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Effects Of Ethnocentrism
what extent does ethnocentrism impact Western societies' views of minorities and the actions of
people of different ethnicities?
"A certain moral imbecility marks all ethnocentric movements."– I.F. Stone. Ethnocentrism is a
theme that clouds the progress of society as it comes to the grisly conclusion that one ethnicity is
inherently superior to all others. Stone was trying to state that ethnocentrism breeds the evil that
casts a dark shadow over humanity. When viewing the cultural, historical, and ethical arguments;
about ethnocentrism and how it influences Western societies, one can see the detrimental effects it
has on minorities and on different ethnic regions.
What is ethnocentrism?
Ethnocentrism is a complex topic and many individuals ... Show more content on ...
One way to gain this empathy is to immerse oneself in the culture that exists in the world around
oneself. One can do this by actively seeking out cultural events, talking to people of different
cultures, and recognizing the limits between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation.
However, due to the nature of ethnocentrism, it is difficult to fully remove one's personal bias
towards other cultures. Another limitation toward eliminating ethnocentrism is the pervasiveness of
anxiety. One may feel anxiety in having a different culture and fear that different
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Cultural Relativism In American Culture
Anthropology is a broad study of the products and precedents of human behavior. These products
and precedents include the study of material objects, institutions and factors that contribute to social
change and understanding of human behavior. In studying human behavior, ethnocentrism and
cultural relativism will be examined as these concepts expose the authors (McDonnell 2016). Male
domination will also be considered while examining these concepts as an important trait in the
Afghan society.
Ethnocentrism is an idea supported by a mixture of beliefs that one's own culture is superior to any
other culture. The ideas, foreign ways, and values of them are less human or less rational
(McDonnell 2016).
Cultural relativism, on the other hand, is the understanding of people and culture on their own terms.
Understanding that all cultures have a qualitative difference from our own culture and that they have
their own inner logic (McDonnell 2016).
In the culture practice of Bacha Bazi (2001), whereby young boys dress up as women and dance for
wealthy men that is against the law in Afghanistan. It is a form of sexual slavery and many boys are
exploited and some are murdered. In the class video "Dancing Boys", the journalist Najibullah and
the producer Doran both were ethnocentric. How Najibullah goes to Afghanistan with a method
agenda to film about this practice and expose it on a deeper level and the producer Doran putting
other speakers in the video that give statements that are
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Cultural Diversity and Louie
1) Does Louie have a problem, or are the people who made the negative comments about Louie just
being too sensitive?
According to the article, the manager named Louie does have problem. The people who made the
negative comments are not being too sensitive since the comments about him are true although he
may not realize that. Louie has discrimination problem against female (para.3 and 8), homosexual
(para. 4), older people (para. 5) and other races of people were judged by him with his own
perception which might be wrong. (para. 7)
As we saw from study case, Louie insulted a female customer to discuss with her husband in order
to get new exhaust system instead of making decision by her. ... Show more content on ...
Then, the company faces the problem of losing customers.
Therefore, company has to take Louie's problem seriously. Company has to be careful when take
correct approach to solve the problem. The approach should be effective and simultaneously will not
upset Louie.
3) What improvement might Louie need to make to become a truly multicultural manager?
There are some improvements that Louie can make in order for him to be a more efficient manager
in a diverse workplace.
First of all, Louie can be more open–minded and down to the earth in today's modern world. Louie
can learn to value the differences of other people and respect their opinions. Louie had to respect
customers by accepting and adopting their value and believes. Louie should be humble and ask for
other people ideas or opinions when making decision due to the differences of ideas that shared
among each others will help Louie to learn others culture. At the same time, listening to others' ideas
and experiences is a way to understand other from different situations and different perspectives.
Besides that, Louie should enhance himself with personal ethnic and soft skills. Louie should not
have the idea of genders, homosexual and senior citizens discrimination. It is essential for Louie to
leave those outdate opinion behind. Therefore, Louie is encouraged to go for training
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COO Effect
2.3 Effects of Country of Origin on consumers
Several scholars have researched the process of how COO effects impact on consumer's perceptions,
product evaluations and purchase intensions. It can be explained by the theory of 'Halo Effect';
'Summary Construct' and 'Combined Halo and Summary Construct'.
2.3.1 Halo Effect Model
Han (1989) examine the role of COO image in consumer evaluations of televisions and automobiles.
He suggests that when consumers are not familiar with the product's intrinsic cues, they tend to
utilize COO cue as a "halo" from which consumers can infer product attributes and quality in order
to simplify their decision making process. It can indirectly affect consumers' product/brand attitudes
through their inferential ... Show more content on ...
The more additional product information that are presented, the weaker COO effects on consumers'
product evaluations. If consumers have a source country of the product as a single cue, all
perceptions and characteristics about the product can only be inferred on the basis of COO image
(Han, 1989). However, if COO together with other extrinsic cues such as price, brand are presented,
a product's COO effect on consumer purchasing decisions will be diluted since more marketing–
stimulus as reliable information input are conducted into consumers' information processing (Elliot
and Cameron, 1994; Jaffe & Nebenzahl, 2001; Kalicharan, 2014). The COO may be an important
element in the perceptions consumers have of products and services especially where little other
information is known.
2.4.3 Consumer
1) Product knowledge
Maheswaran (1994) found that the case of the existence of unambiguous information for a specific
product (in his case: computers), experienced consumers make their choices based on the evaluation
of specific product attributes; whereas less experienced consumers rely on the country of origin. On
the other hand, when information is lacking or is ambiguous, both types of consumers rely on
country of origin to infer the quality of the product.
2) Involvement
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Examples Of Ethnoculturalism In The Visitor
One of example of discrimination in the film comes from Tarek's arrest. The NYPD assume that
Tarek has jumped the turnstop while entering the subway even though he paid. When Tarek tries to
tell the police that he paid for the subway ride he is ignored. Even when Walter tries to stick up for
Tarek and possibly use his own white privilege to tell the police that Tarek paid he is silenced.
Ethnocentrism is also displayed once Tarek is placed in the detention center because in the waiting
room of the detention center is a picture of the statue of liberty, representing freedom and justice. It
seems a bit ironic that a symbol for freedom and opportunity are painted on the inside of a detention
center for immigrants pending deportation.
Another reference to marginalization and oppression is displayed with the scene when Zanaib,
Mouna and Walter go and meet with an attorney for Tarek. When talking about what the options are
for Tarek the lawyer responds, "It's very black and white, either you belong or you don't" (The
Visitor, 2007). This perspective marginalizes many people. On a broader level, this is an
ethnocentric approach in that other cultures are being judged based on what the "normal" culture and
standards are. One of the consequences of ethnocentrism is that another culture might feel judged,
isolated and forced to assimilate. The lawyer might have had his own first hand experience with this.
The lawyer appears to be an immigrant himself or had family who came to
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Ethnocentrism And Ethnocentrism In Japan
Ethnocentrism: Ethnic Homogeneity In many ways, Japan has been looked upon as a strangely
homogeneous society for much of its modern history. And for some, it stands as one of the most
homogeneous nation in the world. However, when looking at Japan as a whole, and considering
whether or not it homogeneity is a problem, or just another cultural phenomenon, one must look
towards the root cause of homogeneism in Japan. In Japan's past, it has has been questioned, as well
as assumed, that the growth of Japans homogeneous viewpoint was put forward by the government
of Japan, and was done so by circulating false accusations of its lineage. Which these false stories of
lineage, Japan has grown in its ethnocentric views and ways. Ethnocentrism, or ... Show more
content on ...
One example of this happened back in the 1970's and 1980's when Japan only accepted a small
number of refugee's from Vietnam and other nations in the southern parts of Asia. Yet at the same
time Japan was bringing in labor for Korea and China before and during World War II. Like stated
before, once Japan felt itself become a weaker force in the world, and its own view of itself suffered,
ethnocentrism strived. Things started to change. Japan let in less cheep labor and less refugees as a
way to preserve its pureness. Another argument made by Japan when asked why they had refused to
bring in refugees at this time is very much the same argument made by Japan's establishment today.
The reason Japan accepts so little refugees and the like is that the "mono–ethnic Japanese society
has no tradition of accepting outsiders." However, as stated previously, the case before World War II
showed the opposite. To put things into todays perspective, over the last few years, Japan has
accepted about 2,560 refugees from around the world, while the United Kingdom has accepted
117,161 refugees as of 2015. Keeping in mind that the UK measures slightly less in square meters
than Japan, so the reason cannot be made that there is 'no room.' Whether or not Japan is accepting
refugees from outside of Japan
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Designing A Sales Subsidiary Structure
In the organizational context, I recommend Winch–It to adopt 'Sales subsidiary structure'. I judged
that it was the most appropriate stages to dive in among the four stages of internationalization
considering the company's situation and attitude. In the staffing context, I recommend Winch–It to
take the ethnocentric approach in the staffing context and the balance sheet approach in international
compensation. Finally, in international performance management, I listed several issues need to be
concerned and suggested adopt not 'TCN role conception' but 'PCN role conception'. Introduction
The main object of this portfolio is to provide the board with useful advice for Winch–It to develop
an international business. Since they are uncertain of what type of organizational structure they
would build for international operations and what country to expand, I reflected the board's demand
and explanation of the company's current situation mostly than other variables to compose my
recommendations. The organizational context I would like to recommend Winch–It to adopt 'Sales
subsidiary structure'. Typically, initial stage for manufacturing firms entering international
operations is exporting. Therefore, theoretically the optimal organizational structure for Winch–it
which has no experience of in establishing any form of oversea operation is 'Export department
structure'. However, I would like to take a more realistic approach than this. The board is confident
that Winch–It
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Directed by Dennis O'Rourke, the Film, Cannibal Tours, is...
1. This film is called Cannibal Tours. The subject group is primitive tribespeople and their villages
in the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. The film's producer/director is Dennis O'Rourke. 2. The era
of the film is 1978. With symbolism, intense observation and interesting humour, Cannibal Tours
eliminates the cultural assumptions with these tribespeople by talking and interviewing them to
investigate how they feel about their lifestyle and the tourists that come to visit. It explores the
differences and similarities between civilized and primitive people. 3. Historical Context:
Throughout the film, there are a lot of references and short voiceovers or clips of things that are
related to the implementation of postmodernity. I believe it's trying to symbolize the attempt society
makes to suppress bad memories of genocides on which modernity was built. Hence, the ambition
behind this postmodernity is to try and stop history. But, it is not possible to repress the past without
denying the future. Therefore, the neglect continues throughout the film. Political Context: In the
Sepik River tribe community, there isn't much of a government–type leader. The people live to their
own rules and do as they think is correct. A majority of the community is run by income from the
tourists and thus from this, the society thrives. Economic Context: The European and American
tourists travel from village to village through the Sepik River and haggle the tribespeople for their
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Ethnocentrism Examples
What is ethnocentrism, and in today's world is ethnocentrism still in existence; if so why. So, what is
ethnocentrism, it's simply making judgment as to one's race or culture as to their beliefs, values, and
customs to which they believe in; or what constitutes their lifestyles. In other words, believing that
own race is superior over their own and thinking their better than anyone else; or above the rest (as
to race); while judging their existence as to how we portray them. However, this belief has stemmed
for centuries, and is nothing we have seen or already been a custom too; for it hasn't showed much
change over the past several decades. Therefore, meaning that "ethnocentrism is such a robust
phenomenon that is was recognized as a ... Show more content on ...
While this has gone on for many years, and continues today no one should every have to be labeled
by another, or judged by any means; this is known as ethnocentric (a natural response to other
culture that aren't alike our own). One example, my husband is Pacific Islander from Guam;
however, when we go place people look at him and automatically labeling him as Hispanic or Asian
because of his skin tone and his dialogue. Another example of ethnocentrism, "if we go to a store
and ask for a green coat and the sales clerk gives us a blue one, we would think the person was color
blind at the best or stupid at the worst" (Barger 2016, pg. 1). That maybe the clerk cannot
distinguish the differences as to "color;" just like race we naturally label them as to their color by
putting them in a group to which best resembles themselves.
However, ethnocentrism is not among every type of tribe, but it does demonstrate itself among other
social groups; like in our own communities through that of diversity; damaging one's own practices
(known as prejudice). For instance, when were refer to those individuals of black descent in a
reification sense, we put them into a classification, (or group) based on their creed to which they
belong; by symbolization to which we conduct through the entities of social order and reformation.
Just like with Asian Americans, we assume they are different because their beliefs aren't a custom to
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Ethnocentrism: What Is Ethnocentrism?
The world ethno comes from Greek and refers to a people, nation, or cultural grouping, while
centric comes from Latin and refers, of course to the centre. The term ethnocentrism then refers to
the tendency for each society to place its own culture patterns at the centre of things. Ethnocentrism
is the practice of comparing other cultural practices with those of one's own and automatically
finding those other cultural practices to be inferior. It is the habit of each group taking for granted
the superiority of its culture. It makes our culture into a yardstick with which to measure all other
cultures as good or bad, high or low, right or queer in proportion as they resemble ours.
The theoretical concept of ethnocentrism, as ... Show more content on ...
The Greek root word xeno, pronounced "ZEE–no" means "stranger". Xenocentrism is a culturally
based tendency to value other cultures more highly than one's own. On the basis of this feeling, the
products, styles, ideas and values of one's society are regarded as inferior to that of other societies.
For example, people in India often assume that British lifestyle (dress pattern, etc.), French fashion
or Japanese electronic devices (TV, tape recorders, mobile set, washing machines, etc.) and Swiss
watches are superior to their
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Ethnocentrism in Avatar
Ethnocentrism in Anthropological perspective – Avatar Using highly advanced technology to
replicate and to creating false bodies which humans use to walk amongst the natives known as the
Na'vi living in the planet Pandora hence the name 'Avatar'. The story focuses on an ex U.S. soldier
name Jake Sully who is wheel–chair bound, was called upon as a last resort to replace his late
brother whom had trained for 3 years in a project which was invested with so much money that the
researchers could not bear to make it go to waste. Thus, sharing the same DNA, Jake was then given
the privilege to be part of the project as he was tasked to retrieve back an extremely valuable
mineral known as "Unobtainium" (Cameron & Landau, 2009) and at the same ... Show more content
on ...
They were regarded as less develop when battling against the humans, the antagonist Miles Quaritch
in charge of the security firm underestimates the Na'vi as they fire their spears and arrows
effortlessly at their solid armoured battle ships
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How Counseling Is Impacted The Well Being Of Cultural...
Counseling has impacted the well–being of cultural diverse populations by increasing growth in
ethnical and minority groups. Cultural diverse has influence counselors to work together as one,
empower skills to meet the challenges and demands of diverse client groups (Hays, 2016).
Counselors utilize interventions focused on client's needs to assess cultural concerns. These
techniques establish the significant collaboration of the counsel/ client relationship, promote clients
awareness to their limitations and provide imperative ethical guidelines. Counselors are skilled in
their practices to facilitate productive healing in mild to serve cultural population. Counselors
develop an empathic understanding and support with their clients. They are encouraged to elevate
cultural knowledge, self–awareness and stress–less experiences. Counselors inhibit trustworthy and
essential characteristics in how they utilize cultural sensitivity and appropriate interventions with
ethnicity, race and language. As a counselor, you have to recognize that understanding different
culture is an important part of your career. You will encounter numerous communication and
language barriers (Ratts, Singh, Nassar–McMillan, Butler & McCullough, 2015). Respect the
values, beliefs, traditions and customs of other cultures. Culture molds a person or group of people
and how they interpret the world around them. It indicates the attributes of their attitude, perceptions
and contributes to society. Each
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Ethnocentrism Essay
Dr. Wayne Dyer once stated that "the ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know
nothing about." This ignorance has been found in humanity time and time again, and has been the
root of unparalleled devastation. The rejection of other cultures is a troubling trait that has persisted
throughout the ages, and must be put to a stop. Mankind's biggest flaw is its belief that one culture is
superior to another, thus practicing ethnocentrism, which leads to conflict.
As mentioned above, ethnocentrism is the instance of one culture believing they are superior to
another. This false sense of superiority has been the beginning of discrimination across the ages. In
the short story "By Any Other Name" ethnocentrism is demonstrated clearly when an English
teacher moves an Indian girl to the back of the room "because Indians cheat" (Rama Rau 2). This
woman discriminated against a little girl whom she had just met solely because she believed that the
girl's culture was inferior to her own. This arrogance can often lead to the victim feeling as if their
culture is undesirable, and they often feel compelled to conform to the so called "superior" culture.
Likewise in a letter written by the caring father of a young boy, the father claims that his Native
American boy is being bullied relentlessly by the majority of his Kindergarten classmates on
account of his heritage and culture. The forced assimilation was quickly taken note of by his father,
and he soon spoke out against it.
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Ethnocentrism And Ethnocentrism
September of 1939 began the second World War which drastically changed the world and how we
view it. Hitler was a huge impact on many of lives, creating an army of Nazi soldiers with a goal of
wiping out the entire Jewish population. This ethnic cleansing, known as the Holocaust, resulted in
over six million Jewish deaths and is now known as the deadliest and most destructive time in
history. The concept that many people can not grasp is how Hitler was able to succeed all of these
murders. The war around them was an enormous impact on Hitler's ability to eliminate the Jews.
During the time period of World War II, the surrounding war was most conducive to allowing Hitler
conduct the attempted ethnic cleansing because of ethnocentrism, powerful countries were distracted
by war, and the economy was poor. In order to be effective, Hitler used ethnocentrism to succeed
and conduct his attempt at ethnic cleansing during World War II. Ethnocentrism has to do with the
belief that one ethnicity is superior to another. According to the article, "Sa WWII Historical
Introduction" (2008), "The Nazis held that the only true Germans were "Aryans," or people with
northern European physical characteristics. Aryans, they claimed, formed a "master race" which had
a right to conquer additional territory for exploitation and colonization and to exterminate all
"inferior" races who stood in the way," (para. 12). Therefore, the Nazis were able to get further
because they thought they were helping
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Ethcentrism In Rabbit-Proof Fence
The film Rabbit–Proof Fence illustrates on the topics of ethnocentrism, and also, the significance of
perceiving the immense breadth of the Jigalong clan's customary biological learning to depict the
wrongs that jumped out at this gathering starting in the 1930's. As the "half–rank" youngsters were
taken from their homes with a specific end goal to be educated like English kids, the men
responsible for said operation were endeavoring to strip away the nobility, as well as the
conventions and character of a culture that was viewed as unthinkable on the grounds that the kids
were not the same as supposed "humanized" society. A case of the ethnocentrism in the film would
be when Mr. Neville, Chief Protector of Aborigines states, "Ensured against themselves. On the off
chance that they would just comprehend what we are endeavoring to improve the situation them."
Thinking that these children require sparing on the grounds that the children live as per an
arrangement of conventions and ways that originate from their own history is identified with what is
known as the "White Man's Burden," since this is viewed as an adequate purpose behind interceding
in the lives of others, when this is extremely not satisfactory.
Another way that the motion picture can pass on the distinctions in culture is through the Jigalong's
learning of nature and surroundings all through the film. At a young age, the kids are instructed how
to rummage and chase for their own particular sustenance, which appears differently in relation to
the supper courses of action in the Moore River Native Settlement. Additionally, both the tracker,
who is chasing down Molly and her family can utilize the land for something other than
nourishment however a guide. Understanding those sorts of pieces of information gives the group of
onlookers an approach to see that the Jigalong clan's energy about nature in their social esteems
instead of seeing the emotional contrast and uncalled for nature of living in the Settlement.
As we started the semester understanding the genuine significance of culture, we create upon the
ideas of Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism where the video Rabbit Proof Fence becomes
possibly the most important factor. While watching
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Management Skills and Style Assessment
Man 111 Midterm
1) Bill Sanderson, a manager in a manufacturing firm in New York has a tendency to view the world
only through his U.S.–based perspective. What can be deduced about his attitude?
A) He has an elitist attitude.
B) He has a polycentric attitude.
C) He has a parochialistic attitude.
D) He has a geocentric attitude.
2) Managers with a(n) ________ attitude view every foreign operation as different and hard to
A) geocentric
B) polycentric
C) ethnocentric
D) regiocentric
3) In today's global environment, managers must have a(n) ________ attitude in order to be
A) ethnocentric
B) parochial
C) bigoted
D) geocentric
4) Which of the following countries is a member of the European Union?
A) Ireland ... Show more content on ...
A) liaison
B) monitor
C) negotiator
D) resource allocator
20) Which of the following is not an example of an interpersonal role according to Mintzberg?
A) figurehead
B) leader
C) liaison
D) spokesperson
21) Understanding building codes would be considered a ________ skill for a building contractor.
A) human
B) technical
C) conceptual
D) empirical
22) Which of the following is true concerning the three managerial skills?
A) Technical skills tend to be most important for middle–level managers.
B) Conceptual skills are most important for lower–level managers.
C) Human skills remain equally important to all levels of management.
D) Technical skills increase and conceptual skills decrease in importance as a manager climbs the
organizational chart.
23) Conceptual skills involve ________.
A) managing employees who use tools to produce the organization's products
B) communicating with customers
C) thinking about abstract and complex situations
D) inspiring enthusiasm and trust among employees
24) Increased accountability of employees is typically caused by ________.
A) increased digitization
B) increased emphasis on organizational ethics
C) security threats to the organization
D) discrimination concerns
25) The ________ view of social responsibility holds that management's only social responsibility is
to maximize profits.
A) socioeconomic
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Ethnocentrism In Avatar
The film, Avatar, depicts humans colonizing Pandora, a lavish livable moon in the Alpha Centauri
star framework, so as to mine the mineral "unobtanium" controlled by the Na'vi, the native of
Pandora (Cameron & Landau, 2009). Jake Sully, a handicap ex–marine, tasked to infiltrate the
place, known as Pandora, in his given avatar suit to assist the military in blending into Pandora. In
this essay, the Avatar film shows ethnocentrism and romanticism being displayed.
According to Lundberg(2015), ethnocentrism is the belief of one's culture is prevalent than the other.
In Avatar, the head administrator of RDA, Parker Selfridge, blatantly shows no admiration to the
native of Pandora. He addresses the Na'vi as "blue monkeys" and "savages". In additional, ... Show
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Romanticism is where traditional people being seen as presenting a better past when humans were at
one with nature (Lundberg, 2015). One of the scenes where romanticism clearly uncovered is when
Neytiri (Na'vi princess) teaching Juke Sully the most proficient method to ride on the direhorse, the
prerequisite for it is for him to bond with the direhorse. To bond with a direhorse, Jake Sully must
mount on it and connect his neural queue found at the end of his hair braid and the horse's neural
queue found at the end of the horse's antenna. Once both neural queue touches, the optic–fiber like
wires found in both ends of neural queue automatically intertwines (Cameron & Landau, 2009).
This bond signifies the connection between the horse and Jake sully is essential, sacred. Through
this bond, he is able to communicate with the direhorse or to share their history or memories
(Tucker, n.d.). An additional scene is when Jake Sully experiences risk in the Pandora woods, being
assaulted by a couple viperwolves in the Pandora backwoods. At the point when an excess of
viperwolves comes at him, he can no longer battle for himself. At that basic minute, Neytiri rescues
him by killing one of the viperwolves but she offers her prayers to the viperwolve that she killed.
(Cameron & Landau, 2009). To the Na'vi, the viperwolves in the forest are scared as they are part of
the forest whereas to Jake Sully, the
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Ethnocentrism In The Military
When I see the word ethnocentrism before I knew what it actually meant. I always thought of it as
term used only with African Americans people but used in some sort of played down way not to
offend or be looked at as racist. There has been times when I hear someone say something about an
African American person hair and say things like "That is ethnic hair" to avoid saying it is nappy or
dreaded. I would just ignore it and think in my mind like wow they are trying hard not seem racist. It
was for me going to the Army's Equal Opportunity Leaders Course was then I was finally educated
on terms such as discrimination and ethnocentrism. It showed me that I had to fix my way of
thinking even though I never looked at anyone's race as inferior but
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Ethnocentrism In America
According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary ethnocentrism is characterized by or based on the
attitude that one's own group is superior, similarly Hunt–Hurst and Miller–Spillman (2012) define
ethnocentrism as judging people from other cultures and backgrounds by one's own cultural
standards and beliefs (p. 10). When being ethnocentric to beauty means one is imposing their own
views of beauty to decide if others are beautiful. When this happens it lends itself to the
understanding that not all men and women are created equal in the light of beauty, but that in fact
some are more beautiful than others which disturbs, confuses even angers others (Hunt–Hurst and
Miller–Spillman, 2012, p. 176). How one culture defines beauty might be seen as ... Show more
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This form of ethnocentric can be either conscious or subconscious in thought or it could be both, but
both forms bring about discrimination. The conscious thought happens when agencies are looking
for models, they usually have a type in mind: five feet nine, young, blonde, or thin. A study was
conducted by Italian researcher's trying to determine if attractive people receive more callbacks than
unattractive people. This study sent out ten thousand resumes each with a picture to test the
influence of beauty, as well as if biases are present both ethically and regionally. The end results
determined that attractive people received more callbacks than unattractive people; fifty–four
percent for women and forty–seven percent men. Another study conducted in Israeli had different
results than the Italian study in that attractive men were given jobs over attractive women citing that
"female jealousy of attractive women in the workplace was the cause"(Nisen, 2013). This form of
ethnocentrism could be either conscious or subconscious in thought. With this in mind, it is easy to
see how people end up believing they are not perfect causing them to make changes sometimes
drastic changes; plastic surgery, skin bleaching,
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Ethnocentrism Essay
In a world with many different cultures, ethnocentrism is a constant threat to society. When
horrendous acts of racism, sexism , and disability discrimination are constantly the headlines of
multiple news outlets. It is clear that the perils of ethnocentrism are now considered common things
to happen. One example of have ethnocentrism was presented in the past would be in 1904 the
Bronx Zoo had an exhibition containing a person from the Congo of Africa. The Aboriginals in
Australia are also another good example of how ethnocentrism has developed. Lastly in early
creation tales there is a common theme of that men are superior to women. Although ethnocentrism
has been developing over centuries some immediate dangers include a variety of discrimination, and
in result can cause an assortment of violence.
In 1904 The New York Times illustrates what a normal day is like for an african man trapped in his
own exhibit, and how the public reacted to it. Since of the time period the public was fascinated
about the exhibit. The New York Times describes a normal day: " Several thousand persons took the
Subway, the elevated, and surface cars to the New York Zoological Park, in the Bronx yesterday, and
there watched Ota Benga, the Bushman, who had been put by management on exhibition there in
monkey cages" ( New York Times). Everyone who saw the exhibit they did not see this man as an
equal, if they did he would have not been put in a cage. Ethnocentrism can be blamed for racist
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Culture and Ethnocentrism
Are we limited in knowledge, in imagination, and in understanding by the culture we grow up in? In
other words, are we ethnocentric, and if so is it a bad thing? To answer that, one must understand
what ethnocentrism is. According to Macionis (2004), ethnocentrism is "the practice of judging
another culture by the standards of one's own culture".
We are not born with culture; culture is a socially learned behavior, or set of values that a given
groups holds as a norm and are considered to be true and right. It is these cultural norms that
connect the individuals of the group, which make up a society. No society can exist without culture
and no culture can exist without a society (Giddens, Duneier, & Applebaum, 2002). The two are ...
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And the extreme negative perspective imposes their cultural values and beliefs on others, insisting
they adapt and conform, leaving their cultural norms behind where they will cease to exist (Manon,
1999). In comparing a show such as the Iron Chef within the realm of ethnocentrism, the most
noticeable differences would be the type of competition displayed. The Iron Chef has been referred
to as "A mix between Godzilla, wrestling, and Julia Child" (Iron Chef, n.d.). The cooking shows that
we are culturally accustomed to viewing are nothing like the Iron Chef, and in fact, pales in
comparison. The Iron Chef is a symbol for what the Japanese culture revered as the bushido; or the
way of the warrior, hence the fierce competition between the chefs. This samurai tradition was once
deeply engrained in Japanese tradition; however remains only as nostalgia today, yet the spirit came
alive within the show, the Iron Chef (Shotokai, n.d.). Unlike our cooking shows, the Iron Chef does
not teach cooking techniques, although the audience will inevitably contain students and chefs alike.
US television show audiences are usually made up of people purchasing tickets or standing in line to
watch the taping of the show, and are allowed free admittance. The competition was to create an
outstanding and creative looking food that tastes as good as it looks within a time limit of 45
minutes. This could
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Prejudice And Ethnocentrism
Culture is defined in the textbook as learned beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols, and traditions
that are common to a group of people. In the dictionary it is defined as the sum of attitudes, customs,
and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Both definitions of culture are very
similar. There are two factors, in culture, that inhibit cultural awareness and they are prejudice and
ethnocentrism. Prejudice is defined as a largely fixed attitude, belief, or emotion held by an
individual about another individual or group that is based on unsubstantiated data. Prejudice is a
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Prejudice can harm or cause
injury from some action or judgement. Ethnocentrism ... Show more content on ...
The GLOBE research program recognized nine cultural dimensions: uncertainty avoidance, power
distance, institutional collectivism, in–group collectivism, gender egalitarianism, assertiveness,
future orientation, performance orientation, and humane orientation.
Uncertainty avoidance is when an organization or group create procedures to avoid uncertainty in
the cultures rules, structures, and laws of different cultures.
Power distance is the way cultures create levels due to power, authority, prestige, status, wealth, and
material assets.
Institutional collectivism is whether cultures classify social interest rather than individual goals and
In–group collectivism is when groups express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in organizations and
Gender egalitarianism is a society minimized gender roles and promotes gender equality. It
determines the role a member plays in a group depending on biological sex.
Assertiveness is when a person or group is aggressive, confrontational, and assertive in social
Future orientation is when people or group is concerned, plan and organize for the future instead of
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Ethnocentrism And Ethnocentrism
Looking at the World we live in today there are many different cultures in many different countries
all over the place. Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism are two terms with great disparity that are
viewed differently all over the country. As it is defined, ethnocentrism is the idea of judging another
culture with comparison with one's own cultural point of view. In other words, it is the thought of
being superior to divergent cultures. On the other side of the spectrum is the expression cultural
relativism, and that is the design that the value and actions of one culture should not be used to
determine the standards of the people inside of a culture. Many Anthropologists have studied the
cultivation of different places all around the world in the study of perspectives shown throughout
their cultural views and ideas. As shown in "The Native's Point of View" (Welsch 2014:116). It is
very important that Anthropologists are able to study ethnographic research throughout observations
in fieldwork. They try to work with people and understand their norms and their everyday lives
compared to other cultures and such. Norms are things that may seem normal in a certain culture.
One norm may differ from another and they vary on which ones matter and those who don't. The
concept of ethnocentrism is often viewed by anthropologists as a two way street. People judge other
cultures and the people being judged are feel compelled to do the same. The Western world for
many centuries had
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Ethnocentrism In Walla
In my observation of Walla Walla University I have seen ethnocentrism being a prominent part of
the campus's culture. Ethnocentrism is a commonly used word in circles where ethnicity, inter–
ethnic relations, and similar social issues are of concern. The definition of ethnocentrism is the
belief that one's culture and way of life are superior of other groups. This causes judging among
different groups and assumptions that there are inferior groups to your own. The roots of the word
are ethnic and centrism, ethnic means cultural heritage and, centrism means to the central starting
point. Put them together and ethnocentrism basically refers to judging other groups from our own
cultural point of view. It's true "we reject those outside our group, our customs, our food, our
traditions, our music, our religion, our beliefs and values." We think that our lifestyle is somehow
much better than those of other societies. The questions I found out through my observation of
WWU was why do people do this. I asked some people if they thought they were ethnocentric and
the results showed that most people think that they are not ethnocentric, but are rather open minded
to other cultures. As I will explain in my writing that this their response isn't true at all and that
everyone is ethnocentric. There is no way not to be ethnocentric and it cannot be avoided. In my
project I will cover examples of ethnocentrism in the Walla Walla University campus, describe the
functions and dysfunctions
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The Theory Of Management And Management
Introduction Since its early days, management has been studied by various theorists and has
provided scholars with much to study and discuss. Early principles were developed and expounded
upon. Research and studies allowed the field to grow and evolve as improvements and new
discoveries were made. Theorists soon discovered the complexity of management and that there was
no single way to manage all people or circumstances. This observation led theorists to research
various methods to bring a level of flexibility into management.
One tactic management may use to provide the flexibility required for various situations is the
contingency approach. This is approach recognizes that organizations are different, thus they require
different management methods (Robbins & Coulter, 2007, p. 39). Fiedler's Contingency Model
states that a leader's character and situation are the two factors affecting performance (Greer &
Plunket, 2003; Mitchell, Biglan, Oncken & Fiedler, 1970). Each of these two factors has variables
involved such as task or relationship oriented as part of their character and how much the leader
feels accepted, whether a task is structured versus defined, and the level of power he or she has over
others as part of their situation (Greer & Plunket, 2003; Mitchell et al., 1970).
While the Contingency Model provides useful information for and about leaders it is not limited to
leadership. This approach can be applied to other situations or areas and be as
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Ethnocentrism Response
Njoud Jaber
Response Paper #1
September 16, 2017
When it comes to September 11th attack, I believe many Americans were confused as to why other
countries did not try to help them when they needed it the most. This made Americans angry and
even made an environment of "us vs. them." Even after years have passed since that day that
changed the lives of many Americans, we still can't understand the lengths that suicide bombers and
terrorists go because of ethnocentrism. Prior to the September 11th attack, both Americans and non–
Americans were attacked, yet only one was found right and the other is wrong. This is not to say that
terrorist groups are in the right, their invasion is still occurring. But unlike the United States, they
invaded without military like the United States.
Since September 11, American politics and governance has focused on the war of terror and the
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some believe that ethnocentrism contributes to a variety of attitudes
when it comes to the war of terror. However, I believe that attitudes towards the war on terrors
relates less on a generalized ethnocentrism than on evaluations of a ... Show more content on ...
People who are ethnocentric are not able to understand why people from other groups act a certain
way and even judge them. Patriotism can be defined as someone's love and devotion to their country
where their country is number one and all other countries are viewed as less important. I believe
both ethnocentrism and patriotism are related to each other. Patriotism might lead people to see
things from their point of view with disregard to other peoples' opinions. I do think that patriotism is
good and we all should love and be devoted to our country, but it is also important to keep in mind
that other people's cultures, groups, and countries and not better than us. We are all humans, we
were all created equal and nobody is better than
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(Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism)
As a Sociologist, should we practice Cultural Ethnocentrism or Cultural Relativism?
We must first understand the two distinct theories regarding perception of outside cultures:
Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the
values and standards of one's own culture.[1] The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups
relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language,
behavior, customs, and religion – these ethnic distinctions and subdivisions serve to define each
ethnicity's unique cultural identity.[2] The logical alternative to ethnocentrism is Cultural relativism,
the practice of judging a ... Show more content on ...
We live in a rapidly changing world, which is increasingly bringing people of various cultures in
closer interaction with each other. This interaction can be positive or negative depending on the
level of sensitivity and respect people have for other cultural groups. Negative attitudes towards
other cultures and/or ethnic groups arise out of ethnocentrism, while positive attitudes are the result
of a culturally relativist approach. If people are going to be successful in today's multicultural,
informative society, they will need to develop a culturally sensitive frame of reference and mode of
Some of the pros/strengths that Cultural relativism presents are listed below: 1. It encourages respect
and tolerance for all cultures and societies. 2. By extension, it advocates for equality among and
between cultures 3. It encourages a sense of unity within a culture by maintaining that all are bound
by the same rules. 4. It warns us against assuming that all of our own cultural practices are based on
some "absolute rational standard". 5. It stresses the benefits of keeping an open mind and not
rushing to judgment.
Cultural relativism suggests that whatever any culture does is acceptable and we must positively
judge other cultures' practices–it is "right" for them. Who am I to judge differently? Cultural
relativism arises out of a concern not to impose our cultural values on other cultures. The problem
with believing that all values are
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Ethnocentrism in America
The United States of America was founded on July 4, 1776. Seeking a life free of the British
Government, a host of immigrants founded a new nation. Because the United States was created by
the migration of people from various parts of the world, it is sometimes described as a "melting
pot." Along with their personal possessions, these immigrants brought their respective cultures and
traditions as they meshed together into a new society. Despite being categorized together as citizens
of the same country, the independent traditions and lifestyles of humankind have created challenges
throughout history. It is important for Americans to share a sense of pride, patriotism and loyalty.
Equally important, however, is the need for respect regarding differences and individualism.
Ethnocentrism is a barrier between understanding culture and diversity.
Ethnocentrism is defined as, "having or based on the idea that your own group or culture is better or
more important than others." Society is impacted by everything from media exposure to political
agendas. A good example of this can be found in America's recent history with countries in the
Middle East. Issues ranging from energy and oil to a campaign against terrorism have created
strained relationships between the United States and countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. As a
result, it is nearly impossible to watch an evening news program on American television that does
not contain a story related to current events in the Middle
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Ethnocentrism Is A Basic Attitude Expressing The Belief...
Ethnocentrism is a basic attitude expressing the belief that one?s own ethnic group or one?s own
culture is superior to other ethnic groups or cultures, and that one?s cultural standards can be applied
in a universal manner. The term was first used by the American sociologist William Graham Sumner
(1840?1910) to describe the view that one?s own culture can be considered central, while other
cultures or religious traditions are reduced to a less prominent role. Ethnocentrism is closely related
to other attitudinal indicators for racism, xenophobia, prejudice, mental closure, and, more generally,
an authoritarian personality structure. Ethnocentrism is widely used in research on social and
political attitudes because it proves to be a very powerful and easily identifiable attitude that can be
measured in a valid manner with a limited number of variables. Although ethnocentric prejudice can
be directed toward one specific outsider group, empirical research reveals that usually ethnocentrism
is generalized toward all outsider groups.
Although ethnocentrism is closely related to racism, it can be distinguished from racism because it
does not involve necessarily a negative vision toward other races. Any culturally distinct outsider
group (whether the distinction involves language, religion, color, or descent) can be targeted by
ethnocentric attitudes. In practice, European researchers often tend to avoid using the term?racism?
because they are reluctant to apply the
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Examples Of Racism And Ethnocentrism In The Movie Crash
Racism, and ethnocentrism can be a significant factor in determining if an individual can maintain a
healthy interpersonal relationship. Both racism and ethnocentrism can be barriers that affect
competent cross– cultural communication. Crash (Schulman & Haggis, 2004) is a film that has
characters of very different natures. The characters may be involved in conflicts due to the
differences in genders, cultures and races. As these strangers in the film crash into each other, you
may notice that racism and ethnocentrism can really affect the way the characters are able to build a
strong and healthy interpersonal relationship. In Crash (Schulman & Haggis, 2004) the character
Officer Ryan is constantly in conflict with others due to racism and ethnocentrism. He has been an
officer and with the force for 17 years. However, he seems to be extremely racist when he
encounters African Americans. Officer Ryan is a typical looking American male, the movie
portrayed him to be "tall, dark and handsome." However, he is also out–spoken and seemingly
arrogant. Ryan seems to have that "better than the rest" attitude, it is evident through the way he
portrays himself in the movie. If he overcomes these barriers he would be able to establish some
positive relationships. Officer Ryan also seems to have accumulated anger and false assumption
about those around him. For example, when he pulled over Director Cam and his wife Christine, he
was angry with their racial difference and made false
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain
Racism in America Mark Twain penned his famous novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in
1884 and it quickly became one of the most banned books in America (Sova). The popularity of the
novel as a teaching tool as well as the call to ban this book continues today due to the novel's theme
of racism. In the novel, Mark Twain utilizes satire to show his "contempt for slavery and any racist
morality that would uphold it" (Battaglia). Twain's ability to humorously make a political point
regarding the treatment of African Americans in America, provided a platform for discussions in
classrooms across the country regarding racism. Twain could not have foreseen that racism
continues to be a relevant issue in American society in 2016. Ethnocentrism, or the belief in the
inherent superiority of one's own culture remains a predominate opinion in many white Americans.
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s successfully procured rights for African Americans, but it
did not eradicate racism. Instead, in American society today, covert racism replaces the overt racism
Mark Twain depicts in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In addition, continually evolving media
and technology perpetuates ethnocentric ideals as well as racism and discrimination in America.
Finally, ethnocentrism in America creates racism and discrimination beyond African American to
include all minority groups. Racism persists in America due to the acceptable culture of
ethnocentrism. First, an evolution from overt
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Cultural Dissonance
Cultural dissonance is an uncomfortable sense of discord, disharmony, confusion or conflict
experienced by people in the midst of change in their cultural environment. When I migrated to
Australia a few years back, it was the first time I had travelled to a Western country. I went shopping
to a supermarket and asked the Sales Assistant for a specific ingredient which we use for cooking.
He could not understand my English accent and called the manager for help. When the manager
came to help us, I explained the ingredient which I wanted and was trying to explain her use of the
ingredient. The manager could not understand what I was explaining and midway she told me that
first I should go and learn English in a manner that Australians can ... Show more content on ...
Deresky, H. & Christopher, E., 2012, International management : managing cultural diversity,
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Ethnocentrism In America
Some of the problems we face in the world today are an obvious ethnocentrism in media coverage
and the world war on terrorism. Along with this, I think we have a problem with the current
education system for children. By focusing on the way our children are educated, we could change
the way the world is. By studying ancient cultures and learning from their lifestyles we can come up
with solutions to these problems.
By looking at the media during recent events, the ethnocentrism we face in our world today is very
obvious. While the media in America is covering issues such as the recent election and stories such
irrelevant Christmas shopping trends, they are ignoring the injustice occurring in Syria.
Additionally, we are facing a war on terrorism. With the Paris and Brussel attacks this year and more
recently, the 12 people who were killed in Berlin yesterday, something clearly needs to be done.
While these attacks have had intense media coverage, the genocides in Syria and places like Africa
have little to no ... Show more content on ...
The curriculum children learn today in school is very "white–washed" for a lack of a better term.
This leads to children turning into adults who only think that their culture matters. The world we
live in today contains adults that cannot fathom an alternative way of living. Additionally, the
education system rewards students based on strictly test scores (no child left behind, etc) which
actually leaves many children left behind. As stated by Wade Davis, a wayfinder does not record all
the vast information they know in a book but he stores it in his mind. The wayfinder memorizes
these elements and passes them orally to the younger generation. I believe that by looking at the way
their information is stored it should be translated to the current education system. Our cultures
should focus on our youth, as indigenous people do, because they are the future of our
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Cultural Counseling Research
The Impact of History and Counseling Theories on Culturally Diverse Populations As our
population continues to expand and rapidly diversify, the need for cultural competence within the
counseling profession is of high importance. More and more, diverse populations are seeking
counseling as a result of increased community awareness, empowerment, and opportunity.
Traditional counseling approaches are rooted in the belief that "good counseling is good
counseling," while not recognizing that the definition of "good counseling" originates from White–
Euro American norms, values, and points of view (Sue & Sue, 2015, p. 46). Even though strides
have been made with the emergence of multicultural counseling techniques and theories, it is
important to reflect on the past and present situation of counseling diverse populations. This paper
will examine both the oppressive nature of historic counseling theories, as well as the benefits of
emerging multicultural counseling ... Show more content on ...
Many are based on values of Euro–American culture, and hold true two important ideas: "on one
side are beliefs that people are unique and that the psychosocial unit of operation is the individual,
and on the other side, are beliefs that clients are the same and that the goals and techniques of
counseling and therapy are equally applicable across all groups," (Sue & Sue, 2016, p. 47). With this
viewpoint, comes the omission and disregard to the value differences among cultures, which could
include things such as clothes and food, but also parenting beliefs, family structures, and
communication styles (Rubel & Ratts, 2011). These examples make it clear that people from diverse
backgrounds and cultures may not share this same value system. A "one–size–fits–all" approach is
not a culturally sensitive approach or an appropriate therapeutic
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Mps Case
IHRM Homework 10.12.12 MPS
1 Diagnose and prioritise what you see to be the crucial IHRM for Jim issues.
Medical Precision Systems (from now on MPS) have a HR strategy with the intentions of gaining
strong control over its subsidiaries through the extensive use of expatriate managers in both
technical and managerial areas of the business. Expatriate managers have been told to try to keep the
unions out or to ensure that they have a minimal influence. The main issue with MPS IHR strategy
is that they are using an ethnocentric approach where they export their HR strategy to foreign
countries. It's different working environment, culture and mentality between the local subsidiaries'
workforce and its American ... Show more content on ...
Unions should also be tolerated by the MPS leaders, because their importance in some of the
European countries. They need to start communicating with the unions instead of trying to keep
them out. When it comes to setting goals for the different subsidiaries this should be set in a
cooperation between leader from the specific subsidiaries and the leaders from MPS. Goals and set
by just the MPS top leaders can because they don't have the fully information maybe not be
achievable. The subsidiaries will also get a higher motivation if they have to achieve goals that they
have set themselves. Another thing that can be very interesting is to create cross border career paths
within the company. This can help motivate the workforce and on the other hand give a more value
fore the company in cross cultural teams and gain more experience in how to manage cross cultural
challenges. With doing these things and give the subsidiary the possibility to create "their own" HR
strategy this will also help the company with adapting to different cultures, and also give them
knowledge about which factors employees in the specific country cherish. Maybe the old strategy
has a high focus and use a lot of money on a factor that the employees in the specific country don't
3. Justify who you think should be key players
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Ethnocentrism In Beauty
In our culture today there is an abundance of social rules of do's and don'ts in public which can be
said about every culture. I like to believe this is list is what defines a culture as well as what makes
all cultures different and unique from each other. What I would like to know is if ethnocentrism has
shaped or is visible. I want to know if the beauty industry in the west is influenced by the ways in
which we view cultures differently from out history, I want to know how members of society are
treated differently based on their ethnicity, and how people are treated in the professional world
based on their world views. When Beauty comes to mind I imagine catwalks in France or time
square lit up as all of the women walk down the runway in magnificently strange dresses that you
would never wear to anything but are perfect for ten seconds while you're looking at it. But fashion
did not start that way and it certainly is not glorious like that the other 86,390 seconds of the day. I
think that a lot of fashion is tailored toward light skinned people. When I buy clothes almost all of
the models in the store are white women and men. I think this displays ethnocentrism because it
conveys a message in which being non european is considered unattractive. Another example i can
think of that displays this is how makeup comes in so few shades for darker women. This might be
because there is not a big enough consumer base to use more shades of makeup but it could also be
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Theory Of Consumer Ethnocentrism
Consumer ethnocentrism is in the last two decades become one of the research trends, and the
results show that high level of ethnocentrism reduces willingness to buy imports. The main concept
of consumer ethnocentrism was developed by Shimp 1984. He established that the ethnocentrism is
belief that it is moral/immoral to buy foreign products. Sharma, Shimp and Shin in 1994 confirmed
consumer tendencies in overvaluation of domestic products. This was start and the begining of
accepting a consumer ethnocentrism which is based on the idea that the buying domestic products is
not just economic but also moral obligation. Ethnocentric consumer thinks that buyers of foreign
products are responsible for economic problems, such as unemployment. On the other hand buyers
who are not ethnocentric are buying products with the best price and quality. Domestic firms used
this concept in their favour to atract more customers. Consumer ethnocentrism is strongly linked to
the appeal of domestic companies and governments to ... Show more content on ...
(1993) propose capital, empathy, cost, and accountability as possible mediators in the process
between consumer ethnocentrism and readiness to purchase imported products. The explanation of
these variables lies in the logic that ethnocentric consumers will perceive international competition
as something that is not fair to the domestic industry. This will then force consumers to buy
domestic products, which increases empathy for members of the internal group, and increases
readiness for further purchase of domestic products. Ethnocentric consumers will also ignore
personal costs by purchasing domestic products. Another important variable is certainly the effect of
the "country of origin". Han (1988) includes the country of origin as a variable that dictates the
relationship between consumer patriotism and the intent of buying. Namely, consumers of expressed
patriotism will moreover buy domestic products, and avoid buying products of foreign
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Brand Preference
Student name: Rachel N. Nuukunde
Student number: 201030020
Lecturer: Dr. Geoffrey Nambira
Due date: 10 March 2012 at 10h00pm
Table of contents Pages 1.1 Topic of the study 3 1.2 Introduction 3 1.3 Statement of the problem ...
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Especially for the market as far as the present study is concerned. It will analyze what impact
domestic products and imported has on brand preference. Thai is if Namibian consumers are willing
to purchase imported products or domestic products. This study will also serve as source and
guidance for future research, not only Namibian retailers as well as the two accompanying
companies may also benefit strategically for their products. Conducting this research will also
benefit me as a researcher as I will also gain some knowledge regarding ethnocentrism of Namibian
dairy consumers.
1.8 Limitations
Time management would be the number one problem that will hinder the researcher from
completing the study successfully. The feedback from the respondents may also be biased as they
may give false information.
1.9 Delimitations
This study is only bound in Windhoek. This means consumers from other part of the country are
excluded in the study. This is done to limit the time spent while conducting the study as well as the
cost to e incurred.
1.10 Summarization of the articles
Article 1
Chimboza, D., & Mutandwa, E. (2007). Measuring the determinants of the preference in a
dairy product market. African journal of business management, pp. 230–237.
This study was conducted in Chitungwaza and Harare urban markets in Zimbabwe as the target
market. The purpose of the study was to assess the level of the brand awareness and factors
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Book Review : The Book Thief
Book Review: The Book Thief
"Liesel stood up and also raised her arm. With absolute misery, she repeated it. "Heil Hitler". It was
quite a sight–an eleven–year–old girl, trying not to cry on the church steps... "(Zusak, 2005, p.40).
"The Book Thief" fixates on the life of a young girl named Liesel. Throughout the book,
communication, cultural awareness, and empathy are concepts that are stained across the pages. The
conversations and language of the characters captivate the reader.
Communication is a polysemy. Language, symbols, and objects are mediums of communicating.
Language conveys the thoughts, feelings, and interests of the speaker. Vernacular can be formal or
informal. The audience is a factor when communicating. We need to ask ourselves, "How will my
audience best understand my message"? Being able to converse with others is a wonderful
occurrence, however, one's speech can be misconstrued. Words can have multiple meanings, and
confusion can arise. How an individual conveys the words can alter their meaning. Tone, or how one
conveys the words, is crucial. Did your emotions coincide with the words you spoke? Words have
consequences. The words that escape from our mouth can have a negative or positive impact. How
one speaks, not only influences the receiver, but it also reveals something about the sender.
Communication may not entail vocal projection. "Communication involves nonverbal messages,
which include touch, facial expressions, eye behavior, body posture, and
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Effects Of Ethnocentrism

  • 1. Effects Of Ethnocentrism what extent does ethnocentrism impact Western societies' views of minorities and the actions of people of different ethnicities? "A certain moral imbecility marks all ethnocentric movements."– I.F. Stone. Ethnocentrism is a theme that clouds the progress of society as it comes to the grisly conclusion that one ethnicity is inherently superior to all others. Stone was trying to state that ethnocentrism breeds the evil that casts a dark shadow over humanity. When viewing the cultural, historical, and ethical arguments; about ethnocentrism and how it influences Western societies, one can see the detrimental effects it has on minorities and on different ethnic regions. What is ethnocentrism? Ethnocentrism is a complex topic and many individuals ... Show more content on ... One way to gain this empathy is to immerse oneself in the culture that exists in the world around oneself. One can do this by actively seeking out cultural events, talking to people of different cultures, and recognizing the limits between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. However, due to the nature of ethnocentrism, it is difficult to fully remove one's personal bias towards other cultures. Another limitation toward eliminating ethnocentrism is the pervasiveness of anxiety. One may feel anxiety in having a different culture and fear that different ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Cultural Relativism In American Culture Anthropology is a broad study of the products and precedents of human behavior. These products and precedents include the study of material objects, institutions and factors that contribute to social change and understanding of human behavior. In studying human behavior, ethnocentrism and cultural relativism will be examined as these concepts expose the authors (McDonnell 2016). Male domination will also be considered while examining these concepts as an important trait in the Afghan society. Ethnocentrism is an idea supported by a mixture of beliefs that one's own culture is superior to any other culture. The ideas, foreign ways, and values of them are less human or less rational (McDonnell 2016). Cultural relativism, on the other hand, is the understanding of people and culture on their own terms. Understanding that all cultures have a qualitative difference from our own culture and that they have their own inner logic (McDonnell 2016). In the culture practice of Bacha Bazi (2001), whereby young boys dress up as women and dance for wealthy men that is against the law in Afghanistan. It is a form of sexual slavery and many boys are exploited and some are murdered. In the class video "Dancing Boys", the journalist Najibullah and the producer Doran both were ethnocentric. How Najibullah goes to Afghanistan with a method agenda to film about this practice and expose it on a deeper level and the producer Doran putting other speakers in the video that give statements that are ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Cultural Diversity and Louie Introduction 1) Does Louie have a problem, or are the people who made the negative comments about Louie just being too sensitive? According to the article, the manager named Louie does have problem. The people who made the negative comments are not being too sensitive since the comments about him are true although he may not realize that. Louie has discrimination problem against female (para.3 and 8), homosexual (para. 4), older people (para. 5) and other races of people were judged by him with his own perception which might be wrong. (para. 7) As we saw from study case, Louie insulted a female customer to discuss with her husband in order to get new exhaust system instead of making decision by her. ... Show more content on ... Then, the company faces the problem of losing customers. Therefore, company has to take Louie's problem seriously. Company has to be careful when take correct approach to solve the problem. The approach should be effective and simultaneously will not upset Louie. 3) What improvement might Louie need to make to become a truly multicultural manager? There are some improvements that Louie can make in order for him to be a more efficient manager in a diverse workplace. First of all, Louie can be more open–minded and down to the earth in today's modern world. Louie can learn to value the differences of other people and respect their opinions. Louie had to respect customers by accepting and adopting their value and believes. Louie should be humble and ask for other people ideas or opinions when making decision due to the differences of ideas that shared among each others will help Louie to learn others culture. At the same time, listening to others' ideas and experiences is a way to understand other from different situations and different perspectives. Besides that, Louie should enhance himself with personal ethnic and soft skills. Louie should not have the idea of genders, homosexual and senior citizens discrimination. It is essential for Louie to leave those outdate opinion behind. Therefore, Louie is encouraged to go for training
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  • 7.
  • 8. COO Effect 2.3 Effects of Country of Origin on consumers Several scholars have researched the process of how COO effects impact on consumer's perceptions, product evaluations and purchase intensions. It can be explained by the theory of 'Halo Effect'; 'Summary Construct' and 'Combined Halo and Summary Construct'. 2.3.1 Halo Effect Model Han (1989) examine the role of COO image in consumer evaluations of televisions and automobiles. He suggests that when consumers are not familiar with the product's intrinsic cues, they tend to utilize COO cue as a "halo" from which consumers can infer product attributes and quality in order to simplify their decision making process. It can indirectly affect consumers' product/brand attitudes through their inferential ... Show more content on ... The more additional product information that are presented, the weaker COO effects on consumers' product evaluations. If consumers have a source country of the product as a single cue, all perceptions and characteristics about the product can only be inferred on the basis of COO image (Han, 1989). However, if COO together with other extrinsic cues such as price, brand are presented, a product's COO effect on consumer purchasing decisions will be diluted since more marketing– stimulus as reliable information input are conducted into consumers' information processing (Elliot and Cameron, 1994; Jaffe & Nebenzahl, 2001; Kalicharan, 2014). The COO may be an important element in the perceptions consumers have of products and services especially where little other information is known. 2.4.3 Consumer 1) Product knowledge Maheswaran (1994) found that the case of the existence of unambiguous information for a specific product (in his case: computers), experienced consumers make their choices based on the evaluation of specific product attributes; whereas less experienced consumers rely on the country of origin. On the other hand, when information is lacking or is ambiguous, both types of consumers rely on country of origin to infer the quality of the product. 2) Involvement a. ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Examples Of Ethnoculturalism In The Visitor One of example of discrimination in the film comes from Tarek's arrest. The NYPD assume that Tarek has jumped the turnstop while entering the subway even though he paid. When Tarek tries to tell the police that he paid for the subway ride he is ignored. Even when Walter tries to stick up for Tarek and possibly use his own white privilege to tell the police that Tarek paid he is silenced. Ethnocentrism is also displayed once Tarek is placed in the detention center because in the waiting room of the detention center is a picture of the statue of liberty, representing freedom and justice. It seems a bit ironic that a symbol for freedom and opportunity are painted on the inside of a detention center for immigrants pending deportation. Another reference to marginalization and oppression is displayed with the scene when Zanaib, Mouna and Walter go and meet with an attorney for Tarek. When talking about what the options are for Tarek the lawyer responds, "It's very black and white, either you belong or you don't" (The Visitor, 2007). This perspective marginalizes many people. On a broader level, this is an ethnocentric approach in that other cultures are being judged based on what the "normal" culture and standards are. One of the consequences of ethnocentrism is that another culture might feel judged, isolated and forced to assimilate. The lawyer might have had his own first hand experience with this. The lawyer appears to be an immigrant himself or had family who came to ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Ethnocentrism And Ethnocentrism In Japan Ethnocentrism: Ethnic Homogeneity In many ways, Japan has been looked upon as a strangely homogeneous society for much of its modern history. And for some, it stands as one of the most homogeneous nation in the world. However, when looking at Japan as a whole, and considering whether or not it homogeneity is a problem, or just another cultural phenomenon, one must look towards the root cause of homogeneism in Japan. In Japan's past, it has has been questioned, as well as assumed, that the growth of Japans homogeneous viewpoint was put forward by the government of Japan, and was done so by circulating false accusations of its lineage. Which these false stories of lineage, Japan has grown in its ethnocentric views and ways. Ethnocentrism, or ... Show more content on ... One example of this happened back in the 1970's and 1980's when Japan only accepted a small number of refugee's from Vietnam and other nations in the southern parts of Asia. Yet at the same time Japan was bringing in labor for Korea and China before and during World War II. Like stated before, once Japan felt itself become a weaker force in the world, and its own view of itself suffered, ethnocentrism strived. Things started to change. Japan let in less cheep labor and less refugees as a way to preserve its pureness. Another argument made by Japan when asked why they had refused to bring in refugees at this time is very much the same argument made by Japan's establishment today. The reason Japan accepts so little refugees and the like is that the "mono–ethnic Japanese society has no tradition of accepting outsiders." However, as stated previously, the case before World War II showed the opposite. To put things into todays perspective, over the last few years, Japan has accepted about 2,560 refugees from around the world, while the United Kingdom has accepted 117,161 refugees as of 2015. Keeping in mind that the UK measures slightly less in square meters than Japan, so the reason cannot be made that there is 'no room.' Whether or not Japan is accepting refugees from outside of Japan ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Designing A Sales Subsidiary Structure In the organizational context, I recommend Winch–It to adopt 'Sales subsidiary structure'. I judged that it was the most appropriate stages to dive in among the four stages of internationalization considering the company's situation and attitude. In the staffing context, I recommend Winch–It to take the ethnocentric approach in the staffing context and the balance sheet approach in international compensation. Finally, in international performance management, I listed several issues need to be concerned and suggested adopt not 'TCN role conception' but 'PCN role conception'. Introduction The main object of this portfolio is to provide the board with useful advice for Winch–It to develop an international business. Since they are uncertain of what type of organizational structure they would build for international operations and what country to expand, I reflected the board's demand and explanation of the company's current situation mostly than other variables to compose my recommendations. The organizational context I would like to recommend Winch–It to adopt 'Sales subsidiary structure'. Typically, initial stage for manufacturing firms entering international operations is exporting. Therefore, theoretically the optimal organizational structure for Winch–it which has no experience of in establishing any form of oversea operation is 'Export department structure'. However, I would like to take a more realistic approach than this. The board is confident that Winch–It ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Directed by Dennis O'Rourke, the Film, Cannibal Tours, is... 1. This film is called Cannibal Tours. The subject group is primitive tribespeople and their villages in the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. The film's producer/director is Dennis O'Rourke. 2. The era of the film is 1978. With symbolism, intense observation and interesting humour, Cannibal Tours eliminates the cultural assumptions with these tribespeople by talking and interviewing them to investigate how they feel about their lifestyle and the tourists that come to visit. It explores the differences and similarities between civilized and primitive people. 3. Historical Context: Throughout the film, there are a lot of references and short voiceovers or clips of things that are related to the implementation of postmodernity. I believe it's trying to symbolize the attempt society makes to suppress bad memories of genocides on which modernity was built. Hence, the ambition behind this postmodernity is to try and stop history. But, it is not possible to repress the past without denying the future. Therefore, the neglect continues throughout the film. Political Context: In the Sepik River tribe community, there isn't much of a government–type leader. The people live to their own rules and do as they think is correct. A majority of the community is run by income from the tourists and thus from this, the society thrives. Economic Context: The European and American tourists travel from village to village through the Sepik River and haggle the tribespeople for their local ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Ethnocentrism Examples What is ethnocentrism, and in today's world is ethnocentrism still in existence; if so why. So, what is ethnocentrism, it's simply making judgment as to one's race or culture as to their beliefs, values, and customs to which they believe in; or what constitutes their lifestyles. In other words, believing that own race is superior over their own and thinking their better than anyone else; or above the rest (as to race); while judging their existence as to how we portray them. However, this belief has stemmed for centuries, and is nothing we have seen or already been a custom too; for it hasn't showed much change over the past several decades. Therefore, meaning that "ethnocentrism is such a robust phenomenon that is was recognized as a ... Show more content on ... While this has gone on for many years, and continues today no one should every have to be labeled by another, or judged by any means; this is known as ethnocentric (a natural response to other culture that aren't alike our own). One example, my husband is Pacific Islander from Guam; however, when we go place people look at him and automatically labeling him as Hispanic or Asian because of his skin tone and his dialogue. Another example of ethnocentrism, "if we go to a store and ask for a green coat and the sales clerk gives us a blue one, we would think the person was color blind at the best or stupid at the worst" (Barger 2016, pg. 1). That maybe the clerk cannot distinguish the differences as to "color;" just like race we naturally label them as to their color by putting them in a group to which best resembles themselves. However, ethnocentrism is not among every type of tribe, but it does demonstrate itself among other social groups; like in our own communities through that of diversity; damaging one's own practices (known as prejudice). For instance, when were refer to those individuals of black descent in a reification sense, we put them into a classification, (or group) based on their creed to which they belong; by symbolization to which we conduct through the entities of social order and reformation. Just like with Asian Americans, we assume they are different because their beliefs aren't a custom to what ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Ethnocentrism: What Is Ethnocentrism? Ethnocentrism The world ethno comes from Greek and refers to a people, nation, or cultural grouping, while centric comes from Latin and refers, of course to the centre. The term ethnocentrism then refers to the tendency for each society to place its own culture patterns at the centre of things. Ethnocentrism is the practice of comparing other cultural practices with those of one's own and automatically finding those other cultural practices to be inferior. It is the habit of each group taking for granted the superiority of its culture. It makes our culture into a yardstick with which to measure all other cultures as good or bad, high or low, right or queer in proportion as they resemble ours. The theoretical concept of ethnocentrism, as ... Show more content on ... The Greek root word xeno, pronounced "ZEE–no" means "stranger". Xenocentrism is a culturally based tendency to value other cultures more highly than one's own. On the basis of this feeling, the products, styles, ideas and values of one's society are regarded as inferior to that of other societies. For example, people in India often assume that British lifestyle (dress pattern, etc.), French fashion or Japanese electronic devices (TV, tape recorders, mobile set, washing machines, etc.) and Swiss watches are superior to their ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Ethnocentrism in Avatar Ethnocentrism in Anthropological perspective – Avatar Using highly advanced technology to replicate and to creating false bodies which humans use to walk amongst the natives known as the Na'vi living in the planet Pandora hence the name 'Avatar'. The story focuses on an ex U.S. soldier name Jake Sully who is wheel–chair bound, was called upon as a last resort to replace his late brother whom had trained for 3 years in a project which was invested with so much money that the researchers could not bear to make it go to waste. Thus, sharing the same DNA, Jake was then given the privilege to be part of the project as he was tasked to retrieve back an extremely valuable mineral known as "Unobtainium" (Cameron & Landau, 2009) and at the same ... Show more content on ... They were regarded as less develop when battling against the humans, the antagonist Miles Quaritch in charge of the security firm underestimates the Na'vi as they fire their spears and arrows effortlessly at their solid armoured battle ships ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. How Counseling Is Impacted The Well Being Of Cultural... Counseling has impacted the well–being of cultural diverse populations by increasing growth in ethnical and minority groups. Cultural diverse has influence counselors to work together as one, empower skills to meet the challenges and demands of diverse client groups (Hays, 2016). Counselors utilize interventions focused on client's needs to assess cultural concerns. These techniques establish the significant collaboration of the counsel/ client relationship, promote clients awareness to their limitations and provide imperative ethical guidelines. Counselors are skilled in their practices to facilitate productive healing in mild to serve cultural population. Counselors develop an empathic understanding and support with their clients. They are encouraged to elevate cultural knowledge, self–awareness and stress–less experiences. Counselors inhibit trustworthy and essential characteristics in how they utilize cultural sensitivity and appropriate interventions with ethnicity, race and language. As a counselor, you have to recognize that understanding different culture is an important part of your career. You will encounter numerous communication and language barriers (Ratts, Singh, Nassar–McMillan, Butler & McCullough, 2015). Respect the values, beliefs, traditions and customs of other cultures. Culture molds a person or group of people and how they interpret the world around them. It indicates the attributes of their attitude, perceptions and contributes to society. Each ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Ethnocentrism Essay Dr. Wayne Dyer once stated that "the ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about." This ignorance has been found in humanity time and time again, and has been the root of unparalleled devastation. The rejection of other cultures is a troubling trait that has persisted throughout the ages, and must be put to a stop. Mankind's biggest flaw is its belief that one culture is superior to another, thus practicing ethnocentrism, which leads to conflict. As mentioned above, ethnocentrism is the instance of one culture believing they are superior to another. This false sense of superiority has been the beginning of discrimination across the ages. In the short story "By Any Other Name" ethnocentrism is demonstrated clearly when an English teacher moves an Indian girl to the back of the room "because Indians cheat" (Rama Rau 2). This woman discriminated against a little girl whom she had just met solely because she believed that the girl's culture was inferior to her own. This arrogance can often lead to the victim feeling as if their culture is undesirable, and they often feel compelled to conform to the so called "superior" culture. Likewise in a letter written by the caring father of a young boy, the father claims that his Native American boy is being bullied relentlessly by the majority of his Kindergarten classmates on account of his heritage and culture. The forced assimilation was quickly taken note of by his father, and he soon spoke out against it. ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Ethnocentrism And Ethnocentrism September of 1939 began the second World War which drastically changed the world and how we view it. Hitler was a huge impact on many of lives, creating an army of Nazi soldiers with a goal of wiping out the entire Jewish population. This ethnic cleansing, known as the Holocaust, resulted in over six million Jewish deaths and is now known as the deadliest and most destructive time in history. The concept that many people can not grasp is how Hitler was able to succeed all of these murders. The war around them was an enormous impact on Hitler's ability to eliminate the Jews. During the time period of World War II, the surrounding war was most conducive to allowing Hitler conduct the attempted ethnic cleansing because of ethnocentrism, powerful countries were distracted by war, and the economy was poor. In order to be effective, Hitler used ethnocentrism to succeed and conduct his attempt at ethnic cleansing during World War II. Ethnocentrism has to do with the belief that one ethnicity is superior to another. According to the article, "Sa WWII Historical Introduction" (2008), "The Nazis held that the only true Germans were "Aryans," or people with northern European physical characteristics. Aryans, they claimed, formed a "master race" which had a right to conquer additional territory for exploitation and colonization and to exterminate all "inferior" races who stood in the way," (para. 12). Therefore, the Nazis were able to get further because they thought they were helping ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Ethcentrism In Rabbit-Proof Fence The film Rabbit–Proof Fence illustrates on the topics of ethnocentrism, and also, the significance of perceiving the immense breadth of the Jigalong clan's customary biological learning to depict the wrongs that jumped out at this gathering starting in the 1930's. As the "half–rank" youngsters were taken from their homes with a specific end goal to be educated like English kids, the men responsible for said operation were endeavoring to strip away the nobility, as well as the conventions and character of a culture that was viewed as unthinkable on the grounds that the kids were not the same as supposed "humanized" society. A case of the ethnocentrism in the film would be when Mr. Neville, Chief Protector of Aborigines states, "Ensured against themselves. On the off chance that they would just comprehend what we are endeavoring to improve the situation them." Thinking that these children require sparing on the grounds that the children live as per an arrangement of conventions and ways that originate from their own history is identified with what is known as the "White Man's Burden," since this is viewed as an adequate purpose behind interceding in the lives of others, when this is extremely not satisfactory. Another way that the motion picture can pass on the distinctions in culture is through the Jigalong's learning of nature and surroundings all through the film. At a young age, the kids are instructed how to rummage and chase for their own particular sustenance, which appears differently in relation to the supper courses of action in the Moore River Native Settlement. Additionally, both the tracker, who is chasing down Molly and her family can utilize the land for something other than nourishment however a guide. Understanding those sorts of pieces of information gives the group of onlookers an approach to see that the Jigalong clan's energy about nature in their social esteems instead of seeing the emotional contrast and uncalled for nature of living in the Settlement. As we started the semester understanding the genuine significance of culture, we create upon the ideas of Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism where the video Rabbit Proof Fence becomes possibly the most important factor. While watching ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Management Skills and Style Assessment Man 111 Midterm Name: 1) Bill Sanderson, a manager in a manufacturing firm in New York has a tendency to view the world only through his U.S.–based perspective. What can be deduced about his attitude? A) He has an elitist attitude. B) He has a polycentric attitude. C) He has a parochialistic attitude. D) He has a geocentric attitude. 2) Managers with a(n) ________ attitude view every foreign operation as different and hard to understand. A) geocentric B) polycentric C) ethnocentric D) regiocentric 3) In today's global environment, managers must have a(n) ________ attitude in order to be successful. A) ethnocentric B) parochial C) bigoted D) geocentric 4) Which of the following countries is a member of the European Union? A) Ireland ... Show more content on ... A) liaison B) monitor C) negotiator D) resource allocator 20) Which of the following is not an example of an interpersonal role according to Mintzberg? A) figurehead B) leader C) liaison
  • 33. D) spokesperson 21) Understanding building codes would be considered a ________ skill for a building contractor. A) human B) technical C) conceptual D) empirical 22) Which of the following is true concerning the three managerial skills? A) Technical skills tend to be most important for middle–level managers. B) Conceptual skills are most important for lower–level managers. C) Human skills remain equally important to all levels of management. D) Technical skills increase and conceptual skills decrease in importance as a manager climbs the organizational chart. 23) Conceptual skills involve ________. A) managing employees who use tools to produce the organization's products B) communicating with customers C) thinking about abstract and complex situations D) inspiring enthusiasm and trust among employees 24) Increased accountability of employees is typically caused by ________. A) increased digitization B) increased emphasis on organizational ethics C) security threats to the organization D) discrimination concerns 25) The ________ view of social responsibility holds that management's only social responsibility is to maximize profits. A) socioeconomic B) ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Ethnocentrism In Avatar The film, Avatar, depicts humans colonizing Pandora, a lavish livable moon in the Alpha Centauri star framework, so as to mine the mineral "unobtanium" controlled by the Na'vi, the native of Pandora (Cameron & Landau, 2009). Jake Sully, a handicap ex–marine, tasked to infiltrate the place, known as Pandora, in his given avatar suit to assist the military in blending into Pandora. In this essay, the Avatar film shows ethnocentrism and romanticism being displayed. According to Lundberg(2015), ethnocentrism is the belief of one's culture is prevalent than the other. In Avatar, the head administrator of RDA, Parker Selfridge, blatantly shows no admiration to the native of Pandora. He addresses the Na'vi as "blue monkeys" and "savages". In additional, ... Show more content on ... Romanticism is where traditional people being seen as presenting a better past when humans were at one with nature (Lundberg, 2015). One of the scenes where romanticism clearly uncovered is when Neytiri (Na'vi princess) teaching Juke Sully the most proficient method to ride on the direhorse, the prerequisite for it is for him to bond with the direhorse. To bond with a direhorse, Jake Sully must mount on it and connect his neural queue found at the end of his hair braid and the horse's neural queue found at the end of the horse's antenna. Once both neural queue touches, the optic–fiber like wires found in both ends of neural queue automatically intertwines (Cameron & Landau, 2009). This bond signifies the connection between the horse and Jake sully is essential, sacred. Through this bond, he is able to communicate with the direhorse or to share their history or memories (Tucker, n.d.). An additional scene is when Jake Sully experiences risk in the Pandora woods, being assaulted by a couple viperwolves in the Pandora backwoods. At the point when an excess of viperwolves comes at him, he can no longer battle for himself. At that basic minute, Neytiri rescues him by killing one of the viperwolves but she offers her prayers to the viperwolve that she killed. (Cameron & Landau, 2009). To the Na'vi, the viperwolves in the forest are scared as they are part of the forest whereas to Jake Sully, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Ethnocentrism In The Military When I see the word ethnocentrism before I knew what it actually meant. I always thought of it as term used only with African Americans people but used in some sort of played down way not to offend or be looked at as racist. There has been times when I hear someone say something about an African American person hair and say things like "That is ethnic hair" to avoid saying it is nappy or dreaded. I would just ignore it and think in my mind like wow they are trying hard not seem racist. It was for me going to the Army's Equal Opportunity Leaders Course was then I was finally educated on terms such as discrimination and ethnocentrism. It showed me that I had to fix my way of thinking even though I never looked at anyone's race as inferior but ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Ethnocentrism In America According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary ethnocentrism is characterized by or based on the attitude that one's own group is superior, similarly Hunt–Hurst and Miller–Spillman (2012) define ethnocentrism as judging people from other cultures and backgrounds by one's own cultural standards and beliefs (p. 10). When being ethnocentric to beauty means one is imposing their own views of beauty to decide if others are beautiful. When this happens it lends itself to the understanding that not all men and women are created equal in the light of beauty, but that in fact some are more beautiful than others which disturbs, confuses even angers others (Hunt–Hurst and Miller–Spillman, 2012, p. 176). How one culture defines beauty might be seen as ... Show more content on ... This form of ethnocentric can be either conscious or subconscious in thought or it could be both, but both forms bring about discrimination. The conscious thought happens when agencies are looking for models, they usually have a type in mind: five feet nine, young, blonde, or thin. A study was conducted by Italian researcher's trying to determine if attractive people receive more callbacks than unattractive people. This study sent out ten thousand resumes each with a picture to test the influence of beauty, as well as if biases are present both ethically and regionally. The end results determined that attractive people received more callbacks than unattractive people; fifty–four percent for women and forty–seven percent men. Another study conducted in Israeli had different results than the Italian study in that attractive men were given jobs over attractive women citing that "female jealousy of attractive women in the workplace was the cause"(Nisen, 2013). This form of ethnocentrism could be either conscious or subconscious in thought. With this in mind, it is easy to see how people end up believing they are not perfect causing them to make changes sometimes drastic changes; plastic surgery, skin bleaching, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Ethnocentrism Essay In a world with many different cultures, ethnocentrism is a constant threat to society. When horrendous acts of racism, sexism , and disability discrimination are constantly the headlines of multiple news outlets. It is clear that the perils of ethnocentrism are now considered common things to happen. One example of have ethnocentrism was presented in the past would be in 1904 the Bronx Zoo had an exhibition containing a person from the Congo of Africa. The Aboriginals in Australia are also another good example of how ethnocentrism has developed. Lastly in early creation tales there is a common theme of that men are superior to women. Although ethnocentrism has been developing over centuries some immediate dangers include a variety of discrimination, and in result can cause an assortment of violence. In 1904 The New York Times illustrates what a normal day is like for an african man trapped in his own exhibit, and how the public reacted to it. Since of the time period the public was fascinated about the exhibit. The New York Times describes a normal day: " Several thousand persons took the Subway, the elevated, and surface cars to the New York Zoological Park, in the Bronx yesterday, and there watched Ota Benga, the Bushman, who had been put by management on exhibition there in monkey cages" ( New York Times). Everyone who saw the exhibit they did not see this man as an equal, if they did he would have not been put in a cage. Ethnocentrism can be blamed for racist ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Culture and Ethnocentrism Are we limited in knowledge, in imagination, and in understanding by the culture we grow up in? In other words, are we ethnocentric, and if so is it a bad thing? To answer that, one must understand what ethnocentrism is. According to Macionis (2004), ethnocentrism is "the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture". We are not born with culture; culture is a socially learned behavior, or set of values that a given groups holds as a norm and are considered to be true and right. It is these cultural norms that connect the individuals of the group, which make up a society. No society can exist without culture and no culture can exist without a society (Giddens, Duneier, & Applebaum, 2002). The two are ... Show more content on ... And the extreme negative perspective imposes their cultural values and beliefs on others, insisting they adapt and conform, leaving their cultural norms behind where they will cease to exist (Manon, 1999). In comparing a show such as the Iron Chef within the realm of ethnocentrism, the most noticeable differences would be the type of competition displayed. The Iron Chef has been referred to as "A mix between Godzilla, wrestling, and Julia Child" (Iron Chef, n.d.). The cooking shows that we are culturally accustomed to viewing are nothing like the Iron Chef, and in fact, pales in comparison. The Iron Chef is a symbol for what the Japanese culture revered as the bushido; or the way of the warrior, hence the fierce competition between the chefs. This samurai tradition was once deeply engrained in Japanese tradition; however remains only as nostalgia today, yet the spirit came alive within the show, the Iron Chef (Shotokai, n.d.). Unlike our cooking shows, the Iron Chef does not teach cooking techniques, although the audience will inevitably contain students and chefs alike. US television show audiences are usually made up of people purchasing tickets or standing in line to watch the taping of the show, and are allowed free admittance. The competition was to create an outstanding and creative looking food that tastes as good as it looks within a time limit of 45 minutes. This could ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Prejudice And Ethnocentrism Culture is defined in the textbook as learned beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols, and traditions that are common to a group of people. In the dictionary it is defined as the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Both definitions of culture are very similar. There are two factors, in culture, that inhibit cultural awareness and they are prejudice and ethnocentrism. Prejudice is defined as a largely fixed attitude, belief, or emotion held by an individual about another individual or group that is based on unsubstantiated data. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Prejudice can harm or cause injury from some action or judgement. Ethnocentrism ... Show more content on ... The GLOBE research program recognized nine cultural dimensions: uncertainty avoidance, power distance, institutional collectivism, in–group collectivism, gender egalitarianism, assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation, and humane orientation. Uncertainty avoidance is when an organization or group create procedures to avoid uncertainty in the cultures rules, structures, and laws of different cultures. Power distance is the way cultures create levels due to power, authority, prestige, status, wealth, and material assets. Institutional collectivism is whether cultures classify social interest rather than individual goals and accomplishments. In–group collectivism is when groups express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in organizations and families. Gender egalitarianism is a society minimized gender roles and promotes gender equality. It determines the role a member plays in a group depending on biological sex. Assertiveness is when a person or group is aggressive, confrontational, and assertive in social relationships. Future orientation is when people or group is concerned, plan and organize for the future instead of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Ethnocentrism And Ethnocentrism Looking at the World we live in today there are many different cultures in many different countries all over the place. Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism are two terms with great disparity that are viewed differently all over the country. As it is defined, ethnocentrism is the idea of judging another culture with comparison with one's own cultural point of view. In other words, it is the thought of being superior to divergent cultures. On the other side of the spectrum is the expression cultural relativism, and that is the design that the value and actions of one culture should not be used to determine the standards of the people inside of a culture. Many Anthropologists have studied the cultivation of different places all around the world in the study of perspectives shown throughout their cultural views and ideas. As shown in "The Native's Point of View" (Welsch 2014:116). It is very important that Anthropologists are able to study ethnographic research throughout observations in fieldwork. They try to work with people and understand their norms and their everyday lives compared to other cultures and such. Norms are things that may seem normal in a certain culture. One norm may differ from another and they vary on which ones matter and those who don't. The concept of ethnocentrism is often viewed by anthropologists as a two way street. People judge other cultures and the people being judged are feel compelled to do the same. The Western world for many centuries had ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Ethnocentrism In Walla In my observation of Walla Walla University I have seen ethnocentrism being a prominent part of the campus's culture. Ethnocentrism is a commonly used word in circles where ethnicity, inter– ethnic relations, and similar social issues are of concern. The definition of ethnocentrism is the belief that one's culture and way of life are superior of other groups. This causes judging among different groups and assumptions that there are inferior groups to your own. The roots of the word are ethnic and centrism, ethnic means cultural heritage and, centrism means to the central starting point. Put them together and ethnocentrism basically refers to judging other groups from our own cultural point of view. It's true "we reject those outside our group, our customs, our food, our traditions, our music, our religion, our beliefs and values." We think that our lifestyle is somehow much better than those of other societies. The questions I found out through my observation of WWU was why do people do this. I asked some people if they thought they were ethnocentric and the results showed that most people think that they are not ethnocentric, but are rather open minded to other cultures. As I will explain in my writing that this their response isn't true at all and that everyone is ethnocentric. There is no way not to be ethnocentric and it cannot be avoided. In my project I will cover examples of ethnocentrism in the Walla Walla University campus, describe the functions and dysfunctions ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Theory Of Management And Management Introduction Since its early days, management has been studied by various theorists and has provided scholars with much to study and discuss. Early principles were developed and expounded upon. Research and studies allowed the field to grow and evolve as improvements and new discoveries were made. Theorists soon discovered the complexity of management and that there was no single way to manage all people or circumstances. This observation led theorists to research various methods to bring a level of flexibility into management. One tactic management may use to provide the flexibility required for various situations is the contingency approach. This is approach recognizes that organizations are different, thus they require different management methods (Robbins & Coulter, 2007, p. 39). Fiedler's Contingency Model states that a leader's character and situation are the two factors affecting performance (Greer & Plunket, 2003; Mitchell, Biglan, Oncken & Fiedler, 1970). Each of these two factors has variables involved such as task or relationship oriented as part of their character and how much the leader feels accepted, whether a task is structured versus defined, and the level of power he or she has over others as part of their situation (Greer & Plunket, 2003; Mitchell et al., 1970). Findings While the Contingency Model provides useful information for and about leaders it is not limited to leadership. This approach can be applied to other situations or areas and be as ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Ethnocentrism Response Njoud Jaber Response Paper #1 September 16, 2017 When it comes to September 11th attack, I believe many Americans were confused as to why other countries did not try to help them when they needed it the most. This made Americans angry and even made an environment of "us vs. them." Even after years have passed since that day that changed the lives of many Americans, we still can't understand the lengths that suicide bombers and terrorists go because of ethnocentrism. Prior to the September 11th attack, both Americans and non– Americans were attacked, yet only one was found right and the other is wrong. This is not to say that terrorist groups are in the right, their invasion is still occurring. But unlike the United States, they invaded without military like the United States. Since September 11, American politics and governance has focused on the war of terror and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some believe that ethnocentrism contributes to a variety of attitudes when it comes to the war of terror. However, I believe that attitudes towards the war on terrors relates less on a generalized ethnocentrism than on evaluations of a ... Show more content on ... People who are ethnocentric are not able to understand why people from other groups act a certain way and even judge them. Patriotism can be defined as someone's love and devotion to their country where their country is number one and all other countries are viewed as less important. I believe both ethnocentrism and patriotism are related to each other. Patriotism might lead people to see things from their point of view with disregard to other peoples' opinions. I do think that patriotism is good and we all should love and be devoted to our country, but it is also important to keep in mind that other people's cultures, groups, and countries and not better than us. We are all humans, we were all created equal and nobody is better than ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Ethnocentrism (Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism) As a Sociologist, should we practice Cultural Ethnocentrism or Cultural Relativism? We must first understand the two distinct theories regarding perception of outside cultures: Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture.[1] The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion – these ethnic distinctions and subdivisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.[2] The logical alternative to ethnocentrism is Cultural relativism, the practice of judging a ... Show more content on ... We live in a rapidly changing world, which is increasingly bringing people of various cultures in closer interaction with each other. This interaction can be positive or negative depending on the level of sensitivity and respect people have for other cultural groups. Negative attitudes towards other cultures and/or ethnic groups arise out of ethnocentrism, while positive attitudes are the result of a culturally relativist approach. If people are going to be successful in today's multicultural, informative society, they will need to develop a culturally sensitive frame of reference and mode of operation. Some of the pros/strengths that Cultural relativism presents are listed below: 1. It encourages respect and tolerance for all cultures and societies. 2. By extension, it advocates for equality among and between cultures 3. It encourages a sense of unity within a culture by maintaining that all are bound by the same rules. 4. It warns us against assuming that all of our own cultural practices are based on some "absolute rational standard". 5. It stresses the benefits of keeping an open mind and not rushing to judgment. Cultural relativism suggests that whatever any culture does is acceptable and we must positively judge other cultures' practices–it is "right" for them. Who am I to judge differently? Cultural relativism arises out of a concern not to impose our cultural values on other cultures. The problem with believing that all values are ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Ethnocentrism in America The United States of America was founded on July 4, 1776. Seeking a life free of the British Government, a host of immigrants founded a new nation. Because the United States was created by the migration of people from various parts of the world, it is sometimes described as a "melting pot." Along with their personal possessions, these immigrants brought their respective cultures and traditions as they meshed together into a new society. Despite being categorized together as citizens of the same country, the independent traditions and lifestyles of humankind have created challenges throughout history. It is important for Americans to share a sense of pride, patriotism and loyalty. Equally important, however, is the need for respect regarding differences and individualism. Ethnocentrism is a barrier between understanding culture and diversity. Ethnocentrism is defined as, "having or based on the idea that your own group or culture is better or more important than others." Society is impacted by everything from media exposure to political agendas. A good example of this can be found in America's recent history with countries in the Middle East. Issues ranging from energy and oil to a campaign against terrorism have created strained relationships between the United States and countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. As a result, it is nearly impossible to watch an evening news program on American television that does not contain a story related to current events in the Middle ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Ethnocentrism Is A Basic Attitude Expressing The Belief... ETHNOCENTRISM Ethnocentrism is a basic attitude expressing the belief that one?s own ethnic group or one?s own culture is superior to other ethnic groups or cultures, and that one?s cultural standards can be applied in a universal manner. The term was first used by the American sociologist William Graham Sumner (1840?1910) to describe the view that one?s own culture can be considered central, while other cultures or religious traditions are reduced to a less prominent role. Ethnocentrism is closely related to other attitudinal indicators for racism, xenophobia, prejudice, mental closure, and, more generally, an authoritarian personality structure. Ethnocentrism is widely used in research on social and political attitudes because it proves to be a very powerful and easily identifiable attitude that can be measured in a valid manner with a limited number of variables. Although ethnocentric prejudice can be directed toward one specific outsider group, empirical research reveals that usually ethnocentrism is generalized toward all outsider groups. Although ethnocentrism is closely related to racism, it can be distinguished from racism because it does not involve necessarily a negative vision toward other races. Any culturally distinct outsider group (whether the distinction involves language, religion, color, or descent) can be targeted by ethnocentric attitudes. In practice, European researchers often tend to avoid using the term?racism? because they are reluctant to apply the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Examples Of Racism And Ethnocentrism In The Movie Crash Racism, and ethnocentrism can be a significant factor in determining if an individual can maintain a healthy interpersonal relationship. Both racism and ethnocentrism can be barriers that affect competent cross– cultural communication. Crash (Schulman & Haggis, 2004) is a film that has characters of very different natures. The characters may be involved in conflicts due to the differences in genders, cultures and races. As these strangers in the film crash into each other, you may notice that racism and ethnocentrism can really affect the way the characters are able to build a strong and healthy interpersonal relationship. In Crash (Schulman & Haggis, 2004) the character Officer Ryan is constantly in conflict with others due to racism and ethnocentrism. He has been an officer and with the force for 17 years. However, he seems to be extremely racist when he encounters African Americans. Officer Ryan is a typical looking American male, the movie portrayed him to be "tall, dark and handsome." However, he is also out–spoken and seemingly arrogant. Ryan seems to have that "better than the rest" attitude, it is evident through the way he portrays himself in the movie. If he overcomes these barriers he would be able to establish some positive relationships. Officer Ryan also seems to have accumulated anger and false assumption about those around him. For example, when he pulled over Director Cam and his wife Christine, he was angry with their racial difference and made false ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain Racism in America Mark Twain penned his famous novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1884 and it quickly became one of the most banned books in America (Sova). The popularity of the novel as a teaching tool as well as the call to ban this book continues today due to the novel's theme of racism. In the novel, Mark Twain utilizes satire to show his "contempt for slavery and any racist morality that would uphold it" (Battaglia). Twain's ability to humorously make a political point regarding the treatment of African Americans in America, provided a platform for discussions in classrooms across the country regarding racism. Twain could not have foreseen that racism continues to be a relevant issue in American society in 2016. Ethnocentrism, or the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own culture remains a predominate opinion in many white Americans. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s successfully procured rights for African Americans, but it did not eradicate racism. Instead, in American society today, covert racism replaces the overt racism Mark Twain depicts in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In addition, continually evolving media and technology perpetuates ethnocentric ideals as well as racism and discrimination in America. Finally, ethnocentrism in America creates racism and discrimination beyond African American to include all minority groups. Racism persists in America due to the acceptable culture of ethnocentrism. First, an evolution from overt ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Cultural Dissonance Cultural dissonance is an uncomfortable sense of discord, disharmony, confusion or conflict experienced by people in the midst of change in their cultural environment. When I migrated to Australia a few years back, it was the first time I had travelled to a Western country. I went shopping to a supermarket and asked the Sales Assistant for a specific ingredient which we use for cooking. He could not understand my English accent and called the manager for help. When the manager came to help us, I explained the ingredient which I wanted and was trying to explain her use of the ingredient. The manager could not understand what I was explaining and midway she told me that first I should go and learn English in a manner that Australians can ... Show more content on ... 327–43.–Each–Of–Ethnocentric–Polycentric–Regiocentric– 577450.html–of–ethnocentrism.html Deresky, H. & Christopher, E., 2012, International management : managing cultural diversity, Pearson ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Ethnocentrism In America Some of the problems we face in the world today are an obvious ethnocentrism in media coverage and the world war on terrorism. Along with this, I think we have a problem with the current education system for children. By focusing on the way our children are educated, we could change the way the world is. By studying ancient cultures and learning from their lifestyles we can come up with solutions to these problems. By looking at the media during recent events, the ethnocentrism we face in our world today is very obvious. While the media in America is covering issues such as the recent election and stories such irrelevant Christmas shopping trends, they are ignoring the injustice occurring in Syria. Additionally, we are facing a war on terrorism. With the Paris and Brussel attacks this year and more recently, the 12 people who were killed in Berlin yesterday, something clearly needs to be done. While these attacks have had intense media coverage, the genocides in Syria and places like Africa have little to no ... Show more content on ... The curriculum children learn today in school is very "white–washed" for a lack of a better term. This leads to children turning into adults who only think that their culture matters. The world we live in today contains adults that cannot fathom an alternative way of living. Additionally, the education system rewards students based on strictly test scores (no child left behind, etc) which actually leaves many children left behind. As stated by Wade Davis, a wayfinder does not record all the vast information they know in a book but he stores it in his mind. The wayfinder memorizes these elements and passes them orally to the younger generation. I believe that by looking at the way their information is stored it should be translated to the current education system. Our cultures should focus on our youth, as indigenous people do, because they are the future of our ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Cultural Counseling Research The Impact of History and Counseling Theories on Culturally Diverse Populations As our population continues to expand and rapidly diversify, the need for cultural competence within the counseling profession is of high importance. More and more, diverse populations are seeking counseling as a result of increased community awareness, empowerment, and opportunity. Traditional counseling approaches are rooted in the belief that "good counseling is good counseling," while not recognizing that the definition of "good counseling" originates from White– Euro American norms, values, and points of view (Sue & Sue, 2015, p. 46). Even though strides have been made with the emergence of multicultural counseling techniques and theories, it is important to reflect on the past and present situation of counseling diverse populations. This paper will examine both the oppressive nature of historic counseling theories, as well as the benefits of emerging multicultural counseling ... Show more content on ... Many are based on values of Euro–American culture, and hold true two important ideas: "on one side are beliefs that people are unique and that the psychosocial unit of operation is the individual, and on the other side, are beliefs that clients are the same and that the goals and techniques of counseling and therapy are equally applicable across all groups," (Sue & Sue, 2016, p. 47). With this viewpoint, comes the omission and disregard to the value differences among cultures, which could include things such as clothes and food, but also parenting beliefs, family structures, and communication styles (Rubel & Ratts, 2011). These examples make it clear that people from diverse backgrounds and cultures may not share this same value system. A "one–size–fits–all" approach is not a culturally sensitive approach or an appropriate therapeutic ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Mps Case 1 IHRM Homework 10.12.12 MPS 1 Diagnose and prioritise what you see to be the crucial IHRM for Jim issues. Medical Precision Systems (from now on MPS) have a HR strategy with the intentions of gaining strong control over its subsidiaries through the extensive use of expatriate managers in both technical and managerial areas of the business. Expatriate managers have been told to try to keep the unions out or to ensure that they have a minimal influence. The main issue with MPS IHR strategy is that they are using an ethnocentric approach where they export their HR strategy to foreign countries. It's different working environment, culture and mentality between the local subsidiaries' workforce and its American ... Show more content on ... Unions should also be tolerated by the MPS leaders, because their importance in some of the European countries. They need to start communicating with the unions instead of trying to keep them out. When it comes to setting goals for the different subsidiaries this should be set in a cooperation between leader from the specific subsidiaries and the leaders from MPS. Goals and set by just the MPS top leaders can because they don't have the fully information maybe not be achievable. The subsidiaries will also get a higher motivation if they have to achieve goals that they have set themselves. Another thing that can be very interesting is to create cross border career paths within the company. This can help motivate the workforce and on the other hand give a more value fore the company in cross cultural teams and gain more experience in how to manage cross cultural challenges. With doing these things and give the subsidiary the possibility to create "their own" HR strategy this will also help the company with adapting to different cultures, and also give them knowledge about which factors employees in the specific country cherish. Maybe the old strategy has a high focus and use a lot of money on a factor that the employees in the specific country don't appreciate. 3 3. Justify who you think should be key players ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Ethnocentrism In Beauty In our culture today there is an abundance of social rules of do's and don'ts in public which can be said about every culture. I like to believe this is list is what defines a culture as well as what makes all cultures different and unique from each other. What I would like to know is if ethnocentrism has shaped or is visible. I want to know if the beauty industry in the west is influenced by the ways in which we view cultures differently from out history, I want to know how members of society are treated differently based on their ethnicity, and how people are treated in the professional world based on their world views. When Beauty comes to mind I imagine catwalks in France or time square lit up as all of the women walk down the runway in magnificently strange dresses that you would never wear to anything but are perfect for ten seconds while you're looking at it. But fashion did not start that way and it certainly is not glorious like that the other 86,390 seconds of the day. I think that a lot of fashion is tailored toward light skinned people. When I buy clothes almost all of the models in the store are white women and men. I think this displays ethnocentrism because it conveys a message in which being non european is considered unattractive. Another example i can think of that displays this is how makeup comes in so few shades for darker women. This might be because there is not a big enough consumer base to use more shades of makeup but it could also be because ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Theory Of Consumer Ethnocentrism Consumer ethnocentrism is in the last two decades become one of the research trends, and the results show that high level of ethnocentrism reduces willingness to buy imports. The main concept of consumer ethnocentrism was developed by Shimp 1984. He established that the ethnocentrism is belief that it is moral/immoral to buy foreign products. Sharma, Shimp and Shin in 1994 confirmed consumer tendencies in overvaluation of domestic products. This was start and the begining of accepting a consumer ethnocentrism which is based on the idea that the buying domestic products is not just economic but also moral obligation. Ethnocentric consumer thinks that buyers of foreign products are responsible for economic problems, such as unemployment. On the other hand buyers who are not ethnocentric are buying products with the best price and quality. Domestic firms used this concept in their favour to atract more customers. Consumer ethnocentrism is strongly linked to the appeal of domestic companies and governments to ... Show more content on ... (1993) propose capital, empathy, cost, and accountability as possible mediators in the process between consumer ethnocentrism and readiness to purchase imported products. The explanation of these variables lies in the logic that ethnocentric consumers will perceive international competition as something that is not fair to the domestic industry. This will then force consumers to buy domestic products, which increases empathy for members of the internal group, and increases readiness for further purchase of domestic products. Ethnocentric consumers will also ignore personal costs by purchasing domestic products. Another important variable is certainly the effect of the "country of origin". Han (1988) includes the country of origin as a variable that dictates the relationship between consumer patriotism and the intent of buying. Namely, consumers of expressed patriotism will moreover buy domestic products, and avoid buying products of foreign ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Brand Preference POLYTECHNIC OF NAMIBIA SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT DEPT. OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (RMA411S) ASSESMENT 1 Student name: Rachel N. Nuukunde Student number: 201030020 Lecturer: Dr. Geoffrey Nambira Due date: 10 March 2012 at 10h00pm Table of contents Pages 1.1 Topic of the study 3 1.2 Introduction 3 1.3 Statement of the problem ... Show more content on ... Especially for the market as far as the present study is concerned. It will analyze what impact domestic products and imported has on brand preference. Thai is if Namibian consumers are willing to purchase imported products or domestic products. This study will also serve as source and guidance for future research, not only Namibian retailers as well as the two accompanying companies may also benefit strategically for their products. Conducting this research will also benefit me as a researcher as I will also gain some knowledge regarding ethnocentrism of Namibian dairy consumers. 1.8 Limitations Time management would be the number one problem that will hinder the researcher from completing the study successfully. The feedback from the respondents may also be biased as they may give false information. 1.9 Delimitations This study is only bound in Windhoek. This means consumers from other part of the country are excluded in the study. This is done to limit the time spent while conducting the study as well as the cost to e incurred. 1.10 Summarization of the articles Article 1 Chimboza, D., & Mutandwa, E. (2007). Measuring the determinants of the preference in a dairy product market. African journal of business management, pp. 230–237.
  • 78. This study was conducted in Chitungwaza and Harare urban markets in Zimbabwe as the target market. The purpose of the study was to assess the level of the brand awareness and factors ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Book Review : The Book Thief Book Review: The Book Thief "Liesel stood up and also raised her arm. With absolute misery, she repeated it. "Heil Hitler". It was quite a sight–an eleven–year–old girl, trying not to cry on the church steps... "(Zusak, 2005, p.40). "The Book Thief" fixates on the life of a young girl named Liesel. Throughout the book, communication, cultural awareness, and empathy are concepts that are stained across the pages. The conversations and language of the characters captivate the reader. Communication is a polysemy. Language, symbols, and objects are mediums of communicating. Language conveys the thoughts, feelings, and interests of the speaker. Vernacular can be formal or informal. The audience is a factor when communicating. We need to ask ourselves, "How will my audience best understand my message"? Being able to converse with others is a wonderful occurrence, however, one's speech can be misconstrued. Words can have multiple meanings, and confusion can arise. How an individual conveys the words can alter their meaning. Tone, or how one conveys the words, is crucial. Did your emotions coincide with the words you spoke? Words have consequences. The words that escape from our mouth can have a negative or positive impact. How one speaks, not only influences the receiver, but it also reveals something about the sender. Communication may not entail vocal projection. "Communication involves nonverbal messages, which include touch, facial expressions, eye behavior, body posture, and ... Get more on ...