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Dream book
...a collaborative work amongst our students
In this presentation we try to find out
the meaning of certain objects / things
that appear in our dreams!
Students work individually in a
shared-by-everyone document
Teeth falling
One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxieties about your appearance and how
others perceive you. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
Some other theories say that:
ž-If you see in your dream that your teeth are wiggling it means failure
-žIf you see a doctor who remover your teeth, it means disease(perhaps deadly one)
ž-To see that you’re having a filling on your teeth, it means that you will soon find some lost items.
ž-When you see that you’re brushing your teeth,it means that you’ll try very hard to keep your wealth.
ž-If you see that your teeth are falling expect many misfortunes or even death of a family person.
ž-If you dream that you’re spitting your teeth, it means illness(yours or someone from your family)
Teeth falling
-žOne of the worst dreams is to see bad –made teeth. If you see a dream like this expect: wealth loss, failure in efforts, bad health,
bad temper and nerve disorders.
ž-White and strong teeth mean happiness and joy but bad teeth mean sadness.
ž-If you see gold teeth in your mouth, it means happiness/calmness in your house and much money from your business.-Carolina
-if you see in your dream that your teeth falling it seems that you will have a failure-Alex pallis
-To dream that you wiggle your teeth , foretells failure. If you see your doctor to teethe means perhaps fatal disease . To see that the seal is
indicative that you will soon find lost items .
If you see that you clean your teeth , promise to games in order to keep your property . If you see that you make dentures , means that many
weights will fall upon you and t ' encounter with great difficulty . If you have lost teeth in any way , mean sudden misfortune in business and in
private and family affairs -Kyriaki Michael
To dream of fire means either cleansing and purification (no pain) or punishment
(painful).Disease, overgrowth, weeds, predators, and pests are all destroyed by fire,
leaving the new growth free to prosper, nourished by ash and able to receive sunlight
more abundantly. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
If you see that your house is on fire it means that you should be careful about being hurt by peoples in
loyalty.If you see that you have a fireplace in your house it means that you will enjoy tranquility in your
family.Also if you see that you’re feeling warm it means that you will be in good health and if you see
that your shop is being burnt that you will win money but if you see that you are set a fire it means that
you will have pleasant surprises by your beloved people. -Antonia
If you see a fire in a fireplace with a nice, quiet flames, will meet great professional success and family harmony. If, however, the
fire has sparks and smoke, will have major worries.-Kyriaki Michaelhttp://www.oneirokriths-
Divine judgment concerning the dreamer’s flows and
misdeeds.Fire also indicates that he/she must now initiate
a thorough moral cleansing for self-purification.-Stefanos-
taken from the book Divining Your Dreams.
-If you see your house burning,it means that you should
watch your emotions-Alex pallis
If a particular object is on fire (house, car, etc.), this may symbolize over-commitment to it or fear of a world without it. - Pavlina
To see blood in your dream represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word "blood"
written in your dream, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed. -
Chrystaleni Christodoulou
If you’re losing blood from a part of your body, then the dream is good. Something that bothers you, will quickly have a
happy end. But if blood is running of your nose you’ll be richer. Finally, if someone hit you and you’re bleeding, it means
that you will get upset,-Carolina Papademetriou.Αίμα.html
-If you see a part of your body bleeding it means that something good will
Blood in dreams is rarely a well-received image, unless it is connected with an anger object. The blood of another in this case may
reflect seeing oneself as ultimately victorious. Most times, blood represents depletion, injury, or death. This depletion may be
physical, or it may reflect the loss of other essential resources, including emotional or financial assets - Pavlina Paschalidou
Blood symbolizes vitality but also related with fear and rage. The large blood loss indicates loss of power.
If profuse bleeding dream, waiting to break out the hatred and malice of a friend. If the blood is dark and dirty, waited misfortunes
and sorrows.-Kyriaki Michael
To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings.
Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable,
helpless and/or uncorrupted. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
-A baby is usually sending a good message for something
If you see in your dream that a baby that means starting an enjoyable time for you and your family. If you are a young
girl and see that dream, it means that a bond will reach early marriage.-Kyriaki Michael
To dream about your Facebook page represents your desires to expand your social circle. You need
to reach out to others in a more direct and personal way. It is time to get out there and experience
life. - Alexandros Leontiades
To dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and
To dream that you are flying with black wings signifies bitter disappointments. - Alexandros
To see a wolf in your dream symbolizes survival, beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and
pride. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social circumstances and blend into any
situation with ease and grace. You are also a loner by choice. Negatively, the wolf represents
hostility, aggression, or sneakiness. It may reflect an uncontrollable situation or an all-consuming
force in your life. This could point to an obsession, an addiction or something that is beyond your
To see a white wolf in your dream signifies valor and victory. You have the ability to see the light
even in your darkest hours.
To see a black wolf in your dream represents your shadow. There are characteristics of the wolf that
you are refusing to acknowledge or incorporate into your Self.
To dream that you kill a wolf indicates betrayal. Certain secrets will be revealed to you.
If you are being chased by a wolf in your dream, then it implies that you are unwilling to confront a
problem that has been negatively impacting your life. Instead you are running away from it.
To hear a wolf howling in your dream represents a cry for help from somebody in your waking life.
To dream that you are a wolf signifies your desires to be left alone. Perhaps you are going through a
tough period and want to be on your own. You are feeling anti-social.
To dream that a wolf turns into a puppy refers to your nurturing character. After being alone for
awhile, you are looking for a relationship. - Alexandros Leontiades
To see a whale in your dream represents your intuition and awareness. You are in tuned with your
sense of spirituality. Alternatively, a whale symbolizes a relationship or business project that may be
too big to handle. You are feeling overwhelmed. The dream may also be a pun on "wailing" and a
desire to cry out about something.
To dream that a whale is flying symbolizes an enormous sense of freedom from letting down your
emotional wall. You feel that a huge weight has been lifted. - Alexandros Leontiades
To see a rat in your dream signifies feelings of doubts, greed, guilt, unworthiness and envy. You are
keeping something to yourself that is eating you up inside. Or you have done something that you are
not proud of. Alternatively, a rat denotes repulsion, decay, dirtiness, and even death. The dream may
also be a pun on someone who is a rat. Are you feeling betrayed?
In particular, to see a black rat represents deceit and covert activities. If you see a white rat in your
dream, then it means that you will receive help from an unexpected source.
To dream that a rat is biting your feet is analogous to the rat race that you are experiencing in your
waking life.
To dream that you catch a rat with your bare hands indicates that you are not letting greed, jealousy,
betrayal or some other negativity get the best of you. - Alexandros Leontiades
To see a crocodile in your dream symbolizes freedom, hidden strength and power. It also forewarns
of hidden danger. Someone near you is giving you bad advice and is trying to sway you into poor
decisions. Because crocodiles can live in water and on land, they also represent your conscious and
subconscious and the emotional and rational. Perhaps something is coming to the surface and you
are on the verge of some new awareness.
Alternatively, the crocodile may be an aspect of yourself and your aggressive and "snappy" attitude.
Or it may reveal that you are being insincere, displaying false emotions and shedding "crocodile
To dream that you are chased or bitten by a crocodile denotes disappointments in love and in
business. - Alexandros Leontiades
M & M’s
To see or eat M&M's in your dream symbolizes life's small, but sweet rewards. More directly, M&M
may represent the initials of two people in your waking life.
To dream that you are a giant talking M&M suggests that you feel you are being mislead or taking
advantaged of. Perhaps you feel that you are being someone you are not in order to please others.
Alexandros Leontiades
To see mosquitoes in your dream suggest that some situation or someone has been draining you of
your energy and resources. Alternatively, mosquitoes indicate that your resistance to attacks will be
in vain.
To dream that you are killing mosquitoes denote that you will eventually overcome your obstacles.
Happiness and fortune will be in your grasp. - Alexandros Leontiades
To see a turtle in your dream symbolizes wisdom, faithfulness, longevity, and loyalty. It also suggests
that you need to take it slow in some situation or relationship in your life. With time and patience, you
will make steady progress. Alternatively, a turtle indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the
realities of life. You are putting forth a hard exterior and not letting others in. As a result, you are
feeling withdrawn.
To dream that you are being chased by a turtle indicates that you are hiding behind a facade, instead
of confronting the things that are bothering you. - Alexandros Leontiades
To see a fox in your dream represents insight, cleverness, cunningness and resourcefulness.
Perhaps the dream is telling you that you need to exhibit more of these qualities in your waking life.
Or that you need to conceal your thoughts and be more discrete about some situation. The fox may
also symbolize someone in your waking life who is sly and sneaky. Alternatively, seeing a fox in your
dream indicates a period of isolation or loneliness. You need to take this time to ponder some issue
or reflect upon your life. The dream could be a metaphor for someone who is a "fox", as in a foxy
To dream that a fox is flying into your window means that you need to be careful with who you trust.
Someone in your waking life is up to no good. - Alexandros Leontiades
Dead people
To dream of a dead body represents an aspect of your personality or life that has completely changed.
It may also reflect a loss or sense of failure.Positively, a dead body may represent negative aspects of
your personality or negative situations that have been successfully confronted. You have stood up to
something or resisted negative influences. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
Also,some people say that when you see in your dream dead people you don’t have to worry!!!Death
means riches ,progress in life and longevity. - Carolina Papapdemetriou
To see or win money in your dream indicates that success and prosperity is
within your reach. Money represents confidence, self-worth, success, or values.
You have much belief in yourself. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
If you dream of boxes full of money you will succeed professionally.-Antonia
If you gain money in a dream, note from whom and under what circumstances. This may be a dream about blessing. The gain of
money in this instance is more a gain of emotional power and renewal through a completed relationship that no longer depletes
the soul.- Pavlina Paschalidou
If you see that you keep money in your hands, you will benefit from great poverty and misery. If you look to get money, not going
to give you what you owe and, if you get money, you will be destroyed economically.-Kyriaki Michael
To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you an occasion which will cause you bitterness and
delayed success.Depending on the sex the wedding can mean a lot of things and end up as a failure or as a succes. Constantinos Patsalis
If you see in your dreams that you have a secret wedding it means that failures and problems are coming for you-Alex
if you dream of getting secretly married you will have problems and failure.Also if you see that your husband or wife is getting married to
someone else,you shouldn’t married as that means that your partner is faithful.-Antonia
To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you anoccasion which will cause you bitterness and
delayed success. -Pavlina Paschalidou
If you see marriage waited visit friends. If you see that I was attending a wedding guest will learn about some lost friend or relative. If
you see that you get married with your favorite person, there will be a fight between you-Kyriaki Michael
To see a dog in your dream symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection,
and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions
will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream
dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities.
- Chrystaleni Christodoulou
If you see a dog in your dreams it means love and friendship and if it is a dog
that you dont know and follows you brings happiness-alex pallis
In dreams, the friendly dog may be a representation of a trustworthy relationship or intuitiveaffirmation of it. The wild dog may
represent a nagging, ongoing struggle with a seemingly irresolvable conflict. (Of course, either case may just be a replay of a life
situation starring a real dog that you know, either friend or foe.)-Pavlina Paschalidou
When we dream of animals it is their generally accepted characteristics that are
important in terms of the symbolic meaning of thee dream.Dogs are renowned
for their loyalty to their masters, and in Kabbalistic terms this dream indicates a
person who is deeply committed to the pursuit of the Divine. This loyalty is
emphasized by the fact of the phrase “He is my God” from the book of job. Job
of course, was an intensely loyal servant of God, despite his being tested in
numerous severe ways.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining
Your Dreams.
The dog symbolizes true feelings and genuine friendship. Dog barks, symbolizes someone who in enemy threat, but it
can not hurt-Kyriaki Michael
To see fish swimming in your dream signifies
insights from your subconscious mind. Thus to
catch a fish represents insights which have
been brought to the surface. Alternatively, a
fish swimming in your dream may symbolize
conception. Some women dream of swimming
fish when they get pregnant. The fish is also an
Abundance and material blessings in the
dreamer’s life, such as those involving, money,
property, and other possessions.-Stefanos- taken
from the book Divining Your Dreams.
To dream that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful.-Pavlina Paschalidou
If you dream you see how phish will have some problems that will disrupt. If you catch big fish you get joy, if the fish are numerous and
small and you will have troubles and worries.-Kyriaki Michael
The feeling of falling down
A sensation of falling occurs when the labyrinth or vestibular apparatus, a system of fluid-filled passages in the inner
ear, detects changes in acceleration. This sensation can occur when a person begins to fall, which in terms of
mechanics amounts to a sudden acceleration increase from zero to roughly 9.8 m/s2. However, once the body is in free
fall (for example, during skydiving), there is no falling sensation. While velocity continues to increase, the downward
acceleration due to gravity remains constant and is not sensed. Increasing drag force may even cause a feeling of
- Chrystaleni Christodoulou
The feeling of falling down
The dreamer is dropping to a lower level of
consciousness in his/her life, as a result of
attitudes such as anger, pride, or fear. This is
invariably a negative symbol.-Stefanos- taken from
the book Divining Your Dreams.
If you dream of being happily surprised, you are beginning to acknowledging your unconscious
feelings.To dream of being unpleasantly surprised, represents fear of the unexpected and
unknown. Constantinos Patsalis
A snake in dream represents a person who lives in a valley. A snake in a dream also means enmity
from one's in-laws or children, or it could represent the evil and jealousy of one's neighbor. A sleeping
snake in a dream means a sleeping enemy. As for an unjust person, a water snake in a dream means
receiving help, or it could represent a verdict. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
žIf you see a snake that bites you,it means that someone will hurt you.A snake with lot of heads means
that you have a lot of enemies.If you’re walking and suddenly a snake comes in front of you, someone
will try to put obstacles in your life.As many snakes you see in your dream,that many problems you’ll
have to face.If you kill a snake you will get rid of your enemies and your worries and if a poisonous
snake bites you in your dream then beware of fights/quarrels with a close person. To dream a snake
which is wrapped around your body expect professional problems and beware of people that they
pretend to be friends but in reality they are not.-Carolina PapademetriouΦίδι%20.html
When you dream about snakes, chances are that the meaning of what you just dreamed about is related to challenging issues and
feelings that you’re facing in your daily life.- Pavlina Paschalidou
If you see in your sleep snake to bite someone hurt you, insidiously. If you see a snake with many heads means that you have
many enemies. If you walk in front of you and found a snake, someone will try to put obstacles in your life.-Kyriaki Michael
The sea
Water is a powerful dream symbol that holds deep messages to the dreamer and shouldn’t be over looked. Water as a dream symbol represents your current
emotional state of mind.
Constantinos Patsalis
žIf you see dirty water, storms and hurricanes, you have to encounter emotional state. But if you see that you’re walking in clean and calm water(e.g. lakes), it
means that you live a peaceful and calm emotional state or even a romantic relationship. In a dream like this be careful and pay attention to your feelings.-
Carolina Papademetriou
The dream of the sea as the life of the sea represents the unlimited power of intuition. The meaning of the sea in the dream depends on the water conditions:
● Quiet, calm sea demonstrates the tremendous inner strength, as well as the emotional and spiritual balance;
● Turbulent, restless sea requires you to have a great courage on a journey to the calm waters through the emotional storm. -Pavlina Paschalidou
dreaming of a church is a good luck omen and especially so if you dream of the outside of the building, which shows luck in love and marriage.
The inside of a church shows that you will have a few small problems that could turn out to be a blessing in
constantinos patsalis
if you see that your are building a church it means good luck is on way coming
If you dream that you are entering a church to light up a candle or to attend the church service it means that you will inherit a fortune or you may
do pleasant things.-Antonia Kattou
To see the outside of the church in your dream signifies sacredness and spiritual nourishment. It is representative of your value system and
the things you hold sacred.
To dream that you are inside a church suggests that you are seeking for spiritual enlightenment and guidance. You are looking to be uplifted
in some way. Perhaps you have made some past mistakes which have set you back on your path toward your goals. With proper support,
you will get on the right track again. Alternatively, the dream may also mean that you are questioning and debating your life path and where it
is leading. You are reevaluating what you want to do. -Pavlina Paschalidou
The mouse symbolizes the dreamer’s household: those who dwell in his house—his wife and
children, et cetera—a debauched woman, or, some say, a devilish Jewish woman or a Jew, as related
by Al-Nabulsi. It could also refer to a thief. Many mice means profit and welfare. Mice of the same
color allude to women. The rat is a digging thief. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
if you see a lot of mice in your house it means that someone will trick you at you economics
if you dream that there are mice in your house it means that someone will deceive financially. -Antonia
To see mice in your dream indicates that you are spending too much time dwelling on minor problems and insignificant matters.
To see mice feeding or eating in your dream suggests that someone is trying to bring down your self-confidence. Someone may
be nipping away at your resources. - Pavlina Paschalidou
If at home you see that there are mice because they can watch a fool in your finances-Kyriaki Michael
Airplane dreams are often the most potent visions people can experience. To dream of being on an airplane generally means you feel
trapped or narrowly defined in a major aspect of your life, such as work, home or a relationship. Constantinos patsalis
if you see that you are traveilling with a plane it means that every plan that you designed will be accomblished with the
best way-alexpallis-
if you dream of an aeroplane it means that what you have planned will become true in the best possible way.But if you
dream of a plane crush then you should expect bad news and sorrows. - Antonia
A psychological interruption of this dream would focus on the notion of speedy movement and would probably ask if the
aeroplane was moving away from somewhere or heading toward a new destination, as this would significant in terms of
the dreamer’s attitude to the situation.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams.
To see an airplane in your dream indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and rise to a new level of prominence and
status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness. Perhaps you need to gain a
better perspective or wider view on something. If the airplane is taking off, then it suggests that an idea or plan is about to "take
off" and be put into action. It may also represent your need to get away and escape from your daily life. Dreaming that the airplane
sits on the runway and never takes off refers to a real life project or idea that has failed to get off the ground. You are having
difficulties getting started on a project.- Pavlina Paschalidou
A kiss
To dream of kissing possible means a desire of intimacy.This is the dream that may most accurately reflect a desire for actual passion
with another. The reason we wake up is the taboo feeling that perhaps, while we want this, it would not be beneficial to actually
participate in it.
constantinos patsalis
If you dream people kissing each other it means that will be improvements in your family as well as harmony.Also if you see that
you’re kissing a stranger you should be careful with your acts.-Antonia Kattou
If you see people kissing, means that there will be improvements in your family and harmony. If you see that kissing a family
member, it means that you will feel pleased and appreciated more than those around you. If you see that kissing your partner, it
means that there will be some minor tensions in your relationship, you will get over it quickly.-Kyriaki Michael
A kiss
The soul’s tasting of the transcendent. A dream involving a kiss suggest that the dreamer-whether fully consciously or not- is
experiencing such rapture in some aspect of his/her life.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams.
To dream of a kiss denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment. In particular, if you are dreaming of your first
kiss, then it may just be the anticipation of experiencing your actual first kiss. This dream is also symbolic of young love and fresh
romance. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you need to inject some more romance into your waking relationship. To see
others kissing in your dream suggest that you are too involved in someone else's personal lives and relationship. You need to give
them some space. If the dream ends just about as you are about to kiss someone, then it indicates that you are unsure of how he
or she really feels about you. You are looking for some sort of relationship with this person but you are not sure about how to go
about achieving it. If you are heterosexual and you dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex, then it represents self-
acceptance. You are acknowledging the feminine or masculine side. To dream that you are kissing yourself also represents self-
acceptance, as well as self-love. You need to accept and love who you are, even your flaws or shortcomings. -Pavlina
Your Ex
Dreams baout your ex are a very common theme at bedtime, especially after entering or leaving a relationship. If you or a loved one has been
covering this ground at night, you may have questions about what it all might mean.
Constantinos Patsalis
If you see your ex in you dream, it means that you still have some feelings for him/her. Sometimes it means that you will learn some news about
your ex or you will communicate with him/her.- Carolina PapademetriouΠρώην.html
To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-husband/wife, that you and your ex are kissing/fighting or that you and your ex got back
together again suggests that something or someone in your current life is bringing out similar feelings you felt during that relationship with your
ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to similar behavioral patterns in your current relationship. What you learn from that previous
relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistakes. Alternatively, you may be reflecting on the
positive experiences and good times that you shared with your past love. Dreams of getting back together with your ex or of your ex wanting to
get back together with you may not necessarily be a reflection of reality. This dream may be triggered by some major change in your current
relationship and how far you have come from those past relationships. - Pavlina Paschalidou
A Car
In a dream, a car represents someone who properly manages his life, for a car is made from many
well coordinated parts, and carries many things and transports them from one location to another. If
one sees himself riding a litter that is carried by people in a dream, it means that he will preside over
people or beget a son who will be elevated in rank. If a traveller sees a car in his dream, it means that
his trip will take a slow turn and he will be delayed. A car in a dream also signifies dignity, honor,
advancement and attainment. If one sees himself holding to a car or running after it in a dream, it
means that he will lobby someone in authority and profit from him as much as his nearness to such a
car. If one sees himself riding on a cargo vehicle in a dream, it means suffering from distress and
- Eleni Georgiou
It is the power of man over his environments and physical limitations. The car
enables us to travel much faster that we naturally designed to. It is worth
nothing that the value of dream consists of the value of Tetragrammaton along
with the value of the letter Kaph when positioned at the end of the word. As the
Tetragrammaton means “God” as the letter Kaph means “hand” and is
connected with practical activity, we see the value as referring to the idea of
replacing God through technology. This dream definitely refers to someone
who is more concerned with the material the the spiritual.-Stefanos- taken
from the book Divining Your Dreams.
To see nails in your dream symbolize long and hard work for little
compensation and pay. It may also be analogous to some rugged or tough
force. To hammer nails in your dream represent your tenacity, persistence and
ability to drive a hard bargain - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
To dream of soiled finger-nails, forbodes disgrace in your family by the wild escapades of the young. To see well-kept nails, indicates
scholarly tastes and some literary attainments; also, thrift. -Pavlina Paschalidou
If the nails are clean and tidy will have economic benefits, if unkempt and dirty pay attention to your finances, but if you cut your nails will
xalafroseis of problems you have.-Kyriaki Michael
A House
In a dream, one's house holds different meanings. One of them is the wife. If one sees himself entering his house in a
dream, it means that he will get married, or have sexual intercourse with his wife. Building one's own house in a dream
means that a sick person will recover from his illness. If such construction is hard and if it is customary in that family to
bury its dead within the compound of the same property, then it means the death of a sick person in the family. If no
one is sick in that house and the construction is accompanied with music and celebrations in the dream, then it means
adversities, trials and hardships. If under such circumstance the person in the dream is unmarried, it means marriage,
and if he is married, it means that he will marry off one of his daughters. If one sees himself tied up and imprisoned
inside a house in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, or it could mean good health and prosperity. If one
sees himself carrying a house over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he takes care of a needy woman or a wife. If
one sees his house made of gold in a dream, it means that a fire will burn it down. If the house has no roof, whereby
one can see the skies, sun or moon in a dream, it represents the marriage of a woman from that household. If one sees
a big house within his own house in a dream, it means that a righteous woman will live their or move into that family to
become a blessing for such a house. If there is a tunnel under such a house in the dream, it denotes deception or that a
perfidious person is having access to that household. A house without lights in a dream represents a woman of evil
character, and if a woman sees that house in her dream, then it represents a man of evil character. Demolishing one's
house in a dream means a fight within that family. If one sees grass growing inside his house in a dream, it means a
- Eleni Georgiou
A Bride
If one sees a bride on her wedding day, dressed in her beautiful robe, looking beautiful and adorned
with flower in a dream, it means wealth in this world. If one sees himself as a bridegroom and could
not see his bride or recognize her in the dream, or if she is not named or attributed to him in the
dream, it means his death or that he may commit a murder. If one recognizes his bride, looks at her,
and if she is named in the dream, it means that he will marry the same woman. If one sees himself
getting married in a dream, it means that he will gain power equal to the position of that woman, her
role, danger, her family's status, the meaning of her name, and her
- Eleni Georgiou
If no harm or destruction is caused by a rainstorm in a dream, then it means blessings, profits and
mercy. Rain in a dream also represents life, an earthly being, or fulfillment of a promise. If the rain
falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it
could mean the loss of a beloved - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
If someone dreams of rain he may receive a bad massage,for example if you see that is raining and
that there are black clouds in the sky you should expect problems.More over if you dream of getting
wet by the rain you should expect sorrows.-Antonia Kattou
A boat
In a dream, a fishing boat represents profits and benefits. To sail on an unknown boat or to pilot a boat
or to give orders to sailors who are operating it in a dream means marriage to a woman from a country
to which the boat belongs, or it could mean doing business in that land. To ride on a ferryboat in a
dream means receiving Allah's benevolence and kindness in crossing over danger. A boat in a dream
also represents one's relatives. Thus, whatever atmospheric conditions the skies exhibits during the
crossing or during a journey by boat, they will manifest in one's family. In a dream, a fireboat means
dispelling anxieties, overcoming distress and
- Eleni Georgiou
A Sport
Dreaming of sport, means that you have greater success in your personal and
professional life, you will have good health.
Constantinos Patsalis
Video Games
To dream that you are playing a video game represents your ability to
manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Alternatively, playing a
video game suggests that you are trying to escape from the problems in your
real life, instead of confronting it. Consider the type of video game and video
game character for additional insights.
Constantinos Patsalis
A Vehicle
To dream that you are riding in a vehicle (car, boat, train, etc.) signifies the
level and type of control you have over your life. Constantinos Patsalis
A Vehicle
On one hand, we have our “normal” day-to-day
existence with our friends and colleagues. On
the other hand, we have that aspects of
ourselves that is seeking something more
spiritual and eternal in nature.-Stefanos- taken from
the book Divining Your Dreams.
To dream that you kill someone indicates that you are on the verge of losing
your temper and self-control. Alternatively, you may be trying to kill an aspect of
yourself that is represented by the person
killed. Constantinos Patsalis
žWhen you see in your dream a priest in black is very bad. Expect sadness, difficulties, illness, death
and misfortune. But if you see a priest that operates or preaches, it means that good things will
happen.-Carolina Papademetriou
žIf a woman see in her dream that she’s pregnant, it means that she will soon meet the man of her life,
but sometimes means sadness. žIf the woman see in her dream that she’s pregnant and that happens
in reality, she will have a problem-free pregnancy and if a married woman see in her dream that she’s
pregnant it means that she won’t be happy with her husband and her children won’t be adorable.-
Carolina Papademetriouεγκυμοσύνη/
If you see in your dream that you’re very thirsty and you don’t have any water you’ll have to face
professional problems. To dream that you’re drinking water and then you quench your thirst indicates
that you’ll be happy and satisfied. If you see that someone gives you immediately water because
you’re thirsty, you will soon get married.-Carolina Papademetriou.Δίψα-Διψώ%20%20.html
If you are single and you dream that someone gives you water then you will get married soon.
-Antonia Kattou
If you see in your dream a thief (he doesn’t entering your house), it means that you’ll learn something
which some people said behind you and you’ll get upset. To dream that a thief is entering your house
indicates that you will become richer. If you are the thief in your dream you will get upset. -Carolina
To dream that you are a thief suggests that you are afraid of losing what you have. Perhaps you feel
that you are undeserving of the things you already have. Alternatively, to dream that you are a thief
indicates that you are overstepping your boundaries in some situation or relationship. -Pavlina
In Hebrew and Greek literature, the eagle is a symbol of power. Given its great size and strength, eagles were able to
remove even small livestock from the herds. This gave the eagle a persona of majesty, power, and fear. To dream of
the eagle is to be spiritually validated as a person of great wisdom and insight concerning both this world and the
spiritual realities beyond the comprehension of this world. - Theodoros Panayiotou
If you dream fighting with an eagle it means that you should be careful about your acts. -Antonia
Team Sports
Team sports are prevalent in our world and seem to be increasing in popularity and diversity. Dreams of team sports include the dreamer as
observer, player, or coach. Many times, it's a dream of wish-fulfillment -- just wanting to be a sports legend. However, it the coaches and other
players seem very familiar to you, or are actually people from facets of your waking life, the dream has more to say.
Most times, the dream is about participation and connectedness to the common goals held by others in your life.
"Being a team player" and "getting with the program" are emphasized often in work and family these days. Whichever of the three roles you
most identify with determines your self-awareness within the team sport.
Observing from the audience may indicate that you are feeling "off the team" or outside the action. Observing as a player who does not enter the
game indicates that you feel others are ambivalent about your skills, or you yourself may be so.
Being a player shows your willingness to participate in the game. If you have too many roles on the team or do the work of several players, it
may be that you are feeling as though people expect too much from you.
Finally, being the coach is a position of leadership, control, and decision-maker for the success of others. In this case, determining how the
team did is important to appreciating the message of this dream. - Theodoros Panayiotou
Dreaming of a cat has different meanings.
a)If you dream of a black cat means that you will be miserable.
b)If you dream of a white cat means that you will get married early.
c)If the cat scratches you in your dreams means that somebody will make damage
to you.
d)If the cats are fighting it means that you will have erotic rivalry.
e) If you dream a cat meowing you will have a sweet and happy home
f)If the cat in your dreams attacks to you it means that you have a lot of enemies
and if you stop a cat from attacking to you you will overcome great obstacles and
rise in fortune and fame.

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  • 1. Dream book ...a collaborative work amongst our students
  • 2. In this presentation we try to find out the meaning of certain objects / things that appear in our dreams! Students work individually in a shared-by-everyone document
  • 3. Teeth falling One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxieties about your appearance and how others perceive you. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou Some other theories say that: ž-If you see in your dream that your teeth are wiggling it means failure -žIf you see a doctor who remover your teeth, it means disease(perhaps deadly one) ž-To see that you’re having a filling on your teeth, it means that you will soon find some lost items. ž-When you see that you’re brushing your teeth,it means that you’ll try very hard to keep your wealth. ž-If you see that your teeth are falling expect many misfortunes or even death of a family person. ž-If you dream that you’re spitting your teeth, it means illness(yours or someone from your family)
  • 4. Teeth falling -žOne of the worst dreams is to see bad –made teeth. If you see a dream like this expect: wealth loss, failure in efforts, bad health, bad temper and nerve disorders. ž-White and strong teeth mean happiness and joy but bad teeth mean sadness. ž-If you see gold teeth in your mouth, it means happiness/calmness in your house and much money from your business.-Carolina Papademetriou.δόντι -if you see in your dream that your teeth falling it seems that you will have a failure-Alex pallis -To dream that you wiggle your teeth , foretells failure. If you see your doctor to teethe means perhaps fatal disease . To see that the seal is indicative that you will soon find lost items . If you see that you clean your teeth , promise to games in order to keep your property . If you see that you make dentures , means that many weights will fall upon you and t ' encounter with great difficulty . If you have lost teeth in any way , mean sudden misfortune in business and in private and family affairs -Kyriaki Michael
  • 5. Fire To dream of fire means either cleansing and purification (no pain) or punishment (painful).Disease, overgrowth, weeds, predators, and pests are all destroyed by fire, leaving the new growth free to prosper, nourished by ash and able to receive sunlight more abundantly. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou dreams If you see that your house is on fire it means that you should be careful about being hurt by peoples in loyalty.If you see that you have a fireplace in your house it means that you will enjoy tranquility in your family.Also if you see that you’re feeling warm it means that you will be in good health and if you see that your shop is being burnt that you will win money but if you see that you are set a fire it means that you will have pleasant surprises by your beloved people. -Antonia Kattou If you see a fire in a fireplace with a nice, quiet flames, will meet great professional success and family harmony. If, however, the fire has sparks and smoke, will have major worries.-Kyriaki Michaelhttp://www.oneirokriths-
  • 6. Fire Divine judgment concerning the dreamer’s flows and misdeeds.Fire also indicates that he/she must now initiate a thorough moral cleansing for self-purification.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams. -If you see your house burning,it means that you should watch your emotions-Alex pallis If a particular object is on fire (house, car, etc.), this may symbolize over-commitment to it or fear of a world without it. - Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 7. Blood To see blood in your dream represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word "blood" written in your dream, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou If you’re losing blood from a part of your body, then the dream is good. Something that bothers you, will quickly have a happy end. But if blood is running of your nose you’ll be richer. Finally, if someone hit you and you’re bleeding, it means that you will get upset,-Carolina Papademetriou.Αίμα.html -If you see a part of your body bleeding it means that something good will happen Blood in dreams is rarely a well-received image, unless it is connected with an anger object. The blood of another in this case may reflect seeing oneself as ultimately victorious. Most times, blood represents depletion, injury, or death. This depletion may be physical, or it may reflect the loss of other essential resources, including emotional or financial assets - Pavlina Paschalidou Blood symbolizes vitality but also related with fear and rage. The large blood loss indicates loss of power. If profuse bleeding dream, waiting to break out the hatred and malice of a friend. If the blood is dark and dirty, waited misfortunes and sorrows.-Kyriaki Michael %CE%B1%CE%B9%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%81%CF%81%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%AF%CE%B1/
  • 8. Baby To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou -A baby is usually sending a good message for something good If you see in your dream that a baby that means starting an enjoyable time for you and your family. If you are a young girl and see that dream, it means that a bond will reach early marriage.-Kyriaki Michael %CE%BC%CF%89%CF%81%CF%8C/
  • 9. Facebook Facebook To dream about your Facebook page represents your desires to expand your social circle. You need to reach out to others in a more direct and personal way. It is time to get out there and experience life. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 10. Flying To dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. To dream that you are flying with black wings signifies bitter disappointments. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 11. Wolf To see a wolf in your dream symbolizes survival, beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social circumstances and blend into any situation with ease and grace. You are also a loner by choice. Negatively, the wolf represents hostility, aggression, or sneakiness. It may reflect an uncontrollable situation or an all-consuming force in your life. This could point to an obsession, an addiction or something that is beyond your control. To see a white wolf in your dream signifies valor and victory. You have the ability to see the light even in your darkest hours. To see a black wolf in your dream represents your shadow. There are characteristics of the wolf that you are refusing to acknowledge or incorporate into your Self. To dream that you kill a wolf indicates betrayal. Certain secrets will be revealed to you. If you are being chased by a wolf in your dream, then it implies that you are unwilling to confront a problem that has been negatively impacting your life. Instead you are running away from it.
  • 12. Wolf To hear a wolf howling in your dream represents a cry for help from somebody in your waking life. To dream that you are a wolf signifies your desires to be left alone. Perhaps you are going through a tough period and want to be on your own. You are feeling anti-social. To dream that a wolf turns into a puppy refers to your nurturing character. After being alone for awhile, you are looking for a relationship. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 13. Whale To see a whale in your dream represents your intuition and awareness. You are in tuned with your sense of spirituality. Alternatively, a whale symbolizes a relationship or business project that may be too big to handle. You are feeling overwhelmed. The dream may also be a pun on "wailing" and a desire to cry out about something. To dream that a whale is flying symbolizes an enormous sense of freedom from letting down your emotional wall. You feel that a huge weight has been lifted. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 14. Rat To see a rat in your dream signifies feelings of doubts, greed, guilt, unworthiness and envy. You are keeping something to yourself that is eating you up inside. Or you have done something that you are not proud of. Alternatively, a rat denotes repulsion, decay, dirtiness, and even death. The dream may also be a pun on someone who is a rat. Are you feeling betrayed? In particular, to see a black rat represents deceit and covert activities. If you see a white rat in your dream, then it means that you will receive help from an unexpected source. To dream that a rat is biting your feet is analogous to the rat race that you are experiencing in your waking life. To dream that you catch a rat with your bare hands indicates that you are not letting greed, jealousy, betrayal or some other negativity get the best of you. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 15. Crocodile To see a crocodile in your dream symbolizes freedom, hidden strength and power. It also forewarns of hidden danger. Someone near you is giving you bad advice and is trying to sway you into poor decisions. Because crocodiles can live in water and on land, they also represent your conscious and subconscious and the emotional and rational. Perhaps something is coming to the surface and you are on the verge of some new awareness. Alternatively, the crocodile may be an aspect of yourself and your aggressive and "snappy" attitude. Or it may reveal that you are being insincere, displaying false emotions and shedding "crocodile tears". To dream that you are chased or bitten by a crocodile denotes disappointments in love and in business. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 16. M & M’s To see or eat M&M's in your dream symbolizes life's small, but sweet rewards. More directly, M&M may represent the initials of two people in your waking life. To dream that you are a giant talking M&M suggests that you feel you are being mislead or taking advantaged of. Perhaps you feel that you are being someone you are not in order to please others. Alexandros Leontiades
  • 17. Mosquitoes To see mosquitoes in your dream suggest that some situation or someone has been draining you of your energy and resources. Alternatively, mosquitoes indicate that your resistance to attacks will be in vain. To dream that you are killing mosquitoes denote that you will eventually overcome your obstacles. Happiness and fortune will be in your grasp. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 18. Turtle To see a turtle in your dream symbolizes wisdom, faithfulness, longevity, and loyalty. It also suggests that you need to take it slow in some situation or relationship in your life. With time and patience, you will make steady progress. Alternatively, a turtle indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life. You are putting forth a hard exterior and not letting others in. As a result, you are feeling withdrawn. To dream that you are being chased by a turtle indicates that you are hiding behind a facade, instead of confronting the things that are bothering you. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 19. Fox To see a fox in your dream represents insight, cleverness, cunningness and resourcefulness. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you need to exhibit more of these qualities in your waking life. Or that you need to conceal your thoughts and be more discrete about some situation. The fox may also symbolize someone in your waking life who is sly and sneaky. Alternatively, seeing a fox in your dream indicates a period of isolation or loneliness. You need to take this time to ponder some issue or reflect upon your life. The dream could be a metaphor for someone who is a "fox", as in a foxy lady. To dream that a fox is flying into your window means that you need to be careful with who you trust. Someone in your waking life is up to no good. - Alexandros Leontiades
  • 20. Dead people To dream of a dead body represents an aspect of your personality or life that has completely changed. It may also reflect a loss or sense of failure.Positively, a dead body may represent negative aspects of your personality or negative situations that have been successfully confronted. You have stood up to something or resisted negative influences. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou Also,some people say that when you see in your dream dead people you don’t have to worry!!!Death means riches ,progress in life and longevity. - Carolina Papapdemetriou
  • 21. Money To see or win money in your dream indicates that success and prosperity is within your reach. Money represents confidence, self-worth, success, or values. You have much belief in yourself. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou If you dream of boxes full of money you will succeed professionally.-Antonia Kattou If you gain money in a dream, note from whom and under what circumstances. This may be a dream about blessing. The gain of money in this instance is more a gain of emotional power and renewal through a completed relationship that no longer depletes the soul.- Pavlina Paschalidou If you see that you keep money in your hands, you will benefit from great poverty and misery. If you look to get money, not going to give you what you owe and, if you get money, you will be destroyed economically.-Kyriaki Michael
  • 22. Wedding To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you an occasion which will cause you bitterness and delayed success.Depending on the sex the wedding can mean a lot of things and end up as a failure or as a succes. Constantinos Patsalis If you see in your dreams that you have a secret wedding it means that failures and problems are coming for you-Alex pallis if you dream of getting secretly married you will have problems and failure.Also if you see that your husband or wife is getting married to someone else,you shouldn’t married as that means that your partner is faithful.-Antonia Kattou To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you anoccasion which will cause you bitterness and delayed success. -Pavlina Paschalidou If you see marriage waited visit friends. If you see that I was attending a wedding guest will learn about some lost friend or relative. If you see that you get married with your favorite person, there will be a fight between you-Kyriaki Michael
  • 23. Dog To see a dog in your dream symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou If you see a dog in your dreams it means love and friendship and if it is a dog that you dont know and follows you brings happiness-alex pallis In dreams, the friendly dog may be a representation of a trustworthy relationship or intuitiveaffirmation of it. The wild dog may represent a nagging, ongoing struggle with a seemingly irresolvable conflict. (Of course, either case may just be a replay of a life situation starring a real dog that you know, either friend or foe.)-Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 24. Dogs When we dream of animals it is their generally accepted characteristics that are important in terms of the symbolic meaning of thee dream.Dogs are renowned for their loyalty to their masters, and in Kabbalistic terms this dream indicates a person who is deeply committed to the pursuit of the Divine. This loyalty is emphasized by the fact of the phrase “He is my God” from the book of job. Job of course, was an intensely loyal servant of God, despite his being tested in numerous severe ways.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams. The dog symbolizes true feelings and genuine friendship. Dog barks, symbolizes someone who in enemy threat, but it can not hurt-Kyriaki Michael %CF%83%CE%BA%CF%8D%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%82/
  • 25. Fish To see fish swimming in your dream signifies insights from your subconscious mind. Thus to catch a fish represents insights which have been brought to the surface. Alternatively, a fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant. The fish is also an
  • 26. Fish Abundance and material blessings in the dreamer’s life, such as those involving, money, property, and other possessions.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams. To dream that you see fish in clear-water streams, denotes that you will be favored by the rich and powerful.-Pavlina Paschalidou If you dream you see how phish will have some problems that will disrupt. If you catch big fish you get joy, if the fish are numerous and small and you will have troubles and worries.-Kyriaki Michael %CE%A8%CE%AC%CF%81%CE%B9%CE%B1%20.html
  • 27. The feeling of falling down A sensation of falling occurs when the labyrinth or vestibular apparatus, a system of fluid-filled passages in the inner ear, detects changes in acceleration. This sensation can occur when a person begins to fall, which in terms of mechanics amounts to a sudden acceleration increase from zero to roughly 9.8 m/s2. However, once the body is in free fall (for example, during skydiving), there is no falling sensation. While velocity continues to increase, the downward acceleration due to gravity remains constant and is not sensed. Increasing drag force may even cause a feeling of ascent. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou
  • 28. The feeling of falling down The dreamer is dropping to a lower level of consciousness in his/her life, as a result of attitudes such as anger, pride, or fear. This is invariably a negative symbol.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams.
  • 29. Surprise If you dream of being happily surprised, you are beginning to acknowledging your unconscious feelings.To dream of being unpleasantly surprised, represents fear of the unexpected and unknown. Constantinos Patsalis
  • 30. Snakes A snake in dream represents a person who lives in a valley. A snake in a dream also means enmity from one's in-laws or children, or it could represent the evil and jealousy of one's neighbor. A sleeping snake in a dream means a sleeping enemy. As for an unjust person, a water snake in a dream means receiving help, or it could represent a verdict. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou žIf you see a snake that bites you,it means that someone will hurt you.A snake with lot of heads means that you have a lot of enemies.If you’re walking and suddenly a snake comes in front of you, someone will try to put obstacles in your life.As many snakes you see in your dream,that many problems you’ll have to face.If you kill a snake you will get rid of your enemies and your worries and if a poisonous snake bites you in your dream then beware of fights/quarrels with a close person. To dream a snake which is wrapped around your body expect professional problems and beware of people that they pretend to be friends but in reality they are not.-Carolina PapademetriouΦίδι%20.html
  • 31. Snakes When you dream about snakes, chances are that the meaning of what you just dreamed about is related to challenging issues and feelings that you’re facing in your daily life.- Pavlina Paschalidou If you see in your sleep snake to bite someone hurt you, insidiously. If you see a snake with many heads means that you have many enemies. If you walk in front of you and found a snake, someone will try to put obstacles in your life.-Kyriaki Michael
  • 32. The sea Water is a powerful dream symbol that holds deep messages to the dreamer and shouldn’t be over looked. Water as a dream symbol represents your current emotional state of mind. Constantinos Patsalis žIf you see dirty water, storms and hurricanes, you have to encounter emotional state. But if you see that you’re walking in clean and calm water(e.g. lakes), it means that you live a peaceful and calm emotional state or even a romantic relationship. In a dream like this be careful and pay attention to your feelings.- Carolina Papademetriou The dream of the sea as the life of the sea represents the unlimited power of intuition. The meaning of the sea in the dream depends on the water conditions: ● Quiet, calm sea demonstrates the tremendous inner strength, as well as the emotional and spiritual balance; ● Turbulent, restless sea requires you to have a great courage on a journey to the calm waters through the emotional storm. -Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 33. Church dreaming of a church is a good luck omen and especially so if you dream of the outside of the building, which shows luck in love and marriage. The inside of a church shows that you will have a few small problems that could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. constantinos patsalis if you see that your are building a church it means good luck is on way coming -alexpallis- oneira/%CE%95%CE%BA%CE%BA%CE%BB%CE%B7%CF%83%CE%AF%CE%B1.html If you dream that you are entering a church to light up a candle or to attend the church service it means that you will inherit a fortune or you may do pleasant things.-Antonia Kattou oneira/%CE%95%CE%BA%CE%BA%CE%BB%CE%B7%CF%83%CE%AF%CE%B1.html To see the outside of the church in your dream signifies sacredness and spiritual nourishment. It is representative of your value system and the things you hold sacred. To dream that you are inside a church suggests that you are seeking for spiritual enlightenment and guidance. You are looking to be uplifted in some way. Perhaps you have made some past mistakes which have set you back on your path toward your goals. With proper support, you will get on the right track again. Alternatively, the dream may also mean that you are questioning and debating your life path and where it is leading. You are reevaluating what you want to do. -Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 34. Mice The mouse symbolizes the dreamer’s household: those who dwell in his house—his wife and children, et cetera—a debauched woman, or, some say, a devilish Jewish woman or a Jew, as related by Al-Nabulsi. It could also refer to a thief. Many mice means profit and welfare. Mice of the same color allude to women. The rat is a digging thief. - Chrystaleni Christodoulou if you see a lot of mice in your house it means that someone will trick you at you economics -alexpallis- oneira/%CE%A0%CE%BF%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%AF%CE%BA%CE%B9%CE%B1%20.html if you dream that there are mice in your house it means that someone will deceive financially. -Antonia Kattou oneira/%CE%A0%CE%BF%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%AF%CE%BA%CE%B9%CE%B1%20.html
  • 35. Mice To see mice in your dream indicates that you are spending too much time dwelling on minor problems and insignificant matters. To see mice feeding or eating in your dream suggests that someone is trying to bring down your self-confidence. Someone may be nipping away at your resources. - Pavlina Paschalidou If at home you see that there are mice because they can watch a fool in your finances-Kyriaki Michael oneira/%CE%A0%CE%BF%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%AF%CE%BA%CE%B9%CE%B1%20.html
  • 36. Aeroplane Airplane dreams are often the most potent visions people can experience. To dream of being on an airplane generally means you feel trapped or narrowly defined in a major aspect of your life, such as work, home or a relationship. Constantinos patsalis if you see that you are traveilling with a plane it means that every plan that you designed will be accomblished with the best way-alexpallis- oneira/%CE%91%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%80%CE%BB%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%BF.html if you dream of an aeroplane it means that what you have planned will become true in the best possible way.But if you dream of a plane crush then you should expect bad news and sorrows. - Antonia Kattou oneira/%CE%91%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%80%CE%BB%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%BF.html
  • 37. Aeroplane A psychological interruption of this dream would focus on the notion of speedy movement and would probably ask if the aeroplane was moving away from somewhere or heading toward a new destination, as this would significant in terms of the dreamer’s attitude to the situation.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams. To see an airplane in your dream indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and rise to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness. Perhaps you need to gain a better perspective or wider view on something. If the airplane is taking off, then it suggests that an idea or plan is about to "take off" and be put into action. It may also represent your need to get away and escape from your daily life. Dreaming that the airplane sits on the runway and never takes off refers to a real life project or idea that has failed to get off the ground. You are having difficulties getting started on a project.- Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 38. A kiss To dream of kissing possible means a desire of intimacy.This is the dream that may most accurately reflect a desire for actual passion with another. The reason we wake up is the taboo feeling that perhaps, while we want this, it would not be beneficial to actually participate in it. constantinos patsalis If you dream people kissing each other it means that will be improvements in your family as well as harmony.Also if you see that you’re kissing a stranger you should be careful with your acts.-Antonia Kattou oneira/%CE%A6%CE%B9%CE%BB%CE%AF%20.html If you see people kissing, means that there will be improvements in your family and harmony. If you see that kissing a family member, it means that you will feel pleased and appreciated more than those around you. If you see that kissing your partner, it means that there will be some minor tensions in your relationship, you will get over it quickly.-Kyriaki Michael
  • 39. A kiss The soul’s tasting of the transcendent. A dream involving a kiss suggest that the dreamer-whether fully consciously or not- is experiencing such rapture in some aspect of his/her life.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams. To dream of a kiss denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment. In particular, if you are dreaming of your first kiss, then it may just be the anticipation of experiencing your actual first kiss. This dream is also symbolic of young love and fresh romance. Perhaps the dream is telling you that you need to inject some more romance into your waking relationship. To see others kissing in your dream suggest that you are too involved in someone else's personal lives and relationship. You need to give them some space. If the dream ends just about as you are about to kiss someone, then it indicates that you are unsure of how he or she really feels about you. You are looking for some sort of relationship with this person but you are not sure about how to go about achieving it. If you are heterosexual and you dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex, then it represents self- acceptance. You are acknowledging the feminine or masculine side. To dream that you are kissing yourself also represents self- acceptance, as well as self-love. You need to accept and love who you are, even your flaws or shortcomings. -Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 40. Your Ex Dreams baout your ex are a very common theme at bedtime, especially after entering or leaving a relationship. If you or a loved one has been covering this ground at night, you may have questions about what it all might mean. about-your-ex_n_891551.html Constantinos Patsalis ž If you see your ex in you dream, it means that you still have some feelings for him/her. Sometimes it means that you will learn some news about your ex or you will communicate with him/her.- Carolina PapademetriouΠρώην.html To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-husband/wife, that you and your ex are kissing/fighting or that you and your ex got back together again suggests that something or someone in your current life is bringing out similar feelings you felt during that relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to similar behavioral patterns in your current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistakes. Alternatively, you may be reflecting on the positive experiences and good times that you shared with your past love. Dreams of getting back together with your ex or of your ex wanting to get back together with you may not necessarily be a reflection of reality. This dream may be triggered by some major change in your current relationship and how far you have come from those past relationships. - Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 41. A Car In a dream, a car represents someone who properly manages his life, for a car is made from many well coordinated parts, and carries many things and transports them from one location to another. If one sees himself riding a litter that is carried by people in a dream, it means that he will preside over people or beget a son who will be elevated in rank. If a traveller sees a car in his dream, it means that his trip will take a slow turn and he will be delayed. A car in a dream also signifies dignity, honor, advancement and attainment. If one sees himself holding to a car or running after it in a dream, it means that he will lobby someone in authority and profit from him as much as his nearness to such a car. If one sees himself riding on a cargo vehicle in a dream, it means suffering from distress and sorrow. - Eleni Georgiou
  • 42. Cars It is the power of man over his environments and physical limitations. The car enables us to travel much faster that we naturally designed to. It is worth nothing that the value of dream consists of the value of Tetragrammaton along with the value of the letter Kaph when positioned at the end of the word. As the Tetragrammaton means “God” as the letter Kaph means “hand” and is connected with practical activity, we see the value as referring to the idea of replacing God through technology. This dream definitely refers to someone who is more concerned with the material the the spiritual.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams.
  • 43. Nails To see nails in your dream symbolize long and hard work for little compensation and pay. It may also be analogous to some rugged or tough force. To hammer nails in your dream represent your tenacity, persistence and ability to drive a hard bargain - Chrystaleni Christodoulou To dream of soiled finger-nails, forbodes disgrace in your family by the wild escapades of the young. To see well-kept nails, indicates scholarly tastes and some literary attainments; also, thrift. -Pavlina Paschalidou If the nails are clean and tidy will have economic benefits, if unkempt and dirty pay attention to your finances, but if you cut your nails will xalafroseis of problems you have.-Kyriaki Michael
  • 44. A House In a dream, one's house holds different meanings. One of them is the wife. If one sees himself entering his house in a dream, it means that he will get married, or have sexual intercourse with his wife. Building one's own house in a dream means that a sick person will recover from his illness. If such construction is hard and if it is customary in that family to bury its dead within the compound of the same property, then it means the death of a sick person in the family. If no one is sick in that house and the construction is accompanied with music and celebrations in the dream, then it means adversities, trials and hardships. If under such circumstance the person in the dream is unmarried, it means marriage, and if he is married, it means that he will marry off one of his daughters. If one sees himself tied up and imprisoned inside a house in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, or it could mean good health and prosperity. If one sees himself carrying a house over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he takes care of a needy woman or a wife. If one sees his house made of gold in a dream, it means that a fire will burn it down. If the house has no roof, whereby one can see the skies, sun or moon in a dream, it represents the marriage of a woman from that household. If one sees a big house within his own house in a dream, it means that a righteous woman will live their or move into that family to become a blessing for such a house. If there is a tunnel under such a house in the dream, it denotes deception or that a perfidious person is having access to that household. A house without lights in a dream represents a woman of evil character, and if a woman sees that house in her dream, then it represents a man of evil character. Demolishing one's house in a dream means a fight within that family. If one sees grass growing inside his house in a dream, it means a wedding. - Eleni Georgiou
  • 45. A Bride If one sees a bride on her wedding day, dressed in her beautiful robe, looking beautiful and adorned with flower in a dream, it means wealth in this world. If one sees himself as a bridegroom and could not see his bride or recognize her in the dream, or if she is not named or attributed to him in the dream, it means his death or that he may commit a murder. If one recognizes his bride, looks at her, and if she is named in the dream, it means that he will marry the same woman. If one sees himself getting married in a dream, it means that he will gain power equal to the position of that woman, her role, danger, her family's status, the meaning of her name, and her beauty. - Eleni Georgiou
  • 46. Rain If no harm or destruction is caused by a rainstorm in a dream, then it means blessings, profits and mercy. Rain in a dream also represents life, an earthly being, or fulfillment of a promise. If the rain falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it could mean the loss of a beloved - Chrystaleni Christodoulou If someone dreams of rain he may receive a bad massage,for example if you see that is raining and that there are black clouds in the sky you should expect problems.More over if you dream of getting wet by the rain you should expect sorrows.-Antonia Kattou oneira/%CE%92%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%87%CE%AE.html
  • 47. A boat In a dream, a fishing boat represents profits and benefits. To sail on an unknown boat or to pilot a boat or to give orders to sailors who are operating it in a dream means marriage to a woman from a country to which the boat belongs, or it could mean doing business in that land. To ride on a ferryboat in a dream means receiving Allah's benevolence and kindness in crossing over danger. A boat in a dream also represents one's relatives. Thus, whatever atmospheric conditions the skies exhibits during the crossing or during a journey by boat, they will manifest in one's family. In a dream, a fireboat means dispelling anxieties, overcoming distress and adversities. - Eleni Georgiou
  • 48. A Sport Dreaming of sport, means that you have greater success in your personal and professional life, you will have good health. Constantinos Patsalis
  • 49. Video Games To dream that you are playing a video game represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Alternatively, playing a video game suggests that you are trying to escape from the problems in your real life, instead of confronting it. Consider the type of video game and video game character for additional insights. Constantinos Patsalis
  • 50. A Vehicle To dream that you are riding in a vehicle (car, boat, train, etc.) signifies the level and type of control you have over your life. Constantinos Patsalis
  • 51. A Vehicle On one hand, we have our “normal” day-to-day existence with our friends and colleagues. On the other hand, we have that aspects of ourselves that is seeking something more spiritual and eternal in nature.-Stefanos- taken from the book Divining Your Dreams.
  • 52. Killing To dream that you kill someone indicates that you are on the verge of losing your temper and self-control. Alternatively, you may be trying to kill an aspect of yourself that is represented by the person killed. Constantinos Patsalis
  • 53. Priest žWhen you see in your dream a priest in black is very bad. Expect sadness, difficulties, illness, death and misfortune. But if you see a priest that operates or preaches, it means that good things will happen.-Carolina Papademetriou
  • 54. Pregnancy žIf a woman see in her dream that she’s pregnant, it means that she will soon meet the man of her life, but sometimes means sadness. žIf the woman see in her dream that she’s pregnant and that happens in reality, she will have a problem-free pregnancy and if a married woman see in her dream that she’s pregnant it means that she won’t be happy with her husband and her children won’t be adorable.- Carolina Papademetriouεγκυμοσύνη/
  • 55. Thirst If you see in your dream that you’re very thirsty and you don’t have any water you’ll have to face professional problems. To dream that you’re drinking water and then you quench your thirst indicates that you’ll be happy and satisfied. If you see that someone gives you immediately water because you’re thirsty, you will soon get married.-Carolina Papademetriou.Δίψα-Διψώ%20%20.html If you are single and you dream that someone gives you water then you will get married soon. -Antonia Kattou %CE%94%CE%B9%CF%88%CF%8E%20%20.html
  • 56. Thief If you see in your dream a thief (he doesn’t entering your house), it means that you’ll learn something which some people said behind you and you’ll get upset. To dream that a thief is entering your house indicates that you will become richer. If you are the thief in your dream you will get upset. -Carolina PapademetriouΚλέφτης.html To dream that you are a thief suggests that you are afraid of losing what you have. Perhaps you feel that you are undeserving of the things you already have. Alternatively, to dream that you are a thief indicates that you are overstepping your boundaries in some situation or relationship. -Pavlina Paschalidou
  • 57. Eagle In Hebrew and Greek literature, the eagle is a symbol of power. Given its great size and strength, eagles were able to remove even small livestock from the herds. This gave the eagle a persona of majesty, power, and fear. To dream of the eagle is to be spiritually validated as a person of great wisdom and insight concerning both this world and the spiritual realities beyond the comprehension of this world. - Theodoros Panayiotou If you dream fighting with an eagle it means that you should be careful about your acts. -Antonia Kattou
  • 58. Team Sports Team sports are prevalent in our world and seem to be increasing in popularity and diversity. Dreams of team sports include the dreamer as observer, player, or coach. Many times, it's a dream of wish-fulfillment -- just wanting to be a sports legend. However, it the coaches and other players seem very familiar to you, or are actually people from facets of your waking life, the dream has more to say. Most times, the dream is about participation and connectedness to the common goals held by others in your life. "Being a team player" and "getting with the program" are emphasized often in work and family these days. Whichever of the three roles you most identify with determines your self-awareness within the team sport. Observing from the audience may indicate that you are feeling "off the team" or outside the action. Observing as a player who does not enter the game indicates that you feel others are ambivalent about your skills, or you yourself may be so. Being a player shows your willingness to participate in the game. If you have too many roles on the team or do the work of several players, it may be that you are feeling as though people expect too much from you. Finally, being the coach is a position of leadership, control, and decision-maker for the success of others. In this case, determining how the team did is important to appreciating the message of this dream. - Theodoros Panayiotou
  • 59. Cats Dreaming of a cat has different meanings. a)If you dream of a black cat means that you will be miserable. b)If you dream of a white cat means that you will get married early. c)If the cat scratches you in your dreams means that somebody will make damage to you. d)If the cats are fighting it means that you will have erotic rivalry. e) If you dream a cat meowing you will have a sweet and happy home f)If the cat in your dreams attacks to you it means that you have a lot of enemies and if you stop a cat from attacking to you you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame.