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About this study

These are excerpts from a comprehensive research study offered by East-
West Digital News, the international resource on Russian digital industries, in
partnership with Fast Lane Ventures.

Based on interviews with over 80 industry executives and experts, the
research was conducted with the participation of leading consultancies and

To receive an executive summary at no charge or order the full version
(10 chapters, 316 pages), please email us at

      About the publisher

East-West Digital News is the first international information company dedicated
to Russian digital industries. Its website EWDN.COM provides news, market
data, business analysis and updates pertaining to the Internet, e-commerce,
mobile and telecom industries, digital TV and satellite systems, software and
hardware innovation, as well as to the related investment activity and legal

A consulting branch, East-West Digital Consulting, provides international
players with assistance for business development in Russia and advises
Russian companies on their international strategies.

For more information, please contact us at
                      Marina Treshchova

In 2010, while deciding on our first company to launch, there was no doubt in our minds
that it should be an e-commerce startup. We were absolutely sure that the time had
come; the e-commerce market had started to boom and would continue to grow quickly
and exponentially. We saw a large gap in the market; the absence of convenient and
necessary consumer services available in Russia. It may be difficult to believe but two
years ago, when we started, there were no online shoe shop in Russia!
Skeptics tried to convince us that Russian women would never buy shoes online but 2
year later is the №1 online retailer generating millions in revenue and
receiving hundreds of thousands of orders per year.

This proved to be a game changer; we proved the necessity of qualitative internet
services for Russian consumers and now see huge opportunities in the future.
In a recent study into the potential growth of e-commerce in the emerging markets made
by consulting company A. T. Kearney, Russia was ranked number three. The key driver
behind this ranking is clear; Russia’s constantly expanding internet audience. Currently,
the demands of Russian consumers are still not being met, and so we anticipate the
number of online retailers will increase dramatically to satisfy this demand.

The number of the new online services reflects Russia’s expanding online audience.
There are about 30,000 online shops in Russia at the moment. We have seen a new
generation of customers appear, those that demand perfect service and a wide choice
in goods, and it is these customers who prefer the advantages of online retailers.

Furthermore, we see an unprecedented growth in the number of internet
entrepreneurs in the country, and e-commerce is one of the key market sectors setting
the tone in the development of Russian internet businesses.

Fast Lane Ventures continues to be on the cutting edge of the Russian internet,
launching new e-commerce businesses with the capability to become market leaders
and setting new standards for Russian customers. With other players of the market,
we are bound to take Russian e-commerce to the next level.

                 Marina Treshchova is the CEO and a co-founder of Fast Lane Ventures
Chief Editor’s note
                    Adrien Henni

We are pleased to offer key insights of a year-long research project on the
Russian online retail market, one of the fastest growing but least known (and
understood) on the planet.

The report provides international audiences with the first reliable and precise
data on this market, plus middle and long term forecasts and trends.

Beyond capital-centric analysis, the full version also explores the regional
e-commerce scene – now nearing the tipping point in a market thus far
dominated by Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Yet our research is, above all, a practical guide. In the full version, more than
150 pages are dedicated to analysis of and recommendations for each of the
key issues defining the industry – from marketing to payments, from fulfillment to
legal requirements and on to little known HR challenges.

Last but not least, entrepreneurs and investors will enjoy a review by Fast Lane
Ventures of the e-commerce-related investment deals that have taken place in
Russia over the last two years, with an analysis of the financial issues pertaining
to Russian e-commerce and the exit perspectives in the industry.

We hope you enjoy this groundbreaking collaborative effort and wish you every
success in your e-commerce projects.

                           Adrien Henni is the Chief editor and a co-founder
                           of East-West Digital News
   Russian E-commerce 2011                                                               million
   THE NUMBERS                                                                           Russians	
                                                                          shopped online
Sources: Data Insight and East-West Digital News                       in a 6-month period,
unless stated otherwise                                            or 14% of the population 18+
                                                                             (or 7 million monthly)

 Total                                                        of which

market                        $10.5bn                                            was spent on
                                    (310bn rub.)

                                                          $7.8bn                  physical
                                                              (230bn rub.)        goods…
                                                                                 …while cross–border
                                                                                 sales        reached 	
                                                                                       $ 700 m
Online retail
  accounted                                      of the total Russian
for less than                                    retail market…

                        …but grew by at least                                               in one year

              89                       orders
                                                                                 of which

                                       of physical goods                             45
                were made during the year

                                       (or 245,000 per day)
                                                                             (or 125,000 per day)
                                                              came from the regions
                           Insales counted	

                           25,000                  of which
                                                       only    10        made $100m or more
                                                                         in sales (physical goods only)
                           shops                                 while the revenues of the
                                                                 30 top players
                           up from 16,000 in 2010
                           or just 268 that same
                                                              totaled less than
                           year, according to the
                           Russian official statistics           or 1/3 of the total market size
                                                                             (physical goods only)
Russian E-commerce 2011

In 2011, the sales volume of online retail in      The fact that Russia ranks fairly high among
Russia was similar to that in Italy, Spain or      European countries in share of online
Brazil, while significantly behind the USA         shoppers in total Internet users, does not
and the EU. The share of online retail in total    provide evidence of exhausted growth
retail amounted to less than 2%, compared          potential. The mid-term potential of Russia’s
to between 7% and 9% in the USA and most           online shopper base to expand could be
West European countries. In the UK, the            higher than that of European countries.
share has gone beyond 10%. The low
penetration of e-commerce in Russia (where         This optimistic outlook is based on the fact
in 2011 only around 15% of adult population        that many characteristics of Internet use in
shopped online) is, however, linked not so         Russia, such as Internet behavior, is less like
much to lack of interest in online retail, but     other European countries and more like what
rather with a relatively low Internet              is seen in Asian and Latin American markets,
penetration.                                       where the Internet audience is significantly
                                                   more involved in e-commerce than in
Relevance of Internet retail in Russia is fairly   Europe.
high, as 40% of Internet users shopped
online in 2010, which was ahead of Italy,          In Europe, only the UK has a share of online
Greece, and new EU members from Central            shoppers as a percentage of total Internet
Europe and the Baltics. The share of online        users that has surpassed the 80% level,
shoppers in total Internet users in Spain that     whereas the level is well above 80% in such
year was comparable to that in Russia, while       other developed markets as the USA and
being 1.5-2 times higher in the most               Japan, and developing ones, such as Brazil
developed countries (65-85%).                      and China.
Russian             E-commerce


We anticipate an at least 2.5-fold market          In a long term perspective, according to
growth between 2010 and 2015. The total e-         moderate forecasts, the market size of Russian
commerce market could amount to somewhere          e-commerce could reach $50 bn by 2020. In no
between 690 bn rubles ($23 bn) and 900 bn          case should this figure, which represents
rubles ($30 bn) in 2015, at 2010 values. This      around 6% of Russia's total retail market, be
corresponds to up to 5% of total retail volume     regarded as a maximum. Further strong growth
in Russia. For reference, the same level of e-     will be fueled mainly by such structural factors
commerce existed in the USA in 2008, i.e.          as:
Russia is behind approximately 10 years, by        •  Fulfilment infrastructure reaching maturity:
this measure.                                      With reduced delivery costs, the scope of e-
                                                   commerce will extend to cheaper product
The fastest growth rate, 3.6-fold or more, is      categories;
expected to be found in the regions, with a        •  E-signature and online payments becoming
considerable flow of new Internet users from       more popular, with mass demand for non-
there. They will account for the majority of the   material products such as insurance and tour
growth of the e-commerce market – for 87% in       package offers.
terms of number of new online shoppers and
for 59% in terms of market value growth            Russian e-commerce could thus represent a
between 2010 and 2015.                             market of up to $150 bn within 15 to 20 years.
Russian E-commerce 2012

     Source: East-West Digital News

         The market is growing by at least 25% each
1        year; some major online retailers are even
         seeing their sales double or triple.

        The regions still lag behind the capitals, but
2       pioneering retailers now generate more than
        half of their sales from the regions

        Major offline retailers are now coming to
3       e-commerce while online-offline concepts

        Investment activity is growing fast, but exits
4       are still exceptions and are likely to remain so
        at least in the short term.

         Logistics and delivery are still bottlenecks for
5        e-commerce in the regions; major retailers
         overcome this by building their own capacities.

         Cash-on-delivery is the rule for physical goods
 6       and will remain so for a long time, but merchants
         find ways to cope with the related issues.

         The lack of qualified human resources
7        appears to be one of the most painful issues,
         hampering the entire Internet industry.

         Cross-border sales have grown considerably
8        over the last few years, but foreign e-merchants
         still have to pull down two major walls: customs
         clearance and delivery across Russia.
                                    An exclusive ranking
                                    by East-West Digital News
                                    and Data Insight

O N L I N E   S A L E S   2 0 1 1

                     PHYSICAL GOODS


In the absence of officially disclosed, a site offering tools
figures for most players, establishing a    and appliances for the home and
ranking of the top Russian online           garden, had remained under the radars
retailers is a daunting exercise.           until recently. Its importance on the
                                            Russian e-commerce scene is revealed
Several rankings do exist, based on a       for the first time in this ranking.
variety of online measurements,
information from industry sources and/
or other unspecified methodology; none                          *
of these can be considered completely
                                            Our    methodology     for    estimating
For certain sites, 2011 sales estimates     turnovers has been the following:
may vary up to eight-fold between two
rankings. In particular, the turnover of    • We systematically requested figures, a major site offering          and sometimes obtained them, either
consumer electronics, was estimated at      officially or unofficially;
$310 million by Online Retailer – a far     •  For some other sites, we received
cry from Insales' more modest estimate      information from reliable insiders or
of $37 million. An internal source          industry sources;
assured us that Online Retailer's figure
was close to reality, but Data Insight's    •  In still other cases, we relied on the
experts remained skeptical. Due to          expertise of Data Insight, whose
these uncertainties, and in the absence     analysts are among the best on the
of an official answer from the site,        market; has not been included –
perhaps unfairly – in our ranking.          •  In the absence of official or unofficial
                                            figures, reliable sources or an estimate
While's turnover "varies"        from Data Insight, we averaged the
from $77 milllion, according to Insales,    figures from existing rankings – or did
to $193 million, according to Online        not include the site in the ranking when
Retailer, a well informed source told us    the latter seemed unreliable.
that the site's gross merchandise value
was actually close to $160 million.         In the absence of official figures, we felt
                                            we reached a high degree of certainty
It is very likely that Amazon and eBay      whenever at least two reliable industry
should be included in our ranking,          sources, or experts, converged in their
based on the assumption that cross-         estimates; or when the three main
border sales may have totaled some          existing rankings offered similar figures.
$600 or $700 million in 2011, and that
these two sites account for a significant   In other cases, the figures should not
part of this volume. However, neither       be      considered      more      than
site agreed to disclose data on their       approximations, with a much lower
sales to Russia.                            degree of certainty.
A research by Fast Lane Ventures

V E N T U R E                       in partnership with
                                    East-West Digital News

                                               Official data
2   0   1   0   -   2   0   1   1
PUBLICLY DISCLOSED TRANSACTIONS                Unconfirmed data
A research by Fast Lane Ventures

V E N T U R E                       in partnership with
                                    East-West Digital News

                                               Official data
2   0   1   0   -   2   0   1   1
PUBLICLY DISCLOSED TRANSACTIONS                Unconfirmed data
A research by Fast Lane Ventures

V E N T U R E                                               in partnership with
                                                            East-West Digital News

2       0     1     0     -    2     0     1     1

    These are excerpts from
    "The Russian Internet Deal Book,"
    a comprehensive research on the
    financing of Russian Internet companies
    and startups in 2010 and 2011, offered
    by Fast Lane Ventures.

    To get your free copy, please contact Fast Lane
    Ventures' Senior Investment Analyst Andrey Kulikov at
Contents                                    316 PAGES
of the full version                         12 CASE STUDIES
                                            & I N T E R V I E W S
                                            9 8   I L L U S T R A T I O N S

By Ozon CEO Maëlle Gavet, Acrobator founder Bas Godska, and David
Waroquier of Mangrove Capital Partners

Key figures and trends

Top 40 Russian e-commerce properties

Part 1. Main market trends

Part 2. Demand side: Online consumers

Part 3. Supply side: Merchants

Part 4. Fulfillment

Part 5. The "Russian payment jungle"

Part 6. Marketing and sales channels

Part 7. Legal aspects

Part 8. HR: The most painful issue?

Part 9. E-commerce in the Samara region: A monograph

Part 10. Serving Russian customers from abroad:
From cross-border sales to market entry

Twelve case studies and interviews
eBay – – The Otto Group – – – – – – – – VTB Capital –
Daily deal sites
   I N T E R N E T 	
   M O B I L E 	
   T E L E C O M 	
   S O F T W A R E 	
   H A R D W A R E 	
   I N N O V A T I O N 	
D I G I T A L 	
   T V 	
   S A T E L L I T E S 	
   S T A R T U P S 	
   I N V E S T M E N T 	
   A C T I V I T Y 	
   L E G A L 	
   D E V E L O P M E N T S

                                                                                                                                                                                                Digital Russia

                                                                                                                                                                                                  in English

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • SATELLITES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • STARTUPS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • INVESTMENT

                                                                                                                                                                                             Daily news • Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                            International consulting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • LEGAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DEVELOPMENTS •

                                                                                                                                                                                         East-West Digital News is the first international
                                                                                                                                                                                         information and consulting company dedicated to
                                                                                                                                                                                         Russian digital industries. Get in touch with us at
                                                                                                                                                                                         c o n t a c t @ e w d n . c o m

                                                            I N T E R N E T 	
   M O B I L E 	
   T E L E C O M 	
   S O F T W A R E 	
   H A R D W A R E 	
   I N N O V A T I O N 	

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E-commerce in Russia

  • 2. About this study These are excerpts from a comprehensive research study offered by East- West Digital News, the international resource on Russian digital industries, in partnership with Fast Lane Ventures. Based on interviews with over 80 industry executives and experts, the research was conducted with the participation of leading consultancies and universities. To receive an executive summary at no charge or order the full version (10 chapters, 316 pages), please email us at About the publisher East-West Digital News is the first international information company dedicated to Russian digital industries. Its website EWDN.COM provides news, market data, business analysis and updates pertaining to the Internet, e-commerce, mobile and telecom industries, digital TV and satellite systems, software and hardware innovation, as well as to the related investment activity and legal developments. A consulting branch, East-West Digital Consulting, provides international players with assistance for business development in Russia and advises Russian companies on their international strategies. For more information, please contact us at
  • 3. Foreword Marina Treshchova In 2010, while deciding on our first company to launch, there was no doubt in our minds that it should be an e-commerce startup. We were absolutely sure that the time had come; the e-commerce market had started to boom and would continue to grow quickly and exponentially. We saw a large gap in the market; the absence of convenient and necessary consumer services available in Russia. It may be difficult to believe but two years ago, when we started, there were no online shoe shop in Russia! Skeptics tried to convince us that Russian women would never buy shoes online but 2 year later is the №1 online retailer generating millions in revenue and receiving hundreds of thousands of orders per year. This proved to be a game changer; we proved the necessity of qualitative internet services for Russian consumers and now see huge opportunities in the future. In a recent study into the potential growth of e-commerce in the emerging markets made by consulting company A. T. Kearney, Russia was ranked number three. The key driver behind this ranking is clear; Russia’s constantly expanding internet audience. Currently, the demands of Russian consumers are still not being met, and so we anticipate the number of online retailers will increase dramatically to satisfy this demand. The number of the new online services reflects Russia’s expanding online audience. There are about 30,000 online shops in Russia at the moment. We have seen a new generation of customers appear, those that demand perfect service and a wide choice in goods, and it is these customers who prefer the advantages of online retailers. Furthermore, we see an unprecedented growth in the number of internet entrepreneurs in the country, and e-commerce is one of the key market sectors setting the tone in the development of Russian internet businesses. Fast Lane Ventures continues to be on the cutting edge of the Russian internet, launching new e-commerce businesses with the capability to become market leaders and setting new standards for Russian customers. With other players of the market, we are bound to take Russian e-commerce to the next level. Marina Treshchova is the CEO and a co-founder of Fast Lane Ventures
  • 4. Chief Editor’s note Adrien Henni We are pleased to offer key insights of a year-long research project on the Russian online retail market, one of the fastest growing but least known (and understood) on the planet. The report provides international audiences with the first reliable and precise data on this market, plus middle and long term forecasts and trends. Beyond capital-centric analysis, the full version also explores the regional e-commerce scene – now nearing the tipping point in a market thus far dominated by Moscow and St. Petersburg. Yet our research is, above all, a practical guide. In the full version, more than 150 pages are dedicated to analysis of and recommendations for each of the key issues defining the industry – from marketing to payments, from fulfillment to legal requirements and on to little known HR challenges. Last but not least, entrepreneurs and investors will enjoy a review by Fast Lane Ventures of the e-commerce-related investment deals that have taken place in Russia over the last two years, with an analysis of the financial issues pertaining to Russian e-commerce and the exit perspectives in the industry. We hope you enjoy this groundbreaking collaborative effort and wish you every success in your e-commerce projects. Adrien Henni is the Chief editor and a co-founder of East-West Digital News
  • 5. 18 Russian E-commerce 2011 million THE NUMBERS Russians   shopped online Sources: Data Insight and East-West Digital News in a 6-month period, unless stated otherwise or 14% of the population 18+ (or 7 million monthly) Total of which market $10.5bn was spent on size: (310bn rub.) $7.8bn physical (230bn rub.) goods… …while cross–border sales reached   $ 700 m Online retail accounted of the total Russian 2% for less than retail market… …but grew by at least in one year +25% 89 orders of which of physical goods 45 million   were made during the year million   (or 245,000 per day) (or 125,000 per day) came from the regions Insales counted   25,000 of which only 10 made $100m or more in sales (physical goods only) Internet shops while the revenues of the 30 top players up from 16,000 in 2010 or just 268 that same totaled less than $3bn year, according to the Russian official statistics or 1/3 of the total market size (physical goods only)
  • 6. Russian E-commerce 2011 INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS In 2011, the sales volume of online retail in The fact that Russia ranks fairly high among Russia was similar to that in Italy, Spain or European countries in share of online Brazil, while significantly behind the USA shoppers in total Internet users, does not and the EU. The share of online retail in total provide evidence of exhausted growth retail amounted to less than 2%, compared potential. The mid-term potential of Russia’s to between 7% and 9% in the USA and most online shopper base to expand could be West European countries. In the UK, the higher than that of European countries. share has gone beyond 10%. The low penetration of e-commerce in Russia (where This optimistic outlook is based on the fact in 2011 only around 15% of adult population that many characteristics of Internet use in shopped online) is, however, linked not so Russia, such as Internet behavior, is less like much to lack of interest in online retail, but other European countries and more like what rather with a relatively low Internet is seen in Asian and Latin American markets, penetration. where the Internet audience is significantly more involved in e-commerce than in Relevance of Internet retail in Russia is fairly Europe. high, as 40% of Internet users shopped online in 2010, which was ahead of Italy, In Europe, only the UK has a share of online Greece, and new EU members from Central shoppers as a percentage of total Internet Europe and the Baltics. The share of online users that has surpassed the 80% level, shoppers in total Internet users in Spain that whereas the level is well above 80% in such year was comparable to that in Russia, while other developed markets as the USA and being 1.5-2 times higher in the most Japan, and developing ones, such as Brazil developed countries (65-85%). and China.
  • 7. Russian E-commerce FORECASTS We anticipate an at least 2.5-fold market In a long term perspective, according to growth between 2010 and 2015. The total e- moderate forecasts, the market size of Russian commerce market could amount to somewhere e-commerce could reach $50 bn by 2020. In no between 690 bn rubles ($23 bn) and 900 bn case should this figure, which represents rubles ($30 bn) in 2015, at 2010 values. This around 6% of Russia's total retail market, be corresponds to up to 5% of total retail volume regarded as a maximum. Further strong growth in Russia. For reference, the same level of e- will be fueled mainly by such structural factors commerce existed in the USA in 2008, i.e. as: Russia is behind approximately 10 years, by •  Fulfilment infrastructure reaching maturity: this measure. With reduced delivery costs, the scope of e- commerce will extend to cheaper product The fastest growth rate, 3.6-fold or more, is categories; expected to be found in the regions, with a •  E-signature and online payments becoming considerable flow of new Internet users from more popular, with mass demand for non- there. They will account for the majority of the material products such as insurance and tour growth of the e-commerce market – for 87% in package offers. terms of number of new online shoppers and for 59% in terms of market value growth Russian e-commerce could thus represent a between 2010 and 2015. market of up to $150 bn within 15 to 20 years.
  • 8. Russian E-commerce 2012 THE TRENDS Source: East-West Digital News The market is growing by at least 25% each 1 year; some major online retailers are even seeing their sales double or triple. The regions still lag behind the capitals, but 2 pioneering retailers now generate more than half of their sales from the regions Major offline retailers are now coming to 3 e-commerce while online-offline concepts multiply. Investment activity is growing fast, but exits 4 are still exceptions and are likely to remain so at least in the short term. Logistics and delivery are still bottlenecks for 5 e-commerce in the regions; major retailers overcome this by building their own capacities. Cash-on-delivery is the rule for physical goods 6 and will remain so for a long time, but merchants find ways to cope with the related issues. The lack of qualified human resources 7 appears to be one of the most painful issues, hampering the entire Internet industry. Cross-border sales have grown considerably 8 over the last few years, but foreign e-merchants still have to pull down two major walls: customs clearance and delivery across Russia.
  • 9. TOP RUSSIAN An exclusive ranking by East-West Digital News and Data Insight E-COMMERCE PROPERTIES O N L I N E S A L E S 2 0 1 1 PHYSICAL GOODS SERVICES & VIRTUAL GOODS
  • 10. Methodological Note In the absence of officially disclosed, a site offering tools figures for most players, establishing a and appliances for the home and ranking of the top Russian online garden, had remained under the radars retailers is a daunting exercise. until recently. Its importance on the Russian e-commerce scene is revealed Several rankings do exist, based on a for the first time in this ranking. variety of online measurements, information from industry sources and/ or other unspecified methodology; none * of these can be considered completely reliable. Our methodology for estimating For certain sites, 2011 sales estimates turnovers has been the following: may vary up to eight-fold between two rankings. In particular, the turnover of • We systematically requested figures, a major site offering and sometimes obtained them, either consumer electronics, was estimated at officially or unofficially; $310 million by Online Retailer – a far •  For some other sites, we received cry from Insales' more modest estimate information from reliable insiders or of $37 million. An internal source industry sources; assured us that Online Retailer's figure was close to reality, but Data Insight's •  In still other cases, we relied on the experts remained skeptical. Due to expertise of Data Insight, whose these uncertainties, and in the absence analysts are among the best on the of an official answer from the site, market; has not been included – perhaps unfairly – in our ranking. •  In the absence of official or unofficial figures, reliable sources or an estimate While's turnover "varies" from Data Insight, we averaged the from $77 milllion, according to Insales, figures from existing rankings – or did to $193 million, according to Online not include the site in the ranking when Retailer, a well informed source told us the latter seemed unreliable. that the site's gross merchandise value was actually close to $160 million. In the absence of official figures, we felt we reached a high degree of certainty It is very likely that Amazon and eBay whenever at least two reliable industry should be included in our ranking, sources, or experts, converged in their based on the assumption that cross- estimates; or when the three main border sales may have totaled some existing rankings offered similar figures. $600 or $700 million in 2011, and that these two sites account for a significant In other cases, the figures should not part of this volume. However, neither be considered more than site agreed to disclose data on their approximations, with a much lower sales to Russia. degree of certainty.
  • 11. A research by Fast Lane Ventures V E N T U R E in partnership with East-West Digital News INVESTMENT IN RUSSIAN E-COMMERCE Official data 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 PUBLICLY DISCLOSED TRANSACTIONS Unconfirmed data
  • 12. A research by Fast Lane Ventures V E N T U R E in partnership with East-West Digital News INVESTMENT IN RUSSIAN E-COMMERCE Official data 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 PUBLICLY DISCLOSED TRANSACTIONS Unconfirmed data
  • 13. A research by Fast Lane Ventures V E N T U R E in partnership with East-West Digital News INVESTMENT IN RUSSIAN E-COMMERCE 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 PUBLICLY DISCLOSED TRANSACTIONS These are excerpts from "The Russian Internet Deal Book," a comprehensive research on the financing of Russian Internet companies and startups in 2010 and 2011, offered by Fast Lane Ventures. To get your free copy, please contact Fast Lane Ventures' Senior Investment Analyst Andrey Kulikov at
  • 14. 10 CHAPTERS Contents 316 PAGES of the full version 12 CASE STUDIES & I N T E R V I E W S 9 8 I L L U S T R A T I O N S Forewords By Ozon CEO Maëlle Gavet, Acrobator founder Bas Godska, and David Waroquier of Mangrove Capital Partners Key figures and trends Top 40 Russian e-commerce properties Part 1. Main market trends Part 2. Demand side: Online consumers Part 3. Supply side: Merchants Part 4. Fulfillment Part 5. The "Russian payment jungle" Part 6. Marketing and sales channels Part 7. Legal aspects Part 8. HR: The most painful issue? Part 9. E-commerce in the Samara region: A monograph Part 10. Serving Russian customers from abroad: From cross-border sales to market entry Twelve case studies and interviews eBay – – The Otto Group – – – – – – – – VTB Capital – Daily deal sites
  • 15.
  • 16. •   I N T E R N E T   •   M O B I L E   &   T E L E C O M   •   S O F T W A R E   &   H A R D W A R E   I N N O V A T I O N   • D I G I T A L   T V   •   S A T E L L I T E S   •   S T A R T U P S   •   I N V E S T M E N T   A C T I V I T Y   •   L E G A L   D E V E L O P M E N T S DIGITAL Digital Russia TV in English • SATELLITES • STARTUPS • INVESTMENT ACTIVITY Daily news • Analysis International consulting • LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS • East-West Digital News is the first international information and consulting company dedicated to Russian digital industries. Get in touch with us at c o n t a c t @ e w d n . c o m I N T E R N E T   •   M O B I L E   &   T E L E C O M   •   S O F T W A R E   &   H A R D W A R E   I N N O V A T I O N   •