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Essay on personality
How would Freud explain the personality differences between Mike and Marty Scanlon?
According to Freud, the mind can be divided into two main parts:
The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental
processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is
not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our
awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious.
The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our
conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such
as feelings of pain, anxiety, more content...
Neuroticism is the tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or depression. It
is sometimes called emotional instability, or is reversed and referred to as emotional stability.
3. Given that Mike and Marty Scanlon are twins and share some of their genetic makeup, how would
you explain the pronounced differences in their personalities?
What role, if any, does temperament seem to be playing? . Temperament plays a major part in the
differences in Mike and Marty's personalities. Temperament is quite consistent with significant
stability from infancy well into adolescence. It is clear that certain personality traits have substantial
genetic components, and that heredity and environment interact to determine personality. They are
generally stable but can be modified by experience. Cross– cultural differences in temperament may
reflect childraising practices. A mother's depression, especially if severe or chronic, may have
serious consequences for her infant's development. Separation anxiety and stranger anxiety may
arise during the second half of the first year and appear to be related to temperament and
circumstances. 4. Which of the two brothers seems more likely to be achieving self–actualization,
and why do you think so? .
Marty would be achieving self actualization a state of
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Essay on Personality Analysis
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus
of this paper will be how my personality has developed over time. As I age and encounter new and
different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an
in–depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality. Personality is
defined as "a) the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an
individual. b) the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual" (,
2010). Whether we realize it or not, personality defines us as people. There are many facets to my
personality, more content...
I had to step out of my comfort zone and do what needed to be done in order to reach my goals.
On the graduate level, I find that it is easier to be an introvert and participate. Once the human
element is taken away, I can find myself being open. I do not see my classmates face to face so I
can allow myself to say things that I ordinarily would not do or say. As I have gotten older, some
of the introversion has faded to a certain extent, but it is still present. Through my job as a Special
Education Teacher, I have had to overcome a majority of my introversion so I can effectively do
my job. On any given day, I will have to speak to not only my students but also the office staff,
coworkers, and possibly some of the children's parents. Conversation goes both ways, so to be
successful at my job; I would have to be willing to be open and communicate with others more. I
also have to realize that I need to make the first step sometimes. Not everyone is going to come to
me; there are times I am going to have to go to others. Another characteristic of my personality is
care. Despite my ever–present introversion, I have always harbored a deep care for most people.
Early in my childhood, my parents taught the importance of caring for others. Throughout my life, I
have always put others before myself. Sometimes I do this out of genuine care for the other party,
but other times, I find myself doing this so the other
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Introduction to Personality Essay
Introduction to Personality
Personality has been part of debate amongst theorists for decades. Many theories have been
developed about what human personality is and how it develops. Even after so many years of
research and studies, no one definition has been agreed by all theorists. This paper will briefly talk
about different aspects of personality and what influence in the development of personality. A
person's personality is made up with his or her interests, attitude, behavioral patterns, social role,
emotional responses and other traits that continue throughout a long period of time. Psychologists
from different parts of the world defined personality in variety of ways. However, personality
theorists have not agreed on more content...
Traits may be unique, common to some group, or shared by the entire species, but their pattern is
different for every individual. Thus each person, though like others in some ways, has a unique
personality. Characteristics are unique qualities of an individual that include such attributes as
temperament, physique, and intelligence (Feist, J., & Feist, G., 2009).
Many theoretical approaches have been taken by theorists in the study of personality. Among the
many contributors who developed theories about personality was the German psychologist Sigmund
Freud. He was the founder of psychoanalytic theory. Many found Freud's theory to be shocking and
controversial. However, his work was a great influence in the development of sociology,psychology,
art and literature. The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freud's work and
research, including Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his
theories. Freud relied heavily on his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed
his theory of personality development. Before looking at Freud's theory of personality, let's first
understand his view of how the mind is organized. According to Freud, the mind can be divided into
two main parts. Such as, the conscious mind includes everything that people are aware of. This is
the aspect of ones mental processing that he or she can think and talk about rationally. A part of this
includes memory, which is not always part of
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An Individual 's Personality Change Essay
Over the years, there has been a debate over whether or not personality can be changed. Growing
older, experiencing life, and seeking personality change are all factors that play a part in this change.
Throughout an individual's life, they are constantly strengthening and weakening certain traits,
whether they want to or not. In the contents of this paper, personality change is discussed, showing
that it is possible for an individual to change their personality.Can an Individual's Personality
Change? Sometimes it seems unfair that individual's are assigned certain personality traits without
the want of those traits. An individual might want to be an introvert wanting to be an extrovert, a
procrastinator wanting to be productive, or any other personality trait that they want to trade for
another. Is it possible to change an individual's personality or are they stuck with the same
personality their whole life? An individual's personality can change because of aging, major life
events, and simply the desire to change one's personality. Aging Most of the time, a person can
change their personality unintentionally through simply growing older. Through aging, some traits
will strengthen and some traits will weaken. For instance, when starting to work at a new job, an
individual will have to learn to develop new skills, which can change their personality. According to
the Big–Five theory, personality is described by openness, conscientiousness, extroversion,
agreeableness, and
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Essay on Personality in the Workplace
An individual's personality is the basis of who they are and generates how they react to and behave
in different situations. Personality testing is used in workplaces to identify whom to hire, promote
and even put into teams. Personality testing is efficient in being able to determine which employees
will perform best in certain roles, and this can remove some stress from employers. Personal testing
has been shown to help improve the quality of employees who are in the workplace. The method of
assessing personalities that will be examined in this essay is the Big Five taxonomy method. The
two main questionnaires, which are used to determine these traits, are the Sixteen Personality Factor
(16PF) Questionnaire and the NEO personality more content...
386). In most workplaces personality testing is used to determine potential recruitment. The aim of
personality testing is to differentiate groups of people who share a similar structure of knowledge
and behaviours, and to recognise patterns of behaviour in groups while still maintaining the
wholeness of the individual (Allinson, Sutton, & Williams, 2013, p. 234). The most widely
accepted and used method of assessing personalities is the Big Five taxonomy. The Big Five
taxonomy method is described as "a well–defined measurement model for assessing personality
across five broad dimensions" (Higgins, Lee, Peterson, & Robert, 2007, p. 300). The five
dimensions of personality traits that the Big Five uses are extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness (Mak, & Vearing, 2007, p. 1745). Each of these
personality traits is considered to be a substantially reliable measurement model cross–culturally and
across the life span also (Higgins, Lee, Peterson, & Robert, 2007, p. 300). Looking at the traits
individually, they all focus on an entirely different aspect of personalities, yet are considered the
most relevant personality traits for the workplace. It is believed extraverted individuals often look to
engage in challenge appraisal in particularly stressful situations and also tend to adopt and approach
orientation (Huang, Palmer,
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Argumentative Essay On Personality Disorders
Personality disorders are a relatively new diagnosis in medicine, and have many controversies
surrounding them since their classification apart from mental disorders. A personality disorder is a
type of mental disorder in which a person may develop unhealthy ways of thinking and/or behaving
that potentially puts themselves and the people around them in danger because of it. Many people
still have doubts about the actuality of personality disorders because the behaviors exhibited by
those with a p.d. are often behaviors shown by normal people. However, when these behaviors are
shown by a person with a personality disorder, they are very extreme and often cause concern.
People who do not believe in personality disorders do not think that more content...
Though there needs some funding, the positive outcomes that come with helping those who need
it most outweigh the cost of doing it. People should not have to be a burden to themselves or
others because of their personality disorders, and should have the support all people need when
going through a tough time. People tend to forget that mental illness, including personality
disorders, are very real, and are said to affect 20 percent of the United States population, and need
to be seen as seriously as depression or anxiety because they are just as serious. Personality
disorders should be recognized and treated simply because it is the right thing to
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Essay on Personality Types
Our mind works like a computer and our way of thinking acts as its inputs. Our thoughts keep on
gathering into it and slowly, they entrench deep down in solid states. We can divide personality in
two halves. First is that, which the psychologists term as 'T– Personality'. This is a toxic personality.
Second is that, that the psychologists call N–Personality and this is energetic.
<h2>The poisonous T–Personality</h2>
This type of N– personality always keeps a negative mindset about everything. The attitude of
poisonous personality always tends veering round pessimism and dispirited. Being a perfectionist is
an example of a toxic persona. You cannot say that this perfectionism is something wrong, but it's
one and only aim is to more content...
This is a very sick approach. They would urge others to become like Jesus without having not
even an iota of interest in Him. This is a wherewithal in their hands only to criticize you. You
become victim of such persons because you cannot become Jesus. The will keep disparaging you.
They decide the paradigms for scales of fame, policies and ethics becoming a judge. They try to be
the contractors of society. They have a big role in making world toxic.
These personalities roam everywhere. They could be anything– Teachers, Professors, Vice
Chancellors, Saints, Bishops and Pope. They want to become this so that they could condemn.
They are ready to sacrifice everything provided the get the pleasure of denouncing others. Such
types become overpowering very soon. Their outlook is their greatest weapon because they cold
become detractors. Being logical too, is a part of a poisonous personality. They are extremely
rational. It is very difficult to defeat them in debates, but they can never be sound with rhyme and
reason. It is essential to know the difference between a reasonable man and a logical man. A
reasonable man is never just logical, because he knows from his experiences that relevance and
irrelevance are both two sides of life. There are logic and emotions, both in mind and heart.
<h2>The invigorating N–Personality</h2>
Another type of persona is N–Personality, a fortifying personality, which is quite different. They are
not idyllic
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Human Personality Essay
A quote that I live by is, "People don't always behave the way you want them to, but it doesn't mean
the way they behave is wrong." This says to me that I cannot change anyone because I do not
understand or like the way someone does something. Trying to do this is trying to change one's
human personality. Human personality is what makes a person distinctive, unique, and exceptional.
Every person has a different personality and some personalities mesh better than others. Human
personality should always be praised and no one should ever put anyone down for having a
different personality. It is truly just allowing people to be who they are unless they are in violation
of other human's rights. Just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, " more content...
Examples of laws like this would be: wearing a seat belt, the possession of guns, the right to
abortion, and the ability to buy alcohol on Sundays. These types of laws are there because
someone else says that it is wrong to do these things. Trying to prevent supposedly wrong things
from happening seems like good intent but is actually unjust. An example of this is seat belt laws
that try to prevent anyone from getting seriously hurt in the event of a car accident. But if the
driver or their passengers do not want to buckle up why should the law force them. It may seem
strange for some people to not want to wear their seat belt but it is just because they have a
different personality. The only just laws are the ones that punish those that actually degrade
someone's human personality. Rape, murder, robbery, and fraud are all examples of this. When
someone rapes another they are taking away their free will to do whatever they choose. And those
who commit that crime should be punished. But to create laws to prevent rapes from occurring is
unjust. These types of laws assume that people will do wrong and that their human personality is
wrong. People have the right to do whatever they please whether it is moral or not and they deserve
the consequences of their actions. In conclusion, human personality is the essential character of a
human being. It is not clear what uplifts and what degrades human personality because it is human
nature to
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Essay on Personality Development
This paper explores three different theories to discuss (Alex Blake's) personality development. I
will explore different online personality test as well as breaking down some of the way Alex
reactions to different circumstances as I evaluate some of her reactions and conclude if she is
adaptive or maladaptive to the situation(s) We're raised to believe for every cause there is an
effect, Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite
reaction." Thus people act and do the things because they are reacting towards an action. Many
wonder especially teachers; why certain children have outbursts and are temperamental compared to
calmer and collective children, and if you were to ask Erickson he more content...
In other words, you must pass through one stage before you can get to the next. Think about how
you learned to run; we needed to learn how to crawl, then we learned how to walk, and finally you
could develop the skills needed to run. Without the first two stages, running would be impossible.
Most of these stage theories are progressive, although in some, such as Erikson's psychosocial and
Freud's psychosexual; a person can fail to complete the stage while still moving forward. This
failure, however, will result in difficulties later in life according to the theories. Thereby an
individual's personality is complex, comprised of different mental characteristics that make them
unique from other people. It incorporates all of the patterns of thought and emotions that causes a
reaction to particular actions. At a basic level, personality is expressed through our temperament or
emotional tone. Nevertheless, personality also colors our values, beliefs, and expectations. There are
many potential factors that are involved in shaping a personality. These factors are usually heredity
or coming from their social environment. Undoubtedly not many deny that environment or/and
upbringing factor effect in one's life. According to Erickson's eight stages of 'Ego Strength', Erikson
called these successful balanced outcomes 'Basic Virtues' or 'Basic Strengths'. He identified a certain
word to symbolize the basic strength gained at each stage, which appear regularly
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Personality Dynamics Of Personality
A man might identify himself as an introvert for the majority of his life, and then become
extroverted. A woman may be extremely forgiving, passive, and have no will power to lead a
multitude, but one day she begins to realize her innate ability to organize and enlighten her
coworkers, acts upon it and becomes the leader of her small group at church. All of the previously
mentioned examples are true stories with one common denominator: there was a change in the
individual's patterns of behavior and emotions as the result of a variation in the psychological
workings of the mind. In other words, the individuals' personalities developed. Can one's
personality experience such alterations? Is it not supposed to remain stable for the majority of one's
life if not for its entirety? Personality is both stable and dynamic, and several factors contribute to
the dynamism and change (motivation, anxiety reduction mechanisms, social stigma in cultural
norms) while others (genetic information and other learned traits) provide a fixed basis that
reduces anxiety and produces comfort in order to explore the external environment. Personality is
both stable and dynamic. Personality refers to all of the patterns of behavior and emotion of an
individual coupled with the psychological workings behind each of them (Funder, 2013 as cited in
Harris, Brett, Johnson, & Deary, 2016). There appears to be considerable evidence to state that
personality traits are overall stable throughout a person's life
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Personality Paper Essay
No two people are alike, and no two personalities are alike. A personality is made up of different
characteristics, which help to define a person. Per the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator everyone has a
four–letter personality type with 16 different personality combinations. These personality types
affect everyone's personal, social and work life. My four–letter personality type is ISFJ (introvert,
sensing, feeling and judgment). There are many different personality types. The four dimensions of
personality are: extravert or introvert; sensing or intuitive; thinking or feeling; judging or perceptive.
Extroverts are energized by social interactions, like to be the center of attention and talkative. The
opposite of extrovert is more content...
Each type has unique gifts and talents that can be used in different occupations. ISFJ
personalities are practical and motivated to provide for others in the careers that they choose. The
ideal work environment for this personality type is to work alone on projects, work with known
facts, use standard procedures, work in a friendly and relaxed environment. Careers that are
suggested for someone with the ISFJ personality are interior decorators, nurses, administrators,
managers, child care professionals, counselors, paralegals, religious workers, shopkeepers and
office managers. Personally, I want to work in the Biotechnology field developing cures for sick
children and adults. I would love to find the cure for cancer and lyme disease. If I can make a
difference in someone's life I will then be satisfied with what I do for a living. In relationships I
tend to have a lot of emotions and intense feelings. I have a hard time trying to express these
feelings to my spouse and tend to hold them in. When it comes to conflict I prefer to sweep things
under the rug and pretend that they didn't happen. I mostly do this to avoid more conflict with my
spouse. This is a problem that most people with the ISFJ personality face. We do not express our
feelings like we should until we are pushed to a limit and we explode in anger and say things that we
should not say. From the information about personality traits, career choices, and relationships that I
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Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits
Me Myself and Personality Traits When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I
should know myself the best, right? I like to look at myself as a genuine, thoughtful young lady.
I'm a hard worker; I believe nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. I worked hard to
get to this point of my life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of
my life. I care more for some others than I do myself but I have a huge nonchalant attitude. I don't
really show anger or sadness much I always smile because I'm optimistic about life. I look at life as
if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can't take it back so just move–on and
improve what you did wrong if it's more content...
I was taught to be caring and thoughtful; I wasn't taught anything else from anyone other than not to
trust people. I'm the odd ball of my family because I am nothing like anyone. I can say I was also
taught to believe in myself and never down myself because I can accomplish anything. That is
shown through my determination and hard work because if I didn't believe in myself I wouldn't try
as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up my personality a little more than
psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying
that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of my attitudes and actions. In the
article, Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of
psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent's life effect different adolescents
differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations
on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret
them. He used children in the age groups of 12–17 and it worked out. I think that the different
approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in my case it doesn't. My personality
makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach. Briggs, Stephen (2010). Time–Limited
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Social Work
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Essay on Personality
Psychology covers a huge field and one interesting aspect of it is personality. Personality by itself
involves various issues. Some aspects are Psychoanalytic, Ego, Biological, Behaviorist, Cognitive,
Trait, and Humanistic. Different types of behaviors are amazing to learn about, mainly the behavior
therapy, collective behavior, crime and punishment, andSocial behavior and peer acceptance in
children. I chose Behaviorism over the other aspects because I believe behavior determines human
personality and is very interesting. You can tell what one is by his behavior, and one behaves
according to what place he has in society. By doing this paper on Behavior, I hope to get a better
understanding of, if behavior develops a more content...
It has also been used in training the mentally retarded. Collective Behavior much of collective
behavior is dramatic, unpredictable and frightening, so the early theories and many contemporary
popular views are more evaluative than analytic. The French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon
identified the crowd and revolutionary movements with the excesses of the French Revolution; the
U.S. psychologist Boris Sidis was impressed with the resemblance of crowd behavior to mental
disorder. Many of these early theories depicted collective behavior returned to an earlier stage of
development. Freud retained this emphasis in viewing crowd behavior and many other forms of
collective behavior as regressions to an earlier stage of childhood development; he explained, for
example, the slavish identification that followers have for leaders on the basis of such regression.
More sophisticated recent efforts to treat collective behavior as a pathological manifestation employ
social disorganization as an explanatory approach. From this point of view collective behavior erupts
as an unpleasant symptom of frustration and malaise stemming from cultural conflict, organizational
failure, and other social malfunctions. The distinctive feature of this approach is a reluctance to take
seriously the manifest contest of collective behavior. Neither the search for enjoyment in recreational
fad, the search for spiritual meaning on a religious sect, nor the demand for equal opportunity
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Examples Of A Personality Paper
Kalet J. Soto Management supervision & career development Dr. S. Entrikin Personality Paper
The guardian is a person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to
manage their own affairs, especially an incompetent or disabled person or a child whose parents
have died. I concur with the results of this test because I take care of a lot people in many aspects
of my life for example my mother and younger sister, junior enlisted coworkers whom I mentor
and friends from different paths of life whom I share life experiences and we help and look out for
each other out in many ways. This personality trait is the most accurate I have taken since it
describes me to the "T". After being enlisted for eight years in
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Essay on The Trait Theory of Personality
The study of personality traits is beneficial in identifying the many variables that exist from human
to human; the combinations of these variables provide us with a true level of individuality and
uniqueness. In the field of psychology, trait theory is considered to be a key approach to the study
of human personality (Crowne, 2007; Burton, Westen & Kowalski, 2009). This paper aims to
identify a number of significant contributors who have played crucial roles in both the development
and application of trait theory. This paper then moves focus to these theorists, outlining their theory
and analysing both the strengths and weaknesses of those theories. An illustration of the methods
used in trait measurement is given and includes more content...
Cardinal traits were rare and included traits that dominated a person, central traits were more
general and descriptive of the individual, secondary traits were situational and related to an
individual's attitude and preference (Srivastava, 2005, p. 231). According to Buchanan (2010),
German born psychologist Hans Eysenck devoted much of his career to both personality and
intelligence research with much of this time spent in British universities. According to Haggbloom
(2002), Eysenck's research was thoroughly respected with him being the most regularly cited
psychologist in science journals at the time of his passing. In 1947 Eysenck's first book outlined
what Eysenck viewed as the two central factors of personality; neuroticism and introversion
/extraversion. Five years later Eysenck added another factor; psychoticism (Buchanan, 2010, p.
73). According to Carnivez & Allen (2005), British born psychologist Raymond Cattell centred his
studies on factor analysis. His work observed him meticulously reduce Allport's list of traits to less
than two hundred. Applying his factor analysis knowledge, Cattell developed the 16PF
questionnaire in 1949. Now in its fifth edition, it is still in wide use to this day (Boyle, Matthews &
Saklofske, 2008). According to Tucker (2009), Cattell argued that while Eysenck's three factor
approach to personality was simpler, his own method was more thorough.
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Types of Personality Essay
Personality is something that is related to the characteristic pattern, thought, feelings and behaviour
of a person (Cherry, 2014). There are many theories that have been stated in order to describe
personality (Cherry, 2014). Everyone has his/her own unique personality. Different person has a
different personality and each kind of personality has its own advantages and weaknesses. Everyone
should appreciate his/her own personality, and also others personality too. It is important to
understand other people so that everyone can easily get along together. However, based on Littauer
(1983), everyone has to understand herself/himself first, before understanding others. Everyone
should know what type of personality that he/she has. more content...
They also use a lot of time in planning during working since they always have high standards in
completing tasks. According to Littauer (1983), there are two main problems of perfect melancholy
which are easily depressed and have low self–esteem. Littauer (1983), also suggested a few ways in
order to overcome these problems. First, to avoid from being depressed, a perfect melancholy
should not look for trouble and second is do not get hurt so easily.
The next type of personality is popular sanguine. A popular sanguine is usually a fun person. They
are talkative and cheerful person. They also easily get along with other people. Usually, a popular
sanguine is a warm person. They love to hug, kiss and stroke their friends and family. They are
good on stage and they make an excellent greeter, host and receptionist due to their attractive
personality. The person with this kind of personality is usually an emotional and demonstrative
person. They are optimistic and enthusiastic over everything. They also get excited easily on
something that is brought to them. They are also curious about everything. They usually want to
know every single thing that happened around them. They are also a helpful person and always
volunteer to do something because they usually seek for popularity. They also creative like the
perfect melancholy. However, a popular sanguine creativeness is more colourful and more fun as
compared to the creativeness of the perfect melancholy. They also can
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Essay on Psychology: Personality Theories
Introduction: What is Personality? Allport defines personality as 'the dynamic organisation within
the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his
environment' (Allport, 1937). An individual's unique personality traits and attributes are a powerful
indicator of how he/she will interact with the work environment. The difference between average
and outstanding employees can often be solely personality related. As the employee is the most
valuable asset to the company, 'selecting the right employee during the process is critical' (Carbery
and Cross, 2013, pp. 41–53) Traditional Theory Vs Cognitive Theory When we speak about
personality, we must consider the two prominent schools of more content...
Differences in Personality Both nature and nurture interplay to determine personality
characteristics. Nature is heredity and passed on at conception. Nurture is that which is
environmentally developed. It is innate that a baby will crawl, but he needs the support of his
environment (diet, etc.) if he is to ultimately survive. Our behaviour is the result of a combination
of inborn traits and the situations in which we find ourselves. There are five categorise which
help influence personality differences. Genetically, offspring tend to take on some of the
characteristics of their parents. However, this could be due to long term exposure to the
personalities of their parents rather than their genetic coding. Whether a person is male or female
determines what gender role they take on. 'Women are expected to be nurturing, attractive,
emotional, weak, and subordinate to men; whereas, men are the strong, rational, objective, and
financial providers' (Loue and Sajatovic, 2007). Ones family experiences can also influence a
person's behaviour. Family experiences like: 'family size, birth order, differential parental
orientations towards children' etc. will impact on the emergence of personality as well as a person's
suitability to leadership roles (Morley and Moore et al., 2004, pp. 28–52). Culture plays a very
strong role in determining what is believed to be acceptable and unacceptable
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The Trait Theory Of Personality Essay
ESSAY TOPIC: Describe the trait theory of personality. Select one "factor" or "trait" from a
prominent trait theory and discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of someone who strongly
exhibits this trait.
1. Introduction
Traits are described as the unique and constant characteristic tendencies that shape and influence a
person's mood and behaviour (Ewen 2013, p. 110; Olesen, Thomsen & O'Toole 2015, p. 45).
Prominent personality psychologists Gordon Allport, authored the first American review of
psychological literature on personality and character in 1921, citing numerous sources that involved
trait concepts (Barenbaum & Winter 2008, p. 3). Notably, personality psychologists Gordon Allport,
Raymond Cattell and Hans Eysenck made important contributions towards the understanding of
personality traits that continue to influence modern trait theory (Barenbaum & Winter 2008, p. 12).
Drawing from the work of these theorists, Paul Costa and Robert McCrae developed the widely
accepted Five Factor Theory (FFT) (Ewen 2013, p. 140; John, Naumann & Soto 2008, p. 120).
Neuroticism is one of the basic factors of personality featuring in several trait theories, including the
FFT. Further, numerous studies have shown a significant link between negative mental health
outcomes and high levels of neuroticism (Lahey 2009, p. 241 & 242). This essay will discuss the
trait theory of personality and the outcomes for people who strongly exhibit neuroticism.
2. Body:
Prominent personality
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Personal Integrity
Personal Integrity is being honest with yourself and with the people around you. When you have
personal integrity you are going to be as honest as possible as you can to the people around you
and to yourself. When you are as honest as u can be you have Personal Integrity. When you are
honest people believe you more then they already do. When you are honest to yourself you believe
in yourself more and you think you can do more things then you can now. When you have personal
integrity you believe you can do a lot more things that seem impossible to you now.
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Personality Test Analysis Essay
a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and
emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and moderate levels of agreeableness and
conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments.
While working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with
coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a brief conversation once a day with the same
two people. In large social gatherings, interactions are limited to familiar people with whom I have
pre–existing friendships. If I attend a concert by myself, I will bring a book to read in between
musical acts to prevent people from speaking to me. Low more content...
Agreeableness is average, meaning I do not try to be either cooperative or antagonistic towards
others. I generally take a laissez–faire approach to my relationships and do not have an invested
interest because I do not believe I can significantly impact the long–term well being of others. During
conversations, I do not inquire specifically about their personal lives, I let the other person tell me
what they are comfortable about talking about and what they want me to know.
Conscientiousness is also average. I have a fair balance of structure and spontaneity. There is just
enough control and regulation in impulses to maintain a harmonized flow of daily life that will
allow for spontaneous activities. For example, school work is more or less planned out by the day
to prevent falling behind, but I will still embark on spontaneous adventures of bicycle rides to
abandoned warehouse roof tops at midnight on a school night. Survey results are consistent with
how I view myself generally. While it is impossible to be completely objective in self evaluations, I
think I am fairly in tune with my inter– and intra–relationships because I make an effort to heed
feedback. When interacting with others I pay attention to their facial expressions, body language,
tone of voice, and not only their words, but their silences. b. Compared to PSU student averages,
extraversion falls mainly in the lower third or lower mid–range,
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Essays On Personality

  • 1. Essay on personality How would Freud explain the personality differences between Mike and Marty Scanlon? According to Freud, the mind can be divided into two main parts: The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious. The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, more content... Neuroticism is the tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or depression. It is sometimes called emotional instability, or is reversed and referred to as emotional stability. 3. Given that Mike and Marty Scanlon are twins and share some of their genetic makeup, how would you explain the pronounced differences in their personalities? What role, if any, does temperament seem to be playing? . Temperament plays a major part in the differences in Mike and Marty's personalities. Temperament is quite consistent with significant stability from infancy well into adolescence. It is clear that certain personality traits have substantial genetic components, and that heredity and environment interact to determine personality. They are generally stable but can be modified by experience. Cross– cultural differences in temperament may reflect childraising practices. A mother's depression, especially if severe or chronic, may have serious consequences for her infant's development. Separation anxiety and stranger anxiety may arise during the second half of the first year and appear to be related to temperament and circumstances. 4. Which of the two brothers seems more likely to be achieving self–actualization, and why do you think so? . Marty would be achieving self actualization a state of Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Personality Analysis Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus of this paper will be how my personality has developed over time. As I age and encounter new and different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an in–depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality. Personality is defined as "a) the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. b) the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual" (, 2010). Whether we realize it or not, personality defines us as people. There are many facets to my personality, more content... I had to step out of my comfort zone and do what needed to be done in order to reach my goals. On the graduate level, I find that it is easier to be an introvert and participate. Once the human element is taken away, I can find myself being open. I do not see my classmates face to face so I can allow myself to say things that I ordinarily would not do or say. As I have gotten older, some of the introversion has faded to a certain extent, but it is still present. Through my job as a Special Education Teacher, I have had to overcome a majority of my introversion so I can effectively do my job. On any given day, I will have to speak to not only my students but also the office staff, coworkers, and possibly some of the children's parents. Conversation goes both ways, so to be successful at my job; I would have to be willing to be open and communicate with others more. I also have to realize that I need to make the first step sometimes. Not everyone is going to come to me; there are times I am going to have to go to others. Another characteristic of my personality is care. Despite my ever–present introversion, I have always harbored a deep care for most people. Early in my childhood, my parents taught the importance of caring for others. Throughout my life, I have always put others before myself. Sometimes I do this out of genuine care for the other party, but other times, I find myself doing this so the other Get more content on
  • 3. Introduction to Personality Essay Introduction to Personality Personality has been part of debate amongst theorists for decades. Many theories have been developed about what human personality is and how it develops. Even after so many years of research and studies, no one definition has been agreed by all theorists. This paper will briefly talk about different aspects of personality and what influence in the development of personality. A person's personality is made up with his or her interests, attitude, behavioral patterns, social role, emotional responses and other traits that continue throughout a long period of time. Psychologists from different parts of the world defined personality in variety of ways. However, personality theorists have not agreed on more content... Traits may be unique, common to some group, or shared by the entire species, but their pattern is different for every individual. Thus each person, though like others in some ways, has a unique personality. Characteristics are unique qualities of an individual that include such attributes as temperament, physique, and intelligence (Feist, J., & Feist, G., 2009). Many theoretical approaches have been taken by theorists in the study of personality. Among the many contributors who developed theories about personality was the German psychologist Sigmund Freud. He was the founder of psychoanalytic theory. Many found Freud's theory to be shocking and controversial. However, his work was a great influence in the development of sociology,psychology, art and literature. The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freud's work and research, including Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his theories. Freud relied heavily on his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed his theory of personality development. Before looking at Freud's theory of personality, let's first understand his view of how the mind is organized. According to Freud, the mind can be divided into two main parts. Such as, the conscious mind includes everything that people are aware of. This is the aspect of ones mental processing that he or she can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes memory, which is not always part of Get more content on
  • 4. An Individual 's Personality Change Essay Over the years, there has been a debate over whether or not personality can be changed. Growing older, experiencing life, and seeking personality change are all factors that play a part in this change. Throughout an individual's life, they are constantly strengthening and weakening certain traits, whether they want to or not. In the contents of this paper, personality change is discussed, showing that it is possible for an individual to change their personality.Can an Individual's Personality Change? Sometimes it seems unfair that individual's are assigned certain personality traits without the want of those traits. An individual might want to be an introvert wanting to be an extrovert, a procrastinator wanting to be productive, or any other personality trait that they want to trade for another. Is it possible to change an individual's personality or are they stuck with the same personality their whole life? An individual's personality can change because of aging, major life events, and simply the desire to change one's personality. Aging Most of the time, a person can change their personality unintentionally through simply growing older. Through aging, some traits will strengthen and some traits will weaken. For instance, when starting to work at a new job, an individual will have to learn to develop new skills, which can change their personality. According to the Big–Five theory, personality is described by openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Personality in the Workplace An individual's personality is the basis of who they are and generates how they react to and behave in different situations. Personality testing is used in workplaces to identify whom to hire, promote and even put into teams. Personality testing is efficient in being able to determine which employees will perform best in certain roles, and this can remove some stress from employers. Personal testing has been shown to help improve the quality of employees who are in the workplace. The method of assessing personalities that will be examined in this essay is the Big Five taxonomy method. The two main questionnaires, which are used to determine these traits, are the Sixteen Personality Factor (16PF) Questionnaire and the NEO personality more content... 386). In most workplaces personality testing is used to determine potential recruitment. The aim of personality testing is to differentiate groups of people who share a similar structure of knowledge and behaviours, and to recognise patterns of behaviour in groups while still maintaining the wholeness of the individual (Allinson, Sutton, & Williams, 2013, p. 234). The most widely accepted and used method of assessing personalities is the Big Five taxonomy. The Big Five taxonomy method is described as "a well–defined measurement model for assessing personality across five broad dimensions" (Higgins, Lee, Peterson, & Robert, 2007, p. 300). The five dimensions of personality traits that the Big Five uses are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness (Mak, & Vearing, 2007, p. 1745). Each of these personality traits is considered to be a substantially reliable measurement model cross–culturally and across the life span also (Higgins, Lee, Peterson, & Robert, 2007, p. 300). Looking at the traits individually, they all focus on an entirely different aspect of personalities, yet are considered the most relevant personality traits for the workplace. It is believed extraverted individuals often look to engage in challenge appraisal in particularly stressful situations and also tend to adopt and approach orientation (Huang, Palmer, Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay On Personality Disorders Personality disorders are a relatively new diagnosis in medicine, and have many controversies surrounding them since their classification apart from mental disorders. A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which a person may develop unhealthy ways of thinking and/or behaving that potentially puts themselves and the people around them in danger because of it. Many people still have doubts about the actuality of personality disorders because the behaviors exhibited by those with a p.d. are often behaviors shown by normal people. However, when these behaviors are shown by a person with a personality disorder, they are very extreme and often cause concern. People who do not believe in personality disorders do not think that more content... Though there needs some funding, the positive outcomes that come with helping those who need it most outweigh the cost of doing it. People should not have to be a burden to themselves or others because of their personality disorders, and should have the support all people need when going through a tough time. People tend to forget that mental illness, including personality disorders, are very real, and are said to affect 20 percent of the United States population, and need to be seen as seriously as depression or anxiety because they are just as serious. Personality disorders should be recognized and treated simply because it is the right thing to Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Personality Types Our mind works like a computer and our way of thinking acts as its inputs. Our thoughts keep on gathering into it and slowly, they entrench deep down in solid states. We can divide personality in two halves. First is that, which the psychologists term as 'T– Personality'. This is a toxic personality. Second is that, that the psychologists call N–Personality and this is energetic. <h2>The poisonous T–Personality</h2> This type of N– personality always keeps a negative mindset about everything. The attitude of poisonous personality always tends veering round pessimism and dispirited. Being a perfectionist is an example of a toxic persona. You cannot say that this perfectionism is something wrong, but it's one and only aim is to more content... This is a very sick approach. They would urge others to become like Jesus without having not even an iota of interest in Him. This is a wherewithal in their hands only to criticize you. You become victim of such persons because you cannot become Jesus. The will keep disparaging you. They decide the paradigms for scales of fame, policies and ethics becoming a judge. They try to be the contractors of society. They have a big role in making world toxic. These personalities roam everywhere. They could be anything– Teachers, Professors, Vice Chancellors, Saints, Bishops and Pope. They want to become this so that they could condemn. They are ready to sacrifice everything provided the get the pleasure of denouncing others. Such types become overpowering very soon. Their outlook is their greatest weapon because they cold become detractors. Being logical too, is a part of a poisonous personality. They are extremely rational. It is very difficult to defeat them in debates, but they can never be sound with rhyme and reason. It is essential to know the difference between a reasonable man and a logical man. A reasonable man is never just logical, because he knows from his experiences that relevance and irrelevance are both two sides of life. There are logic and emotions, both in mind and heart. <h2>The invigorating N–Personality</h2> Another type of persona is N–Personality, a fortifying personality, which is quite different. They are not idyllic Get more content on
  • 8. Human Personality Essay A quote that I live by is, "People don't always behave the way you want them to, but it doesn't mean the way they behave is wrong." This says to me that I cannot change anyone because I do not understand or like the way someone does something. Trying to do this is trying to change one's human personality. Human personality is what makes a person distinctive, unique, and exceptional. Every person has a different personality and some personalities mesh better than others. Human personality should always be praised and no one should ever put anyone down for having a different personality. It is truly just allowing people to be who they are unless they are in violation of other human's rights. Just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, " more content... Examples of laws like this would be: wearing a seat belt, the possession of guns, the right to abortion, and the ability to buy alcohol on Sundays. These types of laws are there because someone else says that it is wrong to do these things. Trying to prevent supposedly wrong things from happening seems like good intent but is actually unjust. An example of this is seat belt laws that try to prevent anyone from getting seriously hurt in the event of a car accident. But if the driver or their passengers do not want to buckle up why should the law force them. It may seem strange for some people to not want to wear their seat belt but it is just because they have a different personality. The only just laws are the ones that punish those that actually degrade someone's human personality. Rape, murder, robbery, and fraud are all examples of this. When someone rapes another they are taking away their free will to do whatever they choose. And those who commit that crime should be punished. But to create laws to prevent rapes from occurring is unjust. These types of laws assume that people will do wrong and that their human personality is wrong. People have the right to do whatever they please whether it is moral or not and they deserve the consequences of their actions. In conclusion, human personality is the essential character of a human being. It is not clear what uplifts and what degrades human personality because it is human nature to Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Personality Development This paper explores three different theories to discuss (Alex Blake's) personality development. I will explore different online personality test as well as breaking down some of the way Alex reactions to different circumstances as I evaluate some of her reactions and conclude if she is adaptive or maladaptive to the situation(s) We're raised to believe for every cause there is an effect, Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Thus people act and do the things because they are reacting towards an action. Many wonder especially teachers; why certain children have outbursts and are temperamental compared to calmer and collective children, and if you were to ask Erickson he more content... In other words, you must pass through one stage before you can get to the next. Think about how you learned to run; we needed to learn how to crawl, then we learned how to walk, and finally you could develop the skills needed to run. Without the first two stages, running would be impossible. Most of these stage theories are progressive, although in some, such as Erikson's psychosocial and Freud's psychosexual; a person can fail to complete the stage while still moving forward. This failure, however, will result in difficulties later in life according to the theories. Thereby an individual's personality is complex, comprised of different mental characteristics that make them unique from other people. It incorporates all of the patterns of thought and emotions that causes a reaction to particular actions. At a basic level, personality is expressed through our temperament or emotional tone. Nevertheless, personality also colors our values, beliefs, and expectations. There are many potential factors that are involved in shaping a personality. These factors are usually heredity or coming from their social environment. Undoubtedly not many deny that environment or/and upbringing factor effect in one's life. According to Erickson's eight stages of 'Ego Strength', Erikson called these successful balanced outcomes 'Basic Virtues' or 'Basic Strengths'. He identified a certain word to symbolize the basic strength gained at each stage, which appear regularly Get more content on
  • 10. Personality Dynamics Of Personality A man might identify himself as an introvert for the majority of his life, and then become extroverted. A woman may be extremely forgiving, passive, and have no will power to lead a multitude, but one day she begins to realize her innate ability to organize and enlighten her coworkers, acts upon it and becomes the leader of her small group at church. All of the previously mentioned examples are true stories with one common denominator: there was a change in the individual's patterns of behavior and emotions as the result of a variation in the psychological workings of the mind. In other words, the individuals' personalities developed. Can one's personality experience such alterations? Is it not supposed to remain stable for the majority of one's life if not for its entirety? Personality is both stable and dynamic, and several factors contribute to the dynamism and change (motivation, anxiety reduction mechanisms, social stigma in cultural norms) while others (genetic information and other learned traits) provide a fixed basis that reduces anxiety and produces comfort in order to explore the external environment. Personality is both stable and dynamic. Personality refers to all of the patterns of behavior and emotion of an individual coupled with the psychological workings behind each of them (Funder, 2013 as cited in Harris, Brett, Johnson, & Deary, 2016). There appears to be considerable evidence to state that personality traits are overall stable throughout a person's life Get more content on
  • 11. Personality Paper Essay No two people are alike, and no two personalities are alike. A personality is made up of different characteristics, which help to define a person. Per the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator everyone has a four–letter personality type with 16 different personality combinations. These personality types affect everyone's personal, social and work life. My four–letter personality type is ISFJ (introvert, sensing, feeling and judgment). There are many different personality types. The four dimensions of personality are: extravert or introvert; sensing or intuitive; thinking or feeling; judging or perceptive. Extroverts are energized by social interactions, like to be the center of attention and talkative. The opposite of extrovert is more content... Each type has unique gifts and talents that can be used in different occupations. ISFJ personalities are practical and motivated to provide for others in the careers that they choose. The ideal work environment for this personality type is to work alone on projects, work with known facts, use standard procedures, work in a friendly and relaxed environment. Careers that are suggested for someone with the ISFJ personality are interior decorators, nurses, administrators, managers, child care professionals, counselors, paralegals, religious workers, shopkeepers and office managers. Personally, I want to work in the Biotechnology field developing cures for sick children and adults. I would love to find the cure for cancer and lyme disease. If I can make a difference in someone's life I will then be satisfied with what I do for a living. In relationships I tend to have a lot of emotions and intense feelings. I have a hard time trying to express these feelings to my spouse and tend to hold them in. When it comes to conflict I prefer to sweep things under the rug and pretend that they didn't happen. I mostly do this to avoid more conflict with my spouse. This is a problem that most people with the ISFJ personality face. We do not express our feelings like we should until we are pushed to a limit and we explode in anger and say things that we should not say. From the information about personality traits, career choices, and relationships that I have Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits Me Myself and Personality Traits When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I should know myself the best, right? I like to look at myself as a genuine, thoughtful young lady. I'm a hard worker; I believe nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. I worked hard to get to this point of my life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of my life. I care more for some others than I do myself but I have a huge nonchalant attitude. I don't really show anger or sadness much I always smile because I'm optimistic about life. I look at life as if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can't take it back so just move–on and improve what you did wrong if it's more content... I was taught to be caring and thoughtful; I wasn't taught anything else from anyone other than not to trust people. I'm the odd ball of my family because I am nothing like anyone. I can say I was also taught to believe in myself and never down myself because I can accomplish anything. That is shown through my determination and hard work because if I didn't believe in myself I wouldn't try as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up my personality a little more than psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of my attitudes and actions. In the article, Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent's life effect different adolescents differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret them. He used children in the age groups of 12–17 and it worked out. I think that the different approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in my case it doesn't. My personality makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach. Briggs, Stephen (2010). Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Social Work Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Personality Psychology covers a huge field and one interesting aspect of it is personality. Personality by itself involves various issues. Some aspects are Psychoanalytic, Ego, Biological, Behaviorist, Cognitive, Trait, and Humanistic. Different types of behaviors are amazing to learn about, mainly the behavior therapy, collective behavior, crime and punishment, andSocial behavior and peer acceptance in children. I chose Behaviorism over the other aspects because I believe behavior determines human personality and is very interesting. You can tell what one is by his behavior, and one behaves according to what place he has in society. By doing this paper on Behavior, I hope to get a better understanding of, if behavior develops a more content... It has also been used in training the mentally retarded. Collective Behavior much of collective behavior is dramatic, unpredictable and frightening, so the early theories and many contemporary popular views are more evaluative than analytic. The French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon identified the crowd and revolutionary movements with the excesses of the French Revolution; the U.S. psychologist Boris Sidis was impressed with the resemblance of crowd behavior to mental disorder. Many of these early theories depicted collective behavior returned to an earlier stage of development. Freud retained this emphasis in viewing crowd behavior and many other forms of collective behavior as regressions to an earlier stage of childhood development; he explained, for example, the slavish identification that followers have for leaders on the basis of such regression. More sophisticated recent efforts to treat collective behavior as a pathological manifestation employ social disorganization as an explanatory approach. From this point of view collective behavior erupts as an unpleasant symptom of frustration and malaise stemming from cultural conflict, organizational failure, and other social malfunctions. The distinctive feature of this approach is a reluctance to take seriously the manifest contest of collective behavior. Neither the search for enjoyment in recreational fad, the search for spiritual meaning on a religious sect, nor the demand for equal opportunity Get more content on
  • 14. Examples Of A Personality Paper Kalet J. Soto Management supervision & career development Dr. S. Entrikin Personality Paper The guardian is a person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs, especially an incompetent or disabled person or a child whose parents have died. I concur with the results of this test because I take care of a lot people in many aspects of my life for example my mother and younger sister, junior enlisted coworkers whom I mentor and friends from different paths of life whom I share life experiences and we help and look out for each other out in many ways. This personality trait is the most accurate I have taken since it describes me to the "T". After being enlisted for eight years in Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on The Trait Theory of Personality The study of personality traits is beneficial in identifying the many variables that exist from human to human; the combinations of these variables provide us with a true level of individuality and uniqueness. In the field of psychology, trait theory is considered to be a key approach to the study of human personality (Crowne, 2007; Burton, Westen & Kowalski, 2009). This paper aims to identify a number of significant contributors who have played crucial roles in both the development and application of trait theory. This paper then moves focus to these theorists, outlining their theory and analysing both the strengths and weaknesses of those theories. An illustration of the methods used in trait measurement is given and includes more content... Cardinal traits were rare and included traits that dominated a person, central traits were more general and descriptive of the individual, secondary traits were situational and related to an individual's attitude and preference (Srivastava, 2005, p. 231). According to Buchanan (2010), German born psychologist Hans Eysenck devoted much of his career to both personality and intelligence research with much of this time spent in British universities. According to Haggbloom (2002), Eysenck's research was thoroughly respected with him being the most regularly cited psychologist in science journals at the time of his passing. In 1947 Eysenck's first book outlined what Eysenck viewed as the two central factors of personality; neuroticism and introversion /extraversion. Five years later Eysenck added another factor; psychoticism (Buchanan, 2010, p. 73). According to Carnivez & Allen (2005), British born psychologist Raymond Cattell centred his studies on factor analysis. His work observed him meticulously reduce Allport's list of traits to less than two hundred. Applying his factor analysis knowledge, Cattell developed the 16PF questionnaire in 1949. Now in its fifth edition, it is still in wide use to this day (Boyle, Matthews & Saklofske, 2008). According to Tucker (2009), Cattell argued that while Eysenck's three factor approach to personality was simpler, his own method was more thorough. Get more content on
  • 16. Types of Personality Essay Personality is something that is related to the characteristic pattern, thought, feelings and behaviour of a person (Cherry, 2014). There are many theories that have been stated in order to describe personality (Cherry, 2014). Everyone has his/her own unique personality. Different person has a different personality and each kind of personality has its own advantages and weaknesses. Everyone should appreciate his/her own personality, and also others personality too. It is important to understand other people so that everyone can easily get along together. However, based on Littauer (1983), everyone has to understand herself/himself first, before understanding others. Everyone should know what type of personality that he/she has. more content... They also use a lot of time in planning during working since they always have high standards in completing tasks. According to Littauer (1983), there are two main problems of perfect melancholy which are easily depressed and have low self–esteem. Littauer (1983), also suggested a few ways in order to overcome these problems. First, to avoid from being depressed, a perfect melancholy should not look for trouble and second is do not get hurt so easily. The next type of personality is popular sanguine. A popular sanguine is usually a fun person. They are talkative and cheerful person. They also easily get along with other people. Usually, a popular sanguine is a warm person. They love to hug, kiss and stroke their friends and family. They are good on stage and they make an excellent greeter, host and receptionist due to their attractive personality. The person with this kind of personality is usually an emotional and demonstrative person. They are optimistic and enthusiastic over everything. They also get excited easily on something that is brought to them. They are also curious about everything. They usually want to know every single thing that happened around them. They are also a helpful person and always volunteer to do something because they usually seek for popularity. They also creative like the perfect melancholy. However, a popular sanguine creativeness is more colourful and more fun as compared to the creativeness of the perfect melancholy. They also can Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Psychology: Personality Theories Introduction: What is Personality? Allport defines personality as 'the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment' (Allport, 1937). An individual's unique personality traits and attributes are a powerful indicator of how he/she will interact with the work environment. The difference between average and outstanding employees can often be solely personality related. As the employee is the most valuable asset to the company, 'selecting the right employee during the process is critical' (Carbery and Cross, 2013, pp. 41–53) Traditional Theory Vs Cognitive Theory When we speak about personality, we must consider the two prominent schools of more content... Differences in Personality Both nature and nurture interplay to determine personality characteristics. Nature is heredity and passed on at conception. Nurture is that which is environmentally developed. It is innate that a baby will crawl, but he needs the support of his environment (diet, etc.) if he is to ultimately survive. Our behaviour is the result of a combination of inborn traits and the situations in which we find ourselves. There are five categorise which help influence personality differences. Genetically, offspring tend to take on some of the characteristics of their parents. However, this could be due to long term exposure to the personalities of their parents rather than their genetic coding. Whether a person is male or female determines what gender role they take on. 'Women are expected to be nurturing, attractive, emotional, weak, and subordinate to men; whereas, men are the strong, rational, objective, and financial providers' (Loue and Sajatovic, 2007). Ones family experiences can also influence a person's behaviour. Family experiences like: 'family size, birth order, differential parental orientations towards children' etc. will impact on the emergence of personality as well as a person's suitability to leadership roles (Morley and Moore et al., 2004, pp. 28–52). Culture plays a very strong role in determining what is believed to be acceptable and unacceptable Get more content on
  • 18. The Trait Theory Of Personality Essay ESSAY TOPIC: Describe the trait theory of personality. Select one "factor" or "trait" from a prominent trait theory and discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of someone who strongly exhibits this trait. 1. Introduction Traits are described as the unique and constant characteristic tendencies that shape and influence a person's mood and behaviour (Ewen 2013, p. 110; Olesen, Thomsen & O'Toole 2015, p. 45). Prominent personality psychologists Gordon Allport, authored the first American review of psychological literature on personality and character in 1921, citing numerous sources that involved trait concepts (Barenbaum & Winter 2008, p. 3). Notably, personality psychologists Gordon Allport, Raymond Cattell and Hans Eysenck made important contributions towards the understanding of personality traits that continue to influence modern trait theory (Barenbaum & Winter 2008, p. 12). Drawing from the work of these theorists, Paul Costa and Robert McCrae developed the widely accepted Five Factor Theory (FFT) (Ewen 2013, p. 140; John, Naumann & Soto 2008, p. 120). Neuroticism is one of the basic factors of personality featuring in several trait theories, including the FFT. Further, numerous studies have shown a significant link between negative mental health outcomes and high levels of neuroticism (Lahey 2009, p. 241 & 242). This essay will discuss the trait theory of personality and the outcomes for people who strongly exhibit neuroticism. 2. Body: Prominent personality Get more content on
  • 19. Personal Integrity Personal Integrity is being honest with yourself and with the people around you. When you have personal integrity you are going to be as honest as possible as you can to the people around you and to yourself. When you are as honest as u can be you have Personal Integrity. When you are honest people believe you more then they already do. When you are honest to yourself you believe in yourself more and you think you can do more things then you can now. When you have personal integrity you believe you can do a lot more things that seem impossible to you now. Get more content on
  • 20. Personality Test Analysis Essay a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and moderate levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments. While working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a brief conversation once a day with the same two people. In large social gatherings, interactions are limited to familiar people with whom I have pre–existing friendships. If I attend a concert by myself, I will bring a book to read in between musical acts to prevent people from speaking to me. Low more content... Agreeableness is average, meaning I do not try to be either cooperative or antagonistic towards others. I generally take a laissez–faire approach to my relationships and do not have an invested interest because I do not believe I can significantly impact the long–term well being of others. During conversations, I do not inquire specifically about their personal lives, I let the other person tell me what they are comfortable about talking about and what they want me to know. Conscientiousness is also average. I have a fair balance of structure and spontaneity. There is just enough control and regulation in impulses to maintain a harmonized flow of daily life that will allow for spontaneous activities. For example, school work is more or less planned out by the day to prevent falling behind, but I will still embark on spontaneous adventures of bicycle rides to abandoned warehouse roof tops at midnight on a school night. Survey results are consistent with how I view myself generally. While it is impossible to be completely objective in self evaluations, I think I am fairly in tune with my inter– and intra–relationships because I make an effort to heed feedback. When interacting with others I pay attention to their facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and not only their words, but their silences. b. Compared to PSU student averages, extraversion falls mainly in the lower third or lower mid–range, Get more content on