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E-Portfolio in Higher Education:
      Definition & Applications

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges
              for Higher Education
              July 2nd, 2009
              A Workshop at the International Conference
              “The Potential of E-Portfolios in Higher Education”
              University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna

              Wolf Hilzensauer & Sandra Schaffert, Salzburg Research

                      Wolf Hilzensauer & Sandra Schaffert 2009
Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Who we are and what we plan to do today

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Who we are…

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
E-Portfolio …

                                                                     08/2006-07/2008 EU Project MOSEP

                                10-2007: Study for
                                Practitioners in Schools &
                                career counselling

                                                          10/2007: ePortfolio Training Course for Teachers
 6-2007: Study for
 in HEIs (in German)
Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI

 | Presentation: E-Portfolio in Higher Education: Definition &
 | Didactical Challenges in an Overview
 | Intervention: Learning something new: Planning the Zoo
 | Reflective Learning
 | Assessment of / for learning
 | Presentation of Results: Lessons Learned

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
… and what about you?

                                                   your interest
                                            your e-portfolio expertise
                                                    •as learner
                                                     •as tutor
                                           •study programme directors
                                                •in any other way

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Opening Joke

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Why is learning with e-portfolio better than sex?
                                    • If you are not sure, what you are doing,
                                           you can always ask your tutor.
                              •With a coffee you can do it the whole day (and night)

         photo: Matthias Pastwa,
                       Idea: thanks to Prof. Terry Anderson for his inspiration!, p.3

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
E-Portfolio in Higher Education:
      Definition & Applications

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
What is an E-Portfolio?

 |     An e-portfolio is a digital collection of skilfully completed works of a
       particular person (= lat. artefacts).

 |     Its purpose is to document and represent the product (knowledge) and the
       process (learning curve/increase of knowledge) of a person's achieved
       competencies within a specific time period and towards a particular
       learning goal.

 |     The person has to decide which artefacts he/she wants to include and how
       to organise them in relation to his/her learning goal.

 |     As the owner of the e-portfolio, the person has full control of who is able to
       see what kind of information of his/her e-portfolio, how much information
       and at what specific time.
 (Hilzensauer & Hornung-Prähauser 2006)

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
E-Portfolio Processes

 (Hilzensauer & Hornung-Prähauser 2006)

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Four different applications of e-portfolio in HEI

       Source: Hornung-Prähauser, Geser, Hilzensauer & Schaffert 2007,39

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Exemplary realisation within one seminar
(Media competencies seminar at the University Vienna)

 see Römmer-Nossek, Peterson, Logar & Zwiauer 2007, p. 6

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Didactical Challenges …

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Micro and macro didactical challenges

                                                                              technical infrastructure
                                                                                (soft- and hardware)
                                                    feedback forms
                                                                     design of              examination
                   materials to support                             assessment              regulations
                       reflection       assignments                   criteria
development                   teacher (tutor)/student                 …

         learning culture

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Propositions for Quality in Teaching
(according to NBPTS, 2002)

 |      Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
 |      Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach
        those subjects to students.
 |      Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring
        student learning.
 |      Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn
        from experience.
 |      Teachers are members of learning communities.

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Missing concrete descriptions
within the e-portfolio approach                                                                     “
                                                                                                  en hes
                                                                                          all „o roac
                                            description gap:                           ng: l app
                                                                                   itti iona
                                                                                  f t
                                             learning settings,                   d uca

 (Hilzensauer & Hornung-Prähauser 2006)

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Learning something new:
      Planning a Zoo

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Your prior knowledge

                     What do you already know about planning of zoos?
                               What are your assumptions?
                           What are your preferences in the zoo?

                                         Please take some notes


  Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Assignment: Plan a zoo!
 | Background:
        | We are all members of a learning group within an e-portfolio process
        | Our common learning goal is to get a better knowledge about keeping
          of animals in zoos.
        | For this we decided to plan a zoo and to document our learning steps
          and results within our e-portfolio

 | Why:
        | To get a common learning experience, we want to give you a short
          task: the development of a zoo plan.
        | The explicite goal is to plan a zoo
        | The inherent learning goal is to get a better knowledge about keeping
          of animals in zoos.

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI

 | Design based approach
    | is an open educational practice (as group work or project
      work), which could be a part of the learning process within
      or parallel to a e-portfolio work
            (ref. Heidrun Allert, Gabi Reinmann, Terry Anderson)

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI

                                              What did you learn?

                          How can you document this learning processes
                                    within your e-portfolio?


  Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Peter Scott & Roddy Rube
           Future Learning and the importance of assessment and reflection

                                 See the interview @

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Assessment within the e-portfolio work

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Fair assessment …


Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Group Work

                    After some weeks of planning the zoo, your learning
                     progress, your learning results and competencies
                           about keeping of animals in zoos will be

                   Please discuss (take some notes on moderation cards)
                       about the criteria: According to which criteria
                      should (or could) your e-portfolio be assessed?“


  Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Why is assessment important?

 | fair assessment of competencies or learning outcomes is the
   foundation for democratic society, where jobs and
   opportunities are not a question of birth or money
 | it is also needed to monitor and evaluate the learning
   processes as feedback for learners and teachers
 | it defines and directs the learning process directly and
   indirectly as a “hidden curriculum”

 | assessment is unloved, but important

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
It is important that …

 | the learning goals and the assessment criteria fit together
 | the assessment procedure and processes support and foster
   the anticipated way of learning

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Assessment of and for learning
(Assessment Reform Group 2002)
 |    Assessment of learning is:                             |    Assessment for learning is:
       | Purpose prescribed                                        | Purpose negotiated
       | Artifacts mandated - scoring                              | Artifacts chosen - feedback to
         for external use                                            learner
       | Organized by teacher                                      | Organized by learner
       | Summative (past to present)                               | Formative (present to future)
       | Institution-centered                                      | Student-centered
       | Requires extrinsic motivation                             | intrinsically motivating

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Characteristics of assessment with e-portfolio
 | A lot of preparation for the learner,
 | Diverse materials (including reflection about learning)
 | Subjective criteria, sometimes objective, class-wide criteria
 | Rating and evaluation takes a long time and is – mostly –
 | … portfolio can enable a more holistic, individual, learning
   supportive assessment: “From the viewpoint of assessment,
   the rationale for portfolios is clear: there are a number of
   valuable activities and attainments that cannot be assessed
   using the format of timed tests”
 (McCusker, Pead & Ridgway, 2006 Report 10: Literature Review of e-assessment. Bristol: Future

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Group Work

                 1) Find criteria: How should a teacher measure and assess
                     your e-portfolio if (s)he likes to support your future
                              learning progress? (FOR learning)

             • Find criteria: How should a teacher measure and assess your
              e-portfolio if (s)he likes to evaluate your learning outcomes ?
                                           (OF learning)

                                        3) Discuss the differences!


  Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Assessment within e-portfolio should
be built on the following ideas

 |    The learner are involved and authorized to make own decisions concerning
      their learning goals and learning
 |    The learners are involved in the development of assessment criteria and
 |    The learners have a open space to bring in own interests or competencies
      into the assessment situation
 |    The feedback of the assessment should be given in an appropriate and
      appreciative manner, e.g. as a comment and not through marks.
 |    Peers should be involved in the assessment process

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Assessing the mature of an e-portfolio
by Challis (2005)
 |    Selection of material (e.g. relevant – everything tied to the set purpose and
      audience, carefully selected to make obvious specific points, no
      unprocessed or trivial material)
 |    Level of reflection (e.g. reveals deep understanding, illustrated self-
      awareness and growth, incorporates and is responsive to feedback from
 |    Content (e.g. reveals considerable thought over a period of time, is
      contextualized, reveals personality as well as thought, all text is accurately)
 |    Use of multi-media (enhances content and engages, appropriate and
      purposeful, high quality audio/video, non-distracting)
 |    Design (e.g. uncluttered and elegant, graphics are in accord with portfolio’s
      purpose and its creator, no distracting elements, connections are readily
 |    Navigation (e.g. clear- intuitive, allows users to select their own
      pathway(s), fully hyperlinked).

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI

                                               Group work: Lessons Learned…

                                               Please list the most important things
                                               about assessment within e-portfolio
                                               work for a short presentation for the
                                               other group

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Fostering Reflection of Learning

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Theoretical Approaches of Reflection

 | John Dewey - Inquiry based learning
 | Klaus Holzkamp – Subject theory
 | David A. Kolb – Learning cycle
 | Donald A. Schön – Reflective practitioner
 | D. Boud, R. Keogh, D. Walker:
   Reflection – experience into learning
 | Graham Gibbs – Reflective Cycle

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
John Dewey - Inquiry based learning

 | Transfer experience from a primary level (practical
   experience) through reflection on to a secondary level
   (theoretical knwoledge).

 | 5 stages:
        | Primary experience through practical work
        | Reflecting about the encountered problems
        | Abstracting the findings and transfer to the secondary (theoretical)
        | Building of general hypothesis
        | Evaluation by applying in a practical environment
Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
David A. Kolb: Experiential Learning Cycle

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Graham Gibbs – Reflective Cycle

 | Description:                         What happened?
 | Feelings:                            What were your reactions and feelings?
 | Evaluation:                          What was good or bad about the
 | Analysis:         What sense can you make of the situation?
 | Conclusions:      (general) What can be concluded, in a
                      general sense, from these experiences and
                      the analyses you have undertaken?
 | Conclusions:      (specific) What can be concluded about
                      your own specific, unique, personal;
                      situation or way of working?
 | Personal action plans: What are you going to do differently in
                     this type of situation next time?
Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
What was one
          concrete experience
          during the planning
          of the zoo?


  Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Reflection on three levels:

 | Reflection on the learning material & content
        |   What did I learn? What are the associated facts? What further information do I need in
            order to understand a certain circumstance?

 | Reflection on the learning action
        |   How do I get teh relevant information? Which steps do I have to plan in order to be
            successful with my tasks? Which methods do I choose ikn order to fulfil my tasks?

 | Reflection on the learning ability
        |   Reflection about the learning process as such!
        |   How do I learn generally? What are my concrete experiences with my individual learning
            processes?What patterns can I distinguish, what are the accompanying problems, what is

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Try to classify your
          Reflections on the
          3 levels
          •Learning content
          •Learning action
          •Learning ability


  Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI

                                               Group work: Lessons Learned…

                                               Please list the most important things
                                               about reflection of learning within e-
                                               portfolio work for a short presentation
                                               for the other group

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Macrodidactical Challenges

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Macrodidactical Challenges I
(based on Lorenzo and Ittelson, Educause)

        |   ePortfolio and teaching methods, strategies and goals in your institution,
        |   availiable resources, both human and material (in terms of skills and numbers)
        |   strategic development plan of your institution

        |   interoperability and integration with other software systems (CMSs, databases and the
        |   servers performance and data back-ups
        |   technologies which support portable portfolio

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
| Screenshot von deiner softwareanalyse …

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
Macrodidactical Challenges II
(based on Lorenzo and Ittelson, Educause)

        |   system which is suitable for a growing number of users
        |   staff to support and maintain the system and the users
        |   infrastructure to train users and administrators
        |   maintanance over time

        |   securing personal data
        |   storing and securing assesments

        |   authentication of work
        |   owner of the artifacts and records (author, institution, both)
        |   what can be included in ePortfolio

Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI

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Eportfolio09 Austria - Didactical challenges

  • 1. E-Portfolio in Higher Education: Definition & Applications Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 2. E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for Higher Education July 2nd, 2009 A Workshop at the International Conference “The Potential of E-Portfolios in Higher Education” University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna Wolf Hilzensauer & Sandra Schaffert, Salzburg Research Wolf Hilzensauer & Sandra Schaffert 2009 Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 3. Who we are and what we plan to do today Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 4. Who we are… Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 5. E-Portfolio … 08/2006-07/2008 EU Project MOSEP 10-2007: Study for Practitioners in Schools & career counselling 10/2007: ePortfolio Training Course for Teachers 6-2007: Study for Practitioners in HEIs (in German) Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 6. Agenda | Presentation: E-Portfolio in Higher Education: Definition & Applications | Didactical Challenges in an Overview | Intervention: Learning something new: Planning the Zoo | Reflective Learning | Assessment of / for learning | Presentation of Results: Lessons Learned Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 7. … and what about you? your interest your e-portfolio expertise •as learner •as tutor •study programme directors •researcher •in any other way Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 8. Opening Joke Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 9. Why is learning with e-portfolio better than sex? • If you are not sure, what you are doing, you can always ask your tutor. •With a coffee you can do it the whole day (and night) photo: Matthias Pastwa, Idea: thanks to Prof. Terry Anderson for his inspiration!, p.3 Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 10. E-Portfolio in Higher Education: Definition & Applications Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 11. What is an E-Portfolio? | An e-portfolio is a digital collection of skilfully completed works of a particular person (= lat. artefacts). | Its purpose is to document and represent the product (knowledge) and the process (learning curve/increase of knowledge) of a person's achieved competencies within a specific time period and towards a particular learning goal. | The person has to decide which artefacts he/she wants to include and how to organise them in relation to his/her learning goal. | As the owner of the e-portfolio, the person has full control of who is able to see what kind of information of his/her e-portfolio, how much information and at what specific time. (Hilzensauer & Hornung-Prähauser 2006) Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 12. E-Portfolio Processes (Hilzensauer & Hornung-Prähauser 2006) Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 13. Four different applications of e-portfolio in HEI Source: Hornung-Prähauser, Geser, Hilzensauer & Schaffert 2007,39 Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 14. Exemplary realisation within one seminar (Media competencies seminar at the University Vienna) see Römmer-Nossek, Peterson, Logar & Zwiauer 2007, p. 6 Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 15. Didactical Challenges … Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 16. Micro and macro didactical challenges technical infrastructure (soft- and hardware) feedback forms design of examination materials to support assessment regulations reflection assignments criteria staff curricula development teacher (tutor)/student … interaction … organisational learning culture Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 17. Propositions for Quality in Teaching (according to NBPTS, 2002) | Teachers are committed to students and their learning. | Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. | Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. | Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. | Teachers are members of learning communities. Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 18. Missing concrete descriptions within the e-portfolio approach “ en hes p all „o roac description gap: ng: l app itti iona f t learning settings, d uca e concrete assignments, … (Hilzensauer & Hornung-Prähauser 2006) Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 19. Learning something new: Planning a Zoo Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 20. Your prior knowledge What do you already know about planning of zoos? What are your assumptions? What are your preferences in the zoo? Please take some notes Source: Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 21. Assignment: Plan a zoo! | Background: | We are all members of a learning group within an e-portfolio process | Our common learning goal is to get a better knowledge about keeping of animals in zoos. | For this we decided to plan a zoo and to document our learning steps and results within our e-portfolio | Why: | To get a common learning experience, we want to give you a short task: the development of a zoo plan. | The explicite goal is to plan a zoo | The inherent learning goal is to get a better knowledge about keeping of animals in zoos. Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 22. Method | Design based approach | is an open educational practice (as group work or project work), which could be a part of the learning process within or parallel to a e-portfolio work (ref. Heidrun Allert, Gabi Reinmann, Terry Anderson) Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 23. Discussion What did you learn? How can you document this learning processes within your e-portfolio? Source: Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 24. Peter Scott & Roddy Rube Future Learning and the importance of assessment and reflection See the interview @ Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 25. Assessment within the e-portfolio work Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 26. Fair assessment … Quelle: Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 27. Group Work After some weeks of planning the zoo, your learning progress, your learning results and competencies about keeping of animals in zoos will be assessed. Please discuss (take some notes on moderation cards) about the criteria: According to which criteria should (or could) your e-portfolio be assessed?“ Source: Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 28. Why is assessment important? | fair assessment of competencies or learning outcomes is the foundation for democratic society, where jobs and opportunities are not a question of birth or money | it is also needed to monitor and evaluate the learning processes as feedback for learners and teachers | it defines and directs the learning process directly and indirectly as a “hidden curriculum” | assessment is unloved, but important Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 29. It is important that … | the learning goals and the assessment criteria fit together | the assessment procedure and processes support and foster the anticipated way of learning Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 30. Assessment of and for learning (Assessment Reform Group 2002) | Assessment of learning is: | Assessment for learning is: | Purpose prescribed | Purpose negotiated | Artifacts mandated - scoring | Artifacts chosen - feedback to for external use learner | Organized by teacher | Organized by learner | Summative (past to present) | Formative (present to future) | Institution-centered | Student-centered | Requires extrinsic motivation | intrinsically motivating Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 31. Characteristics of assessment with e-portfolio | A lot of preparation for the learner, | Diverse materials (including reflection about learning) | Subjective criteria, sometimes objective, class-wide criteria | Rating and evaluation takes a long time and is – mostly – subjective | … portfolio can enable a more holistic, individual, learning supportive assessment: “From the viewpoint of assessment, the rationale for portfolios is clear: there are a number of valuable activities and attainments that cannot be assessed using the format of timed tests” (McCusker, Pead & Ridgway, 2006 Report 10: Literature Review of e-assessment. Bristol: Future Lab.). Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 32. Group Work 1) Find criteria: How should a teacher measure and assess your e-portfolio if (s)he likes to support your future learning progress? (FOR learning) • Find criteria: How should a teacher measure and assess your e-portfolio if (s)he likes to evaluate your learning outcomes ? (OF learning) 3) Discuss the differences! Source: Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 33. Assessment within e-portfolio should be built on the following ideas | The learner are involved and authorized to make own decisions concerning their learning goals and learning | The learners are involved in the development of assessment criteria and rules | The learners have a open space to bring in own interests or competencies into the assessment situation | The feedback of the assessment should be given in an appropriate and appreciative manner, e.g. as a comment and not through marks. | Peers should be involved in the assessment process Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 34. Assessing the mature of an e-portfolio by Challis (2005) | Selection of material (e.g. relevant – everything tied to the set purpose and audience, carefully selected to make obvious specific points, no unprocessed or trivial material) | Level of reflection (e.g. reveals deep understanding, illustrated self- awareness and growth, incorporates and is responsive to feedback from others) | Content (e.g. reveals considerable thought over a period of time, is contextualized, reveals personality as well as thought, all text is accurately) | Use of multi-media (enhances content and engages, appropriate and purposeful, high quality audio/video, non-distracting) | Design (e.g. uncluttered and elegant, graphics are in accord with portfolio’s purpose and its creator, no distracting elements, connections are readily made | Navigation (e.g. clear- intuitive, allows users to select their own pathway(s), fully hyperlinked). Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 35. Group work: Lessons Learned… Please list the most important things about assessment within e-portfolio work for a short presentation for the other group Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 36. Fostering Reflection of Learning Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 37. Theoretical Approaches of Reflection | John Dewey - Inquiry based learning | Klaus Holzkamp – Subject theory | David A. Kolb – Learning cycle | Donald A. Schön – Reflective practitioner | D. Boud, R. Keogh, D. Walker: Reflection – experience into learning | Graham Gibbs – Reflective Cycle Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 38. John Dewey - Inquiry based learning | Transfer experience from a primary level (practical experience) through reflection on to a secondary level (theoretical knwoledge). | 5 stages: | Primary experience through practical work | Reflecting about the encountered problems | Abstracting the findings and transfer to the secondary (theoretical) experience | Building of general hypothesis | Evaluation by applying in a practical environment Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 39. David A. Kolb: Experiential Learning Cycle Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 40. Graham Gibbs – Reflective Cycle | Description: What happened? | Feelings: What were your reactions and feelings? | Evaluation: What was good or bad about the experience? | Analysis: What sense can you make of the situation? | Conclusions: (general) What can be concluded, in a general sense, from these experiences and the analyses you have undertaken? | Conclusions: (specific) What can be concluded about your own specific, unique, personal; situation or way of working? | Personal action plans: What are you going to do differently in this type of situation next time? Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 41. What was one concrete experience during the planning of the zoo? Source: Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 42. Reflection on three levels: | Reflection on the learning material & content | What did I learn? What are the associated facts? What further information do I need in order to understand a certain circumstance? | Reflection on the learning action | How do I get teh relevant information? Which steps do I have to plan in order to be successful with my tasks? Which methods do I choose ikn order to fulfil my tasks? | Reflection on the learning ability | Reflection about the learning process as such! | How do I learn generally? What are my concrete experiences with my individual learning processes?What patterns can I distinguish, what are the accompanying problems, what is helpful? Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 43. Try to classify your Reflections on the 3 levels •Learning content •Learning action •Learning ability Source: Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 44. Group work: Lessons Learned… Please list the most important things about reflection of learning within e- portfolio work for a short presentation for the other group Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 45. Macrodidactical Challenges Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 46. Macrodidactical Challenges I (based on Lorenzo and Ittelson, Educause) | ADOPTION | ePortfolio and teaching methods, strategies and goals in your institution, | availiable resources, both human and material (in terms of skills and numbers) | strategic development plan of your institution | HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE | interoperability and integration with other software systems (CMSs, databases and the like) | servers performance and data back-ups | technologies which support portable portfolio Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 47. | Screenshot von deiner softwareanalyse … Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 48. Macrodidactical Challenges II (based on Lorenzo and Ittelson, Educause) | SUPPORT AND SCALABILITY | system which is suitable for a growing number of users | staff to support and maintain the system and the users | infrastructure to train users and administrators | maintanance over time | SECURITY AND PRIVACY | securing personal data | storing and securing assesments | OWNERSHIP AND IPR | authentication of work | owner of the artifacts and records (author, institution, both) | what can be included in ePortfolio Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 49. Contact Wolf Hilzensauer, Sandra Schaffert Salzburg Research Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5/III A-5020 Salzburg Phone: +43-662-2288-429 Fax: +43-662-2288-222 (Sandra’s personal Weblog) (Wolf’s personal Weblog) Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI
  • 50. References & Resources MOSEP E-Portfolio-Tutorials Futurelab: Literature Review of E-Assessment … E-Assessment Weblog Geoffrey Crisp: e-Assess- ment Handbook (48 €) Hilzensauer & Schaffert (2009): E-Portfolios: Didactical Challenges for HEI