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Social Media And Anorexia Essay
Media gives girls an ideal body type and this causes eating disorders. Media often shows girls the
perfect body type which leads to them dieting, the first step for people who have anorexia
(Graves,2000) making the anorexia rate go up. Media has influenced many girls to go on a diet
after comparing themselves to others. Media gives out the message if you want to be happy,
popular, and successful you need to be slim (Bingham,2009). This has made girls become
attracted to the idea of being thin. They then either start working out or going on a diet. More
than half of teenage girls are, or think they should be on a diet. Dieting is very serious because it
gets more and more restrictive for anorexic patients (Silverman,2005). Many sports can also
influence you to go on a diet or lose weight to perform better. Teenage girls really need friends
going throughout middle school and high school because the high risk population for anorexia is
females between the ages 12 and 18 (Romeo,1984). A 15 year old anorexic patient was asked to
sum up her experience in one word and decided to use the word "isolation" because she felt so
alone and felt that no one was there for her, just there to judge her (McKnight & Boughton,2010).
Social media is one to blame for this because many times girls feel they are left out because they are
not as popular as the more content...
Anorexia takes an average five to six years from diagnosis to fully recover, and up to 30 percent
of anorexia patients never recover (Morris & Twaddle,2007). Girls with anorexia may eventually
lose 50 percent of their original body weight (Romeo,1984). Americans need to be more aware of
the damage social media, magazines, T.V. ads, and the sports culture can do to teenage girls so they
can help the anorexia rate go down by bringing awareness to the subject and what causes
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Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Research Paper
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
Eating disorders are real, complex, and devastating conditions that can have serious consequences for
health, productivity, and relationships. Eating disorders are serious, potentially life threating
conditions that affect a person's emotional and physical health. (National Eating Disorders
Association) Extreme weight loss and believing that one is fat despite excessive thinness are key
features of anorexia nervosa. Another eating disorder that is also harmful is bulimia which consists
of binge–eating and preventing any weight gain by purging; such as vomiting, abusing laxatives, and
exercising excessively. (Mental Health America) Mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and
alcohol/drug addiction are more content...
At the physician's office exams and tests can be done such as a physical exam, lab tests such as
CBC to check electrolytes, urine tests, check for function of liver, kidney, and thyroid, psychological
evaluation, and check for bone density. Both disorders are classified under the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5). The criteria for anorexia include restricting food
intake, fear of gaining weight, and problems with body image. Criteria for bulimia is having
recurrent episodes of eating a large amount of food then most people would eat in an amount of
time, binging and purging at least once a week for at least three months, and getting rid of calories
by vomiting, excessive exercise, and laxatives. (Mayo Clinic Anorexia & Bulimia) Doctors use this
system to diagnose the disorder and come up with treatments that will treat the underlying cause.
Treatments depend on the severity of the disorder. Each individual is different and may need options
to deal with the
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Cause And Effect Essay On Anorexia
Did you know that there are ten year olds drowning themselves out with so much insecurity that
they feel the need to starve themselves? One of the single most popular eating disorders is
anorexia, which occurs when an individual has an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to
eat. Therefore, anorexia is a psychological and possibly life threatening disorder that is defined
when an individual has an extremely low body weight. Due to our limited knowledge regarding
eating disorders, teens are currently putting compact and unhealthy amounts of food into their
systems affecting their everyday diet, long and short term health, and body figure. Causes Eating
disorders are rapidly spreading among countless numbers of adolescents due to more
The binge and purge type of anorexia is immensely dangerous affecting the entire digestive system
soon leading to damage of the heart or other organs. An organization called, NEDA, addresses the
main and serious health problems affected by this disorder which are thinning of bones, lowered
pulse and blood pressure, and most importantly damage to the brain, the heart and the kidneys. These
disorders result in death for as many as 10% of people that develop them throughout symptoms and
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Research Paper On Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight and
an intense fear of gaining weight. This disorder results in unhealthy, often dangerous weight loss. It
can affect women and men of all ages but the ratio of adolescence women is greater than men.
The affected person places a high value on controlling his weight and shape, using extreme efforts
that tend to significantly interfere with his life.
This disorder commonly involves mental challenges such as exaggerated fear of becoming
overweight or obese and unrealistic body image. In US 30 million men and women are affected by
eating disorder. If you want to know more about this disorder then this article will provide you
symptoms, causes and more content...
Talk Therapy: This encourages communication of conflicts and insight into problems.
Cognitive Therapy: comprises altering dysfunctional thought patterns.
Family Therapy: It educates the family about the disorder including diagnosing its presence as well
as to cope with the issues that have created in the family because of depressive disorder. Also, its
main objective is to educate the family, how to deal with the affected person and how you can help
him to overcome this.
Medication: Sometimes, medication is also used in the treatment although, no medication is
specifically indicated for Anorexia nervosa. It helps the people who experience certain symptoms
like severe depression or anxiety.
Clinical hypnosis: It is also used which involves intense relaxation, concentration and focused
attention to achieve an altered state of consciousness. This allows a person with Anorexa nervosa to
explore thoughts, emotions and memories that may be hidden from his/her conscious mind. In this
condition, the therapist may be able to talk to about his personality and give tips and tricks to
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Essay on Anorexia Nervosa
Assessment Before treatment can begin, anorexic clients must undergo assessments that ensure they
are physically capable of outpatient treatment. If these individuals are not ready for outpatient
treatment, they must undergo hospitalization to stabilize their condition. For those clients who pass
medical examinations, and are good candidates for outpatient care, it remains necessary for a
physician and dietitian to be involved with treatment (Bowers, 2002). This ensures the client is cared
for in a holistic manner by addressing "nutritional rehabilitation, possibly medical stabilization, and
psychological interventions" (Bowers, 2002, p. 249). This multidimensional approach ensures the
client's physical wellbeing is addressed, more content...
In addition to creating a collaborative relationship, the early stages of treatment focus on
psychoeducation (Stein, 2001). The inclusion of education allows the individual to learn about the
importance of proper nutrition and how restricting food intake affects the body. Once the client
receives education, the therapist employs motivational interviewing to help the client evaluate the
costs and benefits of his or her behavior (Stein, 2001). This then leads to challenging faulty
cognitions and beliefs about body weight. In order to help an individual with anorexia begin to
change their core beliefs about weight and body image, it is vital for the therapist to understand the
individual's schemas. It is through these schemas that the individual understands the world and
makes decisions. Bowers (2002), cites previous research that suggests these schemas are the
foundation of cognitive rigidity, which is the "fundamental psychopathology of eating disorders" (p.
249). In other words, it is vitally important to help the individual change their rigid cognitions
because these cognitions are the foundation of their illness. In order to challenge and help change
these schemas therapists utilize Beck's cognitive therapy and Socratic questioning (Bowers, 2002).
Therapists use a combination of cognitive and behavioral techniques to teach clients how to change
their negative body image. For example, it is common for these individuals to report "feeling fat,"
which is actually
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Anorexia Nervosa
Voltaire once said, "Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not
made them a pleasure as well as a necessity." This quote makes me remember that as much pleasure
as food may bring us, we should never forget that we need it to survive. I guess most of us don't, but
once again, I remembered there are some people who do. If we were to look the world as a whole,
we would realize that from every 100 teenage girls, 1 to 5 suffers from Anorexia(EDV).
As defined by the National Eating Disorders Association, "Anorexia Nervosa is a serious, potentially
life–threatening eating disorder characterized by self–starvation and excessive weight loss."
(NEDA). The term "Anorexia Nervosa" literally means "neurotic loss more content...
One of the most examined cases, which serves as a tool to prove the existence of Holy Anorexia
is Catherine Benincassa, a woman of the fourteenth century. Somewhat between 1373 and 1374,
she replied in a letter to a priest that begged her to eat, "I say to you that many times, when I did
what I could, then I look[ed] into myself to understand my infirmity [...] I do not know what other
remedy to try, [...] I beg you that you beseech that highest eternal Truth to grant me the grace of
allowing me to take food." (Bell) Further on she refers to eating as a way to "live like other
creatures"(Bell). It is evident that she was unable to control herself and to stop her starvation. In the
legenda (a recompilation of her life) written by her confessor, it is shown that later on, she refused to
eat anything at all and eventually died from starvation. The close examination of Catherine's case,
among many others, proves that Anorexia exists since the Middle Ages, and it is not a modern illness.
Beauty was considered something completely different back then, and the media was nonexistent. So
neither beauty nor the media can be contemplated as the cause of Anorexia Nervosa.
They surely help perpetuate this illness, though, because the media controls what goes in the
minds of people since a very young age, and spreads the idea of losing weight faster than it could
have ever been done before. It sells a lot of dissatisfaction, as stated by Andrea Ganitsky, and leads
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Anorexia Essay
Anorexia The World Book Encyclopedia defines anorexia as, "one who avoids food for
psychological reasons". Most "experts" believe that those who suffer from anorexia are starving
themselves to avoid growing into adults. It is also common knowledge among these experts that
anorexics "want to gain attention and a sense of being special". People say that anorexia doesn't stop
at affecting the victim at hand; instead, it surpasses the anorexic. Which means that anorexia affects
the personality of the person; that it branches off to affect other parts of that anorexics life. Body
image obsession, self–devotion, attention grabbing, selfishness, are all attributes which keenly
describe anorexia in the eyes of the media and most more content...
Those who treat anorexia in modern medical practice try, not to cure the eating disorder, but
rather to go straight to the root of a deeper psychological problem. The number of misinformed
"professionals" in the medical world is staggering. This can only be shown by the education they
receive while in college. The information on eating disorders is vast, but woefully understudied by
qualified persons. Few in the medical community have a meaningful connection with anorexia or
the family of eating disorders it belongs to. The education of the general public is crucial to the
development of medical treatment. If the public cares about something, the problem will get
resolved in time. Like my father says, "If the moon were made of gold, or some other valuable
material, we would have colonies there already." This is very true in today?s medical industry, if
something is profitable or appealing to the public or a private investor, then there will be progress.
The media does not promote the healing of anorexics in anyway, and we have too few private
investors to support the fight against this escalating problem. The methods employed by American
hospitals today to cure anorexia are equivalent to treating AIDS with cough drops. Neither will do
anything to cure the disease or the person. There is no advanced knowledge of anorexia, and the
treatment is treating nothing other
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Essay on Cause and Effect of Anorexia
"I look like a normal, well–adjusted 15–year–old high school sophomore. I like talking to friends on
the phone, riding my bike, watching TV, and spending time with my boyfriend. I make above
average grades and like math and science classes the best. However, about a year ago, my weight
dropped to 72 pounds. I lay in a hospital bed with unkempt hair, fragile limbs and a sunken face. I
was seriously ill. The villainous disease was not cancer or AIDS. I had anorexia, a condition which
afflicts many teens and young adults, especially young women." Holly (
Anorexia is a type of eating disorder who has an intense fear of gaining weight. They severely limit
the amount of food they eat and can become dangerously thin (1) more content...
Their lives become focused on controlling their weight (3). They limit how much food they eat and
may limit themselves to just a few hundred calories a day, exercise a lot even when they are sick,
vomiting or using laxatives, and become secretive and withdrawn from friends and family. As
starvation sets in, they start to develop signs of serious problems throughout the body. They may
feel weak, tired, or faint , have thinned hair, dry skin, brittle nails, stop having menstrual periods,
feel cold all the time, swollen feet, poor blood flow and low blood presser are some of the signs of
serious problems (3).
There is no single test that can diagnose eating disorder, but if your doctor thinks you may be
anorexic, he or she will check you for signs of malnutrition or starvation. Doctors may ask questions
about your mental well–being. Some common exams and tests include a medical history, physical
exam, screening questions, mental health assessment, blood test and X–rays (9). Anorexia causes
serious health complications as weight loss and starvation progress. Starvation affects all areas of
the anorexic body, including the heart. Mortality rate from anorexia are high. If anorexia nervosa
damages the heart enough, ancrexics can develop an irregular heartbeat (15). In addition, other
effects of
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Nicole Adkins Informative Speech How many of you have ever battled an eating disorder or
known someone with an eating disorder? One or two of every 100 students will struggle or have
struggled with an eating disorder. An anonymous quote from someone who struggled an eating
disorder once said "Nothing matters when I'm thin". Anyone of us in this room is at risk of an
eating disorder. Females have to maintain that 'normal' look to fit in with society. More guys are
seeking help for eating disorders as well. Guys with eating disorders tend to focus more on athletic
appearance or success than just on looking thin. I'm going to inform you today about anorexia; what
it is, signs, causes, effects, and possible treatments to help it. First, more content...
Researchers have discovered an area on chromosome 1 that appears to be associated with an
increased susceptibility to anorexia. Others can suffer from psychological reasons. People that feel
low self–worth sometimes become anorexic to make themselves feel better. Anorexia's may have
an extreme drive for perfectionism, which means they may never thing they're thin enough. A lot
of people suffer because of sociocultural reasons. The media is filled with images of thin models
and actors, which associates success and worth with being thin. Peer pressure from friends,
coworkers, and classmates also causes some people to feel there not fitting it. We must also
consider the effects of anorexia. People with anorexia experience hair loss and fingernail
breakage. Women who suffer will begin to have period loss. Those who continue to be anorexic
without getting help can become anemic and even begin to develop very brittle bones. Anorexia is
a serious medical illness, and with severe malnutrition anorexia can also cause death. Finally, we
will look at possible treatments for anorexia. People that suffer can get better and gradually learn to
eat normally again. Anorexia involves both mind and body. Therapy or counseling is a critical part
of treating eating disorders. In many cases family therapy is one of the keys to eating healthily
again. Parents and other family members are important in helping the person see that his or her
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Informative Essay On Anorexia
Anorexia's meaning "loss of appetite". According to The National Institute of Mental Health it is
considered to be one of the deadliest eating disorders. Therefore it is important to communicate the
"red flags", characteristics, symptoms, age range, and a way to cure and prevent the eating disorder.
Eating disorders can be form upon social media, famous people, as well as mental issues. The
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders says "All segments of society
are affected: Men and women, young and old, rich and poor, all ethnicities, all social economic
levels." And ANAD estimates that 6 percent of people with serious eating disorders die.
(Silverthorne, 2009).
"Red Flags" are basically what warns us that a family member friend, peer is or may be suffering
from anorexia. The Mayo Clinic lists us a number of them which will help prevent the eating
disorder. First it starts with skipping meals, and then it starts with excuses for not eating. Basic
phrases "I am not hungry", "I ate already", "I ate earlier I am full." Then if there is a consumption
of food he/she with eat only "safe foods" considered to have to calorie intake. Adapting rigid meal
or eating rituals, such as cutting food into tiny pieces. Spitting after chewing food, repeated weighing
off themselves. Complaining about being fat and constantly noticing perceived "flaws" becomes one
of their hobbies.
Shannah Tharp–Taylor who says: Black women often suffer needlessly form anorexia because
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Anorexia Nervosa Research Paper
Starvation is a very painful process. Many believe that it is the worst way to perish. The wasting
away of the body takes an extended amount of time as the body crumbles and organ systems fail.
While this progression is horrifying to most, there are many who have chosen this lifestyle. This is
very hard to grasp for those who have not experienced ; however, Anorexia Nervosa is a very serious
emotional and physiological disorder in which the affected adopts restrictive eating behaviors or
starvation, causing them to become unhealthily underweight. This is often a result of emotional
trauma from family disfunction, bullying, depression, or molestation. The patient perceives
themselves as overweight no matter what the scale says, which makes
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Essay on Anorexia
"Anorexia Nervosa"
Bizarre, devastating, and baffling are three words that describe the anorexia nervosa disease. By
definition, anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a normal–weight person diets and
becomes significantly underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continue to starve themselves. The term
"anorexia nervosa" literally means nervous lose of appetite. People with the disorder
are suppressing a strong desire to eat, because they are afraid of becoming fat. Anorexia is
characterized by extreme starvation that leads to a disastrous loss of weight. Anorexia nervosa affects
a large number of people today in the world, and does not discriminate against anybody. Its victims more content...
It was only about one hundred years ago that it was finally identified as an illness by modern
science, by a professor from the University of Paris named Ernest Lasegue.
How do you identify the signs of this very dangerous disease? Some of the physical signs are
intolerance of cold due to the absence of the body’s natural insulator, dizziness and
fainting spells, dry skin, loss of muscle, and the most obvious, weight loss of at least fifteen
percent(Baker 13). There are also behavioral changes in a person when he or she becomes
anorexia. Some of these include restricted food intake, odd food rituals, an increased fear of food,
hyperactivity, dressing in layers, and regular weighing. Some of the so called "odd food
rituals" include things like counting bites and cutting food into small pieces. Despite what
many people think, anorexics are not repelled or revolted by food. In fact, their minds are often
dominated by thoughts of food. They often use such ridiculous tactics such as laxatives for weight
loss, because they feel the overwhelming urge to be thinner.
Besides making the sufferers very thin, anorexia nervosa has many other harmful physical effects.
Some of these include bowel tumors, hypoglycemia, throat infections, and low blood sugar. Women
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Essay on Anorexia
Anorexia Nervosa
Have you ever felt fat or self–conscious about the way you looked? These are questions that we
may ask ourselves everyday, but anorexics ask themselves these questions every minute of everyday.
Questions like this haunt an anorexic's conscience and ruin the way she/he perceives herself/himself.
Anorexia is a very dangerous mental illness because it has many life– threatening effects.
Anorexia is not a choice to be made. It is brought on by many pressures to be thin and it clouds
one's ability to see herself/himself as she/he really is, which is usually dangerously thin. Anorexia
nervosa is an eating disorder. Sufferers starve themselves and have extreme more
Excessive exercise is a warning sign of anorexia as well. A woman with anorexia may use extreme
measures to lose weight, such as making her self throw up, taking pills to urinate or to have a bowel
movement, and or taking diet pills. An anorexic may isolate herself from all others and refuse to
socialize. She may also wear baggy clothes to hide her appearance.
With all the risks involved in being an anorexic, one would think that no one would be pressured
into the cult of thinness, but that most certainly is not the case. Every part of the body is affected in
a negative way. The brain and nerves are affected by the inability to think properly, having a bad
memory, fainting, changes in the brain chemistry, and being sad, moody, or irritable.
A sufferer from anorexia may have fine hair all over her body, while the normal hair may become
thin and brittle. An anorexics skin will bruise easily. It may also have a yellow tint to it and be
very dry. A person with anorexia may have a strong sensitivity to cold temperatures. While an
anorexic will be bone thin, she still will have constipation and bloating. A continued use of laxatives
is harmful to the body because it wears out the bowel muscle and cause it to decrease function. Some
laxatives contain harsh substances that may be reabsorbed into a persons system.
The media is not entirely at fault for the onset of anorexia. Several biological factors, including
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Anorexia Argumentative Essay
Fingers are tingling. Sight is fading. Muscles are shaking. Without warning, pain shoots through the
veins as bones crack against the pavement. In this instant, the body has lost consciousness, but then it
wakes up, shakes off the pain, and continues moving. A majority of anorexia's victims are lucky
enough to survive these events, but numerous anorexics would never stand again. Anorexia is a
parasite that is currently compromising the physical, emotional, and social well–being of nine
million people. These men and women deserve to live their lives, but time will tick past each of
these survivors. When I learned that valuable lesson, I started tackling my demon in order to
overcome every challenge that would be thrown my way, even if I more content...
Friends and family took notice, and they each offered me volunteer opportunities, one of which
led to my greater fulfillment. A close friend, Jillian, asked if I could help her with her newborn
nephew's unpredictable lifestyle. I jumped to the occasion, and the act of working personally
with an infant's sent sparks up my nerves. I instantly connected with the baby, especially when I
had to work with his health, and I quickly envisioned my future bringing these little beings into
the world as an obstetrician. These physicians only spend portions of their days working in
prenatal and postnatal care, because their primary focus is on women's health. The female body
yields a surprising amount of unique health conditions, including a prominence of eating disorders,
which I plan on preventing in my career. In my recent studies, I discovered that approximately
three percent of my patients will have a critical eating disorder, and I believe my career's purpose
is to prevent these cases for the sake of women and their wombs. Throughout my coming career, I
plan on researching ways that these women can alleviate this pain and focus on having a healthy
family. I will fight my chronic anorexia and fight for its victims before any fingers start tingling,
sight starts fading, muscles start shaking, and skin smacks the
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Essay about Anorexia
According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, there are
over 24 Million people that suffer from eating disorders. What is an eating disorder though? The
simple definition of this disease is that a person exhibits abnormal eating behaviors. There are
many different variations to these disorders but they share many of the same characteristics such
as: fear of becoming obese, obsession with thinness, food, weight, and even calorie counting. Of
the many cases though what is the main cause of this disease? Can it be psychological, an
environmental, or a biological factor? In this paper I will explore some of the reasons why people
develop eating disorders and how it all factors into more content...
The three main symptoms are an excessive amount of intake of food accompanied by self–induced
vomiting, fasting and/or obsessive or compulsive exercise, and extreme concern with body weight
and shape. The recurrent binge–and–purge cycles can damage the entire digestive system and can
lead to electrolyte and chemical imbalances in the body that affect the heart and other major organ
functions. Some health consequences of bulimia nervosa are irregular heartbeats, possibly heart
failure and death, inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting,
tooth decay and staining from stomach acids released, irregular bowel movements and
constipation. People struggling with bulimia nervosa usually appear to be of average body
weight (National). Physical appearance is not the only issue that this disease faces in people.
They also face problems with psychological, environmental and biological issues in life. Since
there is no clear way to tell which of these factors is the culprit of causing eating disorders, each
factor needs to be looked at. Environmental factors is plays one of the biggest roles in eating
disorders. As a society, we are taught that looks matter. So what makes a person associate thinness
with beauty? Many people are believing that the media has much to do with how people view
themselves. The media has promoted the image of thinness through magazines, advertisement, and
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Anorexia Nervosa Essay
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa, AN, is an eating disorder that affects mostly females in their teenage years. The
number of people that suffer from this disorder has increase in the recent decades making it a
disorder that causes more deaths compare to any other psychological disorder. AN can have an
effect on someone's social life as well as physically and psychologically. It's a disorder that can be
treated with proper treatment, but identifying the symptoms is the first step.
According to the present clinical literature, anorexia nervosa entails refusal to uphold health weight
range as well as body image distortion. The most common symptoms of AN that can be identified
include fear of gaining weight or/and becoming fat; more content...
All those constant ideas created by society and media gives a drive to individuals to diet constantly,
use diet pills and to develop unhealthy eating patterns that could develop into an eating disorder
.(Gay,2003 pg 86)Individual characteristics such as perfectionism, poor self–image are more at risk
of developing AN. People that suffer from AN don't see their body as perfect and feel ashamed or
embarrass of their body which can lead them to isolation and fear of eating in public. They might
focus and exaggerate on certain parts of their body that show imperfections to the point where they
become obsess. Their self–esteem is very dependent in their weight. When weight loss is reached it
gives the person a sense of achievement and pride giving boosting up their self–esteem, but when no
weight is loss the feelings of guilt and failure lowers their self–esteem. . (DSM –IV–TR,2000).
While AN normally starts to be noticeable in early adolescence, it could also be seen in adults and
young children. AN is likely to affect people in industrial societies like the U.S., Canada, and
Europe. More often, Caucasians in upper and middle socioeconomic groups have a higher tendency
to be affected by AN than individuals of other ethnic and economic backgrounds. Roughly, 95% of
those affected are female, most commonly teenage girls. It is estimate that about one in every one
hundred teenage girls has this eating disorder
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Essay on Anorexia Nervosa
Davis 1
Anorexia nervosa is defined as a refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight, in addition to
a disturbance in perception of body shape and weight( DSM–IV–TR, 2000). In this paper we will
examine Carolyn Costin's battle with anorexia nervosa from a biopsychosocial perspective and
what reinforced her disorder. This will be followed by diagnostically using the
DSM–IV–TR in Carolyn's case and conceptually using the sociocultural dimension. The implications
for both Carolyn, her social and cultural context, as well as society at large will be addressed. The
paper will then conclude with the successful treatments of anorexia nervosa and why we should care
about the disorder. The biological dimension more content...
The psychological dimension of Carolyn's anorexia nervosa has to do with her being a perfectionist
and model student in school. An example of this is seen when Carolyn insists her mother drives her
to school, so she could study longer in the car (Sattler et al., 1998).
Davis 2
Carolyn's need for control moved from her academics to dieting, which she associated with her
improved self–esteem, self–control, and thinner body figure (Sue et al., 2010). When Carolyn
entered college her obsession with controlling her weight, her shape, and food worsened.
Her labeling of "allowable" food, her obsession with exercising, and distortions of seeing herself
as fat, shows how her irrational thoughts tie into the psychological dimension of her eating
disorder (Sue et al., 2010). As Carolyn continued to starve herself, her mood swings, depression,
distorted view and perception of her body as being "fine" only increased her obsession with food.
Carolyn's experiences of denying herself the right to eat because she felt if she lost control she
would end up fat and unattractive, shows the control anorexia nervosa has over the mind (Sattler et
al., 1998). The social dimension of Carolyn's disorder began with her and her friends always being
on diets in high school and the positive comments Carolyn would receive from her mother and
friends about her weight loss (Sattler et al., 1998). Perhaps Carolyn was uncomfortable with her
body developing, so
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Anorexia and Bulimia Essay
Anorexia and Bulimia: A Concise Overview
As many as 20% of females in their teenage and young adult years suffer from anorexia nervosa or
bulimia nervosa (Alexander–Mott, 4). Males are also afflicted by these eating disorders, but at a
much lower rate, with a female to male ratio of six to one. Those with anorexia nervosa refuse to
maintain a normal body weight by not eating and have an intense fear of gaining weight. People with
bulimia nervosa go through periods of binge eating and then purging (vomiting), or sometimes not
purging but instead refraining from eating at all for days. Both of these disorders wreak havoc on a
person's body and mental state, forcing them to become emaciated and more content...
And then I would find an isolated bathroom and atone for my sins" (K.D.K., 1).
Another factor contributing to anorexia and bulimia is social influence. "Historically, men are
judged more for what they do and women for how they look" (Costin, 46). Most ads and diet
products have been aimed at females in the past, but now are directed towards all people. Ads for
clothing and swimsuits portray incredibly thin models showing off their
Breaux 3
perfect bodies, and many people are lead to believe that beauty is measured in pounds. Amazingly,
most female fashion models are 23% below what is considered a healthy, normal body weight
(Costin, 45). Anorexics and bulimics wish to look like these models, and starve, binge, and purge in
an attempt to achieve their goal.. "Thinness has come to symbolize not only control, but
wealth, independence, and freedom" (Costin, 48). Anorexia and bulimia are a means for
losing weight, which means fitting in, which leads to acceptance – exactly what an anorexic or
bulimic is looking for.
Anorexia and bulimia do not distinguish between sex, skin color, or religious background. Women
living in the western hemisphere in their teens and early adult years, however, are afflicted with
eating disorders more than women anywhere else in the world (Costin, 47). Males can also be
anorexic or
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Essay about Anorexia
It seems today that eating disorders are on the rise. While this may be true, the numbers may
appear to grow only because more cases are being brought out into the open. The purpose of this
paper is to discuss eating disorders and prove the these disease, specifically Anorexia Nervosa,
continue to plague of women due to psychological and environmental factors along with pressure
from the media. The term "Anorexia Nervosa" is misleading. It means "loss of appetite due to
nerves." But people with anorexia don't actually lose their appetite until the late stages of their
starvation. Until, they do feel hungry, but they just won't eat. People affected by anorexia have an
extreme fear of gaining weight. In addition to drastic dieting, more content...
There is evidence that people with anorexia secrete abnormal amounts of various hormones. But,
many researchers believe these imbalances are the results of emotional stress and severe dieting, not
the case of them. In our culture, "thin is in" and dieting is "normal" behavior. The pressure to be
"the best" may also be a factor in the disorder's development. (PennSAHIC) People who intentionally
starve themselves suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa. The disorder, which usually
begins in young people around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight loss–at least 15 percent
below the individual's normal body weight. Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are
convinced they are overweight. Sometimes they must be hospitalized to prevent starvation. An
example of this will be illustrated in the following story: Deborah developed anorexia nervosa when
she is 16. A rather shy, studious teenager, she tried hard to please everyone. She had an attractive
appearance, but was slightly overweight. Like many teenager girls, she was interested in boys but
concerned that she wasn't pretty enough to get their attention. When her father jokingly remarked
that she would never get a date if she didn't take off same weight, she took him seriously and began
to diet relentlessly– never believing she was thin even when she became extremely underweight.
Soon after the pounds started dropping off, Deborah's menstrual
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Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a disorder defined by the DSM 5 as a disorder characterized by the client
displaying:1. Restricted food intake (energy) proportional to sex, age and developmental
trajectory that leads to weight loss. 2. Processing fear of becoming overweight in spite of being
underweight. 3. Dysfunctional way of experiencing one's body weight or shape. Perceived
unfavorable view of one's body or shape (self image), and or lack of seriousness concern or denial of
the seriousness of low body weight, (APA, 2013). National surveys estimate that 20 million
women and 10 million men will experience an eating disorder in a lifetime, (Wade, et al., 2011).
This is broken down as follows: 0.9% of women, 0.3% men had anorexia during their life.
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Essay On Anorexia

  • 1. Social Media And Anorexia Essay Media gives girls an ideal body type and this causes eating disorders. Media often shows girls the perfect body type which leads to them dieting, the first step for people who have anorexia (Graves,2000) making the anorexia rate go up. Media has influenced many girls to go on a diet after comparing themselves to others. Media gives out the message if you want to be happy, popular, and successful you need to be slim (Bingham,2009). This has made girls become attracted to the idea of being thin. They then either start working out or going on a diet. More than half of teenage girls are, or think they should be on a diet. Dieting is very serious because it gets more and more restrictive for anorexic patients (Silverman,2005). Many sports can also influence you to go on a diet or lose weight to perform better. Teenage girls really need friends going throughout middle school and high school because the high risk population for anorexia is females between the ages 12 and 18 (Romeo,1984). A 15 year old anorexic patient was asked to sum up her experience in one word and decided to use the word "isolation" because she felt so alone and felt that no one was there for her, just there to judge her (McKnight & Boughton,2010). Social media is one to blame for this because many times girls feel they are left out because they are not as popular as the more content... Anorexia takes an average five to six years from diagnosis to fully recover, and up to 30 percent of anorexia patients never recover (Morris & Twaddle,2007). Girls with anorexia may eventually lose 50 percent of their original body weight (Romeo,1984). Americans need to be more aware of the damage social media, magazines, T.V. ads, and the sports culture can do to teenage girls so they can help the anorexia rate go down by bringing awareness to the subject and what causes Get more content on
  • 2. Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Research Paper Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Eating disorders are real, complex, and devastating conditions that can have serious consequences for health, productivity, and relationships. Eating disorders are serious, potentially life threating conditions that affect a person's emotional and physical health. (National Eating Disorders Association) Extreme weight loss and believing that one is fat despite excessive thinness are key features of anorexia nervosa. Another eating disorder that is also harmful is bulimia which consists of binge–eating and preventing any weight gain by purging; such as vomiting, abusing laxatives, and exercising excessively. (Mental Health America) Mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and alcohol/drug addiction are more content... At the physician's office exams and tests can be done such as a physical exam, lab tests such as CBC to check electrolytes, urine tests, check for function of liver, kidney, and thyroid, psychological evaluation, and check for bone density. Both disorders are classified under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5). The criteria for anorexia include restricting food intake, fear of gaining weight, and problems with body image. Criteria for bulimia is having recurrent episodes of eating a large amount of food then most people would eat in an amount of time, binging and purging at least once a week for at least three months, and getting rid of calories by vomiting, excessive exercise, and laxatives. (Mayo Clinic Anorexia & Bulimia) Doctors use this system to diagnose the disorder and come up with treatments that will treat the underlying cause. Treatments depend on the severity of the disorder. Each individual is different and may need options to deal with the Get more content on
  • 3. Cause And Effect Essay On Anorexia Did you know that there are ten year olds drowning themselves out with so much insecurity that they feel the need to starve themselves? One of the single most popular eating disorders is anorexia, which occurs when an individual has an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. Therefore, anorexia is a psychological and possibly life threatening disorder that is defined when an individual has an extremely low body weight. Due to our limited knowledge regarding eating disorders, teens are currently putting compact and unhealthy amounts of food into their systems affecting their everyday diet, long and short term health, and body figure. Causes Eating disorders are rapidly spreading among countless numbers of adolescents due to more content... The binge and purge type of anorexia is immensely dangerous affecting the entire digestive system soon leading to damage of the heart or other organs. An organization called, NEDA, addresses the main and serious health problems affected by this disorder which are thinning of bones, lowered pulse and blood pressure, and most importantly damage to the brain, the heart and the kidneys. These disorders result in death for as many as 10% of people that develop them throughout symptoms and Get more content on
  • 4. Research Paper On Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight and an intense fear of gaining weight. This disorder results in unhealthy, often dangerous weight loss. It can affect women and men of all ages but the ratio of adolescence women is greater than men. The affected person places a high value on controlling his weight and shape, using extreme efforts that tend to significantly interfere with his life. This disorder commonly involves mental challenges such as exaggerated fear of becoming overweight or obese and unrealistic body image. In US 30 million men and women are affected by eating disorder. If you want to know more about this disorder then this article will provide you symptoms, causes and more content... Talk Therapy: This encourages communication of conflicts and insight into problems. Cognitive Therapy: comprises altering dysfunctional thought patterns. Family Therapy: It educates the family about the disorder including diagnosing its presence as well as to cope with the issues that have created in the family because of depressive disorder. Also, its main objective is to educate the family, how to deal with the affected person and how you can help him to overcome this. Medication: Sometimes, medication is also used in the treatment although, no medication is specifically indicated for Anorexia nervosa. It helps the people who experience certain symptoms like severe depression or anxiety. Clinical hypnosis: It is also used which involves intense relaxation, concentration and focused attention to achieve an altered state of consciousness. This allows a person with Anorexa nervosa to explore thoughts, emotions and memories that may be hidden from his/her conscious mind. In this condition, the therapist may be able to talk to about his personality and give tips and tricks to overcome Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Anorexia Nervosa Assessment Before treatment can begin, anorexic clients must undergo assessments that ensure they are physically capable of outpatient treatment. If these individuals are not ready for outpatient treatment, they must undergo hospitalization to stabilize their condition. For those clients who pass medical examinations, and are good candidates for outpatient care, it remains necessary for a physician and dietitian to be involved with treatment (Bowers, 2002). This ensures the client is cared for in a holistic manner by addressing "nutritional rehabilitation, possibly medical stabilization, and psychological interventions" (Bowers, 2002, p. 249). This multidimensional approach ensures the client's physical wellbeing is addressed, more content... In addition to creating a collaborative relationship, the early stages of treatment focus on psychoeducation (Stein, 2001). The inclusion of education allows the individual to learn about the importance of proper nutrition and how restricting food intake affects the body. Once the client receives education, the therapist employs motivational interviewing to help the client evaluate the costs and benefits of his or her behavior (Stein, 2001). This then leads to challenging faulty cognitions and beliefs about body weight. In order to help an individual with anorexia begin to change their core beliefs about weight and body image, it is vital for the therapist to understand the individual's schemas. It is through these schemas that the individual understands the world and makes decisions. Bowers (2002), cites previous research that suggests these schemas are the foundation of cognitive rigidity, which is the "fundamental psychopathology of eating disorders" (p. 249). In other words, it is vitally important to help the individual change their rigid cognitions because these cognitions are the foundation of their illness. In order to challenge and help change these schemas therapists utilize Beck's cognitive therapy and Socratic questioning (Bowers, 2002). Therapists use a combination of cognitive and behavioral techniques to teach clients how to change their negative body image. For example, it is common for these individuals to report "feeling fat," which is actually Get more content on
  • 6. Anorexia Nervosa Voltaire once said, "Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity." This quote makes me remember that as much pleasure as food may bring us, we should never forget that we need it to survive. I guess most of us don't, but once again, I remembered there are some people who do. If we were to look the world as a whole, we would realize that from every 100 teenage girls, 1 to 5 suffers from Anorexia(EDV). As defined by the National Eating Disorders Association, "Anorexia Nervosa is a serious, potentially life–threatening eating disorder characterized by self–starvation and excessive weight loss." (NEDA). The term "Anorexia Nervosa" literally means "neurotic loss more content... One of the most examined cases, which serves as a tool to prove the existence of Holy Anorexia is Catherine Benincassa, a woman of the fourteenth century. Somewhat between 1373 and 1374, she replied in a letter to a priest that begged her to eat, "I say to you that many times, when I did what I could, then I look[ed] into myself to understand my infirmity [...] I do not know what other remedy to try, [...] I beg you that you beseech that highest eternal Truth to grant me the grace of allowing me to take food." (Bell) Further on she refers to eating as a way to "live like other creatures"(Bell). It is evident that she was unable to control herself and to stop her starvation. In the legenda (a recompilation of her life) written by her confessor, it is shown that later on, she refused to eat anything at all and eventually died from starvation. The close examination of Catherine's case, among many others, proves that Anorexia exists since the Middle Ages, and it is not a modern illness. Beauty was considered something completely different back then, and the media was nonexistent. So neither beauty nor the media can be contemplated as the cause of Anorexia Nervosa. They surely help perpetuate this illness, though, because the media controls what goes in the minds of people since a very young age, and spreads the idea of losing weight faster than it could have ever been done before. It sells a lot of dissatisfaction, as stated by Andrea Ganitsky, and leads girls Get more content on
  • 7. Anorexia Essay Anorexia The World Book Encyclopedia defines anorexia as, "one who avoids food for psychological reasons". Most "experts" believe that those who suffer from anorexia are starving themselves to avoid growing into adults. It is also common knowledge among these experts that anorexics "want to gain attention and a sense of being special". People say that anorexia doesn't stop at affecting the victim at hand; instead, it surpasses the anorexic. Which means that anorexia affects the personality of the person; that it branches off to affect other parts of that anorexics life. Body image obsession, self–devotion, attention grabbing, selfishness, are all attributes which keenly describe anorexia in the eyes of the media and most more content... Those who treat anorexia in modern medical practice try, not to cure the eating disorder, but rather to go straight to the root of a deeper psychological problem. The number of misinformed "professionals" in the medical world is staggering. This can only be shown by the education they receive while in college. The information on eating disorders is vast, but woefully understudied by qualified persons. Few in the medical community have a meaningful connection with anorexia or the family of eating disorders it belongs to. The education of the general public is crucial to the development of medical treatment. If the public cares about something, the problem will get resolved in time. Like my father says, "If the moon were made of gold, or some other valuable material, we would have colonies there already." This is very true in today?s medical industry, if something is profitable or appealing to the public or a private investor, then there will be progress. The media does not promote the healing of anorexics in anyway, and we have too few private investors to support the fight against this escalating problem. The methods employed by American hospitals today to cure anorexia are equivalent to treating AIDS with cough drops. Neither will do anything to cure the disease or the person. There is no advanced knowledge of anorexia, and the treatment is treating nothing other Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Cause and Effect of Anorexia "I look like a normal, well–adjusted 15–year–old high school sophomore. I like talking to friends on the phone, riding my bike, watching TV, and spending time with my boyfriend. I make above average grades and like math and science classes the best. However, about a year ago, my weight dropped to 72 pounds. I lay in a hospital bed with unkempt hair, fragile limbs and a sunken face. I was seriously ill. The villainous disease was not cancer or AIDS. I had anorexia, a condition which afflicts many teens and young adults, especially young women." Holly ( Anorexia is a type of eating disorder who has an intense fear of gaining weight. They severely limit the amount of food they eat and can become dangerously thin (1) more content... Their lives become focused on controlling their weight (3). They limit how much food they eat and may limit themselves to just a few hundred calories a day, exercise a lot even when they are sick, vomiting or using laxatives, and become secretive and withdrawn from friends and family. As starvation sets in, they start to develop signs of serious problems throughout the body. They may feel weak, tired, or faint , have thinned hair, dry skin, brittle nails, stop having menstrual periods, feel cold all the time, swollen feet, poor blood flow and low blood presser are some of the signs of serious problems (3). There is no single test that can diagnose eating disorder, but if your doctor thinks you may be anorexic, he or she will check you for signs of malnutrition or starvation. Doctors may ask questions about your mental well–being. Some common exams and tests include a medical history, physical exam, screening questions, mental health assessment, blood test and X–rays (9). Anorexia causes serious health complications as weight loss and starvation progress. Starvation affects all areas of the anorexic body, including the heart. Mortality rate from anorexia are high. If anorexia nervosa damages the heart enough, ancrexics can develop an irregular heartbeat (15). In addition, other effects of Get more content on
  • 9. Anorexia Nicole Adkins Informative Speech How many of you have ever battled an eating disorder or known someone with an eating disorder? One or two of every 100 students will struggle or have struggled with an eating disorder. An anonymous quote from someone who struggled an eating disorder once said "Nothing matters when I'm thin". Anyone of us in this room is at risk of an eating disorder. Females have to maintain that 'normal' look to fit in with society. More guys are seeking help for eating disorders as well. Guys with eating disorders tend to focus more on athletic appearance or success than just on looking thin. I'm going to inform you today about anorexia; what it is, signs, causes, effects, and possible treatments to help it. First, more content... Researchers have discovered an area on chromosome 1 that appears to be associated with an increased susceptibility to anorexia. Others can suffer from psychological reasons. People that feel low self–worth sometimes become anorexic to make themselves feel better. Anorexia's may have an extreme drive for perfectionism, which means they may never thing they're thin enough. A lot of people suffer because of sociocultural reasons. The media is filled with images of thin models and actors, which associates success and worth with being thin. Peer pressure from friends, coworkers, and classmates also causes some people to feel there not fitting it. We must also consider the effects of anorexia. People with anorexia experience hair loss and fingernail breakage. Women who suffer will begin to have period loss. Those who continue to be anorexic without getting help can become anemic and even begin to develop very brittle bones. Anorexia is a serious medical illness, and with severe malnutrition anorexia can also cause death. Finally, we will look at possible treatments for anorexia. People that suffer can get better and gradually learn to eat normally again. Anorexia involves both mind and body. Therapy or counseling is a critical part of treating eating disorders. In many cases family therapy is one of the keys to eating healthily again. Parents and other family members are important in helping the person see that his or her Get more content on
  • 10. Informative Essay On Anorexia Anorexia's meaning "loss of appetite". According to The National Institute of Mental Health it is considered to be one of the deadliest eating disorders. Therefore it is important to communicate the "red flags", characteristics, symptoms, age range, and a way to cure and prevent the eating disorder. Eating disorders can be form upon social media, famous people, as well as mental issues. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders says "All segments of society are affected: Men and women, young and old, rich and poor, all ethnicities, all social economic levels." And ANAD estimates that 6 percent of people with serious eating disorders die. (Silverthorne, 2009). "Red Flags" are basically what warns us that a family member friend, peer is or may be suffering from anorexia. The Mayo Clinic lists us a number of them which will help prevent the eating disorder. First it starts with skipping meals, and then it starts with excuses for not eating. Basic phrases "I am not hungry", "I ate already", "I ate earlier I am full." Then if there is a consumption of food he/she with eat only "safe foods" considered to have to calorie intake. Adapting rigid meal or eating rituals, such as cutting food into tiny pieces. Spitting after chewing food, repeated weighing off themselves. Complaining about being fat and constantly noticing perceived "flaws" becomes one of their hobbies. Shannah Tharp–Taylor who says: Black women often suffer needlessly form anorexia because Get more content on
  • 11. Anorexia Nervosa Research Paper Starvation is a very painful process. Many believe that it is the worst way to perish. The wasting away of the body takes an extended amount of time as the body crumbles and organ systems fail. While this progression is horrifying to most, there are many who have chosen this lifestyle. This is very hard to grasp for those who have not experienced ; however, Anorexia Nervosa is a very serious emotional and physiological disorder in which the affected adopts restrictive eating behaviors or starvation, causing them to become unhealthily underweight. This is often a result of emotional trauma from family disfunction, bullying, depression, or molestation. The patient perceives themselves as overweight no matter what the scale says, which makes Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Anorexia "Anorexia Nervosa" Bizarre, devastating, and baffling are three words that describe the anorexia nervosa disease. By definition, anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a normal–weight person diets and becomes significantly underweight, yet, still feeling fat, continue to starve themselves. The term "anorexia nervosa" literally means nervous lose of appetite. People with the disorder are suppressing a strong desire to eat, because they are afraid of becoming fat. Anorexia is characterized by extreme starvation that leads to a disastrous loss of weight. Anorexia nervosa affects a large number of people today in the world, and does not discriminate against anybody. Its victims more content... It was only about one hundred years ago that it was finally identified as an illness by modern science, by a professor from the University of Paris named Ernest Lasegue. How do you identify the signs of this very dangerous disease? Some of the physical signs are intolerance of cold due to the absence of the body’s natural insulator, dizziness and fainting spells, dry skin, loss of muscle, and the most obvious, weight loss of at least fifteen percent(Baker 13). There are also behavioral changes in a person when he or she becomes anorexia. Some of these include restricted food intake, odd food rituals, an increased fear of food, hyperactivity, dressing in layers, and regular weighing. Some of the so called "odd food rituals" include things like counting bites and cutting food into small pieces. Despite what many people think, anorexics are not repelled or revolted by food. In fact, their minds are often dominated by thoughts of food. They often use such ridiculous tactics such as laxatives for weight loss, because they feel the overwhelming urge to be thinner. Besides making the sufferers very thin, anorexia nervosa has many other harmful physical effects. Some of these include bowel tumors, hypoglycemia, throat infections, and low blood sugar. Women can Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Anorexia Anorexia Nervosa Have you ever felt fat or self–conscious about the way you looked? These are questions that we may ask ourselves everyday, but anorexics ask themselves these questions every minute of everyday. Questions like this haunt an anorexic's conscience and ruin the way she/he perceives herself/himself. Anorexia is a very dangerous mental illness because it has many life– threatening effects. Anorexia is not a choice to be made. It is brought on by many pressures to be thin and it clouds one's ability to see herself/himself as she/he really is, which is usually dangerously thin. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. Sufferers starve themselves and have extreme more content... Excessive exercise is a warning sign of anorexia as well. A woman with anorexia may use extreme measures to lose weight, such as making her self throw up, taking pills to urinate or to have a bowel movement, and or taking diet pills. An anorexic may isolate herself from all others and refuse to socialize. She may also wear baggy clothes to hide her appearance. With all the risks involved in being an anorexic, one would think that no one would be pressured into the cult of thinness, but that most certainly is not the case. Every part of the body is affected in a negative way. The brain and nerves are affected by the inability to think properly, having a bad memory, fainting, changes in the brain chemistry, and being sad, moody, or irritable. A sufferer from anorexia may have fine hair all over her body, while the normal hair may become thin and brittle. An anorexics skin will bruise easily. It may also have a yellow tint to it and be very dry. A person with anorexia may have a strong sensitivity to cold temperatures. While an anorexic will be bone thin, she still will have constipation and bloating. A continued use of laxatives is harmful to the body because it wears out the bowel muscle and cause it to decrease function. Some laxatives contain harsh substances that may be reabsorbed into a persons system. The media is not entirely at fault for the onset of anorexia. Several biological factors, including Get more content on
  • 14. Anorexia Argumentative Essay Fingers are tingling. Sight is fading. Muscles are shaking. Without warning, pain shoots through the veins as bones crack against the pavement. In this instant, the body has lost consciousness, but then it wakes up, shakes off the pain, and continues moving. A majority of anorexia's victims are lucky enough to survive these events, but numerous anorexics would never stand again. Anorexia is a parasite that is currently compromising the physical, emotional, and social well–being of nine million people. These men and women deserve to live their lives, but time will tick past each of these survivors. When I learned that valuable lesson, I started tackling my demon in order to overcome every challenge that would be thrown my way, even if I more content... Friends and family took notice, and they each offered me volunteer opportunities, one of which led to my greater fulfillment. A close friend, Jillian, asked if I could help her with her newborn nephew's unpredictable lifestyle. I jumped to the occasion, and the act of working personally with an infant's sent sparks up my nerves. I instantly connected with the baby, especially when I had to work with his health, and I quickly envisioned my future bringing these little beings into the world as an obstetrician. These physicians only spend portions of their days working in prenatal and postnatal care, because their primary focus is on women's health. The female body yields a surprising amount of unique health conditions, including a prominence of eating disorders, which I plan on preventing in my career. In my recent studies, I discovered that approximately three percent of my patients will have a critical eating disorder, and I believe my career's purpose is to prevent these cases for the sake of women and their wombs. Throughout my coming career, I plan on researching ways that these women can alleviate this pain and focus on having a healthy family. I will fight my chronic anorexia and fight for its victims before any fingers start tingling, sight starts fading, muscles start shaking, and skin smacks the Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Anorexia According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, there are over 24 Million people that suffer from eating disorders. What is an eating disorder though? The simple definition of this disease is that a person exhibits abnormal eating behaviors. There are many different variations to these disorders but they share many of the same characteristics such as: fear of becoming obese, obsession with thinness, food, weight, and even calorie counting. Of the many cases though what is the main cause of this disease? Can it be psychological, an environmental, or a biological factor? In this paper I will explore some of the reasons why people develop eating disorders and how it all factors into more content... The three main symptoms are an excessive amount of intake of food accompanied by self–induced vomiting, fasting and/or obsessive or compulsive exercise, and extreme concern with body weight and shape. The recurrent binge–and–purge cycles can damage the entire digestive system and can lead to electrolyte and chemical imbalances in the body that affect the heart and other major organ functions. Some health consequences of bulimia nervosa are irregular heartbeats, possibly heart failure and death, inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting, tooth decay and staining from stomach acids released, irregular bowel movements and constipation. People struggling with bulimia nervosa usually appear to be of average body weight (National). Physical appearance is not the only issue that this disease faces in people. They also face problems with psychological, environmental and biological issues in life. Since there is no clear way to tell which of these factors is the culprit of causing eating disorders, each factor needs to be looked at. Environmental factors is plays one of the biggest roles in eating disorders. As a society, we are taught that looks matter. So what makes a person associate thinness with beauty? Many people are believing that the media has much to do with how people view themselves. The media has promoted the image of thinness through magazines, advertisement, and television Get more content on
  • 16. Anorexia Nervosa Essay Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa, AN, is an eating disorder that affects mostly females in their teenage years. The number of people that suffer from this disorder has increase in the recent decades making it a disorder that causes more deaths compare to any other psychological disorder. AN can have an effect on someone's social life as well as physically and psychologically. It's a disorder that can be treated with proper treatment, but identifying the symptoms is the first step. According to the present clinical literature, anorexia nervosa entails refusal to uphold health weight range as well as body image distortion. The most common symptoms of AN that can be identified include fear of gaining weight or/and becoming fat; more content... All those constant ideas created by society and media gives a drive to individuals to diet constantly, use diet pills and to develop unhealthy eating patterns that could develop into an eating disorder .(Gay,2003 pg 86)Individual characteristics such as perfectionism, poor self–image are more at risk of developing AN. People that suffer from AN don't see their body as perfect and feel ashamed or embarrass of their body which can lead them to isolation and fear of eating in public. They might focus and exaggerate on certain parts of their body that show imperfections to the point where they become obsess. Their self–esteem is very dependent in their weight. When weight loss is reached it gives the person a sense of achievement and pride giving boosting up their self–esteem, but when no weight is loss the feelings of guilt and failure lowers their self–esteem. . (DSM –IV–TR,2000). While AN normally starts to be noticeable in early adolescence, it could also be seen in adults and young children. AN is likely to affect people in industrial societies like the U.S., Canada, and Europe. More often, Caucasians in upper and middle socioeconomic groups have a higher tendency to be affected by AN than individuals of other ethnic and economic backgrounds. Roughly, 95% of those affected are female, most commonly teenage girls. It is estimate that about one in every one hundred teenage girls has this eating disorder Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Anorexia Nervosa Davis 1 Anorexia nervosa is defined as a refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight, in addition to a disturbance in perception of body shape and weight( DSM–IV–TR, 2000). In this paper we will examine Carolyn Costin's battle with anorexia nervosa from a biopsychosocial perspective and what reinforced her disorder. This will be followed by diagnostically using the DSM–IV–TR in Carolyn's case and conceptually using the sociocultural dimension. The implications for both Carolyn, her social and cultural context, as well as society at large will be addressed. The paper will then conclude with the successful treatments of anorexia nervosa and why we should care about the disorder. The biological dimension more content... The psychological dimension of Carolyn's anorexia nervosa has to do with her being a perfectionist and model student in school. An example of this is seen when Carolyn insists her mother drives her to school, so she could study longer in the car (Sattler et al., 1998). Davis 2 Carolyn's need for control moved from her academics to dieting, which she associated with her improved self–esteem, self–control, and thinner body figure (Sue et al., 2010). When Carolyn entered college her obsession with controlling her weight, her shape, and food worsened. Her labeling of "allowable" food, her obsession with exercising, and distortions of seeing herself as fat, shows how her irrational thoughts tie into the psychological dimension of her eating disorder (Sue et al., 2010). As Carolyn continued to starve herself, her mood swings, depression, distorted view and perception of her body as being "fine" only increased her obsession with food. Carolyn's experiences of denying herself the right to eat because she felt if she lost control she would end up fat and unattractive, shows the control anorexia nervosa has over the mind (Sattler et al., 1998). The social dimension of Carolyn's disorder began with her and her friends always being on diets in high school and the positive comments Carolyn would receive from her mother and friends about her weight loss (Sattler et al., 1998). Perhaps Carolyn was uncomfortable with her body developing, so Get more content on
  • 18. Anorexia and Bulimia Essay Anorexia and Bulimia: A Concise Overview As many as 20% of females in their teenage and young adult years suffer from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa (Alexander–Mott, 4). Males are also afflicted by these eating disorders, but at a much lower rate, with a female to male ratio of six to one. Those with anorexia nervosa refuse to maintain a normal body weight by not eating and have an intense fear of gaining weight. People with bulimia nervosa go through periods of binge eating and then purging (vomiting), or sometimes not purging but instead refraining from eating at all for days. Both of these disorders wreak havoc on a person's body and mental state, forcing them to become emaciated and more content... And then I would find an isolated bathroom and atone for my sins" (K.D.K., 1). Another factor contributing to anorexia and bulimia is social influence. "Historically, men are judged more for what they do and women for how they look" (Costin, 46). Most ads and diet products have been aimed at females in the past, but now are directed towards all people. Ads for clothing and swimsuits portray incredibly thin models showing off their Breaux 3 perfect bodies, and many people are lead to believe that beauty is measured in pounds. Amazingly, most female fashion models are 23% below what is considered a healthy, normal body weight (Costin, 45). Anorexics and bulimics wish to look like these models, and starve, binge, and purge in an attempt to achieve their goal.. "Thinness has come to symbolize not only control, but wealth, independence, and freedom" (Costin, 48). Anorexia and bulimia are a means for losing weight, which means fitting in, which leads to acceptance – exactly what an anorexic or bulimic is looking for. Anorexia and bulimia do not distinguish between sex, skin color, or religious background. Women living in the western hemisphere in their teens and early adult years, however, are afflicted with eating disorders more than women anywhere else in the world (Costin, 47). Males can also be anorexic or Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Anorexia It seems today that eating disorders are on the rise. While this may be true, the numbers may appear to grow only because more cases are being brought out into the open. The purpose of this paper is to discuss eating disorders and prove the these disease, specifically Anorexia Nervosa, continue to plague of women due to psychological and environmental factors along with pressure from the media. The term "Anorexia Nervosa" is misleading. It means "loss of appetite due to nerves." But people with anorexia don't actually lose their appetite until the late stages of their starvation. Until, they do feel hungry, but they just won't eat. People affected by anorexia have an extreme fear of gaining weight. In addition to drastic dieting, more content... There is evidence that people with anorexia secrete abnormal amounts of various hormones. But, many researchers believe these imbalances are the results of emotional stress and severe dieting, not the case of them. In our culture, "thin is in" and dieting is "normal" behavior. The pressure to be "the best" may also be a factor in the disorder's development. (PennSAHIC) People who intentionally starve themselves suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa. The disorder, which usually begins in young people around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight loss–at least 15 percent below the individual's normal body weight. Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are convinced they are overweight. Sometimes they must be hospitalized to prevent starvation. An example of this will be illustrated in the following story: Deborah developed anorexia nervosa when she is 16. A rather shy, studious teenager, she tried hard to please everyone. She had an attractive appearance, but was slightly overweight. Like many teenager girls, she was interested in boys but concerned that she wasn't pretty enough to get their attention. When her father jokingly remarked that she would never get a date if she didn't take off same weight, she took him seriously and began to diet relentlessly– never believing she was thin even when she became extremely underweight. Soon after the pounds started dropping off, Deborah's menstrual Get more content on
  • 20. Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is a disorder defined by the DSM 5 as a disorder characterized by the client displaying:1. Restricted food intake (energy) proportional to sex, age and developmental trajectory that leads to weight loss. 2. Processing fear of becoming overweight in spite of being underweight. 3. Dysfunctional way of experiencing one's body weight or shape. Perceived unfavorable view of one's body or shape (self image), and or lack of seriousness concern or denial of the seriousness of low body weight, (APA, 2013). National surveys estimate that 20 million women and 10 million men will experience an eating disorder in a lifetime, (Wade, et al., 2011). This is broken down as follows: 0.9% of women, 0.3% men had anorexia during their life. Get more content on