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Evoluzione orizzontale e ontologia biologica
Emanuele Serrelli
Padova, 8-9 maggio 2012
. . .the “selves” of viruses, utterly depend on their
physical contact with bacterial or other living cells. If
not connected to a cell, a virus is as inert as a lump of
salt or a cube of sugar. The basic element of life, the
self, is the sensitive bacterial cell; but a virus, as a
courier and an integrator of genes into bacteria and
nucleated organisms (animals, plants, fungi and
proctotists), can be very important to specific
evolutionary trajectories.
(William Day, ch. 2, p. 17)
Rymer et al. (2012)
Ben Jacob et al. (2004)
Bressan (2012)
Murray Bowen photo by Andrea Maloney Schara (1979)
Chimera di Arezzo, Museo Archeologico, Firenze
Vad Drisse (2011)
Vad Drisse (2011)
Margulis et al. (2006)
Alves et al.
Family: Galagidae
Family: Galagidae
George Mobus
For there is, after all, one true tree of life, the
unique pattern of evolutionary branchings that
actually happened. It exists. It is in principle
knowable. We don’t know it all yet. By 2050 we
should—or if we do not, we shall have been
defeated only at the terminal twigs, by the sheer
number of species. ... [H]undreds of separate
genes ... are found to corroborate each other’s
accounts of the one true tree of life (Dawkins
2003, p. 112; see also Eldredge 2005, p. 227).
SET - Serial Endosymbiosis Theory for the origin of
eukaryotic cells
Image courtesy of Lynn Margulis
Image courtesy of Lynn Margulis
Virolution at the pro- and eukaryotic level
Villarreal & Ryan
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on 2004
W. Ford Doolittle
In the case of higher plants and animals, species can
be grouped into genera, families, and orders on the
basis of their evolutionary relationships, or phylogeny.
Such classifications are called natural classifications. In
the bacteria, however, only a few broad lines of
evolution are dimly perceivable, and the finer details of
phylogeny remain completely obscure. The existing
semiofficial classification of bacteria, Bergey’s Manual,
is thus an arbitrary one, and is useful only to the limited
extent that it serves as a ‘‘key’’ for identification.
(Steiner et al. 1957)
Phylogeny of bacteria
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
phylogenies based on the sequences of ‘‘informational
macromolecules’’ are not only more unambiguously
quantifiable but closer to what it is that actually evolves
—genes and the genome.
...extend the universal Tree of Life downward to its
deepest roots among the prokaryotes
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
Lateral, Horizontal gene transfer at the prokaryotic level:
gene donations of bacteria: e.g. resistance of bacteria against
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
Lateral, Horizontal gene transfer at the prokaryotic level:
gene donations of bacteria: e.g. resistance of bacteria against
...microbiologists had uncovered a phenomenon that
might have given them cause to worry that the
evolution of genes might not always be tree-like, and
that gene trees might not always be species trees.
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
Why few of us thought that LGT would
interfere seriously with universal tree
construction is an interesting question for
the historian and sociologist...
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
In the extreme, interspecies
exchanges of genes could be
so rampant, so broadspread,
that a bacterium would not
actually have a history in its
own right; it would be an
evolutionary chimera, a
collection of genes (or gene
clusters), each with its own
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
Fortunately the matter is
experimentally decidable.
Were an organism an
evolutionary chimera, then its
various chronometers would
yield different, conflicting
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
Assessing how many of a genomes’ genes
have been laterally transferred at some time in
its history will always be technically difficult and
fraught with definitional problems, although few
would now claim that the fraction is less than
one half, and many would accept that it is more
than 95%. It turns out to be simpler to ask how
many and which genes might possibly have
avoided LGT in the last four billion years.
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
W. Ford Doolittle
Phylogeny of bacteria
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
Network diagrams
combines both horizontal and vertical evolutionary events in prokaryotes
Dagan and Martin, 2009: 2190
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
Image courtesy of Lynn Margulis
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
Original formulation
of symbiosis theory
by Constantin
How many individuals ? How many kinds of
We need better definitions of individuals
Courtesy of Fred Bouchhard, 2013
Centrality of Biological species and their tree
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on
Ernst Mayr, the tree of life, and philosophy of biology
Maureen A. O’Malley
Published online: 8 May 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010
Abstract Ernst Mayr’s influence on philosophy of biology has given the field a
particular perspective on evolution, phylogeny and life in general. Using debates
about the tree of life as a guide, I show how Mayrian evolutionary biology excludes
numerous forms of life and many important evolutionary processes. Hybridization
and lateral gene transfer are two of these processes, and they occur frequently, with
important outcomes in all domains of life. Eukaryotes appear to have a more tree-
like history because successful lateral events tend to occur among more closely
related species, or at a lower frequency, than in prokaryotes, but this is a difference
of degree rather than kind. Although the tree of life is especially problematic as a
representation of the evolutionary history of prokaryotes, it can function more
generally as an illustration of the limitations of a standard evolutionary perspective.
Moreover, for philosophers, questions about the tree of life can be applied to the
Mayrian inheritance in philosophy of biology. These questions make clear that the
dichotomy of life Mayr suggested is based on too narrow a perspective. An alter-
native to this dichotomy is a multidimensional continuum in which different
strategies of genetic exchange bestow greater adaptiveness and evolvability on pro-
karyotes and eukaryotes.
Keywords Ernst Mayr Á Philosophy of biology Á Evolution Á Tree of life Á
Species Á Lateral gene transfer Á Hybridization
Most philosophers of biology have in the back of their mind at least a vague image of
a tree of life that depicts bifurcating species lineages and represents the evolutionary
M. A. O’Malley (&)
Egenis, University of Exeter, St Germans Road, EX4 4PJ Exeter, UK
e-mail: M.A.O’
Biol Philos (2010) 25:529–552
DOI 10.1007/s10539-010-9214-6
Centrality of Biological species and their tree
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on 2004
All so-called asexually reproducing
organisms do not have species.
The prokaryotes are difficult
enough [to deal with], but even
when you get into the low
eukaryotes, there is this group that
is a sort of a garbage can called
the protists. And there are authors
I’m told that recognize 80 phyla of
protists. God knows what there is
in these 80 phyla. And most of
them do not have species in the
normal sense. They don’t have a
proper process of speciation or
anything like that.
But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like
Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from
538 M. A. O’Malley
From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010
there is growing evidence of gene exchange in protists (Keeling and
Palmer 2008; Andersson 2009). Sequence analyses of several protist
genomes have detected bacterial genes in varying amounts, with as
much as 4% of rumen ciliate genomes being of foreign origin (Ricard et al.
2006). In the genome of the miniscule green alga, Ostreococcus tauri, the
smallest free-living eukaryote, a whole chromosome appears to have
been acquired, although its source is not obvious (Derelle et al. 2006). The
pathogens Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Entamoeba
histolytica have ‘borrowed’ large numbers of virulence and metabolism
genes from bacteria (Andersson et al. 2006; Loftus et al. 2005). Transfers
between protists, and from other eukaryotes to protists, have also been
found in increasing numbers, and the data for such acquisitions increase
with every genome sequence deposited in GenBank or other databases
(Andersson 2009). The more lateral gene transfer in protists is studied, in
fact, the more that is learned about interdomain exchange as an ongoing
evolutionary mechanism of genetic diversity (Andersson et al. 2006).
But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like
Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from
538 M. A. O’Malley
From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010
But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like
Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from
538 M. A. O’Malley
From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010
In fungi, there is a growing list of what seem to be fungal hybrids (Schardl
and Craven 2003; Novo et al. 2009). Moreover, there appears to be a
great deal of LGT occurring between prokaryotes and fungi, between
fungal lineages, and between fungi and other multicellular eukaryotes (e.g.
Schardl and Craven 2003; Friesen et al. 2006; Richards et al. 2006,
2009). Numerous phylogenetically discordant plasmids, transposons and
gene clusters have been detected in a range of fungal lineages, and even
some whole chromosome transfers between filamentous fungi (Walton
2000). In addition, there is good experimental evidence of
transformation (uptake of environmental DNA) in a few fungi (Rosewich
and Kistler 2000). Whether novel DNA is acquired by hybridization or by
LGT, it has either to be excluded from phylogenetic analysis or depicted
as a reticulate event.
But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like
Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from
538 M. A. O’Malley
From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010
They can combine sexual and asexual reproduction (with sexual
reproduction being the ancient state, since lost in many lineages), and it is
still sometimes unclear how particular fungi reproduce (Petersen and
Hughes 1999; Schardl and Craven 2003; Zeyl 2009). One reproductive
peculiarity of fungi involves hyphal fusion, in which fungal filaments
anastomose parasexually, through somatic recombination rather than
germ cell recombination. Large numbers of nuclei (sometimes thousands)
from the different hyphae share the same enlarged cell compartment. In
many lineages, interspecific matings are vegetatively incompatible, which
means that the non-self recognition of introduced genetic systems results
in the destruction of the newly merged hyphal cells (Glass and Dementhon
2006; Glass and Kaneko 2003; Giraud et al. 2008). Even when this does
not happen, the heterokaryon products of hyphal fusion (cells with
different genotypes) may be unstable and produce only homokaryotic
offspring. But this is not always the case, and nor does incompatibility
recognition happen for all hyphal fungi.
But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like
Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from
538 M. A. O’Malley
From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010
study after study has documented the adaptiveness and proliferation
of plant hybrids (Heiser 1973; Arnold 2006; Arnold et al. 1999; Soltis and
Soltis 2009). Much known hybridization involves genome doubling
(allopolyploidy), which has played a major role in plant evolution (Adams
and Wendel 2005). Other hybridization events involve genome
recombination (homoploidy). An example of the latter, which is more
difficult to detect, is provided by the sunflowers Helianthus annuus and H.
petiolaris. These parental species have three hybrid offspring (H.
anomalus, H. deserticola, and H. paradoxus) that evolved between
60,000 and 200,000 years ago. While the parent plants favour temperate
climates, the hybrid offspring inhabit and flourish in extreme environments,
such as harsh desert conditions and salt marshes (Rieseberg 1997;
Rieseberg et al. 2003). It is frequently the case that hybrid offspring have
hardier characteristics than their parents, due to new gene combinations
that allow the hybrids to colonize new ecological niches (Rieseberg and
Willis 2007).
But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like
Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from
538 M. A. O’Malley
From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010
One classic study that did not quite fit Mayr’s expectations was carried out by
Lewontin and L. C. Birch (1966). They argued that hybridization was a source of
variation for adaptation to new environments in particular groups of Queensland fruit
flies (then Dacus, now Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis)...
...because hybridization is usually investigated in relation to visibly distinguishable
taxa, it has probably been systematically underestimated in duller, more uniform types
of organisms such as little brown birds or butterflies (Mallet 2005; Dowling and Secor
1997). Some classic examples include ducks (much collected during hunting
seasons, and therefore well observed), birds of paradise, cichlids and butterflies
(see Mallet et al. 2007). Cichlids and other freshwater fish are well known for their
hybridization capacities, partly because of the very divergent morphologies and colour
patterns produced by introgression (Koblmüller et al. 2007). In representing these
introgressions phylogenetically, many branches have to be reticulated to make sense
of incongruent gene phylogenies.
Although there may be low levels of fertility in the first generation of hybrids, later
generations frequently stabilize, often with fitness advantages in new or expanded
environments (Anderson 1948; Arnold 2006). And although rates of hybridization may
be low, they can have major evolutionary consequences (Seehausen 2004; Dowling
and Secor 1997).
Virolution at the pro- and eukaryotic level
Villarreal & Ryan
Virolution at the pro- and eukaryotic level
Villarreal & Ryan
Much of the known LGT in animals involves acquisitions from prokaryotes, such as
genes for cellulose biosynthesis in marine invertebrates, and glyoxylate-cycle
enzymes in a number of animals (Nakashima et al. 2004; Kondrashov et al. 2006).
The genomes of Wolbachia-infected insects can carry large fragments of
Wolbachia DNA— nearly a whole Wolbachia genome in one case (Hotopp et al.
An even more intriguing example of animal LGT is that of bdelloid rotifers (a
microscopic multicellular aquatic animal), the genomes of which show evidence of
recent and ancient acquisitions of bacterial, fungal, and plant genes (Gladyshev et al.
2008). Rotifers have a life cycle that can include dessication, and as the dessicated
body revives in the presence of water, environmental DNA seems to be integrated into
the rotifer’s genome through a combination of membrane damage and DNA repair
mechanisms, and then inherited in the absence of sexual recombination. Most of the
intact foreign genes code for simple enzymatic functions such as carbohydrate
decomposition (rather than multi- component biochemical pathways)...
Some plant-parasitic nematodes have acquired bacterial genes that enable the
nematodes to modify plant cell walls, thereby damaging the plant but nourishing the
nematode (Scholl et al. 2003).
Centrality of Biological species and their tree
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on 2004
Schwenk et al. (2008)
Molecular phylogen.
SSU rRNA (Woese)
1990s on 2004
Animal (and plant)
Well represented
by tree
Impact on TOL
Mayr Yes Yes -
Doolittle No Yes Circumscribe
Margulis No No Replace
O’Malley No No
Hybrid. studies N/A (yes) Yes
Speciation and
adaptation mech.
Animal (and plant)
Well represented
by tree
Impact on TOL
Mayr Yes Yes -
Doolittle No Yes Circumscribe
Margulis No No Replace
O’Malley No No
Hybrid. studies N/A (yes) Yes
Speciation and
adaptation mech.
evolution of multicellular
animals and plants can still be
well understood as a branching
process (albeit with some
prokaryotic evolution may be better
modeled as a reticulated web. This is
because prokaryotes (bacteria and
archaea) much more readily exchange
genes ‘‘across species lines’’, by several
genetic mechanisms collectively known
as lateral gene transfer (LGT). Since
prokaryotes comprise the majority of
living things, and since the first two-
thirds of Life’s history is exclusively
prokaryotic, the TOL is of limited
explanatory scope.
Animal (and plant)
Well represented
by tree
Impact on TOL
Mayr Yes Yes -
Doolittle No Yes Circumscribe
Margulis No No Replace
O’Malley No No
Hybrid. studies N/A (yes) Yes
Speciation and
adaptation mech.
A key residual question from the
discussion above is whether evolutionary
biology and its philosophy should follow
Mayr and split evolution into two types: the
processes and outcomes that occur with
‘good’ speciators, and those that occur
with ‘bad’ speciators...
a continuum perspective is the only
remaining option
multiple intersecting continua: asexual-
sexual, much-less-exchange, uni-
an approach along these lines would be more informative than a
focus on which organisms have evolved in tree-like patterns. A
multidimensional approach by no means rejects the importance of
such patterns, nor of the processes that gave rise to them, but it
sees them as just one possible focus and not always the most
valuable one.
• Alves AL, Splendore de Borba R, Oliveira C, Nirchio M,
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Life: science, philosophy and politics. Biology & Philosophy,
25(4), pp.455–473.
• Margulis L (1995). Gaia is a tough bitch. In John Brockman,
ed. The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution. New
York: Simon & Schuster, pp. 130-140.
• Margulis, L. et al., 2006. The last eukaryotic common
ancestor (LECA): acquisition of cytoskeletal motility from
aerotolerant spirochetes in the Proterozoic Eon. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 103(35), pp.13080–5.
• O’Malley, MA. (Ed.) (2010). Special issue on the tree of life (15
papers). Biology and Philosophy, 25(4).
• O’Malley, M. a., 2010. Ernst Mayr, the tree of life, and
philosophy of biology. Biology & Philosophy, 25(4), pp.529–
• Richard U. Rymer RU, Solorio FA, Tehranchi AK, Chu C, Corn
JE, Keck JL, Wang JD, Berger JM (2012). Binding mechanism
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bacterial DnaG-Type primases. Structure 20(9): 1478-1489.
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• Schwenk K, Brede N, Streit B (2008). Introduction. Extent,
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• Van Drisse C (2011). A Russian Doll of Symbiosis. December
• Woese, C.R. & Fox, G.E., 1977. Phylogenetic structure of the
prokaryotic domain: the primary kingdoms. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
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Evoluzione orizzontale e ontologia biologica

  • 1. 1 Evoluzione orizzontale e ontologia biologica Emanuele Serrelli Padova, 8-9 maggio 2012
  • 4. 4 . . .the “selves” of viruses, utterly depend on their physical contact with bacterial or other living cells. If not connected to a cell, a virus is as inert as a lump of salt or a cube of sugar. The basic element of life, the self, is the sensitive bacterial cell; but a virus, as a courier and an integrator of genes into bacteria and nucleated organisms (animals, plants, fungi and proctotists), can be very important to specific evolutionary trajectories. (William Day, ch. 2, p. 17) Selves
  • 9. Groups 9 Murray Bowen photo by Andrea Maloney Schara (1979)
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11 Chimeras Chimera di Arezzo, Museo Archeologico, Firenze
  • 15. Chimeras 14 Alves et al. Lemur Family: Galagidae images/mtm_slideshows/ 3027712362_de1ae16a96_o.jpg
  • 21. 20
  • 23. 22 For there is, after all, one true tree of life, the unique pattern of evolutionary branchings that actually happened. It exists. It is in principle knowable. We don’t know it all yet. By 2050 we should—or if we do not, we shall have been defeated only at the terminal twigs, by the sheer number of species. ... [H]undreds of separate genes ... are found to corroborate each other’s accounts of the one true tree of life (Dawkins 2003, p. 112; see also Eldredge 2005, p. 227).
  • 25. SET - Serial Endosymbiosis Theory for the origin of eukaryotic cells 24 a8de5c88b14851860daa.jpeg Image courtesy of Lynn Margulis
  • 27. 26
  • 28. 26
  • 29. 27 Virolution at the pro- and eukaryotic level Villarreal & Ryan
  • 30. 28 1957 Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on 2004
  • 31. 29 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 In the case of higher plants and animals, species can be grouped into genera, families, and orders on the basis of their evolutionary relationships, or phylogeny. Such classifications are called natural classifications. In the bacteria, however, only a few broad lines of evolution are dimly perceivable, and the finer details of phylogeny remain completely obscure. The existing semiofficial classification of bacteria, Bergey’s Manual, is thus an arbitrary one, and is useful only to the limited extent that it serves as a ‘‘key’’ for identification. (Steiner et al. 1957) Phylogeny of bacteria
  • 32. 30 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. phylogenies based on the sequences of ‘‘informational macromolecules’’ are not only more unambiguously quantifiable but closer to what it is that actually evolves —genes and the genome. ...extend the universal Tree of Life downward to its deepest roots among the prokaryotes
  • 33. 31 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese)
  • 34. 32 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) Lateral, Horizontal gene transfer at the prokaryotic level: gene donations of bacteria: e.g. resistance of bacteria against antibiotics
  • 35. 32 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) Lateral, Horizontal gene transfer at the prokaryotic level: gene donations of bacteria: e.g. resistance of bacteria against antibiotics ...microbiologists had uncovered a phenomenon that might have given them cause to worry that the evolution of genes might not always be tree-like, and that gene trees might not always be species trees.
  • 36. 33 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) Why few of us thought that LGT would interfere seriously with universal tree construction is an interesting question for the historian and sociologist...
  • 37. 34 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 In the extreme, interspecies exchanges of genes could be so rampant, so broadspread, that a bacterium would not actually have a history in its own right; it would be an evolutionary chimera, a collection of genes (or gene clusters), each with its own history...
  • 38. 35 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 Fortunately the matter is experimentally decidable. Were an organism an evolutionary chimera, then its various chronometers would yield different, conflicting phylogenies.
  • 39. 36 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on
  • 40. 37 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on Assessing how many of a genomes’ genes have been laterally transferred at some time in its history will always be technically difficult and fraught with definitional problems, although few would now claim that the fraction is less than one half, and many would accept that it is more than 95%. It turns out to be simpler to ask how many and which genes might possibly have avoided LGT in the last four billion years.
  • 41. 38 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on
  • 42. 39 W. Ford Doolittle 1957 Phylogeny of bacteria Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on
  • 43. 40 Network diagrams combines both horizontal and vertical evolutionary events in prokaryotes Dagan and Martin, 2009: 2190
  • 47. 44 Margulis Symbiogenesis 1957 Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on Original formulation of symbiosis theory by Constantin Mereschkowsky 1909
  • 48. 45 How many individuals ? How many kinds of individuals? 19 We need better definitions of individuals Courtesy of Fred Bouchhard, 2013
  • 49. 46 Maureen O’Malley Centrality of Biological species and their tree 1957 Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on Ernst Mayr, the tree of life, and philosophy of biology Maureen A. O’Malley Published online: 8 May 2010 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010 Abstract Ernst Mayr’s influence on philosophy of biology has given the field a particular perspective on evolution, phylogeny and life in general. Using debates about the tree of life as a guide, I show how Mayrian evolutionary biology excludes numerous forms of life and many important evolutionary processes. Hybridization and lateral gene transfer are two of these processes, and they occur frequently, with important outcomes in all domains of life. Eukaryotes appear to have a more tree- like history because successful lateral events tend to occur among more closely related species, or at a lower frequency, than in prokaryotes, but this is a difference of degree rather than kind. Although the tree of life is especially problematic as a representation of the evolutionary history of prokaryotes, it can function more generally as an illustration of the limitations of a standard evolutionary perspective. Moreover, for philosophers, questions about the tree of life can be applied to the Mayrian inheritance in philosophy of biology. These questions make clear that the dichotomy of life Mayr suggested is based on too narrow a perspective. An alter- native to this dichotomy is a multidimensional continuum in which different strategies of genetic exchange bestow greater adaptiveness and evolvability on pro- karyotes and eukaryotes. Keywords Ernst Mayr Á Philosophy of biology Á Evolution Á Tree of life Á Species Á Lateral gene transfer Á Hybridization Introduction Most philosophers of biology have in the back of their mind at least a vague image of a tree of life that depicts bifurcating species lineages and represents the evolutionary M. A. O’Malley (&) Egenis, University of Exeter, St Germans Road, EX4 4PJ Exeter, UK e-mail: M.A.O’ 123 Biol Philos (2010) 25:529–552 DOI 10.1007/s10539-010-9214-6
  • 50. 47 Maureen O’Malley Centrality of Biological species and their tree 1957 Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on 2004 All so-called asexually reproducing organisms do not have species. The prokaryotes are difficult enough [to deal with], but even when you get into the low eukaryotes, there is this group that is a sort of a garbage can called the protists. And there are authors I’m told that recognize 80 phyla of protists. God knows what there is in these 80 phyla. And most of them do not have species in the normal sense. They don’t have a proper process of speciation or anything like that.
  • 51. 48 But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from Elsevier 538 M. A. O’Malley From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010 Maureen O’Malley there is growing evidence of gene exchange in protists (Keeling and Palmer 2008; Andersson 2009). Sequence analyses of several protist genomes have detected bacterial genes in varying amounts, with as much as 4% of rumen ciliate genomes being of foreign origin (Ricard et al. 2006). In the genome of the miniscule green alga, Ostreococcus tauri, the smallest free-living eukaryote, a whole chromosome appears to have been acquired, although its source is not obvious (Derelle et al. 2006). The pathogens Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Entamoeba histolytica have ‘borrowed’ large numbers of virulence and metabolism genes from bacteria (Andersson et al. 2006; Loftus et al. 2005). Transfers between protists, and from other eukaryotes to protists, have also been found in increasing numbers, and the data for such acquisitions increase with every genome sequence deposited in GenBank or other databases (Andersson 2009). The more lateral gene transfer in protists is studied, in fact, the more that is learned about interdomain exchange as an ongoing evolutionary mechanism of genetic diversity (Andersson et al. 2006).
  • 52. 48 But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from Elsevier 538 M. A. O’Malley From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010 Maureen O’Malley
  • 53. 49 But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from Elsevier 538 M. A. O’Malley From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010 Maureen O’Malley In fungi, there is a growing list of what seem to be fungal hybrids (Schardl and Craven 2003; Novo et al. 2009). Moreover, there appears to be a great deal of LGT occurring between prokaryotes and fungi, between fungal lineages, and between fungi and other multicellular eukaryotes (e.g. Schardl and Craven 2003; Friesen et al. 2006; Richards et al. 2006, 2009). Numerous phylogenetically discordant plasmids, transposons and gene clusters have been detected in a range of fungal lineages, and even some whole chromosome transfers between filamentous fungi (Walton 2000). In addition, there is good experimental evidence of transformation (uptake of environmental DNA) in a few fungi (Rosewich and Kistler 2000). Whether novel DNA is acquired by hybridization or by LGT, it has either to be excluded from phylogenetic analysis or depicted as a reticulate event.
  • 54. 50 But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from Elsevier 538 M. A. O’Malley From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010 Maureen O’Malley They can combine sexual and asexual reproduction (with sexual reproduction being the ancient state, since lost in many lineages), and it is still sometimes unclear how particular fungi reproduce (Petersen and Hughes 1999; Schardl and Craven 2003; Zeyl 2009). One reproductive peculiarity of fungi involves hyphal fusion, in which fungal filaments anastomose parasexually, through somatic recombination rather than germ cell recombination. Large numbers of nuclei (sometimes thousands) from the different hyphae share the same enlarged cell compartment. In many lineages, interspecific matings are vegetatively incompatible, which means that the non-self recognition of introduced genetic systems results in the destruction of the newly merged hyphal cells (Glass and Dementhon 2006; Glass and Kaneko 2003; Giraud et al. 2008). Even when this does not happen, the heterokaryon products of hyphal fusion (cells with different genotypes) may be unstable and produce only homokaryotic offspring. But this is not always the case, and nor does incompatibility recognition happen for all hyphal fungi.
  • 55. 51 But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from Elsevier 538 M. A. O’Malley From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010 Maureen O’Malley study after study has documented the adaptiveness and proliferation of plant hybrids (Heiser 1973; Arnold 2006; Arnold et al. 1999; Soltis and Soltis 2009). Much known hybridization involves genome doubling (allopolyploidy), which has played a major role in plant evolution (Adams and Wendel 2005). Other hybridization events involve genome recombination (homoploidy). An example of the latter, which is more difficult to detect, is provided by the sunflowers Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris. These parental species have three hybrid offspring (H. anomalus, H. deserticola, and H. paradoxus) that evolved between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago. While the parent plants favour temperate climates, the hybrid offspring inhabit and flourish in extreme environments, such as harsh desert conditions and salt marshes (Rieseberg 1997; Rieseberg et al. 2003). It is frequently the case that hybrid offspring have hardier characteristics than their parents, due to new gene combinations that allow the hybrids to colonize new ecological niches (Rieseberg and Willis 2007).
  • 56. 52 But again, on the pragmatic grounds of removing the messier, more web-like Fig. 1 Six eukaryote supergroups. Reprinted from Lane and Archibald (2008), with permission from Elsevier 538 M. A. O’Malley From Lane and Archibald (2008), in O’Malley 2010 Maureen O’Malley One classic study that did not quite fit Mayr’s expectations was carried out by Lewontin and L. C. Birch (1966). They argued that hybridization was a source of variation for adaptation to new environments in particular groups of Queensland fruit flies (then Dacus, now Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis)... ...because hybridization is usually investigated in relation to visibly distinguishable taxa, it has probably been systematically underestimated in duller, more uniform types of organisms such as little brown birds or butterflies (Mallet 2005; Dowling and Secor 1997). Some classic examples include ducks (much collected during hunting seasons, and therefore well observed), birds of paradise, cichlids and butterflies (see Mallet et al. 2007). Cichlids and other freshwater fish are well known for their hybridization capacities, partly because of the very divergent morphologies and colour patterns produced by introgression (Koblmüller et al. 2007). In representing these introgressions phylogenetically, many branches have to be reticulated to make sense of incongruent gene phylogenies. Although there may be low levels of fertility in the first generation of hybrids, later generations frequently stabilize, often with fitness advantages in new or expanded environments (Anderson 1948; Arnold 2006). And although rates of hybridization may be low, they can have major evolutionary consequences (Seehausen 2004; Dowling and Secor 1997).
  • 57. 53 Virolution at the pro- and eukaryotic level Villarreal & Ryan
  • 58. 53 Virolution at the pro- and eukaryotic level Villarreal & Ryan Much of the known LGT in animals involves acquisitions from prokaryotes, such as genes for cellulose biosynthesis in marine invertebrates, and glyoxylate-cycle enzymes in a number of animals (Nakashima et al. 2004; Kondrashov et al. 2006). The genomes of Wolbachia-infected insects can carry large fragments of Wolbachia DNA— nearly a whole Wolbachia genome in one case (Hotopp et al. 2007). An even more intriguing example of animal LGT is that of bdelloid rotifers (a microscopic multicellular aquatic animal), the genomes of which show evidence of recent and ancient acquisitions of bacterial, fungal, and plant genes (Gladyshev et al. 2008). Rotifers have a life cycle that can include dessication, and as the dessicated body revives in the presence of water, environmental DNA seems to be integrated into the rotifer’s genome through a combination of membrane damage and DNA repair mechanisms, and then inherited in the absence of sexual recombination. Most of the intact foreign genes code for simple enzymatic functions such as carbohydrate decomposition (rather than multi- component biochemical pathways)... Some plant-parasitic nematodes have acquired bacterial genes that enable the nematodes to modify plant cell walls, thereby damaging the plant but nourishing the nematode (Scholl et al. 2003).
  • 59. 54 Maureen O’Malley Centrality of Biological species and their tree 1957 Molecular phylogen. SSU rRNA (Woese) 1987 1990s on 2004
  • 62. 57 Animal (and plant) evolution Representative Well represented by tree Impact on TOL Mayr Yes Yes - Doolittle No Yes Circumscribe Margulis No No Replace O’Malley No No Multidimensional space Hybrid. studies N/A (yes) Yes Speciation and adaptation mech.
  • 63. 58 Animal (and plant) evolution Representative Well represented by tree Impact on TOL Mayr Yes Yes - Doolittle No Yes Circumscribe Margulis No No Replace O’Malley No No Multidimensional space Hybrid. studies N/A (yes) Yes Speciation and adaptation mech. 58 evolution of multicellular animals and plants can still be well understood as a branching process (albeit with some fuzziness) prokaryotic evolution may be better modeled as a reticulated web. This is because prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) much more readily exchange genes ‘‘across species lines’’, by several genetic mechanisms collectively known as lateral gene transfer (LGT). Since prokaryotes comprise the majority of living things, and since the first two- thirds of Life’s history is exclusively prokaryotic, the TOL is of limited explanatory scope.
  • 64. 59 Animal (and plant) evolution Representative Well represented by tree Impact on TOL Mayr Yes Yes - Doolittle No Yes Circumscribe Margulis No No Replace O’Malley No No Multidimensional space Hybrid. studies N/A (yes) Yes Speciation and adaptation mech. A key residual question from the discussion above is whether evolutionary biology and its philosophy should follow Mayr and split evolution into two types: the processes and outcomes that occur with ‘good’ speciators, and those that occur with ‘bad’ speciators... a continuum perspective is the only remaining option multiple intersecting continua: asexual- sexual, much-less-exchange, uni- multicellular... an approach along these lines would be more informative than a focus on which organisms have evolved in tree-like patterns. A multidimensional approach by no means rejects the importance of such patterns, nor of the processes that gave rise to them, but it sees them as just one possible focus and not always the most valuable one.
  • 65. ?
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