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Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [68]
Country: Ghana
Educational Gaming Mobile App in Assisting Kids in Learning Math and
Prince Kelvin Owusu1
& Raul Asante Adjei-Boateng2
Information Systems Department, Ghana Communication Technology University, Ghana. Email:
Computer Science Department, Coventry Undergraduate Programme. Email:
Article Received: 29 June 2020 Article Accepted: 22 August 2020 Article Published: 23 September 2020
1. Introduction
We live in a world where computing devices are our go-to devices in our day to day activities. The upcoming
generation is more exposed to these opportunities and as such we would like to exploit their potential to the highest
extent. Childhood education is a very essential and delicate issue. Childhood education is directed towards the
establishment of the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs to constitute a firm starting point for life-long
learning. Childhood education in our part of the world has become more tailored towards meticulous instructions
given to young students. Young children are instructed to be at their desks working on academic tasks. This usually
takes place with little or no breaks factoring playtimes and less mentally demanding tasks. These requirements for
studies in our part of the world have repressed teachers and drained the expressiveness from the children hence
eliminating the joy associated with learning.
As a result, this study has been directed towards finding more interesting and interactive ways to make children
learn as well as track their performance through educational games. The games however will allow the child to
have fun at the same time learn which would make it less stressful and more efficient. We could describe the
approach as killing two birds with one stone. Making learning more conducive and fun helps students pay rapt
attention to learning sessions and stay focused throughout. A very excellent reason promote educational games is to
empower and at the same time incite students to study outside the traditional classroom setting. Studies have proven
that games tend to make students focus and learn better. According to Lepper and Cordova, 1992 the revision of
lessons embedded with stories combined with challenges that urge students to surpass significantly improves the
rate at which students learn. The usage of games for teaching and learning is a conducive alternative for children of
this generation. This will facilitate the learning process of subjects that are conceived difficult to learn making them
Education in every country is very critical to each one of us. This project seeks to identify the problems associated with learning at the elementary
level, and the highlights the effects of poor educational foundations have on children when they grow to learn at the advanced level. The project
proposes the designing and implementing of an educational video game app that can assist children from ages 2 to 7 years in overcoming the
challenges associated with poor educational foundation in most developing countries in Africa especially. This app is design by creating an intuitive
mobile application that will aid in the understanding of basic concepts associated with learning and the ability for elementary school children to
employ this in their respective everyday activities. The project is also designed to encourage children in the whole study process hence not making it
boring but exciting and more fun for children as well. It also seeks to help parents’ teachers and guardians to track the progress of children who use
the application and helps them know the needed support that they require to make each study session a success. The study incorporates a rigorous
literature review that seeks to identify all the gaps associated with solving the problem. This project adopts the Scrum methodology. The scrum
method is a simple adaptive framework to deliver working software in sprints. It has three main stakeholders the Product owner, scrum master and the
team members. It uses two main artifacts namely the product backlog and the sprint backlog to guide the team during sprints. The study concluded
that the use of educational video games in learning math and English by the children is helpful since the children can quickly grasp the concepts
within very short period.
Keywords: Educational games, Cognitive development, Game app, Early childhood education, Information systems education, Digital Game-Based
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [69]
more fun hence motivating students to undertake this process. This approach will also breed the competitive nature
that is buried in children to help motivate them to accomplish tasks associated with their studies. Another benefit of
educational games will be to provide the student with quick and precise feedback that will help students identify the
right approaches to consider succeeding.
Students of today grew up exposed to different kinds of technologies which are entirely different from what their
teachers grew up with. A study by an educational video game designer states that students of today are used to
thinking about multiple things at a time and trying to find solutions too at the same time, however they tend to have
little or no patience with understanding things associated with reasoning in a linear manner or delayed satisfaction
associated with the resolution of tasks (Prensky, 2001a ; Prensky, 2001b ). The educational system in Ghana has
been influenced by the definition of standards and the taking of tests. This however has resulted in the collection of
mammoth amounts of data just to establish the fact that teachers are doing their jobs and children are learning.
These prerequisites have subdued teachers and siphoned off the creativity and radiance from academic work for
students. Woefully, this misplaced viewpoint to studies has now been seeped down the youngest of our generation.
Over the past years the amount of activities in classrooms have reduced immensely. Artistic and musical activities
have also been on the downside which is really hindering the expressional attributes children possess. Based on
these observations’ children being forced to churn large formulas and procedures into their heads in the name of
education. The process of studying should be made less demanding in order to make it more attractive to the
children and if possible, make them develop some kind of passion for particular subject areas as a result of the
current educational system they may be convinced to run away from their passion from day one. Play is much more
than recreation or an activity for enjoyment, play is how a child learns. Instead society puts a high value on
academics to show how much a child has learned. Our challenge is to provide education for our little ones in a fun
way. We want to attempt to respond to this need through some computer-aided educational games. The reason for
this approach to the resolution of the problem stated is that games tend to provide an immense escape from reality
as a whole. Hence the consequences are not permanent. This environment will drive the players (students) to
overcome their fears and in the long run develop the “can do” attitude towards work that will help them in future
2. Literature Review
A. An Overview of Games
There is a huge assemblage of research supporting the capability of utilizing games as an instructive device. This
exploration research games comparable to the subjective way to deal with learning and additionally inspects
factors, for example, player commitment and the psychosocial perspectives that have an orientation on learning. As
indicated by the intellectual methodology of learning, games could be advantageous for various reasons. Right off
the bat, it is guaranteed that in games information or aptitudes learned and rehearsed are bound to move than when
drilled on a solitary sort of issue. When aced, the information and aptitudes are rehearsed further to give
overlearning. This prompts the information and abilities turning out to be automatized and merged in memory, with
the goal that the student can start to concentrate deliberately on grasping or applying new data (Gentile and Gentile,
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [70]
2005). Also, games appear to place the student in the job of chief, pushing players through ever harder difficulties,
and learning is cultivated through experimentation (Gee, 2003). Games additionally have a noteworthy favorable
position in that understudies get prompt criticism on their activities and choices, welcoming investigation, and
experimentation (Kirriemuir, 2002). Also, games are very much sequenced in levels of expanding trouble,
multifaceted nature or pace, with progress at resulting levels dependent upon capabilities aced at past levels and can
be utilized as an instructive device since they have clear targets, regularly set at various trouble levels to adjust to
the earlier information and abilities of every student (Gentile and Gentile, 2005). In particular, the pace of the
exercises can be balanced for quicker or slower students, fledglings, or specialists, to really convey separated
guidance and this is the epitome of the winding educational plan (Bruner, 1960). Another purpose behind proposing
games as great instructive apparatuses is that they are drawing in for players (Prensky, 2001) inspiring them by
means of fun, challenge and moment visual criticism inside a total, intuitive virtual playing condition, whereby
atmosphere data makes a vivid encounter, supporting enthusiasm for the game (Mitchell and Savill-Smith, 2004).
Concerning the psychosocial factors that impact learning, it has been referenced that games can energize students
who need premium or on the other hand certainty (Klawe, 1994). Besides, Mitchell and Savill-Smith (2004)
express that perplexing games, specifically, can possibly bolster subjective preparing and the advancement of key
aptitudes. With respect to scholastic execution, it is asserted that mind motions, related with navigational and
spatial learning, happen all the more much of the time in progressively complex games, and this expands clients'
learning and memory abilities and supports more prominent scholarly, social and PC proficiency aptitudes (Natale,
2002). The above discoveries are just a portion of those that recommend that the possibility of utilizing games in the
training procedure is more than promising. It appears that games can show youngsters in a fun, drawing in,
spurring, intriguing and empowering way, empowering the educating of complex new data, in any case too hard to
even think about being instructed in a study hall, since information can be balanced for various kinds of learning,
and prompting the advancement of key abilities through experimentation and experimentation. Along these lines
both scholastic execution and relational relations can be upgraded by the standards of the winding educational
program. Game scientists frequently differ on whether instructive games can be drawing in for players. To address
this inquiry first, we have to analyze numerous components in game play perspectives, for example, the recurrence
of game play by youngsters and sex contrasts in their utilization, recognizable proof with the characters of the
games and the kinds of games that youngsters like, so as to check the capability of utilizing games as an instructive
device. In addition, since web-based games are being proposed as an instructive apparatus, we have to analyze
some psychosocial factors that may impact learning, for example, the relationship of game play with scholastic
execution, confidence and PC self-efficacy.
B. The Concept of E-learning
E-learning or electronic learning is the desired approach that most educational institutions use to educate their
students. Most academic institutions in existence have at least one course being delivered through this means. this
approach is supposedly better because of it providing the student with the ability to learn at their own pace. There is
also the flexibility associated with the ability to self-enroll on courses at the student’s desired time. However what
e-learning provides in this case is just the extension of the traditional classroom learning which may not be entirely
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [71]
beneficial to the student regardless of the added flexibility. This is so because of the lack of the zeal in students to
repeat the experience as a result student still face learning challenges with e-learning.
C. The Concept of Educational Games
The concept of educational games is perceived as an activity that is targeted at providing the users hands on
experience to theoretical educational content. The use of educational games seeks to present complex scenarios
without discouraging users to ease the frustrations of theoretical studies. This however can be applied in the
professional field to grant the users hands on experience on professional practices. Educational games however
have increased motivation in students and lead to increased participation in activities found in the game to help
them understand better the contents being delivered though the medium. It has also been identified that the
introduction of educational games has led to the prospect to present diverse concepts in an integrated manner. There
is also the mention of the ample and self-motivated examples of concepts that can be shared by students and their
teachers. There is also the distinctive interaction with the main beneficiaries (students) that tends to satisfy their
urge to understand concepts hence derive knowledge and be motivated at the same time.
D. Characteristics of Educational Games
Educational mobile games have become extremely prevalent in the world in which we live in. The current
pandemic in which we find ourselves have increased their patronage vastly because of their benefits associated with
the improvement the learning process that students undertake. The motivation to learn as well as ease of use are
critical to the design in the educational games. There are already existing games under these criteria, but it is
important to compare the respective characteristics and assess the features that are more important than the rest.
The characteristics apply to three main factors usability, learning motivation and user interface.
Table 1: Characteristics of Educational Games
Characteristics Application Areas
The game is easy to understand regardless of the levels Usability
The elements within the interface are illustrative in the description of
their respective functionality.
It is easy to know the current score or ranking within the game Usability
The game is designed to help improve knowledge skills and
Learning Motivation
Ability to learn more with the game compared to the traditional
educational methods
Learning Motivation
The tendency to repeat the experience User Interface
Results of the game assessing the level of knowledge Usability
Attractive interface User interface
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [72]
E. Game Development Mechanics
The elements of "agreeableness" and "playability" have been recognized as embodying SG (Procci, Chao,
Bohnsack, Olsen, and Bowers, 2012). Playability is depicted by Procci et al. (2012) as a comprehensive, integrative
quality. On the off chance that these aspects are to be fused into games for individuals with ID, at that point a
detailed thought of how they can be conveyed, that is, the Game Mechanics, is required. Arnab et al. (2015)
characterized Genuine Game Mechanics as the "structure choice that concretely realizes the change of a learning
practice/goal into a mechanical component of ongoing interaction" (Arnab et al., 2015, p. 393). Various plan
factors that make diversion games appealing have been recognized: games are visually convincing and have
tangible appeal; they give fascinating and novel encounters; they are challenging and intelligent; they give
criticism; allow player control; change time mindfulness; and are propelling (McGonigal, 2011; Prensky, 2001).
The Info Process Outcome model depicted by Harris et al. emphasized the need to explain how game attributes are
coordinated with the significant instructional substance to give profitable player encounters in an intuitive circle of
player conduct, framework input and player evaluation, that lead to the predetermined learning results. Arnab et al.
(2015) also depicted how the game highlights bolster learning exercises with their LM-GM model which
recognized 31-learning mechanics (such as explore, identify and analyze), and mapped these into proper game
mechanics (such as game turns, movement, and input), giving a helpful model to game plan. These models
emphatically propose the should be clear about the learning results looked for, and how these can be realized in
gamified learning exercises. Inside and out thought of these issues is at present ailing in games for health generally
(Kelley et al., 2017) and especially in games for individuals with ID (Baranowski et al., 2016). While several
pedagogical speculations are pertinent to learning in games, game architects have been diverse in using significant
builds from a scope of hypotheses, such as constructivism and arranged perception (Dondlinger, 2007), as well as
dynamic learning, self-guideline, experiential learning, and platform (Arnab et al., 2015). It is generally helpful to
identify learning exercises or tasks that are required and the game exercises that can best help these as Arnab
recommends. 694 English Journal of Educational Innovation Vol 49 No 4 2018 VC 2018 English Educational
Exploration Association Games offer the limit with respect to continuous execution audit through learning
analytics, the ability to (generally inconspicuously) gather and analyze cooperation information accumulated by
learning the executives frameworks. These are probably going to be especially helpful to augment the learning
potential of games for individuals with ID. While learning analytics have been applied in educational settings to
improve learning, it has also been called attention to that it might be valuable to recognize" movement analytics"
from "learning analytics" (Wilson, Watson, Thompson, Drew, and Doyle, 2017, p.997). At last, such information
potentially bolster learning if it is custom fitted to the individual understudy and can advance the inclusivity of SG
by giving personalized learning. By installing learning analytic models inside health-related games, it is
conceivable to catch the learning necessities of individuals with inabilities, and how they change through the span
of the learning venture. Cano et al. (2016) implanted in a learning analytics model inside the game, downtown: A
Metro Experience, intended for students with ID. The learning analytics caught included total time spent playing,
movement, and time slipped by without accomplishing a goal, which was then converted into client necessities. The
utilization of game learning analytics is especially challenging because of the exceptionally intuitive nature of
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [73]
games combined with the short cooperation cycles typical of ongoing interaction. By the by, proof such as Cano et
al. shows both the feasibility of catching learning analytic information for SG, and its utilization in adjusting games
to every individual's psychosocial profile.
F. Design of educational games
The interactive design concepts of educational games for preschool children can be divided into three main aspects
of organizational structure, and knowledge presentation and interactive experience:
• Organizational interface structure: The absence of a hierarchical framework defines the simplistic hierarchical
interface structure. It, coupled with simple control, helps to minimize interference of interface elements in
children's service, so that their attention can be more concentrated on the narratives of educational games.
• Method of presenting information: To meet children's cognitive development needs, presentation methods such
as information classification and information visualization are implemented to help improve their cognitive level.
Light colors, custom graphical interfaces and animation effects can, however, stimulate the intense interest of a
child and fulfill their need for joy while at the same time stimulating the development of unwanted attention.
• Interactive games experience: Life-scenes and social experiences enable children to have a greater sense of
presence and inspire them to better understand and explore learning materials and reap the benefits of active
learning. A good social interaction and encouragement make children more comfortable and help them learn more
quickly from the games they are engaging in, maximizing the effect of teaching through enjoyable activities.
• The goal of educational games is to provide an engaging learning experience in line with the requirements of
physiological and cognitive psychological development of children; and to use specific interactive methods to
stimulate the interest of children
But questions have arisen around this subject. For example, whether kids should play educational games, how to
play educational games and how to design such games suitably for preschool kids. Such problems have become
major worries for parents and educators alike. Therefore, according to the needs of cognitive development of
children, it is important that game interfaces and environments are adequately developed to provide interactive
activities to help create more effective teaching strategies.
Following a comprehensive analysis of existing domestic and foreign educational applications, early childhood
education goals can be categorized into three main areas: cognition, emotional skills and action. These three areas
can be seen to have in action the following: vocabulary awareness, analytical skills, cognitive technique, attitude,
emotion and ability. Research also discovered that traditional early childhood education is predominantly based on
understanding language knowledge and academic competencies. With respect to image-identifying cognition, it
mainly adopts methods such as object-identification cards, puzzles, and sticker books which can be classified as
focusing on receptive knowledge. But the solutions do have drawbacks:
• As a special group, pre-school children's cognitive thinking is still in its initial stages, and the current framework
for interaction does not conform to the cognitive characteristics and cognitive patterns of children.
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [74]
• The interfaces for educational application have too many layers and are too complex, lacking visual centers which
make it difficult for children to use them.
• Direct transition to the traditional early education style digital platform does not take full advantage of the
platform's functionality and benefits.
Consequently, the experiences of preschool children with games of educational image-identification are a field
worth exploring. The purpose of cognitive development is to prepare the children for their future challenges and
roles. The interactive scenes of pictures, sounds, animations, and other media render image recognition feel like
play, which enhances children's engagement in learning, enriching a child's experience to achieve the teaching
purpose through lively activities. Around the same time, open interactive scenes often leverage children's
imagination and ingenuity, turning conventional receptive experience into articulate comprehension.
3. Methodology
This section describes the method used to design the system. The iterative process was used for this study which
implies a process for arriving at a decision or a desired result by repeating rounds of analysis or a cycle of
operations. The objective is to bring the desired decision or result closer to discovery with each repetition
(iteration). The iterative process can be used where the decision is not easily revocable (such as a marriage or war)
or where the consequences of revocation could be costly.
A child can progress to the next phase by repeating cycle of the operations at one stage till he or she is able to
familiarize himself/herself with the alphabets or numbers and be able to recognize them with ease. If a child is
unable to identify the objects or text in the next phase, then the system stops and move the child to the previous
stage to begin again.
Figure 1
The menu layout provides an interface for the user to be able to select the game he or she is interested in playing.
This layout also has a shortcut to the scores layout and displays the username in its heading. The layout has a
simplistic design accompanied with quite large fonts to make it easy to navigate to the various games of interest.
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [75]
Figure 2. Math Layout
Math Layout
The math layout allows players to perform basic calculations with the help of visually represented objects as seen
below. This is to capture the photographic portions of the mind in to processing the images there and converting
that into a numerical format helping the player better understand the basic mathematical functions easily
Figure 3. Word Layout
Word Layout
The word layout provides clues using images to help students fill in the right word. This also aids in the recollection
of words that have quite confusing spellings and challenges the players in getting those words right in the long run
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [76]
Figure 4. Logic Layout
Logic Layout
The logic layout seeks to provide trivial questions and puzzles to the players in a way such that the student will be
compelled to apply both math and word related skills to accomplish tasks offered in this section.
Figure 5. Learn English Layout
Learn Layout
The learn layout is an intuitive section for the child using a lot of colored animations to teach the child to lean both
math and English on demand. It is coupled with clear sounds to aid the child hear what exactly he or she is learning
in relation to the selected on the learn menu.
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [77]
Figure 6. Word Layout
Word Layout
The word layout provides clues using images to help students fill in the right word. This also aids in the recollection
of words that have quite confusing spellings and challenges the players in getting those words right in the long run.
4. Conclusion
To sum up, the idea of building a mobile game for kids between the ages between two and seven is to help increase
the zeal to gain interest in subjects that are usually considered as being difficult to understand from the beginning of
education. This approach was accomplished by using a more graphical and welcoming approach to create fun and a
conducive atmosphere for learning other than a more tensed one which always require the kid to read from a book
of blackboard. The study was carried out using a carefully selected current and precise literature highlighting on the
basic elements required for an in-depth understanding of learning patterns in children and branching more into the
effects in adults. The literature threw more light on the respective careers children aspire to be in the future but as a
result of lack of interest in certain areas they are discouraged to pursue further hence they tend to go in for other
options that they do not in most cases perform very well. The literature also delves into ways that help grab
attention through the use of graphics on mobile devices that will help the players of the game have fun at the same
time learn and tap in to the photographic aspects of their mind to help them be able to understand and recollect
better in the long run. The study also makes use of the scrum methodology as the preferred agile development
approach to be used. this was the preferred approach as a result of the ability of the development aspects to be
divided in to multiple parts that will enable it to be viewed as individual components to ensure they meet the desired
standards with respect to the project’s laid down objectives.
Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST)
Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020
ISSN: 2582-0974 [78]
The aim of the project has been met despite there being more room for improvement in the future to make it more
effective and efficient. Some of the recommendations include, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help
track the learning patterns to know exactly where a student does not perform well to bridge the gap.
The study can be equipped with the adequate functions to help facilitate learning not just at the lower level but also
at the higher level using more advanced games to help adults to study and be able to apply what they learn in more
practical and complicated scenarios to provide a virtual hands on experience like the use of Augmented Reality
(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).
Source of Funding
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
Competing Interests Statement
The authors declare no competing financial, professional and personal interests.
Consent for publication
We declare that we consented for the publication of this research work.
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Educational Gaming Mobile App in Assisting Kids in Learning Math and English

  • 1. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [68] Country: Ghana Educational Gaming Mobile App in Assisting Kids in Learning Math and English Prince Kelvin Owusu1 & Raul Asante Adjei-Boateng2 1 Information Systems Department, Ghana Communication Technology University, Ghana. Email: 2 Computer Science Department, Coventry Undergraduate Programme. Email: Article Received: 29 June 2020 Article Accepted: 22 August 2020 Article Published: 23 September 2020 1. Introduction We live in a world where computing devices are our go-to devices in our day to day activities. The upcoming generation is more exposed to these opportunities and as such we would like to exploit their potential to the highest extent. Childhood education is a very essential and delicate issue. Childhood education is directed towards the establishment of the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs to constitute a firm starting point for life-long learning. Childhood education in our part of the world has become more tailored towards meticulous instructions given to young students. Young children are instructed to be at their desks working on academic tasks. This usually takes place with little or no breaks factoring playtimes and less mentally demanding tasks. These requirements for studies in our part of the world have repressed teachers and drained the expressiveness from the children hence eliminating the joy associated with learning. As a result, this study has been directed towards finding more interesting and interactive ways to make children learn as well as track their performance through educational games. The games however will allow the child to have fun at the same time learn which would make it less stressful and more efficient. We could describe the approach as killing two birds with one stone. Making learning more conducive and fun helps students pay rapt attention to learning sessions and stay focused throughout. A very excellent reason promote educational games is to empower and at the same time incite students to study outside the traditional classroom setting. Studies have proven that games tend to make students focus and learn better. According to Lepper and Cordova, 1992 the revision of lessons embedded with stories combined with challenges that urge students to surpass significantly improves the rate at which students learn. The usage of games for teaching and learning is a conducive alternative for children of this generation. This will facilitate the learning process of subjects that are conceived difficult to learn making them ABSTRACT Education in every country is very critical to each one of us. This project seeks to identify the problems associated with learning at the elementary level, and the highlights the effects of poor educational foundations have on children when they grow to learn at the advanced level. The project proposes the designing and implementing of an educational video game app that can assist children from ages 2 to 7 years in overcoming the challenges associated with poor educational foundation in most developing countries in Africa especially. This app is design by creating an intuitive mobile application that will aid in the understanding of basic concepts associated with learning and the ability for elementary school children to employ this in their respective everyday activities. The project is also designed to encourage children in the whole study process hence not making it boring but exciting and more fun for children as well. It also seeks to help parents’ teachers and guardians to track the progress of children who use the application and helps them know the needed support that they require to make each study session a success. The study incorporates a rigorous literature review that seeks to identify all the gaps associated with solving the problem. This project adopts the Scrum methodology. The scrum method is a simple adaptive framework to deliver working software in sprints. It has three main stakeholders the Product owner, scrum master and the team members. It uses two main artifacts namely the product backlog and the sprint backlog to guide the team during sprints. The study concluded that the use of educational video games in learning math and English by the children is helpful since the children can quickly grasp the concepts within very short period. Keywords: Educational games, Cognitive development, Game app, Early childhood education, Information systems education, Digital Game-Based Learning.
  • 2. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [69] more fun hence motivating students to undertake this process. This approach will also breed the competitive nature that is buried in children to help motivate them to accomplish tasks associated with their studies. Another benefit of educational games will be to provide the student with quick and precise feedback that will help students identify the right approaches to consider succeeding. Students of today grew up exposed to different kinds of technologies which are entirely different from what their teachers grew up with. A study by an educational video game designer states that students of today are used to thinking about multiple things at a time and trying to find solutions too at the same time, however they tend to have little or no patience with understanding things associated with reasoning in a linear manner or delayed satisfaction associated with the resolution of tasks (Prensky, 2001a ; Prensky, 2001b ). The educational system in Ghana has been influenced by the definition of standards and the taking of tests. This however has resulted in the collection of mammoth amounts of data just to establish the fact that teachers are doing their jobs and children are learning. These prerequisites have subdued teachers and siphoned off the creativity and radiance from academic work for students. Woefully, this misplaced viewpoint to studies has now been seeped down the youngest of our generation. Over the past years the amount of activities in classrooms have reduced immensely. Artistic and musical activities have also been on the downside which is really hindering the expressional attributes children possess. Based on these observations’ children being forced to churn large formulas and procedures into their heads in the name of education. The process of studying should be made less demanding in order to make it more attractive to the children and if possible, make them develop some kind of passion for particular subject areas as a result of the current educational system they may be convinced to run away from their passion from day one. Play is much more than recreation or an activity for enjoyment, play is how a child learns. Instead society puts a high value on academics to show how much a child has learned. Our challenge is to provide education for our little ones in a fun way. We want to attempt to respond to this need through some computer-aided educational games. The reason for this approach to the resolution of the problem stated is that games tend to provide an immense escape from reality as a whole. Hence the consequences are not permanent. This environment will drive the players (students) to overcome their fears and in the long run develop the “can do” attitude towards work that will help them in future immensely. 2. Literature Review A. An Overview of Games There is a huge assemblage of research supporting the capability of utilizing games as an instructive device. This exploration research games comparable to the subjective way to deal with learning and additionally inspects factors, for example, player commitment and the psychosocial perspectives that have an orientation on learning. As indicated by the intellectual methodology of learning, games could be advantageous for various reasons. Right off the bat, it is guaranteed that in games information or aptitudes learned and rehearsed are bound to move than when drilled on a solitary sort of issue. When aced, the information and aptitudes are rehearsed further to give overlearning. This prompts the information and abilities turning out to be automatized and merged in memory, with the goal that the student can start to concentrate deliberately on grasping or applying new data (Gentile and Gentile,
  • 3. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [70] 2005). Also, games appear to place the student in the job of chief, pushing players through ever harder difficulties, and learning is cultivated through experimentation (Gee, 2003). Games additionally have a noteworthy favorable position in that understudies get prompt criticism on their activities and choices, welcoming investigation, and experimentation (Kirriemuir, 2002). Also, games are very much sequenced in levels of expanding trouble, multifaceted nature or pace, with progress at resulting levels dependent upon capabilities aced at past levels and can be utilized as an instructive device since they have clear targets, regularly set at various trouble levels to adjust to the earlier information and abilities of every student (Gentile and Gentile, 2005). In particular, the pace of the exercises can be balanced for quicker or slower students, fledglings, or specialists, to really convey separated guidance and this is the epitome of the winding educational plan (Bruner, 1960). Another purpose behind proposing games as great instructive apparatuses is that they are drawing in for players (Prensky, 2001) inspiring them by means of fun, challenge and moment visual criticism inside a total, intuitive virtual playing condition, whereby atmosphere data makes a vivid encounter, supporting enthusiasm for the game (Mitchell and Savill-Smith, 2004). Concerning the psychosocial factors that impact learning, it has been referenced that games can energize students who need premium or on the other hand certainty (Klawe, 1994). Besides, Mitchell and Savill-Smith (2004) express that perplexing games, specifically, can possibly bolster subjective preparing and the advancement of key aptitudes. With respect to scholastic execution, it is asserted that mind motions, related with navigational and spatial learning, happen all the more much of the time in progressively complex games, and this expands clients' learning and memory abilities and supports more prominent scholarly, social and PC proficiency aptitudes (Natale, 2002). The above discoveries are just a portion of those that recommend that the possibility of utilizing games in the training procedure is more than promising. It appears that games can show youngsters in a fun, drawing in, spurring, intriguing and empowering way, empowering the educating of complex new data, in any case too hard to even think about being instructed in a study hall, since information can be balanced for various kinds of learning, and prompting the advancement of key abilities through experimentation and experimentation. Along these lines both scholastic execution and relational relations can be upgraded by the standards of the winding educational program. Game scientists frequently differ on whether instructive games can be drawing in for players. To address this inquiry first, we have to analyze numerous components in game play perspectives, for example, the recurrence of game play by youngsters and sex contrasts in their utilization, recognizable proof with the characters of the games and the kinds of games that youngsters like, so as to check the capability of utilizing games as an instructive device. In addition, since web-based games are being proposed as an instructive apparatus, we have to analyze some psychosocial factors that may impact learning, for example, the relationship of game play with scholastic execution, confidence and PC self-efficacy. B. The Concept of E-learning E-learning or electronic learning is the desired approach that most educational institutions use to educate their students. Most academic institutions in existence have at least one course being delivered through this means. this approach is supposedly better because of it providing the student with the ability to learn at their own pace. There is also the flexibility associated with the ability to self-enroll on courses at the student’s desired time. However what e-learning provides in this case is just the extension of the traditional classroom learning which may not be entirely
  • 4. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [71] beneficial to the student regardless of the added flexibility. This is so because of the lack of the zeal in students to repeat the experience as a result student still face learning challenges with e-learning. C. The Concept of Educational Games The concept of educational games is perceived as an activity that is targeted at providing the users hands on experience to theoretical educational content. The use of educational games seeks to present complex scenarios without discouraging users to ease the frustrations of theoretical studies. This however can be applied in the professional field to grant the users hands on experience on professional practices. Educational games however have increased motivation in students and lead to increased participation in activities found in the game to help them understand better the contents being delivered though the medium. It has also been identified that the introduction of educational games has led to the prospect to present diverse concepts in an integrated manner. There is also the mention of the ample and self-motivated examples of concepts that can be shared by students and their teachers. There is also the distinctive interaction with the main beneficiaries (students) that tends to satisfy their urge to understand concepts hence derive knowledge and be motivated at the same time. D. Characteristics of Educational Games Educational mobile games have become extremely prevalent in the world in which we live in. The current pandemic in which we find ourselves have increased their patronage vastly because of their benefits associated with the improvement the learning process that students undertake. The motivation to learn as well as ease of use are critical to the design in the educational games. There are already existing games under these criteria, but it is important to compare the respective characteristics and assess the features that are more important than the rest. The characteristics apply to three main factors usability, learning motivation and user interface. Table 1: Characteristics of Educational Games Characteristics Application Areas The game is easy to understand regardless of the levels Usability The elements within the interface are illustrative in the description of their respective functionality. Usability It is easy to know the current score or ranking within the game Usability The game is designed to help improve knowledge skills and experience Learning Motivation Ability to learn more with the game compared to the traditional educational methods Learning Motivation The tendency to repeat the experience User Interface Results of the game assessing the level of knowledge Usability Attractive interface User interface
  • 5. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [72] E. Game Development Mechanics The elements of "agreeableness" and "playability" have been recognized as embodying SG (Procci, Chao, Bohnsack, Olsen, and Bowers, 2012). Playability is depicted by Procci et al. (2012) as a comprehensive, integrative quality. On the off chance that these aspects are to be fused into games for individuals with ID, at that point a detailed thought of how they can be conveyed, that is, the Game Mechanics, is required. Arnab et al. (2015) characterized Genuine Game Mechanics as the "structure choice that concretely realizes the change of a learning practice/goal into a mechanical component of ongoing interaction" (Arnab et al., 2015, p. 393). Various plan factors that make diversion games appealing have been recognized: games are visually convincing and have tangible appeal; they give fascinating and novel encounters; they are challenging and intelligent; they give criticism; allow player control; change time mindfulness; and are propelling (McGonigal, 2011; Prensky, 2001). The Info Process Outcome model depicted by Harris et al. emphasized the need to explain how game attributes are coordinated with the significant instructional substance to give profitable player encounters in an intuitive circle of player conduct, framework input and player evaluation, that lead to the predetermined learning results. Arnab et al. (2015) also depicted how the game highlights bolster learning exercises with their LM-GM model which recognized 31-learning mechanics (such as explore, identify and analyze), and mapped these into proper game mechanics (such as game turns, movement, and input), giving a helpful model to game plan. These models emphatically propose the should be clear about the learning results looked for, and how these can be realized in gamified learning exercises. Inside and out thought of these issues is at present ailing in games for health generally (Kelley et al., 2017) and especially in games for individuals with ID (Baranowski et al., 2016). While several pedagogical speculations are pertinent to learning in games, game architects have been diverse in using significant builds from a scope of hypotheses, such as constructivism and arranged perception (Dondlinger, 2007), as well as dynamic learning, self-guideline, experiential learning, and platform (Arnab et al., 2015). It is generally helpful to identify learning exercises or tasks that are required and the game exercises that can best help these as Arnab recommends. 694 English Journal of Educational Innovation Vol 49 No 4 2018 VC 2018 English Educational Exploration Association Games offer the limit with respect to continuous execution audit through learning analytics, the ability to (generally inconspicuously) gather and analyze cooperation information accumulated by learning the executives frameworks. These are probably going to be especially helpful to augment the learning potential of games for individuals with ID. While learning analytics have been applied in educational settings to improve learning, it has also been called attention to that it might be valuable to recognize" movement analytics" from "learning analytics" (Wilson, Watson, Thompson, Drew, and Doyle, 2017, p.997). At last, such information potentially bolster learning if it is custom fitted to the individual understudy and can advance the inclusivity of SG by giving personalized learning. By installing learning analytic models inside health-related games, it is conceivable to catch the learning necessities of individuals with inabilities, and how they change through the span of the learning venture. Cano et al. (2016) implanted in a learning analytics model inside the game, downtown: A Metro Experience, intended for students with ID. The learning analytics caught included total time spent playing, movement, and time slipped by without accomplishing a goal, which was then converted into client necessities. The utilization of game learning analytics is especially challenging because of the exceptionally intuitive nature of
  • 6. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [73] games combined with the short cooperation cycles typical of ongoing interaction. By the by, proof such as Cano et al. shows both the feasibility of catching learning analytic information for SG, and its utilization in adjusting games to every individual's psychosocial profile. F. Design of educational games The interactive design concepts of educational games for preschool children can be divided into three main aspects of organizational structure, and knowledge presentation and interactive experience: • Organizational interface structure: The absence of a hierarchical framework defines the simplistic hierarchical interface structure. It, coupled with simple control, helps to minimize interference of interface elements in children's service, so that their attention can be more concentrated on the narratives of educational games. • Method of presenting information: To meet children's cognitive development needs, presentation methods such as information classification and information visualization are implemented to help improve their cognitive level. Light colors, custom graphical interfaces and animation effects can, however, stimulate the intense interest of a child and fulfill their need for joy while at the same time stimulating the development of unwanted attention. • Interactive games experience: Life-scenes and social experiences enable children to have a greater sense of presence and inspire them to better understand and explore learning materials and reap the benefits of active learning. A good social interaction and encouragement make children more comfortable and help them learn more quickly from the games they are engaging in, maximizing the effect of teaching through enjoyable activities. • The goal of educational games is to provide an engaging learning experience in line with the requirements of physiological and cognitive psychological development of children; and to use specific interactive methods to stimulate the interest of children But questions have arisen around this subject. For example, whether kids should play educational games, how to play educational games and how to design such games suitably for preschool kids. Such problems have become major worries for parents and educators alike. Therefore, according to the needs of cognitive development of children, it is important that game interfaces and environments are adequately developed to provide interactive activities to help create more effective teaching strategies. Following a comprehensive analysis of existing domestic and foreign educational applications, early childhood education goals can be categorized into three main areas: cognition, emotional skills and action. These three areas can be seen to have in action the following: vocabulary awareness, analytical skills, cognitive technique, attitude, emotion and ability. Research also discovered that traditional early childhood education is predominantly based on understanding language knowledge and academic competencies. With respect to image-identifying cognition, it mainly adopts methods such as object-identification cards, puzzles, and sticker books which can be classified as focusing on receptive knowledge. But the solutions do have drawbacks: • As a special group, pre-school children's cognitive thinking is still in its initial stages, and the current framework for interaction does not conform to the cognitive characteristics and cognitive patterns of children.
  • 7. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [74] • The interfaces for educational application have too many layers and are too complex, lacking visual centers which make it difficult for children to use them. • Direct transition to the traditional early education style digital platform does not take full advantage of the platform's functionality and benefits. Consequently, the experiences of preschool children with games of educational image-identification are a field worth exploring. The purpose of cognitive development is to prepare the children for their future challenges and roles. The interactive scenes of pictures, sounds, animations, and other media render image recognition feel like play, which enhances children's engagement in learning, enriching a child's experience to achieve the teaching purpose through lively activities. Around the same time, open interactive scenes often leverage children's imagination and ingenuity, turning conventional receptive experience into articulate comprehension. 3. Methodology This section describes the method used to design the system. The iterative process was used for this study which implies a process for arriving at a decision or a desired result by repeating rounds of analysis or a cycle of operations. The objective is to bring the desired decision or result closer to discovery with each repetition (iteration). The iterative process can be used where the decision is not easily revocable (such as a marriage or war) or where the consequences of revocation could be costly. A child can progress to the next phase by repeating cycle of the operations at one stage till he or she is able to familiarize himself/herself with the alphabets or numbers and be able to recognize them with ease. If a child is unable to identify the objects or text in the next phase, then the system stops and move the child to the previous stage to begin again. Figure 1 The menu layout provides an interface for the user to be able to select the game he or she is interested in playing. This layout also has a shortcut to the scores layout and displays the username in its heading. The layout has a simplistic design accompanied with quite large fonts to make it easy to navigate to the various games of interest.
  • 8. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [75] Figure 2. Math Layout Math Layout The math layout allows players to perform basic calculations with the help of visually represented objects as seen below. This is to capture the photographic portions of the mind in to processing the images there and converting that into a numerical format helping the player better understand the basic mathematical functions easily Figure 3. Word Layout Word Layout The word layout provides clues using images to help students fill in the right word. This also aids in the recollection of words that have quite confusing spellings and challenges the players in getting those words right in the long run
  • 9. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [76] Figure 4. Logic Layout Logic Layout The logic layout seeks to provide trivial questions and puzzles to the players in a way such that the student will be compelled to apply both math and word related skills to accomplish tasks offered in this section. Figure 5. Learn English Layout Learn Layout The learn layout is an intuitive section for the child using a lot of colored animations to teach the child to lean both math and English on demand. It is coupled with clear sounds to aid the child hear what exactly he or she is learning in relation to the selected on the learn menu.
  • 10. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [77] Figure 6. Word Layout Word Layout The word layout provides clues using images to help students fill in the right word. This also aids in the recollection of words that have quite confusing spellings and challenges the players in getting those words right in the long run. 4. Conclusion To sum up, the idea of building a mobile game for kids between the ages between two and seven is to help increase the zeal to gain interest in subjects that are usually considered as being difficult to understand from the beginning of education. This approach was accomplished by using a more graphical and welcoming approach to create fun and a conducive atmosphere for learning other than a more tensed one which always require the kid to read from a book of blackboard. The study was carried out using a carefully selected current and precise literature highlighting on the basic elements required for an in-depth understanding of learning patterns in children and branching more into the effects in adults. The literature threw more light on the respective careers children aspire to be in the future but as a result of lack of interest in certain areas they are discouraged to pursue further hence they tend to go in for other options that they do not in most cases perform very well. The literature also delves into ways that help grab attention through the use of graphics on mobile devices that will help the players of the game have fun at the same time learn and tap in to the photographic aspects of their mind to help them be able to understand and recollect better in the long run. The study also makes use of the scrum methodology as the preferred agile development approach to be used. this was the preferred approach as a result of the ability of the development aspects to be divided in to multiple parts that will enable it to be viewed as individual components to ensure they meet the desired standards with respect to the project’s laid down objectives.
  • 11. Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) Vol.3, Iss.3, Pages 68-80, July-September 2020 ISSN: 2582-0974 [78] The aim of the project has been met despite there being more room for improvement in the future to make it more effective and efficient. Some of the recommendations include, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help track the learning patterns to know exactly where a student does not perform well to bridge the gap. The study can be equipped with the adequate functions to help facilitate learning not just at the lower level but also at the higher level using more advanced games to help adults to study and be able to apply what they learn in more practical and complicated scenarios to provide a virtual hands on experience like the use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Declarations Source of Funding This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Competing Interests Statement The authors declare no competing financial, professional and personal interests. Consent for publication We declare that we consented for the publication of this research work. References Álvarez-Xochihua, O., Muñoz Merino, P. J., & González-Fraga, J. Á. (2017). Comparing Usability, User Experience and Learning Motivation Characteristics of Two Educational Computer Games. ICEIS. Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: the correlation between video game usage and academic performance markers. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 10(4), 552–559 Arnab, S., Lim, T., Carvalho, M. B., Bellotti, F., Freitas, S., Louchart, S., et al. (2015). Mapping learning and game mechanics for SG analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46, 391–411. Baranowski, T., Blumberg, F., Buday, R., DeSmet, A., Fiellin, L. E., Green, C. S., et al. (2016). Games for health for children—current status and needed research. Games for Health Journal, 5, Braghirolli, L. F., Ribeiro, D., Weise, A. D., & Pizzolato, M. (2016). Benefits of educational games as an introductory activity in industrial engineering education. Computers in Human Behavior, 315-324. Cano, A. R., Fernandez-Manj on, B., & Garc ıa-Tejedor, A. J. (2016, July). Downtown, A Subway Adven- ture: Using Learning Analytics to Improve the Development of a Learning Game for People with Intellectual Disabilities. In Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on (pp. 125– 129). IEEE. Accessed online May 20, 2020 from Fernandez-Manjon/publication/308795907_Downtown_A_Subway_Adventure_Using_Learning_Analytics_to_I mprove_the_Development_of_a_Learning_Game_for_People_with_Intellectual_Disabilities/links/
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