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Essay on Animal Farm Retold
Animal Farm Retold
Night had fallen on the animal farm, though no animal was sleeping peacefully. Sleep was
impossible that evening, for in the morning it would be known who was destroying the farm and
who killed the old leader. Once before the farm was in shambles, and the animals looked to their
new leader, Freud, to save them again as he had once before.
Freud was a beautiful pig, a prize–winning pig with snow–white skin and a large round belly. One
day a Raven flew to where Freud was napping on the MacKenzie farm and whispered atrocities to
him, whispered that he would kill his father and have piglets with his mother...and Freud was afraid.
So Freud left home to make his mark on the world. Upon his travels, he heard of a farm ... Show
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Tensions were already high on Animal Farm from the previous day's activities. Abraham the snake,
blind but much like the Ravens in predicting the future, was brought before Freud and asked to
reveal the killer of Capitán. Abraham said nothing, and soon Freud was accusing Abraham and
Jakob of conspiring to send Freud to the slaughterhouse. Abraham forced into it, states that Freud
did it, that he is the one who killed Capitán, and he will pay.
Jakob denied being in a conspiracy, but Freud was too angry then to relent. Amalie attempted to
soothe him, telling him Capitán was killed in a slaughterhouse with an odd–looking blood–red roof,
by thieves who stole him for the bacon (literally). Freud was soon quite disturbed, because he was
once in a fight with a boar next to a blood–red slaughterhouse. The boar attacked him, and in
defense he squealed until the butchers came after him and saw the boar he was fighting. Freud ran,
and the boar was slaughtered instantly.
Amalie awakened, only to find Freud pacing the barn. "Oh Amalie", he said, "What if it was me that
killed Capitán? I am the cause of the farm's downfall!"
"Don't be silly!" soothed Amalie. "Capitán was killed by many thieves, not one pig. I know! One
animal returned alive, Bonnie the mare. She used to pull carts from here to the neighboring farms,
you know. She lives in the country now. I will
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Comparing Yoshiko Uchima 'And The Wise Old Woman'
The characters that I chose to compare and contrast were the young lord and son and wife. The
young lord is in the story "The Wise Old Woman" which was retold by Yoshiko Uchida. The son
and wife were in the story called "The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson" which was retold
by Leo Tolstoy. In both stories the young lord and son and wife need to rethink about how they treat
their elders. Both characters both need to rethink about how they treat them because they don't treat
them well. For example the young lord owns a village and he thinks old people are useless and can't
work. So he makes all the people 71 years and older sent to the mountains to die. Then at the end a
boy acts like he brings his mother to die but hides her under
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Katherine's Speech In Taming Of The Shrew
The ambiguity of whether Katherine's final speech is authentic, in which she apparently proclaims
and promulgates female submissiveness, has been thought to define the tone of versions of Taming
of the Shrew. However, the attitudes evoked by the monologue can also indicate values of society at
the times which the play is presented. Generally, four main theories have emerged regarding the true
intent behind Katherine's speech (Wikipedia, 2017):
It is sincere and Katherine has been successfully "tamed".
It is sincere, but because Katherine has fallen in love with Petruchio.
It is ironic and is deceiving Petruchio by "parroting a socially acceptable, totally impersonal
catalogue of honours a wife owes her husband" (De Wachter, 2016).
It is neither, following the farcical disposition of the play–within–a–play framing device.
Up until the 20th century, most of the last speeches by Katherine have adhered with the first option,
including the traditional Globe Theatre adaptation. Katherine's acting in the Globe Theatre
production, grounded in her facial expressions and tone of voice, shows sincerity and truthfulness in
her declaration (V.ii). On the basis of this portrayal, it could be said that in a historical Elizabethan
context, audiences would have accepted and deemed the domestication mechanisms and taming
practises employed by Petruchio as normal. In contrast, "in a modern Western society holding
relatively egalitarian views on gender", interpretations of Katherine's address
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Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold By C. S. Lewis
Beauty is seen as one of the most important aspects of an individual as it the first characteristic
someone notices about a person. Some are treated differently due to his or her aesthetically pleasing
or displeasing face and is most evident in the book Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S.
Lewis that takes place approximately in the time period 700 to 450 B.C. In the novel Till We Have
Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis the three central female characters, Orual, Psyche, and
Redival, are all regarded to differently based on their physical appearances and this attitude is
prevalent in modern society. Orual, the narrator of the novel, is not treated as a woman due to her
lack of attracting physical features in the novel and would translate into such present day. Other's
perception of Orual's face makes her life difficult as people do not think she is feminine and
unworthy to find a husband. Bardia, one of the guardsmen, makes this clear when he states, "'Why,
yes, it's a pity about her face. But she's a brave girl and honest. If a man was blind and she ... Show
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Everyone thinks she is beautiful and highly uphold her until her sister, Psyche (Istra), is born and is
more beautiful. No matter her looks, she and women today try hard to find love and be the most
beautiful they can be, but always eventually fall short. Redival spends her days trying to find a man
right for her but her looks can be perceived as someone less than her if someone prettier comes
around as she states to Orual, "'The men are as likely to look at you as at me, now that they've seen
Istra'" (34). By the end of the novel by C. S. Lewis she finds a husband and has the typical life as a
housewife as expected due to her physical appeal. But, despite Redival's good looks she is not
treated the best as Psyche
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Is Hamlet Justified Research Paper
Are Hamlet's actions justified? Hamlet was involved both directly, and indirectly with the deaths of
Ophelia, Claudius Queen Gertrude, Polonius, Laertes, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern.(McKeown,
Retold by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet.
Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.) As soon as Queen Gertrude remarried, Hamlet started scheming
against Claudius and wasn't thinking father's murderer, Claudius, but he unjustly killed royalty and
should be prosecuted as such no matter his social status/rank. (McKeown, Retold by Adam., and
Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing
Co., Inc, 2003.)The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, (despite that fact that he
has murderous tendencies) son of the recently deceased King Hamlet, and nephew of King
Claudius, his father's brother and ... Show more content on ...
The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.) Claudius has had
himself crowned King although Hamlet was his father's heir to the throne. (McKeown, Retold by
Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling
Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.) After Claudius was seen in the walking out of the murder scene in the
play Hamlet directed closely depicting the death of King Hamlet, Hamlet suspected foul play.
(McKeown, Retold by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's
Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.)So Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.)
Even though Claudius killed King Hamlet, that doesn't justify Hamlet's actions. (McKeown, Retold
by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet.
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Till We Have Faces Character Analysis
Many people in today's society believe that his or her own way of thinking is the best for everyone
and every situation. This is not the case if one or both parties are stubborn and will only agree with
his or her terms. Orual from Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis has a difficult
personality that renders her ability to understand the gods of the 700 to 450 B.C. time period she
thinks have wronged her for not listening to her when in fact she is the one to have not listened. In
the novel Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis the character Orual has an obstinate
attitude that influences her actions and relationships with those she loves and reflects on how people
behave in modern civilization and its consequences. ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the novel Orual states that she is complaining to the gods for them not helping her with
her relationship with Psyche although it was Orual's own wrongdoings that diminished the
relationship. Orual refuses to believe that Psyche has a god for a husband and is living in his palace
because she cannot see it for herself. When she does see it she blames the gods by stating, "That
moment when I either saw or thought I saw the House– does it tell against the gods or against me?
Would they (if they answered) make it a part of their defense? say it was a sign, a hint, beckoning
me to answer the riddle one way rather than the other? I'll not grant them that. What is the use of a
sign which is itself only another riddle?" (Lewis 133). She blames the gods for answering her
questions about Psyche because they were not straightforward like she wants them to be. Due to
Orual being pigheaded about the gods her actions are affected by her
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Research Paper On Perseus
Perseus Reading Project
Greek myths were told to demonstrate beliefs, show models of virtue, or show the consequences of
character flaws. "Perseus," as retold by Edith Hamilton, is a Greek myth written to accept fate. This
purpose is seen in the story through the hero Perseus's journey which consists of the Oracle that told
Perseus's Grandfather's Fate, Perseus's pride–motivated journey, and the fall of the Cruel King.
The story consists in the Oracle giving the prediction of the King Acrisius. After hearing his fate, he
decided to lock up Danae. Zeus gives her a boy, by the name of Perseus. After the King found out
that his daughter had a son, he exiled her, and put her inside a chest with her son in hope for her
death. The fate provide to Danae find a fisherman and stay with him and his wife. The fisherman
had a brother, that was later known as King Polydectes. ... Show more content on ...
Since Athena and Hermes wanted Perseus to be successful on his mission, Athena and Hermes gave
him gifts as their divine guardians. Then, with help of Athena and Hermes, Perseus found the
Graeae. Perseus was able to blackmail the Graeae for the Gorgon's location which led him to
Medusa. After Medusa was found, Perseus chopped off Medusa's head and fulfilled his satisfaction.
In conclusion, Perseus was successful gaining pride by the journey to kill
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Ashputtle Retold By Jakob And Wilhem Grimm
Alexis ThompsonGregory TaylorEnglish 2, part 205/26/2018Ashputtle AnalysisThe story of
Ashputtle is retold by Jakob and Wilhem Grimm. In the story Ashputtle was mistreated by her
stepmother and two stepsisters. A bird in a tree by her mother's grave helps herand gives her
everything she asks for. One day there was an announcement made that a ball was being held to help
the king's son find a wife. Ashputtle goes to ask the bird for help. The bird gives her nice clothes to
wear to the ball and the prince becomes infatuated with her. One night Ashputtle loses her shoe on
the staircase. The king's son knew that the shoe would only fit the person he met so he uses it to find
his bride. He finds out that the shoe fits Ashputtle and he marries her. ... Show more content on ...
There is a wedding and a celebration, both representing happy events. There is the kitchen and the
fireplace hearth, a place of suffering for Ashputtle. The theme is supported also by the characters
who symbolize good in the form of Ashputtle and evil represented by the stepsisters. The story uses
symbolism further when the white bird perches on the tree looking down at Ashputtle. It symbolizes
her mother watching over her. Whenever Ashputtle needed something, the bird would support her.
"Each time a little white bird came and perched on the tree, and when Ashputtle made a wish the
little bird threw down what she had wished for." (School, A.H 2012) This symbolizes that the little
bird was sent there to look over her.There is a good example of personification in the story because
the doves can talk. "The two doves were sitting in the hazel tree and they cried out: "Roocoo,
roocoo, There's blood in theshoe. The foot's too long, the foot's too wide, That's not the proper
bride." (School, A.H 2012) The birds understand Ashputtle and follow her commands. "The girl
went out the back door to the garden and cried out..." Metaphor is used also to support the theme,
"...but their hearts
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The Seven Ages Of Man Retold By Edith Hamilton
been around since the third millennium B.C. This is why literature is always a topic that can help us
answer our questions about life. An example would be "The Seven Ages of Man" by Shakespeare
and "Demeter" retold by Edith Hamilton. The Seven Ages of Man helps us understand what phases
men go through throughout their lives. Demeter, on the other hand, is a story on how the seasons
work. These are some of the questions that literature can answer with a couple of lines and stanzas.
Literature has and always will be the most helpful and understanding when it comes to answering
questions about life. In "The Seven Ages of Man" Shakespeare considers the world a stage and men
and women are the actors on the stage of their life. To Shakespeare, they all play seven roles
according to their age. The first stage is infancy, with the whole crying, not being able to speak, and
throws up every 10 minutes. As time goes on the infant grows into a schoolboy, who does not want
to attend school which is the next stage of a man or woman's life. That schoolboy then grows up to
fall in love with a woman and writes poems based on her beauty. The lover grows up and joins the
army like all the other men and fights in wars. Next, he becomes an old wishful family man and
judge. The next two steps are him becoming old, weak and ... Show more content on ...
The story is about how Demeter is in charge of crops, and in order for her to continue creating crops
she needs to be happy. All the gods and mortals helped out to keep Demeter happy, but one day her
daughter Persephone gets forcefully married to the lord of the underworld and is sent away without
saying goodbye to her mother. Demeter becomes angry and sad when she can not find her daughter
so all of the crops on earth die and people begin to starve. Zeus realizes that Demeter needs help so
he sends a messenger into the underworld demanding that Persephone came back
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Baba Yaga Retold
Baba Yaga retold by Katya Arnold is a wonderful little children's story that uses character and
themes from traditional Slavic shazki (Russian folktales). Principles of Mister Bruno Bettelheim,
can be seen in crafty, respectful little Tishka. This tale of Baba Yaga starts with an elderly couple
who find a child, and raise him. He takes care of them in their old age, then is kidnapped by Baba
Yaga, he outwits her, then is saved with the help of the ugliest goose, and of course lives happily
ever after. Little Tishka is a great role–model, as he is kind, industrious, and cunning. He, himself is
the main theme of the book. Mr. Bettelheim said it best, "The question for the child is not 'Do I want
to be good?', but, 'Who do I want to be ... Show more content on ...
Children need to see, and hear such things, and be shown they have the ability to make, and create.
Schools do an amazing job with reading, writing and arithmetic, so well in fact, parents often
neglect to teach their children other important parts of life, such as building, repairing, and that it is
alright to get dirty. The true theme of this story is the importance of cunning. The story is driven by
this theme. It is when, children who enjoy this story will start to fall in love with Tishka, and strive
to be him. But, before Tishka uses his wit, Baba Yaga does and is rewarded for it. When she fails to
lure in Tishka, with her witch voice, "She ran to the blacksmith, and asked him to cast her a thin
metal tongue so her would sound ... melodious". Now when she called to Tishka, with her
"singsong" voice, her plan was benefited with Tishka, who she prompted put in a bag, to take home
to cook. Baba Yaga gave Tishka to her daughter, so she may cook him, while she ran some errands.
This is Tishka's time to shine. He cleverly plays ignorant of the position to be in to be put in the
oven, and in a traditional Hansel and Gretel style, asks the witch daughter how it is done. During her
demonstration of how to lay on a peel (shovel–like baker's tool), he shoves her into the coals, and
locks the doors to the oven. From there he promptly escapes the house. Trishka takes this
opportunity to be not so clever, because after Baba Yaga eats
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The Seven Ages Of Man By William Shakespeare And Demeter...
The main theme explains and illustrates with examples of universal themes from stories such as,
"The Seven Ages of Man," by William Shakespeare and Demeter retold by Edith Hamilton. The
Seven Ages of Man were regarding the coming of age from birth to our death. Equally essential It
demonstrated each stage we go through. Complementary to this Demeter is a goddess that
undergoes grief from the loss of her daughter. In addition, we observe the way she accommodates to
her loss we can comprehend that she can't withstand the anguish. Nevertheless, these stories
represent a universal theme due to the fact we can sympathize with these stories with our lives.
Accordingly, The Seven Ages of Man have demonstrated the humans evolve from birth to
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Much Ado About Nothing Movie And Play Comparison Essay
Much Ado About Nothing is a Shakespeare play believed to have been written in 1598 to 1599,
being this old the original play is written in old English which can make it hard to understand
compared to English now. There are many different adaptations of the play that change many
different things from the original such as the Shakespeare Retold version that tries to make the play
modern. There is one by Joss Whedon, best known for directing of the Avengers, this take has a
modern setting but still uses lot of old English, and is in black and white. The last one is a more
classic take with Denzel Washington and Keanu Reeves that sticks almost exactly to the original
play by Shakespeare. The classic version of Much Ado About Nothing is the best version of the
three because it keeps most of the original meaning that Shakespeare ... Show more content on ...
This is the only version that keeps both the old talk and the old setting, the other two adaptation
change to a modern setting and the Shakespeare Retold version even changes to modern talk.
Without the modern change the movie is exactly what the play was meant to be while the modern
takes change the original meaning. Joss Whedon's version adds an alcoholic element that makes the
decisions made seem more like drunken mistakes than love. Then the Shakespeare Retold version
does a fairly good job at keeping the plot, but there were some problems throughout such as Don
John was the bad guy because he loved Hero but her and Claudio were in love, while in the original
Don John was the bad guy because he was jealous that Claudio was the war hero, not him. The
classic version did a great job at keeping to the script and really giving the adaptation the same plot
as the original play while the other two adaptations did not keep the same meaning as the original
play which makes them seem very different from what Shakespeare intended his play to
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Shakespeare's Timeless Love Story Retold in Film Essay
"He was not of an age, but for all time!", described Ben Jonson in regards to Shakespeare (qtd. in
Chrisp 62). As research proves, there is no doubt to the truth of this statement. Adding to Jonson's
words in regards to Shakespeare's timelessness Peter Chrisp explains that "there have been more
than 500 film and TV adaptations of Shakespeare's dramas" (Chrisp 65; Mabillard). Furthermore, in
the introduction to Gnomeo and Juliet, a Red Good Gnome says, "The story we are about to tell has
been told before... a lot" (Asbury, "Gnomeo & Juliet"). While likely meant as simply another
comedic line in film, there is significant truth to that statement. Regarding this, within the theater
and film industries Romeo and Juliet is very recognizable. As ... Show more content on ...
Some of the most dramatic films inspired by Romeo and Juliet directly used Shakespeare's sonnets
in the films. First of all 1936 brought MGM's black–and–white Romeo and Juliet produced by
Irving G. Thalberg. On the good side, the film was unbelievably luxurious and authentic, spending
close to the equivalent of $80 million dollars (Rosenthal 122). Sadly the young lovers could not be
accurately portrayed by the well–aged actors of 35 and 43 years (Rosenthal 122). As the 19th
century continued, Franco Zeffirelli directed his highly successful 1968 Romeo and Juliet in full
color (Zeffirelli, "Romeo and Juliet"). Contradicting the 1938 rendition, "he chose actors almost as
young as their characters" with 17–year–old Leonard Whiting as Romeo and 15–year–old Olivia
Hussey as Juliet (Rosenthal 128). Despite the controversial wedding–scene nudity, in addition to
some minor changes in Shakespeare's words, the film was still highly successful (Rosenthal 128).
Finally in 1996 came the film William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet. Using Shakespeare's verse in
a modern 1990s Miami–like Verona Beach, Baz Luhrmann, the director, stated, "We wanted to look
at how Shakespeare would've made a movie if he were here today" (qtd. in Rosenthal 130).
Luhrmann's truly stunning couple is played by
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Cupid And Psyche Retold By Sally Benson
Literary Analysis for Psyche and Cupid
1.The story of Cupid and Psyche retold by Sally Benson is a very intersting story. A few things we
should know about this story is, it is about Venus the goddes of love, Cupid her son, and Psyche a
Gourgous woman, blessed with unmersable beauty! A goddes jealous of a mortal women. A mortal
women cursed by a God. Cupid the clumsy son of Venus which begain to unfold the events that take
place in this story. This story consists of drama, jealousy, love, hardship and most important
dramitic irony.
2. The setting of this story takes place in a kingdom of unkown orgin, a distant land or the lands of
the Gods. The tone of the story is dramitic irony, Psyche a beautifull mortal women who was praised
by men above Venus, arroused the goddess's jeulousy. Venus sending her son Cupid to curse Psyche.
Cupid had then slipped up and ended up wounding himself with his own arrow, causeing him to fall
for Psyche. Cursed by Venus, Psyche was also in dismay about the flattery and the glory she had
begot by her fathamous beauty. Which left her loved by no man! This puts Psyche in a state of
despair, and causes her to resemble her beauty. ... Show more content on ...
Our figurative Language in this scene is "Am I then to be eclipsed by a mortal girl?" (this quote
proves Venus is jealous) I am ceartain the purpose of this story is to get the reader to relize that life
is full of trials and we dont always get it right the first time, and no matter what we cant just give up.
Psyche being the prime example of a young golaball person, pushing against the mighty storm in
her life to succed in finding her love. This quote backs up the purpose "The girl is destined for the
bride of no mortal lover. Her future husband awaits her on the top of the mountain. He is a monster
whom neither the gods nor men can
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The Seven Ages Of Man By Shakespeare And Demeter Retold By...
Often in literary works the author includes a theme to go along with their story. Two examples of
this are the "The Seven Ages of Man" by Shakespeare and "Demeter" retold by Edith Hamilton.
Both literary works follow similar themes throughout their story's. The theme of both of these works
is one of a cycle, "The Seven Ages of Man" being the cycle of becoming a man and the cycle of
seasons in "Demeter". The two cycles can be compared through the point of view they are told from,
the amount of emotion in their stories and the importance of their cycles. The works by Shakespeare
and retold by Edith Hamilton are both written from third person points of view that follow their
themes. "The Seven Ages of Man" is told from a limited third person point of view, "And so he
plays his part" (Shakespeare 19). Shakespeare told the story in a limited third ... Show more content
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"The Seven Ages of Man" begins as "All the world's stage,/ And all the men and women merely
players;/ They have their exits and their entrances,/ And one man in his time plays many parts,/His
acts being seven ages (Shakespeare 1–5). The cycle of man beings as an infant in a nurse's arms and
ends as an old decrepit person. The cycle of man is more than that, it is the cycle from birth to death
for all of us. The story of "Demeter" is the cycle of her losing her daughter for four months every
year and her missing her during those times. "Demeter did not refuse, poor comfort though it was
that she must lost Persephone for four months every year and see her young loveliness go down to
the world of the dead" (Hamilton 101–013). As Demeter's daughter goes back to the underworld
each year she stops allowing food to grow. Demeter's cycle of seeing her daughter and losing her for
the four months a year is also the cycle of the seasons, winter when Persephone is in the underworld
and spring, fall and summer while she with
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How Do Story Change Over Time
Many times stories get retold but often times get a different twist when they are retold. The story
changes so much over time it isn't the same as it started after 3 changes. Once a story is changed it
can never be repeated the same due to individual bias. Most people do what they want with stories
making them their own. Once a story is solidified to someone's liking they keep it that way and it
can last for a long time till the story is changed and retold to the point it could become a whole new
story. Stories often time don't stay the same for a long extended period of time. When a new story
that people generally like comes out it will stay the same but in any other circumstance it is different
and often times doesn't say how it was first
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Essay on Primo Levi- Pain Retold, Is Pain Redoubled"
"Pain retold, is pain redoubled"
What prompts someone to write about their suffering, and how do they convey a sense of their
emotions to the reader?
Primo Levi is a Holocaust war victim, a survivor from Auschwitz, who for years was plagued by
guilt because he survived – a feeling that is passed on in Jewish tradition, which I understand being
a fellow Jew. Jewish heritage is very important to all Jews; myself included, which is one reason
why I can connect with the poet/author, his poems and his other works. Levi decided to write, rather
than keep in, his feelings, and subsequently wrote both poetry, and a variety of prose, both fiction
and autobiographical.
The emotions in two of his poems, ... Show more content on ...
Levi places a lot of emphasis on his titles and opening lines. The title 'Shema' is the name of the
most important Jewish prayer. This prayer teaches us to remember always that we are followers of
Gd and that we should not forget it. Literally, Shema means Hear, or Listen – it is a word that all
throughout my history has inspired and healed. Levi uses it convey the importance of his story. It is
a powerful word that carries with it much importance and history. There are several other references
to certain aspects in the Jewish faith, "...When you are in your house...when you go to bed and
when you arise" which reinforce the Jewish ideal that the story should be retold and never
'The Survivor' refers to the deeds that one must do to survive. "Sometimes...the things you do
to survive are worse than the survival itself" (Se Questo ? Un Uomo). In the first few lines
Levi refers to The Ancient Mariner, a poem where the sailor is doomed to wander the world with the
weight of his crimes around his neck. Levi sees this as a personification of himself– that he will
forever walk the world knowing that he is alive, and the others not. This reference holds so much
importance– the guilt of a previous person transposed into his native language portrays the
outpouring of guilt that he feels, coupled with loneliness and the eternal weariness.
Another of Levi's books, 'The Periodic Table'
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Macbeth Retold
"Macbeth" and "Macbeth retold" by Mark Brozel, share many comparisons yet have many vital
differences. "Macbeth retold" uses themes similar to the original play but uses a modified plot to
appeal to the more modern audience. Retold utilises settings to create a controversial atmosphere. In
contrast Shakespeare's Macbeth uses an array of themes, a historical plot and language features that
revolve around Elizabethan times. Even though the similarities are quite apparent, there are also
some less obvious differences, the differences improve the sensitive response and the understanding
that a modern audience may consume. The plots are quite similar in both plays, both the film and
the play tell a story about a man who meets 3 people, in the ... Show more content on ...
Similar themes are engaged by both Shakespeare and Brozel to suggest feelings in their particular
audiences. Through the connection of Joe and Ella, Brozel investigates the dynamics of a
relationship. Shakespeare uses Macbeth and lady Macbeth to show the role of a lady, showing a
submissive companion, such companion was expected in the Elizabethan civilization, Ella and Lady
Macbeth both have ambitions and both control their husbands, Ella uses a very similar quote "the
milk of human kindness is now tainted" that of Lady Macbeth, the famous quote being "I fear thy
nature, it is to full o'th'milk of human kindness" this quote indicates that she is questioning
Macbeths masculinity. Ella uses her saying for the same reason; Ella does this in order to convince
Joe to commit the murder. Lady M and Ella share some common objectives but Ella's character is
allowed to be more alike to Macbeth due to the time that it was set. In Shakespeare's time women
and men did not have equal rights, let alone allowed to perform on stage, whereas now day's men
and women are equal allowing Ella to be
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Thirty More Famous Stories Retold Summary
Great leaps have been made in the field of forensic science since its humble beginnings in 300BC.
However, the surge of advancements within forensic science did not appear until the early 1800s.
That is not say that early uses, of what would later become known as forensic science, were not
impactful. Without these early ideas, we may not be where we are today. Starting with the man who
is generally considered the father of forensic science, Archimedes. Archimedes was an ancient
Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and even an astronomer. What made him the
father of forensic science though, is the well–known legend of The Golden Crown. In James
Baldwin's Thirty More Famous Stories Retold we see the story begin with the king of ... Show more
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This manual, Hsi Duan Yu, is the first ever written record to show the use of medical knowledge in
the solving of criminal cases. In Michael Karagiozis and Richard Sgaglio's Forensic Investigation
Handbook: An Introduction to the Collection, Preservation, Analysis, and Presentation of Evidence,
they say, translated, the book "teaches that water in the lungs indicates death by drowning and that
strangulation leaves telltale pressure marks on the throat or damaged cartilage in the neck"
(Karagiozis & Sgaglio 4). We see little advancement after this point until 1813, when a man by the
name of Mathieu Orfila published his work Treatise of General Toxicology, effectively making him
not only a fundamental person in the development of forensic science, but also the father of
toxicology (Forensic Science Timeline 11). Arsenic was a common poison of that era, because it
was not only odorless and tasteless, but it also gave the same symptoms as cholera, a common
illness of the time. Which allowed people to often get away with murder. Orfila was able to
successfully devise a test that could determine if human tissue had high amounts of arsenic present
by testing the dirt around the victim's gravesite (New York State Police "The
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The Seven Ages Of Man By William Shakespeare And Demeter...
Paul Vu
Mcmahon – 4
English 12
19 October 2017
Roughy Drafty In the dramatic monologue "The Seven Ages of Man" by William Shakespeare and
the myth "Demeter" retold by Edith Hamilton. Both works of literatures contain universal themes
that each writer displays in a way that readers will interpret differently. In the the monologue the
universal theme is the cycle of life and is compared to that of a play. While in the myth it is the
strength of the bond between a mother and daughter.
To begin with, in the Seven ages it contains the universal theme of the cycle of life. It goes and
compares the stages of the life of man as a play. That in the life of man "his acts being seven ages"
(line 5). So it comes to show how the speaker believes that the life of man is rather arbitrary as he
compares it to a ... Show more content on ...
The readers can tell how strong their love is as in the story when Persephone is kidnapped by Hades
and was brought into the underworld to be his wife. This of course left a grieving mother. In her
depressed state being the goddess of corn and harvest, she left the world cold and that no crops
would grow leaving mankind to fend for themselves. That is one strong bond loosing one person
into leaving a world to starve themselves to death. It got to the point where Zeus the Father of God
and man had to intervene and tell Hades to return her daughter. Next, the universal theme of "The
Seven Ages of Man" and "Demeter" are similar in some aspects and different in others. First and the
most notable similarity is that there is the theme of cycles being present in both stories. The cycle in
the monologue "Seven Ages of Man" is the cycle of life. While in the myth of "Demeter" is the
cycle of seasons. The difference in the two is that the cycle of Seven Ages seem to have an end.
Being that of the man dying of old age and the cycle in Demeter is an ever lasting
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Who Is Wise Old Woman Retold By Yoshiko Uchida?
The folktale "Wise Old Woman" retold by: Yoshiko Uchida is a medieval Japan folktale and it
helped me understand a life lesson that old people should be treated with respect so the old people
could teach us their wisdom. The folktale "Wise Old Woman" is about a young lord that made a
decree that people over seventy–one years old have to be banished to the mountains and after years
a farmer that lived with his mother all his life, his mother got to the age seventy–one and has to be
throw in the mountains, the farmer take his mother to the mountains and he just can't leave his
mother alone so he come back at night and dig a room under the kitchen floor of his home and hide
his mother in there.
After two year Lord Higa threaten to conquer the
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Theme Of Loyalty In Macbeth Retold
A question to consider– What will you do if you're most loyal friend oversees you cheating in a test?
Would you bribe them? Murder them? Confess or stay quiet and feel guilty?
Macbeth is a classic when we talk about universal themes. By comparing Shakespeare's Macbeth
and Peter Moffat's adaptation film Macbeth Retold we can definitely see the emphasis on universal
themes of loyalty and guilt. Both texts stress the importance of loyalty as the integral trigger for
guilt, allowing greater insight into universal themes. While Shakespeare employs literary techniques
and various characters, Moffat manipulates motifs and filming techniques and to convey
undermining themes of devotion and guilt. Both composers simultaneously demonstrate the
timelessness ... Show more content on ...
This is demonstrated through characters such as Lady Macbeth. After King Duncan was murdered,
Lady Macbeth soothes Macbeth of his crimes, " a little water clears us of the deed" such irony keeps
us in suspense whilst making it humorous when we see Lady Macbeth fall into mental ruin.
Continuously Shakespeare emphasises the guilt of her sins with scenes of her washing her hands rid
of the imaginary 'blood'. Such symbolism contrasts with her previous statement of water washing
away the blood indicating that she will never be cleansed of her sins. Furthermore her exclamation
"Out damned spot! Out, I say!" is used to convey high emotion and increase the tension and urgency
as symptoms of instability. We can deduce from such examples that guilt ultimately drives even the
most confident and cunning characters into insanity giving us insight into consequences particular
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Is Aladdin's Fairy Tales Retold?
Fairy Tales are written for children, but can be written for adults as well. The reason so many
fairytales are retold because they contain a morale lesson that relates to anyone. Fairytales are
written by adults and read by children because they have a simple plot, an impactful lesson, and a
chance for the reader to use their imagination. In every Fairytale there's a simple plot: For example
there's always a hero, a villain, royalty, magic, romance, poverty, a quest, talking animals,
reoccurring numbers, and morale lessons. One Fairytale that has these characteristics, is Aladdin. It's
about a street urchin who lived in the city; he accidentally met princess Jasmin when she ran away
from the palace. From that point on he fell in love with ... Show more content on ...
It allows one to look at a situation from a different point of view, and explore other possibilities. It
mostly occurs with kids, because they're not able to understand the logic of a story. Kids get to
define the story with their imagination, and hint to themselves what's right or wrong. It will also
make it easier for the children to comprehend what is happening in the story. Imagination in
fairytales helps develop kids with their creative thinking; that allows them to have better
understanding. There's no restrain on imagination, Sky is the limit. Imagination doesn't just limit
you to visualization, it also contains the other 4 senses smell, hear, touch, and taste. For example in
the three little pigs you can imagine yourself hearing or feeling the wolf huffing and puffing.
Imagination resolves in temporary happiness, and getting away from whatever problems you may
have. Fairytales can help both kids and adults; because it connects to their lives, by putting yourself
in the character's shoes. Imagination will prepare you for future situations that you've never been in,
so when it happens you will be prepared. Also Imagination in Fairytales gives a sense of hope; you
imagine things differently, which enables you to gain confidence. For example if a child were to
have a certain fear in a story, they can imagine a different outcome and view it in a much positive
way that you'll be comfortable with. Also with
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Representation Of Women In Taming Of The Shrew By William...
Written in the late 16th century during the Elizabethan era, the Taming of the Shrew is a play by
William Shakespeare. It tells the narrative of Katherine, a termagant, rebellious "shrew", daughter to
father Baptista and sister to unassuming, obedient, attractive Bianca. In it, she is subjected to
methods intended to restrain her aggressive behaviour, or effectively "tame" her, by Petruchio, a
bachelor on the prowl for wealthy women.
Having been performed throughout the centuries to create a historical assortment of varied
adaptations, versions of Taming of the Shrew have changed in accordance with time periods and
related shifting social expectations and culture. Discussed by literary academia extensively, a
particular manifestation reflecting such changes among this cohort of portrayals is the representation
of women. Notably, a clear trend about the societal attitudes at the time of presentation of versions
can be assumed by examining and comparing the depiction of women in two adaptations; the Globe
Theatre's directed by Toby Frow in 2012, a production expressing social norms from the Elizabethan
era, and the BBC's ShakespeaRE–told TV episode directed by David Richards (BBC Retold), set in
modern times. The representation of women in these plays allow it to be concluded that the social
expectations of women have progressed from domestically and professionally limiting to more
supportive and liberal over time, with a specific focus on gender equality. In spite of this,
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The Kill Order Retold By James Dashner: An Analysis
Imagine being stuck in a town filled with Cranks, people infected with the Flare, a deadly virus
known to cause major damage to the brain. In the novel, The Kill Order retold by James Dashner,
the survivor of a life–threatening attack, Mark, and his friends reveal their friendship between
themselves in a desolate town filled with crazy people who will do anything for food, even if it
means killing other humans. Toad, a friend of Mark is unable to leave his best friend behind even if
he faces death. When Mark asks Toad to leave his friend behind, Toad denies his offer and says,
"She's my best friend. I'm [Toad] not leaving her." (Dashner,70) The town Toad lives in is enduring
a crisis where most people would lose their sanity and
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Arachne As Retold By Olivia Coolidge
Revised–Fix In the myth "Arachne" as retold by Olivia Coolidge, a young girl challenges a goddess
and faces the consequences. Arachne is a talented spinner and weaver in Ancient Greece Arachne is
overly proud of her abilities But Then, people start to hear about Arachne and come to watch her
work; but as she starts to become famous for her skills Arachne starts to become hubris. Then, one
day an old crone shows up and warns Arachne; Arachne is rude to the old crone. As, Athena
transforms into herself Arachne challenges the goddess. During the competition, Athene finishes
first proving she is better; when Arachne sees this she takes ideas from Athena and uses them in her
own. After that, Athena decides to look at Arachne's tapestry but sees
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Mythology Retold Through Entertainment Outlets Essay
Mythology Retold Through Entertainment Outlets
The world of Art and Architecture has continually provided the tools to communicate many
differing concepts or ideas such as political ideologies like socialism to simple folk–tales or intricate
narratives. The elements of Greek Art and Architecture and its direct connection to mythology is the
main focus of this essay. I will present the comparison of a "new" representation of a Greek Temple
used in the set design of, The Clash of the Titans; to the original where its influence is traced to the
classic of all Greek Temples, the Parthenon. By illustrating this comparison of new to original, I
hope to communicate the idea of how contemporary society has attempted to retell mythology ...
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Argos, located upon the eastern coast of Peloponnese ( a region of Macedonia ) is considered the
western area of Greece from where the Doric order originated from. The Doric order is represented
through this sensationalized work of film through the columns of the architecture destroyed by one
of nature's elements. It is through this romanticized version of mythology in film, that Greek
mythology as well as history has reached a wider audience.
The influence for which the set design of The Clash of the Titans was based upon the High Classical
period, where the differing orders were clearly represented. The original I have chosen is one of the
most well known Greek Temples, the Parthenon; it is the most influential of the architectural
monuments as well as one of the most admired. The Parthenon was built as a temple to honor the
Goddess of War, Wisdom, City and Civilization, Athena; she was deemed the protector of Athens,
where the temple is located. The construction of this temple at the Acropolis began around 490 BCE
and ended in 438 BCE. The Parthenon itself was a composite of both Doric and Ionic orders as it
was located in between the eastern and western regions of Greece. The Doric order of the Parthenon
is what will be stressed for its significance, as it related to the Temple located in Argos.
The Parthenon as a well known architectural icon has had major influence upon all other
reconstruction of Greek
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Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by CS Lewis Essay
Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by CS Lewis
The first person narrative in the ancient kingdom of Glome, a land ruled by a tyrannical king and
religious goddess Ungit. Narrated by Princess (later Queen) Orual. The first section of this novel
presents itself as an open complaint against the gods, particularly the god of the Grey Mountain,
who brought Orual such pain and distress over the years, yet offer no answers or explanations to
justify the suffering. Orual says she had suffered much at the hands of the gods, but what most
torments her is the loss of her previous sister Istra (Psyche), in which loss Orual shares
responsibility and blame: this loss of Psyche results primarily from Orual's jealously and rage at the
gulf ... Show more content on ...
There, it is believed, she will be devoured by the holy Shadowbrute; presumably, the curse of
sickness and famine will then be lifted from the land. Strangely, though, Psyche relates to Orual
only days before the sacrifice that she has always felt a certain vague longing for the Grey
Mountain, even for the holy Shadowbrute For as long as she can remember, Psyche has felt herself
somehow destined for a land beyond the Grey Mountain, far from Glome. In fact, she has never felt
truly at home in Glome. This aspect of religious belief – longing for another world– is once used by
Lewis elsewhere as proof that humankind was created for another world. Orual, in typical fashion,
interprets Psyche's longing for the far kingdom as a threat against their own relationship, giving in
to the omnipresent urge to selfish, and self–centered, love. "'Ah Psyche,' I said. 'Have I made you so
little happy as that?' 'No, no, no,' she said. 'You don't understand…It was when I was the
happiest that I longed you most…Somewhere else there must be more of it. Everything
seemed to be saying, Psyche, come! But I couldn't (not yet) come and I didn't know where I was to
come to…I felt like a bird in a cage when the other birds of its kind are flying home.'"
(TWHF, pg. 74) This idea of the Christian being destined for another world is one found not only by
Lewis. Dietrich Bonhaffer , the German theologian martyred for his
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Cupid And Psyche Retold By Sally Benson
Analytic Response of Cupid and PsycheCupid and Psyche retold by Sally Benson is a famous
Ancient Greco–Roman myth. The story begins with a king and queen who have three daughters.
The youngest daughter, Psyche, is of such exceptional beauty that "the poverty of language is unable
to give her due praise." People travel to her, proclaiming the girl is the second coming of Aphrodite,
and make offerings to her instead of the Goddess herself. Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and
beauty, becomes jealous. Aphrodite tells her son Cupid, a young man with golden wingswho
represents unrestrained passion, to go to Psyche, and make her fall in love with some low, ugly
person. This essay will examine Cupid and Psyche by Sally Benson and how the author has ... Show
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Olympus was the home of the Gods, and pretty much the most awesome place in all of Greco–
Roman mythology. We know our heroine has achieved her "happily ever after" when she makes it
here.The themes of this mythical short story would include Love as the God of love fell in love
himself and betrayal. When Psyche shows distrust in Cupid and gets a glimpse of what he looks like
against his wishes, Cupid abandons her, showing that love cannot survive if there is notrust between
two people. One quote that supports that they loved each other is, "It is a difficult matter to keep
love imprisoned." After determinedly completing a series of tasks, however, Psyche eventually
regains Cupid and finds eternal bliss, perhaps teaching the lesson that lasting love can only be
attained through dedication and struggle. Psyche promises her new husband, Cupid (Eros), that
she'll never try to see what he looks like. Betrayal; Psyche's jealous sisters eventually convince her
that she's got to get a look at the dude she's sleeping with, and so Psychebreaks her word to Cupid.
On one level, this is betrayal. Cupid said to Psyche after this betrayal "O foolish Psyche! Is it thus
you repay my love? After having disobeyed my mother's commandsand made you my wife, will you
think me a monster and cut off my
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Moneyball Essay Questions
troy hairston ap lit and comp summer reading
Moneyball question 3
1. Nonfiction warrants its own methodology. How did reading a book of nonfiction differ from
reading fiction? Is it at all similar? Why or why not?
all people are unique in their own ways, whether it's choosing what type of style of clothing they
like to the type of movies they prefer. when choosing a book that may interest them, it becomes no
different. some people prefer reading fiction and others prefer non fiction. the question is, why and
the difference? they are both books and made of stories that either could happen or has happened so
aren't they? well other than that they do not share many other similarities. non fiction is based on a
real life event and thats ... Show more content on ...
the A's didn't have less talent than other teams in the league but instead did not have the money to
improve on it or to keep its players. it is only natural to think that money buys wins. he portrays the
stress and determination of general manager Billy Beane to win on a budget. Billy knows that he
will never have as much money as the yankees. on top of that the A's have just lost three of their top
players Jason Giambi, Johnny Damon, and Jason Isringhausen to richer teams but despite that fact
he is determined to win. Michael shows billy beane changing the whole game of baseball by using
statistics and making questionable sacrifices and decisions. decisions like signing underrated players
that nobody wants. this way he pays less for them unlike traditional scouting where only the best all
around players are signed and paid top dollar for. moneyball is not only a great read but
inspirational. michael does a great job of not only retelling the success of the A's but he shows what
it takes to be the best when you are at rock bottom. i would recommend this to anyone interested in
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Figurative Language In Cupid And Psyche
"Cupid and Psyche" Analytic Response EssayMiranda MancillasJames Madison High SchoolThe
story "Cupid and Psyche" ,retold by Sally Benson, is a wonderful story. There are many uses of
figurative language in the story. Sally Benson's version of the story is about a young girl who is
more beautiful than the Roman goddess of love and beauty herself, Venus. Benson uses very good
literary terms to recreate the amazing story. There are a few characters that are mentioned that are
seen as symbols. In the introduction of the book, the goddesses, Minerva represents wisdom while
Venus represents love. Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, therefore symbolizing wisdom. Venus,
being the goddess of love and beauty, symbolizes those things of love and beauty.
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The Story Of Cinderella Retold As A Military Engagement
The story of Cinderella retold as a military engagement. Once upon a time, there was a group of
Marine reserves, 4th Division. Being given the some of the toughest training available by what they
thought of as their "evil" superiors. Day after day they had to scrub the barracks, keep the grounds
clean, stand on sentry duty all night long, plus having all their physical training for hours. Word was
received that the 2nd, 5th, and 6th Marine division were to spearhead an attack on a castle which
was being used as an enemy stronghold. The "Big Brass" knew through intelligence that there were
between 5–7,000 troops in that castle, but the 2nd, 5th, and 6th had fought through much worse
before. So no reserves were to be needed. When this news was heard the Marine reserves were
sorely disappointed, for they were anxious to get in on the action. D–day was set for September 2;
H–hour was 2400. Then the news came that the 2nd Marine division could not take part, and it was
D–4. The Marine reserves were to be deployed immediately. At 2200 hours, D–day, they were
completely prepared to attack. Assembled a quarter mile from the castle walls, the Marines had set
up artillery pieces. Giant 155mm M114s, and 105mm M101s were ready to start pounding the walls.
Meanwhile, inside the castle, all of the enemies top military Generals were gathered along with the
King and the Prince to devise a defence plan. There was nothing the Marines wanted to do more
than meet the Prince, who was an
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Greek Myth Pyramus And Thisbe Retold By Edith Hamilton
In the Greek myth Pyramus and Thisbe retold by Edith Hamilton in Mythology, two lovers end up
dead after one jumps to a wrongful conclusion. Pyramus and Thisbe, two neighbors in forbidden
love, speaking only through a chink in their shared wall, crave sharing a touch. The two lovers plan
to "slip away and steal out through the city into the open country where at last they could be
together in freedom" (Hamilton 134). Thisbe arrives first and suddenly sees a lioness, covered in
blood, coming at her. In her escape, Thisbe drops her cloak. When Pyramus arrives and finds the
bloody cloak he immediately assumes Thisbe murdered by the lioness and plunges his sword into
his side. When Thisbe returns and sees Pyramus dying, she too kills herself out
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Archetypes In Beowulf
Beowulf: A Hero's Tale Retold, a picture book by James Rumford tells the story of Beowulf a
strong–willed and brave young man from the Land of Geats. The pattern of the hero's journey can
clearly be recognised in the text but with a few minor changes.
In the text Beowulf: A Hero's Tale Retold, not all of the archetypes and the stages of the hero's
journey are included, but it still follows the pattern. The hero is Beowulf, he has many of the
characteristics to classify him as a hero such as bravery and courage. We do not know where he
comes from until the call to adventure which is the spreading of the news about Grendel. The
mentor, Hrothgar is introduced and he reminds Beowulf to not take things for granted and to not
climb so high.
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Orpheus And Greek Mythology
Greek mythology has been retold over and over again throughout the course of mankind, not that,
but it has also been either revised or retold on different accounts. However, in some cases the idea of
Greek mythology is implemented into novels such as Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling and Hunger
Games by Suzanne Collins. These two books are excellent examples of written works with a
reference to Greek mythology. Mythological stories such as the story of Orpheus and Theseus are
used in either story. Regardless, many stories in today's society have many references to mythology.
To begin with, Orpheus is a story in which his wife Eurydice is killed by a snake after being chased
by a man and Orpheus yearns to have her back and the almighty Zeus takes pity upon him and
allows him to bring ... Show more content on ...
That condition is that he is not allowed to take a look at his wife until he reaches the sunlight. One
of Orpheus's first encounters in the underworld is with Cerberus, Hades's three–headed dog. In order
to get past Cerberus, Orpheus plays his lyre to soothe him and gets past him. (Insert Harry Potter
Quote). In J.K. Rowling's version, Harry Potter must play an instrument in order to get past Fluffy,
the guard dog. To readers of Harry Potter and Greek mythology, it's evident that J.K. Rowling is
trying to make a connection to Greek mythology. Not only that, but both Orpheus and Harry Potter
have to pass through trials in order to obtain what they want. In this case Orpheus yearns to have
Eurydice returned to him, so he must get past Cerberus. Meanwhile Harry wishes to have the
Philosopher's Stone in order to stop Voldemort from using it. "Before the throne where Hades and
his queen Persephone were seated, sable–clad and stern, Orpheus still played on." (Lang 2) Upon
arriving before Hades's throne, Orpheus makes a compromise with Hades and Hades allows him
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The Little Red Riding Hood
Do you ever wonder why writers retell our childhood tales? Does is ever occur to you that the tales
being retold may be used to tell a reader a deeper message? During our childhood we were told
stories of many sorts that directed a message to the reader, such as "The Little Red Riding Hood" by
Charles Perrault. As children, our parents read this short story in order for us to receive the authors
message to not talk to strangers or else something bad can happen. Children see tales such as "The
Little Red Riding Hood" very differently than adults do. As adults, they see this young attractive
village girl being tricked by the wolf who gathers information he needs to find her grandmother to
eat. Overtime, the story has changed numerous times based ... Show more content on ...
One of the symbols that periodically pops up in many of the "Little Red Riding Hood" tales is the
red cap that Little Red wears. The cap is given to her by her grandmother, which symbolizes a
deeper message in the retellings. The story by Perrault really doesn't symbolize anything, mainly
noted that it was given by her grandmother, however, in Angela Carters story it represents the
transition to women hood. Carter states, "She closed the window on the wolves' threnody and took
off her scarlet shawl, the color of poppies, the color of sacrifices, the color of her menses, and since
her fear did her no good, she ceased to be afraid. What shall I do with my shawl? Throw it on the
fire, dear one. You won't need it again" (649). Here Little Red Riding Hood burns her shawl, which
represent her sexuality. Little Red is no longer betrayed as a little girl, she ends her innocence by
burning her shawl which ends her virginity. Symbols can represent more than just a symbolic
meaning but making it important or a lesson taught to the readers. The shawl that represents her
cape which symbolizes the end of her little girl innocence because she gets naked in front of the
wolf and the story goes on to lose her virginity. Another symbol that resonance Little Red in general
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The Glass Slipper : Myths And Myths
What Happened to the Glass Slipper Myths have been a part of humanity since as far back as we
can imagine. Most of the myths or stories you hear today are modern takes on ancient oral tales.
These tales have been retold many times. Each time a myth is retold it is reflective of the time and
place it is being retold. The author and the audience must relate to the story, therefore it will be told
in such a way that the people of its era can easily understand and relate to the theme. Myths are
often used to help us understand many different aspects of our lives. Love, death, hatred,
compassion, religion; these are all topics commonly found in myths. These are also topics which are
hard to define. Rationalized versions of a myth represent the storyteller and audience, their beliefs,
traditions, and everyday lives. Before going into depth on this topic, it is important to understand
what the word "myth" means. The word itself comes from the Greek "mythos" which originally
meant "speech" or "discourse" but it later developed the meaning "fable" or "legend". The word
"myth" can now be defined as a story of forgotten or vague origin, basically religious or
supernatural in nature, which seeks to explain or rationalize one or more aspects of the world or a
society. ( When using a story to define a
concept such as love or religion to your audience, you must first appeal to them. People are more
likely to be interested in something
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Taming Of The Shrew Research Paper
Taming of The Shrew is one of Shakespeare's controversial playwrights. If the Taming of the Shrew
(Globe) was to a specific intended audience, it's primary focus is women. Sexism toward women on
how they need be "Tamed" and how they're "Shrews". It has 5 scenes and I'm simply awe–inspired.
Out of all 3 movies I expected more from the spinoffs. The Globe production is the closest to the
Taming of The Shrew you'll get. Even with the words "Shrew" and "Taming", Shakespeare
displayed how women are bad tempered and need not to be made such a recalcitrant kind of being.
The Shakespeare's Retold Taming of The Shrew adaptation was excellent. It is a modern projection
of just the way one could conceivably imagine it today; a car, a mansion, a pool,
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An Analysis Of 'Lunch, AndFeet In Smoke'
Family stories are described as being the best and worst memories a person has with their loved
ones. These stories are typically retold down through generations. states that,
"Almost any bit of lore about a family member or experience qualifies as a family story–as long as
it is significant and has worked its way into the family canon to be told and retold." After reading
the essays, "Lunch" and "Feet in Smoke", the reader comes to realize the privilege and importance
of family stories. Both essays portray a heartbreaking story of losing a member of the family either
through death or losing them mentally.
"Lunch" by Cristina Henriquez, is a story regarding the Panama family dinner traditions. In Panama
City, family ... Show more content on ...
It also serves as a reminder to cherish our families because tomorrow is never promised to anyone.
In my own objective opinion, " Feet in Smoke" was the most effective essay between the two. "Feet
in Smoke" not only told the tragic story of Worth's electrocution, but it gave a variety of details to
explain what occurred. For example, in the essay the author provides a day by day journal of
Worth's progress. In the essay "Lunch", no supporting details regarding the grandfather's death is
given, it just simply states the afterward result. "Feet in Smoke" is also portrayed as the most
effective in my opinion because the overall purpose is adequately expressed throughout the essay.
When Worth first wakes up, his little brother is sparsely shocked and upset at the change he has
gone through. As time goes on, Worth's little brother realizes the value of his big brother's life and is
thankful for the opportunity to watch Worth defy the odds. For instance, the author recalls, "Without
people like these and doubtless others whom I never met and Shatner didn't mention, there would
have been no miracle." Sullivan uses this quote to refer to the fact that Worth's life is a miraculous
matter, even with the huge mental change he went through. Family stories was the overall theme
involved in both essays. Although "Lunch" tells the story of
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Essay On Animal Farm Retold

  • 1. Essay on Animal Farm Retold Animal Farm Retold Night had fallen on the animal farm, though no animal was sleeping peacefully. Sleep was impossible that evening, for in the morning it would be known who was destroying the farm and who killed the old leader. Once before the farm was in shambles, and the animals looked to their new leader, Freud, to save them again as he had once before. Freud was a beautiful pig, a prize–winning pig with snow–white skin and a large round belly. One day a Raven flew to where Freud was napping on the MacKenzie farm and whispered atrocities to him, whispered that he would kill his father and have piglets with his mother...and Freud was afraid. So Freud left home to make his mark on the world. Upon his travels, he heard of a farm ... Show more content on ... Tensions were already high on Animal Farm from the previous day's activities. Abraham the snake, blind but much like the Ravens in predicting the future, was brought before Freud and asked to reveal the killer of Capitán. Abraham said nothing, and soon Freud was accusing Abraham and Jakob of conspiring to send Freud to the slaughterhouse. Abraham forced into it, states that Freud did it, that he is the one who killed Capitán, and he will pay. Jakob denied being in a conspiracy, but Freud was too angry then to relent. Amalie attempted to soothe him, telling him Capitán was killed in a slaughterhouse with an odd–looking blood–red roof, by thieves who stole him for the bacon (literally). Freud was soon quite disturbed, because he was once in a fight with a boar next to a blood–red slaughterhouse. The boar attacked him, and in defense he squealed until the butchers came after him and saw the boar he was fighting. Freud ran, and the boar was slaughtered instantly. Amalie awakened, only to find Freud pacing the barn. "Oh Amalie", he said, "What if it was me that killed Capitán? I am the cause of the farm's downfall!" "Don't be silly!" soothed Amalie. "Capitán was killed by many thieves, not one pig. I know! One animal returned alive, Bonnie the mare. She used to pull carts from here to the neighboring farms, you know. She lives in the country now. I will ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Comparing Yoshiko Uchima 'And The Wise Old Woman' The characters that I chose to compare and contrast were the young lord and son and wife. The young lord is in the story "The Wise Old Woman" which was retold by Yoshiko Uchida. The son and wife were in the story called "The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson" which was retold by Leo Tolstoy. In both stories the young lord and son and wife need to rethink about how they treat their elders. Both characters both need to rethink about how they treat them because they don't treat them well. For example the young lord owns a village and he thinks old people are useless and can't work. So he makes all the people 71 years and older sent to the mountains to die. Then at the end a boy acts like he brings his mother to die but hides her under ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Katherine's Speech In Taming Of The Shrew The ambiguity of whether Katherine's final speech is authentic, in which she apparently proclaims and promulgates female submissiveness, has been thought to define the tone of versions of Taming of the Shrew. However, the attitudes evoked by the monologue can also indicate values of society at the times which the play is presented. Generally, four main theories have emerged regarding the true intent behind Katherine's speech (Wikipedia, 2017): It is sincere and Katherine has been successfully "tamed". It is sincere, but because Katherine has fallen in love with Petruchio. It is ironic and is deceiving Petruchio by "parroting a socially acceptable, totally impersonal catalogue of honours a wife owes her husband" (De Wachter, 2016). It is neither, following the farcical disposition of the play–within–a–play framing device. Up until the 20th century, most of the last speeches by Katherine have adhered with the first option, including the traditional Globe Theatre adaptation. Katherine's acting in the Globe Theatre production, grounded in her facial expressions and tone of voice, shows sincerity and truthfulness in her declaration (V.ii). On the basis of this portrayal, it could be said that in a historical Elizabethan context, audiences would have accepted and deemed the domestication mechanisms and taming practises employed by Petruchio as normal. In contrast, "in a modern Western society holding relatively egalitarian views on gender", interpretations of Katherine's address ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold By C. S. Lewis Beauty is seen as one of the most important aspects of an individual as it the first characteristic someone notices about a person. Some are treated differently due to his or her aesthetically pleasing or displeasing face and is most evident in the book Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis that takes place approximately in the time period 700 to 450 B.C. In the novel Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis the three central female characters, Orual, Psyche, and Redival, are all regarded to differently based on their physical appearances and this attitude is prevalent in modern society. Orual, the narrator of the novel, is not treated as a woman due to her lack of attracting physical features in the novel and would translate into such present day. Other's perception of Orual's face makes her life difficult as people do not think she is feminine and unworthy to find a husband. Bardia, one of the guardsmen, makes this clear when he states, "'Why, yes, it's a pity about her face. But she's a brave girl and honest. If a man was blind and she ... Show more content on ... Everyone thinks she is beautiful and highly uphold her until her sister, Psyche (Istra), is born and is more beautiful. No matter her looks, she and women today try hard to find love and be the most beautiful they can be, but always eventually fall short. Redival spends her days trying to find a man right for her but her looks can be perceived as someone less than her if someone prettier comes around as she states to Orual, "'The men are as likely to look at you as at me, now that they've seen Istra'" (34). By the end of the novel by C. S. Lewis she finds a husband and has the typical life as a housewife as expected due to her physical appeal. But, despite Redival's good looks she is not treated the best as Psyche ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Is Hamlet Justified Research Paper Are Hamlet's actions justified? Hamlet was involved both directly, and indirectly with the deaths of Ophelia, Claudius Queen Gertrude, Polonius, Laertes, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern.(McKeown, Retold by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.) As soon as Queen Gertrude remarried, Hamlet started scheming against Claudius and wasn't thinking father's murderer, Claudius, but he unjustly killed royalty and should be prosecuted as such no matter his social status/rank. (McKeown, Retold by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.)The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, (despite that fact that he has murderous tendencies) son of the recently deceased King Hamlet, and nephew of King Claudius, his father's brother and ... Show more content on ... The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.) Claudius has had himself crowned King although Hamlet was his father's heir to the throne. (McKeown, Retold by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.) After Claudius was seen in the walking out of the murder scene in the play Hamlet directed closely depicting the death of King Hamlet, Hamlet suspected foul play. (McKeown, Retold by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.)So Sterling Publishing Co., Inc, 2003.) Even though Claudius killed King Hamlet, that doesn't justify Hamlet's actions. (McKeown, Retold by Adam., and Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport. The Young Reader's Shakespeare: Hamlet. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Till We Have Faces Character Analysis Many people in today's society believe that his or her own way of thinking is the best for everyone and every situation. This is not the case if one or both parties are stubborn and will only agree with his or her terms. Orual from Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis has a difficult personality that renders her ability to understand the gods of the 700 to 450 B.C. time period she thinks have wronged her for not listening to her when in fact she is the one to have not listened. In the novel Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by C. S. Lewis the character Orual has an obstinate attitude that influences her actions and relationships with those she loves and reflects on how people behave in modern civilization and its consequences. ... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel Orual states that she is complaining to the gods for them not helping her with her relationship with Psyche although it was Orual's own wrongdoings that diminished the relationship. Orual refuses to believe that Psyche has a god for a husband and is living in his palace because she cannot see it for herself. When she does see it she blames the gods by stating, "That moment when I either saw or thought I saw the House– does it tell against the gods or against me? Would they (if they answered) make it a part of their defense? say it was a sign, a hint, beckoning me to answer the riddle one way rather than the other? I'll not grant them that. What is the use of a sign which is itself only another riddle?" (Lewis 133). She blames the gods for answering her questions about Psyche because they were not straightforward like she wants them to be. Due to Orual being pigheaded about the gods her actions are affected by her ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Research Paper On Perseus Perseus Reading Project Greek myths were told to demonstrate beliefs, show models of virtue, or show the consequences of character flaws. "Perseus," as retold by Edith Hamilton, is a Greek myth written to accept fate. This purpose is seen in the story through the hero Perseus's journey which consists of the Oracle that told Perseus's Grandfather's Fate, Perseus's pride–motivated journey, and the fall of the Cruel King. The story consists in the Oracle giving the prediction of the King Acrisius. After hearing his fate, he decided to lock up Danae. Zeus gives her a boy, by the name of Perseus. After the King found out that his daughter had a son, he exiled her, and put her inside a chest with her son in hope for her death. The fate provide to Danae find a fisherman and stay with him and his wife. The fisherman had a brother, that was later known as King Polydectes. ... Show more content on ... Since Athena and Hermes wanted Perseus to be successful on his mission, Athena and Hermes gave him gifts as their divine guardians. Then, with help of Athena and Hermes, Perseus found the Graeae. Perseus was able to blackmail the Graeae for the Gorgon's location which led him to Medusa. After Medusa was found, Perseus chopped off Medusa's head and fulfilled his satisfaction. In conclusion, Perseus was successful gaining pride by the journey to kill ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Ashputtle Retold By Jakob And Wilhem Grimm Alexis ThompsonGregory TaylorEnglish 2, part 205/26/2018Ashputtle AnalysisThe story of Ashputtle is retold by Jakob and Wilhem Grimm. In the story Ashputtle was mistreated by her stepmother and two stepsisters. A bird in a tree by her mother's grave helps herand gives her everything she asks for. One day there was an announcement made that a ball was being held to help the king's son find a wife. Ashputtle goes to ask the bird for help. The bird gives her nice clothes to wear to the ball and the prince becomes infatuated with her. One night Ashputtle loses her shoe on the staircase. The king's son knew that the shoe would only fit the person he met so he uses it to find his bride. He finds out that the shoe fits Ashputtle and he marries her. ... Show more content on ... There is a wedding and a celebration, both representing happy events. There is the kitchen and the fireplace hearth, a place of suffering for Ashputtle. The theme is supported also by the characters who symbolize good in the form of Ashputtle and evil represented by the stepsisters. The story uses symbolism further when the white bird perches on the tree looking down at Ashputtle. It symbolizes her mother watching over her. Whenever Ashputtle needed something, the bird would support her. "Each time a little white bird came and perched on the tree, and when Ashputtle made a wish the little bird threw down what she had wished for." (School, A.H 2012) This symbolizes that the little bird was sent there to look over her.There is a good example of personification in the story because the doves can talk. "The two doves were sitting in the hazel tree and they cried out: "Roocoo, roocoo, There's blood in theshoe. The foot's too long, the foot's too wide, That's not the proper bride." (School, A.H 2012) The birds understand Ashputtle and follow her commands. "The girl went out the back door to the garden and cried out..." Metaphor is used also to support the theme, "...but their hearts ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Seven Ages Of Man Retold By Edith Hamilton been around since the third millennium B.C. This is why literature is always a topic that can help us answer our questions about life. An example would be "The Seven Ages of Man" by Shakespeare and "Demeter" retold by Edith Hamilton. The Seven Ages of Man helps us understand what phases men go through throughout their lives. Demeter, on the other hand, is a story on how the seasons work. These are some of the questions that literature can answer with a couple of lines and stanzas. Literature has and always will be the most helpful and understanding when it comes to answering questions about life. In "The Seven Ages of Man" Shakespeare considers the world a stage and men and women are the actors on the stage of their life. To Shakespeare, they all play seven roles according to their age. The first stage is infancy, with the whole crying, not being able to speak, and throws up every 10 minutes. As time goes on the infant grows into a schoolboy, who does not want to attend school which is the next stage of a man or woman's life. That schoolboy then grows up to fall in love with a woman and writes poems based on her beauty. The lover grows up and joins the army like all the other men and fights in wars. Next, he becomes an old wishful family man and judge. The next two steps are him becoming old, weak and ... Show more content on ... The story is about how Demeter is in charge of crops, and in order for her to continue creating crops she needs to be happy. All the gods and mortals helped out to keep Demeter happy, but one day her daughter Persephone gets forcefully married to the lord of the underworld and is sent away without saying goodbye to her mother. Demeter becomes angry and sad when she can not find her daughter so all of the crops on earth die and people begin to starve. Zeus realizes that Demeter needs help so he sends a messenger into the underworld demanding that Persephone came back ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Baba Yaga Retold Baba Yaga retold by Katya Arnold is a wonderful little children's story that uses character and themes from traditional Slavic shazki (Russian folktales). Principles of Mister Bruno Bettelheim, can be seen in crafty, respectful little Tishka. This tale of Baba Yaga starts with an elderly couple who find a child, and raise him. He takes care of them in their old age, then is kidnapped by Baba Yaga, he outwits her, then is saved with the help of the ugliest goose, and of course lives happily ever after. Little Tishka is a great role–model, as he is kind, industrious, and cunning. He, himself is the main theme of the book. Mr. Bettelheim said it best, "The question for the child is not 'Do I want to be good?', but, 'Who do I want to be ... Show more content on ... Children need to see, and hear such things, and be shown they have the ability to make, and create. Schools do an amazing job with reading, writing and arithmetic, so well in fact, parents often neglect to teach their children other important parts of life, such as building, repairing, and that it is alright to get dirty. The true theme of this story is the importance of cunning. The story is driven by this theme. It is when, children who enjoy this story will start to fall in love with Tishka, and strive to be him. But, before Tishka uses his wit, Baba Yaga does and is rewarded for it. When she fails to lure in Tishka, with her witch voice, "She ran to the blacksmith, and asked him to cast her a thin metal tongue so her would sound ... melodious". Now when she called to Tishka, with her "singsong" voice, her plan was benefited with Tishka, who she prompted put in a bag, to take home to cook. Baba Yaga gave Tishka to her daughter, so she may cook him, while she ran some errands. This is Tishka's time to shine. He cleverly plays ignorant of the position to be in to be put in the oven, and in a traditional Hansel and Gretel style, asks the witch daughter how it is done. During her demonstration of how to lay on a peel (shovel–like baker's tool), he shoves her into the coals, and locks the doors to the oven. From there he promptly escapes the house. Trishka takes this opportunity to be not so clever, because after Baba Yaga eats ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Seven Ages Of Man By William Shakespeare And Demeter... The main theme explains and illustrates with examples of universal themes from stories such as, "The Seven Ages of Man," by William Shakespeare and Demeter retold by Edith Hamilton. The Seven Ages of Man were regarding the coming of age from birth to our death. Equally essential It demonstrated each stage we go through. Complementary to this Demeter is a goddess that undergoes grief from the loss of her daughter. In addition, we observe the way she accommodates to her loss we can comprehend that she can't withstand the anguish. Nevertheless, these stories represent a universal theme due to the fact we can sympathize with these stories with our lives. Accordingly, The Seven Ages of Man have demonstrated the humans evolve from birth to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Much Ado About Nothing Movie And Play Comparison Essay Much Ado About Nothing is a Shakespeare play believed to have been written in 1598 to 1599, being this old the original play is written in old English which can make it hard to understand compared to English now. There are many different adaptations of the play that change many different things from the original such as the Shakespeare Retold version that tries to make the play modern. There is one by Joss Whedon, best known for directing of the Avengers, this take has a modern setting but still uses lot of old English, and is in black and white. The last one is a more classic take with Denzel Washington and Keanu Reeves that sticks almost exactly to the original play by Shakespeare. The classic version of Much Ado About Nothing is the best version of the three because it keeps most of the original meaning that Shakespeare ... Show more content on ... This is the only version that keeps both the old talk and the old setting, the other two adaptation change to a modern setting and the Shakespeare Retold version even changes to modern talk. Without the modern change the movie is exactly what the play was meant to be while the modern takes change the original meaning. Joss Whedon's version adds an alcoholic element that makes the decisions made seem more like drunken mistakes than love. Then the Shakespeare Retold version does a fairly good job at keeping the plot, but there were some problems throughout such as Don John was the bad guy because he loved Hero but her and Claudio were in love, while in the original Don John was the bad guy because he was jealous that Claudio was the war hero, not him. The classic version did a great job at keeping to the script and really giving the adaptation the same plot as the original play while the other two adaptations did not keep the same meaning as the original play which makes them seem very different from what Shakespeare intended his play to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Shakespeare's Timeless Love Story Retold in Film Essay "He was not of an age, but for all time!", described Ben Jonson in regards to Shakespeare (qtd. in Chrisp 62). As research proves, there is no doubt to the truth of this statement. Adding to Jonson's words in regards to Shakespeare's timelessness Peter Chrisp explains that "there have been more than 500 film and TV adaptations of Shakespeare's dramas" (Chrisp 65; Mabillard). Furthermore, in the introduction to Gnomeo and Juliet, a Red Good Gnome says, "The story we are about to tell has been told before... a lot" (Asbury, "Gnomeo & Juliet"). While likely meant as simply another comedic line in film, there is significant truth to that statement. Regarding this, within the theater and film industries Romeo and Juliet is very recognizable. As ... Show more content on ... Some of the most dramatic films inspired by Romeo and Juliet directly used Shakespeare's sonnets in the films. First of all 1936 brought MGM's black–and–white Romeo and Juliet produced by Irving G. Thalberg. On the good side, the film was unbelievably luxurious and authentic, spending close to the equivalent of $80 million dollars (Rosenthal 122). Sadly the young lovers could not be accurately portrayed by the well–aged actors of 35 and 43 years (Rosenthal 122). As the 19th century continued, Franco Zeffirelli directed his highly successful 1968 Romeo and Juliet in full color (Zeffirelli, "Romeo and Juliet"). Contradicting the 1938 rendition, "he chose actors almost as young as their characters" with 17–year–old Leonard Whiting as Romeo and 15–year–old Olivia Hussey as Juliet (Rosenthal 128). Despite the controversial wedding–scene nudity, in addition to some minor changes in Shakespeare's words, the film was still highly successful (Rosenthal 128). Finally in 1996 came the film William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet. Using Shakespeare's verse in a modern 1990s Miami–like Verona Beach, Baz Luhrmann, the director, stated, "We wanted to look at how Shakespeare would've made a movie if he were here today" (qtd. in Rosenthal 130). Luhrmann's truly stunning couple is played by ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Cupid And Psyche Retold By Sally Benson Literary Analysis for Psyche and Cupid 1.The story of Cupid and Psyche retold by Sally Benson is a very intersting story. A few things we should know about this story is, it is about Venus the goddes of love, Cupid her son, and Psyche a Gourgous woman, blessed with unmersable beauty! A goddes jealous of a mortal women. A mortal women cursed by a God. Cupid the clumsy son of Venus which begain to unfold the events that take place in this story. This story consists of drama, jealousy, love, hardship and most important dramitic irony. 2. The setting of this story takes place in a kingdom of unkown orgin, a distant land or the lands of the Gods. The tone of the story is dramitic irony, Psyche a beautifull mortal women who was praised by men above Venus, arroused the goddess's jeulousy. Venus sending her son Cupid to curse Psyche. Cupid had then slipped up and ended up wounding himself with his own arrow, causeing him to fall for Psyche. Cursed by Venus, Psyche was also in dismay about the flattery and the glory she had begot by her fathamous beauty. Which left her loved by no man! This puts Psyche in a state of despair, and causes her to resemble her beauty. ... Show more content on ... Our figurative Language in this scene is "Am I then to be eclipsed by a mortal girl?" (this quote proves Venus is jealous) I am ceartain the purpose of this story is to get the reader to relize that life is full of trials and we dont always get it right the first time, and no matter what we cant just give up. Psyche being the prime example of a young golaball person, pushing against the mighty storm in her life to succed in finding her love. This quote backs up the purpose "The girl is destined for the bride of no mortal lover. Her future husband awaits her on the top of the mountain. He is a monster whom neither the gods nor men can ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Seven Ages Of Man By Shakespeare And Demeter Retold By... Often in literary works the author includes a theme to go along with their story. Two examples of this are the "The Seven Ages of Man" by Shakespeare and "Demeter" retold by Edith Hamilton. Both literary works follow similar themes throughout their story's. The theme of both of these works is one of a cycle, "The Seven Ages of Man" being the cycle of becoming a man and the cycle of seasons in "Demeter". The two cycles can be compared through the point of view they are told from, the amount of emotion in their stories and the importance of their cycles. The works by Shakespeare and retold by Edith Hamilton are both written from third person points of view that follow their themes. "The Seven Ages of Man" is told from a limited third person point of view, "And so he plays his part" (Shakespeare 19). Shakespeare told the story in a limited third ... Show more content on ... "The Seven Ages of Man" begins as "All the world's stage,/ And all the men and women merely players;/ They have their exits and their entrances,/ And one man in his time plays many parts,/His acts being seven ages (Shakespeare 1–5). The cycle of man beings as an infant in a nurse's arms and ends as an old decrepit person. The cycle of man is more than that, it is the cycle from birth to death for all of us. The story of "Demeter" is the cycle of her losing her daughter for four months every year and her missing her during those times. "Demeter did not refuse, poor comfort though it was that she must lost Persephone for four months every year and see her young loveliness go down to the world of the dead" (Hamilton 101–013). As Demeter's daughter goes back to the underworld each year she stops allowing food to grow. Demeter's cycle of seeing her daughter and losing her for the four months a year is also the cycle of the seasons, winter when Persephone is in the underworld and spring, fall and summer while she with ... Get more on ...
  • 16. How Do Story Change Over Time Many times stories get retold but often times get a different twist when they are retold. The story changes so much over time it isn't the same as it started after 3 changes. Once a story is changed it can never be repeated the same due to individual bias. Most people do what they want with stories making them their own. Once a story is solidified to someone's liking they keep it that way and it can last for a long time till the story is changed and retold to the point it could become a whole new story. Stories often time don't stay the same for a long extended period of time. When a new story that people generally like comes out it will stay the same but in any other circumstance it is different and often times doesn't say how it was first ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay on Primo Levi- Pain Retold, Is Pain Redoubled" "Pain retold, is pain redoubled" What prompts someone to write about their suffering, and how do they convey a sense of their emotions to the reader? Primo Levi is a Holocaust war victim, a survivor from Auschwitz, who for years was plagued by guilt because he survived – a feeling that is passed on in Jewish tradition, which I understand being a fellow Jew. Jewish heritage is very important to all Jews; myself included, which is one reason why I can connect with the poet/author, his poems and his other works. Levi decided to write, rather than keep in, his feelings, and subsequently wrote both poetry, and a variety of prose, both fiction and autobiographical. The emotions in two of his poems, ... Show more content on ... Levi places a lot of emphasis on his titles and opening lines. The title 'Shema' is the name of the most important Jewish prayer. This prayer teaches us to remember always that we are followers of Gd and that we should not forget it. Literally, Shema means Hear, or Listen – it is a word that all throughout my history has inspired and healed. Levi uses it convey the importance of his story. It is a powerful word that carries with it much importance and history. There are several other references to certain aspects in the Jewish faith, "...When you are in your house...when you go to bed and when you arise" which reinforce the Jewish ideal that the story should be retold and never lost. 'The Survivor' refers to the deeds that one must do to survive. "Sometimes...the things you do to survive are worse than the survival itself" (Se Questo ? Un Uomo). In the first few lines Levi refers to The Ancient Mariner, a poem where the sailor is doomed to wander the world with the weight of his crimes around his neck. Levi sees this as a personification of himself– that he will forever walk the world knowing that he is alive, and the others not. This reference holds so much importance– the guilt of a previous person transposed into his native language portrays the outpouring of guilt that he feels, coupled with loneliness and the eternal weariness. Another of Levi's books, 'The Periodic Table' ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Macbeth Retold "Macbeth" and "Macbeth retold" by Mark Brozel, share many comparisons yet have many vital differences. "Macbeth retold" uses themes similar to the original play but uses a modified plot to appeal to the more modern audience. Retold utilises settings to create a controversial atmosphere. In contrast Shakespeare's Macbeth uses an array of themes, a historical plot and language features that revolve around Elizabethan times. Even though the similarities are quite apparent, there are also some less obvious differences, the differences improve the sensitive response and the understanding that a modern audience may consume. The plots are quite similar in both plays, both the film and the play tell a story about a man who meets 3 people, in the ... Show more content on ... Similar themes are engaged by both Shakespeare and Brozel to suggest feelings in their particular audiences. Through the connection of Joe and Ella, Brozel investigates the dynamics of a relationship. Shakespeare uses Macbeth and lady Macbeth to show the role of a lady, showing a submissive companion, such companion was expected in the Elizabethan civilization, Ella and Lady Macbeth both have ambitions and both control their husbands, Ella uses a very similar quote "the milk of human kindness is now tainted" that of Lady Macbeth, the famous quote being "I fear thy nature, it is to full o'th'milk of human kindness" this quote indicates that she is questioning Macbeths masculinity. Ella uses her saying for the same reason; Ella does this in order to convince Joe to commit the murder. Lady M and Ella share some common objectives but Ella's character is allowed to be more alike to Macbeth due to the time that it was set. In Shakespeare's time women and men did not have equal rights, let alone allowed to perform on stage, whereas now day's men and women are equal allowing Ella to be ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Thirty More Famous Stories Retold Summary Great leaps have been made in the field of forensic science since its humble beginnings in 300BC. However, the surge of advancements within forensic science did not appear until the early 1800s. That is not say that early uses, of what would later become known as forensic science, were not impactful. Without these early ideas, we may not be where we are today. Starting with the man who is generally considered the father of forensic science, Archimedes. Archimedes was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and even an astronomer. What made him the father of forensic science though, is the well–known legend of The Golden Crown. In James Baldwin's Thirty More Famous Stories Retold we see the story begin with the king of ... Show more content on ... This manual, Hsi Duan Yu, is the first ever written record to show the use of medical knowledge in the solving of criminal cases. In Michael Karagiozis and Richard Sgaglio's Forensic Investigation Handbook: An Introduction to the Collection, Preservation, Analysis, and Presentation of Evidence, they say, translated, the book "teaches that water in the lungs indicates death by drowning and that strangulation leaves telltale pressure marks on the throat or damaged cartilage in the neck" (Karagiozis & Sgaglio 4). We see little advancement after this point until 1813, when a man by the name of Mathieu Orfila published his work Treatise of General Toxicology, effectively making him not only a fundamental person in the development of forensic science, but also the father of toxicology (Forensic Science Timeline 11). Arsenic was a common poison of that era, because it was not only odorless and tasteless, but it also gave the same symptoms as cholera, a common illness of the time. Which allowed people to often get away with murder. Orfila was able to successfully devise a test that could determine if human tissue had high amounts of arsenic present by testing the dirt around the victim's gravesite (New York State Police "The ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Seven Ages Of Man By William Shakespeare And Demeter... Paul Vu Mcmahon – 4 English 12 19 October 2017 Roughy Drafty In the dramatic monologue "The Seven Ages of Man" by William Shakespeare and the myth "Demeter" retold by Edith Hamilton. Both works of literatures contain universal themes that each writer displays in a way that readers will interpret differently. In the the monologue the universal theme is the cycle of life and is compared to that of a play. While in the myth it is the strength of the bond between a mother and daughter. To begin with, in the Seven ages it contains the universal theme of the cycle of life. It goes and compares the stages of the life of man as a play. That in the life of man "his acts being seven ages" (line 5). So it comes to show how the speaker believes that the life of man is rather arbitrary as he compares it to a ... Show more content on ... The readers can tell how strong their love is as in the story when Persephone is kidnapped by Hades and was brought into the underworld to be his wife. This of course left a grieving mother. In her depressed state being the goddess of corn and harvest, she left the world cold and that no crops would grow leaving mankind to fend for themselves. That is one strong bond loosing one person into leaving a world to starve themselves to death. It got to the point where Zeus the Father of God and man had to intervene and tell Hades to return her daughter. Next, the universal theme of "The Seven Ages of Man" and "Demeter" are similar in some aspects and different in others. First and the most notable similarity is that there is the theme of cycles being present in both stories. The cycle in the monologue "Seven Ages of Man" is the cycle of life. While in the myth of "Demeter" is the cycle of seasons. The difference in the two is that the cycle of Seven Ages seem to have an end. Being that of the man dying of old age and the cycle in Demeter is an ever lasting ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Who Is Wise Old Woman Retold By Yoshiko Uchida? The folktale "Wise Old Woman" retold by: Yoshiko Uchida is a medieval Japan folktale and it helped me understand a life lesson that old people should be treated with respect so the old people could teach us their wisdom. The folktale "Wise Old Woman" is about a young lord that made a decree that people over seventy–one years old have to be banished to the mountains and after years a farmer that lived with his mother all his life, his mother got to the age seventy–one and has to be throw in the mountains, the farmer take his mother to the mountains and he just can't leave his mother alone so he come back at night and dig a room under the kitchen floor of his home and hide his mother in there. After two year Lord Higa threaten to conquer the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Theme Of Loyalty In Macbeth Retold A question to consider– What will you do if you're most loyal friend oversees you cheating in a test? Would you bribe them? Murder them? Confess or stay quiet and feel guilty? Macbeth is a classic when we talk about universal themes. By comparing Shakespeare's Macbeth and Peter Moffat's adaptation film Macbeth Retold we can definitely see the emphasis on universal themes of loyalty and guilt. Both texts stress the importance of loyalty as the integral trigger for guilt, allowing greater insight into universal themes. While Shakespeare employs literary techniques and various characters, Moffat manipulates motifs and filming techniques and to convey undermining themes of devotion and guilt. Both composers simultaneously demonstrate the timelessness ... Show more content on ... This is demonstrated through characters such as Lady Macbeth. After King Duncan was murdered, Lady Macbeth soothes Macbeth of his crimes, " a little water clears us of the deed" such irony keeps us in suspense whilst making it humorous when we see Lady Macbeth fall into mental ruin. Continuously Shakespeare emphasises the guilt of her sins with scenes of her washing her hands rid of the imaginary 'blood'. Such symbolism contrasts with her previous statement of water washing away the blood indicating that she will never be cleansed of her sins. Furthermore her exclamation "Out damned spot! Out, I say!" is used to convey high emotion and increase the tension and urgency as symptoms of instability. We can deduce from such examples that guilt ultimately drives even the most confident and cunning characters into insanity giving us insight into consequences particular universal ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Is Aladdin's Fairy Tales Retold? Fairy Tales are written for children, but can be written for adults as well. The reason so many fairytales are retold because they contain a morale lesson that relates to anyone. Fairytales are written by adults and read by children because they have a simple plot, an impactful lesson, and a chance for the reader to use their imagination. In every Fairytale there's a simple plot: For example there's always a hero, a villain, royalty, magic, romance, poverty, a quest, talking animals, reoccurring numbers, and morale lessons. One Fairytale that has these characteristics, is Aladdin. It's about a street urchin who lived in the city; he accidentally met princess Jasmin when she ran away from the palace. From that point on he fell in love with ... Show more content on ... It allows one to look at a situation from a different point of view, and explore other possibilities. It mostly occurs with kids, because they're not able to understand the logic of a story. Kids get to define the story with their imagination, and hint to themselves what's right or wrong. It will also make it easier for the children to comprehend what is happening in the story. Imagination in fairytales helps develop kids with their creative thinking; that allows them to have better understanding. There's no restrain on imagination, Sky is the limit. Imagination doesn't just limit you to visualization, it also contains the other 4 senses smell, hear, touch, and taste. For example in the three little pigs you can imagine yourself hearing or feeling the wolf huffing and puffing. Imagination resolves in temporary happiness, and getting away from whatever problems you may have. Fairytales can help both kids and adults; because it connects to their lives, by putting yourself in the character's shoes. Imagination will prepare you for future situations that you've never been in, so when it happens you will be prepared. Also Imagination in Fairytales gives a sense of hope; you imagine things differently, which enables you to gain confidence. For example if a child were to have a certain fear in a story, they can imagine a different outcome and view it in a much positive way that you'll be comfortable with. Also with ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Representation Of Women In Taming Of The Shrew By William... Written in the late 16th century during the Elizabethan era, the Taming of the Shrew is a play by William Shakespeare. It tells the narrative of Katherine, a termagant, rebellious "shrew", daughter to father Baptista and sister to unassuming, obedient, attractive Bianca. In it, she is subjected to methods intended to restrain her aggressive behaviour, or effectively "tame" her, by Petruchio, a bachelor on the prowl for wealthy women. Having been performed throughout the centuries to create a historical assortment of varied adaptations, versions of Taming of the Shrew have changed in accordance with time periods and related shifting social expectations and culture. Discussed by literary academia extensively, a particular manifestation reflecting such changes among this cohort of portrayals is the representation of women. Notably, a clear trend about the societal attitudes at the time of presentation of versions can be assumed by examining and comparing the depiction of women in two adaptations; the Globe Theatre's directed by Toby Frow in 2012, a production expressing social norms from the Elizabethan era, and the BBC's ShakespeaRE–told TV episode directed by David Richards (BBC Retold), set in modern times. The representation of women in these plays allow it to be concluded that the social expectations of women have progressed from domestically and professionally limiting to more supportive and liberal over time, with a specific focus on gender equality. In spite of this, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Kill Order Retold By James Dashner: An Analysis Imagine being stuck in a town filled with Cranks, people infected with the Flare, a deadly virus known to cause major damage to the brain. In the novel, The Kill Order retold by James Dashner, the survivor of a life–threatening attack, Mark, and his friends reveal their friendship between themselves in a desolate town filled with crazy people who will do anything for food, even if it means killing other humans. Toad, a friend of Mark is unable to leave his best friend behind even if he faces death. When Mark asks Toad to leave his friend behind, Toad denies his offer and says, "She's my best friend. I'm [Toad] not leaving her." (Dashner,70) The town Toad lives in is enduring a crisis where most people would lose their sanity and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Arachne As Retold By Olivia Coolidge Revised–Fix In the myth "Arachne" as retold by Olivia Coolidge, a young girl challenges a goddess and faces the consequences. Arachne is a talented spinner and weaver in Ancient Greece Arachne is overly proud of her abilities But Then, people start to hear about Arachne and come to watch her work; but as she starts to become famous for her skills Arachne starts to become hubris. Then, one day an old crone shows up and warns Arachne; Arachne is rude to the old crone. As, Athena transforms into herself Arachne challenges the goddess. During the competition, Athene finishes first proving she is better; when Arachne sees this she takes ideas from Athena and uses them in her own. After that, Athena decides to look at Arachne's tapestry but sees ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Mythology Retold Through Entertainment Outlets Essay Mythology Retold Through Entertainment Outlets The world of Art and Architecture has continually provided the tools to communicate many differing concepts or ideas such as political ideologies like socialism to simple folk–tales or intricate narratives. The elements of Greek Art and Architecture and its direct connection to mythology is the main focus of this essay. I will present the comparison of a "new" representation of a Greek Temple used in the set design of, The Clash of the Titans; to the original where its influence is traced to the classic of all Greek Temples, the Parthenon. By illustrating this comparison of new to original, I hope to communicate the idea of how contemporary society has attempted to retell mythology ... Show more content on ... Argos, located upon the eastern coast of Peloponnese ( a region of Macedonia ) is considered the western area of Greece from where the Doric order originated from. The Doric order is represented through this sensationalized work of film through the columns of the architecture destroyed by one of nature's elements. It is through this romanticized version of mythology in film, that Greek mythology as well as history has reached a wider audience. The influence for which the set design of The Clash of the Titans was based upon the High Classical period, where the differing orders were clearly represented. The original I have chosen is one of the most well known Greek Temples, the Parthenon; it is the most influential of the architectural monuments as well as one of the most admired. The Parthenon was built as a temple to honor the Goddess of War, Wisdom, City and Civilization, Athena; she was deemed the protector of Athens, where the temple is located. The construction of this temple at the Acropolis began around 490 BCE and ended in 438 BCE. The Parthenon itself was a composite of both Doric and Ionic orders as it was located in between the eastern and western regions of Greece. The Doric order of the Parthenon is what will be stressed for its significance, as it related to the Temple located in Argos. The Parthenon as a well known architectural icon has had major influence upon all other reconstruction of Greek ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by CS Lewis Essay Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold by CS Lewis The first person narrative in the ancient kingdom of Glome, a land ruled by a tyrannical king and religious goddess Ungit. Narrated by Princess (later Queen) Orual. The first section of this novel presents itself as an open complaint against the gods, particularly the god of the Grey Mountain, who brought Orual such pain and distress over the years, yet offer no answers or explanations to justify the suffering. Orual says she had suffered much at the hands of the gods, but what most torments her is the loss of her previous sister Istra (Psyche), in which loss Orual shares responsibility and blame: this loss of Psyche results primarily from Orual's jealously and rage at the gulf ... Show more content on ... There, it is believed, she will be devoured by the holy Shadowbrute; presumably, the curse of sickness and famine will then be lifted from the land. Strangely, though, Psyche relates to Orual only days before the sacrifice that she has always felt a certain vague longing for the Grey Mountain, even for the holy Shadowbrute For as long as she can remember, Psyche has felt herself somehow destined for a land beyond the Grey Mountain, far from Glome. In fact, she has never felt truly at home in Glome. This aspect of religious belief – longing for another world– is once used by Lewis elsewhere as proof that humankind was created for another world. Orual, in typical fashion, interprets Psyche's longing for the far kingdom as a threat against their own relationship, giving in to the omnipresent urge to selfish, and self–centered, love. "'Ah Psyche,' I said. 'Have I made you so little happy as that?' 'No, no, no,' she said. 'You don't understand…It was when I was the happiest that I longed you most…Somewhere else there must be more of it. Everything seemed to be saying, Psyche, come! But I couldn't (not yet) come and I didn't know where I was to come to…I felt like a bird in a cage when the other birds of its kind are flying home.'" (TWHF, pg. 74) This idea of the Christian being destined for another world is one found not only by Lewis. Dietrich Bonhaffer , the German theologian martyred for his ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Cupid And Psyche Retold By Sally Benson Analytic Response of Cupid and PsycheCupid and Psyche retold by Sally Benson is a famous Ancient Greco–Roman myth. The story begins with a king and queen who have three daughters. The youngest daughter, Psyche, is of such exceptional beauty that "the poverty of language is unable to give her due praise." People travel to her, proclaiming the girl is the second coming of Aphrodite, and make offerings to her instead of the Goddess herself. Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty, becomes jealous. Aphrodite tells her son Cupid, a young man with golden wingswho represents unrestrained passion, to go to Psyche, and make her fall in love with some low, ugly person. This essay will examine Cupid and Psyche by Sally Benson and how the author has ... Show more content on ... Olympus was the home of the Gods, and pretty much the most awesome place in all of Greco– Roman mythology. We know our heroine has achieved her "happily ever after" when she makes it here.The themes of this mythical short story would include Love as the God of love fell in love himself and betrayal. When Psyche shows distrust in Cupid and gets a glimpse of what he looks like against his wishes, Cupid abandons her, showing that love cannot survive if there is notrust between two people. One quote that supports that they loved each other is, "It is a difficult matter to keep love imprisoned." After determinedly completing a series of tasks, however, Psyche eventually regains Cupid and finds eternal bliss, perhaps teaching the lesson that lasting love can only be attained through dedication and struggle. Psyche promises her new husband, Cupid (Eros), that she'll never try to see what he looks like. Betrayal; Psyche's jealous sisters eventually convince her that she's got to get a look at the dude she's sleeping with, and so Psychebreaks her word to Cupid. On one level, this is betrayal. Cupid said to Psyche after this betrayal "O foolish Psyche! Is it thus you repay my love? After having disobeyed my mother's commandsand made you my wife, will you think me a monster and cut off my ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Moneyball Essay Questions troy hairston ap lit and comp summer reading Moneyball question 3 1. Nonfiction warrants its own methodology. How did reading a book of nonfiction differ from reading fiction? Is it at all similar? Why or why not? all people are unique in their own ways, whether it's choosing what type of style of clothing they like to the type of movies they prefer. when choosing a book that may interest them, it becomes no different. some people prefer reading fiction and others prefer non fiction. the question is, why and the difference? they are both books and made of stories that either could happen or has happened so aren't they? well other than that they do not share many other similarities. non fiction is based on a real life event and thats ... Show more content on ... the A's didn't have less talent than other teams in the league but instead did not have the money to improve on it or to keep its players. it is only natural to think that money buys wins. he portrays the stress and determination of general manager Billy Beane to win on a budget. Billy knows that he will never have as much money as the yankees. on top of that the A's have just lost three of their top players Jason Giambi, Johnny Damon, and Jason Isringhausen to richer teams but despite that fact he is determined to win. Michael shows billy beane changing the whole game of baseball by using statistics and making questionable sacrifices and decisions. decisions like signing underrated players that nobody wants. this way he pays less for them unlike traditional scouting where only the best all around players are signed and paid top dollar for. moneyball is not only a great read but inspirational. michael does a great job of not only retelling the success of the A's but he shows what it takes to be the best when you are at rock bottom. i would recommend this to anyone interested in ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Figurative Language In Cupid And Psyche "Cupid and Psyche" Analytic Response EssayMiranda MancillasJames Madison High SchoolThe story "Cupid and Psyche" ,retold by Sally Benson, is a wonderful story. There are many uses of figurative language in the story. Sally Benson's version of the story is about a young girl who is more beautiful than the Roman goddess of love and beauty herself, Venus. Benson uses very good literary terms to recreate the amazing story. There are a few characters that are mentioned that are seen as symbols. In the introduction of the book, the goddesses, Minerva represents wisdom while Venus represents love. Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, therefore symbolizing wisdom. Venus, being the goddess of love and beauty, symbolizes those things of love and beauty. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Story Of Cinderella Retold As A Military Engagement The story of Cinderella retold as a military engagement. Once upon a time, there was a group of Marine reserves, 4th Division. Being given the some of the toughest training available by what they thought of as their "evil" superiors. Day after day they had to scrub the barracks, keep the grounds clean, stand on sentry duty all night long, plus having all their physical training for hours. Word was received that the 2nd, 5th, and 6th Marine division were to spearhead an attack on a castle which was being used as an enemy stronghold. The "Big Brass" knew through intelligence that there were between 5–7,000 troops in that castle, but the 2nd, 5th, and 6th had fought through much worse before. So no reserves were to be needed. When this news was heard the Marine reserves were sorely disappointed, for they were anxious to get in on the action. D–day was set for September 2; H–hour was 2400. Then the news came that the 2nd Marine division could not take part, and it was D–4. The Marine reserves were to be deployed immediately. At 2200 hours, D–day, they were completely prepared to attack. Assembled a quarter mile from the castle walls, the Marines had set up artillery pieces. Giant 155mm M114s, and 105mm M101s were ready to start pounding the walls. Meanwhile, inside the castle, all of the enemies top military Generals were gathered along with the King and the Prince to devise a defence plan. There was nothing the Marines wanted to do more than meet the Prince, who was an ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Greek Myth Pyramus And Thisbe Retold By Edith Hamilton In the Greek myth Pyramus and Thisbe retold by Edith Hamilton in Mythology, two lovers end up dead after one jumps to a wrongful conclusion. Pyramus and Thisbe, two neighbors in forbidden love, speaking only through a chink in their shared wall, crave sharing a touch. The two lovers plan to "slip away and steal out through the city into the open country where at last they could be together in freedom" (Hamilton 134). Thisbe arrives first and suddenly sees a lioness, covered in blood, coming at her. In her escape, Thisbe drops her cloak. When Pyramus arrives and finds the bloody cloak he immediately assumes Thisbe murdered by the lioness and plunges his sword into his side. When Thisbe returns and sees Pyramus dying, she too kills herself out ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Archetypes In Beowulf Beowulf: A Hero's Tale Retold, a picture book by James Rumford tells the story of Beowulf a strong–willed and brave young man from the Land of Geats. The pattern of the hero's journey can clearly be recognised in the text but with a few minor changes. In the text Beowulf: A Hero's Tale Retold, not all of the archetypes and the stages of the hero's journey are included, but it still follows the pattern. The hero is Beowulf, he has many of the characteristics to classify him as a hero such as bravery and courage. We do not know where he comes from until the call to adventure which is the spreading of the news about Grendel. The mentor, Hrothgar is introduced and he reminds Beowulf to not take things for granted and to not climb so high. All ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Orpheus And Greek Mythology Greek mythology has been retold over and over again throughout the course of mankind, not that, but it has also been either revised or retold on different accounts. However, in some cases the idea of Greek mythology is implemented into novels such as Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling and Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. These two books are excellent examples of written works with a reference to Greek mythology. Mythological stories such as the story of Orpheus and Theseus are used in either story. Regardless, many stories in today's society have many references to mythology. To begin with, Orpheus is a story in which his wife Eurydice is killed by a snake after being chased by a man and Orpheus yearns to have her back and the almighty Zeus takes pity upon him and allows him to bring ... Show more content on ... That condition is that he is not allowed to take a look at his wife until he reaches the sunlight. One of Orpheus's first encounters in the underworld is with Cerberus, Hades's three–headed dog. In order to get past Cerberus, Orpheus plays his lyre to soothe him and gets past him. (Insert Harry Potter Quote). In J.K. Rowling's version, Harry Potter must play an instrument in order to get past Fluffy, the guard dog. To readers of Harry Potter and Greek mythology, it's evident that J.K. Rowling is trying to make a connection to Greek mythology. Not only that, but both Orpheus and Harry Potter have to pass through trials in order to obtain what they want. In this case Orpheus yearns to have Eurydice returned to him, so he must get past Cerberus. Meanwhile Harry wishes to have the Philosopher's Stone in order to stop Voldemort from using it. "Before the throne where Hades and his queen Persephone were seated, sable–clad and stern, Orpheus still played on." (Lang 2) Upon arriving before Hades's throne, Orpheus makes a compromise with Hades and Hades allows him ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Little Red Riding Hood Do you ever wonder why writers retell our childhood tales? Does is ever occur to you that the tales being retold may be used to tell a reader a deeper message? During our childhood we were told stories of many sorts that directed a message to the reader, such as "The Little Red Riding Hood" by Charles Perrault. As children, our parents read this short story in order for us to receive the authors message to not talk to strangers or else something bad can happen. Children see tales such as "The Little Red Riding Hood" very differently than adults do. As adults, they see this young attractive village girl being tricked by the wolf who gathers information he needs to find her grandmother to eat. Overtime, the story has changed numerous times based ... Show more content on ... One of the symbols that periodically pops up in many of the "Little Red Riding Hood" tales is the red cap that Little Red wears. The cap is given to her by her grandmother, which symbolizes a deeper message in the retellings. The story by Perrault really doesn't symbolize anything, mainly noted that it was given by her grandmother, however, in Angela Carters story it represents the transition to women hood. Carter states, "She closed the window on the wolves' threnody and took off her scarlet shawl, the color of poppies, the color of sacrifices, the color of her menses, and since her fear did her no good, she ceased to be afraid. What shall I do with my shawl? Throw it on the fire, dear one. You won't need it again" (649). Here Little Red Riding Hood burns her shawl, which represent her sexuality. Little Red is no longer betrayed as a little girl, she ends her innocence by burning her shawl which ends her virginity. Symbols can represent more than just a symbolic meaning but making it important or a lesson taught to the readers. The shawl that represents her cape which symbolizes the end of her little girl innocence because she gets naked in front of the wolf and the story goes on to lose her virginity. Another symbol that resonance Little Red in general is, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Glass Slipper : Myths And Myths What Happened to the Glass Slipper Myths have been a part of humanity since as far back as we can imagine. Most of the myths or stories you hear today are modern takes on ancient oral tales. These tales have been retold many times. Each time a myth is retold it is reflective of the time and place it is being retold. The author and the audience must relate to the story, therefore it will be told in such a way that the people of its era can easily understand and relate to the theme. Myths are often used to help us understand many different aspects of our lives. Love, death, hatred, compassion, religion; these are all topics commonly found in myths. These are also topics which are hard to define. Rationalized versions of a myth represent the storyteller and audience, their beliefs, traditions, and everyday lives. Before going into depth on this topic, it is important to understand what the word "myth" means. The word itself comes from the Greek "mythos" which originally meant "speech" or "discourse" but it later developed the meaning "fable" or "legend". The word "myth" can now be defined as a story of forgotten or vague origin, basically religious or supernatural in nature, which seeks to explain or rationalize one or more aspects of the world or a society. ( When using a story to define a concept such as love or religion to your audience, you must first appeal to them. People are more likely to be interested in something ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Taming Of The Shrew Research Paper Taming of The Shrew is one of Shakespeare's controversial playwrights. If the Taming of the Shrew (Globe) was to a specific intended audience, it's primary focus is women. Sexism toward women on how they need be "Tamed" and how they're "Shrews". It has 5 scenes and I'm simply awe–inspired. Out of all 3 movies I expected more from the spinoffs. The Globe production is the closest to the Taming of The Shrew you'll get. Even with the words "Shrew" and "Taming", Shakespeare displayed how women are bad tempered and need not to be made such a recalcitrant kind of being. The Shakespeare's Retold Taming of The Shrew adaptation was excellent. It is a modern projection of just the way one could conceivably imagine it today; a car, a mansion, a pool, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. An Analysis Of 'Lunch, AndFeet In Smoke' Family stories are described as being the best and worst memories a person has with their loved ones. These stories are typically retold down through generations. states that, "Almost any bit of lore about a family member or experience qualifies as a family story–as long as it is significant and has worked its way into the family canon to be told and retold." After reading the essays, "Lunch" and "Feet in Smoke", the reader comes to realize the privilege and importance of family stories. Both essays portray a heartbreaking story of losing a member of the family either through death or losing them mentally. "Lunch" by Cristina Henriquez, is a story regarding the Panama family dinner traditions. In Panama City, family ... Show more content on ... It also serves as a reminder to cherish our families because tomorrow is never promised to anyone. In my own objective opinion, " Feet in Smoke" was the most effective essay between the two. "Feet in Smoke" not only told the tragic story of Worth's electrocution, but it gave a variety of details to explain what occurred. For example, in the essay the author provides a day by day journal of Worth's progress. In the essay "Lunch", no supporting details regarding the grandfather's death is given, it just simply states the afterward result. "Feet in Smoke" is also portrayed as the most effective in my opinion because the overall purpose is adequately expressed throughout the essay. When Worth first wakes up, his little brother is sparsely shocked and upset at the change he has gone through. As time goes on, Worth's little brother realizes the value of his big brother's life and is thankful for the opportunity to watch Worth defy the odds. For instance, the author recalls, "Without people like these and doubtless others whom I never met and Shatner didn't mention, there would have been no miracle." Sullivan uses this quote to refer to the fact that Worth's life is a miraculous matter, even with the huge mental change he went through. Family stories was the overall theme involved in both essays. Although "Lunch" tells the story of ... Get more on ...