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Lily Gilleland


10th Honors Lit

For May 4, 2012

             Are Veterans With PTSD Being Treated Fairly For Fighting For Our Country?

       When veterans return home from their deployment, some bring back badges or medals;

some bring back physical scars to show their bravery. However, some veterans return with a

mental scar, a suffering from an event that they have experienced. Post-Traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD) is what they could be diagnosed with. This is a mental disease where a soldier

or veteran has been traumatized. Symptoms of PTSD are self-blame, reoccurring nightmares,

flashbacks, angry or violent outbursts, having feelings or guilt, worry, sadness, and many other

symptoms. PTSD is almost always mixed with more issues such as depression and can often lead

to drug abuse as an attempt to ease the symptoms (Espejo). PTSD is most common in soldiers

between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. Many times when these veterans return home,

they are not treated kindly or fairly, and some are told to simply “move on” (Disorder Disease

Counseling Should Continue for Veterans); others are simply denied help because the veterans

who are taking therapy have been in the therapy program too long. Veterans are not being treated

fairly for their service in the military. There are more effective ways for PTSD to be treated and
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the therapy they might or might not be receiving is not helping them, and the government is not

helping veterans receive the Healthcare insurance and benefits they deserve.

       There are many different forms of treatment for PTSD. One form is the program

Operation Wolfhound (Caprioli). In this program dogs are trained to perform various tasks for

veterans with PTSD. This includes calming the veterans during flashbacks and waking them

from nightmares. The dogs chosen to work with veterans must meet certain standards. They

cannot be more than four years old; this is so the emotionally venerable veteran will not have to

cope with the loss of their companion. The dogs must also come from parents that have been

screened for genetic diseases and temperament problems, usually back to at least four

generations. This is so the dog is as healthy as possible and to be sure it is suited to take care of

the veteran. After a dog goes through the minimum amount it can be trained and its trainer

believes it is ready, the dog can be given to a veteran for weekly hour long training sessions.

This will not only bring to the dog and the veteran closer together, but it also lets to veteran train

the dog for their specific needs. By being able to train and take care of this animal, this

indirectly gives the veteran more control of their condition.

        Another program used to treat veterans diagnosed with PTSD is virtual therapy.

Although videos games are commonly seen to promote violence, this could actually help

veterans with PTSD. Virtual Iraq, a video game used by therapists and researchers, puts the

soldiers back in the war in a safe controlled way (Katz). Video games treat soldiers by letting

them face their fears by duplicating the sights and sounds of the battlefront, making it easier for

soldiers to open up to their therapists. People diagnosed with PTSD tend to ignore and attempt
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to avoid their problems. This tends to keep their trauma alive and as a result, is what hurts them

the most. By using virtual reality the veterans are put back in the moment in a controlled way

and this is what helps therapists understand their patients and helps patients explain how they

feel. This program allows them to release their fears and when the fear is gone, the veterans

begin to look at the situation more rationally (Ziezulewicz). This type of treatment allows them

to realize that the event wasn’t their fault or there was nothing they could do. This relieves them

of their stress and lets the soldier get closer to closure. Unfortunately, most researchers have

found this new program and form of therapy to be inconclusive but times are changing and

researchers believe that with more time and more conclusive results virtual therapy will be a very

popular choice for treating PTSD in the future.

       One very effective therapy for the treatment of PTSD is Emotional Freedom Technique

(EFT). While, the legitimacy of this technique or therapy is very controversial, supporters of

EFT say that the technique is based off of 5,000 years of Chinese medicine. However skeptics

consider EFT to simply be the power of suggestion. Chuck Elberti, a Vietnam veteran, was

treated using EFT; he states that the EFT was effective as a treatment but not as a “cure”. EFT is

not like other treatments were you sit on a couch and talk to a therapist or psychiatrist (Jordan).

It uses certain energy points in the body and the mind’s ability to put new distance between the

mind and the traumatic experiences (Innes). This is done by having clients tap on “acupuncture

points” on their body while repeating words that represent their issue. This helps them release

the stress of their issue and recover. Patients and veterans can also be taught to use this

technique so they can do it outside of a therapist’s or doctor’s office. Veterans find this form of
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therapy desirable because the military teaches soldiers to get over traumatic events move on.

They don't teach them how to deal with what comes later. Veterans now learning about new

therapies available so that they can overcome, adapt, and essentially deal with the negative

experiences of their deployment.

       Because the veterans either do not know they have PTSD, or they just simply refuse help,

over half of veterans with PTSD do not seek help. Suicide hotlines have helped more than

22,000 veterans and avoided more than 1,000 suicides (Katz). In response to this Secretary of

Defense Robert Gates acknowledged that the military health care system had failed the veterans .

The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee passed a bill to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

(VA), allowing the VA to use paid advertising to promote its efforts (Katz). Only about half of

the estimated 300,000 soldiers with mental health problems have sought treatment. This

alarming rate shows the American public the truth about veterans and raises the visibility and the

attention that is needed. This is also raising the attention of the U.S. Military. In November

2007, the Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Bill was signed by President Bush, making

it into a law, which aims to help veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (New Data Shows

Alarming Rates of Military Mental Health Problems). This bill contributed to the rise and

attention for veterans with PTSD. Many states have begun to recognize and become aware of

PTSD and other mental illnesses brought on by the negative experiences during deployment.

Gates said that members of the military should not be reluctant to report their mental problems

after combat (Colville). This statement means that the government is trying to improve life for

veterans. As stated before, more suicide hot line advertisements have been put up since surveys
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showed an alarming number of veterans who are not seeking help. However, it is unfortunate

that some veterans are not even aware that they have PTSD and do not seek the help they

desperately need to move on with their life and they tend to suffer silently. Chuck Elberti stated

that he was not even aware that he was traumatized so badly. PTSD causes such emotional

detachment that veterans might not even be aware they have it and might not realize it until they

reach a “breaking point”. The worst outcome of someone reaching a “breaking point” is suicide

and by then it is too late. With the help of his family and friends, Mr. Elberti was able to receive

treatment before it was too late for him. Many veterans might not be as fortunate.

       The scary part about the failure of therapies or treatments for patients with PTSD is that it

could result in veteran suicide. The number of suicides reported by the Army has risen to the

highest level since record-keeping began three decades ago (Goode). The Pentagon and the

veteran’s agency have responded to this rise in suicide rates by implementing programs and

increasing efforts to understand and address the problems. They have also supported suicide-

prevention programs and have hired hundreds more mental health providers. Veterans suddenly

find themselves without a job. They no longer have a mission or purpose. They have lost their

war unit and the support and comradery that comes with it. They are completely lost, but do not

get help. This often leads to homeless veterans, loss of family, and suicide. At Fort Campbell, in

Kentucky, at least 14 soldiers have killed themselves this year alone (Goode). To help other

soldiers there, training and other activities were stopped for three days and replaced with suicide-

prevention training. The Army also commissioned a five-year $50 million dollar study of the

causes of suicide among soldiers. The Army turned to four outside experts to lead the research.

Sergeant Blaylock, stationed at Fort Campbell, tried to pick up the pieces of his life but grief and
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guilt from the death of two members in his unit trailed him. That grief and guilt combined with

other stresses (financial troubles, disputes with his wife over their daughter, the absence

comrades who had helped him make it through a year of war) was more than he could handle and

he reached his “breaking point.” (Goode). On December 9, 2007 he decided to end his own life.

Financial troubles, guilt, and PTSD combined with other issues veterans face can eventually

consume their mind and without receiving true help, it can cause veterans to feel there is no other

option other than suicide. That added in with the stress war can put on family ties is very


       In some cases, veterans with PTSD are denied treatment for their mental disease.

Therapy is being discontinued because the veterans who are taking therapy have been in the

program “too long” (Disorder Disease Counseling Should Continue for Veterans). The veterans

who have served in the military are very important people, yet treatment like this is not

respectable and it is not helping veterans with PTSD at all. This shows that sick veterans are

being swept under the rug after fighting for their country, simply because the government does

not want to spend the money to meet their needs. Soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital were forced

to live in unhealthy conditions and were denied treatment (Colville). In response, U.S. Secretary

of Defense, Robert Gates, acknowledged the problems with military healthcare saying that

soldiers would now be encouraged to seek mental and physical treatment. He also admitted that

the U.S. military has made mistakes in handling the treatment and rehabilitation of returning

soldiers. Not all of the more than 1.5 million military service members who have been deployed
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overseas have received needed medical treatment and accommodations (Colville). This was also

admitted by Robert Gates. He initiated an overhaul of the military's medical system after a

scandal last year at Walter Reed hospital in Washington where soldiers were found living in a

building infested with mice, mold, and cockroaches and many soldiers were unable to get

treatment because of bureaucratic red tape. In another case, a Veterans Administration

psychologist was encouraging other staff psychologists to avoid diagnosing Veterans returning

from Iraq with PTSD because so many veterans are seeking disability payments (Lee). This is

an extreme injustice to veterans, and is considered fraud. The reason behind this crime is to

“cut back” on the amount of diagnosed PTSD veteran because so many are seeking payments for

their condition. The therapists were urged to instead diagnose patients with an adjustment

disorder, which is very similar to PTSD, but is much milder and less permanent, usually lasting

only six months. By diagnosing these veterans with inaccurate mental diseases is a strong

injustice and could result in the death of a soldier who fought for our freedoms, which is not fair

or appropriate for their service.

       Veterans diagnosed with PTSD are entitled to benefits, but at times the government finds

ways to deny veterans the compensation they deserve. Veterans diagnosed with PTSD are

entitled to additional health and financial benefits (Platt). Though this has been changed, the only

veteran eligible for PTSD benefits were ones who fought in combat arms. This shows that the

VA has had a very narrow view of what a traumatic event is. In addition, veterans were required

to recall the names of people involved with the traumatic event, as well as the time it occurred.
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This is difficult for veteran with PTSD because they are not remembering names or date, they are

remembering the faces of those they lost, and the fear and guilt that is associated with it.

Following their wartime service, 1,029 veterans with PTSD were denied those benefits upon

discharge from the military. These veterans felt that this was a huge injustice to them, especially

since their PTSD was so bad that they had to be discharged. They feel as though they have been

shortchanged on benefits. These veterans eventually received compensation for this injustice.

For the past 13 years, Arthur Laselle, a Vietnam veteran who has served for two tours, has

applied for PTSD benefits through the VA, yet he has been denied consistently. Though he has

been diagnosed with PTSD by a therapist, he is still pressed for information about the event he

suffers from. He cannot give the VA this information because it is not only too painful for him

to recall, but it was also too hectic for him to remember the exact date and time of the event. Not

to mention how, in addition, it is painful for him to relive these experiences every time the VA

cross checks his information and asks him painful questions. This in an example of how hard it

is for veterans with PTSD to receive the benefits they deserve.

        However, there have been changes in favor of veterans with PTSD attempting to receive

benefits. As stated before, if a veteran wanted to receive benefits for they would have to provide

names, locations and times when a traumatic event occurred, something many veterans have

found impossible. Now a veteran from any military unit who has served in a war zone and can

prove that they suffered from a stressful or traumatic event can apply for benefits (Rules Change

for Vets' PTSD Benefits). Agreeing with these changes, U.S. President Barack Obama states, “I

don't think our troops on the battlefield should have to keep notes just in case they need to apply
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for a claim. And I have met enough veterans to know that you don't have to engage in a firefight

to endure the trauma of war (Rules Change for Vets' PTSD Benefits).” This statement shows that

the government is indeed making changes that are taking care of veterans. This quote also shows

that trauma can be measured in many different ways and that it may be difficult for veterans to

“prove” they were in a traumatic event. Fortunately for veterans, these efforts are a big step up

from what the rules used to be. Efforts made by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, the National

Veterans Legal Service Program, and the government have resulted in the courts approving

retirement benefits to over 1,000 veterans with PTSD. A class action settlement between the

federal government and a group of disabled veterans will award lifetime healthcare benefits to

these veterans (Vogel). The veterans involved with this lawsuit are very pleased with this

decision, stating, “It’s getting your dignity back” and “It’s a huge relief.” This shows that

perhaps veterans are beginning to receive the justice and benefits they deserve for their service.

       Not only are the rules for veteran’s benefits changing, but the timeliness of mental health

referrals and other important transactions for receiving benefits is also being changed as well. It

takes the VA’s system an average of four years for veterans to receive mental health benefits

(Sapien). This time frame is very unprofessional is also demands immediate reform. U.S.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates states, "I know that the department is not perfect and mistakes

have been, and will be made. Things happen too slowly (Morgan)." This statement shows that

the U.S. government plans to make changes to its ways of looking over referrals. Previously,

noncombat veterans had to convince claims adjudicators that they were traumatized by a specific

event with incident reports, statements from their peers or other evidence. The VA would now
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"presume that veterans are telling the truth." This is a good adjustment because veterans with

PTSD are not always able to recall every detail of the traumatic event that happened. PTSD

causes veterans to go into a state of “denial” usually in the form of emotional detachment, in

order to avoid facing the guilt they have. This poses as a problem to them when they want to

receive Veteran’s Healthcare Benefits.

       Through research, it has been shown that there are many things not known about PTSD,

especially to the American public. Though there are many different treatments, there is still no

definitive cure for PTSD, but veterans are recovering in momentous ways. However, it have

been shown that Unfortunately, some veterans do not even know that they have PTSD or they

are denied or diagnosed falsely for government gain but the ones who do get help can recover or

at least learn how to deal with to move on with life. The government also is very difficult when it

comes to granting benefits to veterans with PTSD. Some bills are passed and changed, appeals

are looked over so slowly that it takes nearly four years or more, but most of the changes made

are for the benefit of the veterans. In America, veterans are suffering and at times nothing is

being done to help. Veterans can be helped through the love and support of their friends and

family and with treatments and therapies aimed at treating PTSD. When a veteran has somebody

behind them to give support, they are able to accomplish much more than anyone could expect.

So, are veterans getting what they deserve? Chuck Elberti, a Vietnam veteran, was asked this,

and his response was this, “Did I get what I deserved? I don’t think any Vietnam veteran was

treated fairly or respectfully. It was an unpopular war and very often ordinary military people

would be an easy target for blame. I am very happy to see that military veterans today are
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treated much better and get the respect they deserve. But I still don’t think that as a country we

do all that we can for them.” Though this is the opinion of one man, the statement rings true.

However, times are changing, and with the help of people who are willing to stand up for the

veterans who once put their lives on the line for others, then in the future, Chuck Elberti, and

many other PTSD victims can proudly exclaim that they got what the deserved.

                                           Works Cited

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Goode, Erica. "After Combat, Victims of an Inner War." New York Times. 1 Aug. 2009. Web. 18

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Innes, Stephanie. "Tapping Method Touted to Treat PTSD." Arizona Daily Star. 10 Oct. 2011.

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Jordan, Bryant. "Tapping ‘Energy’ to Deal with PTSD." 17 Aug. 22010. Web. 1 May

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Katz, Josh. "Suicide Hotline Hearing from Thousands of Troubled Vets." FindingDulcinea. 28 July

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Katz, Josh. "The Road to Health Is Paved with Good Nintendos." FindingDulcinea. 17 July 2008.

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Lee, Christopher. "Official Urged Fewer Diagnoses of PTSD." Washington Post. The Washington

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Morgan, David. "Gates Acknowledges Mistakes in Treatment of Troops." | Reuters. 01 May

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  • 1. Gilleland 1 Lily Gilleland Lester/Hamilton 10th Honors Lit For May 4, 2012 Are Veterans With PTSD Being Treated Fairly For Fighting For Our Country? When veterans return home from their deployment, some bring back badges or medals; some bring back physical scars to show their bravery. However, some veterans return with a mental scar, a suffering from an event that they have experienced. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is what they could be diagnosed with. This is a mental disease where a soldier or veteran has been traumatized. Symptoms of PTSD are self-blame, reoccurring nightmares, flashbacks, angry or violent outbursts, having feelings or guilt, worry, sadness, and many other symptoms. PTSD is almost always mixed with more issues such as depression and can often lead to drug abuse as an attempt to ease the symptoms (Espejo). PTSD is most common in soldiers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. Many times when these veterans return home, they are not treated kindly or fairly, and some are told to simply “move on” (Disorder Disease Counseling Should Continue for Veterans); others are simply denied help because the veterans who are taking therapy have been in the therapy program too long. Veterans are not being treated fairly for their service in the military. There are more effective ways for PTSD to be treated and
  • 2. Gilleland 2 the therapy they might or might not be receiving is not helping them, and the government is not helping veterans receive the Healthcare insurance and benefits they deserve. There are many different forms of treatment for PTSD. One form is the program Operation Wolfhound (Caprioli). In this program dogs are trained to perform various tasks for veterans with PTSD. This includes calming the veterans during flashbacks and waking them from nightmares. The dogs chosen to work with veterans must meet certain standards. They cannot be more than four years old; this is so the emotionally venerable veteran will not have to cope with the loss of their companion. The dogs must also come from parents that have been screened for genetic diseases and temperament problems, usually back to at least four generations. This is so the dog is as healthy as possible and to be sure it is suited to take care of the veteran. After a dog goes through the minimum amount it can be trained and its trainer believes it is ready, the dog can be given to a veteran for weekly hour long training sessions. This will not only bring to the dog and the veteran closer together, but it also lets to veteran train the dog for their specific needs. By being able to train and take care of this animal, this indirectly gives the veteran more control of their condition. Another program used to treat veterans diagnosed with PTSD is virtual therapy. Although videos games are commonly seen to promote violence, this could actually help veterans with PTSD. Virtual Iraq, a video game used by therapists and researchers, puts the soldiers back in the war in a safe controlled way (Katz). Video games treat soldiers by letting them face their fears by duplicating the sights and sounds of the battlefront, making it easier for soldiers to open up to their therapists. People diagnosed with PTSD tend to ignore and attempt
  • 3. Gilleland 3 to avoid their problems. This tends to keep their trauma alive and as a result, is what hurts them the most. By using virtual reality the veterans are put back in the moment in a controlled way and this is what helps therapists understand their patients and helps patients explain how they feel. This program allows them to release their fears and when the fear is gone, the veterans begin to look at the situation more rationally (Ziezulewicz). This type of treatment allows them to realize that the event wasn’t their fault or there was nothing they could do. This relieves them of their stress and lets the soldier get closer to closure. Unfortunately, most researchers have found this new program and form of therapy to be inconclusive but times are changing and researchers believe that with more time and more conclusive results virtual therapy will be a very popular choice for treating PTSD in the future. One very effective therapy for the treatment of PTSD is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). While, the legitimacy of this technique or therapy is very controversial, supporters of EFT say that the technique is based off of 5,000 years of Chinese medicine. However skeptics consider EFT to simply be the power of suggestion. Chuck Elberti, a Vietnam veteran, was treated using EFT; he states that the EFT was effective as a treatment but not as a “cure”. EFT is not like other treatments were you sit on a couch and talk to a therapist or psychiatrist (Jordan). It uses certain energy points in the body and the mind’s ability to put new distance between the mind and the traumatic experiences (Innes). This is done by having clients tap on “acupuncture points” on their body while repeating words that represent their issue. This helps them release the stress of their issue and recover. Patients and veterans can also be taught to use this technique so they can do it outside of a therapist’s or doctor’s office. Veterans find this form of
  • 4. Gilleland 4 therapy desirable because the military teaches soldiers to get over traumatic events move on. They don't teach them how to deal with what comes later. Veterans now learning about new therapies available so that they can overcome, adapt, and essentially deal with the negative experiences of their deployment. Because the veterans either do not know they have PTSD, or they just simply refuse help, over half of veterans with PTSD do not seek help. Suicide hotlines have helped more than 22,000 veterans and avoided more than 1,000 suicides (Katz). In response to this Secretary of Defense Robert Gates acknowledged that the military health care system had failed the veterans . The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee passed a bill to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), allowing the VA to use paid advertising to promote its efforts (Katz). Only about half of the estimated 300,000 soldiers with mental health problems have sought treatment. This alarming rate shows the American public the truth about veterans and raises the visibility and the attention that is needed. This is also raising the attention of the U.S. Military. In November 2007, the Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Bill was signed by President Bush, making it into a law, which aims to help veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (New Data Shows Alarming Rates of Military Mental Health Problems). This bill contributed to the rise and attention for veterans with PTSD. Many states have begun to recognize and become aware of PTSD and other mental illnesses brought on by the negative experiences during deployment. Gates said that members of the military should not be reluctant to report their mental problems after combat (Colville). This statement means that the government is trying to improve life for veterans. As stated before, more suicide hot line advertisements have been put up since surveys
  • 5. Gilleland 5 showed an alarming number of veterans who are not seeking help. However, it is unfortunate that some veterans are not even aware that they have PTSD and do not seek the help they desperately need to move on with their life and they tend to suffer silently. Chuck Elberti stated that he was not even aware that he was traumatized so badly. PTSD causes such emotional detachment that veterans might not even be aware they have it and might not realize it until they reach a “breaking point”. The worst outcome of someone reaching a “breaking point” is suicide and by then it is too late. With the help of his family and friends, Mr. Elberti was able to receive treatment before it was too late for him. Many veterans might not be as fortunate. The scary part about the failure of therapies or treatments for patients with PTSD is that it could result in veteran suicide. The number of suicides reported by the Army has risen to the highest level since record-keeping began three decades ago (Goode). The Pentagon and the veteran’s agency have responded to this rise in suicide rates by implementing programs and increasing efforts to understand and address the problems. They have also supported suicide- prevention programs and have hired hundreds more mental health providers. Veterans suddenly find themselves without a job. They no longer have a mission or purpose. They have lost their war unit and the support and comradery that comes with it. They are completely lost, but do not get help. This often leads to homeless veterans, loss of family, and suicide. At Fort Campbell, in Kentucky, at least 14 soldiers have killed themselves this year alone (Goode). To help other soldiers there, training and other activities were stopped for three days and replaced with suicide- prevention training. The Army also commissioned a five-year $50 million dollar study of the causes of suicide among soldiers. The Army turned to four outside experts to lead the research. Sergeant Blaylock, stationed at Fort Campbell, tried to pick up the pieces of his life but grief and
  • 6. Gilleland 6 guilt from the death of two members in his unit trailed him. That grief and guilt combined with other stresses (financial troubles, disputes with his wife over their daughter, the absence comrades who had helped him make it through a year of war) was more than he could handle and he reached his “breaking point.” (Goode). On December 9, 2007 he decided to end his own life. Financial troubles, guilt, and PTSD combined with other issues veterans face can eventually consume their mind and without receiving true help, it can cause veterans to feel there is no other option other than suicide. That added in with the stress war can put on family ties is very dangerous. In some cases, veterans with PTSD are denied treatment for their mental disease. Therapy is being discontinued because the veterans who are taking therapy have been in the program “too long” (Disorder Disease Counseling Should Continue for Veterans). The veterans who have served in the military are very important people, yet treatment like this is not respectable and it is not helping veterans with PTSD at all. This shows that sick veterans are being swept under the rug after fighting for their country, simply because the government does not want to spend the money to meet their needs. Soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital were forced to live in unhealthy conditions and were denied treatment (Colville). In response, U.S. Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, acknowledged the problems with military healthcare saying that soldiers would now be encouraged to seek mental and physical treatment. He also admitted that the U.S. military has made mistakes in handling the treatment and rehabilitation of returning soldiers. Not all of the more than 1.5 million military service members who have been deployed
  • 7. Gilleland 7 overseas have received needed medical treatment and accommodations (Colville). This was also admitted by Robert Gates. He initiated an overhaul of the military's medical system after a scandal last year at Walter Reed hospital in Washington where soldiers were found living in a building infested with mice, mold, and cockroaches and many soldiers were unable to get treatment because of bureaucratic red tape. In another case, a Veterans Administration psychologist was encouraging other staff psychologists to avoid diagnosing Veterans returning from Iraq with PTSD because so many veterans are seeking disability payments (Lee). This is an extreme injustice to veterans, and is considered fraud. The reason behind this crime is to “cut back” on the amount of diagnosed PTSD veteran because so many are seeking payments for their condition. The therapists were urged to instead diagnose patients with an adjustment disorder, which is very similar to PTSD, but is much milder and less permanent, usually lasting only six months. By diagnosing these veterans with inaccurate mental diseases is a strong injustice and could result in the death of a soldier who fought for our freedoms, which is not fair or appropriate for their service. Veterans diagnosed with PTSD are entitled to benefits, but at times the government finds ways to deny veterans the compensation they deserve. Veterans diagnosed with PTSD are entitled to additional health and financial benefits (Platt). Though this has been changed, the only veteran eligible for PTSD benefits were ones who fought in combat arms. This shows that the VA has had a very narrow view of what a traumatic event is. In addition, veterans were required to recall the names of people involved with the traumatic event, as well as the time it occurred.
  • 8. Gilleland 8 This is difficult for veteran with PTSD because they are not remembering names or date, they are remembering the faces of those they lost, and the fear and guilt that is associated with it. Following their wartime service, 1,029 veterans with PTSD were denied those benefits upon discharge from the military. These veterans felt that this was a huge injustice to them, especially since their PTSD was so bad that they had to be discharged. They feel as though they have been shortchanged on benefits. These veterans eventually received compensation for this injustice. For the past 13 years, Arthur Laselle, a Vietnam veteran who has served for two tours, has applied for PTSD benefits through the VA, yet he has been denied consistently. Though he has been diagnosed with PTSD by a therapist, he is still pressed for information about the event he suffers from. He cannot give the VA this information because it is not only too painful for him to recall, but it was also too hectic for him to remember the exact date and time of the event. Not to mention how, in addition, it is painful for him to relive these experiences every time the VA cross checks his information and asks him painful questions. This in an example of how hard it is for veterans with PTSD to receive the benefits they deserve. However, there have been changes in favor of veterans with PTSD attempting to receive benefits. As stated before, if a veteran wanted to receive benefits for they would have to provide names, locations and times when a traumatic event occurred, something many veterans have found impossible. Now a veteran from any military unit who has served in a war zone and can prove that they suffered from a stressful or traumatic event can apply for benefits (Rules Change for Vets' PTSD Benefits). Agreeing with these changes, U.S. President Barack Obama states, “I don't think our troops on the battlefield should have to keep notes just in case they need to apply
  • 9. Gilleland 9 for a claim. And I have met enough veterans to know that you don't have to engage in a firefight to endure the trauma of war (Rules Change for Vets' PTSD Benefits).” This statement shows that the government is indeed making changes that are taking care of veterans. This quote also shows that trauma can be measured in many different ways and that it may be difficult for veterans to “prove” they were in a traumatic event. Fortunately for veterans, these efforts are a big step up from what the rules used to be. Efforts made by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, the National Veterans Legal Service Program, and the government have resulted in the courts approving retirement benefits to over 1,000 veterans with PTSD. A class action settlement between the federal government and a group of disabled veterans will award lifetime healthcare benefits to these veterans (Vogel). The veterans involved with this lawsuit are very pleased with this decision, stating, “It’s getting your dignity back” and “It’s a huge relief.” This shows that perhaps veterans are beginning to receive the justice and benefits they deserve for their service. Not only are the rules for veteran’s benefits changing, but the timeliness of mental health referrals and other important transactions for receiving benefits is also being changed as well. It takes the VA’s system an average of four years for veterans to receive mental health benefits (Sapien). This time frame is very unprofessional is also demands immediate reform. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates states, "I know that the department is not perfect and mistakes have been, and will be made. Things happen too slowly (Morgan)." This statement shows that the U.S. government plans to make changes to its ways of looking over referrals. Previously, noncombat veterans had to convince claims adjudicators that they were traumatized by a specific event with incident reports, statements from their peers or other evidence. The VA would now
  • 10. Gilleland 10 "presume that veterans are telling the truth." This is a good adjustment because veterans with PTSD are not always able to recall every detail of the traumatic event that happened. PTSD causes veterans to go into a state of “denial” usually in the form of emotional detachment, in order to avoid facing the guilt they have. This poses as a problem to them when they want to receive Veteran’s Healthcare Benefits. Through research, it has been shown that there are many things not known about PTSD, especially to the American public. Though there are many different treatments, there is still no definitive cure for PTSD, but veterans are recovering in momentous ways. However, it have been shown that Unfortunately, some veterans do not even know that they have PTSD or they are denied or diagnosed falsely for government gain but the ones who do get help can recover or at least learn how to deal with to move on with life. The government also is very difficult when it comes to granting benefits to veterans with PTSD. Some bills are passed and changed, appeals are looked over so slowly that it takes nearly four years or more, but most of the changes made are for the benefit of the veterans. In America, veterans are suffering and at times nothing is being done to help. Veterans can be helped through the love and support of their friends and family and with treatments and therapies aimed at treating PTSD. When a veteran has somebody behind them to give support, they are able to accomplish much more than anyone could expect. So, are veterans getting what they deserve? Chuck Elberti, a Vietnam veteran, was asked this, and his response was this, “Did I get what I deserved? I don’t think any Vietnam veteran was treated fairly or respectfully. It was an unpopular war and very often ordinary military people would be an easy target for blame. I am very happy to see that military veterans today are
  • 11. Gilleland 11 treated much better and get the respect they deserve. But I still don’t think that as a country we do all that we can for them.” Though this is the opinion of one man, the statement rings true. However, times are changing, and with the help of people who are willing to stand up for the veterans who once put their lives on the line for others, then in the future, Chuck Elberti, and many other PTSD victims can proudly exclaim that they got what the deserved. Works Cited Caprioli, Jennifer. "Dogs Go the Distance." US Army (2010). Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. < displayGroupName=Viewpoints&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=OVIC&action=2&catI d=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ3010562263&userGroupName=cant48040&jsid=dba71f72 93440e45682d150af9870174>. Carey, Benedict. "Review of Landmark Study Finds Fewer Vietnam Veterans With Post- Traumatic Stress." New York Times [New York] 18 Aug. 2006. Review of Landmark Study Finds Fewer Vietnam Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress. 18 Aug. 2006. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. < tressdisorder>. Coats, Christopher. "Alcohol Abuse Another Obstacle for Returning Troops." FindingDulcinea. 13 Aug. 2008. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.
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