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Stigma Of Diversity In Our Society
A society in which everyone is an exact replica of one another, creates a dull environment. Each
movement, expression, as well as phrase is similar throughout all individuals. Characteristics that
separate one from a group are not present. Diversity matters for one to be successful, respect others
and feel like they belong. Determining success is due to the level of one's potential. The color of
skin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or age does not lower the level of potential of a person. A
stigma around the ideal individual has developed and from that, if one does not follow the
stereotypes, they will become worthless. It is evident, that is false and the mindset of an individual is
more important than the physical aspects, like race
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Can You Think Of A Time When Someone Presumed That You
Can you think of a time when someone presumed that you had a characteristic, either positive or
negative, based on a group to which you belong without knowing you as an individual? Are you
aware of ever having judged someone inaccurately? Unconscious biases are a fact of life. We all
harbor them–and take them into the workplace.
Unconscious Bias (also known as hidden bias or implicit bias) refers to bias that we are unaware of,
and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by
our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, influenced by our
background, cultural environment, and personal experiences. Numerous studies since the 1980s
have confirmed that people ... Show more content on ...
And a third filter tempts us to accept information that confirms our beliefs about people who are
different from us and to reject information that contradicts those beliefs.
Explicit biases (also known as conscious biases) are evident in what people say and do, and chances
are those who have such prejudices are aware of them. The manager who talks negatively about "the
millennials" knows she holds the younger generation in low regard. The person who uses racist slurs
doesn't try to hide his dislike of other races. The executive who believes women shouldn't be in
leadership roles avoids recommending a female subordinate for promotion. These biases are all on
the surface. Consequently, it's relatively easy to see the connection between these individuals'
prejudices and their behavior in the workplace.
Not so with implicit or unconscious biases. Without realizing it, we may prefer to associate with
younger people rather than older people, or enjoy the company of women more than men, or react
more harmoniously to people of our own race. More concerning: we may unconsciously associate
one group with positive stereotypes and another group with negative ones. Recent studies in
psychology suggest that we all have implicit biases and that these biases influence our decisions.
Deep prejudices or stereotypes imparted by upbringing, culture and mass media that influence our
perceptions about people and our behavior toward them. Skin color, gender, age are generally
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Diversity And Inclusion Analysis
My next article takes us into the concept of diversity and inclusion that involves reaching over
milestones we already made and prepare us for the next milestones to come. The tone in this reading
is that we have diversity under our belt, so lets now use what we learned from diversity to move
forward to inclusion. Inclusion in the workplace is explained as organizations incorporates the ideas,
understanding and perspectives of their diverse group of employees towards the betterment of the
employees and the organization. So we are now moving beyond race, sex and gender and into
everyone's human aspects. That is the thoughts, feeling and emotions within the diverse group.
Inclusion will have us look at things much differently than we did
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Diversity's Impact on Organizations
Diversity must be created and maintained with in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to
examine the impacts of diversity onto an organization in addition to explaining the legally mandated
and stakeholder driven explanations for mandatory diversity.
Diversity's Impact on Organizations Diversity within an organization is a blending of people from
various cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds. Diversity has challenged organizations to set
realistic goals for its leaders as well as its employees. The organization must look at the moral,
ethical and social responsibilities it has toward its employees and understand their legal obligations
set by laws. It is important for ... Show more content on ...
Gender The number of women entering the workforce has increased over the years. To reap the
benefits of gender diversity and create an inclusive workplace organizations are developing flexible
employment approaches. Flexible employment approaches include arrangements that allow job
sharing so that employees are better able to care for their children or flexible employment conditions
such as flextime that give employees input into the length and scheduling of their workweek. With
the increase in gender diversity, organizations have developed sexual harassment training supported
by top management. This training includes: defining quid pro quo, what hostile environments are,
providing examples of types of behaviors that are prohibited and describing disciplinary actions that
will be taken in instances of sexual harassment.
Today employees' educational backgrounds vary considerably; this has led organizations to enhance
their training and development programs. "Functional illiteracy the ability to handle basic reading,
math, and arithmetic is a serious problem at work (Dessler, 2002)." Employers are responding in
two ways. First more organizations are testing job candidates' basic skills and secondly more
organizations are setting up basic skills and literacy programs. "For example, Smith and Wesson
instituted a comprehensive program. A literacy audit revealed
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High-Performance Teams
The purpose of this paper is to explain how a group can become a high–performance team. The
purpose is also to examine the impact of demographic characteristics and cultural diversity on group
behavior. This paper will illustrate how demographic characteristics and cultural diversity contribute
to or detract from high–performance teams.
High–Performance Teams A high–level of performance makes up the basis for groups and teams
today. High–performance is a major focus for many organizations since group and teams have
become more common among organizations. High–performance teams are teams that get together
for a specific and important task. For a group to become a high–performance team, the team needs
to be able to use their ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes diversity also includes such factors as marital status, parental status, and religion
(Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2005). Diversity in the workplace is a topic that many industries
and organizations spend an abundant amount of time and training on in order to ensure its presence.
"A company must value diversity. The main objectives of valuing diversity include awareness,
education, and positive recognition of the differences among people in the workforce. Recognizing
cultural diversity will affect group behavior in a positive way and contribute to the influence of
building high–performance teams. Organizations are increasingly emphasizing group work or
teamwork as a source of competitive advantage in a diverse workforce" (Aghazadeh, 2004). The
success of an organization depends on the workforce of the organization. By using demography,
managers can learn how to handle the needs or concerns of people of different genders, ethnicities,
etc (Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2005). "Cultural diversity has an impact on the interaction
process and performance in teams" (Saji, 2004). A diverse team or workforce gives companies a
competitive advantage by enabling them to better meet the needs of their customers, successfully
compete in the global marketplace, and hire from an expanded labor pool. Managing diversity
involves the creation of an open, supportive, and responsive company in which diversity is
acknowledged and valued by
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Inequities Of Diversity
Yes, I said it. These four words are coming from the mouth of a progressive, African American male
that has lived in the South for all my life. A life where I've observed and challenged the inequities of
ethnicity, gender and religion in multiple layers of leadership in Corporate America. And now, at the
turn of the century as the demographics of our nation has become more and more diverse, so much
so that many predict that by 2050, the United States will become a majority–minority (non–white)
population, people are still calling for more diversity.
I get it. We need more diversity in our positions of leadership, emerging industries like tech and
healthcare, education in order to better meet the needs of the diverse populations being served. ...
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The event was well attended, to near capacity, by people from all walks of life, including local
officials, community leaders, teachers, blue collars, laypersons. These folks were black, brown,
white, male, and female, from various socio–economic and religious backgrounds. As the program
neared its end, after a captivating keynote charge, then came the portion that would finally get
people to interact and engage – the entertainment! Personally for me, I was looking forward to this.
The muscles of my lower body were approaching atrophy, after sitting in stasis for almost 2 hours. I
needed the circulation, but also I wanted to meet and interact with so many of the new faces that
were across the room. Moments after the closing address, the Mistress of Ceremony announced the
band and gave instructions on where everyone was to go, to either dance, mingle and/or get a
beverage. As I walked closer to the adjacent room, I paused after hearing sounds of music that was
very unfamiliar. It sounded like the chords from a banjo, complimented by music that echoed Dixie.
I gave it the benefit of the doubt, that maybe this was just 1 song, so I proceeded to mingle with the
board members and staff of the organization. This attempt was stymied by their obvious
enthrallment with key dignitaries and acquaintances that they apparently knew or had a familiar
relationship with. I managed to squeeze in a half–hearted, brief "Hello, my name is" introduction
with the CEO and after 20 minutes, the music selection didn't change. I took a moment to
consciously look at the rest of the crowd and it looked very different from those that initially
followed me to this venue. What happened to the diversity, the youth and multi–ethnic advocates
that I'd presume were looking to have fun, exchange names or get that blood
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Diversity And Its Impact On Society
In many major cities, like Chicago, people choose to segregate into communities with other people
of similar race, backgrounds, social class, and so on. However, does that go to say that this is the
most effective way of living to benefit society, or is it just the most comfortable? If communities and
neighborhoods within these major cities were to integrate with different cultures and live together as
one, society could improve greatly from it. To live and be a part of a culturally diverse community
would mean to have "a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognizes and respects the presence of
all diverse groups in an organization or society, acknowledges and values their socio–cultural
differences, and encourages and enables their continued contribution within an inclusive cultural
context which empowers all within the organization or society" (Belfield). Culturally diverse
communities within these major cities would benefit the city and society by increasing innovations
and economic growth, increasing education, and improving relationships between different races, in
turn, decreasing racism. Diversity plays a key role in the economy of major cities. With cultural
diversity comes different ideas and innovations and people with different skills that can each
contribute in different ways to the community. In a research paper done by Philipp Agner and
Markus Bruckner titled Cultural Diversity and Economic Growth: Evidence from the US during the
Age of Mass Migration,
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Workplace Diversity Essay
Corporate America is seeing a shift in workforce demographics, with the terms "workplace diversity'
being thrown around in meetings across many large organizations. There are many definitions and
interpretations of workplace diversity, but the this paper will define workplace diversity as "an
environment that maximizes the potential of all employees by not discriminating against age,
ethnicity, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background,
geographic location, income, marital or partner status, military experience, parental status, religious
beliefs, work experience or job classification (Futon). Managers of this era have to work alongside
individuals who not only come from different ages and educational backgrounds, but also
individuals who are of different origins and have roots in many parts of the world. Organizational
leaders are convinced that diversity efforts need to be an organization–wide effort in order for it to
succeed (Roosevelt 23). The reality is that the American workforce is changing very rapidly and
steps have to be taken to adapt to this new environment. This paper will focus on (1) the growing
importance of workplace diversity, (2) the benefits associated with having a diversified work
environment, (3) methods of increasing workplace diversity and (4) effective strategies for
managing a diverse workforce.
(1) The Increasing Importance of Workplace Diversity
The importance of workplace diversity has increased
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What Is The Business Case For Diversity At L Oreal
Case Questions_ L'oreal
1. What is the business case for diversity at L'oreal?
L'oreal started working on its' business case for diversity in 2002. They diversified their product
portfolio and stated recruited people from different cultural backgrounds to manage the same. The
business case for diversity at L'oreal focuses on "Driving Business Growth" and encompasses the
following points:
 Fostering Creativity & innovation – L'oreal believes that a diverse workforce addresses issues
form multiple angles and provides opportunity for developing products catering to the needs of its
diverse consumer base.
 Better Marketplace understanding – Diversity is vital for L'oreal as it helps them understand
consumer needs across the world and innovate products accordingly. They therefore have research
centers in 5 continents and have developed a unique portfolio of brands, each one with a different
cultural origin to satisfy the differences in the sensitivities of people around the world.
 Attracting ... Show more content on ...
product development at L'oreal Paris, so that they could exchange ideas. It also mentioned that after
spending 2–3 years in global product development, the more experienced managers usually returned
to their home region. This clearly highlights Access and Legitimacy paradigm.(Additional reading)
 Exhibit 5 mentions about the SOS Racisme trial in 2006 (Referred internet for details). In a
campaign to promote shampoo line in supermarkets outside Paris, L'oreal hired saleswomen, but
nonwhite women were excluded from promoting the shampoo. This example clearly demonstrates
that although L'oreal policies propagated diversity but it was not a part of the DNA of the
 The feedback evaluation highlights that diversity was not integrated in the core of the culture
although it was a part of the various charters and guiding
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Diversity Is Becoming More And More Important As Years Go
The concept of diversity is becoming more and more important as years go by. This concept is not as
easy as it may appear; diversity is not just about acceptance and respect. Understanding what
diversity is means understanding that each person is unique; it means understanding and recognising
our differences; moreover, moving beyond differences of gender, race, age, religious beliefs and
political beliefs. Understanding and managing diversity is trying to make sure that all those
differences fit together like pieces of a mosaic. The concept is extremely important in today's
society, following everything that has been happening related to this matter. We consider ourselves a
tolerant and evolved society; yet we still hear of people of colour discriminated and killed everyday,
we still hear of women living in horrible conditions, deprived of their dignity and sold as slaves. It
appears obvious so, that diversity has to be taken into consideration when we talk about
organisations. Everything that is happening in the world is reflected into firms too; organizations
are, in fact, part of a wider social system.
That is why managing diversity is possibly one of the hardest challenges that managers have to face
in today's world. This essay is going to examine the concept of diversity in organisations today, why
we have to consider it important and what kinds of advantages companies receive. Moreover, the
essay will focus on gender diversity showing that even a lot of efforts still
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Cultural Diversity And A Multicultural Society
The United States is a multicultural society in which health professionals handle people from
various origins. Now the question is: "How nurses meet diversified needs of human lives?" Each
day, nurses make optimistic changes in human lives by providing care. This holistic care includes
each and every aspect of health. This includes, but isn't limited to physical, intellectual, emotional,
and significantly cultural dimensions. In order for nurses to provide transcultural care, they need to
be knowledgeable to understand significance of cultural diversity and take measures to provide
culture competent care.
Cultural diversity is a broad term that according to Lynn (2015), "Culture, ethnicity, and race– is an
integral component of both health and illness," (p. 74). The term 'culture' which according to
Silvestri (2014) means, "Dynamic network of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, ideas,
attitudes, values and norms that are unique to particular group of people" (p.38). Furthermore,
ethnicity and race are exchangeable. A person belongs to certain ethnicity by birth or adoption. Race
is focused more towards physical characteristics of a person. In order for nurses must understand the
significance of these factors to provide culture sensitive care.
Culture has a great influence on individual's health and illness and it shapes various aspects of life.
These includes: response to pain, physiologic diversity, communication, nutrition, and family roles.
When the care is
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Diversity Of Crime In Society Today
The main questions that should be asked is why is there is much crime in society today? I am 27
years old and I have seen so much crime in my 20's that it sad whether it is on the news or even in
my hometown, Memphis, TN. With crime in our society we are as well as is losing our authority.
When discussion the diversity of crime and society the matter is the things that makes criminal law
enforcement such a perplexing question. Like I mention, I have been living in Memphis, TN all my
life which have been for 27 years. Just this past Sunday my city had a Black Lives Matter protest.
Also in the city of Memphis the groups of KKK also protest on July 10th at the same time. The
Black Lives Matter protests took place on the Memphis/Arkansans Bridge. Even those this were two
different protest I must say they both were very peaceful , yes it was a scary thing because either one
of these groups could of got out ... Show more content on ...
Just this year alone the City of Memphis has had over a 100 deaths, in which a lot of them have been
people of color. I will never forget the number of people I have seen get killed in the downtown area
where I work security in Memphis. The youth of today is the reason why society is bad today. The
crimes rate in my hometown is increasing every day and it is sad. There have been times when I
have ask myself why is the crimes rate so uncontrollable in Memphis and also around the world. I
believe it starts at home, I have a daughter and I refused to let my child grow up the wrong way. I
keep my child in church and we are very involved in child, I refused to let these streets raise my
daughter. Now the most important question to me why is it that just Black Lives Matter. No, All
lives Matter, to me everyone is the same we all bleed the same and organs or the same we just
different shade of colors. I have a nephew whom is mixed so Yes, All Lives Matter to
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Example Of Diversity In Society
Diversity is the idea in which society accepts all cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and
beliefs. Based on the common event, I remember some of the topics being about homosexuality,
mental illnesses, and current issues of gun control and shootings. The topic on sexual orientation
mentioned that being homosexual is still misunderstood; however, the speaker brought up that
keeping an open mind is important in making our world a diverse and more accepting place.
Another topic was about mental illnesses. The speaker described her experience of having a mental
illness and its relation to the idea of diversity; the speaker mentioned the different types of mental
illnesses. Just because you have a mental illness, does not mean that you are ... Show more content
on ...
Lastly, the topic of gun control and shootings bring up diversity in which shootings are happening in
many different locations ranging from low income to upper middles class areas and to different
populations such as elementary, middle, high schools as well as in colleges and universities. From
the common event, I learned that diversity does not only have to about the acceptance of different
ethnicities, cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and beliefs, it can also be about the perceptions
of these groups of people either positive or negative. From the common event, diversity is important
and relevant to the human experience. Diversity allows individuals to find their place in the world as
well as shape their self–identity. For example, the monologue about homosexuality describes the
idea of showing one's identity; it allows people to be themselves through happiness. There are still
people who do not understand homosexuality; however, it is part of the human experience. Part of
being a human is expressing yourself. Sexual orientation is a form of personal expression while
some parts of society disagree with this belief. Part of being
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Overcoming Barriers To Reduce Diversity In The Workplace
To effectively overcome the barriers against diversity in the workplace, first a general understanding
of what diversity is must be developed. Knowing how diversity affects a workplace environment,
advantages and disadvantages of diversity in the workplace, and the legal obstacles that surround
both employers and employees when dealing with diversity and equality are important to
understand. Based on the results from the survey completed with the employees, these topics are a
great place to start in the training.
What is Diversity?
The Business Dictionary defines diversity as "Human Resources – a mixed workforce that provides
a wide range of abilities, experience, knowledge, and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age,
background, ethnicity, physical abilities, political and religious beliefs, sex, and other attributes."
(Business Dictionary, 2017)
Diversity does not mean race or race relations; the actual meaning of the word diversity is
difference. Differences in thinking styles, values, race, ethnicity, orientation or any aspect of our
social identity, are examples.
Diversity in the Workplace
People with demographic differences working in the same organization make a diverse workforce.
Perceptions affect people's relations in how they communicate and interact with one another. Human
resource professionals must be effective when dealing with organizational issues relating to
diversity in order for those organizations to be successful. Assessing any needs that arise
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The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace
Men are 30% more likely to be hired for a high level position job than women (Stutes). Jobs
discriminate and separate genders, races, etc. in a workplace. This is not fair because it should not
matter what you look like or who you are, we should all be treated the same no matter what. It is
hard for someone to get a job because bosses can discriminate and that makes people not succeed.
You should have to work towards the higher level position so you earn it and not just be given it
because you are the gender the boss wants. Diversity should be acknowledged so everyone can have
a chance to make a living and support their families. Companies need to be fair and treat everyone
equally and not just by looks. Diversity means that everyone works together no matter what race,
culture, gender they are. Workplaces should have diversity taken place in them so they succeed and
people have to work with others no matter what. It shouldn't be about the looks or beliefs, it's about
supporting your family and working together to create one goal. Diversity is becoming a big part of
our world and it should continue as companies are growing and hiring. 67% of bosses and job
seekers seek for diverse workplaces (Stutes). That still leaves room for 33% of bosses that are
against having diverse workers. This shows that companies are against a certain race and gender.
That should not be present. Continuing, diverse workplaces provide families with the money they
need to survive.
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Diversity Strengths And Strategies Of Eli Lilly And Google
Companies that actively support and nurture diversity are appealing to employees and consumers.
When diversity is a priority, employees feel empowered, consumers feel positive about supporting
the business and the company ultimately outperforms the competition. The task of fostering
diversity within a business can be challenging and not all companies use the same approach. Having
a comprehensive diversity plan is the first step in achieving a diverse workforce and the benefits that
come along with it. In this paper, I will explore the diversity strategies of Eli Lilly a recognized
leader in employee diversity and Google a company struggling with employee inclusion. Through
this process, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Eli Lilly and ... Show more content on ...
Similar to Eli Lilly's, these groups promote diversity through many initiatives designed to support
minorities in technology. The Black Googlers Network has a mission to cultivate Black leaders and
has created internship and mentoring opportunities. Gayglers works to inform all employees about
LBGT workplace issues and ensure employee policies are LBGT friendly. Women at Google the
largest employee group provides professional development opportunities for women around the
globe and encourages young girls to explore careers in technology. Diversity Core resulted from
these ERG's and allows Google employees to spend 20% of their time working on projects that
attract more women, minorities and small business owners to work for and with Google. Current
growth in employee diversity can be attributed to the outreach efforts form these passionate
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How Workplace Is Necessary And Part Of Doing Business
Workplace diversity is a popular topic in today's workforce. Many companies today accept that
diversifying the workplace is necessary and part of doing business in today's global economy.
Though more and more companies are embracing diversity for because they have to or believe that
they should, Pitney Bowes has been doing so for decades. Though there were many forces for and
against diversity in the early years, the diversification initiatives implemented and continued by
Pitney Bowes has given them an advantage in employees, clients and global participation. The
social landscape regarding diversity has changed over the decades Pitney Bowes has been in
business. Their diversity and inclusion efforts have been in place before the civil rights movement
and long before affirmative action became a ubiquitous term (article). Any person or company
acting outside the norms of the day will have forces for and against their strategies. Many of the
forces against Pitney Bowes were addressed in the early days of their diversity integrations. One of
the biggest challenges working against Pitney Bowes in their diversification efforts was noted early
on in their history. In 1942, CEO Walter Wheeler admitted that there were certainly instances where
human nature and prejudices were likely to have prevented an eligible applicant from obtaining
employment with Pitney Bowes (cite article). In spite of, or rather because of this fact, Wheeler put
the onus on the Personnel Department to
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Diversity: Class Lectures
The class lectures have covered so many topics including Business Basics, Motivation,
Organizational Structures, Job design, and many other topics. Among those topics, we have learned
about "Diversity." Diversity is defined as the state of heterogeneity, variety, difference, and
multiform. In our daily life, most people, especially women have dealt with diversity in workplace,
society, and private life. Some families, mostly Asians, still have stereotypes of women should have
lower statuses or education than men do.
As it mentioned in the class lecture, typically, workplace diversity is the presence of individuals who
are different by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and sexual preference. This topic shows us about
how to deal with diversity ... Show more content on ...
I might be a little bit better than how my aunt has been treated. I have a better opportunity to get
education until now as a junior or might be continued my Master's Degree in the future. My family
is kind of knowing more about how important the education is. They tend to let us gaining more
knowledge as much as we want. However, I grew up in Business family, I have to think a lot before
making a decision. I tend to think more about what my family wants me to study and where I was
born so that is the reason why I choose Business Administration as my major. In fact, I dream to be a
fashion designer. I could not follow what my heart wants and fulfil it. I need to respect my parent's
thought and family's rules. It is frustrating sometimes, but I am used to it. They believe my ability,
but they could not think how I can earn money as a fashion designer in Cambodia, which is a
developing country. There are few chances to become a well–known designer unless I have stable
jobs in other countries. Therefore, they do not support my
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Cultural Diversity At The Heart Of The Society
Given the growing globalized and integrated world, cultural diversity has become an important
instrument of promoting peace and understanding as never before. Owing to the rapid growth of
multicultural societies and countries, ever stronger international migration flows, and the accelerated
development of digital technologies, cultural diversity has thus become a veritable instrument of our
time. It has been posited that the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions lies at the heart
of the society. The issues that arise from cultural diversity cannot be solved only by political
voluntarism; they also require knowledge dissemination, cultural and diversity awareness and an
intense international cooperation and exchange of experiences. This paper provides an overview of
the reasons for cultural diversity and the role it plays in integrating our world. The author posits that
cultures of people appear the same, but the practice and people's perception of it may differ. The
author submits that the idea for a more equal world can only be achieved if we find ways to instill
and broaden the spirit of cultural diversity among us. Introduction One of the challenges of our
modern times is the inability of other nationalities to accept and appreciate cultures other than their
owns. This has posed a threat to the collective and collaborative efforts of governments across the
world to foster unity among cultures. Increased cultural awareness and diversity enhances
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Affirmative Action : What 's The Right Thing?
Mihai Soltoianu
Professor Shen
Phil 102
12 December 2016
Final Paper – Arguing Against Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a rather complicated subject
that is packed with nuance. It can be difficult to fully assess whether affirmative action is a good
thing when discussing it in terms of what is just and what is unjust. Professor Michael J. Sandel
argues in favor of affirmative action. However, the arguments he uses when presenting his case are
not particularly strong.
In the "Arguing Affirmative Action" section of his book, Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?
Sandel presents three arguments in supporting affirmative action. The first argument is correcting
for the testing gap, though Sandel notes that this is the least important of the three rationales he
presents in this section. Sandel argues that affirmative action is a positive thing in that it helps to
account for the possible bias in standardized testing – which contributes to the aforementioned
testing gap. For whatever reason, black and Hispanic students tend to not score as well on
standardized tests as white students, even with economic disparities accounted for. Sandel asserts
that interpreting standardized tests for a students' future academic success should account for
multiple factors such as a students' family, social, cultural, and educational backgrounds. Therefore,
a student living with a single parent who attended a poor public school should be given more
consideration than a student coming
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Essay on Diversity and Society and Diversity in the Meda
Diversity and Society and Diversity in the Meda
The media is an integral part of modern day society, our lives can be shaped by it, and our views can
be a product of the media's influence. Society is greatly diverse in terms of views, class and
ethnicity, this diversity is reflected in the media.
Pluralism is a sociological theory that acknowledges media diversity. Pluralists believe that the
media offers a wide range of views to cater for various groups in society, and it is true to say that
there is a great deal of evidence for this. Different newspapers reflect different political opinions, for
example The Daily Mail reflects right wing conservative views whereas The Guardian is seen as ...
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The media uses direct manipulation to encourage us to support the system. A test of pluralism and
certain validation of Marxism is the recent case of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch has
controlling interest in many British newspapers such as The Sun and The Times, and also in the
multi–national television company Sky. He made a bid to buy the football club Manchester United.
This move was widely opposed by other media groups, but all of the papers owned by Murdoch
showed support for the takeover. It is obvious that this was an attempt by him to win public support
for his proposed action.
There are other variations of Marxist theories such as Hegemonic Marxism, where it is thought that
content of the media is not under direct control of owners and that other institutions such as schools
and the church are also used to manipulate society. Antonio Gransci was the leading sociologist in
support of this theory who thought that the media was a state of 'physical and mental control' and
that it replaced it had replaced the church as the main method of capitalist brainwashing.
Another marxist theory of the media is Neo–Marxism, where it is still thought that the media
reflects capitalist views but it is not a ruling class conspiracy.
In the 1940's a study was conducted by Adorno and Hortheimer of the Frankfurt School in Germany.
They produced evidence to suggest
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The Importance Of Workplace Diversity
Workplace diversity is when there is diverse culture of individuals in the workplace. It is when there
is a value placed on the variety of ideas, race, ethnicities, religion, gender, sexuality and orientation,
which is flourishing in an environment. Depending on your employer and workplace, workplace
diversity can vary based off several different factors. Usually, there is a preferential standpoint taken
on the matter and it can be either display a high or a low context culture of diversity. According to
Mason (2013) Workforce diversity has been described as "a double–edged sword; it has the potential
for positive and negative outcomes" (p.659). Workplace diversity is important in a business setting
because it carries forward a combination of different types of people to work together in unity,
encourages uniqueness, innovative, creative approaches, and supports interesting divergent ideas to
accomplish tasks or goals.
Benefits of a high workplace diversity environment is it not being stuck to conformity in group
thinking, or being narrow–minded with similar thoughts and having preference to only be around
people who think like you do which is known as the "diversity paradox". According to a quote stated
from Friedrich Nietzsche, Hackett (2014) "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to
hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" (p. 415). Instead, it
reiterates the importance of having a diverse workplace because it constructs better ideas, coming
from different minds, and build upon each other through brainstorming. However, a poor workplace
diversity can also adversely affect one's motivation, which leads to overall job dissatisfaction and
demotivation. When there is poor workplace diversity, you can see less communication barriers and
cultural resistance, but it also makes it harder for individuals to get used to working with others that
aren't the same as them. This can become a form of adversity for businesses if their employees
cannot develop a strong skill set to adapt with not only coworkers but also customers in the
environment. Therefore, better communication and interaction skills are essential to promoting a
business and making it successful.
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Essay on Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the
past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity
programs on the nation's work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to
dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and
senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a
microcosm of our society – yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social
condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. "America has always
been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of ... Show more content on ...
Mentoring and on–the–job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and
continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is
important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team
environment where each member's contribution carries some value and contributes to the
organization's goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees
come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their
expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work
together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative.
Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the
benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on
merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very
important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict
and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent
of diversity in the workplace. "Eighty–five percent of those currently entering the American
workforce are minorities and
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Inclusion : The Implications Of Diversity In The Workplace
In contemporary society, the idea of diversity has come to the forefront of workplace culture.
Diversity by definition is the existence of multiple different and complex social identities and issues
in society or a space (Woodson). In simple terms, people self–identify or are identified as belonging
to a specific group based on background, experience, or even appearance –– the incorporation of
these groups into specific space or environment is diversity. Through globalization and
modernization of society, the social interaction between these social identities and groups have
become inevitable –– especially for the workplace. Thus, for an organization to be successful, they
must be able to market to and serve the social groups within the global population. Diversity allows
a combination of people to create a unique social space or team that combines their different
backgrounds and associations for increased knowledge, efficiency, and understanding.
Yet, in the same modern society, diversity by itself is meaningless–– the proper integration and
inclusion of these social identifications and groups is crucial to honing in the special knowledge and
capabilities each person brings. More specifically, such identities and groups need to feel supported
and encouraged within the workplace through inclusion. Inclusion is the involvement and
empowerment of all people, where the inherent worth and dignity of those people are publicly
recognized (Woodson). For the talent of these
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Marketing Campaigns And The Workforce
Businesses today are faced with many challenges in order to be competitive in our global economy.
These companies need to follow the laws and legislation while incorporating and managing
diversity into their marketing campaigns and the workforce. In 1976, Apple was founded by two
college dropouts. The founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs used their talents to build what is now
a world renowned company with some of the most innovative technology devices. In 1980, the
company went public and by 1988 they reorganized the company into four divisions globally. This
reorganization reduced the layers of management which encouraged their employees to become
even more innovative. The competition in the technology sector was growing at an ... Show more
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They are known for their passion for cutting edge products that have changed many of our lives.
Additionally, Apple was forced to review not only their diversity practices but also that of their
suppliers. They have made a commitment to transparency. Apple has taken diversity beyond the
traditional definition. They insist on including an individual's personal qualities. They want
individuals from all areas of the globe. This inclusion provides them with backgrounds and
experiences that will provide them with many benefits. Some of those benefits are an increased
adaptability and flexibility, a large variety of viewpoints, and increased innovation and creativity.
Apple is making the most of diversity and inclusion by relying on the benefits of their employees'
different background and perspectives in order to create new opportunities for generations to come.
Apple has focused their recruiting efforts in order to create a more diverse workforce. The website
provides percentages of new hires over the past year. The have hired, "35% Women (globally) and in
the United States 19% Asian, 13% Hispanic, and 11% Black." ("Apple – Diversity – Inclusion
inspires innovation," 2015) Although these numbers seem like a significant amount of progress, it
really hasn't changed their workforce make up. According to an article on Wired, "In 2015, a vast
majority (69 percent) of the company is still male, a figure that
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Strategic Thinking Essay
The business environment is continuously evolving with the integration of new management trends
developed to create opportunity and respond to various challenges. However, with the
unpredictability of the business environment which is driven mainly by globalization and
technology, innovation turned out to be increasingly critical to success. It means that innovation and
strategy are converging to help in productivity. Innovation has the potential to change the agents
within an organization to become better entrepreneurs to meet various challenges. Strategic thinking
is crucial in creating a coherent, integrative and unifying framework for making decisions particular
regarding the direction in which an organization goes and the resources it plans to utilize
(Goldsmith, 2009).
In some way, strategic thinking utilizes external and internal data, perceptions, and opinions. It is
proactive, conscious and explicit while defining a competitive realm for strategic advantage in the
organization. Strategies are formed to improve the performance of an organization which means that
the company will have to conduct something unique and different compared to that of the
competitors. Whenever a team develops a new strategy, it means that they are establishing change
whether it is innovative or incremental. It means that managing to execute a strategy involves
managing change.
The business landscape of today is characterized by escalating diverse environments whereby some
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Speech On Diversity In Society
I agreed with Jacquelin Woodson when she said that diversity is about all of us and about us having
to figure out how to walk through this world together. To live in harmony requires us to be
conscious of the hopes and needs that surround us and flexible in all actions. In a harmonious
relationship, each party should set aside their own desires to nurture the relationship itself.
Furthermore, we can be in harmony with others only when we are in harmony with ourselves.
Diversity is very crucial because with a diverse environment, people can benefit and learn from
others. Why does people questioned about the harmony of diversity? It should be every person
responsibility to nurtured diversity in this world regardless of their age and skin ... Show more
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People of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds have been an integral part of the community since
long time ago. Initially, we all starts from Adam and Eve. The natural law was definite and fixed on
its place. From A to Z diversity play a major role everywhere and everyday. It has blended naturally
in our life. There is never two people in the world are exactly alike. All people, even the identical
twins have their own viewpoints and experiences. People with differing views or points should
respect each other's right to differ. An important part of growing is being willing to learn new things.
Being open to see new things and learning about other people without negatively judging them is a
form of tolerance. The basic right of every human being is the right for life. We should all be born to
grow, study and share life with the people around us. If we cannot accept others, the problem is not
in they, but it is in our attitude towards
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Corporate Social Responsibility : Baker Hughes
Introduction Baker Hughes headquarters are located in Houston Texas and is a company that
participates in the global petroleum industry and offers products and services for finding, evaluating,
drilling, extracting, and producing hydrocarbons. (BakerHughes) These services operate in the
Americans, Europe, Russia, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific. According to the last fiscal
year, Baker Hughes has 24551 million dollars in revenue and makes a profit of 1719 million dollars.
With the help of their CEO, Martin Craighead, and their 58,000 employees, Baker Hughes is ranked
119 in the Fortune 500, which is an improvement from last years ranking of 132.–hughes–119/ Sustainability (Principally environmental
practices) Corporate Social Responsibility is a huge part of the core values at Baker Hughes. From
their Global Reporting Initiative, you can tell that Baker Hughes incorporates corporate social
responsibility in their every day business practice. This is also shown by Baker Hughes investing in
different initiatives to maintain their strong corporate social responsibility position for future, which
includes: maintaining legal compliance and fostering an ethical work culture, ensuring a safe and
secure work environment for our employees, protecting the environment, supporting the
communities in which we work, and developing sustainable technologies and products. From
investing in these activities, they help to motivate employees,
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Diversity In Today's Society
Today's society is filled with many unique and fascinating people. Each person has had their own
experiences. Some people have traveled the world, and others have participated in marathons.
However, everyone is not equal in the world. While times have in fact changed dramatically over
they years, such things as racism and discrimination still exist in today's society.
Coming up to Berkeley was definitely a change of landscape for me. I'd always been, for the most
part, surrounded by like–minded people, so I never really had to question myself on the things I was
saying, as it was accepted. After moving to to Berkeley and into the residence halls, I found myself
not only being questioned by others but also questioning others. I had to ask myself ... Show more
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First is the act of discrimination. This is when one person or group of people will treat someone else
or another group of people unequally simply because they belong to a different social category. This
takes place depending on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Avoidance is also influenced by
privilege. Something as small as looking away when speaking to someone else can show privilege.
Another is exclusion, which is when one group doesn't allow someone in. This socially bans this
person, which makes privilege more of an issue. Johnson states, "Of all human needs, few are as
powerful as the need to be seen, included and accepted by other people. This is why being shunned
or banished is among the most painful punishments to endure, a social death." This quote describes
life and the way it's always been. No one wants to be excluded or discriminated against. Avoidance
might even be less hurtful than the other two acts. Privilege is also represented in the work place as
well as in the community. Sometimes the way we act is intentional and on purpose.
Johnson discusses all of the talk about "racial healing" and "healing gender wounds," but he
continues to state that these issues are far from over. For a lot of people, it's hard to even fathom the
idea of privilege and how it is also seen as negative. Everyone is privileged as well as oppressed and
that is how the world works. Before coming up to Berkeley, I didn't really see myself as privileged
or oppressed, but I've learned that I am
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Religious Diversity And Its Impact On Society
Religion has been a topic of significant sociological discussion since the beginnings of sociology
itself. Yet the complexity and changing social landscape that has surrounded this aspect of social life
mean that one simple definition of religion is difficult to establish.
The debate around secularisation and the changes in society bought about by capitalism and the
Reformation have come together in contemporary Australia to forge a time where there is a complex
relationship between religion and society.
While statistics show that there are declining numbers from the traditional religions of the 19th and
20th century, it would appear that a pattern is emerging where people are not necessarily less
religious, but instead there is an increase of religious diversity is Australia.
This essay will argue that ethical and humanist spirituality do form a viable alternative to religion
because statistics show that in response to capitalism, and in the context of contemporary society
there has been a move away from traditional forms of religion.
It will also argue that ethical and humanist spirituality appeals to the contemporary push towards
This essay also that in the context of modern society and its emphasis on consumerism, ethical and
humanist spirituality has appeal as a viable alternative to traditional forms of religion.
Finally this essay argues that ethical and humanist spirituality provide an ethical framework for
individuals to live by therefore
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Why I Should Be A Teacher
I want to be a teacher to continue to serve. I have served twenty years as officer in the United States
Army and I want to continue to serve others in a different capacity. Through my time in service and
later as member of the civilian work force I have seen the struggles of workers and employers as
they struggle to find sustainable matches. One of the answers to this struggle a is better prepared
work force. However, there are segments of our country that have been systematically left out, and I
want to address that.
I grew up in Seattle during the de–segregation, and it was normal for me to be the only black kid in
my class. As society around me came to grips with the change in the city, I had to go to school. I
could wait for programs and understanding to take hold and remove the old ways. I was labeled one
of "those kids", a "disruptive child" in the class, until at the behest of my parents and school
administrators, I was tested. The test show I was not challenged by the normal material which lead
to the behavior and soon I was challenged.
However, my story doesn't end there. I still had to face the challenges that our current disadvantage
students face and there was a time where my future was in question. However, by the grace of a few
dedicated teachers, I was able to overcome my obstacles and find some success in the classroom,
because of that I want to pay it forward to the next generation. Because of the efforts of so many, I
have gone on to earn my
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The Diversity Of Society : Does Society Unites The Society
Since the beginning of the human race, diversity has been a part of the world. Whether it the color of
our skin or our beliefs, everyone is different. The society unites from being diverse However,
diversity tend to cause unity more often than it divides the society. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Our
ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilization." Gandhi believes
that the capability to be able to unite while being diverse is what will make our society appealing.
The society unites and unites even when they are different. Some factors that unite the society would
be a common interest, conflicts, and the loss of loved ones.
A common interest is a factor that unites the society. This is shown when the author of "A Quilt of a
Country" ,Anna Quindlen, states, "The citizens of the United States have come together once more
because of armed conflict and enemy attack" (l.58). Americans worked together despite their
differences due to a terrorist group committing a genocide on The World Trade Center. Citizens
came together because they had something in common: the passion to rebuild what has been
destroyed and to not show any instability. Going through the same problems during the same time,
they were able to help each other since they had the same feelings. In "Night Calls," by Lisa Fugard,
there are many examples on how a common interest can unite individuals. Fugard wrote, "During
holidays I came home and my father would share the latest
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Proposal Plan Part 1
Proposal Plan, Part I
Vanessa Lecoin
University of Phoenix
HRM 595 Human resources capstone
As vice president of Human Resources for VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital I am responsible for 500
employees. I have a proposal that will address what type of staff VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital
requires, what type of organizational behaviors we should include in the facility toward our staff,
workforce diversity, implementing diversity, employee relations, and employee retention plans. I
also want to focus on why we should not use outsourcing for this facility.
Brief background on the VS Lecoin 's Family Clinic and objectives VS Lecoin's Family Hospital is
medical facility that has a collaborating team of pediatricians, family ... Show more content on ...
By allowing these modifications into action, we will be able to keep our employees and recruit new
Outsourcing not an option for workforce planning
Outsourcing may not be a good option for organizational workforce planning because VS Lecoin 's
Family Hospital is a family and community run organization and outsourcing will not allow the
organization to maintain a warm community atmosphere. Outsourcing creates an atmosphere where
patients may interact with third party vendors during customer service calls or emergency calls with
employees more likely not from the same country, familiar or fluent with the English language, or
speak the language very clearly enough for the patients to understand (Cotriss, 2009). Socially
outsourcing creates a hardship for locals to access the position because the positions is would be
offered to vendors outside the country. Outsourcing is a conflict of interest if VS Lecoin 's Family
Hospital hires outside of the community instead of hiring within the community, this would not
create a community atmosphere that goes against VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital goal. Outsourcing
creates an environment which the outside sources only know scripted information regarding the
organization instead of acquiring firsthand personal knowledge regarding VS Lecoin
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The Diversity Audit Project : Starbucks
The purpose of the diversity audit project is to teach students how to analyze and measure diversity
efforts of potential employers and as potential customers. In this globalizing world these skills are
more important than ever. Many companies are making changes to diversify their employees and
their customer base; this project is focused on investigating one company's efforts. After this project
students can expect to have gained a deeper knowledge of how to measure a company's level of
diversity and analyze its effects on both employees and customers. Many people think that
Starbucks is just a company that sells coffee. Beginning our diversity audit, that's what our group
thought as well. As we began our research we uncovered a company that we could not have
imagined. Starbucks has embraced diversity, and in many ways, is a trailblazer. Starbucks is
involved in a plethora of diversity efforts, both in achieving diversity and managing diversity within
their corporation. Starbucks becomes deeply involved in promoting diversity by creating Partner
Networks ("Diversity and Inclusion"). A partner is an employee of Starbucks, and Partner Networks
are support systems created and supported by Starbucks to help their diverse staff feel included and
welcome. Partner networks include Starbucks Access Alliance Partnership, which promotes
increased accessibility and use of Starbucks facilities for customers and Partners with disabilities
("Diversity and Inclusion").
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Diversity and Inclusion Paper
Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper SOC/315 December 15, 2010 Professor Dr.
Lorthridge Introduction This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity:
ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in
my workplace. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of
diversity. Diversity is a variety between people associated to factors such as culture, employment
status, education, family orientation, gender, origin, physical appearance, religion, sexual orientation
and thinking style (Harvey, C. P., 2009). Although the differences themselves are unquestionable,
organizations and society often reject them by acknowledging ... Show more content on ...
Organizations must stop visualizing diversity as an issue and start seeing it as a benefit for the
organization. There are several reasons why a diverse workforce will add value to a company. Most
businesses, either large or small, work on a global scale; the information age has brought the entire
world a lot closer. Having associates that can deal with different cultures around the world is crucial
to an expanding business. A diverse workforce will help to build more rounded individuals with
experience they will gain from a mixed environment. Customers will benefit from the diverse
workforce because a company that makes a choice to be open and flexible with its associates will
more than likely be easy to work with in a business relationship. Probably the most important aspect
of having a diverse workforce is the vast knowledge gained by pooling the different life lessons,
cultures and experience together thereby allowing everyone the chance to learn new and different
business practices (Sappal, Pepi, 2002). In reality, as you can see from the positive argument
produced above, diversity assist organizations a key advantage in the corporate world. Culture can
help an organization to succeed, when diversity is taken into action, non–biased and properly
managed can be greatly effective. There is no doubt after researching the arguments for cultural
diversity that organizations should invest in a highly
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Diversity in Today's Society
Diversity is an enormous part in today's society, and language is part of that diversity. Fienberg–
Fisher is known for having a Hispanic majority and because of that I deduced that language was an
important factor in the children education. Expecting to encounter with many Hispanic kids and
Spanish throughout the hallways, it was a surprise to find the most of them where not technically
allow to speak another language outside English. It's understandable why staff would not want their
students speaking another language, but it was shocking, because instead of empowering the
children to better themselves they were doing the opposite. My fifteen hours of service were spent in
a second grade class, where we could clearly appreciate the diversity that the school offers. Mr.
Johanson is a mentor for the ESOL kids that have difficulty pronouncing words correctly, while I
was there a lot of them tried to speak Spanish with me but were forbidden to do so, which was
understandable but for me it was unnecessary because they would do it outside the classroom. The
teacher was limiting them, not allowing them to incorporate their culture into their everyday life. It
can be arguable that it for their benefit but when you watch the student after they are told not to
speak Spanish it's like telling them that they not allow to be themselves. When you entered the
classroom the first thing you would notice it's the different races the school has. It was exciting to be
actually a part of
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Impact Of Diversity On Society
INFLUENTIAL GROUPS As geeky as it sounds, being in band for 8 years, 5th grade through 12th
grade, had an amazingly positive impact on my world. It taught me the importance of friendships,
practice, and hard work. It also taught me how to work and lead with people you don't necessarily
like. Those are all aspects that I can now use in the professional field of social work. I was in dance
for almost as long as I was in band. My mom originally put me in dance to improve my posture and
coordination. This sport not only did that but it taught me how to truly express myself and it taught
me to not care what others thought. I was not amazing by any means but it was freeing. And part of
that freeing aspect was being mediocre and not caring who ... Show more content on ...
Professionally, I will witness individuals who have had struggles due to diversity, discrimination,
and/or oppression and when that time comes I hope to be of help.
PERSONAL STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS A large portion of my personal strength comes
from the support I receive from family and friends. Since I have discovered who I am and what
makes me me, I am able to focus on those clients who need help doing the same. Another strength is
the perseverance that I have earned through everything I have went through. Some limitations are
that I am still growing and there are going to parts of my life where my personal life may have to
take precedence. I lack world experience, not just professionally but just all around, which may
make me incompetent in some areas. A plan to deal with these limitations consists of being aware of
myself. If I am constantly checking in on myself and those around me, but mostly myself, I will be
able to take one thing at a time instead of having to deal with seven–thousand different struggles at
one given time. This helps with my lack of worldly knowledge because as long as I remain open–
minded and willing to educate myself, I will refuse to become
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Diversity In The Workplace
Essay "The demand for high quality talent is outstripping supply and this is not expected to change."
The above statement is true in today's world economy and hence relying on local talents is not
enough, so companies should also consider foreign talent markets for obtaining high quality and
dedicated talents. The workplaces need to be more diverse in order to survive in today's non–static
market. What foreign talents bring is vision and experiences which might be applicable in their local
market but the learning that can be obtained from those experiences will definitely help the
company which plans to hire them and that learning can be applied to similar markets as well. What
is meant by Diversity in Workplace? The basic concept for diversity is rapidly developing. It is no
longer just about creating heterogeneous workforces, but now it is also about using that workforce to
create the innovative products, services and business practices that can give a company a
competitive advantage in the market. And on a global scale, as companies compete, diversity and
inclusion have to frequently shift, as different markets and different cultures have varied definitions
of what diversity means. In today's market almost all executives understand that their companies
cannot be successful on a global platform unless they have a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce
is necessary to drive innovation, foster creativity and guide business strategies. When a company
has people from multiple
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Diversity And Its Effect On Society
Diversity in society helps us to grow as individuals and open our minds to different ways of life.
When you are exposed to different ways of life and see how other cultures carry on then you are no
longer closed to the idea that we are all different. Diversity also promotes tolerance. In terms of
being tolerant that means diversity can help us accept other cultures, it can even adapt some cultural
ways and values into our society. The point is, we are all different. Yet the differences that we have
between us can be used to strengthen society as we know it. Diversity allows us the opportunity to
learn, grow, understand new ways of living, and experience life to the fullest. Without diversity, we
are closed off in our own worlds, but with it, we expand our knowledge and we are no longer
ignorant. When you are aware of the differences and embrace them, then you have taken the blind
fold off to living differently and you are a better person for it. The key is exposure and using what
you learned to increase tolerance and decrease racism. Ta–Nehisi Coates view of the Mecca, a
passage into a far–reaching thought of blackness encouraged by greater exposure to the black
diaspora, which represents the "lovely things", the language, mannerism, food, music, and literature,
describes the diversity of HBCUs. Diversity has been a force for change because it boosts
educational innovation which leads to educational growth, more jobs, and interaction between
diverse cultures. HBCUs such as
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Stigma Of Diversity In Our Society

  • 1. Stigma Of Diversity In Our Society A society in which everyone is an exact replica of one another, creates a dull environment. Each movement, expression, as well as phrase is similar throughout all individuals. Characteristics that separate one from a group are not present. Diversity matters for one to be successful, respect others and feel like they belong. Determining success is due to the level of one's potential. The color of skin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or age does not lower the level of potential of a person. A stigma around the ideal individual has developed and from that, if one does not follow the stereotypes, they will become worthless. It is evident, that is false and the mindset of an individual is more important than the physical aspects, like race ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Can You Think Of A Time When Someone Presumed That You Can you think of a time when someone presumed that you had a characteristic, either positive or negative, based on a group to which you belong without knowing you as an individual? Are you aware of ever having judged someone inaccurately? Unconscious biases are a fact of life. We all harbor them–and take them into the workplace. Unconscious Bias (also known as hidden bias or implicit bias) refers to bias that we are unaware of, and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, influenced by our background, cultural environment, and personal experiences. Numerous studies since the 1980s have confirmed that people ... Show more content on ... And a third filter tempts us to accept information that confirms our beliefs about people who are different from us and to reject information that contradicts those beliefs. Explicit biases (also known as conscious biases) are evident in what people say and do, and chances are those who have such prejudices are aware of them. The manager who talks negatively about "the millennials" knows she holds the younger generation in low regard. The person who uses racist slurs doesn't try to hide his dislike of other races. The executive who believes women shouldn't be in leadership roles avoids recommending a female subordinate for promotion. These biases are all on the surface. Consequently, it's relatively easy to see the connection between these individuals' prejudices and their behavior in the workplace. Not so with implicit or unconscious biases. Without realizing it, we may prefer to associate with younger people rather than older people, or enjoy the company of women more than men, or react more harmoniously to people of our own race. More concerning: we may unconsciously associate one group with positive stereotypes and another group with negative ones. Recent studies in psychology suggest that we all have implicit biases and that these biases influence our decisions. Deep prejudices or stereotypes imparted by upbringing, culture and mass media that influence our perceptions about people and our behavior toward them. Skin color, gender, age are generally ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Diversity And Inclusion Analysis My next article takes us into the concept of diversity and inclusion that involves reaching over milestones we already made and prepare us for the next milestones to come. The tone in this reading is that we have diversity under our belt, so lets now use what we learned from diversity to move forward to inclusion. Inclusion in the workplace is explained as organizations incorporates the ideas, understanding and perspectives of their diverse group of employees towards the betterment of the employees and the organization. So we are now moving beyond race, sex and gender and into everyone's human aspects. That is the thoughts, feeling and emotions within the diverse group. Inclusion will have us look at things much differently than we did ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Diversity's Impact on Organizations Abstract Diversity must be created and maintained with in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of diversity onto an organization in addition to explaining the legally mandated and stakeholder driven explanations for mandatory diversity. Diversity's Impact on Organizations Diversity within an organization is a blending of people from various cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds. Diversity has challenged organizations to set realistic goals for its leaders as well as its employees. The organization must look at the moral, ethical and social responsibilities it has toward its employees and understand their legal obligations set by laws. It is important for ... Show more content on ... Gender The number of women entering the workforce has increased over the years. To reap the benefits of gender diversity and create an inclusive workplace organizations are developing flexible employment approaches. Flexible employment approaches include arrangements that allow job sharing so that employees are better able to care for their children or flexible employment conditions such as flextime that give employees input into the length and scheduling of their workweek. With the increase in gender diversity, organizations have developed sexual harassment training supported by top management. This training includes: defining quid pro quo, what hostile environments are, providing examples of types of behaviors that are prohibited and describing disciplinary actions that will be taken in instances of sexual harassment. Education Today employees' educational backgrounds vary considerably; this has led organizations to enhance their training and development programs. "Functional illiteracy the ability to handle basic reading, math, and arithmetic is a serious problem at work (Dessler, 2002)." Employers are responding in two ways. First more organizations are testing job candidates' basic skills and secondly more organizations are setting up basic skills and literacy programs. "For example, Smith and Wesson instituted a comprehensive program. A literacy audit revealed ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. High-Performance Teams Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explain how a group can become a high–performance team. The purpose is also to examine the impact of demographic characteristics and cultural diversity on group behavior. This paper will illustrate how demographic characteristics and cultural diversity contribute to or detract from high–performance teams. High–Performance Teams A high–level of performance makes up the basis for groups and teams today. High–performance is a major focus for many organizations since group and teams have become more common among organizations. High–performance teams are teams that get together for a specific and important task. For a group to become a high–performance team, the team needs to be able to use their ... Show more content on ... Sometimes diversity also includes such factors as marital status, parental status, and religion (Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2005). Diversity in the workplace is a topic that many industries and organizations spend an abundant amount of time and training on in order to ensure its presence. "A company must value diversity. The main objectives of valuing diversity include awareness, education, and positive recognition of the differences among people in the workforce. Recognizing cultural diversity will affect group behavior in a positive way and contribute to the influence of building high–performance teams. Organizations are increasingly emphasizing group work or teamwork as a source of competitive advantage in a diverse workforce" (Aghazadeh, 2004). The success of an organization depends on the workforce of the organization. By using demography, managers can learn how to handle the needs or concerns of people of different genders, ethnicities, etc (Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2005). "Cultural diversity has an impact on the interaction process and performance in teams" (Saji, 2004). A diverse team or workforce gives companies a competitive advantage by enabling them to better meet the needs of their customers, successfully compete in the global marketplace, and hire from an expanded labor pool. Managing diversity involves the creation of an open, supportive, and responsive company in which diversity is acknowledged and valued by ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Inequities Of Diversity Yes, I said it. These four words are coming from the mouth of a progressive, African American male that has lived in the South for all my life. A life where I've observed and challenged the inequities of ethnicity, gender and religion in multiple layers of leadership in Corporate America. And now, at the turn of the century as the demographics of our nation has become more and more diverse, so much so that many predict that by 2050, the United States will become a majority–minority (non–white) population, people are still calling for more diversity. I get it. We need more diversity in our positions of leadership, emerging industries like tech and healthcare, education in order to better meet the needs of the diverse populations being served. ... Show more content on ... The event was well attended, to near capacity, by people from all walks of life, including local officials, community leaders, teachers, blue collars, laypersons. These folks were black, brown, white, male, and female, from various socio–economic and religious backgrounds. As the program neared its end, after a captivating keynote charge, then came the portion that would finally get people to interact and engage – the entertainment! Personally for me, I was looking forward to this. The muscles of my lower body were approaching atrophy, after sitting in stasis for almost 2 hours. I needed the circulation, but also I wanted to meet and interact with so many of the new faces that were across the room. Moments after the closing address, the Mistress of Ceremony announced the band and gave instructions on where everyone was to go, to either dance, mingle and/or get a beverage. As I walked closer to the adjacent room, I paused after hearing sounds of music that was very unfamiliar. It sounded like the chords from a banjo, complimented by music that echoed Dixie. I gave it the benefit of the doubt, that maybe this was just 1 song, so I proceeded to mingle with the board members and staff of the organization. This attempt was stymied by their obvious enthrallment with key dignitaries and acquaintances that they apparently knew or had a familiar relationship with. I managed to squeeze in a half–hearted, brief "Hello, my name is" introduction with the CEO and after 20 minutes, the music selection didn't change. I took a moment to consciously look at the rest of the crowd and it looked very different from those that initially followed me to this venue. What happened to the diversity, the youth and multi–ethnic advocates that I'd presume were looking to have fun, exchange names or get that blood ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Diversity And Its Impact On Society In many major cities, like Chicago, people choose to segregate into communities with other people of similar race, backgrounds, social class, and so on. However, does that go to say that this is the most effective way of living to benefit society, or is it just the most comfortable? If communities and neighborhoods within these major cities were to integrate with different cultures and live together as one, society could improve greatly from it. To live and be a part of a culturally diverse community would mean to have "a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognizes and respects the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society, acknowledges and values their socio–cultural differences, and encourages and enables their continued contribution within an inclusive cultural context which empowers all within the organization or society" (Belfield). Culturally diverse communities within these major cities would benefit the city and society by increasing innovations and economic growth, increasing education, and improving relationships between different races, in turn, decreasing racism. Diversity plays a key role in the economy of major cities. With cultural diversity comes different ideas and innovations and people with different skills that can each contribute in different ways to the community. In a research paper done by Philipp Agner and Markus Bruckner titled Cultural Diversity and Economic Growth: Evidence from the US during the Age of Mass Migration, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Workplace Diversity Essay Corporate America is seeing a shift in workforce demographics, with the terms "workplace diversity' being thrown around in meetings across many large organizations. There are many definitions and interpretations of workplace diversity, but the this paper will define workplace diversity as "an environment that maximizes the potential of all employees by not discriminating against age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital or partner status, military experience, parental status, religious beliefs, work experience or job classification (Futon). Managers of this era have to work alongside individuals who not only come from different ages and educational backgrounds, but also individuals who are of different origins and have roots in many parts of the world. Organizational leaders are convinced that diversity efforts need to be an organization–wide effort in order for it to succeed (Roosevelt 23). The reality is that the American workforce is changing very rapidly and steps have to be taken to adapt to this new environment. This paper will focus on (1) the growing importance of workplace diversity, (2) the benefits associated with having a diversified work environment, (3) methods of increasing workplace diversity and (4) effective strategies for managing a diverse workforce. (1) The Increasing Importance of Workplace Diversity The importance of workplace diversity has increased ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. What Is The Business Case For Diversity At L Oreal Case Questions_ L'oreal 1. What is the business case for diversity at L'oreal? L'oreal started working on its' business case for diversity in 2002. They diversified their product portfolio and stated recruited people from different cultural backgrounds to manage the same. The business case for diversity at L'oreal focuses on "Driving Business Growth" and encompasses the following points:  Fostering Creativity & innovation – L'oreal believes that a diverse workforce addresses issues form multiple angles and provides opportunity for developing products catering to the needs of its diverse consumer base.  Better Marketplace understanding – Diversity is vital for L'oreal as it helps them understand consumer needs across the world and innovate products accordingly. They therefore have research centers in 5 continents and have developed a unique portfolio of brands, each one with a different cultural origin to satisfy the differences in the sensitivities of people around the world.  Attracting ... Show more content on ... product development at L'oreal Paris, so that they could exchange ideas. It also mentioned that after spending 2–3 years in global product development, the more experienced managers usually returned to their home region. This clearly highlights Access and Legitimacy paradigm.(Additional reading)  Exhibit 5 mentions about the SOS Racisme trial in 2006 (Referred internet for details). In a campaign to promote shampoo line in supermarkets outside Paris, L'oreal hired saleswomen, but nonwhite women were excluded from promoting the shampoo. This example clearly demonstrates that although L'oreal policies propagated diversity but it was not a part of the DNA of the organization.  The feedback evaluation highlights that diversity was not integrated in the core of the culture although it was a part of the various charters and guiding ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Diversity Is Becoming More And More Important As Years Go The concept of diversity is becoming more and more important as years go by. This concept is not as easy as it may appear; diversity is not just about acceptance and respect. Understanding what diversity is means understanding that each person is unique; it means understanding and recognising our differences; moreover, moving beyond differences of gender, race, age, religious beliefs and political beliefs. Understanding and managing diversity is trying to make sure that all those differences fit together like pieces of a mosaic. The concept is extremely important in today's society, following everything that has been happening related to this matter. We consider ourselves a tolerant and evolved society; yet we still hear of people of colour discriminated and killed everyday, we still hear of women living in horrible conditions, deprived of their dignity and sold as slaves. It appears obvious so, that diversity has to be taken into consideration when we talk about organisations. Everything that is happening in the world is reflected into firms too; organizations are, in fact, part of a wider social system. That is why managing diversity is possibly one of the hardest challenges that managers have to face in today's world. This essay is going to examine the concept of diversity in organisations today, why we have to consider it important and what kinds of advantages companies receive. Moreover, the essay will focus on gender diversity showing that even a lot of efforts still ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Cultural Diversity And A Multicultural Society The United States is a multicultural society in which health professionals handle people from various origins. Now the question is: "How nurses meet diversified needs of human lives?" Each day, nurses make optimistic changes in human lives by providing care. This holistic care includes each and every aspect of health. This includes, but isn't limited to physical, intellectual, emotional, and significantly cultural dimensions. In order for nurses to provide transcultural care, they need to be knowledgeable to understand significance of cultural diversity and take measures to provide culture competent care. Cultural diversity is a broad term that according to Lynn (2015), "Culture, ethnicity, and race– is an integral component of both health and illness," (p. 74). The term 'culture' which according to Silvestri (2014) means, "Dynamic network of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, ideas, attitudes, values and norms that are unique to particular group of people" (p.38). Furthermore, ethnicity and race are exchangeable. A person belongs to certain ethnicity by birth or adoption. Race is focused more towards physical characteristics of a person. In order for nurses must understand the significance of these factors to provide culture sensitive care. Culture has a great influence on individual's health and illness and it shapes various aspects of life. These includes: response to pain, physiologic diversity, communication, nutrition, and family roles. When the care is ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Diversity Of Crime In Society Today The main questions that should be asked is why is there is much crime in society today? I am 27 years old and I have seen so much crime in my 20's that it sad whether it is on the news or even in my hometown, Memphis, TN. With crime in our society we are as well as is losing our authority. When discussion the diversity of crime and society the matter is the things that makes criminal law enforcement such a perplexing question. Like I mention, I have been living in Memphis, TN all my life which have been for 27 years. Just this past Sunday my city had a Black Lives Matter protest. Also in the city of Memphis the groups of KKK also protest on July 10th at the same time. The Black Lives Matter protests took place on the Memphis/Arkansans Bridge. Even those this were two different protest I must say they both were very peaceful , yes it was a scary thing because either one of these groups could of got out ... Show more content on ... Just this year alone the City of Memphis has had over a 100 deaths, in which a lot of them have been people of color. I will never forget the number of people I have seen get killed in the downtown area where I work security in Memphis. The youth of today is the reason why society is bad today. The crimes rate in my hometown is increasing every day and it is sad. There have been times when I have ask myself why is the crimes rate so uncontrollable in Memphis and also around the world. I believe it starts at home, I have a daughter and I refused to let my child grow up the wrong way. I keep my child in church and we are very involved in child, I refused to let these streets raise my daughter. Now the most important question to me why is it that just Black Lives Matter. No, All lives Matter, to me everyone is the same we all bleed the same and organs or the same we just different shade of colors. I have a nephew whom is mixed so Yes, All Lives Matter to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Example Of Diversity In Society Diversity is the idea in which society accepts all cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and beliefs. Based on the common event, I remember some of the topics being about homosexuality, mental illnesses, and current issues of gun control and shootings. The topic on sexual orientation mentioned that being homosexual is still misunderstood; however, the speaker brought up that keeping an open mind is important in making our world a diverse and more accepting place. Another topic was about mental illnesses. The speaker described her experience of having a mental illness and its relation to the idea of diversity; the speaker mentioned the different types of mental illnesses. Just because you have a mental illness, does not mean that you are ... Show more content on ... Lastly, the topic of gun control and shootings bring up diversity in which shootings are happening in many different locations ranging from low income to upper middles class areas and to different populations such as elementary, middle, high schools as well as in colleges and universities. From the common event, I learned that diversity does not only have to about the acceptance of different ethnicities, cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and beliefs, it can also be about the perceptions of these groups of people either positive or negative. From the common event, diversity is important and relevant to the human experience. Diversity allows individuals to find their place in the world as well as shape their self–identity. For example, the monologue about homosexuality describes the idea of showing one's identity; it allows people to be themselves through happiness. There are still people who do not understand homosexuality; however, it is part of the human experience. Part of being a human is expressing yourself. Sexual orientation is a form of personal expression while some parts of society disagree with this belief. Part of being ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Overcoming Barriers To Reduce Diversity In The Workplace To effectively overcome the barriers against diversity in the workplace, first a general understanding of what diversity is must be developed. Knowing how diversity affects a workplace environment, advantages and disadvantages of diversity in the workplace, and the legal obstacles that surround both employers and employees when dealing with diversity and equality are important to understand. Based on the results from the survey completed with the employees, these topics are a great place to start in the training. What is Diversity? The Business Dictionary defines diversity as "Human Resources – a mixed workforce that provides a wide range of abilities, experience, knowledge, and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age, background, ethnicity, physical abilities, political and religious beliefs, sex, and other attributes." (Business Dictionary, 2017) Diversity does not mean race or race relations; the actual meaning of the word diversity is difference. Differences in thinking styles, values, race, ethnicity, orientation or any aspect of our social identity, are examples. Diversity in the Workplace People with demographic differences working in the same organization make a diverse workforce. Perceptions affect people's relations in how they communicate and interact with one another. Human resource professionals must be effective when dealing with organizational issues relating to diversity in order for those organizations to be successful. Assessing any needs that arise ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace Men are 30% more likely to be hired for a high level position job than women (Stutes). Jobs discriminate and separate genders, races, etc. in a workplace. This is not fair because it should not matter what you look like or who you are, we should all be treated the same no matter what. It is hard for someone to get a job because bosses can discriminate and that makes people not succeed. You should have to work towards the higher level position so you earn it and not just be given it because you are the gender the boss wants. Diversity should be acknowledged so everyone can have a chance to make a living and support their families. Companies need to be fair and treat everyone equally and not just by looks. Diversity means that everyone works together no matter what race, culture, gender they are. Workplaces should have diversity taken place in them so they succeed and people have to work with others no matter what. It shouldn't be about the looks or beliefs, it's about supporting your family and working together to create one goal. Diversity is becoming a big part of our world and it should continue as companies are growing and hiring. 67% of bosses and job seekers seek for diverse workplaces (Stutes). That still leaves room for 33% of bosses that are against having diverse workers. This shows that companies are against a certain race and gender. That should not be present. Continuing, diverse workplaces provide families with the money they need to survive. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Diversity Strengths And Strategies Of Eli Lilly And Google Companies that actively support and nurture diversity are appealing to employees and consumers. When diversity is a priority, employees feel empowered, consumers feel positive about supporting the business and the company ultimately outperforms the competition. The task of fostering diversity within a business can be challenging and not all companies use the same approach. Having a comprehensive diversity plan is the first step in achieving a diverse workforce and the benefits that come along with it. In this paper, I will explore the diversity strategies of Eli Lilly a recognized leader in employee diversity and Google a company struggling with employee inclusion. Through this process, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Eli Lilly and ... Show more content on ... Similar to Eli Lilly's, these groups promote diversity through many initiatives designed to support minorities in technology. The Black Googlers Network has a mission to cultivate Black leaders and has created internship and mentoring opportunities. Gayglers works to inform all employees about LBGT workplace issues and ensure employee policies are LBGT friendly. Women at Google the largest employee group provides professional development opportunities for women around the globe and encourages young girls to explore careers in technology. Diversity Core resulted from these ERG's and allows Google employees to spend 20% of their time working on projects that attract more women, minorities and small business owners to work for and with Google. Current growth in employee diversity can be attributed to the outreach efforts form these passionate ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. How Workplace Is Necessary And Part Of Doing Business Workplace diversity is a popular topic in today's workforce. Many companies today accept that diversifying the workplace is necessary and part of doing business in today's global economy. Though more and more companies are embracing diversity for because they have to or believe that they should, Pitney Bowes has been doing so for decades. Though there were many forces for and against diversity in the early years, the diversification initiatives implemented and continued by Pitney Bowes has given them an advantage in employees, clients and global participation. The social landscape regarding diversity has changed over the decades Pitney Bowes has been in business. Their diversity and inclusion efforts have been in place before the civil rights movement and long before affirmative action became a ubiquitous term (article). Any person or company acting outside the norms of the day will have forces for and against their strategies. Many of the forces against Pitney Bowes were addressed in the early days of their diversity integrations. One of the biggest challenges working against Pitney Bowes in their diversification efforts was noted early on in their history. In 1942, CEO Walter Wheeler admitted that there were certainly instances where human nature and prejudices were likely to have prevented an eligible applicant from obtaining employment with Pitney Bowes (cite article). In spite of, or rather because of this fact, Wheeler put the onus on the Personnel Department to ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Diversity: Class Lectures The class lectures have covered so many topics including Business Basics, Motivation, Organizational Structures, Job design, and many other topics. Among those topics, we have learned about "Diversity." Diversity is defined as the state of heterogeneity, variety, difference, and multiform. In our daily life, most people, especially women have dealt with diversity in workplace, society, and private life. Some families, mostly Asians, still have stereotypes of women should have lower statuses or education than men do. As it mentioned in the class lecture, typically, workplace diversity is the presence of individuals who are different by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and sexual preference. This topic shows us about how to deal with diversity ... Show more content on ... I might be a little bit better than how my aunt has been treated. I have a better opportunity to get education until now as a junior or might be continued my Master's Degree in the future. My family is kind of knowing more about how important the education is. They tend to let us gaining more knowledge as much as we want. However, I grew up in Business family, I have to think a lot before making a decision. I tend to think more about what my family wants me to study and where I was born so that is the reason why I choose Business Administration as my major. In fact, I dream to be a fashion designer. I could not follow what my heart wants and fulfil it. I need to respect my parent's thought and family's rules. It is frustrating sometimes, but I am used to it. They believe my ability, but they could not think how I can earn money as a fashion designer in Cambodia, which is a developing country. There are few chances to become a well–known designer unless I have stable jobs in other countries. Therefore, they do not support my ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Cultural Diversity At The Heart Of The Society Given the growing globalized and integrated world, cultural diversity has become an important instrument of promoting peace and understanding as never before. Owing to the rapid growth of multicultural societies and countries, ever stronger international migration flows, and the accelerated development of digital technologies, cultural diversity has thus become a veritable instrument of our time. It has been posited that the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions lies at the heart of the society. The issues that arise from cultural diversity cannot be solved only by political voluntarism; they also require knowledge dissemination, cultural and diversity awareness and an intense international cooperation and exchange of experiences. This paper provides an overview of the reasons for cultural diversity and the role it plays in integrating our world. The author posits that cultures of people appear the same, but the practice and people's perception of it may differ. The author submits that the idea for a more equal world can only be achieved if we find ways to instill and broaden the spirit of cultural diversity among us. Introduction One of the challenges of our modern times is the inability of other nationalities to accept and appreciate cultures other than their owns. This has posed a threat to the collective and collaborative efforts of governments across the world to foster unity among cultures. Increased cultural awareness and diversity enhances ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Affirmative Action : What 's The Right Thing? Mihai Soltoianu Professor Shen Phil 102 12 December 2016 Final Paper – Arguing Against Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a rather complicated subject that is packed with nuance. It can be difficult to fully assess whether affirmative action is a good thing when discussing it in terms of what is just and what is unjust. Professor Michael J. Sandel argues in favor of affirmative action. However, the arguments he uses when presenting his case are not particularly strong. In the "Arguing Affirmative Action" section of his book, Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? Sandel presents three arguments in supporting affirmative action. The first argument is correcting for the testing gap, though Sandel notes that this is the least important of the three rationales he presents in this section. Sandel argues that affirmative action is a positive thing in that it helps to account for the possible bias in standardized testing – which contributes to the aforementioned testing gap. For whatever reason, black and Hispanic students tend to not score as well on standardized tests as white students, even with economic disparities accounted for. Sandel asserts that interpreting standardized tests for a students' future academic success should account for multiple factors such as a students' family, social, cultural, and educational backgrounds. Therefore, a student living with a single parent who attended a poor public school should be given more consideration than a student coming ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Essay on Diversity and Society and Diversity in the Meda Diversity and Society and Diversity in the Meda The media is an integral part of modern day society, our lives can be shaped by it, and our views can be a product of the media's influence. Society is greatly diverse in terms of views, class and ethnicity, this diversity is reflected in the media. Pluralism is a sociological theory that acknowledges media diversity. Pluralists believe that the media offers a wide range of views to cater for various groups in society, and it is true to say that there is a great deal of evidence for this. Different newspapers reflect different political opinions, for example The Daily Mail reflects right wing conservative views whereas The Guardian is seen as ... Show more content on ... The media uses direct manipulation to encourage us to support the system. A test of pluralism and certain validation of Marxism is the recent case of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch has controlling interest in many British newspapers such as The Sun and The Times, and also in the multi–national television company Sky. He made a bid to buy the football club Manchester United. This move was widely opposed by other media groups, but all of the papers owned by Murdoch showed support for the takeover. It is obvious that this was an attempt by him to win public support for his proposed action. There are other variations of Marxist theories such as Hegemonic Marxism, where it is thought that content of the media is not under direct control of owners and that other institutions such as schools and the church are also used to manipulate society. Antonio Gransci was the leading sociologist in support of this theory who thought that the media was a state of 'physical and mental control' and that it replaced it had replaced the church as the main method of capitalist brainwashing. Another marxist theory of the media is Neo–Marxism, where it is still thought that the media reflects capitalist views but it is not a ruling class conspiracy. In the 1940's a study was conducted by Adorno and Hortheimer of the Frankfurt School in Germany. They produced evidence to suggest ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Importance Of Workplace Diversity Workplace diversity is when there is diverse culture of individuals in the workplace. It is when there is a value placed on the variety of ideas, race, ethnicities, religion, gender, sexuality and orientation, which is flourishing in an environment. Depending on your employer and workplace, workplace diversity can vary based off several different factors. Usually, there is a preferential standpoint taken on the matter and it can be either display a high or a low context culture of diversity. According to Mason (2013) Workforce diversity has been described as "a double–edged sword; it has the potential for positive and negative outcomes" (p.659). Workplace diversity is important in a business setting because it carries forward a combination of different types of people to work together in unity, encourages uniqueness, innovative, creative approaches, and supports interesting divergent ideas to accomplish tasks or goals. Benefits of a high workplace diversity environment is it not being stuck to conformity in group thinking, or being narrow–minded with similar thoughts and having preference to only be around people who think like you do which is known as the "diversity paradox". According to a quote stated from Friedrich Nietzsche, Hackett (2014) "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" (p. 415). Instead, it reiterates the importance of having a diverse workplace because it constructs better ideas, coming from different minds, and build upon each other through brainstorming. However, a poor workplace diversity can also adversely affect one's motivation, which leads to overall job dissatisfaction and demotivation. When there is poor workplace diversity, you can see less communication barriers and cultural resistance, but it also makes it harder for individuals to get used to working with others that aren't the same as them. This can become a form of adversity for businesses if their employees cannot develop a strong skill set to adapt with not only coworkers but also customers in the environment. Therefore, better communication and interaction skills are essential to promoting a business and making it successful. ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Essay on Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation's work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society – yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. "America has always been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of ... Show more content on ... Mentoring and on–the–job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team environment where each member's contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization's goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. "Eighty–five percent of those currently entering the American workforce are minorities and ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Inclusion : The Implications Of Diversity In The Workplace In contemporary society, the idea of diversity has come to the forefront of workplace culture. Diversity by definition is the existence of multiple different and complex social identities and issues in society or a space (Woodson). In simple terms, people self–identify or are identified as belonging to a specific group based on background, experience, or even appearance –– the incorporation of these groups into specific space or environment is diversity. Through globalization and modernization of society, the social interaction between these social identities and groups have become inevitable –– especially for the workplace. Thus, for an organization to be successful, they must be able to market to and serve the social groups within the global population. Diversity allows a combination of people to create a unique social space or team that combines their different backgrounds and associations for increased knowledge, efficiency, and understanding. Yet, in the same modern society, diversity by itself is meaningless–– the proper integration and inclusion of these social identifications and groups is crucial to honing in the special knowledge and capabilities each person brings. More specifically, such identities and groups need to feel supported and encouraged within the workplace through inclusion. Inclusion is the involvement and empowerment of all people, where the inherent worth and dignity of those people are publicly recognized (Woodson). For the talent of these ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Marketing Campaigns And The Workforce Businesses today are faced with many challenges in order to be competitive in our global economy. These companies need to follow the laws and legislation while incorporating and managing diversity into their marketing campaigns and the workforce. In 1976, Apple was founded by two college dropouts. The founders Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs used their talents to build what is now a world renowned company with some of the most innovative technology devices. In 1980, the company went public and by 1988 they reorganized the company into four divisions globally. This reorganization reduced the layers of management which encouraged their employees to become even more innovative. The competition in the technology sector was growing at an ... Show more content on ... They are known for their passion for cutting edge products that have changed many of our lives. Additionally, Apple was forced to review not only their diversity practices but also that of their suppliers. They have made a commitment to transparency. Apple has taken diversity beyond the traditional definition. They insist on including an individual's personal qualities. They want individuals from all areas of the globe. This inclusion provides them with backgrounds and experiences that will provide them with many benefits. Some of those benefits are an increased adaptability and flexibility, a large variety of viewpoints, and increased innovation and creativity. Apple is making the most of diversity and inclusion by relying on the benefits of their employees' different background and perspectives in order to create new opportunities for generations to come. Apple has focused their recruiting efforts in order to create a more diverse workforce. The website provides percentages of new hires over the past year. The have hired, "35% Women (globally) and in the United States 19% Asian, 13% Hispanic, and 11% Black." ("Apple – Diversity – Inclusion inspires innovation," 2015) Although these numbers seem like a significant amount of progress, it really hasn't changed their workforce make up. According to an article on Wired, "In 2015, a vast majority (69 percent) of the company is still male, a figure that ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Strategic Thinking Essay The business environment is continuously evolving with the integration of new management trends developed to create opportunity and respond to various challenges. However, with the unpredictability of the business environment which is driven mainly by globalization and technology, innovation turned out to be increasingly critical to success. It means that innovation and strategy are converging to help in productivity. Innovation has the potential to change the agents within an organization to become better entrepreneurs to meet various challenges. Strategic thinking is crucial in creating a coherent, integrative and unifying framework for making decisions particular regarding the direction in which an organization goes and the resources it plans to utilize (Goldsmith, 2009). In some way, strategic thinking utilizes external and internal data, perceptions, and opinions. It is proactive, conscious and explicit while defining a competitive realm for strategic advantage in the organization. Strategies are formed to improve the performance of an organization which means that the company will have to conduct something unique and different compared to that of the competitors. Whenever a team develops a new strategy, it means that they are establishing change whether it is innovative or incremental. It means that managing to execute a strategy involves managing change. The business landscape of today is characterized by escalating diverse environments whereby some organizations ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Speech On Diversity In Society I agreed with Jacquelin Woodson when she said that diversity is about all of us and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together. To live in harmony requires us to be conscious of the hopes and needs that surround us and flexible in all actions. In a harmonious relationship, each party should set aside their own desires to nurture the relationship itself. Furthermore, we can be in harmony with others only when we are in harmony with ourselves. Diversity is very crucial because with a diverse environment, people can benefit and learn from others. Why does people questioned about the harmony of diversity? It should be every person responsibility to nurtured diversity in this world regardless of their age and skin ... Show more content on ... People of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds have been an integral part of the community since long time ago. Initially, we all starts from Adam and Eve. The natural law was definite and fixed on its place. From A to Z diversity play a major role everywhere and everyday. It has blended naturally in our life. There is never two people in the world are exactly alike. All people, even the identical twins have their own viewpoints and experiences. People with differing views or points should respect each other's right to differ. An important part of growing is being willing to learn new things. Being open to see new things and learning about other people without negatively judging them is a form of tolerance. The basic right of every human being is the right for life. We should all be born to grow, study and share life with the people around us. If we cannot accept others, the problem is not in they, but it is in our attitude towards ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Corporate Social Responsibility : Baker Hughes Introduction Baker Hughes headquarters are located in Houston Texas and is a company that participates in the global petroleum industry and offers products and services for finding, evaluating, drilling, extracting, and producing hydrocarbons. (BakerHughes) These services operate in the Americans, Europe, Russia, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific. According to the last fiscal year, Baker Hughes has 24551 million dollars in revenue and makes a profit of 1719 million dollars. With the help of their CEO, Martin Craighead, and their 58,000 employees, Baker Hughes is ranked 119 in the Fortune 500, which is an improvement from last years ranking of 132.–hughes–119/ Sustainability (Principally environmental practices) Corporate Social Responsibility is a huge part of the core values at Baker Hughes. From their Global Reporting Initiative, you can tell that Baker Hughes incorporates corporate social responsibility in their every day business practice. This is also shown by Baker Hughes investing in different initiatives to maintain their strong corporate social responsibility position for future, which includes: maintaining legal compliance and fostering an ethical work culture, ensuring a safe and secure work environment for our employees, protecting the environment, supporting the communities in which we work, and developing sustainable technologies and products. From investing in these activities, they help to motivate employees, ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Diversity In Today's Society Today's society is filled with many unique and fascinating people. Each person has had their own experiences. Some people have traveled the world, and others have participated in marathons. However, everyone is not equal in the world. While times have in fact changed dramatically over they years, such things as racism and discrimination still exist in today's society. Coming up to Berkeley was definitely a change of landscape for me. I'd always been, for the most part, surrounded by like–minded people, so I never really had to question myself on the things I was saying, as it was accepted. After moving to to Berkeley and into the residence halls, I found myself not only being questioned by others but also questioning others. I had to ask myself ... Show more content on ... First is the act of discrimination. This is when one person or group of people will treat someone else or another group of people unequally simply because they belong to a different social category. This takes place depending on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Avoidance is also influenced by privilege. Something as small as looking away when speaking to someone else can show privilege. Another is exclusion, which is when one group doesn't allow someone in. This socially bans this person, which makes privilege more of an issue. Johnson states, "Of all human needs, few are as powerful as the need to be seen, included and accepted by other people. This is why being shunned or banished is among the most painful punishments to endure, a social death." This quote describes life and the way it's always been. No one wants to be excluded or discriminated against. Avoidance might even be less hurtful than the other two acts. Privilege is also represented in the work place as well as in the community. Sometimes the way we act is intentional and on purpose. Johnson discusses all of the talk about "racial healing" and "healing gender wounds," but he continues to state that these issues are far from over. For a lot of people, it's hard to even fathom the idea of privilege and how it is also seen as negative. Everyone is privileged as well as oppressed and that is how the world works. Before coming up to Berkeley, I didn't really see myself as privileged or oppressed, but I've learned that I am ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Religious Diversity And Its Impact On Society Religion has been a topic of significant sociological discussion since the beginnings of sociology itself. Yet the complexity and changing social landscape that has surrounded this aspect of social life mean that one simple definition of religion is difficult to establish. The debate around secularisation and the changes in society bought about by capitalism and the Reformation have come together in contemporary Australia to forge a time where there is a complex relationship between religion and society. While statistics show that there are declining numbers from the traditional religions of the 19th and 20th century, it would appear that a pattern is emerging where people are not necessarily less religious, but instead there is an increase of religious diversity is Australia. This essay will argue that ethical and humanist spirituality do form a viable alternative to religion because statistics show that in response to capitalism, and in the context of contemporary society there has been a move away from traditional forms of religion. It will also argue that ethical and humanist spirituality appeals to the contemporary push towards individualism. This essay also that in the context of modern society and its emphasis on consumerism, ethical and humanist spirituality has appeal as a viable alternative to traditional forms of religion. Finally this essay argues that ethical and humanist spirituality provide an ethical framework for individuals to live by therefore ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Why I Should Be A Teacher I want to be a teacher to continue to serve. I have served twenty years as officer in the United States Army and I want to continue to serve others in a different capacity. Through my time in service and later as member of the civilian work force I have seen the struggles of workers and employers as they struggle to find sustainable matches. One of the answers to this struggle a is better prepared work force. However, there are segments of our country that have been systematically left out, and I want to address that. I grew up in Seattle during the de–segregation, and it was normal for me to be the only black kid in my class. As society around me came to grips with the change in the city, I had to go to school. I could wait for programs and understanding to take hold and remove the old ways. I was labeled one of "those kids", a "disruptive child" in the class, until at the behest of my parents and school administrators, I was tested. The test show I was not challenged by the normal material which lead to the behavior and soon I was challenged. However, my story doesn't end there. I still had to face the challenges that our current disadvantage students face and there was a time where my future was in question. However, by the grace of a few dedicated teachers, I was able to overcome my obstacles and find some success in the classroom, because of that I want to pay it forward to the next generation. Because of the efforts of so many, I have gone on to earn my ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Diversity Of Society : Does Society Unites The Society Since the beginning of the human race, diversity has been a part of the world. Whether it the color of our skin or our beliefs, everyone is different. The society unites from being diverse However, diversity tend to cause unity more often than it divides the society. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilization." Gandhi believes that the capability to be able to unite while being diverse is what will make our society appealing. The society unites and unites even when they are different. Some factors that unite the society would be a common interest, conflicts, and the loss of loved ones. A common interest is a factor that unites the society. This is shown when the author of "A Quilt of a Country" ,Anna Quindlen, states, "The citizens of the United States have come together once more because of armed conflict and enemy attack" (l.58). Americans worked together despite their differences due to a terrorist group committing a genocide on The World Trade Center. Citizens came together because they had something in common: the passion to rebuild what has been destroyed and to not show any instability. Going through the same problems during the same time, they were able to help each other since they had the same feelings. In "Night Calls," by Lisa Fugard, there are many examples on how a common interest can unite individuals. Fugard wrote, "During holidays I came home and my father would share the latest ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Proposal Plan Part 1 Proposal Plan, Part I Vanessa Lecoin University of Phoenix HRM 595 Human resources capstone As vice president of Human Resources for VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital I am responsible for 500 employees. I have a proposal that will address what type of staff VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital requires, what type of organizational behaviors we should include in the facility toward our staff, workforce diversity, implementing diversity, employee relations, and employee retention plans. I also want to focus on why we should not use outsourcing for this facility. Brief background on the VS Lecoin 's Family Clinic and objectives VS Lecoin's Family Hospital is medical facility that has a collaborating team of pediatricians, family ... Show more content on ... By allowing these modifications into action, we will be able to keep our employees and recruit new ones. Outsourcing not an option for workforce planning Outsourcing may not be a good option for organizational workforce planning because VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital is a family and community run organization and outsourcing will not allow the organization to maintain a warm community atmosphere. Outsourcing creates an atmosphere where patients may interact with third party vendors during customer service calls or emergency calls with employees more likely not from the same country, familiar or fluent with the English language, or speak the language very clearly enough for the patients to understand (Cotriss, 2009). Socially outsourcing creates a hardship for locals to access the position because the positions is would be offered to vendors outside the country. Outsourcing is a conflict of interest if VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital hires outside of the community instead of hiring within the community, this would not create a community atmosphere that goes against VS Lecoin 's Family Hospital goal. Outsourcing creates an environment which the outside sources only know scripted information regarding the organization instead of acquiring firsthand personal knowledge regarding VS Lecoin ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The Diversity Audit Project : Starbucks The purpose of the diversity audit project is to teach students how to analyze and measure diversity efforts of potential employers and as potential customers. In this globalizing world these skills are more important than ever. Many companies are making changes to diversify their employees and their customer base; this project is focused on investigating one company's efforts. After this project students can expect to have gained a deeper knowledge of how to measure a company's level of diversity and analyze its effects on both employees and customers. Many people think that Starbucks is just a company that sells coffee. Beginning our diversity audit, that's what our group thought as well. As we began our research we uncovered a company that we could not have imagined. Starbucks has embraced diversity, and in many ways, is a trailblazer. Starbucks is involved in a plethora of diversity efforts, both in achieving diversity and managing diversity within their corporation. Starbucks becomes deeply involved in promoting diversity by creating Partner Networks ("Diversity and Inclusion"). A partner is an employee of Starbucks, and Partner Networks are support systems created and supported by Starbucks to help their diverse staff feel included and welcome. Partner networks include Starbucks Access Alliance Partnership, which promotes increased accessibility and use of Starbucks facilities for customers and Partners with disabilities ("Diversity and Inclusion"). ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Diversity and Inclusion Paper Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper SOC/315 December 15, 2010 Professor Dr. Lorthridge Introduction This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in my workplace. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of diversity. Diversity is a variety between people associated to factors such as culture, employment status, education, family orientation, gender, origin, physical appearance, religion, sexual orientation and thinking style (Harvey, C. P., 2009). Although the differences themselves are unquestionable, organizations and society often reject them by acknowledging ... Show more content on ... Organizations must stop visualizing diversity as an issue and start seeing it as a benefit for the organization. There are several reasons why a diverse workforce will add value to a company. Most businesses, either large or small, work on a global scale; the information age has brought the entire world a lot closer. Having associates that can deal with different cultures around the world is crucial to an expanding business. A diverse workforce will help to build more rounded individuals with experience they will gain from a mixed environment. Customers will benefit from the diverse workforce because a company that makes a choice to be open and flexible with its associates will more than likely be easy to work with in a business relationship. Probably the most important aspect of having a diverse workforce is the vast knowledge gained by pooling the different life lessons, cultures and experience together thereby allowing everyone the chance to learn new and different business practices (Sappal, Pepi, 2002). In reality, as you can see from the positive argument produced above, diversity assist organizations a key advantage in the corporate world. Culture can help an organization to succeed, when diversity is taken into action, non–biased and properly managed can be greatly effective. There is no doubt after researching the arguments for cultural diversity that organizations should invest in a highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Diversity in Today's Society Diversity is an enormous part in today's society, and language is part of that diversity. Fienberg– Fisher is known for having a Hispanic majority and because of that I deduced that language was an important factor in the children education. Expecting to encounter with many Hispanic kids and Spanish throughout the hallways, it was a surprise to find the most of them where not technically allow to speak another language outside English. It's understandable why staff would not want their students speaking another language, but it was shocking, because instead of empowering the children to better themselves they were doing the opposite. My fifteen hours of service were spent in a second grade class, where we could clearly appreciate the diversity that the school offers. Mr. Johanson is a mentor for the ESOL kids that have difficulty pronouncing words correctly, while I was there a lot of them tried to speak Spanish with me but were forbidden to do so, which was understandable but for me it was unnecessary because they would do it outside the classroom. The teacher was limiting them, not allowing them to incorporate their culture into their everyday life. It can be arguable that it for their benefit but when you watch the student after they are told not to speak Spanish it's like telling them that they not allow to be themselves. When you entered the classroom the first thing you would notice it's the different races the school has. It was exciting to be actually a part of ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Impact Of Diversity On Society INFLUENTIAL GROUPS As geeky as it sounds, being in band for 8 years, 5th grade through 12th grade, had an amazingly positive impact on my world. It taught me the importance of friendships, practice, and hard work. It also taught me how to work and lead with people you don't necessarily like. Those are all aspects that I can now use in the professional field of social work. I was in dance for almost as long as I was in band. My mom originally put me in dance to improve my posture and coordination. This sport not only did that but it taught me how to truly express myself and it taught me to not care what others thought. I was not amazing by any means but it was freeing. And part of that freeing aspect was being mediocre and not caring who ... Show more content on ... Professionally, I will witness individuals who have had struggles due to diversity, discrimination, and/or oppression and when that time comes I hope to be of help. PERSONAL STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS A large portion of my personal strength comes from the support I receive from family and friends. Since I have discovered who I am and what makes me me, I am able to focus on those clients who need help doing the same. Another strength is the perseverance that I have earned through everything I have went through. Some limitations are that I am still growing and there are going to parts of my life where my personal life may have to take precedence. I lack world experience, not just professionally but just all around, which may make me incompetent in some areas. A plan to deal with these limitations consists of being aware of myself. If I am constantly checking in on myself and those around me, but mostly myself, I will be able to take one thing at a time instead of having to deal with seven–thousand different struggles at one given time. This helps with my lack of worldly knowledge because as long as I remain open– minded and willing to educate myself, I will refuse to become ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Diversity In The Workplace Essay "The demand for high quality talent is outstripping supply and this is not expected to change." The above statement is true in today's world economy and hence relying on local talents is not enough, so companies should also consider foreign talent markets for obtaining high quality and dedicated talents. The workplaces need to be more diverse in order to survive in today's non–static market. What foreign talents bring is vision and experiences which might be applicable in their local market but the learning that can be obtained from those experiences will definitely help the company which plans to hire them and that learning can be applied to similar markets as well. What is meant by Diversity in Workplace? The basic concept for diversity is rapidly developing. It is no longer just about creating heterogeneous workforces, but now it is also about using that workforce to create the innovative products, services and business practices that can give a company a competitive advantage in the market. And on a global scale, as companies compete, diversity and inclusion have to frequently shift, as different markets and different cultures have varied definitions of what diversity means. In today's market almost all executives understand that their companies cannot be successful on a global platform unless they have a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce is necessary to drive innovation, foster creativity and guide business strategies. When a company has people from multiple ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Diversity And Its Effect On Society Diversity in society helps us to grow as individuals and open our minds to different ways of life. When you are exposed to different ways of life and see how other cultures carry on then you are no longer closed to the idea that we are all different. Diversity also promotes tolerance. In terms of being tolerant that means diversity can help us accept other cultures, it can even adapt some cultural ways and values into our society. The point is, we are all different. Yet the differences that we have between us can be used to strengthen society as we know it. Diversity allows us the opportunity to learn, grow, understand new ways of living, and experience life to the fullest. Without diversity, we are closed off in our own worlds, but with it, we expand our knowledge and we are no longer ignorant. When you are aware of the differences and embrace them, then you have taken the blind fold off to living differently and you are a better person for it. The key is exposure and using what you learned to increase tolerance and decrease racism. Ta–Nehisi Coates view of the Mecca, a passage into a far–reaching thought of blackness encouraged by greater exposure to the black diaspora, which represents the "lovely things", the language, mannerism, food, music, and literature, describes the diversity of HBCUs. Diversity has been a force for change because it boosts educational innovation which leads to educational growth, more jobs, and interaction between diverse cultures. HBCUs such as ... Get more on ...