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Efficiency Optimization using
Digital Analytics as a tool
Dr Paul J Luciani
EY Asia-Pacific Real Estate Leader
May 2018
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations2
Overview of Organisational Efficiency	 03
Support Services	 04
Operations Delivery Framework	 05	
Identifying workstyle preferences	 06
Workstyles in Frameworks	 08
Identifying Optimal Framework	 09
Data Analytics	 12
Key Drivers	 13
Data Mapping	 14, 16
Accounting System	 15
Data Integration	 17
The Future	 18
3Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
Driving Organisational
This article is designed to harness the digital age in
optimising the efficiency surrounding the management
of indirect costs, and is applicable to most functions that
support an organisations core business. Mostly those
functions that are deemed support and or infrastructure
related. The focus is on the way these functions are
delivered, and in particular focusing on the resource
frameworks such as outsourced or insourced or both.
The goal is to achieve the maximum efficiency (value
versus cost) by utilising the right resourcing strategy at
the right time.
An organisation’s unique “operating Environment”
is defined in general terms as the driver of what
resourcing strategy is required and when. This operating
environment is identified within the financial accounts
of the organisation.
The use of digital analytics is discussed as an intuitive way
of realising a real-time reporting environment that can
indicate if and when the right resources are applied to
the right operating environment at the right time.
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations4
AKA insourced delivery,
relies on an organisations
internal management
resources to delivery
the function. Not to be
confused with direct
emploment (although
this could be), but rather
focus is on the extent of
ownership of the end to
end process, whether by
direct means, or by indirect
means (EG sub contracting,
out tasking, etc.)
AKA outsourcing, relies
on external organisations
owning all or part of the end
to end process of a function.
Focus is given to how much
control and ownership this
external separate entity has
on the function on behalf of
the client organisation.
AKA GIG worker/workstyle
preferred, is defined as
any one of the proceeding
delivery methods, but
embodied in an individual
based on his or her workstyle
preference. The individual
delivers either one or the
other or a hybrid, but not
both separately.
Traditional Delivery of Support Services
5Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
Operational delivery frameworks
•	 Vertical Integration
•	 Internal collective
singular identity
•	 Horizontal
•	 External mutual
interest with
other vertically
integrated entities
•	 No longer the
predominate way
•	 Still maintains the core
of Global Organisational
•	 Biggest potential to
harness digital efficiency
•	 Failed to dominate as
the Globally preferred
•	 Mainly complements
Insourcing through
•	 Specialised Digital
•	 Platforms
•	 Talent is now an
•	 Powers all delivery
models but mostly
suitable only to one
method (preference)
•	 Highest recipient of
Digital Enhancement
•	 Individual Enterprise
•	 GIG Economy,
Flexible Contract
Transportable Skills,
Fluid Employment
and deployment
Insourcing Outsourcing Individual
History teaches that insourcing, outsourcing, and
sometimes individuals have all delivered operations for
organisations. Initially it was thought insourcing was to
dominate, but as infrastructure matured, outsourcing
became a viable alternative.
Neither framework has been made redundant, but neither
framework is dominating.
Also, It became evident that these two frameworks could
be further broken down to even the individual level,
which has led to the emergence of the Gig Worker, or
contract freelance worker; with each having a workstyle
preference embodying either of the frameworks.
So accepting that it is the individuals, ultimately, that
make up both frameworks and their unique workstyles,
then analysing organisational operating environments
specifically to look for which workstyle will bring the
most efficiency, becomes central.
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations6
Insource Hybrid Outsource
•	 Workplaces that are
established and centralised.
•	 Fully associated in the
workplace and are in it for the
long term.
•	 Teaming is essential.
•	 Skills are very adaptable
and flexible.
•	 Do many things at once with
variety in a familiar workplace.
•	 Quality of work essential and
•	 Controls both internal and
external resources.
•	 Complexity that require many
decisions to be made.
•	 Both strategic and operational
environments, with work
•	 Medium to large workplaces
involves risk situations.
•	 Workplaces that are established and
•	 Associated as long term commitment.
•	 Teaming is used to get tasks done.
•	 Skills are adaptable and flexible.
Variety of tasks with multitasking
•	 QUALITY is focus predominately
using internal resources.
•	 Complex tasks that require multiple
decisions to be made.
•	 Strategic and operational
environments, autonomously. small to
large workplaces involves a medium
level of risk analysis.
•	 Projects to complete. specialised
person. project teams.
•	 Variety and moving onto other
projects after completion.
•	 Being a contracted worker or a Full
Time Employee (FTE) is fine.
•	 Networked locally and globally,
accountable for work outcomes.
Supporting the client and their goals.
•	 Simplify working environment to
make it more achievable.
•	 Involved in as much of the
organisation as possible.
•	 Workplaces that are projects
•	 Specialised Skills forming
project teams.
•	 Deployed onto other projects
after completion.
•	 Other projects for different
organisations typical
•	 Directing and harnessing
resources to achieve the
specified outcomes.
•	 Uses outside providers.
•	 A contracted worker with a
portable skill set.
•	 Well networked locally and
globally, accountable for
work outcomes.
•	 Supporting the client and
their and simplifies working
environment to make it
achievable, and apply that to
others around you.
Identifying workstyle preferences
7Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
It is an emerging trend in understanding that individuals
have a workstyle preference, and that these workstyle
preferences sit into one of three frameworks, with a third
being a hybrid of both.
As frameworks are in essence made of individuals, then
understating individual workstyle preference is important.
Further, by understanding individual workstyles, it
becomes easier to identify the extent of insourcing
or outsourcing by the number of compatible workers
delivering the function.
It is uncommon for individuals to have multiple preferences
at once. Usually people lean towards a workstyle preference
and are happy and efficient in that working style.
Yes, it is true that outsource frameworks may be made
up of individuals who suit that framework, and the same
can be said for insourced frameworks, so therefore Job
compatibility drives efficiency.
This focus on understanding the individual workstyle
preference as a driver for efficiency has led to greater
flexibility both for individuals and for organizations. The
“one size (or contract) fits all” is no longer a mantra in
today’s digital age. With the emergence of big data,
artificial intelligence, and sophisticated database
technologies, information is allowing organizations to
more quickly change out their resource strategy to suit
their operating needs — especially down to the
individual level.
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations8
Aligning Operations and Frameworks
Analyzing Operating Environments
Relatively new is the approach of aligning workstyles to an
organisations functional operating environment.
Many of the cost drivers associated with delivering functional
operations (indirects) can be attributed to a misalignment
of frameworks.
Delivering with insourced workstyles to a function that, at that
particular point in time, suits a more outsourced approach,
will drive up costs.
The reverse is also true, and true for all frameworks.
Workstyles in Frameworks
9Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
•	 High strategy
•	 Centralised
•	 Large Scale
•	 Operational
•	 Owned IP
•	 Unique Specific
Service or Asset
•	 Mixed
•	 Somewhere in the
•	 Halfway between the
•	 Not many outliers
•	 Reduced reporting
•	 Higher teaming
resource output
•	 Stable contract costs
•	 Consistent Quality
•	 All benefits but at a
reduced level
•	 Reduced cost of delivery
•	 Lower unit costs
•	 Higher Quality
Faster Delivery
•	 Reduced Complexity
•	 High Flexibility
•	 Increased Technology
•	 Not Strategic
•	 Decentralised
•	 Highly globalised
•	 Low internal
•	 Highly competitive
Insource Hybrid Outsource
Limited effectiveness —
Time diminished
Identifying Optimal Framework
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations10
In various studies conducted it was found that singular,
Insourced workstyle delivery is best used when the
function is strategic, has centralised operations, is of
a large scale, has some operational uncertainty or risk,
has some inherent IP to protect, and consists of unique
specific service or asset.
Under these operating environments in-source workstyle
achieves the best results and can reduce reporting
requirements, create higher teaming resource output,
maintain stable contract costs, and achieve consistent
quality outcomes.
Conversely, the same studies have shown that collective,
outsourced workstyle delivery is best delivered when the
function is not strategic, has a decentralised operations,
is highly globalised in its distribution, has low internal
expertise, and supports a function which operates in
highly competitive markets.
Under these operating environments outsource workstyle
achieves the best results and can reduced the cost of
delivery, achieve lower unit costs, bring initial higher
quality with Faster Delivery, help in reducing complexity,
allow for Higher resource flexibility, and introduce
Increased Technology solutions.
A hybrid of these can be applied to most operating
environments but at a reduce benefit.
Centralised Large
IP to
Specific Globalised
So what happens when all or some of your workstyle
strategies are not fully or partially aligned with your
operating environment?
It depends on which workstyle framework is being applied.
For example, singular insourced workstyles that operate
mainly in an operating environment that is more aligned
to outsource workstyles will have an increase in resources
levels (staff, staff costs) for the same output. They will
have a decrease in quality outcomes for the customer
(stakeholder). That is, overly complex organisational
chart and operations requiring ever increasing
resource costs.
For outsource workstyles that operate in an environment
more suited to insourced workstyles, there will be
Increased contract costs, overall quality reduced to Client
or stakeholder, a loss of control of the function by the
organisation, and an eventual adverse impact on core
business, with a reduced speed of delivery of the support.
That is Vendor Monopoly, Skills shortages, Duplication of
management (multiple Vendors), Price hiking/litigation/
general stressed relationships.
To complicate things further, the same research has
found that an organisations operating environment is
constantly changing. More precisely, it is cycling at about
every 2.5 years when considering which framework to
deploy (or every 3.5 years for hybrid frameworks).
This means that your operational management strategy
must follow this cycle to keep your costs as low as
possible and maintain an acceptable level of value.
11Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
•	 Increase resources
(staff) same output
•	 Decrease quality
for customer
•	 Slower change but
no increase in value
•	 Status Quo and
eventually non
•	 Overly complex
organisational chart
and operations
•	 Ever increasing
resource costs
•	 Cost Value at
reduced levels
•	 Vendor Monopoly
•	 Skills shortages
•	 Duplication of
(multiple Vendors)
•	 Price hiking/litigation/
general stressed
•	 Increased Contract
•	 Quality reduced
to Client
•	 Loss of control of
•	 Adverse impact
on Client
Insource Hybrid Outsource
2.5 years until
3.5 years before
2.5 years before
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations12
Data Analytics
Leveraging 10 Key Business Data sources using multiple
platforms to align workstyles to shifting operational service
delivery environments
If your organisation’s operating environment cycles every 2.5
years, with 5 years being a full end to end change (or 3.5 and 7
years for Hybrid frameworks), then how do we keep up and apply
the right workstyles framework to maximise efficiency? The answer
is hidden in the financial accounting system. After all, it’s the
eventual and final impact on the chart of accounts that is the
true indicator as to what is happening in your organisation’s
operating environment.
13Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
There are ten (10) key drivers of organisations
operations. These are the level of strategy to the
organisation that the operating environment represents.
How centralised the operations are being managed. How
relatively large the scale is of the operations . How much
direct ownership and control the organisation has on the
operating environment. The level of risk and uncertainty
that is inherent in the operational environment.
How much unique IP is inherent in the operating
environment. The level of competition that the
organisation has in the market for its core business. How
globalised the operating environment is geographically.
The level of internal competence on self delivering the
operating environment. And how complex the operating
environment is to deliver. These ten (10) key drivers of
operational environments change over time and require
monitoring so that the correct workstyle framework can
be applied as previously discussed.
Ownership &
Size of
Unique IP
Level of Risk
Key Drivers of Organisation’s Operations
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations14
Data Mapping
30 months of
optimized services
30 months of
optimized services
42 months of
optimized services
•	 Reduced reporting requirements
•	 Higher teaming resource output
•	 Stable contract costs
•	 Consistent Quality
•	 Reduced cost of delivery
•	 Lower unit costs
•	 Higher Quality Faster Delivery
•	 Reduced Complexity
•	 High Flexibility
•	 Increased Technology application	
•	 ►	All benefits but at a reduced level
10 Key Data Analytic Feeds
15Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
Using data analytics to map an organisations operating
environment centres on extracting and manipulating
information in real-time from the firms data warehouse
or cloud environment databases. For example, Identifying
how strategic a function is can be found in the amount
of spend on a service compared to all services within the
organisation, and GL spend mapping ranking from highest
to lowest per vendor. Higher spend and focus can be
attributed to higher strategic value.
Determining centralisation can be found from the amount
of income generation at location level, and P&L mapping
ranked by total Headcount divided by Income generated by
location. Higher concentrations of staff and income derived
from singular locations can represent more centralised
operations. Size and scale can be derived by the number
of employees in the organisation, and P&L mapping by
ranking the total headcount receiving a particular service
divided by Income generated by that group or location. In
general larger organisations have a higher headcount with
higher revenue generation.
Operational ownership can be determined by the amount
of different vendors being used for the same service per
geography or profit centre, and GL mapping by the number
of vendors preforming same or similar service to the
same group or geography. Organisations that use multiple
vendors per function usually have higher ownership of
that function.
Risk and Uncertainty can be the amount of spend
variation on a particular Service through GL spend
mapping, ranking service spend variations at defined
periods. When a function’s cost varies wildly there is
usually more inherent risk in delivering that function.
Specific unique IP can be determined by the amount
of internal support resources assigned to a service per
geography or profit centre, and the head count mapping
divided by the services spend (GL). Organisations usually
have high management hours on functions they consider
uniquely specific to their organisation.
The Level of competition and its impact on operations is
the amount of different vendors being used for the same
service per geography or profit centre, plus total number of
different services used by that geography or profit centre.
And by the total headcount receiving a particular service
divided by Income generated by that group or location and
multiplied by number of unique services used.
The higher the vendors, per service, and the higher
the total number of different services, the higher the
competition assumed. To determine how globalised
the function or service is for the organisation, then the
extent of the different numbers of countries that vendors
are being paid (GL) for the same or similar service can
be measured. The higher the vendor count in different
countries for the function, the higher it can be considered
globalised. Also P&L mapping per profit centre per
geography. The more income generated outside geography
the more globalised the supporting function must be.
Number of unique vendors delivering the same service per
profit centre.
Determining the level of internal expertise can be found
in the GL spend mapping ranking per profit centre from
highest to lowest. That is, a high vendor per service per
profit centre means a high level of internal expertise for
that particular service.
The organisation is confident in managing multiple vendors
as opposed to outsourcing for specialisation. Commodity/
Service complexity can be measured by the amount
of internal support resources assigned to a service per
geography or profit centre combined with number of
different vendors providing the same service.
And Head Count mapping divided by the services spend
(GL) per profit centre multiplied by the number of different
vendors used (GL) for same service. The more support
staff required, combined with higher number of different
vendors (same service) for each profit centre is considered
high complexity function or service delivery requirement.
Accounting System
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations16
What to look for in your accounting system
•	 Amount of spend on a service compared to all services within the organisation
•	 GL spend mapping ranking from highest to lowest
•	 High spend equals more strategic
•	 Income generation at location level
•	 P&L mapping ranked by total Headcount divided by Income generated
•	 The higher income generated at one geography the more centralised that geography
Size & Scale
•	 Number of Employees in the organisation
•	 P&L Mapping ranked by total headcount receiving a particular service divided by Income generated by that group or location
•	 The higher the HC per Income the larger the size and scale of that service
Service ownership
•	 Amount of different vendors being used for the same service per geography or profit centre
•	 GL mapping ranked by number of vendors preforming same or similar service to the same group or geography
•	 The higher the vendors, the higher the ownership by the organisation (as opposed to vendors)
Uncertainty & Risk
•	 Amount of spend variation on a particular Service
•	 GL spend mapping ranking service spend variations at defined periods
•	 Greater the spend variation then greater the complexity and uncertainty
Specific & Unique IP
•	 ►Amount of internal support resources assigned to a service per geography or profit centre
•	 Head Count mapping divided by the services spend (GL)
•	 The higher Headcount per spend, the greater the IP specific to that service
•	 ►Amount of different vendors being used for the same service per geography or profit centre, plus total number of different
services used by that geography or profit centre
•	 P&L Mapping ranked by total headcount receiving a particular service divided by Income generated by that group or location and
multiplied by number of unique services used
•	 The higher the vendors, per service, and the higher the total number of different services, the higher the competition
•	 Amount of income generated outside of residing geography per profit centre
•	 P&L mapping per profit centre per geography
•	 The more income generated outside geography the more globalised
Internal Expertise
•	 Number of unique vendors delivering the same service per profit centre
•	 GL spend mapping ranking per profit centre from highest to lowest
•	 High vendor per service per profit centre means a higher level of internal expertise for that particular service
Commodity/Service Complexity
•	 ►Amount of internal support resources assigned to a service per geography or profit centre combined with number of different
vendors providing the same service
•	 Head Count mapping divided by the services spend (GL) per profit centre multiplied by the number of different vendors used
(GL) for same service
•	 The more support staff required, combined with higher number of different vendors (same service) for each profit centre is
considered high complexity
Data Mapping
17Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
The use of digital analytics now makes it possible to
align Organisational data, with Vendor Framework data,
and even down to Individual data. By aligning these
key data inputs, comparing all, and realigning to match,
organisations operations will run at optimum efficiency.
For example, data warehousing and cloud technologies
store data in such a way as accessibility in cross platform
environments makes it possible to store and retrieve in
real-time. Big data allows information to be managed in
large volumes making it a rich multifaceted data source.
The internet and internet of things (including wearable
technologies) is automatic data capture, enhancing existing
data sets.
The future is an automated, self orientating operating
environment that realigns itself to the organisations
ever evolving operations, delivering the right people
(workstyles) at the right time.
Organisational data
Vendor service data
Individual data
Data warehouse
Data warehouse
Big Data
Data warehouse
Internet of Things
Data Integration
| Property/Facility/Procurement Operations18
The use of digital analytics now makes it possible to align Organisational data, with
Vendor Framework data, and even down to Individual data (and human resource and
recruitment data). By aligning these key data inputs, comparing all, and realigning to match,
organisations operations will run at optimum efficiency. For example, data warehousing and
cloud technologies store data in such a way as accessibility in cross platform environments
makes it possible to store and retrieve in real-time.
Big data allows information to be managed in large volumes making it a rich multifaceted
data source. The internet, and internet of things (including wearable technologies), is
automatic data capture and enhancing existing data sets — even down to the individual level.
The future is an automated, self orientating operating environment that realigns itself
to the organisations ever evolving operations, delivering the right people (workstyles) at
the right time in the right framework.
Understanding individual workstyles, whether the GIG worker, or as a part of outsourcing
organisations, or within the client organisation, and aligning them to the ever changing
operating environments via the ten (10) Key data sets in this article, is becoming the new
competitive advantage and is fast becoming a reality in the new digital age.
The Future
19Property/Facility/Procurement Operations |
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EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services.
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Efficiency Optimization using Predictive Analytics - Property Facility Procurement Operations

  • 1. Property/Facility/ Procurement Operations Efficiency Optimization using Digital Analytics as a tool Dr Paul J Luciani EY Asia-Pacific Real Estate Leader May 2018
  • 2. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations2 Overview of Organisational Efficiency 03 Support Services 04 Operations Delivery Framework 05 Identifying workstyle preferences 06 Workstyles in Frameworks 08 Identifying Optimal Framework 09 Data Analytics 12 Key Drivers 13 Data Mapping 14, 16 Accounting System 15 Data Integration 17 The Future 18 Contents
  • 3. 3Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | Driving Organisational Efficiency This article is designed to harness the digital age in optimising the efficiency surrounding the management of indirect costs, and is applicable to most functions that support an organisations core business. Mostly those functions that are deemed support and or infrastructure related. The focus is on the way these functions are delivered, and in particular focusing on the resource frameworks such as outsourced or insourced or both. The goal is to achieve the maximum efficiency (value versus cost) by utilising the right resourcing strategy at the right time. An organisation’s unique “operating Environment” is defined in general terms as the driver of what resourcing strategy is required and when. This operating environment is identified within the financial accounts of the organisation. The use of digital analytics is discussed as an intuitive way of realising a real-time reporting environment that can indicate if and when the right resources are applied to the right operating environment at the right time.
  • 4. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations4 Singular Delivery Collective Delivery Individual Delivery AKA insourced delivery, relies on an organisations internal management resources to delivery the function. Not to be confused with direct emploment (although this could be), but rather focus is on the extent of ownership of the end to end process, whether by direct means, or by indirect means (EG sub contracting, out tasking, etc.) AKA outsourcing, relies on external organisations owning all or part of the end to end process of a function. Focus is given to how much control and ownership this external separate entity has on the function on behalf of the client organisation. AKA GIG worker/workstyle preferred, is defined as any one of the proceeding delivery methods, but embodied in an individual based on his or her workstyle preference. The individual delivers either one or the other or a hybrid, but not both separately. Traditional Delivery of Support Services
  • 5. 5Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | Operational delivery frameworks • Vertical Integration • Internal collective singular identity • Horizontal Integration • External mutual interest with other vertically integrated entities • No longer the predominate way • Still maintains the core of Global Organisational efficiency • Biggest potential to harness digital efficiency • Failed to dominate as the Globally preferred method • Mainly complements Insourcing through specialisation • Specialised Digital • Platforms • Talent is now an Enterprise • Powers all delivery models but mostly suitable only to one method (preference) • Highest recipient of Digital Enhancement • Individual Enterprise • GIG Economy, Flexible Contract Working, Transportable Skills, Fluid Employment and deployment Insourcing Outsourcing Individual History teaches that insourcing, outsourcing, and sometimes individuals have all delivered operations for organisations. Initially it was thought insourcing was to dominate, but as infrastructure matured, outsourcing became a viable alternative. Neither framework has been made redundant, but neither framework is dominating. Also, It became evident that these two frameworks could be further broken down to even the individual level, which has led to the emergence of the Gig Worker, or contract freelance worker; with each having a workstyle preference embodying either of the frameworks. So accepting that it is the individuals, ultimately, that make up both frameworks and their unique workstyles, then analysing organisational operating environments specifically to look for which workstyle will bring the most efficiency, becomes central.
  • 6. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations6 Insource Hybrid Outsource • Workplaces that are established and centralised. • Fully associated in the workplace and are in it for the long term. • Teaming is essential. • Skills are very adaptable and flexible. • Do many things at once with variety in a familiar workplace. • Quality of work essential and identifiable. • Controls both internal and external resources. • Complexity that require many decisions to be made. • Both strategic and operational environments, with work autonomy • Medium to large workplaces involves risk situations. • Workplaces that are established and centralised. • Associated as long term commitment. • Teaming is used to get tasks done. • Skills are adaptable and flexible. Variety of tasks with multitasking • QUALITY is focus predominately using internal resources. • Complex tasks that require multiple decisions to be made. • Strategic and operational environments, autonomously. small to large workplaces involves a medium level of risk analysis. • Projects to complete. specialised person. project teams. • Variety and moving onto other projects after completion. • Being a contracted worker or a Full Time Employee (FTE) is fine. • Networked locally and globally, accountable for work outcomes. Supporting the client and their goals. • Simplify working environment to make it more achievable. • Involved in as much of the organisation as possible. • Workplaces that are projects orientated. • Specialised Skills forming project teams. • Deployed onto other projects after completion. • Other projects for different organisations typical • Directing and harnessing resources to achieve the specified outcomes. • Uses outside providers. • A contracted worker with a portable skill set. • Well networked locally and globally, accountable for work outcomes. • Supporting the client and their and simplifies working environment to make it achievable, and apply that to others around you. Identifying workstyle preferences
  • 7. 7Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | It is an emerging trend in understanding that individuals have a workstyle preference, and that these workstyle preferences sit into one of three frameworks, with a third being a hybrid of both. As frameworks are in essence made of individuals, then understating individual workstyle preference is important. Further, by understanding individual workstyles, it becomes easier to identify the extent of insourcing or outsourcing by the number of compatible workers delivering the function. It is uncommon for individuals to have multiple preferences at once. Usually people lean towards a workstyle preference and are happy and efficient in that working style. Yes, it is true that outsource frameworks may be made up of individuals who suit that framework, and the same can be said for insourced frameworks, so therefore Job compatibility drives efficiency. This focus on understanding the individual workstyle preference as a driver for efficiency has led to greater flexibility both for individuals and for organizations. The “one size (or contract) fits all” is no longer a mantra in today’s digital age. With the emergence of big data, artificial intelligence, and sophisticated database technologies, information is allowing organizations to more quickly change out their resource strategy to suit their operating needs — especially down to the individual level.
  • 8. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations8 Aligning Operations and Frameworks Analyzing Operating Environments Relatively new is the approach of aligning workstyles to an organisations functional operating environment. Many of the cost drivers associated with delivering functional operations (indirects) can be attributed to a misalignment of frameworks. Delivering with insourced workstyles to a function that, at that particular point in time, suits a more outsourced approach, will drive up costs. The reverse is also true, and true for all frameworks. Workstyles in Frameworks
  • 9. 9Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | • High strategy • Centralised operations • Large Scale • Operational Uncertainty • Owned IP • Unique Specific Service or Asset • Mixed • Somewhere in the middle • Halfway between the two • Not many outliers • Reduced reporting requirements • Higher teaming resource output • Stable contract costs • Consistent Quality • All benefits but at a reduced level • Reduced cost of delivery • Lower unit costs • Higher Quality Faster Delivery • Reduced Complexity • High Flexibility • Increased Technology • Not Strategic • Decentralised operations • Highly globalised • Low internal expertise • Highly competitive market Insource Hybrid Outsource Limited effectiveness — Time diminished Identifying Optimal Framework
  • 10. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations10 In various studies conducted it was found that singular, Insourced workstyle delivery is best used when the function is strategic, has centralised operations, is of a large scale, has some operational uncertainty or risk, has some inherent IP to protect, and consists of unique specific service or asset. Under these operating environments in-source workstyle achieves the best results and can reduce reporting requirements, create higher teaming resource output, maintain stable contract costs, and achieve consistent quality outcomes. Conversely, the same studies have shown that collective, outsourced workstyle delivery is best delivered when the function is not strategic, has a decentralised operations, is highly globalised in its distribution, has low internal expertise, and supports a function which operates in highly competitive markets. Under these operating environments outsource workstyle achieves the best results and can reduced the cost of delivery, achieve lower unit costs, bring initial higher quality with Faster Delivery, help in reducing complexity, allow for Higher resource flexibility, and introduce Increased Technology solutions. A hybrid of these can be applied to most operating environments but at a reduce benefit. Centralised Large Scale IP to protect Specific Globalised Highly competitive markets So what happens when all or some of your workstyle strategies are not fully or partially aligned with your operating environment? It depends on which workstyle framework is being applied. For example, singular insourced workstyles that operate mainly in an operating environment that is more aligned to outsource workstyles will have an increase in resources levels (staff, staff costs) for the same output. They will have a decrease in quality outcomes for the customer (stakeholder). That is, overly complex organisational chart and operations requiring ever increasing resource costs. For outsource workstyles that operate in an environment more suited to insourced workstyles, there will be Increased contract costs, overall quality reduced to Client or stakeholder, a loss of control of the function by the organisation, and an eventual adverse impact on core business, with a reduced speed of delivery of the support. That is Vendor Monopoly, Skills shortages, Duplication of management (multiple Vendors), Price hiking/litigation/ general stressed relationships. To complicate things further, the same research has found that an organisations operating environment is constantly changing. More precisely, it is cycling at about every 2.5 years when considering which framework to deploy (or every 3.5 years for hybrid frameworks). This means that your operational management strategy must follow this cycle to keep your costs as low as possible and maintain an acceptable level of value.
  • 11. 11Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | • Increase resources (staff) same output • Decrease quality for customer (stakeholder) • Slower change but no increase in value • Status Quo and eventually non competitive • Overly complex organisational chart and operations • Ever increasing resource costs • Cost Value at reduced levels • Vendor Monopoly • Skills shortages • Duplication of management (multiple Vendors) • Price hiking/litigation/ general stressed relationship • Increased Contract costs • Quality reduced to Client • Loss of control of function • Adverse impact on Client Insource Hybrid Outsource 2.5 years until misalignment 3.5 years before misalignment 2.5 years before misalignment
  • 12. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations12 Data Analytics Leveraging 10 Key Business Data sources using multiple platforms to align workstyles to shifting operational service delivery environments If your organisation’s operating environment cycles every 2.5 years, with 5 years being a full end to end change (or 3.5 and 7 years for Hybrid frameworks), then how do we keep up and apply the right workstyles framework to maximise efficiency? The answer is hidden in the financial accounting system. After all, it’s the eventual and final impact on the chart of accounts that is the true indicator as to what is happening in your organisation’s operating environment.
  • 13. 13Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | There are ten (10) key drivers of organisations operations. These are the level of strategy to the organisation that the operating environment represents. How centralised the operations are being managed. How relatively large the scale is of the operations . How much direct ownership and control the organisation has on the operating environment. The level of risk and uncertainty that is inherent in the operational environment. How much unique IP is inherent in the operating environment. The level of competition that the organisation has in the market for its core business. How globalised the operating environment is geographically. The level of internal competence on self delivering the operating environment. And how complex the operating environment is to deliver. These ten (10) key drivers of operational environments change over time and require monitoring so that the correct workstyle framework can be applied as previously discussed. Key Drivers Direct Ownership & Control Size of operation Internal Competence Centralised Globalised Competition Unique IP Level of Risk Complexity Strategy Key Drivers of Organisation’s Operations
  • 14. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations14 Data Mapping 30 months of optimized services delivery 30 months of optimized services delivery 42 months of optimized services delivery • Reduced reporting requirements • Higher teaming resource output • Stable contract costs • Consistent Quality • Reduced cost of delivery • Lower unit costs • Higher Quality Faster Delivery • Reduced Complexity • High Flexibility • Increased Technology application • ► All benefits but at a reduced level 10 Key Data Analytic Feeds
  • 15. 15Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | Using data analytics to map an organisations operating environment centres on extracting and manipulating information in real-time from the firms data warehouse or cloud environment databases. For example, Identifying how strategic a function is can be found in the amount of spend on a service compared to all services within the organisation, and GL spend mapping ranking from highest to lowest per vendor. Higher spend and focus can be attributed to higher strategic value. Determining centralisation can be found from the amount of income generation at location level, and P&L mapping ranked by total Headcount divided by Income generated by location. Higher concentrations of staff and income derived from singular locations can represent more centralised operations. Size and scale can be derived by the number of employees in the organisation, and P&L mapping by ranking the total headcount receiving a particular service divided by Income generated by that group or location. In general larger organisations have a higher headcount with higher revenue generation. Operational ownership can be determined by the amount of different vendors being used for the same service per geography or profit centre, and GL mapping by the number of vendors preforming same or similar service to the same group or geography. Organisations that use multiple vendors per function usually have higher ownership of that function. Risk and Uncertainty can be the amount of spend variation on a particular Service through GL spend mapping, ranking service spend variations at defined periods. When a function’s cost varies wildly there is usually more inherent risk in delivering that function. Specific unique IP can be determined by the amount of internal support resources assigned to a service per geography or profit centre, and the head count mapping divided by the services spend (GL). Organisations usually have high management hours on functions they consider uniquely specific to their organisation. The Level of competition and its impact on operations is the amount of different vendors being used for the same service per geography or profit centre, plus total number of different services used by that geography or profit centre. And by the total headcount receiving a particular service divided by Income generated by that group or location and multiplied by number of unique services used. The higher the vendors, per service, and the higher the total number of different services, the higher the competition assumed. To determine how globalised the function or service is for the organisation, then the extent of the different numbers of countries that vendors are being paid (GL) for the same or similar service can be measured. The higher the vendor count in different countries for the function, the higher it can be considered globalised. Also P&L mapping per profit centre per geography. The more income generated outside geography the more globalised the supporting function must be. Number of unique vendors delivering the same service per profit centre. Determining the level of internal expertise can be found in the GL spend mapping ranking per profit centre from highest to lowest. That is, a high vendor per service per profit centre means a high level of internal expertise for that particular service. The organisation is confident in managing multiple vendors as opposed to outsourcing for specialisation. Commodity/ Service complexity can be measured by the amount of internal support resources assigned to a service per geography or profit centre combined with number of different vendors providing the same service. And Head Count mapping divided by the services spend (GL) per profit centre multiplied by the number of different vendors used (GL) for same service. The more support staff required, combined with higher number of different vendors (same service) for each profit centre is considered high complexity function or service delivery requirement. Accounting System
  • 16. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations16 What to look for in your accounting system Strategic • Amount of spend on a service compared to all services within the organisation • GL spend mapping ranking from highest to lowest • High spend equals more strategic Centralised • Income generation at location level • P&L mapping ranked by total Headcount divided by Income generated • The higher income generated at one geography the more centralised that geography Size & Scale • Number of Employees in the organisation • P&L Mapping ranked by total headcount receiving a particular service divided by Income generated by that group or location • The higher the HC per Income the larger the size and scale of that service Service ownership • Amount of different vendors being used for the same service per geography or profit centre • GL mapping ranked by number of vendors preforming same or similar service to the same group or geography • The higher the vendors, the higher the ownership by the organisation (as opposed to vendors) Uncertainty & Risk • Amount of spend variation on a particular Service • GL spend mapping ranking service spend variations at defined periods • Greater the spend variation then greater the complexity and uncertainty Specific & Unique IP • ►Amount of internal support resources assigned to a service per geography or profit centre • Head Count mapping divided by the services spend (GL) • The higher Headcount per spend, the greater the IP specific to that service Competition • ►Amount of different vendors being used for the same service per geography or profit centre, plus total number of different services used by that geography or profit centre • P&L Mapping ranked by total headcount receiving a particular service divided by Income generated by that group or location and multiplied by number of unique services used • The higher the vendors, per service, and the higher the total number of different services, the higher the competition Globalised • Amount of income generated outside of residing geography per profit centre • P&L mapping per profit centre per geography • The more income generated outside geography the more globalised Internal Expertise • Number of unique vendors delivering the same service per profit centre • GL spend mapping ranking per profit centre from highest to lowest • High vendor per service per profit centre means a higher level of internal expertise for that particular service Commodity/Service Complexity • ►Amount of internal support resources assigned to a service per geography or profit centre combined with number of different vendors providing the same service • Head Count mapping divided by the services spend (GL) per profit centre multiplied by the number of different vendors used (GL) for same service • The more support staff required, combined with higher number of different vendors (same service) for each profit centre is considered high complexity Data Mapping
  • 17. 17Property/Facility/Procurement Operations | The use of digital analytics now makes it possible to align Organisational data, with Vendor Framework data, and even down to Individual data. By aligning these key data inputs, comparing all, and realigning to match, organisations operations will run at optimum efficiency. For example, data warehousing and cloud technologies store data in such a way as accessibility in cross platform environments makes it possible to store and retrieve in real-time. Big data allows information to be managed in large volumes making it a rich multifaceted data source. The internet and internet of things (including wearable technologies) is automatic data capture, enhancing existing data sets. The future is an automated, self orientating operating environment that realigns itself to the organisations ever evolving operations, delivering the right people (workstyles) at the right time. Organisational data Vendor service data Individual data Data warehouse Data warehouse Big Data Data warehouse Internet Internet of Things Cloud Cloud Variables Cloud Data Integration
  • 18. | Property/Facility/Procurement Operations18 The use of digital analytics now makes it possible to align Organisational data, with Vendor Framework data, and even down to Individual data (and human resource and recruitment data). By aligning these key data inputs, comparing all, and realigning to match, organisations operations will run at optimum efficiency. For example, data warehousing and cloud technologies store data in such a way as accessibility in cross platform environments makes it possible to store and retrieve in real-time. Big data allows information to be managed in large volumes making it a rich multifaceted data source. The internet, and internet of things (including wearable technologies), is automatic data capture and enhancing existing data sets — even down to the individual level. The future is an automated, self orientating operating environment that realigns itself to the organisations ever evolving operations, delivering the right people (workstyles) at the right time in the right framework. Understanding individual workstyles, whether the GIG worker, or as a part of outsourcing organisations, or within the client organisation, and aligning them to the ever changing operating environments via the ten (10) Key data sets in this article, is becoming the new competitive advantage and is fast becoming a reality in the new digital age. The Future
  • 20. About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit © 2018 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. APAC no. XXXXXXXXXX IN1831551 ED none This communication provides general information which is current at the time of production. The information contained in this communication does not constitute advice and should not be relied on as such. Professional advice should be sought prior to any action being taken in reliance on any of the information. Ernst & Young disclaims all responsibility and liability (including, without limitation, for any direct or indirect or consequential costs, loss or damage or loss of profits) arising from anything done or omitted to be done by any party in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the information. Any party that relies on the information does so at its own risk. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory