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Website Evaluation Report
Tourism and Hospitality
E – Tourism
Date: 14th May 2010
I. Introduction ...................................................................3
II. Design...........................................................................4
III. Navigation .....................................................................5
IV. Content..........................................................................6
V. Interactivity.....................................................................7
VI. Personalization................................................................8
VII. Commercial elements.......................................................9
VIII. Conclusion ....................................................................10
I. Introduction
Web sites today are sophisticated elements of companies' strategies designed to effectively and more content...
A web site navigation bar/menu is a very important aspect of a web site. It actually decides the page
design and layout. website is not e–commerce (has not online booking facility) and the visitors have
to go around the site to find out from where and how to book the holiday.
Another aspect of good site navigation is letting the visitor know where they are on your web site;
i.e. the position of a web page on the web site tree. If visitors find your site's navigation confusing or
convoluted, they'll simply give up and head off to explore the rest of the Web, never to return. So,
good navigation design is an essential ingredient for any successful Web site.
has horizontal website navigation bar while has drop–down theme. The users are
able to move around within the site because the main navigation is easily identifiable.
There is a drop down box next to their "browse our ideas:" icon that reads "by need." When
scrolled over, the box shows needs like "some bustle," "to get lost," "a purpose," or "freedom."
That really stands out because everyone has different reasons for wanting to get away. is easy to use, even for people who have not been to a travel web site before.
They have enough information about their packages to satisfy most people. the
tabs are clearly laid out in the top portion of the page and the consumer can tell where they are at all
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Essay On Website Design
Here's How to Create an Exceptional Web Design that Wow Your Customers
When it comes to creating a website, it is quite easy to get hung up on visual aesthetics. But if you
truly want to come up with a website that becomes a brand awareness and lead generation machine,
then you need to focus on more than just how your website looks.
In this digital age, where consumers can have billion of website, you need to make sure your custom
web design agency optimize a website for functionality and usability both to offer an interactive and
enjoyable website experience to users.
Here are a few helpful guidelines that help you create a website design that better usability and great
Simplicity Matters a lot
Since the entire look and feel more content...
Keep the structure of your navigation as simple as possible; don't complicate it by giving too many
options. Make it clear and consistent throughout your website.
Be Consistent
In addition to simple design, easy navigation and perfect visual hierarchy, the overall look and feel
of your website should be consistent throughout the website. Colors, typefaces, backgrounds, and
even the white spaces should be consistent to create a positive impact on usability and UX both.
However, your custom web design company can create different layouts for different categories,
such as landing pages, informational pages or more. By consistently using these types of layouts,
you will make it easier for consumers to understand the type of information they are more likely to
find on a particular page.
Make it Accessible
Improving your website accessibility is important to provide a better user experience across
multiple platforms. To offer a truly amazing UX, your website needs to compatible with different
devices, browsers and operating systems that your users are using. It is recommended to invest in a
website structure that is responsive. With responsive website design, your content is naturally
resized and reshuffled to fit the dimensions of nearly every device your visitors are using.
Build Credibility
One of the easiest and effective ways to improve your website's credilbity is to be honest about the
products or services your agency is selling on the
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The Design Of A Website Essay
Contents Page 1          Title page
Page 2          Contents page Page
3          Section One Introduction
Objectives:       To identify web–site designs that work, and to
identify the reasons to why they work. What? Why? How? Page
4          Section Two Design is the
Answer What? Why? How? Page 5/
6          Section 3 and 4 Where
does good web design come from? TEN RULES OF DESIGN FOR THE WEB Page 7
How? By examination of the most frequently visited web–sites, and although a historical approach
with reference to print in design. Section Two Design is the Answer
What?      Web sites need to be far better designed than anything
in the print medium, due to the very interdisciplinary nature of the web–site. Why? Because a
magazine with even minimum design gets its information across to the reader. You buy it because
you care about the issues in its headlines, if you want more you jump inside, 'print' by its nature is a
tactile phenonenom; touch, smell and accessibility, and it is for that reason it will never die. But
web–sites are purely visual and aural, one screen at a time. Encouraging the viewer to go beyond
the first layer, even learn where to go for what is required is a common problem for designers. It is
their job to bring the viewer inside through the "Dance of the seven veils",and once
inside, guide them, not to confuse or frustrate them. How? Web–sites that work are sites that do what
you want it to do. They do not insult your intelligence, but neither do they obfuscate. They must
indicate the wealth of material lying beneath the first page, but also offer you options and alternate
means of approach. The answer may lie in better selling of the 'land' – in urban planning,
to use a metaphor. The solutions to timeless internet problems – navigation,
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Website Analysis Paper
The level of usability of a website is determined by how simple it is for a visitor to use and
explore a website (Stokes, 2013, p. 95). Eataly is a company that sells Italian products online and
in their various locations which also feature restaurants and activities that all relate to Italian food
and products. The purpose of this paper is to assess the level of usability of the Eataly website and
how four specific design topics, navigation, search options, professionalism, and breadcrumbs,
impact the usability.
The navigation of a website determines how site users move about the site and how they get to the
page that contains the information that they are seeking. (Stokes, 2013, p. 95). An example
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The color scheme of the site is consistent across the site and is in line with the company's logo.
The site also doesn't have any features that would distract or intrude while using the site such as
ads or popups that ask for customer info. Another note is that links on the site that enable users to
sign in or check their order popup in an overlay of the current page when clicked instead of taking
users to a different page. An example of this is that when something is added to a shopping cart the
site doesn't force the user off the current page to go to the cart and the cart can also be viewed on
any page without leaving the current page.
A breadcrumb is a visual design element on websites, usually featured just below the header, that
shows users of the site where they are on the site and allows for them to be able to navigate the site
faster since it shows them previous page links (Domagalski, n.d.).
Breadcrumbs are utilized in the sites design on every page besides the home page. The breadcrumbs
are located right below the far–left side of the sites header but are not sticky like the header. The
usage of breadcrumbs allows users of the site to quickly see which page they are located on and see
which pages led them to it and go back to those pages quickly. An example of this is on the delicate
olive oil page that shows the following breadcrumb: "Home > Extra Virgin Olive Oil >
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Essay On Web Design
Web design
In the current years, designers have tried to shift from simple and minimal styles in their contents.
The trend is towards more visual comprehensive designs that seem to change the contents if many
designers. Supported by the devilment for various software's and technologies, there is an expansion
to what is termed as web design. From 2016 some designs have shown to bring an improvement on
web design that captures most people to focus on a particular website.
Improved connection between developers and designers
Designers do as much work as developers of websites. Design in most cases shapes the website and
has a bigger influence in shaping the business brand. Most resources have been shifted to ensure that
designers more content...
Instead of being raster or pixel–based, SVGs are composed of vectors: mathematical descriptions of
the object's shape. This means SVGs are resolution–independent, so they'll look great on any screen,
on any device type. No need to worry about making everything retina–ready.
Color segmentation
Designers are now turning into color segmentation of colors to improve the appeal of the website.
The combination of bright and bold colors is the main answer to most of the designers. Gradients
also came back in a big way, blending and blurring those exuberant hues into spectra reminiscent
of a noonday sky or a splashy sunset. There's a sort of synthesized naturalism to this reemergence
of bright hues and bold gradients, and I look forward to seeing more of it in 2017. As shadows keep
rolling in, designers are using them to make their content more appealing. The use of enlarged color
shadows rather than monochrome equivalents is a good example of color segmentation.
Animation use
Most of the interfaces have been made possible by use of animation. as designers get more and
more visual tools to help them build engaging and smile–sparking animations, we're sure to see them
become both more prominent and more refined. It will hold much more benefits if it is easy to
create animations. At 2016's Design & Content Conference, animation guru Val Head advised the
web designers to pay attention to the brand tone and voice to create a brand
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Essay On Website Design Trends
The world has been significantly transformed by technology so far and the change can also be
witnessed in website design and development trends too. Today every company is ushering in a
new website design age. Thus there is a need for developers to be at the top of the game. It's vital
that you keep up with so many updates and developments happening in the web designing world
released every few weeks. You are the only people whom clients and the company will always look
up to for discussing feature–rich applications, latest web development frameworks, techniques, and
tools to enhance UX. So don't act like uninformed or unobservant when they ask you! Well first
impression is always the last impression guys! So let us dig the trends a more content...
Javascript is a super popular programming language primarily used to create web applications. It
helps make the website more interactive due to its user friendliness facilitates and allows
developers to add animations and other dynamic features to the web pages. It also grants them
better control over the web interface. Javascript accompanies a lot of the modern web and we can
say this because today all modern web browsers support JavaScript without even the hassles of a
plugin software.
In a nutshell, whether you are looking to build a responsive website or web applications that work
seamlessly with popular web browsers. Javascript comes to your rescue. Currently ranked seventh in
the list of top 50 programming languages it will be the numero uno language for front–end
development by 2020. Javascript is responsible for the change that allows the users to see and
interact with the site. Being the first client–side language, nearly everything you interact with on a
website, is due to javascript. Thus making the language is the favorite among full stack developers.
Static site generators
Static site generators are a great way to create websites Infact they are the next big website
designing tools. You don't need a database to create websites These generators are able to create
static websites from the text stored in files rather than in databases. It's as simplified as it can be.
Some of
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Website Analysis Essay
There are over 1 billion active websites today and its growth is exponential. Not all of them are
optimized and effectively used by the users. Every owner of the website should continuously
assess and improve the effectiveness of their website, if they want to address the above question.
How they can do that? That is where Web Analytics comes into picture. The process of tracking,
collecting, measuring, reporting and analyzing the data collected from the web for understanding
and optimizing the web usage is known as Web Analytics. We can track every click of every person
on the website. It provides information about number of visitors to a website and number of page
views. In other words, Web Analytics is tracking the visitor behavior more content...
Cookies are used to track the returning visitor's. 6.Crawler/Spider/Bots: An automated program
that visits websites and reads their pages and information in order to create entries for a search
engine index. 7.Entry Page: The first page that the user views while browsing the website. 8.Exit
Page: The page from where the user exits from viewing the website. 9.Hits: Each file sent to a
browser by a web server is an individual hit. 10.New Visitor: Visitor who have viewed the website
for the first time. 11.Organic Search: Organic search is the process of using an unbiased algorithm
to provide a user with content suggestions based on their search query. It describes search that
generates results that are not paid advertisements. 12.Page Duration: The time spent by visitor on
each page. 13.Page View: Each time the visitor views the page on the website. 14.Return Visitor: A
visitor who visits the website multiple times in the given time period. Cookies and authentication
helps to track the returning visitors. 15.Search Engine Optimization: The process of maximizing the
number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results
returned by search engines. Furthermore, let's discuss the topics of Caching, Page Caching, Search
Robots, Unique Visitors and Challenges in web analytics. Caching: Caching is an effective way to
improve the performance of the webpage. Generally, Websites
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Web Design Essay
Have you ever thought of marketing your business online? You should take advantage of internet
and market your business online. There are numerous ways of promoting your products and
services online. You can choose to use a website and so forth. Most people usually prefer using
websites to market their businesses. Creating a website is not easy. You need to have some set of
skills needed to get the job done. A professional in web design services can help you in building a
website. There are several tips that can help you in building a website. These include:
1. Create a good content for your readers.
It is important that you create a good content for your readers. You should ensure that you come up
with an original content for more content...
This is a very important SEO tip for beginners.
5. Keep tabs on links.
You will note that search engines normally look at the hyperlinks to determine what a page is all
about. In addition, these hyperlinks normally determine how high a page will rank on the SERPs.
This actually means that every link should be relevant to the content. If your content is about
engineering, your links should be about engineering as well.
6. Ensure that your site is mobile friendly.
Most people normally use smartphones to browse the internet and so on. It is important that you
ensure that your site is mobile friendly so that somebody can access it on his or her smartphone or
table. Those websites with mobile responsive layout structure have a chance to secure good user
Those are some of the tips that can help you in building a website. If you want to choose a good
web design agency, you should check the following:
1. Reputable.
Reputable digital agencies are known to offer quality services. You will note that these agencies
normally receive several referrals from those customers that they have served in the past. This is the
reason why you should choose a reputable digital agency. In addition, you should ensure that the
digital agency is licensed to offer these services. This means that quality will be guaranteed.
2. Expertise.
Professionals are known to offer quality services to their clients. You should ensure that
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Essay about The Process of Designing a Website
The Process of Designing a Website To begin the process of designing a web site you should create a
paper prototype of five linked web pages.
Paper prototyping is a variation of usability testing where users perform realistic tasks by
interacting with a paper version instead of a computer. With this we can obtain feedback from the
user and then it be dealt with before creating a web page.
The think–aloud technique is concerned with the behaviour of an individual when performing a task.
We interviewed one user because we felt that if more users were to do the prototype, then
information will be discussed. We told the participants at any time they could leave if they felt more content...
The user finds this very confusing due to the layouts of the buttons and the wording. As a result, they
had to start all over again and it irritated the user.
A "submit" button was required at the final page but this was not displayed. The last page had
mention that the order was completed. However, the feedback use from the think aloud technique
meant that by proceeding onto another page would make the payment more reliable and sufficient.
From using the think aloud technique to get feedback, we improve our design to be a much more
useful one. We put in drop down menus in appropriates places so the user would find this more
convenient. The colour scheme was also changed to differentiate our website from the rest and
create a better first impression on the user. We made our buttons clearer so the user can understand
it better and also position them in a viewable way. Therefore using this technique has made our
design more successful. (466 words)
Part 2
Discuss briefly the advantages of paper–based prototyping, with particular reference to your own
prototype (not to exceed 500 words).
The Advantages of Paper – Based Prototyping
Paper Prototyping is considered by many to be an easy to use and efficient tool to plot out an
interface seen by the user. It has a number of advantages which we
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Website Evaluation Paper
This paper is a written evaluation of three websites that were designed to reach a specific target
audience. All three sites' reach their target audience, however they accomplish this in a slightly
different way. During this paper, we will discuss the strength and weaknesses of each site, the
design criteria used to evaluate them, and how to improve some of the weaknesses associated with
each site. In order to evaluate each site and ensure they were designed to reach the same target
audience we had to first determine what their target audience was, we accomplished this by asking a
couple of questions about each site. What is the purpose of the site, estimated age of people using
the site, level of familiarity with computers and the internet, more content...
References figure nine for a graphical representation of these strengths and weaknesses. In the end
site one came out a little above the site two and well above the main site with a little improvement
the main site and site two could come out on top in the next evaluation. Site two just needs to
improve their navigation bar and fix the issue with the media, and add captions. All the sites need to
work on putting important information above the fold or in other word locate content above the scroll
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Website Review Essay
After visiting and examining the PBS Web site, I was able to conclude that it is an extremely
successful entertainment and educational site. The Web site has won many substantial awards,
including the prestigious "Webbie Award" in 1998 and 1999. According to a recent survey, fifty
percent of users at the PBS Web site are male and sixty percent are between the ages of eighteen and
forty–four. Forty–four percent of the Web site users have children and fifty–seven percent make
online purchases. (Gallup/Plaw Release: Survey of 40,000 Internet Users. Fall 1998.) The design of
the Web site is very bright and appealing to the eye. Its layout is inviting and easy to navigate. Its
design is consistent through all pages. There are more content...
Another main section in the PBS Web site is called "TeacherSource." Its articles offer teachers
advice on incorporating cable, video, and the Internet into their classrooms and lessons. The
"Indie Scene" section concerns independent films and videos. It includes film reviews, a schedule
of movies, and interviews with filmmakers. The site has two different news sections, " Online
Newshour" and "News & Views." The "Online Newshour" section has up to date objective articles
with many photos. It also includes a new section geared towards high school students. The "News
& Views" section also deals with up to date news, but in a more subjective way. This section
includes opinion articles from a variety of people concerning more controversial news issues.
The section also has its own discussion group where users are able to post and reply to many
different topics. Other main sections on the PBS site include Adult Learning, history, science,
technology, and arts. The Web site also has its own shopping site called "ShopPBS." Here users
are able to purchase videos and books about anything from the Olympics to the rainforest. The site
offers users to sign up to receive a weekly email newsletter called "PBS Previews." The site also
offers television listings for PBS. In addition, there is a section where users can view the annual
report of PBS and find out about possible employment with the company. There is also an extensive
section where people interested
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Essay on The World Wide Web
The World Wide Web
Communication––it is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. It characterizes who we are, what
we do, and how we relate to others in society. It is a very powerful tool that holds many different
uses for our basic needs and survival. At a very simplistic level, it is key in attaining our very basic
needs for survival. In that respect, it is key in achieving all needs in Maslows hierarchy. Its uses and
possibilities endless.
Over time, the discoveries that have been made in relation to communication have been
revolutionary in that they have changed the way we live and act dramatically. For example, the
writing on walls, pencils, pens, ink, paper, the printing press, telegraph, telephone, television,
more content...
This lack of understanding causes fear and a personal defense from utilizing "the web" and all the
possibilities that lie within it. In essence, the concept behind the WorldWide Web is really quite
simple. It is nothing more than "a community of information sites on the Internet computer network"
(Pasadena Public Library). So basically, the World Wide Web is a small part of a greater entity
Internet. The sites, or web pages, are all connected by this network and can be considered a
community because of their common location–the World Wide Web. If you can visualize it, imagine
a large network, the Internet, which connects people and information all over the world. Then
imagine within that network, a community of its own. The World Wide Web has an endless number
of sites, made of web pages, and all of which are connected through the Internet.
So how does one use or "navigate" on the Web? To understand that, one must first understand the
language (that which makes it run, understand and execute commands) the web is based upon. This
language is known as Hypertext Markup Language, which will later be discussed in more detail.
Essentially, it the hypertext language uses "hot words to link pages to each other" (Halonen). The
hot words, which have been termed links, consist of an underlying code, HTML, which is read and
takes the user to the desired destination.
Also, the web uses URL's, Uniform Resource Locators, to locate information. Also
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Essay on Website Design
Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but
how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and
linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web
browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging from HTML,
CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history
considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages
in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a
long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for more content...
Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and
that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was
established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated
HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course
they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three,
four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually
invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first
website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was Unfortunately it no
longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development
guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web
design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was
very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain
basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more
advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web
design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage.
The evolution of websites and their
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Website Evaluation Essay
Overall, despite some text not being entirely complete and the contact form not being completely
formatted this website is an overall success. It makes contacting the business straightforward and
easy, follows the client's request of being 'clean, neat and uncluttered' and it promotes the business
effectively. Many web conventions are followed as detailed below to make this website effective.
The identification for this project was done very effectively. The client was asked a
comprehensive set of questions to ensure the developer had an extremely clear view of what they
wanted. Next, research was conducted allowing the developer to have a better idea of what works
by looking at the websites of other studs, or websites more content...
The editing program used was Sublime Text 3, a text editor designed for coding and actually used in
the web development industry. It includes syntax highlighting and code suggestions along with other
assisting tools to make development far quicker.
Before any development began, objectives were written for the website to clarify what was trying to
be achieved for the client. Mock–ups were then created to try and meet these objectives, which, after
only a few iterations did so and were checked off by the client. Unfortunately, without the website
going live the developer was unable to test the primary objective of the site: to increase sales for
Skeldale Dorpers, however, the other variables were tested. The client was indeed happy with the
website. It did scale quite effectively to different sized screens. It had a complimentary colour
scheme including the logo colour and was easily navigable using a nav–bar and footer. The website
also directed the user to contact the business with their details at the top and quite ubiquitous links to
the contact page.
The finally developed website did meet the client's desires and they were happy with it, however,
as mentioned above beta testing showed it could be far more effective if the correct thing was
shown to the user as soon as they accessed the page. The page did have the correct space, colours
and clean professional feel that the user had requested and gave a quite
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Website Evaluation Essay
When researching information on websites, there are many credentials that should be looked at.
Credentials can include looking up the author names, checking the validation of the information,
looking at dates and researching the articles published. By studying the topic of nutrition, there are
thousands of websites out on the web with numerous amounts of information on them. Nutrition is a
very detailed topic, and readers have to be careful on what they are reading in the fact of the
information being true. To show the process of evaluating websites, I have picked two different
websites that are paired together. The first one was for the company called JuicePlus, and the other
was title EatRight by the Academy of Dietics. The first site more content...
When you first visit the page, the product without knowing what the details, give you the
information that this product has a lot to do with fruits and vegetables. By observing this site, there
are bright tabs on the top with information such as what is JuicePlus, One Simple Change, Clinical
Research, Community, Buy and About Us. This authentically gives the concept that thiswebsite has a
lot of organization, and thought. With having easy tabs this gives the customer, and or reader
hopefully the information they are wanted to obtain. On this website, you can find out about this
company specifically in promoting eating more fruits and vegetables and how you can do this
concept without changing your life. You get to read live stories on people who have used the
product and you get to see pictures that capture your attention; for example there is a picture of a
hamburger and salad next to each other under the information stated why you need this? By giving
the information in a picture from it helps capture the attention of the reader to show a compare and
contrast of daily life choices. Also on the site, you will find information on specific products such
as capsules, shakes, protein bars and packages. If you are not sure why you should take their
product, there is a whole
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Essay On How To Improve Your Website
To improve my websites on–site SEO, we should start with the websites speed, it has been scored
'poor' by Website Grader, this is a big negative as there will be a big decrease in customer
satisfaction, and the bounce rate will be higher meaning more people will navigate away from the
site after viewing just one page, there will also be a lower average time on page. There are many
different things you could do to help a websites speed, one being that you could reduce the image
size because oversized images take longer to load.
Another on–site SEO improvement would be the readability of the content. My website was graded
'fairly easy to read', I don't think this is particularly bad at all but there are ways I could increase this more content...
Mobile friendly websites (responsive) can also be a great example of on–site SEO, my website had a
brilliant ranking, 99/100 meaning which cant get much better than that, 1% could be to do with
how the image is laid out on the homepage, the top of the image is slightly merged into the header
image and I haven't yet worked out how to get it separate as its different from a desktop. Having a
responsive website is extremely important to bring traffic to your website, it means that your website
can be displayed on all platforms like mobile phones, tablets etc. Without this the customer might not
engage with the website and put them off from looking further on the website.
Moving onto my examples of off–site SEO, one could be social media marketing, website grader
wasn't able to get a score for my website, meaning they couldn't find any content throughout social
media platforms related to the website. As I said previously, this is a fairly new website so there
hasn't been much content put onto social media. We need to come up with a good strategy of
posting related tweets/posts to link back to the website. This might be a strategy of different
categories, e.g. service tweets, promotional tweets etc, and have a good plan of how many tweets
/posts will go out, whether it would be every day or every other day. Hashtags is
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Critique of a Website Essay
Critique of a Website
Web sites are just like magazines, newspapers, brochures, menus, or even directions on how to make
nitroglycerin from house–hold goods, in that they all have to be put together in such a manner that
whoever is reading or browsing over it will be able to clearly distinguish this from that. In this
sense, a critique of any particular web site will have justification, while carefully considering also
that this is an altogether new medium of information exchange. Now, all of this talk of togetherness
is actually a general reference to basic design principles, such as color coordination, if color is used,
text size, font choice/ style, art integration, accessibility, and just plain and simple design of the
page. more content...
I'm not saying make–up is evil, but we all know what's in somewhat good taste, and what isn't. But,
hey!, I could be wrong: There could actually be a great person hiding under that crusty exterior;
most of the time there is. A balance needs to be achieved or at least strived for when designing aweb
page or any page for that matter. I'm not trying to rag on Raygun or anything, because I like A
LOT of the stuff that they do, but one must not get carried away with it and ignore what one is
supposed to be doing in the first place. For this reason I have chosen to pick on the Alternative X
web site (, for this paper. Well, not really pick on them, but you know
what I mean. So in our quest to discover the ideal web page we must look at the following things: 1)
Does it make sense? Is its layout so erratic in such a way as to render the viewer blind because of the
designers lack of vision and utter stupidity? 2) Organization. How and why were things placed in
the places they were placed, needs to be known, or at least made seemingly apparant. 3) Since this is
a web site we are critiquing, and like a Choose–Your–Own–Adventure Book one can skip to another
section with almost no fear of being inquisitioned, does its "links" lead to somewhere meaningful?
The first thing one sees when first viewing this page is a yellow screen with a single "X" in the
center with "alt" typed across it. Nice. Let me go off on a tangent here: I
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Website Evaluation Essay
Name: Princess C. Baker
CHMN 201 – Section (eg. B02, C01, D07) C04
Church Evaluation Form
Not every church will have every ministry. If they do not have a particular ministry, just indicate this
in the space provided.
Church #1 Name: The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Church #1 Website:
1. Ministry is...praying for others. a. Does the church have a prayer ministry? What does it look like?
Yes, Brooklyn Tabernacle has an prayer ministry. Prayer Band is a ministry dedicated to intecessory
prayer. prayer requests are made via prayer request cards, the mail, email, or telephone and prayed
over for a period of 30 days.
2. Ministry is...following Jesus' example by more content...
Ministry is...cultivating a culture of godly accountability for yourself and for those you serve. a.
Does the church have an organized accountability program? If so, what does it look like? Yes.
Accountability is done through small groups and various ministries.
6. What do you feel is the church's priority? Accountability
Church #3 Name: Hope Baptist Church
Church #3 Website:
1. Ministry is...praying for others. a. Does the church have a prayer ministry? What does it look
like? No. Only saw a series on Authentic prayer
2. Ministry is...following Jesus' example by practicing spiritual mentoring and multiplying. a. Does
the church have a strategy for evangelism? yes
b. Does the church have a strategy for discipleship? No
c. Briefly describe what they look like. Evangelism consist of Hope for the World ministry to engage
the world with the gospel.
3. Ministry is...leading small groups. a. Does the church have a small group ministry? What can
learn about their small group ministry from their website? Yes. Hope Baptist small group ministries
consist of 8–20 people who together rightly relate to God, one another, and the world. Hope Baptist
church have people from all walks of life and all stages of life.
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Website Design Essay
From a developer's point of view, the website will be created successfully by following the client's
clear instructions as well as meeting the four major requirements of every passable or effective
website. This includes that of the readability, functionality, design and accuracy. The website is
required to have six webpages including the homepage, about us, history, communication, contact us
and help. Once the website is transferred to a web server and up and running there should be
something to evaluate how many users use the website and take in to account customer feedback to
make the website better. There will be a central storage of information which will be accessible
through the discussion boards and chat rooms, although more content...
As instructed by the client, the Indigenous Language Trust, the team created a website to raise
awareness towards the topic of Indigenous cultures. This site included multiple web pages such as a
home page, which includes a supporting image towards the topic and some space for the client
details, a page called history, which gives a brief history of the topic and a supporting image, a page
called communications, used to teach the correct terminology and languages spoken by the
Aboriginal culture.
Additionally, there is a page called about us, used to give a brief description of our client Indigenous
Language Trust. Furthermore, there is a page called contact us, which is used to list all the contact
information associated with our client Indigenous Language Trust.
Finally, the page called help, is used for the biography and references valid to this project. Other
things that were required in this project was keeping an activity log, which was used to record the
daily progress made in assessment. There is no mention of this, however, to fully evaluate the
process, it can be assumed to be the case. Additionally, a testing log was needed to record the
testing valid in the project. The last criteria documented was to deliver the task by the due date.
Finally, with regards to the website, certain pages were missing content, leading to the questioning of
the overall success of the website.
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My Favorite Web Site and Why Essay
My Favorite Web Site and Why
Some Works Cited Missing
In contrast to most of the other people in this class, I had never done any net surfing. So to
prepare for this paper I explored the WWW for approximately seven hours. This helped to create
an impression on me of what constitutes a good Web site. Finally, I decided on a favorite SF/CP
Web site and I asked myself what made this site better than others. The Web site is dedicated to
William Gibson (Foley) site which scrolls a picture of the writer on the site projecting an air of
authority. The problem with the William Gibson site is that the background does little to
complement the site. The background for the BR site however, not only complements the title but
helps project the more content...
If baffled to the nature of Bladerunner, a non–fan will imediately see that the table of contents
contains a media bullet underwhich images, sounds, and video are provided. Simply a click on the
mouse educates the non–fan and disproves the validity of the critic's argument.
To further aid the non–fan in investigating this site is its excel in fulfilling the second criteria of
simplicity in style and organization. The home page is organized like a table of contents with 13
large bright colored bullets for each subject. Every dot (except one) is a link representing subjects
that are direct and unconfusing. Every dot relates directly to the subject; "Memorable Quotes" (of
Bladerunner)..."Different Versions" (of Bladerunner). Because of the table of contents format, the
reader isn't forced to read through prose to understand the purpose of this site. When you click on
Memorable quotes, for example, you are presented with just that: memorable quotes. Another
example of organization can be found behind "What's New." It is organized with a list of dates
that are enlarged and indented to differentiate between each other. This page is also simple in that
instead of cluttering all the new information on this one page, links are provided for every date to
help the viewer run through the dates more quickly. A good example of a site that is opposite to this
one can be found at the "The Cyberpunk's Home Page" (couldn't find
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The Progressive Era Essay
The beginning of the twentieth century was a time of great social change and economic growth in
the United States. The progressive era was a time in which Americans were innovating in social
welfare. In the progressive period the government needed to take action in the role of economy,
regulating big business, immigration, and urban growth. Once the great depression happened in
which America's economy faltered people started to panic. For Americans the main issues asked
were how to make society work more efficiently. The great society era was a time of optimism after
the post–world war II occurred. The creations of new federal programs were developed for those
who were in need due to poverty, being disabled or old age. In more content...
They also developed group work, community organization and advocacy to help the poor. Addams
was not really concern with race relations which made it hard for African Americans to survive
during this era. Most reformers believed African Americans should continue being second class
citizens, restricted from any participation in political life. African Americans were determine to
become equals they started by creating a national organization. They formed the National
Association for the Advancement of colored people (NAACP). They used education and lawsuits
to advance its cause, they won the brown v. board of education a desegregation case forty years
later. During the progressive era much of the politics were focused on corruption. According to
Abramowitz, corruption often meant control of city or state politics by an ethnically based
political machine for reformers. This machine delivered votes, jobs, and payoffs in cities in which
it used to gain power in state politics. The issue of corruption slowed down the development of the
social welfare reform. Civil war pensions were enacted by the labor legislation that compensated
veterans once the war ended. There were negative views about the pension like it was a scheme
because getting the pension depended on veteran's connection with politicians or lawyer. The issue
of corruption
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Website Review Paper
The website that I will analyze is the university page for Media and communication studies. The
reason why I would like to analyze this page for the reason that I am very curious about why a
creative major have an unexciting layout that look very technological, why is it so difficult to find
information on this page compared to other major at UMBC. In addition, I would like to know why
certain links on the website have not been updated or have an error message. Furthermore, I would
like to understand why the Media and Communication Studies page is a full of unnecessary
information that is not helpful for transfer or return students. Additionally, the reason why I will be
analyzing this website is because I am part of this program. more content...
What skills will the student learn in the classes, so that the student will know what class they will
need for their future career. However, one of the plus side of the page is that is very little blank
space, which make the page look organized. Furthermore, this website needs to offer a clear and
sharp layout of its content, that allowing the students' to clearly grasp the information presented.
Since the pages fairly basic, because it only has a navigation bar on the left– hand side that allows
easy access to the different parts of the website, which these different parts of the website are full of
unnecessary information, since it full of outdate information, blank pages, basic information about
the major, and links that don't work. Therefore, I think the website structure should be easy for users
to navigate. However, each section should have the necessary information for the students to
succeed. The layout should help information to pop out by highlight what is the most important
element that the viewer need to know or see. Therefore, to make information to pop out the website
should be an interactive experience to bring in more student to this major. In addition, the department
should remove all the broken links and the links that sent students to empty pages with no
information. Moreover, the page is lacking any social media; which is surprising considering how
often teenagers use social media,
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Gogh's Hierarchy
Anything can be art, depending on who is looking at it. There are so many different definitions and
types of artwork. There are paintings, sketchings, pottery, poetry, literature, music, movies, and
collections; just to name a few. Some pieces of art are seen as more exquisite and picturesque than
others. These masterpieces are at the stop of the hierarchal "art world." Some examples may include
music by Mozart or paintings by Von Gogh. To be among the top of the hierarchy demonstrates much
prestige. Although my art teacher's stained glass paintings are absolutely beautiful, they may only
rank in the middle of the hierarchy. The pieces of art farther down and at the bottom of the hierarchy
would include macaroni art done by kindergartners, more content...
In this way, it holds more value to me than it would to anyone else. However, if I had just a single
dried flower I would be more likely to just throw it out. By being part of a collection, the flowers
gain additional sentimental value and I would not be as likely to throw the bouquet away. In this
way, collections allow the ordinary to become the extraordinary. Any ordinary item can be seen as a
piece of art once included in a collection. Collections bring delight to not only the collectors
themselves, but also to those who get to see them. However, not all collectors show their collections.
This may be because they think that showing others would diminish their passion or fascination with
what they collect. This could happen if the collectors receive negative feedback about their
collection. If spectators were to think of the collection as stupid or useless, then the collector may
feel discouraged and collecting may lose its appeal. Feedback from other people is what determines
the status of any collection. As Johnson says, "All decentralized systems rely extensively on
feedback, for both growth and self–regulation" (192). Therefore, if spectators see the collection as
marvelous, the collector will earnestly continue collecting and looking for things that are bigger and
better. This allows the collection to grow and keep the spectators interested. By increasing interest in
the collection, spectators continue to give positive
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Creating A Website For An Effective Website
Having a website allows your network to benefit from an online presence and educate customers
to its business. But what does it take to create such a website? What are the steps needed to create
and operate an effective website, a site that encourages customers to do business with you?
Technically, the creation of a single site is not something difficult: thousands of new sites are
appearing on the web on a daily basis. But this "apparition" proves to be a handicap in terms of
appearance and operation. Here are 6 steps to create a site likely to leave a favorable impression
in the minds of customers, actual and potential. 1. Think about the goal, to the look and feel of
your site Begin this discussion by assessing other similar sites in your industry or other network
sites. Determine what you think is useful or not useful at these sites. Ask yourself the following
questions: What connection is there between fashion design, use of illustrations and colors or tone
of the text and the activity itself? Does the site offers easy access to the information that most
customers have an immediate need? Will they want to visit it again, and why? Is it clear that the
information will be updated on a regular basis? The fact to consider other sites allow you to better
understand what you expect from yours. 3. Remove a domain name Your domain name is the
Internet address that users type into their browser to find your site. For example, You must file all domain
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Essay Website

  • 1. Website Evaluation Report Tourism and Hospitality E – Tourism WEBSITE EVALUATION REPORT ELEONORA ANGELOVA Date: 14th May 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction ...................................................................3 II. Design...........................................................................4 III. Navigation .....................................................................5 IV. Content..........................................................................6 V. Interactivity.....................................................................7 VI. Personalization................................................................8 VII. Commercial elements.......................................................9 VIII. Conclusion ....................................................................10 I. Introduction Web sites today are sophisticated elements of companies' strategies designed to effectively and more content... A web site navigation bar/menu is a very important aspect of a web site. It actually decides the page design and layout. website is not e–commerce (has not online booking facility) and the visitors have to go around the site to find out from where and how to book the holiday. Another aspect of good site navigation is letting the visitor know where they are on your web site; i.e. the position of a web page on the web site tree. If visitors find your site's navigation confusing or convoluted, they'll simply give up and head off to explore the rest of the Web, never to return. So,
  • 2. good navigation design is an essential ingredient for any successful Web site. has horizontal website navigation bar while has drop–down theme. The users are able to move around within the site because the main navigation is easily identifiable. There is a drop down box next to their "browse our ideas:" icon that reads "by need." When scrolled over, the box shows needs like "some bustle," "to get lost," "a purpose," or "freedom." That really stands out because everyone has different reasons for wanting to get away. is easy to use, even for people who have not been to a travel web site before. They have enough information about their packages to satisfy most people. the tabs are clearly laid out in the top portion of the page and the consumer can tell where they are at all times. Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Website Design Here's How to Create an Exceptional Web Design that Wow Your Customers When it comes to creating a website, it is quite easy to get hung up on visual aesthetics. But if you truly want to come up with a website that becomes a brand awareness and lead generation machine, then you need to focus on more than just how your website looks. In this digital age, where consumers can have billion of website, you need to make sure your custom web design agency optimize a website for functionality and usability both to offer an interactive and enjoyable website experience to users. Here are a few helpful guidelines that help you create a website design that better usability and great UX. Simplicity Matters a lot Since the entire look and feel more content... Keep the structure of your navigation as simple as possible; don't complicate it by giving too many options. Make it clear and consistent throughout your website. Be Consistent In addition to simple design, easy navigation and perfect visual hierarchy, the overall look and feel of your website should be consistent throughout the website. Colors, typefaces, backgrounds, and even the white spaces should be consistent to create a positive impact on usability and UX both. However, your custom web design company can create different layouts for different categories, such as landing pages, informational pages or more. By consistently using these types of layouts, you will make it easier for consumers to understand the type of information they are more likely to find on a particular page. Make it Accessible Improving your website accessibility is important to provide a better user experience across multiple platforms. To offer a truly amazing UX, your website needs to compatible with different devices, browsers and operating systems that your users are using. It is recommended to invest in a website structure that is responsive. With responsive website design, your content is naturally resized and reshuffled to fit the dimensions of nearly every device your visitors are using. Build Credibility One of the easiest and effective ways to improve your website's credilbity is to be honest about the products or services your agency is selling on the Get more content on
  • 4. The Design Of A Website Essay Contents Page 1          Title page Page 2          Contents page Page 3          Section One Introduction Objectives:       To identify web–site designs that work, and to identify the reasons to why they work. What? Why? How? Page 4          Section Two Design is the Answer What? Why? How? Page 5/ 6          Section 3 and 4 Where does good web design come from? TEN RULES OF DESIGN FOR THE WEB Page 7 /8     NINE RULES OF WHAT NOT TO DO more content... How? By examination of the most frequently visited web–sites, and although a historical approach with reference to print in design. Section Two Design is the Answer What?      Web sites need to be far better designed than anything in the print medium, due to the very interdisciplinary nature of the web–site. Why? Because a magazine with even minimum design gets its information across to the reader. You buy it because you care about the issues in its headlines, if you want more you jump inside, 'print' by its nature is a tactile phenonenom; touch, smell and accessibility, and it is for that reason it will never die. But web–sites are purely visual and aural, one screen at a time. Encouraging the viewer to go beyond the first layer, even learn where to go for what is required is a common problem for designers. It is their job to bring the viewer inside through the "Dance of the seven veils",and once inside, guide them, not to confuse or frustrate them. How? Web–sites that work are sites that do what you want it to do. They do not insult your intelligence, but neither do they obfuscate. They must indicate the wealth of material lying beneath the first page, but also offer you options and alternate means of approach. The answer may lie in better selling of the 'land' – in urban planning, to use a metaphor. The solutions to timeless internet problems – navigation, Get more content on
  • 5. Website Analysis Paper INTRODUCTION The level of usability of a website is determined by how simple it is for a visitor to use and explore a website (Stokes, 2013, p. 95). Eataly is a company that sells Italian products online and in their various locations which also feature restaurants and activities that all relate to Italian food and products. The purpose of this paper is to assess the level of usability of the Eataly website and how four specific design topics, navigation, search options, professionalism, and breadcrumbs, impact the usability. NAVIGATION/CONSISTENCY The navigation of a website determines how site users move about the site and how they get to the page that contains the information that they are seeking. (Stokes, 2013, p. 95). An example more content... The color scheme of the site is consistent across the site and is in line with the company's logo. The site also doesn't have any features that would distract or intrude while using the site such as ads or popups that ask for customer info. Another note is that links on the site that enable users to sign in or check their order popup in an overlay of the current page when clicked instead of taking users to a different page. An example of this is that when something is added to a shopping cart the site doesn't force the user off the current page to go to the cart and the cart can also be viewed on any page without leaving the current page. BREADCRUMBS A breadcrumb is a visual design element on websites, usually featured just below the header, that shows users of the site where they are on the site and allows for them to be able to navigate the site faster since it shows them previous page links (Domagalski, n.d.). Breadcrumbs are utilized in the sites design on every page besides the home page. The breadcrumbs are located right below the far–left side of the sites header but are not sticky like the header. The usage of breadcrumbs allows users of the site to quickly see which page they are located on and see which pages led them to it and go back to those pages quickly. An example of this is on the delicate olive oil page that shows the following breadcrumb: "Home > Extra Virgin Olive Oil > Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Web Design Web design In the current years, designers have tried to shift from simple and minimal styles in their contents. The trend is towards more visual comprehensive designs that seem to change the contents if many designers. Supported by the devilment for various software's and technologies, there is an expansion to what is termed as web design. From 2016 some designs have shown to bring an improvement on web design that captures most people to focus on a particular website. Improved connection between developers and designers Designers do as much work as developers of websites. Design in most cases shapes the website and has a bigger influence in shaping the business brand. Most resources have been shifted to ensure that designers more content... Instead of being raster or pixel–based, SVGs are composed of vectors: mathematical descriptions of the object's shape. This means SVGs are resolution–independent, so they'll look great on any screen, on any device type. No need to worry about making everything retina–ready. Color segmentation Designers are now turning into color segmentation of colors to improve the appeal of the website. The combination of bright and bold colors is the main answer to most of the designers. Gradients also came back in a big way, blending and blurring those exuberant hues into spectra reminiscent of a noonday sky or a splashy sunset. There's a sort of synthesized naturalism to this reemergence of bright hues and bold gradients, and I look forward to seeing more of it in 2017. As shadows keep rolling in, designers are using them to make their content more appealing. The use of enlarged color shadows rather than monochrome equivalents is a good example of color segmentation. Animation use Most of the interfaces have been made possible by use of animation. as designers get more and more visual tools to help them build engaging and smile–sparking animations, we're sure to see them become both more prominent and more refined. It will hold much more benefits if it is easy to create animations. At 2016's Design & Content Conference, animation guru Val Head advised the web designers to pay attention to the brand tone and voice to create a brand Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Website Design Trends The world has been significantly transformed by technology so far and the change can also be witnessed in website design and development trends too. Today every company is ushering in a new website design age. Thus there is a need for developers to be at the top of the game. It's vital that you keep up with so many updates and developments happening in the web designing world released every few weeks. You are the only people whom clients and the company will always look up to for discussing feature–rich applications, latest web development frameworks, techniques, and tools to enhance UX. So don't act like uninformed or unobservant when they ask you! Well first impression is always the last impression guys! So let us dig the trends a more content... Javascript is a super popular programming language primarily used to create web applications. It helps make the website more interactive due to its user friendliness facilitates and allows developers to add animations and other dynamic features to the web pages. It also grants them better control over the web interface. Javascript accompanies a lot of the modern web and we can say this because today all modern web browsers support JavaScript without even the hassles of a plugin software. In a nutshell, whether you are looking to build a responsive website or web applications that work seamlessly with popular web browsers. Javascript comes to your rescue. Currently ranked seventh in the list of top 50 programming languages it will be the numero uno language for front–end development by 2020. Javascript is responsible for the change that allows the users to see and interact with the site. Being the first client–side language, nearly everything you interact with on a website, is due to javascript. Thus making the language is the favorite among full stack developers. Static site generators Static site generators are a great way to create websites Infact they are the next big website designing tools. You don't need a database to create websites These generators are able to create static websites from the text stored in files rather than in databases. It's as simplified as it can be. Some of Get more content on
  • 8. Website Analysis Essay There are over 1 billion active websites today and its growth is exponential. Not all of them are optimized and effectively used by the users. Every owner of the website should continuously assess and improve the effectiveness of their website, if they want to address the above question. How they can do that? That is where Web Analytics comes into picture. The process of tracking, collecting, measuring, reporting and analyzing the data collected from the web for understanding and optimizing the web usage is known as Web Analytics. We can track every click of every person on the website. It provides information about number of visitors to a website and number of page views. In other words, Web Analytics is tracking the visitor behavior more content... Cookies are used to track the returning visitor's. 6.Crawler/Spider/Bots: An automated program that visits websites and reads their pages and information in order to create entries for a search engine index. 7.Entry Page: The first page that the user views while browsing the website. 8.Exit Page: The page from where the user exits from viewing the website. 9.Hits: Each file sent to a browser by a web server is an individual hit. 10.New Visitor: Visitor who have viewed the website for the first time. 11.Organic Search: Organic search is the process of using an unbiased algorithm to provide a user with content suggestions based on their search query. It describes search that generates results that are not paid advertisements. 12.Page Duration: The time spent by visitor on each page. 13.Page View: Each time the visitor views the page on the website. 14.Return Visitor: A visitor who visits the website multiple times in the given time period. Cookies and authentication helps to track the returning visitors. 15.Search Engine Optimization: The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by search engines. Furthermore, let's discuss the topics of Caching, Page Caching, Search Robots, Unique Visitors and Challenges in web analytics. Caching: Caching is an effective way to improve the performance of the webpage. Generally, Websites Get more content on
  • 9. Web Design Essay Have you ever thought of marketing your business online? You should take advantage of internet and market your business online. There are numerous ways of promoting your products and services online. You can choose to use a website and so forth. Most people usually prefer using websites to market their businesses. Creating a website is not easy. You need to have some set of skills needed to get the job done. A professional in web design services can help you in building a website. There are several tips that can help you in building a website. These include: 1. Create a good content for your readers. It is important that you create a good content for your readers. You should ensure that you come up with an original content for more content... This is a very important SEO tip for beginners. 5. Keep tabs on links. You will note that search engines normally look at the hyperlinks to determine what a page is all about. In addition, these hyperlinks normally determine how high a page will rank on the SERPs. This actually means that every link should be relevant to the content. If your content is about engineering, your links should be about engineering as well. 6. Ensure that your site is mobile friendly. Most people normally use smartphones to browse the internet and so on. It is important that you ensure that your site is mobile friendly so that somebody can access it on his or her smartphone or table. Those websites with mobile responsive layout structure have a chance to secure good user visibility. Those are some of the tips that can help you in building a website. If you want to choose a good web design agency, you should check the following: 1. Reputable. Reputable digital agencies are known to offer quality services. You will note that these agencies normally receive several referrals from those customers that they have served in the past. This is the reason why you should choose a reputable digital agency. In addition, you should ensure that the digital agency is licensed to offer these services. This means that quality will be guaranteed. 2. Expertise. Professionals are known to offer quality services to their clients. You should ensure that Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about The Process of Designing a Website The Process of Designing a Website To begin the process of designing a web site you should create a paper prototype of five linked web pages. Paper prototyping is a variation of usability testing where users perform realistic tasks by interacting with a paper version instead of a computer. With this we can obtain feedback from the user and then it be dealt with before creating a web page. The think–aloud technique is concerned with the behaviour of an individual when performing a task. We interviewed one user because we felt that if more users were to do the prototype, then information will be discussed. We told the participants at any time they could leave if they felt more content... The user finds this very confusing due to the layouts of the buttons and the wording. As a result, they had to start all over again and it irritated the user. A "submit" button was required at the final page but this was not displayed. The last page had mention that the order was completed. However, the feedback use from the think aloud technique meant that by proceeding onto another page would make the payment more reliable and sufficient. From using the think aloud technique to get feedback, we improve our design to be a much more useful one. We put in drop down menus in appropriates places so the user would find this more convenient. The colour scheme was also changed to differentiate our website from the rest and create a better first impression on the user. We made our buttons clearer so the user can understand it better and also position them in a viewable way. Therefore using this technique has made our design more successful. (466 words) Part 2 Discuss briefly the advantages of paper–based prototyping, with particular reference to your own prototype (not to exceed 500 words). The Advantages of Paper – Based Prototyping Paper Prototyping is considered by many to be an easy to use and efficient tool to plot out an interface seen by the user. It has a number of advantages which we Get more content on
  • 11. Website Evaluation Paper This paper is a written evaluation of three websites that were designed to reach a specific target audience. All three sites' reach their target audience, however they accomplish this in a slightly different way. During this paper, we will discuss the strength and weaknesses of each site, the design criteria used to evaluate them, and how to improve some of the weaknesses associated with each site. In order to evaluate each site and ensure they were designed to reach the same target audience we had to first determine what their target audience was, we accomplished this by asking a couple of questions about each site. What is the purpose of the site, estimated age of people using the site, level of familiarity with computers and the internet, more content... References figure nine for a graphical representation of these strengths and weaknesses. In the end site one came out a little above the site two and well above the main site with a little improvement the main site and site two could come out on top in the next evaluation. Site two just needs to improve their navigation bar and fix the issue with the media, and add captions. All the sites need to work on putting important information above the fold or in other word locate content above the scroll Get more content on
  • 12. Website Review Essay After visiting and examining the PBS Web site, I was able to conclude that it is an extremely successful entertainment and educational site. The Web site has won many substantial awards, including the prestigious "Webbie Award" in 1998 and 1999. According to a recent survey, fifty –six percent of users at the PBS Web site are male and sixty percent are between the ages of eighteen and forty–four. Forty–four percent of the Web site users have children and fifty–seven percent make online purchases. (Gallup/Plaw Release: Survey of 40,000 Internet Users. Fall 1998.) The design of the Web site is very bright and appealing to the eye. Its layout is inviting and easy to navigate. Its design is consistent through all pages. There are more content... Another main section in the PBS Web site is called "TeacherSource." Its articles offer teachers advice on incorporating cable, video, and the Internet into their classrooms and lessons. The "Indie Scene" section concerns independent films and videos. It includes film reviews, a schedule of movies, and interviews with filmmakers. The site has two different news sections, " Online Newshour" and "News & Views." The "Online Newshour" section has up to date objective articles with many photos. It also includes a new section geared towards high school students. The "News & Views" section also deals with up to date news, but in a more subjective way. This section includes opinion articles from a variety of people concerning more controversial news issues. The section also has its own discussion group where users are able to post and reply to many different topics. Other main sections on the PBS site include Adult Learning, history, science, technology, and arts. The Web site also has its own shopping site called "ShopPBS." Here users are able to purchase videos and books about anything from the Olympics to the rainforest. The site offers users to sign up to receive a weekly email newsletter called "PBS Previews." The site also offers television listings for PBS. In addition, there is a section where users can view the annual report of PBS and find out about possible employment with the company. There is also an extensive section where people interested Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The World Wide Web The World Wide Web Communication––it is a fundamental part of our everyday lives. It characterizes who we are, what we do, and how we relate to others in society. It is a very powerful tool that holds many different uses for our basic needs and survival. At a very simplistic level, it is key in attaining our very basic needs for survival. In that respect, it is key in achieving all needs in Maslows hierarchy. Its uses and possibilities endless. Over time, the discoveries that have been made in relation to communication have been revolutionary in that they have changed the way we live and act dramatically. For example, the writing on walls, pencils, pens, ink, paper, the printing press, telegraph, telephone, television, more content... This lack of understanding causes fear and a personal defense from utilizing "the web" and all the possibilities that lie within it. In essence, the concept behind the WorldWide Web is really quite simple. It is nothing more than "a community of information sites on the Internet computer network" (Pasadena Public Library). So basically, the World Wide Web is a small part of a greater entity –the Internet. The sites, or web pages, are all connected by this network and can be considered a community because of their common location–the World Wide Web. If you can visualize it, imagine a large network, the Internet, which connects people and information all over the world. Then imagine within that network, a community of its own. The World Wide Web has an endless number of sites, made of web pages, and all of which are connected through the Internet. So how does one use or "navigate" on the Web? To understand that, one must first understand the language (that which makes it run, understand and execute commands) the web is based upon. This language is known as Hypertext Markup Language, which will later be discussed in more detail. Essentially, it the hypertext language uses "hot words to link pages to each other" (Halonen). The hot words, which have been termed links, consist of an underlying code, HTML, which is read and takes the user to the desired destination. Also, the web uses URL's, Uniform Resource Locators, to locate information. Also Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Website Design Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging from HTML, CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for more content... Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three, four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was Unfortunately it no longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage. The evolution of websites and their Get more content on
  • 15. Website Evaluation Essay Evaluation Overall, despite some text not being entirely complete and the contact form not being completely formatted this website is an overall success. It makes contacting the business straightforward and easy, follows the client's request of being 'clean, neat and uncluttered' and it promotes the business effectively. Many web conventions are followed as detailed below to make this website effective. The identification for this project was done very effectively. The client was asked a comprehensive set of questions to ensure the developer had an extremely clear view of what they wanted. Next, research was conducted allowing the developer to have a better idea of what works by looking at the websites of other studs, or websites more content... The editing program used was Sublime Text 3, a text editor designed for coding and actually used in the web development industry. It includes syntax highlighting and code suggestions along with other assisting tools to make development far quicker. Before any development began, objectives were written for the website to clarify what was trying to be achieved for the client. Mock–ups were then created to try and meet these objectives, which, after only a few iterations did so and were checked off by the client. Unfortunately, without the website going live the developer was unable to test the primary objective of the site: to increase sales for Skeldale Dorpers, however, the other variables were tested. The client was indeed happy with the website. It did scale quite effectively to different sized screens. It had a complimentary colour scheme including the logo colour and was easily navigable using a nav–bar and footer. The website also directed the user to contact the business with their details at the top and quite ubiquitous links to the contact page. The finally developed website did meet the client's desires and they were happy with it, however, as mentioned above beta testing showed it could be far more effective if the correct thing was shown to the user as soon as they accessed the page. The page did have the correct space, colours and clean professional feel that the user had requested and gave a quite Get more content on
  • 16. Website Evaluation Essay When researching information on websites, there are many credentials that should be looked at. Credentials can include looking up the author names, checking the validation of the information, looking at dates and researching the articles published. By studying the topic of nutrition, there are thousands of websites out on the web with numerous amounts of information on them. Nutrition is a very detailed topic, and readers have to be careful on what they are reading in the fact of the information being true. To show the process of evaluating websites, I have picked two different websites that are paired together. The first one was for the company called JuicePlus, and the other was title EatRight by the Academy of Dietics. The first site more content... When you first visit the page, the product without knowing what the details, give you the information that this product has a lot to do with fruits and vegetables. By observing this site, there are bright tabs on the top with information such as what is JuicePlus, One Simple Change, Clinical Research, Community, Buy and About Us. This authentically gives the concept that thiswebsite has a lot of organization, and thought. With having easy tabs this gives the customer, and or reader hopefully the information they are wanted to obtain. On this website, you can find out about this company specifically in promoting eating more fruits and vegetables and how you can do this concept without changing your life. You get to read live stories on people who have used the product and you get to see pictures that capture your attention; for example there is a picture of a hamburger and salad next to each other under the information stated why you need this? By giving the information in a picture from it helps capture the attention of the reader to show a compare and contrast of daily life choices. Also on the site, you will find information on specific products such as capsules, shakes, protein bars and packages. If you are not sure why you should take their product, there is a whole Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On How To Improve Your Website To improve my websites on–site SEO, we should start with the websites speed, it has been scored 'poor' by Website Grader, this is a big negative as there will be a big decrease in customer satisfaction, and the bounce rate will be higher meaning more people will navigate away from the site after viewing just one page, there will also be a lower average time on page. There are many different things you could do to help a websites speed, one being that you could reduce the image size because oversized images take longer to load. Another on–site SEO improvement would be the readability of the content. My website was graded 'fairly easy to read', I don't think this is particularly bad at all but there are ways I could increase this more content... Mobile friendly websites (responsive) can also be a great example of on–site SEO, my website had a brilliant ranking, 99/100 meaning which cant get much better than that, 1% could be to do with how the image is laid out on the homepage, the top of the image is slightly merged into the header image and I haven't yet worked out how to get it separate as its different from a desktop. Having a responsive website is extremely important to bring traffic to your website, it means that your website can be displayed on all platforms like mobile phones, tablets etc. Without this the customer might not engage with the website and put them off from looking further on the website. Moving onto my examples of off–site SEO, one could be social media marketing, website grader wasn't able to get a score for my website, meaning they couldn't find any content throughout social media platforms related to the website. As I said previously, this is a fairly new website so there hasn't been much content put onto social media. We need to come up with a good strategy of posting related tweets/posts to link back to the website. This might be a strategy of different categories, e.g. service tweets, promotional tweets etc, and have a good plan of how many tweets /posts will go out, whether it would be every day or every other day. Hashtags is Get more content on
  • 18. Critique of a Website Essay Critique of a Website Web sites are just like magazines, newspapers, brochures, menus, or even directions on how to make nitroglycerin from house–hold goods, in that they all have to be put together in such a manner that whoever is reading or browsing over it will be able to clearly distinguish this from that. In this sense, a critique of any particular web site will have justification, while carefully considering also that this is an altogether new medium of information exchange. Now, all of this talk of togetherness is actually a general reference to basic design principles, such as color coordination, if color is used, text size, font choice/ style, art integration, accessibility, and just plain and simple design of the page. more content... I'm not saying make–up is evil, but we all know what's in somewhat good taste, and what isn't. But, hey!, I could be wrong: There could actually be a great person hiding under that crusty exterior; most of the time there is. A balance needs to be achieved or at least strived for when designing aweb page or any page for that matter. I'm not trying to rag on Raygun or anything, because I like A LOT of the stuff that they do, but one must not get carried away with it and ignore what one is supposed to be doing in the first place. For this reason I have chosen to pick on the Alternative X web site (, for this paper. Well, not really pick on them, but you know what I mean. So in our quest to discover the ideal web page we must look at the following things: 1) Does it make sense? Is its layout so erratic in such a way as to render the viewer blind because of the designers lack of vision and utter stupidity? 2) Organization. How and why were things placed in the places they were placed, needs to be known, or at least made seemingly apparant. 3) Since this is a web site we are critiquing, and like a Choose–Your–Own–Adventure Book one can skip to another section with almost no fear of being inquisitioned, does its "links" lead to somewhere meaningful? The first thing one sees when first viewing this page is a yellow screen with a single "X" in the center with "alt" typed across it. Nice. Let me go off on a tangent here: I Get more content on
  • 19. Website Evaluation Essay Name: Princess C. Baker CHMN 201 – Section (eg. B02, C01, D07) C04 Church Evaluation Form Not every church will have every ministry. If they do not have a particular ministry, just indicate this in the space provided. Church #1 Name: The Brooklyn Tabernacle Church #1 Website: 1. Ministry is...praying for others. a. Does the church have a prayer ministry? What does it look like? Yes, Brooklyn Tabernacle has an prayer ministry. Prayer Band is a ministry dedicated to intecessory prayer. prayer requests are made via prayer request cards, the mail, email, or telephone and prayed over for a period of 30 days. 2. Ministry is...following Jesus' example by more content... Ministry is...cultivating a culture of godly accountability for yourself and for those you serve. a. Does the church have an organized accountability program? If so, what does it look like? Yes. Accountability is done through small groups and various ministries. 6. What do you feel is the church's priority? Accountability Church #3 Name: Hope Baptist Church Church #3 Website: 1. Ministry is...praying for others. a. Does the church have a prayer ministry? What does it look like? No. Only saw a series on Authentic prayer 2. Ministry is...following Jesus' example by practicing spiritual mentoring and multiplying. a. Does the church have a strategy for evangelism? yes b. Does the church have a strategy for discipleship? No c. Briefly describe what they look like. Evangelism consist of Hope for the World ministry to engage the world with the gospel. 3. Ministry is...leading small groups. a. Does the church have a small group ministry? What can
  • 20. learn about their small group ministry from their website? Yes. Hope Baptist small group ministries consist of 8–20 people who together rightly relate to God, one another, and the world. Hope Baptist church have people from all walks of life and all stages of life. 4. Get more content on
  • 21. Website Design Essay From a developer's point of view, the website will be created successfully by following the client's clear instructions as well as meeting the four major requirements of every passable or effective website. This includes that of the readability, functionality, design and accuracy. The website is required to have six webpages including the homepage, about us, history, communication, contact us and help. Once the website is transferred to a web server and up and running there should be something to evaluate how many users use the website and take in to account customer feedback to make the website better. There will be a central storage of information which will be accessible through the discussion boards and chat rooms, although more content... As instructed by the client, the Indigenous Language Trust, the team created a website to raise awareness towards the topic of Indigenous cultures. This site included multiple web pages such as a home page, which includes a supporting image towards the topic and some space for the client details, a page called history, which gives a brief history of the topic and a supporting image, a page called communications, used to teach the correct terminology and languages spoken by the Aboriginal culture. Additionally, there is a page called about us, used to give a brief description of our client Indigenous Language Trust. Furthermore, there is a page called contact us, which is used to list all the contact information associated with our client Indigenous Language Trust. Finally, the page called help, is used for the biography and references valid to this project. Other things that were required in this project was keeping an activity log, which was used to record the daily progress made in assessment. There is no mention of this, however, to fully evaluate the process, it can be assumed to be the case. Additionally, a testing log was needed to record the testing valid in the project. The last criteria documented was to deliver the task by the due date. Finally, with regards to the website, certain pages were missing content, leading to the questioning of the overall success of the website. Get more content on
  • 22. My Favorite Web Site and Why Essay My Favorite Web Site and Why Some Works Cited Missing In contrast to most of the other people in this class, I had never done any net surfing. So to prepare for this paper I explored the WWW for approximately seven hours. This helped to create an impression on me of what constitutes a good Web site. Finally, I decided on a favorite SF/CP Web site and I asked myself what made this site better than others. The Web site is dedicated to William Gibson (Foley) site which scrolls a picture of the writer on the site projecting an air of authority. The problem with the William Gibson site is that the background does little to complement the site. The background for the BR site however, not only complements the title but helps project the more content... If baffled to the nature of Bladerunner, a non–fan will imediately see that the table of contents contains a media bullet underwhich images, sounds, and video are provided. Simply a click on the mouse educates the non–fan and disproves the validity of the critic's argument. To further aid the non–fan in investigating this site is its excel in fulfilling the second criteria of simplicity in style and organization. The home page is organized like a table of contents with 13 large bright colored bullets for each subject. Every dot (except one) is a link representing subjects that are direct and unconfusing. Every dot relates directly to the subject; "Memorable Quotes" (of Bladerunner)..."Different Versions" (of Bladerunner). Because of the table of contents format, the reader isn't forced to read through prose to understand the purpose of this site. When you click on Memorable quotes, for example, you are presented with just that: memorable quotes. Another example of organization can be found behind "What's New." It is organized with a list of dates that are enlarged and indented to differentiate between each other. This page is also simple in that instead of cluttering all the new information on this one page, links are provided for every date to help the viewer run through the dates more quickly. A good example of a site that is opposite to this one can be found at the "The Cyberpunk's Home Page" (couldn't find Get more content on
  • 23. The Progressive Era Essay The beginning of the twentieth century was a time of great social change and economic growth in the United States. The progressive era was a time in which Americans were innovating in social welfare. In the progressive period the government needed to take action in the role of economy, regulating big business, immigration, and urban growth. Once the great depression happened in which America's economy faltered people started to panic. For Americans the main issues asked were how to make society work more efficiently. The great society era was a time of optimism after the post–world war II occurred. The creations of new federal programs were developed for those who were in need due to poverty, being disabled or old age. In more content... They also developed group work, community organization and advocacy to help the poor. Addams was not really concern with race relations which made it hard for African Americans to survive during this era. Most reformers believed African Americans should continue being second class citizens, restricted from any participation in political life. African Americans were determine to become equals they started by creating a national organization. They formed the National Association for the Advancement of colored people (NAACP). They used education and lawsuits to advance its cause, they won the brown v. board of education a desegregation case forty years later. During the progressive era much of the politics were focused on corruption. According to Abramowitz, corruption often meant control of city or state politics by an ethnically based political machine for reformers. This machine delivered votes, jobs, and payoffs in cities in which it used to gain power in state politics. The issue of corruption slowed down the development of the social welfare reform. Civil war pensions were enacted by the labor legislation that compensated veterans once the war ended. There were negative views about the pension like it was a scheme because getting the pension depended on veteran's connection with politicians or lawyer. The issue of corruption Get more content on
  • 24. Website Review Paper The website that I will analyze is the university page for Media and communication studies. The reason why I would like to analyze this page for the reason that I am very curious about why a creative major have an unexciting layout that look very technological, why is it so difficult to find information on this page compared to other major at UMBC. In addition, I would like to know why certain links on the website have not been updated or have an error message. Furthermore, I would like to understand why the Media and Communication Studies page is a full of unnecessary information that is not helpful for transfer or return students. Additionally, the reason why I will be analyzing this website is because I am part of this program. more content... What skills will the student learn in the classes, so that the student will know what class they will need for their future career. However, one of the plus side of the page is that is very little blank space, which make the page look organized. Furthermore, this website needs to offer a clear and sharp layout of its content, that allowing the students' to clearly grasp the information presented. Since the pages fairly basic, because it only has a navigation bar on the left– hand side that allows easy access to the different parts of the website, which these different parts of the website are full of unnecessary information, since it full of outdate information, blank pages, basic information about the major, and links that don't work. Therefore, I think the website structure should be easy for users to navigate. However, each section should have the necessary information for the students to succeed. The layout should help information to pop out by highlight what is the most important element that the viewer need to know or see. Therefore, to make information to pop out the website should be an interactive experience to bring in more student to this major. In addition, the department should remove all the broken links and the links that sent students to empty pages with no information. Moreover, the page is lacking any social media; which is surprising considering how often teenagers use social media, Get more content on
  • 25. Gogh's Hierarchy Anything can be art, depending on who is looking at it. There are so many different definitions and types of artwork. There are paintings, sketchings, pottery, poetry, literature, music, movies, and collections; just to name a few. Some pieces of art are seen as more exquisite and picturesque than others. These masterpieces are at the stop of the hierarchal "art world." Some examples may include music by Mozart or paintings by Von Gogh. To be among the top of the hierarchy demonstrates much prestige. Although my art teacher's stained glass paintings are absolutely beautiful, they may only rank in the middle of the hierarchy. The pieces of art farther down and at the bottom of the hierarchy would include macaroni art done by kindergartners, more content... In this way, it holds more value to me than it would to anyone else. However, if I had just a single dried flower I would be more likely to just throw it out. By being part of a collection, the flowers gain additional sentimental value and I would not be as likely to throw the bouquet away. In this way, collections allow the ordinary to become the extraordinary. Any ordinary item can be seen as a piece of art once included in a collection. Collections bring delight to not only the collectors themselves, but also to those who get to see them. However, not all collectors show their collections. This may be because they think that showing others would diminish their passion or fascination with what they collect. This could happen if the collectors receive negative feedback about their collection. If spectators were to think of the collection as stupid or useless, then the collector may feel discouraged and collecting may lose its appeal. Feedback from other people is what determines the status of any collection. As Johnson says, "All decentralized systems rely extensively on feedback, for both growth and self–regulation" (192). Therefore, if spectators see the collection as marvelous, the collector will earnestly continue collecting and looking for things that are bigger and better. This allows the collection to grow and keep the spectators interested. By increasing interest in the collection, spectators continue to give positive Get more content on
  • 26. Creating A Website For An Effective Website Having a website allows your network to benefit from an online presence and educate customers to its business. But what does it take to create such a website? What are the steps needed to create and operate an effective website, a site that encourages customers to do business with you? Technically, the creation of a single site is not something difficult: thousands of new sites are appearing on the web on a daily basis. But this "apparition" proves to be a handicap in terms of appearance and operation. Here are 6 steps to create a site likely to leave a favorable impression in the minds of customers, actual and potential. 1. Think about the goal, to the look and feel of your site Begin this discussion by assessing other similar sites in your industry or other network sites. Determine what you think is useful or not useful at these sites. Ask yourself the following questions: What connection is there between fashion design, use of illustrations and colors or tone of the text and the activity itself? Does the site offers easy access to the information that most customers have an immediate need? Will they want to visit it again, and why? Is it clear that the information will be updated on a regular basis? The fact to consider other sites allow you to better understand what you expect from yours. 3. Remove a domain name Your domain name is the Internet address that users type into their browser to find your site. For example, You must file all domain Get more content on