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Reproduction (2001) 121, 429–434                                  Research

       Effect of finadyne on oestradiol-induced ovarian oxytocin
      and uterine PGF2α secretory systems on day 15 after oestrus
                    in ovarian autotransplanted ewes
                                    H. Y. Al-Matubsi1 and R. J. Fairclough2
                 1College of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Cincinnati,

                    PO Box 670526, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0526, USA; and 2Department of Biomedical
                    Sciences, Victoria University of Technology, St Albans Campus, PO Box 14428 MC,
                                              Melbourne, VIC 8001, Australia

This study was undertaken to determine whether induction                Peripheral oestradiol concentrations were significantly
of ovarian oxytocin after oestradiol treatment on day 15                (P < 0.001) higher during the 9 h after oestradiol injection
after oestrus is mediated through prostaglandin secretion               in both groups. None of the oestradiol–finadyne-treated
by blocking prostaglandin synthesis using finadyne, an                   ewes showed significant pulses in either ovarian oxytocin
inhibitor of the cyclo-oxygenase pathway. Nine ewes with                secretion or release of the prostaglandin F2α metabolite
ovarian autotransplants were assigned randomly to receive               13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2α (PGFM) after injections. In
an i.m. injection of either oestradiol benzoate (50 µg) in              ewes treated with oestradiol only, at least one detectable
peanut oil (n = 5) or oestradiol benzoate plus finadyne                  pulse of ovarian oxytocin and jugular PGFM was observed
(2.2 mg kg–1) (n = 4) at 3 h intervals starting at the time of          with mean      SEM amplitude of 17.7     7.29 ng min–1 and
oestradiol injection. Blood samples were collected from                 237.18 43.13 pg ml–1, respectively. The areas under the
the ovarian and contralateral jugular veins at 30 min                   curve for ovarian oxytocin and jugular PGFM pulses were
intervals for 6 h before and at 15 min intervals for up to 9 h          significantly increased after oestradiol treatment. These
after the oestradiol and finadyne injections. The secretion              findings demonstrate that initiation of the arachidonic acid
rate of ovarian progesterone remained high in all ewes,                 cascade is important for the secretion of oxytocin after
thus indicating the presence of a functional corpus luteum.             oestrogen treatment.

                                                                        demonstrated that exogenous administration of oestrogen
                                                                        directly into the corpus luteum on day 10 after oestrus
In ruminants, the oestrous cycle occurs as a consequence of             resulted in regression of the injected corpus luteum but had
a positive feedback system between luteal oxytocin, which               little effect on the contralateral corpus luteum. Moreover,
stimulates secretion of the uterine prostaglandin PGF2α, and            removal of endogenous oestrogen by destroying ovarian
vice versa (Flint and Sheldrick, 1982). During luteolysis,              follicles, the primary source of oestradiol, either via ablation
pulses of oxytocin or its associated neurophysin occur                  (Karsch et al., 1970) or X-irradiation (Karsch et al., 1970;
simultaneously with pulses of PGF2α or its metabolite 13,14             Zhang et al., 1991), could prolong the lifespan of the corpus
dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin F2α (PGFM) (Hooper et al.,                luteum for a few days. Subsequent treatment of the
1986).                                                                  X-irradiated ewes with oestradiol resulted in normal
   Oestrogen also appears to play a role in the regulation of           pulsatile release of PGF2α and the occurrence of a normal
uterine function. Administration of oestradiol to ovarian               cycle (Zhang et al., 1991). Furthermore, Al-Matubsi et al.
autotransplanted (Al-Matubsi et al., 1997) or intact (Zhang             (1997) demonstrated that oestradiol is also involved in
et al., 1991) ewes during the late stages of the oestrous cycle         induction of ovarian oxytocin secretion. As ovine large
altered the timing and pattern of uterine PGF2α or PGFM                 luteal cells, which are the source of oxytocin (Rodgers et al.,
release. Similar results have been reported by Jacobs et al.            1983), have been reported to contain oestrogen receptor
(1988) showing that the increase in secretion of endogenous             (Glass et al., 1984) and the rat gene for oxytocin contains an
PGF2α that follows induction of luteolysis with cloprostenol,           oestrogen response element upstream of the transcription
a synthetic prostaglandin, is suppressed by intravenous                 start site (Richard and Zingg, 1990), it is also possible that
injections of tamoxifen, an oestrogen antagonist.                       the luteolytic effect of oestradiol may be mediated directly
   Oestrogen is also involved in regulation of the corpus               through induction of ovarian oxytocin release.
luteum and influences luteolysis. Cook et al. (1974)                         Thus, the present study was undertaken to investigate
                                                                        whether the stimulatory effect of oestradiol on ovarian
Email:                                         oxytocin secretion is mediated through PGF2α release, by
                                               © 2001 Journals of Reproduction and Fertility
430                                              H. Y. Al-Matubsi and R. J. Fairclough

inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis using finadyne, which is            were placed in heparinized glass tubes and the catheter was
an inhibitor of the cyclo-oxygenase pathway.                          refilled with heparinized saline (50 iu ml–1).
                                                                         Ovarian venous blood was collected using the method
                                                                      described by McCracken et al. (1969). Approximately 5 ml
                 Materials and Methods
                                                                      ovarian blood was allowed to drain freely every 30 min
Experimental animals                                                  from the open end of the catheter into heparinized 15 ml
                                                                      graduated centrifuge tubes. The time taken to collect this
   Border Leicester    Merino ewes (n = 9) were prepared
                                                                      sample was measured using a stopwatch. Three millilitres of
with ovarian autotransplants as described by Goding et al.
                                                                      ovarian venous blood were collected at alternate 15 min
(1967). The ewes were housed individually in metabolic
                                                                      intervals after collection of each 5 ml sample after
cages in a temperature-controlled room (20 C) and were fed
                                                                      oestradiol injection. Thus, samples were collected every
once a day with 800 g of a pelleted ration consisting of
                                                                      15 min for determination of hormone concentrations and
hammer milled lucerne (60%) and oats (40%). Water was
                                                                      every 30 min for determination of blood flow (Lamsa et al.,
available ad libitum. The study was carried out at CSIRO
                                                                      1989). The blood samples were centrifuged at 1900 g for
Division of Animal Production, Australia. All protocols
                                                                      15 min. Plasma was collected and stored at –20 C until
were approved by the Animal Experimentation Ethics
                                                                      assayed for oxytocin and progesterone (ovarian venous
Committees of Victoria University of Technology and the
                                                                      plasma) or PGFM and oestradiol (jugular venous plasma) by
CSIRO Division of Animal Production.
                                                                      radioimmunoassay (RIA). Blood flow (ml min–1) was
                                                                      calculated by measuring the time taken to collect a known
Experimental design
                                                                      volume of ovarian venous blood. The packed cell volume
   As ewes with autotransplanted ovaries do not naturally             (PCV) was determined at 1 h intervals and the plasma flow
undergo oestrous cycles, oestrus was induced synchro-                 (ml min–1) was calculated by multiplying the blood flow by
nously by two injections of 125 µg synthetic PGF2α                    100-PCV divided by 100. The secretion rate of oxytocin and
(Estrumate; ICI, Sydney) given 15 days apart. After the               progesterone (ng min–1) was obtained by multiplying the
second injection, oestrus was detected by inspection twice            plasma flow (ml min–1) by the concentration of hormone in
a day for the presence of crayon marks after mating with a            the ovarian venous plasma (ng ml–1).
ram fitted with a sire-o-sine harness (Radford et al., 1960).
The day that the ewes displayed oestrous behaviour                    Hormone analysis
was designated day 0. On day 15 of the cycle, all ewes
                                                                         PGFM assay. Plasma PGFM concentrations were
were injected i.m. with 50 µg oestradiol benzoate
                                                                      measured by RIA (Burgess et al., 1990) with a sensitivity of
(Intervet, Sydney) in peanut oil. In addition, four of
                                                                      8 pg ml–1. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation
these ewes were injected i.m. with 2.2 mg kg–1 of the
                                                                      were 8 and 11%, respectively.
prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, finadyne (Allhank
Trading Company, Melbourne) at 3 h intervals starting at
                                                                         Oestradiol assay. The concentration of oestradiol was
the time of oestradiol injection. The remaining five ewes
                                                                      measured in peripheral blood plasma by RIA (Burgess et al.,
received vehicle only.
                                                                      1990) with a sensitivity of 7 pg ml–1. The samples were
                                                                      measured in a single assay and the intra-assay coefficient of
Cannulation of jugular and ovarian veins
                                                                      variation was 4.7%.
   Cannulations were carried out under local anaesthesia
(10% lignocaine hydrochloride spray: xylocaine; Astra                    Progesterone assay. Progesterone was assayed in 100 µl
Pharmaceuticals, Sydney) as described by McCracken et al.             ovarian plasma extracted with 2 ml n-hexane (Crown
(1969) at least 24 h before the start of blood sampling. In           Scientific, Victoria) according to the method of Rice et al.
brief, a polyvinyl catheter was inserted into the jugular vein        (1986). The sensitivity of the assay was 0.25 ng ml–1. The
exteriorized in the skin loop to cannulate the ovarian vein.          samples were measured in a single assay and the intra-assay
The tip of the catheter was positioned at the junction of the         coefficient of variation was 7%.
ovarian and jugular veins. An additional polyvinyl catheter
(50 cm) was inserted into the contralateral jugular vein. The            Oxytocin assay. Plasma oxytocin concentrations were
catheters were filled with heparinized saline (1000 iu ml–1).          measured by RIA as described by Al-Matubsi et al. (1997).
                                                                      The sensitivity of the assay was 16 pg ml–1, and the intra-
Blood sampling                                                        and interassay coefficients of variation were 6 and 11.9%,
   On day 15 after oestrus, 5 ml and 3 ml samples of blood
were collected from the ovarian and contralateral jugular
                                                                      Statistical analysis
veins, respectively, at 30 min intervals for 6 h before
oestradiol or finadyne injections and subsequently at                     Statistically significant pulses of ovarian vein oxytocin
15 min intervals for up to 9 h after injection. The blood             and jugular vein PGFM were determined using a Pulsar
samples (3 ml) collected from the contralateral jugular vein          program (Merriam and Wachter, 1982). Assay variability
Effects of finadyne on oestradiol-induced secretion of oxytocin and PGF2α during late oestrus                                                 431

                                                        (a)                                                                                          was estimated by regression analysis of the standard
                          3000                         60                                                                     500                    deviation for duplicate determinations and the mean at
                                                       55                                     a
                          2500                         50
                                                                                                                                                     each point. Baseline was calculated representing the
                          2000                         40
                                                                                                                                                     contribution of long-term trends (15 h) but not fluctuations
                                                       35                                                                     300                    of shorter duration (30 min). The amplitudes of the ovarian
                          1500                         30
                                                                                                                                                     oxytocin and peripheral PGFM pulses were calculated by
                          1000                         20                                                                                            subtracting baseline values. The resulting values were then
                           500                         10                                                                     100                    rescaled in terms of standard deviation units by dividing the
                                                        5                                                                                            rescaled values by an estimate of assay variability. The
                             0                          0                                                                     0
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0   1   2   3       4   5   6   7       8   9                          amplitude of the rescaled pulses was identified by applying
                                                                                                                                                     height and duration criteria specified by user-defined cut-off
                                                        (b)                                                                                          points [G(n)] for pulses. These calculations were repeated
                          3000                         60                                                                     500
                                                       55                                                                                            until two iterations produced the same values for pulses or
                          2500                         50
                                                                                                                              400                    until the preset limit of six iterations was completed. The
                          2000                         40                                                                                            quadratic (a), linear (b), and constant (c) terms for Pulsar
                                                       35                                                                     300                    were as follows: for oxytocin: a = 0.00, b = 11.91 and
                          1500                         30
                                                       25                                                                     200                    c = 0.00; and for PGFM: a = 0.00, b = 11.17 and c = 0.00.
                          1000                         20
                                                                                                                                                     The following G(n) values were selected for both oxytocin
                           500                         10                                                                     100                    and PGFM pulses: G(1) = 6.5, G(2) = 4.45, G(3) = 3.25,
                             0                          0                                                                     0                      G(4) = 2.57 and G(5) = 2.05. Coincident episodes in the
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0   1   2   3       4   5   6   7       8   9                          secretion of oxytocin and PGFM were defined as those that
                                                        (c)                                                                                          showed an increase in the value of the PGFM pulse at the
                                                                                                                                                     same time as a defined oxytocin pulse. The plasma
Progesterone (ng min–1)

                          3000                         60                                                                     500
                                                       55                                                     a                                      secretion rates of oxytocin and concentrations of PGFM
                          2500                         50
                                                                                                                                    PGFM (pg ml–1)

                                 Oxytocin (ng min–1)

                                                       45                                                                                            pulses were expressed in ng min–1 and pg ml–1, respectively,
                          2000                         40
                                                       35                                                                     300                    and the duration of that pulse was designated as τ being the
                          1500                         30                                                                                            number of minutes between the last time point before and
                                                       25                                                                     200
                          1000                         20                                                                                            the first time point after a significant increase in hormone
                                                                                                                              100                    concentration as detected by the Pulsar program. The area
                           500                         10
                                                        5                                                                                            under the significant ovarian oxytocin and peripheral PGFM
                             0                          0                                                                     0                      pulses was then calculated for each ewe and was expressed
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0   1   2   3       4   5   6   7       8   9
                                                                                                                                                     as (ng min–1) τ and (pg ml–1) τ, respectively. The overall
                                                        (d)                                                                                          mean concentration, pulse amplitude and duration of the
                          3000                         60                                                                     500
                                                          ab                                                                                         pulse, and the area under the pulse were obtained using the
                          2500                         50
                                                                                                                              400                    Pulsar analysis program. The values were expressed as
                          2000                         40                                                                                            mean SEM. Individual characteristics of these responses
                                                       35                                                                     300                    and the differences in concentrations of oestrogen and
                          1500                         30
                                                       25                                                                     200                    progesterone were compared using a Student’s unpaired t
                          1000                         20                                                                                            test. The number of ewes that showed pulses of oxytocin
                           500                         10
                                                                                                                              100                    and PGFM after oestradiol or oestradiol plus finadyne
                             0                          0                                                                     0
                                                                                                                                                     injections was compared using a chi-squared test.
                                                          –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0     1   2   3 4         5   6   7       8   9

                                                        (e)                                                                                                                        Results
                          3000                         60
                                                                                                                  a           500
                                                       55                                                                                            The progesterone secretion rate of oestradiol-treated ewes
                          2500                         50
                                                                                                                              400                    (679.04 ± 87.98 ng min–1) was not significantly different
                          2000                         40                                                                                            from that in the oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes
                                                       35                                                                     300
                          1500                         30
                                                                                                                                                     (762.77 141.76 ng min–1). Progesterone secretion re-
                                                       25                                                                     200                    mained high during the sampling period, indicating the
                          1000                         20
                                                       15                                                                                            presence of a functional corpus luteum in both groups (Figs
                          500                          10                                                                                            1 and 2). In both treated groups, circulating concentrations
                            0                           0                                                                     0
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0   1   2   3 4         5   6   7       8   9
                                                                                                                                                     treated with oestradiol only on day 15 after oestrus. a and b indicate
                                                                              Time (h)
                                                                                                                                                     significant episodes in secretion of ovarian oxytocin and PGFM,
Fig. 1. Oxytocin ( ) and progesterone ( ) secretion rates into                                                                                       respectively. : Identifies synchronous episodes of secretion of
ovarian venous plasma and concentrations of peripheral 13,14-                                                                                        both compounds. ⇓: Indicates time of oestradiol injection and ↓
dihydro-15-keto PGF2α (PGFM; ) from individual ewes (a–e)                                                                                            indicates times of injection of finadyne vehicle (control).
432                                                                                                      H. Y. Al-Matubsi and R. J. Fairclough

                                                        (a)                                                                                 The effect of intramuscular injections of oestradiol only
                          3000                         60
                                                                                                                  500                    and oestradiol plus finadyne on peripheral PGFM
                          2500                         50                                                                                concentrations and ovarian oxytocin secretion are shown
                                                       45                                                                                (Figs 1 and 2, respectively). The mean basal ovarian
                          2000                         40
                                                       35                                                         300                    oxytocin secretion rate for oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes
                          1500                         30
                                                                                                                                         (0.47 0.09 ng min–1) was not significantly different from
                                                       25                                                         200
                          1000                         20                                                                                that in oestradiol-treated ewes (0.50 0.16 ng min–1).
                           500                         10
                                                                                                                  100                    During the first 6 h of the sampling period, before the
                                                        5                                                                                oestrogen and finadyne injections, the mean amplitude
                             0                          0                                                         0
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0   1   2   3 4   5   6   7 8   9
                                                                                                                                         (6.57 1.39 ng min–1) and the mean area under the curve
                                                                                                                                         (2.33 0.88 ng min–1) τ for the ovarian oxytocin pulses in
                                                        (b)                                                                              oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes were not significantly
                          3000                         60                                                         500
                                                                              a                                                          different from those in oestradiol-treated ewes
                          2500                         50
                                                                                                                  400                    (10.17 3.23 ng min–1 and 10.68 3.31 ng min–1 τ,
                          2000                         40                                                                                respectively).
                                                       35                                                         300                       Administration of oestradiol plus finadyne to ovarian
                          1500                         30
                                                       25                                                         200                    autotransplanted ewes on day 15 of the oestrous cycle
                          1000                         20                                                                                significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the number of ewes
Progesterone (ng min–1)

                           500                         10                                                         100   PGFM (pg ml–1)   showing pulses of oxytocin (n = 0 versus n = 5) and PGFM
                                 Oxytocin (ng min–1)

                             0                          0                                                         0                      (n = 0 versus n = 5) when compared with ewes treated with
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1     2   3 4   5   6   7 8   9                          oestradiol only. None of the oestradiol–finadyne-treated
                                                                                                                                         ewes showed significant pulses in ovarian oxytocin
                          3000                         60                                                         500                    secretion after injection. In oestradiol-treated ewes, at least
                                                       55                                                                                one detectable pulse of ovarian oxytocin was observed after
                          2500                         50
                                                       45                                                         400                    oestrogen injection. The mean amplitude (17.7 7.29 ng
                          2000                         40
                                                       35                                                         300                    min–1) of these pulses was not significantly different from
                          1500                         30                                                                                those measured before oestrogen injection (10.17
                                                       25                                                         200
                          1000                         20
                                                                                                                                         3.23 ng min–1). However, a significant (P < 0.05) increase
                                                                                                                  100                    in the area under the curve for ovarian oxytocin secretion
                                                                                                                                         pulses (30.57 7.3 ng min–1) τ was observed after
                           500                         10
                             0                          0                                                         0                      oestrogen injection when compared with samples collected
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
                                                                                                                                         before injection (10.68 3.31 ng min–1) τ. In these ewes,
                                                                                  1   2   3 4   5   6   7 8   9

                                                        (d)                                                                              the ovarian oxytocin pulses were detected at a mean of
                          3000                         60
                                                                                                                  500                    5.05 0.37 h and the mean inter-pulse interval was
                          2500                         50
                                                                                                                                         3.36 0.45 h. In oestradiol-treated ewes, administration of
                                                       45                                                                                oestrogen significantly (P < 0.05) increased the duration of
                          2000                         40
                                                       35                                                         300                    ovarian oxytocin pulses (54 5.5 versus 26.25 7.2 min)
                          1500                         30                                                                                compared with corresponding values measured before
                                                       25                                                         200
                          1000                         20                                                                                oestrogen injection.
                                                       15                                                                                   None of the oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes and all of
                           500                         10
                                                        5                                                                                the ewes treated with oestradiol only showed significant
                             0                          0                                                         0                      pulses of PGFM in peripheral plasma after oestradiol or
                                                            –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0   1   2   3 4   5   6   7 8   9
                                                                                                                                         finadyne injections. Mean basal circulating concentrations
                                                                              Time (h)
                                                                                                                                         of PGFM were significantly (P < 0.05) different in
Fig. 2. Oxytocin ( ) and progesterone ( ) secretion rates into
                                                                                                                                         oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes (14.55 3.0 pg ml–1)
ovarian venous plasma and concentrations of peripheral 13,14-
dihydro-15-keto PGF2α (PGFM; ) from individual ewes (a–d)
                                                                                                                                         compared with ewes that received oestrogen only
treated with oestradiol–finadyne on day 15 after oestrus. a and b                                                                         (28.45 2.10 pg ml–1) over the sampling period.
indicate significant episodes in secretion of ovarian oxytocin and                                                                           In oestradiol-treated ewes, at least one detectable pulse
PGFM, respectively.      : Identifies synchronous episodes of                                                                             in plasma PGFM concentration was observed after
secretion of both compounds. ⇓ and ↓: Indicate times of oestradiol                                                                       injection. The mean amplitude of these pulses
and finadyne injections, respectively.                                                                                                    (237.18 43.13 pg ml–1) was not significantly different
                                                                                                                                         from those measured before oestrogen injection
of oestradiol were significantly (P < 0.001) higher during                                                                                (176.16 68.37 pg ml–1). However, there was a significant
the 9 h after oestradiol injection compared with the 6 h                                                                                 (P < 0.05) increase in the area under the curve
period before oestradiol injection (21.48 1.14 versus                                                                                    (1062.11 309.67 versus 302.65 128.91 pg ml–1) τ and
9.99 0.89 and 18.66 1.29 versus 10.66 1.0 pg ml–1,                                                                                       duration of the pulse (109.5 16.65 versus 36 6 min) of
respectively).                                                                                                                           the PGFM response measured in peripheral plasma
Effects of finadyne on oestradiol-induced secretion of oxytocin and PGF2α during late oestrus                 433

collected after oestrogen injection compared with samples                   the absence of luteal oxytocin release. Hooper et al. (1986)
collected before injection. Plasma PGFM pulses were                         reported that, in ewes, 56% of oxytocin pulses were
observed in all ewes treated with oestradiol only at > 4 h                  coincident with pulses in uterine PGF2α and 97% of all
after injection.                                                            pulses of uterine PGF2α release were accompanied or
   During the sampling period, 62.5% of ovarian oxytocin                    followed by pulses of oxytocin in the ovarian vein. In the
pulses were associated with, or preceded, the increase in                   present study, the percentage of PGFM pulses that occurred
peripheral PGFM concentrations. In contrast, 46.15% of the                  immediately before or coincided with a significant increase
plasma PGFM pulses occurred immediately before or                           in ovarian oxytocin pulses was decreased (46.15%) by
coincided with a significant increase in the ovarian                         administration of oestradiol. Thus, the present study
oxytocin pulses.                                                            reaffirms the findings of Zhang et al. (1991), who reported
                                                                            similar effects of oestradiol administered to ewes treated
                                                                            with either sham or X-irradiated ovarian follicles.
                                                                               The mechanism by which oestrogen stimulates ovarian
In this study, ovarian autotransplanted ewes were used as a                 oxytocin and uterine PGF2α release is not fully understood.
model to determine whether oestrogen acts to stimulate                      Oestrogen may act indirectly, perhaps via the uterus, to
release of ovarian oxytocin directly or indirectly via release              release PGF2α, which, in turn, could stimulate ovarian
of PGF2α, which in turn stimulates ovarian oxytocin. The                    oxytocin release. Such a mechanism of action is unlikely to
concentrations of oxytocin in ovarian venous plasma were                    have occurred in the present study as PGF2α would need to
20–1403 pg ml–1 in the present study, which are similar to                  act through the systemic circulation to stimulate ovarian
those detected by Hooper et al. (1986) in the utero–ovarian                 oxytocin and it has been shown that 99% of PGF2α is
vein (50–1499 pg ml–1) and were much higher than those in                   cleared from blood after one passage through the lungs
peripheral plasma (20–220 pg ml–1; Hooper et al., 1986).                    (Piper et al., 1970). However, using ewes with ovarian
Together, these observations indicate that, in the present                  autotransplants does not necessarily preclude the possibility
study, oxytocin in ovarian venous plasma represents luteal                  that the effects of oestrogen and finadyne are mediated
rather than posterior pituitary secretion.                                  through uterine release of PGF2α, as PGFM is known to
   As would be expected in ovarian autotransplanted ewes                    stimulate luteal oxytocin–neurophysin secretion (Watkins
(Goding et al., 1967), the secretion of progesterone                        and Moore, 1987). Another possibility is that the corpus
remained high in both groups, indicating that the corpus                    luteum of ewes bearing ovarian autotransplants becomes
luteum of the transplanted ovary is maintained despite                      hypersensitive to low concentrations of PGF2α in the
intermittent surges of peripheral plasma PGFM in all ewes                   absence of normal basal concentrations from the adjacent
before oestradiol injection and in ewes treated with                        uterine horn. Such hypersensitivity may allow the corpus
oestradiol only after injection. Our observation that the                   luteum to release luteal oxytocin in response to even
administration of oestradiol can induce the simultaneous                    low concentrations of PGF2α that escape degradation by
release of ovarian oxytocin and uterine PGF2α in ovarian                    the lungs. An alternative site of oestradiol action may
autotransplanted ewes after a latency period of 4 h in all                  be directly on the ovary to induce ovarian oxytocin
ewes treated with oestradiol only is in agreement with the                  release. Oestradiol (Glass et al., 1984) and PGF2α (Fitz
study of Al-Matubsi et al. (1997).                                          et al., 1982) receptors have been reported in large luteal
   In the present study, synchronous pulses of ovarian                      cells, which are the sites of oxytocin synthesis (Rodgers
oxytocin and uterine PGF2α were observed during the first                    et al., 1983). Infusion of oestrogen into the corpus luteum
6 h of the sampling period before oestradiol treatment.                     causes luteal regression (Cook et al., 1974) and luteal
However, this did not affect subsequent synchronous                         cells from sheep (Tsai and Wiltbank, 1997) and cows
secretion of these hormones after oestradiol treatment.                     (Milvae and Hansel, 1983; Tsai et al., 1996) can produce
Thus, the uterine refractoriness to ovarian oxytocin release                prostaglandins, such as PGF2α, PGE2 and PGI2. On the basis
and uterine PGF2α secretion can be eliminated as a reason                   of these findings it is possible that oestrogen stimulates
for variability in timing of the response. The results from the             release of ovarian oxytocin through luteal prostaglandins
present study and other studies (Hooper et al., 1986; Al-                   (or some other metabolite of arachidonic acid) (Cooke
Matubsi et al., 1998) demonstrate that oxytocin pulses in                   and Ahmed, 1998). However, the physiological role of
utero–ovarian or ovarian venous plasma frequently occur in                  luteal prostaglandins during the oestrous cycle and the
the absence of any significant increase in utero–ovarian                     mechanisms controlling its production remain to be
PGF2α or peripheral PGFM concentrations and indicate that                   elucidated.
ovarian oxytocin can occur independently of uterine                            Thus, in intact ewes, the initiation of the arachidonic
PGF2α. In contrast, Lamsa et al. (1989) observed that uterine               acid cascade is of importance for the secretion of oxytocin
PGF2α secretion into the utero–ovarian vein begins to                       after oestrogen treatment.
increase before the discharge of luteal oxytocin. Mann
(1999) demonstrated that normal frequency of episodes of                       The authors would like to thank J. Downing for helping with
PGF2α release, with lower amplitude and of longer                           cannulation of the animals and K. Tellbach for assisting with the
duration, can occur at the anticipated time of luteolysis in                collection of blood samples.
434                                                          H. Y. Al-Matubsi and R. J. Fairclough

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  • 1. Reproduction (2001) 121, 429–434 Research Effect of finadyne on oestradiol-induced ovarian oxytocin and uterine PGF2α secretory systems on day 15 after oestrus in ovarian autotransplanted ewes H. Y. Al-Matubsi1 and R. J. Fairclough2 1College of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Cincinnati, PO Box 670526, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0526, USA; and 2Department of Biomedical Sciences, Victoria University of Technology, St Albans Campus, PO Box 14428 MC, Melbourne, VIC 8001, Australia This study was undertaken to determine whether induction Peripheral oestradiol concentrations were significantly of ovarian oxytocin after oestradiol treatment on day 15 (P < 0.001) higher during the 9 h after oestradiol injection after oestrus is mediated through prostaglandin secretion in both groups. None of the oestradiol–finadyne-treated by blocking prostaglandin synthesis using finadyne, an ewes showed significant pulses in either ovarian oxytocin inhibitor of the cyclo-oxygenase pathway. Nine ewes with secretion or release of the prostaglandin F2α metabolite ovarian autotransplants were assigned randomly to receive 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2α (PGFM) after injections. In an i.m. injection of either oestradiol benzoate (50 µg) in ewes treated with oestradiol only, at least one detectable peanut oil (n = 5) or oestradiol benzoate plus finadyne pulse of ovarian oxytocin and jugular PGFM was observed (2.2 mg kg–1) (n = 4) at 3 h intervals starting at the time of with mean SEM amplitude of 17.7 7.29 ng min–1 and oestradiol injection. Blood samples were collected from 237.18 43.13 pg ml–1, respectively. The areas under the the ovarian and contralateral jugular veins at 30 min curve for ovarian oxytocin and jugular PGFM pulses were intervals for 6 h before and at 15 min intervals for up to 9 h significantly increased after oestradiol treatment. These after the oestradiol and finadyne injections. The secretion findings demonstrate that initiation of the arachidonic acid rate of ovarian progesterone remained high in all ewes, cascade is important for the secretion of oxytocin after thus indicating the presence of a functional corpus luteum. oestrogen treatment. demonstrated that exogenous administration of oestrogen Introduction directly into the corpus luteum on day 10 after oestrus In ruminants, the oestrous cycle occurs as a consequence of resulted in regression of the injected corpus luteum but had a positive feedback system between luteal oxytocin, which little effect on the contralateral corpus luteum. Moreover, stimulates secretion of the uterine prostaglandin PGF2α, and removal of endogenous oestrogen by destroying ovarian vice versa (Flint and Sheldrick, 1982). During luteolysis, follicles, the primary source of oestradiol, either via ablation pulses of oxytocin or its associated neurophysin occur (Karsch et al., 1970) or X-irradiation (Karsch et al., 1970; simultaneously with pulses of PGF2α or its metabolite 13,14 Zhang et al., 1991), could prolong the lifespan of the corpus dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin F2α (PGFM) (Hooper et al., luteum for a few days. Subsequent treatment of the 1986). X-irradiated ewes with oestradiol resulted in normal Oestrogen also appears to play a role in the regulation of pulsatile release of PGF2α and the occurrence of a normal uterine function. Administration of oestradiol to ovarian cycle (Zhang et al., 1991). Furthermore, Al-Matubsi et al. autotransplanted (Al-Matubsi et al., 1997) or intact (Zhang (1997) demonstrated that oestradiol is also involved in et al., 1991) ewes during the late stages of the oestrous cycle induction of ovarian oxytocin secretion. As ovine large altered the timing and pattern of uterine PGF2α or PGFM luteal cells, which are the source of oxytocin (Rodgers et al., release. Similar results have been reported by Jacobs et al. 1983), have been reported to contain oestrogen receptor (1988) showing that the increase in secretion of endogenous (Glass et al., 1984) and the rat gene for oxytocin contains an PGF2α that follows induction of luteolysis with cloprostenol, oestrogen response element upstream of the transcription a synthetic prostaglandin, is suppressed by intravenous start site (Richard and Zingg, 1990), it is also possible that injections of tamoxifen, an oestrogen antagonist. the luteolytic effect of oestradiol may be mediated directly Oestrogen is also involved in regulation of the corpus through induction of ovarian oxytocin release. luteum and influences luteolysis. Cook et al. (1974) Thus, the present study was undertaken to investigate whether the stimulatory effect of oestradiol on ovarian Email: oxytocin secretion is mediated through PGF2α release, by © 2001 Journals of Reproduction and Fertility 1470-1626/2001
  • 2. 430 H. Y. Al-Matubsi and R. J. Fairclough inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis using finadyne, which is were placed in heparinized glass tubes and the catheter was an inhibitor of the cyclo-oxygenase pathway. refilled with heparinized saline (50 iu ml–1). Ovarian venous blood was collected using the method described by McCracken et al. (1969). Approximately 5 ml Materials and Methods ovarian blood was allowed to drain freely every 30 min Experimental animals from the open end of the catheter into heparinized 15 ml graduated centrifuge tubes. The time taken to collect this Border Leicester Merino ewes (n = 9) were prepared sample was measured using a stopwatch. Three millilitres of with ovarian autotransplants as described by Goding et al. ovarian venous blood were collected at alternate 15 min (1967). The ewes were housed individually in metabolic intervals after collection of each 5 ml sample after cages in a temperature-controlled room (20 C) and were fed oestradiol injection. Thus, samples were collected every once a day with 800 g of a pelleted ration consisting of 15 min for determination of hormone concentrations and hammer milled lucerne (60%) and oats (40%). Water was every 30 min for determination of blood flow (Lamsa et al., available ad libitum. The study was carried out at CSIRO 1989). The blood samples were centrifuged at 1900 g for Division of Animal Production, Australia. All protocols 15 min. Plasma was collected and stored at –20 C until were approved by the Animal Experimentation Ethics assayed for oxytocin and progesterone (ovarian venous Committees of Victoria University of Technology and the plasma) or PGFM and oestradiol (jugular venous plasma) by CSIRO Division of Animal Production. radioimmunoassay (RIA). Blood flow (ml min–1) was calculated by measuring the time taken to collect a known Experimental design volume of ovarian venous blood. The packed cell volume As ewes with autotransplanted ovaries do not naturally (PCV) was determined at 1 h intervals and the plasma flow undergo oestrous cycles, oestrus was induced synchro- (ml min–1) was calculated by multiplying the blood flow by nously by two injections of 125 µg synthetic PGF2α 100-PCV divided by 100. The secretion rate of oxytocin and (Estrumate; ICI, Sydney) given 15 days apart. After the progesterone (ng min–1) was obtained by multiplying the second injection, oestrus was detected by inspection twice plasma flow (ml min–1) by the concentration of hormone in a day for the presence of crayon marks after mating with a the ovarian venous plasma (ng ml–1). ram fitted with a sire-o-sine harness (Radford et al., 1960). The day that the ewes displayed oestrous behaviour Hormone analysis was designated day 0. On day 15 of the cycle, all ewes PGFM assay. Plasma PGFM concentrations were were injected i.m. with 50 µg oestradiol benzoate measured by RIA (Burgess et al., 1990) with a sensitivity of (Intervet, Sydney) in peanut oil. In addition, four of 8 pg ml–1. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation these ewes were injected i.m. with 2.2 mg kg–1 of the were 8 and 11%, respectively. prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, finadyne (Allhank Trading Company, Melbourne) at 3 h intervals starting at Oestradiol assay. The concentration of oestradiol was the time of oestradiol injection. The remaining five ewes measured in peripheral blood plasma by RIA (Burgess et al., received vehicle only. 1990) with a sensitivity of 7 pg ml–1. The samples were measured in a single assay and the intra-assay coefficient of Cannulation of jugular and ovarian veins variation was 4.7%. Cannulations were carried out under local anaesthesia (10% lignocaine hydrochloride spray: xylocaine; Astra Progesterone assay. Progesterone was assayed in 100 µl Pharmaceuticals, Sydney) as described by McCracken et al. ovarian plasma extracted with 2 ml n-hexane (Crown (1969) at least 24 h before the start of blood sampling. In Scientific, Victoria) according to the method of Rice et al. brief, a polyvinyl catheter was inserted into the jugular vein (1986). The sensitivity of the assay was 0.25 ng ml–1. The exteriorized in the skin loop to cannulate the ovarian vein. samples were measured in a single assay and the intra-assay The tip of the catheter was positioned at the junction of the coefficient of variation was 7%. ovarian and jugular veins. An additional polyvinyl catheter (50 cm) was inserted into the contralateral jugular vein. The Oxytocin assay. Plasma oxytocin concentrations were catheters were filled with heparinized saline (1000 iu ml–1). measured by RIA as described by Al-Matubsi et al. (1997). The sensitivity of the assay was 16 pg ml–1, and the intra- Blood sampling and interassay coefficients of variation were 6 and 11.9%, respectively. On day 15 after oestrus, 5 ml and 3 ml samples of blood were collected from the ovarian and contralateral jugular Statistical analysis veins, respectively, at 30 min intervals for 6 h before oestradiol or finadyne injections and subsequently at Statistically significant pulses of ovarian vein oxytocin 15 min intervals for up to 9 h after injection. The blood and jugular vein PGFM were determined using a Pulsar samples (3 ml) collected from the contralateral jugular vein program (Merriam and Wachter, 1982). Assay variability
  • 3. Effects of finadyne on oestradiol-induced secretion of oxytocin and PGF2α during late oestrus 431 (a) was estimated by regression analysis of the standard 3000 60 500 deviation for duplicate determinations and the mean at 55 a 2500 50 400 each point. Baseline was calculated representing the 45 2000 40 contribution of long-term trends (15 h) but not fluctuations 35 300 of shorter duration (30 min). The amplitudes of the ovarian 1500 30 25 oxytocin and peripheral PGFM pulses were calculated by 200 1000 20 subtracting baseline values. The resulting values were then 15 500 10 100 rescaled in terms of standard deviation units by dividing the 5 rescaled values by an estimate of assay variability. The 0 0 0 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 amplitude of the rescaled pulses was identified by applying height and duration criteria specified by user-defined cut-off (b) points [G(n)] for pulses. These calculations were repeated 3000 60 500 55 until two iterations produced the same values for pulses or 2500 50 400 until the preset limit of six iterations was completed. The 45 2000 40 quadratic (a), linear (b), and constant (c) terms for Pulsar 35 300 were as follows: for oxytocin: a = 0.00, b = 11.91 and 1500 30 25 200 c = 0.00; and for PGFM: a = 0.00, b = 11.17 and c = 0.00. 1000 20 15 The following G(n) values were selected for both oxytocin 500 10 100 and PGFM pulses: G(1) = 6.5, G(2) = 4.45, G(3) = 3.25, 5 0 0 0 G(4) = 2.57 and G(5) = 2.05. Coincident episodes in the –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 secretion of oxytocin and PGFM were defined as those that (c) showed an increase in the value of the PGFM pulse at the same time as a defined oxytocin pulse. The plasma Progesterone (ng min–1) 3000 60 500 55 a secretion rates of oxytocin and concentrations of PGFM 2500 50 PGFM (pg ml–1) 400 Oxytocin (ng min–1) 45 pulses were expressed in ng min–1 and pg ml–1, respectively, 2000 40 35 300 and the duration of that pulse was designated as τ being the 1500 30 number of minutes between the last time point before and 25 200 1000 20 the first time point after a significant increase in hormone 15 100 concentration as detected by the Pulsar program. The area 500 10 5 under the significant ovarian oxytocin and peripheral PGFM 0 0 0 pulses was then calculated for each ewe and was expressed –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 as (ng min–1) τ and (pg ml–1) τ, respectively. The overall (d) mean concentration, pulse amplitude and duration of the 3000 60 500 55 ab pulse, and the area under the pulse were obtained using the 2500 50 400 Pulsar analysis program. The values were expressed as 45 2000 40 mean SEM. Individual characteristics of these responses 35 300 and the differences in concentrations of oestrogen and 1500 30 25 200 progesterone were compared using a Student’s unpaired t 1000 20 test. The number of ewes that showed pulses of oxytocin 15 500 10 100 and PGFM after oestradiol or oestradiol plus finadyne 5 0 0 0 injections was compared using a chi-squared test. –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (e) Results 3000 60 a 500 55 The progesterone secretion rate of oestradiol-treated ewes 2500 50 45 400 (679.04 ± 87.98 ng min–1) was not significantly different 2000 40 from that in the oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes 35 300 1500 30 (762.77 141.76 ng min–1). Progesterone secretion re- 25 200 mained high during the sampling period, indicating the 1000 20 15 presence of a functional corpus luteum in both groups (Figs 100 500 10 1 and 2). In both treated groups, circulating concentrations 5 0 0 0 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 treated with oestradiol only on day 15 after oestrus. a and b indicate Time (h) significant episodes in secretion of ovarian oxytocin and PGFM, Fig. 1. Oxytocin ( ) and progesterone ( ) secretion rates into respectively. : Identifies synchronous episodes of secretion of ovarian venous plasma and concentrations of peripheral 13,14- both compounds. ⇓: Indicates time of oestradiol injection and ↓ dihydro-15-keto PGF2α (PGFM; ) from individual ewes (a–e) indicates times of injection of finadyne vehicle (control).
  • 4. 432 H. Y. Al-Matubsi and R. J. Fairclough (a) The effect of intramuscular injections of oestradiol only 3000 60 b 500 and oestradiol plus finadyne on peripheral PGFM 55 2500 50 concentrations and ovarian oxytocin secretion are shown 400 45 (Figs 1 and 2, respectively). The mean basal ovarian 2000 40 35 300 oxytocin secretion rate for oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes 1500 30 (0.47 0.09 ng min–1) was not significantly different from 25 200 1000 20 that in oestradiol-treated ewes (0.50 0.16 ng min–1). 15 500 10 100 During the first 6 h of the sampling period, before the 5 oestrogen and finadyne injections, the mean amplitude 0 0 0 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (6.57 1.39 ng min–1) and the mean area under the curve (2.33 0.88 ng min–1) τ for the ovarian oxytocin pulses in (b) oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes were not significantly 3000 60 500 55 a different from those in oestradiol-treated ewes 2500 50 400 (10.17 3.23 ng min–1 and 10.68 3.31 ng min–1 τ, 45 2000 40 respectively). 35 300 Administration of oestradiol plus finadyne to ovarian 1500 30 25 200 autotransplanted ewes on day 15 of the oestrous cycle 1000 20 significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the number of ewes Progesterone (ng min–1) 15 500 10 100 PGFM (pg ml–1) showing pulses of oxytocin (n = 0 versus n = 5) and PGFM Oxytocin (ng min–1) 5 0 0 0 (n = 0 versus n = 5) when compared with ewes treated with –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oestradiol only. None of the oestradiol–finadyne-treated (c) ewes showed significant pulses in ovarian oxytocin 3000 60 500 secretion after injection. In oestradiol-treated ewes, at least 55 one detectable pulse of ovarian oxytocin was observed after 2500 50 45 400 oestrogen injection. The mean amplitude (17.7 7.29 ng 2000 40 35 300 min–1) of these pulses was not significantly different from 1500 30 those measured before oestrogen injection (10.17 25 200 1000 20 3.23 ng min–1). However, a significant (P < 0.05) increase 15 100 in the area under the curve for ovarian oxytocin secretion pulses (30.57 7.3 ng min–1) τ was observed after 500 10 5 0 0 0 oestrogen injection when compared with samples collected –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 before injection (10.68 3.31 ng min–1) τ. In these ewes, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (d) the ovarian oxytocin pulses were detected at a mean of 3000 60 a 500 5.05 0.37 h and the mean inter-pulse interval was 55 2500 50 3.36 0.45 h. In oestradiol-treated ewes, administration of 400 45 oestrogen significantly (P < 0.05) increased the duration of 2000 40 35 300 ovarian oxytocin pulses (54 5.5 versus 26.25 7.2 min) 1500 30 compared with corresponding values measured before 25 200 1000 20 oestrogen injection. 15 None of the oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes and all of 500 10 100 5 the ewes treated with oestradiol only showed significant 0 0 0 pulses of PGFM in peripheral plasma after oestradiol or –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 finadyne injections. Mean basal circulating concentrations Time (h) of PGFM were significantly (P < 0.05) different in Fig. 2. Oxytocin ( ) and progesterone ( ) secretion rates into oestradiol–finadyne-treated ewes (14.55 3.0 pg ml–1) ovarian venous plasma and concentrations of peripheral 13,14- dihydro-15-keto PGF2α (PGFM; ) from individual ewes (a–d) compared with ewes that received oestrogen only treated with oestradiol–finadyne on day 15 after oestrus. a and b (28.45 2.10 pg ml–1) over the sampling period. indicate significant episodes in secretion of ovarian oxytocin and In oestradiol-treated ewes, at least one detectable pulse PGFM, respectively. : Identifies synchronous episodes of in plasma PGFM concentration was observed after secretion of both compounds. ⇓ and ↓: Indicate times of oestradiol injection. The mean amplitude of these pulses and finadyne injections, respectively. (237.18 43.13 pg ml–1) was not significantly different from those measured before oestrogen injection of oestradiol were significantly (P < 0.001) higher during (176.16 68.37 pg ml–1). However, there was a significant the 9 h after oestradiol injection compared with the 6 h (P < 0.05) increase in the area under the curve period before oestradiol injection (21.48 1.14 versus (1062.11 309.67 versus 302.65 128.91 pg ml–1) τ and 9.99 0.89 and 18.66 1.29 versus 10.66 1.0 pg ml–1, duration of the pulse (109.5 16.65 versus 36 6 min) of respectively). the PGFM response measured in peripheral plasma
  • 5. Effects of finadyne on oestradiol-induced secretion of oxytocin and PGF2α during late oestrus 433 collected after oestrogen injection compared with samples the absence of luteal oxytocin release. Hooper et al. (1986) collected before injection. Plasma PGFM pulses were reported that, in ewes, 56% of oxytocin pulses were observed in all ewes treated with oestradiol only at > 4 h coincident with pulses in uterine PGF2α and 97% of all after injection. pulses of uterine PGF2α release were accompanied or During the sampling period, 62.5% of ovarian oxytocin followed by pulses of oxytocin in the ovarian vein. In the pulses were associated with, or preceded, the increase in present study, the percentage of PGFM pulses that occurred peripheral PGFM concentrations. In contrast, 46.15% of the immediately before or coincided with a significant increase plasma PGFM pulses occurred immediately before or in ovarian oxytocin pulses was decreased (46.15%) by coincided with a significant increase in the ovarian administration of oestradiol. Thus, the present study oxytocin pulses. reaffirms the findings of Zhang et al. (1991), who reported similar effects of oestradiol administered to ewes treated with either sham or X-irradiated ovarian follicles. Discussion The mechanism by which oestrogen stimulates ovarian In this study, ovarian autotransplanted ewes were used as a oxytocin and uterine PGF2α release is not fully understood. model to determine whether oestrogen acts to stimulate Oestrogen may act indirectly, perhaps via the uterus, to release of ovarian oxytocin directly or indirectly via release release PGF2α, which, in turn, could stimulate ovarian of PGF2α, which in turn stimulates ovarian oxytocin. The oxytocin release. Such a mechanism of action is unlikely to concentrations of oxytocin in ovarian venous plasma were have occurred in the present study as PGF2α would need to 20–1403 pg ml–1 in the present study, which are similar to act through the systemic circulation to stimulate ovarian those detected by Hooper et al. (1986) in the utero–ovarian oxytocin and it has been shown that 99% of PGF2α is vein (50–1499 pg ml–1) and were much higher than those in cleared from blood after one passage through the lungs peripheral plasma (20–220 pg ml–1; Hooper et al., 1986). (Piper et al., 1970). However, using ewes with ovarian Together, these observations indicate that, in the present autotransplants does not necessarily preclude the possibility study, oxytocin in ovarian venous plasma represents luteal that the effects of oestrogen and finadyne are mediated rather than posterior pituitary secretion. through uterine release of PGF2α, as PGFM is known to As would be expected in ovarian autotransplanted ewes stimulate luteal oxytocin–neurophysin secretion (Watkins (Goding et al., 1967), the secretion of progesterone and Moore, 1987). Another possibility is that the corpus remained high in both groups, indicating that the corpus luteum of ewes bearing ovarian autotransplants becomes luteum of the transplanted ovary is maintained despite hypersensitive to low concentrations of PGF2α in the intermittent surges of peripheral plasma PGFM in all ewes absence of normal basal concentrations from the adjacent before oestradiol injection and in ewes treated with uterine horn. Such hypersensitivity may allow the corpus oestradiol only after injection. Our observation that the luteum to release luteal oxytocin in response to even administration of oestradiol can induce the simultaneous low concentrations of PGF2α that escape degradation by release of ovarian oxytocin and uterine PGF2α in ovarian the lungs. An alternative site of oestradiol action may autotransplanted ewes after a latency period of 4 h in all be directly on the ovary to induce ovarian oxytocin ewes treated with oestradiol only is in agreement with the release. Oestradiol (Glass et al., 1984) and PGF2α (Fitz study of Al-Matubsi et al. (1997). et al., 1982) receptors have been reported in large luteal In the present study, synchronous pulses of ovarian cells, which are the sites of oxytocin synthesis (Rodgers oxytocin and uterine PGF2α were observed during the first et al., 1983). Infusion of oestrogen into the corpus luteum 6 h of the sampling period before oestradiol treatment. causes luteal regression (Cook et al., 1974) and luteal However, this did not affect subsequent synchronous cells from sheep (Tsai and Wiltbank, 1997) and cows secretion of these hormones after oestradiol treatment. (Milvae and Hansel, 1983; Tsai et al., 1996) can produce Thus, the uterine refractoriness to ovarian oxytocin release prostaglandins, such as PGF2α, PGE2 and PGI2. On the basis and uterine PGF2α secretion can be eliminated as a reason of these findings it is possible that oestrogen stimulates for variability in timing of the response. The results from the release of ovarian oxytocin through luteal prostaglandins present study and other studies (Hooper et al., 1986; Al- (or some other metabolite of arachidonic acid) (Cooke Matubsi et al., 1998) demonstrate that oxytocin pulses in and Ahmed, 1998). However, the physiological role of utero–ovarian or ovarian venous plasma frequently occur in luteal prostaglandins during the oestrous cycle and the the absence of any significant increase in utero–ovarian mechanisms controlling its production remain to be PGF2α or peripheral PGFM concentrations and indicate that elucidated. ovarian oxytocin can occur independently of uterine Thus, in intact ewes, the initiation of the arachidonic PGF2α. In contrast, Lamsa et al. (1989) observed that uterine acid cascade is of importance for the secretion of oxytocin PGF2α secretion into the utero–ovarian vein begins to after oestrogen treatment. increase before the discharge of luteal oxytocin. Mann (1999) demonstrated that normal frequency of episodes of The authors would like to thank J. Downing for helping with PGF2α release, with lower amplitude and of longer cannulation of the animals and K. Tellbach for assisting with the duration, can occur at the anticipated time of luteolysis in collection of blood samples.
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