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Basic Research Journal of Animal Science Vol. 1(1) pp. 07-16 December 2013
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Copyright ©2013 Basic Research Journal
Full Length Research Paper
Ameliorative effect of propolis against methoxychlor
induced hepato renal dysfunction
Neveen A. EL Nisr1
, Eman E. El-Sharkawy2
, M. R. Abd Ellah3
, Walaa M. Elsherif 1
, G. F.
, S. M. Sayed1
, Nahed, M. Wahba1
*, M. M. Abdel-Hafeez1
, A. A. Aamer3
and M. F. Abdel-
Animal Health Research Institute, Assuit, Egypt.
Departement of Fronsic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit University, Egypt.
Departement of Animal Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit University,
Plant Protection Research Institute, Assuit, Egypt.
*Corresponding author email address:; Tel.: +0882325698.
Accepted 11 December. 2013
The present study has determined the ability of Methoxychlor (MXC), an organochlorine pesticide, to
induce hepatoxicity and nephrotoxicity in female rats and the effectiveness of propolis in modulating
these effects in liver and kidney of rats. Animals were assigned to 1 of 4 groups in each stage of the
experiment for 6 and 12 months, respectively: control; 200 mg MXC/kg bw, twice / week, orally; 200 mg
propolis/L drinking water/ daily; MXC (200 mg/kg bw, twice / week, orally) plus propolis (200 mg/L,
drinking water), respectively. Rats were administered their respective doses for 6 or 12 months. The
levels of serum enzymes and histological alterations in liver and kidney were investigated. In addition,
the levels of lipid peroxidation metabolite thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) and the
antioxidant enzyme reduced glutathione (GSH) were assayed in liver homogenate. MXC caused a
significant increase in serum transaminases (AST and ALT), alkaline phosphatase, urea and creatinine
levels, while MXC induced a significant reduction in total protein and albumin levels. MXC significantly
inhibited lipid peroxidation and markedly enhanced glutathione in liver homogenate. Furthermore,
severe pathological damages as: degeneration and coagulative necrosis of the hepatocytes were
established in liver. Kidney showed increase cellularity of the glomeruli, degeneration of the tubular
epithelium. Simultaneous treatments with propolis significantly modulated the toxic effects of MXC. It
can be concluded that propolis has beneficial influences and could be able to antagonize MXC toxicity.
Keywords: Hepatotoxicity, Methoxychlor, Nephrotoxicity, Oxidative damage Propolis.
Methoxychlor (MXC; 1, 1, 1 – trichloro - 2, 2 – bis - (4 -
methoxyphenyl)-ethane), a broad spectrum
organochlorine (OC) pesticide, gained popularity because
of its short half-life in mammals (Kapoor et al., 1970).
However, this compound can be deposited on the
ground, bind to soil particles, thus decreasing its mobility
(Derr, 1974). MXC would be expected to cause some
degree of hepatotoxicity, by virtue of being an
organochlorine compound, as well as its structural
similarity to DDT which can cause characteristic liver
damage (Morgan and Hickenbottom, 1979).
It has been reported that MXC undergo hepatic
microsomal monooxygenase mediated activation and the
resultant reactive metabolites possibly free radicals bind
covalently to microsomal components (Bulger et al.,
1983). Antioxidants, free radical scavengers, and
sulfhydryl containing compounds inhibit covalent binding
of MXC in human liver microsomes, suggesting that the
reactive intermediate is a free radical (Bulger and Kupfur,
1989). It has also been reported that human cytochrome
P-450 enzymes responsible for conversion of MXC into
its major metabolites, the mono-o-demethylated
derivatives and CYP1A2, have been shown to play
predominant role in this reaction (Stresser and Kupfer,
1998). The ability of cytochrome P-450 system to induce
reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been reported
(Bondy and Naderi, 1994). ROS are formed in both
physiological and pathological conditions in mammalian
tissues, due to their high reactivity they may interact with
biomolecules inducing oxidative stress (Ochsendoerf,
1999). Free radicals/ROS generated in tissues and
subcellular compartments are efficiently scavenged by
the antioxidant defense system, which constitutes
antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase,
catalase, and glutathione reductase and glutathione
peroxidase. Under normal physiological conditions free
radicals/ROS are generated in subcellular compartments
of liver which are subsequently scavenged by the
antioxidant defense system of the corresponding cellular
compartments. The organs production of free radicals
and function of the antioxidant defence system have
been reported upon exposure to toxic chemicals (Sujatha
et al., 2001 and Latchoumycandane et al., 2002).
Propolis is a resinous substance to that honey bees
collect from different plant exudates and use it to fill the
gaps and to seal the parts of the hive (Marcucci et al.,
1995). Flavonoids and phenolics are the major
complementary compounds of propolis (Ivanovska et al.,
1995) that has beneficial effects as natural antioxidants
(Basnet et al., 1997) and prevent oxidative damage of
DNA caused by reactive oxygen species. The antioxidant
effects may be a result of a combination of radical
scavenging and an interaction with enzyme functions
(Benkovic et al., 2007). Some components of the propolis
are absorbed and circulate in the blood and behave as
hydrophilic antioxidant and save vitamin C (Sun et al.,
2000). Furthermore, the propolis extract has been
reported to have a broad spectrum of biological activities,
including antiproliferative (Russoa et al., 2004),
immunomodulatory (Orsolic and Basic, 2003) and
neuroprotective (Shimazawa et al., 2005). Synergism
between propolis and, antimicrobial agents (Stepanovic
et al., 2003) and with chelators against metal intoxication
(Nirala et al., 2008) has also been observed. Oral
supplementation with propolis may protect the animals
from the harmful effects of MXC. Thus, the present
research aimed to evaluate whether exposure to MXC
induces nephrotoxicity, hepatocellular damage, oxidative
stress in the liver of female rats, and whether co-
administration with propolis could reverse the effect of
MXC-induced toxicity in liver and kidney of rats.
Wahba et al. 08
Methoxychlor (1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis [methoxyphenyl]
ethane, Approx 95%, was purchased from Sigma (St.
Louis, Mo., USA). MXC was dissolved in corn oil (1:100).
The propolis samples were collected during (Jan-
Dec2012) from an apiary hive bee’s located in Assiut
Governorate by scraping the walls and frames of the
hives. Aqueous Propolis Extraction (APE) was prepared
according to Crane (1990): Ten grams of crude propolis
were added to 90 ml distilled water. The mixture was
gradually heated, and allowed to boil for 3 minutes with
shaking for 1/2 hour. Then it was left at room temperature
for 24 h. This procedure was repeated daily for 5
successive days. The extraction was filtered and stored
at - 4
C until used. Reduced glutathione (GSH)
antioxidant enzyme and lipid peroxide thiobarbituric acid
reacting substances (TBARS) were measured using
commercial test kits supplied Bio-diagnostics (Bio-
diagnostics, Cairo, Egypt). All other chemicals used in the
experiment were of analytical grade.
One hundred adult female Sprague–Dawley rats, 4 to 6
weeks old, weighing about 100–120 gm at the beginning
of the experiment were used in all experiments. They
were obtained from the Laboratory Animal House, Assiut
University, Egypt. The animals were housed in plastic
cages on wood chips for bedding and allowed to
acclimatize two weeks before starting the experiment.
Rats fed standard food pellets and tap water adlibitum.
The rats were housed at 24-25
C and humidity (65%) and
in daily dark/light cycle. The studies were conducted in
accordance with the principles and procedures outlined in
the National Institute of Health of USA (NIH) guide for the
Care and Use of the Laboratory Animals (National
Research Council, 1996).
Experimental design
The experiment is divided to two stages: First stage for 6
months and the second stage for 12 months. In both
stages, rats were randomly divided into four groups of
twenty five animals each as follows: MXC -treated group
received an oral dose of MXC 200 mg/ kg b.w, twice/
week, by gavage for 6 or 12 months. This dose was
selected because it has been used in previous studies
without demonstrating toxic effects in the exposed
animals (Anway et al., 2005 and Murono et al., 2006).
MXC plus propolis group was concomitantly treated with
both MXC as previously described and propolis daily in a
dose of APE 200 mg/ L orally, in drinking water for 6 or12
09. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci.
months. Propolis -treated group was received daily a
dose of APE 200 mg/ L orally, in drinking water for 6 or12
months. This dose was used according to the previous
studies of Bhadauria et al. (2007). Control group received
a daily oral dose of 2 ml corn oil.
Sample collections
After 6 and 12 months of MXC exposure, female rats
were anesthetized with CO, and decapitated. Trunk blood
was collected after decapitation and allowed to clot at
4°C. Sera were collected and stored at -80°C until
determination of serum total protein as well as liver
function enzyme activities (ALT, AST, and ALP) as well
as kidney function parameters (creatinine and blood urea
nitrogen). Meanwhile, the abdominal cavity was dissected
immediately; the liver and kidney were separated for the
histopathological examination.
Biochemical assays
Serum was used to determine total protein and albumin
by colorimetric method according to Doumas, (1971). The
serum samples were assayed for aspartate transaminase
(AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase
(ALP) according to Rec, (1972). Serum was used to
determine creatinine level according to Sies, et al. (1985),
urea concentration according to Tietz, (1990).
Estimation of lipid peroxidation in liver
A breakdown product of lipid peroxidation, thiobarbituric
acid reacting substances (TBARS) was measured by the
method described by Rungby and Ernst (1992). In brief,
the reaction mixture consisted 0.2 ml of 8.1% SDS, 1.5
ml of 20% acetic acid solution adjusted to pH 3.5 with
NaOH, 1.5 ml of 0.8% aqueous solution of thiobarbituric
acid and 0.2 ml liver homogenate (20% in 1.15% KCl).
The mixture was made up to 4.0 ml with distilled water
and kept in boiling water bath for 60 min. After cooling
with tap water, the mixture was centrifuged at 2500g for
10 min. The supernatant was taken out and the intensity
of pink color was measured at 532 nm on a
spectrophotometer. TBARS were quantified using an
extinction coefficient of 1.56 - 105 M1 cm1 and
expressed as nmol of TBARS per mg protein.
Estimation of reduced glutathione in liver
GSH in the liver was assayed by the method described
by Sedlak and Lindsay (1968). The fresh tissues were
immediately homogenized in ice-cold 0.02 M EDTA
solution. Aliquots of tissue homogenate were treated with
50% w/v trichloroacetic acid while shaking, kept for 15
min and centrifuged. After supernatant fractions were
mixed with Tris buffer (pH 8.9) and DTNB, absorbance at
412 nm was measured. Reduced glutathione was used
as an external standard. GSH levels were expressed as
lmol/g tissue.
Determination of Protein
Protein concentrations were measured by the method of
Bradford (1976), using bovine serum albumin as a
standard. Protein concentration used for the
concentration of reduced glutathion and lipid peroxidation
TBARS and can be expressed as activity per milligram of
protein by dividing the units by milliliter of protein
Histopathological examination
Liver and kidney specimens were fixed with 10%
formaldehyde and processed routinely for paraffin
embedding technique. Embedded tissue were sectioned
at 5 mµ and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)
(Bancroft and Stevens, 1996) for routine histopathological
examination. They were then examined under the light
Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA for all
experiments. Statistically significant differences were
determined using the Dunnett’s test for comparing to the
vehicle-treated control or the Bonferroni test for multiple
comparisons. Graph Pad Prism graphing and analysis
software (version 4a; Graph Pad Software, Inc., San
Diego, CA) was used for all statistical analyses. A
statistically significant difference was confirmed at P <
Biochemical analysis
A significant reduction in serum total protein and albumin
concentration (gdl) was obtained in the serum of MXC
and MXC plus propolis -treated groups than the control
after 6 and 12 months of exposure. On the other hand, a
significant elevation in serum ALT, AST and ALP levels
(U/I) were recorded in MXC and MXC plus propolis-
treated rates than the control after 6 and 12 months of
exposure. There was a significant difference between
MXC -treated and MXC plus propolis-treated groups in
total protein, albumin, and ALT, AST and ALP serum
Wahba et al. 10
Table 1. Effect of chronic exposure to MXC )for 6 months (on the different serum biochemical parameters in female rats and the
protective effect of propolis.
Groups TP
GLobulin gdl ALT
MXC 6.17±0.2* bc 3.42±0.44*c 2.34±0.33*bc 79.5± 6.7 *bc 126.26±48.7 *bc 87.12±10*bc 0.23±0.04 54.14±6.0
8.72±0.1a 3.64±0.34c* 4.15±0.23a 59.6± 3.8 *ac 121.82±20.6 *ac 76.88±21* ac 0.20±0.05 50.47±5.1
Propolis 8.49±0.2a 4.43±0.23ab 4.98±0.32a 38.4 ± 3.3 ab 114.02± 22.6 ab 56.13±5 ab 0.20±0.03 49.21±4.6
Control 8.53±0.3 4.13±0.30 3.33±0.43 40.0 ± 3.1 112.30±24.5 55.43±3 0.21±0.02 54.35±6.3
Data are expressed as means ± S.D. of twenty five animals per group.*denotes P < 0.05 as compared to control group, a
denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC- group. b denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC+Propolis -group. C denotes P < 0.05
as compared to Propolis – group (One- way ANOVA/Duncan).
Table 2. Effect of chronic exposure to MXC )for 12 months (on the different serum biochemical parameters in female rats, and the
protective effect of propolis.
MXC 5.33±0.2*c 3.20±0.3*c 2.21±0.2 * c 89.7 ± 9.7 *bc 301 ± 27.9 * bc 796 ± 102.5 * bc 0.29±0.02 *bc 79.57± 6.5 *bc
5.83±0.3*c 3.34±0.1*c 2.49±0.3 * c 57.9± 6.8 * ac 175 ± 21.8 * ac 592 ± 39.8* ac 0.20±0.02 *ac 66.18± 4.4 *ac
Propolis 8.51±0.4ab 4.45±0.2 ab 2.65±0.4 ab 37.8 ± 5.3 ab 122 ± 18.3 ab 376 ± 47.6 ab 0.19± 0.04 ab 52.50±6.7 ab
Control 7.56±o.1 4.23±0.2 3.23±0.1 43.1 ± 6.1 129 ± 14.5 385 ± 42.5 0. 21±0.01 54.35±5.4
Data are expressed as means ± S.D. of twenty five animals per group.*denotes P < 0.05 as compared to control group, a denotes P <
0.05 as compared to MXC- group. b denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC+Propolis -group. C denotes P < 0.05 as compared to
Propolis - group (One- way ANOVA/Duncan).
Table 3. Effect of chronic exposure to MXC on the oxidative
indices in the liver tissues and the protective effect of propolis.
Groups GSH
(U/mg protein)
(nmol/g protein)
MXC 16.1 ± 0.99*bc 56.2 ± 3.66* bc
MXC and propolis 24.2 ± 1.39*ac 36.6 ± 2.95* ac
propolis 33.6 ± 2.07 ab 25.2 ± 3.13 ab
Control 27.3 ± 1.48 32.8 ± 3.05
Data are expressed as means ± S.D. of twenty five animals
per group.*denotes P < 0.05 as compared to control group, a
denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC- group. b denotes P <
0.05 as compared to MXC+Propolis -group. C denotes P < 0.05
as compared to Propolis – group (One- way ANOVA/Duncan).
levels in the first and second stages of the experiment.
The control and propolis-treated rats had equivalent
serum concentrations of all previous parameters. There
was not a significant difference of creatinine and urea
levels (mgdl) in the serum of tested rats was recorded
when compared to the control group (P < 0.05) after 6
months of exposure but a significant difference was
obtained in these parameters after 12 months of
exposure (Tables 1and 2).
TBARS and GSH concentrations in the liver
As shown in Table 3, liver TBARS levels were
significantly higher in MXC and MXC plus propolis treated
groups when compared to control group (P < 0.05). On
the other hand, the liver GSH concentration in MXC and
MXC plus propolis groups were significantly lower than
control group (P < 0.05). There is a significant (p < 0.0 5)
11. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci.
Figure 1. Liver of rat treated with methoxychlor showed
sever degeneration of the hepatocytes with disappearance
of some nuclei, widening of the central vein and
degeneration of its wall. H and E X 25
Figure 2. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed
coagulative necrosis of the hepatocytes with acidophilic
cytoplasm and pykotic nucleus. H and E X 40.
Figure 3. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed
congestion of the central vein which surrounded with
leukocytic cells mainly macrophages cell. H and E X 10.
amelioration of ??? in the activities of TBARS and GSH
levels in MXC plus propolis treated rats. However, there
was not a significant difference between the control and
propolis-treated rats. These alterations were equal in
both first and second stages of the experiment.
Liver of rats exposed to MXC for 6 months showed
degeneration of the hepatocytes (Figure 1) which
changed to coagulative necrosis at the end of this stage
(Figure 2). The hepatic blood vessels were firstly
congested and surrounded with leucocytic infiltration
(lymphocytes and macrophages (Figure 3) then the
Wahba et al. 12
Figure 4. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed
portal area congested and surround with leukocytes H
and E X 10.
Figure 5. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed
sever destruction of the hepatocytes. H and E X 25.
Figure 6. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor and
camel milk showed nearly normal hepatic cells and
slightly congested central vein. H and E X 10.
fibrous connective tissue began to proliferate around
them. The portal areas were infiltrated with leukocytes
(Figure 4). In the second stages of the experiment (12
months) the liver tissue were severely damaged, the
hepatocytes were disarranged and showed coagulative
necrosis (Figure 5). The blood vessels and bile ducts
were dilated and surrounded with thick connective tissue
infiltrated with leukocytes. The liver of rats of MXC plus
propolis group showed mild degenerative changes in the
hepatocytes and normal hepatic vasculature after 6
months (Figure 6). In the second stage one case of them
showed dilatation in the bile ducts which surrounded with
mild proliferated connective tissue and leukocytic
infiltration (Figure 7). Propolis treated group showed
normal hepatic architecture, blood vessels and bile ducts.
13. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci.
Figure 7. Kidney of rat treated with methoxychlor
showed congestion of the glomeruli, increase
number of the mesangeal cells and degeneration of
the tubular epithelium. H and E X 40.
Figure 8. Kidney of rat treated with methoxychlor
showed increase thickness of the renal blood
vessels wall with thick connective tissue. H and E
X 25.
Figure 9. Kidney of rat treated with methoxychlor
and camel milk showed normal glomeruli and normal
blood vessels. H and E X 10.
The kidney of rats exposed to MXC showed congestion
of the glomerular and renal blood vessels with increase
cellularity of the glomeruli mainly mesangeal cells.
Degeneration of the tubular epithelium was observed
(Figure 8) this in the first stage of the experiment while in
the late stage, there was connective tissue proliferation in
the interstitial tissue and around the blood vessels. This
connective tissue was infiltrated with macrophages and
lymphocytes (Figure 9). Rats treated with MXC plus
propolis showed normal glomeruli mesangeal cells, renal
tubules and renal blood vessels (Figure 10).
Wahba et al. 14
Figure 10: Rats treated with MXC plus propolis showed
normal glomeruli mesangeal cells, renal tubules and
renal blood vessels
The present study revealed that MXC in chronic exposure
was associated with significant reduction in the levels of
serum total protein and albumin. Moreover, the activities
of serum marker enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) were
found elevated markedly in rats treated with MXC. No
such changes were observed in control rat samples. As
evident from the present results, propolis alone did not
increase the activities of serum AST, ALT and ALP
levels. In addition, the simultaneous treatment with
propolis could bring a significant decrease in activities of
these enzymes when compared to MXC exposed groups.
Rahman et al. (2000) reported that the increase in the
activities of different enzymes in blood might be due to
the necrosis of liver and this showing the stress condition
of the treated animals. At this point, our study clearly
supports that liver damage is induced by MXC
administration. As a matter of fact, the elevation in
transaminases are encountered in conditions causing
hepatocellular damage, loss of functional integrity of the
cell membrane, and necrosis such as in chemically
induced liver injury and elevation in enzymes (Ninh et al.,
2003). The rise in serum AST and ALT is more specific
and predominant in the liver injury. The modulations in
transaminases are also influenced by the degree of
hepatic decomposition related to cell necrosis (Singhal
and Merali, 1977). A significant increase in ALP could
occur in parenchymal liver disorders such as hepatitis
and cirrhosis, and striking elevation is encountered with
extrahepatic biliary tract (mechanical) obstruction or with
intrahepatic (functional cholestasis) (Salvatore et al.,
1997). Our histopathological findings confirmed
hepatocellular damage where, on microscopic
examination the livers in MXC-treated groups revealed
severe pathological damages such as: sinusoidal
dilatation, congestion of central vein, lipid accumulation
and lymphocyte infiltration. On the other hand, our results
pointed out that the treatment of propolis provided
protection against liver damage. In rats given propolis,
the livers showed more and less lipid accumulations.
Furthermore, our findings indicate that MXC causes
increased ROS production, oxidative damage, and
decreased antioxidant defense in the rat liver, which
might result in an oxidized state in the cells. It has been
known that increased TBARS level and decreased GSH
concentration indicates an increased generation of ROS,
which cause lipid peroxidation in the liver (Nandi et al.,
2005). This MXC-induced oxidative stress may lead to
increased hepatocellular damage and this, in turn, could
lead to reduced serum levels of total protein and albumin
and increases of many metabolic enzyme levels in rat
liver. Similarly, our previous works have been
demonstrated that MXC generate ROS that caused
oxidative damage in erythrocyte lysates of rats
(Elsharkawy and Sharkawy, 2011). Thus, increases of
serum ALT and AST activities by MXC treatment can be
explained in part by induction of CYP2E1, CYP2B, and
CCl4 bioactivation. To form highly reactive free radicals
to cause lipid peroxidation, hepatocellular damage, and
enzyme leakage (Sierra-Santoyo et al., 2000; Oropeza-
Hern andez et al., 2003).
In the present study, there was increase in both urea
and creatinine serum levels in MXC– treated group in
comparison with control after 12 months of exposure.
Histologically, kidney showed increase cellularity of the
glomeruli mainly mesangeal cells associated with
degeneration of the tubular epithelium in the first stage of
the experiment while in the late stage; there was
connective tissue proliferation in the interstitial tissue
infiltrated with macrophages and lymphocytes. Rats
treated with MXC and propolis showed normal glomeruli
mesangeal cells, renal tubules and renal blood vessels in
both first and second stages of the experiment. In
previous reports, nephrotoxicity induced after chronic
exposure to MXC in different animals where, MXC in
chronic intoxication of dogs at dosages of 2000 mg/ kg/
day in the diet led to high uric acid and serum creatinine
in 6 weeks. Rabbits given 200 mg/ kg/ day orally died
after four or five doses; autopsy findings included mild
liver damage and nephrosis (Chen, 2002).
No single mechanism emerges to explain all the
15. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci.
systemic effects of MXC. One of the mechanisms
involves free radical-induced oxidative cell injury in MXC
toxicity (Oropeza- Hern andez et al., 2003). As a matter
of fact, interactions between oxidative stress and hepatic
damage may accelerate the progression of chronic
hepatodegenerative disorders, including enzymes
increase induced by MXC (Bulger et al., 1983; Sierra-
Santoyo et al., 2000). On the contrary, increasing
antioxidant capacity plays an important role as
hepatoprotective (Pushpavalli et al., 2008). So there is
great interest in the clinical roles of propolis (Newairy et
al., 2009; Yousef and Salama, 2009). Some authors have
underlined the occurrence of alterations in enzyme
activities and TBARS levels upon the administration of
propolis. Jasprica et al. (2007) reported that propolis
caused reduction in TBARS levels and increase in SOD,
GSH-Px, and CAT activities. Recent studies indicate
that propolis is able to inhibit the formation of the
superoxoid anion (Russo et al., 2001) and may also act
as a scavenger against oxygen radicals (Pascual et
al., 1994). Propolis extract might induce reversion of the
increased activity of ALT and lipid peroxidation
concentration of the serum of rats treated with
galactosamin (Rodríguez et al., 1997). Also, propolis is
able to induce hepatoprotective effects on paracetamol
induced liver damage in mice (Nirala et al., 2008).
Propolis significantly decrease the elevation of serum
GOT, GPT and TG, and also remarkably decrease the
hepatocellular fatty degeneration (Lin et al., 1997).
Additionally propolis extract also decreased glutathione
levels in the liver (Lin et al., 1999). Taken together, these
findings constitute evidence that the antioxidative
properties of the propolis contribute to the prevention of
liver damage induced by MXC in rats. Propolis and its
polyphenolic/flavonoid components showed antioxidant
activity through the scavenging of singlet oxygen,
hydroxyl, superoxide free radicals, and lipid peroxides
(Ferrali et al., 1997 and Jasprica et al. 2007).
Our results indicate that the MXC plus propolis –treated
group was significantly differed in most previous
parameters than the MXC -treated group. These findings
reflected MXC in chronic exposure induced hepatotoxicity
and nephrotoxicity and propolis can protect against MXC
We wish to thank the staff members in Animal Health
Research Institute, Dep. of Fronsic Meicine and
Toxicology and Dep. Animal Medicine and Clinical
Laboratory Diagnosis Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ., Egypt.
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  • 1. Basic Research Journal of Animal Science Vol. 1(1) pp. 07-16 December 2013 Available online http// Copyright ©2013 Basic Research Journal Full Length Research Paper Ameliorative effect of propolis against methoxychlor induced hepato renal dysfunction Neveen A. EL Nisr1 , Eman E. El-Sharkawy2 , M. R. Abd Ellah3 , Walaa M. Elsherif 1 , G. F. Kames1 , S. M. Sayed1 , Nahed, M. Wahba1 *, M. M. Abdel-Hafeez1 , A. A. Aamer3 and M. F. Abdel- Rahman4 1 Animal Health Research Institute, Assuit, Egypt. 2 Departement of Fronsic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit University, Egypt. 3 Departement of Animal Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit University, Egypt. 4 Plant Protection Research Institute, Assuit, Egypt. *Corresponding author email address:; Tel.: +0882325698. Accepted 11 December. 2013 The present study has determined the ability of Methoxychlor (MXC), an organochlorine pesticide, to induce hepatoxicity and nephrotoxicity in female rats and the effectiveness of propolis in modulating these effects in liver and kidney of rats. Animals were assigned to 1 of 4 groups in each stage of the experiment for 6 and 12 months, respectively: control; 200 mg MXC/kg bw, twice / week, orally; 200 mg propolis/L drinking water/ daily; MXC (200 mg/kg bw, twice / week, orally) plus propolis (200 mg/L, drinking water), respectively. Rats were administered their respective doses for 6 or 12 months. The levels of serum enzymes and histological alterations in liver and kidney were investigated. In addition, the levels of lipid peroxidation metabolite thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) and the antioxidant enzyme reduced glutathione (GSH) were assayed in liver homogenate. MXC caused a significant increase in serum transaminases (AST and ALT), alkaline phosphatase, urea and creatinine levels, while MXC induced a significant reduction in total protein and albumin levels. MXC significantly inhibited lipid peroxidation and markedly enhanced glutathione in liver homogenate. Furthermore, severe pathological damages as: degeneration and coagulative necrosis of the hepatocytes were established in liver. Kidney showed increase cellularity of the glomeruli, degeneration of the tubular epithelium. Simultaneous treatments with propolis significantly modulated the toxic effects of MXC. It can be concluded that propolis has beneficial influences and could be able to antagonize MXC toxicity. Keywords: Hepatotoxicity, Methoxychlor, Nephrotoxicity, Oxidative damage Propolis. INTRODUCTION Methoxychlor (MXC; 1, 1, 1 – trichloro - 2, 2 – bis - (4 - methoxyphenyl)-ethane), a broad spectrum organochlorine (OC) pesticide, gained popularity because of its short half-life in mammals (Kapoor et al., 1970). However, this compound can be deposited on the ground, bind to soil particles, thus decreasing its mobility (Derr, 1974). MXC would be expected to cause some degree of hepatotoxicity, by virtue of being an organochlorine compound, as well as its structural similarity to DDT which can cause characteristic liver damage (Morgan and Hickenbottom, 1979). It has been reported that MXC undergo hepatic microsomal monooxygenase mediated activation and the resultant reactive metabolites possibly free radicals bind
  • 2. covalently to microsomal components (Bulger et al., 1983). Antioxidants, free radical scavengers, and sulfhydryl containing compounds inhibit covalent binding of MXC in human liver microsomes, suggesting that the reactive intermediate is a free radical (Bulger and Kupfur, 1989). It has also been reported that human cytochrome P-450 enzymes responsible for conversion of MXC into its major metabolites, the mono-o-demethylated derivatives and CYP1A2, have been shown to play predominant role in this reaction (Stresser and Kupfer, 1998). The ability of cytochrome P-450 system to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been reported (Bondy and Naderi, 1994). ROS are formed in both physiological and pathological conditions in mammalian tissues, due to their high reactivity they may interact with biomolecules inducing oxidative stress (Ochsendoerf, 1999). Free radicals/ROS generated in tissues and subcellular compartments are efficiently scavenged by the antioxidant defense system, which constitutes antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase. Under normal physiological conditions free radicals/ROS are generated in subcellular compartments of liver which are subsequently scavenged by the antioxidant defense system of the corresponding cellular compartments. The organs production of free radicals and function of the antioxidant defence system have been reported upon exposure to toxic chemicals (Sujatha et al., 2001 and Latchoumycandane et al., 2002). Propolis is a resinous substance to that honey bees collect from different plant exudates and use it to fill the gaps and to seal the parts of the hive (Marcucci et al., 1995). Flavonoids and phenolics are the major complementary compounds of propolis (Ivanovska et al., 1995) that has beneficial effects as natural antioxidants (Basnet et al., 1997) and prevent oxidative damage of DNA caused by reactive oxygen species. The antioxidant effects may be a result of a combination of radical scavenging and an interaction with enzyme functions (Benkovic et al., 2007). Some components of the propolis are absorbed and circulate in the blood and behave as hydrophilic antioxidant and save vitamin C (Sun et al., 2000). Furthermore, the propolis extract has been reported to have a broad spectrum of biological activities, including antiproliferative (Russoa et al., 2004), immunomodulatory (Orsolic and Basic, 2003) and neuroprotective (Shimazawa et al., 2005). Synergism between propolis and, antimicrobial agents (Stepanovic et al., 2003) and with chelators against metal intoxication (Nirala et al., 2008) has also been observed. Oral supplementation with propolis may protect the animals from the harmful effects of MXC. Thus, the present research aimed to evaluate whether exposure to MXC induces nephrotoxicity, hepatocellular damage, oxidative stress in the liver of female rats, and whether co- administration with propolis could reverse the effect of MXC-induced toxicity in liver and kidney of rats. Wahba et al. 08 MATERIAL AND METHODS Chemicals Methoxychlor (1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis [methoxyphenyl] ethane, Approx 95%, was purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, Mo., USA). MXC was dissolved in corn oil (1:100). The propolis samples were collected during (Jan- Dec2012) from an apiary hive bee’s located in Assiut Governorate by scraping the walls and frames of the hives. Aqueous Propolis Extraction (APE) was prepared according to Crane (1990): Ten grams of crude propolis were added to 90 ml distilled water. The mixture was gradually heated, and allowed to boil for 3 minutes with shaking for 1/2 hour. Then it was left at room temperature for 24 h. This procedure was repeated daily for 5 successive days. The extraction was filtered and stored at - 4 0 C until used. Reduced glutathione (GSH) antioxidant enzyme and lipid peroxide thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) were measured using commercial test kits supplied Bio-diagnostics (Bio- diagnostics, Cairo, Egypt). All other chemicals used in the experiment were of analytical grade. Animals One hundred adult female Sprague–Dawley rats, 4 to 6 weeks old, weighing about 100–120 gm at the beginning of the experiment were used in all experiments. They were obtained from the Laboratory Animal House, Assiut University, Egypt. The animals were housed in plastic cages on wood chips for bedding and allowed to acclimatize two weeks before starting the experiment. Rats fed standard food pellets and tap water adlibitum. The rats were housed at 24-25 0 C and humidity (65%) and in daily dark/light cycle. The studies were conducted in accordance with the principles and procedures outlined in the National Institute of Health of USA (NIH) guide for the Care and Use of the Laboratory Animals (National Research Council, 1996). Experimental design The experiment is divided to two stages: First stage for 6 months and the second stage for 12 months. In both stages, rats were randomly divided into four groups of twenty five animals each as follows: MXC -treated group received an oral dose of MXC 200 mg/ kg b.w, twice/ week, by gavage for 6 or 12 months. This dose was selected because it has been used in previous studies without demonstrating toxic effects in the exposed animals (Anway et al., 2005 and Murono et al., 2006). MXC plus propolis group was concomitantly treated with both MXC as previously described and propolis daily in a dose of APE 200 mg/ L orally, in drinking water for 6 or12
  • 3. 09. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci. months. Propolis -treated group was received daily a dose of APE 200 mg/ L orally, in drinking water for 6 or12 months. This dose was used according to the previous studies of Bhadauria et al. (2007). Control group received a daily oral dose of 2 ml corn oil. Sample collections After 6 and 12 months of MXC exposure, female rats were anesthetized with CO, and decapitated. Trunk blood was collected after decapitation and allowed to clot at 4°C. Sera were collected and stored at -80°C until determination of serum total protein as well as liver function enzyme activities (ALT, AST, and ALP) as well as kidney function parameters (creatinine and blood urea nitrogen). Meanwhile, the abdominal cavity was dissected immediately; the liver and kidney were separated for the histopathological examination. Biochemical assays Serum was used to determine total protein and albumin by colorimetric method according to Doumas, (1971). The serum samples were assayed for aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) according to Rec, (1972). Serum was used to determine creatinine level according to Sies, et al. (1985), urea concentration according to Tietz, (1990). Estimation of lipid peroxidation in liver A breakdown product of lipid peroxidation, thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) was measured by the method described by Rungby and Ernst (1992). In brief, the reaction mixture consisted 0.2 ml of 8.1% SDS, 1.5 ml of 20% acetic acid solution adjusted to pH 3.5 with NaOH, 1.5 ml of 0.8% aqueous solution of thiobarbituric acid and 0.2 ml liver homogenate (20% in 1.15% KCl). The mixture was made up to 4.0 ml with distilled water and kept in boiling water bath for 60 min. After cooling with tap water, the mixture was centrifuged at 2500g for 10 min. The supernatant was taken out and the intensity of pink color was measured at 532 nm on a spectrophotometer. TBARS were quantified using an extinction coefficient of 1.56 - 105 M1 cm1 and expressed as nmol of TBARS per mg protein. Estimation of reduced glutathione in liver GSH in the liver was assayed by the method described by Sedlak and Lindsay (1968). The fresh tissues were immediately homogenized in ice-cold 0.02 M EDTA solution. Aliquots of tissue homogenate were treated with 50% w/v trichloroacetic acid while shaking, kept for 15 min and centrifuged. After supernatant fractions were mixed with Tris buffer (pH 8.9) and DTNB, absorbance at 412 nm was measured. Reduced glutathione was used as an external standard. GSH levels were expressed as lmol/g tissue. Determination of Protein Protein concentrations were measured by the method of Bradford (1976), using bovine serum albumin as a standard. Protein concentration used for the concentration of reduced glutathion and lipid peroxidation TBARS and can be expressed as activity per milligram of protein by dividing the units by milliliter of protein concentration. Histopathological examination Liver and kidney specimens were fixed with 10% formaldehyde and processed routinely for paraffin embedding technique. Embedded tissue were sectioned at 5 mµ and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (Bancroft and Stevens, 1996) for routine histopathological examination. They were then examined under the light microscope. Statistical analysis The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA for all experiments. Statistically significant differences were determined using the Dunnett’s test for comparing to the vehicle-treated control or the Bonferroni test for multiple comparisons. Graph Pad Prism graphing and analysis software (version 4a; Graph Pad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA) was used for all statistical analyses. A statistically significant difference was confirmed at P < 0.05. RESULTS Biochemical analysis A significant reduction in serum total protein and albumin concentration (gdl) was obtained in the serum of MXC and MXC plus propolis -treated groups than the control after 6 and 12 months of exposure. On the other hand, a significant elevation in serum ALT, AST and ALP levels (U/I) were recorded in MXC and MXC plus propolis- treated rates than the control after 6 and 12 months of exposure. There was a significant difference between MXC -treated and MXC plus propolis-treated groups in total protein, albumin, and ALT, AST and ALP serum
  • 4. Wahba et al. 10 Table 1. Effect of chronic exposure to MXC )for 6 months (on the different serum biochemical parameters in female rats and the protective effect of propolis. Groups TP gdl ALB gdl GLobulin gdl ALT Ul AST Ul ALP Ul Creatinine mgdl Urea mgdl MXC 6.17±0.2* bc 3.42±0.44*c 2.34±0.33*bc 79.5± 6.7 *bc 126.26±48.7 *bc 87.12±10*bc 0.23±0.04 54.14±6.0 Propolis +MXC 8.72±0.1a 3.64±0.34c* 4.15±0.23a 59.6± 3.8 *ac 121.82±20.6 *ac 76.88±21* ac 0.20±0.05 50.47±5.1 Propolis 8.49±0.2a 4.43±0.23ab 4.98±0.32a 38.4 ± 3.3 ab 114.02± 22.6 ab 56.13±5 ab 0.20±0.03 49.21±4.6 Control 8.53±0.3 4.13±0.30 3.33±0.43 40.0 ± 3.1 112.30±24.5 55.43±3 0.21±0.02 54.35±6.3 Data are expressed as means ± S.D. of twenty five animals per group.*denotes P < 0.05 as compared to control group, a denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC- group. b denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC+Propolis -group. C denotes P < 0.05 as compared to Propolis – group (One- way ANOVA/Duncan). Table 2. Effect of chronic exposure to MXC )for 12 months (on the different serum biochemical parameters in female rats, and the protective effect of propolis. Groups TP gdl ALB gdl Globulin gdl ALT Ul AST Ul ALP Ul Creatinine mgdl Urea mgdl MXC 5.33±0.2*c 3.20±0.3*c 2.21±0.2 * c 89.7 ± 9.7 *bc 301 ± 27.9 * bc 796 ± 102.5 * bc 0.29±0.02 *bc 79.57± 6.5 *bc Propolis + MXC 5.83±0.3*c 3.34±0.1*c 2.49±0.3 * c 57.9± 6.8 * ac 175 ± 21.8 * ac 592 ± 39.8* ac 0.20±0.02 *ac 66.18± 4.4 *ac Propolis 8.51±0.4ab 4.45±0.2 ab 2.65±0.4 ab 37.8 ± 5.3 ab 122 ± 18.3 ab 376 ± 47.6 ab 0.19± 0.04 ab 52.50±6.7 ab Control 7.56±o.1 4.23±0.2 3.23±0.1 43.1 ± 6.1 129 ± 14.5 385 ± 42.5 0. 21±0.01 54.35±5.4 Data are expressed as means ± S.D. of twenty five animals per group.*denotes P < 0.05 as compared to control group, a denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC- group. b denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC+Propolis -group. C denotes P < 0.05 as compared to Propolis - group (One- way ANOVA/Duncan). Table 3. Effect of chronic exposure to MXC on the oxidative indices in the liver tissues and the protective effect of propolis. Groups GSH (U/mg protein) TBARS (nmol/g protein) MXC 16.1 ± 0.99*bc 56.2 ± 3.66* bc MXC and propolis 24.2 ± 1.39*ac 36.6 ± 2.95* ac propolis 33.6 ± 2.07 ab 25.2 ± 3.13 ab Control 27.3 ± 1.48 32.8 ± 3.05 Data are expressed as means ± S.D. of twenty five animals per group.*denotes P < 0.05 as compared to control group, a denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC- group. b denotes P < 0.05 as compared to MXC+Propolis -group. C denotes P < 0.05 as compared to Propolis – group (One- way ANOVA/Duncan). levels in the first and second stages of the experiment. The control and propolis-treated rats had equivalent serum concentrations of all previous parameters. There was not a significant difference of creatinine and urea levels (mgdl) in the serum of tested rats was recorded when compared to the control group (P < 0.05) after 6 months of exposure but a significant difference was obtained in these parameters after 12 months of exposure (Tables 1and 2). TBARS and GSH concentrations in the liver As shown in Table 3, liver TBARS levels were significantly higher in MXC and MXC plus propolis treated groups when compared to control group (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the liver GSH concentration in MXC and MXC plus propolis groups were significantly lower than control group (P < 0.05). There is a significant (p < 0.0 5)
  • 5. 11. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci. Figure 1. Liver of rat treated with methoxychlor showed sever degeneration of the hepatocytes with disappearance of some nuclei, widening of the central vein and degeneration of its wall. H and E X 25 Figure 2. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed coagulative necrosis of the hepatocytes with acidophilic cytoplasm and pykotic nucleus. H and E X 40. Figure 3. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed congestion of the central vein which surrounded with leukocytic cells mainly macrophages cell. H and E X 10. amelioration of ??? in the activities of TBARS and GSH levels in MXC plus propolis treated rats. However, there was not a significant difference between the control and propolis-treated rats. These alterations were equal in both first and second stages of the experiment. Histopathology Liver Liver of rats exposed to MXC for 6 months showed degeneration of the hepatocytes (Figure 1) which changed to coagulative necrosis at the end of this stage (Figure 2). The hepatic blood vessels were firstly congested and surrounded with leucocytic infiltration (lymphocytes and macrophages (Figure 3) then the
  • 6. Wahba et al. 12 Figure 4. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed portal area congested and surround with leukocytes H and E X 10. Figure 5. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor showed sever destruction of the hepatocytes. H and E X 25. Figure 6. Liver of rat treated with mythoxychlor and camel milk showed nearly normal hepatic cells and slightly congested central vein. H and E X 10. fibrous connective tissue began to proliferate around them. The portal areas were infiltrated with leukocytes (Figure 4). In the second stages of the experiment (12 months) the liver tissue were severely damaged, the hepatocytes were disarranged and showed coagulative necrosis (Figure 5). The blood vessels and bile ducts were dilated and surrounded with thick connective tissue infiltrated with leukocytes. The liver of rats of MXC plus propolis group showed mild degenerative changes in the hepatocytes and normal hepatic vasculature after 6 months (Figure 6). In the second stage one case of them showed dilatation in the bile ducts which surrounded with mild proliferated connective tissue and leukocytic infiltration (Figure 7). Propolis treated group showed normal hepatic architecture, blood vessels and bile ducts.
  • 7. 13. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci. Figure 7. Kidney of rat treated with methoxychlor showed congestion of the glomeruli, increase number of the mesangeal cells and degeneration of the tubular epithelium. H and E X 40. Figure 8. Kidney of rat treated with methoxychlor showed increase thickness of the renal blood vessels wall with thick connective tissue. H and E X 25. Figure 9. Kidney of rat treated with methoxychlor and camel milk showed normal glomeruli and normal blood vessels. H and E X 10. Kidney The kidney of rats exposed to MXC showed congestion of the glomerular and renal blood vessels with increase cellularity of the glomeruli mainly mesangeal cells. Degeneration of the tubular epithelium was observed (Figure 8) this in the first stage of the experiment while in the late stage, there was connective tissue proliferation in the interstitial tissue and around the blood vessels. This connective tissue was infiltrated with macrophages and lymphocytes (Figure 9). Rats treated with MXC plus propolis showed normal glomeruli mesangeal cells, renal tubules and renal blood vessels (Figure 10).
  • 8. Wahba et al. 14 Figure 10: Rats treated with MXC plus propolis showed normal glomeruli mesangeal cells, renal tubules and renal blood vessels DISCUSSION The present study revealed that MXC in chronic exposure was associated with significant reduction in the levels of serum total protein and albumin. Moreover, the activities of serum marker enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) were found elevated markedly in rats treated with MXC. No such changes were observed in control rat samples. As evident from the present results, propolis alone did not increase the activities of serum AST, ALT and ALP levels. In addition, the simultaneous treatment with propolis could bring a significant decrease in activities of these enzymes when compared to MXC exposed groups. Rahman et al. (2000) reported that the increase in the activities of different enzymes in blood might be due to the necrosis of liver and this showing the stress condition of the treated animals. At this point, our study clearly supports that liver damage is induced by MXC administration. As a matter of fact, the elevation in transaminases are encountered in conditions causing hepatocellular damage, loss of functional integrity of the cell membrane, and necrosis such as in chemically induced liver injury and elevation in enzymes (Ninh et al., 2003). The rise in serum AST and ALT is more specific and predominant in the liver injury. The modulations in transaminases are also influenced by the degree of hepatic decomposition related to cell necrosis (Singhal and Merali, 1977). A significant increase in ALP could occur in parenchymal liver disorders such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, and striking elevation is encountered with extrahepatic biliary tract (mechanical) obstruction or with intrahepatic (functional cholestasis) (Salvatore et al., 1997). Our histopathological findings confirmed hepatocellular damage where, on microscopic examination the livers in MXC-treated groups revealed severe pathological damages such as: sinusoidal dilatation, congestion of central vein, lipid accumulation and lymphocyte infiltration. On the other hand, our results pointed out that the treatment of propolis provided protection against liver damage. In rats given propolis, the livers showed more and less lipid accumulations. Furthermore, our findings indicate that MXC causes increased ROS production, oxidative damage, and decreased antioxidant defense in the rat liver, which might result in an oxidized state in the cells. It has been known that increased TBARS level and decreased GSH concentration indicates an increased generation of ROS, which cause lipid peroxidation in the liver (Nandi et al., 2005). This MXC-induced oxidative stress may lead to increased hepatocellular damage and this, in turn, could lead to reduced serum levels of total protein and albumin and increases of many metabolic enzyme levels in rat liver. Similarly, our previous works have been demonstrated that MXC generate ROS that caused oxidative damage in erythrocyte lysates of rats (Elsharkawy and Sharkawy, 2011). Thus, increases of serum ALT and AST activities by MXC treatment can be explained in part by induction of CYP2E1, CYP2B, and CCl4 bioactivation. To form highly reactive free radicals to cause lipid peroxidation, hepatocellular damage, and enzyme leakage (Sierra-Santoyo et al., 2000; Oropeza- Hern andez et al., 2003). In the present study, there was increase in both urea and creatinine serum levels in MXC– treated group in comparison with control after 12 months of exposure. Histologically, kidney showed increase cellularity of the glomeruli mainly mesangeal cells associated with degeneration of the tubular epithelium in the first stage of the experiment while in the late stage; there was connective tissue proliferation in the interstitial tissue infiltrated with macrophages and lymphocytes. Rats treated with MXC and propolis showed normal glomeruli mesangeal cells, renal tubules and renal blood vessels in both first and second stages of the experiment. In previous reports, nephrotoxicity induced after chronic exposure to MXC in different animals where, MXC in chronic intoxication of dogs at dosages of 2000 mg/ kg/ day in the diet led to high uric acid and serum creatinine in 6 weeks. Rabbits given 200 mg/ kg/ day orally died after four or five doses; autopsy findings included mild liver damage and nephrosis (Chen, 2002). No single mechanism emerges to explain all the
  • 9. 15. Basic Res. J. Anim. Sci. systemic effects of MXC. One of the mechanisms involves free radical-induced oxidative cell injury in MXC toxicity (Oropeza- Hern andez et al., 2003). As a matter of fact, interactions between oxidative stress and hepatic damage may accelerate the progression of chronic hepatodegenerative disorders, including enzymes increase induced by MXC (Bulger et al., 1983; Sierra- Santoyo et al., 2000). On the contrary, increasing antioxidant capacity plays an important role as hepatoprotective (Pushpavalli et al., 2008). So there is great interest in the clinical roles of propolis (Newairy et al., 2009; Yousef and Salama, 2009). Some authors have underlined the occurrence of alterations in enzyme activities and TBARS levels upon the administration of propolis. Jasprica et al. (2007) reported that propolis caused reduction in TBARS levels and increase in SOD, GSH-Px, and CAT activities. Recent studies indicate that propolis is able to inhibit the formation of the superoxoid anion (Russo et al., 2001) and may also act as a scavenger against oxygen radicals (Pascual et al., 1994). Propolis extract might induce reversion of the increased activity of ALT and lipid peroxidation concentration of the serum of rats treated with galactosamin (Rodríguez et al., 1997). Also, propolis is able to induce hepatoprotective effects on paracetamol induced liver damage in mice (Nirala et al., 2008). Propolis significantly decrease the elevation of serum GOT, GPT and TG, and also remarkably decrease the hepatocellular fatty degeneration (Lin et al., 1997). Additionally propolis extract also decreased glutathione levels in the liver (Lin et al., 1999). Taken together, these findings constitute evidence that the antioxidative properties of the propolis contribute to the prevention of liver damage induced by MXC in rats. Propolis and its polyphenolic/flavonoid components showed antioxidant activity through the scavenging of singlet oxygen, hydroxyl, superoxide free radicals, and lipid peroxides (Ferrali et al., 1997 and Jasprica et al. 2007). CONCLUSION Our results indicate that the MXC plus propolis –treated group was significantly differed in most previous parameters than the MXC -treated group. These findings reflected MXC in chronic exposure induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity and propolis can protect against MXC toxicity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the staff members in Animal Health Research Institute, Dep. of Fronsic Meicine and Toxicology and Dep. Animal Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ., Egypt. REFERENCES Bancroft JD, Stevens A, Turner DR (1996). Theory and practice of histological techniques 4th Ed Churchill living stone, New York Edinburgh. Madrid, Sanfrancisco, Tokyo. Basnet P, Matsuno T, Neidlein R (1997). 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