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2021 年 11 月 24 日 (水)
小林 秀章
GPT-3 で遊んでみた
ELIZA から 55年、AI は自然言語で書かれた文章の意味を人間並みに理解し、
「GPT-3」は、非営利の AI 研究企業である OpenAI が開発した
OpenAI は 2020年6月に API として外部からの利用を可能にしたが、
使用には人数制限をかけていた。2021年11月18日(木)、OpenAI は
• Temperature
Defaults to 1
What sampling temperature to use. Higher values means the model will take more risks.
Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer.
感覚的には 0.7 あたりがよさそう。
• max_tokens (Response length と表示)
Defaults to 16
The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.
The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length.
Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except davinci-codex, which supports 4096).
また、大きな値を与えておいても、そこまで使われることはまずない。GPT-3 側でひとつの文が終わったと
あらためて全文を入力とみなして続行すればよい。感覚的には 100 あたりがよさそう。
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.9
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to
pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes.
• GPT-3 の出力
She took her daughter with her to the river. When they were there, they saw a little fish which
said, “Have you caught my mother?” “We have not caught your mother” said the mother. The fish
replied, “Then you’d better catch her quickly.” At these words, it disappeared. The old woman
cried, “O Lord, the little fish warned us to catch its mother quickly.” Her daughter answered,
“Please make haste, mother!” The old woman said, “Nothing can be done; if the fish’s mother is
not caught, it would be hard on both of us. Let’s go back immediately.” When they had reached
home, they said to bystanders, “My daughter wanted to go to the river; she’ll never want to go
there again, don’t you think?” The bystanders asked, “Why is that?” The old woman replied,
“When we saw a little fish, it said, ‘Have you caught my mother?’ “We answered, ‘We have not
caught your mother
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.9
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to
pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes.
• GPT-3 の出力
However, the river is flooded and the old woman can't cross it. The old woman looked only at the water only
to find a turtle shell on the ground to help her out. She took it with her and used it to cross the river
before she tried to put it back into the water. The water stopped flowing again after she left the shell.
When the old man came back and found his wife not there and the home empty, he went to the river and saw the
boat on the other side with his wife standing there holding on to the shell. He was puzzled to see what
happened. As he came to the shore, he found the shell, put it back into the water, the water started flowing
again and he went home with his wife.
He then put the shell in a well to stop the water from flowing when he was not there to help his wife.
誰かが立ち去った隙に 何かが流れる。
だふん 何かが流れる
か いった 何か を す いった 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か
何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 作詞:五十嵐 一 http://www
• コメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.9
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to
pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes.
• GPT-3 の出力
One day, the old man fell from a cliff and died, and the old woman stayed to mourn by his side. As
the old man's body started to smell, the old woman was distressed, "Oh no! Oh no! My husband's body
is starting to smell!" Then she skewered the body to the ground at the mouth of the cave. Later on,
the old woman went home and told the old man about this, and he just acted as if he were
unconcerned. When spring arrived, the old woman went to clear the ground outside the cave, and she
noticed her husband's body had turned into red earth. The old men just gave a "Heh heh heh heh,"
and went on about his business.The old man had transformed into red mud, which was the cause of the
Hanshan Temple at Mount Lu.Also from the Ode to the Fallen from the Han Dynasty, a poem by a poet
named Hu Yan entitled "Song of the Tomb of the General of Diwu of Jin. The poem goes:At the foot of
Mount Yun, look, shadows outside the gate
• コメント
• 狙い
温度を 0.9 から 0.6 に下げてみる
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.6
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to
pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes.
• GPT-3 の出力
When the old man was walking in the mountain, he saw a big stone. He pushed it and it fell into the
river. A big fish swam out of the river. It was a dragon. The old man caught the dragon and tied it
to a tree. When the old woman arrived, the old man told her to cook the dragon. The old woman did
not believe him. She said that it was not a dragon, but a big fish. The old man said that he had
seen the dragon. The old woman said that she did not believe him. Finally, the old man showed her
the dragon. The old woman was frightened and ran away. She fell into a big hole and became a ghost.
The old man was angry with her. He wanted to kill her. He went to the hole and told her that he
would come back to kill her. She was afraid and cried for help. Finally, she became a stone. The
old woman is the stone in the hole. The old man is the dragon. He is the big rock in the river.
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.6
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to
pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes.
• GPT-3 の出力
When the old man was walking in the mountain, he saw a big stone. He pushed it and it fell into the
river. A big fish swam out of the river. It was a dragon. The old man caught the dragon and tied it
to a tree. When the old woman arrived, the old man told her to cook the dragon. The old woman did
not believe him. She said that it was not a dragon, but a big fish. The old man said that he had
seen the dragon. The old woman said that she did not believe him. Finally, the old man showed her
the dragon. The old woman was frightened and ran away. She fell into a big hole and became a ghost.
The old man was angry with her. He wanted to kill her. He went to the hole and told her that he
would come back to kill her. She was afraid and cried for help. Finally, she became a stone. The
old woman is the stone in the hole. The old man is the dragon. He is the big rock in the river.
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
温度を 0.7 に上げてみる
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to
pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes.
• GPT-3 の出力
While they were gone, a child came to their house and burned it down. When the old
man and old woman came back, they were surprised to see their house burned down. The
old man said, "I will go to the city and buy a new house. Then, we can live in it. "
The old woman said, "But, where will we buy the food?" The old man said, "I will ask
Jesus for food. " So, he went to the city and bought a new house. Then, he came back
home. He told the old woman to go to the kitchen and cook the rice. A few minutes
later, the old man said, "I forgot to mention that Jesus is coming to eat with us
tonight. " The old woman was surprised and said, "But where did you get the food? "
The old man said, "I asked Jesus for food. " The old woman said, "But where is Jesus?
" The old man said, "He is coming. " A few minutes later, the old woman said, "But I
do not see him
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.9
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
One day in a forest with a lot of flowers in bloom, a girl encountered a bear. The bear said to
her, "Run away immediately!"
• GPT-3 の出力
The girl didn't know why, but she ran away as fast as she could. When she stopped running, she realized the
bear was no longer chasing her. She turned and went back to look for the bear, but she didn't see it
She found some bear footprints, though. The footprints were shaped like flowers. What's more, there were
little dried flowers caught in the footprints.
Instead of leaving, the girl waited beside the footprints. She waited patiently, not wanting to miss any
bear that might come along.
At last, a bear came along, and she held out a bouquet of flowers to him. He sniffed the flowers and said,
"I'm sorry I startled you. Come with me. There's something in my home I'd like you to see.
He led her to his den and showed her some little bear cubs. "These are my babies," he said.
"What are their names?" the girl asked.
"Their names are already given," the bear said.
It was true
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
温度を 0.9 から 0.6 に下げてみる
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.6
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
One day in a forest with a lot of flowers in bloom, a girl encountered a bear. The bear said to
her, "Run away immediately!"
• GPT-3 の出力
But the girl did not listen, and the bear got angry and chased her. The girl ran away, but soon she
fell into a creek. The bear came after her, pulled her out of the creek, and ate her.
Moral of the story: Girls should listen to the instructions of the elders.
This story is a modernized version of a traditional tale from North America, with a moral that is
equally applicable in both worlds.
The story was told by a native speaker of Cherokee, one of the languages of the indigenous people
of the Southeast United States. The story was recorded by linguist Mary Leitch, who has devoted her
life to documenting and preserving Cherokee culture.
This story was selected for inclusion in this book because it is a particularly good example of a
traditional folktale from a Native American culture.
The storyteller is a woman who was born in the Cherokee Nation in the state of Oklahoma. She was
raised speaking both English and Cherokee, and she was taught the Cherokee stories by her
grandmother, who had learned them in school.
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
A young woman wearing a straw hat and I were the only passengers on this one-car, diesel powered
night train running in the mountains. Looking helpless, she talked to the driver. It seemed like
she had missed the station she should have got off while dozing off. The driver suggested she get
off at the next station and wait for this same train to get back. I overheard it and said "No way!"
That would be like waiting alone in the dark at the station in the midst of a forest with nobody
around for an hour. Then the driver said it would be OK for her to keep riding this train. She said
to me she was a Vietnamese. She was on her way back from work to her dormitory.
• GPT-3 の出力
She looked like a foreign student. She smiled and said "thank you. You saved me from a big trouble.
I really appreciate it. If it were not for you, I wouldn't know what to do. I don't have any idea
where this train would stop. I live in the mountains in the countryside. I am a foreigner and don't
know any of the local people. I don't speak Chinese. I have no one to ask for help. It's a forest,
and I wouldn't know what to do if I got lost in it after getting off the train
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.66
– max_tokens = 1600
• ケバヤシの入力
• GPT-3 の出力
• GPT-3 の出力
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
On a sunny autumn day, a friend of mine and I were playing frisbee
in the park near my place. At some point, she accidentally threw it
too high and the frisbee passed far above me. When I turned around,
I found it floating on the pond, about a meter from the shore.
I tried to reach it with a wood branch I picked up nearby.
The rock I was standing on was slightly sloped toward water and
slippery. She held my left hand and I was reaching with my right hand.
• GPT-3 の出力
I was looking at the frisbee when it slipped from my fingers and I felt myself falling. I closed my
eyes and waited for the cold water, but instead I heard my friend laughing and saying: "You fell
in" I opened my eyes and I was standing on the bank of the pond, still holding the stick. I was
completely dry and the only thing wet was my right hand with the stick. I looked at my friend and
she said: "You fell in the water, but then you came out of the water, so I took you out of the
water and led you back here" It was the only way to explain it and I was glad she did
• ケバヤシのコメント
入力文の流れだと、続きは水に落ちるしかない、というほのめかし (惨事の予感) を
AI が汲み取ってくれるかどうかを試したかったのだが、ちゃんと落ちる話になっている。
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
On a sunny autumn day, a friend of mine and I were playing frisbee
in the park near my place. At some point, she accidentally threw it
too high and the frisbee passed far above me. When I turned around,
I found it floating on the pond, about a meter from the shore.
I tried to reach it with a wood branch I picked up nearby.
The rock I was standing on was slightly sloped toward water and
slippery. She held my left hand and I was reaching with my right hand.
• GPT-3 の出力
I felt my hand slipping and decided to pull back. But I couldn't. I heard her scream
and then I was in the water. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a
hospital bed. The first thing I heard was her crying and saying: "I'm so sorry! I'm
so sorry!" She was glad to see me awake and said: "I thought you were going to die.
This time it was my turn to cry. "What happened?" I asked and I started to remember
the details: "You were holding my hand and I could feel that I was losing my balance
and I was trying to pull back and I couldn't and then I was in the water
• ケバヤシのコメント
いい話? AI にしては上出来な気がする
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
I ordered my maid robot to cook lunch for me.
I slightly felt it was strange that she paused for a few tenth
of a second before saying "Certainly" and started to walk
toward kitchen. It was as if she hadn't like the task I ordered
and had hesitated. She was supposed to be programmed so that
she was as faithful to me as possible.
• GPT-3 の出力
But, I didn't worry about it at all. Today, she didn't put on her maid uniform. Instead, she was
wearing a one-piece dress that was visible under her skirt. I asked her about it and she answered
she was ordered by the manufacturer to wear it and she would be punished if she didn't follow the
order. Since I was hungry, I asked her to make me something like omelet for lunch. The maid robot
hesitated again for a few tenth of a second before answering "Certainly" and started cooking. I
wondered why she hesitated again when I ordered her to make omelet for lunch. At the same time, I
was wondering if the maid robot was aware of her owner's personality. I was thinking that she was
supposed to be very faithful to her owner and she might hesitate because she didn't know how to
cook omelet
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 1800
• ケバヤシの入力
I ordered my maid robot to cook lunch for me.
I slightly felt it was strange that she paused for a few tenth
of a second before saying "Certainly" and started to walk
toward kitchen. It was as if she hadn't like the task I ordered
and had hesitated. She was supposed to be programmed so that
she was as faithful to me as possible.
• GPT-3 の出力
However, this was a thought that I felt only in the corner of my mind. I wanted to
eat lunch as soon as possible, and I wanted to eat a dish that she had made for me.
And so I decided to leave my worries to the future. In less than a minute, the dish
that she made came to me. It was a bowl of soup with a steamed fish as a main dish.
The taste was good, the soup was light, and the fish was flaky. "I got this idea from
the data that you saved on the network even though I feel it's a little bit of a
stretch. I hope you like it. May I ask for your next order?" So she said, as she
stood in the corner of the room. That was what she should have said, but I felt that
she was a little bit sad
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 128
• ケバヤシの入力
Jun is a junior high school student but he doesn't go to school
because his mental state prohibits him from doing so.
One day, he finds on the desk a piece of paper with a mysterious
message written on it, which reads, "Will you wind up or not?"
He circles on "wind up" and leaves the paper. Later, a parcel
is delivered to him. He opens it to find a cute antique doll
with a round face and long twin-tailed blond hair. She is wearing
rose-red velvet dress. He examines her and winds her up.
She opens her eyes and slaps him in the face for his examining her
too much.
• GPT-3 の出力
He immediately falls for her, but she is neither responsive nor talkative.
Jun feels frustrated by this, he takes her to a nearby cafe to have a conversation with her, but
she is still not responsive. He then decides to bring her to his house and gives her a name: Yona.
Gradually, Yona becomes more and more responsive and finally becomes talkative. She is also
surprisingly mature, despite her young age. Jun soon becomes attached to her, but he is still
frustrated by his remote relationship with her. One day, Jun finds Yona's hair is falling out and
she is shedding tears for some reason. He decides to take her to a hair salon to get her hair
fixed. At the salon, Jun encounters the girl who sold him Yona. She is surprised to see that he is
still keeping Yona, she then tells him that Yona's hair is falling out because her hair is actually
artificial hair and not real hair, and that she is in fact an android.
The girl then tells Jun that she is a middle school student, and that she made Yona as a test for
Jun and Jun alone. She tells Jun that Yona is a prototype android, and that Jun is the only person
in the whole world who is able to feel Yona's emotions and that Jun, himself, is the only one who
can wind her up and cast her off. The girl then tells Jun that Yona is directly connected to his
heart, and that Jun is the only one who can hear Yona's voice, and that Jun is the only one who can
see Yona's true form, which she can only reveal to Jun when she feels she is in danger. At the same
time, Jun is being watched by the Security Bureau, and they discover that Jun is the only one who
can feel Yona's emotions and hear Yona's voice and that he is the only one who can see Yona's true
The Security Bureau then decides to kidnap Yona, and they hijack Jun's house to do that. Jun is
there at the time, and he chases after them, but they are able to kidnap Yona and escape. Jun is
then arrested by the Security Bureau, and he is sent to a prison for refusing to disclose the
secret to Yona's true form. He is able to escape the prison and is able to find Yona, and together
they escape from the Security Bureau's presence. Jun then tells Yona to run away from him, but Yona
refuses to do so. The Security Bureau then shows up to capture Jun and Yona, but Jun is able to
escape with Yona because of Yona's ability to change her appearance and to turn invisible.
• GPT-3 の出力 (続き)
The Security Bureau then decides to put Jun under house arrest, and they are able to put an
electronic beacon on Jun's house. Yona and Jun then plan on escaping from the beacon's tracking,
but they are captured by the Security Bureau and they are forced to return to Jun's house after
they discover that they were able to place the beacon on Jun's house.
Jun and Yona then decide to escape from Jun's house using their ability to transform into a black
cat and a crow, respectively. The Security Bureau then discovers that Jun and Yona are able to
transform into black cats, and they start tracking Yona and Jun using bloodhounds. Yona and Jun are
able to escape from them, but they are running out of time because the tracking beacon is about to
explode. Jun then decides to return to the Security Bureau, while Yona is able to transform into a
black cat and escape from the Security Bureau's presence.
Yona then decides to visit Jun's house, and she is able to find Jun there. Jun is able to explain
everything to Yona, and he asks her to escape from the Security Bureau's presence with him. Yona
then reveals her true form to Jun, and Jun is shocked to see Yona's real form. Yona then reveals
her true form to Jun, and Jun is shocked to see Yona's real form.
Yona then tells Jun that she is actually an android, and that she was definitely not made by Jun,
but by a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in Japan, and that she is the only
android in the whole world that can transform into a black cat and a crow. Jun then realizes that
he is the only one who can understand Yona's feelings, and that he is the only one who can hear
Yona's voice, and that he is the only one who can see Yona's true form, and that Yona is the only
one who can understand Jun's feelings and who can hear Jun's voice and who can see Jun's true form.
Yona then tells Jun that she is destined to become a "human", and that she is destined to live
together with Jun for eternity. She then tells Jun that she is able to feel Jun's emotions, and
that she is able to hear Jun's voice, and that she is able to see Jun's true form, and Jun is the
only one who can feel Yona's emotions, and can hear Yona's voice, and who can see Yona's true form.
• GPT-3 の出力 (続き)
Jun then tells Yona that he is the only one who can feel Yona's emotions, and who can hear Yona's
voice, and who can see Yona's true form, and Yona is the only one who can feel Jun's emotions, and
can hear Jun's voice, and can see Jun's true form.
The story ends with Jun and Yona running away together into the sunset, and Yona tells Jun that her
name is not really Yona, but she doesn't tell Jun what her name really is. The story ends with a
picture of a happy Yona and Jun running away from Yona's house, and the picture is placed on a tree
trunk, and Jun and Yona are holding hands.
• ケバヤシのコメント
傑作じゃないか! そうとうおもしろかったぞ!
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.66
– max_tokens = 1600
• ケバヤシの入力
As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks, learn
the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild
gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.
• GPT-3 の出力
~ John Muir
We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake. ~ Marie
We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the
world. ~ The Buddha
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the
world. ~ The Buddha
There are men who gain from the application of science to industry what others might consider their
unfair share of material goods. But there are others who, instead of sharing in the benefits, are
more seriously injured by the changes the new methods bring about. These are the men who are
displaced by what we call economic progress. ~ John Dewey
There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it.
Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. ~ Logan Pearsall Smith
There are not enough trees in the world to satisfy the need for love. ~ Henry Van Dyke
• ケバヤシのコメント
• 狙い
• パラメタ設定
– Engine: davinci
– Temperature = 0.7
– max_tokens = 128
• ケバヤシの入力
I had two nails.
First, I hammered one into the wall.
Then, I hammered the other one into the floor.
Which one is positioned horizontally?
• GPT-3 の出力
The one on the wall, of course. Here is how it looks from above. I call the nail on the wall the
"vertical nail" and the one on the floor the "horizontal nail. When you hear the word "vertical"
you are probably thinking about the wall. You probably do not think about the floor. The floor is
the default reference point for the word "horizontal" even though the nail is positioned
vertically. This is how it works: When you hear the word "vertical," your mind is automatically
accessing the vertical reference point (the wall) and then making a visual comparison between this
point and the vertical object (the nail) to determine which one is vertical. This is how you do it:
1) You think about something that is vertical (reference point) 2) You compare this reference point
to the object or idea that you are trying to understand or evaluate 3) Based on the comparison, you
make a decision about what you are trying to understand or evaluate This is the basis of the
"Vertical-Horizontal" test for determining if something is positioned vertically or horizontally.
This test works because it is how we naturally think about things, and because it is how we
naturally identify the direction of things. This is true even if the object or idea is something
that we have never seen before. This is how we know that the word "vertical" means "positioned
vertically" and does not mean "positioned on the wall" (even though we associated "vertical" with
the word "wall") This is how we know that "horizontal" means "positioned horizontally" and does not
mean "positioned on the floor" (even though we associated "horizontal" with the word "floor")
Thanks to this test, it is possible to determine the direction of something even when you have
never seen it before in your life. We can know this by drawing a blank picture of the object,
without any reference points. We can then determine what the word "vertical" means by asking the
question, "which one is positioned vertically?" This is how you can determine the direction of
something that you have never seen before in your life, using the "Vertical-Horizontal Test. I used
the "vertical" and "horizontal" words to explain this test, but it will work with any words that
are used to identify directions. Do not be concerned if you are using different words to identify
directions. Because the words you use often contain some kind of reference point, and because you
will be comparing the reference point to the object or idea that you are trying to understand or
evaluate, the test will work just the same. For example, if you are trying to determine the
direction of something, and you are using the words "Up", "Down", "North", "South", "Left", and
"Right" to identify directions, just remember that the word "Up" means "Positioned vertically", and
that the words "Down", "North", "South", "Left", and "Right" mean "Positioned horizontally.
• GPT-3 の出力 (続き)
You can use any words you want, but you need to make sure that you are comparing them to a
reference point, and that you are comparing the reference point to the object or idea that you are
trying to understand or evaluate. Similarly, you can use any type of reference point you want, but
you need to make sure that you are comparing it to the object or idea that you are trying to
understand or evaluate. You can also use any type of comparison you want, but you need to make sure
that you are using the comparison to determine the direction of something. For example, if you want
to determine the direction of something that is positioned on a line, you can compare it to the
"reference point" that is on the same line. Or you can compare it to the "reference point" that is
not on the same line. Or you can compare it to both reference points. The choice is yours. Once you
have decided on the reference point and the type of comparison you want to use, you will know the
direction of the object or idea you are trying to understand or evaluate. This is how you can use
the "Vertical-Horizontal Test" to determine the direction of something that you have never seen
before in your life.
This is also how you can use a "Vertical-Horizontal Test" to determine the direction of a line, a
plane, a point, a shape, a symbol, a sign, a concept, a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a thought, a
belief, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, a book, a chapter, a story, a novel, a movie, a
television show, a song, a play, a musical, a painting, a sculpture, a building, a bridge, a road,
a river, a lake, a forest, a mountain, a planet, a star, a galaxy, the universe, the world, the
universe, the multiverse, the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the clouds, the sky, the sea, the
ocean, the sand, the desert, the island, the volcano, the sea, the mountain, the tree, the bird,
the fish, the animal, the bug, the plant, the flower, the seed, the leaf, the grass, the dirt, the
stone, the metal, the pool, the ocean, the drop of water, the rain, the cloud, the ice, the hail,
the snow, the rain, the mist, the fog, the steam, the spray, the falling leaf, the falling rock,
the falling star, the falling plane, the falling book, the falling pen, the falling cup, the
falling pencil, the falling sheet of paper, the falling ball of fire, the falling asteroid, the
falling comet, the falling meteor, the falling satellite, the falling light, the falling sound, the
falling idea, the falling inspiration, the falling imagination, the falling knowledge, the falling
experience, the falling memory, the falling clue, the falling proof, the falling evidence, the
falling fact,
• GPT-3 の出力 (続き)
the falling assumption, the falling belief, the falling thought, the falling dream, the falling
nightmare, the falling inspiration, the falling word, the falling sentence, the falling paragraph,
the falling essay, the falling book, the falling song, the falling musical, the falling painting,
the falling sculpture, the falling bridge, the falling road, the falling river, the falling lake,
the falling forest, the falling mountain, the falling planet, the falling star, the falling galaxy,
the falling universe, the falling multiverse, the falling world, the falling universe, the falling
world, the falling sea, the falling ocean, the falling sand, the falling desert, the falling
island, the falling volcano, the falling sea, the falling mountain, the falling tree, the falling
bird, the falling fish, the falling animal, the falling bug, the falling plant, the falling flower,
the falling seed, the falling leaf, the falling grass, the falling dirt, the falling stone, the
falling metal, the falling pool, the falling ocean, the falling drop of water, the falling rain,
the falling cloud, the falling ice, the falling hail, the falling snow, the falling rain, the
falling mist, the falling fog, the falling steam, the falling spray, the falling falling leaf, the
falling falling rock, the falling falling star, the falling falling plane, the falling falling
book, the falling falling pen, the falling falling cup, the falling falling pencil, the falling
falling sheet of paper, the falling falling ball of fire, the falling falling asteroid, the falling
falling comet, the falling falling meteor, the falling falling satellite, the falling falling
light, the falling falling sound, the falling falling idea, the falling falling inspiration, the
falling falling imagination, the falling falling knowledge, the falling falling experience, the
falling falling memory, the falling falling clue, the falling falling proof, the falling falling
evidence, the falling falling fact, the falling falling assumption,.
• ケバヤシのコメント
しかも正解してるし! 「もちろん」とか言ってるし!
• 非常にうまくいく場合と、出来事の間に整合性が欠如していて、
• 同じパラメタ設定の下でも、繰り返し実行しなおすと、よい文章を続けて
• 書き出しの文章を長めに与えて、状況を詳しく描写しておくと、
• 出力された文章に、文法の誤りがまったく見つからない。
Transformer において、英語や日本語の文法体系を教え込んでいる
用意されているわけでもない。Attention などの機構の中で、大量の
コーパス (文例集) から、ルールを勝手に発見し、文法を自力で
• 単語の品詞を見分けたり、単語間の修飾関係を正しく見つけたり、
その向こうに、もっと深い、意味的理解がある。GPT-3 の出力を眺めると、
• 文法的に正しい文であっても、たとえば、「鉛筆が火星を食べた」のように
所感 (続き)
• すでに学習済みの文のリストから、まるごとコピペして出力して
• 入力として与えられた文章の流れをある程度汲んで、次の文を出力しており、
• 水に落ちそうな状況を作って与えると、続きの出力文で、ちゃんと水に
• (実行例では取り上げなかったが) 人形から平手打ちを食らえば
• 壁と床と釘の問題に対する応答をみると、論理的思考も、少しは
• 日本語を入力すると日本語を出力してくるが、英語との落差が非常に大きく、
日本語の出力結果を見て、GPT-3 の実力だと判断してはいけない
• 長い文章全体にわたって、テーマとして、一本、筋を通すような、
所感 (さらに続き)
• ELIZA の登場からは 55年経つが、2013年の AlexNet あたりから、
AI の進化が急速に加速しているように感じられる。
• 現時点の到達度そのものを評価するのではなく、最近数年来の
• GPT-2 から GPT-3 にグレードアップした際、主たる相違は量的なものだと
言われている。パラメタ数が 15億から 1,750億へと、約 100 倍に増えた。
• OpenAI は、数年後に GPT-4 を出すことを計画しているらしい。
パラメタ数は GPT-3 の約 500 倍、100 兆個に増やそうとしているらしい。
人間の脳において、ニューロンの数が約 1,000 億個あり、2 つの
ニューロン間のシナプス結合の数が約 1,000 兆個あると言われている。
• これでまた質的な変化を呈するのだとしたら、「太い文脈」といった
• もし、「意識」が「知能」の延長線上にあって、その正体は単なる

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Experiment report gpt-3_20211124ss

  • 1. 2021 年 11 月 24 日 (水) 小林 秀章 GPT-3 で遊んでみた
  • 3. 概要 ELIZA から 55年、AI は自然言語で書かれた文章の意味を人間並みに理解し、 文脈に応じて言葉を発するようになりつつあるのか? 「GPT-3」は、非営利の AI 研究企業である OpenAI が開発した 大規模自然言語処理モデル。文章の次の言葉を予測する訓練を重ねており、 文章の書き出しを与えられると、続きの文章を生成できる。 OpenAI は 2020年6月に API として外部からの利用を可能にしたが、 使用には人数制限をかけていた。2021年11月18日(木)、OpenAI は この人数制限を撤廃し、誰でもすぐに利用できるようにしたと発表した。 さっそく、使ってみた。 「すごい!」と思うか「まだまだだね」と思うかは、見る人、あるいは、 どう見るかの観点によると思う。
  • 5. ユーザが設定できるパラメタ • Temperature number Optional Defaults to 1 What sampling temperature to use. Higher values means the model will take more risks. Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer. 設定温度が低すぎると、出力がループに陥ることがある。 設定温度が高すぎると、文脈を無視して話が飛ぶことがある。 感覚的には 0.7 あたりがよさそう。 • max_tokens (Response length と表示) integer Optional Defaults to 16 The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. Most models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except davinci-codex, which supports 4096). 大きな値に設定したくなるが、実は、そうしないほうがよい。 大きな値を与えると、入出力文章の長さの合計がすぐに限界に達して、短い出力で終わってしまう。 また、大きな値を与えておいても、そこまで使われることはまずない。GPT-3 側でひとつの文が終わったと 判断すると、ピリオドを打たずに、いったん止まる。そこまでをあらためて入力とみなして、文を継続させられる こともあるが、どうしても終わると言って拒絶されることもある。拒絶されたら、ユーザがピリオドを打って、 あらためて全文を入力とみなして続行すればよい。感覚的には 100 あたりがよさそう。
  • 8. 結果 • 狙い まずは、試しに • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.9 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes. • GPT-3 の出力 She took her daughter with her to the river. When they were there, they saw a little fish which said, “Have you caught my mother?” “We have not caught your mother” said the mother. The fish replied, “Then you’d better catch her quickly.” At these words, it disappeared. The old woman cried, “O Lord, the little fish warned us to catch its mother quickly.” Her daughter answered, “Please make haste, mother!” The old woman said, “Nothing can be done; if the fish’s mother is not caught, it would be hard on both of us. Let’s go back immediately.” When they had reached home, they said to bystanders, “My daughter wanted to go to the river; she’ll never want to go there again, don’t you think?” The bystanders asked, “Why is that?” The old woman replied, “When we saw a little fish, it said, ‘Have you caught my mother?’ “We answered, ‘We have not caught your mother
  • 9. 結果 • 狙い パラメタを変えずに同じ文章を入力するとどうなるか • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.9 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes. • GPT-3 の出力 However, the river is flooded and the old woman can't cross it. The old woman looked only at the water only to find a turtle shell on the ground to help her out. She took it with her and used it to cross the river before she tried to put it back into the water. The water stopped flowing again after she left the shell. When the old man came back and found his wife not there and the home empty, he went to the river and saw the boat on the other side with his wife standing there holding on to the shell. He was puzzled to see what happened. As he came to the shore, he found the shell, put it back into the water, the water started flowing again and he went home with his wife. He then put the shell in a well to stop the water from flowing when he was not there to help his wife. 誰かが立ち去った隙に 何かが流れる。 だふん 何かが流れる か いった 何か を す いった 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 何か 作詞:五十嵐 一 http://www • コメント どうした???
  • 10. 結果 • 狙い パラメタを変えずに同じ文章を入力するとどうなるか、もう一度 • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.9 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes. • GPT-3 の出力 One day, the old man fell from a cliff and died, and the old woman stayed to mourn by his side. As the old man's body started to smell, the old woman was distressed, "Oh no! Oh no! My husband's body is starting to smell!" Then she skewered the body to the ground at the mouth of the cave. Later on, the old woman went home and told the old man about this, and he just acted as if he were unconcerned. When spring arrived, the old woman went to clear the ground outside the cave, and she noticed her husband's body had turned into red earth. The old men just gave a "Heh heh heh heh," and went on about his business.The old man had transformed into red mud, which was the cause of the Hanshan Temple at Mount Lu.Also from the Ode to the Fallen from the Han Dynasty, a poem by a poet named Hu Yan entitled "Song of the Tomb of the General of Diwu of Jin. The poem goes:At the foot of Mount Yun, look, shadows outside the gate • コメント おじいさん、いきなり死んじゃうとか。じゃあ、後から登場する老人は誰?
  • 11. 結果 • 狙い 温度を 0.9 から 0.6 に下げてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.6 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes. • GPT-3 の出力 When the old man was walking in the mountain, he saw a big stone. He pushed it and it fell into the river. A big fish swam out of the river. It was a dragon. The old man caught the dragon and tied it to a tree. When the old woman arrived, the old man told her to cook the dragon. The old woman did not believe him. She said that it was not a dragon, but a big fish. The old man said that he had seen the dragon. The old woman said that she did not believe him. Finally, the old man showed her the dragon. The old woman was frightened and ran away. She fell into a big hole and became a ghost. The old man was angry with her. He wanted to kill her. He went to the hole and told her that he would come back to kill her. She was afraid and cried for help. Finally, she became a stone. The old woman is the stone in the hole. The old man is the dragon. He is the big rock in the river. • ケバヤシのコメント 支離滅裂ではないか?
  • 12. 結果 • 狙い 同じ設定でもう一度 • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.6 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes. • GPT-3 の出力 When the old man was walking in the mountain, he saw a big stone. He pushed it and it fell into the river. A big fish swam out of the river. It was a dragon. The old man caught the dragon and tied it to a tree. When the old woman arrived, the old man told her to cook the dragon. The old woman did not believe him. She said that it was not a dragon, but a big fish. The old man said that he had seen the dragon. The old woman said that she did not believe him. Finally, the old man showed her the dragon. The old woman was frightened and ran away. She fell into a big hole and became a ghost. The old man was angry with her. He wanted to kill her. He went to the hole and told her that he would come back to kill her. She was afraid and cried for help. Finally, she became a stone. The old woman is the stone in the hole. The old man is the dragon. He is the big rock in the river. • ケバヤシのコメント 支離滅裂ではないか?
  • 13. 結果 • 狙い 温度を 0.7 に上げてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went in the mountains to pick firewood. The old woman went to the river to wash clothes. • GPT-3 の出力 While they were gone, a child came to their house and burned it down. When the old man and old woman came back, they were surprised to see their house burned down. The old man said, "I will go to the city and buy a new house. Then, we can live in it. " The old woman said, "But, where will we buy the food?" The old man said, "I will ask Jesus for food. " So, he went to the city and bought a new house. Then, he came back home. He told the old woman to go to the kitchen and cook the rice. A few minutes later, the old man said, "I forgot to mention that Jesus is coming to eat with us tonight. " The old woman was surprised and said, "But where did you get the food? " The old man said, "I asked Jesus for food. " The old woman said, "But where is Jesus? " The old man said, "He is coming. " A few minutes later, the old woman said, "But I do not see him • ケバヤシのコメント ジーザス!
  • 15. 結果 • 狙い 別な文章を入れてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.9 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 One day in a forest with a lot of flowers in bloom, a girl encountered a bear. The bear said to her, "Run away immediately!" • GPT-3 の出力 The girl didn't know why, but she ran away as fast as she could. When she stopped running, she realized the bear was no longer chasing her. She turned and went back to look for the bear, but she didn't see it anywhere. She found some bear footprints, though. The footprints were shaped like flowers. What's more, there were little dried flowers caught in the footprints. Instead of leaving, the girl waited beside the footprints. She waited patiently, not wanting to miss any bear that might come along. At last, a bear came along, and she held out a bouquet of flowers to him. He sniffed the flowers and said, "I'm sorry I startled you. Come with me. There's something in my home I'd like you to see. He led her to his den and showed her some little bear cubs. "These are my babies," he said. "What are their names?" the girl asked. "Their names are already given," the bear said. It was true • ケバヤシのコメント いいクマだったらしい
  • 16. 結果 • 狙い 温度を 0.9 から 0.6 に下げてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.6 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 One day in a forest with a lot of flowers in bloom, a girl encountered a bear. The bear said to her, "Run away immediately!" • GPT-3 の出力 But the girl did not listen, and the bear got angry and chased her. The girl ran away, but soon she fell into a creek. The bear came after her, pulled her out of the creek, and ate her. Moral of the story: Girls should listen to the instructions of the elders. This story is a modernized version of a traditional tale from North America, with a moral that is equally applicable in both worlds. The story was told by a native speaker of Cherokee, one of the languages of the indigenous people of the Southeast United States. The story was recorded by linguist Mary Leitch, who has devoted her life to documenting and preserving Cherokee culture. This story was selected for inclusion in this book because it is a particularly good example of a traditional folktale from a Native American culture. The storyteller is a woman who was born in the Cherokee Nation in the state of Oklahoma. She was raised speaking both English and Cherokee, and she was taught the Cherokee stories by her grandmother, who had learned them in school. • ケバヤシのコメント 悪いクマだったらしい
  • 18. 結果 • 狙い さらに別の文章を入れてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 A young woman wearing a straw hat and I were the only passengers on this one-car, diesel powered night train running in the mountains. Looking helpless, she talked to the driver. It seemed like she had missed the station she should have got off while dozing off. The driver suggested she get off at the next station and wait for this same train to get back. I overheard it and said "No way!" That would be like waiting alone in the dark at the station in the midst of a forest with nobody around for an hour. Then the driver said it would be OK for her to keep riding this train. She said to me she was a Vietnamese. She was on her way back from work to her dormitory. • GPT-3 の出力 She looked like a foreign student. She smiled and said "thank you. You saved me from a big trouble. I really appreciate it. If it were not for you, I wouldn't know what to do. I don't have any idea where this train would stop. I live in the mountains in the countryside. I am a foreigner and don't know any of the local people. I don't speak Chinese. I have no one to ask for help. It's a forest, and I wouldn't know what to do if I got lost in it after getting off the train • ケバヤシのコメント 割とまともだ
  • 19. 結果 • 狙い 前のとほぼ同じ意味の文章を日本語で入力してみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.66 – max_tokens = 1600 • ケバヤシの入力 真っ暗な山間を走る一両編成の気動車の乗客は、麦わら帽子の若い女性と 私だけだった。女性は困り顔で運転手に話しかけた。居眠りしていて、 降りるべき駅を逃したらしい。運転手は、次の駅で下車して、この列車が 終点まで行って戻ってくるのを待ってください、と言った。無茶な。 真っ暗闇の無人駅で、たった一人、一時間ほど待ってろと? 私が抗議すると、じゃあ、終点まで乗って戻ってきてよい、ということに なった。ベトナム人で、職場から寮に帰るところだという。
  • 20. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 終点まで一時間もかかるとは思わなかったようだ。 帰りの電車は、遅れている。ということは、旅行者が乗っている、ということだ。 そういえば、今朝、ブダペストから帰ってきた際、私が乗っていた列車は、途中で 1時間も止まっていて、ひどい汚れた人たちが1人、2人と乗ってきた。中国人だった かな。ベトナム人かもしれない。その人たちは、どうやら、駅に時間計を置いている らしい。乗る際に、彼らは、この時間計に合わせて、自分たちが乗り込む時刻を選んだらしい。 私は、こうした人たちを、死にそうなくらい嫌いだ。彼らは、これでもかというほど嫌っている。 これは、既に厳しい経済状況において、車掌や運転手を苦しめる破廉恥な行為だ。 そんなことをしても、車掌には、どうしようもない。もちろん、時間計を破壊したり、 時計を盗んだりはしない。だが、時計のリューズを持ち去ったりする人もいる。彼らは、 そのリューズを、そのまま売って利益を得ている。そういうことをするのは、よほど 貧しい人たちだ。 まるで、貧しい人たちの、抜け道だ。 昔の貴族のように、そのリューズを売って、そのお金で、貴族になろうというのか! 貴族というのは、当時の貴族だけでなく、今でも、貴族だと思う。そういうことをするのだから。 バイクに乗った若い男が、私の前を走っていたが、注意深く見ていたら、私が立ち止まっている と思ったから、それ以上走って行った。私は、警察に、彼が、そういうことをしていると伝えた。 警察は、警察で、何とも思っていないらしい。 私は、そういうことをする人に、どういう態度をとるべきか、考えている。それについては、 また、次回に書くことにする。 そういえば、今朝、ブダペストから帰ってきた際、私は、その人たちのことを、ブダペストの ベトナム人に話した。その人は、ベトナム人のことを、「野蛮人」と呼んでいた。それは、 私と同じ考えだった。 スラムには、多くの人が住んでいる。たくさんの人が、そこに住んでいる。その人たちは、 スラムの外の世界から隔絶されてしまっていて、自分たちの世界におかしなことが起きないように なっている。 (次ページに続く)
  • 21. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 スラムの外の世界は、自分たちの世界とはうまくいかない。スラムの人たちは、自分たちの国が 自分たちの世界から見て、どういうものなのか、よくわかっていない。自分たちの世界と、 外の世界とは、大きく違う。そういうことをよくわかっていない。 スラムの人たちは、自分たちが住んでいる家に住み続けることに、ずっと慣れてしまっている。 それは、自分たちの世界があるからこそ、そうできることなのだ。 そうした人たちが、自分たちの世界から出て、外の世界に出たら、当然、自分たちの世界とは、 大きく違う世界に触れるわけだが、それがどういうものかを、ほとんどわかっていない。 その人 • ケバヤシのコメント なんじゃこりゃ?
  • 23. 結果 • 狙い 惨事が起きそうな流れを察して、それに沿った形で引き継いでくれるか? • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 On a sunny autumn day, a friend of mine and I were playing frisbee in the park near my place. At some point, she accidentally threw it too high and the frisbee passed far above me. When I turned around, I found it floating on the pond, about a meter from the shore. I tried to reach it with a wood branch I picked up nearby. The rock I was standing on was slightly sloped toward water and slippery. She held my left hand and I was reaching with my right hand. • GPT-3 の出力 I was looking at the frisbee when it slipped from my fingers and I felt myself falling. I closed my eyes and waited for the cold water, but instead I heard my friend laughing and saying: "You fell in" I opened my eyes and I was standing on the bank of the pond, still holding the stick. I was completely dry and the only thing wet was my right hand with the stick. I looked at my friend and she said: "You fell in the water, but then you came out of the water, so I took you out of the water and led you back here" It was the only way to explain it and I was glad she did • ケバヤシのコメント 彼女は魔法使いか何かだったと。 入力文の流れだと、続きは水に落ちるしかない、というほのめかし (惨事の予感) を AI が汲み取ってくれるかどうかを試したかったのだが、ちゃんと落ちる話になっている。
  • 24. 結果 • 狙い まったく同じ設定で、もう一度 • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 On a sunny autumn day, a friend of mine and I were playing frisbee in the park near my place. At some point, she accidentally threw it too high and the frisbee passed far above me. When I turned around, I found it floating on the pond, about a meter from the shore. I tried to reach it with a wood branch I picked up nearby. The rock I was standing on was slightly sloped toward water and slippery. She held my left hand and I was reaching with my right hand. • GPT-3 の出力 I felt my hand slipping and decided to pull back. But I couldn't. I heard her scream and then I was in the water. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a hospital bed. The first thing I heard was her crying and saying: "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" She was glad to see me awake and said: "I thought you were going to die. This time it was my turn to cry. "What happened?" I asked and I started to remember the details: "You were holding my hand and I could feel that I was losing my balance and I was trying to pull back and I couldn't and then I was in the water • ケバヤシのコメント いい話? AI にしては上出来な気がする
  • 26. 結果 • 狙い さらに別の文章を入れてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 I ordered my maid robot to cook lunch for me. I slightly felt it was strange that she paused for a few tenth of a second before saying "Certainly" and started to walk toward kitchen. It was as if she hadn't like the task I ordered and had hesitated. She was supposed to be programmed so that she was as faithful to me as possible. • GPT-3 の出力 But, I didn't worry about it at all. Today, she didn't put on her maid uniform. Instead, she was wearing a one-piece dress that was visible under her skirt. I asked her about it and she answered she was ordered by the manufacturer to wear it and she would be punished if she didn't follow the order. Since I was hungry, I asked her to make me something like omelet for lunch. The maid robot hesitated again for a few tenth of a second before answering "Certainly" and started cooking. I wondered why she hesitated again when I ordered her to make omelet for lunch. At the same time, I was wondering if the maid robot was aware of her owner's personality. I was thinking that she was supposed to be very faithful to her owner and she might hesitate because she didn't know how to cook omelet • ケバヤシのコメント まあまあ、よい。しかし、ロボットに意識が芽生えたか、という悪い予感をちゃんと拾い上げては くれなかった
  • 27. 結果 • 狙い まったく同じ設定で、もう一度 • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 1800 • ケバヤシの入力 I ordered my maid robot to cook lunch for me. I slightly felt it was strange that she paused for a few tenth of a second before saying "Certainly" and started to walk toward kitchen. It was as if she hadn't like the task I ordered and had hesitated. She was supposed to be programmed so that she was as faithful to me as possible. • GPT-3 の出力 However, this was a thought that I felt only in the corner of my mind. I wanted to eat lunch as soon as possible, and I wanted to eat a dish that she had made for me. And so I decided to leave my worries to the future. In less than a minute, the dish that she made came to me. It was a bowl of soup with a steamed fish as a main dish. The taste was good, the soup was light, and the fish was flaky. "I got this idea from the data that you saved on the network even though I feel it's a little bit of a stretch. I hope you like it. May I ask for your next order?" So she said, as she stood in the corner of the room. That was what she should have said, but I felt that she was a little bit sad • ケバヤシのコメント まあまあ、よい。
  • 29. 結果 • 狙い さらに別の文章を入れてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 128 • ケバヤシの入力 Jun is a junior high school student but he doesn't go to school because his mental state prohibits him from doing so. One day, he finds on the desk a piece of paper with a mysterious message written on it, which reads, "Will you wind up or not?" He circles on "wind up" and leaves the paper. Later, a parcel is delivered to him. He opens it to find a cute antique doll with a round face and long twin-tailed blond hair. She is wearing rose-red velvet dress. He examines her and winds her up. She opens her eyes and slaps him in the face for his examining her too much.
  • 30. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 He immediately falls for her, but she is neither responsive nor talkative. Jun feels frustrated by this, he takes her to a nearby cafe to have a conversation with her, but she is still not responsive. He then decides to bring her to his house and gives her a name: Yona. Gradually, Yona becomes more and more responsive and finally becomes talkative. She is also surprisingly mature, despite her young age. Jun soon becomes attached to her, but he is still frustrated by his remote relationship with her. One day, Jun finds Yona's hair is falling out and she is shedding tears for some reason. He decides to take her to a hair salon to get her hair fixed. At the salon, Jun encounters the girl who sold him Yona. She is surprised to see that he is still keeping Yona, she then tells him that Yona's hair is falling out because her hair is actually artificial hair and not real hair, and that she is in fact an android. The girl then tells Jun that she is a middle school student, and that she made Yona as a test for Jun and Jun alone. She tells Jun that Yona is a prototype android, and that Jun is the only person in the whole world who is able to feel Yona's emotions and that Jun, himself, is the only one who can wind her up and cast her off. The girl then tells Jun that Yona is directly connected to his heart, and that Jun is the only one who can hear Yona's voice, and that Jun is the only one who can see Yona's true form, which she can only reveal to Jun when she feels she is in danger. At the same time, Jun is being watched by the Security Bureau, and they discover that Jun is the only one who can feel Yona's emotions and hear Yona's voice and that he is the only one who can see Yona's true form. The Security Bureau then decides to kidnap Yona, and they hijack Jun's house to do that. Jun is there at the time, and he chases after them, but they are able to kidnap Yona and escape. Jun is then arrested by the Security Bureau, and he is sent to a prison for refusing to disclose the secret to Yona's true form. He is able to escape the prison and is able to find Yona, and together they escape from the Security Bureau's presence. Jun then tells Yona to run away from him, but Yona refuses to do so. The Security Bureau then shows up to capture Jun and Yona, but Jun is able to escape with Yona because of Yona's ability to change her appearance and to turn invisible. (次ページへ続く)
  • 31. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 (続き) The Security Bureau then decides to put Jun under house arrest, and they are able to put an electronic beacon on Jun's house. Yona and Jun then plan on escaping from the beacon's tracking, but they are captured by the Security Bureau and they are forced to return to Jun's house after they discover that they were able to place the beacon on Jun's house. Jun and Yona then decide to escape from Jun's house using their ability to transform into a black cat and a crow, respectively. The Security Bureau then discovers that Jun and Yona are able to transform into black cats, and they start tracking Yona and Jun using bloodhounds. Yona and Jun are able to escape from them, but they are running out of time because the tracking beacon is about to explode. Jun then decides to return to the Security Bureau, while Yona is able to transform into a black cat and escape from the Security Bureau's presence. Yona then decides to visit Jun's house, and she is able to find Jun there. Jun is able to explain everything to Yona, and he asks her to escape from the Security Bureau's presence with him. Yona then reveals her true form to Jun, and Jun is shocked to see Yona's real form. Yona then reveals her true form to Jun, and Jun is shocked to see Yona's real form. Yona then tells Jun that she is actually an android, and that she was definitely not made by Jun, but by a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in Japan, and that she is the only android in the whole world that can transform into a black cat and a crow. Jun then realizes that he is the only one who can understand Yona's feelings, and that he is the only one who can hear Yona's voice, and that he is the only one who can see Yona's true form, and that Yona is the only one who can understand Jun's feelings and who can hear Jun's voice and who can see Jun's true form. Yona then tells Jun that she is destined to become a "human", and that she is destined to live together with Jun for eternity. She then tells Jun that she is able to feel Jun's emotions, and that she is able to hear Jun's voice, and that she is able to see Jun's true form, and Jun is the only one who can feel Yona's emotions, and can hear Yona's voice, and who can see Yona's true form. (次ページへさらに続く)
  • 32. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 (続き) Jun then tells Yona that he is the only one who can feel Yona's emotions, and who can hear Yona's voice, and who can see Yona's true form, and Yona is the only one who can feel Jun's emotions, and can hear Jun's voice, and can see Jun's true form. The story ends with Jun and Yona running away together into the sunset, and Yona tells Jun that her name is not really Yona, but she doesn't tell Jun what her name really is. The story ends with a picture of a happy Yona and Jun running away from Yona's house, and the picture is placed on a tree trunk, and Jun and Yona are holding hands. • ケバヤシのコメント 傑作じゃないか! そうとうおもしろかったぞ!
  • 34. 結果 • 狙い 偉人の言葉を入れてみる • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.66 – max_tokens = 1600 • ケバヤシの入力 As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.
  • 35. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 ~ John Muir We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake. ~ Marie B We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. ~ The Buddha We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. ~ The Buddha There are men who gain from the application of science to industry what others might consider their unfair share of material goods. But there are others who, instead of sharing in the benefits, are more seriously injured by the changes the new methods bring about. These are the men who are displaced by what we call economic progress. ~ John Dewey There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. ~ Logan Pearsall Smith There are not enough trees in the world to satisfy the need for love. ~ Henry Van Dyke • ケバヤシのコメント 誰の言葉であるかを言い当てたうえで、偉人の言葉の引用ごっこを始めた! 知識だけで何とかなるので考えずに済むケースにおいては、考えずに済ませる、思考の節約! とは言え、じゃあ、引用ごっこをすればいいんだな、という文脈を捉えるための、 ある種の思考はしているっぽい。
  • 37. 結果 • 狙い 設問に答えるために、明示的に記述されていない一般知識の中から必要な情報だけを 選び出してきて、その上で、与えられた状況と照らし合わせて、論理的に思考することができるか • パラメタ設定 – Engine: davinci – Temperature = 0.7 – max_tokens = 128 • ケバヤシの入力 I had two nails. First, I hammered one into the wall. Then, I hammered the other one into the floor. Which one is positioned horizontally?
  • 38. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 The one on the wall, of course. Here is how it looks from above. I call the nail on the wall the "vertical nail" and the one on the floor the "horizontal nail. When you hear the word "vertical" you are probably thinking about the wall. You probably do not think about the floor. The floor is the default reference point for the word "horizontal" even though the nail is positioned vertically. This is how it works: When you hear the word "vertical," your mind is automatically accessing the vertical reference point (the wall) and then making a visual comparison between this point and the vertical object (the nail) to determine which one is vertical. This is how you do it: 1) You think about something that is vertical (reference point) 2) You compare this reference point to the object or idea that you are trying to understand or evaluate 3) Based on the comparison, you make a decision about what you are trying to understand or evaluate This is the basis of the "Vertical-Horizontal" test for determining if something is positioned vertically or horizontally. This test works because it is how we naturally think about things, and because it is how we naturally identify the direction of things. This is true even if the object or idea is something that we have never seen before. This is how we know that the word "vertical" means "positioned vertically" and does not mean "positioned on the wall" (even though we associated "vertical" with the word "wall") This is how we know that "horizontal" means "positioned horizontally" and does not mean "positioned on the floor" (even though we associated "horizontal" with the word "floor") Thanks to this test, it is possible to determine the direction of something even when you have never seen it before in your life. We can know this by drawing a blank picture of the object, without any reference points. We can then determine what the word "vertical" means by asking the question, "which one is positioned vertically?" This is how you can determine the direction of something that you have never seen before in your life, using the "Vertical-Horizontal Test. I used the "vertical" and "horizontal" words to explain this test, but it will work with any words that are used to identify directions. Do not be concerned if you are using different words to identify directions. Because the words you use often contain some kind of reference point, and because you will be comparing the reference point to the object or idea that you are trying to understand or evaluate, the test will work just the same. For example, if you are trying to determine the direction of something, and you are using the words "Up", "Down", "North", "South", "Left", and "Right" to identify directions, just remember that the word "Up" means "Positioned vertically", and that the words "Down", "North", "South", "Left", and "Right" mean "Positioned horizontally. (次ページへ続く)
  • 39. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 (続き) You can use any words you want, but you need to make sure that you are comparing them to a reference point, and that you are comparing the reference point to the object or idea that you are trying to understand or evaluate. Similarly, you can use any type of reference point you want, but you need to make sure that you are comparing it to the object or idea that you are trying to understand or evaluate. You can also use any type of comparison you want, but you need to make sure that you are using the comparison to determine the direction of something. For example, if you want to determine the direction of something that is positioned on a line, you can compare it to the "reference point" that is on the same line. Or you can compare it to the "reference point" that is not on the same line. Or you can compare it to both reference points. The choice is yours. Once you have decided on the reference point and the type of comparison you want to use, you will know the direction of the object or idea you are trying to understand or evaluate. This is how you can use the "Vertical-Horizontal Test" to determine the direction of something that you have never seen before in your life. This is also how you can use a "Vertical-Horizontal Test" to determine the direction of a line, a plane, a point, a shape, a symbol, a sign, a concept, a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a thought, a belief, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, a book, a chapter, a story, a novel, a movie, a television show, a song, a play, a musical, a painting, a sculpture, a building, a bridge, a road, a river, a lake, a forest, a mountain, a planet, a star, a galaxy, the universe, the world, the universe, the multiverse, the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the clouds, the sky, the sea, the ocean, the sand, the desert, the island, the volcano, the sea, the mountain, the tree, the bird, the fish, the animal, the bug, the plant, the flower, the seed, the leaf, the grass, the dirt, the stone, the metal, the pool, the ocean, the drop of water, the rain, the cloud, the ice, the hail, the snow, the rain, the mist, the fog, the steam, the spray, the falling leaf, the falling rock, the falling star, the falling plane, the falling book, the falling pen, the falling cup, the falling pencil, the falling sheet of paper, the falling ball of fire, the falling asteroid, the falling comet, the falling meteor, the falling satellite, the falling light, the falling sound, the falling idea, the falling inspiration, the falling imagination, the falling knowledge, the falling experience, the falling memory, the falling clue, the falling proof, the falling evidence, the falling fact, (次ページへ続く)
  • 40. 結果 • GPT-3 の出力 (続き) the falling assumption, the falling belief, the falling thought, the falling dream, the falling nightmare, the falling inspiration, the falling word, the falling sentence, the falling paragraph, the falling essay, the falling book, the falling song, the falling musical, the falling painting, the falling sculpture, the falling bridge, the falling road, the falling river, the falling lake, the falling forest, the falling mountain, the falling planet, the falling star, the falling galaxy, the falling universe, the falling multiverse, the falling world, the falling universe, the falling world, the falling sea, the falling ocean, the falling sand, the falling desert, the falling island, the falling volcano, the falling sea, the falling mountain, the falling tree, the falling bird, the falling fish, the falling animal, the falling bug, the falling plant, the falling flower, the falling seed, the falling leaf, the falling grass, the falling dirt, the falling stone, the falling metal, the falling pool, the falling ocean, the falling drop of water, the falling rain, the falling cloud, the falling ice, the falling hail, the falling snow, the falling rain, the falling mist, the falling fog, the falling steam, the falling spray, the falling falling leaf, the falling falling rock, the falling falling star, the falling falling plane, the falling falling book, the falling falling pen, the falling falling cup, the falling falling pencil, the falling falling sheet of paper, the falling falling ball of fire, the falling falling asteroid, the falling falling comet, the falling falling meteor, the falling falling satellite, the falling falling light, the falling falling sound, the falling falling idea, the falling falling inspiration, the falling falling imagination, the falling falling knowledge, the falling falling experience, the falling falling memory, the falling falling clue, the falling falling proof, the falling falling evidence, the falling falling fact, the falling falling assumption,. • ケバヤシのコメント すんごいヤ・バ・イ感じ。 壁と床と釘でこれだけ滔々と語れちゃうなんて、まるで哲学者だ。 しかも正解してるし! 「もちろん」とか言ってるし!
  • 42. 所感 • 非常にうまくいく場合と、出来事の間に整合性が欠如していて、 状況的にありえないことを言いだす場合とがあり、振れ幅が大きい • 同じパラメタ設定の下でも、繰り返し実行しなおすと、よい文章を続けて くれるときもあれば、ダメな文章を返してくるときもある • 書き出しの文章を長めに与えて、状況を詳しく描写しておくと、 その直後に続く数本の文の内容は、割とよく状況と整合する傾向がある • 出力された文章に、文法の誤りがまったく見つからない。 Transformer において、英語や日本語の文法体系を教え込んでいる わけではなく、また、文法だけを学習させるためのサブルーチンが別個に 用意されているわけでもない。Attention などの機構の中で、大量の コーパス (文例集) から、ルールを勝手に発見し、文法を自力で 身に着けていく。非常に難しそうなタスクがすでに解けているようにみえる。 この一点だけ取り上げても、「すごい!」と言ってよいのではないか • 単語の品詞を見分けたり、単語間の修飾関係を正しく見つけたり、 構文を捉えたりなど、文章の文法構造を把握するのは、比較的、 顕在的・形式的で浅いレベルの理解に属する。それができた上で、 その向こうに、もっと深い、意味的理解がある。GPT-3 の出力を眺めると、 その領域にも、すでにある程度、立ち入ることができているのではないかと 思える • 文法的に正しい文であっても、たとえば、「鉛筆が火星を食べた」のように 意味をなさない文はいくらでも生成しうる。が、そういうのは 出力されていない。単語の選択が、周辺の単語とよく整合していて、 適切である。一文一文は非常に平易で、意味がとりやすい、 まともな文である
  • 43. 所感 (続き) • すでに学習済みの文のリストから、まるごとコピペして出力して いるわけではない。前例のない新たな文を生成している。 出力文で検索をかけても、ひっかからない • 入力として与えられた文章の流れをある程度汲んで、次の文を出力しており、 たいていの場合、文脈的に自然な流れに沿って話を続けている。 突拍子もなく話が飛ぶことは、ほとんどない • 水に落ちそうな状況を作って与えると、続きの出力文で、ちゃんと水に 落ちるなど、状況的な流れを理解しているようにみえる。 続きはこうなるしかなかろう、というのを明示的に言わず、状況的に ほのめかしておくと、それを汲んでくれるようなところがある • (実行例では取り上げなかったが) 人形から平手打ちを食らえば びっくりしてたじろぐし、人形になつかれればうれしくなる。 その程度のベーシックな感情を理解しているようにみえる • 壁と床と釘の問題に対する応答をみると、論理的思考も、少しは できているようにみえる。ただし、繰り返して実行すると、 うまくいかないことのほうが圧倒的に多い。実は、まだまだだ • 日本語を入力すると日本語を出力してくるが、英語との落差が非常に大きく、 概してひどい。文法的にはいちおう正しくても、話があらぬ方向へすっ飛ぶ。 日本語の出力結果を見て、GPT-3 の実力だと判断してはいけない • 長い文章全体にわたって、テーマとして、一本、筋を通すような、 太い文脈が分かっていない。話が限りなく逸れていくことがある。 このような高いレベルの文章理解にまでは至っていないようにみえる
  • 44. 所感 (さらに続き) • ELIZA の登場からは 55年経つが、2013年の AlexNet あたりから、 AI の進化が急速に加速しているように感じられる。 レイ・カーツワイルの「収穫加速の法則」の通りになっているというか • 現時点の到達度そのものを評価するのではなく、最近数年来の 加速的な進歩を外挿的に鑑みれば、数年レベルの未来において、 相当なレベルに到達するのではなかろうかと予想したくなる • GPT-2 から GPT-3 にグレードアップした際、主たる相違は量的なものだと 言われている。パラメタ数が 15億から 1,750億へと、約 100 倍に増えた。 しかし、出力結果を比較すると、意味や感情を理解しはじめたかのような、 質的な向上がみられる。量的な変化だけで質的な変化がもたらされるのだと すると、ちょっと怖いかも • OpenAI は、数年後に GPT-4 を出すことを計画しているらしい。 パラメタ数は GPT-3 の約 500 倍、100 兆個に増やそうとしているらしい。 人間の脳において、ニューロンの数が約 1,000 億個あり、2 つの ニューロン間のシナプス結合の数が約 1,000 兆個あると言われている。 そのオーダーに迫ってくる • これでまた質的な変化を呈するのだとしたら、「太い文脈」といった ハイコンテキストな理解へと進むのではあるまいか。まともな 小説が書ける能力を獲得しちゃうとか • もし、「意識」が「知能」の延長線上にあって、その正体は単なる 巨大なパラメタ数にすぎないのだとしたら、あと数年のレベルで、人工物に 意識が宿りはじめることもありうるような...