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ENCORE+: The Open Educational
Resources (OER) Innovation Ecosystem
21st October, 2022
Dr. Robert Farrow, The Open University (UK)
Welcome and Housekeeping
Purpose of this workshop
Inclusion in ENCORE+ research
Code of Conduct
Introduction to ENCORE+
European Network for Catalysing
Open Resources in Education
ENCORE+ is a Knowledge Alliance project funded by the European
Commission under Erasmus+
Supporting the uptake of open education resources (OER)
Catalysing and sharing innovative practice across education and
Developing stakeholder communities for knowledge exchange
● International Council for Distance Education (Norway)
● Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Germany)
● The Open University (UK)
● Universidad Internacional De La Rioja (Spain)
● Knowledge 4 All Foundation (UK)
● Joubel (Norway)
● Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
● Instructure Global (UK)
● Dublin City University (Ireland)
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research
materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that are in the public
domain and/or released under an open license that permits no-cost
access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited
restrictions. They are free at the point of use and ‘free’ in the sense that
they provide users with greater freedoms in how resources are shared,
used, customised and iterated.
Compatible definitions of OER are provided by UNESCO, Hewlett
Foundation and OER Commons.
5Rs of OER
The right to...
● Retain means that the resource can be freely copied, downloaded and stored;
● Reuse allows resources to be used in different contexts (classroom; home; online, &c.)
in an unaltered format;
● Revise conveys that the content can be altered, edited, revised or otherwise changed
(e.g. to update or translate a resource);
● Remix permits a resource to be combined with other resources to create something new
(e.g. an anthology, remix or ‘mash-up’);
● Redistribute enables the republishing and sharing of a resource (in original or altered
Benefits of OER
There is a wealth of evidence to suggest that OER have a positive effect on
learning and teaching without compromising quality (e.g. de los Arcos et al.,
2014; Hilton, 2016; Weller et al., 2015; Wiley, 2015).
When embedded in the right organisational culture, the benefits of OER include:
● Improved access to education and training
● Dramatically reducing the cost of educational and training materials
● Facilitating more diverse input into the creation of learning materials
● Efficient use and reuse of intellectual property
● Greater opportunity for synchronous and asynchronous learning
● Pedagogical innovation and critical reflection
Benefits of OER
There is a wealth of evidence to suggest that OER have a positive effect on
learning and teaching without compromising quality (e.g. de los Arcos et al.,
2014; Hilton, 2016; Weller et al., 2015; Wiley, 2015).
When embedded in the right organisational culture, the benefits of OER include:
● More flexibility in provision in education and training
● Facilitating translation and adaptation of resources for different markets
● More responsive design and calibration of education and training materials
● Flexible integration into learning management systems and platforms
● Transparency/publicity in the creation and use of educational resources
OER: Relation to I∙HE2022 Themes
● Lower cost routes to delivering online, blended distance learning
● Supporting student readiness through non-formal learning opportunities
● Providing access to education for disadvantaged peoples
● Supporting diversity and inclusion throughout learning and teaching
● Removing barriers to collaboration between institutions, individuals, countries
OER in Europe
OER in Europe
● OER World Map included details of 1400+ organisations, 900+ services, 500+
projects and 300+ policies in support of OER
● However, activity is typically uncoordinated, and happens in clusters
(national/regional, disciplinary, technological, etc.)
● Limited interactions between academia, public and private sectors
● Covid-19 has forced greater use of online learning and need for resources
which can be met by OER (but commercial companies have responded more
ENCORE+ Background and Rationale
● The European Network for Catalysing Open Resources in Education
(ENCORE+) responds to the priorities of opening up and modernising the
European education and training sector through a coordinated European
OER ecosystem
● ENCORE+ brings together meaningful and focused human networks;
technological solutions for sharing and discovering OER; policy reviews;
quality criteria; and will generate business models which draw on the
affordances of OER to support innovation
● ENCORE+ supports uptake of OER through business and academia by
formulating value propositions for using OER in education, training and
business 13
ENCORE+ functions as
a network catalyst for a
socio-technical ecosystem.
ENCORE+’s main mission is
to amplify existing OER
initiatives, projects, platforms
and networks by integrating
them across the four
thematic Circle strands and
three crosscutting integration
5 Key Challenges
Needs Actions Outcomes
Need 1: De-fragment
the OER
community in Europe
Mapping the OER ecosystem and
its stakeholders; modelling future
scenarios; consultation exercises;
whitepapers; integration events;
guides for innovation; integration
across education and
training; entrepreneurialism;
ENCORE+ network,
strengthening and
connecting existing
OER communities
5 Key Challenges
Needs Actions Outcomes
Need 2: Strengthen
collaboration and
among European
OER repositories
Providing a centralised hub for
OER content; new paradigms for
repository technologies
(interfaces; implementations;
protocols; content creation & re-
use; networking) authenticated by
the relevant communities to
support best practice
Integrated architecture
of a European OER
Theme: Technology
● How can we establish the right kind of interfacing and protocols?
● What can artificial intelligence approaches do for OER / OEP?
● How can technology support co-creation and sharing of content?
● How can sharing of content across platforms be facilitated/improved?
● Open-source API infrastructures for sharing content, metadata,
multimedia, learning pathways, etc.
5 Key Challenges
Needs Actions Outcomes
Need 3: Support
development of OER
strategies in
businesses and
Working with diverse stakeholder
base to identify, synthesise and
share strategies and business
models across business and
higher education
European guidelines
for developing effective
OER strategies in
business and
Theme: Policies and Practices
● How/why is your organisation engaging with open educational
● Does your organisation have OER/Open Education policy? Why/why
● What are the main barriers for large scale adoption of OER/OEP?
● What are the key enablers for large scale adoption of OER/OEP?
● Future strategies for open educational practices?
5 Key Challenges
Needs Actions Outcomes
Need 4: Integrated
European OER
quality paradigm and
Identifying the key quality
concerns for future OER
repositories, communities and
users; piloting a new quality
framework focused on harnessing
and enabling OER innovation
European open &
community-led Quality
Review Framework for
Theme: Quality
● How should we define OER quality? (content, ‘openness’, user-
friendliness, &c.)
● Harmonization / Developing a common European framework
● Identifying reliable, realistic systems of peer review / quality assurance
● How can OER repositories promote better user engagement?
● Achieving an interoperable European metadata and search engine strateg
5 Key Challenges
Needs Actions Outcomes
Need 5:
approaches and
business models
based on OER
Supporting innovation through
information exchange;
appropriate software and services
to enable pathways to innovation;
understanding of the drivers of
innovation; meaningful
interactions between relevant
stakeholders; providing a
showcase for innovation
European business
and start-up
empowered to
innovate and improve
operations by
leveraging OER
Theme: Innovation and Business Models
● What are the main enablers/barriers for innovation with OER?
● Should we focus on core provision or radically rethinking markets?
● What does an innovation focused OER culture look like?
● What do future business models look like? What do we need to consider?
ENCORE+ functions as
a network catalyst for a
socio-technical ecosystem.
ENCORE+’s main mission is
to amplify existing OER
initiatives, projects, platforms
and networks by integrating
them across the four
thematic Circle strands and
three crosscutting integration
HEI leaders, decision makers
Learners (formal/informal)
Libraries / Collections /
Instructional Designers /
Copyright / Data Officers
Course providers
Ed Tech companies
Service providers
Infrastructure providers
Educational authorities
Public bodies
Quality assurance agencies
Charities / NGOs
Funders / Philanthropy
Stakeholders (UPIG)
Instructional Designers
/ Technologists
Libraries / Collections /
Course providers
Ed Tech companies
Service providers
Charities / NGOs
HEI leaders, decision
Educational authorities
Quality assurance
Understanding Innovation &
Business Models
Understanding Innovation
“Innovation is production or adoption,
assimilation, and exploitation of a value-
added novelty in economic and social
spheres; renewal and enlargement of
products, services, and markets;
development of new methods of
production; and the establishment of new
management systems. It is both a process
and an outcome.”
Crossan & Apayadin (2010)
Task-Artifact Cycle (Carroll et. al, 1991)
Tasks specify the
requirements for artifacts
that can be useful in their
New Requirements
Understanding of
requirements is always
evolving .
New Possibilities or
Evolving contexts means
that new tasks/artefacts
are always emergent
Artifacts develop our
understanding of tasks,
and must adapt to new
use contexts
Forms of Innovation inspired by OER
(Coughlan, Pitt & Farrow, 2019)
Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers, 2003)
• Focused on spread of new technology & practices
• Adoption culture is required for innovations to
• Relative advantage; compatibility
Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers, 2003)
• Focused on spread of new technology & practices
• Adoption culture is required for innovations to sustain
• Relative advantage; compatibility
OER has 5% K12 market
share in USA
Gartner Hype Cycle
CC BY Olga Tarkovskiy
General.png .
Gartner Hype Cycle
CC BY Olga Tarkovskiy
General.png .
SAMR Framework applied to Open Textbooks
Subtitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition
Use Open Textbooks in place
of proprietary versions
(More than $1 billion saved in
the USA)
Freely shared and
accessible online
Enhances access,
dependency on
grants and loans
and iteration
versions of lessons,
textbooks and
resources (e.g.
Collaboration across
Rethinking the textbook
as the standard
organisation of
Supporting Innovation with OER
● Raise awareness of open alternatives
● Empower individuals in ways that enable them to exercise autonomy
● Encourage experimentation in pedagogy and practice
● Develop constructive, critical learning cultures
● Think and act at the level of the ecosystem
● Leverage the power of networks
Farrow, R. (2017) Open education and critical pedagogy, Learning, Media and Technology, 42:2, 130-
146, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2016.1113991
Deimann, M., & Farrow, R. (2013). Rethinking OER and their use: Open education as Bildung. The
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14(3), 344-360.
OER Business Model Typology
(synthesis of Tlili et al., 2020; Padilla Rodriguez et al., 2018; Belleflamme & Jacqmin, 2015; Ubachs & Konings, 2016; Farrow, 2019)
Service Vectors for OER Innovation
Teaching Authentication
Training Accreditation/Recognition
Self-directed learning Proctoring
Lifelong learning Quality Assurance
Rapid reskilling Platformisation
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Course authoring
Forecasting & Needs analysis Authoring & Publication
Learning pathways Curation
TVET Translation
ICDE Open Innovation Framework
ICDE Open Innovation Framework
● Recommendation 1: Raise awareness to create legal frameworks and
guidelines at the federal level to increase openness in government and
public agencies. COVID-19 was a catalyst for increased use of OER
worldwide, and how this can continue and become a standard for arts
institutions should be addressed.
● Recommendation 2: In collaboration with relevant international
organizations, provide support to countries that adopt Recommendation 1.
We believe there is an urgent need to create a legal framework and policy
that promotes openness at various levels.
ICDE Open Innovation Framework
● Recommendation 3: Create an incentive structure for companies,
institutions, and individuals to create OER and open repositories. We have
recognized that the driving forces of the market make private institutions
and scientific companies reluctant to advocate for openness and promote
OER widely. Therefore, regulatory frameworks and incentives should
emphasize the benefits of Open Science collaboration and innovation.
● Recommendation 4: Translations and contextualization, are essential for
implementation and integration of Open Innovation.
ICDE Open Innovation Framework
● Recommendation 5: Update institutional documentation to ensure inclusion
of the three cornerstones. The three cornerstones require an operational
environment that encourages the creation, practice, and use of OER, Open
Science, and Open Innovation. Therefore, educational, and scientific
institutions are encouraged to review their policies and strategic documents
to incorporate a philosophy of openness that will, in due course, enable the
implementation of the recommendations of UNESCO OER, Open Science,
and Open Innovation.
Next Steps…
OER Innovation Evaluation Framework
Release CC
BY Framework
Final framework will include:
The Business Model Canvas (Fielt, 2013; Osterwalder, 2010)
Business Model for Sustainability (BMfS) (Täuscher & Abdelkafi, 2018)
OER Innovation Evaluation Framework
Who’s it for? Cases can be from any sector, including
projects, institutions, businesses or other
Which countries? Anywhere in the world!
Scale of implementation? Micro (Institutional / Local)
Meso (Regional / Federal)
Macro (National)
What kind of information is requested? Strategic approach
Innovation drivers/barriers
Business models
Value propositions
Technologies used
Approach to teaching & learning
Impact & diffusion
Strategic Approach (Defenders and Prospectors)
(Miles & Snow, 1978; Orr et al., 2018)
edupreuneurship business
Darwish, 2019
edupreuneurship business
Darwish, 2019
Cross-referenced with SAMR
• Substitution ☞ Static
• Augmentation ☞ Interactive
• Modification ☞ Dynamic
• Redefinition ☞
Please share/contribute to the survey!
Short URL:
Final Thoughts
● There is a strategic direction provided by the UNESCO OER Declaration, but this is not
necessarily translating to policy at the EU level
● There is a need for more guidance at the practice level, e.g. iMOOC course for teachers
● ISMKE work on OER metadata standards
( has a strong synergy with
technology focused work in ENCORE+ and should be explored further
● Similarly, the OER Discovery Group is doing work that could be integrated
Supporting ENCORE+
● Complete/share the OER Innovation Survey
● Subscribe to project channels (newsletter, blog)
● Attend ENCORE+ Events
● Share your experiences and inspiration!
Thank You!
Dr. Robert Farrow, The Open University
(UK) / @philosopher1978
For further and updated information
about this project please see:

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ENCORE+: The Open Educational Resources (OER) Innovation Ecosystem

  • 1. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license except where otherwise noted. ENCORE+: The Open Educational Resources (OER) Innovation Ecosystem 21st October, 2022 Dr. Robert Farrow, The Open University (UK) @philosopher1978
  • 2. Welcome and Housekeeping Purpose of this workshop Inclusion in ENCORE+ research Code of Conduct
  • 3. Introduction to ENCORE+ European Network for Catalysing Open Resources in Education
  • 4. ENCORE+ ENCORE+ is a Knowledge Alliance project funded by the European Commission under Erasmus+ Supporting the uptake of open education resources (OER) Catalysing and sharing innovative practice across education and business Developing stakeholder communities for knowledge exchange 4
  • 5. 5 Partners ● International Council for Distance Education (Norway) ● Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Germany) ● The Open University (UK) ● Universidad Internacional De La Rioja (Spain) ● Knowledge 4 All Foundation (UK) ● Joubel (Norway) ● Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Italy) ● Instructure Global (UK) ● Dublin City University (Ireland)
  • 6. Open Educational Resources (OER) Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that are in the public domain and/or released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. They are free at the point of use and ‘free’ in the sense that they provide users with greater freedoms in how resources are shared, used, customised and iterated. Compatible definitions of OER are provided by UNESCO, Hewlett Foundation and OER Commons. 6
  • 7. 5Rs of OER The right to... ● Retain means that the resource can be freely copied, downloaded and stored; ● Reuse allows resources to be used in different contexts (classroom; home; online, &c.) in an unaltered format; ● Revise conveys that the content can be altered, edited, revised or otherwise changed (e.g. to update or translate a resource); ● Remix permits a resource to be combined with other resources to create something new (e.g. an anthology, remix or ‘mash-up’); ● Redistribute enables the republishing and sharing of a resource (in original or altered forms). 7
  • 8. Benefits of OER There is a wealth of evidence to suggest that OER have a positive effect on learning and teaching without compromising quality (e.g. de los Arcos et al., 2014; Hilton, 2016; Weller et al., 2015; Wiley, 2015). When embedded in the right organisational culture, the benefits of OER include: ● Improved access to education and training ● Dramatically reducing the cost of educational and training materials ● Facilitating more diverse input into the creation of learning materials ● Efficient use and reuse of intellectual property ● Greater opportunity for synchronous and asynchronous learning ● Pedagogical innovation and critical reflection 8
  • 9. Benefits of OER There is a wealth of evidence to suggest that OER have a positive effect on learning and teaching without compromising quality (e.g. de los Arcos et al., 2014; Hilton, 2016; Weller et al., 2015; Wiley, 2015). When embedded in the right organisational culture, the benefits of OER include: ● More flexibility in provision in education and training ● Facilitating translation and adaptation of resources for different markets ● More responsive design and calibration of education and training materials ● Flexible integration into learning management systems and platforms ● Transparency/publicity in the creation and use of educational resources 9
  • 10. OER: Relation to I∙HE2022 Themes ● Lower cost routes to delivering online, blended distance learning ● Supporting student readiness through non-formal learning opportunities ● Providing access to education for disadvantaged peoples ● Supporting diversity and inclusion throughout learning and teaching processes ● Removing barriers to collaboration between institutions, individuals, countries 10
  • 12. OER in Europe ● OER World Map included details of 1400+ organisations, 900+ services, 500+ projects and 300+ policies in support of OER ● However, activity is typically uncoordinated, and happens in clusters (national/regional, disciplinary, technological, etc.) ● Limited interactions between academia, public and private sectors ● Covid-19 has forced greater use of online learning and need for resources which can be met by OER (but commercial companies have responded more quickly) 12
  • 13. ENCORE+ Background and Rationale ● The European Network for Catalysing Open Resources in Education (ENCORE+) responds to the priorities of opening up and modernising the European education and training sector through a coordinated European OER ecosystem ● ENCORE+ brings together meaningful and focused human networks; technological solutions for sharing and discovering OER; policy reviews; quality criteria; and will generate business models which draw on the affordances of OER to support innovation ● ENCORE+ supports uptake of OER through business and academia by formulating value propositions for using OER in education, training and business 13
  • 14. 14 ENCORE+ Ecosystem ENCORE+ functions as a network catalyst for a socio-technical ecosystem. ENCORE+’s main mission is to amplify existing OER initiatives, projects, platforms and networks by integrating them across the four thematic Circle strands and three crosscutting integration events.
  • 15. 5 Key Challenges 15 Needs Actions Outcomes Need 1: De-fragment the OER stakeholders community in Europe Mapping the OER ecosystem and its stakeholders; modelling future scenarios; consultation exercises; whitepapers; integration events; guides for innovation; integration across education and training; entrepreneurialism; reporting ENCORE+ network, strengthening and connecting existing OER communities
  • 16. 5 Key Challenges 16 Needs Actions Outcomes Need 2: Strengthen collaboration and interoperability among European OER repositories Providing a centralised hub for OER content; new paradigms for repository technologies (interfaces; implementations; protocols; content creation & re- use; networking) authenticated by the relevant communities to support best practice Integrated architecture of a European OER repositories infrastructure
  • 17. Theme: Technology ● How can we establish the right kind of interfacing and protocols? ● What can artificial intelligence approaches do for OER / OEP? ● How can technology support co-creation and sharing of content? ● How can sharing of content across platforms be facilitated/improved? ● Open-source API infrastructures for sharing content, metadata, multimedia, learning pathways, etc. 17
  • 18. 5 Key Challenges 18 Needs Actions Outcomes Need 3: Support development of OER institutional strategies in European businesses and academia Working with diverse stakeholder base to identify, synthesise and share strategies and business models across business and higher education European guidelines for developing effective OER strategies in business and academia
  • 19. Theme: Policies and Practices ● How/why is your organisation engaging with open educational practices? ● Does your organisation have OER/Open Education policy? Why/why not? ● What are the main barriers for large scale adoption of OER/OEP? ● What are the key enablers for large scale adoption of OER/OEP? ● Future strategies for open educational practices? 19
  • 20. 5 Key Challenges 20 Needs Actions Outcomes Need 4: Integrated European OER quality paradigm and assurance mechanisms Identifying the key quality concerns for future OER repositories, communities and users; piloting a new quality framework focused on harnessing and enabling OER innovation European open & community-led Quality Review Framework for OER
  • 21. Theme: Quality ● How should we define OER quality? (content, ‘openness’, user- friendliness, &c.) ● Harmonization / Developing a common European framework ● Identifying reliable, realistic systems of peer review / quality assurance ● How can OER repositories promote better user engagement? ● Achieving an interoperable European metadata and search engine strateg 21
  • 22. 5 Key Challenges 22 Needs Actions Outcomes Need 5: Entrepreneurial innovative approaches and business models based on OER Supporting innovation through information exchange; appropriate software and services to enable pathways to innovation; understanding of the drivers of innovation; meaningful interactions between relevant stakeholders; providing a showcase for innovation European business and start-up community, empowered to innovate and improve operations by leveraging OER
  • 23. Theme: Innovation and Business Models ● What are the main enablers/barriers for innovation with OER? ● Should we focus on core provision or radically rethinking markets? ● What does an innovation focused OER culture look like? ● What do future business models look like? What do we need to consider? 23
  • 24. 24 ENCORE+ Ecosystem ENCORE+ functions as a network catalyst for a socio-technical ecosystem. ENCORE+’s main mission is to amplify existing OER initiatives, projects, platforms and networks by integrating them across the four thematic Circle strands and three crosscutting integration events.
  • 25. Stakeholders 25 Education HEI leaders, decision makers Learners (formal/informal) Educators Libraries / Collections / Repositories Instructional Designers / Technologists Copyright / Data Officers Business Course providers Ed Tech companies Service providers Workers Infrastructure providers Publishers Policymakers Educational authorities Ministries Public bodies Quality assurance agencies Charities / NGOs (macro/micro) Funders / Philanthropy
  • 26. Stakeholders (UPIG) 26 Users Learners (formal/informal) Educators Instructional Designers / Technologists Workers Providers Libraries / Collections / Repositories Course providers Ed Tech companies Service providers Infrastructure providers Publishers Influencers Funders/Philanthropy Charities / NGOs (macro/micro) Lobbyists Leaders Policymakers Governance HEI leaders, decision makers Copyright/Data Officers Educational authorities Ministries Quality assurance agencies Regulators
  • 28. Understanding Innovation Text 28 a_(word)#/media/File:Archimede_ bain.jpg “Innovation is production or adoption, assimilation, and exploitation of a value- added novelty in economic and social spheres; renewal and enlargement of products, services, and markets; development of new methods of production; and the establishment of new management systems. It is both a process and an outcome.” Crossan & Apayadin (2010) 6486.2009.00880.x Εὕρηκα!
  • 29. Task-Artifact Cycle (Carroll et. al, 1991) 29 Tasks Tasks specify the requirements for artifacts that can be useful in their completion New Requirements Understanding of requirements is always evolving . New Possibilities or Constraints Evolving contexts means that new tasks/artefacts are always emergent Artifacts Artifacts develop our understanding of tasks, and must adapt to new use contexts
  • 30. Forms of Innovation inspired by OER (Coughlan, Pitt & Farrow, 2019) 31
  • 31. 32 Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers, 2003) • Focused on spread of new technology & practices • Adoption culture is required for innovations to sustain • Relative advantage; compatibility
  • 32. 33 Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers, 2003) • Focused on spread of new technology & practices • Adoption culture is required for innovations to sustain • Relative advantage; compatibility OER has 5% K12 market share in USA https://www.onlinelearningsurv 12_whatweteach.pdf
  • 33. Gartner Hype Cycle 34 CC BY Olga Tarkovskiy General.png .
  • 34. Gartner Hype Cycle 35 CC BY Olga Tarkovskiy General.png .
  • 35. 36
  • 36. SAMR Framework applied to Open Textbooks 37 Subtitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Use Open Textbooks in place of proprietary versions (More than $1 billion saved in the USA) 018/1-billion-in-savings- through-open-educational- resources/ Freely shared and accessible online Enhances access, reduced dependency on grants and loans Facilitates pedagogical experimentation and iteration Producing revised/remixed versions of lessons, textbooks and supplementary resources (e.g. assessments, multimedia) Collaboration across institutions Rethinking the textbook as the standard organisation of curricula
  • 37. Supporting Innovation with OER ● Raise awareness of open alternatives ● Empower individuals in ways that enable them to exercise autonomy ● Encourage experimentation in pedagogy and practice ● Develop constructive, critical learning cultures ● Think and act at the level of the ecosystem ● Leverage the power of networks 38 Farrow, R. (2017) Open education and critical pedagogy, Learning, Media and Technology, 42:2, 130- 146, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2016.1113991 Deimann, M., & Farrow, R. (2013). Rethinking OER and their use: Open education as Bildung. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14(3), 344-360.
  • 38. OER Business Model Typology (synthesis of Tlili et al., 2020; Padilla Rodriguez et al., 2018; Belleflamme & Jacqmin, 2015; Ubachs & Konings, 2016; Farrow, 2019) 39
  • 39. Service Vectors for OER Innovation 40 Teaching Authentication Training Accreditation/Recognition Self-directed learning Proctoring Lifelong learning Quality Assurance Rapid reskilling Platformisation Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Course authoring Forecasting & Needs analysis Authoring & Publication Learning pathways Curation TVET Translation
  • 40. ICDE Open Innovation Framework 41
  • 41. ICDE Open Innovation Framework ● Recommendation 1: Raise awareness to create legal frameworks and guidelines at the federal level to increase openness in government and public agencies. COVID-19 was a catalyst for increased use of OER worldwide, and how this can continue and become a standard for arts institutions should be addressed. ● Recommendation 2: In collaboration with relevant international organizations, provide support to countries that adopt Recommendation 1. We believe there is an urgent need to create a legal framework and policy that promotes openness at various levels. 42
  • 42. ICDE Open Innovation Framework ● Recommendation 3: Create an incentive structure for companies, institutions, and individuals to create OER and open repositories. We have recognized that the driving forces of the market make private institutions and scientific companies reluctant to advocate for openness and promote OER widely. Therefore, regulatory frameworks and incentives should emphasize the benefits of Open Science collaboration and innovation. ● Recommendation 4: Translations and contextualization, are essential for implementation and integration of Open Innovation. 43
  • 43. ICDE Open Innovation Framework ● Recommendation 5: Update institutional documentation to ensure inclusion of the three cornerstones. The three cornerstones require an operational environment that encourages the creation, practice, and use of OER, Open Science, and Open Innovation. Therefore, educational, and scientific institutions are encouraged to review their policies and strategic documents to incorporate a philosophy of openness that will, in due course, enable the implementation of the recommendations of UNESCO OER, Open Science, and Open Innovation. 44
  • 45. OER Innovation Evaluation Framework Survey Process Results Release CC BY Framework 46 Final framework will include: The Business Model Canvas (Fielt, 2013; Osterwalder, 2010) Business Model for Sustainability (BMfS) (Täuscher & Abdelkafi, 2018)
  • 46. OER Innovation Evaluation Framework 47 Who’s it for? Cases can be from any sector, including projects, institutions, businesses or other initiatives Which countries? Anywhere in the world! Scale of implementation? Micro (Institutional / Local) Meso (Regional / Federal) Macro (National) International What kind of information is requested? Strategic approach Innovation drivers/barriers Business models Value propositions Technologies used Approach to teaching & learning Impact & diffusion
  • 47. Strategic Approach (Defenders and Prospectors) (Miles & Snow, 1978; Orr et al., 2018) 48
  • 49. OER-based edupreuneurship business models Darwish, 2019 Cross-referenced with SAMR • Substitution ☞ Static • Augmentation ☞ Interactive • Modification ☞ Dynamic • Redefinition ☞ Transformative 50
  • 50. Please share/contribute to the survey! Short URL: Background: survey/ 51
  • 53. Final Thoughts ● There is a strategic direction provided by the UNESCO OER Declaration, but this is not necessarily translating to policy at the EU level ● There is a need for more guidance at the practice level, e.g. iMOOC course for teachers ● ISMKE work on OER metadata standards ( has a strong synergy with technology focused work in ENCORE+ and should be explored further ● Similarly, the OER Discovery Group is doing work that could be integrated search-framework/ 54
  • 54. Supporting ENCORE+ ● Complete/share the OER Innovation Survey ● Subscribe to project channels (newsletter, blog) ● Attend ENCORE+ Events ● Share your experiences and inspiration! 55
  • 56. Project partners: Contacts Dr. Robert Farrow, The Open University (UK) / @philosopher1978 Website For further and updated information about this project please see: