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Exploratory Essay Outline
[{"text":"Fade In:","format":1},{"text":"Int. earth–entering ATMOSPHERE ","format":0},{"text":"
"A Day's Wait"","format":1},{"text":"tttt Retell edition Prehistoric","format":1},{"text":"tIt was
just a normal day in the prehistoric era in I have no idea what continent it was back then Dinosaurs
eating fresh plants and dead carcass's.Then a strange rock flew through the atmosphere then shreds
through a mountain then lands with a big smack on the hard earth floor sending a dinosaur flying
through the earths atmosphere into the dark dark empty space. Then it's quiet and dark in the
strange rock then there was a noise coming from it.Four strange creatures exit the rock and call them
selves...","format":1},{"text":"UG...","format":2},{"text":"" more content...
After investigating the cave they got settled and started making shelter in the cave for
now.","format":1},{"text":"UG...","format":2},{"text":""This isn't much but do you think this place
is cozy or at least
group continues there day with the comfort of there little shelter.
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Exploratory Analysis
The purpose of this project is to introduce a possible approach and solution to address inequality in
the United States public education system. As such, it presents evidence to support the claim that
academic outcomes improve when children participate in school–readiness programs prior to
entering primary education. Moreover, the emphasis of this project is to present the process for an
exploratory analysis using the constructionist approach and basic framework of the social problem
process by Joel Best (2008, pp. 33–40). First, it introduces the claim that educational outcomes are
dependent on socioeconomic status, advocates for compulsory early childhood education, and
proposes the Initiatory Public Education Policy. This more content...
First, the goal of raising public awareness about compulsory Pre–K public education generates public
reaction. Subsequently, as the public gains knowledge of Pre–K outcomes they will embrace and
champion the need for change. Second, the goal of identifying key stakeholders is to create an
alliance of people who are competent to advocate for change in policy, essentially building human
capability. The process by which this will occur is through resource mobilization – "acquiring the
things necessary to function as an organization and carry out social movement activities" (Massey,
2016, p. 160). Specifically as it relates to this project, mobilizing researchers, parents, educators and
legislators build the human capital structure necessary to advocate and execute policy change.
Indeed, the goal of policy implementation is to formulate the policy through amending current
legislation, or creating new legislation for mandatory and compulsory Pre–K education which leads
to the ultimate desired outcome of achieving results – thereupon, providing Pre–K public education
accessible by all Socioeconomic Status classes and setting all students up for success from the start
of their academic
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Exploratory Essay
Exploratory Essay: Library Administration and Management
In library settings, the manager or administrator position is a prevalent position within the profession
(Mackenzie & Smith, 2009). This exploratory essay will examine the current education requirements,
skills, competencies, knowledge, experience, technical skills, and salaries of managers and
administrators working in public libraries.
Educational Requirements
While the MLIS degree is widely accepted as the standard degree for library professionals, the
requirement for employment can vary. The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook
Handbook (2014) lists a master's degree as the required entry–level education for librarians.
However, according to the American Library more content...
"Analytical, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills" was the next most commonly listed
competency (Fraser–Arnott, 2013.) Jordan (2012) developed a research–based set of twenty
statistically significant competencies specifically for library directors by refining data collected
from structured interviews with a diverse set of library directors. The study identified these
competencies as being: enthusiasm, demonstrating leadership, delegation, accountability, planning,
integrity, risk taking, credibility, resourcemanagement, creativity, customer service, interpersonal
skills, communication skills, flexibility, vision, political understanding, maturity, problem solving,
and advocacy skills. In 2008, the ALA developed a set of Core Competencies for LIS professionals,
and included five competencies regarding administration and management. These competencies
include: budgeting, human resources, assessment and evaluation of library services, developing
community partnerships, and transformational leadership. The word "transformational" was chosen
in reference to the changing nature of libraries; it was meant to indicate that libraries need leaders
who are able to guide them through times of rapid change (Hicks & Given,
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Exploration Narrative Essay
The testimonies written in both early exploration narratives and seventeenth century Puritan texts
described how a particular explorer viewed the new land of America. Each of these writings had
their own deception about the significance of America, both as a physical place and also as an ideal.
Christopher Columbus wrote several exploration narratives during his journeys to and from the new
land. He offered his own personal definitions and arguments about what he saw and thought about
his new discoveries. In the text "Letter to Luis de Santangel", Columbus writes about his crowning
achievement, the discovery of new world. I believe that this text helps convey a specific definition of
America. Columbus portrayed America as more content...
Another passage in this text which shows the idea of America as paradise is "In it there are many
harbors on the coast of the sea, beyond comparison with others which I know in Christendom, and
many rivers, good and large, which is marvelous." This excerpt from Columbus about the shore of
the new world describes how the inlets of the coast make for great harbors. This was an
extremely important detail for explorers during that time in history. Sea ports and inlets allowed
explorers and the people of the land trade and travel with ease. Columbus knew that harbors were
a very significant aspect of land as a territory and as a central reason why an area should be
described as marvelous. Another quote from Columbus' letter that is significant is "All are most
beautiful, of a thousand shapes, and they are accessible and filled with trees of a thousand kinds
and tall, and they seem to touch the sky." This quote describes the mountain ranges which
Columbus discovered. He wrote that the curves of the range are beautiful and that they are filled
with life. The next line from Columbus tells of the significance of the mountains being
overwhelmed with trees. "And I am told that they never lose their foliage, as I can understand, for I
saw them as green and as lovely as they are in Spain in May, and some of them were flowering, some
bearing fruit, and some in another stage, according to their nature." This passage compares the
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Exploratory Analysis Essay
One of the most popular methods for solving the class imbalance problems is sampling. The most
used sampling techniques are undersampling and oversampling. In undersampling, instances of the
minority and majority classes are selected randomly in order to achieve a balanced stratified sample
with equal class distributions, often using all instances of the minority class and only a subset of the
majority class, or undersampling both classes for even smaller subsets with equal class sizes.
Alternatively, in oversampling, the cases of the under–represented class are replicated a number of
times, so that the class distributions are more equal (Crone and Finlay, 2012). Mujalli et al. (2016)
indicated that using balanced datasets, especially those created using oversampling techniques,
improved classifying a traffic collision according to its severity and reduced the misclassification
of the minority class more content...
One subset is the general, which contains all types of collisions, whereas the other subset is
pedestrian–specific which only contains pedestrian collisions. Both subsets were used in order to
find out if different patterns of variables affecting severity could be extracted when using general
subset or a pedestrian specific one. To take into account the problem of imbalanced data, sampling
techniques will be applied prior to developing BN models and analysis. The remainder of the paper
is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the method and data used. In Section 3, the results and
their discussion are presented. Section 4 includes the main conclusions of this study and finally
recommendations are showed. 2. Material and
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Exploratory Reflective Analysis
In reflection, I engaged in an exploratory discussion which I further researched the content and
provided relevant examples to support my opinions, (Uzulner, 2007, p. 403). This makes me realise
that it is true being educators, they need to reach out to families and build quality connections to
explore children's world. Bayetto (2009, p. 17) states the importance of gathering evidence and data
about children to plan programs to meet their
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Exploratory Essay
The purpose of this research is to extend the understanding about the willingness of educated or
non–educated participate in social contacts of varying degrees of closeness with members of
diverse social groups, such as racial and ethnic groups. The culture of a selfish society taking over
and "love your neighbor" dying a painfully slow death? Every time I leave my house and walk or
drive in public, im amazed at the attitudes of some people. Theirs is so much aggression around that
it's scary to open your mouth, even to defend yourself. That's when I decided to put together a
survey to see how people really feel about their fellow stranger. The scale attempts to measure
respondents' degree of warmth, intimacy, indifference, or hostility more content...
It is natural or normal that the strong survived at the cost if weak. In my survey I will look that
how educated people might look at other social group that they might lower class and if people
that are less educated might be friendlier. The type of research I will be conducting is explanatory
cases because there little or no understanding. Although research has been close to this subject
nothing exact. I will use exploratory literature research to gain/discover insights about this
situation. When the goal of the literature is to precisely formulate problems, clear concepts, gain
insights, eliminate impractical ideas and form hypotheses then exploratory research is used.
Another method I will be using is Quantitative data in a survey. This is data are anything that can
be expressed as a number, or quantified. Examples of quantitative data are scores on achievement
tests, number of hours of study, or weight of a subject. These data may be represented by ordinal,
interval or ratio scales. In my survey there will be no physical or psychological rick involved in
you're responding to the survey. You should understand that your compliance in this research is
completely voluntary. All of your responses will be completely confidential. The date will retained
for a period of three years after the study is
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Exploratory Questions
1) You are in the midst of the first interview with Mr. K., a recently divorced 55–year–old man. You
have introduced yourself and have addressed the other aspects of the beginning phase of practice.
You are now ready for an initial exploratory question. At this point, you know only that Mr. K.'s
concern relates in some way to the divorce. Therefore, you want to encourage him to explore that
topic in depth. Write the words you would say in asking this first question. Once written, specify
whether the question is open– or closed–ended. Outline your rationale for choosing this particular
question and anticipate how Mr. K. might respond.
Mr. K can you please describe your relationship with you ex wife to me please?
Mr. K please describe your thoughts about for your future plans?
The question that I selected was open ended. My question is opened ended because I am asking
my client to explore something. My rational for choosing this question was because I did not
want to come off as blaming Mr. K for anything. The test was very clear about that. I could have
asked something such as why did you divorce your wife? This question could cause my client to
get angry because he may or may not have filed for divorce. Therefore since I was dealing with a
sensitive topic I thought that it was better to ask him to describe more content...
As a car stops, she displays a cardboard sign that reads, "Homeless and Hungry–Will Work for
Food." One of your functions is to reach out to people in such situations, educate them about
available resources, and, if they agree, arrange for them to obtain food, shelter, and a fairly wide
range of social and medical services. You have a cell phone which allows for immediate contact with
various organizations and service providers as well as a large, city–owned car that allows you to
offer free
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Participant Observation Essay
Naturally, I found that participant observation and interviews generated different types of
information. Participant observation generated information, outlined previously in the essay, that
was subjective. Interviews, on the contrary, gave me a relatively in–depth insight into my
informants' lives, these insights will be explained later in the essay. Interviews allowed me to
combine my informants' views with my own academic theories. Having multiple sources of
information further allowed me to answer my original question, 'Are public spaces fully public?'.
This section of the essay is my ethnography in its final form.
I first met Sarah during my initial
participant observation. The library was quiet as it was a Tuesday, and, as it was my
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Self Exploration
Many of us go through life skimming the surface of our identities. That is, we don't truly dig deeply
into our thoughts, feelings, desires and dreams.
Part of the problem is that we're always on the go. When to–do lists keep swelling, self–exploration
takes a backseat. How can it not, when we barely find time for self–care?
Specifically, self–exploration involves "taking a look at your own thoughts, feelings, behaviors and
motivations and asking why. It's looking for the roots of who we are – answers to all the questions
we have about [ourselves]," according to Ryan Howes, Ph.D, psychologist, writer and professor in
Pasadena, California.
Having a deeper understanding of ourselves has many benefits. It "helps people understand and more content...
Take some time and think about what you might need in order to be happy and ultimately successful
in your job/career. For example, a few things to consider might be salary, geographic location, job
autonomy, work hours, and professional growth opportunities, to name a few. Which ones of these,
and/or others, are most significant; things that would make an obvious difference in whether we
would enjoy our job/career? If you don't take the time to consider who you are and what you want,
you won't know what you are looking for. You need to be aware that no job/career is going to be
perfect and meet all of your expectations. But if you at least think about which things are more
vital to your happiness and aim for those, you can come pretty close to what you want. Think
about the skills and abilities you may have that you would like to utilize in your chosen profession
(i.e. leadership, helping others, mathematical ability, creativity, communication, etc.) Which careers
give you more of an opportunity to express yourself and be yourself? Many people make the
mistake of assuming that they can and will do just about anything for the right amount of money.
Well let me assure you that this is only partially true. In the beginning, the money may seem like
enough to sustain your job satisfaction and happiness, but soon everyone realizes that money alone
is only a temporary fix. If you don't really like what you are doing, or like where you work, you
won't be
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Exploratory Report
This exploratory paper draws upon generally on the issues and developments of worldwide budgetary
emergency. The report focuses on the numerous disappointments and those disappointments got from
a blend of hypothesis and establishments rehearse. Since the Great Depression we are in the thick of
the hardest monetary emergency under the radical budgetary deregulation transform that began in
the late 1970's. The fundamental variables, adding to the budgetary emergency are the most shaky
and suspicions for the future with no verifiable data, additionally by utilizing the expository
movement which did not work out, yet as the nations are growing new manifestations of thoughts
and speculations are rising towards fruitful serving to cut more content...
The way of that emergency has uncovered essential vulnerabilities inside states and far and wide.
Those vulnerabilities were taken into account a blend of obligation and influence, intra–budgetary
increase and securitization, neurotic basic advancements in individual economies, and unsustainable
asymmetries in worldwide capital gathering, making lopsided characteristics in exchange, venture
and utilization elements (Morgan, 2008, 2009; Wade, 2008). For example, involving dynamic
reappraisals the emergency was 'moderate smoldering', conveyed by a progression of basic
occasions. The outcome, on the other hand, continued an expository movement towards a negative
result which is monetary deleveraging/ adjustment/ stoppage/downturn. There are two key reasons
why the logical line of impediments was taken after. The principal key reason is that the framework
knows the behavioral impacts of how awful or more regrettable the framework would be influenced.
Additionally, both of the reason are connected with one another from multiple points of view. The
second key explanation behind an explanatory line of impediments in view of the scale and scope of
developing emergency was devalued. This devaluation conceived the useless framework from which
emergency then apparent. In light of these two reasons deterioration and
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Example Exploratory Essay

  • 1. Exploratory Essay Outline [{"text":"Fade In:","format":1},{"text":"Int. earth–entering ATMOSPHERE ","format":0},{"text":" "A Day's Wait"","format":1},{"text":"tttt Retell edition Prehistoric","format":1},{"text":"tIt was just a normal day in the prehistoric era in I have no idea what continent it was back then Dinosaurs eating fresh plants and dead carcass's.Then a strange rock flew through the atmosphere then shreds through a mountain then lands with a big smack on the hard earth floor sending a dinosaur flying through the earths atmosphere into the dark dark empty space. Then it's quiet and dark in the strange rock then there was a noise coming from it.Four strange creatures exit the rock and call them selves...","format":1},{"text":"UG...","format":2},{"text":"" more content... After investigating the cave they got settled and started making shelter in the cave for now.","format":1},{"text":"UG...","format":2},{"text":""This isn't much but do you think this place is cozy or at least nice"","format":3},{"text":"gar","format":2},{"text":""Yeah"","format":3},{"text":"bu (boo)","format":2},{"text":""Sure"","format":3},{"text":"GUBACA","format":2},{"text":""Precisely"" group continues there day with the comfort of there little shelter. Get more content on
  • 2. Exploratory Analysis The purpose of this project is to introduce a possible approach and solution to address inequality in the United States public education system. As such, it presents evidence to support the claim that academic outcomes improve when children participate in school–readiness programs prior to entering primary education. Moreover, the emphasis of this project is to present the process for an exploratory analysis using the constructionist approach and basic framework of the social problem process by Joel Best (2008, pp. 33–40). First, it introduces the claim that educational outcomes are dependent on socioeconomic status, advocates for compulsory early childhood education, and proposes the Initiatory Public Education Policy. This more content... First, the goal of raising public awareness about compulsory Pre–K public education generates public reaction. Subsequently, as the public gains knowledge of Pre–K outcomes they will embrace and champion the need for change. Second, the goal of identifying key stakeholders is to create an alliance of people who are competent to advocate for change in policy, essentially building human capability. The process by which this will occur is through resource mobilization – "acquiring the things necessary to function as an organization and carry out social movement activities" (Massey, 2016, p. 160). Specifically as it relates to this project, mobilizing researchers, parents, educators and legislators build the human capital structure necessary to advocate and execute policy change. Indeed, the goal of policy implementation is to formulate the policy through amending current legislation, or creating new legislation for mandatory and compulsory Pre–K education which leads to the ultimate desired outcome of achieving results – thereupon, providing Pre–K public education accessible by all Socioeconomic Status classes and setting all students up for success from the start of their academic Get more content on
  • 3. Exploratory Essay Exploratory Essay: Library Administration and Management In library settings, the manager or administrator position is a prevalent position within the profession (Mackenzie & Smith, 2009). This exploratory essay will examine the current education requirements, skills, competencies, knowledge, experience, technical skills, and salaries of managers and administrators working in public libraries. Educational Requirements While the MLIS degree is widely accepted as the standard degree for library professionals, the requirement for employment can vary. The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook (2014) lists a master's degree as the required entry–level education for librarians. However, according to the American Library more content... "Analytical, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills" was the next most commonly listed competency (Fraser–Arnott, 2013.) Jordan (2012) developed a research–based set of twenty statistically significant competencies specifically for library directors by refining data collected from structured interviews with a diverse set of library directors. The study identified these competencies as being: enthusiasm, demonstrating leadership, delegation, accountability, planning, integrity, risk taking, credibility, resourcemanagement, creativity, customer service, interpersonal skills, communication skills, flexibility, vision, political understanding, maturity, problem solving, and advocacy skills. In 2008, the ALA developed a set of Core Competencies for LIS professionals, and included five competencies regarding administration and management. These competencies include: budgeting, human resources, assessment and evaluation of library services, developing community partnerships, and transformational leadership. The word "transformational" was chosen in reference to the changing nature of libraries; it was meant to indicate that libraries need leaders who are able to guide them through times of rapid change (Hicks & Given, Get more content on
  • 4. Exploration Narrative Essay The testimonies written in both early exploration narratives and seventeenth century Puritan texts described how a particular explorer viewed the new land of America. Each of these writings had their own deception about the significance of America, both as a physical place and also as an ideal. Christopher Columbus wrote several exploration narratives during his journeys to and from the new land. He offered his own personal definitions and arguments about what he saw and thought about his new discoveries. In the text "Letter to Luis de Santangel", Columbus writes about his crowning achievement, the discovery of new world. I believe that this text helps convey a specific definition of America. Columbus portrayed America as more content... Another passage in this text which shows the idea of America as paradise is "In it there are many harbors on the coast of the sea, beyond comparison with others which I know in Christendom, and many rivers, good and large, which is marvelous." This excerpt from Columbus about the shore of the new world describes how the inlets of the coast make for great harbors. This was an extremely important detail for explorers during that time in history. Sea ports and inlets allowed explorers and the people of the land trade and travel with ease. Columbus knew that harbors were a very significant aspect of land as a territory and as a central reason why an area should be described as marvelous. Another quote from Columbus' letter that is significant is "All are most beautiful, of a thousand shapes, and they are accessible and filled with trees of a thousand kinds and tall, and they seem to touch the sky." This quote describes the mountain ranges which Columbus discovered. He wrote that the curves of the range are beautiful and that they are filled with life. The next line from Columbus tells of the significance of the mountains being overwhelmed with trees. "And I am told that they never lose their foliage, as I can understand, for I saw them as green and as lovely as they are in Spain in May, and some of them were flowering, some bearing fruit, and some in another stage, according to their nature." This passage compares the Get more content on
  • 5. Exploratory Analysis Essay One of the most popular methods for solving the class imbalance problems is sampling. The most used sampling techniques are undersampling and oversampling. In undersampling, instances of the minority and majority classes are selected randomly in order to achieve a balanced stratified sample with equal class distributions, often using all instances of the minority class and only a subset of the majority class, or undersampling both classes for even smaller subsets with equal class sizes. Alternatively, in oversampling, the cases of the under–represented class are replicated a number of times, so that the class distributions are more equal (Crone and Finlay, 2012). Mujalli et al. (2016) indicated that using balanced datasets, especially those created using oversampling techniques, improved classifying a traffic collision according to its severity and reduced the misclassiп¬Ѓcation of the minority class more content... One subset is the general, which contains all types of collisions, whereas the other subset is pedestrian–specific which only contains pedestrian collisions. Both subsets were used in order to find out if different patterns of variables affecting severity could be extracted when using general subset or a pedestrian specific one. To take into account the problem of imbalanced data, sampling techniques will be applied prior to developing BN models and analysis. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the method and data used. In Section 3, the results and their discussion are presented. Section 4 includes the main conclusions of this study and finally recommendations are showed. 2. Material and Get more content on
  • 6. Exploratory Reflective Analysis In reflection, I engaged in an exploratory discussion which I further researched the content and provided relevant examples to support my opinions, (Uzulner, 2007, p. 403). This makes me realise that it is true being educators, they need to reach out to families and build quality connections to explore children's world. Bayetto (2009, p. 17) states the importance of gathering evidence and data about children to plan programs to meet their Get more content on
  • 7. Exploratory Essay The purpose of this research is to extend the understanding about the willingness of educated or non–educated participate in social contacts of varying degrees of closeness with members of diverse social groups, such as racial and ethnic groups. The culture of a selfish society taking over and "love your neighbor" dying a painfully slow death? Every time I leave my house and walk or drive in public, im amazed at the attitudes of some people. Theirs is so much aggression around that it's scary to open your mouth, even to defend yourself. That's when I decided to put together a survey to see how people really feel about their fellow stranger. The scale attempts to measure respondents' degree of warmth, intimacy, indifference, or hostility more content... It is natural or normal that the strong survived at the cost if weak. In my survey I will look that how educated people might look at other social group that they might lower class and if people that are less educated might be friendlier. The type of research I will be conducting is explanatory cases because there little or no understanding. Although research has been close to this subject nothing exact. I will use exploratory literature research to gain/discover insights about this situation. When the goal of the literature is to precisely formulate problems, clear concepts, gain insights, eliminate impractical ideas and form hypotheses then exploratory research is used. Another method I will be using is Quantitative data in a survey. This is data are anything that can be expressed as a number, or quantified. Examples of quantitative data are scores on achievement tests, number of hours of study, or weight of a subject. These data may be represented by ordinal, interval or ratio scales. In my survey there will be no physical or psychological rick involved in you're responding to the survey. You should understand that your compliance in this research is completely voluntary. All of your responses will be completely confidential. The date will retained for a period of three years after the study is Get more content on
  • 8. Exploratory Questions 1) You are in the midst of the first interview with Mr. K., a recently divorced 55–year–old man. You have introduced yourself and have addressed the other aspects of the beginning phase of practice. You are now ready for an initial exploratory question. At this point, you know only that Mr. K.'s concern relates in some way to the divorce. Therefore, you want to encourage him to explore that topic in depth. Write the words you would say in asking this first question. Once written, specify whether the question is open– or closed–ended. Outline your rationale for choosing this particular question and anticipate how Mr. K. might respond. Mr. K can you please describe your relationship with you ex wife to me please? Mr. K please describe your thoughts about for your future plans? The question that I selected was open ended. My question is opened ended because I am asking my client to explore something. My rational for choosing this question was because I did not want to come off as blaming Mr. K for anything. The test was very clear about that. I could have asked something such as why did you divorce your wife? This question could cause my client to get angry because he may or may not have filed for divorce. Therefore since I was dealing with a sensitive topic I thought that it was better to ask him to describe more content... As a car stops, she displays a cardboard sign that reads, "Homeless and Hungry–Will Work for Food." One of your functions is to reach out to people in such situations, educate them about available resources, and, if they agree, arrange for them to obtain food, shelter, and a fairly wide range of social and medical services. You have a cell phone which allows for immediate contact with various organizations and service providers as well as a large, city–owned car that allows you to offer free Get more content on
  • 9. Participant Observation Essay Naturally, I found that participant observation and interviews generated different types of information. Participant observation generated information, outlined previously in the essay, that was subjective. Interviews, on the contrary, gave me a relatively in–depth insight into my informants' lives, these insights will be explained later in the essay. Interviews allowed me to combine my informants' views with my own academic theories. Having multiple sources of information further allowed me to answer my original question, 'Are public spaces fully public?'. This section of the essay is my ethnography in its final form.
I first met Sarah during my initial participant observation. The library was quiet as it was a Tuesday, and, as it was my Get more content on
  • 10. Self Exploration Many of us go through life skimming the surface of our identities. That is, we don't truly dig deeply into our thoughts, feelings, desires and dreams. Part of the problem is that we're always on the go. When to–do lists keep swelling, self–exploration takes a backseat. How can it not, when we barely find time for self–care? Specifically, self–exploration involves "taking a look at your own thoughts, feelings, behaviors and motivations and asking why. It's looking for the roots of who we are – answers to all the questions we have about [ourselves]," according to Ryan Howes, Ph.D, psychologist, writer and professor in Pasadena, California. Having a deeper understanding of ourselves has many benefits. It "helps people understand and more content... Take some time and think about what you might need in order to be happy and ultimately successful in your job/career. For example, a few things to consider might be salary, geographic location, job autonomy, work hours, and professional growth opportunities, to name a few. Which ones of these, and/or others, are most significant; things that would make an obvious difference in whether we would enjoy our job/career? If you don't take the time to consider who you are and what you want, you won't know what you are looking for. You need to be aware that no job/career is going to be perfect and meet all of your expectations. But if you at least think about which things are more vital to your happiness and aim for those, you can come pretty close to what you want. Think about the skills and abilities you may have that you would like to utilize in your chosen profession (i.e. leadership, helping others, mathematical ability, creativity, communication, etc.) Which careers give you more of an opportunity to express yourself and be yourself? Many people make the mistake of assuming that they can and will do just about anything for the right amount of money. Well let me assure you that this is only partially true. In the beginning, the money may seem like enough to sustain your job satisfaction and happiness, but soon everyone realizes that money alone is only a temporary fix. If you don't really like what you are doing, or like where you work, you won't be Get more content on
  • 11. Exploratory Report This exploratory paper draws upon generally on the issues and developments of worldwide budgetary emergency. The report focuses on the numerous disappointments and those disappointments got from a blend of hypothesis and establishments rehearse. Since the Great Depression we are in the thick of the hardest monetary emergency under the radical budgetary deregulation transform that began in the late 1970's. The fundamental variables, adding to the budgetary emergency are the most shaky and suspicions for the future with no verifiable data, additionally by utilizing the expository movement which did not work out, yet as the nations are growing new manifestations of thoughts and speculations are rising towards fruitful serving to cut more content... The way of that emergency has uncovered essential vulnerabilities inside states and far and wide. Those vulnerabilities were taken into account a blend of obligation and influence, intra–budgetary increase and securitization, neurotic basic advancements in individual economies, and unsustainable asymmetries in worldwide capital gathering, making lopsided characteristics in exchange, venture and utilization elements (Morgan, 2008, 2009; Wade, 2008). For example, involving dynamic reappraisals the emergency was 'moderate smoldering', conveyed by a progression of basic occasions. The outcome, on the other hand, continued an expository movement towards a negative result which is monetary deleveraging/ adjustment/ stoppage/downturn. There are two key reasons why the logical line of impediments was taken after. The principal key reason is that the framework knows the behavioral impacts of how awful or more regrettable the framework would be influenced. Additionally, both of the reason are connected with one another from multiple points of view. The second key explanation behind an explanatory line of impediments in view of the scale and scope of developing emergency was devalued. This devaluation conceived the useless framework from which emergency then apparent. In light of these two reasons deterioration and Get more content on