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References : Overpopulation Is The Problem
References Kuo, G. (2012). MegaCrisis? Overpopulation is the problem. World Future Review, 4(3),
23–32. Gioietta Kuo discusses overpopulation as the main problem causing all of life's problems
on earth today. Moreover, if the problem is not rectified, the world faces extinction from a shortage
of resources such as food, water, and land. The implied message is that overpopulation needs to be
addressed, because without reducing the inhabitants in the world, humanity will run out of the
means to sustain even the current population. This article relates to "Connecting the Dots between
Species Extinction, Overpopulation, and the Use of Resources" by Marshall Marcus, because
Marcus also believes that the extinction of any species can be traced back to the increase of the
world's population. Both authors feel that overpopulation is the cause for many of earth's problems
such as environmental destruction, climate change, and food shortage to name a few. With all the
data, facts and references, I feel this article credible. Using this information in my paper will help
argue my opinion on overpopulation.
Marcus, Marshall. (2016). Connecting the dots between species extinction, overpopulation, and the
use of resources. Torch, 89(2), 28–31.
Marshall Marcus discusses how overpopulation and depletion of resources is to blame for the
extinction of any specie throughout history and happening now. The appeal being used is pathos,
because of the emotional plea that is felt throughout the article in regards to reducing the
population to save the planet. This article relates to "MegaCrisis? Overpopulation is the Problem"
by Gioietta Kuo, because Kuo also believes that the world's overpopulation is the reason for all of
earth's problems. Both authors feel that overpopulation is the cause for many problems such as
environmental destruction, climate change, and food shortage to name a few. Marcus article is
credible with all the facts and data that shows the problem relates to overpopulation. I will use his
information on excitation and loss of resources to back up the need to decrease the world's
Richards, C. (2016). Protecting and expanding access to birth control. The New England
Journal of Medicine,
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List Of Visual References
Visual References:
Page 1: Cover Page
Page 2: Contents Page
Page 3: Activity One
Page 4: Activity Two
Page 5 and 6: Questionnaire
*Answered Five times
Page 7: Activity Three
Page 8: Continuation of Activity Three
Page 9: Extended Continuation of Activity Three
Page 10: Activity Four
Page 11: Activity Five
Page 12: Visual References
Page 13: Continuation of Visual References
Page 14: Reference Page
Page 15: Continuation of Reference Page
Violence against children– Investigation:
1.1.Violence in general is an international problem although focusing on violence against children
has become an increased issue, which is in desperate need of assistance. The issue of
more content...
Violence against children, or more commonly known as 'Child Abuse', includes any form of
physical, sexual, or psychological abuse along with neglect. These things can occur in the child's
home, at school even whom they choose to interact with on a daily basis. Personally as being a
victim personally of violence against children I find it completely immoral to abuse a child or
anyone in general. This is an issue that many are not completely aware of. One of the many human
rights that have been violated is the 'Right To Dignity'
The Right to Dignity: This specific right states that no–one shall be exposed to slavery, servitude or
forced labour. Enforcing the dignity of all people should be respected. The Right to Dignity also
supports the right of people to suitable protection by law against violence, pestering and/or abuse.
1.3.Children's Act (2005) no.38
Rights and laws that are provided to children have been implemented in order to protect the
children of a country. As children are still under the legal age to defend themselves in times such as
abuse, these laws are put in place to assist in helping those that can't help themselves, by themselves.
A direct definition would be stated as " The opportunity for children to participate in political and
legal decisions that affect them; in a broad sense, the rights of children to live free from hunger,
abuse, neglect and other inhumane conditions" (legal–
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Philosophy of Ethics Essay
The word "ethics" comes from Greek ethikas meaning character. Today, we use ethics to describe the
normative standard of behavior. The history of philosophical ethics has been broken up into five
rational methods: Virtue, Traditional, Modern, and Post–Modern Ethics. Within these periods, the
philosophy of ethics changed along with the changes being made within society. The first rational
method is Virtue Ethics. The major philosophers during this period were materialists such as Plato,
Aristotle, Epicurus, and Plutarch. Greek were concerned with finding eudaimonia meaning the good
life, but what is the good life? Known as the greatest Western philosopher, Plato developed the
Cardinal Virtues: Justice, Courage, Moderation, more content...
One of the last major philosophers of Virtue Ethics was Plutarch who advocated virtue but disagreed
with Epicurus because he believed there was no true pleasure. At this same time, between 400 B.C.–
40 B.C. Stoic philosophers such Cicero, who combined the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato,
developed his idea on ethics and how everyone has a duty and should imitate virtue for others. He
said duty has two points which are to achieve the Supreme Good, and follow the rules for daily
living. Cicero was a strong believer in rationality incorporated Plato's Cardinal Virtues into his three
rules of conduct: master desires through reason, know true value of goals and be moderate in
actions and lifestyle. Following Virtue Ethics, a major shift occurred in thinking. The philosophers
of Virtue Ethics were materialists and believed we only have what we have and after death, we have
nothing. Traditional Ethics shifted the focus on religion once it began to spread. Also known as
Biblical Ethics, philosophers started a systematic study of Biblical themes and principles surrounding
ethics and morality. St. Augustine was trained as a philosopher and combines his understanding of
the Bible to ethics by answering the same question as Plato and Aristotle did, "What is the highest
good?" He answered this question with happiness just like Aristotle but since Aristotle
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A Survivor's Story Angela Goodwin-Slater
An annotated bibliography is a list of available references to books, articles, and documents.
Each reference is followed by a brief description of the content, quality, and relevance of the source
this is the annotation.
An annotated bibliography is similar to a bibliography with one significant difference: an annotated
bibliography has an evaluative paragraph after each reference.
In her article "A survivor's story" Angela Goodwin–Slater (2013) claims that the effect of child abuse
on her was mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, low self–esteem and possible tendencies of being
a child abuser.
Goodwin–slater goes further to say that her mother developed this abusive nature from an abusive
grandparent. She tries to point out that child abuse
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Gender : Culture And Gender Essay
Culture and Gender
Heather Richardson–Barker
Drexel University
Society has clearly defined boundaries between what is considered to be male or female. The
development of an individual's gender role is formed by interactions with those in close proximity.
Society constantly tells us how we should look, act and live based on gender. Family, friends and the
media have a tremendous impact on how these roles are formed and the expected behavior of each
gender role.
Gender, as defined by the United Nations, includes the psychological, social, cultural, and
behavioral characteristics associated with being female or male. It further defines acceptable and
allowable behavior in for both men and women in a broad cultural sense (United Nations, 2016).
Gender identity impacts our development and how we interact with society. Our daily life decisions
are impacted by our gender role beliefs.
Gender ideologies determine the roles that men and women should adhere to in society and are
influenced by an individual's social beliefs and experiences. From traditional to egalitarian values,
prejudicial and discriminator behavior towards women can be explained as either interest based or
exposure based (Bolzendahl & Myers 2004). The interest based theory is dependent on whether or
not an individual's personal goals are negatively impacted by gender inequality. If so, they are then
more likely to embrace an egalitarianism way of thinking.
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The Importance Of References In My Writing
I have to say that I was not surprised by review from Paperrater on my essay. I did not have any
spelling errors but did have four areas that a comma should have been used in a sentence. As an
officer spelling is key in a narrative of a report but I am going to have to focus on making longer
sentences and using commas correctly.
I also had several bad phrases in my essay. In writing police reports we try to keep the writing plain
and simple this is an area on which I have to improve. I also struggled with using transitional
phrases in my essay. As the essays become longer and more in depth this is an area that I have to
work on as well. Good transitional phrases help keep the readers attention and make reading the
essay more enjoyable
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Informal Reference Groups
A reference group is people who we want to resemble. When I was a freshman in college I dressed
very plain such as a pair of jeans with a basic t–shirt. As the months, went by I started dressing
differently such as wearing lipstick, color jeans, nice shirts, etc. Also, I act differently more of a
preppy attitude. I was surrounded by a group of people who dress nicely and act preppy. This
reference group molded me because I admire their appearances and attitudes. There are different
reference groups that can be identify such as informal, formal membership and disclaimant. Informal
reference groups have interests and goals in common. For example, relatives, mothers in the
community and peers. A formal reference would be have one main goal in
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Example Of Essay Peer Review
Research Essay Peer Review First, read through the document: 1.What is the central idea of the
document? How do you know this? Is there a clear sense of the purpose or thesis throughout the
paper? a.The central idea of the document is new methods put into place for doctor shopping
involving opioid addiction. I know this because it states it in the thesis. Yes, the purpose/thesis is
the new methods that are being put into place to prevent doctor shopping and addiction of opioids.
2.Is the document well supported? Do you notice a synthesis of source material? Is it clear that
where the sources are from? a.The document is well supported. Yes, I notice a synthesis of sources.
It is clear where the sources came from. 3.Look at the more content...
The thing that would make this essay more informative is explaining the in–text citations a little
more. Sometimes you jump right into a source without introducing it first, that can get a little
confusing as a reader. There were also a couple times that you ended the in–text citation, without
explaining it. So, introducing and ending in text citations would make the essay more
informative. There were times that I was confused because it went from talking about one source
at the end of a paragraph to another source at the beginning of the next paragraph. 2.What would
make this essay seem more academically credible? a.Something that would make this essay more
academically credible would be using more than four sources. You have six sources listed on the
works cited page, but in the essay, I only noticed that four of them were used. I would recommend
if you do not use a source in the paper, taking it off the works cited page. I did not see the first
source "Arlotta" referenced in the paper. It seems like you really only used the Center for Disease
and Control, "Geebhart" and "Sansone." 3.What is the best feature of this document? a.The best
feature about the essay is the amount of statistics about doctor shopping involving opioid abuse is
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Diversity in the Classroom Essay
Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and
understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with
appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those
unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of
spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous
Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students
do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In
addition, their age and gender are more content...
Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs,
values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity.
Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students
and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among
them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own
cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of
racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between
cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you
noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes
how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our
similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday
interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition,
positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own
uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students
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Cons and Prons of Short story and Poetry
Monica Cruz
Ashford University
ENG 125: Introduction into Literacy
Arjun Buxi
February 12, 2013
Short Story
The theme is about the story is about conflicts between personal responsibilities and
pleasure–seeking. Therefore in the story is about making wise decision, but sometimes making
wrong decision could leaded to hard consequence in their relationship. Also in the story it explains
the value of life and adulthood and at the end the realizing what is the value of life and what they
have. Furthermore, it also has some theme of romantic between the American and the girl.
As the man explains" The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white"(
Clugston,2010)the more content...
This short story is in action following a single story, because it takes place in one place the same
day. The man seems unable to take responsibility. He is willing to run and not face the
responsibility that comes of becoming an adult. He is so selfish man and nothing will get in his
way to enjoy liberty of life. This includes killing their unborn baby and stepping over the women he
The Third–Person narrator really works to construct the theme "Hills like white elephants" we can
see the Reporter and the storyteller in the short story. The reporter does not tell us what the character
are think, only what they are doing and seeing. The writer also provides symbols like (the river ebro,
same white hills) the weather (hot) and the train, this means that the narrator is putting memories
that can speak using a metaphors into short s tory. The passage is citing to show that jig doesn't
speak Spanish, but is translated more than once in the story by the narrator. The author Hemingway
wants to draw attention to the readers, to show that the narrator speak Spanish. Another thing that is
not explained in the story is that the American man does not speak Spanish, which means he couldn't
have order the two beers. For example "Dos Cervezas" the man said into the curtain (Clungston,
2010). Which means the language are switch between the story which are
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This material set–off in this fashion in the handout identifies the revision notation for these matters.
Guidelines for the Argumentative/Persuasive Essay
Citing Sources
You are not to employ footnotes or endnotes in your essay. Rather, when you employ another's ideas
or quote from a source in your essay, please employ the Modern Language Association, "MLA,"
format for in–text citations; the format is set forth in Keys, p. 144 et seq.
Quoting, Citing, and Referencing Source Material
Please also review the material on summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting material set forth in Keys,
p. 122–25.
Works Cited Page
Given that your essays will contain references to sources that were employed in constructing the
arguments more content...
Con Argument
1.First Con Argument Paragraph: Precis
Summarize the con argument and cite to its expert source with credentials
2.Second Con Argument Paragraph: Example of the Con Argument
3.Third Con Argument: Refutation
Discredit the reliability of the con argument or demonstrate that it is in appositive or irrelevant to the
topic by challenging its source, timeliness, authorship, or logic. For additional information, please
review the Refutation Handout available under Course Documents. C. First Pro Argument
1.First Pro Argument Paragraph: Precis
Summarize the first pro argument and provide its expert source with credentials.
2.Second Pro Argument Paragraph: Example of the Pro Argument
3.Third Pro Argument Paragraph
Establish the reliability of the argument by employing one or more of the seven types of evidence
discussed in Bedford, p. 518.
D.Analogy Paragraph: See the Analogy Handout available under Course
Documents for additional information
E.Most Compelling Reason to View the Pro Position as the Superior Position on the Topic
Paragraph Based upon Belief, Value, Social Mores, or Tradition. For additional information, please
review the Most Compelling Reason Handout available on Blackboard. III.Conclusion A. First
Conclusion Paragraph
1. Summarize the essay in a one to two–sentence "restatement"
2.Either discussion of the greater implication of the
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Reference List: Annotated Bibliography
Reference list – a list of references (entitled 'References') that you have used and cited within your
text. It is compiled in alphabetical order according to authors' surnames. The reference list is located
at the end of your document.
Bibliography – a list of references that you have used and cited within your text, plus any additional
information or sources that further describe the resources you used to help you in preparing your
work. A bibliography is compiled and presented in the same way as a reference list and located at the
end of your document.
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Frankenstein As A Biblical Reference Essay
Jada Williams Williams 1
Benjamin Compton
English 105
Frankenstein as a Biblical Reference In Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, had an
inter–textual connection to the bible. Shelley connects the creature to Satan, his relation to Adam,
the story of Adam and Eve, the book of Genesis and his reading of Paradise Lost. As the bible was an
esteemed text in the early 1800s, Shelley's use of it in her novel served to establish Frankenstein
as a sort of parable of didactic text. She begins with the idea of creation in the book of Genesis to
start her allusions. In Genesis 1, God creates humans in his more content...
The creature begins to find knowledge in the poem of Paradise Lost, a story about the legendary
fall of Adam and Eve introducing the knowledge of good and evil into a previously perfect world.
In one split second sin was birthed, and the perfection of the earth was swept away, leaving
anguish and iniquity in its ramification. When the creature gets this novel he begins to more
understand that Gods creations are natural things on this earth, and he, who is made by man, is
not. "He had come forth from the hands of God a perfect creature, happy and prosperous, guarded
by the special care of his Creator; he was allowed to converse with and acquire knowledge from
beings of a superior nature, but I was wretched, helpless, and alone" (Shelly 116). Frankenstein can
be compared to both God and Satan in this case because like God, he created the monster and gave
him direction and attempted to love him. However, like Satan he was warned of the precautions and
possible issues of creating an unknown and frightening creature. The characters in Frankenstein are a
resemblance of the characters in Paradise Lost. Frankenstein could possibly mirror Eve in the Garden
of Eden in that they would do whatever it takes to be able to know about everything in existence.
While, the creature matches with Satan because they both wanted to break free from their creators
and receive a chance at their own decisions.
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Reference Groups
Reference groups exist in every society. Even though you don't think about falling into one or more
reference groups you do. Each person probably falls into more then one of these groups. As you age
and grow
into another. Reference groups are formed by people's positions in society. This can have both
positive and negative effects on a person.
When I was 19, I became a single mother of twin boys. I found a job at a local convenience store
and began working. After a while, a chance for advancement came up. I applied for the position.
During my
interview the district manager told me that because I was a young single mother I would not receive
the promotion since single mothers are more likely to take time off and to more content...
I felt embarrassed to tell people that I was a single mom. I was ashamed and thought I would never
get anywhere
with people thinking that because I was a young mom I was not worthy of a chance.
I belong to the PTA (actually two of them). A group of parents who get together to find ways to
help our kids and our schools. We sponsor book fairs, carnivals, ice cream socials. At the beginning
of the school
year we purchase all the school supplies for our elementary students. Teachers come to use if they
need help in their class room, or funding for an item or a trip. The feeling you get helping make
your children's
schools better places is amazing. Kids come up to you when you are helping at an event and say
thank you. The PTA becomes a group of friends by the end of the school year who can not wait for
September to
come so we can start doing things together again. Before I actually joined the PTA, I thought it was
just a bunch of stay at home moms who baked cookies for back sales and collected box tops,
because they had so
much time on their hands. I was wrong, most of us work, go to school, have multiple children, run
businesses. The one thing that ties us all together is our
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Citation and Reference List
University of Sydney Business School Referencing Guide This referencing guide has been prepared
by The Business Programs Unit for use in Units of Study within The University of Sydney Business
School. It is based on the Harvard referencing style. Contents 1. How to use this
guide...........................................................................................................................2 2. Some useful
terms ...............................................................................................................................2 3. Examples
– when and how to reference ..............................................................................................3 3.1
Placement of in– more content...
Referencing checklist .........................................................................................................................26
Business Programs Unit (Revised 21.08.2012) Page 1
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Frame Of Reference Essay
Option A– Frame of reference (Topic 2)
The aim of this essay is to discuss how people's frame of reference may influence their
communication with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, with reference to personal and
cultural differences in values, beliefs, attitudes and customs, and how these differences may
complicate sharing of meaning and cooperation in relationships.
Key concepts
Frame of Reference
According to (Atherton, 2013) frame of reference is very broad in understanding and has a lot of
complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to filter perceptions to create and share
meaning. Our frame of reference is largely influenced by our values, beliefs, attitudes and our
customs or culture and this often influences our understanding, response and judgement. This makes
the process of communication a very unique and dynamic part of our everyday life (relationships).
According to (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014) we need to understand that people have no view
into our frames of reference and thus we must be open in allowing other people to understand our
frames in order more content...
Personal values can be seen as personal principles, beliefs, morals, and ideas used to make everyday
decisions. These values are developed during our upbringing and are strengthened from occurring
circumstances around us, and may change over time (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014).
Understanding and recognizing our personal values and interests is important as it assists us in
making healthy and responsible decisions in our relationships and for future reference. Our personal
values differ as individuals thus personal values are indirectly related to choice because they allow a
person to compare their decisions with the associated values of each choice. (Atherton,
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References In Cultural Anthropology
Csanady, Ashley. 2015. 'Barbaric Cultural Practices' bill to criminalize forced marriage, tackle '
honour killings' passes final vote, National Post.
Mackey, Eva. 1998. House of Difference : Cultural Politics and National Identity inCanada.
Florence, KY, USA: Routledge. Accessed November 20, 2015. ProQuest ebrary.
Robbins, Richard H., and Maggie Cummings, and Karen McGarry, and Sherrie N. Larkin, eds.
2014 Globalization, Neoliberalism, and The Nation–State. In Cultural Anthropology: A
Problem–Based Approach, Second Canadian Edition. Pp. 212–213. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.
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References: Annotated Bibliography
References Korea as a Colony of Japan, 1910–1945. (2009). Retrieved April 20, 2017, from
huhuhu Koreans protest
Japanese control in the "March 1st Movement," 1919. (n.d.). Retrieved May 09, huhuhu2017, from
koreans–protest–japanese–control–huhuhumarch–1st–movement–1919 Jang J. (2010) A Story of Yu
Gwansun. Seoul, SKR: Oongjin Junior. Jung, J. (2006) A Flower of the Nation, Yu Gwan
Seoul, SKR: Junior RHK. McMurray, N. (2015, October 02). March 1st Independence Movement
and its Big Sister (S. huhuhuTaylor, Ed.). Retrieved May 07, 2017, from
/march–1st–huhuhuindependence–movement–korea–yu–gwansun/Yu Kwan–Sun, the
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References Of God In Beowulf
There are numerous references of God inside Beowulf these included: The Almighty Judge, High
King of the World, Eternal Lord, Ruler of Men, etc. A noticeable biblical event is the very history of
Grendel: Cain's murdering of Abel. Cain is envious of his sibling and butchers him. Characters relate
themselves to God in a steady sense: God's gift of wellbeing is wished on line 315, they shout out
that God ought to prevent Grendel from assaulting in line 475, they wish for glory by the beauty
of God in 685, and so on. God is said such a variety of times all through this lyric that it is
unavoidable to perceive that the creator is plainly faithful to God. He has his characters tending to
God in every aspect of the story. Pagan practices inside of
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The Importance of Reference and Cite
In the United Kingdom, referencing plays a very important part of higher education. Students are
not judged on their own ideas but on the quality of their research, reading, and the ability to
establish a discussion to answer a specific question. If they use someone else's idea in their
assignment (by using their own words or making a quotation), they must cite and reference the
source. Foreign students who come studying in Britain may be surprised by this working method.
The importance of citation and referencing in all academic submission will be discussed in the first
part of this essay. Then, the essential characteristics of the Harvard system of referencing will be
The main reason for referencing is to avoid more content...
In the Harvard system, after the author's surname and initial, references include the date of the
publication, the title (in italic), details of the place of publication and publisher. (Redman 2001;
Dee, Bell and Peacock 2010). In addition, the page numbers also need to be recorded if the student
is quoting from a specific chapter or in a journal article. Electronic references follow similar
principle but must also include the date of access. Creme and Lea (2008) assert that all the
references in the list must have the same format. However, oral presentations have different
approaches to the expression of citation. References to the literature must of course be made and
cited during the presentation. These references should also appear at the end of the presentation
(last slide) respecting the Harvard system (Cruden 2011). In the British culture, unattributed
productions, whether written or oral, rarely have their place. Citations are mainly useful to
supports personal ideas and to transmit knowledge. If students do not recognize the sources, they
steal the person who writes it. This is called plagiarism and it is seen as a serious offence. Citation
and referencing are a form of respect for the work of others. One of the main methods used for
referencing is the Harvard system (also called the "author–date" method).
Reference list
Bailey, S. 2011. Academic writing for international students of business. London : Routledge.
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Essay References

  • 1. References : Overpopulation Is The Problem References Kuo, G. (2012). MegaCrisis? Overpopulation is the problem. World Future Review, 4(3), 23–32. Gioietta Kuo discusses overpopulation as the main problem causing all of life's problems on earth today. Moreover, if the problem is not rectified, the world faces extinction from a shortage of resources such as food, water, and land. The implied message is that overpopulation needs to be addressed, because without reducing the inhabitants in the world, humanity will run out of the means to sustain even the current population. This article relates to "Connecting the Dots between Species Extinction, Overpopulation, and the Use of Resources" by Marshall Marcus, because Marcus also believes that the extinction of any species can be traced back to the increase of the world's population. Both authors feel that overpopulation is the cause for many of earth's problems such as environmental destruction, climate change, and food shortage to name a few. With all the data, facts and references, I feel this article credible. Using this information in my paper will help argue my opinion on overpopulation. Marcus, Marshall. (2016). Connecting the dots between species extinction, overpopulation, and the use of resources. Torch, 89(2), 28–31. Marshall Marcus discusses how overpopulation and depletion of resources is to blame for the extinction of any specie throughout history and happening now. The appeal being used is pathos, because of the emotional plea that is felt throughout the article in regards to reducing the population to save the planet. This article relates to "MegaCrisis? Overpopulation is the Problem" by Gioietta Kuo, because Kuo also believes that the world's overpopulation is the reason for all of earth's problems. Both authors feel that overpopulation is the cause for many problems such as environmental destruction, climate change, and food shortage to name a few. Marcus article is credible with all the facts and data that shows the problem relates to overpopulation. I will use his information on excitation and loss of resources to back up the need to decrease the world's population. Richards, C. (2016). Protecting and expanding access to birth control. The New England Journal of Medicine, Get more content on
  • 2. List Of Visual References Visual References: CONTENTS PAGE Page 1: Cover Page Page 2: Contents Page Page 3: Activity One Page 4: Activity Two *Introduction Page 5 and 6: Questionnaire *Answered Five times Page 7: Activity Three Page 8: Continuation of Activity Three Page 9: Extended Continuation of Activity Three Page 10: Activity Four Page 11: Activity Five Page 12: Visual References Page 13: Continuation of Visual References Page 14: Reference Page Page 15: Continuation of Reference Page ACTIVITY ONE: Violence against children– Investigation: 1.1.Violence in general is an international problem although focusing on violence against children has become an increased issue, which is in desperate need of assistance. The issue of more content... Violence against children, or more commonly known as 'Child Abuse', includes any form of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse along with neglect. These things can occur in the child's home, at school even whom they choose to interact with on a daily basis. Personally as being a victim personally of violence against children I find it completely immoral to abuse a child or anyone in general. This is an issue that many are not completely aware of. One of the many human rights that have been violated is the 'Right To Dignity' The Right to Dignity: This specific right states that no–one shall be exposed to slavery, servitude or forced labour. Enforcing the dignity of all people should be respected. The Right to Dignity also supports the right of people to suitable protection by law against violence, pestering and/or abuse. ( 1.3.Children's Act (2005) no.38 Rights and laws that are provided to children have been implemented in order to protect the
  • 3. children of a country. As children are still under the legal age to defend themselves in times such as abuse, these laws are put in place to assist in helping those that can't help themselves, by themselves. A direct definition would be stated as " The opportunity for children to participate in political and legal decisions that affect them; in a broad sense, the rights of children to live free from hunger, abuse, neglect and other inhumane conditions" (legal– Get more content on
  • 4. Philosophy of Ethics Essay The word "ethics" comes from Greek ethikas meaning character. Today, we use ethics to describe the normative standard of behavior. The history of philosophical ethics has been broken up into five rational methods: Virtue, Traditional, Modern, and Post–Modern Ethics. Within these periods, the philosophy of ethics changed along with the changes being made within society. The first rational method is Virtue Ethics. The major philosophers during this period were materialists such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Plutarch. Greek were concerned with finding eudaimonia meaning the good life, but what is the good life? Known as the greatest Western philosopher, Plato developed the Cardinal Virtues: Justice, Courage, Moderation, more content... One of the last major philosophers of Virtue Ethics was Plutarch who advocated virtue but disagreed with Epicurus because he believed there was no true pleasure. At this same time, between 400 B.C.– 40 B.C. Stoic philosophers such Cicero, who combined the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato, developed his idea on ethics and how everyone has a duty and should imitate virtue for others. He said duty has two points which are to achieve the Supreme Good, and follow the rules for daily living. Cicero was a strong believer in rationality incorporated Plato's Cardinal Virtues into his three rules of conduct: master desires through reason, know true value of goals and be moderate in actions and lifestyle. Following Virtue Ethics, a major shift occurred in thinking. The philosophers of Virtue Ethics were materialists and believed we only have what we have and after death, we have nothing. Traditional Ethics shifted the focus on religion once it began to spread. Also known as Biblical Ethics, philosophers started a systematic study of Biblical themes and principles surrounding ethics and morality. St. Augustine was trained as a philosopher and combines his understanding of the Bible to ethics by answering the same question as Plato and Aristotle did, "What is the highest good?" He answered this question with happiness just like Aristotle but since Aristotle Get more content on
  • 5. A Survivor's Story Angela Goodwin-Slater An annotated bibliography is a list of available references to books, articles, and documents. Each reference is followed by a brief description of the content, quality, and relevance of the source this is the annotation. An annotated bibliography is similar to a bibliography with one significant difference: an annotated bibliography has an evaluative paragraph after each reference. In her article "A survivor's story" Angela Goodwin–Slater (2013) claims that the effect of child abuse on her was mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, low self–esteem and possible tendencies of being a child abuser. Goodwin–slater goes further to say that her mother developed this abusive nature from an abusive grandparent. She tries to point out that child abuse Get more content on
  • 6. Gender : Culture And Gender Essay Culture and Gender Heather Richardson–Barker Drexel University Society has clearly defined boundaries between what is considered to be male or female. The development of an individual's gender role is formed by interactions with those in close proximity. Society constantly tells us how we should look, act and live based on gender. Family, friends and the media have a tremendous impact on how these roles are formed and the expected behavior of each gender role. Gender, as defined by the United Nations, includes the psychological, social, cultural, and behavioral characteristics associated with being female or male. It further defines acceptable and allowable behavior in for both men and women in a broad cultural sense (United Nations, 2016). Gender identity impacts our development and how we interact with society. Our daily life decisions are impacted by our gender role beliefs. Gender ideologies determine the roles that men and women should adhere to in society and are influenced by an individual's social beliefs and experiences. From traditional to egalitarian values, prejudicial and discriminator behavior towards women can be explained as either interest based or exposure based (Bolzendahl & Myers 2004). The interest based theory is dependent on whether or not an individual's personal goals are negatively impacted by gender inequality. If so, they are then more likely to embrace an egalitarianism way of thinking. Get more content on
  • 7. The Importance Of References In My Writing I have to say that I was not surprised by review from Paperrater on my essay. I did not have any spelling errors but did have four areas that a comma should have been used in a sentence. As an officer spelling is key in a narrative of a report but I am going to have to focus on making longer sentences and using commas correctly. I also had several bad phrases in my essay. In writing police reports we try to keep the writing plain and simple this is an area on which I have to improve. I also struggled with using transitional phrases in my essay. As the essays become longer and more in depth this is an area that I have to work on as well. Good transitional phrases help keep the readers attention and make reading the essay more enjoyable Get more content on
  • 8. Informal Reference Groups A reference group is people who we want to resemble. When I was a freshman in college I dressed very plain such as a pair of jeans with a basic t–shirt. As the months, went by I started dressing differently such as wearing lipstick, color jeans, nice shirts, etc. Also, I act differently more of a preppy attitude. I was surrounded by a group of people who dress nicely and act preppy. This reference group molded me because I admire their appearances and attitudes. There are different reference groups that can be identify such as informal, formal membership and disclaimant. Informal reference groups have interests and goals in common. For example, relatives, mothers in the community and peers. A formal reference would be have one main goal in Get more content on
  • 9. Example Of Essay Peer Review Research Essay Peer Review First, read through the document: 1.What is the central idea of the document? How do you know this? Is there a clear sense of the purpose or thesis throughout the paper? a.The central idea of the document is new methods put into place for doctor shopping involving opioid addiction. I know this because it states it in the thesis. Yes, the purpose/thesis is the new methods that are being put into place to prevent doctor shopping and addiction of opioids. 2.Is the document well supported? Do you notice a synthesis of source material? Is it clear that where the sources are from? a.The document is well supported. Yes, I notice a synthesis of sources. It is clear where the sources came from. 3.Look at the more content... The thing that would make this essay more informative is explaining the in–text citations a little more. Sometimes you jump right into a source without introducing it first, that can get a little confusing as a reader. There were also a couple times that you ended the in–text citation, without explaining it. So, introducing and ending in text citations would make the essay more informative. There were times that I was confused because it went from talking about one source at the end of a paragraph to another source at the beginning of the next paragraph. 2.What would make this essay seem more academically credible? a.Something that would make this essay more academically credible would be using more than four sources. You have six sources listed on the works cited page, but in the essay, I only noticed that four of them were used. I would recommend if you do not use a source in the paper, taking it off the works cited page. I did not see the first source "Arlotta" referenced in the paper. It seems like you really only used the Center for Disease and Control, "Geebhart" and "Sansone." 3.What is the best feature of this document? a.The best feature about the essay is the amount of statistics about doctor shopping involving opioid abuse is Get more content on
  • 10. Diversity in the Classroom Essay Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are more content... Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs, values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity. Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition, positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students Get more content on
  • 11. References Cons and Prons of Short story and Poetry Monica Cruz Ashford University ENG 125: Introduction into Literacy Arjun Buxi February 12, 2013 Short Story The theme is about the story is about conflicts between personal responsibilities and pleasure–seeking. Therefore in the story is about making wise decision, but sometimes making wrong decision could leaded to hard consequence in their relationship. Also in the story it explains the value of life and adulthood and at the end the realizing what is the value of life and what they have. Furthermore, it also has some theme of romantic between the American and the girl. As the man explains" The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white"( Clugston,2010)the more content... This short story is in action following a single story, because it takes place in one place the same day. The man seems unable to take responsibility. He is willing to run and not face the responsibility that comes of becoming an adult. He is so selfish man and nothing will get in his way to enjoy liberty of life. This includes killing their unborn baby and stepping over the women he loves. The Third–Person narrator really works to construct the theme "Hills like white elephants" we can see the Reporter and the storyteller in the short story. The reporter does not tell us what the character are think, only what they are doing and seeing. The writer also provides symbols like (the river ebro, same white hills) the weather (hot) and the train, this means that the narrator is putting memories that can speak using a metaphors into short s tory. The passage is citing to show that jig doesn't speak Spanish, but is translated more than once in the story by the narrator. The author Hemingway wants to draw attention to the readers, to show that the narrator speak Spanish. Another thing that is not explained in the story is that the American man does not speak Spanish, which means he couldn't have order the two beers. For example "Dos Cervezas" the man said into the curtain (Clungston, 2010). Which means the language are switch between the story which are Get more content on
  • 12. This material set–off in this fashion in the handout identifies the revision notation for these matters. Guidelines for the Argumentative/Persuasive Essay Citing Sources You are not to employ footnotes or endnotes in your essay. Rather, when you employ another's ideas or quote from a source in your essay, please employ the Modern Language Association, "MLA," format for in–text citations; the format is set forth in Keys, p. 144 et seq. Quoting, Citing, and Referencing Source Material Please also review the material on summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting material set forth in Keys, p. 122–25. Works Cited Page Given that your essays will contain references to sources that were employed in constructing the arguments more content... Con Argument 1.First Con Argument Paragraph: Precis Summarize the con argument and cite to its expert source with credentials 2.Second Con Argument Paragraph: Example of the Con Argument 3.Third Con Argument: Refutation Discredit the reliability of the con argument or demonstrate that it is in appositive or irrelevant to the topic by challenging its source, timeliness, authorship, or logic. For additional information, please review the Refutation Handout available under Course Documents. C. First Pro Argument 1.First Pro Argument Paragraph: Precis Summarize the first pro argument and provide its expert source with credentials. 2.Second Pro Argument Paragraph: Example of the Pro Argument 3.Third Pro Argument Paragraph Establish the reliability of the argument by employing one or more of the seven types of evidence discussed in Bedford, p. 518. D.Analogy Paragraph: See the Analogy Handout available under Course Documents for additional information E.Most Compelling Reason to View the Pro Position as the Superior Position on the Topic Paragraph Based upon Belief, Value, Social Mores, or Tradition. For additional information, please review the Most Compelling Reason Handout available on Blackboard. III.Conclusion A. First Conclusion Paragraph 1. Summarize the essay in a one to two–sentence "restatement" 2.Either discussion of the greater implication of the
  • 13. Get more content on
  • 14. Reference List: Annotated Bibliography Reference list – a list of references (entitled 'References') that you have used and cited within your text. It is compiled in alphabetical order according to authors' surnames. The reference list is located at the end of your document. Bibliography – a list of references that you have used and cited within your text, plus any additional information or sources that further describe the resources you used to help you in preparing your work. A bibliography is compiled and presented in the same way as a reference list and located at the end of your document. Get more content on
  • 15. Frankenstein As A Biblical Reference Essay Jada Williams Williams 1 Benjamin Compton English 105 10/3/17 Frankenstein as a Biblical Reference In Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, had an inter–textual connection to the bible. Shelley connects the creature to Satan, his relation to Adam, the story of Adam and Eve, the book of Genesis and his reading of Paradise Lost. As the bible was an esteemed text in the early 1800s, Shelley's use of it in her novel served to establish Frankenstein as a sort of parable of didactic text. She begins with the idea of creation in the book of Genesis to start her allusions. In Genesis 1, God creates humans in his more content... The creature begins to find knowledge in the poem of Paradise Lost, a story about the legendary fall of Adam and Eve introducing the knowledge of good and evil into a previously perfect world. In one split second sin was birthed, and the perfection of the earth was swept away, leaving anguish and iniquity in its ramification. When the creature gets this novel he begins to more understand that Gods creations are natural things on this earth, and he, who is made by man, is not. "He had come forth from the hands of God a perfect creature, happy and prosperous, guarded by the special care of his Creator; he was allowed to converse with and acquire knowledge from beings of a superior nature, but I was wretched, helpless, and alone" (Shelly 116). Frankenstein can be compared to both God and Satan in this case because like God, he created the monster and gave him direction and attempted to love him. However, like Satan he was warned of the precautions and possible issues of creating an unknown and frightening creature. The characters in Frankenstein are a resemblance of the characters in Paradise Lost. Frankenstein could possibly mirror Eve in the Garden of Eden in that they would do whatever it takes to be able to know about everything in existence. While, the creature matches with Satan because they both wanted to break free from their creators and receive a chance at their own decisions. Get more content on
  • 16. Reference Groups Reference groups exist in every society. Even though you don't think about falling into one or more reference groups you do. Each person probably falls into more then one of these groups. As you age and grow into another. Reference groups are formed by people's positions in society. This can have both positive and negative effects on a person. When I was 19, I became a single mother of twin boys. I found a job at a local convenience store and began working. After a while, a chance for advancement came up. I applied for the position. During my interview the district manager told me that because I was a young single mother I would not receive the promotion since single mothers are more likely to take time off and to more content... I felt embarrassed to tell people that I was a single mom. I was ashamed and thought I would never get anywhere with people thinking that because I was a young mom I was not worthy of a chance. I belong to the PTA (actually two of them). A group of parents who get together to find ways to help our kids and our schools. We sponsor book fairs, carnivals, ice cream socials. At the beginning of the school year we purchase all the school supplies for our elementary students. Teachers come to use if they need help in their class room, or funding for an item or a trip. The feeling you get helping make your children's schools better places is amazing. Kids come up to you when you are helping at an event and say thank you. The PTA becomes a group of friends by the end of the school year who can not wait for September to come so we can start doing things together again. Before I actually joined the PTA, I thought it was just a bunch of stay at home moms who baked cookies for back sales and collected box tops, because they had so much time on their hands. I was wrong, most of us work, go to school, have multiple children, run businesses. The one thing that ties us all together is our Get more content on
  • 17. Citation and Reference List University of Sydney Business School Referencing Guide This referencing guide has been prepared by The Business Programs Unit for use in Units of Study within The University of Sydney Business School. It is based on the Harvard referencing style. Contents 1. How to use this guide...........................................................................................................................2 2. Some useful terms ...............................................................................................................................2 3. Examples – when and how to reference ..............................................................................................3 3.1 Placement of in– more content... Referencing checklist .........................................................................................................................26 Business Programs Unit (Revised 21.08.2012) Page 1 Get more content on
  • 18. Frame Of Reference Essay ¬¬_ Option A– Frame of reference (Topic 2) Introduction The aim of this essay is to discuss how people's frame of reference may influence their communication with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, with reference to personal and cultural differences in values, beliefs, attitudes and customs, and how these differences may complicate sharing of meaning and cooperation in relationships. Key concepts Frame of Reference According to (Atherton, 2013) frame of reference is very broad in understanding and has a lot of complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to filter perceptions to create and share meaning. Our frame of reference is largely influenced by our values, beliefs, attitudes and our customs or culture and this often influences our understanding, response and judgement. This makes the process of communication a very unique and dynamic part of our everyday life (relationships). According to (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014) we need to understand that people have no view into our frames of reference and thus we must be open in allowing other people to understand our frames in order more content... Personal values can be seen as personal principles, beliefs, morals, and ideas used to make everyday decisions. These values are developed during our upbringing and are strengthened from occurring circumstances around us, and may change over time (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014). Understanding and recognizing our personal values and interests is important as it assists us in making healthy and responsible decisions in our relationships and for future reference. Our personal values differ as individuals thus personal values are indirectly related to choice because they allow a person to compare their decisions with the associated values of each choice. (Atherton, Get more content on
  • 19. References In Cultural Anthropology References Csanady, Ashley. 2015. 'Barbaric Cultural Practices' bill to criminalize forced marriage, tackle ' honour killings' passes final vote, National Post. / barbaric–cultural–practices–bill–to–criminalize–forced–marriage–tackle–honour–killings–set–for–final–vote Mackey, Eva. 1998. House of Difference : Cultural Politics and National Identity inCanada. Florence, KY, USA: Routledge. Accessed November 20, 2015. ProQuest ebrary. Robbins, Richard H., and Maggie Cummings, and Karen McGarry, and Sherrie N. Larkin, eds. 2014 Globalization, Neoliberalism, and The Nation–State. In Cultural Anthropology: A Problem–Based Approach, Second Canadian Edition. Pp. 212–213. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd. Get more content on
  • 20. References: Annotated Bibliography References Korea as a Colony of Japan, 1910–1945. (2009). Retrieved April 20, 2017, from huhuhu Koreans protest Japanese control in the "March 1st Movement," 1919. (n.d.). Retrieved May 09, huhuhu2017, from koreans–protest–japanese–control–huhuhumarch–1st–movement–1919 Jang J. (2010) A Story of Yu Gwansun. Seoul, SKR: Oongjin Junior. Jung, J. (2006) A Flower of the Nation, Yu Gwan –sun. Seoul, SKR: Junior RHK. McMurray, N. (2015, October 02). March 1st Independence Movement and its Big Sister (S. huhuhuTaylor, Ed.). Retrieved May 07, 2017, from /march–1st–huhuhuindependence–movement–korea–yu–gwansun/Yu Kwan–Sun, the Get more content on
  • 21. References Of God In Beowulf There are numerous references of God inside Beowulf these included: The Almighty Judge, High King of the World, Eternal Lord, Ruler of Men, etc. A noticeable biblical event is the very history of Grendel: Cain's murdering of Abel. Cain is envious of his sibling and butchers him. Characters relate themselves to God in a steady sense: God's gift of wellbeing is wished on line 315, they shout out that God ought to prevent Grendel from assaulting in line 475, they wish for glory by the beauty of God in 685, and so on. God is said such a variety of times all through this lyric that it is unavoidable to perceive that the creator is plainly faithful to God. He has his characters tending to God in every aspect of the story. Pagan practices inside of Get more content on
  • 22. The Importance of Reference and Cite In the United Kingdom, referencing plays a very important part of higher education. Students are not judged on their own ideas but on the quality of their research, reading, and the ability to establish a discussion to answer a specific question. If they use someone else's idea in their assignment (by using their own words or making a quotation), they must cite and reference the source. Foreign students who come studying in Britain may be surprised by this working method. The importance of citation and referencing in all academic submission will be discussed in the first part of this essay. Then, the essential characteristics of the Harvard system of referencing will be described. The main reason for referencing is to avoid more content... In the Harvard system, after the author's surname and initial, references include the date of the publication, the title (in italic), details of the place of publication and publisher. (Redman 2001; Dee, Bell and Peacock 2010). In addition, the page numbers also need to be recorded if the student is quoting from a specific chapter or in a journal article. Electronic references follow similar principle but must also include the date of access. Creme and Lea (2008) assert that all the references in the list must have the same format. However, oral presentations have different approaches to the expression of citation. References to the literature must of course be made and cited during the presentation. These references should also appear at the end of the presentation (last slide) respecting the Harvard system (Cruden 2011). In the British culture, unattributed productions, whether written or oral, rarely have their place. Citations are mainly useful to supports personal ideas and to transmit knowledge. If students do not recognize the sources, they steal the person who writes it. This is called plagiarism and it is seen as a serious offence. Citation and referencing are a form of respect for the work of others. One of the main methods used for referencing is the Harvard system (also called the "author–date" method). Reference list Bailey, S. 2011. Academic writing for international students of business. London : Routledge. Get more content on