Tartarus, from where he was saved on his mother s intercession. After that he was imposed to serve as a thrall to a mortal man, Admetus, for an eniautos. Later, Zeus brought Asclepius back from Hades and made him immortal. From then onwards, Asclepius never again resurrected people from death (Edelstein and Edelstein 1998, v.1, T 105 115; Wickkiser 2008,
  • 33. The Red Scare And The Hollywood Blacklist During the Cold War, the United States was deeply enthralled in fears of a Communist takeover. The Cold War, a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States, lasted from 1945 to 1990. As the Cold War progressed spies and individuals of the communist party were uncovered and put on trial. Joseph McCarthy, a Wisconsin senator, took advantage of the United Statesfear of communists by making up false evidence and accusations against innocent people. Americans feared that there were roots of Communismthroughout communities in the United States, and more specifically, in the government. In February of 1950, McCarthy made a radical statement announcing he possessed a list of 205 government officials that were involved in the communist party. This sparked the beginning of the McCarthy era. Because this list was made up, McCarthy had to keep his lie going to maintain spotlight attention from the media and its millions of viewers. His false accusations led to tension and outbreak among numerous communities in the United States. McCarthy generated the Red Scare and the Hollywood Blacklist, these two events ruined thousands of innocent peoples lives. Joseph McCarthy was driven by the need for power and, briefly, accomplished his goal through the use of fear and accusatory tactics. Following World War II, Americans were confronted with another enemy in the form of communism. The Soviet Union has a communist society, where all property was publicly owned and each
  • 34. Dating Vs Online Dating Dating is not like it use to be now there are many different ways people meet and start dating. Some examples is online dating websites, through social media, and then there is offline dating which is like it use to be. There are also many differences between online dating and offline dating like communication, technology, and knowing who the person is dating. One of the main thing that is different between online dating and offline dating is communication. When people are dating online they talk through computers and phones so they are basically talking through a screen. Offline relationships often take time because they have to chat a while to build connections and people never know if its going to work. People that date offline talk more face to face they have a better connection because they get to see each other and spend time together in person. Also when people talk face to face they can share common interest and see if the relationship is going to last or not. The way people communicate in relationships offline or online determines how the relationship is going to work. ... Show more content on ... Technology can be a good thing when dating someone online sometimes because people get to meet other people that they have common interest with. Also when someone is online dating they become more advance with technology then someone who is not using online dating. Breaking up with someone online make it easier for the person because you don t have to see their feed or chat with them because that person can block them. But when it comes to offline dating people don t meet as many new people as they would if someone was trying a dating website because they are more then likely to stay local with their relationship. Also breaking up with someone in person is harder because they see the other persons emotions which make it harder to do. Technology can be a good thing and a bad thing when it comes to dating
  • 35. Teenagers Negative Influences The Negative Influence of Celebrities Public figures are famous for their actions and behaviors that are universal to the world. Just because they have money and fame does not mean they should be role models. The title of role model should be given to people who have a positive influence on the society. Children do not actually sit or see their role models everyday like their best friends. That is why they should have role models they can interface and have a real relationship with. Even though many celebrities do plenty of charity to communities, they can still have unacceptable behaviors in society. Many teenagers can be negatively influenced by their celebrity role models because actors and actresses often make poor decisions or have false personas. Celebrities are unfavorable role models because just as their noble and righteous decisions are highlighted, their bad actions are broadcasted even more prominently. As a result, the society s teenagers are easily influenced by their role models poor decisions. Teenagers are influenced by the actions of famous people more than their parents. As it is quoted, No matter how many times a child is told by her parents that certain behaviors are inappropriate, disrespectful or dangerous, the double standard is still pervasive, (Hamlett). Teens adapt bad behaviors from their role models that parents do not want their kids to incorporate into their daily lives; this can affect their mental health. Parents see their children changing their actions to become like their role models which can negatively affect the teen s relationship with their parents. In addition, In fact, some teens are more likely to listen to the words of their favorite celebrities than their own parents, (Theodosiou). Teenagers will be more impacted by celebrities than by their parents because they believe that mainstream public figures, which have heavy influence on the media that teenagers consume everyday, are more knowledgeable. Blindly following celebrities actions can very easily destroy a teen s conscience because teens constantly attempt to imitate every aspect of celebrities lives, which are almost always unattainable; for instance, teens who try to copy the celebrities diets might
  • 36. Abortion Vs Abortion In Beowulf The Killer Within Within each individual, there is a sliver of a killer living deep inside. The most evident of these is expressed through the action of abortion. In comparison to abortion, Grendel s attacks in Beowulf blindsides the faultless people of Herot demolishing the town where they reside. Grendel unremorsefully targets the helpless citizens of Herot while abortion also quarries on innocent victims leaving emotional, physical, and psychological devastations in its wake. In comparison with the emotional baggage that comes along with the attacks on the hall of Herot, abortion similarly impacts the lives of Americans today. The aftermath of the attacks played out by Grendel can easily be compared to the lasting effects an abortion can have on numerous lives. The theme of innocence is best displayed when the author portrays Grendel coming upon sleeping citizens of Herot. As any vicious monster does, Grendel takes advantage of the individuals who are asleep and strips the life away from their souls. Likewise, abortion essentially commits the same crime as Grendel. However, abortion can be delineated as the monster of the real world. To elaborate, abortion permits the legal act of murder while tacking on distress to those around them as a result. One key difference among many is the simple point that abortion grants permission by law to legally seize the life of a child who never even got the chance to take a breath of fresh air. In addition, some Americans even view
  • 37. Investigation of Tissues Essay Investigation of Tissues Tissues are defined as a group of associated, similarly structured cells that with their ground substance act together in the performance of a specialised function for the survival of the multicellular organism. The tissues are classified into four main groups which are epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous. ( accessed 08 October 2004) Epithelial Tissues Epithelial tissues form the covering of all body surfaces with the functions being to provide protective covering, absorption, secretion, diffusion, sensation and contractility. They are tightly packed together with little intercellular matrix and can be squamous ... Show more content on ... Connective tissue examples are; adipose (fatty tissues), loose connective tissue, dense fibrous connective tissue, elastic connective tissue, cartilage, osseous tissue (bone), tendons and ligaments. I have chosen to look more at adipose (fatty tissue): Adipose is a specialised type of connective tissue which stores lipids. It collects in large numbers and is shaped to be large round or oval cells. Adipose has a similar function to that of fibrous tissue, which throughout the body connects by irregular network of strands to form a cushion layer to support blood vessels, nerves and other organs. Adipose is essential for insulation due to its low thermal capacity which allows the body to retain heat, thus functioning normally. Its other vital function is that of protection of delicate organs such as the eyes and kidneys. Fat cells offer this by forming liquid and being excellent at absorbing pressure as they cannot be flattened. Adipose tissue is needed for the body to turn to in times of need due to it being able to form a food reserve. Excess carbohydrates are made into glycogen and turned into fat and stored within adipose tissue which when energy is required by the body converts back. Adipose tissue is normally localised to certain depots within the body such
  • 38. Empowerment For Ministry Among The Philippines Introduction An issue many pastors face today is the definitive difference between a called professional clergy and a called laity and the necessary responsibilities for the empowerment of laity within their specific missional context. This issue of empowerment for ministry among the laity has long been a problem debated within the ranks of church leadership and the field of practical theology. The average believer is faced with the challenge of developing a biblical understanding of the call of God that is received from God for the fulfillment of their ministry, which is necessary to form a clear understanding of the role of the laity within the church in light of the professional clergy. This paper will focus upon the biblical understanding of the priesthood of all believers, as the laos, or people of God and the role of the professional clergy to equip, empower and encourage laity to flourish in the work in which God has called them to do. The development of the historical views of lay ministry within the local church is also a necessary component that will be addressed in dealing with this dilemma. This paper will also seek to present biblical narratives presenting the importance of the role of both a called clergy and a called laity for the successful continuation of a biblical model of the church within today s society. Properly Defining the Roles of Clergy and Laity within the Pentecostal Church An essential part of defining the difference between clergy and
  • 39. How Did John Alexander Dowie Contribute To Religion John Alexander Dowie was born in Scotland in May of 1847. His father John Murray Dowie, was a tailor and part time preacher. The family immigrated to Australia in 1860 his family immigrated to Australia, and settled in Adelaide. At age 21 John Alexander Dowie travelled to the University of Edinburgh to study where he discovered the teachings of Edward Irving (1792 1834). Irving disagreed with the cessationist theology and believed the Gifts of the Holy Spirit were available today. After graduation young Dowie returned to Australia and became the pastor of a Congregational church in a small town about 50 miles from Adelaide. In 1876 he became the minister for Newtown Congregational church in Sydney. Several members of his church became ill and died because of an outbreak of disease that impacted the city. After God spoke to him about how the sickness was from the devil and it could be resisted, Dowie started to pray for his congregation and there were no more deaths. He was so impacted by this revelation that he left the pastorate and became a full time, healing evangelist. He relocated to Melbourne and planted a church. He also published a magazine about healing, Jehovah Rophi.... Show more content on ... During the Chicago s World Fair, he had healing meetings outside the fairgrounds. The meetings were elaborate, and people were able to see crutches, braces and other medical devices hanging on the front wall. He set up his headquarters in Chicago where he preached to thousands every Sunday. People travelled from all over the world so he purchased a building where they could stay. He promoted the divine healing message through founded a publishing journal, Leaves of Healing. The congregation fed the poor, was highly evangelistic and impacted a city that was known for
  • 40. Individual Reporting Scenarios On Wednesday 05/16/2018 at approximately 1945, I, Officer A. Rodriguez #217 was dispatched to the University Police Department Lobby (located 6300 Ocean Drive Corpus Christi, Texas 78412, which is on Texas A M University Corpus Christi) in reference to an individual reporting that he was bite by an animal. Note: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) was requested by the reporting party and Lt. G. Flores #110 would be checking on the individual until I arrived. Upon arrival I activated body camera #5 and made contact with an individual by the name of Jackson Gray (student/non resident/ reporting party). I asked Gray what happen. Gray stated that he was helping his girlfriend (which lives in apartment #103) pack up her belongs into his truck. When he saw a female individual later identified as Madelyn Harvey (student/resident/owner of the dog) walking a dog (unknown breed). Gray stated that the dog started to bark and would not stop barking. Gray stated that he likes dogs and that he trains them as well. Gray stated that he opened up his hands to show the dog that he did not have anything. Gray stated that Harvey told him ... Show more content on ... I advised him that Gray should be on the other side of the building. I got Gray to come and speak with Joshua about the incident. Joshua took photos of his own of the bite mark. Joshua stated that he needs to speak with the owner of the dog. I escorted him to apartment #104. Joshua knocked on the door and Harvey answered the door. Joshua advised Harvey that he was here to give her a bite notice (A bite notice is form that explains that the owner of the dog needs to contact Animal Control as soon as possible to talk about what is needed to be done. Joshua then asked Harvey for proof of her dogs up to date with the shots. Harvey showed Joshua her rabies dog tag on her dog s collar. Joshua stated that Harvey s dog is up to date with shots. I then
  • 41. The Mystery Of The Universe By Benjamin Alire Saenz In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz and Maximilian the Mystery of the Guardian Angel by Xavier Garza demonstrate how positive male role models are part of the Latino culture in literature as well as in real life. Throughout these two books which target young adults, Saenz and Garza emphasize the constant presence of positive male role models and the importance of their impact on the characters. Similarities between Garza and Saenz indicate that contemporary Mexican American fathers/role models can be affectionate, involved, as well as morally and emotionally supportive which helps shape the young individual become a better person academically and socially. In Saenz s work, the positive male role models are seen in the main characters, Aristotle s and Dante s fathers, and in Garza s work, the positive male role models are seen in the main character s (Max) father, uncle, and great uncle. Dante s father, Sam Quintana, an English professor, is portrayed as a caring, encouraging, and present father who is always there for his son. You know what my father said to me? He said, Dante, you re in intellectual. That s who you are. Don t be ashamed of that (Saenz 35). The role of the Dante s father is much more than just being there, it is demonstrated in the open lines of communication he kept with his son and the self confidence he instilled in Dante. Aristotle s father, ex Marine Vietnam War veteran, Jaime Mendoza,
  • 42. Two Kinds of Commerce by Aristotle Clive Thompson on Why the Next Civil Rights Battle Will Be Over the Mind By Clive Thompson 03.24.08 Illustration: Paula Scher/Pentagram START Previous: A State By State Look at Where Cell Phones and Driving Don t Mix Trolling down the street in Manhattan, I suddenly hear a woman s voice. Who s there? Who s there? she whispers. I look around but can t figure out where it s coming from. It seems to emanate from inside my skull. Was I going nuts? Nope. I had simply encountered a new advertising medium: hypersonic sound. It broadcasts audio in a focused beam, so that only a person standing directly in its path hears the message. In this case, the cable channel A E was using the technology to promote a show about, ... Show more content on ... Will the Fifth Amendment protect you from self incrimination by your own brain? Think about your workplace, too: Your boss can already demand that you pee in a cup. Should she also be allowed to stick your head in an MRI tube as part of your performance review? But this isn t just about reading minds; it s also about bombarding them with messages or tweaking their chemistry. Transcranial magnetic stimulationnow used
  • 43. My Love Story I loved Bob with all my heart, or as much as you could love someone in 1252 in England as a female. I have told you about Bob before, haven t I? He knew everything about me from my favorite color to my deepest secrets. We did everything together, too; we went to the pond together, we went to the market together, we even ate together. We always exchanged I love you whenever we saw each other, and everyone thought we would eventually get married. He cared about me, and I cared about him. We were the perfect love story. Of course, all perfect stories must come to an end. It was a warm autumn day. The sun was shining, the leaves on the trees were brilliant reds, oranges, and golds, and everyone was out taking care of business on our measly dirt road. Bob and I had spent the day cleaning his home and taking care of his younger sisters, so we were both burning up. As we left his house, I had a brilliant idea. Bob darling, let us go to the pond. We can cool off there! The pond was a beautiful, tranquil place. The only sounds that could be heard were the breeze rustling the weeping willows beside the pond and the birds chirping in the willows. The pale, calm blue of the pond had helped me fall asleep a number of times. It was a wonderful place to cool off and swim, too. Bob however, instead of getting excited as he had on multiple occasions at any mention of the pond jumped away from me, guilt written on his face. I can t, I...I... Bob? Are you alright? I asked, concerned. Of course. I just can t come to the pond today, he responded, his composure regained. I...uh...I have other plans. I m sorry. Oh. Alright then. It s okay. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, although it was a little forced. Then, he turned around and disappeared into the bustle of the market. As I watched him walk away, my smile faded. What was wrong with him? Or is it me? He always hung out with me, even if he had previous arrangements. This continued for days; I would want to do something together, but Bob would have other engagements. Soon, we were doing nothing. I quickly grew suspicious. What could he possibly be doing? Eventually, I decided to follow him to his other engagements . It was a
  • 44. Maritime Compass Llc Essay 1.How much is the Bet Performer worth based on comparable transactions? What ship is the best reference transaction? (the closest comparable)? Comparable transaction is a conventional method of evaluating the value of something that is ready for sale. To value a ship, one had to identify a set of comparable ships where comparability was based on four main factors: ship type, size (DWT), age, and condition. The Bet Performer was a 11 year old ship, built in 1997, 172,000 DWT capsize bulk carrier. From the Exhibit 4, there are five ships which are the most comparable to Bet Performer. They are Martha Verity, Ingenious, Sumihou, Cape Sun, and Coppersmith. These ships all have the most similar characteristics, in terms of ship type,... Show more content on ... This is logical because, larger the ships, more load could they carry, and thus make higher profits, so are priced higher. Relationship between Age and Ship Price: From the regression, we find that as the ship ages by one year, the price of the ship drops by $ 4.54 mln. This makes sense because as with any other vehicle or asset, the efficiency of the ship drops with age. As it gets older, the carrying value of the ship lowers due to depreciation. Relationship between Charter rates and Ship Price: With one point increase in the Capesize ship index, there is a slight increase in the price of the ship by $0.007 mln. The Capesize ships took like a year to build, and are good for 25 years, after which they are demolished and sold for scrap. The economics of this ship breaking differed by ship size and type category. So higher this index, higher is the price of the ship. b.Can you think of other factors that might predict ship prices? Apart from the 4 factors ship type, DWT, ship age and gears, there are a couple of other factors which affect the ship price. They are Type of main engine, Confirmed time charter contracts with creditworthy counter parties Loading equipment (cranes and derricks) Shipyard (original builder) Location (where the ship was at the time of sale) All these affected the price of the ship, and hence can be used to
  • 45. The Golden Style Of The Lincoln Electric Company The most admired company Lincoln Electric Company is an epitome of a well run company with an outstanding record of accomplishment in terms of productivity. This success has achieved by prioritizing the needs of its employees. Even the group of stockholders will be the last order of priority of the company. The company s philosophy has centered on Christian ideology. Lincoln Electric Company has an astounding reputation of being generous company in terms of giving bonuses and other benefits, which the company continues to embrace since the early beginnings of the company. Because of that, it achieved tremendous success by properly motivating its employees. ... Show more content on ... Aside from it, this essay will enumerate the golden rules of the company, which I believe the core of its success. This will base on the Case Study of Arthur Sharplin from Harvard University in 1989. In the concluding part, I will describe based on what I learned from this case study about the kind of management style does Lincoln Electric Company
  • 46. Nascimento Research Papers Edson Arantes do Nascimento On October 23 in Tres Coracoes Brazil, Edson Arantes do Nascimento known as Pele was born. Pele was living in the city of Bauru with his family when he was little but he grew up in poverty. His parents named him after Thomas Edison and was nicknamed Dico . Before he became a really good soccer player he started with a rolled up sock with rags stuffed in it. There is no origin with the name pele , his friends just started to call him that. Waldemar de Brito convinced his parents into letting him try out for the Santos professional soccer club when he was 15 years old. His first international game was in the year of 1957 against Argentina. That was his first goal even though Brazil lost the
  • 47. Dihydrogen Monoxide Evaluation Dihydrogen Monoxide When I first looked at the site /Dihydrogen Monoxide.html, I found out many things. The first thing I learned was that this site focuses on the dangers of the deadly chemical, Dihydrogen Monoxide. It shows you the facts of dihydrogen monoxide, the uses of dihydrogen monoxide, etc. After digging a bit deeper into this website, I found some interesting facts about the organization,, and discovered that this chemical was a hoax. My rating for this website would a 1 star because it was a prank. The only way to improve this website would be to add a note at the bottom saying that it was a joke, so people do not actually believe that Dihydrogen Monoxide is real, and I cannot really recommend a better website as this is a fake topic. Before deciding that this website wasn t credible, I had to go through an evaluation... Show more content on ... This website was made by the organization I know this because it has advertisements and links to on the website, and at the bottom of the page, it shows that this website is copyrighted by If the domain of the page is familiar, it definitely influences my opinion of the website, but http:/ / Monoxide.html s domain is, and after doing research, we have found out that is not a reliable source. Therefore, the domain of this website did influence my decision a little bit. I wanted to find out the real truth of dihydrogen monoxide, so I opened up a new tab and searched up Dihydrogen Monoxide. I found out that this so called chemical was actually a fake, and what they were calling Dihydrogen Monoxide, was actually water! This website and the organization was made by a 14 year old boy for his project on How Gullible are We? After doing all the research, and finding out some information, I have decided that this website is not
  • 48. The Importance Of Life Changing Experiences In My Life Life altering experiences can occur in the blink of an eye or over a longer time. The experiences that I went through in 2011 are by far the most interesting in my life so far. Please join me as I reminisce on times that have past but remain engrained in my mind. From leaving the comforts of the dreary state of Washington to living inside stonewallsin a foreign land. I lay in my hollow empty shell of a room as I look at the clock tick away so loud that I felt it in my hands. I knew all those nights of staying up late anticipating the day to arrive like a child awaiting to open Christmas presents had finally come. We stumbled our ways into the bus with two bags two are names and a metal instrument of defense by our side. Mindless chatter arose in the bus, I began to stare out the window as I watched sons say goodbye to their dads, Wives to their husbands, and husbands to their wives. Senseless communication like one that you would make with a stranger at a coffee shop waiting to place your over priced coffee order. The wheels began to roll and the sun began to set. As we pulled up to the tarmac everything fell silent as if someone had set the world on mute. We ambled our way across the tarmac and all you could hear is boots rubbing on the cold wet gravel. Ample seating available on flight as we knew that it was not one for leisure. The wheels came up we zoomed skyward and a gloomy day turned upside down as we broke through the crowds into a vast sunny place that seemed to make everything alright in the world for that moment. The mindset once we arrived to Victory Base Complex in Baghdad had changed dramatically. Life here was simple and never changing unless we received some unwanted fire work display by the enemy. Our living quarters where shared very much like a dog kennel with two dogs trying to coexist. But who are we to complain those that came before us had it much worst. As you exited the living quarters in turned into a labyrinth of stone walls and other living units surrounded. The ground which you use to be mostly sandis now covered with rocks for better traction. In turn it did not provide better traction it felt more like quick sand. The bathrooms are shared by approximately five hundred
  • 49. Management Philosophy Comparison Running head: MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY COMPARISON Management Philosophy Comparison Management philosophies MGT716 June 15, 2009 Management Philosophy Comparison Management aims to accomplish group purposes with the least expenditure of material or human resources (Koontz, 1969, p. 415). The term management philosophy seems almost oxymoronic in that they appear to work toward different results. The goal of management should be to improve the organization. (Kirkeby, 2000) suggest that the objective of management has always been the goal of making the group, institution, organization, or nation, into the strongest organism possible. Triumph, subjugation, gaining strength, and survival are all priorities of management. ... Show more content on ... All of these examples and many others function and are produced at a higher rate of efficiently due to Scientific Management. Frederick W. Taylor born on March 20, 1865 considered the father of Scientific Management . He strongly campaigned for less human interaction and more machine driven production, even going on to say In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first (Worthy, 1959, p. 73). One of the driving factors for Taylor s scientific management was that he believed the industrial management of his day was run by individuals that had no professional amplitude Deming suggested that management could be formulated as an academic discipline, and that the best results would come from the partnership between a trained and qualified management and a cooperative and innovative workforce (Weisbord, 1987, p. 9). Taylorism became the first big management fad. Taylor s scientific management consisted of four principles (Weisbord, 1987): 1. Replace rule of thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. 2. Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves. 3. Provide detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker s discrete task. 4. Divide work equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers
  • 50. Benefits Of Child Care Benefits of Child Care Care centers provide child care on a regular basis inside or outside of the child s home. These programs help teach children the information they need to be successful later in their lives. Daycares also aid parents in taking care of children when they begin working again after a baby s birth and throughout most of the child s young life. Early child care centers have been around for many years; therefore, there are a variety of centers for the parent to choose from. The history of daycare services in the United States has proven to be beneficial for children and effective in helping working mothers be able to earn a living and effectively raise their children. Child care centers have been around since 1898. These centers ... Show more content on ... Children s sense of competence and self worth grow as they learn to take care of themselves and help others (10 good reasons your child should attend preschool). Potty training is a problem when a parent tries to enroll their kids in school, the children must be able to use the restroom with minimal help. The kids also must be able to feed themselves using silverware and keeping somewhat clean. Being able to feed themselves and use the restroom on their own is not only something they will need to know to go to school but to live. Preschool centers are made to teach kids not only necessities for school, but also for everyday life. Teachers boost children s desire to do real work by having the help in the classroom, the students help set the table for snack, or feed the class pet. The kids are also taught to wash their hands before they eat, keep their belongings in their own cubby, and put away the toys they were playing with before moving on to do something else (10 good reasons your child should attend preschool). Early child care programs teach their students how to do these everyday activities so that the parent does not have to worry about not having time to prepare their kid for school and everyday life. Daycares are crucial to the early development of a child with a busy set of
  • 51. Victorian Literature, Characteristics And Description Of... ORIAN LITERATURE Victorian literature was produced during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 1901), so BrontГ« sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne) are bright representatives of the Victorian period because their famous novels such as Jane Eyre (1847, Charlotte BrontГ«), Wuthering Heights (1847, Emily BrontГ«), Vilette (1853, Charlotte BrontГ«), The Professor (1857, Charlotte BrontГ«), appeared during the Victorian period. Other leading novelists of the Victorian period were Charles Dickens (1812 1870), William Makepeace Thackeray(1811 1863), Thomas Hardy (1840 1928), as well as many others. England in the 19th century experienced technological, medical, scientific and social advance due to the Industrial Revolution. So much of the writing of this time dealt with the pressing issues of the Victorian period. The following chapter will display main themes, characteristics and description of ... Show more content on ... During the reign of Queen Victoria England experienced significant changes in science, medicine, transport, religion and technology such as development of the railways and discovery of the telephone. The following chapter is going to study notable discoveries and to provide the description of the Victorian period and all those changes that contributed to the development of the 19th century Victorian England that will help to understand the general picture of the Victorian period in order to examine the novels by BrontГ« sisters. The Victorian period begins in England on 20 June 1837 when Queen Victoria (1819 1901) mounted the throne after the death of her uncle William IV and ends in 22nd January 1901 with her death (of natural causes) and succession of her eldest son King Edward VII. King William was the third son of George III (the king of England from1760 to 1820), but King Edward VII governed the country from 22 January 1901 until his death in