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Economic Impact Of Natural Disasters Essay
Disasters of both natural and technological origin have a considerable impact on communities. The effects of disasters in India are significantly reduced
by well established counter disaster arrangements at all three levels of government. These arrangements comprise comprehensive plans of prevention,
preparedness, response and recovery and in more recent times, of mitigation. The economic effects of disasters can be devastating and widespread.
When disasters strike houses, businesses and community infrastructure get damaged or destroyed and people's livelihoods are temporarily and
sometimes permanently disrupted. Physical damage is the most visible economic impact of disasters. Major more content...
It is also important to recognise that communities are diverse. In some cases, disaster–affected communities recover and prosper, in others the adverse
economic impact has a domino effect that spreads throughout the community. What makes some communities recover and prosper and others decline
in the aftermath of a disaster? What are key characteristics of disaster–resistant communities? These are important questions and are critical to
understanding the economic recovery process. The principles and strategies identified later in this report provide a starting point for considering
these questions. The economic consequences of disasters can be classified in a variety of ways. No single framework will cover and prescribe every
possible impact a disaster might have. Each disaster has unique characteristics and consequently in any attempt to classify these impacts there will
always be impacts that do not fit neatly within the classification. Nevertheless a classification framework is a useful guide or tool we can use to tackle
these issues.
Almost all impacts of disasters have an economic dimension, even if this economic effect cannot be measured. Economic impacts are typically
divided into two categories: tangible (those impacts we can assign a dollar value to) and intangible (impacts which are not easily expressed in
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How to Prepare for Natural Disasters
How to Prepare for Any Disaster
Topics in Contemporary Social Issues
We must have tools and plans in place to make it on our own in case of a disaster happening. Just like having a functioning smoke detector in your
house, having emergency supply kits will put tools that one may need at your feet. It is important to be prepared to use what you have on hand to
make it on your own for at least three days, maybe even longer. There are six basic items that one should ensure if any disaster were to occur. These
include: water, food, a first aid kit, clothing and bedding, tools and supplies, and special items. Any item that you may need when evacuating should be
deposited in an easy–to–carry container such as backpack or a more content...
Each family member should learn how to use a fire extinguisher and should know where they are kept. It is crucial to steer clear of items that will
burn including wood piles, lawn furniture, grills; move them outside or in an area away from your house.
Winter Storms
People are injured, even killed, in traffic accidents on icy roads or suffer from low body temperatures due to being cold for long periods of time;
that is why winter storms are another common natural calamity in the United States. To prepare for a winter storm; you should add the following to
your emergency kit: * Rock salt to melt ice on walkways * Sand to increase traction * Snow shovels and other equipment to eradicate snow * Heating
fuel such as dehydrated, seasoned wood for your fire–place and wood burning stoves * Clothing and bedding such as blankets You should also create a
family communications plan, listen to a weather radio or other local weather stations, and reduce travel, as well as bringing all pets inside during winter
storms. Tropical Storms, Tornadoes, and Thunderstorms Tropical storms, tornadoes and thunderstorms may cause a significant deal of damage as well
as creating dangerous weather conditions. Tropical storms bring harsh winds and severe flooding. Tornadoes can happen without warning; and
thunderstorms can create dangerous lightning, which is one of the main explanations of weather–related deaths in the United States, each year. Begin
preparing by building an
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Essay on The Effects of Natural Disasters
Our Earth has suffered a great deal from reoccurring natural disasters that have repeatedly put a strain on people's lives. A natural disaster is a sudden
event, an accident or a natural havoc, that causes great extents of damage or multiple deaths. Over these past years a numerous amount of these
disasters has been seen happening all around the world. Tragedies of towns getting torn apart were reported as well as the occurrence of many deaths,
disabilities and shelter damage. People have been losing relatives, friends, shelter and property. Even though these disasters cannot be stopped from
occurring, recognizing their danger and their effects is essential.
Natural disasters may occur in many different forms including but not limited more content...
The Indian Ocean tsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa and still arrived with sufficient force to kill people and destroy property.
earthquake that led to a tsunami resulted in at least 155,000 deaths, 500,000 injuries, and damages that exceeded 10 billion dollars. Estimation was
also made that approximately 5 million people lost their homes during this A final example of natural disasters would be Hurricane Pauline. Hurricane
Pauline is one of the most destructive and deadly Pacific hurricanes to make land in Mexico. On it's way up the Mexican coastline. The hurricane
killed roughly 250–400 people and left 300,000 people with no shelter. Other than all the lives and houses that were destroyed Hurricane Pauline
caused a massive amount of damage, exceeding $7.5 billion (USD 1997).
All in all natural disasters cannot be handled, delayed, or stopped. They happen according to natural reasons in our environment. Natural disasters are
very dangerous and life threatening. They occur in many different ways according to the cause of the disaster. One disaster might bring along the other
just like what happened to the earthquake in the Indian Ocean. It started a tsunami that caused even more damage. In India they didn't have indicators
of tsunami for the Indian Ocean, which could have saved a lot of peoples lives. Fearing the catastrophe may actually save your life,
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Natural Disasters : A Natural Disaster
Natural disasters have a colossal effect on the inhabitants that live on Earth. A natural disaster is a major event resulting from natural processes of the
Earth; for example: tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, and etc. That impact in an isolated area can causes the inhabitants of this planet to converge and
avail provide resources to avail the instauration process. That is just a minute effect that a natural disaster has on the inhabitants of Earth. There are
natural disasters that have warning signs afore the will occur. Then there are natural disasters that will occur with no caveat signs. Earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis are just three natural disasters that will strike will no caveat.
The obviation of natural disaster is infeasible since we genuinely don't ken when one might occur. Potential disasters can be 'managed ' to minimize
loss of life. Remote sensing like satellites are the most precise in monitoring potential natural disasters. Satellites offer precise, frequent and virtually
instantaneous data over immensely colossal areas anywhere in the world. When a disaster strikes, remote sensing is often the only way to view what is
transpiring on the ground (Lewis, 2009). Satellites are subsidiary in accumulating information, but there are two types of satellites that are being used
to amass the information.
Polar–orbiting satellites fly in a relatively low orbit often providing relatively high spatial resolution. But they only amass data over the same point
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How Natural Disasters Affect the Environment
How Natural Disasters Affect the Environment Author's name Author's institutional affiliation Author's note How Natural Disasters Affect the
Environment A natural hazard is a geophysical, atmospheric or hydrological event (e.g., earthquake, landslide, tsunami, windstorm, flood or drought)
that has the potential to cause harm or loss, while a natural disaster is the occurrence of an extreme hazardous event that impacts on communities
causing damage, disruption and casualties, and leaving the affected communities unable to function normally without outside assistance. ~Petrucci,
2012 Natural disasters inherently affect the environment because they examples of extreme weather and weather is an aspect of the environment. Yet,
the affects and effects of natural disasters are not limited to the conditions that precipitate the weather or the extreme weather conditions themselves.
The environment often undergoes a lengthy transition back to normalcy and balance following a natural disaster. The paper explores the diversity of
the consequences to the environment after the occurrence of a natural disaster. One of the most common side effects in the aftermath of a natural
disaster is air pollution and/or contamination. There are a great variety of natural disasters. Meaning, natural disasters can take many forms. A common
characteristic of natural disasters is wind. Wind accompanies natural disasters such as great fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and more. Wind as
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Recovering From a Natural Disaster Essay
Natural Disasters can occur anywhere at anytime. Some are more predictable than others, but they all bring hardship to everyone's life. Examples of
natural disasters are Earthquakes (Haiti 2010), Tornadoes, Tsunami, Hurricanes, Wild Fires, Winter Storms, Heat waves, Mudslides and Floods.
Regardless of what kind of disaster occurs, bottom line, everyone needs to be prepared mentally and physically to deal with the aftermath. Education
is the first step to prepare you to deal with any major disaster. Three of the major disasters that can potentially disrupt normal day to day operations in
our lives, are Hurricanes, Tsunamis and Tornadoes.
A Hurricane is a tropical storm with winds more than 74 miles per hour (mph). Hurricane wind more content...
The first thing to do is to make plans to secure your property. Once evacuation is necessary, local officials will provide information to the public. If
evacuation is required, know your emergency evacuation routes. It is suggested to always keep a full tank of gas in your vehicle since most gas
stations may be closed during emergencies. Have a battery–powered radio and follow local evacuation instructions. Use the phone only for serious
emergencies. If you are unable to abandon your area, go to a safe room. Stay indoors away from windows and glass doors. One of the most
important things to know about a hurricane is that they are recognized by a calm period called the eye of the storm and winds will pick up again
with more force. Take refuge in a small interior room on the lowest level and lie flat under a sturdy object.
Another major disaster is the Tsunami. Tsunamis are seismic sea waves created by a disturbance under the water such as an earthquake. It can move
hundreds of miles per hour and smash into land with waves as high as 100 feet. There may be more than one wave and the following one may be
larger than the one before. A Tsunami Warning means a tsunami was or may have been generated and is strongly advised to evacuate. A noticeable
depression in water away from the shore is nature's tsunami warning. A Watch means a tsunami was generated with at least two hours travel time to the
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Natural And Man Made Disasters
This paper will discuss the differences between two different natural and man–made disasters. The disasters that will be discussed are Hurricane Katrina
and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Additionally, this paper will look into the specifics of what constitutes a natural and man–made disaster.
Specifically, this paper will look into each disaster to include the events surrounding them; the risks; and the assessments. Furthermore, this paper will
look at some of the details of each disaster and why there was so much devastation. Finally, this paper will look at a few similarities, but mainly the
differences between the two, and how the effects of each still linger today.
Natural Disaster
Natural disasters are anything from floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, or anything else nature could develop that causes
massive amounts of damage, or cause a large losses of life. Such events are not anything caused because of human beings, but only by the actions of
atmospheric conditions, or due to the changes of continental drifts that these disasters occur. Technology has come a long way since the early days
before the industrial revolution where predictions can be made and warnings can be issued. This helps reduce the amount of possible loss of lives that
would occur in 21st century. However, that is not what happened duringHurricane Katrina, a category 5 Hurricane.
Hurricane Katrina
The risks. First and foremost, forecasters where confused
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Natural Disaster Essay
Natural disasters can materialize in the biosphere because cataclysms can extremely devastate individuals survive and atmospheric. There are diverse
categories of natural disasters: Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods, Wildfires, Earthquakes, and Drought. Flood transpires when a river eruptions and the
water stumbles obtainable into the property despite the fact that Tsunamis can triggered by underwater volcanic eruptions. Earthquake attainment when
the movements of the plates in the earth's crust source them to build–up of compression and unconstrained an earthquake. Earthquake underneath the
sea can foundation tsunami because the quake sources unlimited waves by aggressive enormous capacities of water to the external. The situation
remains the fuel for the hurricanes because fuel releases the latent heat of condensation when it condenses to form clouds and rain. Natural disasters
possibly will transpire when no matter which the situation tactically for the reason that mediocrity distinguish what time tragedy might transpire in the
property or sea. There are dissimilar natural sources that central to natural disasters; nevertheless, people remained attentive of materializes qualifies
humanities to formulate when disaster attains.
A Flood is an enormous form of water develops destructive and obstructs the living organisms. Flood might be the consequence of heavy rain or rivers
that consume overflown their groups. Heavy floods can be treacherous and catastrophic, although people and animals can be a ground or obscure for
extensive periods. Flood sources the loss of subsists and infrastructure since societies contract fewer agriculture for inhabitants and exportation. Flood
can consequence in motionless water; on the other hand, inundation consents breeding of waterborne bacteria and malaria–carrying mosquitoes to
emanate. Emergency relief from international aid organizations resolve assistance fatalities; nevertheless, death tolls resolve intensification
subsequently the endangerment remained dispensation. Publics may perhaps mislay businesses to the economy because their leftward homeless and
jobless subsequently the flood. Volcanoes cause individuals and faunas to authorization the region because their
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Natural Disasters and Health Care Essay
Impact of Natural Disasters on Health Care Submitted by – Dalton Divakaran MS Health Care Management University of Texas at Dallas Index
Introduction Types of Disasters Effects of Disaster on Economy Effect of Disaster on Health Care Organization * Sudden Influx * Damage to Facilities
* Inadequately Prepared * Specialty Treatment Availability Effects on the Population * Immediate Health Impact * Long
–Term Impacts Steps in
Disaster Management * Mitigation * Preparedness * Response * Recovery Real Incident Study * Background: * Immediate Response Considerations:
* Evacuation: * Special Immediate Concerns: * Recovery Process: * more content...
This throws the health care's schedule out of the ordinary routine. The facility may not be completely prepared for what comes next. Emergency
preparedness plans improve the chances that the organization will be able to respond effectively in the event of a natural disaster, whatever said and
done it is never a guarantee that when and what magnitude a calamity occurs. Specialty Treatment Availability * Some disasters are not common like
the storms, earthquakes and tsunamis. Epidemic outbreaks of infectious disease are something which needs utmost care to stop them from spreading to
the others. It is not just to take care of emergency relief but also to quickly and efficiently protect the rest of the population. It is more challenging when
there is no existing vaccine or known treatment. At this instance the role of health care organizations becomes even more important. These
organizations must work to treat the patients and protect themselves while labs attempt to figure out a way to stop the infection from spreading. Effects
on the Population A population's vulnerability to all types of disasters depends on demographic growth, settlement in unsafe areas, environmental
degradation, the pace of urbanization, unplanned development and climate change. Poverty thrives due to lack of access to healthy and safe
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Natural disasters are a devastating, but undeniably inevitable part of life and society. Because of this fact, many of us tend to believe that they happen
as an act of nature, purely out of the human control. We need to start realizing that this is far from the truth and it this attitude that is stopping us from
learning from our mistakes. The contemporary world inaccurately labels various disasters as 'natural' when in fact, when looked at more closely; there
is an enormous correlation between 'nature' and 'society'. There are many flaws in the human preparation for natural disasters that have equated in
death and injury where it could have been minimized. Although the occurrence of a disaster can happen at any time, it is vital that more
This shows that if the earthquake was the only disaster that Japan had to deal with, they would have been able to cope with it far more successfully and
the tsunami was the reason for the country's failure (Zare & Afrouz, 2012).
They were left in a situation where they were facing several difficulties: The application of a response, the management of a large number of residents
that had been displaced by the disaster, and lack of experience in the management of medical resources for displaced populations. In addition to this,
the people of Tohoku were only notified of the event one minute before the occurrance, leaving residents in a state of shock and unpreparedness (Norio,
However, despite the devastating elements that the Japanese people were exposed to, they still managed to remain somewhat calm and dealt with the
situation at hand with discipline. The public had confidence in officials that were part of relief teams and lined up in a civilized manner for food and
drink, as opposed to demonstrating chaotic behavior, which would be very common in similar situations, especially in rural or developing countries.
This would be a prime example of successfully educating the public on crisis behavior, especially in regions that are prone to disaster.
The 2004 Tsunami, or otherwise known
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Climate Change And Natural Disaster
Climate change has been a very popular topic lately with all the crazy natural acts of destruction occurring lately. Hurricane Harvey, Irma and now
Hurricane Nate. Most experts argue that the recent occurrence of tropical storms has to do with the tremendous amount of global warming within the
atmosphere. I for one agree that there is a correlation between climate change and natural disasters. The outcomes of an increase in global temperatures
include increased risk of drought and increased intensity of storms and tropical cyclones with higher wind speeds.
Three unique articles were analyzed and assessed for potential information that would be beneficial to include in this report. First off, let's tackle the
main vocabularies in these sources. They all seemed to agree with this working definition of climate change. According to NASA, "a change in global
or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels." Let us also discuss another staple vocabulary term that will be utilized in this
research document, "natural disaster." Natural disaster can be defined as a, "a natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great
damage or loss of life." Or, according to Merriam–Webster dictionary, "a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples
include floods, hurricanes,
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Essay On Man Made And Natural Disaster
Man–made and natural disasters are incidents that occur within our society. Research has indicated these incidents have become more common
internationally over the past several decades (Pan–American Health Organization, 2004). As a result, it is integral domestically to plan for, work to
prevent, and respond to incidents within our borders. These incidents have been shown to be increasing in commonality due to increased levels and
technology associated with transportation, higher concentrations of humans in smaller areas, growth of chemical industries that increase availability of
explosive and/or toxic agents, and increased terrorist activity and armed conflicts (Pan–American Health Organization, 2004). In response to these
increasing risks of man–made and natural disasters occurring within our borders, it is integral for our society to utilize an emergency management
system in order to prepare for, mitigate, and respond to these incidents. The Incident Command System (ICS), which allows for coordination on every
governmental level and among a multitude of agencies, facilitates efficient communication between entities, and ensures a continuity of command
through a highly organized chain of command (Phoenix Police Department). ICS is currently the main and most efficient and effective system
throughout governmental and non–governmental agencies and entities within our borders. In response to the terror attacks at the turn of the century and
continuing threat of terror
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The Untold : Story Of Natural Disasters
Osjara' Duncan
English 4
Mrs. Humphrey
14 November, 2016 The Untold: Story of Natural Disasters Natural Disaster can occur at any place and any giving time without much of a warning.
With a Natural Disaster taking place the best way to be ready for a Natural Disaster is to know about them and how they occur. In "Natural Disaster
Facts" it says, "A natural disaster is the consequence of the combination of a natural hazard (physical event like a volcanic eruption, typhoon, tropical
cyclone, tornadoes and earthquakes, a landslide or a tsunami) and human activities". Many of these Natural Disasters cannot be predicted but
knowing the environment can help us with whatever Mother Nature throws our way. A Natural Disaster can happen any time and place it's just the
fact of knowing what Natural Disaster occurs in certain area. In "Earth Facts and Information" it says," The Definition of natural disasters is any
catastrophic event that caused by nature or the natural process of the earth". With that being said Hurricanes, Flash Floods, Earthquakes, and
Tornadoes are all considered as Natural Disasters. In "11 Facts about Disasters" it says, "In 2012 there were 905 natural catastrophes worldwide severe
storms, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, and hailstorm". Natural Disasters just don't take an effect on the world it also takes effect on the
people who have to live with the aftermath of a Natural Disaster. "Between 2000 and 2012, natural
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Even though it is currently possible to predict most natural disasters and minimize their consequences, major social impacts still have been seen over
recent decades. In this essay, a natural disaster is defined as a naturally occurring event that exerts adverse effects onto human society, including those
caused by geological factors and infectious organisms. It may result in a wide range of aftermaths, however, only the most prominent ones of these will
be examined including casualties caused by a disaster, public health crises and economic depression.
Firstly, the most direct and immediate impact of a natural disaster on a society is the loss of human life. In certain types of natural disasters large
number of casualties may more content...
Besides geological causes, a global pandemic could also be devastating as the 1918 Spanish influenza killed 50 million globally with most of its victim
being young adults (Taubenberger, Reid, Lourens, Wang, Jin &Fanning, 2005, 889).
Additionally, the number of death is often linked to the countries' own situations. Higher death toll is associated with certain geographical location,
less democratic political system, economic social disparity and weaker public institutions (Kahn, 2005, 271). Kahn has also observed slight
correlation between natural disaster death and lower average income however this is considered to be minor. It should be noticed that a correlation
does not imply causation (Kahn, 2005, 271). Therefore, wether improvement in one of those areas would effectively reduce the loss of human life in
natural disasters should be carefully examined. In other words, it is possible that economical social disparity is a result of less powerful government
and does not alone result in higher susceptibility of disaster death.
Secondly, besides devastating pandemic such as the 1918 Spanish Flu showed in the paragraph above, health issues could also exist as a secondary
event predisposed by a major natural catastrophe of other types. According to Waring and Brown, a wide range ofinfectious disease with rapid onset
and disappointing mortality are relevant in a significant natural disaster, including
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Natural Disasters : A Short Story
Natural disasters have never been an issue for me in the twenty years I have been living in Florida. There have always been the threats of dangerous
hurricanes living near the coast, but I never took them seriously. I always thought " they're just little storms, what's the worst that could happen?". I
was so naive to think that way.
The warnings for Hurricane Jack did not start to get serious until September 5. At that time, the local news was suggesting gathering supplies and
hunker down. Every grocery store and gas station was crowded beyond belief. I ran into my neighbor in the bare water aisle.
"Can you believe how empty this aisle is?" she frantically asked " Do you think they will get more in time for the storm?"
"Sheila relax," I coaxed "the storm is not going to be as bad as they say, it never is."
"You never know, it's better to be safe rather than sorry."
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
When I got home later that night, the news was now claiming my neighborhood as an evacuation zone. I didn't believe it. "It'll be fine," I thought
"nothing bad will happen here." Apparently, I was the only one that believed that because every person in my development was gone. The storm was
scheduled to arrive that next morning and I would be facing it alone. I came to the realization that I was the only person in my county with a
functioning brain. Everyone was wasting their time and energy preparing for nothing.
The next morning was eerily silent. No cars, no
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Essay about Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters
This being my senior project I wanted to look at a topic that I found interesting. Even though I find most topics in the fields interesting, none catch my
attention better than natural disasters. I have always found disasters intriguing and have wanted to know more about them. The disaster that I found
most interesting were Hurricanes. The thought of those storms with their power gives me the chills. Ever since I was in the middle of Hurricane Bob
when I was vacationing with my family off the coast of Virginia and we were asked by the state police to evacuate our house, I wanted to learn more
about hurricanes.
Since that I have been able to take classes that enabled me to learn more about hurricanes. That is why I more content...
The main reason that I have decided to research this part of the world and not look at the rest of the world is I live in this part of the United States and
have been part of one of these storms. Also the data was much easier to research. Most people think of the Atlantic when they think of hurricanes.
The first priority is to find out what exactly a hurricane is. A hurricane comes from the West Indian word hurricane, meaning "bigwind"
Orleans, weather). A hurricane forms in the tropics around warm water. It starts as a disorganized storm in the ocean. When it starts to become more
organized, it will be put into the first of three classifications. The classification is tropical depression. The National Hurricane Center will get a letter
to help classify the storm. When the winds of the storm reach 40mph it will go into the second classification, tropical depression. The service will give
it a name at this point. The name is pre–determined based on a list that recycles every six years. The list of names for the next few years are on figure
one. A name will only not appear on the list if it is retired. Finally, if the storm's wind reach
70mph, it would be classified as a hurricane. The "eye" of the hurricane is the center of the storm. This area of the storm is calm with no
clouds. Around the eye the storm goes
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Climate Change And Natural Disasters
Climate Change's Effect on Natural Disasters Introduction Climate Change has evidently had a huge impact on recent natural disasters around the
world. The most noteable events in recent times has been the hurricanes that hit the United States and Puerto Rico in quick succession in 2017. These
great tropical cyclones were hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria. But this is not the only year that was violently struck. In the year 2005, there
were six major hurricanes. Katrina. Dennis, Cindy, Ophelia, Rita and Wilma. all caused chaos within the United States. All these consecutive
hurricanes in such a short amount of time shows how much climate change has had an effect on national disasters, eventually through these major
hurricanes. What is Climate Change? Before explaining how climate change rapidly affects natural disasters, we must first identify what exactly
climate change is. According to the Earth's history, the climate has changed many times throughout. Over the last 650,000 years there has been a total
of seven different cycles of incredible freezing and eventual melting, the last occurring about about 7,000 years ago. The end of the last ice age marked
the beginning of not only the human civilization, but the modern climate era as well. The reason the current climate trend we are in is so alarming is
due to the fact that it is extremely likely that the warming is caused by human activity. According to, satellites orbiting the Earth along
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Economic Impact Of Natural Disasters Essay

  • 1. Economic Impact Of Natural Disasters Essay ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF NATURAL DISASTERS ABSTRACT: Disasters of both natural and technological origin have a considerable impact on communities. The effects of disasters in India are significantly reduced by well established counter disaster arrangements at all three levels of government. These arrangements comprise comprehensive plans of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery and in more recent times, of mitigation. The economic effects of disasters can be devastating and widespread. When disasters strike houses, businesses and community infrastructure get damaged or destroyed and people's livelihoods are temporarily and sometimes permanently disrupted. Physical damage is the most visible economic impact of disasters. Major more content... It is also important to recognise that communities are diverse. In some cases, disaster–affected communities recover and prosper, in others the adverse economic impact has a domino effect that spreads throughout the community. What makes some communities recover and prosper and others decline in the aftermath of a disaster? What are key characteristics of disaster–resistant communities? These are important questions and are critical to understanding the economic recovery process. The principles and strategies identified later in this report provide a starting point for considering these questions. The economic consequences of disasters can be classified in a variety of ways. No single framework will cover and prescribe every possible impact a disaster might have. Each disaster has unique characteristics and consequently in any attempt to classify these impacts there will always be impacts that do not fit neatly within the classification. Nevertheless a classification framework is a useful guide or tool we can use to tackle these issues. Almost all impacts of disasters have an economic dimension, even if this economic effect cannot be measured. Economic impacts are typically divided into two categories: tangible (those impacts we can assign a dollar value to) and intangible (impacts which are not easily expressed in Get more content on
  • 2. How to Prepare for Natural Disasters How to Prepare for Any Disaster 6/10/2013 Topics in Contemporary Social Issues We must have tools and plans in place to make it on our own in case of a disaster happening. Just like having a functioning smoke detector in your house, having emergency supply kits will put tools that one may need at your feet. It is important to be prepared to use what you have on hand to make it on your own for at least three days, maybe even longer. There are six basic items that one should ensure if any disaster were to occur. These include: water, food, a first aid kit, clothing and bedding, tools and supplies, and special items. Any item that you may need when evacuating should be deposited in an easy–to–carry container such as backpack or a more content... Each family member should learn how to use a fire extinguisher and should know where they are kept. It is crucial to steer clear of items that will burn including wood piles, lawn furniture, grills; move them outside or in an area away from your house. Winter Storms People are injured, even killed, in traffic accidents on icy roads or suffer from low body temperatures due to being cold for long periods of time; that is why winter storms are another common natural calamity in the United States. To prepare for a winter storm; you should add the following to your emergency kit: * Rock salt to melt ice on walkways * Sand to increase traction * Snow shovels and other equipment to eradicate snow * Heating fuel such as dehydrated, seasoned wood for your fire–place and wood burning stoves * Clothing and bedding such as blankets You should also create a family communications plan, listen to a weather radio or other local weather stations, and reduce travel, as well as bringing all pets inside during winter storms. Tropical Storms, Tornadoes, and Thunderstorms Tropical storms, tornadoes and thunderstorms may cause a significant deal of damage as well as creating dangerous weather conditions. Tropical storms bring harsh winds and severe flooding. Tornadoes can happen without warning; and thunderstorms can create dangerous lightning, which is one of the main explanations of weather–related deaths in the United States, each year. Begin preparing by building an Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on The Effects of Natural Disasters Our Earth has suffered a great deal from reoccurring natural disasters that have repeatedly put a strain on people's lives. A natural disaster is a sudden event, an accident or a natural havoc, that causes great extents of damage or multiple deaths. Over these past years a numerous amount of these disasters has been seen happening all around the world. Tragedies of towns getting torn apart were reported as well as the occurrence of many deaths, disabilities and shelter damage. People have been losing relatives, friends, shelter and property. Even though these disasters cannot be stopped from occurring, recognizing their danger and their effects is essential. Natural disasters may occur in many different forms including but not limited more content... The Indian Ocean tsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa and still arrived with sufficient force to kill people and destroy property.
 The earthquake that led to a tsunami resulted in at least 155,000 deaths, 500,000 injuries, and damages that exceeded 10 billion dollars. Estimation was also made that approximately 5 million people lost their homes during this A final example of natural disasters would be Hurricane Pauline. Hurricane Pauline is one of the most destructive and deadly Pacific hurricanes to make land in Mexico. On it's way up the Mexican coastline. The hurricane killed roughly 250–400 people and left 300,000 people with no shelter. Other than all the lives and houses that were destroyed Hurricane Pauline caused a massive amount of damage, exceeding $7.5 billion (USD 1997). All in all natural disasters cannot be handled, delayed, or stopped. They happen according to natural reasons in our environment. Natural disasters are very dangerous and life threatening. They occur in many different ways according to the cause of the disaster. One disaster might bring along the other just like what happened to the earthquake in the Indian Ocean. It started a tsunami that caused even more damage. In India they didn't have indicators of tsunami for the Indian Ocean, which could have saved a lot of peoples lives. Fearing the catastrophe may actually save your life, Get more content on
  • 4. Natural Disasters : A Natural Disaster Natural disasters have a colossal effect on the inhabitants that live on Earth. A natural disaster is a major event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; for example: tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, and etc. That impact in an isolated area can causes the inhabitants of this planet to converge and avail provide resources to avail the instauration process. That is just a minute effect that a natural disaster has on the inhabitants of Earth. There are natural disasters that have warning signs afore the will occur. Then there are natural disasters that will occur with no caveat signs. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis are just three natural disasters that will strike will no caveat. The obviation of natural disaster is infeasible since we genuinely don't ken when one might occur. Potential disasters can be 'managed ' to minimize loss of life. Remote sensing like satellites are the most precise in monitoring potential natural disasters. Satellites offer precise, frequent and virtually instantaneous data over immensely colossal areas anywhere in the world. When a disaster strikes, remote sensing is often the only way to view what is transpiring on the ground (Lewis, 2009). Satellites are subsidiary in accumulating information, but there are two types of satellites that are being used to amass the information. Polar–orbiting satellites fly in a relatively low orbit often providing relatively high spatial resolution. But they only amass data over the same point Get more content on
  • 5. How Natural Disasters Affect the Environment How Natural Disasters Affect the Environment Author's name Author's institutional affiliation Author's note How Natural Disasters Affect the Environment A natural hazard is a geophysical, atmospheric or hydrological event (e.g., earthquake, landslide, tsunami, windstorm, flood or drought) that has the potential to cause harm or loss, while a natural disaster is the occurrence of an extreme hazardous event that impacts on communities causing damage, disruption and casualties, and leaving the affected communities unable to function normally without outside assistance. ~Petrucci, 2012 Natural disasters inherently affect the environment because they examples of extreme weather and weather is an aspect of the environment. Yet, the affects and effects of natural disasters are not limited to the conditions that precipitate the weather or the extreme weather conditions themselves. The environment often undergoes a lengthy transition back to normalcy and balance following a natural disaster. The paper explores the diversity of the consequences to the environment after the occurrence of a natural disaster. One of the most common side effects in the aftermath of a natural disaster is air pollution and/or contamination. There are a great variety of natural disasters. Meaning, natural disasters can take many forms. A common characteristic of natural disasters is wind. Wind accompanies natural disasters such as great fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and more. Wind as part Get more content on
  • 6. Recovering From a Natural Disaster Essay Natural Disasters can occur anywhere at anytime. Some are more predictable than others, but they all bring hardship to everyone's life. Examples of natural disasters are Earthquakes (Haiti 2010), Tornadoes, Tsunami, Hurricanes, Wild Fires, Winter Storms, Heat waves, Mudslides and Floods. Regardless of what kind of disaster occurs, bottom line, everyone needs to be prepared mentally and physically to deal with the aftermath. Education is the first step to prepare you to deal with any major disaster. Three of the major disasters that can potentially disrupt normal day to day operations in our lives, are Hurricanes, Tsunamis and Tornadoes. A Hurricane is a tropical storm with winds more than 74 miles per hour (mph). Hurricane wind more content... The first thing to do is to make plans to secure your property. Once evacuation is necessary, local officials will provide information to the public. If evacuation is required, know your emergency evacuation routes. It is suggested to always keep a full tank of gas in your vehicle since most gas stations may be closed during emergencies. Have a battery–powered radio and follow local evacuation instructions. Use the phone only for serious emergencies. If you are unable to abandon your area, go to a safe room. Stay indoors away from windows and glass doors. One of the most important things to know about a hurricane is that they are recognized by a calm period called the eye of the storm and winds will pick up again with more force. Take refuge in a small interior room on the lowest level and lie flat under a sturdy object. Another major disaster is the Tsunami. Tsunamis are seismic sea waves created by a disturbance under the water such as an earthquake. It can move hundreds of miles per hour and smash into land with waves as high as 100 feet. There may be more than one wave and the following one may be larger than the one before. A Tsunami Warning means a tsunami was or may have been generated and is strongly advised to evacuate. A noticeable depression in water away from the shore is nature's tsunami warning. A Watch means a tsunami was generated with at least two hours travel time to the Get more content on
  • 7. Natural And Man Made Disasters This paper will discuss the differences between two different natural and man–made disasters. The disasters that will be discussed are Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Additionally, this paper will look into the specifics of what constitutes a natural and man–made disaster. Specifically, this paper will look into each disaster to include the events surrounding them; the risks; and the assessments. Furthermore, this paper will look at some of the details of each disaster and why there was so much devastation. Finally, this paper will look at a few similarities, but mainly the differences between the two, and how the effects of each still linger today. Natural Disaster Natural disasters are anything from floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, or anything else nature could develop that causes massive amounts of damage, or cause a large losses of life. Such events are not anything caused because of human beings, but only by the actions of atmospheric conditions, or due to the changes of continental drifts that these disasters occur. Technology has come a long way since the early days before the industrial revolution where predictions can be made and warnings can be issued. This helps reduce the amount of possible loss of lives that would occur in 21st century. However, that is not what happened duringHurricane Katrina, a category 5 Hurricane. Hurricane Katrina The risks. First and foremost, forecasters where confused Get more content on
  • 8. Natural Disaster Essay Natural disasters can materialize in the biosphere because cataclysms can extremely devastate individuals survive and atmospheric. There are diverse categories of natural disasters: Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Floods, Wildfires, Earthquakes, and Drought. Flood transpires when a river eruptions and the water stumbles obtainable into the property despite the fact that Tsunamis can triggered by underwater volcanic eruptions. Earthquake attainment when the movements of the plates in the earth's crust source them to build–up of compression and unconstrained an earthquake. Earthquake underneath the sea can foundation tsunami because the quake sources unlimited waves by aggressive enormous capacities of water to the external. The situation remains the fuel for the hurricanes because fuel releases the latent heat of condensation when it condenses to form clouds and rain. Natural disasters possibly will transpire when no matter which the situation tactically for the reason that mediocrity distinguish what time tragedy might transpire in the property or sea. There are dissimilar natural sources that central to natural disasters; nevertheless, people remained attentive of materializes qualifies humanities to formulate when disaster attains. A Flood is an enormous form of water develops destructive and obstructs the living organisms. Flood might be the consequence of heavy rain or rivers that consume overflown their groups. Heavy floods can be treacherous and catastrophic, although people and animals can be a ground or obscure for extensive periods. Flood sources the loss of subsists and infrastructure since societies contract fewer agriculture for inhabitants and exportation. Flood can consequence in motionless water; on the other hand, inundation consents breeding of waterborne bacteria and malaria–carrying mosquitoes to emanate. Emergency relief from international aid organizations resolve assistance fatalities; nevertheless, death tolls resolve intensification subsequently the endangerment remained dispensation. Publics may perhaps mislay businesses to the economy because their leftward homeless and jobless subsequently the flood. Volcanoes cause individuals and faunas to authorization the region because their Get more content on
  • 9. Natural Disasters and Health Care Essay Impact of Natural Disasters on Health Care Submitted by – Dalton Divakaran MS Health Care Management University of Texas at Dallas Index Introduction Types of Disasters Effects of Disaster on Economy Effect of Disaster on Health Care Organization * Sudden Influx * Damage to Facilities * Inadequately Prepared * Specialty Treatment Availability Effects on the Population * Immediate Health Impact * Long –Term Impacts Steps in Disaster Management * Mitigation * Preparedness * Response * Recovery Real Incident Study * Background: * Immediate Response Considerations: * Evacuation: * Special Immediate Concerns: * Recovery Process: * more content... This throws the health care's schedule out of the ordinary routine. The facility may not be completely prepared for what comes next. Emergency preparedness plans improve the chances that the organization will be able to respond effectively in the event of a natural disaster, whatever said and done it is never a guarantee that when and what magnitude a calamity occurs. Specialty Treatment Availability * Some disasters are not common like the storms, earthquakes and tsunamis. Epidemic outbreaks of infectious disease are something which needs utmost care to stop them from spreading to the others. It is not just to take care of emergency relief but also to quickly and efficiently protect the rest of the population. It is more challenging when there is no existing vaccine or known treatment. At this instance the role of health care organizations becomes even more important. These organizations must work to treat the patients and protect themselves while labs attempt to figure out a way to stop the infection from spreading. Effects on the Population A population's vulnerability to all types of disasters depends on demographic growth, settlement in unsafe areas, environmental degradation, the pace of urbanization, unplanned development and climate change. Poverty thrives due to lack of access to healthy and safe Get more content on
  • 10. Natural disasters are a devastating, but undeniably inevitable part of life and society. Because of this fact, many of us tend to believe that they happen as an act of nature, purely out of the human control. We need to start realizing that this is far from the truth and it this attitude that is stopping us from learning from our mistakes. The contemporary world inaccurately labels various disasters as 'natural' when in fact, when looked at more closely; there is an enormous correlation between 'nature' and 'society'. There are many flaws in the human preparation for natural disasters that have equated in death and injury where it could have been minimized. Although the occurrence of a disaster can happen at any time, it is vital that more content... This shows that if the earthquake was the only disaster that Japan had to deal with, they would have been able to cope with it far more successfully and the tsunami was the reason for the country's failure (Zare & Afrouz, 2012). They were left in a situation where they were facing several difficulties: The application of a response, the management of a large number of residents that had been displaced by the disaster, and lack of experience in the management of medical resources for displaced populations. In addition to this, the people of Tohoku were only notified of the event one minute before the occurrance, leaving residents in a state of shock and unpreparedness (Norio, 2011). However, despite the devastating elements that the Japanese people were exposed to, they still managed to remain somewhat calm and dealt with the situation at hand with discipline. The public had confidence in officials that were part of relief teams and lined up in a civilized manner for food and drink, as opposed to demonstrating chaotic behavior, which would be very common in similar situations, especially in rural or developing countries. This would be a prime example of successfully educating the public on crisis behavior, especially in regions that are prone to disaster. The 2004 Tsunami, or otherwise known Get more content on
  • 11. Climate Change And Natural Disaster Climate change has been a very popular topic lately with all the crazy natural acts of destruction occurring lately. Hurricane Harvey, Irma and now Hurricane Nate. Most experts argue that the recent occurrence of tropical storms has to do with the tremendous amount of global warming within the atmosphere. I for one agree that there is a correlation between climate change and natural disasters. The outcomes of an increase in global temperatures include increased risk of drought and increased intensity of storms and tropical cyclones with higher wind speeds. Three unique articles were analyzed and assessed for potential information that would be beneficial to include in this report. First off, let's tackle the main vocabularies in these sources. They all seemed to agree with this working definition of climate change. According to NASA, "a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels." Let us also discuss another staple vocabulary term that will be utilized in this research document, "natural disaster." Natural disaster can be defined as a, "a natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life." Or, according to Merriam–Webster dictionary, "a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Man Made And Natural Disaster Man–made and natural disasters are incidents that occur within our society. Research has indicated these incidents have become more common internationally over the past several decades (Pan–American Health Organization, 2004). As a result, it is integral domestically to plan for, work to prevent, and respond to incidents within our borders. These incidents have been shown to be increasing in commonality due to increased levels and technology associated with transportation, higher concentrations of humans in smaller areas, growth of chemical industries that increase availability of explosive and/or toxic agents, and increased terrorist activity and armed conflicts (Pan–American Health Organization, 2004). In response to these increasing risks of man–made and natural disasters occurring within our borders, it is integral for our society to utilize an emergency management system in order to prepare for, mitigate, and respond to these incidents. The Incident Command System (ICS), which allows for coordination on every governmental level and among a multitude of agencies, facilitates efficient communication between entities, and ensures a continuity of command through a highly organized chain of command (Phoenix Police Department). ICS is currently the main and most efficient and effective system throughout governmental and non–governmental agencies and entities within our borders. In response to the terror attacks at the turn of the century and continuing threat of terror Get more content on
  • 13. The Untold : Story Of Natural Disasters Osjara' Duncan English 4 Mrs. Humphrey 14 November, 2016 The Untold: Story of Natural Disasters Natural Disaster can occur at any place and any giving time without much of a warning. With a Natural Disaster taking place the best way to be ready for a Natural Disaster is to know about them and how they occur. In "Natural Disaster Facts" it says, "A natural disaster is the consequence of the combination of a natural hazard (physical event like a volcanic eruption, typhoon, tropical cyclone, tornadoes and earthquakes, a landslide or a tsunami) and human activities". Many of these Natural Disasters cannot be predicted but knowing the environment can help us with whatever Mother Nature throws our way. A Natural Disaster can happen any time and place it's just the fact of knowing what Natural Disaster occurs in certain area. In "Earth Facts and Information" it says," The Definition of natural disasters is any catastrophic event that caused by nature or the natural process of the earth". With that being said Hurricanes, Flash Floods, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes are all considered as Natural Disasters. In "11 Facts about Disasters" it says, "In 2012 there were 905 natural catastrophes worldwide severe storms, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, and hailstorm". Natural Disasters just don't take an effect on the world it also takes effect on the people who have to live with the aftermath of a Natural Disaster. "Between 2000 and 2012, natural Get more content on
  • 14. Even though it is currently possible to predict most natural disasters and minimize their consequences, major social impacts still have been seen over recent decades. In this essay, a natural disaster is defined as a naturally occurring event that exerts adverse effects onto human society, including those caused by geological factors and infectious organisms. It may result in a wide range of aftermaths, however, only the most prominent ones of these will be examined including casualties caused by a disaster, public health crises and economic depression. Firstly, the most direct and immediate impact of a natural disaster on a society is the loss of human life. In certain types of natural disasters large number of casualties may more content... Besides geological causes, a global pandemic could also be devastating as the 1918 Spanish influenza killed 50 million globally with most of its victim being young adults (Taubenberger, Reid, Lourens, Wang, Jin &Fanning, 2005, 889). Additionally, the number of death is often linked to the countries' own situations. Higher death toll is associated with certain geographical location, less democratic political system, economic social disparity and weaker public institutions (Kahn, 2005, 271). Kahn has also observed slight correlation between natural disaster death and lower average income however this is considered to be minor. It should be noticed that a correlation does not imply causation (Kahn, 2005, 271). Therefore, wether improvement in one of those areas would effectively reduce the loss of human life in natural disasters should be carefully examined. In other words, it is possible that economical social disparity is a result of less powerful government and does not alone result in higher susceptibility of disaster death. Secondly, besides devastating pandemic such as the 1918 Spanish Flu showed in the paragraph above, health issues could also exist as a secondary event predisposed by a major natural catastrophe of other types. According to Waring and Brown, a wide range ofinfectious disease with rapid onset and disappointing mortality are relevant in a significant natural disaster, including Get more content on
  • 15. Natural Disasters : A Short Story Natural disasters have never been an issue for me in the twenty years I have been living in Florida. There have always been the threats of dangerous hurricanes living near the coast, but I never took them seriously. I always thought " they're just little storms, what's the worst that could happen?". I was so naive to think that way. The warnings for Hurricane Jack did not start to get serious until September 5. At that time, the local news was suggesting gathering supplies and hunker down. Every grocery store and gas station was crowded beyond belief. I ran into my neighbor in the bare water aisle. "Can you believe how empty this aisle is?" she frantically asked " Do you think they will get more in time for the storm?" "Sheila relax," I coaxed "the storm is not going to be as bad as they say, it never is." "You never know, it's better to be safe rather than sorry." "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." When I got home later that night, the news was now claiming my neighborhood as an evacuation zone. I didn't believe it. "It'll be fine," I thought "nothing bad will happen here." Apparently, I was the only one that believed that because every person in my development was gone. The storm was scheduled to arrive that next morning and I would be facing it alone. I came to the realization that I was the only person in my county with a functioning brain. Everyone was wasting their time and energy preparing for nothing. The next morning was eerily silent. No cars, no Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Natural Disasters Natural Disasters This being my senior project I wanted to look at a topic that I found interesting. Even though I find most topics in the fields interesting, none catch my attention better than natural disasters. I have always found disasters intriguing and have wanted to know more about them. The disaster that I found most interesting were Hurricanes. The thought of those storms with their power gives me the chills. Ever since I was in the middle of Hurricane Bob when I was vacationing with my family off the coast of Virginia and we were asked by the state police to evacuate our house, I wanted to learn more about hurricanes. Since that I have been able to take classes that enabled me to learn more about hurricanes. That is why I more content... The main reason that I have decided to research this part of the world and not look at the rest of the world is I live in this part of the United States and have been part of one of these storms. Also the data was much easier to research. Most people think of the Atlantic when they think of hurricanes. The first priority is to find out what exactly a hurricane is. A hurricane comes from the West Indian word hurricane, meaning "bigwind" (New Orleans, weather). A hurricane forms in the tropics around warm water. It starts as a disorganized storm in the ocean. When it starts to become more organized, it will be put into the first of three classifications. The classification is tropical depression. The National Hurricane Center will get a letter to help classify the storm. When the winds of the storm reach 40mph it will go into the second classification, tropical depression. The service will give it a name at this point. The name is pre–determined based on a list that recycles every six years. The list of names for the next few years are on figure one. A name will only not appear on the list if it is retired. Finally, if the storm's wind reach 70mph, it would be classified as a hurricane. The "eye" of the hurricane is the center of the storm. This area of the storm is calm with no clouds. Around the eye the storm goes Get more content on
  • 17. Climate Change And Natural Disasters Climate Change's Effect on Natural Disasters Introduction Climate Change has evidently had a huge impact on recent natural disasters around the world. The most noteable events in recent times has been the hurricanes that hit the United States and Puerto Rico in quick succession in 2017. These great tropical cyclones were hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria. But this is not the only year that was violently struck. In the year 2005, there were six major hurricanes. Katrina. Dennis, Cindy, Ophelia, Rita and Wilma. all caused chaos within the United States. All these consecutive hurricanes in such a short amount of time shows how much climate change has had an effect on national disasters, eventually through these major hurricanes. What is Climate Change? Before explaining how climate change rapidly affects natural disasters, we must first identify what exactly climate change is. According to the Earth's history, the climate has changed many times throughout. Over the last 650,000 years there has been a total of seven different cycles of incredible freezing and eventual melting, the last occurring about about 7,000 years ago. The end of the last ice age marked the beginning of not only the human civilization, but the modern climate era as well. The reason the current climate trend we are in is so alarming is due to the fact that it is extremely likely that the warming is caused by human activity. According to, satellites orbiting the Earth along with Get more content on