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WHO definition of Health
• Health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
• “ good health means to be fit physically and
emotionally as well as being illness-free. When
one thing is off, our health is out of balance. In
order to have good health, we have to have
proper nutrition, stay active and take the time to
mentally take care of our body and emotions.”
Top 10 Reasons to Stay Healthy
• Live Longer
• Thrive Not Just Survive
• More Energy
• Avoid Disease/Illness
• Keep Medical Costs Down
• For your Kids and Grandkids
• Empowerment and Confidence
• Look Better
• Better Mental Health
• Better Married and social Life
• A disease is a particular
abnormal, pathological condition that affects part or all
of an organism. It is often construed as a medical
condition associated with specific
symptoms and signs. It may be caused by factors
originally from an external source, such as infectious
disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions,
such as autoimmune diseases.
• In humans, "disease" is often used more broadly to
refer to any condition that
causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or
death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for
those in contact with the person
• There are four main types of disease:
• Deficiency disease
• Pathogenic disease
• Hereditary disease
• Physiological disease
• Deficiency diseases can be caused by insufficient
intake and usage of iron or protein, and there are
other diseases that occur when a person's diet
lacks or is too low in a certain vitamin.
• Among the most well known of these
are beriberi, pellagra, pernicious anemia,
scurvy, rickets, and osteo malacia.
• Generally, such diseases can be treated
successfully and even cured by ensuring that the
nutritional needs of the body are met on a daily
basis unless a person is fasting
Iron Deficiency
• An iron deficiency can result if a person suffers significant
blood loss, if a person has a diet poor in this mineral, or if a
person's body has a decreased ability to absorb iron.
• A common form of anemia can usually be prevented by
ingesting foods that are naturally high in iron, like legumes,
molasses, whole heirloom grains such as spelt, and leafy
green vegetables, preferably those that have been
organically grown.
• Certain groups of people, such as women of childbearing
age, have a higher risk of suffering iron deficiency. Among
the symptoms of this condition are fatigue, pain in the
chest and shortness of breath.
• Scurvy is a disease that affects the blood vessels, skin, and
the body’s healing process, resulting in anemia,
hemorrhaging of the skin, and gum disease (gingivitis).
• Scurvy occurs when your diet is deficient in vitamin C.
Scurvy is uncommon in the United States, and those most
at risk are older adults and alcoholics suffering from
• Most people are aware that scurvy can develop if the diet
lacks ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. Eating fresh citrus fruits
and a variety of fresh, organically grown vegetables is all
that is required to prevent, treat or cure scurvy, which
rarely is seen in industrialized nations.
Protein deficiency diseases
• Protein deficiency diseases could be caused by
a person's failure to consume sufficient
amounts of high-quality protein, resulting in
abnormal growth and maintenance of tissue.
Wounds generally do not heal as quickly as
they should in these individuals.
Pernicious anemia
• Pernicious anemia is a condition that can
develop if a person's diet is lacking in vitamin
B12, also known as cobalamin. Symptoms are
Common signs and symptoms of pernicious
anemia are:
– Feeling tired and weak
– Tingling and numbness in hands and feet
– A bright red, smooth tongue
• The deficiency diseases rickets in children is defective
mineralization or calcification of bones before epiphysis closure in
immature mammals due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of
vitamin D, phosphorus or calcium, potentially leading to fractures
and deformity.
• Rickets is among the most frequent childhood diseases in many
developing countries. The predominant cause is a vitamin
D deficiency, but lack of adequate calcium in the diet may also lead
to rickets (cases of severe diarrhea and vomiting may be the cause
of the deficiency).
• Grains, fruits and vegetables, unfortunately, are poor sources of this
nutrient, which can be formed in the skin when it is moderately
exposed to sunlight. In some countries, such as the United States,
milk often is fortified with vitamin D to help prevent these
• Beriberi is a very serious disease Symptoms of beriberi
include weightloss, emotional disturbances,
impaired sensory perception, weakness and pain in the
limbs, and periods of irregular heart rate.
• Edema (swelling of bodily tissues) is common. It may
increase the amount of lactic acid and py ruvic acid within
the blood. In advanced cases, the disease may cause high
output cardiac failure and death. this can prove quickly
fatal in infants. It is caused by insufficient intake of vitamin
B1 or thiamine. Rich food sources of this nutrient include
whole grain rice, nuts and leafy green vegetables. In some
nations, white rice is fortified with vitamin B1 to help
prevent the development of beriberi.
• Pellagra, a deadly disease, is caused by a diet deficient
or lacking in vitamin B3 or niacin. Symptoms include
diarrhea, depression, dermatitis, dementia, and finally
death. This nutrient is abundantly provided in whole
heirloom grains, nuts, seeds, bananas, figs, prunes,
potatoes and legumes. Diseases caused by a deficiency
of a nutrient, fortunately, usually are simple to treat
and cure by supplying the body with the nutrients that
it requires to maintain vital life functions.
• Infection is the invasion of a host organism's
body tissues by disease-causing agents, their
multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to
these organisms and the toxins they
produce. Infectious diseases, also known as
transmissible diseases or communicable
diseases, comprise clinically evident illness (i.e.,
characteristic medical
signs and/or symptoms of disease) resulting from
the infection, presence and growth
of pathogenic biological agents in an
individual host organism.
• Infections are caused by infectious
agents such as viruses, viroids,
and prions,microorganisms such
as bacteria, nematodes such
as roundworms and
pinworms, arthropods such
as ticks, mites, fleas, and lice, fungi such as
ringworm, and other macro parasites such
as tapeworms.
Comparison of viral and bacterial infection
Viral infection
• In general, viral infections are systemic.
This means they involve many different
parts of the body or more than one
body system at the same time; i.e. a
runny nose, sinus congestion, cough,
body aches etc. They can be local at
times as in viral conjunctivitisor "pink
eye" and herpes. Only a few viral
infections are painful, like herpes. The
pain of viral infections is often
described as itchy or burning.]
Bacterial infection
• The classic symptoms of a bacterial
infection are localized redness,
heat, swelling and pain. One of the
hallmarks of a bacterial infection is
local pain, pain that is in a specific
part of the body. For example, if a
cut occurs and is infected with
bacteria, pain occurs at the site of
the infection. Bacterial throat pain
is often characterized by more pain
on one side of the throat. An ear
infection is more likely to be
diagnosed as bacterial if the pain
occurs in only one ear. A cut that
produces pus and milky-colored
liquid is most likely infected.
• An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune
system.[1] Symptomsinclude red eyes, itchiness,
and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack.
Allergies can play a major role in conditions such
as asthma. In some people, severe allergies to
environmental or dietary allergens or
to medicationmay result in life-threatening reactions
called anaphylaxis. Food allergies and reactions to
the venom of stinging insects such
as wasps and bees are more often associated with
these severe reactions. Not all reactions
orintolerances are forms of allergy.
Common symptoms
Affected organ
Gastrointestinal tract
swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis) runny nose, sneezing
allergic sinusitis
redness and itching of the conjunctiva (allergic conjunctivitis, watery
Sneezing, coughing, bronchoconstriction, wheezingand dyspnea, sometimes ou
feeling of fullness, possibly pain, and impaired hearing due to the lack of eustac
rashes, such as eczema and hives (urticaria)
abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea
• Respiratory disease is a medical term that
encompasses pathological conditions affecting
the organs and tissues that make gas exchange
possible in higher organisms, and includes
conditions of the upper respiratory tract,
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, pleura and
pleural cavity, and the nerves and muscles
of breathing. Respiratory diseases range from
mild and self-limiting, such as the common cold,
to life-threatening entities like bacterial
pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and lung
• The study of respiratory disease is known
as pulmonology. A doctor who specializes in
respiratory disease is known as a
pulmonologist, a chest medicine specialist, a
respiratory medicine specialist, a respirologist
or a thoracic medicine specialist.
Some respiratory diseases
Asthma is a serious condition in which the small
airways of the affected person's lungs suddenly
constrict when they are exposed to certain triggers,
such as dust mites,pollen, exercise, or even dry air.
During an asthma 'attack', the person's airway lining
rapidly becomes inflamed and swollen, the muscles
around the airways tighten, and excess mucus is
produced as the body reacts to the trigger. This
reaction causes reduced airflow into and out of the
lungs, and the person has to gasp for breath.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited, life-limiting disease that
affects the body's exocrine glands, which produce mucus, saliva,
sweat and tears. In CF, a genetic mutation disrupts the delicate
balance of sodium, chloride and water within cells, causing the
exocrine glands to secrete fluids that are poorly hydrated and
therefore thicker and stickier than fluids in people without CF. This
leads to chronic problems in various systems of the body,
particularly the lungs and pancreas, and the digestive and
reproductive systems.
• In the lungs of a CF patient, the thick mucus and the thinning of
the airway surface liquid make it nearly impossible for the cilia to
clear bacteria from the airway. This severely impairs the natural
airway-clearing processes and increases the potential for bacteria
to be trapped, leading to respiratory infections that may require
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD)
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is a generalized
term for a group of diseases that involve progressive narrowing of
the airways that service the lungs. This airway narrowing cannot
generally be reversed resulting in labored breathing and poor
oxygen transfer from the lungs.
• People with COPD have excessive mucus build up in their airways
and a chronic troublesome cough. The most common diseases
classified as COPD are emphysema, chronic bronchitis and
bronchiectasis. In chronic bronchitis, the airways become inflamed,
and the bronchial walls thicken. These changes and the loss of
supporting alveoli limit airflow by allowing the airway walls to
deform and narrow.
• COPD was responsible for 3 million deaths in 2005 and the WHO
predicts that by 2030, it will be the third largest cause of mortality
• Bronchiectasis is a progressive lung disease, affecting
600,000 people worldwide. It is often mistaken for
asthma or pneumonia and misdiagnosis is common.In
this disease the airway walls are chronically inflamed,
with poor clearing of the increased mucus production.
Chronic inflammation of the walls of the airway is
common to all types of bronchiectasis.
• Effects include:
 Reduced lung capacity
 Poor gas-exchange
 Changes of the organisation of blood vessels
 Overall increased blood flow through the lungs.
• Cardiovascular disease is a class of diseases that involve
the heart, the blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins)
or both.
• Cardiovascular disease refers to any disease that affects
the cardiovascular system, principally cardiac disease,
vascular diseases of the brain and kidney, and peripheral
arterial disease. The causes of cardiovascular disease are
diverse but atherosclerosis and hypertension are the most
common. In addition, with aging come a number
of physiological and morphological changes that alter
cardiovascular function and lead to increased risk of
cardiovascular disease, even in healthy asymptomatic
• Coronary artery disease (also known as coronary heart disease and ischemic heart disease)
• Cardio myopathy – diseases of cardiac muscle
• Hypertensive heart disease – diseases of the heart secondary to high blood
pressure or hypertension
• Heart failure
• Pulmonary heart disease – a failure at the right side of the heart with respiratory system
• Cardiac dysrhythmias – abnormalities of heart rhythm
• Inflammatory heart disease
– Endocarditis – inflammation of the inner layer of the heart, the endocardium. The structures most
commonly involved are the heart valves.
– Inflammatory cardiomegaly
– Myocarditis – inflammation of the myocardium, the muscular part of the heart.
• Valvular heart disease
• Cerebrovascular disease – disease of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain (includes stroke)
• Peripheral arterial disease – disease of blood vessels that supply blood to the arms and legs
• Congenital heart disease – heart structure malformations existing at birth
• Rheumatic heart disease – heart muscles and valves damage due to rheumatic fever caused
by Streptococcus pyogenes a group A streptococcal infection.
• Hygiene (which comes from the name of the
Greek goddess of health, Hygieia), is a set of
practices performed for the preservation
of health. Whereas in popular culture and
parlance it can often mean mere 'cleanliness',
hygiene in its fullest and original meaning
goes much beyond that to include all
circumstances and practices, lifestyle issues,
premises and commodities that engender a
safe and healthy environment.
Good personal hygiene habits include:
• washing the body often
• swim or a wash all over the body with a wet
sponge or cloth will do
• cleaning the teeth at least once a day
• Brushing the teeth after each meal is the best
way of making sure that gum disease and
tooth decay are avoided
• washing the hair with soap or shampoo at
least once a week
• washing hands with soap after going to the toilet
• During normal daily activities, such as working
and playing, disease causing germs may get onto
the hands and under the nails. If the germs are
not washed off before preparing food or eating,
they may get onto the food
• changing into clean clothes. Dirty clothes should
be washed with laundry soap before wearing
them again
• hanging clothes in the sun to dry. The sun's rays
will kill some disease-causing germs and parasites
• turning away from other people and covering the
nose and mouth with a tissue or the hand when
coughing or sneezing
• If this is not done, droplets of liquid containing
germs from the nose and mouth will be spread in
the air and other people can breathe them in, or
the droplets can get onto food.
• Food refers to anything that is eaten to provide energy
and keep the body healthy
• Nutrition education is very important in the life of
every human being. Think about what would happen to
you if you do not eat the right kinds of food over a long
period or if you do not know how to cook your food
well to get the necessary nutrients.
• Economic status refers to the amount of money you
have to spend that is whether you are rich or poor.
Your economic status affects your food habits because
the types of food you choose would depend on how
much money you have
• All ethnic groups have their own food customs. As
cultural groups develop over the ages they formed
their own living patterns which included food customs
• Food patterns are influenced by religious beliefs. What
foods people can eat or cannot eat have been dictated
by their religious beliefs. For example, Moslems do not
eat pork because Islam forbids them to eat it.
• Meal management practices include the skills you have
and the time and energy you have for meal preparation
and service.
• The kinds of food available to you usually are the foods
you eat. Even though food may be imported from
other countries, most people depend on locally grown
food products for their basic or staple food
• Government policies, transportation systems and
These also have effect on availability of food. Some
government policies affect the supply and price of
food. Governments also import or export food which
have some effect on the prices of these foods.
• 1 Always eat breakfast
• 2 Eat your fruit and veg
• 3 Take time to shop each week
• 4 Walk for 10,000 steps or exercise for an hour
each day
• 5 Sit down at the table to eat
• 6 Always carry a protein-rich snack with you
• 7 Have a green tea after meals
• 8 Always carry a water bottle
• 9 Choose wholegrain, low-GI bread and
breakfast cereal
• 10 Always eat carbohydrates and proteins
• Cleanliness is both the abstract state of being
clean and free from dirt, and the process of
achieving and maintaining that state.
• Cleanliness may be endowed with a moral
quality, as indicated by
the aphorism "cleanliness is next
to godliness," and may be regarded as
contributing to other ideals such
as health and beauty
environment public health - unit 3
environment public health - unit 3

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environment public health - unit 3

  • 1. WHO definition of Health • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. • “ good health means to be fit physically and emotionally as well as being illness-free. When one thing is off, our health is out of balance. In order to have good health, we have to have proper nutrition, stay active and take the time to mentally take care of our body and emotions.”
  • 2. Top 10 Reasons to Stay Healthy • Live Longer • Thrive Not Just Survive • More Energy • Avoid Disease/Illness • Keep Medical Costs Down • For your Kids and Grandkids • Empowerment and Confidence
  • 3. • Look Better • Better Mental Health • Better Married and social Life
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. DISEASE • A disease is a particular abnormal, pathological condition that affects part or all of an organism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs. It may be caused by factors originally from an external source, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases. • In humans, "disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person
  • 8. TYPES OF DISEASES: • There are four main types of disease: • Deficiency disease • Pathogenic disease • Hereditary disease • Physiological disease
  • 9. DEFICIENCY DISEASE • Deficiency diseases can be caused by insufficient intake and usage of iron or protein, and there are other diseases that occur when a person's diet lacks or is too low in a certain vitamin. • Among the most well known of these are beriberi, pellagra, pernicious anemia, scurvy, rickets, and osteo malacia. • Generally, such diseases can be treated successfully and even cured by ensuring that the nutritional needs of the body are met on a daily basis unless a person is fasting
  • 10. Iron Deficiency • An iron deficiency can result if a person suffers significant blood loss, if a person has a diet poor in this mineral, or if a person's body has a decreased ability to absorb iron. • A common form of anemia can usually be prevented by ingesting foods that are naturally high in iron, like legumes, molasses, whole heirloom grains such as spelt, and leafy green vegetables, preferably those that have been organically grown. • Certain groups of people, such as women of childbearing age, have a higher risk of suffering iron deficiency. Among the symptoms of this condition are fatigue, pain in the chest and shortness of breath.
  • 11. SCURVY • Scurvy is a disease that affects the blood vessels, skin, and the body’s healing process, resulting in anemia, hemorrhaging of the skin, and gum disease (gingivitis). • Scurvy occurs when your diet is deficient in vitamin C. Scurvy is uncommon in the United States, and those most at risk are older adults and alcoholics suffering from malnutrition. • Most people are aware that scurvy can develop if the diet lacks ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. Eating fresh citrus fruits and a variety of fresh, organically grown vegetables is all that is required to prevent, treat or cure scurvy, which rarely is seen in industrialized nations.
  • 12. Protein deficiency diseases • Protein deficiency diseases could be caused by a person's failure to consume sufficient amounts of high-quality protein, resulting in abnormal growth and maintenance of tissue. Wounds generally do not heal as quickly as they should in these individuals.
  • 13.
  • 14. Pernicious anemia • Pernicious anemia is a condition that can develop if a person's diet is lacking in vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. Symptoms are Common signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia are: – Feeling tired and weak – Tingling and numbness in hands and feet – A bright red, smooth tongue
  • 15.
  • 16. RICKETS • The deficiency diseases rickets in children is defective mineralization or calcification of bones before epiphysis closure in immature mammals due to deficiency or impaired metabolism of vitamin D, phosphorus or calcium, potentially leading to fractures and deformity. • Rickets is among the most frequent childhood diseases in many developing countries. The predominant cause is a vitamin D deficiency, but lack of adequate calcium in the diet may also lead to rickets (cases of severe diarrhea and vomiting may be the cause of the deficiency). • Grains, fruits and vegetables, unfortunately, are poor sources of this nutrient, which can be formed in the skin when it is moderately exposed to sunlight. In some countries, such as the United States, milk often is fortified with vitamin D to help prevent these conditions.
  • 17.
  • 18. Beriberi • Beriberi is a very serious disease Symptoms of beriberi include weightloss, emotional disturbances, impaired sensory perception, weakness and pain in the limbs, and periods of irregular heart rate. • Edema (swelling of bodily tissues) is common. It may increase the amount of lactic acid and py ruvic acid within the blood. In advanced cases, the disease may cause high output cardiac failure and death. this can prove quickly fatal in infants. It is caused by insufficient intake of vitamin B1 or thiamine. Rich food sources of this nutrient include whole grain rice, nuts and leafy green vegetables. In some nations, white rice is fortified with vitamin B1 to help prevent the development of beriberi.
  • 19.
  • 20. Pellagra • Pellagra, a deadly disease, is caused by a diet deficient or lacking in vitamin B3 or niacin. Symptoms include diarrhea, depression, dermatitis, dementia, and finally death. This nutrient is abundantly provided in whole heirloom grains, nuts, seeds, bananas, figs, prunes, potatoes and legumes. Diseases caused by a deficiency of a nutrient, fortunately, usually are simple to treat and cure by supplying the body with the nutrients that it requires to maintain vital life functions.
  • 21.
  • 22. INFECTIONS • Infection is the invasion of a host organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce. Infectious diseases, also known as transmissible diseases or communicable diseases, comprise clinically evident illness (i.e., characteristic medical signs and/or symptoms of disease) resulting from the infection, presence and growth of pathogenic biological agents in an individual host organism.
  • 23. • Infections are caused by infectious agents such as viruses, viroids, and prions,microorganisms such as bacteria, nematodes such as roundworms and pinworms, arthropods such as ticks, mites, fleas, and lice, fungi such as ringworm, and other macro parasites such as tapeworms.
  • 24. Comparison of viral and bacterial infection Characteristic Viral infection • In general, viral infections are systemic. This means they involve many different parts of the body or more than one body system at the same time; i.e. a runny nose, sinus congestion, cough, body aches etc. They can be local at times as in viral conjunctivitisor "pink eye" and herpes. Only a few viral infections are painful, like herpes. The pain of viral infections is often described as itchy or burning.] Bacterial infection • The classic symptoms of a bacterial infection are localized redness, heat, swelling and pain. One of the hallmarks of a bacterial infection is local pain, pain that is in a specific part of the body. For example, if a cut occurs and is infected with bacteria, pain occurs at the site of the infection. Bacterial throat pain is often characterized by more pain on one side of the throat. An ear infection is more likely to be diagnosed as bacterial if the pain occurs in only one ear. A cut that produces pus and milky-colored liquid is most likely infected.
  • 25. ALLERGIES • An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system.[1] Symptomsinclude red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack. Allergies can play a major role in conditions such as asthma. In some people, severe allergies to environmental or dietary allergens or to medicationmay result in life-threatening reactions called anaphylaxis. Food allergies and reactions to the venom of stinging insects such as wasps and bees are more often associated with these severe reactions. Not all reactions orintolerances are forms of allergy.
  • 26. Common symptoms Affected organ Nose Sinuses Eyes Airways Ears Skin Gastrointestinal tract Symptom swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis) runny nose, sneezing allergic sinusitis redness and itching of the conjunctiva (allergic conjunctivitis, watery Sneezing, coughing, bronchoconstriction, wheezingand dyspnea, sometimes ou feeling of fullness, possibly pain, and impaired hearing due to the lack of eustac rashes, such as eczema and hives (urticaria) abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea
  • 27. RESPIRATORY DISEASES • Respiratory disease is a medical term that encompasses pathological conditions affecting the organs and tissues that make gas exchange possible in higher organisms, and includes conditions of the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, pleura and pleural cavity, and the nerves and muscles of breathing. Respiratory diseases range from mild and self-limiting, such as the common cold, to life-threatening entities like bacterial pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and lung cancer.
  • 28. • The study of respiratory disease is known as pulmonology. A doctor who specializes in respiratory disease is known as a pulmonologist, a chest medicine specialist, a respiratory medicine specialist, a respirologist or a thoracic medicine specialist.
  • 29. Some respiratory diseases • ASTHMA Asthma is a serious condition in which the small airways of the affected person's lungs suddenly constrict when they are exposed to certain triggers, such as dust mites,pollen, exercise, or even dry air. During an asthma 'attack', the person's airway lining rapidly becomes inflamed and swollen, the muscles around the airways tighten, and excess mucus is produced as the body reacts to the trigger. This reaction causes reduced airflow into and out of the lungs, and the person has to gasp for breath.
  • 30. • CYSTIC FIBROSIS Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited, life-limiting disease that affects the body's exocrine glands, which produce mucus, saliva, sweat and tears. In CF, a genetic mutation disrupts the delicate balance of sodium, chloride and water within cells, causing the exocrine glands to secrete fluids that are poorly hydrated and therefore thicker and stickier than fluids in people without CF. This leads to chronic problems in various systems of the body, particularly the lungs and pancreas, and the digestive and reproductive systems. • In the lungs of a CF patient, the thick mucus and the thinning of the airway surface liquid make it nearly impossible for the cilia to clear bacteria from the airway. This severely impairs the natural airway-clearing processes and increases the potential for bacteria to be trapped, leading to respiratory infections that may require hospitalization.
  • 31. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is a generalized term for a group of diseases that involve progressive narrowing of the airways that service the lungs. This airway narrowing cannot generally be reversed resulting in labored breathing and poor oxygen transfer from the lungs. • People with COPD have excessive mucus build up in their airways and a chronic troublesome cough. The most common diseases classified as COPD are emphysema, chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis. In chronic bronchitis, the airways become inflamed, and the bronchial walls thicken. These changes and the loss of supporting alveoli limit airflow by allowing the airway walls to deform and narrow. • COPD was responsible for 3 million deaths in 2005 and the WHO predicts that by 2030, it will be the third largest cause of mortality worldwide
  • 32. Bronchiectasis • Bronchiectasis is a progressive lung disease, affecting 600,000 people worldwide. It is often mistaken for asthma or pneumonia and misdiagnosis is common.In this disease the airway walls are chronically inflamed, with poor clearing of the increased mucus production. Chronic inflammation of the walls of the airway is common to all types of bronchiectasis. • Effects include:  Reduced lung capacity  Poor gas-exchange  Changes of the organisation of blood vessels  Overall increased blood flow through the lungs.
  • 33. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES: • Cardiovascular disease is a class of diseases that involve the heart, the blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins) or both. • Cardiovascular disease refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system, principally cardiac disease, vascular diseases of the brain and kidney, and peripheral arterial disease. The causes of cardiovascular disease are diverse but atherosclerosis and hypertension are the most common. In addition, with aging come a number of physiological and morphological changes that alter cardiovascular function and lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even in healthy asymptomatic individuals.
  • 34. Types: • Coronary artery disease (also known as coronary heart disease and ischemic heart disease) • Cardio myopathy – diseases of cardiac muscle • Hypertensive heart disease – diseases of the heart secondary to high blood pressure or hypertension • Heart failure • Pulmonary heart disease – a failure at the right side of the heart with respiratory system involvement • Cardiac dysrhythmias – abnormalities of heart rhythm • Inflammatory heart disease – Endocarditis – inflammation of the inner layer of the heart, the endocardium. The structures most commonly involved are the heart valves. – Inflammatory cardiomegaly – Myocarditis – inflammation of the myocardium, the muscular part of the heart. • Valvular heart disease • Cerebrovascular disease – disease of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain (includes stroke) • Peripheral arterial disease – disease of blood vessels that supply blood to the arms and legs • Congenital heart disease – heart structure malformations existing at birth • Rheumatic heart disease – heart muscles and valves damage due to rheumatic fever caused by Streptococcus pyogenes a group A streptococcal infection.
  • 35. Hygiene • Hygiene (which comes from the name of the Greek goddess of health, Hygieia), is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health. Whereas in popular culture and parlance it can often mean mere 'cleanliness', hygiene in its fullest and original meaning goes much beyond that to include all circumstances and practices, lifestyle issues, premises and commodities that engender a safe and healthy environment.
  • 36. Good personal hygiene habits include:
  • 37. • washing the body often • swim or a wash all over the body with a wet sponge or cloth will do • cleaning the teeth at least once a day • Brushing the teeth after each meal is the best way of making sure that gum disease and tooth decay are avoided • washing the hair with soap or shampoo at least once a week
  • 38. • washing hands with soap after going to the toilet • During normal daily activities, such as working and playing, disease causing germs may get onto the hands and under the nails. If the germs are not washed off before preparing food or eating, they may get onto the food • changing into clean clothes. Dirty clothes should be washed with laundry soap before wearing them again
  • 39. • hanging clothes in the sun to dry. The sun's rays will kill some disease-causing germs and parasites • turning away from other people and covering the nose and mouth with a tissue or the hand when coughing or sneezing • If this is not done, droplets of liquid containing germs from the nose and mouth will be spread in the air and other people can breathe them in, or the droplets can get onto food.
  • 40. FOOD HABITS AND CLEANLINESS • Food refers to anything that is eaten to provide energy and keep the body healthy • Nutrition education is very important in the life of every human being. Think about what would happen to you if you do not eat the right kinds of food over a long period or if you do not know how to cook your food well to get the necessary nutrients. • Economic status refers to the amount of money you have to spend that is whether you are rich or poor. Your economic status affects your food habits because the types of food you choose would depend on how much money you have
  • 41. • All ethnic groups have their own food customs. As cultural groups develop over the ages they formed their own living patterns which included food customs • Food patterns are influenced by religious beliefs. What foods people can eat or cannot eat have been dictated by their religious beliefs. For example, Moslems do not eat pork because Islam forbids them to eat it. • Meal management practices include the skills you have and the time and energy you have for meal preparation and service.
  • 42. • The kinds of food available to you usually are the foods you eat. Even though food may be imported from other countries, most people depend on locally grown food products for their basic or staple food • Government policies, transportation systems and technology These also have effect on availability of food. Some government policies affect the supply and price of food. Governments also import or export food which have some effect on the prices of these foods.
  • 43. SOME GOOD FOOD HABITS ARE; • 1 Always eat breakfast • 2 Eat your fruit and veg • 3 Take time to shop each week • 4 Walk for 10,000 steps or exercise for an hour each day • 5 Sit down at the table to eat • 6 Always carry a protein-rich snack with you • 7 Have a green tea after meals
  • 44. • 8 Always carry a water bottle • 9 Choose wholegrain, low-GI bread and breakfast cereal • 10 Always eat carbohydrates and proteins together
  • 45. Cleanliness • Cleanliness is both the abstract state of being clean and free from dirt, and the process of achieving and maintaining that state. • Cleanliness may be endowed with a moral quality, as indicated by the aphorism "cleanliness is next to godliness," and may be regarded as contributing to other ideals such as health and beauty