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Imagery In A Modest Proposal
In the disturbing essay "A Modest Proposal", Jonathan Swift suggests to have a solution to the "deplorable state of the Kingdom," and "preventing
children of poor people being a burden to their parents or country," as well as the overpopulation of Ireland. He satirizes dehumanizing attempts to
make bastard children from poor family useful to the commonwealth, through imagery "young healthy child ... delicious, nourishing and wholesome
food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled..." and diction "Barbadoes, alms, computation" Jonathan develops the text to in a way to make the idea
of his to sound better than previous proposals. In order to show some the severity of the outcomes in countries that became colonies of the British
Jonathan uses imagery more content...
Follows up the idea to show this is beneficial for everyone. Being able to sell each newborn for "ten shillings for the carcass of a good fat child,"
so the mothers could be able to live, and not become a burden for them. This would help "prevent those voluntary abortions," which would "avoid the
expense than the shame." Parents would now be able to "grant this food" to the "landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents."
Jonathan creates a situation, a family is not able to pay the landowner, with his proposal the family is able to pay the landowner with their children as a
source of payment.
As a result of Jonathan Swift's proposal, the severe situation of Ireland is vividly conveyed that had been caused by the British empire. A solution was
in dire need to deal with the economics, overpopulation of Ireland. He was able to effectively explain the situation of caused by the British, and
provide a solution for the
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Examples Of Hyperbole In A Modest Proposal
Jonathan Swift wrote a modest proposal to parliament. He addressed the problem of over population and famine in Ireland. The solution was
presented in a satire manner and rightfully so. He proposed to eat babies to make them beneficial to the public. Swift used hyperbole and sarcasm
to justify his argument. Swift Uses a hyperbole in paragraph ten "...a child just born will weigh twelve pounds..." in a tie when everybody is
starving and poor it is almost impossible for most babies to be even close to 12 pounds. He does this to try and give justifications of eating babies after
they grow for a year. Then he goes as far to say "...buying the children alive..." in paragraph 14, just so then can save more money by preparing and
killing the baby
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Examples Of Irony In A Modest Proposal
Identify and close–read three examples of irony in "A Modest Proposal".
How does each instance criticize social perceptions of the poor? In 'A Modest Proposal' the author, Jonathan Swift utilizes techniques such as satire,
sarcasm, and irony to create a bigger picture to the reader. Within the poem, Swift not only presents a humorous approach to social and economic
issues but does so in a well–constructed and carefully composed manner. A closer reading of the text reveals a deeper critical analysis of the social
perceptions of the poor at the time. Through Swifts' use of irony, he creates a proposal that is so extremely absurd that some may believe the piece to
be genuine. By taking an issue and providing a corrupt and merciless solution, the writer uses a unique approach to catch the attention of the people of
Ireland and presents them a proposal they cannot ignore. Through the use of irony, Swift creates a poem that not only criticizes social perceptions of
the poor but also remarks upon the issue without directly addressing the reader.
Beginning with an examination of the subtitle, the stance of the narrator and his views of the poor are evident immediately. "...For Preventing the
Children of Poor People in Ireland, from being a Burden to their Parents or Country; and for making them beneficial to the Public." (Swift Para.1).
This example is a distinct instance of irony; in which Swift uses such long, elaborate sentence to summarize his main proposition. By referring to
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Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis
The sarcastic views of Swift's understanding of the poverty of Ireland leads him to make a proposal for a solution to poverty, where he ignores the
concern of human morale by displaying the lacking efforts of England to help. Swift uses methods that work to get or help better understand a situation,
for example being sarcastic in a situation where a person wants something out of the situation by satire. The undeniable effect of satire catches the
attention of England to further display the poverty of Ireland which is displayed throughout Swift's Modest Proposal with exaggeration, incongruity and
reversal. Swift argues with England by reaching out for an intense solution by the use of exaggeration to put forward an idea to catch England'
more content...
In Modest Proposal, it is evident on how Swift effectively uses incongruity to place a point under the disguise as incongruity. For example in the
text Swift emphasizes, "A child will make two dishes at entertainment for friends..."(70). It is absurd for one to visualize how a child will be
served for dinner and entertainment for people. The use of incongruity is a pristine example of how Swift's argument is backed up using satire.
Swift's use of Incongruity disrupts human morale by replacing babies with food, similar to the way reversal is used throughout the text as well.
Although the use of incongruity is used to seize attention through a sarcastic view, another way Swift uses satire to grab England's attention is
through reversal. Reversal is used by Swift to switch the roles of babies to pigs, to emphasize the idea that these babies taste like pig. It is
expressed in the text where the author points out, "I rather recommend buying the children alive and dressing them hot from the knife as we do
roasting pigs" (Swift 99). This piece of text is evident of how Swift makes the point of having children served similar to pigs makes it sound
serious, yet sarcastic making his point more clear to the reader with hidden meaning. The way Swift places reversal in the text makes it clear to
England of how insane he may seem, but for a cause. This effective way of satire is undeniable of how Swift achieves his idea to bring poverty to an
end to Ireland.
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Research Proposal On Global Warming
Research Proposal The Climate changing, this has been a well–known issue. Air Pollution is killing the environment, creating damage that cannot be
reversed. Our social media will attempt to tell you different and make it out to be not as bad or serious as it really is. My research proposal will
explain what the effects we have on our beautiful little planet in a global scale, and I will point out how the internet can try and argue the facts to make
global warming a hoax. I will layout the facts and statistics about the subject matter, then explain why their argumentation is false. A good quote
for the article to start it off is one from Hawkins, "How did global warming discussions end up hinging on what's happening with polar bears,
unverifiable predictions of what will happen in a hundred years and whether people are 'climate deniers' or 'global warming cultists?' wouldn't this
be considered a scientific topic? We should be spending more time discussing the science involved?" (Hawkins). I believe that nature in part along
with humans are causing damage to the environment. Our planet is moving closer to the sun; we know that but that alone would not be the cause of
the planets warming as fast as it is. I also believe that social media is not telling it how it really is by not using the facts and evidence. I will then
bring forth the prevalence of the ice age and talk about facts disproving global warming (which is the theory that the world is slowly rising in
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Research Proposal
TO:Professor Sara Cutting
FROM:Kiersten McCaffrey
DATE:February 18, 2014
SUBJECT:Begin Business Plan for Potential Future Investment
Background In the beginning of the semester you requested that I research a topic related to a personal decision such as a future goal. I am currently
employed at a yoga studio and have a general understanding of the hard work that goes into running a small business. At the same time, I also directly
see the benefits of owning a successful business. As a business management major, and someone who enjoys practicing yoga, I believe opening my
own yoga studio is a potential career choice for me.
Purpose of the Study
Since I will not be finically stable upon finishing college, I would more content...
Plan for Collection
Secondary Data. Secondary data will be found though official publications such as websites that provides real estate information, as well as statistics
about the area's median income, population, etc.
Primary Date. Proper primary data will not be found at this time due to the timeline of this research. Once the proposal is approved, and the research is
further conducted, I will be able to present primary data when the project is realistically implemented in ten years from now.
Data Analysis
The research obtained for the financial features of this project will be shown through a spreadsheet. The financial statement will be for this current
year instead of the time period when I choose to apply this project because it would be unrealistic, as well as extremely difficult to research the future
expenses of such large ticket items.
Time Required
Complete Secondary ResearchMarch 15
Produce Progress/Status ReportMarch 18
Deliver Research ReportApril 22
Decide whether to Implement PlanMay 1
Implement Plan2020–2025
Presentation of Results
I will present my conclusion and decision to in a formal written report that will include a financial statement and table comparing the competition. You
previously stated that I would not be able to conduct this research without your prior approval. I will send you a
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Project Proposal Essay
Project Proposal INTRODUCTION
Topic and Purpose
This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be
perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus.
There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has
posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects
to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content...
The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI
convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear.
Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order.
This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing
proposal will be outlined.
The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and
then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State
University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline
The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments.
Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure
Type of Service the Business will provide
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Sample Proposal Letter Essay
include errors in content or grammar. Please refer to the instructions to make sure you include the correct content and edit carefully.
September 22, 2003
To: Leslie Bickford
From: Diana Ferry Put your initials here!
RE: Proposal for Final Project
I request that you accept my topic for the Writing 465 final project. Hopefully, I will be able to use this project to help alleviate the current parking
problem at Winthrop University. Jack Allen, from Campus Police, and Walter Hardin, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, have shown
interest in my project.
Winthrop University is a small public school with an enrollment of 5,065 undergraduate students (Fall 2002). Although there is a wonderful parking more content...
After years more of complaining, they decided to add a parking garage to their campus. Although this garage eliminated 200 spaces, it added 613. The
price of this garage was $5.5 million. Arkansas State used the parking deck, as well as the reserved parking system to help alleviate their situation.
Many other campuses utilize the same systems, such as: University of Cincinnati, University of Iowa, University of Louisville, University of
Pittsburgh, University of South Florida, University of Tennessee, University of Wisconsin, and many more.
There are currently only a handful of reserved spaces on campus, and the ground has yet to be broken for the construction of the parking deck. In
fact, Winthrop University does not even have all the funds needed to build this parking deck. When I approached Jack Allen, of Campus Police, with
my idea of reserved parking spaces, he told me that he thought it was a good idea. Walter Hardin, when given the same idea, seemed to think that the
reserved parking system would not realistically work out but was open to the proposal.
I am planning to find the funding needed to establish reserved parking at Winthrop University through Campus Police and the current traffic and
parking system. Hopefully, Winthrop University and Campus Police will recognize the need and responsibility to fund these reserved parking spaces.
My report will
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Project Proposal Example
Project Charter [pic] 1.0 Project Information |Project Start Date: |Northland Medical Group Integration Project – May 1, 2011 | |Project End Date:
|Northland Medical Group Integration Project – May 1, 2012 | |Project Manager: |Colette Schimetz | |Project Sponsor: |Joseph McIntire, Hospital
Administrator | [pic] 2.0 Project Overview Northland Medical Group Integration Project (NMGIP) more content...
Currently the billing system is just as cumbersome. Each entity must enter medical data and billing data separately. Again, this is a costly labor
intensive procedure that allows for inaccuracies to go undetected. Another intangible yet legitimate concern is the confusion caused to patients
receiving numerous billing statements and insurance claim submissions from each separate entity. The implementation of an integrated medical
records and billings system would offer several opportunities to improve efficiency and quality of patient care. First, the data would be entered at
the source and become immediately available to all doctors and medical staff in the Northland Medical Group. All treatment each patient receives
would be consolidated in one digital medical record. This would eliminate entirely the copying and physical transfer of medical records. Redundancy
would be reduced and accuracy would be increased giving the patient access to enhanced medical care. Lab results would be available immediately
upon completion of the diagnostic testing allowing treatment to begin as much as two days earlier. Integrated records management will allow proper
medical codes to be assigned immediately as the data is entered at the source. This would insure that an accurate and current billing statement would be
available in real–time. Consolidated billing would eliminate or reduce the number of billing statements required, thus reducing cost of
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Health Care Proposal Essay
My New Proposal for a New System Jamelia Hamilton Axia College of University of Phoenix Health care is one of the most important benefits to
the people of the United States. Everybody needs health care and some people need more medical attention than others and some people do not
even need health care, except for their yearly exams. Today health care has many strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. I have come up with a new
exam that will hopefully benefit everybody in some way. My vision for the new health care system is to one, make it more affordable for everybody
in the United States. Two, to make sure that everybody receives the medical attention they need and deserve. The new health care plan I have come up
with is called, more content...
Health care plan 1a would be the cheapest plan and would benefit most people. Now the health care plans cost would go up each plan. The more on
the plan, the more you pay. It is the same way with the family plan. My health care proposal also really benefits elders. Today, elders have a really
hard time paying for health care when they are on a fixed income. I believe that health care should a lot cheaper for elders. I believe that elders
should receive discounts on their prescriptions and this proposal would take care of that. This health care proposal would make health care cheaper
for elders by reducing the cost of prescriptions and doctor visits. This health care plan also eliminates health care for the people who do not need and
gives medical attention to the ones who do need it. For example, the people who have long–term illnesses, but cannot pay for it because they cannot
afford it or it is not in their current health care plan. The people who do have long–term illnesses in their health care plan, but do have a long–term
illness would no longer have to pay for it, unless they became ill. This would help people realize what they are paying for and what they are not
paying for. This proposal also proposes that kids who are suffering from long–term illnesses get paid so much money a year for health care expenses,
well their parents or guardians would receive the money and the money could be used for bills or health
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Ethos In A Modest Proposal
The author of "A Modest Proposal" uses ethos with the intention of the readers taking his plan into consideration to improve the conditions in Ireland,
by gaining credibility. Hence, Swift states," having turned my thoughts for many years, upon this important subject, and maturely weighed the several
schemes of other projectors." As well as, " having no other motive than the public good of my country." The use of ethos in this particular evidence
shows the author and his plan is reasonable through his expertise on the subject and has a trustworthy impression, which propels the audience towards
his plan. Swift uses satire to make the audience recognize how absurd the other plans are. Consequently, the readers gain more sureness and confidence
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Teen Suicide Case Study Essay
I enjoyed reading your post and agree with your comment that knowing the population to be served is a key indicator for success. I was particularly
impressed in this case study that they recognized the fear their patients might have regarding receiving official mail due to their immigration status
(Dlugacz, 2006). This is something I had not considered prior to reading this case.
I thought your ideas for improvement were very insightful, particularly with regard to the number of teen suicides and the number of opioid
prescriptions written. I was interested to see how significant these issues are in my state and I am sad to report that according to the Utah department
of health (2016), Utah has the 7th highest drug overdose rate in the country, reportedly 80 percent of Heroin users started with prescription pain kills
and 6 people die every week in Utah from opioid overdose ( .Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Utah. Utah ranks in the
top ten states in the nation for high suicide rates and suicide is the number one cause of death for youth ages 10–17. This statistic surprised me; I
thought the leading cause of death for this age group would be accidents (Utah Suicide Prevention Plan 2017–2021). I have lived in Utah most of my
life and have been in healthcare for over 30 years and I had no idea the magnitude of the problems in more content...
2). Failure to recognize the demographics and challenges of the population being served could lead to missed opportunities for engagement and access
to resources for patients.
What do you think are some ways as healthcare providers that we can assess our vulnerable populations? How can we help our patients gain access to
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Project Proposal: Effects of Climate Change
Project Proposal: Effects of Climate Change
The final research paper generated from the Project Proposal: Effects of Climate Change will discuss the question, what Americans can do to reduce
climate change health effects? Various research publications by credible sources advise, global warmingclimate change has an affect on human health.
Climate change and the impact on human health can be connected through direct or indirect variables.
The Importance
I feel as though if we start at a young age then we will encourage more young people to start making some positive changes in their lives. This is an
important issue to me because global warming is an issue that just about everyone. Not enough people take the climate change more
I also want to persuade these young adults to start making some minor changes to their everyday life so that we can stop causing changes to the
climate, overall helping put an end to global warming itself. A myth being said is that global warming is normal and that because civilization has
survived droughts and temperature shifts before, we can all adapt to climate change.
What I want my readers to learn, as well as myself, is that these current climate changes will bring major hardships and economic dislocations. I want
my readers to be able to really learn something from my research. I hope they can learn the importance of global warming and the effects it has on
everyone. At the end of this research paper, we should all have a better understanding of what exactly global warming is, what is causing the changes
in the climate, and changes we can all make to prevent these causes.
Logical and Emotional Appeals
Climate change has logical and emotional appeals that might best engage the intended reader to become interested in reading further into the research
paper that will be presented or perhaps spark an overall general interest in the subject. Listed below are various logical and emotional appeals that may
draw the intended reader into the climate change subject area:
1.The way the body heals
2.Affect out children and grandchildren
3.Environmental variables can make more humans prone to sickness and disease
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Juxtaposition In A Modern Proposal
Swift when faced with a humanitarian crisis, a tyrannical English Empire, and a strong divide between social classes, uses his pent up agitation to
develop a piece of satire which both compels and shocks those who read his work. "A Modern Proposal" is centered around the idea of
cannibalism. In Swift's reformation of Irish society a new division of laborers would be created labeled "breeders". These "breeders" would raise
infants to the ripe age of one, and then sell them to the wealthy to be slaughtered, served and possibly made into apparel. Throughout his proposal
Swift uses comic juxtaposition and grotesque elements to further convey his criticism of Ireland. By comparing the lower class breeders and their
children to animals, Swift uses comic juxtaposition to hone in on the notion that the impoverished people in society have long been denied the
humanity the wealthy pride themselves on. No longer being seen as meaningful, important human beings, the poor are left begging for the respect
that comes with money. Pregnant woman seen as being mere vessels for produce in his imaginary world, are compared to cows saying "Men would
become as fond of their wives during the time of their pregnancy as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, their sows when they are
ready to Farrow" (5). By linking together items which normally do not go together, Swift is able to divulgue into the responsibilities and vulnerabilities
associated with womanhood. Swift futher's his
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Investment Proposal Essay example
The Investment Proposal
In early January of 2013, Manuel Pena, a venture capitalist, was attending a presentation conducted by two brothers– Dr. Adya Bharat and Dr. Sidhu
Bharat– in New York City. Mannuel had been invited to the meeting by Sydney Smithers, a friend of his who knew he'd been actively looking for
small businesses in which to invest. Sydney, a fellow Canadian, owned two businesses: one was a nursing home and the other, Durable Medical
Equipment (DME), sold medical supplies for elderly people, including such items as walkers, canes, and special toilet seats. Sydney and the Bharat
brothers were hoping Manuel would agree to invest $100,000 in their business proposition.
Sydney had gotten to know Adya while they more content...
So they turned to their birthplace, India, in search of opportunity. The Bharat brothers had since established their business in the city of Pune.
The Proposal
"This is a great time to expand in India," Sidhu said. There's no such service there, since 75% of health care is private pay. And Pune is the best city
to do it in. Plus, by being first with our service, we'll be better able to establish our reputation. "Any competition that may come alone afterward will
simply help sell our service to customers," Sidhu added.
"Pune is known as the Oxford of the East because of its educational institutions," Adya put in. "But it also has well established manufacturing industries.
We grew up there, but since then it's changed completely. It's grown tremendously as more people have moved to the city to work with companies that
have set up operations in information technology and automotive manufacturing. Pune's population is now 9.6 million, and it has the highest per capita
income of any city in India–50% higher than India's average income.
"The need for our service stems from the increasing mobility of Indian society," Adya continued.
"Young people used to live with their parents and support them. Now they're moving to Pune and other cities for high–paying jobs that have them
working 12 hours a day. Since they're no longer living with
their parents, the parents have had to become
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Cyber-Bullying: A Brief Research Proposal Essay
Introduction Internet usage in children and adolescents has been increasing in a steadily fashion in the past number of years and with the increase in
internet usage, a new form of bullying has developed – Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can be defined as "the electronic posting of mean–spirited
messages about a person," (Merriam–Webster, 2012). This form of bullying can come through various mediums including but not limited to text
messages, emails, videos, and social networking sites. There is an overwhelming amount of information that defines cyber bullying, identifies the
demographics of bullies and victims of cyber bullying, and identifies the outcomes of cyber bullying on victims. More focus needs to be placed on
who the more content...
Additionally, a large amount of cyber bullying tends to take place within social groups. Perpetrators of need not be the traditional strong, powerful
bully but could be the individual who is too shy to intimidate others in the traditional sense so they turn to the cyber world where they may remain
somewhat anonymous (Juvonen & Gross, 2008; Mishna, Cook, Gadalla, Daciuk, & Solomon, 2010; Mishna, Saini, & Solomon, 2009). One study
showed that over half of the perpetrators of cyber bullying are friends of the victim, and a further amount of perpetrations know the victim (Kowalski
& Fedina, 2011). It has been demonstrated in a number of studies that the more time an individual spends on the computer and internet, the more likely
they are to be cyber bully victims, perpetrators or both the victim and bully (Mishna, Khourg–Kassabri, Gadalla, & Daciuk, 2012; Sengupta &
Chaudhuri, 2011). The most common mediums of cyber bullying are through email, instant messages, or internet social networking sites; however,
the medium with the greatest impact on its victims is picture or video bullying (Beran & Li, 2005; Kowalski & Fedina, 2011; Slonje & Smoth,
2008). It has been suggested in the past that children who have access to social networking sites are more likely to be perpetrators or victims of cyber
bullying, however, results from one study indicates this is not the case. Alternatively, it was suggested
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Business Architectural Proposal Essay examples
Smart Thermostat Business Architecture Proposal Capella University Introduction Products for smart homes will start to see a big growth in the
upcoming years thanks in part to the progression of the mobile network infrastructure. Newly developed applications cloud services are setting the
stage for a more sophisticated home monitoring service. Because of opportunities like this, is the reason why a proposal for a business architecture
supporting Smart Homes, Inc is being submitted. The main focus of this proposal is the smart home thermostat. Along with the product, the proposal
will outline a registration system responsible for collecting and storing smart home thermostat information. This proposal will provide suggestions for more content...
* Capability and architecture of current database. * Regulates how each department will obtain data from a smart thermostat. Recommendations *
Training for staff and managers. * Business architecture recommendations. * Wireless and mobile architecture recommendations. Stakeholders The
primary stakeholder who will have decision–level input on planning the implementation of IT technology of the company will be the CIO. The CIO
has a high level of interest on the company and will be briefed on a weekly basis on the outcome of the proposal. Other stakeholders with high–level
interest are: * Project manager * Project sponsor * Suppliers and vendors * Support staff * Customers * Share holders Manage Stakeholder The
individual influence of each stakeholder on the project will vary depending on their responsibilities and all can potentially impact the outcome of the
project. A project manager's main goal is to maintain a positive relationship between every stakeholder that would help facilitate a positive outcome of
the project. The project sponsors are the suppliers and vendors that would supply the necessary items for the continuous production of the product. The
project sponsor ensures that organization delivers the planned business benefits. The support staff ensures that the project goals stay on track by
providing crucial support when needed. The CIO of an organization
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A Modest Proposal Analysis
"A Modest Proposal" A Modest Proposal was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729 to shed the light to the weak and poor Ireland. He used satire and
over exaggeration to boast and show the world what is the reality of their country. It is a proposal to mend and save the fallen country. In "A Modest
Proposal", Swift described the condition of Ireland's poor economy and lifestyle by giving it a macabre and grim aspect.
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Proposal for Final Project
This is my answer to the Week 5 which is the starting week for the Module Three Final Project. I will be using diverse sources of knowledge and
information including real life experience, text books, class discussions, journals and publications both hard copy; and where available and on the
internet. I will be doing an original review and analysis in the final project.
This week however, I will be submitting a proposal for the final project. This proposal will include a given topic, the type or nature of the problem,
the source of the information to be used for the analyses and the 'concepts and techniques to be applied". This assignment is partially restricted since a
case study more content...
2.The second option or source is researching through the Internet either through provoking the search engines or using the recommendations of the
Instructor through the weekly lecture notes.
3.Finally and very hopefully, I will be able to have access to some journals and periodicals through the Online Library of the University of Liverpool.
After the studies and analyses of my research work; after the compilation and collation; the final outcome of my work will be presented in a report that
is typed in double–spaced pages, probably containing about 2,000 words or there about. I will be using a simple a simple unzipped Microsoft word
process file.
Projected Schedule
My proposed schedule for this final project is as follows:
Week 5 is for submission of this proposal to the Instructor.
Week 6 is getting a feedback from the Instructor and submission of Annotated Outline for the Final Project to the Instructor.
Week 7 is when I hope to write the Final Project, all depending on the guidance of the Instructor.
Example of Bibliography
1.Slack, N. & Lewis, M. pp. 248 – 255 (2008) Operations Strategy 2nd ed. Harlow: Financial Times and Prentice–Hall.
2.Slack, N. & Lewis, M. (2003) OPERATIONS STRATEGY STUDY GUIDE. (Chaps 13– 15). Available on
Study Guides.
3.Ackerman, K.B. Practical Handbook of Warehousing. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.
4.Albright, B. "Recession Impacts
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Imagery In A Modest Proposal

  • 1. Imagery In A Modest Proposal In the disturbing essay "A Modest Proposal", Jonathan Swift suggests to have a solution to the "deplorable state of the Kingdom," and "preventing children of poor people being a burden to their parents or country," as well as the overpopulation of Ireland. He satirizes dehumanizing attempts to make bastard children from poor family useful to the commonwealth, through imagery "young healthy child ... delicious, nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled..." and diction "Barbadoes, alms, computation" Jonathan develops the text to in a way to make the idea of his to sound better than previous proposals. In order to show some the severity of the outcomes in countries that became colonies of the British Empire. Jonathan uses imagery more content... Follows up the idea to show this is beneficial for everyone. Being able to sell each newborn for "ten shillings for the carcass of a good fat child," so the mothers could be able to live, and not become a burden for them. This would help "prevent those voluntary abortions," which would "avoid the expense than the shame." Parents would now be able to "grant this food" to the "landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents." Jonathan creates a situation, a family is not able to pay the landowner, with his proposal the family is able to pay the landowner with their children as a source of payment. As a result of Jonathan Swift's proposal, the severe situation of Ireland is vividly conveyed that had been caused by the British empire. A solution was in dire need to deal with the economics, overpopulation of Ireland. He was able to effectively explain the situation of caused by the British, and provide a solution for the Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of Hyperbole In A Modest Proposal Jonathan Swift wrote a modest proposal to parliament. He addressed the problem of over population and famine in Ireland. The solution was presented in a satire manner and rightfully so. He proposed to eat babies to make them beneficial to the public. Swift used hyperbole and sarcasm to justify his argument. Swift Uses a hyperbole in paragraph ten "...a child just born will weigh twelve pounds..." in a tie when everybody is starving and poor it is almost impossible for most babies to be even close to 12 pounds. He does this to try and give justifications of eating babies after they grow for a year. Then he goes as far to say "...buying the children alive..." in paragraph 14, just so then can save more money by preparing and killing the baby Get more content on
  • 3. Examples Of Irony In A Modest Proposal Identify and close–read three examples of irony in "A Modest Proposal". How does each instance criticize social perceptions of the poor? In 'A Modest Proposal' the author, Jonathan Swift utilizes techniques such as satire, sarcasm, and irony to create a bigger picture to the reader. Within the poem, Swift not only presents a humorous approach to social and economic issues but does so in a well–constructed and carefully composed manner. A closer reading of the text reveals a deeper critical analysis of the social perceptions of the poor at the time. Through Swifts' use of irony, he creates a proposal that is so extremely absurd that some may believe the piece to be genuine. By taking an issue and providing a corrupt and merciless solution, the writer uses a unique approach to catch the attention of the people of Ireland and presents them a proposal they cannot ignore. Through the use of irony, Swift creates a poem that not only criticizes social perceptions of the poor but also remarks upon the issue without directly addressing the reader. Beginning with an examination of the subtitle, the stance of the narrator and his views of the poor are evident immediately. "...For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland, from being a Burden to their Parents or Country; and for making them beneficial to the Public." (Swift Para.1). This example is a distinct instance of irony; in which Swift uses such long, elaborate sentence to summarize his main proposition. By referring to Get more content on
  • 4. Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis The sarcastic views of Swift's understanding of the poverty of Ireland leads him to make a proposal for a solution to poverty, where he ignores the concern of human morale by displaying the lacking efforts of England to help. Swift uses methods that work to get or help better understand a situation, for example being sarcastic in a situation where a person wants something out of the situation by satire. The undeniable effect of satire catches the attention of England to further display the poverty of Ireland which is displayed throughout Swift's Modest Proposal with exaggeration, incongruity and reversal. Swift argues with England by reaching out for an intense solution by the use of exaggeration to put forward an idea to catch England' more content... In Modest Proposal, it is evident on how Swift effectively uses incongruity to place a point under the disguise as incongruity. For example in the text Swift emphasizes, "A child will make two dishes at entertainment for friends..."(70). It is absurd for one to visualize how a child will be served for dinner and entertainment for people. The use of incongruity is a pristine example of how Swift's argument is backed up using satire. Swift's use of Incongruity disrupts human morale by replacing babies with food, similar to the way reversal is used throughout the text as well. Although the use of incongruity is used to seize attention through a sarcastic view, another way Swift uses satire to grab England's attention is through reversal. Reversal is used by Swift to switch the roles of babies to pigs, to emphasize the idea that these babies taste like pig. It is expressed in the text where the author points out, "I rather recommend buying the children alive and dressing them hot from the knife as we do roasting pigs" (Swift 99). This piece of text is evident of how Swift makes the point of having children served similar to pigs makes it sound serious, yet sarcastic making his point more clear to the reader with hidden meaning. The way Swift places reversal in the text makes it clear to England of how insane he may seem, but for a cause. This effective way of satire is undeniable of how Swift achieves his idea to bring poverty to an end to Ireland. Get more content on
  • 5. Research Proposal On Global Warming Research Proposal The Climate changing, this has been a well–known issue. Air Pollution is killing the environment, creating damage that cannot be reversed. Our social media will attempt to tell you different and make it out to be not as bad or serious as it really is. My research proposal will explain what the effects we have on our beautiful little planet in a global scale, and I will point out how the internet can try and argue the facts to make global warming a hoax. I will layout the facts and statistics about the subject matter, then explain why their argumentation is false. A good quote for the article to start it off is one from Hawkins, "How did global warming discussions end up hinging on what's happening with polar bears, unverifiable predictions of what will happen in a hundred years and whether people are 'climate deniers' or 'global warming cultists?' wouldn't this be considered a scientific topic? We should be spending more time discussing the science involved?" (Hawkins). I believe that nature in part along with humans are causing damage to the environment. Our planet is moving closer to the sun; we know that but that alone would not be the cause of the planets warming as fast as it is. I also believe that social media is not telling it how it really is by not using the facts and evidence. I will then bring forth the prevalence of the ice age and talk about facts disproving global warming (which is the theory that the world is slowly rising in temperature Get more content on
  • 6. Research Proposal TO:Professor Sara Cutting FROM:Kiersten McCaffrey DATE:February 18, 2014 SUBJECT:Begin Business Plan for Potential Future Investment Background In the beginning of the semester you requested that I research a topic related to a personal decision such as a future goal. I am currently employed at a yoga studio and have a general understanding of the hard work that goes into running a small business. At the same time, I also directly see the benefits of owning a successful business. As a business management major, and someone who enjoys practicing yoga, I believe opening my own yoga studio is a potential career choice for me. Purpose of the Study Since I will not be finically stable upon finishing college, I would more content... Plan for Collection Secondary Data. Secondary data will be found though official publications such as websites that provides real estate information, as well as statistics about the area's median income, population, etc. Primary Date. Proper primary data will not be found at this time due to the timeline of this research. Once the proposal is approved, and the research is further conducted, I will be able to present primary data when the project is realistically implemented in ten years from now. Data Analysis The research obtained for the financial features of this project will be shown through a spreadsheet. The financial statement will be for this current year instead of the time period when I choose to apply this project because it would be unrealistic, as well as extremely difficult to research the future expenses of such large ticket items.
  • 7. Time Required Complete Secondary ResearchMarch 15 Produce Progress/Status ReportMarch 18 Deliver Research ReportApril 22 Decide whether to Implement PlanMay 1 Implement Plan2020–2025 Presentation of Results I will present my conclusion and decision to in a formal written report that will include a financial statement and table comparing the competition. You previously stated that I would not be able to conduct this research without your prior approval. I will send you a Get more content on
  • 8. Project Proposal Essay Project Proposal INTRODUCTION Topic and Purpose This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus. There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment more content... The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear. Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order. Scope This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing proposal will be outlined. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL Proposal The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
  • 9. Methodology Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments. Description of Business Entity and General Operations Type of BusinessType of Legal Entity Type of Facilities Organizational Structure Type of Service the Business will provide Get more content on
  • 10. Sample Proposal Letter Essay include errors in content or grammar. Please refer to the instructions to make sure you include the correct content and edit carefully. September 22, 2003 To: Leslie Bickford From: Diana Ferry Put your initials here! RE: Proposal for Final Project I request that you accept my topic for the Writing 465 final project. Hopefully, I will be able to use this project to help alleviate the current parking problem at Winthrop University. Jack Allen, from Campus Police, and Walter Hardin, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, have shown interest in my project. BACKGROUND Winthrop University is a small public school with an enrollment of 5,065 undergraduate students (Fall 2002). Although there is a wonderful parking more content... After years more of complaining, they decided to add a parking garage to their campus. Although this garage eliminated 200 spaces, it added 613. The price of this garage was $5.5 million. Arkansas State used the parking deck, as well as the reserved parking system to help alleviate their situation. Many other campuses utilize the same systems, such as: University of Cincinnati, University of Iowa, University of Louisville, University of Pittsburgh, University of South Florida, University of Tennessee, University of Wisconsin, and many more. There are currently only a handful of reserved spaces on campus, and the ground has yet to be broken for the construction of the parking deck. In fact, Winthrop University does not even have all the funds needed to build this parking deck. When I approached Jack Allen, of Campus Police, with my idea of reserved parking spaces, he told me that he thought it was a good idea. Walter Hardin, when given the same idea, seemed to think that the reserved parking system would not realistically work out but was open to the proposal. PROPOSED PROJECT I am planning to find the funding needed to establish reserved parking at Winthrop University through Campus Police and the current traffic and parking system. Hopefully, Winthrop University and Campus Police will recognize the need and responsibility to fund these reserved parking spaces. My report will
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  • 12. Project Proposal Example Project Charter [pic] 1.0 Project Information |Project Start Date: |Northland Medical Group Integration Project – May 1, 2011 | |Project End Date: |Northland Medical Group Integration Project – May 1, 2012 | |Project Manager: |Colette Schimetz | |Project Sponsor: |Joseph McIntire, Hospital Administrator | [pic] 2.0 Project Overview Northland Medical Group Integration Project (NMGIP) more content... Currently the billing system is just as cumbersome. Each entity must enter medical data and billing data separately. Again, this is a costly labor intensive procedure that allows for inaccuracies to go undetected. Another intangible yet legitimate concern is the confusion caused to patients receiving numerous billing statements and insurance claim submissions from each separate entity. The implementation of an integrated medical records and billings system would offer several opportunities to improve efficiency and quality of patient care. First, the data would be entered at the source and become immediately available to all doctors and medical staff in the Northland Medical Group. All treatment each patient receives would be consolidated in one digital medical record. This would eliminate entirely the copying and physical transfer of medical records. Redundancy would be reduced and accuracy would be increased giving the patient access to enhanced medical care. Lab results would be available immediately upon completion of the diagnostic testing allowing treatment to begin as much as two days earlier. Integrated records management will allow proper medical codes to be assigned immediately as the data is entered at the source. This would insure that an accurate and current billing statement would be available in real–time. Consolidated billing would eliminate or reduce the number of billing statements required, thus reducing cost of Get more content on
  • 13. Health Care Proposal Essay My New Proposal for a New System Jamelia Hamilton Axia College of University of Phoenix Health care is one of the most important benefits to the people of the United States. Everybody needs health care and some people need more medical attention than others and some people do not even need health care, except for their yearly exams. Today health care has many strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. I have come up with a new exam that will hopefully benefit everybody in some way. My vision for the new health care system is to one, make it more affordable for everybody in the United States. Two, to make sure that everybody receives the medical attention they need and deserve. The new health care plan I have come up with is called, more content... Health care plan 1a would be the cheapest plan and would benefit most people. Now the health care plans cost would go up each plan. The more on the plan, the more you pay. It is the same way with the family plan. My health care proposal also really benefits elders. Today, elders have a really hard time paying for health care when they are on a fixed income. I believe that health care should a lot cheaper for elders. I believe that elders should receive discounts on their prescriptions and this proposal would take care of that. This health care proposal would make health care cheaper for elders by reducing the cost of prescriptions and doctor visits. This health care plan also eliminates health care for the people who do not need and gives medical attention to the ones who do need it. For example, the people who have long–term illnesses, but cannot pay for it because they cannot afford it or it is not in their current health care plan. The people who do have long–term illnesses in their health care plan, but do have a long–term illness would no longer have to pay for it, unless they became ill. This would help people realize what they are paying for and what they are not paying for. This proposal also proposes that kids who are suffering from long–term illnesses get paid so much money a year for health care expenses, well their parents or guardians would receive the money and the money could be used for bills or health Get more content on
  • 14. Ethos In A Modest Proposal The author of "A Modest Proposal" uses ethos with the intention of the readers taking his plan into consideration to improve the conditions in Ireland, by gaining credibility. Hence, Swift states," having turned my thoughts for many years, upon this important subject, and maturely weighed the several schemes of other projectors." As well as, " having no other motive than the public good of my country." The use of ethos in this particular evidence shows the author and his plan is reasonable through his expertise on the subject and has a trustworthy impression, which propels the audience towards his plan. Swift uses satire to make the audience recognize how absurd the other plans are. Consequently, the readers gain more sureness and confidence Get more content on
  • 15. Teen Suicide Case Study Essay I enjoyed reading your post and agree with your comment that knowing the population to be served is a key indicator for success. I was particularly impressed in this case study that they recognized the fear their patients might have regarding receiving official mail due to their immigration status (Dlugacz, 2006). This is something I had not considered prior to reading this case. I thought your ideas for improvement were very insightful, particularly with regard to the number of teen suicides and the number of opioid prescriptions written. I was interested to see how significant these issues are in my state and I am sad to report that according to the Utah department of health (2016), Utah has the 7th highest drug overdose rate in the country, reportedly 80 percent of Heroin users started with prescription pain kills and 6 people die every week in Utah from opioid overdose ( .Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Utah. Utah ranks in the top ten states in the nation for high suicide rates and suicide is the number one cause of death for youth ages 10–17. This statistic surprised me; I thought the leading cause of death for this age group would be accidents (Utah Suicide Prevention Plan 2017–2021). I have lived in Utah most of my life and have been in healthcare for over 30 years and I had no idea the magnitude of the problems in more content... 2). Failure to recognize the demographics and challenges of the population being served could lead to missed opportunities for engagement and access to resources for patients. What do you think are some ways as healthcare providers that we can assess our vulnerable populations? How can we help our patients gain access to Get more content on
  • 16. Project Proposal: Effects of Climate Change Project Proposal: Effects of Climate Change The final research paper generated from the Project Proposal: Effects of Climate Change will discuss the question, what Americans can do to reduce climate change health effects? Various research publications by credible sources advise, global warmingclimate change has an affect on human health. Climate change and the impact on human health can be connected through direct or indirect variables. The Importance I feel as though if we start at a young age then we will encourage more young people to start making some positive changes in their lives. This is an important issue to me because global warming is an issue that just about everyone. Not enough people take the climate change more content... I also want to persuade these young adults to start making some minor changes to their everyday life so that we can stop causing changes to the climate, overall helping put an end to global warming itself. A myth being said is that global warming is normal and that because civilization has survived droughts and temperature shifts before, we can all adapt to climate change. What I want my readers to learn, as well as myself, is that these current climate changes will bring major hardships and economic dislocations. I want my readers to be able to really learn something from my research. I hope they can learn the importance of global warming and the effects it has on everyone. At the end of this research paper, we should all have a better understanding of what exactly global warming is, what is causing the changes in the climate, and changes we can all make to prevent these causes. Logical and Emotional Appeals Climate change has logical and emotional appeals that might best engage the intended reader to become interested in reading further into the research paper that will be presented or perhaps spark an overall general interest in the subject. Listed below are various logical and emotional appeals that may draw the intended reader into the climate change subject area: 1.The way the body heals 2.Affect out children and grandchildren 3.Environmental variables can make more humans prone to sickness and disease 4.The
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  • 18. Juxtaposition In A Modern Proposal Swift when faced with a humanitarian crisis, a tyrannical English Empire, and a strong divide between social classes, uses his pent up agitation to develop a piece of satire which both compels and shocks those who read his work. "A Modern Proposal" is centered around the idea of cannibalism. In Swift's reformation of Irish society a new division of laborers would be created labeled "breeders". These "breeders" would raise infants to the ripe age of one, and then sell them to the wealthy to be slaughtered, served and possibly made into apparel. Throughout his proposal Swift uses comic juxtaposition and grotesque elements to further convey his criticism of Ireland. By comparing the lower class breeders and their children to animals, Swift uses comic juxtaposition to hone in on the notion that the impoverished people in society have long been denied the humanity the wealthy pride themselves on. No longer being seen as meaningful, important human beings, the poor are left begging for the respect that comes with money. Pregnant woman seen as being mere vessels for produce in his imaginary world, are compared to cows saying "Men would become as fond of their wives during the time of their pregnancy as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, their sows when they are ready to Farrow" (5). By linking together items which normally do not go together, Swift is able to divulgue into the responsibilities and vulnerabilities associated with womanhood. Swift futher's his Get more content on
  • 19. Investment Proposal Essay example The Investment Proposal In early January of 2013, Manuel Pena, a venture capitalist, was attending a presentation conducted by two brothers– Dr. Adya Bharat and Dr. Sidhu Bharat– in New York City. Mannuel had been invited to the meeting by Sydney Smithers, a friend of his who knew he'd been actively looking for small businesses in which to invest. Sydney, a fellow Canadian, owned two businesses: one was a nursing home and the other, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), sold medical supplies for elderly people, including such items as walkers, canes, and special toilet seats. Sydney and the Bharat brothers were hoping Manuel would agree to invest $100,000 in their business proposition. Sydney had gotten to know Adya while they more content... So they turned to their birthplace, India, in search of opportunity. The Bharat brothers had since established their business in the city of Pune. The Proposal "This is a great time to expand in India," Sidhu said. There's no such service there, since 75% of health care is private pay. And Pune is the best city to do it in. Plus, by being first with our service, we'll be better able to establish our reputation. "Any competition that may come alone afterward will simply help sell our service to customers," Sidhu added. "Pune is known as the Oxford of the East because of its educational institutions," Adya put in. "But it also has well established manufacturing industries. We grew up there, but since then it's changed completely. It's grown tremendously as more people have moved to the city to work with companies that have set up operations in information technology and automotive manufacturing. Pune's population is now 9.6 million, and it has the highest per capita income of any city in India–50% higher than India's average income. "The need for our service stems from the increasing mobility of Indian society," Adya continued. "Young people used to live with their parents and support them. Now they're moving to Pune and other cities for high–paying jobs that have them working 12 hours a day. Since they're no longer living with their parents, the parents have had to become Get more content on
  • 20. Cyber-Bullying: A Brief Research Proposal Essay Introduction Internet usage in children and adolescents has been increasing in a steadily fashion in the past number of years and with the increase in internet usage, a new form of bullying has developed – Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can be defined as "the electronic posting of mean–spirited messages about a person," (Merriam–Webster, 2012). This form of bullying can come through various mediums including but not limited to text messages, emails, videos, and social networking sites. There is an overwhelming amount of information that defines cyber bullying, identifies the demographics of bullies and victims of cyber bullying, and identifies the outcomes of cyber bullying on victims. More focus needs to be placed on who the more content... Additionally, a large amount of cyber bullying tends to take place within social groups. Perpetrators of need not be the traditional strong, powerful bully but could be the individual who is too shy to intimidate others in the traditional sense so they turn to the cyber world where they may remain somewhat anonymous (Juvonen & Gross, 2008; Mishna, Cook, Gadalla, Daciuk, & Solomon, 2010; Mishna, Saini, & Solomon, 2009). One study showed that over half of the perpetrators of cyber bullying are friends of the victim, and a further amount of perpetrations know the victim (Kowalski & Fedina, 2011). It has been demonstrated in a number of studies that the more time an individual spends on the computer and internet, the more likely they are to be cyber bully victims, perpetrators or both the victim and bully (Mishna, Khourg–Kassabri, Gadalla, & Daciuk, 2012; Sengupta & Chaudhuri, 2011). The most common mediums of cyber bullying are through email, instant messages, or internet social networking sites; however, the medium with the greatest impact on its victims is picture or video bullying (Beran & Li, 2005; Kowalski & Fedina, 2011; Slonje & Smoth, 2008). It has been suggested in the past that children who have access to social networking sites are more likely to be perpetrators or victims of cyber bullying, however, results from one study indicates this is not the case. Alternatively, it was suggested Get more content on
  • 21. Business Architectural Proposal Essay examples Smart Thermostat Business Architecture Proposal Capella University Introduction Products for smart homes will start to see a big growth in the upcoming years thanks in part to the progression of the mobile network infrastructure. Newly developed applications cloud services are setting the stage for a more sophisticated home monitoring service. Because of opportunities like this, is the reason why a proposal for a business architecture supporting Smart Homes, Inc is being submitted. The main focus of this proposal is the smart home thermostat. Along with the product, the proposal will outline a registration system responsible for collecting and storing smart home thermostat information. This proposal will provide suggestions for more content... * Capability and architecture of current database. * Regulates how each department will obtain data from a smart thermostat. Recommendations * Training for staff and managers. * Business architecture recommendations. * Wireless and mobile architecture recommendations. Stakeholders The primary stakeholder who will have decision–level input on planning the implementation of IT technology of the company will be the CIO. The CIO has a high level of interest on the company and will be briefed on a weekly basis on the outcome of the proposal. Other stakeholders with high–level interest are: * Project manager * Project sponsor * Suppliers and vendors * Support staff * Customers * Share holders Manage Stakeholder The individual influence of each stakeholder on the project will vary depending on their responsibilities and all can potentially impact the outcome of the project. A project manager's main goal is to maintain a positive relationship between every stakeholder that would help facilitate a positive outcome of the project. The project sponsors are the suppliers and vendors that would supply the necessary items for the continuous production of the product. The project sponsor ensures that organization delivers the planned business benefits. The support staff ensures that the project goals stay on track by providing crucial support when needed. The CIO of an organization Get more content on
  • 22. A Modest Proposal Analysis "A Modest Proposal" A Modest Proposal was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729 to shed the light to the weak and poor Ireland. He used satire and over exaggeration to boast and show the world what is the reality of their country. It is a proposal to mend and save the fallen country. In "A Modest Proposal", Swift described the condition of Ireland's poor economy and lifestyle by giving it a macabre and grim aspect. Get more content on
  • 23. Proposal for Final Project PROPOSAL FOR FINAL PROJECT Background This is my answer to the Week 5 which is the starting week for the Module Three Final Project. I will be using diverse sources of knowledge and information including real life experience, text books, class discussions, journals and publications both hard copy; and where available and on the internet. I will be doing an original review and analysis in the final project. Proposal This week however, I will be submitting a proposal for the final project. This proposal will include a given topic, the type or nature of the problem, the source of the information to be used for the analyses and the 'concepts and techniques to be applied". This assignment is partially restricted since a case study more content... 2.The second option or source is researching through the Internet either through provoking the search engines or using the recommendations of the Instructor through the weekly lecture notes. 3.Finally and very hopefully, I will be able to have access to some journals and periodicals through the Online Library of the University of Liverpool. Outcome After the studies and analyses of my research work; after the compilation and collation; the final outcome of my work will be presented in a report that is typed in double–spaced pages, probably containing about 2,000 words or there about. I will be using a simple a simple unzipped Microsoft word process file. Projected Schedule My proposed schedule for this final project is as follows: Week 5 is for submission of this proposal to the Instructor. Week 6 is getting a feedback from the Instructor and submission of Annotated Outline for the Final Project to the Instructor. Week 7 is when I hope to write the Final Project, all depending on the guidance of the Instructor. Example of Bibliography 1.Slack, N. & Lewis, M. pp. 248 – 255 (2008) Operations Strategy 2nd ed. Harlow: Financial Times and Prentice–Hall. 2.Slack, N. & Lewis, M. (2003) OPERATIONS STRATEGY STUDY GUIDE. (Chaps 13– 15). Available on Study Guides. 3.Ackerman, K.B. Practical Handbook of Warehousing. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.
  • 24. 4.Albright, B. "Recession Impacts Get more content on