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Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change       1

    Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change

                              By Greg Munno /

                                  For Professor Makana Chock

              S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication, Syracuse University

                                      December 15, 2011
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                    2


       Early childhood experiences effect people their whole lives. Exposure to substance

abusers, malnutrition, stress, and other negative experiences early in life have been shown to

have a lasting impact, leading to lower levels of educational attainment, higher rates of

incarceration, and elevated risk of chronic disease.

       Meanwhile, evidence shows that intervention programs that target parents of young

children have been effective in avoiding some detrimental outcomes. It has also been shown

that theory-based interventions, particularly those that utilize social cognitive theory, have had

a greater impact than interventions that lack a theoretical framework.

       This paper reviews the literature on social cognitive theory, with a focus on its potential

application to early childhood education and development programs.

       The review leads to hypotheses that predict social cognitive approaches can be

enhanced when executed within acommunity engagement framework.

       By involving the community in message creation, I predict that a program can increase

attention to its messages, increase identification with its messages, and, ultimately, can have a

greater effect on parental self-efficacy.
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                   3

    Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change

       For Albert Bandura, the human ability to learn is both the cause, and potential cure, of

our individual and collective shortcomings. “Infants,” Bandura writes, “exhibit sensitivity to

causal relations between environmental events even in the first months of life” (2006, p. 169).

In other words, our environment starts to shape us immediately.

       Yet humans also shape their environment and each other. We are capable of learning

far more than we experience directly. We can deduce from one experience what similar action

in a different context might bear. We can learn from watching other people, the process of

social learning. For Bandura, both deduction and social learning are made possible by the

uniquely human trait of symbolic modeling. “It is with symbols that people process and

transform transient experiences into cognitive models that serve as guides for judgment and

action,” he writes (2001, p. 267).

       People, then, are “self-organizing, proactive, self-reflecting, and self-regulating,” but are

nonetheless subject to both biological and social-structural forces (Bandura, 2001, p. 266). We

are both products and producers of our physical and social realities.

       Parents and community provide the raw materialsyoung humans use to create the

symbolic models on which they base their beliefs and future actions. For this reason, applying

social cognitive theory to issues of early childhood development is particularly intriguing. Social

cognitive theory-based approaches may provide the basis for a “two-for-one” intervention,

increasing the efficacy of two generations at once. If an intervention that models better

parenting leads to better parenting, then the power of the model is exponentially increased.

       This paper, then, seeks to:
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                    4

             1. Further examine social cognitive theory for the purposes of understanding how it

                 might apply to efforts to improve parenting and childhood development;

             2. Review relevant studies that test programs based on social cognitive theory;

             3. Link social cognitive theory to the literature on community engagement, and to

                 argue that such engagements could potential lead to more effective SCT-based


             4. Build hypotheses,

             5. Discuss a project the author is involved in that might provide the basis for testing

                 those hypotheses.

                                         A Case for Action

Early Childhood Development

         Bandura’s notion of human agency provides for the possibility that people can

overcome difficult upbringings. People, he writes, “intentionally influence (their) functioning

and life circumstances” (Bandura, 2006, p. 164). However, that doesn’t mean that experiences

can’t irreparably harm us, or that early experiences do not impact our abilities to act effectively

later in life.

         Stress, poor nutrition, and neglect can have a lasting impact(Grason, et al, 2004, p. 3;

Middlebrooks & Audage, 2008, p. 8).Middlebrooks and Audage, writing for the Centers for

Disease Control, found that abused children grow up to experience higher instances of teen

pregnancy, more involvement with domestic violence, and higher suicide rates (p. 8). Grason

and her colleagues at Johns Hopkinsfound that children who start school behind their cohort

rarely catch up. And yet, they also concluded that interventions promoting positive behavior
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                    5

avoided more costly interventions later (p. 3). The value of such efforts, they added, has been

recognized, as evidenced by several large initiatives underway, including the federal Healthy

Steps granting program (Grason, et al, p. 4;

Effect of Theory-based Intervention

       Public health programs are not created equal. Glanz and Bishop (2010) explicitly

compared the effectiveness of programs that were based on theory and those that were not.

They found that “public health and health-promotion interventions that are based on social and

behavioral science theories are more effective than those lacking a theoretical base” (Glanz &

Bishop, 2010, p. 399). The mechanism by which theory can aid the development and

implementation of a public health program is not well understood (p. 404). But Glanz and

Bishop speculate that the application of theory can help suggest innovative interventions.

Another possibility is that theory-based strategies signal the presence of the rigor required for

the effective planning, implementation, and measurement of effective public health programs

(p. 404).

       The authors identified four theories that have been used most often and most

effectively in developing public health programs (Glanz & Bishop, 2010, pp. 402-404):

            1. The Health Belief Model, which postulates that people’s perceptions of the risk

               and rewardsof action influence whether they actually act;

            2. The Trans-theoretical and Stages of Change models, which provide a heuristic

               for moving people through the various stages that lead to real change;

            3. Social Cognitive Theory itself; and,

            4. The Social Ecological Model, which the authors see as consistent with Social
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                    6

                Cognitive Theory, but with an application focused on system-level factors that

                affect behaviors within a population as opposed to individuals.

                                  From Message to Adjustment

       Glanz and Bishop identify several components of Social Cognitive Theory as key to public

health interventions, includingobservational learning, reinforcement, and self-efficacy.

Attention, Identification & Reinforcement

       In a public health campaign, the delivery mechanism for modeled behavior is often a

media message. For it to have any impact, the audience must first pay some attention to it

(Pajares, Prestin, Chen & Nabi, 2009, p. 287). The first part of the attention equation is simply

one of availability. We might ask: Are the message and its target audience located in the same

place within space and time, thus giving the audience an opportunity to see it? Did the target

audience actually see it? Did the audience have the ability to make any sense of the message,

or was it, perhaps, in a language they don’t even understand?

       The next salient quality of attention is identification. As Pajares and his colleagues write:

“For mediated content to positively affect audience members’ behaviors, audience members

must pay attention to attractive or similar models realistically performing relevant behaviors”

(p. 287). Such positive modeling by a model the receiver can identify with is the basis for

observational learning.

       Brown and Basil’s 1995 study of Ervin “Magic” Johnson’s announcement that he was HIV

positive offers a great example. Immediately after Johnson’s announcement, calls to the

National AIDS Hotline jumped by a factor of 10 to more than 40,000 in just one day (Brown &

Basil, p. 346). Testing sights were similarly overrun.
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                  7

       But the effect of the announcement, along with Johnson’s message that, (1) anyone can

get AIDS and (2) everyone should get tested, was not universal. Rather, those who had some

knowledge of Magic Johnson were more likely to seek testing after the announcement than

those who did not know of the celebrity sports figure (Brown & Basil, p. 361). This increase,

however, was small. More significantly, those who felt “involved” with Johnson -- peoplewho

felt an emotional, parasocial attachment to him -- were far more likely to take his message to

heart (p. 364). They identified with Johnson.

       Since many people had an attachment to Johnson -- and, crucially, since that

attachment was positive -- it had a large effect (Brown & Basil, p. 360-361). It was positively

reinforced. If Johnson was despised, people would have dismissed his revelation that

heterosexual men were at risk of contracting HIV. Likewise, if Johnson had been harshly

reprimanded for his revelation -- let’s imagine that other NBA stars ostracized him -- then his

announcement may have had the opposite effect, discouraging people from getting tested.

       So Johnson had all the attributes of a successful positive social model. He was well

known, closely followed, and had the power to grab headlines (attention). By being forthright

and urging testing, he was modeling socially beneficial behavior. Since he was well liked, well

spoken, and open, people identified with him, giving that message salience. The media, his

teammates, and others then praised him for his candor and his actions, positively reinforcing

the behavior.


       For Bandura and other social cognitive theorists, belief precedes actions. “Unless people

believe that they can produce a desired effect and forestall undesired ones by their actions,
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                      8

they have little incentive to act,” Bandura writes (2001, p. 270). Efficacy beliefs, then, are

beliefs that cause people to think optimistically or pessimistically that a change in behavior will

increase their well-being. Pajares and his colleagues go further, saying “self-efficacy beliefs are

better predictors of people’s accomplishments than their previous accomplishments,

knowledge, or skills” (p. 286).

        Have never used an iPhone before but believe you will master the technology easily? By

this theory, you have a good chance of success. This is not, however, some sort of magic -- will

it and it will be!

        Rather, through your efficacy, you have set a goal and believe you can reach it. That

bodes well for persisting when you encounter obstacles, which is also known as

resiliency(Pajares, Prestin, Chen & Nabi, 2009, p. 286). Meanwhile, high self-efficacy “will not

influence behavior when people lack the resources to undertake an activity … or do not value

the expected outcome” (Pajares, Prestin, Chen & Nabi, 2009, p. 286). Again, it’s not magic.

        But if you can show people that certain actions will have a positive effect, and that they

do, in fact, have the resources needed to take those actions, you have a chance at increasing

their self-efficacy and generating the desired behavior.

                                       Evidence of an Effect

Parenting Self-Efficacy

        A team of scholars from Arizona State University designed an ambitious study to test

social cognitive theory among Mexican American families living in the Southwest (Dumka,

Gonzales, Wheeler & Millsap, 2010, p. 522). Using a longitudinal design, they looked at:

    1. Whether the parents of teens thought they were good parents who exerted “positive
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                   9

       control” over their children. This was measured using items from the Multicultural

       Inventory of Parenting Self-Efficacy, which the Arizona State team had developed in

       2002. It asks questions such as “How good are you at praising (your child) and giving

       him/her encouragement? … How good are you at teaching (your child)? … How good are

       you at keeping control over (your child)?” (p. 527).

   2. Actual parenting behavior, which was measured with questions of whether the mother

       had clearly communicated punishments to the child and followed through on them and

       whether the mother knew of the child’s whereabouts (p. 527).

   3. Actual adolescent outcomes, a measure composed of reports from the mother, the teen

       him or herself, and two teachers (p. 527-528).

   The team concluded that the study demonstrated the generalizability of Bandura’s theories

in a cross-cultural setting (Dumka, Gonzales, Wheeler & Millsap, 2010, p. 531). A belief that

mothers could positively control their children led to more control, which led to fewer

problems among the children of high self-efficacy mothers.

   Our results … showed that Mexican American mothers’ PSE (parental self-efficacy) had
   direct causal links with adolescents’ levels of conduct problems. … Adolescents’ self-efficacy
   may develop in response to observing their parents. Mexican American adolescents with
   parents who express high self-efficacy may develop confidence in their own abilities, which
   in turn, may lead to better outcomes including decreased conduct problems (p. 531).

   A study by Spoth, Redmond, Haggerty, and Ward, which used a very different design but

asked similar questions, found a similar effect (1995, p. 449-464). Essentially, using a complex

regression model, they showed that interventions aimed at increasing parents’ self-efficacy (1)

did increase efficacy and (2) led to fewer problems among the adolescent children of those

parents (p. 460). In additional to differences in scope and design, the Spoth, et al, study also
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                     10

looked at the effect on fathers in addition to mothers. The effect held true, but fathers had

smaller increases in efficacy as a result of exposure to the messaging (p. 460).

Adolescent Eating Behaviors

       In a more modest but nonetheless relevant study, scholars looked to see how social-

cognitive factors such as self-efficacy influenced adolescent eating behavior (Ball, et al, 2009).

They start with the knowledge that socioeconomic status is a strong predictor of diet, with

higher SES teens eating healthier foods (p. 496).

       They found that a significant mediating factor to SES on diet was self-efficacy,

specifically (1) knowledge about a healthy diet, (2) a belief that the teen was capable of

obtaining, preparing, and enjoying healthy food, and (3) a conviction that a healthy diet could

make a positive contribution to their well-being (p. 502). As a result, they call for “health

promotion efforts (that) focus on cognitive factors such as self-efficacy and the value attached

to health-promoting behaviors” (Ball, et al, 2009, p. 502).

                              Message Enrichment via Engagement

       Leung (2009) defines psychological empowerment essentially as the process of gaining

self-efficacy, along with successful action based on that efficacy (p. 1330). “Empowerment,” he

writes, “is a process through which people gain mastery over their lives, improve strengths and

competencies and develop proactive behaviors to manage their social affairs” (p. 1330).

       He then defines civic engagement as involvement in the decisions that affect us, and

says there is “strong theoretical and empirical support for the idea that psychological

empowerment and civic participation are linked” (p. 1330). Meanwhile, self-efficacy itself

provides the mechanism through which people can effectively engage civically, as it reflects on
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                    11

individual’s perceptions that they have the social and political skills necessary to participate,

including knowledge about how to obtain the resources needed to act(Leung, 2009, p. 1330).

       He specifically looked at (1) whether people who generate content online had higher

self-efficacy than those that do not, and (2) whether the creating of content developed

psychological empowerment that manifested itself in civic engagement (p. 1327). There were

several limitations to his study and his findings were mixed (pp. 1341-1345). Nonetheless,

Leung’s research suggests a promising avenue to investigate while building an intervention

program based on social cognitive theory.

Seeing is Believing. Doing is Knowing.

       Directly engaging target audiences in the development of a public health messaging

campaign has the potential to increase the effects of social cognitive approaches. Various forms

of outreach -- focus groups, surveys, social media, community forums, etc. -- can allow for the

collection valuable information that can (1) provide opportunities for baseline data collection,

(2) lead to a better understanding of the gaps in knowledge about available local resources, and

(3) utilize this data much like a strategic planner to tailor a campaign for maximum effect. As

Glanz and Bishop note:

       The most successful public health programs and initiatives are based on an
       understanding of health behaviors and the context in which they occur. Strategic
       planning models provide a structured framework for developing and managing public
       health interventions and improving them through evaluation (2010, p. 400)

       But in addition to serving this planning and evaluation purpose, I believe

engagementcan also increase efficacy in and of itself. People who voluntarily attend community

functions are likely to have greater self-efficacy than those who do not before they even walk in

the door. But there are other ways of recruiting subjects with lower self-efficacy, such as direct
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                 12

intervention in schools (if the target audience is teen mothers, for instance), and focus groups

that offer incentives for participation. By partaking in these experiences, recruited participants

will see that they do, in fact, have the skills needed to participate in a conversation about

parenting. It will also expose them to other parenting models and opportunities for positive


       The community can also be the source of images, slogans, and ideas for a campaign. For

those who are directly involved, interest and attention are likely to be very high. For the others,

they’ll see members of their own community modeling appropriate parental behavior. This will

make the message more authentic, and therefore believable. It should also increase attention -

hey, that’s my neighbor! - as well as identification. If the mom I pass in Wegmans each week

can calm her child using a timeout strategy, perhaps I can too.

Leveraging Individual & Community

       Drawing on the social ecological model, community engagement may also help create

the climate for better parenting throughout a community, leading to population-level effects.

As a team from the University of Exeter writes,

       The social environment comprising communities, families, neighborhoods, work teams,
       and various other forms of social group is not simply an external feature of the world
       that provides context for individual behavior. Instead these groups impact on the
       psychology of individuals through their capacity to be internalized as part of a person’s
       identity. If groups provide individuals with a sense of meaning, purpose, and belonging,
       (i.e. a positive sense of social identity) they tend to have positive psychological
       consequences (Haslman, Jetten, Postmes & Haslam, 2009, p. 1).

       Waters, Cross, and Runions (2009) found some evidence of this effect. Their study

concluded that an adolescent’s feelings of “connectedness” to her or her school was positively

correlated with the teen’s health and well-being (p. 516). Further, the study team found a
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                        13

strong correlation between the structural characteristics of a school and the connectedness

effect. Positive structural factors included small school size, levels of teacher collegiality, clear

and fair expectations for discipline, student involvement in decision making, and high

expectations (p. 520). In other words, their approach holds the possibility that school-level

adjustments may do more to change individual-level behavior than individual-level



       Given this state of affairs, I propose that:

       H1: Media campaigns that incorporate authentic content generated from a specific

community via public outreach will increase attention to the media messages within that


       H2: Media campaigns that incorporate authentic content generated from a specific

community via public outreach will increase identification with the messages within that


       H3:There is an interaction between engagement and self-efficacy such that:

           1. Those that voluntarily attend engagement events such as a community forum

                 will begin the process with higher self-efficacy than harder-to-reach individuals.

           2. Self-efficacy will increase for individuals directly engaged by the engagement

                 effort, whether they are engaged voluntarily or more deliberately recruited and

                 enticed to participate.

           3. Those who directly participate in the creation of the messaging by supplying

                 ideas, photos, votes, Facebook “likes,” etc., will experience a greater increase in
Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change                14

               self-efficacy than the target community members who do not actively


                     Born Learning Cayuga: A Social Cognitive Laboratory

       Fortunately, an opportunity to test these hypotheses has emerged. A coalition of

foundations, nonprofits, and community groups has come together to launch a public health

campaign built off of a community engagement model around the issue of early childhood

development and parenting. Moreover, they’ve approached both the author and his mentor,

Syracuse University Professor Makana Chock, to help with the effort.

       This coalition has requested surveys, focus groups, a series of op-ed pieces, a website, a

logo contest, and other tools all with the purpose of:

   1. Increasing awareness of the importance of early childhood development;

   2. Promoting the positive aspects of investing in early childhood development;

   3. Spreading knowledge about best practices and available community resources;

   4. Creating buzz and excitement within the community around the prospect of increasing

       individual and community well-being by propagating positive and successful child-

       rearing models.

   Interestingly, they have not uttered the phrases “social cognitive theory” or “self-efficacy,”

but clearly the members of this coalition have an innate sense of the power of Bandura’s

insights. There’s a good chance that we’ll be able to work evaluative instruments into the effort

to help guide it, and to test the above hypotheses. I am particularly keen to involve the

community directly in content creation, and to measure the effect on self-efficacy of such an

Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change               15


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Engagement parentingsct munno

  • 1. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 1 Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change By Greg Munno / For Professor Makana Chock S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communication, Syracuse University December 15, 2011
  • 2. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 2 Abstract Early childhood experiences effect people their whole lives. Exposure to substance abusers, malnutrition, stress, and other negative experiences early in life have been shown to have a lasting impact, leading to lower levels of educational attainment, higher rates of incarceration, and elevated risk of chronic disease. Meanwhile, evidence shows that intervention programs that target parents of young children have been effective in avoiding some detrimental outcomes. It has also been shown that theory-based interventions, particularly those that utilize social cognitive theory, have had a greater impact than interventions that lack a theoretical framework. This paper reviews the literature on social cognitive theory, with a focus on its potential application to early childhood education and development programs. The review leads to hypotheses that predict social cognitive approaches can be enhanced when executed within acommunity engagement framework. By involving the community in message creation, I predict that a program can increase attention to its messages, increase identification with its messages, and, ultimately, can have a greater effect on parental self-efficacy.
  • 3. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 3 Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change For Albert Bandura, the human ability to learn is both the cause, and potential cure, of our individual and collective shortcomings. “Infants,” Bandura writes, “exhibit sensitivity to causal relations between environmental events even in the first months of life” (2006, p. 169). In other words, our environment starts to shape us immediately. Yet humans also shape their environment and each other. We are capable of learning far more than we experience directly. We can deduce from one experience what similar action in a different context might bear. We can learn from watching other people, the process of social learning. For Bandura, both deduction and social learning are made possible by the uniquely human trait of symbolic modeling. “It is with symbols that people process and transform transient experiences into cognitive models that serve as guides for judgment and action,” he writes (2001, p. 267). People, then, are “self-organizing, proactive, self-reflecting, and self-regulating,” but are nonetheless subject to both biological and social-structural forces (Bandura, 2001, p. 266). We are both products and producers of our physical and social realities. Parents and community provide the raw materialsyoung humans use to create the symbolic models on which they base their beliefs and future actions. For this reason, applying social cognitive theory to issues of early childhood development is particularly intriguing. Social cognitive theory-based approaches may provide the basis for a “two-for-one” intervention, increasing the efficacy of two generations at once. If an intervention that models better parenting leads to better parenting, then the power of the model is exponentially increased. This paper, then, seeks to:
  • 4. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 4 1. Further examine social cognitive theory for the purposes of understanding how it might apply to efforts to improve parenting and childhood development; 2. Review relevant studies that test programs based on social cognitive theory; 3. Link social cognitive theory to the literature on community engagement, and to argue that such engagements could potential lead to more effective SCT-based interventions; 4. Build hypotheses, 5. Discuss a project the author is involved in that might provide the basis for testing those hypotheses. A Case for Action Early Childhood Development Bandura’s notion of human agency provides for the possibility that people can overcome difficult upbringings. People, he writes, “intentionally influence (their) functioning and life circumstances” (Bandura, 2006, p. 164). However, that doesn’t mean that experiences can’t irreparably harm us, or that early experiences do not impact our abilities to act effectively later in life. Stress, poor nutrition, and neglect can have a lasting impact(Grason, et al, 2004, p. 3; Middlebrooks & Audage, 2008, p. 8).Middlebrooks and Audage, writing for the Centers for Disease Control, found that abused children grow up to experience higher instances of teen pregnancy, more involvement with domestic violence, and higher suicide rates (p. 8). Grason and her colleagues at Johns Hopkinsfound that children who start school behind their cohort rarely catch up. And yet, they also concluded that interventions promoting positive behavior
  • 5. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 5 avoided more costly interventions later (p. 3). The value of such efforts, they added, has been recognized, as evidenced by several large initiatives underway, including the federal Healthy Steps granting program (Grason, et al, p. 4; Effect of Theory-based Intervention Public health programs are not created equal. Glanz and Bishop (2010) explicitly compared the effectiveness of programs that were based on theory and those that were not. They found that “public health and health-promotion interventions that are based on social and behavioral science theories are more effective than those lacking a theoretical base” (Glanz & Bishop, 2010, p. 399). The mechanism by which theory can aid the development and implementation of a public health program is not well understood (p. 404). But Glanz and Bishop speculate that the application of theory can help suggest innovative interventions. Another possibility is that theory-based strategies signal the presence of the rigor required for the effective planning, implementation, and measurement of effective public health programs (p. 404). The authors identified four theories that have been used most often and most effectively in developing public health programs (Glanz & Bishop, 2010, pp. 402-404): 1. The Health Belief Model, which postulates that people’s perceptions of the risk and rewardsof action influence whether they actually act; 2. The Trans-theoretical and Stages of Change models, which provide a heuristic for moving people through the various stages that lead to real change; 3. Social Cognitive Theory itself; and, 4. The Social Ecological Model, which the authors see as consistent with Social
  • 6. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 6 Cognitive Theory, but with an application focused on system-level factors that affect behaviors within a population as opposed to individuals. From Message to Adjustment Glanz and Bishop identify several components of Social Cognitive Theory as key to public health interventions, includingobservational learning, reinforcement, and self-efficacy. Attention, Identification & Reinforcement In a public health campaign, the delivery mechanism for modeled behavior is often a media message. For it to have any impact, the audience must first pay some attention to it (Pajares, Prestin, Chen & Nabi, 2009, p. 287). The first part of the attention equation is simply one of availability. We might ask: Are the message and its target audience located in the same place within space and time, thus giving the audience an opportunity to see it? Did the target audience actually see it? Did the audience have the ability to make any sense of the message, or was it, perhaps, in a language they don’t even understand? The next salient quality of attention is identification. As Pajares and his colleagues write: “For mediated content to positively affect audience members’ behaviors, audience members must pay attention to attractive or similar models realistically performing relevant behaviors” (p. 287). Such positive modeling by a model the receiver can identify with is the basis for observational learning. Brown and Basil’s 1995 study of Ervin “Magic” Johnson’s announcement that he was HIV positive offers a great example. Immediately after Johnson’s announcement, calls to the National AIDS Hotline jumped by a factor of 10 to more than 40,000 in just one day (Brown & Basil, p. 346). Testing sights were similarly overrun.
  • 7. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 7 But the effect of the announcement, along with Johnson’s message that, (1) anyone can get AIDS and (2) everyone should get tested, was not universal. Rather, those who had some knowledge of Magic Johnson were more likely to seek testing after the announcement than those who did not know of the celebrity sports figure (Brown & Basil, p. 361). This increase, however, was small. More significantly, those who felt “involved” with Johnson -- peoplewho felt an emotional, parasocial attachment to him -- were far more likely to take his message to heart (p. 364). They identified with Johnson. Since many people had an attachment to Johnson -- and, crucially, since that attachment was positive -- it had a large effect (Brown & Basil, p. 360-361). It was positively reinforced. If Johnson was despised, people would have dismissed his revelation that heterosexual men were at risk of contracting HIV. Likewise, if Johnson had been harshly reprimanded for his revelation -- let’s imagine that other NBA stars ostracized him -- then his announcement may have had the opposite effect, discouraging people from getting tested. So Johnson had all the attributes of a successful positive social model. He was well known, closely followed, and had the power to grab headlines (attention). By being forthright and urging testing, he was modeling socially beneficial behavior. Since he was well liked, well spoken, and open, people identified with him, giving that message salience. The media, his teammates, and others then praised him for his candor and his actions, positively reinforcing the behavior. Self-Efficacy For Bandura and other social cognitive theorists, belief precedes actions. “Unless people believe that they can produce a desired effect and forestall undesired ones by their actions,
  • 8. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 8 they have little incentive to act,” Bandura writes (2001, p. 270). Efficacy beliefs, then, are beliefs that cause people to think optimistically or pessimistically that a change in behavior will increase their well-being. Pajares and his colleagues go further, saying “self-efficacy beliefs are better predictors of people’s accomplishments than their previous accomplishments, knowledge, or skills” (p. 286). Have never used an iPhone before but believe you will master the technology easily? By this theory, you have a good chance of success. This is not, however, some sort of magic -- will it and it will be! Rather, through your efficacy, you have set a goal and believe you can reach it. That bodes well for persisting when you encounter obstacles, which is also known as resiliency(Pajares, Prestin, Chen & Nabi, 2009, p. 286). Meanwhile, high self-efficacy “will not influence behavior when people lack the resources to undertake an activity … or do not value the expected outcome” (Pajares, Prestin, Chen & Nabi, 2009, p. 286). Again, it’s not magic. But if you can show people that certain actions will have a positive effect, and that they do, in fact, have the resources needed to take those actions, you have a chance at increasing their self-efficacy and generating the desired behavior. Evidence of an Effect Parenting Self-Efficacy A team of scholars from Arizona State University designed an ambitious study to test social cognitive theory among Mexican American families living in the Southwest (Dumka, Gonzales, Wheeler & Millsap, 2010, p. 522). Using a longitudinal design, they looked at: 1. Whether the parents of teens thought they were good parents who exerted “positive
  • 9. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 9 control” over their children. This was measured using items from the Multicultural Inventory of Parenting Self-Efficacy, which the Arizona State team had developed in 2002. It asks questions such as “How good are you at praising (your child) and giving him/her encouragement? … How good are you at teaching (your child)? … How good are you at keeping control over (your child)?” (p. 527). 2. Actual parenting behavior, which was measured with questions of whether the mother had clearly communicated punishments to the child and followed through on them and whether the mother knew of the child’s whereabouts (p. 527). 3. Actual adolescent outcomes, a measure composed of reports from the mother, the teen him or herself, and two teachers (p. 527-528). The team concluded that the study demonstrated the generalizability of Bandura’s theories in a cross-cultural setting (Dumka, Gonzales, Wheeler & Millsap, 2010, p. 531). A belief that mothers could positively control their children led to more control, which led to fewer problems among the children of high self-efficacy mothers. Our results … showed that Mexican American mothers’ PSE (parental self-efficacy) had direct causal links with adolescents’ levels of conduct problems. … Adolescents’ self-efficacy may develop in response to observing their parents. Mexican American adolescents with parents who express high self-efficacy may develop confidence in their own abilities, which in turn, may lead to better outcomes including decreased conduct problems (p. 531). A study by Spoth, Redmond, Haggerty, and Ward, which used a very different design but asked similar questions, found a similar effect (1995, p. 449-464). Essentially, using a complex regression model, they showed that interventions aimed at increasing parents’ self-efficacy (1) did increase efficacy and (2) led to fewer problems among the adolescent children of those parents (p. 460). In additional to differences in scope and design, the Spoth, et al, study also
  • 10. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 10 looked at the effect on fathers in addition to mothers. The effect held true, but fathers had smaller increases in efficacy as a result of exposure to the messaging (p. 460). Adolescent Eating Behaviors In a more modest but nonetheless relevant study, scholars looked to see how social- cognitive factors such as self-efficacy influenced adolescent eating behavior (Ball, et al, 2009). They start with the knowledge that socioeconomic status is a strong predictor of diet, with higher SES teens eating healthier foods (p. 496). They found that a significant mediating factor to SES on diet was self-efficacy, specifically (1) knowledge about a healthy diet, (2) a belief that the teen was capable of obtaining, preparing, and enjoying healthy food, and (3) a conviction that a healthy diet could make a positive contribution to their well-being (p. 502). As a result, they call for “health promotion efforts (that) focus on cognitive factors such as self-efficacy and the value attached to health-promoting behaviors” (Ball, et al, 2009, p. 502). Message Enrichment via Engagement Leung (2009) defines psychological empowerment essentially as the process of gaining self-efficacy, along with successful action based on that efficacy (p. 1330). “Empowerment,” he writes, “is a process through which people gain mastery over their lives, improve strengths and competencies and develop proactive behaviors to manage their social affairs” (p. 1330). He then defines civic engagement as involvement in the decisions that affect us, and says there is “strong theoretical and empirical support for the idea that psychological empowerment and civic participation are linked” (p. 1330). Meanwhile, self-efficacy itself provides the mechanism through which people can effectively engage civically, as it reflects on
  • 11. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 11 individual’s perceptions that they have the social and political skills necessary to participate, including knowledge about how to obtain the resources needed to act(Leung, 2009, p. 1330). He specifically looked at (1) whether people who generate content online had higher self-efficacy than those that do not, and (2) whether the creating of content developed psychological empowerment that manifested itself in civic engagement (p. 1327). There were several limitations to his study and his findings were mixed (pp. 1341-1345). Nonetheless, Leung’s research suggests a promising avenue to investigate while building an intervention program based on social cognitive theory. Seeing is Believing. Doing is Knowing. Directly engaging target audiences in the development of a public health messaging campaign has the potential to increase the effects of social cognitive approaches. Various forms of outreach -- focus groups, surveys, social media, community forums, etc. -- can allow for the collection valuable information that can (1) provide opportunities for baseline data collection, (2) lead to a better understanding of the gaps in knowledge about available local resources, and (3) utilize this data much like a strategic planner to tailor a campaign for maximum effect. As Glanz and Bishop note: The most successful public health programs and initiatives are based on an understanding of health behaviors and the context in which they occur. Strategic planning models provide a structured framework for developing and managing public health interventions and improving them through evaluation (2010, p. 400) But in addition to serving this planning and evaluation purpose, I believe engagementcan also increase efficacy in and of itself. People who voluntarily attend community functions are likely to have greater self-efficacy than those who do not before they even walk in the door. But there are other ways of recruiting subjects with lower self-efficacy, such as direct
  • 12. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 12 intervention in schools (if the target audience is teen mothers, for instance), and focus groups that offer incentives for participation. By partaking in these experiences, recruited participants will see that they do, in fact, have the skills needed to participate in a conversation about parenting. It will also expose them to other parenting models and opportunities for positive reinforcement. The community can also be the source of images, slogans, and ideas for a campaign. For those who are directly involved, interest and attention are likely to be very high. For the others, they’ll see members of their own community modeling appropriate parental behavior. This will make the message more authentic, and therefore believable. It should also increase attention - hey, that’s my neighbor! - as well as identification. If the mom I pass in Wegmans each week can calm her child using a timeout strategy, perhaps I can too. Leveraging Individual & Community Drawing on the social ecological model, community engagement may also help create the climate for better parenting throughout a community, leading to population-level effects. As a team from the University of Exeter writes, The social environment comprising communities, families, neighborhoods, work teams, and various other forms of social group is not simply an external feature of the world that provides context for individual behavior. Instead these groups impact on the psychology of individuals through their capacity to be internalized as part of a person’s identity. If groups provide individuals with a sense of meaning, purpose, and belonging, (i.e. a positive sense of social identity) they tend to have positive psychological consequences (Haslman, Jetten, Postmes & Haslam, 2009, p. 1). Waters, Cross, and Runions (2009) found some evidence of this effect. Their study concluded that an adolescent’s feelings of “connectedness” to her or her school was positively correlated with the teen’s health and well-being (p. 516). Further, the study team found a
  • 13. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 13 strong correlation between the structural characteristics of a school and the connectedness effect. Positive structural factors included small school size, levels of teacher collegiality, clear and fair expectations for discipline, student involvement in decision making, and high expectations (p. 520). In other words, their approach holds the possibility that school-level adjustments may do more to change individual-level behavior than individual-level interventions. Hypotheses Given this state of affairs, I propose that: H1: Media campaigns that incorporate authentic content generated from a specific community via public outreach will increase attention to the media messages within that community. H2: Media campaigns that incorporate authentic content generated from a specific community via public outreach will increase identification with the messages within that community. H3:There is an interaction between engagement and self-efficacy such that: 1. Those that voluntarily attend engagement events such as a community forum will begin the process with higher self-efficacy than harder-to-reach individuals. 2. Self-efficacy will increase for individuals directly engaged by the engagement effort, whether they are engaged voluntarily or more deliberately recruited and enticed to participate. 3. Those who directly participate in the creation of the messaging by supplying ideas, photos, votes, Facebook “likes,” etc., will experience a greater increase in
  • 14. Community Engagement and Authentic Modeling: A Social Cognitive Theory of Change 14 self-efficacy than the target community members who do not actively participate. Born Learning Cayuga: A Social Cognitive Laboratory Fortunately, an opportunity to test these hypotheses has emerged. A coalition of foundations, nonprofits, and community groups has come together to launch a public health campaign built off of a community engagement model around the issue of early childhood development and parenting. Moreover, they’ve approached both the author and his mentor, Syracuse University Professor Makana Chock, to help with the effort. This coalition has requested surveys, focus groups, a series of op-ed pieces, a website, a logo contest, and other tools all with the purpose of: 1. Increasing awareness of the importance of early childhood development; 2. Promoting the positive aspects of investing in early childhood development; 3. Spreading knowledge about best practices and available community resources; 4. Creating buzz and excitement within the community around the prospect of increasing individual and community well-being by propagating positive and successful child- rearing models. Interestingly, they have not uttered the phrases “social cognitive theory” or “self-efficacy,” but clearly the members of this coalition have an innate sense of the power of Bandura’s insights. There’s a good chance that we’ll be able to work evaluative instruments into the effort to help guide it, and to test the above hypotheses. I am particularly keen to involve the community directly in content creation, and to measure the effect on self-efficacy of such an approach.
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