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Discrimination Essay
Existence of Discrimination Discrimination happens to be exhibited in many ways and different
settings. Some of the reasons people discriminate are race, belief, sexual preference, employment,
religion, gender, size, and even a person health status. Usually the person that discriminates has a
narcissistic behavior and preoccupied with issues of power, vanity, and personal adequacy. Their
disorder and ignorance of what the discriminator doesn't understand, fuels their negative feelings.
Many times the basic root of discrimination is heredity, passed down from generation to generation,
which also makes it easier to keep discrimination alive. People experience discrimination in a variety
of settings like work, school, church, stores, more content...
Discrimination is not visible to everyone, but mostly visible to the discriminator and the victim. I
have been discriminated in many areas of my life. For instance, at work I was discriminated
against because of the color, title, and personal appearance. One time, I had a patient tried to
scratch me, and called me a nigger because I'm black. Not once did I disrespect her or mistreat
her, but she thought she had the right to say negative words to me, and physically harm me
because of the color of my skin. She knew nothing about me except that I was a black woman. The
opponents would say that the patient might have behaved like this because she might have had a
bad experience before. I would say that a bad experience might not lead a patient call me a nigger,
nor would she try to hurt me.
Discrimination also exists in a racial sense. A study was created in 2002 to study discrimination in
the job market. "Researchers sent out 5,000 resumes in response to help wanted ads in the Boston
and Chicago Sunday papers. The resumes were identical, except for the names of the job
applicants...Although the qualifications of the supposed job applicants were identical, the
white–sounding names elicited 50 percent more callbacks than the black–sounding names" (Henslin
359). The employers did not look at the resumes properly, and only focused on the names of the
applicants. This demonstrate that blacks are prejudged and
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Discrimination Essay
"Discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process." Discuss this statement in
relation to the human resource practices and the issues relating to personality, perceptions and values
of managers.
This essay argues that discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process. It will
focus upon the various forms of discrimination faced and the issues relating to personality and
perceptions resulting from the mainstream perspectives, stereotypes and ideologies held by
Anglo–Saxon Australians. It will then examine the human resource practices and the selection
process, highlighting the discrimination that occurs due to the unrealistic and unnecessarily high
standards of recruitment criteria more content...
As Wooden notes, 'differences in pay, occupational status and probability of employment' between
migrants and people of ethnic background, in comparison to Anglo–Saxon Australians 'reflects
differences in the average productive capabilities of the two groups' (1994, p.220; cited in Ho and
Alcorso, 2004, p.239). This emphasises the pre–conceived perception that they are less productive in
the workforce and are in turn inferior. Hence, it suggests that they are less likely to achieve
employment in the recruitment process.
An action that consistently generates discrimination as a result of perceptions about personality
and culture is when human resource managers do not consider or provide an applicant with a fair
chance based upon their name (Booth et al. 2010). The differences in callback rates suggest that
immigrants and candidates of ethnic background would 'need to apply for more jobs in order to
receive the same number of interviews' (Booth et al. 2010, p.1). Hence, studies have shown that 'in
order to get as many interviews as an Anglo applicant, an indigenous person must submit 35% more
applications, a Chinese person must submit 68% more applications, an Italian person must submit
12% more applications, and Middle Eastern person 64% more applications' (Booth et al. 2010, p.9).
These findings and figures display first–hand the discrimination that takes place during the
recruitment process and suggest that it is as a
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Prejudice and Discrimination Essay example
Unfortunately due to our past history, discrimination had been among us from since decades.
Discrimination and prejudice would probably be among us until the end of the world. Prejudice and
discrimination is an action that treats people unfairly because of their membership in a particular
social group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather on that individual. It is
an unfair treatment to a person, racial group, and minority. It is an action based on prejudice.
In this paper I will discuss what happens when we allow biases and prejudice to affect our actions
toward others. I will then conclude my paper with what we can do to prevent or eliminate
Prejudice and discrimination push people more content...
It was uncalled for and not necessary.
There are so many serious issues like poverty, disease, war and so much more happening in this
world. Life is already difficult therefore, why must we allow something like discrimination makes
people afraid of whom they truly are. It is clear that discrimination is a part of a systematic use of
power that "the enslavement of Africans in the United States, the official domination of Blacks by
Whites in South Africa, and Hitler's widespread extermination of Jews are some historic examples
of systematic, legal discrimination" so why can't we break this chain. Like I mentioned in my
introduction, discrimination is an action people have come to witness but yet, we still discriminate
against each other. Everyone wants to be superior over the other, others on the other hand, would
never accept different types of races in their mist therefore, and we will never find peace.
We say America is the land of opportunity, yet immigrants and different races are not always
well–treated when they come to the U.S. if you are born black, Latino, Asian, and Indian, as a citizen
of an America, still limits your status in where you stand in this society. Throughout history, the
most recent immigrants to this country have always confronted some sort of discrimination. They
have to take the hardest, worst paid jobs, and have difficulty
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Discrimination And Diversity
Discrimination comes in many forms. Discrimination and diversity are closely linked considering
the reasons behind discrimination are what makes up the definition of diversity. Not only is
discrimination made against gender, race, and religion, but it is also made of age, disabilities,
appearance and in a lot of cases, women who are pregnant too. This is very much a reality for many
employers. There are laws protecting acts of discrimination. This topic is so sensitive, that many
employers implement diversity and discrimination into their mission statements. Many companies
make it their practice to host training sessions to prevent discrimination from happening, then there
are many companies who can't afford such training for more content...
For instance; my direct boss, the Controller of the hospital, only has an associate's degree in
business. She has been with the company for 40 years and has worked her way up in rank
throughout her time there. Within the department that I work, I do not see signs of discrimination
based on what I see hired in on a regular basis and the already existing employees. We have people
of all nationalities (within reason considering the community make–up), women who were pregnant
at the time of hire and individuals of all ages and educational backgrounds.
I feel it is important for employers to make diversity and discrimination known within the
workplace. Employers need to be aware that there is such thing as implicit discrimination. "This
form of discrimination occurs subliminally without an individual necessarily even being aware of
it" (Ruthergien, 2016, p. 22). If an employee is not taught what discrimination is, how will they
know if they are committing an act of discrimination. Not all acts of discrimination are obvious or
common knowledge. Knowledge is power and the more employees know about the topic, the more
aware they will be and less likely to make the mistake in discriminating somebody. Employers should
have management training that will aid in the prevention of making decisions that may be
considered discrimination. "We must be able to invent and reinvent and re–engineer the
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Discrimination Speech
Discrimination, it is as old as human kind. Some people would say that discrimination is a type of
abuse, falling into both the physiological and physical molds. The Homosapians committed this
abuse against the Neanderthals, and I think we can all agree that it is one of the sources of most
societal ills. Prejudice, bullying, racism are all types of discrimination. Machismo, Homophobia &
stereotypes are also products of this abuse. Maybe there is a physiological explanation to all of this,
maybe you were raised to discriminate against Jews or Asians, or maybe you had a bad experience
with a black man and so you associate black people with that experience.
Let's start of with Machismo. It has been around more content...
Depression, Social Anxiety, Anorexia, Bullmenia, Suicidal Tendencies,
PTSD(Post–Traumatic–Stress–Disorder), and MANY others. All of these mental sicknesses can be
caused by years of discrimination. Most of these when in severe levels or if they have been
happening for a long time can and will put the persons LIFE in danger! My father, Robert Peters
volunteered for 6 months at a Suicide Prevention Hotline, and said that of all of the calls he
received in that time, roughly 85% of the calls were from gay people who, had been thrown out of
the lives of their parents, families, friends and out of their homes, for no other reason except the fact
that they were born gay and were trying to be themselves.
If you are as shocked as I am by the amount of discrimination different people in our planet suffer, I
will just tell you one thing, I am sure that every person in this hall has been discriminated against, in
one way or
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Discrimination In Psychology
Abuse is a topic that should be discussed without discrimination. Due to the fact that, if the sexual
abuse victims or survivals are not able to open up and discuss the situation to anyone, without
discrimination the victims are more likely to develop long lasting psychological disorder quickly.
This psychological disorder may include: Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), Panic attack,
Personality disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or
anxiety disorder. Here is research to back on the above statement; "M is a 5 year old girl presenting
with symptoms of fear, frequent nightmares, irritability, and decreased sleep following penetrative
sexual abuse by a relative. The perpetrator was arrested and more content...
It is a vital novel because this study will examine the notion that domestic or international students
hold either the same view or different opinions about the stigma on sexual abuse victims and sexual
survivors. Further, the research design for this study will be an experimental design. In addition,
participants will consist of both male and female from different undergraduate schools. In addition,
adults, both domestic and international, between the ages of twenty to forty will be collected either
educated or non–educated. Therefore, the measurement for this study includes: Marlowe–Crowne
social desirability scale and Paulhus Balanced inventory of desirable. This design best answer
specific questions about the stigma of sexual abuse using the social desirability scale. In conclusion,
the research will contribute to the psychological discussion by creating awareness of the stigma
among different culture and various ways to reduce discrimination around the
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Discrimination laws Essay
Review the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions website, specifically the section
regarding laws as they apply to small businesses. Is there anything on this site that surprised you?
Why are small businesses treated differently than large businesses? Why would laws differentiate
between the two?
After viewing the Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEOC) website, the main thing that
surprised me was that businesses that employ less than 15 employees are not covered by the
EEOC's laws. I also see little explanation to why they define 15 employees as a small business and
why there is such a large difference between the treatment of small and large businesses, and why
they should be lawfully different. There are more content...
The same goes for terminating an employee discriminatively for example just based on their age is
possible without any implications. The EEOC even sets the employee limit at 20 in cases of age
discrimination. There is a safety net in some cases as there may be no EEOC laws but small business
also have to comply with state and local anti–discrimination laws. Also to help the EEOC has set up
a liaison system to help small business with any discrimination problems or questions regarding
EEOC laws. Therefore the main reason the law differentiates between the Small and Large
businesses is basically because they are different. The larger companies have the power to
diversify their companies workforce, they have the ability and resources to set up a Human
resources department helping them to be able to comply fully with EEOC laws. Larger business
have a way higher hiring capacity than smaller business and smaller businesses only have a minute
hiring budget in regards to the larger businesses. This means that smaller businesses have less
employee turnover and do not hire new employees as often, ultimately meaning they have a less
diverse employee pool to employ from.
I can understand the EEOC exempting businesses with less than 15 employees from discrimination
laws, I feel that many of the reasons above make it understandable although I would like to see the
reasoning behind the number of employees being 15
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Employment Discrimination Essay example
Employment Discrimination
Discrimination is a very hard barrier to break. To discriminate means to "distinguish between one
another; to make a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other then individual merit."
Everyone at some point in their life experiences some form of discrimination that might be on the
basis of their race, religion, age, or sex. Discrimination can be examined from many different angles.
Because of this, I have decided to discuss one type of discrimination, which is employment
discrimination. Throughout this paper I will attempt to answer several questions. Such questions are
what is employment discrimination and whom does it effect? What could one do if find that they
are a victim of discrimination? more content...
Another example of this would be if the employer withheld an employee from achieving a
promotion because of their age, sex, race, or whatever the case may be. Most cases of
employment discrimination follow the sly and tricky form of unfair treatment. (The 2nd form).
The law prohibits any discrimination against any person who is applying for a job and or any
employee who is currently working for a company. Title V11 of the Civil Rights act of 1964
fights against employment discrimination. Title V11 doesn't allow for employment decisions to
be made on the basis of stereotypes and or the assumptions about a person's abilities, performance
and traits because of their race, age, sex, religion, etc. It also puts a stop to intentional
discrimination and certain job polices that may exclude certain groups of people from achieving
different positions that may otherwise be eligible to other groups. The question now one should ask
is, "How does one prove discrimination?" To prove that discrimination has happened one must have
a job where their job performance meets satisfactory standards. If one has a satisfactory performance
and is fired or mistreated then it is believed that these actions occurred because of reasons other then
job related.
In a case in which a new employee (one who may still be on probation) is terminated may have a
hard time trying to prove his/her termination was on the basis of discrimination because he/she
doesn't have an
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Reflection On Discrimination
Discrimination happens every day. It is a real problem that is distressing, and it happens more often
than it should. Discrimination means to distinguish or signal out individuals, groups, or things with
favor or unfair treatment. In the eyes of the civil law, unlawful discrimination refers to unequal or
unfair treatment of a group or individual based on certain characteristics. These characteristics can
include, but not limited to, age, disability and religion. My first incident experiencing discrimination
was in grade school where I was currently singled out for having an Indian background. Not only
was I not accepted into the student body, the teachers refused to teach me because I was not
Hispanic like the others. Just like many other people, I waited this out until I graduated and was able
to leave the area.
I joined the United States Navy in 2010. Not only did I meet people from all over the United States,
I met people from all over the world. I met countless number of religions, ethnicities and cultural
backgrounds. I made friends who were interested in my beliefs and admired by unique physical
features that classified me as ugly in school. I thought that being in the adult world, discrimination
did not exist, however it just occurred differently. Serving in a hospital setting, I worked under a
Caucasian United States Army Sergeant and beside three male soldiers. I worked as a Wounded
Warrior Corpsman, which allowed me to treat patients who had serious injuries,
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Discrimination Essay

  • 1. Discrimination Essay Existence of Discrimination Discrimination happens to be exhibited in many ways and different settings. Some of the reasons people discriminate are race, belief, sexual preference, employment, religion, gender, size, and even a person health status. Usually the person that discriminates has a narcissistic behavior and preoccupied with issues of power, vanity, and personal adequacy. Their disorder and ignorance of what the discriminator doesn't understand, fuels their negative feelings. Many times the basic root of discrimination is heredity, passed down from generation to generation, which also makes it easier to keep discrimination alive. People experience discrimination in a variety of settings like work, school, church, stores, more content... Discrimination is not visible to everyone, but mostly visible to the discriminator and the victim. I have been discriminated in many areas of my life. For instance, at work I was discriminated against because of the color, title, and personal appearance. One time, I had a patient tried to scratch me, and called me a nigger because I'm black. Not once did I disrespect her or mistreat her, but she thought she had the right to say negative words to me, and physically harm me because of the color of my skin. She knew nothing about me except that I was a black woman. The opponents would say that the patient might have behaved like this because she might have had a bad experience before. I would say that a bad experience might not lead a patient call me a nigger, nor would she try to hurt me. Discrimination also exists in a racial sense. A study was created in 2002 to study discrimination in the job market. "Researchers sent out 5,000 resumes in response to help wanted ads in the Boston and Chicago Sunday papers. The resumes were identical, except for the names of the job applicants...Although the qualifications of the supposed job applicants were identical, the white–sounding names elicited 50 percent more callbacks than the black–sounding names" (Henslin 359). The employers did not look at the resumes properly, and only focused on the names of the applicants. This demonstrate that blacks are prejudged and Get more content on
  • 2. Discrimination Essay "Discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process." Discuss this statement in relation to the human resource practices and the issues relating to personality, perceptions and values of managers. This essay argues that discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process. It will focus upon the various forms of discrimination faced and the issues relating to personality and perceptions resulting from the mainstream perspectives, stereotypes and ideologies held by Anglo–Saxon Australians. It will then examine the human resource practices and the selection process, highlighting the discrimination that occurs due to the unrealistic and unnecessarily high standards of recruitment criteria more content... As Wooden notes, 'differences in pay, occupational status and probability of employment' between migrants and people of ethnic background, in comparison to Anglo–Saxon Australians 'reflects differences in the average productive capabilities of the two groups' (1994, p.220; cited in Ho and Alcorso, 2004, p.239). This emphasises the pre–conceived perception that they are less productive in the workforce and are in turn inferior. Hence, it suggests that they are less likely to achieve employment in the recruitment process. An action that consistently generates discrimination as a result of perceptions about personality and culture is when human resource managers do not consider or provide an applicant with a fair chance based upon their name (Booth et al. 2010). The differences in callback rates suggest that immigrants and candidates of ethnic background would 'need to apply for more jobs in order to receive the same number of interviews' (Booth et al. 2010, p.1). Hence, studies have shown that 'in order to get as many interviews as an Anglo applicant, an indigenous person must submit 35% more applications, a Chinese person must submit 68% more applications, an Italian person must submit 12% more applications, and Middle Eastern person 64% more applications' (Booth et al. 2010, p.9). These findings and figures display first–hand the discrimination that takes place during the recruitment process and suggest that it is as a Get more content on
  • 3. Prejudice and Discrimination Essay example Unfortunately due to our past history, discrimination had been among us from since decades. Discrimination and prejudice would probably be among us until the end of the world. Prejudice and discrimination is an action that treats people unfairly because of their membership in a particular social group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs to rather on that individual. It is an unfair treatment to a person, racial group, and minority. It is an action based on prejudice. In this paper I will discuss what happens when we allow biases and prejudice to affect our actions toward others. I will then conclude my paper with what we can do to prevent or eliminate discrimination. Prejudice and discrimination push people more content... It was uncalled for and not necessary. There are so many serious issues like poverty, disease, war and so much more happening in this world. Life is already difficult therefore, why must we allow something like discrimination makes people afraid of whom they truly are. It is clear that discrimination is a part of a systematic use of power that "the enslavement of Africans in the United States, the official domination of Blacks by Whites in South Africa, and Hitler's widespread extermination of Jews are some historic examples of systematic, legal discrimination" so why can't we break this chain. Like I mentioned in my introduction, discrimination is an action people have come to witness but yet, we still discriminate against each other. Everyone wants to be superior over the other, others on the other hand, would never accept different types of races in their mist therefore, and we will never find peace. We say America is the land of opportunity, yet immigrants and different races are not always well–treated when they come to the U.S. if you are born black, Latino, Asian, and Indian, as a citizen of an America, still limits your status in where you stand in this society. Throughout history, the most recent immigrants to this country have always confronted some sort of discrimination. They have to take the hardest, worst paid jobs, and have difficulty Get more content on
  • 4. Discrimination And Diversity Discrimination comes in many forms. Discrimination and diversity are closely linked considering the reasons behind discrimination are what makes up the definition of diversity. Not only is discrimination made against gender, race, and religion, but it is also made of age, disabilities, appearance and in a lot of cases, women who are pregnant too. This is very much a reality for many employers. There are laws protecting acts of discrimination. This topic is so sensitive, that many employers implement diversity and discrimination into their mission statements. Many companies make it their practice to host training sessions to prevent discrimination from happening, then there are many companies who can't afford such training for more content... For instance; my direct boss, the Controller of the hospital, only has an associate's degree in business. She has been with the company for 40 years and has worked her way up in rank throughout her time there. Within the department that I work, I do not see signs of discrimination based on what I see hired in on a regular basis and the already existing employees. We have people of all nationalities (within reason considering the community make–up), women who were pregnant at the time of hire and individuals of all ages and educational backgrounds. I feel it is important for employers to make diversity and discrimination known within the workplace. Employers need to be aware that there is such thing as implicit discrimination. "This form of discrimination occurs subliminally without an individual necessarily even being aware of it" (Ruthergien, 2016, p. 22). If an employee is not taught what discrimination is, how will they know if they are committing an act of discrimination. Not all acts of discrimination are obvious or common knowledge. Knowledge is power and the more employees know about the topic, the more aware they will be and less likely to make the mistake in discriminating somebody. Employers should have management training that will aid in the prevention of making decisions that may be considered discrimination. "We must be able to invent and reinvent and re–engineer the Get more content on
  • 5. Discrimination Speech DISCRIMINATION SPEECH Discrimination, it is as old as human kind. Some people would say that discrimination is a type of abuse, falling into both the physiological and physical molds. The Homosapians committed this abuse against the Neanderthals, and I think we can all agree that it is one of the sources of most societal ills. Prejudice, bullying, racism are all types of discrimination. Machismo, Homophobia & stereotypes are also products of this abuse. Maybe there is a physiological explanation to all of this, maybe you were raised to discriminate against Jews or Asians, or maybe you had a bad experience with a black man and so you associate black people with that experience. Let's start of with Machismo. It has been around more content... Depression, Social Anxiety, Anorexia, Bullmenia, Suicidal Tendencies, PTSD(Post–Traumatic–Stress–Disorder), and MANY others. All of these mental sicknesses can be caused by years of discrimination. Most of these when in severe levels or if they have been happening for a long time can and will put the persons LIFE in danger! My father, Robert Peters volunteered for 6 months at a Suicide Prevention Hotline, and said that of all of the calls he received in that time, roughly 85% of the calls were from gay people who, had been thrown out of the lives of their parents, families, friends and out of their homes, for no other reason except the fact that they were born gay and were trying to be themselves. If you are as shocked as I am by the amount of discrimination different people in our planet suffer, I will just tell you one thing, I am sure that every person in this hall has been discriminated against, in one way or Get more content on
  • 6. Discrimination In Psychology Abuse is a topic that should be discussed without discrimination. Due to the fact that, if the sexual abuse victims or survivals are not able to open up and discuss the situation to anyone, without discrimination the victims are more likely to develop long lasting psychological disorder quickly. This psychological disorder may include: Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), Panic attack, Personality disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or anxiety disorder. Here is research to back on the above statement; "M is a 5 year old girl presenting with symptoms of fear, frequent nightmares, irritability, and decreased sleep following penetrative sexual abuse by a relative. The perpetrator was arrested and more content... It is a vital novel because this study will examine the notion that domestic or international students hold either the same view or different opinions about the stigma on sexual abuse victims and sexual survivors. Further, the research design for this study will be an experimental design. In addition, participants will consist of both male and female from different undergraduate schools. In addition, adults, both domestic and international, between the ages of twenty to forty will be collected either educated or non–educated. Therefore, the measurement for this study includes: Marlowe–Crowne social desirability scale and Paulhus Balanced inventory of desirable. This design best answer specific questions about the stigma of sexual abuse using the social desirability scale. In conclusion, the research will contribute to the psychological discussion by creating awareness of the stigma among different culture and various ways to reduce discrimination around the Get more content on
  • 7. Discrimination laws Essay Review the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions website, specifically the section regarding laws as they apply to small businesses. Is there anything on this site that surprised you? Why are small businesses treated differently than large businesses? Why would laws differentiate between the two? After viewing the Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEOC) website, the main thing that surprised me was that businesses that employ less than 15 employees are not covered by the EEOC's laws. I also see little explanation to why they define 15 employees as a small business and why there is such a large difference between the treatment of small and large businesses, and why they should be lawfully different. There are more content... The same goes for terminating an employee discriminatively for example just based on their age is possible without any implications. The EEOC even sets the employee limit at 20 in cases of age discrimination. There is a safety net in some cases as there may be no EEOC laws but small business also have to comply with state and local anti–discrimination laws. Also to help the EEOC has set up a liaison system to help small business with any discrimination problems or questions regarding EEOC laws. Therefore the main reason the law differentiates between the Small and Large businesses is basically because they are different. The larger companies have the power to diversify their companies workforce, they have the ability and resources to set up a Human resources department helping them to be able to comply fully with EEOC laws. Larger business have a way higher hiring capacity than smaller business and smaller businesses only have a minute hiring budget in regards to the larger businesses. This means that smaller businesses have less employee turnover and do not hire new employees as often, ultimately meaning they have a less diverse employee pool to employ from. I can understand the EEOC exempting businesses with less than 15 employees from discrimination laws, I feel that many of the reasons above make it understandable although I would like to see the reasoning behind the number of employees being 15 Get more content on
  • 8. Employment Discrimination Essay example Employment Discrimination Discrimination is a very hard barrier to break. To discriminate means to "distinguish between one another; to make a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other then individual merit." Everyone at some point in their life experiences some form of discrimination that might be on the basis of their race, religion, age, or sex. Discrimination can be examined from many different angles. Because of this, I have decided to discuss one type of discrimination, which is employment discrimination. Throughout this paper I will attempt to answer several questions. Such questions are what is employment discrimination and whom does it effect? What could one do if find that they are a victim of discrimination? more content... Another example of this would be if the employer withheld an employee from achieving a promotion because of their age, sex, race, or whatever the case may be. Most cases of employment discrimination follow the sly and tricky form of unfair treatment. (The 2nd form). The law prohibits any discrimination against any person who is applying for a job and or any employee who is currently working for a company. Title V11 of the Civil Rights act of 1964 fights against employment discrimination. Title V11 doesn't allow for employment decisions to be made on the basis of stereotypes and or the assumptions about a person's abilities, performance and traits because of their race, age, sex, religion, etc. It also puts a stop to intentional discrimination and certain job polices that may exclude certain groups of people from achieving different positions that may otherwise be eligible to other groups. The question now one should ask is, "How does one prove discrimination?" To prove that discrimination has happened one must have a job where their job performance meets satisfactory standards. If one has a satisfactory performance and is fired or mistreated then it is believed that these actions occurred because of reasons other then job related. In a case in which a new employee (one who may still be on probation) is terminated may have a hard time trying to prove his/her termination was on the basis of discrimination because he/she doesn't have an Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection On Discrimination Discrimination happens every day. It is a real problem that is distressing, and it happens more often than it should. Discrimination means to distinguish or signal out individuals, groups, or things with favor or unfair treatment. In the eyes of the civil law, unlawful discrimination refers to unequal or unfair treatment of a group or individual based on certain characteristics. These characteristics can include, but not limited to, age, disability and religion. My first incident experiencing discrimination was in grade school where I was currently singled out for having an Indian background. Not only was I not accepted into the student body, the teachers refused to teach me because I was not Hispanic like the others. Just like many other people, I waited this out until I graduated and was able to leave the area. I joined the United States Navy in 2010. Not only did I meet people from all over the United States, I met people from all over the world. I met countless number of religions, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. I made friends who were interested in my beliefs and admired by unique physical features that classified me as ugly in school. I thought that being in the adult world, discrimination did not exist, however it just occurred differently. Serving in a hospital setting, I worked under a Caucasian United States Army Sergeant and beside three male soldiers. I worked as a Wounded Warrior Corpsman, which allowed me to treat patients who had serious injuries, Get more content on