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Consumers and the evolution of commercial relationships
February 2013
Personal information has been called the “oil” of the 21st
century. The digital and mobile revolution has brought un-
precedented possibilities of collecting and using consumers’
personal information to develop new personalized services
(e.g. Becky’s story above). It has also brought possibilities
of monetizing this information, finding new revenue streams
and increasing profits. Personal information is the key com-
ponent in the still evolving Personal Information Economy.
Efforts have been made by businesses, governments and in-
stitutions to understand and define the conditions for such a
market. These efforts have largely been focused on systemic
aspects such as legal rights, technical standards and
regulations with regards to the collection, control and use
of personal data. There is a corresponding need to broaden
and deepen the perspective to also include individual con-
How do consumers understand and perceive the value of
their personal information? Which are the sensitivity is-
sues and risks involved with an increased use of personal
information by enterprises, governments and consumers
themselves? The purpose of the study has been to describe
consumers’ understanding, needs, behaviors and attitudes
with respect to personal information as an asset.
2 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
1011011 001011001 1110100010
Ericsson ConsumerLab has more than 15 years experience
of studying people’s behaviors and values, including the
way they act and think about ICT products and services.
Ericsson ConsumerLab provides unique insights on market
and consumer trends.
Ericsson ConsumerLab gains its knowledge through a
global consumer research program based on interviews with
100,000 individuals each year, in more than 40 countries and
15 megacities – statistically representing the views of
1.1 billion people. Both quantitative and qualitative methods
are used, and hundreds of hours are spent with consumers
from different cultures.
To be close to the market and consumers, Ericsson
ConsumerLab has analysts in all regions where
Ericsson is present, which gives a thorough global
understanding of the ICT market and business models.
All ConsumerLab reports can be found at
information AS AN ASSET			 4
The unaware consumer			 5
benefit vs. risk				6
EMERGING business opportunities		 11
“The alarm on Becky’s smartphone wakes
her up half an hour earlier than expected.
The reason is that her flight to London has
been canceled. In order for Becky to still
make it for her London meeting she needs
to take an earlier flight. The phone also
informs her about the current travel time to
the airport, as well as gives her the option
to directly purchase the train ticket on
the phone.”
“Face to face”
Commercial trade before industrialization was
predominately conducted face-to-face meaning
personal information was shared all the time, par-
ticularly in reoccurring and tailored services. Over
time, the local vendor came to know a customer’s
preferences. Hence personal information was
gathered, but on a scale limited and comprehen-
sible to those involved.
The mass-market still prevails, however digital-
ization has enabled vendors to gain supreme
knowledge about the buyers’ individual traits due
to their digital footprints and sharing of personal
information. In the days of Big Data, the con-
sumer no longer comprehends what is shared,
to whom or how it is used. By instead utilizing
personal information in a fair manner, the quid-
pro-quo logic of pre-industrialization can
be re-established.
In the history of relationships between consumers and businesses, a vendor’s gathering of information about
its customers in order to improve services is far from a novel concept.
> Consumer awareness still low
– big data not an issue
Most consumers are aware that their personal
information is collected for commercial purposes
– more than 50% believe so. But why, how or ex-
actly what it is used for is obscure to most.
Sensitivity of personal information should be
understood principally from the perspective of
the individual consumer and not from a vendor
or usage perspective; anonymous big data is
rarely perceived as a big issue.
> Value creation over risk prevention
If the consumer can see a clear and desired
benefit from sharing personal information,
concerns about sensitivity diminish. If the option
is between sharing information and gaining
something on one hand, and guarding informa-
tion to avoid risk on the other, many consumers
will go for sharing. More than 40% are willing
to “trade” personal information for personalization.
> Permission, transparency and value
sharing – pre-requisites going forward
Involving consumers by asking for permission
increases trust and willingness to share per-
sonal information. Transparency improves
attitudes towards the commercial applications
of personal information. Lack of transparency
invariably causes suspicion. Value creation for
one party should correspond to value being
shared with the other.
> The value of personal information
is in relationships
The primary value of personal information will lie
in its potential to build strong relationships be-
tween consumers and businesses. Used ac-
cording to consumer praxis, personal informa-
tion can: improve user experience, increase
loyalty and increase sales.
key findings
Industrialization removed the customer from the
producer, creating mass markets and economies
of scale. The familiar customer became an anony-
mous consumer. Later in this era, businesses
started building brands in an effort to re-connect
and create a sense of personalization that had
been lost due to the emergence of the mass
market and middle men.
The world is at an inflection point, poised for a significant
change in competitive opportunities for nations, busi-
ness, societies and individuals. This change will lead to
the emergence of the Networked Society where everyone
and everything will be connected in real time, creating a
globally-networked, digitally interconnected environment.
Ericsson envisions that by 2020, there will be more than 50
billion connected devices. This means that unprecedented
amounts of information will be generated by consumers and
their household appliances, cars, mobile phones and other
connected devices. Far-reaching technological advance-
ments have enabled vast new opportunities for economic
and societal value creation based on this personal informa-
Personal information includes a host of different types of
facts and data such as digital identity, relationships, prefer-
ences, behaviors, health and financial data as well as all the
institutional data about us kept by public institutions. This
information is sometimes voluntarily shared, other times
observed by tracking our behavior or even synthesized by
combining different types of data.
Stakeholders in a personal information market
The private sector, governments and public institutions as
well as individual consumers are all stakeholders in how
personal information is generated, stored and used today.
Personal information is used today by private enterprises to
develop and improve services and products,
create new efficiencies and generate revenue and growth.
Companies such as Google and Facebook have business
models built around collecting, aggregating, analyzing and
monetizing personal information.
For governments and public sector institutions, personal
information can and is currently being used to improve
public services such as health care, education and public
transportation but is also valuable from the perspectives of
law enforcement and national security.
Individual consumers are inevitably at the center of this
potential common market for personal information. Under-
standing and adapting to consumers’ needs and behaviors
with regards to personal information will be key for any
stakeholder wanting to benefit from participation in this
A win-win-win situation
The current approach to managing personal information is
typically fragmented and inefficient as technologies and laws
fall short of providing a supportive infrastructure. A common
market for personal information needs to cater to the needs
of the private sector, governments and public sector institu-
tions as well as individual consumers. In order to maximize
benefits for all stakeholders, mutually supportive incentives
need to be established, collective inefficiencies reduced and
collective risks need to be addressed.
Pre-requisites for a framework for a sustainable personal
information market are listed below.
Figure 1: Pre-requisites for a framework for
personal information
> Targeted
> Transparent
> Technology-neutral
> Role-specific
> Flexible
> Efficient
> Cross-border tolerant
Source: “Privacy in the Networked Society: Data Protection principles for the digital
remaking of society,” Ericsson, 2012
4 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
The unaware
(obscure when, what and why)
Figure 3: Consumer understanding of personal information exchange
The gathering, storage and use of personal information is
still an area that is relatively obscure to people in general.
There is a basic awareness that personal information is
actively or passively shared and that information is gathered
by companies, but not to what extent this is happening.
Consumers are most clearly aware of the fact that mobile
phone operators and different applications on smartphones
are collecting personal information in different ways. On a
general level, it is clear that people today view the sharing
of personal information as a pre-requisite for participating in
society, both socially and commercially.
The average person has difficulty fully understanding
exactly how their personal information becomes valuable to
companies. Consumers’ general understanding of the per-
sonal information value exchange is illustrated in figure 3.
Companies that make apps for smartphones and tablets
Other IT companies likeYahoo! and Microsoft
Apple and Google
Mobile phone operators
27% 20%
I don’t think they use my personal information
I don’t know
Figure 2: Consumer awareness of
personal information gathering
Social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn
52% 30% 19%
Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab,
Analytical Platform 2012
I think they use my personal information
Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab: Personal Information Economy study, 2013
Commercial application:
Advertisments and offers
Perceived benefit:
Personalized services
If the commercial value of personal information is still es-
sentially an obscure concept to most people, sensitivity is
perhaps the more relevant way to relate to personal informa-
tion. Sensitivity of personal information is highly contextual,
but more than anything it is primarily tied to the individual
consumer rather than to commercial value.
High sensitivity applies to information that is close at
heart, that has the potential to cause harm and in cases of
ambiguous information, such as personal photographs. Sen-
sitivity connected with the commercial use of one’s personal
information depends in large part on the relationship with
the vendor at hand. It is also closely connected to trans-
parency and perceived control, as well as the perceived or
offered benefit.
”With a picture, the interpretation is all
in the eyes of the beholder. That makes it
scary and more sensitive”		
— Female, 21, Student, San Francisco
A clear benefit in the form of discounts or clearly improved
user experience positively affects the willingness to share
even sensitive information. Consumers are principally
inclined to choose participation over isolation, sharing
information for different forms of benefits rather than
focusing on protecting themselves from risks.
Benefit vs. risk
Figure 4: If you were asked to share personal information
online and you had no control over who could access or see
your personal information, how would you feel about sharing
the following information?
Religious beliefs
Purchase behavior
Political views
Usage of online services and apps
Internet search and browsing behavior
Current location
Medical records
Information or files stored on your computer or mobile phone
Feel good about it
Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab,
Analytical Platform 2012
Feel bad about it
Consumers and Big Data
Consumers clearly show less concern about com-
panies using anonymous information, e.g. how many
consumers that buy a certain service or product,
rather than identifiable information such as the iden-
tity of the buyer.
From a privacy perspective, anonymous Big Data is
thus not considered a problem. This does however
highlight a continued lack of consumer understand-
ing around the power of data min-
ing. Most consumers give little or
no thought to the fact that it is not
impossible to reconstruct personally
identifiable information from large
anonymous data sets.
6 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
The rules of
Consumers’ view on the issue of ownership of personal
information and consequent rules for vendors to use that
information is flexible and based on the relationship with the
vendor at hand.
Clearly, when it comes to personal information generated
through a specific service, e.g. viewing habits on video
streaming services, consumers grant vendors at least
partial ownership of that information. Partial ownership in
the sense that it is ok for vendors to use that information to
develop and personalize the service and even use it for other
commercial purposes such as targeted advertising. But the
important requirement is that this is done transparently and
with a degree of control on behalf of the user, granting him
or her the opportunity to opt in or out of using the service
under these conditions. It is apparent that consumers are
most willing to accept the collection and use of their per-
sonal information in those cases where this is perceived to
be done within the confinements of a particular service.
Transparency and respect, offering the ability for consumers
to opt in or out of a service and returning user value
will increase consumer engagement and strengthen the
“It would be great if my refrigerator could
tell me what I needed to restock. But if it
would tell me what I needed less of, that
would be creepy!”
— Female, 23, Student, San Francisco
More than 40% would allow companies
to use their personal information when an
offer is personalized to them, to improve
current services and develop new ones.
To personalize offers to you
None of these purposes
To sell the information to other companies
To personalize advertisements to you
To use the information in order to improve their
current services or develop new services
To charge you depending on your
level of usage of the service
To charge everyone individually
according to their ability to pay
Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab, Analytical Platform 2012
Figure 5: For what purposes would you allow companies to use your personal information?
The importance of owning the first consumer interface in or-
der to gather personal information will continue to increase.
These interfaces can be smartphones, refrigerators, TVs,
PCs, home security systems, dishwashers or different
The same branded devices and services can be used by the
company to provide customers with recommendations and
information based on the personal information gathered.
Examples of such recommendations and targeted offers
could include automated suggestions from your refrigerator
of which groceries to re-stock, coupled with a discount offer
on the same products from a specific store. A company’s
share of this eco-system of consumer interfaces will be one
crucial factor in building relationships with consumers.
Relevance through reputation
Reputation is a key element of the personal information
eco-system - the reputation of companies as well as the
reputation of individual consumers. In the coming years,
we should expect to see the emergence of new and more
practical applications of reputation.
“It’s morning and Becky is in the
kitchen, making herself that vital
cup of morning coffee. Using the
last of the coffee, the machine
simultaneously adds coffee to the
synchronized shopping list on her
smartphone. Later that day, she
gets a notification on her smart-
phone that her local store offers to
deliver all the items directly to her
door. With a single click, she
accepts and pays.”
8 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
The importance of personal information will remain high – for the private sector, governments and public institu-
tions as well as the individual consumer. With regards to the issue of where control over personal information will
reside, the possibilities range between two extremes: consumers controlling all their information and consumers
having no control whatsoever. A likely future development will lie somewhere in between.
Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab: Personal Information Economy study, 2013
No consumer control
Personal information is acquired without the consent of consumers and sold be-
tween vendors to maximize profit. The uncontrolled usage of personal information
aggravates and causes privacy harm. This might trigger new business opportuni-
ties to protect consumer information, e.g. increased usage of VPN-tunnels and
similar tools. This extreme will provide no or little value for the consumers who
probably will shun many online services.
100% consumer managed
The individual consumer is in charge of and responsible for their own personal
information and can allow or block companies from accessing certain parts of in-
formation about them. Inflexible legislation forcing companies to continuously ask
for permission to access or use consumers’ information for every single purpose
will hamper the development of new services and personal information opportuni-
ties for companies. This will also require more consumer effort and knowledge
to administer.
Mutual understanding and gain
Personal information is gathered and used with consumer consent, providing
value in return. Shared responsibility between all stakeholders including consum-
ers is encouraged through effective and flexible, yet limited legislation protecting
the consumer and his or her rights. Successful service providers caring about
their reputation will respect consumers’ integrity and handle their information
No consumer control
100% consumer
Mutual understanding
Figure 6: A likely future development of control
opportunities today
There are several business opportunities related to the
handling of consumers’ personal information. The prime op-
portunity lies within developing stronger relationships with
existing and potential customers.
As already mentioned development of personal information
based services and business needs to build on three key
components: permission, transparency and value sharing.
– Companies need to acquire and facilitate consumer
permission. Enabling consumers to give their permis-
sion will be a key factor for companies to build trust.
– Transparency with regards to the collection, storage and
use of personal information increases consumers’ will-
ingness to approve of commercial applications. A lack of
transparency almost invariably leads to consumers
adopting a more hostile attitude towards a vendor.
– Commercial value creation based on personal informa-
tion needs to be coupled with value creation for the
customer in the form of personalization of service,
discounts etc.
Potential commercial benefits
Today, companies craft an understanding of markets
through consumer segmentation. Going forward, under-
standing the individual consumer through personal informa-
tion will be vital to success.
Utilizing personal information to build a stronger relationship
with the consumer can improve consumer experience and
increase loyalty as well as sales. In short, this recreates the
close relationship between seller and buyer from the pre-
industrial era as described in page 3.
Improve consumer experience
Whether a one-time only customer or in it for the long run,
consumers want a great experience when using a service.
Personal information can help companies better under-
stand needs and preferences, usage patterns and habits. It
enables personalization of products and services in order to
make them more relevant, easier and quicker.
Increase loyalty
One reason for staying in a long-term relationship is the
knowledge of the benefits it brings. For operators and other
vendors, long-term relationships mean a steady revenue
stream and lessened risk of churn. With the use of personal
information a service can be more flexible and communi-
cation can be more relevant and better support consumer
Increase sales
Knowing the individual consumer and his or her situation at
any given time brings about unprecedented opportunities
for product and service development. A customer moving
to a new address, lacking the high speed fixed broadband
he or she had at their previous residence, is likely to want to
upgrade to a better mobile broadband.
With access to consumers’ personal information the pro-
vider can offer the right products, at the right price, through
the right channel at the right time.
10 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
Information gateway
An information gateway could allow consumers to easily
manage what personal information is shared and ensure
that only selected companies can access and utilize it, pre-
venting irrelevant information and offers. It could also sup-
port consumers in opting in and out from different services.
Companies could utilize an information gateway to reach
their target audience without intruding.
Digital identification
Digital identification is needed in several situations; for
public services, for payment services and for personal ser-
vices like email, social networks, etc.
With an existing physical presence, banks and operators are
ideally positioned to offer identification services in the
physical world as well as online. Some banks and operators
in certain markets are already today offering identification
both online and IRL.
EMERGING business
There are several areas of handling the consumer’s personal information where vendors have
business opportunities.
Protection and insurance
Who do consumers turn to when exposed to fraud, iden-
tity theft, lost information or not being able to opt out
of a service? There is an opportunity for offering protec-
tion to consumers, including cleanup services, overview
of shared information, legal counseling and backup
Personal cloud
A personal cloud service is a virtual computer taking on
different capabilities as the consumer chooses. It could
enable consumers to view, control and manage their
personal information, rather than access their informa-
tion through limited import and export capabilities as in
today’s cloud services. Reputation will be a key element
in future personal cloud systems. Hence, service provid-
ers within this area will be ideally positioned to also offer
services within reputation.
Protection and
Personal Information Economy study 2013
6 consumer interviews, 15 student diaries
and a workshop in San Francisco
7 experts from the US and Europe
October 2012 - January 2013
Quantitative online interviews
Qualitative research
US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Brazil,
China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea,
Australia, India, Indonesia, Russia,
>23 000 online interviews, age 15-69
~1500 per market
May 2012
Ericsson ConsumerLab, Analytical Platform 2012
The content of this document is subject to revision without
notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and
manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or
damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.
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Ericsson is the world’s leading provider of communications
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Our offering comprises services, software and infrastructure within
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Founded in 1876, Ericsson is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.
In 2011 the company had revenues of SEK 226.9 billion (USD
35.0 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm and
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Ericsson ConsumerLab: Personal Information Economy

  • 1. Personal information Economy Consumers and the evolution of commercial relationships February 2013
  • 2. Introduction Personal information has been called the “oil” of the 21st century. The digital and mobile revolution has brought un- precedented possibilities of collecting and using consumers’ personal information to develop new personalized services (e.g. Becky’s story above). It has also brought possibilities of monetizing this information, finding new revenue streams and increasing profits. Personal information is the key com- ponent in the still evolving Personal Information Economy. Efforts have been made by businesses, governments and in- stitutions to understand and define the conditions for such a market. These efforts have largely been focused on systemic aspects such as legal rights, technical standards and regulations with regards to the collection, control and use of personal data. There is a corresponding need to broaden and deepen the perspective to also include individual con- sumers. How do consumers understand and perceive the value of their personal information? Which are the sensitivity is- sues and risks involved with an increased use of personal information by enterprises, governments and consumers themselves? The purpose of the study has been to describe consumers’ understanding, needs, behaviors and attitudes with respect to personal information as an asset. 2 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy Contents 1011011 001011001 1110100010 Ericsson ConsumerLab has more than 15 years experience of studying people’s behaviors and values, including the way they act and think about ICT products and services. Ericsson ConsumerLab provides unique insights on market and consumer trends. Ericsson ConsumerLab gains its knowledge through a global consumer research program based on interviews with 100,000 individuals each year, in more than 40 countries and 15 megacities – statistically representing the views of 1.1 billion people. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used, and hundreds of hours are spent with consumers from different cultures. To be close to the market and consumers, Ericsson ConsumerLab has analysts in all regions where Ericsson is present, which gives a thorough global understanding of the ICT market and business models. All ConsumerLab reports can be found at HISTORICAL OUTLOOK 3 information AS AN ASSET 4 The unaware consumer 5 benefit vs. risk 6 THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 7 importANCE OF ECO-SYSTEMS 8 BALANCE THE CONTROL 9 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Today 10 EMERGING business opportunities 11 “The alarm on Becky’s smartphone wakes her up half an hour earlier than expected. The reason is that her flight to London has been canceled. In order for Becky to still make it for her London meeting she needs to take an earlier flight. The phone also informs her about the current travel time to the airport, as well as gives her the option to directly purchase the train ticket on the phone.”
  • 3. “Face to face” Pre-Industrialization Commercial trade before industrialization was predominately conducted face-to-face meaning personal information was shared all the time, par- ticularly in reoccurring and tailored services. Over time, the local vendor came to know a customer’s preferences. Hence personal information was gathered, but on a scale limited and comprehen- sible to those involved. “Engagism” Post-Industrialization The mass-market still prevails, however digital- ization has enabled vendors to gain supreme knowledge about the buyers’ individual traits due to their digital footprints and sharing of personal information. In the days of Big Data, the con- sumer no longer comprehends what is shared, to whom or how it is used. By instead utilizing personal information in a fair manner, the quid- pro-quo logic of pre-industrialization can be re-established. PERSONAL INFORMATION – HISTORICal OUTLOOK In the history of relationships between consumers and businesses, a vendor’s gathering of information about its customers in order to improve services is far from a novel concept. > Consumer awareness still low – big data not an issue Most consumers are aware that their personal information is collected for commercial purposes – more than 50% believe so. But why, how or ex- actly what it is used for is obscure to most. Sensitivity of personal information should be understood principally from the perspective of the individual consumer and not from a vendor or usage perspective; anonymous big data is rarely perceived as a big issue. > Value creation over risk prevention If the consumer can see a clear and desired benefit from sharing personal information, concerns about sensitivity diminish. If the option is between sharing information and gaining something on one hand, and guarding informa- tion to avoid risk on the other, many consumers will go for sharing. More than 40% are willing to “trade” personal information for personalization. > Permission, transparency and value sharing – pre-requisites going forward Involving consumers by asking for permission increases trust and willingness to share per- sonal information. Transparency improves attitudes towards the commercial applications of personal information. Lack of transparency invariably causes suspicion. Value creation for one party should correspond to value being shared with the other. > The value of personal information is in relationships The primary value of personal information will lie in its potential to build strong relationships be- tween consumers and businesses. Used ac- cording to consumer praxis, personal informa- tion can: improve user experience, increase loyalty and increase sales. key findings “Consumerism” Industrialization Industrialization removed the customer from the producer, creating mass markets and economies of scale. The familiar customer became an anony- mous consumer. Later in this era, businesses started building brands in an effort to re-connect and create a sense of personalization that had been lost due to the emergence of the mass market and middle men. Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION ECONOMY 3
  • 4. INFORMATION AS AN ASSET The world is at an inflection point, poised for a significant change in competitive opportunities for nations, busi- ness, societies and individuals. This change will lead to the emergence of the Networked Society where everyone and everything will be connected in real time, creating a globally-networked, digitally interconnected environment. Ericsson envisions that by 2020, there will be more than 50 billion connected devices. This means that unprecedented amounts of information will be generated by consumers and their household appliances, cars, mobile phones and other connected devices. Far-reaching technological advance- ments have enabled vast new opportunities for economic and societal value creation based on this personal informa- tion. Personal information includes a host of different types of facts and data such as digital identity, relationships, prefer- ences, behaviors, health and financial data as well as all the institutional data about us kept by public institutions. This information is sometimes voluntarily shared, other times observed by tracking our behavior or even synthesized by combining different types of data. Stakeholders in a personal information market The private sector, governments and public institutions as well as individual consumers are all stakeholders in how personal information is generated, stored and used today. Personal information is used today by private enterprises to develop and improve services and products, create new efficiencies and generate revenue and growth. Companies such as Google and Facebook have business models built around collecting, aggregating, analyzing and monetizing personal information. For governments and public sector institutions, personal information can and is currently being used to improve public services such as health care, education and public transportation but is also valuable from the perspectives of law enforcement and national security. Individual consumers are inevitably at the center of this potential common market for personal information. Under- standing and adapting to consumers’ needs and behaviors with regards to personal information will be key for any stakeholder wanting to benefit from participation in this market. A win-win-win situation The current approach to managing personal information is typically fragmented and inefficient as technologies and laws fall short of providing a supportive infrastructure. A common market for personal information needs to cater to the needs of the private sector, governments and public sector institu- tions as well as individual consumers. In order to maximize benefits for all stakeholders, mutually supportive incentives need to be established, collective inefficiencies reduced and collective risks need to be addressed. Pre-requisites for a framework for a sustainable personal information market are listed below. Figure 1: Pre-requisites for a framework for personal information > Targeted > Transparent > Technology-neutral > Role-specific > Flexible > Efficient > Cross-border tolerant Source: “Privacy in the Networked Society: Data Protection principles for the digital remaking of society,” Ericsson, 2012 4 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
  • 5. The unaware consumer PERSONAL INFORMATION (obscure when, what and why) Figure 3: Consumer understanding of personal information exchange The gathering, storage and use of personal information is still an area that is relatively obscure to people in general. There is a basic awareness that personal information is actively or passively shared and that information is gathered by companies, but not to what extent this is happening. Consumers are most clearly aware of the fact that mobile phone operators and different applications on smartphones are collecting personal information in different ways. On a general level, it is clear that people today view the sharing of personal information as a pre-requisite for participating in society, both socially and commercially. The average person has difficulty fully understanding exactly how their personal information becomes valuable to companies. Consumers’ general understanding of the per- sonal information value exchange is illustrated in figure 3. Companies that make apps for smartphones and tablets Other IT companies likeYahoo! and Microsoft Apple and Google 21% 21%41% 43% 39% 38% 35% 39% 23% Mobile phone operators 27% 20% I don’t think they use my personal information I don’t know Figure 2: Consumer awareness of personal information gathering Social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn 52% 30% 19% Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab, Analytical Platform 2012 I think they use my personal information 53% Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab: Personal Information Economy study, 2013 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION ECONOMY 5 Commercial application: Advertisments and offers Perceived benefit: Personalized services
  • 6. If the commercial value of personal information is still es- sentially an obscure concept to most people, sensitivity is perhaps the more relevant way to relate to personal informa- tion. Sensitivity of personal information is highly contextual, but more than anything it is primarily tied to the individual consumer rather than to commercial value. High sensitivity applies to information that is close at heart, that has the potential to cause harm and in cases of ambiguous information, such as personal photographs. Sen- sitivity connected with the commercial use of one’s personal information depends in large part on the relationship with the vendor at hand. It is also closely connected to trans- parency and perceived control, as well as the perceived or offered benefit. ”With a picture, the interpretation is all in the eyes of the beholder. That makes it scary and more sensitive” — Female, 21, Student, San Francisco A clear benefit in the form of discounts or clearly improved user experience positively affects the willingness to share even sensitive information. Consumers are principally inclined to choose participation over isolation, sharing information for different forms of benefits rather than focusing on protecting themselves from risks. Benefit vs. risk Figure 4: If you were asked to share personal information online and you had no control over who could access or see your personal information, how would you feel about sharing the following information? Religious beliefs Purchase behavior Political views Usage of online services and apps Internet search and browsing behavior Current location Medical records Information or files stored on your computer or mobile phone 39%39% Feel good about it Indifferent Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab, Analytical Platform 2012 Feel bad about it Consumers and Big Data Consumers clearly show less concern about com- panies using anonymous information, e.g. how many consumers that buy a certain service or product, rather than identifiable information such as the iden- tity of the buyer. From a privacy perspective, anonymous Big Data is thus not considered a problem. This does however highlight a continued lack of consumer understand- ing around the power of data min- ing. Most consumers give little or no thought to the fact that it is not impossible to reconstruct personally identifiable information from large anonymous data sets. 6 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy 41% 41% 47% 48% 53% 56% 67% 73% 48% 49% 46% 45% 40% 38% 28% 23% 11% 9% 8% 8% 7% 7% 6% 4%
  • 7. The rules of engagement Consumers’ view on the issue of ownership of personal information and consequent rules for vendors to use that information is flexible and based on the relationship with the vendor at hand. Clearly, when it comes to personal information generated through a specific service, e.g. viewing habits on video streaming services, consumers grant vendors at least partial ownership of that information. Partial ownership in the sense that it is ok for vendors to use that information to develop and personalize the service and even use it for other commercial purposes such as targeted advertising. But the important requirement is that this is done transparently and with a degree of control on behalf of the user, granting him or her the opportunity to opt in or out of using the service under these conditions. It is apparent that consumers are most willing to accept the collection and use of their per- sonal information in those cases where this is perceived to be done within the confinements of a particular service. Transparency and respect, offering the ability for consumers to opt in or out of a service and returning user value will increase consumer engagement and strengthen the relationship. “It would be great if my refrigerator could tell me what I needed to restock. But if it would tell me what I needed less of, that would be creepy!” — Female, 23, Student, San Francisco More than 40% would allow companies to use their personal information when an offer is personalized to them, to improve current services and develop new ones. To personalize offers to you None of these purposes To sell the information to other companies To personalize advertisements to you To use the information in order to improve their current services or develop new services To charge you depending on your level of usage of the service To charge everyone individually according to their ability to pay Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab, Analytical Platform 2012 Figure 5: For what purposes would you allow companies to use your personal information? Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION ECONOMY 7 44% 41% 29% 19% 13% 5% 22%
  • 8. IMPORTANCE OF ECO-SYSTEMS The importance of owning the first consumer interface in or- der to gather personal information will continue to increase. These interfaces can be smartphones, refrigerators, TVs, PCs, home security systems, dishwashers or different services. The same branded devices and services can be used by the company to provide customers with recommendations and information based on the personal information gathered. Examples of such recommendations and targeted offers could include automated suggestions from your refrigerator of which groceries to re-stock, coupled with a discount offer on the same products from a specific store. A company’s share of this eco-system of consumer interfaces will be one crucial factor in building relationships with consumers. Relevance through reputation Reputation is a key element of the personal information eco-system - the reputation of companies as well as the reputation of individual consumers. In the coming years, we should expect to see the emergence of new and more practical applications of reputation. “It’s morning and Becky is in the kitchen, making herself that vital cup of morning coffee. Using the last of the coffee, the machine simultaneously adds coffee to the synchronized shopping list on her smartphone. Later that day, she gets a notification on her smart- phone that her local store offers to deliver all the items directly to her door. With a single click, she accepts and pays.” 10110111011011 8 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
  • 9. BALANCE THE CONTROL The importance of personal information will remain high – for the private sector, governments and public institu- tions as well as the individual consumer. With regards to the issue of where control over personal information will reside, the possibilities range between two extremes: consumers controlling all their information and consumers having no control whatsoever. A likely future development will lie somewhere in between. Source: Ericsson ConsumerLab: Personal Information Economy study, 2013 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION ECONOMY 9 No consumer control Personal information is acquired without the consent of consumers and sold be- tween vendors to maximize profit. The uncontrolled usage of personal information aggravates and causes privacy harm. This might trigger new business opportuni- ties to protect consumer information, e.g. increased usage of VPN-tunnels and similar tools. This extreme will provide no or little value for the consumers who probably will shun many online services. 100% consumer managed The individual consumer is in charge of and responsible for their own personal information and can allow or block companies from accessing certain parts of in- formation about them. Inflexible legislation forcing companies to continuously ask for permission to access or use consumers’ information for every single purpose will hamper the development of new services and personal information opportuni- ties for companies. This will also require more consumer effort and knowledge to administer. Mutual understanding and gain Personal information is gathered and used with consumer consent, providing value in return. Shared responsibility between all stakeholders including consum- ers is encouraged through effective and flexible, yet limited legislation protecting the consumer and his or her rights. Successful service providers caring about their reputation will respect consumers’ integrity and handle their information accordingly. No consumer control 100% consumer managed Mutual understanding Figure 6: A likely future development of control
  • 10. business opportunities today There are several business opportunities related to the handling of consumers’ personal information. The prime op- portunity lies within developing stronger relationships with existing and potential customers. As already mentioned development of personal information based services and business needs to build on three key components: permission, transparency and value sharing. – Companies need to acquire and facilitate consumer permission. Enabling consumers to give their permis- sion will be a key factor for companies to build trust. – Transparency with regards to the collection, storage and use of personal information increases consumers’ will- ingness to approve of commercial applications. A lack of transparency almost invariably leads to consumers adopting a more hostile attitude towards a vendor. – Commercial value creation based on personal informa- tion needs to be coupled with value creation for the customer in the form of personalization of service, discounts etc. Potential commercial benefits Today, companies craft an understanding of markets through consumer segmentation. Going forward, under- standing the individual consumer through personal informa- tion will be vital to success. Utilizing personal information to build a stronger relationship with the consumer can improve consumer experience and increase loyalty as well as sales. In short, this recreates the close relationship between seller and buyer from the pre- industrial era as described in page 3. Improve consumer experience Whether a one-time only customer or in it for the long run, consumers want a great experience when using a service. Personal information can help companies better under- stand needs and preferences, usage patterns and habits. It enables personalization of products and services in order to make them more relevant, easier and quicker. Increase loyalty One reason for staying in a long-term relationship is the knowledge of the benefits it brings. For operators and other vendors, long-term relationships mean a steady revenue stream and lessened risk of churn. With the use of personal information a service can be more flexible and communi- cation can be more relevant and better support consumer needs. Increase sales Knowing the individual consumer and his or her situation at any given time brings about unprecedented opportunities for product and service development. A customer moving to a new address, lacking the high speed fixed broadband he or she had at their previous residence, is likely to want to upgrade to a better mobile broadband. With access to consumers’ personal information the pro- vider can offer the right products, at the right price, through the right channel at the right time. 10 Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION economy
  • 11. Information gateway An information gateway could allow consumers to easily manage what personal information is shared and ensure that only selected companies can access and utilize it, pre- venting irrelevant information and offers. It could also sup- port consumers in opting in and out from different services. Companies could utilize an information gateway to reach their target audience without intruding. Digital identification Digital identification is needed in several situations; for public services, for payment services and for personal ser- vices like email, social networks, etc. With an existing physical presence, banks and operators are ideally positioned to offer identification services in the physical world as well as online. Some banks and operators in certain markets are already today offering identification both online and IRL. EMERGING business opportunities There are several areas of handling the consumer’s personal information where vendors have business opportunities. Protection and insurance Who do consumers turn to when exposed to fraud, iden- tity theft, lost information or not being able to opt out of a service? There is an opportunity for offering protec- tion to consumers, including cleanup services, overview of shared information, legal counseling and backup services. Personal cloud A personal cloud service is a virtual computer taking on different capabilities as the consumer chooses. It could enable consumers to view, control and manage their personal information, rather than access their informa- tion through limited import and export capabilities as in today’s cloud services. Reputation will be a key element in future personal cloud systems. Hence, service provid- ers within this area will be ideally positioned to also offer services within reputation. Information gateway Digital identification Protection and insurance Personal cloud Personal Information Economy study 2013 6 consumer interviews, 15 student diaries and a workshop in San Francisco 7 experts from the US and Europe October 2012 - January 2013 Quantitative online interviews Qualitative research US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Indonesia, Russia, Ukraine >23 000 online interviews, age 15-69 ~1500 per market May 2012 Ericsson ConsumerLab, Analytical Platform 2012 Methodology Ericsson consumerLab PERSONAL INFORMATION ECONOMY 11
  • 12. The content of this document is subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document. Ericsson SE-126 25 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone +46 10 719 00 00 Fax +46 8 18 40 85 EAB-13:000691 Uen © Ericsson AB 2013 Ericsson is the world’s leading provider of communications technology and services. We are enabling the Networked Society with efficient real-time solutions that allow us all to study, work and live our lives more freely, in sustainable societies around the world. Our offering comprises services, software and infrastructure within Information and CommunicationsTechnology for telecom operators and other industries.Today more than 40 percent of the world’s mobile traffic goes through Ericsson networks and we support customers’ networks servicing more than 2.5 billion subscribers. We operate in 180 countries and employ more than 100,000 people. Founded in 1876, Ericsson is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2011 the company had revenues of SEK 226.9 billion (USD 35.0 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm and NASDAQ, NewYork stock exchanges.