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Lab 3 – Biodiversity
Experiment 1: Effects of Water Pollution on Plant Diversity
Water pollution can have severely negative effects on biodiversity and ecosystems, particularly on
plant populations. In many cases, these pollutants are introduced to the environment through
everyday human activity. In this experiment, you will contaminate several water samples, as well as
purify a water sample. You will then evaluate the effects ofwater pollution and purification on the
biodiversity of wildflowers. POST–LAB QUESTIONS
Table 1: Water Observations (smell, color, etc.)
1No smell, normal clear water
2Light colored oil, clear water, tiny bubbles
3Vinegar Smell, small bubbles, clear in color
4White colored bubbles, laundry soap smell, clear liquid
5Light brown/ tan colored liquid
6Vegetable oil smell, darker brown liquid, tiny bubbles
7Smell of vinegar, small bubbles, yellowish colored liquid
8Brown liquid, smell of laundry soap
1. What effects did each of the contaminants have on the water in the experiment? Use Table 1 for
Answer = The water was significantly impacted and effected by the contaminants. The vinegar gave
it a really nasty and strong smell. The vegetable oil changed the color. The water looked cloudy and
groggy when the laundry detergent was added.
2. What kinds of human activities could cause oil, acids, and detergents to contaminate the water
Answer = The first thing that came to
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Essay On Water Pollution
Water is one of the most needed elements for survival on Earth. All organisms contain it, drink it or
live in it. Water pollution has been an increasing problem for many generations. Pollution has been
around for more than a century, but people did not believe that it was a real threat until it became
more aggressive over the years. Pollution comes in many forms such as agricultural, runoff,
industrial, sedimentary, animal wastes, etc. For example, many industries began using synthetic
materials such as plastics, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), inorganic pesticides, and among other
substances that many cases lead to contamination water systems. These materials are not only toxic,
but they are also detrimental to the environment more content...
A nonpoint source is pollutants enter indirectly through environmental changes such as fertilizer
carried into streams by rain. In 2015, Flint rash investigation (2016) notes that there were 390
rashes and 175 hair loss symptoms are the majority complaints in water quality and a higher level of
chlorine, pH, and water hardness factors that could lead to developing skin irritation or rashes.
Health risks in contaminated wells been exposed to concentrations of nitrate, radon, lead, and
organic compounds (DeSimone, 2009). Groundwater is considered the safest water quality to drink
in the United States claimed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. According to Kennedy,
Whitman Burrows, & Richmond (2004), "24 trace elements such as arsenic, lead, and zinc were
collected at streambed sediment sample for protection of aquatic life in 2001." Also during the
following year of 2002, "stream sediment analyzes organ chlorine pesticide, polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), and semi–volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)" (Kennedy, Whitman, Burrows,
& Richmond, 2004). Kennedy, Whitman, Burrows, & Richmond, (2004) reviewed an additional
examine causes water that is unpleasant to drink due to bad odor, taste, and algae in lakes become
artificially enriched with nutrients from the chemical fertilizers that run off cultivated fields into the
water. Although protecting 168,000 nation 's public drinking water
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Water Pollution And Its Effects On Aquatic Life
Water Pollution and its Effects on Aquatic Life
Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary biology, states in his theory of evolution that only
organisms better fit to survive in their environment will survive. Based on his theory and research, it
can be concluded that challenges to the environment directly affect the organisms. Research shows
that in particular water pollution; hospital wastewater and sewage wastewater, is shown to cause
antibiotic–resistant microorganisms, excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus as well as
heavy metals that harm the aquatic life present in the body of water. Antibiotic–resistant
microorganisms refer to organisms that cannot be killed by antibiotics such as penicillin or
ampicillin. The heavy metals referred to are, mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), chromium
(Cr), thallium (Tl), and lead (Pb); these metals mainly impact fish.
As mentioned above one of the key sources of water pollution is hospital wastewater. It has been
reported that local wastewater treatment plants are unequipped to treat the wastewater completely
(Nielsen) and therefore hazardous to the environment. Part of the hospital wastewater are antibiotics
that come out in active form because it has not been completely metabolized. (Ahmad, M., et al.).
This means that the antibiotics have not been completely broken down and can still kill bacteria
present in the water body. The presence of antibiotics would not be a critical issue if it was simply
killing off
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Water Pollution And Its Effects On Society Essay
About thirty percent of the world is land mass–the other seventy percent is water. Water is essential
to life and all forms of nature need water to thrive in the world. Whether we use the ocean, rivers,
lakes, streams, or even the water that comes from your sink, water is a key component to the
survival of all living things. Today, chemicals from various places and trash of sorts are getting into
the water that are commonly used for drinking and other uses such as fishing, swimming, etc.
Contaminated water is affecting the citizens of America in ways that could create long–lasting
problems. We can come up with solutions like chemical regulations for companies with leakage,
water cleaning devices and how they can be cheaper, and educating the people about hazardous
water that will help keep the water safe and clean. Water pollution is a worldwide issue that multiple
countries face. In America, the population continues to rise, which means more resources are being
used and the environment is changing dramatically due to human impact. Water is one of the
resources that are being heavily impacted in some form or fashion. For instance, pollution from
man–made products like gasoline, road salts, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. seep into the soil and enters
the water that is beneath the earth. A portion of the United States drinking water is groundwater and
this is the water that is impacted most. The Groundwater Foundation stated that, "Over 50% of the
United States population
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Abstract On Water Pollution
Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible
for more than million deaths worldwide. The Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked
several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of
the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air
by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the government to take affirmative action against
pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts
were made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes,
carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and stop littering.
3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage
cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this statement has become very true. Today,
developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the
last–longing effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history,
types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible solutions to how to combat this problem
and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue.
Pollution comes
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Solution Essay On Water Pollution
Pollution Have you ever imagine live in a world where you can go out and breath fresh air? Where
can you drink water or swim in the ocean with no worries of getting any disease? That could be
possible if we help our planet and if we reduce the levels of water, air, land, and light pollution. Why
should we care? Now a days, pollution is getting bigger and bigger every day, and we should take
care immediately due we do not have other planet where to live. If we do not do anything, no one
will do it. If we destroy our planet, we are destroying ourselves, and we have to remember that
most of our problems are the reflection of our actions. If we compare a way of life that helps the
planet in which we live in contrast to the chaotic reality that we inhabit. To begin with, water
pollution is one of the biggest pollution that we are facing and "it is caused by many factors
including (but certainly not limited to): uncontrolled constructions sites, leaking sewer lines, storm
water runoff, accidental spills and leaks, improper discharge of wastes, mining activities, foundries,
animal waste, and others." (Water Pollution Solutions | 7 Simple Solutions) But we can try to fic
this with one of these solutions. For example, create a group in your community in order to
consciousness in your community, also look for more information and try to persuade others, and
something that all of us can do in our own houses is close the tap when we finish to use the water.
When there is a group in a
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Water Pollution Is A Concern
Water pollution is the where water bodies such as lakes, oceans, rivers and so on are affected by
pollutants which are discharged in water masses either directly or indirectly. Pollutants include
toxic waste materials from factories, spillage of oil from oil tankers, pesticides and herbicides
from farms, soil erosion which is usually deposited in a water source, sewages from homes and
septic tanks spill off nearby water sources and the list is endless.
These water pollutants can be categorized into; point–source or nonpoint–source. Point–source
pollution is where pollution takes place from a single source example, spillage in the ocean.
However, for non–source pollution takes place from many different sources. Example, a river being
polluted by pesticides from nearby farms, factory emissions directly in the river and so on.
Why Water Pollution Is a Concern
Water pollution effects are not always immediate. We as human beings continue to pollute water in
ignorance or knowingly that it will affect us in the long run. More than two thirds of the overall
population of the earth is occupied by water bodies and the rest human beings. This shows the great
extent on the importance of keeping water bodies clean. Water pollution eventually has led to
decline in quality of water, causing problems for human beings and animals. In other words, polluted
water poses a threat to human beings and animals. Unfortunately, we as human beings have played a
big role in water pollution. Water
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Argumentative Essay On Water Pollution
In recent times, a popular issue that sparks much controversy amongst the population is Pollution.
Since the Industrial Revolution, pollution has been rapidly increasing, whether it be air pollution or
soil pollution, the effects are prevalent. From the Great Barrier Reef slowly dying, to the polar ice
caps melting to climate change, pollution has been much more noticeable than in prior times.
Although, it is clear that pollution is causing great issues for our environment, many fail to
acknowledge the issue and or simply overlook the issues, especially if they do not notice how these
issues affect them personally. These effects on our environment actually impact the human body and
can affect different systems within the body such as the respiratory, reproductive orimmune system.
An issue that deserves recognition would be that of the affects of water pollution and access to clean
water on the immune system. Water is an essential factor for the survival of human beings. As a
matter of fact, life can occur on Earth because of water. Although, waster is an essential to life,
there are many in have little to no access to clean water. Water is necessary because it can help
nutrients travel within the body as well as filter out the kidneys. If one was to drink polluted water,
then they are exposing their body's systems to harmful bacteria that can harm the different systems
such as the respiratory, immune and nerve system. Exposure to water pollution and lack of access to
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A Project Proposal On Water Pollution Essay
Project Proposal Report by Aditya Shetty 1000019369 GDHM Academic Supervisor : Mr Peter
Alexander Academic Leader : Dr Indrapriya Kularatne Introduction Water is an indispensible part
our daily existence and is the main element for existence of life on planet earth. Water is present
everywhere around us; in air in soil almost everything. Even the human body is made up of 70 %
and at loss of just 1 % water from the body humans feel thirst and at loss of 10 % face risk of
losing life. Though water is readily available to us it is still the most valuable resource but its
value is overlooked by most of us as it is readily available to us by virtue of nature. During the last
few decades due to increase in industrialization agriculture and technology all have led to shortage
of water in some parts of the world. Use and abuse of water has affected the water cycle in
conjunction with other abuses of the environment resulting in climate changes, drought, floods,
acid rains, desertification and other such problems. According to Narasaiah 2009 the consumption
of water has increased ten folds between 1900 to 2000, 80% of diseases around the world are
water related and by 2000, 51 % of the world population would be urban based where the problem
is even worse. Thus there is need to address this problem through water conservation and it is not
only the responsibility of the various governments but also the
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Persuasive Essay On Water Pollution
Pollution has had a shocking impact in the atmosphere for including many irreparable damages to
ocean life, serious health issues to human beings, and negative changes to the environment. Pollution
is a man–made global dilemma which is increasing to a serious magnitude. Human beings, the
number one culprit, seem to be blind to this matter. Humans' inability to clearly see the problem
they are creating, will be one of the causes for the world to be no more.
One of the many kinds of pollution that exist is water pollution. Many threats and dangers to ocean
species from pollution are found in the ocean. Plastic may be the largest threat to water pollution
problems. Other problems may also result from oil spills, sewage spills, and trash. Plastic products
pose the biggest water pollution problem. Items such as bottles and plastic bags that find their way
into the ocean are often mistaken for food by hungry sea turtles, dolphins, whales and sea birds;
killing the ocean animals by suffocation. Those plastics also contain toxic chemicals which can be
dangerous posing a threat to all marine wildlife and also to humans.
According to Oceana, the agency in charge of protecting the world's oceans, the number one
pollutant in the North Pacific Gyre is still plastic. Oceana remains unsure of the quantity of plastic
in the water. Our "need" for plastic has harmed innocent little creatures and ourselves as well when
we should be searching for safer alternatives instead.
The health hazards for humans who come in contact with contaminants from exposure to polluted
water can have long term effects on the body causing possible organ failure and death. Contaminants
and chemicals such lead and mercury can bring about many minor illnesses ranging from nausea,
lung irritation, skin rash, vomiting, and dizziness, to the major diseases that include cancer, liver and
kidney damage, disorders of the nervous system, damage to the immune system, birth defects and
even death.
According Oraclethinkquest, "Water pollution has the potential to have a harmful effect on all living
things including plants and animal species. Chemicals, radioactive waste, industrial waste in the
water can affect species and their development. There is no
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Literature Review : Water Pollution
2.1 Water pollution
FAO (1992) noted that the adulteration of water supplies from both natural and anthropogenic
sources has impacted on the health and economic status of populations. Human activities contribute
to pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides into aquatic ecosystems. These
anthropogenic activities continuously increase the amounts in the environment. According to Malik
et al. (2010), heavy metal pollution is burgeoning at an frightening rate and has become an important
worldwide problem Increase in population, urbanization, industrialization and agricultural practices
as well as lack of environmental regulations have further aggravated the situation (Gupta et al.,
Heavy metals are assimilated or incorporated in water, sediments and aquatic biota evoking pollution
in water bodies since they cannot be degraded (Linnik and Zubenko, 2000; Malik et al., 2010). As the
metal levels in many aquatic ecosystems increase, they raise the concern of metal bioaccumulation
through the food chain and related human health hazards (Wright and Welbourn, 2002; Agah et al.,
2009). Despite significant efforts to reduce trace metal loads in effluents, municipal wastewater was
still found to convey large amounts into the environment (Buzier et al., (2006); ГњstГјn, 2009; Hope
et al., 2012). As a consequence, the heavy metals present in municipal wastewater are still present in
the effluents and sludge (Chen et al., 2008; Chanpiwat
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Water Pollution Essay
Over the past fifty years, Hawaii has seen a drastic increase in ocean and land pollution. There has
been a lot of plastic in the ocean after it has been discarded from use. It affects marine life and us
because we eat fish what if fish that are contaminated with poison or full with plastic in them then
we eat it, it's really bad for our environment. This increase in pollution is harming the environment in
Hawaii. Our food sources, marine life, and wildlife are being negatively affected through air
pollutants, water contamination, and physical waste from human activity. Pollution rates need to
rapidly decline if we want to stray abroad the potential, irreversible effects on the environment of
Hawaii, as well as the entire world.
New mountains are forming in Hawaii, and they aren't lush and green like the ones endemic to
the islands. These are massive mounds of trash swelling in size, day by day. Landfill limits are
soon to be exceeded and new grounds are being selected for additional pollution. According to an
article on the Kekaha Landfill on the west side of Kauai, there is only around 10 years worth of
trash life anticipated in that particular location. This means that new dumping grounds will be
searched for on this small island, polluting more of Kauai. However, some of these landfills are
well maintained and designed as a part of waste treatment. Weather it be solid or liquid matter that is
contaminated, it will eventually make its way into the ocean or onto the
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Air and Water Pollution essay
INTRODUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION The chemical composition of the atmosphere today is so
different as compared to the atmosphere that existed before the Industrial Revolution, 1760 – 1830.
To define air pollution, we should first consider all those sources that release harmful chemicals into
the atmosphere and alter its chemical composition. First of all, all anthropogenic (man–made)
emissions are air pollutants. Next, is the natural emission which can be divided into biogenic and
geogenic. Biogenic emissions result from the living world such as volatile organic compound
emissions from forests and CH4 emissions from swamp. On the other hand, geogenic emissions are
from the non–living world, such as volcanic emissions, sea–salt emissions, more content...
–automobiles are the largest sources of VOCs for the reaction–concentrations tend to peak in the
afternoon, causing eye irritation and aggravation of respiratory diseases Lead (Pb)–Pb levels in the
air has decreased considerably with gradual elimination of lead in gasoline worldwide –leaded
gasoline combustion –combustion of solid waste, coal and oils –emissions from iron and steel
production and lead smelters –tobacco smoke–affect blood and kidney –affect the nervous, immune,
cardiovascular and reproductive systems The above table was constructed based on the information
obtained from : Daly, A. and P. Zannetti. 2007. An
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Essay about Causes and Effects of Water Pollution
There are many causes for water pollution. The main one is plastics. The reason for that is that
plastics take four hundred and fifty years to decompose in the water. Also many companies use
plastic and people throw it in the waterways. Because water can float and be carried by the wind, it
can cause harm to unsuspecting creatures hundreds of feet from where it was originally dumped.
Such waste includes bags, bottles, cups, straws, cup lids, utensils, six pack holders, cling wrap,
fishing line, bait bags, and floats.
The second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take much garbage with
them on their ships and dump them. This was very common until the government took action. They
were giving more content...
Some of the businesses that contribute to the water pollution are businesses that repair and maintain
motor vehicles, electroplate, operate printing and coping equipment, perform dry cleaning and
laundry services, process photographs, operate labs, involve building and construct roads, provide
pest control, preserve wood, and make Furniture.
Water pollution doesnВ№t just effect humans, it affects are whole ecosystem. Birds and marine
life are affected by it. More than fifty species of birds are known to ingest plastic. When they eat
plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation. Algal blooms are another thing that kills
marine life. Algal blooms are sea scum, whale food, and sea sawdust. Algal blooms are bundles of
fine threads, rusty brown, they have a fishy smell, and are common in
August through December.
Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe, recreation, manufacturing, and
power. We need water for almost everything, if we don't start cleaning up we will be in big trouble.
Bunches of families dispose of chemicals everyday. It affects us drastically and we depend on it to
be clean.
Right now the government is fining people for illegal dumping. But that is all the government is
People in cities are organizing water pollution groups. A lot of people are producing fliers and
giving them out. The are asking people to adapt a
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Water Pollution and Drinking Water Quality Essay
All around the world, countries are fighting to keep their drinking water clean. Whether it's streams,
rivers, or lakes, countries have taken great measures to maintain high quality drinking water for both
human consumption and animal consumption. Countries must first understand the sources of the
polltion, then determine the best methods to eliminate the pollution. Clean drinking water is a
valuable resource and a the key to human survival. Plants and animals also depend on water for
their growth, so all water must be kept clean. The major contributors to water pollution can be
classified in three categories, industrial, agricultural and municipal. Examples of industrial wastes
that can contaminant bodies of water are oil spills, more content...
First, control over the discharge can take place at the point of generation within the plant itself.
Second, the polluted water can be sent to water treatment plants before it is released into the
surrounding water sources. Third, the waste water can be treated within the plant and recycled
again, or treated in the plant and released. Another form of industrial waste that contributes to
water pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is a product of industries burning coal. The burning of coal
produces sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide, and when these chemicals combine with the earth's
atmosphere it forms acid rain The Northeastern part of the United States has the worst acid rain
levels in the world. More specific, the states with the highest concentration are Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, and some boarding parts of Canada and New England area. The falling acid rain can
destroy plants and animals in several different ways. The acidification of a lake, river, or stream
because of the high acidic levels in the water kills algae. Since algae are the main source of food,
for many species of fish, they will also suffer from the high acid levels.
     Acid rain also soaks into ground and dissolves nutrients from
the soil. When the plants call upon these nutrients to grow, the absence kills the vegetation. Over a
short period of time plants begin
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Essay on Water Pollution Kills Sea Life
Dumpster diving is going to be like swimming in a lake in 2025. Water pollution is a major
problem in today's society. According to health and environment linkages Initiative if we continue
polluting our water like we do today two out of three people on the globe may be living in water
stressed conditions. Over years and years, water pollution has been an issued and there has been
examples in today's society that show it is an occurring problem. It may not seem like it but water
pollution affects everywhere and everyone around it but there are simple solutions we can do to
solve the challenge.
Every day Water Pollution is an ongoing problem because it kills sea life, causes water
contamination and, destroys ecosystem. There are more content...
Sea turtles are unable to chew plastic so it will clog up their throat and they will not be able to
breathe anymore. Other trash in the ocean can get caught on fins, necks and tails of the sea
animals and the trash could kill them. The trash in the ocean will also contaminate the water and
make it hard for sea animals to breath, it is just like fish living in a dirty fish tank. With
contaminated water, it is imperative that a person drinks safe water. According to health and
environment linkages initiative over 1 billion people globally lack access to safe drinking water
and there are approximately 1.7 million deaths each year. Drinking the contaminated water can
cause diseases like gastrointestinal and death. I realized that the world is 7o percent water but only
2.5 percent is fresh water. So even though we have plenty of water most of its contaminated.
Over the years water pollution has been going on. In fact water pollution has been around since
humans. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into bodies of
water. There are many causes that cause water pollution like oil, trash, sewage, fertilizer and plastic.
According to conserve future plastic cause huge destruction of marine life and is believed to have
killed 100,000 sea animals.
There are examples in today society that show water pollution exist all around us. Toxins have been
discharged into the
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Water Pollution In Florida Essay
Water is a necessity for human life and Earth's environment. As the Earth's population continues to
grow we continue to strain the Earth for its water supply. Water pollution is when there is a
biological change in the nature of the water biologically typically in a negative way. As water
pollution began as natural causes through animals and other environmental issues as the increase in
human activity over the years there was an expansion in water pollution. As the increase in
contamination is obviously due to the excess of human activity due to the earth's history it affects
them the most. With Florida being a highly populated state surrounded by large bodies of water puts
us at a greater risk of contamination. As Florida being a prime vacation spot the demand for clean
refreshing water should be high, but with the ongoing water contamination the likelihood of that isn't
very high. If this continues then Florida's being a beautiful vacation home would turn into an
environmental dump.
Many people do not acknowledge the importance of water in life and how polluted water can
become. The pollution of water in Florida is a factor that developed with time. Florida in the
beginning was completely underwater. Many settlers dug wells and built dams on the rivers to be
able to drink water (Florida's Water...2002). The population started to grow rapidly in Florida,
resulting in competition for survival.
Florida's population in the 1920's was about 970,000, the growth of the
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Water Pollution Essay
Since the industrial revolution, humans have centered our population masses near lakes, rivers,
and coastal areas around the world. The industrial revolution has given us the ability to move
mountains and alter the landscape to suit our needs; moreover, we have utilized these natural
sources of water for irrigation of our farmlands and the drainage systems of our waste for hundreds
of years. "Harmful algal blooms are a major environmental problem in all 50 states. Also known as
red tides, blue–green algae or cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms have severe impacts on human
health, aquatic ecosystems, and the economy" (Environmental Protection Agency). The pollution
created by human's activities is enabling these types of biological events to get worse, which is
causing more severe blooms to occur more frequently. Recently we have significantly improved our
water treatment processes to limit the pollution of our waterways; however, some the chemicals
used during water treatment increase oxygen levels to assist in the produce certain algae's which
ingest and remove the harmful bacteria's present in wastewater before it is re–introduced into the
natural water cycle.
The continued efforts and technological advances in science being made today can greatly assist in
the prevention of human–generated water pollution. "Our sewer and septic systems are responsible
for treating large quantities of waste, and these systems do not always operate properly or remove
enough nitrogen and phosphorus before discharging into our waterways" (Environmental Protection
Agency). With the development and progress being made in wastewater treatment systems, the use
of ultraviolet and reverse osmosis water systems society now has the technology and ability to
reduce the risk of waster effluent damage to the sounding watersheds. Unfortunately, waste water
treatment is only one of the many small causes of water pollution, which lead to harmful algal
blooms in and around our coastal waters.
The infrastructure we have created to support our modern, fast–paced lives have taken a high toll on
our surrounding environments. Storm water drainage is critical in keeping our transportation
systems operational, houses, businesses, and
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Persuasive Essay On Water Pollution
The one thing humans need on this planet to survive is water. If we need water to survive, then why
are polluting it? Most of our nation's waterways are in terrible condition because of the pollution in
the water. Water pollution not only can cause illnesses, but also deaths for humans. Humans aren't
the only thing that water pollution causes harm to. It is also hurting our ecosystem. Humans are the
leading cause of most water pollution. We keep throwing wastes into the water making the water
unsafe for humans to drink. Scientists are coming up with ways for humans to decrease the amount
of wastes they are putting in the water. We need to stop polluting the one thing that keeps us alive.
Water pollution is a change or decrease in more content...
There is a new chemical that "decreases male fertility, hormones, and testosterone" ("Declining Male
Fertility"). The chemicals are in the shape or form of medicine and pesticides and can affect fish and
other species in the water. Some research has shown that these "chemicals make male fish believe
they are turning into females which is declining the male fertility in the water. These chemicals are
getting in the water through the sewage pipes leading into the water. This not only harms the water,
but also the organisms inside the water. Water pollution isn't just hurting the environment, but also
costing Americans money. Instead of drinking water from the faucets, people are buying more
expensive types of bottled water. Since most people are buying expensive bottles of water, this is
going to cost them more money. "Water pollution is costing the government, facilities, and
Americans nearly $4.3 billion" ("Freshwater Pollution Cost $4.3 Billion"). These pollutants can
cause harmful effects on us humans. Water pollution impacts how humans and other living
organisms live their life. Most common way humans are effected by water pollution is through
diseases while drinking the water. Scientists have found over "five hundred different types of
diseases" that can affect humans. (Book). These diseases get into the water streams by human and
animal wastes. The diseases in the water can often lead to death for humans. Recent research has
shown that that each year
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Air And Water Pollution Essay
Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the
highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for
many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the
early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how
clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also
explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they
don 't have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living
condition might threatened a child 's life. more content...
But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water
standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of
Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates.
(Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., & Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those
who don 't have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease
affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body.
As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water
can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income
communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who
are of high income. (Health, J., & Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on
the development of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of
living in high–ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low–ozone
country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., & Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is
considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at
national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and family
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Essay Of Water Pollution

  • 1. Lab 3 – Biodiversity Experiment 1: Effects of Water Pollution on Plant Diversity Water pollution can have severely negative effects on biodiversity and ecosystems, particularly on plant populations. In many cases, these pollutants are introduced to the environment through everyday human activity. In this experiment, you will contaminate several water samples, as well as purify a water sample. You will then evaluate the effects ofwater pollution and purification on the biodiversity of wildflowers. POST–LAB QUESTIONS Table 1: Water Observations (smell, color, etc.) BeakerObservations 1No smell, normal clear water 2Light colored oil, clear water, tiny bubbles 3Vinegar Smell, small bubbles, clear in color 4White colored bubbles, laundry soap smell, clear liquid 5Light brown/ tan colored liquid 6Vegetable oil smell, darker brown liquid, tiny bubbles 7Smell of vinegar, small bubbles, yellowish colored liquid 8Brown liquid, smell of laundry soap 1. What effects did each of the contaminants have on the water in the experiment? Use Table 1 for reference. Answer = The water was significantly impacted and effected by the contaminants. The vinegar gave it a really nasty and strong smell. The vegetable oil changed the color. The water looked cloudy and groggy when the laundry detergent was added. 2. What kinds of human activities could cause oil, acids, and detergents to contaminate the water supply? Answer = The first thing that came to Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Water Pollution Water is one of the most needed elements for survival on Earth. All organisms contain it, drink it or live in it. Water pollution has been an increasing problem for many generations. Pollution has been around for more than a century, but people did not believe that it was a real threat until it became more aggressive over the years. Pollution comes in many forms such as agricultural, runoff, industrial, sedimentary, animal wastes, etc. For example, many industries began using synthetic materials such as plastics, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), inorganic pesticides, and among other substances that many cases lead to contamination water systems. These materials are not only toxic, but they are also detrimental to the environment more content... A nonpoint source is pollutants enter indirectly through environmental changes such as fertilizer carried into streams by rain. In 2015, Flint rash investigation (2016) notes that there were 390 rashes and 175 hair loss symptoms are the majority complaints in water quality and a higher level of chlorine, pH, and water hardness factors that could lead to developing skin irritation or rashes. Health risks in contaminated wells been exposed to concentrations of nitrate, radon, lead, and organic compounds (DeSimone, 2009). Groundwater is considered the safest water quality to drink in the United States claimed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. According to Kennedy, Whitman Burrows, & Richmond (2004), "24 trace elements such as arsenic, lead, and zinc were collected at streambed sediment sample for protection of aquatic life in 2001." Also during the following year of 2002, "stream sediment analyzes organ chlorine pesticide, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and semi–volatile organic compounds (SVOCs)" (Kennedy, Whitman, Burrows, & Richmond, 2004). Kennedy, Whitman, Burrows, & Richmond, (2004) reviewed an additional examine causes water that is unpleasant to drink due to bad odor, taste, and algae in lakes become artificially enriched with nutrients from the chemical fertilizers that run off cultivated fields into the water. Although protecting 168,000 nation 's public drinking water Get more content on
  • 3. Water Pollution And Its Effects On Aquatic Life Water Pollution and its Effects on Aquatic Life Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary biology, states in his theory of evolution that only organisms better fit to survive in their environment will survive. Based on his theory and research, it can be concluded that challenges to the environment directly affect the organisms. Research shows that in particular water pollution; hospital wastewater and sewage wastewater, is shown to cause antibiotic–resistant microorganisms, excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus as well as heavy metals that harm the aquatic life present in the body of water. Antibiotic–resistant microorganisms refer to organisms that cannot be killed by antibiotics such as penicillin or ampicillin. The heavy metals referred to are, mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), thallium (Tl), and lead (Pb); these metals mainly impact fish. As mentioned above one of the key sources of water pollution is hospital wastewater. It has been reported that local wastewater treatment plants are unequipped to treat the wastewater completely (Nielsen) and therefore hazardous to the environment. Part of the hospital wastewater are antibiotics that come out in active form because it has not been completely metabolized. (Ahmad, M., et al.). This means that the antibiotics have not been completely broken down and can still kill bacteria present in the water body. The presence of antibiotics would not be a critical issue if it was simply killing off Get more content on
  • 4. Water Pollution And Its Effects On Society Essay About thirty percent of the world is land mass–the other seventy percent is water. Water is essential to life and all forms of nature need water to thrive in the world. Whether we use the ocean, rivers, lakes, streams, or even the water that comes from your sink, water is a key component to the survival of all living things. Today, chemicals from various places and trash of sorts are getting into the water that are commonly used for drinking and other uses such as fishing, swimming, etc. Contaminated water is affecting the citizens of America in ways that could create long–lasting problems. We can come up with solutions like chemical regulations for companies with leakage, water cleaning devices and how they can be cheaper, and educating the people about hazardous water that will help keep the water safe and clean. Water pollution is a worldwide issue that multiple countries face. In America, the population continues to rise, which means more resources are being used and the environment is changing dramatically due to human impact. Water is one of the resources that are being heavily impacted in some form or fashion. For instance, pollution from man–made products like gasoline, road salts, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. seep into the soil and enters the water that is beneath the earth. A portion of the United States drinking water is groundwater and this is the water that is impacted most. The Groundwater Foundation stated that, "Over 50% of the United States population Get more content on
  • 5. Abstract On Water Pollution Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible for more than million deaths worldwide. The Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the government to take affirmative action against pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts were made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes, carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and stop littering. 3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this statement has become very true. Today, developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the last–longing effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history, types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible solutions to how to combat this problem and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue. Pollution comes Get more content on
  • 6. Solution Essay On Water Pollution Pollution Have you ever imagine live in a world where you can go out and breath fresh air? Where can you drink water or swim in the ocean with no worries of getting any disease? That could be possible if we help our planet and if we reduce the levels of water, air, land, and light pollution. Why should we care? Now a days, pollution is getting bigger and bigger every day, and we should take care immediately due we do not have other planet where to live. If we do not do anything, no one will do it. If we destroy our planet, we are destroying ourselves, and we have to remember that most of our problems are the reflection of our actions. If we compare a way of life that helps the planet in which we live in contrast to the chaotic reality that we inhabit. To begin with, water pollution is one of the biggest pollution that we are facing and "it is caused by many factors including (but certainly not limited to): uncontrolled constructions sites, leaking sewer lines, storm water runoff, accidental spills and leaks, improper discharge of wastes, mining activities, foundries, animal waste, and others." (Water Pollution Solutions | 7 Simple Solutions) But we can try to fic this with one of these solutions. For example, create a group in your community in order to consciousness in your community, also look for more information and try to persuade others, and something that all of us can do in our own houses is close the tap when we finish to use the water. When there is a group in a Get more content on
  • 7. Water Pollution Is A Concern Water pollution is the where water bodies such as lakes, oceans, rivers and so on are affected by pollutants which are discharged in water masses either directly or indirectly. Pollutants include toxic waste materials from factories, spillage of oil from oil tankers, pesticides and herbicides from farms, soil erosion which is usually deposited in a water source, sewages from homes and septic tanks spill off nearby water sources and the list is endless. These water pollutants can be categorized into; point–source or nonpoint–source. Point–source pollution is where pollution takes place from a single source example, spillage in the ocean. However, for non–source pollution takes place from many different sources. Example, a river being polluted by pesticides from nearby farms, factory emissions directly in the river and so on. Why Water Pollution Is a Concern Water pollution effects are not always immediate. We as human beings continue to pollute water in ignorance or knowingly that it will affect us in the long run. More than two thirds of the overall population of the earth is occupied by water bodies and the rest human beings. This shows the great extent on the importance of keeping water bodies clean. Water pollution eventually has led to decline in quality of water, causing problems for human beings and animals. In other words, polluted water poses a threat to human beings and animals. Unfortunately, we as human beings have played a big role in water pollution. Water Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On Water Pollution In recent times, a popular issue that sparks much controversy amongst the population is Pollution. Since the Industrial Revolution, pollution has been rapidly increasing, whether it be air pollution or soil pollution, the effects are prevalent. From the Great Barrier Reef slowly dying, to the polar ice caps melting to climate change, pollution has been much more noticeable than in prior times. Although, it is clear that pollution is causing great issues for our environment, many fail to acknowledge the issue and or simply overlook the issues, especially if they do not notice how these issues affect them personally. These effects on our environment actually impact the human body and can affect different systems within the body such as the respiratory, reproductive orimmune system. An issue that deserves recognition would be that of the affects of water pollution and access to clean water on the immune system. Water is an essential factor for the survival of human beings. As a matter of fact, life can occur on Earth because of water. Although, waster is an essential to life, there are many in have little to no access to clean water. Water is necessary because it can help nutrients travel within the body as well as filter out the kidneys. If one was to drink polluted water, then they are exposing their body's systems to harmful bacteria that can harm the different systems such as the respiratory, immune and nerve system. Exposure to water pollution and lack of access to Get more content on
  • 9. A Project Proposal On Water Pollution Essay Project Proposal Report by Aditya Shetty 1000019369 GDHM Academic Supervisor : Mr Peter Alexander Academic Leader : Dr Indrapriya Kularatne Introduction Water is an indispensible part our daily existence and is the main element for existence of life on planet earth. Water is present everywhere around us; in air in soil almost everything. Even the human body is made up of 70 % and at loss of just 1 % water from the body humans feel thirst and at loss of 10 % face risk of losing life. Though water is readily available to us it is still the most valuable resource but its value is overlooked by most of us as it is readily available to us by virtue of nature. During the last few decades due to increase in industrialization agriculture and technology all have led to shortage of water in some parts of the world. Use and abuse of water has affected the water cycle in conjunction with other abuses of the environment resulting in climate changes, drought, floods, acid rains, desertification and other such problems. According to Narasaiah 2009 the consumption of water has increased ten folds between 1900 to 2000, 80% of diseases around the world are water related and by 2000, 51 % of the world population would be urban based where the problem is even worse. Thus there is need to address this problem through water conservation and it is not only the responsibility of the various governments but also the Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Water Pollution Pollution has had a shocking impact in the atmosphere for including many irreparable damages to ocean life, serious health issues to human beings, and negative changes to the environment. Pollution is a man–made global dilemma which is increasing to a serious magnitude. Human beings, the number one culprit, seem to be blind to this matter. Humans' inability to clearly see the problem they are creating, will be one of the causes for the world to be no more. One of the many kinds of pollution that exist is water pollution. Many threats and dangers to ocean species from pollution are found in the ocean. Plastic may be the largest threat to water pollution problems. Other problems may also result from oil spills, sewage spills, and trash. Plastic products pose the biggest water pollution problem. Items such as bottles and plastic bags that find their way into the ocean are often mistaken for food by hungry sea turtles, dolphins, whales and sea birds; killing the ocean animals by suffocation. Those plastics also contain toxic chemicals which can be dangerous posing a threat to all marine wildlife and also to humans. According to Oceana, the agency in charge of protecting the world's oceans, the number one pollutant in the North Pacific Gyre is still plastic. Oceana remains unsure of the quantity of plastic in the water. Our "need" for plastic has harmed innocent little creatures and ourselves as well when we should be searching for safer alternatives instead. The health hazards for humans who come in contact with contaminants from exposure to polluted water can have long term effects on the body causing possible organ failure and death. Contaminants and chemicals such lead and mercury can bring about many minor illnesses ranging from nausea, lung irritation, skin rash, vomiting, and dizziness, to the major diseases that include cancer, liver and kidney damage, disorders of the nervous system, damage to the immune system, birth defects and even death. According Oraclethinkquest, "Water pollution has the potential to have a harmful effect on all living things including plants and animal species. Chemicals, radioactive waste, industrial waste in the water can affect species and their development. There is no Get more content on
  • 11. Literature Review : Water Pollution CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Water pollution FAO (1992) noted that the adulteration of water supplies from both natural and anthropogenic sources has impacted on the health and economic status of populations. Human activities contribute to pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides into aquatic ecosystems. These anthropogenic activities continuously increase the amounts in the environment. According to Malik et al. (2010), heavy metal pollution is burgeoning at an frightening rate and has become an important worldwide problem Increase in population, urbanization, industrialization and agricultural practices as well as lack of environmental regulations have further aggravated the situation (Gupta et al., 2009). Heavy metals are assimilated or incorporated in water, sediments and aquatic biota evoking pollution in water bodies since they cannot be degraded (Linnik and Zubenko, 2000; Malik et al., 2010). As the metal levels in many aquatic ecosystems increase, they raise the concern of metal bioaccumulation through the food chain and related human health hazards (Wright and Welbourn, 2002; Agah et al., 2009). Despite significant efforts to reduce trace metal loads in effluents, municipal wastewater was still found to convey large amounts into the environment (Buzier et al., (2006); ГњstГјn, 2009; Hope et al., 2012). As a consequence, the heavy metals present in municipal wastewater are still present in the effluents and sludge (Chen et al., 2008; Chanpiwat Get more content on
  • 12. Water Pollution Essay Over the past fifty years, Hawaii has seen a drastic increase in ocean and land pollution. There has been a lot of plastic in the ocean after it has been discarded from use. It affects marine life and us because we eat fish what if fish that are contaminated with poison or full with plastic in them then we eat it, it's really bad for our environment. This increase in pollution is harming the environment in Hawaii. Our food sources, marine life, and wildlife are being negatively affected through air pollutants, water contamination, and physical waste from human activity. Pollution rates need to rapidly decline if we want to stray abroad the potential, irreversible effects on the environment of Hawaii, as well as the entire world. New mountains are forming in Hawaii, and they aren't lush and green like the ones endemic to the islands. These are massive mounds of trash swelling in size, day by day. Landfill limits are soon to be exceeded and new grounds are being selected for additional pollution. According to an article on the Kekaha Landfill on the west side of Kauai, there is only around 10 years worth of trash life anticipated in that particular location. This means that new dumping grounds will be searched for on this small island, polluting more of Kauai. However, some of these landfills are well maintained and designed as a part of waste treatment. Weather it be solid or liquid matter that is contaminated, it will eventually make its way into the ocean or onto the Get more content on
  • 13. Air and Water Pollution essay INTRODUCTION OF AIR POLLUTION The chemical composition of the atmosphere today is so different as compared to the atmosphere that existed before the Industrial Revolution, 1760 – 1830. To define air pollution, we should first consider all those sources that release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and alter its chemical composition. First of all, all anthropogenic (man–made) emissions are air pollutants. Next, is the natural emission which can be divided into biogenic and geogenic. Biogenic emissions result from the living world such as volatile organic compound emissions from forests and CH4 emissions from swamp. On the other hand, geogenic emissions are from the non–living world, such as volcanic emissions, sea–salt emissions, more content... –automobiles are the largest sources of VOCs for the reaction–concentrations tend to peak in the afternoon, causing eye irritation and aggravation of respiratory diseases Lead (Pb)–Pb levels in the air has decreased considerably with gradual elimination of lead in gasoline worldwide –leaded gasoline combustion –combustion of solid waste, coal and oils –emissions from iron and steel production and lead smelters –tobacco smoke–affect blood and kidney –affect the nervous, immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems The above table was constructed based on the information obtained from : Daly, A. and P. Zannetti. 2007. An Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about Causes and Effects of Water Pollution There are many causes for water pollution. The main one is plastics. The reason for that is that plastics take four hundred and fifty years to decompose in the water. Also many companies use plastic and people throw it in the waterways. Because water can float and be carried by the wind, it can cause harm to unsuspecting creatures hundreds of feet from where it was originally dumped. Such waste includes bags, bottles, cups, straws, cup lids, utensils, six pack holders, cling wrap, fishing line, bait bags, and floats. The second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take much garbage with them on their ships and dump them. This was very common until the government took action. They were giving more content... Some of the businesses that contribute to the water pollution are businesses that repair and maintain motor vehicles, electroplate, operate printing and coping equipment, perform dry cleaning and laundry services, process photographs, operate labs, involve building and construct roads, provide pest control, preserve wood, and make Furniture. Water pollution doesnВ№t just effect humans, it affects are whole ecosystem. Birds and marine life are affected by it. More than fifty species of birds are known to ingest plastic. When they eat plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation. Algal blooms are another thing that kills marine life. Algal blooms are sea scum, whale food, and sea sawdust. Algal blooms are bundles of fine threads, rusty brown, they have a fishy smell, and are common in August through December. Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe, recreation, manufacturing, and power. We need water for almost everything, if we don't start cleaning up we will be in big trouble. Bunches of families dispose of chemicals everyday. It affects us drastically and we depend on it to be clean. Right now the government is fining people for illegal dumping. But that is all the government is doing. People in cities are organizing water pollution groups. A lot of people are producing fliers and giving them out. The are asking people to adapt a Get more content on
  • 15. Water Pollution and Drinking Water Quality Essay All around the world, countries are fighting to keep their drinking water clean. Whether it's streams, rivers, or lakes, countries have taken great measures to maintain high quality drinking water for both human consumption and animal consumption. Countries must first understand the sources of the polltion, then determine the best methods to eliminate the pollution. Clean drinking water is a valuable resource and a the key to human survival. Plants and animals also depend on water for their growth, so all water must be kept clean. The major contributors to water pollution can be classified in three categories, industrial, agricultural and municipal. Examples of industrial wastes that can contaminant bodies of water are oil spills, more content... First, control over the discharge can take place at the point of generation within the plant itself. Second, the polluted water can be sent to water treatment plants before it is released into the surrounding water sources. Third, the waste water can be treated within the plant and recycled again, or treated in the plant and released. Another form of industrial waste that contributes to water pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is a product of industries burning coal. The burning of coal produces sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide, and when these chemicals combine with the earth's atmosphere it forms acid rain The Northeastern part of the United States has the worst acid rain levels in the world. More specific, the states with the highest concentration are Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and some boarding parts of Canada and New England area. The falling acid rain can destroy plants and animals in several different ways. The acidification of a lake, river, or stream because of the high acidic levels in the water kills algae. Since algae are the main source of food, for many species of fish, they will also suffer from the high acid levels.      Acid rain also soaks into ground and dissolves nutrients from the soil. When the plants call upon these nutrients to grow, the absence kills the vegetation. Over a short period of time plants begin Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Water Pollution Kills Sea Life Dumpster diving is going to be like swimming in a lake in 2025. Water pollution is a major problem in today's society. According to health and environment linkages Initiative if we continue polluting our water like we do today two out of three people on the globe may be living in water stressed conditions. Over years and years, water pollution has been an issued and there has been examples in today's society that show it is an occurring problem. It may not seem like it but water pollution affects everywhere and everyone around it but there are simple solutions we can do to solve the challenge. Every day Water Pollution is an ongoing problem because it kills sea life, causes water contamination and, destroys ecosystem. There are more content... Sea turtles are unable to chew plastic so it will clog up their throat and they will not be able to breathe anymore. Other trash in the ocean can get caught on fins, necks and tails of the sea animals and the trash could kill them. The trash in the ocean will also contaminate the water and make it hard for sea animals to breath, it is just like fish living in a dirty fish tank. With contaminated water, it is imperative that a person drinks safe water. According to health and environment linkages initiative over 1 billion people globally lack access to safe drinking water and there are approximately 1.7 million deaths each year. Drinking the contaminated water can cause diseases like gastrointestinal and death. I realized that the world is 7o percent water but only 2.5 percent is fresh water. So even though we have plenty of water most of its contaminated. Over the years water pollution has been going on. In fact water pollution has been around since humans. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into bodies of water. There are many causes that cause water pollution like oil, trash, sewage, fertilizer and plastic. According to conserve future plastic cause huge destruction of marine life and is believed to have killed 100,000 sea animals. There are examples in today society that show water pollution exist all around us. Toxins have been discharged into the Get more content on
  • 17. Water Pollution In Florida Essay Water is a necessity for human life and Earth's environment. As the Earth's population continues to grow we continue to strain the Earth for its water supply. Water pollution is when there is a biological change in the nature of the water biologically typically in a negative way. As water pollution began as natural causes through animals and other environmental issues as the increase in human activity over the years there was an expansion in water pollution. As the increase in contamination is obviously due to the excess of human activity due to the earth's history it affects them the most. With Florida being a highly populated state surrounded by large bodies of water puts us at a greater risk of contamination. As Florida being a prime vacation spot the demand for clean refreshing water should be high, but with the ongoing water contamination the likelihood of that isn't very high. If this continues then Florida's being a beautiful vacation home would turn into an environmental dump. Many people do not acknowledge the importance of water in life and how polluted water can become. The pollution of water in Florida is a factor that developed with time. Florida in the beginning was completely underwater. Many settlers dug wells and built dams on the rivers to be able to drink water (Florida's Water...2002). The population started to grow rapidly in Florida, resulting in competition for survival. Florida's population in the 1920's was about 970,000, the growth of the Get more content on
  • 18. Water Pollution Essay Since the industrial revolution, humans have centered our population masses near lakes, rivers, and coastal areas around the world. The industrial revolution has given us the ability to move mountains and alter the landscape to suit our needs; moreover, we have utilized these natural sources of water for irrigation of our farmlands and the drainage systems of our waste for hundreds of years. "Harmful algal blooms are a major environmental problem in all 50 states. Also known as red tides, blue–green algae or cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms have severe impacts on human health, aquatic ecosystems, and the economy" (Environmental Protection Agency). The pollution created by human's activities is enabling these types of biological events to get worse, which is causing more severe blooms to occur more frequently. Recently we have significantly improved our water treatment processes to limit the pollution of our waterways; however, some the chemicals used during water treatment increase oxygen levels to assist in the produce certain algae's which ingest and remove the harmful bacteria's present in wastewater before it is re–introduced into the natural water cycle. The continued efforts and technological advances in science being made today can greatly assist in the prevention of human–generated water pollution. "Our sewer and septic systems are responsible for treating large quantities of waste, and these systems do not always operate properly or remove enough nitrogen and phosphorus before discharging into our waterways" (Environmental Protection Agency). With the development and progress being made in wastewater treatment systems, the use of ultraviolet and reverse osmosis water systems society now has the technology and ability to reduce the risk of waster effluent damage to the sounding watersheds. Unfortunately, waste water treatment is only one of the many small causes of water pollution, which lead to harmful algal blooms in and around our coastal waters. The infrastructure we have created to support our modern, fast–paced lives have taken a high toll on our surrounding environments. Storm water drainage is critical in keeping our transportation systems operational, houses, businesses, and Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Water Pollution The one thing humans need on this planet to survive is water. If we need water to survive, then why are polluting it? Most of our nation's waterways are in terrible condition because of the pollution in the water. Water pollution not only can cause illnesses, but also deaths for humans. Humans aren't the only thing that water pollution causes harm to. It is also hurting our ecosystem. Humans are the leading cause of most water pollution. We keep throwing wastes into the water making the water unsafe for humans to drink. Scientists are coming up with ways for humans to decrease the amount of wastes they are putting in the water. We need to stop polluting the one thing that keeps us alive. Water pollution is a change or decrease in more content... There is a new chemical that "decreases male fertility, hormones, and testosterone" ("Declining Male Fertility"). The chemicals are in the shape or form of medicine and pesticides and can affect fish and other species in the water. Some research has shown that these "chemicals make male fish believe they are turning into females which is declining the male fertility in the water. These chemicals are getting in the water through the sewage pipes leading into the water. This not only harms the water, but also the organisms inside the water. Water pollution isn't just hurting the environment, but also costing Americans money. Instead of drinking water from the faucets, people are buying more expensive types of bottled water. Since most people are buying expensive bottles of water, this is going to cost them more money. "Water pollution is costing the government, facilities, and Americans nearly $4.3 billion" ("Freshwater Pollution Cost $4.3 Billion"). These pollutants can cause harmful effects on us humans. Water pollution impacts how humans and other living organisms live their life. Most common way humans are effected by water pollution is through diseases while drinking the water. Scientists have found over "five hundred different types of diseases" that can affect humans. (Book). These diseases get into the water streams by human and animal wastes. The diseases in the water can often lead to death for humans. Recent research has shown that that each year Get more content on
  • 20. Air And Water Pollution Essay Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they don 't have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living condition might threatened a child 's life. more content... But in recent studies it has shown that in some communities in Australia struggle to meet water standards. (Schwarzenbach et al., 2010) has recently shown that drinking water in some parts of Australia has shown to be contaminated with uranium, faecal bacteria and nitrates. (Schwarzenbach, R., Egli, T., Hofstetter, T., Von Gunten, U., & Wehrli, B. (2010).Meaning those who don 't have access to clean water in Australia will likely become sick or catch a disease affecting not only their growth but a child growth as well. Water is important to the human body. As we not only depend on it to live it helps our cells to function properly. Not having clean water can hinder our development but can affect our organs as well.As that being said low income communities in Australia will most likely have less access to clean water as opposed to those who are of high income. (Health, J., & Kim. (2004) found that air pollution can cause chronic effects on the development of a child that can lead to many illnesses like asthma and bronchitis as a result of living in high–ozone country meaning high pollutant than those who live in a low–ozone country.Committee on Environmental Health, J., & Kim. (2004). In Australia, food security is considered to be an important social determinant of health and a significant public health issue at national and state levels. Food insecurity is, however, especially important to child and family Get more content on