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Bahir Dar University
Bahir Dar institute of technology
Faculty of computing
Department of computer science
Tesfahunegn Minwuyelet
Facebook is used widely by the students in fulfilling their basic needs and interaction. It is
becoming a popular medium for socializing online and tools to facilitate friendship. Female
students used Facebook for different kinds of motives form social interaction to communication.
The frequent use of Facebook brought an addition towards the site and simultaneously influence
students’ daily life at large. The phenomena of Facebook addiction in Ethiopia is rising among
university students especially females. The study is designed to identify the relationship between
female students’ motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction. The five motives identified
are social interaction, passing time, entertainment, companionship, and communication. It is hoped
that the result of the study will be applicable to service providers, current users, and potential users
of Facebook.
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................1
Background of the study...............................................................................................................................2
Statement of the problem ............................................................................................................................3
Objective of the Study ..................................................................................................................................3
General objective......................................................................................................................................3
Specific object...........................................................................................................................................3
Research Question/ Hypothesis....................................................................................................................3
Scope/delimitation of the Study...................................................................................................................4
Research Methodology.................................................................................................................................5
Application/ significance of the Research.....................................................................................................6
importance of the study ...........................................................................................................................6
beneficiaries of the study .........................................................................................................................6
Budget schedule............................................................................................................................................7
Time Schedule...............................................................................................................................................8
References: .................................................................................................................................................10
List of table
Table 1 budget schedule...............................................................................................................................7
List of Figure
Figure 1 Time schedule .................................................................................................................................8
Facebook is the most popular social networking website which becomes the global phenomenon
for the past few years (Foregger,2008). It was created by Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard
University in 2004 as the network to access college students’ information. At the beginning,
Facebook become a virtual medium for students of Harvard in identifying each other and making
new social relationship (Markoff, 2007). Later, the use of Facebook was spread to other
universities students and becoming a public domain in 2006 (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). In 2007,
Facebook was reported to have more than 21 million active users generating 1.6 billion page views
each day. The website currently has more than 300 million users worldwide (comScore, 2010).
An in-depth report on social networks in Asia-Pacific revealed that was the most
engaging Social Networking Sites (SNS) and largely use in Ethiopia, Singapore, Australia, and
South Korea (comScore, 2010). This shows that all Asian countries are experiencing new wave of
communication technology. Limyh (2009) found that the Ethiopian love to use social networking
site. Based on Alexa (2010), Facebook is the top networking site in Ethiopia with more than 4.2
million active users regardless of age and background.
The use of Facebook was dramatically increased especially among female university students aged
18-24 years old. Up to today, many students in Ethiopian universities sign up for Facebook account
at large, suggesting that most college students do use the site (Shanaz, 2010). Female students and
social site is synonym. According to Joiner (2008) female students like to socialize online and
they use Facebook more as a tool for social connection. Overall, female students primarily used
Facebook as a way to keep in touch with high school friends.
Female students basically use Facebook for more social purposes, to communicate and socialize
with colleagues, friends and family through the interactive features offered by this social site
(Laurie and Paula, 2007). Foregger (2008) in her study on the uses and gratifications of Facebook
found that there were nine motives relate to the use of social network site such as passing-time,
social information, utilities and upkeep, channel use, marketplace, maintain, and establish old ties,
social comparison, attractiveness, and interconnectedness. Facebook seems to be a strong
attraction for students to go online because the web support the motivations like self-discovery,
social enhancement, and interpersonal connectivity for them to join the site.
Background of the study
Worldwide studies revealed that almost 90% of students are using Facebook, the amount of time
average student spend is 106 minutes per day, the average student visit Facebook 6 times a day,
and stay for 24 minutes each visit. [Internet Reference – USA Today Educate]
Like any other country, Ethiopian’s students are also addicted to Facebook so do Bit computing
students, although situation in Ethiopian is bit change than rest of countries as not all of students
in Ethiopian are in easy access of modern technology like smart phones, I pad, but still they are
capitalizing most of their time in browsing internet and using social media networking technology,
specially Facebook. In the Bit computing, Students are observed decline in their class performance
and studies as miss-use of Facebook among students increased which is distracting students from
their studies, Students are killing most of their time using Facebook, finding friends, chatting on
Facebook (text messages, voice chatting or video talks), posting updates regarding their daily life
activities, uploading photos and videos, checking in likes and comments of their posts, playing
online games on Facebook, making conversation on various groups and pages, the time which they
should give to their studies, this results in low interaction with their relative subjects, keeping
student knowledge at low, with up to no practical experience, students are not even willing to
complete their assignments and projects.
Statement of the problem
Bit Students are observed using more and more Facebook which is distracting them from their
studies. After university classes and having lunch and doing some rest students are left with very
little time to study which most of them spend on using Facebook, this seriously affects their studies
and over all class performance, it is a serious issue which cannot be neglected, as it is already
observed in various studies worldwide that more time a student spend on Facebook less will be the
grades and it is not only matter of grade, it’s a matter of overall student’s performance, his career
building and job market.
Bit Students are victims of miss-use of Facebook, less concentrated on their studies and low job
market; this addiction can lead to their future destruction.
Objective of the Study
General objective
To determine female students’ motives for Facebook use and to examine the relationships between
female students’ motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction.
Specific object
 To find out the relationship between time spent on Facebook and studies.
 To find out the prior motives that influence female students to use Facebook site.
 To assess the level of Facebook users.
 To identify factors that affect Facebook users.
 To evaluate the impact of Facebook on studies of student.
 To Categorized those factors.
Research Question/ Hypothesis
The relationship between female students’ motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction
shows that there is significant relationship between social interaction, passing time, entertainment,
companionship, and communication with Facebook addiction due to these five motives of
Facebook use do influence students’ addiction toward the site and that influence their study.
 Q1. Is an individuals’ personality associated with their addiction to Facebook?
 Q2. How can the urge to meet new people, find friends, and meet those who have similar
interests on the Internet act as a facilitator toward a Facebook addiction or FAD?
 Q3. What other factors influence an individuals’ likelihood of becoming addicted to
 Q4. How often do Bit students use Facebook each week?
 Q5. How frequent do male and female Bit students upload photos and comment on other
user’s photos on Facebook each week?
 Q6. What proportion of Bit female students use top 1 social networks?
 Q7. What are the difference in usage behavior on Facebook between Bit female and male
Q8. Is there a difference in the weekly photo uploads on Facebook between Bit male and
female students?
Scope/delimitation of the Study
The study related to Facebook use and Student’s study is already conducted worldwide in different
countries and there is tens of study highlighting side effects of Facebook on studies, but there is
no such study which is conducted in reference to Facebook, especially on university level,
targeting Bit Students in University of Bahir Dar, the researches made on worldwide basis are very
much different from this in Ethiopia as education system and student approach to Facebook and
study is very different in Ethiopia, especially in University of Bahir Dar, so this is going to be a
very new approach made in this perspective and in comparison to a specific class, with a limited
universe of research, a comparison between Facebook addiction and study of Bit Students.
There can be various possible limitations to this study, depending upon the situation and nature of
the respondent; few possible limitations are listed as follow;
 The respondent may not give true answers.
 The respondent might be interested in studies himself; even he will not be using
 The education can also be effected by one’s personal understanding level.
 The distraction from education can possibly be from some other un-determinable
factors, like physical health, personal life problems or any other factors.
 The decrease in job market share can be due to various other factors like inflation, un-
stable economic and political conditions, decreasing good will of university due to
unstable education environment.
Thus, these possible limitations can create hindrances to accumulate true data and to analyses the
data so that to reach on true conclusion
Research Methodology
The Study will be conducted on qualitative as well as quantitative basis, from students in Bit
faculty of computing. The data which is to be collected will be primary data, through interviewing
semi structured questionnaires for the purpose of completion of class assignment for Business
Research Methodology, under the supervision of our Subject Teacher Sir: Abnew Ali, and several
central tendency measures will be applied to analyze data including like mean, median, mode etc.
Data will be collected through sampling, total sample size would be of 274 students from Bit,
college of business and economics, and University of Bahir Dar computing only, comprising of
176 male students and 98 female students. survey method. A set of Self administrative
questionnaire was distributed to the selected respondents during the class time using “drop and
collect” method. The respondents are given 10 to 15 minutes to complete the questionnaires and it
will be collected by the researcher as soon as possible to avoid class interruption. The data
collection takes weeks to finish. The sample was choosing based on simple
random selection techniques by following to the Krecjie and Morgan table (1970). Survey
questionnaire were used to collect the relevant information related to the issues of the study.
According to Berger (2000), survey design is widely used because of its inexpensive cost, ability
to obtain current information, and ability to obtain a great deal of information at one time. The
design of the study required data to be collected from female students from Bahir Dar university
in Ethiopia. The respondents consisted of undergraduate students of Faculty of computing at
University Bahir Dar Ethiopia. The survey questionnaires were randomly distributed among 98
female respondents from both universities. Responses were voluntary and those who never had a
Facebook account did not participate in the survey.
The instrument used in this study is a survey questionnaire which was designed to achieve the
research objective. A set of questionnaire consist of questions was developed to investigate female
students’ motives for Facebook use. A pool of gratification items was assembled from Sheldon, P.
(2008): The relationship between unwillingness-to-communicate and student’s Facebook use. The
questionnaires are divided into three sections: Part A contains questions design to capture the
demography background such as age, gender, race, name of university, current level of education,
year of study in the university, and discipline of study. Part B contains questions design to
understand the users’ motives for Facebook (social interaction, passing-time, entertainment,
companionship and communication) and Part C contains items structured to investigate the
Facebook addiction level among female students.
The pretest of questionnaire was carried out to determine the clarity of instruction, face validity
and reliability of the research instrument. There were 30 respondents involve in this research. The
results of the test on the variables in the pre-test met the requirement of 0.70 Cronbach’s Alpha
value for reliability test in social science studies ranged from 0.65 to 0.95. Validity and reliability
were obtained by means of following procedure First, the pre-testing of the questionnaire was
carried out on 30 female students of University Bahir Dar and the respondents were not included
in the actual study. Second, the Reliability tests on all items in the form Likert Scale were done.
It was found that the Alpha Cronbach values on most of the questions were relatively high (0.7-
0.8). Therefore, the reliability of research instrument was acceptable.
The data for this study consisted of nominal, ordinal, and scale. They were analyzed using
computer software of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 19.0). Descriptive
statistics, Correlation and Regression test were used to analyze the data with regard to the
objectives of the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, median, range,
and standard deviation were used to determine demographic characteristics of the respondents,
motives for Facebook use, and Facebook addiction. The Pearson’s Correlation was used to
determine the direction and strength of relationship between motives for Facebook use with
Facebook addiction. ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were used to examine the strength
of the association between Motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction. For this study, a
five percent (0.05) level was determined as the accepted level of significance for statistical analysis.
Application/ significance of the Research
importance of the study
The study will dig out all factors which is related to the addition of Facebook specially on females
then after identifying those factors and prioritize to help them to leave their addiction and focus on
their main objective to be qualified on all courses which gives in their campus in order to become
competent with others students which use their time properly.
beneficiaries of the study
 The female students theme self since they will get counselling and they will have spent
more time on their study here after they will come fruit full.
 The university because if the student get advising and leave out from their addiction there
result becomes good and they will competent worldwide.
 The students parent because the main objective of the student when they come to the
university is to study their courses and graduate and back to their community to serve.
 The community that needs more elite persons.
 The country itself will be benefited from those who are not addicted in such things
because the country needs empowered woman’s.
Budget schedule
Proposed Financial Requirement
S.N Item Unit Quantity Unit
Total Cost
1 Personal expenditure
 Per dime:
 Field substance
 Fee for expertise
number 7 I-1700
2 Service:
 Computer and data
 Photocopy
 Binding etc...
number 1- Computer
1-desta paper
3 Equipments
 For experiments:
 Data collection
4 Consumable:
 Accessories used for
5 Communication:
 Fax:
 Tel:
 Postage:
6 Dissemination of results:
 Poster:
 National conference:
7 Others (Justifiable) 13,335
Total amount 100,000
Table 1 budget schedule
Time Schedule
Figure 1 Time schedule
As a conclusion, students’ motives for Facebook use have become the main influences to the
addiction of the social site. Female students largely used Facebook for these following motives;
social interaction, passing time, entertainment, companionship, and communication. However,
passing time, entertainment, and communication were among the motivational factors that
contribute more toward students’ Facebook addiction. There is no doubt that female students were
among the active users of Facebook site in Ethiopia and this was an indication of good ICT skills
and good use of technology. In fact, female students tended to view Facebook as a powerful tool
of communication and the place for socialized with friends and family. The existence of Facebook
seemed to satisfy the basic human need for connectedness and community. The results of the study
will be applicable to service providers in giving the best services and opportunity to the current
users and potential users of Facebook in identifying the negative and positive impacts of social
networking site as well. Therefore, the greater use of Facebook would tend to create a problem of
addiction to the site and it is recommended that these young generations should be educated on
any danger that this new trend may lead to.
 BOYD, D., ELLISON, N., Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship, in
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 13(1), 2007, article 11.
 CHANDRA D., R,Do you have Facebook Addiction Disorder?, 2010, Retrieved August 1,
2010, from

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  • 1. Bahir Dar University Bahir Dar institute of technology Faculty of computing Department of computer science Title: -FACEBOOK ADDICTION AMONG FEMALE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS By Tesfahunegn Minwuyelet G-mail:
  • 2. i Abstract Facebook is used widely by the students in fulfilling their basic needs and interaction. It is becoming a popular medium for socializing online and tools to facilitate friendship. Female students used Facebook for different kinds of motives form social interaction to communication. The frequent use of Facebook brought an addition towards the site and simultaneously influence students’ daily life at large. The phenomena of Facebook addiction in Ethiopia is rising among university students especially females. The study is designed to identify the relationship between female students’ motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction. The five motives identified are social interaction, passing time, entertainment, companionship, and communication. It is hoped that the result of the study will be applicable to service providers, current users, and potential users of Facebook.
  • 3. ii Contents Abstract..........................................................................................................................................................i Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................1 Background of the study...............................................................................................................................2 Statement of the problem ............................................................................................................................3 Objective of the Study ..................................................................................................................................3 General objective......................................................................................................................................3 Specific object...........................................................................................................................................3 Research Question/ Hypothesis....................................................................................................................3 Scope/delimitation of the Study...................................................................................................................4 Research Methodology.................................................................................................................................5 Application/ significance of the Research.....................................................................................................6 importance of the study ...........................................................................................................................6 beneficiaries of the study .........................................................................................................................6 Budget schedule............................................................................................................................................7 Time Schedule...............................................................................................................................................8 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................................9 References: .................................................................................................................................................10 List of table Table 1 budget schedule...............................................................................................................................7 List of Figure Figure 1 Time schedule .................................................................................................................................8
  • 4. 1 Introduction Facebook is the most popular social networking website which becomes the global phenomenon for the past few years (Foregger,2008). It was created by Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University in 2004 as the network to access college students’ information. At the beginning, Facebook become a virtual medium for students of Harvard in identifying each other and making new social relationship (Markoff, 2007). Later, the use of Facebook was spread to other universities students and becoming a public domain in 2006 (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). In 2007, Facebook was reported to have more than 21 million active users generating 1.6 billion page views each day. The website currently has more than 300 million users worldwide (comScore, 2010). An in-depth report on social networks in Asia-Pacific revealed that was the most engaging Social Networking Sites (SNS) and largely use in Ethiopia, Singapore, Australia, and South Korea (comScore, 2010). This shows that all Asian countries are experiencing new wave of communication technology. Limyh (2009) found that the Ethiopian love to use social networking site. Based on Alexa (2010), Facebook is the top networking site in Ethiopia with more than 4.2 million active users regardless of age and background. The use of Facebook was dramatically increased especially among female university students aged 18-24 years old. Up to today, many students in Ethiopian universities sign up for Facebook account at large, suggesting that most college students do use the site (Shanaz, 2010). Female students and social site is synonym. According to Joiner (2008) female students like to socialize online and they use Facebook more as a tool for social connection. Overall, female students primarily used Facebook as a way to keep in touch with high school friends. Female students basically use Facebook for more social purposes, to communicate and socialize with colleagues, friends and family through the interactive features offered by this social site (Laurie and Paula, 2007). Foregger (2008) in her study on the uses and gratifications of Facebook found that there were nine motives relate to the use of social network site such as passing-time, social information, utilities and upkeep, channel use, marketplace, maintain, and establish old ties, social comparison, attractiveness, and interconnectedness. Facebook seems to be a strong attraction for students to go online because the web support the motivations like self-discovery, social enhancement, and interpersonal connectivity for them to join the site.
  • 5. 2 Background of the study Worldwide studies revealed that almost 90% of students are using Facebook, the amount of time average student spend is 106 minutes per day, the average student visit Facebook 6 times a day, and stay for 24 minutes each visit. [Internet Reference – USA Today Educate] Like any other country, Ethiopian’s students are also addicted to Facebook so do Bit computing students, although situation in Ethiopian is bit change than rest of countries as not all of students in Ethiopian are in easy access of modern technology like smart phones, I pad, but still they are capitalizing most of their time in browsing internet and using social media networking technology, specially Facebook. In the Bit computing, Students are observed decline in their class performance and studies as miss-use of Facebook among students increased which is distracting students from their studies, Students are killing most of their time using Facebook, finding friends, chatting on Facebook (text messages, voice chatting or video talks), posting updates regarding their daily life activities, uploading photos and videos, checking in likes and comments of their posts, playing online games on Facebook, making conversation on various groups and pages, the time which they should give to their studies, this results in low interaction with their relative subjects, keeping student knowledge at low, with up to no practical experience, students are not even willing to complete their assignments and projects.
  • 6. 3 Statement of the problem Bit Students are observed using more and more Facebook which is distracting them from their studies. After university classes and having lunch and doing some rest students are left with very little time to study which most of them spend on using Facebook, this seriously affects their studies and over all class performance, it is a serious issue which cannot be neglected, as it is already observed in various studies worldwide that more time a student spend on Facebook less will be the grades and it is not only matter of grade, it’s a matter of overall student’s performance, his career building and job market. Bit Students are victims of miss-use of Facebook, less concentrated on their studies and low job market; this addiction can lead to their future destruction. Objective of the Study General objective To determine female students’ motives for Facebook use and to examine the relationships between female students’ motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction. Specific object  To find out the relationship between time spent on Facebook and studies.  To find out the prior motives that influence female students to use Facebook site.  To assess the level of Facebook users.  To identify factors that affect Facebook users.  To evaluate the impact of Facebook on studies of student.  To Categorized those factors. Research Question/ Hypothesis The relationship between female students’ motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction shows that there is significant relationship between social interaction, passing time, entertainment, companionship, and communication with Facebook addiction due to these five motives of Facebook use do influence students’ addiction toward the site and that influence their study.  Q1. Is an individuals’ personality associated with their addiction to Facebook?  Q2. How can the urge to meet new people, find friends, and meet those who have similar interests on the Internet act as a facilitator toward a Facebook addiction or FAD?  Q3. What other factors influence an individuals’ likelihood of becoming addicted to Facebook?
  • 7. 4  Q4. How often do Bit students use Facebook each week?  Q5. How frequent do male and female Bit students upload photos and comment on other user’s photos on Facebook each week?  Q6. What proportion of Bit female students use top 1 social networks?  Q7. What are the difference in usage behavior on Facebook between Bit female and male students? Q8. Is there a difference in the weekly photo uploads on Facebook between Bit male and female students? Scope/delimitation of the Study The study related to Facebook use and Student’s study is already conducted worldwide in different countries and there is tens of study highlighting side effects of Facebook on studies, but there is no such study which is conducted in reference to Facebook, especially on university level, targeting Bit Students in University of Bahir Dar, the researches made on worldwide basis are very much different from this in Ethiopia as education system and student approach to Facebook and study is very different in Ethiopia, especially in University of Bahir Dar, so this is going to be a very new approach made in this perspective and in comparison to a specific class, with a limited universe of research, a comparison between Facebook addiction and study of Bit Students. There can be various possible limitations to this study, depending upon the situation and nature of the respondent; few possible limitations are listed as follow;  The respondent may not give true answers.  The respondent might be interested in studies himself; even he will not be using Facebook.  The education can also be effected by one’s personal understanding level.  The distraction from education can possibly be from some other un-determinable factors, like physical health, personal life problems or any other factors.  The decrease in job market share can be due to various other factors like inflation, un- stable economic and political conditions, decreasing good will of university due to unstable education environment. Thus, these possible limitations can create hindrances to accumulate true data and to analyses the data so that to reach on true conclusion
  • 8. 5 Research Methodology The Study will be conducted on qualitative as well as quantitative basis, from students in Bit faculty of computing. The data which is to be collected will be primary data, through interviewing semi structured questionnaires for the purpose of completion of class assignment for Business Research Methodology, under the supervision of our Subject Teacher Sir: Abnew Ali, and several central tendency measures will be applied to analyze data including like mean, median, mode etc. Data will be collected through sampling, total sample size would be of 274 students from Bit, college of business and economics, and University of Bahir Dar computing only, comprising of 176 male students and 98 female students. survey method. A set of Self administrative questionnaire was distributed to the selected respondents during the class time using “drop and collect” method. The respondents are given 10 to 15 minutes to complete the questionnaires and it will be collected by the researcher as soon as possible to avoid class interruption. The data collection takes weeks to finish. The sample was choosing based on simple random selection techniques by following to the Krecjie and Morgan table (1970). Survey questionnaire were used to collect the relevant information related to the issues of the study. According to Berger (2000), survey design is widely used because of its inexpensive cost, ability to obtain current information, and ability to obtain a great deal of information at one time. The design of the study required data to be collected from female students from Bahir Dar university in Ethiopia. The respondents consisted of undergraduate students of Faculty of computing at University Bahir Dar Ethiopia. The survey questionnaires were randomly distributed among 98 female respondents from both universities. Responses were voluntary and those who never had a Facebook account did not participate in the survey. The instrument used in this study is a survey questionnaire which was designed to achieve the research objective. A set of questionnaire consist of questions was developed to investigate female students’ motives for Facebook use. A pool of gratification items was assembled from Sheldon, P. (2008): The relationship between unwillingness-to-communicate and student’s Facebook use. The questionnaires are divided into three sections: Part A contains questions design to capture the demography background such as age, gender, race, name of university, current level of education, year of study in the university, and discipline of study. Part B contains questions design to understand the users’ motives for Facebook (social interaction, passing-time, entertainment,
  • 9. 6 companionship and communication) and Part C contains items structured to investigate the Facebook addiction level among female students. The pretest of questionnaire was carried out to determine the clarity of instruction, face validity and reliability of the research instrument. There were 30 respondents involve in this research. The results of the test on the variables in the pre-test met the requirement of 0.70 Cronbach’s Alpha value for reliability test in social science studies ranged from 0.65 to 0.95. Validity and reliability were obtained by means of following procedure First, the pre-testing of the questionnaire was carried out on 30 female students of University Bahir Dar and the respondents were not included in the actual study. Second, the Reliability tests on all items in the form Likert Scale were done. It was found that the Alpha Cronbach values on most of the questions were relatively high (0.7- 0.8). Therefore, the reliability of research instrument was acceptable. The data for this study consisted of nominal, ordinal, and scale. They were analyzed using computer software of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 19.0). Descriptive statistics, Correlation and Regression test were used to analyze the data with regard to the objectives of the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, median, range, and standard deviation were used to determine demographic characteristics of the respondents, motives for Facebook use, and Facebook addiction. The Pearson’s Correlation was used to determine the direction and strength of relationship between motives for Facebook use with Facebook addiction. ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were used to examine the strength of the association between Motives for Facebook use and Facebook addiction. For this study, a five percent (0.05) level was determined as the accepted level of significance for statistical analysis. Application/ significance of the Research importance of the study The study will dig out all factors which is related to the addition of Facebook specially on females then after identifying those factors and prioritize to help them to leave their addiction and focus on their main objective to be qualified on all courses which gives in their campus in order to become competent with others students which use their time properly. beneficiaries of the study  The female students theme self since they will get counselling and they will have spent more time on their study here after they will come fruit full.  The university because if the student get advising and leave out from their addiction there result becomes good and they will competent worldwide.
  • 10. 7  The students parent because the main objective of the student when they come to the university is to study their courses and graduate and back to their community to serve.  The community that needs more elite persons.  The country itself will be benefited from those who are not addicted in such things because the country needs empowered woman’s. Budget schedule Proposed Financial Requirement S.N Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost (ETB) Remark 1 Personal expenditure  Per dime:  Field substance  Fee for expertise number 7 I-1700 s-460 33,900 2 Service:  Computer and data production  Photocopy  Binding etc... number 1- Computer 1-desta paper 15 13,900 120 45 14,065 3 Equipments  For experiments:  Data collection 4,200 4 Consumable:  Accessories used for experimental 6,000 5 Communication:  Fax:  Tel:  Postage: 10,500 6 Dissemination of results:  Poster:  National conference: 18,000 7 Others (Justifiable) 13,335 Total amount 100,000 Table 1 budget schedule
  • 11. 8 Time Schedule Figure 1 Time schedule
  • 12. 9 CONCLUSION As a conclusion, students’ motives for Facebook use have become the main influences to the addiction of the social site. Female students largely used Facebook for these following motives; social interaction, passing time, entertainment, companionship, and communication. However, passing time, entertainment, and communication were among the motivational factors that contribute more toward students’ Facebook addiction. There is no doubt that female students were among the active users of Facebook site in Ethiopia and this was an indication of good ICT skills and good use of technology. In fact, female students tended to view Facebook as a powerful tool of communication and the place for socialized with friends and family. The existence of Facebook seemed to satisfy the basic human need for connectedness and community. The results of the study will be applicable to service providers in giving the best services and opportunity to the current users and potential users of Facebook in identifying the negative and positive impacts of social networking site as well. Therefore, the greater use of Facebook would tend to create a problem of addiction to the site and it is recommended that these young generations should be educated on any danger that this new trend may lead to.
  • 13. 10 References:    grades-study-says  BOYD, D., ELLISON, N., Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship, in Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 13(1), 2007, article 11.  CHANDRA D., R,Do you have Facebook Addiction Disorder?, 2010, Retrieved August 1, 2010, from