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Essay about Sex Discrimination
Discrimination involves action toward individuals on the basis of their group membership; Baron
and Byrne (1994) defined discrimination as prejudice in action. Discrimination can take a very overt
form (e.g., refusal to hire women into certain jobs), but in many instances, gender discrimination
involves the degree to which the workplace is open to versus resistant to the participation of women.
Although many discussions of gender discrimination have focused on the ways managers and
supervisors treat men and women, gender discrimination could involve managers, co–workers,
subordinates, clients, or customers. In general, gender discrimination include behaviours occurring
in the workplace that limit the target person's more content...
Additionally, some specific features of the workplace appear to contribute to prejudice and
discrimination against both men and women.
This research will try to identify and assess gender issues and discrimination in the workplace by
looking at various types of sex discrimination, features of the workplace that contribute to gender
discrimination, employers retaliation against workers who claim sex discrimination, and
conclusively, legal ways of proving sex discrimination and their remedies.
Types of Sex Discrimination
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (as amended) identifies three types of discrimination. These are:
(1) direct discrimination; (2) indirect discrimination; and (3) victimisation (Chandler et al., 2003).
The 1975 Act, with certain exceptions, applies equally to men and women. It not only forbids
discrimination on grounds of sex or gender reassignment but discrimination also against married
persons in the employment field. The 1975 Act is, of course, primarily directed towards the
protection of women (SDA 1975, ss 1,2,3 & 4).
Features of the Workplace that Contribute to Gender Discrimination
Gender discrimination occurs in a number of settings. Men and women are perceived differently, are
assigned different roles and are assumed to have different characteristics in most settings, for
example household chores like
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Essay about Job Discrimination
In some way or another we have all experienced discrimination not only through race but also sex,
a disability, religion and so on. How can we determine if discrimination is right in areas other than
race? If we define discrimination from the Webster's dictionary it can be the treatment or
consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the
group, class, or category to which that person belongs. In my opinion I would simply say that "you
can't judge a book by its cover" and that is what we tend to do when we face discrimination. The
Federal Equal Opportunity Laws are the enforcers of such discriminations people face on a daily job.
Whenever employees encounter a problem with more content...
Many employers may feel that for older adults that they are not as useful as the younger generation
and that allows the employer to reduce benefits. Next, would be the Equal Pay Act Discrimination
which deals with sex discrimination dealing with the payment of wages or benefits; whereas a
man a woman can perform the same job and employers are required to give them both equal pay.
Finally, the Titles I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act, under this act it deals with the
Individual with a Disability meaning a physical or mental problems. Qualified Individuals with a
Disability by this person is capable of performing skills that are required on the job. Just to give
you some stats and this information comes from, it states that there are over
16 million Americans over 55 who are either working or seeking work. In this generation older
workers are getting new jobs at an annual rate of 4.1 percent. Older Americans make up 10 percent
of the workforce, but account for 22 percent of the nations job growth.
When we looked at the EEO laws and saw examples of these we now have to understand who is
covered under the laws, and if sued the proper procedures to go about the issue or complaint. The
title VII and the ADA cover private employers, state and local governments, and education
institutions that employ 15 or more people. For instance, the EPA covers employers who are
covered by the federal
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Discrimination And Diversity
Discrimination comes in many forms. Discrimination and diversity are closely linked considering
the reasons behind discrimination are what makes up the definition of diversity. Not only is
discrimination made against gender, race, and religion, but it is also made of age, disabilities,
appearance and in a lot of cases, women who are pregnant too. This is very much a reality for many
employers. There are laws protecting acts of discrimination. This topic is so sensitive, that many
employers implement diversity and discrimination into their mission statements. Many companies
make it their practice to host training sessions to prevent discrimination from happening, then there
are many companies who can't afford such training for more content...
For instance; my direct boss, the Controller of the hospital, only has an associate's degree in
business. She has been with the company for 40 years and has worked her way up in rank
throughout her time there. Within the department that I work, I do not see signs of discrimination
based on what I see hired in on a regular basis and the already existing employees. We have people
of all nationalities (within reason considering the community make–up), women who were pregnant
at the time of hire and individuals of all ages and educational backgrounds.
I feel it is important for employers to make diversity and discrimination known within the
workplace. Employers need to be aware that there is such thing as implicit discrimination. "This
form of discrimination occurs subliminally without an individual necessarily even being aware of
it" (Ruthergien, 2016, p. 22). If an employee is not taught what discrimination is, how will they
know if they are committing an act of discrimination. Not all acts of discrimination are obvious or
common knowledge. Knowledge is power and the more employees know about the topic, the more
aware they will be and less likely to make the mistake in discriminating somebody. Employers should
have management training that will aid in the prevention of making decisions that may be
considered discrimination. "We must be able to invent and reinvent and re–engineer the
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Discrimination Speech
Discrimination, it is as old as human kind. Some people would say that discrimination is a type of
abuse, falling into both the physiological and physical molds. The Homosapians committed this
abuse against the Neanderthals, and I think we can all agree that it is one of the sources of most
societal ills. Prejudice, bullying, racism are all types of discrimination. Machismo, Homophobia &
stereotypes are also products of this abuse. Maybe there is a physiological explanation to all of this,
maybe you were raised to discriminate against Jews or Asians, or maybe you had a bad experience
with a black man and so you associate black people with that experience.
Let's start of with Machismo. It has been around more content...
Depression, Social Anxiety, Anorexia, Bullmenia, Suicidal Tendencies,
PTSD(Post–Traumatic–Stress–Disorder), and MANY others. All of these mental sicknesses can be
caused by years of discrimination. Most of these when in severe levels or if they have been
happening for a long time can and will put the persons LIFE in danger! My father, Robert Peters
volunteered for 6 months at a Suicide Prevention Hotline, and said that of all of the calls he
received in that time, roughly 85% of the calls were from gay people who, had been thrown out of
the lives of their parents, families, friends and out of their homes, for no other reason except the fact
that they were born gay and were trying to be themselves.
If you are as shocked as I am by the amount of discrimination different people in our planet suffer, I
will just tell you one thing, I am sure that every person in this hall has been discriminated against, in
one way or
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Reflection On Discrimination
Discrimination happens every day. It is a real problem that is distressing, and it happens more often
than it should. Discrimination means to distinguish or signal out individuals, groups, or things with
favor or unfair treatment. In the eyes of the civil law, unlawful discrimination refers to unequal or
unfair treatment of a group or individual based on certain characteristics. These characteristics can
include, but not limited to, age, disability and religion. My first incident experiencing discrimination
was in grade school where I was currently singled out for having an Indian background. Not only
was I not accepted into the student body, the teachers refused to teach me because I was not
Hispanic like the others. Just like many other people, I waited this out until I graduated and was able
to leave the area.
I joined the United States Navy in 2010. Not only did I meet people from all over the United States,
I met people from all over the world. I met countless number of religions, ethnicities and cultural
backgrounds. I made friends who were interested in my beliefs and admired by unique physical
features that classified me as ugly in school. I thought that being in the adult world, discrimination
did not exist, however it just occurred differently. Serving in a hospital setting, I worked under a
Caucasian United States Army Sergeant and beside three male soldiers. I worked as a Wounded
Warrior Corpsman, which allowed me to treat patients who had serious injuries,
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The Four Types Of Discrimination
According to research that has been conducted by The Indiana Civil Right Commission (2012)
between October 2010 and October 2011, 58% of participants experienced some sort of
discrimination. Discrimination can be defined as treating people differently, negatively or
adversely without having a good reason. It is an act making distinction in favor of or against a
person based on their group, class or category. There are four major types ofdiscrimination which are
gender discrimination, racial and ethnic discrimination, age discrimination and disability
The first type of discrimination is gender discrimination. Gender discrimination involves treating
someone unfavourably because of the person's particular gender. There more content...
Unlike person with male and female sexuality, transgender person faces discrimination in meeting
their basic needs. For instance, getting a job, housing, or health care or in having their gender
identity respected such as in the simple act of going to a public restroom because of their confusing
The second type of discrimination is racial and ethnic discrimination. Racial and ethnic
discrimination defined as treating someone unfavourably since that person is from a certain race or
due to personal characteristics associated with race such as, hair texture, skin colour, or certain
facial features. In addition, it is also defined as unequal treatment of people based on the fact that
they belong to a certain ethnic or national group, placing a person in a different position on the basis
of religion, or nationality.It involves both colour difference and stereotypes.
Colour discrimination involves treating someone unfavourably because of skin colour complexion.
It also can involve treating someone unfavourably because the person is married to or associated
with a person of a certain race or colour or because of a person's connection with a race–based
organization or group, or an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a
certain colour. Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the
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Essay on Racial Discrimination
America has had discrimination against minorities for a long time and it will continue to have it
until people treat minorities with respect. Discrimination is when people treat minorities bad
because of their skin color, ethnicity and the place they were born. For immigrants, the problems
they had to arrive to America were not a good experience only by the struggle to gain acceptance
among the population. Most immigrants came to the U.S. to have a better life and give education to
their children. Almost all immigrants have experienced discrimination at some point in their life and
even some are still experiencing it today. Most Latinos don't have a choice but to deal with it
because they know they are illegal and they can't say more content...
They also have to deal with people calling them names because of their skin color or their birth
place. "Americans also accuse Hispanics of stealing their jobs" (Ramos 53) because most Latinos
that come here have a job. They also face seeing "racist graffiti on homes or on walls of buildings"
(Plunkett 15) and they have to face hate crimes. Plunkett said that "Latinos sometimes get excluded
from white communities" (39) because they are Hispanics. Ramos also said that "Latinos are blamed
for serious problems the country faces" (195) like the fall of the twin towers. There are reasons for
Americans to discriminate Latinos and reasons why they shouldn't discriminate them.
The United States doesn't understand why Latinos really came to this country and they
discriminate them without knowing the real reasons. Most Hispanics come to this country for
several reasons but the most important one is to have a better life and provide an education for
their children. Latinos want their kids to be someone in life and they know they can accomplish it
in this country. They also enter illegally because they don't have the money to enter legally and
they know they will get discriminated even if they were legal. The United States would have legal
Immigrants if Latin countries weren't "poor and if they didn't have corrupt governments" (Ramos
153). Ramos also said that "most Hispanic farmers have to come to the U.S. in
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Although I had always thought that I could never be discriminated for any reason, two years ago I
felt discriminated.
One Friday, while working in a large corporation in the administrative department, the president of
the corporation organized a meeting for the administrative and accounting departments. The
president of the company mentioned that the accounting department was opening a new position as
Junior Controller Management. Moreover, he said that there were only two candidates who were
postulated for it. I knew I was one of them. In fact, most of my co–workers started talking about it
and all were claiming me as the winner. I was extremely happy. But, I wanted to wait for the real
nomination that was going to take place more content...
For instance, women only care to get married and have children. I explained to them that it was not
my case. Yet, the decision was already taken and all of the executive members agreed that giving the
position to a male gender was the right choice.
At that moment, I was almost paralyzed. I could not believe what I was living. I kept asking
myself that the United States was a free country and all its citizens have the same rights of
freedom and equality. Not only I felt totally frustrated and disillusioned because I did not get the
promotion, but also because I understood that it was not fair what this people were doing with me.
In fact, I realized that I was a vivid example of one or maybe two types of discrimination factors
such as gender and age.
I could not accept the fact that I was discriminated for being a young woman, and not because of my
competency for the position. My reaction to this episode was not smart. Although once I thought
about the idea of suing the company for discrimination, later I though it was ridiculous because I
knew that I was going to waste time, money and I was not ready for something like that. Today, I
think differently. I regret for not suing them. From that moment and on, I decided to start looking for
another job because I acknowledged that it was impossible to think about getting promoted to a high
level position in that company.
It has been almost one year, and I still remember the conversation that I had with those men, who
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Prejudice and Discrimination Essay example
Unfortunately due to our past history, discrimination had been among us from since decades.
Discrimination and prejudice would probably be among us until the end of the world. Prejudice and
discrimination is an action that treats people unfairly because of their membership in a particular
social group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather on that individual. It is
an unfair treatment to a person, racial group, and minority. It is an action based on prejudice.
In this paper I will discuss what happens when we allow biases and prejudice to affect our actions
toward others. I will then conclude my paper with what we can do to prevent or eliminate
Prejudice and discrimination push people more content...
It was uncalled for and not necessary.
There are so many serious issues like poverty, disease, war and so much more happening in this
world. Life is already difficult therefore, why must we allow something like discrimination makes
people afraid of whom they truly are. It is clear that discrimination is a part of a systematic use of
power that "the enslavement of Africans in the United States, the official domination of Blacks by
Whites in South Africa, and Hitler's widespread extermination of Jews are some historic examples
of systematic, legal discrimination" so why can't we break this chain. Like I mentioned in my
introduction, discrimination is an action people have come to witness but yet, we still discriminate
against each other. Everyone wants to be superior over the other, others on the other hand, would
never accept different types of races in their mist therefore, and we will never find peace.
We say America is the land of opportunity, yet immigrants and different races are not always
well–treated when they come to the U.S. if you are born black, Latino, Asian, and Indian, as a citizen
of an America, still limits your status in where you stand in this society. Throughout history, the
most recent immigrants to this country have always confronted some sort of discrimination. They
have to take the hardest, worst paid jobs, and have difficulty
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Essay On Discrimination

  • 1. Essay about Sex Discrimination Introduction Discrimination involves action toward individuals on the basis of their group membership; Baron and Byrne (1994) defined discrimination as prejudice in action. Discrimination can take a very overt form (e.g., refusal to hire women into certain jobs), but in many instances, gender discrimination involves the degree to which the workplace is open to versus resistant to the participation of women. Although many discussions of gender discrimination have focused on the ways managers and supervisors treat men and women, gender discrimination could involve managers, co–workers, subordinates, clients, or customers. In general, gender discrimination include behaviours occurring in the workplace that limit the target person's more content... Additionally, some specific features of the workplace appear to contribute to prejudice and discrimination against both men and women. This research will try to identify and assess gender issues and discrimination in the workplace by looking at various types of sex discrimination, features of the workplace that contribute to gender discrimination, employers retaliation against workers who claim sex discrimination, and conclusively, legal ways of proving sex discrimination and their remedies. Types of Sex Discrimination The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (as amended) identifies three types of discrimination. These are: (1) direct discrimination; (2) indirect discrimination; and (3) victimisation (Chandler et al., 2003). The 1975 Act, with certain exceptions, applies equally to men and women. It not only forbids discrimination on grounds of sex or gender reassignment but discrimination also against married persons in the employment field. The 1975 Act is, of course, primarily directed towards the protection of women (SDA 1975, ss 1,2,3 & 4). Features of the Workplace that Contribute to Gender Discrimination Gender discrimination occurs in a number of settings. Men and women are perceived differently, are assigned different roles and are assumed to have different characteristics in most settings, for example household chores like Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Job Discrimination In some way or another we have all experienced discrimination not only through race but also sex, a disability, religion and so on. How can we determine if discrimination is right in areas other than race? If we define discrimination from the Webster's dictionary it can be the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs. In my opinion I would simply say that "you can't judge a book by its cover" and that is what we tend to do when we face discrimination. The Federal Equal Opportunity Laws are the enforcers of such discriminations people face on a daily job. Whenever employees encounter a problem with more content... Many employers may feel that for older adults that they are not as useful as the younger generation and that allows the employer to reduce benefits. Next, would be the Equal Pay Act Discrimination which deals with sex discrimination dealing with the payment of wages or benefits; whereas a man a woman can perform the same job and employers are required to give them both equal pay. Finally, the Titles I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act, under this act it deals with the Individual with a Disability meaning a physical or mental problems. Qualified Individuals with a Disability by this person is capable of performing skills that are required on the job. Just to give you some stats and this information comes from, it states that there are over 16 million Americans over 55 who are either working or seeking work. In this generation older workers are getting new jobs at an annual rate of 4.1 percent. Older Americans make up 10 percent of the workforce, but account for 22 percent of the nations job growth. When we looked at the EEO laws and saw examples of these we now have to understand who is covered under the laws, and if sued the proper procedures to go about the issue or complaint. The title VII and the ADA cover private employers, state and local governments, and education institutions that employ 15 or more people. For instance, the EPA covers employers who are covered by the federal Get more content on
  • 3. Discrimination And Diversity Discrimination comes in many forms. Discrimination and diversity are closely linked considering the reasons behind discrimination are what makes up the definition of diversity. Not only is discrimination made against gender, race, and religion, but it is also made of age, disabilities, appearance and in a lot of cases, women who are pregnant too. This is very much a reality for many employers. There are laws protecting acts of discrimination. This topic is so sensitive, that many employers implement diversity and discrimination into their mission statements. Many companies make it their practice to host training sessions to prevent discrimination from happening, then there are many companies who can't afford such training for more content... For instance; my direct boss, the Controller of the hospital, only has an associate's degree in business. She has been with the company for 40 years and has worked her way up in rank throughout her time there. Within the department that I work, I do not see signs of discrimination based on what I see hired in on a regular basis and the already existing employees. We have people of all nationalities (within reason considering the community make–up), women who were pregnant at the time of hire and individuals of all ages and educational backgrounds. I feel it is important for employers to make diversity and discrimination known within the workplace. Employers need to be aware that there is such thing as implicit discrimination. "This form of discrimination occurs subliminally without an individual necessarily even being aware of it" (Ruthergien, 2016, p. 22). If an employee is not taught what discrimination is, how will they know if they are committing an act of discrimination. Not all acts of discrimination are obvious or common knowledge. Knowledge is power and the more employees know about the topic, the more aware they will be and less likely to make the mistake in discriminating somebody. Employers should have management training that will aid in the prevention of making decisions that may be considered discrimination. "We must be able to invent and reinvent and re–engineer the Get more content on
  • 4. Discrimination Speech DISCRIMINATION SPEECH Discrimination, it is as old as human kind. Some people would say that discrimination is a type of abuse, falling into both the physiological and physical molds. The Homosapians committed this abuse against the Neanderthals, and I think we can all agree that it is one of the sources of most societal ills. Prejudice, bullying, racism are all types of discrimination. Machismo, Homophobia & stereotypes are also products of this abuse. Maybe there is a physiological explanation to all of this, maybe you were raised to discriminate against Jews or Asians, or maybe you had a bad experience with a black man and so you associate black people with that experience. Let's start of with Machismo. It has been around more content... Depression, Social Anxiety, Anorexia, Bullmenia, Suicidal Tendencies, PTSD(Post–Traumatic–Stress–Disorder), and MANY others. All of these mental sicknesses can be caused by years of discrimination. Most of these when in severe levels or if they have been happening for a long time can and will put the persons LIFE in danger! My father, Robert Peters volunteered for 6 months at a Suicide Prevention Hotline, and said that of all of the calls he received in that time, roughly 85% of the calls were from gay people who, had been thrown out of the lives of their parents, families, friends and out of their homes, for no other reason except the fact that they were born gay and were trying to be themselves. If you are as shocked as I am by the amount of discrimination different people in our planet suffer, I will just tell you one thing, I am sure that every person in this hall has been discriminated against, in one way or Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection On Discrimination Discrimination happens every day. It is a real problem that is distressing, and it happens more often than it should. Discrimination means to distinguish or signal out individuals, groups, or things with favor or unfair treatment. In the eyes of the civil law, unlawful discrimination refers to unequal or unfair treatment of a group or individual based on certain characteristics. These characteristics can include, but not limited to, age, disability and religion. My first incident experiencing discrimination was in grade school where I was currently singled out for having an Indian background. Not only was I not accepted into the student body, the teachers refused to teach me because I was not Hispanic like the others. Just like many other people, I waited this out until I graduated and was able to leave the area. I joined the United States Navy in 2010. Not only did I meet people from all over the United States, I met people from all over the world. I met countless number of religions, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. I made friends who were interested in my beliefs and admired by unique physical features that classified me as ugly in school. I thought that being in the adult world, discrimination did not exist, however it just occurred differently. Serving in a hospital setting, I worked under a Caucasian United States Army Sergeant and beside three male soldiers. I worked as a Wounded Warrior Corpsman, which allowed me to treat patients who had serious injuries, Get more content on
  • 6. The Four Types Of Discrimination According to research that has been conducted by The Indiana Civil Right Commission (2012) between October 2010 and October 2011, 58% of participants experienced some sort of discrimination. Discrimination can be defined as treating people differently, negatively or adversely without having a good reason. It is an act making distinction in favor of or against a person based on their group, class or category. There are four major types ofdiscrimination which are gender discrimination, racial and ethnic discrimination, age discrimination and disability discrimination. The first type of discrimination is gender discrimination. Gender discrimination involves treating someone unfavourably because of the person's particular gender. There more content... Unlike person with male and female sexuality, transgender person faces discrimination in meeting their basic needs. For instance, getting a job, housing, or health care or in having their gender identity respected such as in the simple act of going to a public restroom because of their confusing appearance. The second type of discrimination is racial and ethnic discrimination. Racial and ethnic discrimination defined as treating someone unfavourably since that person is from a certain race or due to personal characteristics associated with race such as, hair texture, skin colour, or certain facial features. In addition, it is also defined as unequal treatment of people based on the fact that they belong to a certain ethnic or national group, placing a person in a different position on the basis of religion, or nationality.It involves both colour difference and stereotypes. Colour discrimination involves treating someone unfavourably because of skin colour complexion. It also can involve treating someone unfavourably because the person is married to or associated with a person of a certain race or colour or because of a person's connection with a race–based organization or group, or an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a certain colour. Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Racial Discrimination America has had discrimination against minorities for a long time and it will continue to have it until people treat minorities with respect. Discrimination is when people treat minorities bad because of their skin color, ethnicity and the place they were born. For immigrants, the problems they had to arrive to America were not a good experience only by the struggle to gain acceptance among the population. Most immigrants came to the U.S. to have a better life and give education to their children. Almost all immigrants have experienced discrimination at some point in their life and even some are still experiencing it today. Most Latinos don't have a choice but to deal with it because they know they are illegal and they can't say more content... They also have to deal with people calling them names because of their skin color or their birth place. "Americans also accuse Hispanics of stealing their jobs" (Ramos 53) because most Latinos that come here have a job. They also face seeing "racist graffiti on homes or on walls of buildings" (Plunkett 15) and they have to face hate crimes. Plunkett said that "Latinos sometimes get excluded from white communities" (39) because they are Hispanics. Ramos also said that "Latinos are blamed for serious problems the country faces" (195) like the fall of the twin towers. There are reasons for Americans to discriminate Latinos and reasons why they shouldn't discriminate them. The United States doesn't understand why Latinos really came to this country and they discriminate them without knowing the real reasons. Most Hispanics come to this country for several reasons but the most important one is to have a better life and provide an education for their children. Latinos want their kids to be someone in life and they know they can accomplish it in this country. They also enter illegally because they don't have the money to enter legally and they know they will get discriminated even if they were legal. The United States would have legal Immigrants if Latin countries weren't "poor and if they didn't have corrupt governments" (Ramos 153). Ramos also said that "most Hispanic farmers have to come to the U.S. in Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on DISCRIMINATION Although I had always thought that I could never be discriminated for any reason, two years ago I felt discriminated. One Friday, while working in a large corporation in the administrative department, the president of the corporation organized a meeting for the administrative and accounting departments. The president of the company mentioned that the accounting department was opening a new position as Junior Controller Management. Moreover, he said that there were only two candidates who were postulated for it. I knew I was one of them. In fact, most of my co–workers started talking about it and all were claiming me as the winner. I was extremely happy. But, I wanted to wait for the real nomination that was going to take place more content... For instance, women only care to get married and have children. I explained to them that it was not my case. Yet, the decision was already taken and all of the executive members agreed that giving the position to a male gender was the right choice. At that moment, I was almost paralyzed. I could not believe what I was living. I kept asking myself that the United States was a free country and all its citizens have the same rights of freedom and equality. Not only I felt totally frustrated and disillusioned because I did not get the promotion, but also because I understood that it was not fair what this people were doing with me. In fact, I realized that I was a vivid example of one or maybe two types of discrimination factors such as gender and age. I could not accept the fact that I was discriminated for being a young woman, and not because of my competency for the position. My reaction to this episode was not smart. Although once I thought about the idea of suing the company for discrimination, later I though it was ridiculous because I knew that I was going to waste time, money and I was not ready for something like that. Today, I think differently. I regret for not suing them. From that moment and on, I decided to start looking for another job because I acknowledged that it was impossible to think about getting promoted to a high level position in that company. It has been almost one year, and I still remember the conversation that I had with those men, who were Get more content on
  • 9. Prejudice and Discrimination Essay example Unfortunately due to our past history, discrimination had been among us from since decades. Discrimination and prejudice would probably be among us until the end of the world. Prejudice and discrimination is an action that treats people unfairly because of their membership in a particular social group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather on that individual. It is an unfair treatment to a person, racial group, and minority. It is an action based on prejudice. In this paper I will discuss what happens when we allow biases and prejudice to affect our actions toward others. I will then conclude my paper with what we can do to prevent or eliminate discrimination. Prejudice and discrimination push people more content... It was uncalled for and not necessary. There are so many serious issues like poverty, disease, war and so much more happening in this world. Life is already difficult therefore, why must we allow something like discrimination makes people afraid of whom they truly are. It is clear that discrimination is a part of a systematic use of power that "the enslavement of Africans in the United States, the official domination of Blacks by Whites in South Africa, and Hitler's widespread extermination of Jews are some historic examples of systematic, legal discrimination" so why can't we break this chain. Like I mentioned in my introduction, discrimination is an action people have come to witness but yet, we still discriminate against each other. Everyone wants to be superior over the other, others on the other hand, would never accept different types of races in their mist therefore, and we will never find peace. We say America is the land of opportunity, yet immigrants and different races are not always well–treated when they come to the U.S. if you are born black, Latino, Asian, and Indian, as a citizen of an America, still limits your status in where you stand in this society. Throughout history, the most recent immigrants to this country have always confronted some sort of discrimination. They have to take the hardest, worst paid jobs, and have difficulty Get more content on