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Essay on The Holy Trinity, by Masaccio
Masaccio's famous religious painting, "The Holy Trinity", is known for the engagement of linear
perspective to create an image that goes beyond just paint on canvas, (or should I say wall?) by
creating the illusion of depth. This painting addresses many religious concepts by setting up
different levels and layers in the constructed space. The characters depicted are made up of four
groups of human figures, which include the Trinity (God the father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit), the
Virgin Mary and Saint John, a pair of donors, and a skeleton on a tomb at the bottom of the picture.
There is an apparent point of separation, which is made clear due to each group being on separate
levels. Their difference in power is fundamental feature in ... Show more content on
The vanishing point of this piece is not arbitrary and it becomes evident that Masaccio's placement
of the vanishing point suggests his intention for the viewer to see the greatness of the divine in
comparison to the tiny specs of man's existence. Because the vanishing point is placed beneath the
cross, the spectator's vision is directed toward the center of the masonry altar, which indicates that
man must raise his head in order to pay respect to God, further signifying Gods importance in
comparison to man. The Trinity appears very out of reach from the perspectives viewpoint.
Masaccio's manipulation of perspective places the viewer furthest from the divine Trinity and
closest to the skeleton, which suggests that man's mortality is not to be seen as equal to God's
divinity. This demonstrates the hierarchical relationship in which man is constantly looks up to
Christ for salvation and piety in order to somehow overcome death and fear of it.
The manipulation of perspective was not only significant for symbolic meaning. It was used as a
visual tool in order to create the "magic" that the painting is known for. Because the vanishing point
is approximately 5 feet from the bottom of the picture, which is practically floor level, this allows
for both the top and bottom of the picture to come together and establishes an illusion of an actual
structure. While this "created space" within the picture appears to be real, it is actually just one of
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The Holy Trinity : The Doctrine Of Christianity
For the past centuries, Christianity has played a crucial role in influencing the world's socio–
cultural, political, and economic aspects, predominantly in Western civilization. As a monotheistic
and Abrahamic religion teaching based on the life of Yeshua, commonly known as Jesus Christ,
Christianity is one the oldest religion deeply rooted in human history. In the Christianity, a common
practice is the belief in the Holy trinity, a concept that every individual interprets differently. In this
paper, I will attempt to explain the doctrine of the Holy trinity, through various approach.
Often, many Christians often have a hard time comprehending the idea of the Holy Trinity Doctrine.
This trinity is made up of God into the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Despite the
longevity of its existence within the religion, it remains very hard to understand because it is very
contradictory. How is it possible for Christians to believe in one God, and one God only, who is also
Three Persons in One.
Trinity means three, so when we discuss the Holy Trinity we mean the Father (God), Son (Jesus),
and Holy Spirit (sometimes referred to as the Holy Ghost). As explained in Esposito: "...Trinity
asserts that God is one essence but three persons. The formula 'three persons in one God: Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit' is not really about the mathematics. Rather, it means that God, the creator of
the universe, can at the same time be present in the life of Jesus and in all things in the
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The Pros And Cons Of The Holy Trinity Doctrine
Once, there were words saying "If you try to explain the Trinity, you will lose your mind, but if you
deny it, you will lose your soul". (Pritchard) The knowledge of God the Trinity is the center of the
Christian faith. Yet many believers have got confused in understanding the true natures of the
personalities and relationships of each person in God the Trinity. Endless questions continuously
appear, again and again, giving Christians a sense of extremely misty confusion towards the
magnificent attributes of every person in the Trinity. Who has an answer to these questions? None,
none but God Himself who has given us guidance through a lot of ways, as He is the supreme
creator and ruler of knowledge. The Bible itself is the strongest, richest, and most dependable source
of ... Show more content on ...
Early saints–or early Christian teachers, have been discussing the Trinity deeply and deliberately for
decades, as it is one of the most complex teachings written in the Bible. One of the most reliable
doctrines of the Trinity is The Holy Trinity Doctrine. The Holy Trinity Doctrine was one of the
doctrines created during the first few ages where Christianity just started developing. This doctrine
was created in the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. During this discussion, diverse points were given by
theologists. Thoughts named as Tritheism, Unitarism, and Arianism are present. Tritheism focuses
that there are three separate Gods, promoting polytheism, Unitarism focuses on God the Father
most, and separates Christ and the Holy Spirit into a different category of deity, thus changing their
divinity, and Arianism promotes Jesus Christ as a creation of God during the Creation. Other than
these three, there are also other strong doctrines about the Trinity from the Apostles' Creed, the
Nicene Creed––which came from the Council of Nicea, and the Athanasian
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Holy Trinity
What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions the Trinity? Do Christians have a
good understanding of what it means to serve a Triune God? Do we explain ourselves in a precise
way or do we leave people with unanswered questions and confusion? I would like to explore the
historic, orthodox Christianity and the classic Wesleyan–Arminian consensus beliefs on the person
of the Holy Spirit.
First let us seek what it is that the orthodox Christians and the Wesleyan– Arminian believe
according to the Trinity.
"Orthodox Christians believe in a single God who is both three and one (triune); the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, "one in essence and undivided". The Holy Trinity is three "unconfused" and distinct
divine persons (hypostases), ... Show more content on ...
He saw the working of two Persons of the Trinity. An example was described by Fee (2011) like
this, "The Spirit alone knows the mind of God, and that God knows the mind of the Spirit" (pg.45).
We see this happen in a few different ways. The one true God operates through the other Persons in
a way that helps unify the church. He shows us the correct way to be relational with each other. One
cannot help but notice that the Holy Spirit is given to us to help us grow more like Christ and
become more the image of God by being our "intercessor" (Fee, 2011) because they, the Holy Spirit
and God are
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Christianity's Attachment And Underlying Principles And...
Christianity's attachment to underlying principles and beliefs are centered on the devotion of the
Holy Trinity. The perception of the trinity has shaped controversy by finding a solution from a
reliable origin. Deliberation on the true entity of God is unavoidable and contrasting opinions
emerge by human endeavor. Debate on the trinity largely was derived by disagreement on the
concepts ousia (common essence) and hypostasis (substance). These concepts became distinctive by
The Cappadocian Fathers: Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory of Nazianzus. The
relationship of God, the Father, and his son Jesus Christ was defined by the Cappadocian Fathers
and what is understood today in the Christian Doctrine. The Cappadocian Fathers were highly
commended martyrs that advanced the development of early Christian theology. Without the efforts
of The Cappadocian Fathers evolvement in defining the relationship of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit, there would still be contest identical to early progression in Christian history.
The acceptance from expressing religious logic arouses deliberation in society. Throughout history,
theological debates were generated from the discussion of God's exact nature and accordance with
his son, Jesus Christ. Even though the trinity has been agreed upon as a secret above human
comprehension, this is naturally misleading due to its complexity. The beliefs surrounding the Holy
Spirit were neglected due to the
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The Holy Spirit Of The Trinity
The Holy Spirit is one of the persons in the Trinity. The Holy Spirit lives in my soul because I
accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I think the Holy Spirit is an influence, energy and a
person. He connects me with God in my relationship with Him. I believe the Holy Spirit helps direct
my thoughts and actions to be glorifying to God. Even though there are many verses about the Holy
Spirit, I enjoy and meditate on the verse found in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit
of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Also when I sin, the conviction I feel
confirms the presence of the Holy Spirit that is within me.
2. Give proofs for the personality of the Holy Spirit.
There are many proofs for the personality of the Holy Spirit. He has qualities and actions that a
person has or does. He has a mind (Rom. 8:27) that exudes intelligence, expresses feelings (Eph.
4:30), and reveals His will. He can speak and show the truth to us the same way a person could
because He is a person. He is relatable just like any other person. Evidence of these actions are
found with the apostles (Acts 15:28), with Jesus (John 16:14), to each Person in the Trinity
(Matthew 28:19), and to Himself (Luke 4:14).
3. How do we know the Holy Spirit is God?
The proofs that confirm the Holy Spirit is God are found in His divine names, divine attributes,
divine actions, and divine Godhead association. He is named by God and Jesus in multiple passages
such as Acts 16:7 and 1
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My Family At The Holy Trinity Baptist Church
Throughout the course of adolescence, my family regularly attended the Holy Trinity Lutheran
Church. My parents always emphasized on the importance of raising their children in a complete
Christ–centered environment along with ensure a familiarity with the Holy Scriptures. My family
lived in a middle class neighborhood called Palma Ceia that was located near downtown Tampa,
Florida. My parents have always been inspirational and encouraged me to follow God's lead through
serving in vocational ministry. In my childhood, my social worker mother continuously reminded
me seek the positive potential in other individuals.
In 2001, I began to encounter a rather turbulent and difficult period after my father passed away
because of congestive heart failure. I attempted to reduce the negative effects of the agonizing loss
and began to work excessively as an escape from the painful reality. Most recently, I reevaluated this
heartrending event in my life and identified the one of the poorest choices I made was the decision
not approach God with this serious predicament. Unknowingly, I continued to pursue the comfort
and peace that Jesus Christ alone provides to a person with grief–stricken heart. In 2005, I moved to
East Tennessee and began to understand the importance of seeking God in all aspects of my life.
Through daily prayer and reading of the Holy Scripture, I realized I had forgotten that Jesus Christ
was my confidant and counselor. I remember the afternoon that
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My Worldview And The Holy Trinity
In this day and age there are so many different types of worldviews. People all over the world
celebrate life in a different way. They all worship different gods, weather, people, things, or nothing
at all. Yes, some people refuse to believe in any kind of hope. Though, I believe in one God with the
holy trinity. It is a God that is all one, but has three equal parts. That is the son, the Holy Spirit, and
the father. There is so much in this worldview, which has touched all nations and cultures in some
form. I will explain more of my worldview, help describe Wesleyan Quadrilateral, my spiritual
formation, and how I use it in the world around me. I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. His
word is very much active and alive. "For ... Show more content on ...
As Sire puts it "but it is 'I' who will act and not just react like a bell ringing when a button is
pushed." I believe when people are sinful, God stays the same. When we begin to become more like
God, we find our home. "Our personality is grounded in the personality of God. That is, we find our
true home in God and in being in close relationship with him."(Sire, pg. 34)
With that because of the fall and of mankind's sin, we need to be reborn. Jesus said in John 3:7, "Do
not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'" This is because we all have been born in
sin, "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me."(Psalms 51:5)
How to be born again is to accept Jesus and surrender to him. "Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone
desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever
desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.'" (Matt. 16:24–
27) I believe life after death. We all will be judged when we leave tis world. "But in accordance with
your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath
and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who "will render to each one according to his
deeds": eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and
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The Holy Trinity: Masaccio Essay
Innovators can be found in all fields of work, whether it is Albert Einstein in physics, Isaac Newton
in mathematics, or Masaccio in early Renaissance painting. Even though these individuals labored
in different fields, the influences of their work on later generations were equally great. Masaccio
was able to build upon the works of proto–Renaissance painters such as Giotto, to further develop
the mathematical technique of linear perspective to open a window into the world for his viewers.
His innovative style can be found in most of his work, such as "The Tribute Money" found inside
the Brancacci chapel, but the best example of his style is found not far from the Brancacci chapel in
Florence. Found inside the Dominican church of Santa ... Show more content on ...
Many of Masaccio's most famous works were done in the medium of fresco. This is a possible
explanation for why he was not a popular and celebrated artist during his time. Many people were
not able to acquire his work. Diane Ahl of the college of Lafayette stated:
Masaccio was not named among the painters 'who have been illustrious in our age' in Fazio's De
viris illustribus. Nor was Masaccio included among 'the best masters who have existed for a good
while back' in the list of artists by whom the Florentine merchant Giovanni Rucellai owned works in
c. 1470. This omission, however, presumably reflected the difficulty of acquiring panel paintings by
Masaccio, which inevitably have always been rare, rather than an opinion that Masaccio was not one
of 'the best masters' (Ahl 158).
Ahl tells how Masaccio was underappreciated in his time, but since his works were not as accessible
as some of his contemporaries. It was the way in which Masaccio was able to influence generations
of artists after him that art historians today consider him a master of art. Masaccio looked to
antiquity and architecture to further develop his use of linear perspective which literally pulls the
viewer of the Trinity into the work itself. Like the famous works inside the Brancacci chapel, the
Trinity is done in fresco. This technique is performed by applying the pigments directly onto a wet
plaster wall. This medium would not have allowed Masaccio the luxury
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Christianity And The Holy Trinity
"Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face." (Quotes About
Christianity) This quote is from Ronald Regan, and I think it is a good representation of Christianity.
Christianity is centered on the teachings and life of Jesus of Nazareth which is found in the Bible.
Along with the teachings of Jesus, Christians believe in the Old Testament, that has biblical records
that date back to 1500 B.C.E.. Some of these beliefs include the Holy Trinity, salvation, afterlife,
and the Bible. The belief in the Holy Trinity is what I believe to be the most important belief in
Christianity. The Holy Trinity consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The first part of
the Trinity is the Father or God. Christians believe that God created the world, and that he sustains
it. They believe that God is all–powerful, all–knowing, all–present, and all–good. The God in
Christianity is the same God as in Judaism. Jewish people believe that their God is the God of
Abraham, and Christians believe the same. Christians also believe that God has a love for all people,
and a desire to save the world. Christians believe that God chose to reveal himself through the
second part of the Trinity (Trinitarian Monotheism, 2015). The second part of the Trinity is the Son,
or Jesus. Jesus is believed to be the son of God, and that he is God made flesh. Christians believe
that he preached a message of concerned salvation, love, and care for the poor and those in need.
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Religious Site Report : The Holy Trinity Church
MAY 18 2016
I went to the Holy Trinity Eastern Orthodox Church in San Francisco. They established in December
1857 in San Francisco then later incorporated into Greek Russian Slavonian belief. During the late
1880s, the population of the church exponentially increased, when Greek Immigration exploded and
the church was firmly confirmed as the place for dedicated worship to the Greek Orthodox faith.
After developing in community and belief, construction of the actual church only began in 1903,
when they officially became the Greek Orthodox Church in San Francisco.
The Eastern Orthodox Faith becoming the second largest is branch of Christianity that teaches what
apostolic practices orientating from the original faith of the apostles. Eastern Orthodox teaching
teaches that all bishops are equal but worships the Holy Synod instead, dividing it from the roman
catholic faith. The church traces it origins from Greece, Easter Europe, and Russia but has
developed modernly in many parts if the world including San Francisco. The church doesn't have a
patriarch, a pope, nor does it believes in the Bible but doesn't believe the Holy trinity. God is our
father, Christ is the son, our mother is holy Christ and our lord is the Holy Spirit.
During the service I attended, services in the church and involve both the clergy and faithfuls and
cannot be conducted with a single person. I was
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Masaccio Fresco Of The Holy Trinity
Renaissance artists had achieved to recreate the three–dimensional physical reality of the human
body and architecture of two– dimensional surface in the 1400s. Horizon line, vanishing point and
parallel lines are the system to linear perspective. Objects are smaller to represent depth, smaller
objects are back into space and larger objects are bigger. Also using shadowing to create an illusion
of depth. A great artist was Masaccio, who began to explore the idea of depth and volume in their
art. Masaccio painted his fresco of the Holy Trinity in 1424. The title come from the three religious
figures: Christ of the cross, the holy spirit and God the Gather standing behind Christ. God the
father is standing behind Christ, we would traditionally
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The Holy Trinity In The Matrix Trilogy
The Matrix Trilogy is a science fiction franchise that explores a variety of political and
philosophical phenomena. In particular, The Matrix Trilogy is rich with Christian symbolism,
imagery, principles and biblical narratives. Indeed, Frederica Mathewes–Green of Christianity
Today remarks, "The Christian themes in the film are so obvious that even nonbelievers can spot
them across the room" (Mathewes–Green, 2003). This evaluative reflection addresses the manner in
which The Matrix Trilogy touches upon God, belief, and spirituality in action by way of interpreting
the Christian symbols as they appear throughout the films. The Matrix Trilogy is a successful
example of a film series that employs spiritual truths from the Christian tradition directly into its
narrative and storyline, beginning with the appearance of the Holy Trinity. The traditional Holy
Trinity is composed of the divine father, divine son, and divine spirit. The main characters,
Morpheus, Trinity, and Neo, each represent aspects of the Holy Trinity. However, these films present
viewers with a radically new approach to the trinity. Given that the character Trinity is female, the
sacred trio put ... Show more content on ...
It has discussed everything from the presence of good and evil spirits, the Holy Trinity iconography,
the presence of Jesus Christ and the second coming of "the One" (Neo) or Jesus Christ, as well as
the nature of Armageddon or the last battle for the human souls of Zion. Indeed, as Austin Cline
states, "The presence of Christian ideas in The Matrix films is simply undeniable" (Cline, n.d.). This
evaluative reflection has mostly talked about the images that the creators of the films, the
Wachowski Brothers, chose to include in order to explore how God and spirituality influence human
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Trinity Of The Holy Spirit Research Paper
The third person in the trinity is the Holy Spirit. Many times people tend to believe there is a
hierarchy in the trinity, and often the Holy Spirit is at the bottom. This is not; the Holy Spirit is just
as important as the Father and the Son. The trinity is made up of three people who are equally
important. The Holy Spirit dwells inside all believers and guides them throughout their life. He is
also the one to bring believer's heart's to the point of conviction. He is significant because he is
referenced in the Bible in 261 different passages; fifty–six of those are found in the gospels
(Willmington 641).
God's character is similar to the Father's and the Son's. He is a divine being just the same as the
other persons of the trinity. The Holy ... Show more content on ...
God's ministry started in the very beginning with the creation of the universe (Willmington 645).
Psalm 19:1 says, "the heavens declare the glory of God... (NKJV)" proving He created the universe.
Another ministry He worked through is the writing of the scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the author of
the Scripture. He had three basic preparation and reception guidelines for His divine manuscript,
these are called the "steps of the spirit". They are revelation, Inspiration, and Illumination
(Willmington 645). In both the Old and New Testaments it is proven that the scriptures are the work
of the Holy Spirit (II Samuel 23:2, John 14:25–26). Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is that of the
devil. The Holy Spirit limits Satan's power (Willmington 646). "...when the enemy comes in like a
flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him" (Isaiah 59:19). He also came to set
up the most important of the three basic institutions in the Bible, marriage, government, and the
Church. The Church is by far the most significant of the three. The Holy Spirit came to help the
early churches start and then continued to help them grow. These are just four of the eleven
ministries recorded in which the Holy Spirit did. He took part in many ministries (Willmington
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Holy Trinity Research Paper
What Difference Does The Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity Make In My Life
Through the mystery of the Holy Trinity, in my view, God gives us the perfect example how we
need live to reach the full potential God intends for us. Three distinct entities in one, each with their
own roles working in relation(ship) with each other, making the whole stronger. The Triune God is
unconditional love. Creation is born out of this unconditional love. God made Man, his ultimate
creation, in His likeness and image, to be communal, interconnected and interdependent, not solitary
or fully self–reliant. We must follow the example of the Holy Trinity and give freely of ourselves,
our unique gifts, talents, and respect the roles of others in this creation of interconnected
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The Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity
A central doctrine to Christian belief would be that of the holy trinity. Though Christian doctrine
recognizes the existence of only one true God, the doctrine of the trinity describes this God as being
"three in one", meaning that there are three entities to compose the singular God. God the Father
(also referred to as God the Creator) is responsible for the creation of the universe and all its
inhabitants, for sovereignty over His creation, and is the God entity with whom Christian believers
have a relationship. Perhaps a more apt description of the character of God the Father could be
found in Daniel 2:20–21, which reads, "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and
power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom
to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." (NIV) This is not an outright illustration of the
Father's character, but it does provide a thorough observance of His power and dominion, and
touches on His relationship with creation, which is designed to glorify Him. Psalm 130:7, "O Israel,
put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption,"
(NIV) expands on the loving and affirming character of man's relationship with God the Father, the
attributes that are chiefly definitive in determining the Father's inclinations. God the Son, or Jesus
Christ, is the commanding example of the Father's affection for man. Though his deity is the literal
right hand man of
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Comparison of Masaccio's The Holy Trinity and Grunewald's...
Comparison of Masaccio's The Holy Trinity and Grunewald's The Isenheim Altarpiece
The Holy Trinity by Masaccio was a painting done in approximately 1428. It is a superb example of
Masaccio's use of space and perspective. It consists of two levels of unequal height. Christ is
represented on the top half, in a coffered, barrel–vaulted chapel. On one side of him is the Virgin
Mary, and on the other, St. John. Christ himself is supported by God the Father, and the Dove of the
Holy Spirit rests on Christ's halo. In front of the pilasters that enframe the chapel kneel the donors
(husband and wife).
Underneath the altar (a masonry insert in the painted composition) is a tomb. Inside the tomb is a
skeleton, which may ... Show more content on ...
All of the figures are fully clothed, except for that of Christ himself. He is, however, wearing a robe
around his waist. The figure is
"real"; it is a good example of a human body. The rest of the figures, who are clothed, are wearing ro
bes. The drapery contains heavy folds and creases, which increases the effect of shadows. The
human form in its entirety is not seen under the drapery; only a vague representation of it is seen. It
is not at all like the 'wet–drapery' of Classica l antiquity.
Massacio places the forms symmetrically in the composition. Each has its own weight and mass,
unlike earlier Renaissance works. The fresco is calm, and creates a sad mood. The mood is furthered
by the darkness of the work, and the heavy sh adows cast.
Grunewald's The Isenheim Altarpiece is an oil painting on wood, completed in 1515. The altar is
composed of a carved wooden shrine with two pairs of movable panels, one directly in back of the
other. The outermost scene is the Crucifixion; on the inside there are two others. On the two sides,
two saints are represented (St. Sebastian on the left, and
St. Anthony on the right). Together, these saints established the theme of disease and healing that is
reinforced by the inner paintin gs. On the
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Holy Trinity And Genesis
So, I chose to write my essay on the book or Genesis, which is also known as the beginning or
origin of humanity according to the Bible. What interested me most about this book was the fact we
see God in several different forms or images. Here He's seen as The Holy Trinity for the first time,
but He's not limited in that aspect, which we gather from further reading depicting him as
transcendent, imitate, and the one true salvation from the world of sin we created.
Genesis introduces us to the true nature of God, that being the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or simply
put The Holy Trinity. Some may wonder how can God be three different entities, but this isn't the
case and the simple answer would be because He's not limited in being like humans. But to further
elaborate the Book tell us that "The Holy Trinity is one God in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy
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This is also where we were introduced to the more systematic or transcendent God. Before I go any
further I'd like to make clear that some scholars believe in the Documentary Hypothesis: the theory
that the Torah was written by a number of sources (lecture 2). But from careful reading and lecture
reviews, you get a sense that Moses the writer of this section of the Bible aimed to present God as
both transcendent and intimate in nature. The first creation narrative is seen as systematic in regard
to the time frame in which he created, but also within this narrative He is depicted as transcendent or
going beyond. Within the first narrative, He is very hands off and superior or mystical in a sense. I
say this and came to this conclusion as I read passages like then God said "Let there be light", and
there was light", "Let there be firmament in the midst of the water and let it divide the water from
the water (Genesis 1:3–7)." All things within the first narrative are created through spoken word and
truly divine
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Trinity: Relationship Of Father, Son And Holy Spirit
The word "trinity" is used to describe the relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Though all
three are used in scripture there is no description of the "trinity." Throughout this paper the concept
of the "trinity" will be examined. First, the paper will have a summary of relevant sections from
three sources: the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the older Catholic Encyclopedia, and a peer–
reviewed theological article from a contemporary journal. Two concise analyses will follow the
summary. In the first analysis there will be a comparison between the older and newer Catholic
encyclopedias to see how over time theological reflection has changed. In the second analysis there
will be a comparison between the New Catholic Encyclopedia and a contemporary theological
article to show the differences between the two theological perspectives.
In the Neo–modalism section of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, it is noted that after years of being
left alone efforts were made to bring the "trinity" back to its original place of importance by Karl
Barth, a Reformed theologian (198). God was seen as the event in which is revelation, and that the
structure of this was "Trinitarian," to Barth (198). Karl Barth concludes that, "God is the subject
(Father), the content (Son), and the very happening (Spirit) of revelation" (198). The "trinity", as
faith in God, was based in Christology, not the other way around (198). God is conclusively "uni–
personal," "persons" according to Barth means
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Holy Trinity Research Paper
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy Trinity is defined as the mystery of
one God in three persons. Although the Holy Trinity is at the base of the Catholic faith, the
Catechism also states that the Holy Trinity is "inaccessible to the human mind" . The Catholic
Church practices monotheism, the belief that there is only one supreme God. Within this Godhead,
there is an undivided trinity of three divine persons. The foundation of the Holy Trinity within the
Catholic Church is found within the sacred scriptures in both the Old and New Testament. Writings
from the early church fathers such as St. Augustine of Hippo, and Tertullian have influenced the
apprehension of the divine nature of the Holy Trinity. Encyclicals from ... Show more content on ...
God's essence is to exist, from him comes all things and he forms all things. God made his name
know to his people in the beginning of time through the Prophets. He reveals himself as the way
truth and love. He was merciful to the people, and for that same reason, the Son reveals the Father;
this is read in Matthew chapter eleven verses twenty–five to twenty–seven . The Father becomes
known because of the Son. God's love and truth are truly known when he sends his beloved Son to
save the
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Analysis Of ' Raphael 's ' The Holy Trinity '
Keadra Jeter
ART 4396 – Dr. M. Vaccaro
Research Paper – Raphael
Stanza Della Segnatura: A Challenge to Raphael
Considered to be in "the 'holy trinity' of Renaissance painters along with Leonardo and
Michelangelo," Raphael was known to be "more versatile than Michelangelo and more prolific than
the older contemporary Leonardo." Only living until the young age of 37, he definitely made his
mark during the Renaissance era with his many drawings, paintings, and pieces of architecture. But
the question to discuss is, what made his commissioned work with Pope Julius II more notable and
memorable than any other pieces he has created? This paper will cover his biography, his drawing
style with a brief overview of his surviving drawings, and one of his most notable commissions, the
so–called Stanza Della Segnatura.
Born in 1483 in Urbino, Raphael, or Raphael Sanzio, was the son of Giovanni Santi, who was a
court painter. Raphael's father gave him first instruction in painting and introduced Raphael to
humanistic philosophy before his death in 1494. As a child, Raphael's brief time with his father
helped him gain a great deal of knowledge about the arts, literature, and social skills to help Raphael
move among the more elite of society and gain art commissions to boost his career as an artist. After
his father's death (1494), Raphael began to run his father's workshop. After some time, he exceeded
his father in talent and began to receive numerous commissions, for
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The Role Of The Holy Spirit In The Trinity
Kayti Nelson
Dr. Rex Koivisto
Nov. 28 2017
The Role of The Holy Spirit in The Trinity Often, Christians do not try to understand the Trinity, as
it seems impossible to understand. However, there are benefits to studying each holy member.
Understanding the Trinity is necessary and practical for members of the Christian faith, because the
Trinity helps us to understand how the Godhead–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit–relate to
one another and work in this world. The Holy Spirit is easily the least well–known part of the trinity.
For this paper, my aim is to study the role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, so that I can understand
His role in the Godhead, for the purpose of appreciating and loving God more.
The Holy Spirit Is God In the Christian faith, there is one existing God, fully manifested in three
persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Every unit of the God–head is equally God, and
fully God. Each member is identical in quality and essence, yet each has a distinct, personal
expression of divine nature. In an article about family ministry, Bruce A Ware calls it, "not merely
an equality of kind but what might be called an 'equality of identity.'" However, before we can dive
into the role of The Holy Spirit in the trinity, we must find scriptural evidence which verifies that
The Holy Spirit is, in fact, God. The following scriptures are biblical evidence for The Holy Spirit's
deity. In Acts 5:3–4, Ananias and Sapphira sell their property,
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My Life Experience At Holy Trinity Church Of Murree Essay
In my own life experience, I became aware of my state of sin in my early teenage years. Through the
ministry of the Word at Holy Trinity Church of Murree in Pakistan, I had a clear understanding of
the saving grace provided by the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I
embraced that grace in my youth and began a lifelong spiritual journey. I was baptized as an infant
but was confirmed as a teen ager which helped me reflect on my sinful nature and the pardoning and
loving nature of God. My spiritual journey has been formed by a lifetime of Bible study and
accountable small –group fellowships. Through these disciplines I have learned to open myself to
the nurture of the Holy Spirit and my fellow believers. In so doing I have been trained to live at
peace with all people, to accept the differences in cultures, beliefs and personalities, to recognize the
grace of God in people at all stages of spiritual maturity and to nurture the faith of others. A lesson
of discipleship is to put off any behavior that may be a hindrance to the spiritual growth of those
with whom I am in fellowship. As the Apostle Paul taught, I should not allow what is a freedom for
me to become an obstacle to my fellow believers. By living to the best of my ability to this standard,
I have the freedom to be in fellowship and ministry with both non–Christians and Christians across
the broad spectrum of the global Church. I see my spiritual gifts to be most compatible with the
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The Reformation Of The Holy Trinity
Before the Sixteenth century 'mission' was used to describe relationships within the holy Trinity. It
was not used to describe an aspect of church life. The word 'missio' in Latin means 'to send', it was
used to describe the sending of the Son by the Father, and also the sending of the Holy Spirit by the
Father and the Son. 1. The Jesuits in Latin American in the late Sixteenth and early Seventeenth
centuries started to use the term to describe the spreading of the Christian faith among the heathen
of that continent and, subsequently, of the spreading of the Counter Reformation Catholic faith
among the Protestants of Europe. By the Nineteenth century the word 'mission' began to be used to
describe the sending not of the whole Christian faith but of certain representatives of it, specifically
the sending of missionaries to a designated territory where they would preach the Gospel and
convert non–Christian people. It was in this sense that the word was used in the naming of the new
Church Missionary Society in 1801. This became the modern understanding of the term and is still
used in the media and popular culture to this day. But the Trinitarian roots of the word are a
reminder that mission is about much more than what the churches attempt to achieve or fail to
achieve. 2. By the Twentieth century, the churches have rediscovered a deeper and richer meaning to
the work "mission" through the influence of the Swiss theologian Karl Barth and his 'crisis
theology', with its
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Holy Trinity And Crucifixion Comparison
ART 202 STEP 2 OF COMPARE–CONTRAST ESSAY: Subject, Interpretation, and Context
[Masaccio, Holy Trinity vs. Grunewald, Crucifixion from the Isenheim Altarpiece]
SUBJECT (6 pts.): These paintings seem to have a similar subject. Discuss below any differences in
their subjects.
What is the overall subject (focus/theme) of both of these paintings?:
The overall subject of both of these paintings are the crucifixion.
Discuss any differences between them: Masaccio's fresco the Holy Trinity, is located in a church of
Santa Maria Novella in Florence. He used knowledge of Brunelleschi's one–point linear perspective
to give an illusion of three dimensional space. Classical orders for the architecture give the illusion
of a stone funerary monument. Christ muscles are shown in a realistic way that his body would look
hanging on a cross. His body has been wounded and his loin cloth is clean and white. The Christian
doctrine of the trinity is shown as God the Father, a dove to represent the Holy Spirit, and Christ as
the son. The Virgin Mary is seen gesturing towards Christ indicating that the path to salvation is
through the trinity. John the Evangelist is present with his hands clasps as in prayer. There are two
donors that are shown on the edge of the fresco that appear to be looking in toward the crucifixion
scene. Masaccio's use of light and shadow in the robes give the figures a roundness to suggest they
take up space. The viewer would be looking up at the barrel–vaulted
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The Holy Ghost ' Is The Second Part Of The Godhead Trinity
The Holy Ghost
Who is the Holy Ghost? He is the third part of the Godhead trinity. He is known as a teacher,
comforter, advocate, helper, power and so much more. The Holy Ghost should never be referred to
as an 'it'. He is a person that we should all come know.
What is his purpose? He came to teach us about God and Jesus, he knows them best. He comforts,
helps, guide, empowers, advocates, fills us, and so much more. In essence He equips us for the
journey ahead. He will be the one that will help us possess the Promised Land in our lives.
In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God could not dwell in a person because of sin. They were in
need of a Savior to pay that debt so that there would be no more sacrificing of animals. The Spirit of
God ... Show more content on ...
However His presence even when silently moving around us cannot be denied. It is a love and
power that will surely bring you to repentance and rejoicing.
We are the temple that house the trinity of heaven in the form of Holy Ghost. This gives us power to
be effective witnesses to all the world. We now have the ability to keep going and not faint because
that power will always strengthen us. We are enabled to walk by the Spirit, which means we can
recognize and understand what God is saying and doing in different seasons of our life. Holy Spirit
is like a light that is always showing us the way. Guiding us in and out of life 's challenges with
He prays through us and for us to know the perfect will of God. So in the days to come be certain
that your victory lies in unwrapping the total package. When you receive Christ into your heart do
not reject the power that will equip you for your journey, Holy Ghost! The Importance of Walking In
the Spirit
In order for us to possess our land we have to do it by the Spirit of God. We talked previously about
things being discerned or perceived. The Spirit of God brings heaven on earth for us by making the
word come alive. God is Spirit and those that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth.
Everything about God is spirit, we have to utilize him in our natural world just at Jesus did. Jesus
not only told us but showed us the way to do it.
Walking in the Spirit is not a mental know how, we cannot rationalize this
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Holy Trinity Religion
Walk onto 16th Street Mall with the smell hot chocolate filling the air. Kids running around
department stores. The lights on the buildings making soft clings when the evening breeze hits. My
eyes quickly gaze at all the different types of designs, colors, and textures on the decorations. How
did such a plain street come to look so joyful? Each ornament has its own identity being soft, rough,
shiny, plain, or colorful. There is a huge array of ornaments from snowman, elves, glass balls, and
teddy bears. The different ornaments would not be on display if it was not for the holiday season.
Each year during the early winter months in the United States buildings and streets are decorated
with decorative lights and ornaments to prepare for one of the ... Show more content on ...
Ideology Catholicism was born as a new Christian faith. It was founded by Jesus Christ and his 12
apostles. It was founded with the passion and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Catholics share the same
beliefs as other Christians but have a few key ideas that make the sect different. Catholics believe in
the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the belief that there is one god in three people–the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, n.d.). God is the father,
Jesus is the son of god, and the holy spirit is the the divide communication between Jesus and God.
In Catholicism god are both son and father which means there is one god but it represented in two
different places. The Holy Spirit is a connection with god. The Holy Spirit is part of the mind that is
joined with the mind of god. In the Psalms and the Old Testament, it is learned that the Holy Spirit
and Jesus were involved in creation. "By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made, and their
entire host by the breath of His mouth. (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, n.d.). The
Holy Spirit is the giver of life to all creation. "When you send
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Holy Trinity Research Paper
Brian Vatterott
Mr. Dan Stout
THE 230/ block 5
13 May 2016
Why is the Holy Spirit forgotten when it plays a huge part in the Trinity? Why is the Holy Spirit
forgotten when it plays a huge part in the Trinity? Before answering this question there must be
information describing the Holy Spirit in full detail because without it the answer would not make
sense. To start, the Trinity is made up of three members. Each of these members is fully god because
that is what Catholic teaching says. In the bible it says that each member of the Trinity is the same
being but yet they are different because of personality. The first member is God the Father. The
second member is God the Son, or Jesus. The third member of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. Each ...
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On role is that the Holy Spirit helps us pray. An example is, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in
our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us
through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the
Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God" (Romans 8:26–27). This
quotation is very powerful to us Catholics. The bible states that we pray through the Holy Spirit
which many Catholics don't know about. Another role that the Holy Spirit has is that the Holy Spirit
helps us live holy lives. The Holy Spirit looks out for us in a sense because he is guiding us to the
right path to god. Another example is, "To be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles. He gave me
the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering
acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:16). This example shows us that the
Holy Spirit is looking out for us. The reason the Holy Spirit can be unheard of is because Catholics
usually think of Jesus or God the Father when thinking about God. In the end the Trinity is made us
of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and they are separate but
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The Religion Of The Holy Trinity
Catholic trust that since Adam and Eve defied God in the Garden of Eden, all people are conceived
with original sin, which just Baptism takes away. A more satisfied belief is in elegance, a thoroughly
free, ridiculous blessing from God. Effortlessness is a partaking in the celestial; the motivation to do
God 's will. Catholics recognize the unity of body and soul for human. So the entire religion relies or
centers on reality that mankind remains between the two universes of matter and soul. The physical
world is considered some portion of God 's creation and is, in this manner, naturally great until an
individual abuses it.The Bible is the roused, mistake free, and uncovered expression of God.
Absolution, the custom of turning into a Christian, is important for salvation – whether the Baptism
happens by water, blood, or longing. God 's Ten Commandments give an religious compass or a
standard to live by. The presence of the Holy Trinity – one God in three persons. Catholics grasp the
conviction that God, the one Supreme Being, is comprised of three persons: God the Father, God the
Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The focal teachings of customary Christianity are that Jesus is the Son of God, the second individual
of the Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that his life on earth, his torturous
killing, restoration, and climb into paradise are confirmation of God 's adoration for mankind and
God 's pardoning of human sins; and that by
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Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
I have always had a deep reverence for the Virgin Mary. This is most likely due to my Roman
Catholic upbringing but, besides the point, in my eyes, she embodies everything of importance in
the Christian faith. In her story, she is revered by those who know her, disdained by those who do
not, and, for me, personally, the one remaining connection I feel with Christendom. The importance
of this comes into play when I entered the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church. I was not expecting to see
and hear Mary venerated so highly. The first thing I saw upon walking in the entry way of the
church were two icons, one of the adult Jesus and one of Mary, which is not entirely unusual, and I
gave it a slight nod of respect. It wasn't until I entered into the church proper that I was ... Show
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I was greeted by, and conversed with, different patrons on each of my visits. This is unusual for me
because I typically am not approached by strangers, I am not complaining. I was also offered
unconsecrated bread by different practitioners on each visit which was the best tasting bread I have
had during a church service. The thing that impressed me most, however, was the church member's
commitment to their surrounding community. They welcome anyone to their services, to the coffee
hour afterward, to their annual block party, which they host, and to their harvest Sundays, where
they collect food from their patrons and feed the local homeless population. The connection with
their surrounding neighborhood is strong, but what is truly unique is the connection the
congregation has with one another. For example, on the first Sunday I attended after the service was
completed I remained in the nave to photograph and watch the community. I talked to one man
about his conversion to Orthodoxy as the priest was consoling a young man who seemed distraught.
This seemed to change the church from its ritual space to a community space of self or group
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Essay On Holy Trinity Cathedral
Holy Trinity Cathedral
On March the 6th ,2016, I visited the Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral church in San Francisco. The
site is located in a convenient neighborhood one block south Union St at 1530 Green St. This
Orthodox Church is the oldest Orthodox parish in town, and it is one of the few parishes in northern
California with such a unique shape. The church was designed to show the Russian unique architect,
and its outstanding shape connected to Moscow patriarch. Even though it is a small church, but it
looks stunning where it's placed right in the corner with a two sides street view.
What religious tradition the site is a part of The contemporary Orthodox Church historically
connects to the earliest Christian communities founded in the eastern part of the Mediterranean by
Jesus. The fundamental core ... Show more content on ...
The whole worship is highly liturgical as well as iconographic, both of which are central to the
church's life, history, and practice. The iconic, that include depictions of Jesus, Mary the Virgin,
biblical scenes, and saints, are believed to create an atmosphere where God is present. Strongly the
Eastern Orthodoxy doctrinal places great authority in the Bible, the Creeds, and the seven
ecumenical councils. The Russian Orthodox reflects not only its Orthodox heritage, but also the
culture of its native land. In fact, it also reflects the most central belief in all Christianity is the
doctrine of resurrection. People who follow the Orthodox Church believe that Jesus Christ was
crucified and died, then afterward descended into Hell and returned three days later, fully human
and divine. He as well brought with him the promise of salvation and spiritual immortality, which he
gave to every human being. In the Orthodoxy faith all the religious beliefs are connected directly or
indirectly to that core
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The Theological Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity is, according to the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, "the theological doctrine
that God consists of three persons" (Audi, 928). Those persons are the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Each within the religion of Christianity are considered omnipotent and omniscient (IEP,
URL). This theory validates the actions of the religion 's savior Jesus Christ, who as the Son of God
(and part of the Holy Trinity) died a painful death of suffering for the sins of humans. This offers
reasoning for the worship of different God 's within the monotheistic religion. The concept of the
Holy Trinity creates a paradoxical puzzle that many philosophers and theologians are still trying to
explain to this day. However, during medieval times philosophers may have gone through greater
lengths to explain the trinitarian view than any other era in philosophical history. The Catholic
Church 's council carries forth hearings relative to those of the United States judicial system, and has
maintained this method since medieval times. However, during those times it was much easier to get
charged for heresy, which caused a shared viewpoint in most of the writings of the time, based
largely on the groundwork put forth initially by Saint Augustine of Hippo. This viewpoint, like
many others that are somewhat misunderstood, morphed into what is written by those philosophers
"playing it safe", but still carry the essence of Augustine 's primary influence, Plotinus.
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The Importance Of Raising Their Children At The Holy...
Throughout the course of adolescence, our family regularly attended the Holy Trinity Lutheran
Church. My parents always emphasized on the importance of raising their children in a complete
Christ–centered environment along with ensure a familiarity with the Holy Scriptures. My family
lived in a middle class neighborhood called Palma Ceia that was located near downtown Tampa,
Florida. My parents were inspirational and encouraged me to follow God's lead through vocational
ministry. In addition, they mentored and ministered to population of youths in the community that
later inspired me to be a social worker. My parents were completely optimistic and viewed every
person equally important and continuously reminded me to always seek the positive characteristics
in others.
In 2001, I began to encounter a rather turbulent and difficult period after my father passed away
because of congestive heart failure. I attempted to reduce the negative effects of the agonizing loss
and began to work excessively as an escape from the painful reality. Most recently, I reevaluated this
heartrending event in my life and identified the one of the poorest choices I made was the decision
not approach God with this serious predicament. Unknowingly, I continued to pursue the comfort
and peace that Jesus Christ alone provides to a person with grief–stricken heart. In 2005, I moved to
East Tennessee and began to understand the importance of seeking God in all aspects of my life.
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Holy Trinity Research Paper
I agree with you, the Holy Trinity, " proven to be absolute" and one of the beautiful attributes of
this Trinity involves the relational aspect; their distinct roles foster unity between them. When it
comes to the truth about ethnicity we understand how the Trinity models God's expectation for how
different ethnicities relate to one another. Because humans are the only part of creation that bears his
image we should embrace one another and treat each other with dignity and respect. However, the
issue of ethnicity still feels complicated although I totally accept the Bible and the authority of the
Scriptures as absolute truth. Some parts of this week's assigned reading deserve further evaluation
because they make great talking points for
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Summary Of The New Holy Trinity
I. Introduction
In The New Holy Trinity, Richard M. Re takes us back to the very controversial 1892 case, Holy
Trinity. This is one of the most problematic cases for purposivist and it lead to a decrease in
purposivism as an interpretation tool. It has been criticized by textualist, such as the late Justice
Scalia, due to its prioritizing of a statutes purpose over the plain language of the text. As a result,
Holy Trinity was overthrown thus making New Textualism the prevailing view – especially in the
Roberts court. However, Re argues that purposivism has evolved and now has the "upper hand" in
the Roberts court. "The New Holy Trinity", according to Re, is the resurgence of consideration for
non–textual factors when determining how much clarity is required for a text to be clear. Re argues
that the Court has embraced NHT – that is a hybrid version of textualism. The court looks at the
purpose of the statute in light of the text before deciding ambiguity. Then it goes to the purpose of
the text – shown by legislative history, common sense understanding, a canon, and then decides
based on that rather than the plain reading of the case. Re uses three Supreme Court cases: Bond v.
United States, Yates v. United States, and King v. Burwell as evidence that his theory is correct. Re
seems to dislike the Roberts Court's flair for the canon of avoidance – he believes that it is deceptive
and riddled with Robert's underlying interpretation preference – pragmatism or purposivism.
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The Holy Trinity : Is Not Just For Non Christians?
The Holy Trinity is a difficult thing to understand, much less to explain. This is true not just for
non–Christians, but Christians themselves. The best explanation many young Christians get when
they are growing up is that God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one,
but are different in their own ways (such was the case with my own upbringing in a Catholic
household, so I speak from experience). This doesn't seem to make much sense, especially
considering that it is similar to another Holy Mystery that is often brought up: that of Jesus Christ
being wholly man and wholly God at the same time. The answers are more often than not
unsatisfying, seemingly feeling like placeholders, and this frustration is only ... Show more content
on ...
Still, this did not satisfy Constantine, as his intention as Emperor was to have a united empire, and
this included Christians. Christians were divided on many issues at the time, with many following
varying schools of thought that, while similar enough, were different around core ideas. In order to
rectify this, Constantine organized the First Ecumenical Council–the First Council of Nicaea–in 325
CE. He had invited nearly 2,000 bishops from all of Christendom to come to Nicaea to see if
agreements could be made over old disagreements and unite all of the Christians under one, united
Church, with Constantine himself acting as a mediator as much as a host.
Many of the issues brought up at this council were of an organizational and structural nature as to
how and when and what things should be done how and when and where and so on and so forth:
when Easter should be celebrated, prohibition of kneeling on Sundays, baptism of heretics,
ordination of eunuchs, etc. The biggest issue, however, was the question of Jesus Christ and His
nature, His relationship to God the Father, and whether or not he was "created" or not. This issue
had come to a head between two schools of thought: Alexander of Alexandria believed that God the
Father and God the Son were both one and the same and different,
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Holy Trinity Research Paper
Christianity is one of the world's largest religions; however, Christianity is no longer a united
religion with one understanding of the faith. The numerous different interpretations of the Holy
Bible and the Christian faith have led to various denominations. One main controversy between
Christian denominations is the belief or non–belief of the holy trinity. Pentecostal churches and
Baptist are just opposing side of the controversy; while Pentecostal belief is the literal interpretation
of the Bible, Baptist take a more loose understanding of the holy writings. Christianity originated in
the first century AD; Christianity teaches the life and death of Jesus Christ. The faith consists of
many different sects or denominations. The Roman Catholic ... Show more content on ...
During the twentieth century, the Pentecostal movement began to really surface although, there was
evidence of Pentecostalism in earlier times during history ("Pentecostalism"). The "Oneness
Pentecostal movement" is slightly more recent than other Pentecostal movements. Oneness
Pentecostal beliefs focus on the singular point that there is only one God, who manifests himself in
different ways; this belief separates Oneness Pentecostalism from other denominations that believe
in the Trinitarian doctrine. Oneness practices and teaching reject the belief that God is three
individuals; instead believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are "...merely titles reflecting the
different personal manifestations of the One True God..." The disbelief in the Holy Trinity also
affects the Oneness Pentecostal practices. Oneness believers practice baptizing in the name of Jesus
and receiving the Holy Spirit, followed by evidence of speaking other languages which are unknown
to the speaker. Oneness Pentecostals believe that the Holy Bible is the word of God, and absolute in
its contents ("Oneness Pentecostalism"). Although, Oneness Pentecostals believers support their
practices with biblical evidence, other denominations express their beliefs through biblical
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Holy Trinity Research Paper
As Catholics, we believe in one God, who is three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
This is not to be understood as 1=3, but rather as 1×1×1=1. This is to say that their one God in three
Persons, not one God and three Persons or vice versa. This was to distinguish Catholics from their
brethren the Jews, who though also monotheistic did not contain in their beliefs the mystery of the
Trinity. The Trinity was not revealed in the Old Testament though it was connoted at in various
places. During the creation of man God says, "...Let us make man to our image and likeness..."
(Genesis 1:26). One must note that God says us and not me, which implies that He is more than one
person. Then in Psalms there is an allusion to the Son and in Genesis the Spirit of God is said to be
looking over the waters. ... Show more content on ...
It was first revealed at Jesus' Baptism where: "And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the
water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove,
and coming upon him. And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I
am well pleased. [sic]" (Matthew 3:16–17). Then in His ascension Jesus commands them to go forth
baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. At the Last Supper also
Jesus tells His Apostles that He will ask the Father to send the Spirit upon
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Case Study: Call Them The Holy Trinity
Call them the Holy Trinity: Gwen Pope, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler all resigned from the
Decatur County Clerk's office in Tennessee rather than issue same–sex marriage licenses to loving
couples. The trio announced their departures because their religious beliefs clash with the U.S.
Supreme Court's decision to make same–sex marriages the law of the land. The views of the Clerk
herself, Gwen Pope, ironically clash with the Pope himself, who has said "If someone is gay and he
searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Their last day of the Holy Trinity will
be July 14. Until then, the three employees have vowed to defy the ruling and refuse to issue same–
sex licenses during their remaining days. Drew Baker, who works with
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Essay On The Holy Trinity, By Masaccio

  • 1. Essay on The Holy Trinity, by Masaccio Masaccio's famous religious painting, "The Holy Trinity", is known for the engagement of linear perspective to create an image that goes beyond just paint on canvas, (or should I say wall?) by creating the illusion of depth. This painting addresses many religious concepts by setting up different levels and layers in the constructed space. The characters depicted are made up of four groups of human figures, which include the Trinity (God the father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit), the Virgin Mary and Saint John, a pair of donors, and a skeleton on a tomb at the bottom of the picture. There is an apparent point of separation, which is made clear due to each group being on separate levels. Their difference in power is fundamental feature in ... Show more content on ... The vanishing point of this piece is not arbitrary and it becomes evident that Masaccio's placement of the vanishing point suggests his intention for the viewer to see the greatness of the divine in comparison to the tiny specs of man's existence. Because the vanishing point is placed beneath the cross, the spectator's vision is directed toward the center of the masonry altar, which indicates that man must raise his head in order to pay respect to God, further signifying Gods importance in comparison to man. The Trinity appears very out of reach from the perspectives viewpoint. Masaccio's manipulation of perspective places the viewer furthest from the divine Trinity and closest to the skeleton, which suggests that man's mortality is not to be seen as equal to God's divinity. This demonstrates the hierarchical relationship in which man is constantly looks up to Christ for salvation and piety in order to somehow overcome death and fear of it. The manipulation of perspective was not only significant for symbolic meaning. It was used as a visual tool in order to create the "magic" that the painting is known for. Because the vanishing point is approximately 5 feet from the bottom of the picture, which is practically floor level, this allows for both the top and bottom of the picture to come together and establishes an illusion of an actual structure. While this "created space" within the picture appears to be real, it is actually just one of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Holy Trinity : The Doctrine Of Christianity For the past centuries, Christianity has played a crucial role in influencing the world's socio– cultural, political, and economic aspects, predominantly in Western civilization. As a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion teaching based on the life of Yeshua, commonly known as Jesus Christ, Christianity is one the oldest religion deeply rooted in human history. In the Christianity, a common practice is the belief in the Holy trinity, a concept that every individual interprets differently. In this paper, I will attempt to explain the doctrine of the Holy trinity, through various approach. Often, many Christians often have a hard time comprehending the idea of the Holy Trinity Doctrine. This trinity is made up of God into the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Despite the longevity of its existence within the religion, it remains very hard to understand because it is very contradictory. How is it possible for Christians to believe in one God, and one God only, who is also Three Persons in One. Trinity means three, so when we discuss the Holy Trinity we mean the Father (God), Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit (sometimes referred to as the Holy Ghost). As explained in Esposito: "...Trinity asserts that God is one essence but three persons. The formula 'three persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit' is not really about the mathematics. Rather, it means that God, the creator of the universe, can at the same time be present in the life of Jesus and in all things in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of The Holy Trinity Doctrine Once, there were words saying "If you try to explain the Trinity, you will lose your mind, but if you deny it, you will lose your soul". (Pritchard) The knowledge of God the Trinity is the center of the Christian faith. Yet many believers have got confused in understanding the true natures of the personalities and relationships of each person in God the Trinity. Endless questions continuously appear, again and again, giving Christians a sense of extremely misty confusion towards the magnificent attributes of every person in the Trinity. Who has an answer to these questions? None, none but God Himself who has given us guidance through a lot of ways, as He is the supreme creator and ruler of knowledge. The Bible itself is the strongest, richest, and most dependable source of ... Show more content on ... Early saints–or early Christian teachers, have been discussing the Trinity deeply and deliberately for decades, as it is one of the most complex teachings written in the Bible. One of the most reliable doctrines of the Trinity is The Holy Trinity Doctrine. The Holy Trinity Doctrine was one of the doctrines created during the first few ages where Christianity just started developing. This doctrine was created in the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. During this discussion, diverse points were given by theologists. Thoughts named as Tritheism, Unitarism, and Arianism are present. Tritheism focuses that there are three separate Gods, promoting polytheism, Unitarism focuses on God the Father most, and separates Christ and the Holy Spirit into a different category of deity, thus changing their divinity, and Arianism promotes Jesus Christ as a creation of God during the Creation. Other than these three, there are also other strong doctrines about the Trinity from the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed––which came from the Council of Nicea, and the Athanasian ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Holy Trinity What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions the Trinity? Do Christians have a good understanding of what it means to serve a Triune God? Do we explain ourselves in a precise way or do we leave people with unanswered questions and confusion? I would like to explore the historic, orthodox Christianity and the classic Wesleyan–Arminian consensus beliefs on the person of the Holy Spirit. First let us seek what it is that the orthodox Christians and the Wesleyan– Arminian believe according to the Trinity. "Orthodox Christians believe in a single God who is both three and one (triune); the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, "one in essence and undivided". The Holy Trinity is three "unconfused" and distinct divine persons (hypostases), ... Show more content on ... He saw the working of two Persons of the Trinity. An example was described by Fee (2011) like this, "The Spirit alone knows the mind of God, and that God knows the mind of the Spirit" (pg.45). We see this happen in a few different ways. The one true God operates through the other Persons in a way that helps unify the church. He shows us the correct way to be relational with each other. One cannot help but notice that the Holy Spirit is given to us to help us grow more like Christ and become more the image of God by being our "intercessor" (Fee, 2011) because they, the Holy Spirit and God are ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Christianity's Attachment And Underlying Principles And... Christianity's attachment to underlying principles and beliefs are centered on the devotion of the Holy Trinity. The perception of the trinity has shaped controversy by finding a solution from a reliable origin. Deliberation on the true entity of God is unavoidable and contrasting opinions emerge by human endeavor. Debate on the trinity largely was derived by disagreement on the concepts ousia (common essence) and hypostasis (substance). These concepts became distinctive by The Cappadocian Fathers: Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory of Nazianzus. The relationship of God, the Father, and his son Jesus Christ was defined by the Cappadocian Fathers and what is understood today in the Christian Doctrine. The Cappadocian Fathers were highly commended martyrs that advanced the development of early Christian theology. Without the efforts of The Cappadocian Fathers evolvement in defining the relationship of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, there would still be contest identical to early progression in Christian history. HISTORY BEHIND THE TRINITY The acceptance from expressing religious logic arouses deliberation in society. Throughout history, theological debates were generated from the discussion of God's exact nature and accordance with his son, Jesus Christ. Even though the trinity has been agreed upon as a secret above human comprehension, this is naturally misleading due to its complexity. The beliefs surrounding the Holy Spirit were neglected due to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Holy Spirit Of The Trinity The Holy Spirit is one of the persons in the Trinity. The Holy Spirit lives in my soul because I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I think the Holy Spirit is an influence, energy and a person. He connects me with God in my relationship with Him. I believe the Holy Spirit helps direct my thoughts and actions to be glorifying to God. Even though there are many verses about the Holy Spirit, I enjoy and meditate on the verse found in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Also when I sin, the conviction I feel confirms the presence of the Holy Spirit that is within me. 2. Give proofs for the personality of the Holy Spirit. There are many proofs for the personality of the Holy Spirit. He has qualities and actions that a person has or does. He has a mind (Rom. 8:27) that exudes intelligence, expresses feelings (Eph. 4:30), and reveals His will. He can speak and show the truth to us the same way a person could because He is a person. He is relatable just like any other person. Evidence of these actions are found with the apostles (Acts 15:28), with Jesus (John 16:14), to each Person in the Trinity (Matthew 28:19), and to Himself (Luke 4:14). 3. How do we know the Holy Spirit is God? The proofs that confirm the Holy Spirit is God are found in His divine names, divine attributes, divine actions, and divine Godhead association. He is named by God and Jesus in multiple passages such as Acts 16:7 and 1 ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. My Family At The Holy Trinity Baptist Church Throughout the course of adolescence, my family regularly attended the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. My parents always emphasized on the importance of raising their children in a complete Christ–centered environment along with ensure a familiarity with the Holy Scriptures. My family lived in a middle class neighborhood called Palma Ceia that was located near downtown Tampa, Florida. My parents have always been inspirational and encouraged me to follow God's lead through serving in vocational ministry. In my childhood, my social worker mother continuously reminded me seek the positive potential in other individuals. In 2001, I began to encounter a rather turbulent and difficult period after my father passed away because of congestive heart failure. I attempted to reduce the negative effects of the agonizing loss and began to work excessively as an escape from the painful reality. Most recently, I reevaluated this heartrending event in my life and identified the one of the poorest choices I made was the decision not approach God with this serious predicament. Unknowingly, I continued to pursue the comfort and peace that Jesus Christ alone provides to a person with grief–stricken heart. In 2005, I moved to East Tennessee and began to understand the importance of seeking God in all aspects of my life. Through daily prayer and reading of the Holy Scripture, I realized I had forgotten that Jesus Christ was my confidant and counselor. I remember the afternoon that ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. My Worldview And The Holy Trinity In this day and age there are so many different types of worldviews. People all over the world celebrate life in a different way. They all worship different gods, weather, people, things, or nothing at all. Yes, some people refuse to believe in any kind of hope. Though, I believe in one God with the holy trinity. It is a God that is all one, but has three equal parts. That is the son, the Holy Spirit, and the father. There is so much in this worldview, which has touched all nations and cultures in some form. I will explain more of my worldview, help describe Wesleyan Quadrilateral, my spiritual formation, and how I use it in the world around me. I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. His word is very much active and alive. "For ... Show more content on ... As Sire puts it "but it is 'I' who will act and not just react like a bell ringing when a button is pushed." I believe when people are sinful, God stays the same. When we begin to become more like God, we find our home. "Our personality is grounded in the personality of God. That is, we find our true home in God and in being in close relationship with him."(Sire, pg. 34) With that because of the fall and of mankind's sin, we need to be reborn. Jesus said in John 3:7, "Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'" This is because we all have been born in sin, "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me."(Psalms 51:5) How to be born again is to accept Jesus and surrender to him. "Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.'" (Matt. 16:24– 27) I believe life after death. We all will be judged when we leave tis world. "But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who "will render to each one according to his deeds": eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Holy Trinity: Masaccio Essay Innovators can be found in all fields of work, whether it is Albert Einstein in physics, Isaac Newton in mathematics, or Masaccio in early Renaissance painting. Even though these individuals labored in different fields, the influences of their work on later generations were equally great. Masaccio was able to build upon the works of proto–Renaissance painters such as Giotto, to further develop the mathematical technique of linear perspective to open a window into the world for his viewers. His innovative style can be found in most of his work, such as "The Tribute Money" found inside the Brancacci chapel, but the best example of his style is found not far from the Brancacci chapel in Florence. Found inside the Dominican church of Santa ... Show more content on ... Many of Masaccio's most famous works were done in the medium of fresco. This is a possible explanation for why he was not a popular and celebrated artist during his time. Many people were not able to acquire his work. Diane Ahl of the college of Lafayette stated: Masaccio was not named among the painters 'who have been illustrious in our age' in Fazio's De viris illustribus. Nor was Masaccio included among 'the best masters who have existed for a good while back' in the list of artists by whom the Florentine merchant Giovanni Rucellai owned works in c. 1470. This omission, however, presumably reflected the difficulty of acquiring panel paintings by Masaccio, which inevitably have always been rare, rather than an opinion that Masaccio was not one of 'the best masters' (Ahl 158). Ahl tells how Masaccio was underappreciated in his time, but since his works were not as accessible as some of his contemporaries. It was the way in which Masaccio was able to influence generations of artists after him that art historians today consider him a master of art. Masaccio looked to antiquity and architecture to further develop his use of linear perspective which literally pulls the viewer of the Trinity into the work itself. Like the famous works inside the Brancacci chapel, the Trinity is done in fresco. This technique is performed by applying the pigments directly onto a wet plaster wall. This medium would not have allowed Masaccio the luxury ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Christianity And The Holy Trinity "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face." (Quotes About Christianity) This quote is from Ronald Regan, and I think it is a good representation of Christianity. Christianity is centered on the teachings and life of Jesus of Nazareth which is found in the Bible. Along with the teachings of Jesus, Christians believe in the Old Testament, that has biblical records that date back to 1500 B.C.E.. Some of these beliefs include the Holy Trinity, salvation, afterlife, and the Bible. The belief in the Holy Trinity is what I believe to be the most important belief in Christianity. The Holy Trinity consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The first part of the Trinity is the Father or God. Christians believe that God created the world, and that he sustains it. They believe that God is all–powerful, all–knowing, all–present, and all–good. The God in Christianity is the same God as in Judaism. Jewish people believe that their God is the God of Abraham, and Christians believe the same. Christians also believe that God has a love for all people, and a desire to save the world. Christians believe that God chose to reveal himself through the second part of the Trinity (Trinitarian Monotheism, 2015). The second part of the Trinity is the Son, or Jesus. Jesus is believed to be the son of God, and that he is God made flesh. Christians believe that he preached a message of concerned salvation, love, and care for the poor and those in need. ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Religious Site Report : The Holy Trinity Church RELIGIOUS SITE REPORT: HOLY TRINITY CHURCH BY BOWEN CHAN MAY 18 2016 PROFESSOR ANTONY ANTOKIN I went to the Holy Trinity Eastern Orthodox Church in San Francisco. They established in December 1857 in San Francisco then later incorporated into Greek Russian Slavonian belief. During the late 1880s, the population of the church exponentially increased, when Greek Immigration exploded and the church was firmly confirmed as the place for dedicated worship to the Greek Orthodox faith. After developing in community and belief, construction of the actual church only began in 1903, when they officially became the Greek Orthodox Church in San Francisco. The Eastern Orthodox Faith becoming the second largest is branch of Christianity that teaches what apostolic practices orientating from the original faith of the apostles. Eastern Orthodox teaching teaches that all bishops are equal but worships the Holy Synod instead, dividing it from the roman catholic faith. The church traces it origins from Greece, Easter Europe, and Russia but has developed modernly in many parts if the world including San Francisco. The church doesn't have a patriarch, a pope, nor does it believes in the Bible but doesn't believe the Holy trinity. God is our father, Christ is the son, our mother is holy Christ and our lord is the Holy Spirit. During the service I attended, services in the church and involve both the clergy and faithfuls and cannot be conducted with a single person. I was ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Masaccio Fresco Of The Holy Trinity Renaissance artists had achieved to recreate the three–dimensional physical reality of the human body and architecture of two– dimensional surface in the 1400s. Horizon line, vanishing point and parallel lines are the system to linear perspective. Objects are smaller to represent depth, smaller objects are back into space and larger objects are bigger. Also using shadowing to create an illusion of depth. A great artist was Masaccio, who began to explore the idea of depth and volume in their art. Masaccio painted his fresco of the Holy Trinity in 1424. The title come from the three religious figures: Christ of the cross, the holy spirit and God the Gather standing behind Christ. God the father is standing behind Christ, we would traditionally ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Holy Trinity In The Matrix Trilogy The Matrix Trilogy is a science fiction franchise that explores a variety of political and philosophical phenomena. In particular, The Matrix Trilogy is rich with Christian symbolism, imagery, principles and biblical narratives. Indeed, Frederica Mathewes–Green of Christianity Today remarks, "The Christian themes in the film are so obvious that even nonbelievers can spot them across the room" (Mathewes–Green, 2003). This evaluative reflection addresses the manner in which The Matrix Trilogy touches upon God, belief, and spirituality in action by way of interpreting the Christian symbols as they appear throughout the films. The Matrix Trilogy is a successful example of a film series that employs spiritual truths from the Christian tradition directly into its narrative and storyline, beginning with the appearance of the Holy Trinity. The traditional Holy Trinity is composed of the divine father, divine son, and divine spirit. The main characters, Morpheus, Trinity, and Neo, each represent aspects of the Holy Trinity. However, these films present viewers with a radically new approach to the trinity. Given that the character Trinity is female, the sacred trio put ... Show more content on ... It has discussed everything from the presence of good and evil spirits, the Holy Trinity iconography, the presence of Jesus Christ and the second coming of "the One" (Neo) or Jesus Christ, as well as the nature of Armageddon or the last battle for the human souls of Zion. Indeed, as Austin Cline states, "The presence of Christian ideas in The Matrix films is simply undeniable" (Cline, n.d.). This evaluative reflection has mostly talked about the images that the creators of the films, the Wachowski Brothers, chose to include in order to explore how God and spirituality influence human beings' ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Trinity Of The Holy Spirit Research Paper The third person in the trinity is the Holy Spirit. Many times people tend to believe there is a hierarchy in the trinity, and often the Holy Spirit is at the bottom. This is not; the Holy Spirit is just as important as the Father and the Son. The trinity is made up of three people who are equally important. The Holy Spirit dwells inside all believers and guides them throughout their life. He is also the one to bring believer's heart's to the point of conviction. He is significant because he is referenced in the Bible in 261 different passages; fifty–six of those are found in the gospels (Willmington 641). God's character is similar to the Father's and the Son's. He is a divine being just the same as the other persons of the trinity. The Holy ... Show more content on ... God's ministry started in the very beginning with the creation of the universe (Willmington 645). Psalm 19:1 says, "the heavens declare the glory of God... (NKJV)" proving He created the universe. Another ministry He worked through is the writing of the scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Scripture. He had three basic preparation and reception guidelines for His divine manuscript, these are called the "steps of the spirit". They are revelation, Inspiration, and Illumination (Willmington 645). In both the Old and New Testaments it is proven that the scriptures are the work of the Holy Spirit (II Samuel 23:2, John 14:25–26). Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is that of the devil. The Holy Spirit limits Satan's power (Willmington 646). "...when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him" (Isaiah 59:19). He also came to set up the most important of the three basic institutions in the Bible, marriage, government, and the Church. The Church is by far the most significant of the three. The Holy Spirit came to help the early churches start and then continued to help them grow. These are just four of the eleven ministries recorded in which the Holy Spirit did. He took part in many ministries (Willmington ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Holy Trinity Research Paper What Difference Does The Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity Make In My Life Through the mystery of the Holy Trinity, in my view, God gives us the perfect example how we need live to reach the full potential God intends for us. Three distinct entities in one, each with their own roles working in relation(ship) with each other, making the whole stronger. The Triune God is unconditional love. Creation is born out of this unconditional love. God made Man, his ultimate creation, in His likeness and image, to be communal, interconnected and interdependent, not solitary or fully self–reliant. We must follow the example of the Holy Trinity and give freely of ourselves, our unique gifts, talents, and respect the roles of others in this creation of interconnected ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity A central doctrine to Christian belief would be that of the holy trinity. Though Christian doctrine recognizes the existence of only one true God, the doctrine of the trinity describes this God as being "three in one", meaning that there are three entities to compose the singular God. God the Father (also referred to as God the Creator) is responsible for the creation of the universe and all its inhabitants, for sovereignty over His creation, and is the God entity with whom Christian believers have a relationship. Perhaps a more apt description of the character of God the Father could be found in Daniel 2:20–21, which reads, "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." (NIV) This is not an outright illustration of the Father's character, but it does provide a thorough observance of His power and dominion, and touches on His relationship with creation, which is designed to glorify Him. Psalm 130:7, "O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption," (NIV) expands on the loving and affirming character of man's relationship with God the Father, the attributes that are chiefly definitive in determining the Father's inclinations. God the Son, or Jesus Christ, is the commanding example of the Father's affection for man. Though his deity is the literal right hand man of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Comparison of Masaccio's The Holy Trinity and Grunewald's... Comparison of Masaccio's The Holy Trinity and Grunewald's The Isenheim Altarpiece The Holy Trinity by Masaccio was a painting done in approximately 1428. It is a superb example of Masaccio's use of space and perspective. It consists of two levels of unequal height. Christ is represented on the top half, in a coffered, barrel–vaulted chapel. On one side of him is the Virgin Mary, and on the other, St. John. Christ himself is supported by God the Father, and the Dove of the Holy Spirit rests on Christ's halo. In front of the pilasters that enframe the chapel kneel the donors (husband and wife). Underneath the altar (a masonry insert in the painted composition) is a tomb. Inside the tomb is a skeleton, which may ... Show more content on ... All of the figures are fully clothed, except for that of Christ himself. He is, however, wearing a robe around his waist. The figure is "real"; it is a good example of a human body. The rest of the figures, who are clothed, are wearing ro bes. The drapery contains heavy folds and creases, which increases the effect of shadows. The human form in its entirety is not seen under the drapery; only a vague representation of it is seen. It is not at all like the 'wet–drapery' of Classica l antiquity. Massacio places the forms symmetrically in the composition. Each has its own weight and mass, unlike earlier Renaissance works. The fresco is calm, and creates a sad mood. The mood is furthered by the darkness of the work, and the heavy sh adows cast. Grunewald's The Isenheim Altarpiece is an oil painting on wood, completed in 1515. The altar is composed of a carved wooden shrine with two pairs of movable panels, one directly in back of the other. The outermost scene is the Crucifixion; on the inside there are two others. On the two sides, two saints are represented (St. Sebastian on the left, and St. Anthony on the right). Together, these saints established the theme of disease and healing that is reinforced by the inner paintin gs. On the bottom ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Holy Trinity And Genesis So, I chose to write my essay on the book or Genesis, which is also known as the beginning or origin of humanity according to the Bible. What interested me most about this book was the fact we see God in several different forms or images. Here He's seen as The Holy Trinity for the first time, but He's not limited in that aspect, which we gather from further reading depicting him as transcendent, imitate, and the one true salvation from the world of sin we created. Genesis introduces us to the true nature of God, that being the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or simply put The Holy Trinity. Some may wonder how can God be three different entities, but this isn't the case and the simple answer would be because He's not limited in being like humans. But to further elaborate the Book tell us that "The Holy Trinity is one God in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy ... Show more content on ... This is also where we were introduced to the more systematic or transcendent God. Before I go any further I'd like to make clear that some scholars believe in the Documentary Hypothesis: the theory that the Torah was written by a number of sources (lecture 2). But from careful reading and lecture reviews, you get a sense that Moses the writer of this section of the Bible aimed to present God as both transcendent and intimate in nature. The first creation narrative is seen as systematic in regard to the time frame in which he created, but also within this narrative He is depicted as transcendent or going beyond. Within the first narrative, He is very hands off and superior or mystical in a sense. I say this and came to this conclusion as I read passages like then God said "Let there be light", and there was light", "Let there be firmament in the midst of the water and let it divide the water from the water (Genesis 1:3–7)." All things within the first narrative are created through spoken word and truly divine ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Trinity: Relationship Of Father, Son And Holy Spirit The word "trinity" is used to describe the relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Though all three are used in scripture there is no description of the "trinity." Throughout this paper the concept of the "trinity" will be examined. First, the paper will have a summary of relevant sections from three sources: the New Catholic Encyclopedia, the older Catholic Encyclopedia, and a peer– reviewed theological article from a contemporary journal. Two concise analyses will follow the summary. In the first analysis there will be a comparison between the older and newer Catholic encyclopedias to see how over time theological reflection has changed. In the second analysis there will be a comparison between the New Catholic Encyclopedia and a contemporary theological article to show the differences between the two theological perspectives. In the Neo–modalism section of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, it is noted that after years of being left alone efforts were made to bring the "trinity" back to its original place of importance by Karl Barth, a Reformed theologian (198). God was seen as the event in which is revelation, and that the structure of this was "Trinitarian," to Barth (198). Karl Barth concludes that, "God is the subject (Father), the content (Son), and the very happening (Spirit) of revelation" (198). The "trinity", as faith in God, was based in Christology, not the other way around (198). God is conclusively "uni– personal," "persons" according to Barth means ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Holy Trinity Research Paper According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy Trinity is defined as the mystery of one God in three persons. Although the Holy Trinity is at the base of the Catholic faith, the Catechism also states that the Holy Trinity is "inaccessible to the human mind" . The Catholic Church practices monotheism, the belief that there is only one supreme God. Within this Godhead, there is an undivided trinity of three divine persons. The foundation of the Holy Trinity within the Catholic Church is found within the sacred scriptures in both the Old and New Testament. Writings from the early church fathers such as St. Augustine of Hippo, and Tertullian have influenced the apprehension of the divine nature of the Holy Trinity. Encyclicals from ... Show more content on ... God's essence is to exist, from him comes all things and he forms all things. God made his name know to his people in the beginning of time through the Prophets. He reveals himself as the way truth and love. He was merciful to the people, and for that same reason, the Son reveals the Father; this is read in Matthew chapter eleven verses twenty–five to twenty–seven . The Father becomes known because of the Son. God's love and truth are truly known when he sends his beloved Son to save the ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Analysis Of ' Raphael 's ' The Holy Trinity ' Keadra Jeter ART 4396 – Dr. M. Vaccaro Research Paper – Raphael Stanza Della Segnatura: A Challenge to Raphael Considered to be in "the 'holy trinity' of Renaissance painters along with Leonardo and Michelangelo," Raphael was known to be "more versatile than Michelangelo and more prolific than the older contemporary Leonardo." Only living until the young age of 37, he definitely made his mark during the Renaissance era with his many drawings, paintings, and pieces of architecture. But the question to discuss is, what made his commissioned work with Pope Julius II more notable and memorable than any other pieces he has created? This paper will cover his biography, his drawing style with a brief overview of his surviving drawings, and one of his most notable commissions, the so–called Stanza Della Segnatura. Biography Born in 1483 in Urbino, Raphael, or Raphael Sanzio, was the son of Giovanni Santi, who was a court painter. Raphael's father gave him first instruction in painting and introduced Raphael to humanistic philosophy before his death in 1494. As a child, Raphael's brief time with his father helped him gain a great deal of knowledge about the arts, literature, and social skills to help Raphael move among the more elite of society and gain art commissions to boost his career as an artist. After his father's death (1494), Raphael began to run his father's workshop. After some time, he exceeded his father in talent and began to receive numerous commissions, for ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Role Of The Holy Spirit In The Trinity Kayti Nelson Dr. Rex Koivisto TH307 Nov. 28 2017 The Role of The Holy Spirit in The Trinity Often, Christians do not try to understand the Trinity, as it seems impossible to understand. However, there are benefits to studying each holy member. Understanding the Trinity is necessary and practical for members of the Christian faith, because the Trinity helps us to understand how the Godhead–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit–relate to one another and work in this world. The Holy Spirit is easily the least well–known part of the trinity. For this paper, my aim is to study the role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, so that I can understand His role in the Godhead, for the purpose of appreciating and loving God more. The Holy Spirit Is God In the Christian faith, there is one existing God, fully manifested in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Every unit of the God–head is equally God, and fully God. Each member is identical in quality and essence, yet each has a distinct, personal expression of divine nature. In an article about family ministry, Bruce A Ware calls it, "not merely an equality of kind but what might be called an 'equality of identity.'" However, before we can dive into the role of The Holy Spirit in the trinity, we must find scriptural evidence which verifies that The Holy Spirit is, in fact, God. The following scriptures are biblical evidence for The Holy Spirit's deity. In Acts 5:3–4, Ananias and Sapphira sell their property, ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. My Life Experience At Holy Trinity Church Of Murree Essay In my own life experience, I became aware of my state of sin in my early teenage years. Through the ministry of the Word at Holy Trinity Church of Murree in Pakistan, I had a clear understanding of the saving grace provided by the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I embraced that grace in my youth and began a lifelong spiritual journey. I was baptized as an infant but was confirmed as a teen ager which helped me reflect on my sinful nature and the pardoning and loving nature of God. My spiritual journey has been formed by a lifetime of Bible study and accountable small –group fellowships. Through these disciplines I have learned to open myself to the nurture of the Holy Spirit and my fellow believers. In so doing I have been trained to live at peace with all people, to accept the differences in cultures, beliefs and personalities, to recognize the grace of God in people at all stages of spiritual maturity and to nurture the faith of others. A lesson of discipleship is to put off any behavior that may be a hindrance to the spiritual growth of those with whom I am in fellowship. As the Apostle Paul taught, I should not allow what is a freedom for me to become an obstacle to my fellow believers. By living to the best of my ability to this standard, I have the freedom to be in fellowship and ministry with both non–Christians and Christians across the broad spectrum of the global Church. I see my spiritual gifts to be most compatible with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Reformation Of The Holy Trinity Before the Sixteenth century 'mission' was used to describe relationships within the holy Trinity. It was not used to describe an aspect of church life. The word 'missio' in Latin means 'to send', it was used to describe the sending of the Son by the Father, and also the sending of the Holy Spirit by the Father and the Son. 1. The Jesuits in Latin American in the late Sixteenth and early Seventeenth centuries started to use the term to describe the spreading of the Christian faith among the heathen of that continent and, subsequently, of the spreading of the Counter Reformation Catholic faith among the Protestants of Europe. By the Nineteenth century the word 'mission' began to be used to describe the sending not of the whole Christian faith but of certain representatives of it, specifically the sending of missionaries to a designated territory where they would preach the Gospel and convert non–Christian people. It was in this sense that the word was used in the naming of the new Church Missionary Society in 1801. This became the modern understanding of the term and is still used in the media and popular culture to this day. But the Trinitarian roots of the word are a reminder that mission is about much more than what the churches attempt to achieve or fail to achieve. 2. By the Twentieth century, the churches have rediscovered a deeper and richer meaning to the work "mission" through the influence of the Swiss theologian Karl Barth and his 'crisis theology', with its ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Holy Trinity And Crucifixion Comparison ART 202 STEP 2 OF COMPARE–CONTRAST ESSAY: Subject, Interpretation, and Context [Masaccio, Holy Trinity vs. Grunewald, Crucifixion from the Isenheim Altarpiece] SUBJECT (6 pts.): These paintings seem to have a similar subject. Discuss below any differences in their subjects. What is the overall subject (focus/theme) of both of these paintings?: The overall subject of both of these paintings are the crucifixion. Discuss any differences between them: Masaccio's fresco the Holy Trinity, is located in a church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. He used knowledge of Brunelleschi's one–point linear perspective to give an illusion of three dimensional space. Classical orders for the architecture give the illusion of a stone funerary monument. Christ muscles are shown in a realistic way that his body would look hanging on a cross. His body has been wounded and his loin cloth is clean and white. The Christian doctrine of the trinity is shown as God the Father, a dove to represent the Holy Spirit, and Christ as the son. The Virgin Mary is seen gesturing towards Christ indicating that the path to salvation is through the trinity. John the Evangelist is present with his hands clasps as in prayer. There are two donors that are shown on the edge of the fresco that appear to be looking in toward the crucifixion scene. Masaccio's use of light and shadow in the robes give the figures a roundness to suggest they take up space. The viewer would be looking up at the barrel–vaulted ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Holy Ghost ' Is The Second Part Of The Godhead Trinity The Holy Ghost Who is the Holy Ghost? He is the third part of the Godhead trinity. He is known as a teacher, comforter, advocate, helper, power and so much more. The Holy Ghost should never be referred to as an 'it'. He is a person that we should all come know. What is his purpose? He came to teach us about God and Jesus, he knows them best. He comforts, helps, guide, empowers, advocates, fills us, and so much more. In essence He equips us for the journey ahead. He will be the one that will help us possess the Promised Land in our lives. In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God could not dwell in a person because of sin. They were in need of a Savior to pay that debt so that there would be no more sacrificing of animals. The Spirit of God ... Show more content on ... However His presence even when silently moving around us cannot be denied. It is a love and power that will surely bring you to repentance and rejoicing. We are the temple that house the trinity of heaven in the form of Holy Ghost. This gives us power to be effective witnesses to all the world. We now have the ability to keep going and not faint because that power will always strengthen us. We are enabled to walk by the Spirit, which means we can recognize and understand what God is saying and doing in different seasons of our life. Holy Spirit is like a light that is always showing us the way. Guiding us in and out of life 's challenges with ease. He prays through us and for us to know the perfect will of God. So in the days to come be certain that your victory lies in unwrapping the total package. When you receive Christ into your heart do not reject the power that will equip you for your journey, Holy Ghost! The Importance of Walking In the Spirit In order for us to possess our land we have to do it by the Spirit of God. We talked previously about things being discerned or perceived. The Spirit of God brings heaven on earth for us by making the word come alive. God is Spirit and those that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth. Everything about God is spirit, we have to utilize him in our natural world just at Jesus did. Jesus not only told us but showed us the way to do it. Walking in the Spirit is not a mental know how, we cannot rationalize this ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Holy Trinity Religion Walk onto 16th Street Mall with the smell hot chocolate filling the air. Kids running around department stores. The lights on the buildings making soft clings when the evening breeze hits. My eyes quickly gaze at all the different types of designs, colors, and textures on the decorations. How did such a plain street come to look so joyful? Each ornament has its own identity being soft, rough, shiny, plain, or colorful. There is a huge array of ornaments from snowman, elves, glass balls, and teddy bears. The different ornaments would not be on display if it was not for the holiday season. Each year during the early winter months in the United States buildings and streets are decorated with decorative lights and ornaments to prepare for one of the ... Show more content on ... Ideology Catholicism was born as a new Christian faith. It was founded by Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles. It was founded with the passion and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Catholics share the same beliefs as other Christians but have a few key ideas that make the sect different. Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the belief that there is one god in three people–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, n.d.). God is the father, Jesus is the son of god, and the holy spirit is the the divide communication between Jesus and God. In Catholicism god are both son and father which means there is one god but it represented in two different places. The Holy Spirit is a connection with god. The Holy Spirit is part of the mind that is joined with the mind of god. In the Psalms and the Old Testament, it is learned that the Holy Spirit and Jesus were involved in creation. "By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made, and their entire host by the breath of His mouth. (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, n.d.). The Holy Spirit is the giver of life to all creation. "When you send ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Holy Trinity Research Paper Brian Vatterott Mr. Dan Stout THE 230/ block 5 13 May 2016 Why is the Holy Spirit forgotten when it plays a huge part in the Trinity? Why is the Holy Spirit forgotten when it plays a huge part in the Trinity? Before answering this question there must be information describing the Holy Spirit in full detail because without it the answer would not make sense. To start, the Trinity is made up of three members. Each of these members is fully god because that is what Catholic teaching says. In the bible it says that each member of the Trinity is the same being but yet they are different because of personality. The first member is God the Father. The second member is God the Son, or Jesus. The third member of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. Each ... Show more content on ... On role is that the Holy Spirit helps us pray. An example is, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God" (Romans 8:26–27). This quotation is very powerful to us Catholics. The bible states that we pray through the Holy Spirit which many Catholics don't know about. Another role that the Holy Spirit has is that the Holy Spirit helps us live holy lives. The Holy Spirit looks out for us in a sense because he is guiding us to the right path to god. Another example is, "To be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles. He gave me the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:16). This example shows us that the Holy Spirit is looking out for us. The reason the Holy Spirit can be unheard of is because Catholics usually think of Jesus or God the Father when thinking about God. In the end the Trinity is made us of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and they are separate but ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Religion Of The Holy Trinity Catholic trust that since Adam and Eve defied God in the Garden of Eden, all people are conceived with original sin, which just Baptism takes away. A more satisfied belief is in elegance, a thoroughly free, ridiculous blessing from God. Effortlessness is a partaking in the celestial; the motivation to do God 's will. Catholics recognize the unity of body and soul for human. So the entire religion relies or centers on reality that mankind remains between the two universes of matter and soul. The physical world is considered some portion of God 's creation and is, in this manner, naturally great until an individual abuses it.The Bible is the roused, mistake free, and uncovered expression of God. Absolution, the custom of turning into a Christian, is important for salvation – whether the Baptism happens by water, blood, or longing. God 's Ten Commandments give an religious compass or a standard to live by. The presence of the Holy Trinity – one God in three persons. Catholics grasp the conviction that God, the one Supreme Being, is comprised of three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Christianity The focal teachings of customary Christianity are that Jesus is the Son of God, the second individual of the Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that his life on earth, his torturous killing, restoration, and climb into paradise are confirmation of God 's adoration for mankind and God 's pardoning of human sins; and that by ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Holy Trinity Orthodox Church I have always had a deep reverence for the Virgin Mary. This is most likely due to my Roman Catholic upbringing but, besides the point, in my eyes, she embodies everything of importance in the Christian faith. In her story, she is revered by those who know her, disdained by those who do not, and, for me, personally, the one remaining connection I feel with Christendom. The importance of this comes into play when I entered the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church. I was not expecting to see and hear Mary venerated so highly. The first thing I saw upon walking in the entry way of the church were two icons, one of the adult Jesus and one of Mary, which is not entirely unusual, and I gave it a slight nod of respect. It wasn't until I entered into the church proper that I was ... Show more content on ... I was greeted by, and conversed with, different patrons on each of my visits. This is unusual for me because I typically am not approached by strangers, I am not complaining. I was also offered unconsecrated bread by different practitioners on each visit which was the best tasting bread I have had during a church service. The thing that impressed me most, however, was the church member's commitment to their surrounding community. They welcome anyone to their services, to the coffee hour afterward, to their annual block party, which they host, and to their harvest Sundays, where they collect food from their patrons and feed the local homeless population. The connection with their surrounding neighborhood is strong, but what is truly unique is the connection the congregation has with one another. For example, on the first Sunday I attended after the service was completed I remained in the nave to photograph and watch the community. I talked to one man about his conversion to Orthodoxy as the priest was consoling a young man who seemed distraught. This seemed to change the church from its ritual space to a community space of self or group ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Essay On Holy Trinity Cathedral Holy Trinity Cathedral On March the 6th ,2016, I visited the Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral church in San Francisco. The site is located in a convenient neighborhood one block south Union St at 1530 Green St. This Orthodox Church is the oldest Orthodox parish in town, and it is one of the few parishes in northern California with such a unique shape. The church was designed to show the Russian unique architect, and its outstanding shape connected to Moscow patriarch. Even though it is a small church, but it looks stunning where it's placed right in the corner with a two sides street view. What religious tradition the site is a part of The contemporary Orthodox Church historically connects to the earliest Christian communities founded in the eastern part of the Mediterranean by Jesus. The fundamental core ... Show more content on ... The whole worship is highly liturgical as well as iconographic, both of which are central to the church's life, history, and practice. The iconic, that include depictions of Jesus, Mary the Virgin, biblical scenes, and saints, are believed to create an atmosphere where God is present. Strongly the Eastern Orthodoxy doctrinal places great authority in the Bible, the Creeds, and the seven ecumenical councils. The Russian Orthodox reflects not only its Orthodox heritage, but also the culture of its native land. In fact, it also reflects the most central belief in all Christianity is the doctrine of resurrection. People who follow the Orthodox Church believe that Jesus Christ was crucified and died, then afterward descended into Hell and returned three days later, fully human and divine. He as well brought with him the promise of salvation and spiritual immortality, which he gave to every human being. In the Orthodoxy faith all the religious beliefs are connected directly or indirectly to that core ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Theological Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity The Holy Trinity is, according to the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, "the theological doctrine that God consists of three persons" (Audi, 928). Those persons are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each within the religion of Christianity are considered omnipotent and omniscient (IEP, URL). This theory validates the actions of the religion 's savior Jesus Christ, who as the Son of God (and part of the Holy Trinity) died a painful death of suffering for the sins of humans. This offers reasoning for the worship of different God 's within the monotheistic religion. The concept of the Holy Trinity creates a paradoxical puzzle that many philosophers and theologians are still trying to explain to this day. However, during medieval times philosophers may have gone through greater lengths to explain the trinitarian view than any other era in philosophical history. The Catholic Church 's council carries forth hearings relative to those of the United States judicial system, and has maintained this method since medieval times. However, during those times it was much easier to get charged for heresy, which caused a shared viewpoint in most of the writings of the time, based largely on the groundwork put forth initially by Saint Augustine of Hippo. This viewpoint, like many others that are somewhat misunderstood, morphed into what is written by those philosophers "playing it safe", but still carry the essence of Augustine 's primary influence, Plotinus. ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Importance Of Raising Their Children At The Holy... Throughout the course of adolescence, our family regularly attended the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. My parents always emphasized on the importance of raising their children in a complete Christ–centered environment along with ensure a familiarity with the Holy Scriptures. My family lived in a middle class neighborhood called Palma Ceia that was located near downtown Tampa, Florida. My parents were inspirational and encouraged me to follow God's lead through vocational ministry. In addition, they mentored and ministered to population of youths in the community that later inspired me to be a social worker. My parents were completely optimistic and viewed every person equally important and continuously reminded me to always seek the positive characteristics in others. In 2001, I began to encounter a rather turbulent and difficult period after my father passed away because of congestive heart failure. I attempted to reduce the negative effects of the agonizing loss and began to work excessively as an escape from the painful reality. Most recently, I reevaluated this heartrending event in my life and identified the one of the poorest choices I made was the decision not approach God with this serious predicament. Unknowingly, I continued to pursue the comfort and peace that Jesus Christ alone provides to a person with grief–stricken heart. In 2005, I moved to East Tennessee and began to understand the importance of seeking God in all aspects of my life. Through ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Holy Trinity Research Paper I agree with you, the Holy Trinity, " proven to be absolute" and one of the beautiful attributes of this Trinity involves the relational aspect; their distinct roles foster unity between them. When it comes to the truth about ethnicity we understand how the Trinity models God's expectation for how different ethnicities relate to one another. Because humans are the only part of creation that bears his image we should embrace one another and treat each other with dignity and respect. However, the issue of ethnicity still feels complicated although I totally accept the Bible and the authority of the Scriptures as absolute truth. Some parts of this week's assigned reading deserve further evaluation because they make great talking points for ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Summary Of The New Holy Trinity I. Introduction In The New Holy Trinity, Richard M. Re takes us back to the very controversial 1892 case, Holy Trinity. This is one of the most problematic cases for purposivist and it lead to a decrease in purposivism as an interpretation tool. It has been criticized by textualist, such as the late Justice Scalia, due to its prioritizing of a statutes purpose over the plain language of the text. As a result, Holy Trinity was overthrown thus making New Textualism the prevailing view – especially in the Roberts court. However, Re argues that purposivism has evolved and now has the "upper hand" in the Roberts court. "The New Holy Trinity", according to Re, is the resurgence of consideration for non–textual factors when determining how much clarity is required for a text to be clear. Re argues that the Court has embraced NHT – that is a hybrid version of textualism. The court looks at the purpose of the statute in light of the text before deciding ambiguity. Then it goes to the purpose of the text – shown by legislative history, common sense understanding, a canon, and then decides based on that rather than the plain reading of the case. Re uses three Supreme Court cases: Bond v. United States, Yates v. United States, and King v. Burwell as evidence that his theory is correct. Re seems to dislike the Roberts Court's flair for the canon of avoidance – he believes that it is deceptive and riddled with Robert's underlying interpretation preference – pragmatism or purposivism. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The Holy Trinity : Is Not Just For Non Christians? The Holy Trinity is a difficult thing to understand, much less to explain. This is true not just for non–Christians, but Christians themselves. The best explanation many young Christians get when they are growing up is that God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one, but are different in their own ways (such was the case with my own upbringing in a Catholic household, so I speak from experience). This doesn't seem to make much sense, especially considering that it is similar to another Holy Mystery that is often brought up: that of Jesus Christ being wholly man and wholly God at the same time. The answers are more often than not unsatisfying, seemingly feeling like placeholders, and this frustration is only ... Show more content on ... Still, this did not satisfy Constantine, as his intention as Emperor was to have a united empire, and this included Christians. Christians were divided on many issues at the time, with many following varying schools of thought that, while similar enough, were different around core ideas. In order to rectify this, Constantine organized the First Ecumenical Council–the First Council of Nicaea–in 325 CE. He had invited nearly 2,000 bishops from all of Christendom to come to Nicaea to see if agreements could be made over old disagreements and unite all of the Christians under one, united Church, with Constantine himself acting as a mediator as much as a host. Many of the issues brought up at this council were of an organizational and structural nature as to how and when and what things should be done how and when and where and so on and so forth: when Easter should be celebrated, prohibition of kneeling on Sundays, baptism of heretics, ordination of eunuchs, etc. The biggest issue, however, was the question of Jesus Christ and His nature, His relationship to God the Father, and whether or not he was "created" or not. This issue had come to a head between two schools of thought: Alexander of Alexandria believed that God the Father and God the Son were both one and the same and different, ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Holy Trinity Research Paper Christianity is one of the world's largest religions; however, Christianity is no longer a united religion with one understanding of the faith. The numerous different interpretations of the Holy Bible and the Christian faith have led to various denominations. One main controversy between Christian denominations is the belief or non–belief of the holy trinity. Pentecostal churches and Baptist are just opposing side of the controversy; while Pentecostal belief is the literal interpretation of the Bible, Baptist take a more loose understanding of the holy writings. Christianity originated in the first century AD; Christianity teaches the life and death of Jesus Christ. The faith consists of many different sects or denominations. The Roman Catholic ... Show more content on ... During the twentieth century, the Pentecostal movement began to really surface although, there was evidence of Pentecostalism in earlier times during history ("Pentecostalism"). The "Oneness Pentecostal movement" is slightly more recent than other Pentecostal movements. Oneness Pentecostal beliefs focus on the singular point that there is only one God, who manifests himself in different ways; this belief separates Oneness Pentecostalism from other denominations that believe in the Trinitarian doctrine. Oneness practices and teaching reject the belief that God is three individuals; instead believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are "...merely titles reflecting the different personal manifestations of the One True God..." The disbelief in the Holy Trinity also affects the Oneness Pentecostal practices. Oneness believers practice baptizing in the name of Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit, followed by evidence of speaking other languages which are unknown to the speaker. Oneness Pentecostals believe that the Holy Bible is the word of God, and absolute in its contents ("Oneness Pentecostalism"). Although, Oneness Pentecostals believers support their practices with biblical evidence, other denominations express their beliefs through biblical ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Holy Trinity Research Paper As Catholics, we believe in one God, who is three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is not to be understood as 1=3, but rather as 1×1×1=1. This is to say that their one God in three Persons, not one God and three Persons or vice versa. This was to distinguish Catholics from their brethren the Jews, who though also monotheistic did not contain in their beliefs the mystery of the Trinity. The Trinity was not revealed in the Old Testament though it was connoted at in various places. During the creation of man God says, "...Let us make man to our image and likeness..." (Genesis 1:26). One must note that God says us and not me, which implies that He is more than one person. Then in Psalms there is an allusion to the Son and in Genesis the Spirit of God is said to be looking over the waters. ... Show more content on ... It was first revealed at Jesus' Baptism where: "And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him. And behold a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. [sic]" (Matthew 3:16–17). Then in His ascension Jesus commands them to go forth baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. At the Last Supper also Jesus tells His Apostles that He will ask the Father to send the Spirit upon ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Case Study: Call Them The Holy Trinity Call them the Holy Trinity: Gwen Pope, Sharon Bell and Mickey Butler all resigned from the Decatur County Clerk's office in Tennessee rather than issue same–sex marriage licenses to loving couples. The trio announced their departures because their religious beliefs clash with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to make same–sex marriages the law of the land. The views of the Clerk herself, Gwen Pope, ironically clash with the Pope himself, who has said "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Their last day of the Holy Trinity will be July 14. Until then, the three employees have vowed to defy the ruling and refuse to issue same– sex licenses during their remaining days. Drew Baker, who works with ... Get more on ...