SlideShare a Scribd company logo
 T he e-world presents new opportunities for
                                                  Online recruits are less patient, often more
 employer branding previously unimaginable
 with traditional recruitment methods of print    discerning, and more inclined to interact with
 and onsite visits. Online employer branding      potential employers.
 now offers candidates dynamic, spontaneous,
 24/7, two-way communication instead of the       The e-world, employer branding and talent
 previous flat, time-delayed, 9-to-5, one-way      recruitment merge, mix and blend to create
 communication. Innovative, multimedia tools,     an online employment campaign. When these
 such as video clips or social networks, are      three ingredients blend successfully, online
 adding a touch-and-feel reality and              candidates respond favorably and engage in
 authenticity to employers’ brands. Moreover,     the recruitment process. Once engaged in the
 due to worldwide online connectivity, both       process, the user’s conscious and unconscious
 employment career sites and employer             experience on the career site will become
 feedback are now widely available and very       their employer brand experience.
 rapidly disseminated.

 In this webcast, Shelley Rees, Director of
 Interactive Strategy for JWT INSIDE, a
 subsidiary of JWT, the largest advertising
 agency in the United States, presents a
 foundation to understanding online employer
 branding. Rees shares user statistics for
 employer Web sites, essential features for
 a positive user experience, and critical Web
 site mistakes to avoid based on her extensive
 knowledge and experience.

 Warren Ashton, Group Marketing Manager for
 Microsoft Corporation and Kerry Antezana,
 Creative Director for JWT INSIDE, also
 present Microsoft’s recent experience
 launching their new and exciting employer
 brand, the View<myWorld> campaign.
 Webcast participants benefit from Ashton’s and
 Antezana’s perspective on employment market
 research, their campaign design process, and
 the fresh, online tools rolled out for
 View<myWorld> by the JWT INSIDE/Microsoft
 marketing team.

 Rees concludes the webcast by encouraging
 participants to have the courage to try new
 ideas and to keep in mind the candidate’s
 user experience when developing employer
 branding sites. Although the brand needs to be
 consistent in offline and online presentation,
 the audience and the dynamics differ.

Understanding the behavior and psychology
of job seekers is fundamental to sponsoring a          • Too much text scrolling or the text is
successful employer Web site. Career Web site            not structured for easy online reading
success improves by:
                                                  The goal of employer Web sites is different from
    • Preventing negative user experiences        commercial Web sites that drive consumers
    • Increasing job candidates’ Web site         toward a product purchase. Instead, the goal of
      time and return rate                        employer Web sites is to attract well-matched
    • Producing great user experiences            talent, excite them and motivate them to
                                                  apply for employment, initiating the employer’s
Online users typically move quickly from one      recruitment process. Employer Web sites now
Web site to another. If a job seeker enters a     generate half of job applications. While
career Web site and has a negative initial        consumers generallycomplete their online
impression, the employer’s image is damaged       purchases during their first or second Web site
and the prospective employee may cross off        visit, employment candidates rarely apply until
the employer from further consideration.          they have made multiple Web site visits,
According to user statistics, 25 percent of job   statistically about six to eight visits prior to an
seekers have dropped a company from               online employment application.
consideration after visiting the Web site. Rees
added that these 25 percent are more likely to    Rees recommended increasing job candidates’
be discerning people with greater desirability    Web site time and return rate. Average visit
as hires. Audit of Fortune 500 Web sites, a       time to career sites is between six to twelve
research publication by Forrester, concluded:     minutes. Visit times typically increase slightly
                                                  when Web sites contain video links. Building
A poor user experience on your Web site           career sites with links to a variety of
erodes the brand identity of your company —       informative media and tools draws job seekers
people who have a bad experience with a site      further into the Web site, more fully engaging
associate it with the company’s brand.            them, which in turn increases their time on the
                                                  Web site and the likelihood of their return to
To prevent a negative user experience on a        the site.
career Web site, guard against making these
mistakes:                                         Warren Ashton, Group Marketing Manager for
     • Difficult to navigate with lots of dead     Microsoft Corporation, tells recruiters:
       ends and hard-to-find careers link
     • Navigation reflects the company’s           You don’t have to do ALL the talking. You don’t
       internal structure rather than being       have to be the one doing all the selling all the
       designed for an outsider’s ease            time ... Let the Web site do the talking for
     • Navigation constantly links the user       you. Let some of the experiences and some of
       out of the career site and into the        the things they’re going to see online do some
       corporate site or sends the user to the    of the work for you and make your job a little
       online application too quickly             bit easier.
     • Technically ‘glitchy’ or incomplete
     • Fails to be informative or contains too
       much irrelevant or outdated content
     • Flat content without video, audio or
       first-first person profiles

Knowing that the online candidate experience       More than information sources, career Web
becomes their employer brand experience,           sites are integral segments in the recruitment
successful career sites must deliver a great       process. Recognizing the greater process, Rees
experience. What is a great online candidate       cautions employers not to push job seekers
experience for talented, tech savvy recruits?      toward the online Applicant Tracking System
                                                   (ATS) too soon.
The career site inspires recruits.

Recruits find the Web site’s content honest and
credible. The site’s information,
organization, ease of use and presentation
impress them. Talented potential hires are
able to relate themselves and their future with
this employer.

Potential hires interact on the career site with
peers and recruiters within the company.

Web 2.0 tools woven into the career site
encourage potential hires to stay longer and
frequently return to the site. Interactive
dialogue is readily available with company
personnel, both career peers and employment
recruiters. Links to podcasts, video clips, chat
rooms or blogs engage potential hires and
demystify the company’s history, culture and
future opportunities.

The employer’s online brand builds confidence
in well-matched job seekers and filters out
poorly matched prospects.

Effective career sites not only answer job
seekers questions about job openings, but
they also guide prospects toward personal
discernment and taking action. Well-matched
job seekers that are likely to fit in and thrive
within the company are encouraged to apply
and initiate the match making. Preferably, the
career site also filters out unsuitable prospects
through self-realization of the mismatch and
discouraging their applications.

Company marketing departments, talent
recruiters, advertising agencies, creative
directors and IT consultants brainstorm,
research, design, develop, test, tweak, launch
and troubleshoot for online employer
branding. Meanwhile, the public comments,
discusses and reviews every move of these
companies in open, online forums with Web
2.0 tools, such as blogs, social networks, chat
rooms and wikis.

Public online postings on corporate businesses
are easily accessible with basic skills and great
online search engines, such as Google. The
impact of online postings should not be
underestimated. Employers need to respect
the power gained by applicants through their
online connections. Whether companies like it
or not, people are talking about them online
and forming their opinions through dialogue          Figure 1
with others. For this reason, Rees advises
companies to recognize their lack of control of
online generated opinion (Figure 1). Instead,
she suggests that companies actively influence
public opinion by observing, listening and
joining the live, online forum.

A great example of what NOT to do involves
the major British bookseller, Waterstone, the
UK equivalent of Borders Books. A Waterstone
employee wrote something negative about
their employer on a blog, and the company
fired the employee. News of the critical blog
and the termination became an enormous
online backlash for Waterstone. Overnight,
they became well known for censoring their
employees in their private lives (Figure 2).
Now, when a prospective Waterstone hire
googles the company, one of the top hits will
be the censored and fired employee — not
good PR for employee recruitment.                   Figure 2

Ask a young, talented techie to describe
Microsoft as an employer — their descriptors          • Turned off or tuned out by marketing
are likely to include:                                  spin
                                                      • Want to talk with fellow technical staff
     • Giant and stable                                 on a peer-to-peer level, such as one
     • Corporate and bureaucratic                       game tester talking to another game
     • Old school and not cutting edge or               tester
       creative                                       • Demand transparency and online inter
When Microsoft recruiters courted these
techies, they would sometimes ask recruiters,     Their research also found that Microsoft’s online
“Why would I want to work for Microsoft, for      employer branding needed the following criteria:
such a large corporation, or move to
Washington State?”                                    •   Eliminate “marketing”
                                                      •   Embrace authenticity
Although Microsoft’s company brand is                 •   Ensure technical proficiency
recognized worldwide, they sought a new               •   Demonstrate innovation
employer brand expressing an image of                 •   Utilize Web 2.0 features and ideas
surprise, freshness and creativity for use in         •   Engage and excite an extremely savvy
today’s hot, competitive market for                       core-tech audience
technical talent. The creative team of JWT
INSIDE and Microsoft Corporation set out to       The creative team defined “Getting Real” as
develop a cohesive employer brand focused         the campaign’s tone and arrived at three core
on recruiting the best and brightest available    ideas for technical employment branding to be
people with rich technical backgrounds.           contained in all Microsoft technical recruitment
                                                  communications, online and offline.
The team focused on the needs of core
technical talent, such as:                           1. Work with smart and interesting
     •   Developers                                  2. Create technology that truly impacts
     •   Software testers                               the world.
     •   System architects                           3. Experience unparalleled career
     •   Program managers                               opportunity.

Using focus groups and surveys of Microsoft’s     Next, they developed a concise summary statement:
technical candidates and new hires, the
creative team conducted research and mes-         Come join a unique community of smart and
sage testing. Their research identified the fol-   passionate people who truly enjoy the
lowing traits of core techies:                    challenge of creating future technology that
                                                  makes a real impact on how the world lives,
     • Very interested in being informed and      works and plays.
       less interested in being entertained
     • Highly passionate about being real
     • Street smart in their technical skills
     • Very skeptical and savvy

To communicate the tone and core ideas of the
new employer brand, Microsoft decided to have
core techs tell their stories of what it is really
like to work at Microsoft. This novel strategy is
explained by Gretchen Ledgard, Marketing
Manager, Microsoft Staffing & Jobs Blogger:

Our best evangelists are authentic. A candidate
can spot marketing spin from a mile away. It’s
the passionate, heart-felt conversations that
help a company come to life through their
employees. Our goal is to help as many of
those conversations take place as possible.

These Microsoft employee stories are                The Web site,, features
combined with the tone, core ideas                  profiles and stories of real Microsoft
and summary statement to produce the                employees, such as Hoop, an employee of the
View<myWorld> employment campaign.                  Zune Group.
Within the theme of the campaign, the slogan,
View<myWorld>, is written in the developer’s        These profiles include employees’ photos, full
tribal language of code. The home page of           names, position titles, work groups, locations
Microsoft’s career Web site, viewmyworld.           and their transcribed, non-edited, interviews
com, contains the following message                 (Figure 4). Microsoft took the approach of
(Figure 3):                                         complete openness and transparency.

                                                                        Figure 4

                     Figure 3                       Microsoft’s View<myWorld> Web site also
                                                    contains these Web 2.0 features for the
Attention: This site does not have actors pre-      profiled employees:
tending to be employees. You won’t find fic-
tional testimonials or mission statements. This          • RSS feeds and links to work group blogs
is a candid view of what it’s like to be a techie          and personally recommended blogs
at Microsoft, from those of us who                         (Figure 5)
actually are. Want to know what we’re                    • A “forward URL” feature
working on, what we’re excited about and                 • Search jobs
what we really think of Microsoft? Let’s talk.           • Q&A for top candidate needs
It’s all here.

The concept of View<myWorld> includes:

     •   Real employees
     •   Real stories
     •   Nod to code
     •   Personalized “invitation” headers
     •   Click-thru to Web site

Microsoft’s new employer branding
incorporates all the Web 2.0 tools into their
career site. Recruiters can now email
information to a candidate and “pull from
their toolbox” a helpful webcast, blog link or
video file to attach to the email.

All of Microsoft’s recruitment materials for the
View<myWorld> brand are consistent online
and offline. The online materials include:

     •   Banner ads
     •   HTML email templates
     •   Email signatures (Figure 6)
     •   PowerPoint templates

                      Figure 6

The offline materials include:
     • Print ads
     • Event booths
     • Posters and banners
     • Go cards
     • “Zine”/brochure
     • Print-ready flyers

The next version, or 2.0 version, of
View<myWorld> is currently being beta tested
for rollout this month. Recruitment content
will expand to highlight specific people
behind individual products and links to
customized pages for specific business groups
within Microsoft, such as:

     •   Corporate Research & Development
     •   Entertainment & Devices Division
     •   Microsoft Business Division
     •   Platform & Devices Division
     •   Server & Tools Division
     •   Microsoft Silicon Valley

 O  nline career Web sites are courting talented
 employment prospects who are well matched
 with the companies. Businesses are translating
 their company or product brands into
 analogous online employer brands. Most often,
 the employer brand and the company brand
 are very consistent with each other, as well as
 consistent between offline and online
 materials. However, in the case of Microsoft’s
 employer brand, the company supplemented
 their very recognizable logo, colors and brand
 identity with some new visual elements and a
 tone that was fresh territory for the company.
 This was the driving force behind the launch of
 their View<myWorld> recruitment campaign.

 As many companies try to defend themselves
 from online criticism and live interactive
 discussions, Microsoft has decided to step out
 front of this force and feature their own
 employees linked into the career site and
 telling their personal stories. These stories and
 associated interactive tools make the office
 walls of Microsoft seem transparent so that
 technical peers can “drop in” and experience
 what it is “really” like to work at Microsoft. In
 an effort to hire the best and brightest of both
 rising and experienced techies, Microsoft has
 focused their employer brand on candid
 openness. Computer geeks are no longer
 dressed in the IBM uniform of white shirts,
 blue suits and ties. Today’s geeks featured on
 Microsoft’s career site are dressed in
 skateboarder shorts, African locks, Goth
 makeup and lots of blue jeans. It is fun and it
 is hot to be a geek. Respect their power and
 remember them as the user of your career
 site, should you try to hire them.

Based on the Human Capital Institute webcast, Employer Branding in the E-World, June 3, 2008.


Kerry Antezana                Warren Ashton                        Shelley Rees
Creative Director             Group Marketing Manager              Director, Interactive Strategy
JWT INSIDE                    Microsoft Corporation                JWT INSIDE


This White Paper is made possible by JWT INSIDE, sponsor of HCI’s Employer Branding Learning Track.


JWT INSIDE helps organizations advance employee engagement through comprehensive advertising,
marketing and employee communications services. Measurement tools, consulting resources and
strategic approaches are employed to put the right people in the right jobs and keep the workforce
engaged. The agency has 12 offices and 9 satellite locations across North America and internationally.
It is a subsidiary of JWT, the largest advertising agency in the United States and the third full-service
network in the world. Its parent company is WPP (NASDAQ:WPPGY). Visit for
more information. JWT INSIDE helps organizations advance employee engagement through compre-
hensive advertising, marketing and employee


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  • 2. INTRODUCTION T he e-world presents new opportunities for Online recruits are less patient, often more employer branding previously unimaginable with traditional recruitment methods of print discerning, and more inclined to interact with and onsite visits. Online employer branding potential employers. now offers candidates dynamic, spontaneous, 24/7, two-way communication instead of the The e-world, employer branding and talent previous flat, time-delayed, 9-to-5, one-way recruitment merge, mix and blend to create communication. Innovative, multimedia tools, an online employment campaign. When these such as video clips or social networks, are three ingredients blend successfully, online adding a touch-and-feel reality and candidates respond favorably and engage in authenticity to employers’ brands. Moreover, the recruitment process. Once engaged in the due to worldwide online connectivity, both process, the user’s conscious and unconscious employment career sites and employer experience on the career site will become feedback are now widely available and very their employer brand experience. rapidly disseminated. In this webcast, Shelley Rees, Director of Interactive Strategy for JWT INSIDE, a subsidiary of JWT, the largest advertising agency in the United States, presents a foundation to understanding online employer branding. Rees shares user statistics for employer Web sites, essential features for a positive user experience, and critical Web site mistakes to avoid based on her extensive knowledge and experience. Warren Ashton, Group Marketing Manager for Microsoft Corporation and Kerry Antezana, Creative Director for JWT INSIDE, also present Microsoft’s recent experience launching their new and exciting employer brand, the View<myWorld> campaign. Webcast participants benefit from Ashton’s and Antezana’s perspective on employment market research, their campaign design process, and the fresh, online tools rolled out for View<myWorld> by the JWT INSIDE/Microsoft marketing team. Rees concludes the webcast by encouraging participants to have the courage to try new ideas and to keep in mind the candidate’s user experience when developing employer branding sites. Although the brand needs to be consistent in offline and online presentation, the audience and the dynamics differ. 2 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 3. EMPLOYER WEB SITE USER STATISTICS Understanding the behavior and psychology of job seekers is fundamental to sponsoring a • Too much text scrolling or the text is successful employer Web site. Career Web site not structured for easy online reading success improves by: The goal of employer Web sites is different from • Preventing negative user experiences commercial Web sites that drive consumers • Increasing job candidates’ Web site toward a product purchase. Instead, the goal of time and return rate employer Web sites is to attract well-matched • Producing great user experiences talent, excite them and motivate them to apply for employment, initiating the employer’s Online users typically move quickly from one recruitment process. Employer Web sites now Web site to another. If a job seeker enters a generate half of job applications. While career Web site and has a negative initial consumers generallycomplete their online impression, the employer’s image is damaged purchases during their first or second Web site and the prospective employee may cross off visit, employment candidates rarely apply until the employer from further consideration. they have made multiple Web site visits, According to user statistics, 25 percent of job statistically about six to eight visits prior to an seekers have dropped a company from online employment application. consideration after visiting the Web site. Rees added that these 25 percent are more likely to Rees recommended increasing job candidates’ be discerning people with greater desirability Web site time and return rate. Average visit as hires. Audit of Fortune 500 Web sites, a time to career sites is between six to twelve research publication by Forrester, concluded: minutes. Visit times typically increase slightly when Web sites contain video links. Building A poor user experience on your Web site career sites with links to a variety of erodes the brand identity of your company — informative media and tools draws job seekers people who have a bad experience with a site further into the Web site, more fully engaging associate it with the company’s brand. them, which in turn increases their time on the Web site and the likelihood of their return to To prevent a negative user experience on a the site. career Web site, guard against making these mistakes: Warren Ashton, Group Marketing Manager for • Difficult to navigate with lots of dead Microsoft Corporation, tells recruiters: ends and hard-to-find careers link • Navigation reflects the company’s You don’t have to do ALL the talking. You don’t internal structure rather than being have to be the one doing all the selling all the designed for an outsider’s ease time ... Let the Web site do the talking for • Navigation constantly links the user you. Let some of the experiences and some of out of the career site and into the the things they’re going to see online do some corporate site or sends the user to the of the work for you and make your job a little online application too quickly bit easier. • Technically ‘glitchy’ or incomplete • Fails to be informative or contains too much irrelevant or outdated content • Flat content without video, audio or first-first person profiles 3 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 4. PRODUCING GREAT ONLINE CANDIDATE EXPERIENCE Knowing that the online candidate experience More than information sources, career Web becomes their employer brand experience, sites are integral segments in the recruitment successful career sites must deliver a great process. Recognizing the greater process, Rees experience. What is a great online candidate cautions employers not to push job seekers experience for talented, tech savvy recruits? toward the online Applicant Tracking System (ATS) too soon. The career site inspires recruits. Recruits find the Web site’s content honest and credible. The site’s information, organization, ease of use and presentation impress them. Talented potential hires are able to relate themselves and their future with this employer. Potential hires interact on the career site with peers and recruiters within the company. Web 2.0 tools woven into the career site encourage potential hires to stay longer and frequently return to the site. Interactive dialogue is readily available with company personnel, both career peers and employment recruiters. Links to podcasts, video clips, chat rooms or blogs engage potential hires and demystify the company’s history, culture and future opportunities. The employer’s online brand builds confidence in well-matched job seekers and filters out poorly matched prospects. Effective career sites not only answer job seekers questions about job openings, but they also guide prospects toward personal discernment and taking action. Well-matched job seekers that are likely to fit in and thrive within the company are encouraged to apply and initiate the match making. Preferably, the career site also filters out unsuitable prospects through self-realization of the mismatch and discouraging their applications. 4 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 5. EMPLOYER BRANDING AND THE WEB 2.0 POWER SHIFT Company marketing departments, talent recruiters, advertising agencies, creative directors and IT consultants brainstorm, research, design, develop, test, tweak, launch and troubleshoot for online employer branding. Meanwhile, the public comments, discusses and reviews every move of these companies in open, online forums with Web 2.0 tools, such as blogs, social networks, chat rooms and wikis. Public online postings on corporate businesses are easily accessible with basic skills and great online search engines, such as Google. The impact of online postings should not be underestimated. Employers need to respect the power gained by applicants through their online connections. Whether companies like it or not, people are talking about them online and forming their opinions through dialogue Figure 1 with others. For this reason, Rees advises companies to recognize their lack of control of online generated opinion (Figure 1). Instead, she suggests that companies actively influence public opinion by observing, listening and joining the live, online forum. A great example of what NOT to do involves the major British bookseller, Waterstone, the UK equivalent of Borders Books. A Waterstone employee wrote something negative about their employer on a blog, and the company fired the employee. News of the critical blog and the termination became an enormous online backlash for Waterstone. Overnight, they became well known for censoring their employees in their private lives (Figure 2). Now, when a prospective Waterstone hire googles the company, one of the top hits will be the censored and fired employee — not good PR for employee recruitment. Figure 2 5 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 6. MICROSOFT’S ONLINE EMPLOYER BRAND Ask a young, talented techie to describe Microsoft as an employer — their descriptors • Turned off or tuned out by marketing are likely to include: spin • Want to talk with fellow technical staff • Giant and stable on a peer-to-peer level, such as one • Corporate and bureaucratic game tester talking to another game • Old school and not cutting edge or tester creative • Demand transparency and online inter actions When Microsoft recruiters courted these techies, they would sometimes ask recruiters, Their research also found that Microsoft’s online “Why would I want to work for Microsoft, for employer branding needed the following criteria: such a large corporation, or move to Washington State?” • Eliminate “marketing” • Embrace authenticity Although Microsoft’s company brand is • Ensure technical proficiency recognized worldwide, they sought a new • Demonstrate innovation employer brand expressing an image of • Utilize Web 2.0 features and ideas surprise, freshness and creativity for use in • Engage and excite an extremely savvy today’s hot, competitive market for core-tech audience technical talent. The creative team of JWT INSIDE and Microsoft Corporation set out to The creative team defined “Getting Real” as develop a cohesive employer brand focused the campaign’s tone and arrived at three core on recruiting the best and brightest available ideas for technical employment branding to be people with rich technical backgrounds. contained in all Microsoft technical recruitment communications, online and offline. The team focused on the needs of core technical talent, such as: 1. Work with smart and interesting people. • Developers 2. Create technology that truly impacts • Software testers the world. • System architects 3. Experience unparalleled career • Program managers opportunity. Using focus groups and surveys of Microsoft’s Next, they developed a concise summary statement: technical candidates and new hires, the creative team conducted research and mes- Come join a unique community of smart and sage testing. Their research identified the fol- passionate people who truly enjoy the lowing traits of core techies: challenge of creating future technology that makes a real impact on how the world lives, • Very interested in being informed and works and plays. less interested in being entertained • Highly passionate about being real • Street smart in their technical skills • Very skeptical and savvy 6 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 7. MICROSOFT’S ONLINE EMPLOYER BRAND To communicate the tone and core ideas of the new employer brand, Microsoft decided to have core techs tell their stories of what it is really like to work at Microsoft. This novel strategy is explained by Gretchen Ledgard, Marketing Manager, Microsoft Staffing & Jobs Blogger: Our best evangelists are authentic. A candidate can spot marketing spin from a mile away. It’s the passionate, heart-felt conversations that help a company come to life through their employees. Our goal is to help as many of those conversations take place as possible. 7 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 8. VIEW<myWorld> EMPLOYMENT CAMPAIGN These Microsoft employee stories are The Web site,, features combined with the tone, core ideas profiles and stories of real Microsoft and summary statement to produce the employees, such as Hoop, an employee of the View<myWorld> employment campaign. Zune Group. Within the theme of the campaign, the slogan, View<myWorld>, is written in the developer’s These profiles include employees’ photos, full tribal language of code. The home page of names, position titles, work groups, locations Microsoft’s career Web site, viewmyworld. and their transcribed, non-edited, interviews com, contains the following message (Figure 4). Microsoft took the approach of (Figure 3): complete openness and transparency. Figure 4 Figure 3 Microsoft’s View<myWorld> Web site also contains these Web 2.0 features for the Attention: This site does not have actors pre- profiled employees: tending to be employees. You won’t find fic- tional testimonials or mission statements. This • RSS feeds and links to work group blogs is a candid view of what it’s like to be a techie and personally recommended blogs at Microsoft, from those of us who (Figure 5) actually are. Want to know what we’re • A “forward URL” feature working on, what we’re excited about and • Search jobs what we really think of Microsoft? Let’s talk. • Q&A for top candidate needs It’s all here. The concept of View<myWorld> includes: • Real employees • Real stories • Nod to code • Personalized “invitation” headers • Click-thru to Web site 8 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 9. VIEW<myWorld> EMPLOYMENT CAMPAIGN Microsoft’s new employer branding incorporates all the Web 2.0 tools into their career site. Recruiters can now email information to a candidate and “pull from their toolbox” a helpful webcast, blog link or video file to attach to the email. All of Microsoft’s recruitment materials for the View<myWorld> brand are consistent online and offline. The online materials include: • Banner ads • HTML email templates • Email signatures (Figure 6) • PowerPoint templates Figure 6 The offline materials include: • Print ads • Event booths • Posters and banners • Go cards • “Zine”/brochure • Print-ready flyers The next version, or 2.0 version, of View<myWorld> is currently being beta tested for rollout this month. Recruitment content will expand to highlight specific people behind individual products and links to customized pages for specific business groups within Microsoft, such as: • Corporate Research & Development • Entertainment & Devices Division • Microsoft Business Division • Platform & Devices Division • Server & Tools Division • Microsoft Silicon Valley 9 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 10. CONCLUSION O nline career Web sites are courting talented employment prospects who are well matched with the companies. Businesses are translating their company or product brands into analogous online employer brands. Most often, the employer brand and the company brand are very consistent with each other, as well as consistent between offline and online materials. However, in the case of Microsoft’s employer brand, the company supplemented their very recognizable logo, colors and brand identity with some new visual elements and a tone that was fresh territory for the company. This was the driving force behind the launch of their View<myWorld> recruitment campaign. As many companies try to defend themselves from online criticism and live interactive discussions, Microsoft has decided to step out front of this force and feature their own employees linked into the career site and telling their personal stories. These stories and associated interactive tools make the office walls of Microsoft seem transparent so that technical peers can “drop in” and experience what it is “really” like to work at Microsoft. In an effort to hire the best and brightest of both rising and experienced techies, Microsoft has focused their employer brand on candid openness. Computer geeks are no longer dressed in the IBM uniform of white shirts, blue suits and ties. Today’s geeks featured on Microsoft’s career site are dressed in skateboarder shorts, African locks, Goth makeup and lots of blue jeans. It is fun and it is hot to be a geek. Respect their power and remember them as the user of your career site, should you try to hire them. 10 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER
  • 11. Based on the Human Capital Institute webcast, Employer Branding in the E-World, June 3, 2008. PRESENTER Kerry Antezana Warren Ashton Shelley Rees Creative Director Group Marketing Manager Director, Interactive Strategy JWT INSIDE Microsoft Corporation JWT INSIDE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This White Paper is made possible by JWT INSIDE, sponsor of HCI’s Employer Branding Learning Track. ABOUT JWT INSIDE JWT INSIDE helps organizations advance employee engagement through comprehensive advertising, marketing and employee communications services. Measurement tools, consulting resources and strategic approaches are employed to put the right people in the right jobs and keep the workforce engaged. The agency has 12 offices and 9 satellite locations across North America and internationally. It is a subsidiary of JWT, the largest advertising agency in the United States and the third full-service network in the world. Its parent company is WPP (NASDAQ:WPPGY). Visit for more information. JWT INSIDE helps organizations advance employee engagement through compre- hensive advertising, marketing and employee 11 JWT INSIDEBRANDING IN THE E-WORLD EMPLOYER