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Describes events or retells stories that demonstrate their own
heritage and the heritage of others.

   ♦ Identifies and refers to relatives and people in their family
     relevant to their life.
   ♦ Describes changes in their family both past and present.
   ♦ Presents a personally or family valued item relevant to their
     past to share with the class.
   ♦ Recalls events and situations involving themselves and others.

This sequence of learning activities would fit into a unit on heritage
that provides opportunities to explore family and artefacts that are
important in the lives of students and their family both now and in
the past. This sequence would be the first question to be
investigated in this unit.

This sequence will allow students to explore the structure of both
their own and other family structures. Students will be able to
compare and contrast their family with other students. Students
will also have the opportunity to demonstrate and explore
significant family items from their own and other students families.
             Lower Order: Family, siblings, parents, grandparents, photograph, special items.
             Higher Order: Origin, interaction, immediate, extended, past,
            Lower Order:                                                        Higher Order:
♦ Families are mum, dad, brother &/or sister.                         ♦ Families can consist of many different people.
♦ Children develop as they grow.                                      ♦ Families can be immediate or extended.
♦ Memorabilia can be anything special to a family.                    ♦ Family members are significant and special.
♦ Memorabilia is a precious item received from a significant elder.   ♦ Families change over time in both in stature, growing
♦ Photographs provide memories of special times for families.           larger and / or smaller.
                                                                      ♦ Memorabilia is a special item from the past.

Practical Skills:
♦ Constructing a poster to answer questions about their family photo and special artefact.
♦ Constructing a treasure box for the special items.
♦ Presenting the treasure box and family photo at show and tell.
♦ Listening to the Big Book of Families.

Social Skills:
♦ Listening to other students present their treasure box.

Values and Attitudes:

Resources: ♦ Big Book – Great Big Book of Family
           ♦ The Berestain Bears See, Think & Do Activity Guide.
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.

   SEQUENCE.       LEARNING              SETS.              RESPONSES.              PROCESSES.       AND / OR
                   ACTIVITIES.                                                                      ASSESSMENT
Initiate.      Brainstorm ‘What      What do you think    Mum, dad, me           Retrieving.     English.
               is a family?’ write   a family is?         brother &/or sister
               all ideas on                               living in our house.

               Read Big Book:        Looking at the       Mum, dad, sister,      Comprehend.
               Great Big Book of     front cover of the   brother, baby.         Interpret.
               Families.             big book, can you
                                     tell me who can
                                     be a member of a

                                     After reading the    Yes.
                                     big book, has your
                                     idea of who can
                                     be a member of
                                     family changed?

               Add answers to        Who else do you      Aunties, uncles,
               original brainstorm   think could make     cousins, close
               activity on the       up a family?         friends, caregivers
               interactive                                and mentors.
               whiteboard with a
               new colour
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
 CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.
   SEQUENCE.       LEARNING              SETS.               RESPONSES.                 PROCESSES.    / OR ASSESSMENT
                   ACTIVITIES.                                                                          EVALUATION.
Gather         Ask students to      Who are the people    Mum, dad, brother          Observing.      English.
Information.   bring in a family    in the photo?         & / or sister,             Recognising.
               photo of a time                            grandmother,               Recalling.
               when the family                            grandfather, aunt,         Comparing.
                                                          uncle, carer etc...
               was doing
                                    Where was the
               something special,   photo taken?          At the park, at
               and a special                              home, at Christmas,
               artefact that was                          birthday etc..
               given to them by
               a special family     When was the          5 years old.
               member from          picture taken?
               when they were
               an infant or         How has your family   We are all older. I’m
                                    changed since the     a big boy / girl, I
                                    photo was taken?      now have a sister &
                                                          / or brother, We
               Teacher to stick                           don’t live in that
               the copy of photo                          house anymore
               on an A3 size                              etc...
               page and write       How have you
               the questions        changed since the     I have brown hair. I
               underneath the       photo was taken?      am taller, I can
               photo.                                     smile. I can stand
                                    What activities and
               Teacher to read
                                    movements are you     I can crawl, walk,
               out each question    able to do now        jump, run, count,
               in sequence and      compared to in the    talk, sing, play, write,
               child to write       photo?                draw etc..
               simple answer
               next to question.
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
 CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.

    STAGE OF            TEACHING /            QUESTIONING            SAMPLE STUDENT             THINKING    INTEGRATION AND
   SEQUENCE.             LEARNING                SETS.                 RESPONSES.              PROCESSES.    / OR ASSESSMENT
                         ACTIVITIES.                                                                           EVALUATION.
Gather Information   Take a picture of                                                       Describing.    English.
Cont...              the artefact and                                                        Naming.
                     stick on same page
                     as the family photo.

                     Teacher to write
                     underneath photo       What is the            A Broach, a music
                     and read out each      artefact?              box, a doll, a shell, a
                     question in                                   book, a bracelet.
                     sequence and child
                     to write simple        Where can it be
                     answer next to         found?
                                            How old is the

                                            What is / was it
                                            used for?

                                            What is it made

                                            Why is it special to
                                            (UNE topic 6
                                            notes. Table 6.1)
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
 CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.

SEQUENCE.     LEARNING ACTIVITIES.                                      RESPONSES.            PROCESSES.       AND / OR
Analyse and   Make a treasure box       (Ask questions verbally                               Creating.     English.
Organise.     out of old shoe or gift   to students individually                              Organising.
              boxes for a special       as you walk around the                                Explaining.
              family member. (See       room).
              appendix 2)
                                        Who are you making         Grandmother /
              In the treasure box       the treasure box for?      grandfather / carer /
              students can put their                               friend / neighbour.
              artefact and another
              two items from when
              they were an infant /     Why is this person         They look after me,
              toddler. (A note should   special to you?            they take me on
              be sent home with                                    holidays, they play with
              students ensuring the                                me etc..
              special items to be
              brought in are not        What artefacts & / or      A Broach, a music box,
              breakable or valuable).   special items are you      a doll, a shell, a book
                                        putting in your box?       etc.
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.
  SEQUENCE.      LEARNING ACTIVITIES.                                   RESPONSES.            PROCESSES.        AND / OR

Synthesise and   Ask students to invite    Who are the people       There is mum, dad,       Recognising.    English.
Conclude.        the special person        in your photo?           grandmother &            Explaining.
                 they have made the                                 grandfather/s, me,       Summarising.
                 treasure box for to                                sister / brother.        Producing.
                 come to the                                                                 Carrying Out.
                 classroom for show        Where was the photo      On holiday, at the
                 and tell .                taken?                   park, on a picnic, at
                                                                    a birthday etc..
                 Students then show
                 and tell their treasure   Why do you think it is   It is good to take
                 box contents and          good to take photos      photos of family for
                 poster with family        of your family?          memories of fun days
                 photo. Teacher to                                  and to see how I
                 ask questions shown                                grow.
                 during show and tell.
                                           Who have you made        I have made my
                 Once finished the         your treasure box for?   treasure box for my
                 student can present                                mum / dad /
                 the treasure box to                                grandma / grandad
                 the special family                                 / carer / friend etc..
                 member if in
                 attendance.               What do you have in      In my treasure box I
                                           your treasure box?       have......
                 Complete worksheet
                 for assessment.
                                           Why are the items        They are special
                                           special to you?          because......
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.

  SEQUENCE.      LEARNING ACTIVITIES.                                 RESPONSES.               PROCESSES.        AND / OR

Synthesise and   Complete worksheet     Who is the special       My special family            Recognising.    English.
Conclude         for assessment.        person you have          member is...........         Explaining.
cont...          Worksheet should be    made your treasure       (write name of               Summarising.
                 completed once         chest for?               person and draw              Producing.
                 show and tell is                                picture of person).          Carrying Out.

                                        What is your favourite   My favourite memory                          Collect
                                        memory with this         with this person                             worksheets for
                                        person?                  is............. (write and                   assessment.
                                                                 draw picture doing
                                                                 your favourite thing
                                                                 with this person).
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.

   SEQUENCE.       LEARNING                SETS.              RESPONSES.             PROCESSES.       AND / OR
                   ACTIVITIES.                                                                       ASSESSMENT
Apply.         Teacher Poster         Who is in this        Students state        Evaluating      English.
               Pack. These            photo?                what members of       Organising
               colour posters                               the family are in     Judging
               give students a                              the photo.
               look at all kinds of
               families and           What do you think     State what            Interpreting
               features families      they are doing?       activity or
               from a variety of                            celebration they
               ethnic                                       think the family is
               backgrounds.                                 doing.

               Students move          How is this family    This family is        Comparing
               into pairs and         different to yours?   different as it has   Applying
               each pair are                                more / less
               given a poster of                            people. Student
               a family. Each                               points out which
               group answers the                            family members
               questions listed                             are added /
               then presents it to                          missing.
               the rest of the
CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia?
CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts.

   SEQUENCE.      LEARNING             SETS.               RESPONSES.           PROCESSES.        AND / OR
                  ACTIVITIES.                                                                    ASSESSMENT
Reflect.       On interactive      Why are family        To have memories     Evaluating      English.
               whiteboard write    photos important?     for the future. To
               questions and                             see what people
               brainstorm with                           look like when
               the students to                           they were
               make a list of                            younger.
               answers to ensure
               students            What can we           What people          Hypothesising
               understanding.      learn from family     different families   Analysing
                                   photos?               are made up of.
                                                         How families are
                                                         all different.

                                   Why is it important   It is important to
                                   to keep               keep as they are
                                   memorabilia?          things given to
                                                         you from special
                                                         people and are

                                   What can we           We can learn
                                   learn from            what is special to
                                   memorabilia?          different people
                                                         and different
                THE IGASAR                                              ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE PURPOSE(S)
During the initiate stage students are presented with the       I plan on brainstorming what the students define a family as. I
question to be examined. They will be required to recite        will make a list of all answers the children come up with on
previously known information and will brainstorm with the       the whiteboard. I then endeavour to read The Big Book of
class as to what information is required for the enquiry        Families to help the students think of the family as a big
                                                                picture. We will then come back to the initial list made and
(Topic    3 notes).                                             add any further ideas to the list.
The gather information stage involves exploring an              During this stage the children will be asked to bring in a
assortment of resources to find details that are easily         family photo and a special treasured item from home. The
retrieved during activities that are used to tie together       students will be asked several questions to get them to
information. No supposition is made at this point   Topic 3     visually relate the photograph and memorabilia to their
                                                                family and begin to show them that these items illustrate
notes).                                                         times from their past. They will make posters to document the
                                                                answers to these questions.
The purpose of the analyse and organise stage is to group       I intend to have the students make a treasure box in which to
the previously collected data into familiar patterns so         put their family photo & memorabilia / treasures into to give
students can use practical, visual or concrete tools to make    to a special family member. This will help students
the information obvious to the whole class and usable in the    acknowledge that family and certain artefacts are special
next stage of discussion. Topic    3 notes).                    for many different reasons.

The synthesise and conclude stage is used to engage             The activities in this stage involve students inviting a special
students in a verbal discussion. To prompt and probe            family member to the classroom to be present for show and
students to provide answers to the question under               tell. Students will then show and tell their treasure chest to the
investigation. Once this discussion has provided the specific   class explaining their family photo and what items they have
information required to answer the question, students can       in their treasure chest. The students will also be required to
then demonstrate their understanding through written            complete a worksheet as part of their assessment answering
activities. Topic   3 notes).                                   the questions ‘My special family member is....... (write and
                                                                draw picture of person) and ‘My favourite memory with this
                                                                person is..... (write and draw picture doing your favourite
                                                                thing with this person)’. This is to show me their understanding
                                                                of the concepts so far.
                THE IGASAR                                                  ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE PURPOSE(S)
The apply stage engages students in tasks that will utilise their   For the duration of this stage I will present several different
recently acquired knowledge in a new or changed scenario.           posters from the ‘Teachers Family Poster Pack’. These colour
The questions teachers ask will direct students to apply this       posters give students a look at all kinds of families and
new knowledge.                                                      features families from a variety of ethnic backgrounds which
                                                                    will move the focus from their family onto different ethnicities.
                                                                    Students will be required to workout how the poster family
                                                                    differs to their own.
The reflection stage requires students to discuss what they
have learnt and how successful journey was. Teacher
Great Big Book of Family:

Berestain Bears:

HSIE Units of work – board of studies:

HSIE topic 6 unit notes. Figure 6.1. Questions students can use to get evidence from primary

Teachers poster pack:

HSIE Topic 2 notes – Classifying thinking processes.

Topic 4 Lecture notes. Slide 15
Assessment sheet for Synthesise and Conclude Stage:
HSIE Sequence Question: How do family members help each other meet their needs? Term: Week:
Context of task: After working part way through an inquiry sequence based on the question ' How do family members
help each other meet their needs? ' the students were given a sheet of paper to draw themselves helping out at home.
Students were then asked to complete a sentence underneath their drawing ' I help out at home …………….
English Outcomes
WS1.9 Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for
known readers
Indicator: * Writes a short text based on personal experiences
WS1.10 Produces texts using the basic grammatical features and punctuation conventions of the text type
Indicators: * Uses action verbs
* Uses most common punctuation marks, e.g. spaces between words, lower case and capital letters, full stops
WS1.11 Uses knowledge of sight words and letter-sound correspondences and a variety of strategies to spell familiar words
Indicators: * Spells by sounding
* Isolates and writes the initial, medial and final sound of words
* Spells some familiar words
* Draws on knowledge of common letter patterns and letter –sound correspondences when writing
WS1.12 Produces texts using letters of consistent size and slope in NSW Foundation Style and using computer technology
Indicators: * Forms most letters correctly
* Tries to write clearly in straight lines, from left to right, using letters of uniform size, shape, slope and spacing
HSIE Outcome
SSS1.8 Identifies roles and responsibilities within families, schools and the local community, and determines ways they should
interact with others.
Indicators * Describes their responsibilities as a family member
* Explains how roles and responsibilities of family members meet family needs
Teacher Comment:
This sheet would be attached to each student’s work sample collected in the Synthesise and Conclude Stage and indicators
ticked and /or commented on by teacher.
An overall comment would then be written to provide feedback regarding achievement. This information would then be
recorded on to separate assessment sheets
for this HSIE unit and English (example of HSIE Assessment Sheet on next page).

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Edss223 assignment 2

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. EARLY STAGE 1. CHANGE AND CONTINUITY OUTCOME: CCES1.1 Describes events or retells stories that demonstrate their own heritage and the heritage of others. INDICATORS: ♦ Identifies and refers to relatives and people in their family relevant to their life. ♦ Describes changes in their family both past and present. ♦ Presents a personally or family valued item relevant to their past to share with the class. ♦ Recalls events and situations involving themselves and others.
  • 4. CONTEXT OF SEQUENCE: This sequence of learning activities would fit into a unit on heritage that provides opportunities to explore family and artefacts that are important in the lives of students and their family both now and in the past. This sequence would be the first question to be investigated in this unit.
  • 5. SEQUENCE INTENT: This sequence will allow students to explore the structure of both their own and other family structures. Students will be able to compare and contrast their family with other students. Students will also have the opportunity to demonstrate and explore significant family items from their own and other students families.
  • 6. SPECIFIC OUTCOMES: Concepts: Lower Order: Family, siblings, parents, grandparents, photograph, special items. Higher Order: Origin, interaction, immediate, extended, past, Generalisations: Lower Order: Higher Order: ♦ Families are mum, dad, brother &/or sister. ♦ Families can consist of many different people. ♦ Children develop as they grow. ♦ Families can be immediate or extended. ♦ Memorabilia can be anything special to a family. ♦ Family members are significant and special. ♦ Memorabilia is a precious item received from a significant elder. ♦ Families change over time in both in stature, growing ♦ Photographs provide memories of special times for families. larger and / or smaller. ♦ Memorabilia is a special item from the past. Practical Skills: ♦ Constructing a poster to answer questions about their family photo and special artefact. ♦ Constructing a treasure box for the special items. ♦ Presenting the treasure box and family photo at show and tell. ♦ Listening to the Big Book of Families. Social Skills: ♦ Listening to other students present their treasure box. Values and Attitudes: Resources: ♦ Big Book – Great Big Book of Family ♦ The Berestain Bears See, Think & Do Activity Guide.
  • 7. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION SEQUENCE. LEARNING SETS. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. AND / OR ACTIVITIES. ASSESSMENT EVALUATION. Initiate. Brainstorm ‘What What do you think Mum, dad, me Retrieving. English. is a family?’ write a family is? brother &/or sister all ideas on living in our house. interactive whiteboard. Read Big Book: Looking at the Mum, dad, sister, Comprehend. Great Big Book of front cover of the brother, baby. Interpret. Families. big book, can you tell me who can be a member of a family? After reading the Yes. big book, has your idea of who can be a member of family changed? Add answers to Who else do you Aunties, uncles, original brainstorm think could make cousins, close activity on the up a family? friends, caregivers interactive and mentors. whiteboard with a new colour marker.
  • 8. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION AND SEQUENCE. LEARNING SETS. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. / OR ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES. EVALUATION. Gather Ask students to Who are the people Mum, dad, brother Observing. English. Information. bring in a family in the photo? & / or sister, Recognising. photo of a time grandmother, Recalling. when the family grandfather, aunt, Comparing. uncle, carer etc... was doing Where was the something special, photo taken? At the park, at and a special home, at Christmas, artefact that was birthday etc.. given to them by a special family When was the 5 years old. member from picture taken? when they were an infant or How has your family We are all older. I’m changed since the a big boy / girl, I toddler, photo was taken? now have a sister & / or brother, We Teacher to stick don’t live in that the copy of photo house anymore on an A3 size etc... page and write How have you the questions changed since the I have brown hair. I underneath the photo was taken? am taller, I can photo. smile. I can stand up. What activities and Teacher to read movements are you I can crawl, walk, out each question able to do now jump, run, count, in sequence and compared to in the talk, sing, play, write, child to write photo? draw etc.. simple answer next to question.
  • 9. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION AND SEQUENCE. LEARNING SETS. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. / OR ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES. EVALUATION. Gather Information Take a picture of Describing. English. Cont... the artefact and Naming. stick on same page as the family photo. Teacher to write questions underneath photo What is the A Broach, a music and read out each artefact? box, a doll, a shell, a question in book, a bracelet. sequence and child to write simple Where can it be answer next to found? question. How old is the artefact? What is / was it used for? What is it made from? Why is it special to you? (UNE topic 6 notes. Table 6.1)
  • 10. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SETS. SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION SEQUENCE. LEARNING ACTIVITIES. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. AND / OR ASSESSMENT EVALUATION. Analyse and Make a treasure box (Ask questions verbally Creating. English. Organise. out of old shoe or gift to students individually Organising. boxes for a special as you walk around the Explaining. family member. (See room). appendix 2) Who are you making Grandmother / In the treasure box the treasure box for? grandfather / carer / students can put their friend / neighbour. artefact and another two items from when they were an infant / Why is this person They look after me, toddler. (A note should special to you? they take me on be sent home with holidays, they play with students ensuring the me etc.. special items to be brought in are not What artefacts & / or A Broach, a music box, breakable or valuable). special items are you a doll, a shell, a book putting in your box? etc.
  • 11. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SETS. SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION SEQUENCE. LEARNING ACTIVITIES. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. AND / OR ASSESSMENT EVALUATION. Synthesise and Ask students to invite Who are the people There is mum, dad, Recognising. English. Conclude. the special person in your photo? grandmother & Explaining. they have made the grandfather/s, me, Summarising. treasure box for to sister / brother. Producing. come to the Carrying Out. classroom for show Where was the photo On holiday, at the and tell . taken? park, on a picnic, at a birthday etc.. Students then show and tell their treasure Why do you think it is It is good to take box contents and good to take photos photos of family for poster with family of your family? memories of fun days photo. Teacher to and to see how I ask questions shown grow. during show and tell. Who have you made I have made my Once finished the your treasure box for? treasure box for my student can present mum / dad / the treasure box to grandma / grandad the special family / carer / friend etc.. member if in attendance. What do you have in In my treasure box I your treasure box? have...... Complete worksheet for assessment. Why are the items They are special special to you? because......
  • 12. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SETS. SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION SEQUENCE. LEARNING ACTIVITIES. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. AND / OR ASSESSMENT EVALUATION. Synthesise and Complete worksheet Who is the special My special family Recognising. English. Conclude for assessment. person you have member is........... Explaining. cont... Worksheet should be made your treasure (write name of Summarising. completed once chest for? person and draw Producing. show and tell is picture of person). Carrying Out. finished. What is your favourite My favourite memory Collect memory with this with this person worksheets for person? is............. (write and assessment. draw picture doing your favourite thing with this person).
  • 13. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION SEQUENCE. LEARNING SETS. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. AND / OR ACTIVITIES. ASSESSMENT EVALUATION. Apply. Teacher Poster Who is in this Students state Evaluating English. Pack. These photo? what members of Organising colour posters the family are in Judging give students a the photo. look at all kinds of families and What do you think State what Interpreting features families they are doing? activity or from a variety of celebration they ethnic think the family is backgrounds. doing. Students move How is this family This family is Comparing into pairs and different to yours? different as it has Applying each pair are more / less given a poster of people. Student a family. Each points out which group answers the family members questions listed are added / then presents it to missing. the rest of the class.
  • 14. CONTRIBUTING QUESTION: What can we learn from family photos and memorabilia? CONTENT SAMPLE: Heritage, family structure and family artefacts. STAGE OF TEACHING / QUESTIONING SAMPLE STUDENT THINKING INTEGRATION SEQUENCE. LEARNING SETS. RESPONSES. PROCESSES. AND / OR ACTIVITIES. ASSESSMENT EVALUATION. Reflect. On interactive Why are family To have memories Evaluating English. whiteboard write photos important? for the future. To questions and see what people brainstorm with look like when the students to they were make a list of younger. answers to ensure students What can we What people Hypothesising understanding. learn from family different families Analysing photos? are made up of. How families are all different. Why is it important It is important to to keep keep as they are memorabilia? things given to you from special people and are special. What can we We can learn learn from what is special to memorabilia? different people and different families.
  • 15. THEORETICAL PURPOSE(S) FOR EACH STAGE OF PRACTICAL TEACHING AND LEARNING THE IGASAR ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE PURPOSE(S) During the initiate stage students are presented with the I plan on brainstorming what the students define a family as. I question to be examined. They will be required to recite will make a list of all answers the children come up with on previously known information and will brainstorm with the the whiteboard. I then endeavour to read The Big Book of class as to what information is required for the enquiry Families to help the students think of the family as a big picture. We will then come back to the initial list made and (Topic 3 notes). add any further ideas to the list. The gather information stage involves exploring an During this stage the children will be asked to bring in a assortment of resources to find details that are easily family photo and a special treasured item from home. The retrieved during activities that are used to tie together students will be asked several questions to get them to information. No supposition is made at this point Topic 3 visually relate the photograph and memorabilia to their family and begin to show them that these items illustrate notes). times from their past. They will make posters to document the answers to these questions. The purpose of the analyse and organise stage is to group I intend to have the students make a treasure box in which to the previously collected data into familiar patterns so put their family photo & memorabilia / treasures into to give students can use practical, visual or concrete tools to make to a special family member. This will help students the information obvious to the whole class and usable in the acknowledge that family and certain artefacts are special next stage of discussion. Topic 3 notes). for many different reasons. The synthesise and conclude stage is used to engage The activities in this stage involve students inviting a special students in a verbal discussion. To prompt and probe family member to the classroom to be present for show and students to provide answers to the question under tell. Students will then show and tell their treasure chest to the investigation. Once this discussion has provided the specific class explaining their family photo and what items they have information required to answer the question, students can in their treasure chest. The students will also be required to then demonstrate their understanding through written complete a worksheet as part of their assessment answering activities. Topic 3 notes). the questions ‘My special family member is....... (write and draw picture of person) and ‘My favourite memory with this person is..... (write and draw picture doing your favourite thing with this person)’. This is to show me their understanding of the concepts so far.
  • 16. THEORETICAL PURPOSE(S) FOR EACH STAGE OF PRACTICAL TEACHING AND LEARNING THE IGASAR ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE PURPOSE(S) The apply stage engages students in tasks that will utilise their For the duration of this stage I will present several different recently acquired knowledge in a new or changed scenario. posters from the ‘Teachers Family Poster Pack’. These colour The questions teachers ask will direct students to apply this posters give students a look at all kinds of families and new knowledge. features families from a variety of ethnic backgrounds which will move the focus from their family onto different ethnicities. Students will be required to workout how the poster family differs to their own. The reflection stage requires students to discuss what they have learnt and how successful journey was. Teacher questioning
  • 17. Great Big Book of Family: book+of+families&hl=en&ei=eeybTsn- BMqfmQXgwuHtAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA#v=onepa ge&q=the%20great%20big%20book%20of%20families&f=false Berestain Bears: HSIE Units of work – board of studies: HSIE topic 6 unit notes. Figure 6.1. Questions students can use to get evidence from primary sources. Teachers poster pack: HSIE Topic 2 notes – Classifying thinking processes. Topic 4 Lecture notes. Slide 15
  • 18. Assessment sheet for Synthesise and Conclude Stage: HSIE Sequence Question: How do family members help each other meet their needs? Term: Week: Context of task: After working part way through an inquiry sequence based on the question ' How do family members help each other meet their needs? ' the students were given a sheet of paper to draw themselves helping out at home. Students were then asked to complete a sentence underneath their drawing ' I help out at home ……………. English Outcomes WS1.9 Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers Indicator: * Writes a short text based on personal experiences WS1.10 Produces texts using the basic grammatical features and punctuation conventions of the text type Indicators: * Uses action verbs * Uses most common punctuation marks, e.g. spaces between words, lower case and capital letters, full stops WS1.11 Uses knowledge of sight words and letter-sound correspondences and a variety of strategies to spell familiar words Indicators: * Spells by sounding * Isolates and writes the initial, medial and final sound of words * Spells some familiar words * Draws on knowledge of common letter patterns and letter –sound correspondences when writing WS1.12 Produces texts using letters of consistent size and slope in NSW Foundation Style and using computer technology Indicators: * Forms most letters correctly * Tries to write clearly in straight lines, from left to right, using letters of uniform size, shape, slope and spacing HSIE Outcome SSS1.8 Identifies roles and responsibilities within families, schools and the local community, and determines ways they should interact with others. Indicators * Describes their responsibilities as a family member * Explains how roles and responsibilities of family members meet family needs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teacher Comment: This sheet would be attached to each student’s work sample collected in the Synthesise and Conclude Stage and indicators ticked and /or commented on by teacher. An overall comment would then be written to provide feedback regarding achievement. This information would then be recorded on to separate assessment sheets for this HSIE unit and English (example of HSIE Assessment Sheet on next page).