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Chapter presentation for the course
Molecular animal breeding
Evolutionary morph metrics and the evolution
of genetic variance and covariance structure in
Presentation outlines
Evolutionary morph metrics
o Concepts and hypothesis of evolution
o Evidences of evolution
o Morph metrics
o Patterns of natural selection which contribute for different
body forms (morphs)
The evolution of genetic variance and covariance structure in
Evolution morph metrics in Animal
Evolution is a gradual change in a population’s genes and traits over
o With increasing adaptation to the prevailing environment
The first hypothesis of evolution “Lamarckism” (Jean Lamarck,
1) Individual organisms can acquire new traits during their own
lifetimes; they can change their own bodies through effort,
behavior, use (or disuse) of parts, etc.
2) Their offspring will inherit these acquired traits
The classic Lamarckian example: Giraffe evolution: Lamarck
suggested that early giraffes acquired longer necks by
stretching for the most distant leaves. Their offspring
inherited the additional length. They then stretched even
more, and so on…
Charles Darwin, mid-1800’s
During his famous voyage around South
America on the HMS Beagle, Darwin visited the
Galapagos archipelago, a collection of young
volcanic islands off the coast of Ecuador.
Here he collected finches from different
Each island had its own peculiar variety of
What’s more, each finch was well adapted for
feeding on that particular island.
Darwin proposed that these finches shared a
common ancestry, but had “ evolved ” to
become adapted for the particular habitat on
each island.
Darwin observed that no two members of
the same species are perfectly identical.
Each organism is born slightly different
from its parents, from its brothers and
sisters, and from other members of that
This stems from random reshuffling of
genes during sexual reproduction, plus
the occasional mutation
• Consider, for example, a population of medium ground
finches on Daphne Major Island
– During a drought, large-beaked birds were more
likely to crack large seeds and survive
– The finch population evolved by natural selection
Evidence of selection by food source
Conclusions of Charles Darwin theory “Evolution by Natural
1) In any population, more offspring will be produced than will
survive (environment has a fixed & finite “carrying capacity”)
2) Those offspring will compete with one another for survival
and limited resources (escaping predators, finding food and
shelter, etc.)
3) A random variety of traits will appear among those offspring
4) Some traits are more favorable (or “adaptive”) than others
for competing and surviving in a particular environment
(“Survival of the Fittest”)
5) Those offspring which happen to be born with more adaptive
traits will have a better chance of surviving long enough to
reproduce, thereby passing on their adaptive traits
6) In the next generation there will be a higher frequency of
adaptive traits (= Evolution)
Darwin understood that the key to evolution was the passing
of selected TRAITS that enhances the organisms ability to
survive and/or reproduce from one generation to the next
Species alive today descended with modification from species
that lived in the past
All organisms on earth are united into a single family tree of life
by common descent
Findings: evidence to propose a revolutionary
hypothesis about how life changes over time
1. The Fossil Record
Evidence of Evolution
Crocodile Bird Whale Horse Bat Human
Curtis & Barnes Biology
2. Homologous Body Structures:
Darwin argued that structural similarity reflects common
ancestry, while structural differences reflect adaptation for
different functions and lifestyles (“Descent with
3. Similarities in Early Development
Darwin argued that common ancestry was the most reasonable explanation for
developmental similarity.
Only later in development do the structures “diverge” into their various adult forms &
functions, just as traits diverged during the course of evolution.
An old maxim of biology is “Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny,” which means that
developmental sequences retrace evolutionary history. Although not strictly valid, there
is some truth in this: we can often see in embryos and larvae certain traces of their
ancient ancestry …tails & gill slits in us humans, for example!
 Read DNA and amino
acids to find a
quantitative way to
organize evolutionary
4. Molecular markers
Level of evolution
(1) Microevolution
Gradual, short-term adaptation of a species to its environment;
evolution of traits within a single population of interbreeding
(2) Macroevolution
Long-term evolution across entire taxonomic groups (“taxa”
…kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species…),
including the evolution of one taxon into one or more new taxa
(ex) land mammals evolving into whales, lungfish evolving
walking limbs and becoming tetrapods, feathers evolving from
reptile scales, etc.
Studied indirectly via fossil record, comparative
anatomy/embryology, & DNA sequencing
Of course, where Microevolution ends and
Macroevolution begins can be a hazy boundary
The bridge between Micro- and Macroevolution is the
process of Speciation: the evolution of a single species
(= an interbreeding population) into one or more new
Fig 1. Diversity of the Amazonian dennis-ray mimicry ring.
Wallbank RWR, Baxter SW, Pardo-Diaz C, Hanly JJ, Martin SH, et al. (2016) Evolutionary Novelty in a Butterfly Wing Pattern through Enhancer
Shuffling. PLOS Biology 14(1): e1002353.
Three Patterns of Natural Selection
1. Directional Selection: traits gradually evolve in one particular
“direction” …thicker, darker, longer, etc.
(ex) flying fish wings, giraffe necks,
2. Disruptive Selection: leads to a “divergence” of traits, eventually
yielding two different body forms (or “morphs”) within the species
(ex) many plants & animals exhibit Sexual Dimorphism: males &
females bearing different body forms
3. Stabilizing Selection: occurs when a trait is already “optimal” …so in
effect, even though natural selection IS occurring, evolution itself
does NOT!
(ex) hummingbird bills …not too short, not too long
How will the
distribution of
traits look in the
How will the
distribution of
traits look in the
How will the
distribution of
traits look in the
Three Patterns of Natural Selection
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
Range of Traits
One extreme favored, the
other extreme weeded out
Both extremes
weeded out
Both extremes
6/3/2023 20
Morph metrics
It is used to turning shape in to numbers and then testing
the numbers
It is used for evaluating biological shape variation and the
co-variation of shape with other variables
Any quantitative measurement and analysis of
morphological traits
Type of morph metrics
1. Traditional morph metrics: involves summarizing
morphology in terms of length, ratio, angles, that can
be investigated individually (univariate analyses or
several at a time (bivariate and multivariate analyses
2. Geometric morph metrics: Quantitative
representation and analysis of morphological shape
using geometric coordinates instead of measurements
A. Outline based: involves
summarizing the shape of open
and closed curves, typically
without fixed landmarks
B. Landmark based: involves
summarizing shape in terms of a
land mark configuration
(constellation of district
anatomical each described by
2D or 3D Cartesian coordinates;
and is inherently
Evolution of genetic variance-covariance structure in Animal
A preoccupation of many evolutionary biologists is the
prediction of future response to selection and/or the
retrospective estimation of the selection pressure
responsible for contemporary phenotypes.
In trying to reconcile experimental simplicity with the
reality that selection acts on the whole organism, are
generally concerned with multiple traits, each of which
has a polygenic basis and varies continuously
For these suites of traits, the past and future evolution
can be explored using the multivariate extension of the
breeders equation
Response to selection (the vector Δz) depends on the
strength and direction of selection ( the vector Gβ ), and
the matrix of additive genetic variance and covariance,
The contribution of G to evolution is non-trivial,
influencing not just the response of traits directly under
selection, but also the rate and direction of evolution in
traits that genetically covary with selected traits
Typically, breeders are interested in response to selection in
the short term.
In contrast, evolutionary biologists are frequently interested
in long-term responses.
The utility of the breeders’ equation in evolutionary biology
depends on β and G remaining relatively stable over the
time frame of interest.
Gain and loss of traits through evolutionary time is
sufficient to demonstrate that G changes.
However, we know very little about how G evolves, which
makes is difficult to predict when G will evolve, and thus
when we can or cannot assume constancy and employ
breeder Equation in the analysis of evolution.
The G-matrix evolves through processes that alter allele
frequencies: mutation, migration, selection, and drift
Conditions under which G might remain relatively
constant have been predicted both from theory and
computer simulations, but we do not know how often
these conditions are met in natural populations.
Empirically, the data suggests G might remain relatively
stable over the short term, but does not always do so
Overall there is little support for researchers assuming a
stable G in their system.
Thus, understanding the evolution of G remains an
outstanding issue in quantitative genetics.
Quantitative geneticists will continue addressing these
issues by conducting computer simulations of evolution
and by estimating G from populations under a range of
G summarizes large amounts of information about the
physical genetic and developmental bases of traits.
G is estimated from observations on the phenotypic
similarity among relatives, and we have historically been
unable to directly observe what underlies G.
What makes G?
In many ways, the G-matrix can be thought of as a nexus
connecting genetic information with evolutionary processes
o On one hand, the structure of G is determined by the
functional and developmental interactions that generate
pleiotropy and by the genomic features that characterize
linkage relationships among loci
o On the other, G determines the rate and direction of the
response to selection, as well as the pattern of divergence
among populations
G is a statistical abstraction stuck between these levels, seeking
to sufficiently summarize the molecular details at one end so
that it can serve as an adequate predictor of evolutionary
response at the other
The most important step toward understanding what G
summarizes at the genetic level is to take a very general
view of allelic effects at a given locus
o First, imagine that a large set of alleles at a single
locus might generate a continuous distribution of
effects on a given trait.
o Next, note that each allele can also affect more
than one trait (pleiotropy), such that different
alleles at a locus will have different levels of direct
and pleiotropic effects on the suite of traits under
The pattern of association of alleles both within and
between loci will generate the pattern of
genetic variance and covariance for the traits
Considering system with only two traits, three possible sets
of allelic association that need to be considered.
1. There are associations among the effects of alleles
segregating at a single locus
Each allele at locus i can have a particular influence on each
of the two traits, so we will collect their effects together in a
single matrix, Cii:
where 𝛔2
i1 is the usual per-locus additive allelic or genic variance
affecting trait 1 and 𝛔i1i2 is the additive covariance between traits 1
and 2 contributed by pleiotropic effects of alleles at locus i
𝛔i1i2 will be generated when alleles at a given locus tend to affect
more than one trait, either directly (e.g., a transcription factor
turning on a similar set of genes within two different tissues) or
indirectly (e.g., a gene that affects metabolic efficiency influencing
both growth rate and egg production)
Cii give the single-locus-affecting-multiple-traits perspective that is
the hallmark of pleiotropy and that is frequently the focus of most
functional interpretations of genetic covariance structure
2. There can be an association between alleles at different
loci within the same gamete, summarized by Cij:
Each of the terms in this matrix is a covariance of effects
across loci within a gamete (i.e. cis acting effects) and are the
associations that we would expect to be primarily generated
by physical linkage along a chromosome.
Big picture: linkage between loci (or between genetic
elements within genes) contribute to genetic correlations
because these linked effects tend to be inherited together.
As one breaks down the elements of a gene (say a the per
nucleotide level), the distinction between linkage and pleiotropy
becomes somewhat arbitrary.
3. The effects from alleles of loci located on different
gametes (i.e., trans acting effects) can be correlated
with one another, as in C´ij:
C´ij : correlations across gametes (contributed separately by
a mother and father) can contribute to a genetic correlation
if the effects of assortative mating can overcome the natural
tendency for independent segregation among gametes.
If the loci have a tendency to be inherited together, say by
assortative mating, then they can indeed influence the
correlation across seemingly unrelated traits.
Terms in this matrix are therefore especially important in
models of sexual selection that depend on a build-up of
genetic covariance between traits like male display and
female preference.
In most quantitative genetic models, except those explicitly
concerned with sexual selection, these effects are usually
assumed to be negligible
Here Gpp is the additive genetic variance for trait p
Gpq is the additive genetic covariance between traits p and q.
o This breaks the composition of the G-matrix into three separate
(and fairly comprehensible) pieces.
o In each case, the first term refers to the pleiotropic effects of
each locus, the second term refers to the variance or
covariance generated by linkage disequilibrium, and the third
term refers to the covariance among alleles that can be
generated by non-random (or assortative) mating.
Writing the elements of G, say for traits p and q, after separating
the terms from above Equation:
G-matrices thus represent covariances of covariances.
Pleiotropic effects of alleles at a single locus, linkage of
alleles with similar effects at multiple loci, and associations
of alleles across gametes generated by non-random mating
can all generate covariance in genic effects, which in turn
generate the genetic covariances observed in G.
The genetic covariances therefore average over many
individual genic effects, which can even potentially cancel each
Ultimately, it is the genic effects themselves that harbor the
interesting information regarding the functional basis for the
genetic coupling between traits, but it is the overall genetic
effects that we can observe in the resemblance between
Evolution of G
Although the pattern of genetic covariation among traits
can play an important role in the evolutionary response of
those traits
From a theoretical perspective, we can consider both how
deterministic processes, such as selection and mutation,
and stochastic processes, such as drift, change G.
1. Selection (Υ-ββT)
Directional selection (β) alone is expected to cause an
erosion of genetic variation, but the pattern of
corelational selection (Υ) can potentially mold the pattern
of genetic covariation.
The term (Υ-ββT) is actually the curvature of the adaptive
landscape, so one interesting prediction from this model
is that G should evolve to match the orientation of the
adaptive landscape
However, the actual pattern of G will depend on the
balance of selection with other evolutionary forces.
2. Mutation and recombination
The potential importance of mutation and recombination
in the evolution of G remain relatively unexplored. The
influence of recombination is usually ignored because
selection ordinarily needs to be fairly strong in order to
overcome the ability of even small amounts of
recombination to eliminate linkage disequilibrium.
Intermittent admixture of isolated populations can
generate substantial amounts of linkage disequilibrium,
however, as will strong assortative mating among similar
The relative importance of linkage disequilibrium will
ultimately depend on the genomic organization of genes
influencing suites of correlated traits.
Traditional population genetic models have tended to treat loci
as being equivalent to distinct genes, which are usually
assumed to be loosely linked.
Emerging insights into molecular genetics may require changes
in these assumptions.
For instance, if one treats the regulatory regions of genes
separately from their translational products, then these parts
of a “gene” need to be treated as two distinct, tightly linked
In more explicit models of developmental regulation,
considering the influence of tight linkage between separate
factors will become more important.
3. Genetic drift
Stochastic variation in gametic frequencies generated
by genetic drift will influence both the the evolution of
the G-matrix itself and the direction of phenotypic
evolution, which is mediated by G.
Drift can change G both through sampling alleles with
differing pleiotropic effects and through a build-up (or
change in the pattern) of linkage disequilibrium .
The former effects might be expected to be more
persistent than the latter, although linkage can
potentially decay fairly slowly
Within a population, drift is expected to influence all
genetic variances and covariances similarly; they
should decline at a rate of (1 – 1/2Ne) per generation
If mutation restores some of this variation every
generation, then we would expect the long-term
mutation-drift equilibrium for G to be 2NeM
Thus, we expect both the short-term and long-term
effects of drift to lead to proportional changes in G
As we discuss below, however, there can be
tremendous sampling variation around this
expectation, such that for any given population the
orientaion of the G-matrix can change substantially
due to drift, especially over extended periods of time
When populations diverge through drift, it is
predicted that the orientation of population means
will match the orientation of G
This is the same expectation as for the correlated
response to selection on a set of traits which
unfortunately means the observation that divergence
is aligned with the major direction of genetic
covariation cannot be used to distinguish whether
drift and selection has been responsible for the
divergence among populations
Evolution of the G matrix
Shows how different evolutionary forces influence the
evolution of the genetic variance-covariance (G) matrix
The first term describes the influence of natural selection,
where ϒ is the average curvature and orientation of the
individual selection surface and β is the average slope of
the individual selection surface
Taken together, these two elements describe the local
curvature and orientation of the adaptive landscape
The response to selection is generated through a
balance between the tendency of directional
selection to erode genetic variation and the ability of
stabilizing and correlational selection to reorient the
pattern of among-trait correlation.
In this term, the influence of selection is reflected
back on change in G through the lens of the existing
pattern of genetic covariance.
The second term describes the role that new
mutations play in structuring G.
This is summarized by the mutational covariance
matrix M, where M = ΣiMi is the sum of the
mutational covariances generated by the pattern of
pleiotropic mutation at each locus.
Finally, the third term describes the rate of
degradation of linkage-induced genetic covariance
generated by recombination, where rij is the
recombination rate between loci i and j (rii = 0).
Approaches to determining how G evolves
1. Manipulative laboratory experiments: studies
can be used to generate predictions about
which evolutionary process generate what
patterns in G
2. comparative field experiments: studies of
natural populations can identify what
patterns (and therefore processes) occur in
the wild.
Thank you!

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  • 1. Chapter presentation for the course Molecular animal breeding
  • 2. Evolutionary morph metrics and the evolution of genetic variance and covariance structure in Animal Presentation outlines Evolutionary morph metrics o Concepts and hypothesis of evolution o Evidences of evolution o Morph metrics o Patterns of natural selection which contribute for different body forms (morphs) The evolution of genetic variance and covariance structure in Animal
  • 3. Evolution morph metrics in Animal Evolution is a gradual change in a population’s genes and traits over time o With increasing adaptation to the prevailing environment The first hypothesis of evolution “Lamarckism” (Jean Lamarck, 1809) 1) Individual organisms can acquire new traits during their own lifetimes; they can change their own bodies through effort, behavior, use (or disuse) of parts, etc. 2) Their offspring will inherit these acquired traits
  • 4. The classic Lamarckian example: Giraffe evolution: Lamarck suggested that early giraffes acquired longer necks by stretching for the most distant leaves. Their offspring inherited the additional length. They then stretched even more, and so on…
  • 5. Charles Darwin, mid-1800’s During his famous voyage around South America on the HMS Beagle, Darwin visited the Galapagos archipelago, a collection of young volcanic islands off the coast of Ecuador. Here he collected finches from different islands. Each island had its own peculiar variety of finch. What’s more, each finch was well adapted for feeding on that particular island. Darwin proposed that these finches shared a common ancestry, but had “ evolved ” to become adapted for the particular habitat on each island.
  • 6. Darwin observed that no two members of the same species are perfectly identical. Each organism is born slightly different from its parents, from its brothers and sisters, and from other members of that species. This stems from random reshuffling of genes during sexual reproduction, plus the occasional mutation
  • 7. • Consider, for example, a population of medium ground finches on Daphne Major Island – During a drought, large-beaked birds were more likely to crack large seeds and survive – The finch population evolved by natural selection Evidence of selection by food source
  • 8. Conclusions of Charles Darwin theory “Evolution by Natural Selection” 1) In any population, more offspring will be produced than will survive (environment has a fixed & finite “carrying capacity”) 2) Those offspring will compete with one another for survival and limited resources (escaping predators, finding food and shelter, etc.) 3) A random variety of traits will appear among those offspring 4) Some traits are more favorable (or “adaptive”) than others for competing and surviving in a particular environment (“Survival of the Fittest”) 5) Those offspring which happen to be born with more adaptive traits will have a better chance of surviving long enough to reproduce, thereby passing on their adaptive traits 6) In the next generation there will be a higher frequency of adaptive traits (= Evolution)
  • 9. Darwin understood that the key to evolution was the passing of selected TRAITS that enhances the organisms ability to survive and/or reproduce from one generation to the next Species alive today descended with modification from species that lived in the past All organisms on earth are united into a single family tree of life by common descent Findings: evidence to propose a revolutionary hypothesis about how life changes over time
  • 10. 1. The Fossil Record Evidence of Evolution
  • 11. Crocodile Bird Whale Horse Bat Human Curtis & Barnes Biology 2. Homologous Body Structures: Darwin argued that structural similarity reflects common ancestry, while structural differences reflect adaptation for different functions and lifestyles (“Descent with Modification)
  • 12. 3. Similarities in Early Development Darwin argued that common ancestry was the most reasonable explanation for developmental similarity. Only later in development do the structures “diverge” into their various adult forms & functions, just as traits diverged during the course of evolution. An old maxim of biology is “Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny,” which means that developmental sequences retrace evolutionary history. Although not strictly valid, there is some truth in this: we can often see in embryos and larvae certain traces of their ancient ancestry …tails & gill slits in us humans, for example!
  • 13.  Read DNA and amino acids to find a quantitative way to organize evolutionary ancestor 4. Molecular markers
  • 14. Level of evolution (1) Microevolution Gradual, short-term adaptation of a species to its environment; evolution of traits within a single population of interbreeding individuals (2) Macroevolution Long-term evolution across entire taxonomic groups (“taxa” …kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species…), including the evolution of one taxon into one or more new taxa (ex) land mammals evolving into whales, lungfish evolving walking limbs and becoming tetrapods, feathers evolving from reptile scales, etc. Studied indirectly via fossil record, comparative anatomy/embryology, & DNA sequencing
  • 15. Of course, where Microevolution ends and Macroevolution begins can be a hazy boundary The bridge between Micro- and Macroevolution is the process of Speciation: the evolution of a single species (= an interbreeding population) into one or more new species
  • 16.
  • 17. Fig 1. Diversity of the Amazonian dennis-ray mimicry ring. Wallbank RWR, Baxter SW, Pardo-Diaz C, Hanly JJ, Martin SH, et al. (2016) Evolutionary Novelty in a Butterfly Wing Pattern through Enhancer Shuffling. PLOS Biology 14(1): e1002353.
  • 18. Three Patterns of Natural Selection 1. Directional Selection: traits gradually evolve in one particular “direction” …thicker, darker, longer, etc. (ex) flying fish wings, giraffe necks, 2. Disruptive Selection: leads to a “divergence” of traits, eventually yielding two different body forms (or “morphs”) within the species (ex) many plants & animals exhibit Sexual Dimorphism: males & females bearing different body forms 3. Stabilizing Selection: occurs when a trait is already “optimal” …so in effect, even though natural selection IS occurring, evolution itself does NOT! (ex) hummingbird bills …not too short, not too long
  • 19. How will the distribution of traits look in the future? How will the distribution of traits look in the future? How will the distribution of traits look in the future? Three Patterns of Natural Selection Range of Traits Frequency Frequency Range of Traits Frequency Range of Traits Range of Traits Frequency Range of Traits Frequency Frequency Range of Traits Range of Traits Survival Odds Range of Traits Survival Odds Range of Traits Survival Odds Directional One extreme favored, the other extreme weeded out Stabilizing Both extremes weeded out Disruptive Both extremes favored
  • 21. Morph metrics It is used to turning shape in to numbers and then testing the numbers It is used for evaluating biological shape variation and the co-variation of shape with other variables Any quantitative measurement and analysis of morphological traits
  • 22. Type of morph metrics 1. Traditional morph metrics: involves summarizing morphology in terms of length, ratio, angles, that can be investigated individually (univariate analyses or several at a time (bivariate and multivariate analyses
  • 23. 2. Geometric morph metrics: Quantitative representation and analysis of morphological shape using geometric coordinates instead of measurements A. Outline based: involves summarizing the shape of open and closed curves, typically without fixed landmarks B. Landmark based: involves summarizing shape in terms of a land mark configuration (constellation of district anatomical each described by 2D or 3D Cartesian coordinates; and is inherently multidimensional)
  • 24. Evolution of genetic variance-covariance structure in Animal A preoccupation of many evolutionary biologists is the prediction of future response to selection and/or the retrospective estimation of the selection pressure responsible for contemporary phenotypes. In trying to reconcile experimental simplicity with the reality that selection acts on the whole organism, are generally concerned with multiple traits, each of which has a polygenic basis and varies continuously
  • 25. For these suites of traits, the past and future evolution can be explored using the multivariate extension of the breeders equation Δz=Gβ Response to selection (the vector Δz) depends on the strength and direction of selection ( the vector Gβ ), and the matrix of additive genetic variance and covariance, G The contribution of G to evolution is non-trivial, influencing not just the response of traits directly under selection, but also the rate and direction of evolution in traits that genetically covary with selected traits
  • 26. Typically, breeders are interested in response to selection in the short term. In contrast, evolutionary biologists are frequently interested in long-term responses. The utility of the breeders’ equation in evolutionary biology depends on β and G remaining relatively stable over the time frame of interest. Gain and loss of traits through evolutionary time is sufficient to demonstrate that G changes. However, we know very little about how G evolves, which makes is difficult to predict when G will evolve, and thus when we can or cannot assume constancy and employ breeder Equation in the analysis of evolution.
  • 27. The G-matrix evolves through processes that alter allele frequencies: mutation, migration, selection, and drift Conditions under which G might remain relatively constant have been predicted both from theory and computer simulations, but we do not know how often these conditions are met in natural populations. Empirically, the data suggests G might remain relatively stable over the short term, but does not always do so Overall there is little support for researchers assuming a stable G in their system. Thus, understanding the evolution of G remains an outstanding issue in quantitative genetics.
  • 28. Quantitative geneticists will continue addressing these issues by conducting computer simulations of evolution and by estimating G from populations under a range of conditions. G summarizes large amounts of information about the physical genetic and developmental bases of traits. G is estimated from observations on the phenotypic similarity among relatives, and we have historically been unable to directly observe what underlies G.
  • 29. What makes G? In many ways, the G-matrix can be thought of as a nexus connecting genetic information with evolutionary processes o On one hand, the structure of G is determined by the functional and developmental interactions that generate pleiotropy and by the genomic features that characterize linkage relationships among loci o On the other, G determines the rate and direction of the response to selection, as well as the pattern of divergence among populations G is a statistical abstraction stuck between these levels, seeking to sufficiently summarize the molecular details at one end so that it can serve as an adequate predictor of evolutionary response at the other
  • 30. The most important step toward understanding what G summarizes at the genetic level is to take a very general view of allelic effects at a given locus o First, imagine that a large set of alleles at a single locus might generate a continuous distribution of effects on a given trait. o Next, note that each allele can also affect more than one trait (pleiotropy), such that different alleles at a locus will have different levels of direct and pleiotropic effects on the suite of traits under study.
  • 31. The pattern of association of alleles both within and between loci will generate the pattern of genetic variance and covariance for the traits Considering system with only two traits, three possible sets of allelic association that need to be considered. 1. There are associations among the effects of alleles segregating at a single locus Each allele at locus i can have a particular influence on each of the two traits, so we will collect their effects together in a single matrix, Cii:
  • 32. where 𝛔2 i1 is the usual per-locus additive allelic or genic variance affecting trait 1 and 𝛔i1i2 is the additive covariance between traits 1 and 2 contributed by pleiotropic effects of alleles at locus i 𝛔i1i2 will be generated when alleles at a given locus tend to affect more than one trait, either directly (e.g., a transcription factor turning on a similar set of genes within two different tissues) or indirectly (e.g., a gene that affects metabolic efficiency influencing both growth rate and egg production) Cii give the single-locus-affecting-multiple-traits perspective that is the hallmark of pleiotropy and that is frequently the focus of most functional interpretations of genetic covariance structure
  • 33. 2. There can be an association between alleles at different loci within the same gamete, summarized by Cij: Each of the terms in this matrix is a covariance of effects across loci within a gamete (i.e. cis acting effects) and are the associations that we would expect to be primarily generated by physical linkage along a chromosome. Big picture: linkage between loci (or between genetic elements within genes) contribute to genetic correlations because these linked effects tend to be inherited together. As one breaks down the elements of a gene (say a the per nucleotide level), the distinction between linkage and pleiotropy becomes somewhat arbitrary.
  • 34. 3. The effects from alleles of loci located on different gametes (i.e., trans acting effects) can be correlated with one another, as in C´ij: C´ij : correlations across gametes (contributed separately by a mother and father) can contribute to a genetic correlation if the effects of assortative mating can overcome the natural tendency for independent segregation among gametes.
  • 35. If the loci have a tendency to be inherited together, say by assortative mating, then they can indeed influence the correlation across seemingly unrelated traits. Terms in this matrix are therefore especially important in models of sexual selection that depend on a build-up of genetic covariance between traits like male display and female preference. In most quantitative genetic models, except those explicitly concerned with sexual selection, these effects are usually assumed to be negligible
  • 36. Here Gpp is the additive genetic variance for trait p Gpq is the additive genetic covariance between traits p and q. o This breaks the composition of the G-matrix into three separate (and fairly comprehensible) pieces. o In each case, the first term refers to the pleiotropic effects of each locus, the second term refers to the variance or covariance generated by linkage disequilibrium, and the third term refers to the covariance among alleles that can be generated by non-random (or assortative) mating. Writing the elements of G, say for traits p and q, after separating the terms from above Equation:
  • 37. G-matrices thus represent covariances of covariances. Pleiotropic effects of alleles at a single locus, linkage of alleles with similar effects at multiple loci, and associations of alleles across gametes generated by non-random mating can all generate covariance in genic effects, which in turn generate the genetic covariances observed in G. The genetic covariances therefore average over many individual genic effects, which can even potentially cancel each other Ultimately, it is the genic effects themselves that harbor the interesting information regarding the functional basis for the genetic coupling between traits, but it is the overall genetic effects that we can observe in the resemblance between relatives.
  • 38. Evolution of G Although the pattern of genetic covariation among traits can play an important role in the evolutionary response of those traits From a theoretical perspective, we can consider both how deterministic processes, such as selection and mutation, and stochastic processes, such as drift, change G.
  • 39. 1. Selection (Υ-ββT) Directional selection (β) alone is expected to cause an erosion of genetic variation, but the pattern of corelational selection (Υ) can potentially mold the pattern of genetic covariation. The term (Υ-ββT) is actually the curvature of the adaptive landscape, so one interesting prediction from this model is that G should evolve to match the orientation of the adaptive landscape However, the actual pattern of G will depend on the balance of selection with other evolutionary forces.
  • 40. 2. Mutation and recombination The potential importance of mutation and recombination in the evolution of G remain relatively unexplored. The influence of recombination is usually ignored because selection ordinarily needs to be fairly strong in order to overcome the ability of even small amounts of recombination to eliminate linkage disequilibrium. Intermittent admixture of isolated populations can generate substantial amounts of linkage disequilibrium, however, as will strong assortative mating among similar genotypes.
  • 41. The relative importance of linkage disequilibrium will ultimately depend on the genomic organization of genes influencing suites of correlated traits. Traditional population genetic models have tended to treat loci as being equivalent to distinct genes, which are usually assumed to be loosely linked. Emerging insights into molecular genetics may require changes in these assumptions. For instance, if one treats the regulatory regions of genes separately from their translational products, then these parts of a “gene” need to be treated as two distinct, tightly linked loci. In more explicit models of developmental regulation, considering the influence of tight linkage between separate factors will become more important.
  • 42. 3. Genetic drift Stochastic variation in gametic frequencies generated by genetic drift will influence both the the evolution of the G-matrix itself and the direction of phenotypic evolution, which is mediated by G. Drift can change G both through sampling alleles with differing pleiotropic effects and through a build-up (or change in the pattern) of linkage disequilibrium . The former effects might be expected to be more persistent than the latter, although linkage can potentially decay fairly slowly
  • 43. Within a population, drift is expected to influence all genetic variances and covariances similarly; they should decline at a rate of (1 – 1/2Ne) per generation If mutation restores some of this variation every generation, then we would expect the long-term mutation-drift equilibrium for G to be 2NeM Thus, we expect both the short-term and long-term effects of drift to lead to proportional changes in G As we discuss below, however, there can be tremendous sampling variation around this expectation, such that for any given population the orientaion of the G-matrix can change substantially due to drift, especially over extended periods of time
  • 44. When populations diverge through drift, it is predicted that the orientation of population means will match the orientation of G This is the same expectation as for the correlated response to selection on a set of traits which unfortunately means the observation that divergence is aligned with the major direction of genetic covariation cannot be used to distinguish whether drift and selection has been responsible for the divergence among populations
  • 45. Evolution of the G matrix Shows how different evolutionary forces influence the evolution of the genetic variance-covariance (G) matrix The first term describes the influence of natural selection, where ϒ is the average curvature and orientation of the individual selection surface and β is the average slope of the individual selection surface Taken together, these two elements describe the local curvature and orientation of the adaptive landscape
  • 46. The response to selection is generated through a balance between the tendency of directional selection to erode genetic variation and the ability of stabilizing and correlational selection to reorient the pattern of among-trait correlation. In this term, the influence of selection is reflected back on change in G through the lens of the existing pattern of genetic covariance. The second term describes the role that new mutations play in structuring G. This is summarized by the mutational covariance matrix M, where M = ΣiMi is the sum of the mutational covariances generated by the pattern of pleiotropic mutation at each locus.
  • 47. Finally, the third term describes the rate of degradation of linkage-induced genetic covariance generated by recombination, where rij is the recombination rate between loci i and j (rii = 0).
  • 48. Approaches to determining how G evolves 1. Manipulative laboratory experiments: studies can be used to generate predictions about which evolutionary process generate what patterns in G 2. comparative field experiments: studies of natural populations can identify what patterns (and therefore processes) occur in the wild.
  • 49.

Editor's Notes

  1. G: the pattern of phenotypic change generated by a wide variety of evolutionary processes a metaphor for the role integrated genetic systems play in understanding the evolution of the whole organism.
  2. Linkage: The tendency for genes or segments of DNA closely positioned along a chromosome to segregate together at meiosis, and therefore be inherited together.