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How Idioms That Is Why
Gbemiro likes idioms that is why he wrote this story. He picked one of the idioms and made up his own character, and then he came up with the story.
My friend April got everything right on his test in class, so then he said, "Hit the nail on the head!" In my mind, I was trying to figure out what that
When I got home, I packed a hammer and a nail in my backpack.
The next day at school, I was waiting for the bell to ring. I got into the school as soon the bell rang, and I got out my hammer and nail from my
backpack. When I saw my friend walking, I told him to stay still, and I pointed the nail at his head and took out my hammer. But one of my friend's
friends saw me with the hammer and ran to tell the teacher. I got in trouble, more content...
Elder told me a place to find out my spirit animal. I must venture forth to the old oak tree. It will answer all of my deepest thoughts.
Once I arrived there, I asked the old oak, "Dear Oak Tree, what is my spirit animal?"
"Your spirit animal is something you'll find on your own," it said. It handed me a map.
With happiness overflowing my body, I asked my friends to come, and they did.
We arrived at the Fruits of Knowledge. There stood a monk. He said to pick the right fruit, and we shall proceed. The right fruit tasted like
gooseberries. David and I both decided on the dragon fruit, but Olivia chose the banana. The monk let her go, because Olivia wouldn't be able to
We moved on to The Mountain of Friendship. There stood a ninja. The mountain was covered with ice. The ninja said to climb the bridge, and we
would be able to proceed, but if we didn't, then we had to work for him. David flew us to the top, and we slid to the bottom.
We arrived at The Bridges of Pain. There stood a man in a black cloak. He said we must cross the right bridge, or we would face our greatest fears.
David and Olivia both went on the first bridge. Then the bridge disappeared. So I decided to go on the second bridge. And that bridge was unstable,
and I fell. But David caught me in time.
David's spirit animal helped fly us to see the goldfish. Once we arrived there, I asked the goldfish, "Dear Goldfish, will you please tell me what my spirit
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What Are The Four Basic English Language Skills
There are four very important language skills a teacher of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) needs to know, these are reading, writing, speaking
and listening. Listening and reading are receptive skills; speaking and writing are productive skills. The British Council, on their website state, "The
language skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading are often divided into sub–skills, which are specific behaviours that language users do to be
effective in each of the skills." However, the teacher will only focus on the four basic skills in this essay.
Thesis Statement: Strategies to assist the advancement of each language skill using the activity of asking for and giving directions, for a MM2D class.
It more content...
As they said, there is not one skill but a number from which teachers can choose based upon their careful consideration of context (2015, p 1768).
Several of the techniques used in the speaking activity have already been covered in our course such as scaffolding, letting the students listen to an
audio CD two or three times, drilling substitution and drilling transformation. Planning and rehearsing can be done in pairs and when the students have
finished rehearsing the teacher could get them up and moving around the room and engaging with a third / fourth / and fifth person. This gives them
practice which could enhance their oral skills. The students will initially work in pairs asking questions and / or giving directions, they would need to
show their partner on the map. Once this activity has finished the students can move around the room asking and replying to other students.
The students would have a lot of practice during this exercise in the important skill of listening. They would be using, "Orientation/Global Listening
involves determining the context of a passage, its participants, general topics, emotional tone, genre, main ideas "(ITTO, 2016, p138). Being
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Integration Of Idioms In Teaching English
This article aims to show the advantages and importance of learning and using idioms English language. According to the research of this article, the
integration of idioms has a very important attention in the teaching and learning process of English, especially as a form to implement effective
techniques to incorporate idioms in the classroom. Idioms in and outside the classroom are widely believed to help teachers and students promote an
innovative environment of communication. However, the integration of idioms in the teaching and learning process may be difficult or ineffective for
some learners or teachers because it is not relevant or necessary for carrying out educational goals. Furthermore, from teachers' perspectives, with a
variety of activities based on idioms can help to facilitate needs and challenge students' learning process. The type of activities and how they are
constructed in the classroom is found as one of the most important aspects that help to the success of using idioms in and outside the classroom and the
appropriate teachers' role. The use of idioms has a great influence in the teaching and more content...
The English language can be considered as being made up of two components: "Text book English" and "Natural English". The textbook form of
English is composed using proper English vocabulary, while strictly adhering to the rules of English grammar. The sentences in textbook English are
necessarily grammatically correct and complete in all respects. The natural form of English, on the other hand, allows liberal use of slang, jargon,
phrases and idioms, lending a colorful hue to the language. Natural English is spoken at an informal level, and it is the idioms in the language that
give it a natural, conversational and creative feel. So, if you want to speak English fluently, just like a native speaker, it is important that you learn
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Research Paper On Idioms
Idioms Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines an idiom as 'a group of words whose meaning is different from the meaning of the individual
words.' Almost every language has its own collection idioms, or wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transfer some underlying
ideas, principles and values of a given culture / society. These sayings are called "idioms" – Idiom: a manner of speaking that is natural to native
speakers of a language Usage of idioms in day to day communication makes ones communication effective. 1.An arm and a leg Explanation: Very
expensive or costly. A large amount of MONEY. Example– Buying a flat in the heart of the city is going to cost us an arm and a leg... 2. Acid Test:
Explanation: Acid more content...
Chase your tail: Explanation: Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too little. Example –I have been chasing tail
all week collecting data but the report is still not ready 4. Deliver the goods – Explanation: Do what is expected or promised. Example – I have given
my car to a nearby mechanic for repair, hope he delivers the goods. 5. Fast track something – Explanation: Rating something higher on your priority list
to achieve the desired result. Example – In view of the seriousness of the crime, the civil society is pressing up on a fast track decision from the court.
6. Think on your feet – Explanation: Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions. Example – A good sales man must be able to think on
his feet to choose the deal. 7. Tricks of the trade: Explanation: Clever or expert way of doing something. Example – Being into the construction
business for last 10 years, I know all tricks of the trade. 8. Dead wood – Explanation: People or things which are no longer useful or necessary.
Example – The Company bought in a lot of new computers. They no longer want the dead woods. 9. Separate sheep from goats – Explanation:
Examining a group of people and deciding their
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Why Idiomatic design is better for software interfaces over metaphoric design and re–imagining save button tool bar using idioms. Indiana University
Arjun S Rao Most People would rather be successful than knowledgeable. The above statement from Cooper lays groundwork for my critical essay, I
talk primarily about why Idiomatic interface should be used to design any software product. The class readings I chose are Cooper 3rd pp. 269–285
(Metaphors, Idioms and Affordances), and Lakeoff pp. 1–9(METHAPHORS We Live By) / Hannon (As We may speak: Metaphors, Conceptual Blends
and Usability) This topic is of special interest to me, especially since I worked as a software engineer building a complex test automation software; more content...
My stand on this is further explained by Hannon's paper, Hannon says relying on metaphors for details would most certainly give a wrong idea of what
a software function is capable of, if anything, metaphorical design serves as an easy transition for understating, here's one particularly interesting
paragraph: In Hannon, conceptual blend part is especially interesting where it "helps" understand the concept but also says "Blends can be seen as
conceptual space where in which understanding does or does not occur", metaphors sometimes, though helpful, might either limit our understating or
overestimate what a particular function can do, it "may" or "may not" help a user understand, if a user does not understand or make a connection from
his/her past experience, metaphorical design most certainly failed it's very primary objective of "intuitive" understanding. Article outside of class
reading I chose is "Overdoing the interface Metaphor" by Marco Arment which helps me strengthen my point on why software should avoid using
metaphorical design, the author talks about inherent issues that comes with using a metaphorical design, author summarizes this in the following way
It's important to find the balance between real–world reproduction and usability progress. Physical objects often do things in certain ways for good
reasons, and we should try to preserve them. But much of the time, they're done in those
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Idioms Denoting Parts of Body
Contents 1. Introduction 2.1. Aim * Idiomatic Phrases * What is an idiom? * Idioms and culture * Different aspects of an idiom * Idioms pragmatics
and context 2.2. Practical Value * When we use idioms? * Idioms with a body part component 1. Body idioms connected with senses 2. Body idioms
connected with limbs and limbs' elements 3. Other body parts idioms 2. Calculation 3. Some Examples 4. Reference 1. Introduction It is common
knowledge that one of the most important functions of language is to name the world or express human thoughts through a system of concepts. They
exist in association in language and make up a giant network with many interconnection more content...
A large number of phrases and sentences in the English language are related to body parts. Some of them are descriptive while others, elusive. Their
origins are dated from Biblical times to the recent days. Each generation adds new idiomatic expressions which are connected with their culture. The
meaning of idiomatic expressions is indefinable. They show that metaphors are very important in our lives and that we do not look at things in the
way they are in reality, but rather we perceive them through our understanding and our experience of the world. The present thesis is an attempt at an
analysis of English idioms with a body component. Its goal is to study and present the nature of idioms, their connection with culture and context. It is
common knowledge that one of the most important functions of language is to name the world or express human thoughts through a system of
concepts. They exist in association in language and make up a giant network with many interconnection and association among the various subparts.
A good example of this interconnection involves metaphor. Metaphor is used in the literary or poetic language. It is also widely used in every day
conversational language. It is obvious that metaphor is utilized to express ideas sensibly and vividly as it has great expressive power. It is capable of
conveying more of the human feeling, emotion or attitude toward what is said rather than
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Idioms In English Language
The English language being very flexible constantly enriches its vocabulary with words invented by language speakers, making it more colourful with
new idiomatic expressions, and, at times, refills its stocks with the borrowings and neologisms. English just amazes by its extraordinary linguistic
The focus of this paper is to share consideration on the importance of idioms for non–native speakers as part of their mastery of the English language.
Understanding the lexicon of English demands more than knowing the denotative meaning of words. It requires its speakers to have connotative word
comprehension and more – an understanding of figurative language. Idioms fall into the latter category. Learning idioms is certainly not a piece of
cake (very easy), but once you know them, they can be a lot of fun, and anyway, because English people use idioms non–stop you will be all at sea
(totally confused) in most conversations until you learn the ropes (understand how things work) more content...
Among the various definitions of idioms are: (1) the language peculiar to a people, country, class, community or, more rarely, an individual; (2) a
construction or expression having a meaning different from the literal one or not according to the usual patterns of the language /New Webster's
Dictionary, 1993/. It is the second definition that best suits the focus of this paper. Professor Kounin definedidiom "as a stable combination of words
with a fully or partially figurative meaning" /Kounin, 1970/. This definition emphasizes two inherent and very important features of idiomatic
expressions. Idioms have lexical and grammatical stability. It implies that they are fixed in their form, hence any substitution and rearrangment in their
structure can lead to a complete loss of their primary
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Conceptual Metaphors
somatisms represent one of the most ancient set of expressions which have acquired positive or negative connotations in the course of time. (Stoyanova
A cognitive perspective of body idioms
According to the classical view, idioms are frozen elements and have arbitrary meanings while the cognitive perspective assumes that idioms are
motivated rather than arbitrary since they tend to assimilate one or more patterns already present in the conceptual system of speakers (Dobrovolskij
and Piiranien 2005: 8). In other words, idiom are not arbitrary, they depend on how the people will conceptualise the domains to which those idioms
refer (Gibbs and Nayak 1991:94). Moreover, idioms belong to a conceptual system that is fixed in the metaphors more content...
Metaphors for sadness were inspired from Barcelona (1986), while lust metaphors were analyzed first by Lakoff (1987) and Kovecses.
The major metaphorical source domains for shame were collected from Holland and Kipnis (1995) and Pape (1995).
According to Kovecses, the container image gives an overall perspective for the human body. This is the conventional way of conceptualizing the body
in relation to our emotions and it occurs in the majority of languages in the world. Therefore, emotions are conceptualized in many cultures throughout
the world and they are seen as „occurrences inside the body". (37)
Different cultures use certain body parts by means of metaphors and probably the following embodied metaphor is recognised as universal: THE
BODY IS A CONTAINER FOR THE EMOTIONS. However, cultures employ different body parts in order to express a certain feeling, such as anger.
Kovecses states that the universal conceptual metaphor for anger is : ANGER IS A CONTAINER and each culture determines which bodily container is
chosen. In Romanian the emotion of anger is located mainly in the LIVER (a–l ustura la ficati – having a stinging sensation in the livers). Also, when
someone gets upset, one says „il roade la ficati" – his livers hurt or when someone is scared, his livers freeze : „a–i ingheta
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Friendship Idiom
"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." –Bernard Meltzer
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.– Fr. Jerome Cumnings
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. –Cindy Lee
Who finds a faithful friends, finds a treasure. – Jewish Saying
"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you"–Elbert Hubbard
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.–Aristotle
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend. –Albert Camus
"The only way to have a friend is to be one" –Ralph more content...
As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart
run over." –Samuel Johnson
"However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship." –La Rochefoucauld (1665)
"A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take least care to acquire." –La Rochefoucauld (1665)
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flights.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song?
Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend."
–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"You can make more friend in two months by becoming really interested in other people, than you can in two years by
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Abstract: Figurative idioms paly an important role in English language. They represent the national culture and they are the core in language. The
fgurative meaning and unity of idiom make the language colourful and vivid.
Keywords: Figurative idiom; English language; Unity
With the continual development of human society,language is developing as a tool which of people using it to express thoughts and communicate with
each other. In all the elements of language, the change of lexicology is fastest and the most remarkable. Figurative palys an important role in the
evolution og semantics, and the most part of importance in figurante are figurantive idioms. Any developed language contains a large amount of
idioms, more content...
"Polly Shaw will be that jealous, but I don't care. I shall just look at her and toss my head like this." As she spoke she tossed her head back, the Pail
feel off it, and all the milk was spilt. So she had to go home and tell her mother what had occurred. "Ah, my child", said the mother "Do not count your
chickens before they are hatcher."
And there have a lot of idioms like those. Some of them are originated from famous book or Bible. The formation and existence of them are reflecting
a nation's culture character. Therefor, these idioms have profound sense of English language.
The other important character og figurative idioms is the unity in semateme. So the whole meaning of the idiom is not the every word's combination.
We can not think about the idiom as each word's meaning. In another way, the origin meaning of figurative idioms is not exist. What we used is just the
idioms figurative meaning. So we can say that the figurative meaning of the frigurative idiom is their origin meaning. For example:
"Fell bule". On word's meaning, bule is just a kind of colour. We can not think about the feeling is colour. But as its figurative meaning is feel depressed.
"Bite the band that feeds one". From the idiom's surface meaning, it just an action and meaning nothing. But the figurative meaning is that do harm to
someone who does good things for you.
Almost every idioms have the figurative
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Idioms in Newspaper Style
Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov
Theme: Idioms in newspaper style
Faculty of foreign languages 3th coarse, 4th group
Student: Grigoryan Victoria
Supervisor: Nina Mnatsakanyan
Yerevan 2009
Chapter 1: Idiom, general characteristics.................................................5
Chapter 2: Newspaper style ..................... ...........................................13
Today the English language is widely spoken throughout the world. It is the language of 21st century the language of informative technologies, so
while describing the English language; first of all it should be underlined that the English language more content...
However, because of their rigid structure and quite unpredictable meaning, idioms are often considered difficult to learn. John Seed defines an idiom as
words collocated together happen to become fossilized, becoming fixed over time. This collocation –– words commonly used in a group –– changes the
definition of each of the words that exist. As an expression, the word–group becomes a team, so to speak. That is, the collocated words develop a
specialized meaning as a whole and an idiom is born. An idiom is a group of words in which the meaning of this group is different than what
would be expected. If the actual words of an idiom were understood as they appear, the entire meaning would be changed and the group of words
would make no sense in its context as if it was understood as to be an idiom. When a person uses an idiom, the listener might take the actual
meaning wrong if he or she has not heard this figure of speech before. In someone's native language, idioms may be a natural part of speaking. Thus
an idiom is not really considered to be set in a language. They are more in one's culture. Idioms are mostly for just one language. In some cases,
when an idiom is translated into another language the meaning of the idiom is changed or does not make any sense as it once did in another
language. Idioms are probably the hardest thing for a person to learn in the process of learning a new language. This is because most people grow up
using idioms as if
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Examples Of Idioms
1. 1 Introduction
An idiom is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative or sometimes literal meaning. Categorized as formulaic language, an idiom's figurative
meaning is different from the literal meaning. There are thousands of idioms, occurring frequently in all languages. Idioms are the essences of language
that produce in the process of people's daily life, which include the unique and strong ethnic cultural meaning. Some of them are brief; others will be
vivid or meaningful. They have various meanings including proverbsпјЊallusions and phrases. They have special forms and the certain collocations
and the settled semantic meanings.
As for metaphorical idioms, there are many idioms in Chinese and English that express meaning through a specific image. An idiom which refers to a
meaning with an image is a metaphorical idiom. The metaphorical idiom is an important part of idioms as it has various linguistic features; most of the
metaphorical idioms use rhetorical devices such as simile, metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche to make the language even more vivid and the
meaning more penetrating and profound.
1.2 Research Problem
Although culture is a common problem for translation, in this study, we are going to talk about how to choose the translation strategies according to more content...
The metaphors of English and Chinese idioms reflect human's cognitive experience of objective things and nature. Also, it reflects the cognitive ability
and thinking process. It can produce the same cognitive judgment and association. Therefore, metaphors in English and Chinese idioms have
similarities. However, there are many differences between English and Chinese idioms because of different cultural backgrounds and either of them
have its own unique cultural color. According to the cultural differences between English and Chinese, different translation strategies can be adopted to
accurately convey the meaning of
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The Study on English Idioms by Western Culture
The language is a part of the culture and the carrier of the culture at the same time. The culture can not get away from the language. The language can
not get away from the culture, either. It is impossible to study a foreign language text without considering the culture it embodied. Idiom is the essence
and crystallization of a language and culture. It is the summary of life experiences of the people in a particular district. Usually, it is short but it can
reflect the special features of a certain culture. Therefore, the accurate understanding of the English idiom does not only involve the phonetic
conversion but also involve the western cultural conversion. It requires that the learner know the western culture background more content...
1. The influence of history
England has a history of more than one thousand years. Generally speaking, people like to embellish their speech or writing with references to
characters or events from their history, that is to say, idiomatic expressions are closely related to a country's history.
1. 1 The influence of Roman Conquest
In 43 A.D. the Roman emperor Claudius headed 40000 soldiers to invade the British Isles. It took him 3 years to occupy successfully the central and
southeastern parts. From then on, Roman culture and customs penetrated into Britain gradually. Roman clothing, ornaments, poetry and glass
containers became popular in Britain, where people's social life began to Romanize. Taking the aspect of language for instance, there are a lot of
idioms which are from the history of Roman Conquest. For example, the following idioms are related to Rome: "Do in Rome as the Romans do"
(入乡随俗); "Rome was not built in a day" (伟业非一日之功); "All roads lead to Rome" (殊途同归). Besides, Roman
customs are handed down by English idioms. For example, "bear the palm" (ж€
ћќ) has a figurative meaning "the symbol of victory". In
ancient Rome, a bullfighter who won in the sports arena would bear the palm as the symbol of victory. Similar idioms "thumbs up"
ђ)historically means "live" and "thumbs down"(反对,贬斥) anciently signified "die" which also come from the bloody arena.
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Essay On Idioms
Language learning process is very complicated and multi–dimensional. Among the many dimensions, vocabulary knowledge is of crucial importance
and has attracted substantial attention. As Laufer (1997) claims, vocabulary learning is the main component of language and knowledge acquisition. At
the same time, it should be noted that vocabulary knowledge is not confined to words; a language is also replete with routine language items,
particularly idioms, which are metaphorical expressions (Rodriguez & Winnberg, 2013). One of the components of figurative language is idioms.
Idioms are one of the most often utilized figures of speech in everyday life in every language. Idioms, as a linguistic component of every language,
represent concepts of material life specific to a culture. Moreover, as Newmark (1988) puts it, idiomatic expressions are considered as one of the most
challenging problems in the process of translation from one language to more content...
Idiomatic expressions also carry different meanings beyond their basic level, and when they are used in speech or written form, they can have a great
impression on the listeners or readers. Subsequently, the more the learner of a language knows about idiomatic expressions and their implications, the
more information that learner has of the target language society. Perhaps that is why, "understanding and producing idioms are difficult to many
Iranian EFL learners who are not completely familiar with the culture of English people" (Zarei & Rahimi, 2012, p. 6). Considering pedagogical and
contextual issues of teaching idiomatic expressions which can impede or ease the process of language and culture acquisition, in this study, attempt
will be made to investigate the effects of presentation techniques on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' comprehension and production of L2
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The Importance Of English Language Learner
English Language Learners (ELL) are students who are learning English as a second language. These students are put into a regular classroom
setting with no proper curriculum for ELL's to learn English properly. Their ability to understand the language is minimum, reading levels are
below their own grade level, writings are done incorrectly and their form of speech as well. The effects in not learning English properly prevents
them from advancing in Math, English and other subjects. Besides this becoming an obstacle ELL's also face scoring low in exams and
assignments done poorly. If this issue prolongs being fixed into a proper way it's long term effects will affect these students. The importance in
separating ELL students into a separate classroom will increase their ability to advance faster in their academic needs. I do not think it is wrong for
these students to be placed in a different classroom because doing this can improve their understanding in English. In regards to the argument it is
best for ELL students to be placed in a separate classroom to enhance their ability to understand English. This is a great way to have ELL's engage
with students like themselves to motivate them in learning English and receive help within each other. Although some parents and critics may disagree
with the idea of separating ELL students from other students critics and parents should know that it is a great way for ELL to prepare for faster pace
mainstream classrooms. It is important
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For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I
talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for
ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a
lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime.
I started learning English as a second language when I was in first intermediate. I still remember my first classes and my first teachers. I remember that
my teachers changed frequently in the first year but all of them have much in common. All of them used grammar translation method. They used to
write bilingual lists of words on board, then we, as students, were asked to copy these lists and memorize them by heart. All teaching concentrated on
reading and writing skills, but there were no activities concentrating on speaking or listening. In addition, grammar rules were taught in that stage of
learning the language as mathematics equations, and we were asked to memorize the rules as more content...
Of course, there are certain defects or gaps in my knowledge or ability to use the English language like using idioms and the appropriateness of some
vocabulary. Idioms have many connotations and denotations in the English language. Sometimes I use an idiom and I mean something, but the
connotations of the idiom means something else. Another gap of my knowledge of the language is the appropriateness of using certain vocabulary.
English language entails high sense of using the appropriate word for describing or narrating something. To my mind, I have not reached this point
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The Importance Of World English
October 27, 2014 Vincent K Ha, Student California State University Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, C.A. 91325 Dear Professor
Marcelo I am very grateful to have a chance of learning World Englishes and the significance it has in the business world. The purpose of this
report is to recognize the importance of world English in business. I evaluate the significance of world English exercises our class has done as well
as apply it to my future expectations. Executive Summary World English has been found to be very important to business communication because
it affects the performance of a business. World English is needed for networking, making contracts, and is used in any general work relationship. I
have found that English is becoming the main language used in the business world. This is because one dominant language makes it easier for
people to communicate with each other. It is being taught around the world and many companies look for proficiency in English as a quality to
consider. Good speaking and writing skills in English are crucial in the business world. I find that in any job I will apply for in the future will need
me to be very knowledgeable in the English language. I will need it to communicate with others and move them in my favor. World English Data
"Global Business Speaks English" "The Globalization of English Report" "Conclusion: World Englishes: Legacy and Relevance" World Englishes is
extremely relevant to business
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In this essay, I will compare and contrast how collocations and idioms can be learned from a book and from a corpus. I decided to carry out this
study because, even though German is my advanced language, I often find it difficult to make my speech more natural and fluent. In order to sound
more natural when I am speaking German, I need to have some knowledge of typical German sayings, idioms and collocations. Another reason why I
decided to focus on idioms and collocations in German was that they vary greatly to the ones we use in English and I wanted to gain some knowledge
on these subjects.
Corpus linguistics can be best defined as a linguistic methodology which is founded on the use of electronic collections of naturally occurring texts. more content...
(Sinclair, 29) What Sinclair is referring to as word combinations are idioms, expressions and of course, collocations. The phraseological nature of
language has long been perceived as "language does not expect us to build everything starting with lumber, nails, and blueprint, and rather it provides
us with an incredibly large number of prefabs" (Bolinger 1976:1)
The major task for second language collocation research is to discover what it means for learners of German (or any other second language), how they
learn it and what problems they encounter when acquiring a collocation. Collocation not only plays a crucial role in language production and language
comprehension but also functions as a key indicator of the language learners' overall proficiency in the field of second language accusation. (Men, 2016)
Knowledge of collocations, to most people, is the of the same importance as the knowledge of grammar. If one is aware of simple language patterns in
their second language not only will their flow of speech be much better, but they will be also more confident when listening to and speaking, their
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Why Idiomatic design is better for software interfaces over metaphoric design and re–imagining save button tool bar using idioms. Indiana University
Arjun S Rao Most People would rather be successful than knowledgeable. The above statement from Cooper lays groundwork for my critical essay, I
talk primarily about why Idiomatic interface should be used to design any software product. The class readings I chose are Cooper 3rd pp. 269–285
(Metaphors, Idioms and Affordances), and Lakeoff pp. 1–9(METHAPHORS We Live By) / Hannon (As We may speak: Metaphors, Conceptual Blends
and Usability) This topic is of special interest to me, especially since I worked as a software engineer building a complex test automation software;
sometimes the choice of icons for UI made very limited or little sense from a user's perspective, the end goal was to make automation easy and let
users write complex test scripts as fast as possible; this required that users get a good grasp of the software's UI and it's functionality–– was that
happening? UI designers want software functionalities to be as self–explanatory as possible or make it "intuitive", but what really is intuition?
Intuition, according to Cooper, is a middle ground between having consciously learned something and knowing something instinctively, the key word
here to me is "consciously", extrapolating this definition, it can be inferred that there has to be some amount of learning that has to go in initially. This
means a
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How Idioms That Is Why

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  • 2. What Are The Four Basic English Language Skills There are four very important language skills a teacher of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) needs to know, these are reading, writing, speaking and listening. Listening and reading are receptive skills; speaking and writing are productive skills. The British Council, on their website state, "The language skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading are often divided into sub–skills, which are specific behaviours that language users do to be effective in each of the skills." However, the teacher will only focus on the four basic skills in this essay. Thesis Statement: Strategies to assist the advancement of each language skill using the activity of asking for and giving directions, for a MM2D class. Reading: It more content... As they said, there is not one skill but a number from which teachers can choose based upon their careful consideration of context (2015, p 1768). Several of the techniques used in the speaking activity have already been covered in our course such as scaffolding, letting the students listen to an audio CD two or three times, drilling substitution and drilling transformation. Planning and rehearsing can be done in pairs and when the students have finished rehearsing the teacher could get them up and moving around the room and engaging with a third / fourth / and fifth person. This gives them practice which could enhance their oral skills. The students will initially work in pairs asking questions and / or giving directions, they would need to show their partner on the map. Once this activity has finished the students can move around the room asking and replying to other students. Listening: The students would have a lot of practice during this exercise in the important skill of listening. They would be using, "Orientation/Global Listening involves determining the context of a passage, its participants, general topics, emotional tone, genre, main ideas "(ITTO, 2016, p138). Being Get more content on
  • 3. Integration Of Idioms In Teaching English This article aims to show the advantages and importance of learning and using idioms English language. According to the research of this article, the integration of idioms has a very important attention in the teaching and learning process of English, especially as a form to implement effective techniques to incorporate idioms in the classroom. Idioms in and outside the classroom are widely believed to help teachers and students promote an innovative environment of communication. However, the integration of idioms in the teaching and learning process may be difficult or ineffective for some learners or teachers because it is not relevant or necessary for carrying out educational goals. Furthermore, from teachers' perspectives, with a variety of activities based on idioms can help to facilitate needs and challenge students' learning process. The type of activities and how they are constructed in the classroom is found as one of the most important aspects that help to the success of using idioms in and outside the classroom and the appropriate teachers' role. The use of idioms has a great influence in the teaching and more content... The English language can be considered as being made up of two components: "Text book English" and "Natural English". The textbook form of English is composed using proper English vocabulary, while strictly adhering to the rules of English grammar. The sentences in textbook English are necessarily grammatically correct and complete in all respects. The natural form of English, on the other hand, allows liberal use of slang, jargon, phrases and idioms, lending a colorful hue to the language. Natural English is spoken at an informal level, and it is the idioms in the language that give it a natural, conversational and creative feel. So, if you want to speak English fluently, just like a native speaker, it is important that you learn English Get more content on
  • 4. Research Paper On Idioms Idioms Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines an idiom as 'a group of words whose meaning is different from the meaning of the individual words.' Almost every language has its own collection idioms, or wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transfer some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture / society. These sayings are called "idioms" – Idiom: a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language Usage of idioms in day to day communication makes ones communication effective. 1.An arm and a leg Explanation: Very expensive or costly. A large amount of MONEY. Example– Buying a flat in the heart of the city is going to cost us an arm and a leg... 2. Acid Test: Explanation: Acid more content... Chase your tail: Explanation: Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too little. Example –I have been chasing tail all week collecting data but the report is still not ready 4. Deliver the goods – Explanation: Do what is expected or promised. Example – I have given my car to a nearby mechanic for repair, hope he delivers the goods. 5. Fast track something – Explanation: Rating something higher on your priority list to achieve the desired result. Example – In view of the seriousness of the crime, the civil society is pressing up on a fast track decision from the court. 6. Think on your feet – Explanation: Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions. Example – A good sales man must be able to think on his feet to choose the deal. 7. Tricks of the trade: Explanation: Clever or expert way of doing something. Example – Being into the construction business for last 10 years, I know all tricks of the trade. 8. Dead wood – Explanation: People or things which are no longer useful or necessary. Example – The Company bought in a lot of new computers. They no longer want the dead woods. 9. Separate sheep from goats – Explanation: Examining a group of people and deciding their Get more content on
  • 5. Why Idiomatic design is better for software interfaces over metaphoric design and re–imagining save button tool bar using idioms. Indiana University Arjun S Rao Most People would rather be successful than knowledgeable. The above statement from Cooper lays groundwork for my critical essay, I talk primarily about why Idiomatic interface should be used to design any software product. The class readings I chose are Cooper 3rd pp. 269–285 (Metaphors, Idioms and Affordances), and Lakeoff pp. 1–9(METHAPHORS We Live By) / Hannon (As We may speak: Metaphors, Conceptual Blends and Usability) This topic is of special interest to me, especially since I worked as a software engineer building a complex test automation software; more content... My stand on this is further explained by Hannon's paper, Hannon says relying on metaphors for details would most certainly give a wrong idea of what a software function is capable of, if anything, metaphorical design serves as an easy transition for understating, here's one particularly interesting paragraph: In Hannon, conceptual blend part is especially interesting where it "helps" understand the concept but also says "Blends can be seen as conceptual space where in which understanding does or does not occur", metaphors sometimes, though helpful, might either limit our understating or overestimate what a particular function can do, it "may" or "may not" help a user understand, if a user does not understand or make a connection from his/her past experience, metaphorical design most certainly failed it's very primary objective of "intuitive" understanding. Article outside of class reading I chose is "Overdoing the interface Metaphor" by Marco Arment which helps me strengthen my point on why software should avoid using metaphorical design, the author talks about inherent issues that comes with using a metaphorical design, author summarizes this in the following way It's important to find the balance between real–world reproduction and usability progress. Physical objects often do things in certain ways for good reasons, and we should try to preserve them. But much of the time, they're done in those Get more content on
  • 6. Idioms Denoting Parts of Body Contents 1. Introduction 2.1. Aim * Idiomatic Phrases * What is an idiom? * Idioms and culture * Different aspects of an idiom * Idioms pragmatics and context 2.2. Practical Value * When we use idioms? * Idioms with a body part component 1. Body idioms connected with senses 2. Body idioms connected with limbs and limbs' elements 3. Other body parts idioms 2. Calculation 3. Some Examples 4. Reference 1. Introduction It is common knowledge that one of the most important functions of language is to name the world or express human thoughts through a system of concepts. They exist in association in language and make up a giant network with many interconnection more content... A large number of phrases and sentences in the English language are related to body parts. Some of them are descriptive while others, elusive. Their origins are dated from Biblical times to the recent days. Each generation adds new idiomatic expressions which are connected with their culture. The meaning of idiomatic expressions is indefinable. They show that metaphors are very important in our lives and that we do not look at things in the way they are in reality, but rather we perceive them through our understanding and our experience of the world. The present thesis is an attempt at an analysis of English idioms with a body component. Its goal is to study and present the nature of idioms, their connection with culture and context. It is common knowledge that one of the most important functions of language is to name the world or express human thoughts through a system of concepts. They exist in association in language and make up a giant network with many interconnection and association among the various subparts. A good example of this interconnection involves metaphor. Metaphor is used in the literary or poetic language. It is also widely used in every day conversational language. It is obvious that metaphor is utilized to express ideas sensibly and vividly as it has great expressive power. It is capable of conveying more of the human feeling, emotion or attitude toward what is said rather than Get more content on
  • 7. Idioms In English Language The English language being very flexible constantly enriches its vocabulary with words invented by language speakers, making it more colourful with new idiomatic expressions, and, at times, refills its stocks with the borrowings and neologisms. English just amazes by its extraordinary linguistic diversity. The focus of this paper is to share consideration on the importance of idioms for non–native speakers as part of their mastery of the English language. Understanding the lexicon of English demands more than knowing the denotative meaning of words. It requires its speakers to have connotative word comprehension and more – an understanding of figurative language. Idioms fall into the latter category. Learning idioms is certainly not a piece of cake (very easy), but once you know them, they can be a lot of fun, and anyway, because English people use idioms non–stop you will be all at sea (totally confused) in most conversations until you learn the ropes (understand how things work) more content... Among the various definitions of idioms are: (1) the language peculiar to a people, country, class, community or, more rarely, an individual; (2) a construction or expression having a meaning different from the literal one or not according to the usual patterns of the language /New Webster's Dictionary, 1993/. It is the second definition that best suits the focus of this paper. Professor Kounin definedidiom "as a stable combination of words with a fully or partially figurative meaning" /Kounin, 1970/. This definition emphasizes two inherent and very important features of idiomatic expressions. Idioms have lexical and grammatical stability. It implies that they are fixed in their form, hence any substitution and rearrangment in their structure can lead to a complete loss of their primary Get more content on
  • 8. Conceptual Metaphors somatisms represent one of the most ancient set of expressions which have acquired positive or negative connotations in the course of time. (Stoyanova 7) A cognitive perspective of body idioms According to the classical view, idioms are frozen elements and have arbitrary meanings while the cognitive perspective assumes that idioms are motivated rather than arbitrary since they tend to assimilate one or more patterns already present in the conceptual system of speakers (Dobrovolskij and Piiranien 2005: 8). In other words, idiom are not arbitrary, they depend on how the people will conceptualise the domains to which those idioms refer (Gibbs and Nayak 1991:94). Moreover, idioms belong to a conceptual system that is fixed in the metaphors more content... Metaphors for sadness were inspired from Barcelona (1986), while lust metaphors were analyzed first by Lakoff (1987) and Kovecses. The major metaphorical source domains for shame were collected from Holland and Kipnis (1995) and Pape (1995). According to Kovecses, the container image gives an overall perspective for the human body. This is the conventional way of conceptualizing the body in relation to our emotions and it occurs in the majority of languages in the world. Therefore, emotions are conceptualized in many cultures throughout the world and they are seen as „occurrences inside the body". (37) Different cultures use certain body parts by means of metaphors and probably the following embodied metaphor is recognised as universal: THE BODY IS A CONTAINER FOR THE EMOTIONS. However, cultures employ different body parts in order to express a certain feeling, such as anger. Kovecses states that the universal conceptual metaphor for anger is : ANGER IS A CONTAINER and each culture determines which bodily container is chosen. In Romanian the emotion of anger is located mainly in the LIVER (a–l ustura la ficati – having a stinging sensation in the livers). Also, when someone gets upset, one says „il roade la ficati" – his livers hurt or when someone is scared, his livers freeze : „a–i ingheta Get more content on
  • 9. Friendship Idiom Friendship "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." –Bernard Meltzer A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.– Fr. Jerome Cumnings Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. –Cindy Lee Who finds a faithful friends, finds a treasure. – Jewish Saying "Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you"–Elbert Hubbard What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.–Aristotle Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend. –Albert Camus "The only way to have a friend is to be one" –Ralph more content... As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over." –Samuel Johnson "However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship." –La Rochefoucauld (1665) "A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take least care to acquire." –La Rochefoucauld (1665)
  • 10. I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flights. I breathed a song into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, who has sight so keen and strong That it can follow the flight of song? Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend." –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "You can make more friend in two months by becoming really interested in other people, than you can in two years by Get more content on
  • 11. Abstract: Figurative idioms paly an important role in English language. They represent the national culture and they are the core in language. The fgurative meaning and unity of idiom make the language colourful and vivid. Keywords: Figurative idiom; English language; Unity With the continual development of human society,language is developing as a tool which of people using it to express thoughts and communicate with each other. In all the elements of language, the change of lexicology is fastest and the most remarkable. Figurative palys an important role in the evolution og semantics, and the most part of importance in figurante are figurantive idioms. Any developed language contains a large amount of idioms, more content... "Polly Shaw will be that jealous, but I don't care. I shall just look at her and toss my head like this." As she spoke she tossed her head back, the Pail feel off it, and all the milk was spilt. So she had to go home and tell her mother what had occurred. "Ah, my child", said the mother "Do not count your chickens before they are hatcher." And there have a lot of idioms like those. Some of them are originated from famous book or Bible. The formation and existence of them are reflecting a nation's culture character. Therefor, these idioms have profound sense of English language. The other important character og figurative idioms is the unity in semateme. So the whole meaning of the idiom is not the every word's combination. We can not think about the idiom as each word's meaning. In another way, the origin meaning of figurative idioms is not exist. What we used is just the idioms figurative meaning. So we can say that the figurative meaning of the frigurative idiom is their origin meaning. For example: "Fell bule". On word's meaning, bule is just a kind of colour. We can not think about the feeling is colour. But as its figurative meaning is feel depressed. "Bite the band that feeds one". From the idiom's surface meaning, it just an action and meaning nothing. But the figurative meaning is that do harm to someone who does good things for you. Almost every idioms have the figurative
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  • 13. Idioms in Newspaper Style Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov Theme: Idioms in newspaper style Faculty of foreign languages 3th coarse, 4th group Student: Grigoryan Victoria Supervisor: Nina Mnatsakanyan Yerevan 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction........................................................................................3 Chapter 1: Idiom, general characteristics.................................................5 Chapter 2: Newspaper style ..................... ...........................................13 Conclusion........................................................................................23 Bibliography......................................................................................25 INTRODUCTION Today the English language is widely spoken throughout the world. It is the language of 21st century the language of informative technologies, so while describing the English language; first of all it should be underlined that the English language more content... However, because of their rigid structure and quite unpredictable meaning, idioms are often considered difficult to learn. John Seed defines an idiom as words collocated together happen to become fossilized, becoming fixed over time. This collocation –– words commonly used in a group –– changes the definition of each of the words that exist. As an expression, the word–group becomes a team, so to speak. That is, the collocated words develop a specialized meaning as a whole and an idiom is born. An idiom is a group of words in which the meaning of this group is different than what
  • 14. would be expected. If the actual words of an idiom were understood as they appear, the entire meaning would be changed and the group of words would make no sense in its context as if it was understood as to be an idiom. When a person uses an idiom, the listener might take the actual meaning wrong if he or she has not heard this figure of speech before. In someone's native language, idioms may be a natural part of speaking. Thus an idiom is not really considered to be set in a language. They are more in one's culture. Idioms are mostly for just one language. In some cases, when an idiom is translated into another language the meaning of the idiom is changed or does not make any sense as it once did in another language. Idioms are probably the hardest thing for a person to learn in the process of learning a new language. This is because most people grow up using idioms as if Get more content on
  • 15. Examples Of Idioms 1. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Introduction An idiom is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative or sometimes literal meaning. Categorized as formulaic language, an idiom's figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning. There are thousands of idioms, occurring frequently in all languages. Idioms are the essences of language that produce in the process of people's daily life, which include the unique and strong ethnic cultural meaning. Some of them are brief; others will be vivid or meaningful. They have various meanings including proverbsпјЊallusions and phrases. They have special forms and the certain collocations and the settled semantic meanings. As for metaphorical idioms, there are many idioms in Chinese and English that express meaning through a specific image. An idiom which refers to a meaning with an image is a metaphorical idiom. The metaphorical idiom is an important part of idioms as it has various linguistic features; most of the metaphorical idioms use rhetorical devices such as simile, metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche to make the language even more vivid and the meaning more penetrating and profound. 1.2 Research Problem Although culture is a common problem for translation, in this study, we are going to talk about how to choose the translation strategies according to more content... The metaphors of English and Chinese idioms reflect human's cognitive experience of objective things and nature. Also, it reflects the cognitive ability and thinking process. It can produce the same cognitive judgment and association. Therefore, metaphors in English and Chinese idioms have similarities. However, there are many differences between English and Chinese idioms because of different cultural backgrounds and either of them have its own unique cultural color. According to the cultural differences between English and Chinese, different translation strategies can be adopted to accurately convey the meaning of Get more content on
  • 16. The Study on English Idioms by Western Culture Abstract The language is a part of the culture and the carrier of the culture at the same time. The culture can not get away from the language. The language can not get away from the culture, either. It is impossible to study a foreign language text without considering the culture it embodied. Idiom is the essence and crystallization of a language and culture. It is the summary of life experiences of the people in a particular district. Usually, it is short but it can reflect the special features of a certain culture. Therefore, the accurate understanding of the English idiom does not only involve the phonetic conversion but also involve the western cultural conversion. It requires that the learner know the western culture background more content... 1. The influence of history England has a history of more than one thousand years. Generally speaking, people like to embellish their speech or writing with references to characters or events from their history, that is to say, idiomatic expressions are closely related to a country's history. 1. 1 The influence of Roman Conquest In 43 A.D. the Roman emperor Claudius headed 40000 soldiers to invade the British Isles. It took him 3 years to occupy successfully the central and southeastern parts. From then on, Roman culture and customs penetrated into Britain gradually. Roman clothing, ornaments, poetry and glass containers became popular in Britain, where people's social life began to Romanize. Taking the aspect of language for instance, there are a lot of idioms which are from the history of Roman Conquest. For example, the following idioms are related to Rome: "Do in Rome as the Romans do" (е…Ґд№ЎйљЏдї—); "Rome was not built in a day" (伟业非一日之功); "All roads lead to Rome" (ж®ЉйЂ”еђЊеЅ’). Besides, Roman customs are handed down by English idioms. For example, "bear the palm" (ж€ ґжЈ•ж¦€ж ћќ) has a figurative meaning "the symbol of victory". In ancient Rome, a bullfighter who won in the sports arena would bear the palm as the symbol of victory. Similar idioms "thumbs up" (иµћж€ ђ)historically means "live" and "thumbs down"(反对,贬斥) anciently signified "die" which also come from the bloody arena. 1.2 Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Idioms Language learning process is very complicated and multi–dimensional. Among the many dimensions, vocabulary knowledge is of crucial importance and has attracted substantial attention. As Laufer (1997) claims, vocabulary learning is the main component of language and knowledge acquisition. At the same time, it should be noted that vocabulary knowledge is not confined to words; a language is also replete with routine language items, particularly idioms, which are metaphorical expressions (Rodriguez & Winnberg, 2013). One of the components of figurative language is idioms. Idioms are one of the most often utilized figures of speech in everyday life in every language. Idioms, as a linguistic component of every language, represent concepts of material life specific to a culture. Moreover, as Newmark (1988) puts it, idiomatic expressions are considered as one of the most challenging problems in the process of translation from one language to more content... Idiomatic expressions also carry different meanings beyond their basic level, and when they are used in speech or written form, they can have a great impression on the listeners or readers. Subsequently, the more the learner of a language knows about idiomatic expressions and their implications, the more information that learner has of the target language society. Perhaps that is why, "understanding and producing idioms are difficult to many Iranian EFL learners who are not completely familiar with the culture of English people" (Zarei & Rahimi, 2012, p. 6). Considering pedagogical and contextual issues of teaching idiomatic expressions which can impede or ease the process of language and culture acquisition, in this study, attempt will be made to investigate the effects of presentation techniques on Iranian intermediate EFL learners' comprehension and production of L2 Get more content on
  • 18. The Importance Of English Language Learner English Language Learners (ELL) are students who are learning English as a second language. These students are put into a regular classroom setting with no proper curriculum for ELL's to learn English properly. Their ability to understand the language is minimum, reading levels are below their own grade level, writings are done incorrectly and their form of speech as well. The effects in not learning English properly prevents them from advancing in Math, English and other subjects. Besides this becoming an obstacle ELL's also face scoring low in exams and assignments done poorly. If this issue prolongs being fixed into a proper way it's long term effects will affect these students. The importance in separating ELL students into a separate classroom will increase their ability to advance faster in their academic needs. I do not think it is wrong for these students to be placed in a different classroom because doing this can improve their understanding in English. In regards to the argument it is best for ELL students to be placed in a separate classroom to enhance their ability to understand English. This is a great way to have ELL's engage with students like themselves to motivate them in learning English and receive help within each other. Although some parents and critics may disagree with the idea of separating ELL students from other students critics and parents should know that it is a great way for ELL to prepare for faster pace mainstream classrooms. It is important Get more content on
  • 19. For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime. I started learning English as a second language when I was in first intermediate. I still remember my first classes and my first teachers. I remember that my teachers changed frequently in the first year but all of them have much in common. All of them used grammar translation method. They used to write bilingual lists of words on board, then we, as students, were asked to copy these lists and memorize them by heart. All teaching concentrated on reading and writing skills, but there were no activities concentrating on speaking or listening. In addition, grammar rules were taught in that stage of learning the language as mathematics equations, and we were asked to memorize the rules as more content... Of course, there are certain defects or gaps in my knowledge or ability to use the English language like using idioms and the appropriateness of some vocabulary. Idioms have many connotations and denotations in the English language. Sometimes I use an idiom and I mean something, but the connotations of the idiom means something else. Another gap of my knowledge of the language is the appropriateness of using certain vocabulary. English language entails high sense of using the appropriate word for describing or narrating something. To my mind, I have not reached this point Get more content on
  • 20. The Importance Of World English October 27, 2014 Vincent K Ha, Student California State University Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, C.A. 91325 Dear Professor Marcelo I am very grateful to have a chance of learning World Englishes and the significance it has in the business world. The purpose of this report is to recognize the importance of world English in business. I evaluate the significance of world English exercises our class has done as well as apply it to my future expectations. Executive Summary World English has been found to be very important to business communication because it affects the performance of a business. World English is needed for networking, making contracts, and is used in any general work relationship. I have found that English is becoming the main language used in the business world. This is because one dominant language makes it easier for people to communicate with each other. It is being taught around the world and many companies look for proficiency in English as a quality to consider. Good speaking and writing skills in English are crucial in the business world. I find that in any job I will apply for in the future will need me to be very knowledgeable in the English language. I will need it to communicate with others and move them in my favor. World English Data "Global Business Speaks English" "The Globalization of English Report" "Conclusion: World Englishes: Legacy and Relevance" World Englishes is extremely relevant to business Get more content on
  • 21. In this essay, I will compare and contrast how collocations and idioms can be learned from a book and from a corpus. I decided to carry out this study because, even though German is my advanced language, I often find it difficult to make my speech more natural and fluent. In order to sound more natural when I am speaking German, I need to have some knowledge of typical German sayings, idioms and collocations. Another reason why I decided to focus on idioms and collocations in German was that they vary greatly to the ones we use in English and I wanted to gain some knowledge on these subjects. Corpus linguistics can be best defined as a linguistic methodology which is founded on the use of electronic collections of naturally occurring texts. more content... (Sinclair, 29) What Sinclair is referring to as word combinations are idioms, expressions and of course, collocations. The phraseological nature of language has long been perceived as "language does not expect us to build everything starting with lumber, nails, and blueprint, and rather it provides us with an incredibly large number of prefabs" (Bolinger 1976:1) The major task for second language collocation research is to discover what it means for learners of German (or any other second language), how they learn it and what problems they encounter when acquiring a collocation. Collocation not only plays a crucial role in language production and language comprehension but also functions as a key indicator of the language learners' overall proficiency in the field of second language accusation. (Men, 2016) Knowledge of collocations, to most people, is the of the same importance as the knowledge of grammar. If one is aware of simple language patterns in their second language not only will their flow of speech be much better, but they will be also more confident when listening to and speaking, their chosen Get more content on
  • 22. Why Idiomatic design is better for software interfaces over metaphoric design and re–imagining save button tool bar using idioms. Indiana University Arjun S Rao Most People would rather be successful than knowledgeable. The above statement from Cooper lays groundwork for my critical essay, I talk primarily about why Idiomatic interface should be used to design any software product. The class readings I chose are Cooper 3rd pp. 269–285 (Metaphors, Idioms and Affordances), and Lakeoff pp. 1–9(METHAPHORS We Live By) / Hannon (As We may speak: Metaphors, Conceptual Blends and Usability) This topic is of special interest to me, especially since I worked as a software engineer building a complex test automation software; sometimes the choice of icons for UI made very limited or little sense from a user's perspective, the end goal was to make automation easy and let users write complex test scripts as fast as possible; this required that users get a good grasp of the software's UI and it's functionality–– was that happening? UI designers want software functionalities to be as self–explanatory as possible or make it "intuitive", but what really is intuition? Intuition, according to Cooper, is a middle ground between having consciously learned something and knowing something instinctively, the key word here to me is "consciously", extrapolating this definition, it can be inferred that there has to be some amount of learning that has to go in initially. This means a Get more content on