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P a g e 0 | 19
Project Report
Submitted By:
Ahmad Faizan
Humayun Akhtar
Submitted To:
Dr. Shahzad Ahmad Butt
P a g e 1 | 19
This is simple water level controller but the new thing we’ll be using is modeling this
application in a real time embedded system using RTOS (Real Time Operating System).
What this Embedded system will do is plain simple. It will constantly monitor the level of
our water tank using an “Ultrasonic Sound Sensor” (SONAR) and check the level of
water using the reelection of sound it receives back generated from the speaker.
After that it will check if the water Tank is full or not according to the readings it received
from the sensor. If the level of water is not at the specified position. It will simply actuate
the water pump using “Arduino’s ATmega328P” until it is reached to the “full” level.
All of the status is being shown on “16x2 LCD display” which will display information
like current motor status, water tank level percentage. ]
 Why SONAR sensor?
We have two methods for sensing water level
a) Contact methods are resistive method, capacitive and inductive methods
b) Contactless methods are optical method, radar and ultrasonic method. Because we
didn’t want to affect the quality of water in tank we implement one of the
contactless methods i-e ultrasonic sensor
2. Equipment:
a. Arduino Mega w/(AT mega 2560)
b. SONAR sensor HC SR04
c. 16x2 characters Alphanumeric LCD
d. Ethernet cables for extension
e. Water Tank
f. Battery Pack 5v/Charger
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Prototype Platform:
This is a simple project and any low priced
development will be fine but we have selected to use
Arduino Mega as it has easy to use interface, powerful
processor support (ATmega2560) also it has many
built-in libraries which make programming easy.
SONAR Sensor:
The basic principle of Ultrasonic sensor is
simple, we send a signal and we measure time
that send signal needs to come back.
Ultrasonic method is similar to radar. Instead of
radar wave we are sending ultrasonic wave.
This procedure is ideal for our needs because
ultrasonic sensors are easily accessible and low
We transmit short ultrasonic pulse and we measure travel time of that pulse from
transceiver to liquid and back to transceiver. Ultrasonic pulse will bounce from liquid level
since because change of density of ultrasonic pulse travel medium (ultrasonic pulse first
travel through air and bounce of liquid with higher density than air). Because water has
higher density, majority of pulse will bounce off.
a. Because of pulse length there is small window that we cannot receive pulse
with transceiver because transceiver is transmitting.
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Solution: This problem is simple to solve: we placed our sensor higher from
maximum water level for few centimeters allowing receiver to start
b. Because of the beam width we are limited with tank diameter. If tank
diameter is too small, signal could bounce of tank’s walls and could cause
false readings.
By using a tank whose diameter is reasonably large we can avoid this
3. RTOS (Real-Time Operating System):
There are many compatible RTOS’s for Atmel’s AVR microprocessors like FreeRTOS,
RTuinOS, ChibiOS/RT, etc. But I have chosen ChibiOS as it is free to use under GPL
license. ChibiOS/Nil is designed for embedded applications on 8, 16 and 32 bit
microcontrollers; size and execution efficiency are the main project goals. It’s very easy to
use and scalable as compared to FreeRTOS.
ChibiOS/Nil Features:
NIL has been created with the idea to bring RTOS functionalities to very small devices and
yet to be a full-fledged RTOS.
In Brief
 Tiny RTOS, below 1kB of code space in its maximum configuration.
 Small size of memory objects like Thread, Semaphores etc.
 Focus on memory size, the target is to keep it below 1kB in its maximum
configuration. Common objects must take the minimal amount of RAM.
 Scalable from 8 bits architectures upward.
 Upward compatible with RT.
 Reasonable API. Common features must be supported, it has to be an usable
RTOS not just minimal.
 Fully Static Architecture.
 Static tasks table, all tasks are declared statically.
 Clean and elegant code base.
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 Predictable and Deterministic.
 Fully compliant with HAL OSAL.
 MISRA 2012 compliance.
 Fully static architecture.
4. Detailed Algorithm Explained:
Basically we’ll model this real time problem into 4
tasks as following:
a) Task 1:
In Thread 1 we’re configuring Sonar sensor for
measuring distances and once the Distance is measure
then it will compare it will hardcoded values for
different levels of water if it detect tank is not full it will signal a Binary Semaphore using
Wait and Signal Synchronization. Otherwise it will only signal it for LCD display without
changing output of motor.
1. First we Configure Sonar sensor Trigger and Echo pins on our uC.
2. Next in a while loop configuration and measuring the distance method starts.
3. Trig pin is set to high for 10 microseconds.
4. Pulse in function is used.
5. Pulse in function give us the duration from when the function called and specific
value being set on the pin we pass through the function.
6. Distance is measure in centimeters according to the formula given in Datasheet
7. On the value of distance decision is made if the distance is equal to 7cm or less
then 7cm then the Water pump is turned on.
8. If the distance is has increased to a certain threshold then the Motor is turned on
to fill the Tank.
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Figure 1: Figure showing How Ultrasonic Waves propagate and reflect back after hitting
any object in its path
b) Task 2:
Basic Purpose of this Task is to show the Led Status and Turn on the Realy if the
Semaphore is available released in second task if the certain distance thresholds are met.
1. It first set out pin mods.
2. Then if the Semaphore is available it simply acquires it and turn on the Relay which
drives the motor and Status Led’s.
3. After that it release semaphore for Display to show the status of Water Tank in cm.
c) Task 3:
Basic Purpose of this task is to control the Display mechanism it will show distance in
cm.It will try the semaphore and check if it is available or not, if it’s available then it will
acquire it and show the level of water tank by displaying it on LCD display
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Is The Value
Greater Than
Threshold Level?
Actuate The
Motor And
And Update
The Display On
Basic Flow Diagram Of RTOS Based
Water Level Indicator
Figure 2: Block Diagram of Complete Project Algorithm Flow
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4. Schematics
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5. Hardware implementation:
6. Arduino Code:
#include <avr_heap.h>
#include <nil.h>
#include <nilconf.h>
#include <nilcore.h>
#include <NilFIFO.h>
#include <NilRTOS.h>
#include <NilSerial.h>
#include <niltypes.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
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* Example to demonstrate thread definition, semaphores, and thread sleep.
// Declare a semaphore with an inital counter value of zero.
//SEMAPHORE_DECL(semOff, 0);
SEMAPHORE_DECL(semDisplay, 0);
HC-SR04 Ping distance sensor:
VCC to arduino 5v
GND to arduino GND
Echo to Arduino pin 9
Trig to Arduino pin 8*/
#define echopin 9 // echo pin
#define trigpin 8 // Trigger pin
LiquidCrystal lcd1(12,10, 5, 4, 3, 2);
P a g e 10 | 19
long duration, distance;
* Thread 1, turn the LED off when signalled by thread 2.
// Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs.
NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread1, 128);
int change=0;
int newd=0;
// Declare the thread function for thread 1.
NIL_THREAD(Thread1, arg) {
pinMode (trigpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (echopin, INPUT );
while (TRUE) {
duration=pulseIn (echopin,HIGH);
distance= duration/58.2;
P a g e 11 | 19
if (distance >= 12 )
nilSemSignal(&semOn);//signal semaphore to turn the relay on
else if (distance <=7)
digitalWrite (53,LOW);
digitalWrite (51,LOW);
* Thread 2, turn the LED on and signal thread 1 to turn the LED off.
P a g e 12 | 19
// Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs.
NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread2, 128);
// Declare the thread function for thread 2.
NIL_THREAD(Thread2, arg) {
pinMode (53, OUTPUT);//relay
pinMode (51,OUTPUT);//led status
while (TRUE) {
digitalWrite (53,HIGH);
digitalWrite (51,HIGH);
//Thread 3,
// Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs.
NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread3, 128);
// Declare the thread function for thread 2.
long count=0;
NIL_THREAD(Thread3, arg) {
while (TRUE) {
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// if(nilSemGetCounterI(&semDisplay)==1)
lcd1.print("Distance: ");
lcd1.print(" cm");
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* Threads static table, one entry per thread. A thread's priority is
* determined by its position in the table with highest priority first.
* These threads start with a null argument. A thread's name may also
* be null to save RAM since the name is currently not used.
NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread2", Thread2, NULL, waThread2, sizeof(waThread2))//Relay
NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread1", Thread1, NULL, waThread1, sizeof(waThread1))//read
NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread3", Thread3, NULL, waThread3, sizeof(waThread3))//lcd1
void setup() {
lcd1.print("RTOS based Water Level Indicator...");
lcd1.print(" Ahmad Faizan :)");
for (int positionCounter = 0; positionCounter <20; positionCounter++) {
// scroll one position left:
// wait a bit:
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// scroll 29 positions (string length + display length) to the right
// to move it offscreen right:
for (int positionCounter = 0; positionCounter < 22; positionCounter++) {
// scroll one position right:
// wait a bit:
// Start Nil RTOS.
// Loop is the idle thread. The idle thread must not invoke any
// kernel primitive able to change its state to not runnable.
void loop() {
// Not used.
7. PORTING NilRTOS on Arduino
P a g e 16 | 19
 Guide for porting NilRTOS:
1. Download NilRTOS (library version) from the following link:
2. After that extract the zip file named as and double click
on library.
3. Copy all the files in it.
4. Paste in the library path of your Arduino IDE in the following path:
C:Program Files (x86)Arduinolibraries
P a g e 17 | 19
5. Now open up your Arduino IDE, select Sketch =>Include Library=>NilRTOS
Click on NilRTOS library.
6. Congratulation! You just ported NilRTOS on your Arduino IDE.
For API documentation, double click on NilRTOS.html found in NilRTOS-Arduino- file.
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 Test Code:
* Example to demonstrate thread definition, semaphores, and thread sleep.
#include <NilRTOS.h>
// The LED is attached to pin 13 on Arduino.
const uint8_t LED_PIN = 13;
// Declare a semaphore with an inital counter value of zero.
* Thread 1, turn the LED off when signalled by thread 2.
// Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs.
NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread1, 128);
// Declare the thread function for thread 1.
NIL_THREAD(Thread1, arg) {
while (TRUE) {
// Wait for signal from thread 2.
// Turn LED off.
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
* Thread 2, turn the LED on and signal thread 1 to turn the LED off.
// Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs.
NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread2, 128);
// Declare the thread function for thread 2.
NIL_THREAD(Thread2, arg) {
while (TRUE) {
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// Turn LED on.
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
// Sleep for 200 milliseconds.
// Signal thread 1 to turn LED off.
// Sleep for 200 milliseconds.
* Threads static table, one entry per thread. A thread's priority is
* determined by its position in the table with highest priority first.
* These threads start with a null argument. A thread's name may also
* be null to save RAM since the name is currently not used.
NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread1", Thread1, NULL, waThread1,
NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread2", Thread2, NULL, waThread2,
void setup() {
// Start Nil RTOS.
// Loop is the idle thread. The idle thread must not invoke any
// kernel primitive able to change its state to not runnable.
void loop() {
// Not used.
7. References:

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  • 1. P a g e 0 | 19 Project Report Submitted By: Ahmad Faizan Humayun Akhtar Submitted To: Dr. Shahzad Ahmad Butt
  • 2. P a g e 1 | 19 1. INTRODUCTION: This is simple water level controller but the new thing we’ll be using is modeling this application in a real time embedded system using RTOS (Real Time Operating System). What this Embedded system will do is plain simple. It will constantly monitor the level of our water tank using an “Ultrasonic Sound Sensor” (SONAR) and check the level of water using the reelection of sound it receives back generated from the speaker. After that it will check if the water Tank is full or not according to the readings it received from the sensor. If the level of water is not at the specified position. It will simply actuate the water pump using “Arduino’s ATmega328P” until it is reached to the “full” level. All of the status is being shown on “16x2 LCD display” which will display information like current motor status, water tank level percentage. ]  Why SONAR sensor? We have two methods for sensing water level a) Contact methods are resistive method, capacitive and inductive methods (magnetostriction). b) Contactless methods are optical method, radar and ultrasonic method. Because we didn’t want to affect the quality of water in tank we implement one of the contactless methods i-e ultrasonic sensor 2. Equipment: a. Arduino Mega w/(AT mega 2560) b. SONAR sensor HC SR04 c. 16x2 characters Alphanumeric LCD d. Ethernet cables for extension e. Water Tank f. Battery Pack 5v/Charger
  • 3. P a g e 2 | 19 Prototype Platform: This is a simple project and any low priced development will be fine but we have selected to use Arduino Mega as it has easy to use interface, powerful processor support (ATmega2560) also it has many built-in libraries which make programming easy. SONAR Sensor: The basic principle of Ultrasonic sensor is simple, we send a signal and we measure time that send signal needs to come back. Ultrasonic method is similar to radar. Instead of radar wave we are sending ultrasonic wave. This procedure is ideal for our needs because ultrasonic sensors are easily accessible and low priced. We transmit short ultrasonic pulse and we measure travel time of that pulse from transceiver to liquid and back to transceiver. Ultrasonic pulse will bounce from liquid level since because change of density of ultrasonic pulse travel medium (ultrasonic pulse first travel through air and bounce of liquid with higher density than air). Because water has higher density, majority of pulse will bounce off. Limitations: a. Because of pulse length there is small window that we cannot receive pulse with transceiver because transceiver is transmitting.
  • 4. P a g e 3 | 19 Solution: This problem is simple to solve: we placed our sensor higher from maximum water level for few centimeters allowing receiver to start receiving. b. Because of the beam width we are limited with tank diameter. If tank diameter is too small, signal could bounce of tank’s walls and could cause false readings. Solution: By using a tank whose diameter is reasonably large we can avoid this problem 3. RTOS (Real-Time Operating System): There are many compatible RTOS’s for Atmel’s AVR microprocessors like FreeRTOS, RTuinOS, ChibiOS/RT, etc. But I have chosen ChibiOS as it is free to use under GPL license. ChibiOS/Nil is designed for embedded applications on 8, 16 and 32 bit microcontrollers; size and execution efficiency are the main project goals. It’s very easy to use and scalable as compared to FreeRTOS. ChibiOS/Nil Features: NIL has been created with the idea to bring RTOS functionalities to very small devices and yet to be a full-fledged RTOS. In Brief  Tiny RTOS, below 1kB of code space in its maximum configuration.  Small size of memory objects like Thread, Semaphores etc.  Focus on memory size, the target is to keep it below 1kB in its maximum configuration. Common objects must take the minimal amount of RAM.  Scalable from 8 bits architectures upward.  Upward compatible with RT.  Reasonable API. Common features must be supported, it has to be an usable RTOS not just minimal.  Fully Static Architecture.  Static tasks table, all tasks are declared statically.  Clean and elegant code base.
  • 5. P a g e 4 | 19  Predictable and Deterministic.  Fully compliant with HAL OSAL.  MISRA 2012 compliance.  Fully static architecture. 4. Detailed Algorithm Explained: Basically we’ll model this real time problem into 4 tasks as following: a) Task 1: In Thread 1 we’re configuring Sonar sensor for measuring distances and once the Distance is measure then it will compare it will hardcoded values for different levels of water if it detect tank is not full it will signal a Binary Semaphore using Wait and Signal Synchronization. Otherwise it will only signal it for LCD display without changing output of motor. 1. First we Configure Sonar sensor Trigger and Echo pins on our uC. 2. Next in a while loop configuration and measuring the distance method starts. 3. Trig pin is set to high for 10 microseconds. 4. Pulse in function is used. 5. Pulse in function give us the duration from when the function called and specific value being set on the pin we pass through the function. 6. Distance is measure in centimeters according to the formula given in Datasheet 7. On the value of distance decision is made if the distance is equal to 7cm or less then 7cm then the Water pump is turned on. 8. If the distance is has increased to a certain threshold then the Motor is turned on to fill the Tank. ChibiOs/Nil
  • 6. P a g e 5 | 19 Figure 1: Figure showing How Ultrasonic Waves propagate and reflect back after hitting any object in its path b) Task 2: Basic Purpose of this Task is to show the Led Status and Turn on the Realy if the Semaphore is available released in second task if the certain distance thresholds are met. 1. It first set out pin mods. 2. Then if the Semaphore is available it simply acquires it and turn on the Relay which drives the motor and Status Led’s. 3. After that it release semaphore for Display to show the status of Water Tank in cm. c) Task 3: Basic Purpose of this task is to control the Display mechanism it will show distance in cm.It will try the semaphore and check if it is available or not, if it’s available then it will acquire it and show the level of water tank by displaying it on LCD display
  • 7. P a g e 6 | 19 START READ VALUE FROM SONAR SENSOR CONVERT THE PULSE TO DISTANCE & COMPARE IT TO PREDEFINED LEVELS Is The Value Greater Than Threshold Level? Actuate The Motor And Release Semaphore Acquire Semaphore And Update The Display On LCD END NO Yes Basic Flow Diagram Of RTOS Based Water Level Indicator Figure 2: Block Diagram of Complete Project Algorithm Flow
  • 8. P a g e 7 | 19 4. Schematics
  • 9. P a g e 8 | 19 5. Hardware implementation: 6. Arduino Code: #include <avr_heap.h> #include <nil.h> #include <nilconf.h> #include <nilcore.h> #include <NilFIFO.h> #include <NilRTOS.h> #include <NilSerial.h> #include <niltypes.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h>
  • 10. P a g e 9 | 19 /* * Example to demonstrate thread definition, semaphores, and thread sleep. */ // Declare a semaphore with an inital counter value of zero. SEMAPHORE_DECL(semOn, 0); //SEMAPHORE_DECL(semOff, 0); SEMAPHORE_DECL(semDisplay, 0); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* HC-SR04 Ping distance sensor: VCC to arduino 5v GND to arduino GND Echo to Arduino pin 9 Trig to Arduino pin 8*/ #define echopin 9 // echo pin #define trigpin 8 // Trigger pin LiquidCrystal lcd1(12,10, 5, 4, 3, 2);
  • 11. P a g e 10 | 19 long duration, distance; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Thread 1, turn the LED off when signalled by thread 2. */ // Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs. NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread1, 128); int change=0; int newd=0; // Declare the thread function for thread 1. NIL_THREAD(Thread1, arg) { pinMode (trigpin, OUTPUT); pinMode (echopin, INPUT ); while (TRUE) { digitalWrite(trigpin,LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(trigpin,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); duration=pulseIn (echopin,HIGH); distance= duration/58.2;
  • 12. P a g e 11 | 19 distance+=1; if (distance >= 12 ) { if(newd-distance<=1) { nilSemSignal(&semOn);//signal semaphore to turn the relay on } } else if (distance <=7) { digitalWrite (53,LOW); digitalWrite (51,LOW); if(newd-distance<=1) { nilSemSignal(&semDisplay); } } nilThdSleepMilliseconds(50); newd=distance; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Thread 2, turn the LED on and signal thread 1 to turn the LED off. */
  • 13. P a g e 12 | 19 // Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs. NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread2, 128); // Declare the thread function for thread 2. NIL_THREAD(Thread2, arg) { pinMode (53, OUTPUT);//relay pinMode (51,OUTPUT);//led status while (TRUE) { //nilThdSleepMilliseconds(50); nilSemWait(&semOn); digitalWrite (53,HIGH); digitalWrite (51,HIGH); nilSemReset(&semOn,0); nilSemSignal(&semDisplay); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Thread 3, // Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs. NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread3, 128); // Declare the thread function for thread 2. long count=0; NIL_THREAD(Thread3, arg) { while (TRUE) {
  • 14. P a g e 13 | 19 //nilThdSleepMilliseconds(50); // if(nilSemGetCounterI(&semDisplay)==1) //{ //lcd1.clear(); nilSemWait(&semDisplay); count=0; lcd1.setCursor(0,0); lcd1.print("---*********---"); lcd1.setCursor(0,1); lcd1.print("Distance: "); lcd1.print(distance); //lcd1.setCursor(14,1); lcd1.print(" cm"); /*if(millis()-count>1000) { lcd1.clear(); count=millis(); } nilSemReset(&semDisplay,0);*/ nilThdSleepMilliseconds(200); lcd1.clear(); //} } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*
  • 15. P a g e 14 | 19 * Threads static table, one entry per thread. A thread's priority is * determined by its position in the table with highest priority first. * * These threads start with a null argument. A thread's name may also * be null to save RAM since the name is currently not used. */ NIL_THREADS_TABLE_BEGIN() NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread2", Thread2, NULL, waThread2, sizeof(waThread2))//Relay on-off NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread1", Thread1, NULL, waThread1, sizeof(waThread1))//read sonar NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread3", Thread3, NULL, waThread3, sizeof(waThread3))//lcd1 display NIL_THREADS_TABLE_END() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void setup() { //------- lcd1.begin(16,2); lcd1.clear(); lcd1.setCursor(0,0); lcd1.print("RTOS based Water Level Indicator..."); lcd1.setCursor(0,1); lcd1.print(" Ahmad Faizan :)"); for (int positionCounter = 0; positionCounter <20; positionCounter++) { // scroll one position left: lcd1.scrollDisplayLeft(); // wait a bit: delay(150);
  • 16. P a g e 15 | 19 } // scroll 29 positions (string length + display length) to the right // to move it offscreen right: for (int positionCounter = 0; positionCounter < 22; positionCounter++) { // scroll one position right: lcd1.scrollDisplayRight(); // wait a bit: delay(150); } lcd1.clear(); //--------------- // Start Nil RTOS. nilSysBegin(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Loop is the idle thread. The idle thread must not invoke any // kernel primitive able to change its state to not runnable. void loop() { // Not used. } 7. PORTING NilRTOS on Arduino
  • 17. P a g e 16 | 19  Guide for porting NilRTOS: 1. Download NilRTOS (library version) from the following link: 2. After that extract the zip file named as and double click on library. 3. Copy all the files in it. 4. Paste in the library path of your Arduino IDE in the following path: C:Program Files (x86)Arduinolibraries
  • 18. P a g e 17 | 19 5. Now open up your Arduino IDE, select Sketch =>Include Library=>NilRTOS Click on NilRTOS library. 6. Congratulation! You just ported NilRTOS on your Arduino IDE. For API documentation, double click on NilRTOS.html found in NilRTOS-Arduino- file.
  • 19. P a g e 18 | 19  Test Code: /* * Example to demonstrate thread definition, semaphores, and thread sleep. */ #include <NilRTOS.h> // The LED is attached to pin 13 on Arduino. const uint8_t LED_PIN = 13; // Declare a semaphore with an inital counter value of zero. SEMAPHORE_DECL(sem, 0); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Thread 1, turn the LED off when signalled by thread 2. */ // Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs. NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread1, 128); // Declare the thread function for thread 1. NIL_THREAD(Thread1, arg) { while (TRUE) { // Wait for signal from thread 2. nilSemWait(&sem); // Turn LED off. digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Thread 2, turn the LED on and signal thread 1 to turn the LED off. */ // Declare a stack with 128 bytes beyond context switch and interrupt needs. NIL_WORKING_AREA(waThread2, 128); // Declare the thread function for thread 2. NIL_THREAD(Thread2, arg) { pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); while (TRUE) {
  • 20. P a g e 19 | 19 // Turn LED on. digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Sleep for 200 milliseconds. nilThdSleepMilliseconds(200); // Signal thread 1 to turn LED off. nilSemSignal(&sem); // Sleep for 200 milliseconds. nilThdSleepMilliseconds(200); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Threads static table, one entry per thread. A thread's priority is * determined by its position in the table with highest priority first. * * These threads start with a null argument. A thread's name may also * be null to save RAM since the name is currently not used. */ NIL_THREADS_TABLE_BEGIN() NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread1", Thread1, NULL, waThread1, sizeof(waThread1)) NIL_THREADS_TABLE_ENTRY("thread2", Thread2, NULL, waThread2, sizeof(waThread2)) NIL_THREADS_TABLE_END() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void setup() { // Start Nil RTOS. nilSysBegin(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Loop is the idle thread. The idle thread must not invoke any // kernel primitive able to change its state to not runnable. void loop() { // Not used. } 7. References: