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Ethics Beyond the Plate
Bali Vegan Festival: 9 October, 2016
My Background
Content Creation & Social Media since 2009
NOW Appraisals, Consulting & Training for
Events, Businesses & Corporate
Give lectures, workshops, consultations and
coaching on the following topics:
Online Marketing & Social Media
Online Etiquette & Effective Communication
Tech Tips & Online Security
Writing and Releasing your own Book or eBook
Vegan Health & Lifestyle
Staging Effective Events & Engaging Volunteers
Published Author, International Speaker & Consultant
My Vegan Journey
Went Vegetarian in 1994
Dairy and Egg industries…
Vegan for 20 years in January
Viva la Vegan! website
started in 2005 to promote
recipe calendars
10 years or Blogs, Articles,
Podcasts, Videos,
Interviews, Recipes, How-to
Videos, FAQs, Talks etc
Been giving talks on the
vegan lifestyle for over 10yrs
Books & eBooks
NEW Vegan Athletes Book
Many other eBooks
Core Ethics
Most of the top internet searches online focus on health and diet
Mainstream media focuses predominately on health, diet,
weight loss, and food terms e.g. raw vegan
Mainstream media focus on middle-class, mostly white and thin
Stock image
The Past 20 years
Many changes
Not many vegan options
Had to “give up” things
Scarcity mentality
Knew what a “vegan” was
Vegan, Vegan, Everywhere
SO EASY to go - and stay - vegan
Mainstream Media
Past 4-5 years
Using the term “vegan”
Mostly on eating - or not
eating - certain foods
Weight loss & Control
Allergens e.g. gluten-
free, egg-free, dairy-free
Food Terms e. g. raw till
4, HCLF, paleo
Some Ideas Beyond Food
Food-related aspects are only ONE part of being
The term “plant-based” should be used
Words and Meanings change over time
More in common with meat eaters who are
interested in Social Justice, than with vegans
who simply want to lose weight
What IS a Vegan?
Vegans choose to not consume any:
Animal Flesh - including sea creatures
Animal Secretions - dairy, bile, hormones
Animal Products - eggs, honey, fat, blood, casein
Animal By-Products - gelatine, isinglass, rennet
But, it’s NOT just a diet
What IS a Vegan?
The word "vegan" was coined in 1944 by Donald
Watson of the Vegan Society of the UK.
This definition states:
Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude,
as far as possible and practicable, all forms of
exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food,
clothing and any other purpose.
What IS a Vegan?
Non-Dietary areas
Vegans choose NOT to use:
Animals for Clothing - wool, silk, leather
Animal products for Cosmetics or Household Goods -
lanolin, beeswax, glycerine, tallow
Animals for Testing - experiments, research, defence
Animals for Entertainment - zoos, circuses, aquariums,
What IS a Vegan?
Set of ethical guidelines
Commitment to ethics
Why Vegan?
MANY reasons to go - and stay - vegan
Animal Rights & Ethics
Health, Fitness & Diet
Environment & Land Rights
Human & Labour Rights
Social Justice issues
Why I’m Vegan
Veganism encompassed everything I believe in:
Why I’m Vegan
I went vegan primarily for animal rights
Have also been involved in feminist, and
environmental movements
Now I’m interested in how ALL Social Justice issues
relate/intersect with Veganism
MY way of leading by example to promote peace, love
and compassion
I enjoy bringing this message to others
Veganism is a great way of…
Putting compassion into action
Living in line with your beliefs
Leading by example
Showing others how you want our world to be
SO Many Reasons
Always be open to learning other reasons
May change your reasons
Hopefully you can add many more great reasons
why veganism is important
Vegans do NOT partake in…
The Use
The Abuse
The Exploitation
of non-human animals for ANY reason
More focus needs to be on things beyond what
we do - or don’t - eat
Just One Step
To me, veganism is just one step
An awesome and important one
But still just one step
Source: Suranjan Mukherjee, National Geographic
Get Involved & Share Info
Great work by many vegan, and animal rights
groups, organisations, and NFPs
Use their content and information to share
e.g. undercover investigations, fact sheets,
studies, recipes, interviews, videos, rescue
stories etc
Some New Ideas
Some ideas I’d like you to think about
Do your OWN research
Think about how we can:
Learn More
Do Better
Become better examples of compassion in action
What IS Intersectionality?
Linking ALL Social
Justice movements
to each other
Working together to
make changes
Examples intersectionality addresses include: racism,
sexism, speciesism, homophobia, ableism, classism, ageism
The vegan diet CAN be healthy
Focus on the 4 staples:
Whole grains
Fruits & Vegetables
Nuts & Seeds
Beans, Legumes & Pulses
A lot of not-so-healthy vegan foods
A lot of restrictive/controlling eating under the guise of healthy eating
SO many vegan diets e.g. high-carb low-fat, oil-free, gluten-free, sugar-free,
paleo vegan, low-carb, raw, beegan, whole foods, low-fat raw (80/10/10),
raw till 4
Health - Some Questions
Should veganism still be promoted as a healthy diet?
Should veganism be promoted as a cure-all?
What can we do to encourage others to be flexible and
open to all types of healthful vegan foods?
What more can we do to encourage long-term
commitment to the vegan lifestyle?
How can we show the different types of vegans that
Environmental Impacts
of Animal Products
Inefficient as a food source
Massive scale of the industry - 10s of billions of animals killed each year
Land clearing & Degradation
Green House Gases (GHG) - including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous
GHG emissions range 20%-50%
Many official measures of GHG emissions from livestock are under-reported
READ: Paul Mahony’s articles on these issues online
A Vegan DIET doesn’t contribute to any of the above
The Environment -
Some Questions
Where does your Food come from?
What are the growing, producing & packaging processes?
How far have your favourite packaged vegan foods
What are the Food Miles?
What about Food Scarcity & Food Security?
Do you support in-season, non-GMO, organic and locally-
grown produce?
Humans are animals TOO
Unskilled and undocumented workers work in
abattoirs in horrific conditions with bad pay
Vegans are NOT supporting this
People - Some Questions
Think about your vegan clothing, vegan shoes,
favourite brands.
What are the ethics & conditions involved in the
manufacturing processes?
Do you know how your favourite products are
Do the people who make these items get paid a fair
What About?
Human Rights?
Reproductive Rights?
People & Feminism
Feminists are against the objectification &
commodification of their bodies
Feminists are against their bodies being seen as a
Do you think defending ONE type of female body
while using & abusing another is okay?
Do you think different types of bodies and people
should be used to promote veganism?
People & Violence
Domestic Violence is a BIG issue
Harming of non-human animals when younger
is seen as something that can lead to harming of
people when unchecked
Should we dismiss certain types of behaviour
just because of someone’s age, sex, position in
society, or class?
Most of us have privileges we can never really understand or
appreciate - unless they are taken away
It’s important to be mindful of others
It’s important to exercise compassion
It’s easy to be judgemental - it’s important NOT to be
We may think we have all the answers and solutions for others,
but we DON’T
We all have choices, Some people have much better choices than others.
Is Everyone Able to…
Access spaces, events?
Access transportation to events?
Afford to attend meetups, restaurants, events?
Be Comfortable in a space, and around one another?
Get through their day? (Some need treatments & drugs)
Understand what is being communicated?
Privilege - Keep in Mind…
Some people can’t choose to NOT eat particular foods
Some people can’t afford do buy new vegan clothes or vegan shoes
Some people can’t access transportation to support vegan restaurants
Some people can’t afford to attend vegan events
Some people aren’t mentally or physically able to attend protests or demos
Some people don’t feel comfortable amongst another sex
Some people feel they don’t belong - as there’s no one who looks like them
in the movement
Some people don’t feel their opinion is valid enough to share it
Black Vegans
Not props in
discussions/debates or
No need to use and
commodify a group of
people to further the
vegan/Animal Rights
Illustration by Steffany Brown
The Dreaded Comparison
“The Dreaded Comparison: Human
and Animal Slavery” by Marjorie
“Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of
Animals and the Holocaust” by
Charles Patterson
Good examples of the connection of
slavery, and human supremacy AND
uses language respectfully
Be a Good Ally Against
Racism & Speciesism
by Justin Van Kleeck,
Why is it Racist?
“Material designed to provoke a white audience is also liable to
alienate a Black audience. By using slavery as a tool to promote vegan
values, vegan activists make clear that vegan spaces are frequently
racist spaces. As is often the case in predominantly white spaces
where racism goes unchecked, there is little room for people of colour.
This marginalisation results in the perception that veganism is a
movement by and for white people, which certainly isn’t the case.”
- Claire L. Heuchan (@ClaireShrugged)
Article: “Veganism has a serious race problem”,
Why is it Racist?
“Imagery of chattel slavery is popular amongst white vegan communities. The relegation of black
people as less than human was at the core of the ideologies that justified that system of enslavement.
Because of this, many black people are understandably triggered and offended by white people’s casual
use of this imagery and arguments that continue to compare our ancestors with nonhuman creatures.
White vegans often argue that our desire to separate ourselves from nonhuman animals is a “speciesist”
argument. What these people fail to recognize is that black people are still fighting to be recognized as
fully our own species. As equally human. What does it mean when these white vegans argue against
our demand to be viewed and represented as fully human, rather than as props in their version of
nonhuman liberation?
The problem with this imagery is not only that it compares our ancestors to nonhuman animals, but that
it erases our contemporary experiences where the effects of such comparisons continue to justify our
oppression in this country…
We are still being dehumanized by the systems that oppressed our ancestors, yet white vegans find no
problem stealing imagery that is deeply personal and traumatizing to us in order to, yet again, compare
us with nonhuman animals for their art and causes.”
- Steffany Brown, Op-Ed on
Websites to Check Out:
Food Empowerment Project:
Sistah Vegan Project:
Always Be Learning
Our way is NOT the only way
Learn from other movements
LGBTQI movement is a great example of including
and welcoming allies
Social Justice - Questions
How can we participate in other Social Justice
movements and support their causes?
How can we encourage others to support our
movement - whether or not they are vegan?
How can we promote veganism in the most
inclusive way
Planting Seeds
At best vegans are 1-2% of the population - this
figure hasn’t changed for 20 years
Find out other people’s passions & motivations
See how you can plant the seeds of change
Why people Stay Vegan
Animal Welfare is the most effective way to get
people to eat less meat
Health reasons are the second best
READ: Nick Cooney’s books “How to be Great at
Doing Good,” “Veganomics” & “Change of Heart”
SUBSCRIBE: - informing on
advocacy strategies through actionable research on
their effectiveness
Make Some Changes
Vegans don’t ONLY care about non-human
Let’s ACT like it
Learn more about each other and the world
around us
ALL systems of oppression need to be changed
There’s only 24 hours in a day
There’s SO much information
There’s SO much to learn
Only limited time
Start with what resonates the most for you
What are you most passionate about?
What are you best at communicating?
Start here
Always aim to Listen & Learn More
Focus on More Good, Less Harm
Be Nice, Be Kind
You can still disagree with someone without using
negative words, names, judgement
Remember - wrongly or rightly - that you maybe
the ONLY vegan someone comes into contact with
What you do and how you do it reflects the whole
movement - so ACT like it!
Top 10 Tips for Online Etiquette
Be Mindful
What language do you use when promoting veganism?
Positive/Negative? Encouraging/Discouraging?
Empathetic/Judgemental? Preaching/Teaching?
Do you use racist language when you talk about other
countries and cultures? E.g. Japan and dolphins/whales,
China and dog meat? The Middle East and live export
Do you use trigger words that might truly upset someone?
Words such as slave, rape, concentration camps
Do you give unsolicited health advice/tell terminally ill or
disabled people that they will be “cured” if they go vegan?
Some Advice
Do your own research
Investigate and Read more
Focus on finding out what connects us to each
other - not on the things we disagree on
Lead by example, and be consistent
Be the best version of yourself
Small Steps
Once you learn something, it can’t be unlearned
- maybe ignored, and maybe for some time
Small steps still get to the same destination
What works for you might not for others
We are all made up of the same things, but we
are not all the same
And Another Thing…
Focus on Encouragement - instead of Judgement
Focus on Education & Planting Seeds - instead of
Preaching & trying to Convert
Always remember Kindness
Always remember Compassion
Be the Best Vegan you can be. Start from NOW
Connect with Me

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Ethics Beyond the Plate presentation by Leigh-Chantelle at Bali Vegan Festival

  • 1. Ethics Beyond the Plate Leigh-Chantelle Bali Vegan Festival: 9 October, 2016 Source:
  • 2. My Background Content Creation & Social Media since 2009 NOW Appraisals, Consulting & Training for Events, Businesses & Corporate Give lectures, workshops, consultations and coaching on the following topics: Online Marketing & Social Media Online Etiquette & Effective Communication Tech Tips & Online Security Writing and Releasing your own Book or eBook Vegan Health & Lifestyle Staging Effective Events & Engaging Volunteers Published Author, International Speaker & Consultant
  • 3. My Vegan Journey Went Vegetarian in 1994 Dairy and Egg industries… Vegan for 20 years in January
  • 4. Viva la Vegan! website started in 2005 to promote recipe calendars 10 years or Blogs, Articles, Podcasts, Videos, Interviews, Recipes, How-to Videos, FAQs, Talks etc Been giving talks on the vegan lifestyle for over 10yrs
  • 5. Books & eBooks NEW Vegan Athletes Book Many other eBooks
  • 6. Core Ethics Most of the top internet searches online focus on health and diet Mainstream media focuses predominately on health, diet, weight loss, and food terms e.g. raw vegan Mainstream media focus on middle-class, mostly white and thin (females) Stock image
  • 7. The Past 20 years Many changes Not many vegan options Had to “give up” things Scarcity mentality Knew what a “vegan” was
  • 8. Vegan, Vegan, Everywhere SO MANY: Products Businesses Shops Restaurants SO EASY to go - and stay - vegan Source:
  • 9. Mainstream Media Past 4-5 years Using the term “vegan” more Mostly on eating - or not eating - certain foods Weight loss & Control Allergens e.g. gluten- free, egg-free, dairy-free Food Terms e. g. raw till 4, HCLF, paleo Source:
  • 10. Some Ideas Beyond Food Ethics Intersectionality Oppression Privilege Compassion Effective Communication Source:
  • 11. Plant-Based Food-related aspects are only ONE part of being vegan The term “plant-based” should be used Words and Meanings change over time More in common with meat eaters who are interested in Social Justice, than with vegans who simply want to lose weight
  • 12. What IS a Vegan? Vegans choose to not consume any: Animal Flesh - including sea creatures Animal Secretions - dairy, bile, hormones Animal Products - eggs, honey, fat, blood, casein Animal By-Products - gelatine, isinglass, rennet But, it’s NOT just a diet
  • 13. What IS a Vegan? The word "vegan" was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson of the Vegan Society of the UK. This definition states: Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose.
  • 14. What IS a Vegan? Non-Dietary areas Vegans choose NOT to use: Animals for Clothing - wool, silk, leather Animal products for Cosmetics or Household Goods - lanolin, beeswax, glycerine, tallow Animals for Testing - experiments, research, defence Animals for Entertainment - zoos, circuses, aquariums, rodeos
  • 15. What IS a Vegan? Set of ethical guidelines Commitment to ethics Source:
  • 16. Why Vegan? MANY reasons to go - and stay - vegan Including: Animal Rights & Ethics Health, Fitness & Diet Environment & Land Rights Human & Labour Rights Feminism Social Justice issues
  • 17. Why I’m Vegan Veganism encompassed everything I believe in: Consciousness-Raising Non-Oppression Non-Objectification Anti-Consumerism
  • 18. Why I’m Vegan I went vegan primarily for animal rights Have also been involved in feminist, and environmental movements Now I’m interested in how ALL Social Justice issues relate/intersect with Veganism MY way of leading by example to promote peace, love and compassion I enjoy bringing this message to others
  • 19. Veganism is a great way of… Putting compassion into action Living in line with your beliefs Leading by example Showing others how you want our world to be
  • 20. SO Many Reasons Always be open to learning other reasons May change your reasons Hopefully you can add many more great reasons why veganism is important
  • 21. Vegans do NOT partake in… The Use The Abuse The Exploitation of non-human animals for ANY reason More focus needs to be on things beyond what we do - or don’t - eat
  • 22. Just One Step To me, veganism is just one step An awesome and important one But still just one step Source: Suranjan Mukherjee, National Geographic
  • 23. Get Involved & Share Info Great work by many vegan, and animal rights groups, organisations, and NFPs Use their content and information to share e.g. undercover investigations, fact sheets, studies, recipes, interviews, videos, rescue stories etc
  • 24. Some New Ideas Some ideas I’d like you to think about Do your OWN research Think about how we can: Learn More Do Better Become better examples of compassion in action
  • 25. What IS Intersectionality? Linking ALL Social Justice movements to each other Working together to make changes Examples intersectionality addresses include: racism, sexism, speciesism, homophobia, ableism, classism, ageism Source:
  • 26. Health The vegan diet CAN be healthy Focus on the 4 staples: Whole grains Fruits & Vegetables Nuts & Seeds Beans, Legumes & Pulses A lot of not-so-healthy vegan foods A lot of restrictive/controlling eating under the guise of healthy eating SO many vegan diets e.g. high-carb low-fat, oil-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, paleo vegan, low-carb, raw, beegan, whole foods, low-fat raw (80/10/10), raw till 4
  • 27. Health - Some Questions Should veganism still be promoted as a healthy diet? Should veganism be promoted as a cure-all? What can we do to encourage others to be flexible and open to all types of healthful vegan foods? What more can we do to encourage long-term commitment to the vegan lifestyle? How can we show the different types of vegans that exist?
  • 28. Environmental Impacts of Animal Products Inefficient as a food source Massive scale of the industry - 10s of billions of animals killed each year Land clearing & Degradation Green House Gases (GHG) - including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide GHG emissions range 20%-50% Many official measures of GHG emissions from livestock are under-reported READ: Paul Mahony’s articles on these issues online A Vegan DIET doesn’t contribute to any of the above
  • 29. The Environment - Some Questions Where does your Food come from? What are the growing, producing & packaging processes? How far have your favourite packaged vegan foods travelled? What are the Food Miles? What about Food Scarcity & Food Security? Do you support in-season, non-GMO, organic and locally- grown produce?
  • 30. People Humans are animals TOO Unskilled and undocumented workers work in abattoirs in horrific conditions with bad pay Vegans are NOT supporting this
  • 31. People - Some Questions Think about your vegan clothing, vegan shoes, favourite brands. What are the ethics & conditions involved in the manufacturing processes? Do you know how your favourite products are produced? Do the people who make these items get paid a fair wage?
  • 33. People & Feminism Feminists are against the objectification & commodification of their bodies Feminists are against their bodies being seen as a product Do you think defending ONE type of female body while using & abusing another is okay? Do you think different types of bodies and people should be used to promote veganism?
  • 34. People & Violence Domestic Violence is a BIG issue Harming of non-human animals when younger is seen as something that can lead to harming of people when unchecked Should we dismiss certain types of behaviour just because of someone’s age, sex, position in society, or class?
  • 35. Privilege Most of us have privileges we can never really understand or appreciate - unless they are taken away It’s important to be mindful of others It’s important to exercise compassion It’s easy to be judgemental - it’s important NOT to be We may think we have all the answers and solutions for others, but we DON’T We all have choices, Some people have much better choices than others.
  • 36. Is Everyone Able to… Access spaces, events? Access transportation to events? Afford to attend meetups, restaurants, events? Be Comfortable in a space, and around one another? Get through their day? (Some need treatments & drugs) Understand what is being communicated?
  • 37. Privilege - Keep in Mind… Some people can’t choose to NOT eat particular foods Some people can’t afford do buy new vegan clothes or vegan shoes Some people can’t access transportation to support vegan restaurants Some people can’t afford to attend vegan events Some people aren’t mentally or physically able to attend protests or demos Some people don’t feel comfortable amongst another sex Some people feel they don’t belong - as there’s no one who looks like them in the movement Some people don’t feel their opinion is valid enough to share it
  • 38. Black Vegans Not props in discussions/debates or marketing No need to use and commodify a group of people to further the vegan/Animal Rights agenda Illustration by Steffany Brown
  • 39. The Dreaded Comparison “The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery” by Marjorie Spiegel “Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust” by Charles Patterson Good examples of the connection of slavery, and human supremacy AND uses language respectfully
  • 40. Be a Good Ally Against Racism & Speciesism TIPS: by Justin Van Kleeck,
  • 41. Why is it Racist? “Material designed to provoke a white audience is also liable to alienate a Black audience. By using slavery as a tool to promote vegan values, vegan activists make clear that vegan spaces are frequently racist spaces. As is often the case in predominantly white spaces where racism goes unchecked, there is little room for people of colour. This marginalisation results in the perception that veganism is a movement by and for white people, which certainly isn’t the case.” - Claire L. Heuchan (@ClaireShrugged) Article: “Veganism has a serious race problem”,
  • 42. Why is it Racist? “Imagery of chattel slavery is popular amongst white vegan communities. The relegation of black people as less than human was at the core of the ideologies that justified that system of enslavement. Because of this, many black people are understandably triggered and offended by white people’s casual use of this imagery and arguments that continue to compare our ancestors with nonhuman creatures. White vegans often argue that our desire to separate ourselves from nonhuman animals is a “speciesist” argument. What these people fail to recognize is that black people are still fighting to be recognized as fully our own species. As equally human. What does it mean when these white vegans argue against our demand to be viewed and represented as fully human, rather than as props in their version of nonhuman liberation? The problem with this imagery is not only that it compares our ancestors to nonhuman animals, but that it erases our contemporary experiences where the effects of such comparisons continue to justify our oppression in this country… We are still being dehumanized by the systems that oppressed our ancestors, yet white vegans find no problem stealing imagery that is deeply personal and traumatizing to us in order to, yet again, compare us with nonhuman animals for their art and causes.” - Steffany Brown, Op-Ed on
  • 43. Websites to Check Out: Food Empowerment Project: Sistah Vegan Project:
  • 44. Always Be Learning Our way is NOT the only way Learn from other movements LGBTQI movement is a great example of including and welcoming allies Source:
  • 45. Social Justice - Questions How can we participate in other Social Justice movements and support their causes? How can we encourage others to support our movement - whether or not they are vegan? How can we promote veganism in the most inclusive way
  • 46. Planting Seeds At best vegans are 1-2% of the population - this figure hasn’t changed for 20 years Find out other people’s passions & motivations See how you can plant the seeds of change
  • 47. Why people Stay Vegan Animal Welfare is the most effective way to get people to eat less meat Health reasons are the second best READ: Nick Cooney’s books “How to be Great at Doing Good,” “Veganomics” & “Change of Heart” SUBSCRIBE: - informing on advocacy strategies through actionable research on their effectiveness
  • 48. Make Some Changes Vegans don’t ONLY care about non-human animals Let’s ACT like it Learn more about each other and the world around us ALL systems of oppression need to be changed
  • 49. There’s only 24 hours in a day There’s SO much information There’s SO much to learn Only limited time Start with what resonates the most for you What are you most passionate about? What are you best at communicating? Start here Always aim to Listen & Learn More Focus on More Good, Less Harm Source:
  • 50. Online Be Nice, Be Kind You can still disagree with someone without using negative words, names, judgement Remember - wrongly or rightly - that you maybe the ONLY vegan someone comes into contact with What you do and how you do it reflects the whole movement - so ACT like it!
  • 51. Top 10 Tips for Online Etiquette
  • 52. Be Mindful What language do you use when promoting veganism? Positive/Negative? Encouraging/Discouraging? Empathetic/Judgemental? Preaching/Teaching? Do you use racist language when you talk about other countries and cultures? E.g. Japan and dolphins/whales, China and dog meat? The Middle East and live export Do you use trigger words that might truly upset someone? Words such as slave, rape, concentration camps Do you give unsolicited health advice/tell terminally ill or disabled people that they will be “cured” if they go vegan?
  • 53. Some Advice Do your own research Investigate and Read more Focus on finding out what connects us to each other - not on the things we disagree on Lead by example, and be consistent Be the best version of yourself
  • 54. Small Steps Once you learn something, it can’t be unlearned - maybe ignored, and maybe for some time Small steps still get to the same destination What works for you might not for others We are all made up of the same things, but we are not all the same
  • 55. And Another Thing… Focus on Encouragement - instead of Judgement Focus on Education & Planting Seeds - instead of Preaching & trying to Convert Always remember Kindness Always remember Compassion Be the Best Vegan you can be. Start from NOW