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Thesis Statement : Global Warming
Thesis Statement: Global warming is a growing concern of scientists and researchers who believe
that it is a serious problem for our planet. The concerns and research have also been questioned and
have even been called myths. Millions of people find themselves affected by these weather pattern
changes and are concerned for their futures. Activists on both sides of the argument are very
passionate and not afraid to attack each other in every way they can. There are many questions that
are still not answered, however, we continue to see drastic weather changes to Earth. We must go
beyond the arguments and learn as much as we can to stop what could possibly lead to the
destruction of our planet, our way of life and our future.
Global warming is concerned with an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere and the
increase in the Earth 's surface temperature primarily due to the emission of greenhouse gases from
the burning of fossil fuels. As for the processes of global warming, they can occur from a variety of
causes. The causes include the things that are concerned with natural and human factors.
Some people believe that global warming is a myth or hoax. They believe that global warming is
being used to generate fear and panic and that those behind this movement are using it to control
people 's lives and for financial gain. "Within the community of scientists and others concerned about
anthropogenic climate change, those who are skeptics are more commonly termed
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Thesis Statement About Sleep
Rhetorical Context Topic: The Causes and Effects of Sleep Deprivation General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the factors contributing to sleep deprivation and the
effects of insufficient sleep. Audience: University students enrolled in the Art of Public Speaking
course. Central Idea: Sufficient sleep is integral in the life of a university student and is directly
related to academic performance. Therefore students should make a conscious effort to correct
behaviours and habits that lead to poor sleep hygiene. Exigence: Sleep is a humored concept among
university students as the pressures of academic assignments, examinations and social life often robs
them of precious hours of sleep. As a result of more content...
2.4The university student living on residential halls are subjected to many activities or conditions
disrupting sleep. Increased social activity levels parties, functions campus activities can lead to a
disruption and ultimately loss of sleep. 2.5The commuting student living in areas of civil unrest is
also subject to sleep deprivation. According to studies "In disadvantaged neighborhoods, for
example, local violence causes individuals to fear for their safety. This can lead to hyper aroused,
which makes it harder to fall asleep and reduces sleep quantity and quality" (Hale & Bonuck, 2016) .
Transition: We can all attest to that assignment, due on the 24th and we toiled through the night of
the 23rd to complete it. These factors have become the normative patterns for us university students.
3.1. Sleep deprivation is directly correlated to poor academic behaviours and or
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Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity
Rough Draft
Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential
for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without
water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered
by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is
a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral
and cultural value.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water
scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content...
Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people
think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors
and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which
endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to
safe water (Bywater, 2008).
Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan".
Reference List
Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the
global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1.
Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of
Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43.
Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends
Magazine, (104), 19–24.
Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA:
Cambridge University Press.
Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore:
McGraw–Hill companies
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Thesis Statement On Internet Usage
Betty Webb
Lisa Barricks
Eng 101
0ctober 26, 2017
Topic: Internet Usage
Thesis Statement: Internet usage is negatively affecting families, knowledge, and improperly used. It
has changed over the past few years and increasingly being used.
Akinoglu, Orhan. "Internet and internet use: teacher trainees' perspective." Journal of Instructional
Psychology, vol. 36, no. 2, 2009, p. 97+. Academic OneFile,
Accessed 26 Oct 2017.
Internet usages can be helpful and a great asset for teachers and trainee employees. I Is beneficial in
many ways such as time control, easy communication, and able to access any part of the world.
Domine, Vanessa " more content...
"A systematic review of the relationship between internet use, self–harm suicidal behavior in young
people: The good, the bad and the unknown." PLos ONE, vol 12. No. 8. 2017. p. e0181722
Academic OneFile.
P= Apme&
Accessed 26 Oct 2017.
Internet usage can be harmful. Different risk factors included with elevated internet use includes
cyber bullying, suicide on social media, and self–harm. These can play a role on the negative impact
that the internet is having on teenagers and young adults.
Nakayama, Hideeki, et al. "Treatment and risk factors of Internet use disorders." Psychiatry and
Clinical Neurosciences, vol. 71, no. 7, 2017, p. 492+. Academic One File,
Accessed 26 Oct. 2017 Habits are easy to come by. It is time consuming. Internet usage can lead to
IUD "Internet Usage Disorders." Which results in many years of therapy, family therapy, and high
telephone and internet usage bill. Peterson, Scott A, et al. "Internet use and romantic relationships
among college
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Tuesdays With Morrie Thesis Statement
Mitch Albom is a an American Journalist who has written many books of the course of his career.
His first well selling book he wrote was Tuesdays with Morrie, a story about him reconnecting
with his old college professor for one final lesson, his own death by Lou Gehrig's disease, more
commonly known as ALS. ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that causes deterioration of nerve
cells, and there is no known cure. They talk about Morrie's life leading up to the diagnosis, and
how his life was affected by it forever. Mr. Albom refers to ALS as a lit candle, slowly progressing
throughout the whole body of the candle. Tuesdays with Morrie shows that our culture is wrapped
up in our own selves that we rarely take the time to care for others more content...
As Morrie's date grew more tangible, Morrie began to become more wise and more open to the
world, and more self–reflecting on how he had acted over the years of his life. This usually
happens to many people, but sadly, not all people get wiser with age. Many stories have this type
of plot line, where someone wakes up to the world around them, and they get smarter. That was
even the plot line for The Matrix movie series. But in Morrie's case, he wasn't the one who was
waking up, it was the people around him waking up to Morrie dying, that Morrie wouldn't die
because of old age, but of a disease that has no cure. The people around him started to realize how
fragile the human existence is compared to the universe, because it will carry on no matter who
you are. Most people think that they are invincible, that nothing can take them out, but something
simple that's not even alive like a virus can kill you, it shows how easy it is to die. Morrie did talk
about humanity's fragile existence once in the book, talking about the Yugoslavian Civil War, "The
other night, on TV, I saw people in Bosnia running across the street, getting fired upon, killed,
innocent victims ... and I just started to cry. I could feel their anguish as if was my own." Morrie
did not know any of those people who were killed in the conflict,
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Thesis Statement On Globalization
Globalization is an undeniable phenomenon of our modern societies. Global patterns keep spreading
in many fields of our everyday life: food, economy, marketing, and last but not least, culture. Cultural
products are indeed very often produced following the American pattern and exported to various
places around the world. Hollywood blockbusters are huge hits in many different countries, our
radios broadcast more and more American songs and even our national singers choose to sing in
English rather than in their native language. Globalization is caused by many different factors.
Cross–border processes such as interregional trade, employment, population migration and military
conquest or colonization probably constitute the main factors (Holton, 2000, 141, 149) more
Lastly, religions play an important role too by gathering people scattered across the globe under an
identical cosmology, thus creating imagined communities (Anderson, 1983). Globalization, by
connecting people through the media, also creates such a community: inhabitants of the world share
the idea of a global community and an international identity. This is why we could define
globalization as the compression of time and space (Harvey, 1983). Communications as well as
people can travel at an ever increasing speed, thereby giving the impression that every corner of the
world is at hand. The main thesis about globalization argues that it leads to a phenomenon of
homogenization. My hypothesis however is that some cultures are so different and so deeply rooted
in their environment that they can't simply be erased. They will be modified, influenced but not
standardized under one unique model. This will lead to hybrid products, thereby proving the
hypothesis of glocalization, introduced by
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Writer's Statement
Thesis Statement: Climate change is natural; however, advances of human society such as
deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the rate at which the
climate is changing.
My three major sources stood out when writing my research paper on climate change. My main
source was Louis Bergeron's, "The World Can be Powered by Alternative Energy, Using Today's
Technology, in 20–40 Years, Says Stanford Researcher Mark Z. Jacobson." In this article, Bergeron
describes an energy researcher's plan to power the world with renewables within the next few
decades. My second source was Marc Lallanilla's, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Causes and
Sources." In this article, Lallanilla talked about the
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Thesis Statement On Poverty
One can easily identify the fact that poverty is generally considered as one among the most serious
problems in human life. But the mainstream society provides less importance to this serious problem
because human life did undergo transformation from empathy to disinterestedness. The western
nations are comparatively safe from poverty and related issues, but the third–world nations are under
the threat of the same. The problems related to global poverty is unimaginable because it forces
human beings to do anything, just for survival. Still, world nations, especially the developed nations,
can play the most important role in alleviating poverty from the world. Thesis statement: Global
poverty, the most serious problem faced by humanity more content...
The physiological problems related to poverty are impossible to cure without enough food. If
poverty is a disease, proper medication can solve the problem and save millions. But poverty itself
is the grass–root level reason behind physiological problems. When around half of the global
population is facing threat from poverty, one can expect serious physiological problems. Similarly,
death related to hunger originating from poverty is a serious problem among the third–world
nations. One can see that children, women, and elderly citizens are totally exposed to poverty
related physiological problems in general. To be specific, extreme poverty hinders millions from
having enough food to sustain their lives. Here, food banks can play an important role in keeping
millions away from the clutches of health problems. One can see that life is poor surroundings can
result in several health problems. Besides, poverty hinders millions from having direct access to
different innovative health programs and policies implemented by the WHO and similar
international organizations. Similarly, health problems stun the growth of millions of children in the
famine stricken nations. So, it is evident that physiological problems related to global poverty can
ensnare millions within
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Thesis on the First World War
i. Introduction A. Attention step: the change in the context and trend of war in terms of ferocity of
the weapons and the increase in human/nations participation was occasioned by the industrial
revolution and the French revolution. B. Thesis: The First World War stimulated the greatest
changes in warfare because it brought about new technology and industry development, advancement
in science, and improved infrastructure and communication; essentially the First World War
combined the legacies of the French and Industrial Revolutions and set the pattern for twentieth
century warfare. ii. The industrialization in Europe and the new technology escalated the power of
the WWI as compared to the other wars fought across the world there before. A. The industries led
to increased production of the weapons needed in the war. B. The availability of raw materials for
the industries meant mass production of the weapons sufficient to replace the damaged and the lost
as well as the vast army. iii. The advancement in science saw the war become sophisticated as each
side tried to outwit the other in tact and equipment. A. Chemistry was largely employed to come up
with explosives and ammunitions that had superior destructive power. B. New discoveries for
instance of the rockets added to the power of the WWI. iv. The improved infrastructure and
communication system boosted the participation of bigger number of troops from the French
Revolution. A. The industrial revolution saw
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Thesis Statement : Early Anxiety Essay
Thesis Statement: Early Anxiety is stemmed from many factors, however the main cause of anxiety
in adolescents is directly related to parenting and/or family influences.
As a child, life was hectic from the beginning. Dad was in and out of jail, and when he was out my
mom and him and my mother would indulge in hard drugs. Don 't get me wrong, when you 're so
twisted on drugs there is only so much your body and mind is capable of doing, right? Since I could
remember I've been the boss, the keeper of the responsibilities, almost like the parent of my parents.
Throughout school, i had constant anxiety about school, worrying about my little brother and
wondering if my parents were okay. Fast forward to the present time, still on a daily basis I struggle
with severe Anxiety. It truly never went away, it only got worse. If I would have had a better mother
daughter, or father daughter relationship or didn't have to watch my parrents struggle with their
anxiety and addictions, and i had to worry a lot less I would have never developed this anxiety.
Harpster 2.
Anxiety can be a very serious (disease/disorder) it is simply defined as an abnormal fear or tension
which can occur without any obvious trigger or session; a recurrence, unwelcome and intrusive
thought. Anxiety can also be defined as a subjective state of fear or tension. There are two types of
anxiety, anxiety can provide signals that alert the body to trigger it to improve mental and physical
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Thesis Statement Of Native Americans
THESIS STATEMENT: The Native Americans were historically doomed because of the
Europeans inability to accept elements of Native American culture that they felt were savage, the
natives inability to acknowledge the Europeans threat to their lifestyle and land, and the far
superior European army used to defeat Indian tribes. From the very moment that the Europeans
stepped on American soil, they displayed their extraordinary military power and savage outlook
towards the native peoples. Their experience with civilized society with access to plenty of
firepower gives them an advantage when it comes to military attacks, and when they use this
against the Native Americans, it is almost unfair. They attack the Native Americans immediately
when they step foot on US soil, and kill them as if they are trophy hunting. Barry Lopez, in The
Rediscovery of North America, states about the barbaric Spanish attacks on Native Americans,
"The Spanish cut off the legs of children who ran from them. They poured people full of boiling
soap. They made bets as to who, with one sweep of his sword, could cut a person in half" (5). This
quote shows how much power the colonists held over the Native American and how their doom was
essentially inevitable. Killing the Native Americans was practically a hobby for the colonists at this
point. The countless battles and land that they gained from the Native Americans also symbolized
their power, such as when the Spaniards invaded the town of Acoma. They
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Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying
Thesis Statement: Cyberbullying is on the rise in Indonesia and affected everyone that
possesses on social media.
For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social media like Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, Path and many more can be useful tools to keep in touch with friends
which live far away. Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This
means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Although social media can be used
in a positive way such as communicate with the other friends which is improving social skills,
however, negative effects which is cyber bullying. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either
by words or actions and has a hard time stopping what is more content...
There are many
causes for Cyberbullying to occur.
The impacts of cyber bullying for the victims can be underestimated because they are
mainly psychological and not physical. Cyber bullying in its extremes has led to the death of
several teenagers. Cyber bullying leads to depression and lack of enthusiasm for life that drives
the victim to suicide in order to escape the torment. Actually, the first step of preventing and
stopping cyber bullying starts with the individual themselves. They should respect the others and
also themselves because everyone has their human rights and no one cannot destroy it. Simple
steps like using the internet appropriately and not provoking other users are very effective in
preventing cyber bullying. Using internet as the media social is fine but trying to harm people by
spreading gossip or starting rumors and stealing someone password or hacking are bad things.
Technology is decreasing the ability for others to interact and communicate, which is
highly essential in today's world. While social media is a useful tool in our increasingly
connected world, they can also adversely affect our development and the nature of our
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Thesis Statement Of The Crucible
Thesis: In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Thomas Putnam, Deputy Governor Danforth, And Abigail
Williams are most to blame for the catastrophic events encircling the Salem Witch trials. Topic/claim
sentence: Mr. Putnam is partially to blame for the Salem chaos by constantly jumping to conclusions
and prosecuting those in conflict with himself. Example 1: "He was a man with many grievances
[...] So it is not surprising to find that so many accusations against people are in the handwriting of
Thomas Putnam" (Miller 14–15). Explanation 1: Putnam has a history of holding grudges against
people and obtaining his revenge by accusing them of witchcraft. He is even accused of these crimes
but denies their truth. Example 2: "This man is killing more content...
I have until this moment not the slightest reason to suspect that the children may be deceiving me.
Do you understand my meaning?" (Miller 91) Explanation 1: Danforth comes into the trials with the
mindset that the victims are telling the whole truth. He even said that witchcraft is an invisible crime
and the only witnesses are the witch and her victim; "Therefore, [he] must rely upon her victims–
and they do testify" (Miller 100). By thinking this way, Danforth diminishes any chance at anyone
denying that what the children are saying is true. The persecution of innocent women is
inevitable because Danforth holds all of the power and he is choosing to put his trust in people
who are deceitful and selfish. Example 2: "Danforth, himself engaged and entered by Abigail:
'Mary Warren, do you witch her? I say to you, do you send your spirit out?' " (Miller 109).
Explanation 2: Danforth allows himself to be so easily persuaded and tricked by Abigail and the
other children. He lets his guard down when listening to Abigail because he believes her to be
trustworthy: "Danforth, weakening: 'Child, I do not mistrust you–' " (Miller 108). Part of this trust
comes from Abigail having tricked the town into believing that she has been saved and it is her
duty to point out the Devil's people, but as a judge, it is Danforth's duty to be impartial in the
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Thesis Statement : Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein
Thesis Statement: In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the creature's identity as a monster is due to
societal rejection, isolation, and misinterpretation.
Body Paragraph One (Paragraph Two of Five)
Topic Sentence: The creature continually faces societal rejection, which plays a crucial role in
developing his identity as a monster.
Proof One:
–As soon as Frankenstein sees "the dull yellow eye of the creature open", he is immediately
horrified by it. (p. 38–39) "His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries
beneath". His hair and teeth "formed a ... horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of
the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion, and
straight, black lips" more content...
After eating some food and resting, he headed to the village nearby. At his arrival, "the whole
village was roused". "Children shrieked" and "women fainted". "Some fled, some attacked" the
creature. The creature was "grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons".
He ran away and "fearfully took refuge in a low hovel". (p. 83)
–Now the creature knows that it is not only his creator, Frankenstein, who rejects him, but an entire
village. He was left "miserable .... from the barbarity of man". He is not only learning that society
dislikes him, but that it is 'normal' to attack others. He hasn't known kindness in his entire life. He
doesn't even know that it exists. The second contact he has with humans, they are being violent.
They are not demonstrating any sort of reason, teaching the creature that it is normal to be violent
and impulsive.
Proof Three:
–When the creature finally decided to come into contact with the family, he waited until the "old
man, at his own desire, was left alone in the cottage". (p. 107) He knocked, and upon being admitted,
made conversation with the old man. The creature explained that he was "an unfortunate and
deserted creature". (p. 108) When the heard the younger people returning, he told the old man to
"save and protect" him. (p. 110) As soon as the younger people saw him, they were horrified.
"Agatha fainted; and Safie, unable to attend her friend, rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted
forward and ...
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Thesis Statement On Substance Abuse
A Study On
Awareness of the effects of substance abuse among adolescents
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for English 27: Writing Term Paper in the Discipline and
Bus Correspond for the second semester of AY 2016–2017
Submitted by:
Sean Allison Y. Go
Submitted to:
Sir Andre Peralta
March 8, 2017 Sean Allison Y. Go English 27 NB
BSN–3BSir Andrew Peralta
Thesis Requirement for English 27 NB
Substance Abuse on Adolescents
Thesis Statement:
Awareness of the effects of substance abuse among adolescents
Substance abuse isn't a new thing. Long ago since the start of human history, people have looked for
ways to alter our consciousness with the use of herbs, alcohol and more content...
It is a multilateral community of non–governmental organizations and individuals and was founded
in 2009
IV. Evaluating the Impact of Substance Abuse in Filipinos A. Short Term Effects of Substance
Abuse A short term addict should immediately seek the help of a qualified professional in attending
rehab. It can cause serious health problems especially if it escalates. Early effects attributed to
substance abuse it impairs the judgement of affected people and results in self–delusion which keeps
them locked into an increasingly destructive pattern. It is a serious psychological mechanism which
operates unconsciously which in the end causes family problems or relationships with friends,
partners and even children
B. Long Term Effects of Drug Abuse Long term effects of substance abuse is more destructive
since addiction is progression and it will get worst over time even fatal to the point of causing
death to an addict. Addictive urge is chronic meaning it keeps coming back even after long periods
of abstinence especially for an addict who has been using for so long. Loss of control is evident
that an addict doesn't know when to stop
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Thesis Statement For The Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials began in the late 1600's and is widely known to this day as one of the
darkest periods in American history. In this essay, I will be analyzing the context and origins of the
trials, the hysteria that dramatically spread through Massachusetts, and the legacy that we've come
to know today. (thesis statement will go here I just can NOT think of one and I'm tired of wasting
my time trying. Help .) In this particular article, the author isn't given a name, however they are
listed as the History Channels' staff writer. The writer gives a brief explanation about the beginning
of the accusations and the events that took place in the following years. Their purpose for the article
is to provide evidential information on an more content...
Though the court later withdrew the verdicts, the presence of hatred and bitterness flooded the
affected families and the events of 1692 are reenacted and taught about to this day. The persuasion
of the courts during the trials gives an ethos appeal to the article by introducing them as a powerful
group in ways that they have the ability to order an execution without factual evidence towards the
accused. Though by the end of the trials their judgments were negated, the court had a high authorial
effect over the public eye. The article later on examines "In an effort to explain by scientific means
the strange afflictions suffered by those "bewitched" Salem residents in 1692, a study published in
Science magazine in 1976 cited the fungus ergot (found in rye, wheat and other cereals), which
toxicologists say can cause symptoms such as delusions, vomiting and muscle spasms." By stating
this new–found resource, this gives the reading a logos appeal to reason the circumstance that there
wasn't anything supernatural involved with the hysteria in 1692. The outbursts caused by this
unknown fungus and the resentment of the neighboring townsfolk heightened their suspicion toward
themselves and
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Thesis Statement On Human Rights
All people are entitled to various basic rights which should not be desecrated under any situation.
Some of these rights include political rights, civil liberties and most importantly the right to physical
safety and life. Human rights bodies articulate for tolerance, justice, human dignity and mutual
respect for all people. Human rights are protected by ensuring that all people receive humane and
decent treatment. Denying people their basic rights are violating them and it's a terrible offense
which can face a strict legal response. Everything that violates people's rights or prevents them from
enjoying ought to be eliminated with immediate effect.. Many people from all over the world cannot
access some services due to poverty.
Thesis statement Human rights should be respected and upheld to ensure that equality is applied in
serving all people. Democracy should be applied at all times to ensure that all people are treated the
same without discrimination. All factors or practices that violate people' more content...
Cases of relief foods or deaths associated with hunger have been witnessed. This is a situation which
directly interprets to violation of human rights. Every individual in a nation that upholds the human
rights of its people should be well protected to live a respectable life. Poverty eradication can be
eliminated efficiently by involving the affected people. They have knowledge on what they are
lacking based on violation of rights. They should also be involved in all development projects to
ascertain that all the hindrances that affect development are eliminated (Chong, 45). Governments
and stakeholders ought to avoid capitalizing on the enlightened and already established people.
Instead, they should ensure that people enjoy all their rights. For instance, people's right to religion
ought to be respected to allow them worship without any
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Reflection On My English 101 Experience
Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your
mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The
truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in
the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can
explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses.
Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before
taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and
unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I
struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to
the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class
that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the
whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for
navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I
have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in
English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the
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Thesis Statement For The Lottery
The short story, "The Lottery by Shirley Jackson", shows how scapegoatism forms violence and
cruelty behind the story's structural character Old Man Warner. Warners meaning towards the
stoning was that one had to have a connection with fertility in order to have successful crop growth.
Warners behavior towards the ritual tradition has changed many things from wooded chips to slips of
paper to the black box symbolizing death, and continuing to use stones in their ritual. Thesis
Statement: People should stand up to authority and examine their own actions towards what they are
about to do to because they are being brought down by the tension to follow the ritual in a gruesome
manner and thus falling into peer–pressure. Annotated more content...
"Even thought the black box lost its meaning they still remembered to use stones"(Griffin8). The
villagers remembered the negative and not the positive in the ritual. The villagers don't think about
others just themselves. Griffins statements can be used to state my claim about cruelty behavior.
Their main arguments can be used in my essay towards authority and violence. Griffins article talks
about how the villagers are being brought down by Old Man Warner and continues the tradition and
converting it to violence. Instead of standing up to Warner and protesting that is not right to treat
human beings as a form of assumption in sacrifice in order for crop growth to
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Essay With Thesis

  • 1. Thesis Statement : Global Warming Thesis Statement: Global warming is a growing concern of scientists and researchers who believe that it is a serious problem for our planet. The concerns and research have also been questioned and have even been called myths. Millions of people find themselves affected by these weather pattern changes and are concerned for their futures. Activists on both sides of the argument are very passionate and not afraid to attack each other in every way they can. There are many questions that are still not answered, however, we continue to see drastic weather changes to Earth. We must go beyond the arguments and learn as much as we can to stop what could possibly lead to the destruction of our planet, our way of life and our future. Global warming is concerned with an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere and the increase in the Earth 's surface temperature primarily due to the emission of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels. As for the processes of global warming, they can occur from a variety of causes. The causes include the things that are concerned with natural and human factors. Some people believe that global warming is a myth or hoax. They believe that global warming is being used to generate fear and panic and that those behind this movement are using it to control people 's lives and for financial gain. "Within the community of scientists and others concerned about anthropogenic climate change, those who are skeptics are more commonly termed Get more content on
  • 2. Thesis Statement About Sleep Rhetorical Context Topic: The Causes and Effects of Sleep Deprivation General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the factors contributing to sleep deprivation and the effects of insufficient sleep. Audience: University students enrolled in the Art of Public Speaking course. Central Idea: Sufficient sleep is integral in the life of a university student and is directly related to academic performance. Therefore students should make a conscious effort to correct behaviours and habits that lead to poor sleep hygiene. Exigence: Sleep is a humored concept among university students as the pressures of academic assignments, examinations and social life often robs them of precious hours of sleep. As a result of more content... 2.4The university student living on residential halls are subjected to many activities or conditions disrupting sleep. Increased social activity levels parties, functions campus activities can lead to a disruption and ultimately loss of sleep. 2.5The commuting student living in areas of civil unrest is also subject to sleep deprivation. According to studies "In disadvantaged neighborhoods, for example, local violence causes individuals to fear for their safety. This can lead to hyper aroused, which makes it harder to fall asleep and reduces sleep quantity and quality" (Hale & Bonuck, 2016) . Transition: We can all attest to that assignment, due on the 24th and we toiled through the night of the 23rd to complete it. These factors have become the normative patterns for us university students. 3.1. Sleep deprivation is directly correlated to poor academic behaviours and or Get more content on
  • 3. Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity Rough Draft Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value. If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content... Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to safe water (Bywater, 2008). Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan". Reference List Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1. Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43. Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends Magazine, (104), 19–24. Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA: Cambridge University Press. Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore: McGraw–Hill companies Get more content on
  • 4. Thesis Statement On Internet Usage Betty Webb Lisa Barricks Eng 101 0ctober 26, 2017 Topic: Internet Usage Thesis Statement: Internet usage is negatively affecting families, knowledge, and improperly used. It has changed over the past few years and increasingly being used. Akinoglu, Orhan. "Internet and internet use: teacher trainees' perspective." Journal of Instructional Psychology, vol. 36, no. 2, 2009, p. 97+. Academic OneFile, p=AONE&sw=w&u=kctc1&id=GALE%7CA204682048&it=r&asidc380915510cbdefe6d874d2697e. Accessed 26 Oct 2017. Internet usages can be helpful and a great asset for teachers and trainee employees. I Is beneficial in many ways such as time control, easy communication, and able to access any part of the world. Domine, Vanessa " more content... "A systematic review of the relationship between internet use, self–harm suicidal behavior in young people: The good, the bad and the unknown." PLos ONE, vol 12. No. 8. 2017. p. e0181722 Academic OneFile. P= Apme& sw=w&u=kctcsswcc&v=2.1&id=GALE%7CA500760822&it=r%asid=dad63b3a4ddda219164a2a0a282ba395. Accessed 26 Oct 2017. Internet usage can be harmful. Different risk factors included with elevated internet use includes cyber bullying, suicide on social media, and self–harm. These can play a role on the negative impact that the internet is having on teenagers and young adults. Nakayama, Hideeki, et al. "Treatment and risk factors of Internet use disorders." Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, vol. 71, no. 7, 2017, p. 492+. Academic One File, / ONE&sw=w&u=kctcsswcc&v2.1&id=GALE%7CA497598376&it=r&asid=24880caef477d49b8ed7d46f3c498 Accessed 26 Oct. 2017 Habits are easy to come by. It is time consuming. Internet usage can lead to IUD "Internet Usage Disorders." Which results in many years of therapy, family therapy, and high telephone and internet usage bill. Peterson, Scott A, et al. "Internet use and romantic relationships among college Get more content on
  • 5. Tuesdays With Morrie Thesis Statement Mitch Albom is a an American Journalist who has written many books of the course of his career. His first well selling book he wrote was Tuesdays with Morrie, a story about him reconnecting with his old college professor for one final lesson, his own death by Lou Gehrig's disease, more commonly known as ALS. ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that causes deterioration of nerve cells, and there is no known cure. They talk about Morrie's life leading up to the diagnosis, and how his life was affected by it forever. Mr. Albom refers to ALS as a lit candle, slowly progressing throughout the whole body of the candle. Tuesdays with Morrie shows that our culture is wrapped up in our own selves that we rarely take the time to care for others more content... As Morrie's date grew more tangible, Morrie began to become more wise and more open to the world, and more self–reflecting on how he had acted over the years of his life. This usually happens to many people, but sadly, not all people get wiser with age. Many stories have this type of plot line, where someone wakes up to the world around them, and they get smarter. That was even the plot line for The Matrix movie series. But in Morrie's case, he wasn't the one who was waking up, it was the people around him waking up to Morrie dying, that Morrie wouldn't die because of old age, but of a disease that has no cure. The people around him started to realize how fragile the human existence is compared to the universe, because it will carry on no matter who you are. Most people think that they are invincible, that nothing can take them out, but something simple that's not even alive like a virus can kill you, it shows how easy it is to die. Morrie did talk about humanity's fragile existence once in the book, talking about the Yugoslavian Civil War, "The other night, on TV, I saw people in Bosnia running across the street, getting fired upon, killed, innocent victims ... and I just started to cry. I could feel their anguish as if was my own." Morrie did not know any of those people who were killed in the conflict, Get more content on
  • 6. Thesis Statement On Globalization Globalization is an undeniable phenomenon of our modern societies. Global patterns keep spreading in many fields of our everyday life: food, economy, marketing, and last but not least, culture. Cultural products are indeed very often produced following the American pattern and exported to various places around the world. Hollywood blockbusters are huge hits in many different countries, our radios broadcast more and more American songs and even our national singers choose to sing in English rather than in their native language. Globalization is caused by many different factors. Cross–border processes such as interregional trade, employment, population migration and military conquest or colonization probably constitute the main factors (Holton, 2000, 141, 149) more content... Lastly, religions play an important role too by gathering people scattered across the globe under an identical cosmology, thus creating imagined communities (Anderson, 1983). Globalization, by connecting people through the media, also creates such a community: inhabitants of the world share the idea of a global community and an international identity. This is why we could define globalization as the compression of time and space (Harvey, 1983). Communications as well as people can travel at an ever increasing speed, thereby giving the impression that every corner of the world is at hand. The main thesis about globalization argues that it leads to a phenomenon of homogenization. My hypothesis however is that some cultures are so different and so deeply rooted in their environment that they can't simply be erased. They will be modified, influenced but not standardized under one unique model. This will lead to hybrid products, thereby proving the hypothesis of glocalization, introduced by Get more content on
  • 7. Writer's Statement Thesis Statement: Climate change is natural; however, advances of human society such as deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the rate at which the climate is changing. My three major sources stood out when writing my research paper on climate change. My main source was Louis Bergeron's, "The World Can be Powered by Alternative Energy, Using Today's Technology, in 20–40 Years, Says Stanford Researcher Mark Z. Jacobson." In this article, Bergeron describes an energy researcher's plan to power the world with renewables within the next few decades. My second source was Marc Lallanilla's, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Causes and Sources." In this article, Lallanilla talked about the Get more content on
  • 8. Thesis Statement On Poverty One can easily identify the fact that poverty is generally considered as one among the most serious problems in human life. But the mainstream society provides less importance to this serious problem because human life did undergo transformation from empathy to disinterestedness. The western nations are comparatively safe from poverty and related issues, but the third–world nations are under the threat of the same. The problems related to global poverty is unimaginable because it forces human beings to do anything, just for survival. Still, world nations, especially the developed nations, can play the most important role in alleviating poverty from the world. Thesis statement: Global poverty, the most serious problem faced by humanity more content... The physiological problems related to poverty are impossible to cure without enough food. If poverty is a disease, proper medication can solve the problem and save millions. But poverty itself is the grass–root level reason behind physiological problems. When around half of the global population is facing threat from poverty, one can expect serious physiological problems. Similarly, death related to hunger originating from poverty is a serious problem among the third–world nations. One can see that children, women, and elderly citizens are totally exposed to poverty related physiological problems in general. To be specific, extreme poverty hinders millions from having enough food to sustain their lives. Here, food banks can play an important role in keeping millions away from the clutches of health problems. One can see that life is poor surroundings can result in several health problems. Besides, poverty hinders millions from having direct access to different innovative health programs and policies implemented by the WHO and similar international organizations. Similarly, health problems stun the growth of millions of children in the famine stricken nations. So, it is evident that physiological problems related to global poverty can ensnare millions within Get more content on
  • 9. Thesis on the First World War i. Introduction A. Attention step: the change in the context and trend of war in terms of ferocity of the weapons and the increase in human/nations participation was occasioned by the industrial revolution and the French revolution. B. Thesis: The First World War stimulated the greatest changes in warfare because it brought about new technology and industry development, advancement in science, and improved infrastructure and communication; essentially the First World War combined the legacies of the French and Industrial Revolutions and set the pattern for twentieth century warfare. ii. The industrialization in Europe and the new technology escalated the power of the WWI as compared to the other wars fought across the world there before. A. The industries led to increased production of the weapons needed in the war. B. The availability of raw materials for the industries meant mass production of the weapons sufficient to replace the damaged and the lost as well as the vast army. iii. The advancement in science saw the war become sophisticated as each side tried to outwit the other in tact and equipment. A. Chemistry was largely employed to come up with explosives and ammunitions that had superior destructive power. B. New discoveries for instance of the rockets added to the power of the WWI. iv. The improved infrastructure and communication system boosted the participation of bigger number of troops from the French Revolution. A. The industrial revolution saw Get more content on
  • 10. Thesis Statement : Early Anxiety Essay Thesis Statement: Early Anxiety is stemmed from many factors, however the main cause of anxiety in adolescents is directly related to parenting and/or family influences. As a child, life was hectic from the beginning. Dad was in and out of jail, and when he was out my mom and him and my mother would indulge in hard drugs. Don 't get me wrong, when you 're so twisted on drugs there is only so much your body and mind is capable of doing, right? Since I could remember I've been the boss, the keeper of the responsibilities, almost like the parent of my parents. Throughout school, i had constant anxiety about school, worrying about my little brother and wondering if my parents were okay. Fast forward to the present time, still on a daily basis I struggle with severe Anxiety. It truly never went away, it only got worse. If I would have had a better mother daughter, or father daughter relationship or didn't have to watch my parrents struggle with their anxiety and addictions, and i had to worry a lot less I would have never developed this anxiety. Harpster 2. Anxiety can be a very serious (disease/disorder) it is simply defined as an abnormal fear or tension which can occur without any obvious trigger or session; a recurrence, unwelcome and intrusive thought. Anxiety can also be defined as a subjective state of fear or tension. There are two types of anxiety, anxiety can provide signals that alert the body to trigger it to improve mental and physical performance Get more content on
  • 11. Thesis Statement Of Native Americans THESIS STATEMENT: The Native Americans were historically doomed because of the Europeans inability to accept elements of Native American culture that they felt were savage, the natives inability to acknowledge the Europeans threat to their lifestyle and land, and the far superior European army used to defeat Indian tribes. From the very moment that the Europeans stepped on American soil, they displayed their extraordinary military power and savage outlook towards the native peoples. Their experience with civilized society with access to plenty of firepower gives them an advantage when it comes to military attacks, and when they use this against the Native Americans, it is almost unfair. They attack the Native Americans immediately when they step foot on US soil, and kill them as if they are trophy hunting. Barry Lopez, in The Rediscovery of North America, states about the barbaric Spanish attacks on Native Americans, "The Spanish cut off the legs of children who ran from them. They poured people full of boiling soap. They made bets as to who, with one sweep of his sword, could cut a person in half" (5). This quote shows how much power the colonists held over the Native American and how their doom was essentially inevitable. Killing the Native Americans was practically a hobby for the colonists at this point. The countless battles and land that they gained from the Native Americans also symbolized their power, such as when the Spaniards invaded the town of Acoma. They Get more content on
  • 12. Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying Thesis Statement: Cyberbullying is on the rise in Indonesia and affected everyone that possesses on social media. For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Path and many more can be useful tools to keep in touch with friends which live far away. Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Although social media can be used in a positive way such as communicate with the other friends which is improving social skills, however, negative effects which is cyber bullying. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions and has a hard time stopping what is more content... There are many causes for Cyberbullying to occur. The impacts of cyber bullying for the victims can be underestimated because they are mainly psychological and not physical. Cyber bullying in its extremes has led to the death of several teenagers. Cyber bullying leads to depression and lack of enthusiasm for life that drives the victim to suicide in order to escape the torment. Actually, the first step of preventing and stopping cyber bullying starts with the individual themselves. They should respect the others and also themselves because everyone has their human rights and no one cannot destroy it. Simple steps like using the internet appropriately and not provoking other users are very effective in preventing cyber bullying. Using internet as the media social is fine but trying to harm people by spreading gossip or starting rumors and stealing someone password or hacking are bad things. Technology is decreasing the ability for others to interact and communicate, which is
  • 13. highly essential in today's world. While social media is a useful tool in our increasingly connected world, they can also adversely affect our development and the nature of our Get more content on
  • 14. Thesis Statement Of The Crucible Thesis: In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Thomas Putnam, Deputy Governor Danforth, And Abigail Williams are most to blame for the catastrophic events encircling the Salem Witch trials. Topic/claim sentence: Mr. Putnam is partially to blame for the Salem chaos by constantly jumping to conclusions and prosecuting those in conflict with himself. Example 1: "He was a man with many grievances [...] So it is not surprising to find that so many accusations against people are in the handwriting of Thomas Putnam" (Miller 14–15). Explanation 1: Putnam has a history of holding grudges against people and obtaining his revenge by accusing them of witchcraft. He is even accused of these crimes but denies their truth. Example 2: "This man is killing more content... I have until this moment not the slightest reason to suspect that the children may be deceiving me. Do you understand my meaning?" (Miller 91) Explanation 1: Danforth comes into the trials with the mindset that the victims are telling the whole truth. He even said that witchcraft is an invisible crime and the only witnesses are the witch and her victim; "Therefore, [he] must rely upon her victims– and they do testify" (Miller 100). By thinking this way, Danforth diminishes any chance at anyone denying that what the children are saying is true. The persecution of innocent women is inevitable because Danforth holds all of the power and he is choosing to put his trust in people who are deceitful and selfish. Example 2: "Danforth, himself engaged and entered by Abigail: 'Mary Warren, do you witch her? I say to you, do you send your spirit out?' " (Miller 109). Explanation 2: Danforth allows himself to be so easily persuaded and tricked by Abigail and the other children. He lets his guard down when listening to Abigail because he believes her to be trustworthy: "Danforth, weakening: 'Child, I do not mistrust you–' " (Miller 108). Part of this trust comes from Abigail having tricked the town into believing that she has been saved and it is her duty to point out the Devil's people, but as a judge, it is Danforth's duty to be impartial in the Get more content on
  • 15. Thesis Statement : Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein Thesis Statement: In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the creature's identity as a monster is due to societal rejection, isolation, and misinterpretation. Body Paragraph One (Paragraph Two of Five) Topic Sentence: The creature continually faces societal rejection, which plays a crucial role in developing his identity as a monster. Proof One: –As soon as Frankenstein sees "the dull yellow eye of the creature open", he is immediately horrified by it. (p. 38–39) "His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath". His hair and teeth "formed a ... horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion, and straight, black lips" more content... After eating some food and resting, he headed to the village nearby. At his arrival, "the whole village was roused". "Children shrieked" and "women fainted". "Some fled, some attacked" the creature. The creature was "grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons". He ran away and "fearfully took refuge in a low hovel". (p. 83) –Now the creature knows that it is not only his creator, Frankenstein, who rejects him, but an entire village. He was left "miserable .... from the barbarity of man". He is not only learning that society dislikes him, but that it is 'normal' to attack others. He hasn't known kindness in his entire life. He doesn't even know that it exists. The second contact he has with humans, they are being violent. They are not demonstrating any sort of reason, teaching the creature that it is normal to be violent and impulsive. Proof Three: –When the creature finally decided to come into contact with the family, he waited until the "old man, at his own desire, was left alone in the cottage". (p. 107) He knocked, and upon being admitted, made conversation with the old man. The creature explained that he was "an unfortunate and deserted creature". (p. 108) When the heard the younger people returning, he told the old man to "save and protect" him. (p. 110) As soon as the younger people saw him, they were horrified. "Agatha fainted; and Safie, unable to attend her friend, rushed out of the cottage. Felix darted forward and ... Get more content on
  • 16. Thesis Statement On Substance Abuse A Study On Awareness of the effects of substance abuse among adolescents In partial fulfillment of the requirements for English 27: Writing Term Paper in the Discipline and Bus Correspond for the second semester of AY 2016–2017 Submitted by: Sean Allison Y. Go Submitted to: Sir Andre Peralta March 8, 2017 Sean Allison Y. Go English 27 NB BSN–3BSir Andrew Peralta Thesis Requirement for English 27 NB Title: Substance Abuse on Adolescents Thesis Statement: Awareness of the effects of substance abuse among adolescents Introduction: Substance abuse isn't a new thing. Long ago since the start of human history, people have looked for ways to alter our consciousness with the use of herbs, alcohol and more content... It is a multilateral community of non–governmental organizations and individuals and was founded in 2009 IV. Evaluating the Impact of Substance Abuse in Filipinos A. Short Term Effects of Substance Abuse A short term addict should immediately seek the help of a qualified professional in attending rehab. It can cause serious health problems especially if it escalates. Early effects attributed to substance abuse it impairs the judgement of affected people and results in self–delusion which keeps them locked into an increasingly destructive pattern. It is a serious psychological mechanism which operates unconsciously which in the end causes family problems or relationships with friends, partners and even children B. Long Term Effects of Drug Abuse Long term effects of substance abuse is more destructive since addiction is progression and it will get worst over time even fatal to the point of causing death to an addict. Addictive urge is chronic meaning it keeps coming back even after long periods of abstinence especially for an addict who has been using for so long. Loss of control is evident
  • 17. that an addict doesn't know when to stop Get more content on
  • 18. Thesis Statement For The Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch Trials began in the late 1600's and is widely known to this day as one of the darkest periods in American history. In this essay, I will be analyzing the context and origins of the trials, the hysteria that dramatically spread through Massachusetts, and the legacy that we've come to know today. (thesis statement will go here I just can NOT think of one and I'm tired of wasting my time trying. Help .) In this particular article, the author isn't given a name, however they are listed as the History Channels' staff writer. The writer gives a brief explanation about the beginning of the accusations and the events that took place in the following years. Their purpose for the article is to provide evidential information on an more content... Though the court later withdrew the verdicts, the presence of hatred and bitterness flooded the affected families and the events of 1692 are reenacted and taught about to this day. The persuasion of the courts during the trials gives an ethos appeal to the article by introducing them as a powerful group in ways that they have the ability to order an execution without factual evidence towards the accused. Though by the end of the trials their judgments were negated, the court had a high authorial effect over the public eye. The article later on examines "In an effort to explain by scientific means the strange afflictions suffered by those "bewitched" Salem residents in 1692, a study published in Science magazine in 1976 cited the fungus ergot (found in rye, wheat and other cereals), which toxicologists say can cause symptoms such as delusions, vomiting and muscle spasms." By stating this new–found resource, this gives the reading a logos appeal to reason the circumstance that there wasn't anything supernatural involved with the hysteria in 1692. The outbursts caused by this unknown fungus and the resentment of the neighboring townsfolk heightened their suspicion toward themselves and Get more content on
  • 19. Thesis Statement On Human Rights All people are entitled to various basic rights which should not be desecrated under any situation. Some of these rights include political rights, civil liberties and most importantly the right to physical safety and life. Human rights bodies articulate for tolerance, justice, human dignity and mutual respect for all people. Human rights are protected by ensuring that all people receive humane and decent treatment. Denying people their basic rights are violating them and it's a terrible offense which can face a strict legal response. Everything that violates people's rights or prevents them from enjoying ought to be eliminated with immediate effect.. Many people from all over the world cannot access some services due to poverty. Thesis statement Human rights should be respected and upheld to ensure that equality is applied in serving all people. Democracy should be applied at all times to ensure that all people are treated the same without discrimination. All factors or practices that violate people' more content... Cases of relief foods or deaths associated with hunger have been witnessed. This is a situation which directly interprets to violation of human rights. Every individual in a nation that upholds the human rights of its people should be well protected to live a respectable life. Poverty eradication can be eliminated efficiently by involving the affected people. They have knowledge on what they are lacking based on violation of rights. They should also be involved in all development projects to ascertain that all the hindrances that affect development are eliminated (Chong, 45). Governments and stakeholders ought to avoid capitalizing on the enlightened and already established people. Instead, they should ensure that people enjoy all their rights. For instance, people's right to religion ought to be respected to allow them worship without any Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection On My English 101 Experience Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the Get more content on
  • 21. Thesis Statement For The Lottery The short story, "The Lottery by Shirley Jackson", shows how scapegoatism forms violence and cruelty behind the story's structural character Old Man Warner. Warners meaning towards the stoning was that one had to have a connection with fertility in order to have successful crop growth. Warners behavior towards the ritual tradition has changed many things from wooded chips to slips of paper to the black box symbolizing death, and continuing to use stones in their ritual. Thesis Statement: People should stand up to authority and examine their own actions towards what they are about to do to because they are being brought down by the tension to follow the ritual in a gruesome manner and thus falling into peer–pressure. Annotated more content... "Even thought the black box lost its meaning they still remembered to use stones"(Griffin8). The villagers remembered the negative and not the positive in the ritual. The villagers don't think about others just themselves. Griffins statements can be used to state my claim about cruelty behavior. Their main arguments can be used in my essay towards authority and violence. Griffins article talks about how the villagers are being brought down by Old Man Warner and continues the tradition and converting it to violence. Instead of standing up to Warner and protesting that is not right to treat human beings as a form of assumption in sacrifice in order for crop growth to Get more content on