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Psychic dreams - Most dreams are standard dreams whose plot and content relate to inner 
psychological processes that are brought to mind through the dream. On average over 90% of 
dreams are purely symbolic and relate to your own personal process of growth. 
We use the term psychic dream to cover a range of dream phenomena some of which include 
classic premonition dreams, astral travel dreams, past life dreams and intuitive insight dreams. 
Premonition dreams feature details of events on a particular timeline that may or may not 
manifest, these present as mainly literal rather than symbolic dreams and often you do not 
feature in any role in the dream, but rather feel as an observer floating or observing from 
above or outside of the event. Astral dreams are dreams where you recall having visited 
people or places as a detached observer or as a participant in some way and then in your 
waking life you may discover that what you saw or experienced in astral captured by the 
dream was in fact a real event occurring somewhere although not necessarily at the exact time 
you where asleep. Past life dreams feature events and experiences from past lives. You may 
experience the dream story through the eyes of a previous identity or observe the story from 
above. The past life dream story will follow more like a real life than the typical dream 
content does. We have used the term intuitive insight dream for the dreams where you 
contemplate issues and learning and gain insight while you are sleeping. You may find a 
mixture of dreams as well, perhaps a past life dream mixed with intuitive insight ending with 
a standard symbolic lucid dream. Guides often appear in dreams in various roles to facilitate 
an insight and your learning. You may also be in contact with departed loved ones in psychic 
dreams, this is not to be confused with a symbolic dream wherein the person may be a 
symbolic representation of an issue or aspect of your self. 
1 Abandon Abandoning something bad in your dream means that you might soon 
receive good financial news. But if someone abandons you, it can be a sign of trouble which 
you possibly can overcome by acknowledging this warning and reconciling yourself with the 
problem. If you saw some sort of abandonment in your dream, it means that you will hear 
soon some very important information. 
3 Abdomen If you have pains in abdomen it will indicate success or 
achievement due to your good physical condition and healthiness. Seeing your abdomen being 
bare or showed to others, is a warning that you might be tricked or deceived by someone you 
trust and love. 
4 Abduction Abduction in you dream indicates wish-fulfilment and is, in general, a 
good sign of achieving goals which seemed unattainable. Dreaming about being abducted 
indicates success for you, even if you have a lot of resistance in real life situations. But if you 
observe someone being abducted, you can expect some unexpected news! 
5 Abhorrence If you have a strong hatred or feeling of dislike for something in your 
dream, it is a warning that you may be in danger or have some difficult situations which can 
not be foreseen. If the feeling was not very strong and you were a bit irritated by it, then it 
means that you will be able to overcome your problems.
6 Abnormal When you dream of something abnormal which can be described as a 
sci-fi film, where we see very strange things happening and not existing animals, it means that 
very soon you are going to find a useful solution to your present problems. 
7 Abortion If you dream of an abortion, it means that you might be following a 
fruitless path in life, or certain goals are not worth of pursuing them. For a woman, it can also 
indicate that her health is in danger. 
8 Abroad . If you dream of traveling and going abroad, it means that you are 
experiencing some unsettled conditions and considering traveling abroad or changing 
location. Traveling abroad by ship denotes that you could make a new influential friend very 
9 Abscond Running away, escaping for a man in his dream means that he should 
be on alert expecting possible deceit from his surroundings at work. For a woman, this dream 
is a warning to be careful where she gives her affection. 
10 Abstinence It's a very contradictory dream, because it may mean the opposite . If 
you are practicing abstinence from drinking or other temptations, it may be considered as a 
warning against being arrogant or overconfident. And if you show abstinence without 
necessity, it means that there are great rewards on the way. 
11 Abundance Dreaming of abundance can be both, a warning and a good sign . The 
first means that you should keep your resources and energies till better times. And the second 
is a good omen for taking new experiences. 
12 Abuse When you dream of abusing someone, you are going to suffer implications 
from close people whom you have treated not so well recently. If you are abused physically or 
verbally in your dream, you will get into the trap of your enemy. In general, this dream is a 
warning to be more cautious with your surroundings, new acquaintances and to control your 
13 Abyss This dream you should consider as a warning. An abyss always symbolizes an 
obstacle. And if you are falling into it, you might be in great danger in your business dealings. 
But if you managed not to fall into an abyss, it indicates that you will be able to overcome 
your problem. 
15 Accelerator If you use an accelerator or gas pedal in your dream, it is an indication 
that you will achieve your goals with little outside assistance rather than your own efforts. On 
the other hand, if the accelerator is broken and you cannot control it, there is a warning that 
you can develop a habit which will become a vice. 
16 Accident If you dream of an accident, you should more carefully pay attention to 
the detail: how did the accident happen, who was involved in your dream. Sometimes it just 
means that you need to be more careful while crossing the road, if you dreamt of being run 
over by a car; or if you had an accident with some instruments, maybe you need to repair 
them in order to avoid accidents in future. But if in your dream you had some other people 
watching you having an accident, it means that you will be involved in danger through this 
person. An accident by sea (ship or boat) promises a great deal of love affairs. 
17 Acid Dreaming about acid might be the sign of an intense fear that can threaten "to 
dissolve" you. It could also mean that you are too distrustful or contemptuous of others, and if 
you don't change, this so called "acid" can "dissolve" your relationships. 
18 Actor, actress, acting in a movie Dreaming about acting in a movie means that 
you dislike false and hypocritical people, or you are pretending to be somebody you are not. 
Seeing others to play in the movie is a warning: be aware of treachery and lies. Seeing an
actor in a dream: you want something you can't have. If you are the film actor: you don't feel 
comfortable around your friends. 
19 Admiration, admiring Dreaming about admiring someone means that you are too 
easily led by people and you don't check their intentions first. 
20 Adoption If you are adopted it means that you are accepted in real life. If you are 
putting someone up for adoption, it means you will be rejected. Also it can mean adopting 
new ideas, points-of-view. 
21 Adultery Dreaming of adultery might be surprising, because it can be absolutely 
not connected to the reality. A dream of committing adultery does not exactly say that you are 
cheating on your partner, but it may make you feel guilty. This way your subconscious tells 
you that you have some offences against others or your partner, and even against your own 
true nature. Very often people who are involved in an emotionally and sexually cold 
relationships are likely experience this dream. Also for some people it means that they are 
ready to have an affair. 
22 Aggression If you dream of hitting or shooting somebody, or any other act of 
aggression, it expresses anger that has not been acknowledged during the day. If we can't 
fulfil the wishes, demands, or expectations of others, we feel guilty, and our unconscious 
often "lets off steam" by way of aggressive attacks. See Attack, Murder, Killing. 
23 Agony Agonizing over something or feeling tortured in a dream means that you failed 
to deal with something in waking life, or you have hurt someone and it is now coming back to 
haunt you. See Pain. 
24 Air Oxygen is an element we cannot do without for our basic survival. If you are 
deprived of air in your dreams, in one word, you are suffocating, it represents some kind of 
psychological or intellectual deprivation. If you dream of being outdoors and breathing a clear 
air, this dream may suggest that you need a freedom to your thoughts. On the other hand, it 
may be drawing a release from a problem or continuous difficult situation. 
25 Airplane It depends what exactly you see in your dream. If you are flying and 
enjoying it, this means happiness. It also can indicate a desire to rise above all and escape. If 
you dream of airplane disaster, it may symbolize that you are involved into a project which is 
destined to fail, or it may also symbolize a financial or intellectual failure. 
26 AirportA dream of being in an airport or a railroad station may indicate how secure 
you feel about a new project or a situation. If you see a busy airport it represents your desire 
for freedom or for travelling. If the airport is deserted, your travel plans may be changed. 
27 Alcohol Drinking a small amount of alcohol means you will have interesting 
ideas. In general, alcohol symbolizes secret desires. The meaning may become clearer, if you 
analyse some other symbols in the dream. Very useful to notice is what alcohol made you 
feel: more courageous, more confident? It will show what you lack in real life. If you drink to 
intoxication, it shows your strong desire to escape reality. If you see someone being drunk, it 
shows your negative attitude towards that person. Being sober in a crowd of drunk people 
signifies a feeling of being left out, loneliness, or the opposite - being superior. 
28 Alligator Alligators represent problematic situation which are intense, but do not 
last long. The alligator may symbolize a problem, responsibility or task in your real life that 
has troubled you a bit, and needs "wrestling", sometimes with the help of others. 
29 Almonds Eating sweet almonds means that you are loved and respected by your 
friends and they support your efforts. Eating bitter almonds: you will be disappointed by 
friends or acquaintances.
30 Altar If you dream about an altar, a project will turn out well. Seeing lighted candles 
on the altar means that certain plans will work out. Kneeling in front of the altar is a symbol 
for your respectful and reverent ethics and the ability to sacrifice small desires on the "altar of 
your ideals". It also could be a sign that you will receive help from "above", or a secret wish 
will be granted. Seeing an altar decorated with flowers may predict a soon wedding. 
Dreaming of decorating an altar denotes fun and good luck. 
31 Ambulance Seeing an ambulance in your dream is a sign that you do not pay 
attention to some part of your life, and this carelessness and indiscretion may lead to a 
catastrophe. Also, you should literally take this warning and look after your health, because 
you might have an inner fear of contracting some kind of disease. 
32 Amethyst Dreaming of the amethyst brings good luck. If you have business 
dealings, amethyst in your dream foretells a receipt of a small satisfying income. In a married 
life, amethyst means a happy and calm marriage. If you lose the amethyst in your dream, it 
may signify a material loss or problems in your personal life. 
33 Amputation If you dream about an arm or leg amputation, expect emotional loss in 
the near future. Undergoing amputation denotes separation from a loved one. If your hand is 
being amputated, your actions are restricted. Amputation of a leg carries a message: you 
should stop running away. Dreaming about amputation means that your life has been torn 
apart and your peace of mind is in danger. The part being amputated usually refers to parts of 
ourselves that haven't been functioning properly. 
34 Amusement park Seeing an amusement park in a dream and having a lot of fun 
there signals that you need to start having a little bit more fun in waking life. If the 
amusement park looked gloomy and dark, it may be a warning that you have reached a critical 
point when to stay away from fun and amusement may affect your psychological health. If 
you have some kind of an accident in an amusement park, it may indicate that you have an 
inner fear of overcoming something in your life. 
35 Anchor The anchor is a symbol of hope, confidence, and health. If you see an 
anchor in your dream, your hopes will soon be fulfilled. Seeing a broken anchor is a sign of 
bad luck. Anchoring in a harbour means that you have found a solid ground. Throwing an 
anchor means that you are hoping for someone's help, but it is better to act on your own 
36 AngelsDreaming of angels always means that you study your present attitudes. The 
angel is a divine messenger that can give you some new insights in finding a new way. If a 
woman dreams of an angel, the angel represents a longing for harmony, emotional connection 
and guidance. Seeing an angel symbolizes good luck and shows the strength of your 
character. If you are an angel in your dream, there is love and friendship on the way. Being 
surrounded by angels means you will find inner peace and satisfaction. 
37 Anger, wrath, resentment Anger is one of our strongest emotions. It can express 
itself in our dreams. The dream where you are aggressive towards somebody and feel a strong 
anger, means that you have a deeply rooted problem within yourself, a kind of inner struggle, 
it might be your envy towards that person, if you feel subconsciously inferior or there was a 
kind of rejection which you cannot accept. A man, dreaming of sexually assaulting or raping a 
woman, might have a sexual problem that requires treatment. 
38 Animal, animals Animals represent the parts of our personality and the depths of 
our unconscious, our instincts. Animals in dreams are always symbols of our subdued desires, 
this way our subconscious communicates to us about forbidden.
Bear: a symbol of power, vitality, strength and endurance. 
Fish: a fear of loosing love. 
Dog: extremely subdued sexual urges; a true friend. 
Insects: repressed anger, emotional stress, family problems. 
Cat: a symbol of female eroticism and sometimes repressed desire for freedom. 
Cow: female sexual urges combined with patience and calm. 
Lion: glorified and powerful physical contact between men and women. 
Mouse: a symbol of femininity; a fear of mice - a fear to acknowledge your femininity. 
Horse: aroused, but unrealised physical energies or controlled vitality. 
Serpent: a phallic symbol; woman dreaming of serpents usually suffer from unfulfilled 
Small animals usually represent a small sibling; large animals stand for your character 
features and repressed cravings. Animals talking to us with human voices are a warning that 
people can hurt you or take advantage of you. Dead animals are the sign of a change in your 
personal situation. Animals are a symbol of primitive character traits like passion, greed, 
39 Ants Ants symbolise wisdom, hard work, organisation, persistence and 
accomplishment. When ants appear in your dream in a positive neutral light, it means that you 
are being industrious and diligent, ants in this case are a symbol of accomplishment and 
success. If you are being bitten by an ant, you need to take advantage of an opportunity in 
your professional life. If you are stepping on an anthill, your clumsy behaviour will provoke a 
lot of frustration. At the same time, seeing a lot of ants in your dream could be a sign of a 
problem with your nervous system, because ants also is a symbol of annoying things. It might 
show that you have overworked and need a break. If you see this dream too often, it is a signal 
to pay more attention to health issues. 
40 Apartment Dreaming of an apartment symbolizes the state of dreamer's finances or 
the state of a situation in which you are involved. Beautifully-furnished and luxury apartment 
will indicate improvement in your finance situation. And opposite, seeing a shabby and dark 
apartment stands for misfortune and losses. 
41 Apostle This dream contains a religious image which is mostly seen by men in 
their dreams. Be attentive to the words said by apostle since it can be a clear message which 
should be taken literally. 
42 Apple The apple is a symbol of love and fertility. If you see a tree with lots of apples, 
it means that you have many friends. Eating a ripe apple means you will meet someone 
special; if you are married, then it means a renewal of your love life. If you see an apple full 
of worms, it symbolizes problems in your love relationship. If your apple is rotten, there are 
troubles on the way! If you are biting into a sour apple, you are in danger of dealing with an 
unpleasant situation or loosing somebody dear to you. If you are looking at an apple tree in 
blossom, you will have business success. 
43 Aquarium Seeing fish in an aquarium indicates small short pleasures you are 
going to have or having right now in your life. The condition of water (clear/murky) and the 
size and condition of fish are very important. They depict the quality and amount of pleasure. 
44 Argument If you dream of arguing with someone you know, it may be an 
indicator of your dissatisfaction with something this person does in reality and desire to argue,
but you wouldn't do it in real life. This dream should be considered also as a warning against 
impulsive and thoughtless decisions. 
45 Arm, arms If you see in your dream, that your arms are stronger than usual, it is a 
sign that there is a hard work ahead. If your arms or someone's arms are covered in hair: you 
are about to receive money. Breaking or injuring your arms symbolizes family fights and 
squabbles or careless actions. If one of your arms is missing: you are suffering from painful 
inhibitions. Your left arm is associated with your supportive and nurturing nature, right arm 
represents your outgoing nature. 
46 Armour Dreaming about armour means that subconsciously you feel that you 
need a protection and want to be shielded from different influences. Wearing an armour: you 
are afraid of being attacked by others, being hurt. You need to analyse what made you wear 
the armour: your fears, your defensive attitude? Sometimes the armour represents your 
protective behaviour due to which other people cannot get close to you. In any case, dreaming 
of armour means that you need to change something in your life, because walking in a heavy 
"armour" is quite difficult. 
47 Arrow Any weapon type can be considered as a phallic symbol. Arrows stand for the 
rays of life and it is also a phallic symbol. If you see an arrow in your dream, it means that 
current arguments and conflicts are partially your fault. If you are shooting an arrow, be aware 
that you are going to be the target, and because of your behaviour you may lose a close friend. 
If you got hit by an arrow: there is a breakdown or disaster on the horizon. An arrow pointed 
in a certain direction could be a pointer where you need to go in your professional or personal 
48 Ashes Ash is a symbol of death, grief and self-punishment. Dreaming about ashes is 
not a good omen. If you disturb ashes, it is a message that someone is going to die. Stepping 
or falling into ashes implies a loss of money, financial problems. Watching a lot of ashes 
signifies bitter disappointment and pain. But if you collect ashes, you will have an increase in 
material things. 
49 Assassination (murder) Dreams of assassination or murder have similar 
meanings. There are strong feelings and emotions involved. If you are an assassin and you are 
killing someone, it might symbolize your strong protest and anger towards this person. If you 
watch an assassination with a lot of blood, it is a bad omen, you underestimated your enemy. 
If you are struck by an assassin, the realization of your goals will fail. 
50 Attack If you dream of being attacked, your projects are going to fail or you might be 
soon in danger. If the violence in the dream was not your main concern, but the threat of the 
attack was your main fear, there may be a warning about an attack in waking life. This may 
not by a physical assault, but perhaps an attack on your character and integrity. This dream 
should be taken into account as a warning: you will need to be cautious during next several 
51 Attic The attic is similar to basement where we also may store material. Ghosts in 
the attic typically represent memories that pursue us. Stored clothes and furniture may reflect 
unused potential stored away through fears or discouragement. When you dream of an attic, 
consider making your current conditions more comfortable and balanced. If the attic is well 
organized and brightly lit, then you will have luck with either love or matrimony. The attic 
can also represent the mind, and if the attic is chaotic this will be a sign telling you to 
organize your thoughts for better living.
52 Auto, automobile This is a favourite subject in men's dreams. The car in your 
dreams says a lot about your current situation. The movement of your car is like a metaphor 
for the way you are trying to follow to make a progress in your life. The condition of the 
vehicle could be regarded as a condition of your health. See interpretation for "car". 
53 Avalanche If you dream of an avalanche, it means that you triggered something 
negative what is impossible to stop. If in your dream you are swept away by an avalanche, the 
implication might be that your life is out of control. Avalanche is usually a warning and it can 
be avoided if you carefully reconsider your life situation. 
54 Axe, axes The axe in a dream may appear as a weapon or a tool. But at all times, 
it is a symbol of battle or fight. In dreams it may symbolize quarrels with people in your 
environment, and if you are the one who is using the axe, your role in this arguments is the 
major one. If you are the wood: the separation from your love partner is about to happen. 
Picking up an axe is a sign of bad luck, terror and conflict. An axe-dream often means that 
your authority is only a show, and is not based on the strength of your character. If you see 
someone else working with an axe, it means that you are suffering, because of the 
inconsiderate actions of others. 
List of words starting with the letter "B": 
No Keywords Interpretation 
1 Baby 
If you dream of feeding a baby in your dream: you have to work 
hard before you receive the rewards of your labour. Rocking a 
baby in a cradle: you will have good luck and happiness. If you 
see a dead baby, someone is going to die. If you are giving a 
birth, you will have a new direction in life or a new idea. Being 
annoyed in a dream of a baby crying may signify illness or 
minor disappointments in your personal life. If a woman is 
nurturing a baby at her breasts, she probably desperately wants 
to have a baby, or wants to take care of someone. 
3 Back 
Watching someone's back means you will be shown "the other 
side of the coin". If someone is turning his/her back on you: 
your old friendship which turned difficult is rekindled. The 
dream may also mean that some people are acting superior and 
clearly have a low opinion about you. Everything has two sides 
and can be judged from different perspectives. This dream may 
express your fear that something is going on "behind your 
back". Another thing: maybe you are hiding something from 
5 Backpack 
Carrying a backpack symbolizes responsibilities weighing upon 
you and interfere with your everyday activities. Another 
meaning of this dream is that you are carrying your past 
memories or experiences which became a burden. 
6 Backyard The backyard usually represents the territory of your life which 
is taken for granted. It is a potential which you have and may
use any time. 
7 Bacon 
If the taste of a bacon is rancid, it is a symbol of a failed affair, 
business or relationship. In general, eating a bacon should be 
considered also as a signal to pay more attention to what you eat 
and how sensible you are about food. To dream about handling 
bacon with dirty hands is a bad omen, this way you handle your 
8 Badger 
The badger may represent your inner qualities like fierceness, 
resistance to discouragement, enormous energy, tenancy, 
persistence, ferociousness. If you have a situation in real life, it 
means that you use this qualities to get the result you need. In a 
negative way, badgers represent powers that are on the edge of 
intimidation. Sometimes is may depict someone from your 
surroundings who has a dominating nature. 
9 Bag, bags 
An empty bag might be a sign of a low bank balance or 
financial difficulties which will persist for a while. Carrying a 
heavy bag means that you have a lot of work to do. Seeing a full 
bag: expect receiving some money. Loosing a bag: something is 
not going to happen the way you want. Finding unexpected 
things in a bag: your subconscious tries to show you some 
character traits of which you were not aware before. 
11 Bail If you dream of making a bail, your subconscious is telling you 
that you need to accept help from professionals. 
13 Bakery, baking, baker 
Dreaming about baking means that something inedible will be 
transformed into a delicious and digestible form. Seeing a 
bakery with a good smell and smiling people indicates a lot of 
success for you. Seeing a baker: your current problems will be 
resolved. But seeing a baker making bread signifies that you 
should be careful with people who want something from you. If 
you see an oven actively used by a baker: your financial matters 
will improve. In general, dreaming of bakery, a baker and 
baking indicates positive changes in the near future. 
14 Ball 
Playing with a colourful ball or balloon signifies that if you got 
disappointed, you will get over it quickly. If you are playing 
with a ball on your own, it is a sign of a passing love affair. But 
if you play ball with a lot of people, it denotes a positive 
relationship with a new person. Playing ball with you life's 
partner is a good sign which means that you are learning from 
each other in a playful manner. The ball also may symbolize 
your destiny, and what you do with your life. Sometimes it 
plays games with us! 
15 Balloon Watching a balloon floating in the air: you are naive and soon 
will be disappointed. If the balloon is bursting, you hopes and
dreams will fail. Seeing a balloon indicates that you may have a 
positive discovery or get interesting ideas. A floating balloon 
may also signify a love affair which will quickly "dissolve" in 
the air. If you are travelling in a balloon: you lost the 
perspective or your goals. Watching a hot air balloon explode 
means that someone is so angry with you, that is about to 
16 Banana 
A banana symbolizes a desire of erotic adventures. If you are 
eating banana in your dream, your erotic desires will soon be 
satisfied. Since banana is a phallic symbol, seeing a banana in a 
dream means that you want an intimate relationship with 
another person. Mostly, in female dreams, banana represents 
sexual desires. If the banana is rotten, it may point to 
disappointments in matters of love. 
17 Bandage 
Dreaming about being bandaged signifies emotional hurts you 
are experiencing or you will experience. It is also can be a sign 
of the healing process you are going through. 
18 Basement 
Buildings in dreams often represent our bodies or personalities. 
The building may also represent intellect or understanding: 
people who are about to take up a new project may explore 
unfamiliar rooms in a well-known house. In many cases, a 
journey into exploration of a building represents your own 
desire to learn yourself and resolve ongoing psychological 
problem. The building also is a symbol that stands for 
expanding your life. Usually it doesn't matter how tall or big the 
building is, or how well it is decorated, but it is a good sign 
which tells you that your plans are going to be successful. But if 
the house is in a bad shape or falling down, it is a warning: your 
plans or decisions will hurt you and result in losses. In a 
woman's dream a building/house is often a symbol of her body. 
Then you should interpret the parts of the house like roof - head, 
windows - sexual organs, ground floor/first floor - internal 
organs, basement - feet. 
19 Basket 
The basket is an ancient symbol for the womb. If you dream of 
holding an empty basket, be prepared for a disappointment in 
matters of love. If you are handing a basket to someone, it 
means that you are denying someone's request, or deciding 
against something. Dreaming of a flower basket denotes good 
times, happiness, and a gift. Looking at a laundry basket 
indicates that dishonest people are taking advantage of you. 
20 Bat, bats The bat is a symbol of the dark side of a dreamer's personality. 
Since the bat is hit by blindness, but has got a wonderful sense 
of direction, this dream may say to you that you are using more 
your intuition rather than logic, and you might be blind to some
sort of things. But at the same time a bat is a symbol of a free 
will, freedom since it has wings! Seeing several bats means your 
worries about debts. Sometimes a bat can represent a black 
messenger betokening death, illness or a personal disaster. To 
interpret your dream, try to connect other elements in your 
dream with the bat symbol. 
21 Bathroom 
In dreams bathrooms symbolize physical and emotional 
cleansing, and toilet dreams deal with letting go of what we no 
longer need. If we don't get a support in real life and our 
feelings are not nurtured, we might dreams of flooding in the 
22 Beach 
This dream may hint that you are not getting as much pleasure 
out of life as you could. It may show that you need a period of 
relaxation and rest. On the other hand, this dream may suggest 
that you take more interest in your work so that the daily grind 
becomes less of a trudge and more of an adventure. Dreams of 
lazing on a tropical beach may be reflecting pleasures you most 
enjoy. Also dreaming of being on the beach could indicate that 
your goals are far-reaching. Watching high-waves crashing on 
the shore: you will face difficulties and resistance on the way to 
your goals. 
23 Beans 
The bean is a symbol of the female sex organ, especially in 
men's dreams. Eating beans in a dream means frustration at job, 
or at home, sometimes a downturn in your financial situation. 
Seeing bean plants in blossom: love more modesty. Picking and 
eating beans means successful business dealings. 
24 Bear 
In a positive sense a bear represents an inner force of power and 
strength ready to be used. For instance, dreaming of a bear 
could mean that your dormant powers are being gathered in 
preparation. And when you need to act, you can be amazed by 
the forces you have at your disposal. Bears usually carry a 
negative meaning in men's dreams representing symbols of 
domination and fear, and can symbolize, for instance, a 
controlling wife or mother. People who went through painful 
accidents are prone to dream of being chased by a bear. Seeing a 
bear also can mean that you are insecure about your personal 
relationship, sometimes it means gossips or financial losses. 
25 Beard A beard in a man's dream symbolizes masculine power. Also it 
is a sign of courage and wisdom. Seeing a man with a long 
beard: you will live in prosperity. If a man dreams of shaving 
off a beard, it might signify that he is scared of losing his 
masculine power. In another sense, this dream could mean that a 
man needs to get rid of his prejudices or habitual behaviour. If a 
man is dreaming of a woman with a beard, he should be more
careful with the opposite sex. 
26 Bed, beds 
The bed is a symbol of regeneration, love, death and birth. 
Seeing an empty bed means bad news or news about a death. 
Seeing yourself in bed: you need to take care of your health. If 
you sleep on a strange bed, it is a warning: don't be too trusting, 
be cautious with strangers or new friends. Seeing a soil on your 
bed means that you are surrounded by ill-natured people. If your 
own bed is in a mess, your hidden secrets are to be discovered 
and cause you embarrassment. 
27 Bedroom 
The bedroom is a symbol of your sexual life, also it is a place 
where you have a rest. It is your private part of the house which 
in dreams reflects your love life. Dreaming of making your bed 
means that you are not enjoying a rewarding relationship or sex 
28 Bee, bees 
In a positive sense, bees represent fertile and productive 
processes and symbolize industriousness and the way you 
organize your life. Dreaming of many bees flying together 
means that you will work productively and hard, but you can 
look forward to a "good harvest". Watching a bee collecting 
honey means a more deeper bond in a love relationship. Getting 
stung by a bee: there will be great changes in your life. 
30 Beetle 
Beetle represents ups and downs, success and failure. Seeing a 
lot of beetles in a dream: losses are inevitable. Catching a 
beetle: you will make a new friend or resolve a problem. 
Watching a beetle: you need to be humble if you want people to 
like you. Killing a beetle in your dream means that you need to 
come to terms with a mistake. 
31 Beggar 
A beggar in your dream could represent you, and the focus will 
be the area of your personality or sphere of your life that is in 
some way deficient. Very likely that your emotional life is 
pretty empty. Dreaming about a beggar entering a house means 
that a visitor is going to surprise you. If you are giving a gift to 
a beggar, you will soon get positive results and get a relief from 
an uncomfortable situation. 
32 Bell 
A bell may indicate the beginning of a favourable phase in your 
life. In a negative sense, a bell could signify misfortune and 
disappointments. Hearing bells ringing predicts pleasant events 
in your personal life, with family or friends. If you dream of 
ringing a bell, you will make someone happy. Looking at a bell 
in a dream denotes that a dreamer is pursuing a specific 
objective, but must solve a few problems first. 
33 Belt The belt is a symbol of erotic needs for power and influence 
over other people. Finding a belt in a dream means that you are
gaining the trust of another person. Losing a belt foretells 
misery in love matters. Seeing an old belt in a dream means that 
all efforts and struggles come to nothing. 
34 Berries 
If you dream of picking berries, you are looking for a lover. 
Eating berries denotes erotic desires. It could also mean that you 
are going to win something. Unripe or dried berries denote 
impending frustrations and conflicts, and misfortune in love. 
35 Bet, betting (wager) 
If you are betting: you are taking too many risks in money 
matters or at the game table. Winning a bet: you have become 
involved in a risky matter and you will suffer losses. Losing a 
bet: unexpected luck is coming your way. 
36 Bicycle 
A bicycle stands for an individual choice of direction, strength 
and effort. Riding a bike in a dream may suggest that you are 
the one who is in charge of your own destiny. If you feel as if 
your bike is floating in the air, you want to advance socially, 
and to improve your financial situation. Buying a bicycle means 
that you need to be more active and improve your physical 
37 Bird 
A bird is a symbol of intellectual flight, ideals and intuition. 
Seeing a bird in a dream means that someone wants to cheat 
you. Seeing birds flying away: sadness and loneliness awaits 
you. If you dream of a flock of migratory birds in the sky: you 
will feel homesick and lonely. If you are listening to singing 
birds, you will receive good news. Watching predatory birds 
flying means that your enemies are waiting for a chance to 
attack you. To dream of feeding birds with a lot of birdseed 
promises a very large income in the near future. If you are 
spreading birdseed around on the ground, your business will 
take root and grow. 
38 Birth 
For men and women this dream has slightly different meanings. 
If a woman dreams about birth: it is a sign of personal growth 
implying that the process will be painful. It also can mean a new 
attitude towards life. In a man's dream it usually means a birth 
of new ideas, tasks, plans. Dreaming of a difficult birth signifies 
that you need to let go of something you love very much, it also 
may refer to an illness. In relation to animals, the birth means a 
new opportunity, or a new phase in your life. 
39 Birthday 
If you are dreaming of celebrating your own birthday, it is a 
sign that there is a pleasant surprise in store for you. But if you 
are celebrating someone's birthday in your dream: meeting other 
people will open some positive career opportunities to you. 
40 Birthday cake Dreaming of a birthday cake means that you will have a lot of 
good luck through the help of your close friends. If the cake
looks ugly in your dream, it is a sign of a bad luck which won't 
be long lasting. Sometimes dreaming of a birthday cake 
indicates a real birthday of someone close to you, or a birth of a 
41 Bite, biting 
Biting someone in your dream can be a warning that you are 
causing pain to someone by overdoing the pressure. In other 
cases it could mean that you are dealing with problems with low 
ethics. If you dream of being a vampire, then biting means that 
you want to do things your way and be independent. 
42 Black 
Black is the colour of the unconscious, of sinking into the 
darkness, or mourning. Black is masculine; it is the colour of the 
night. Black stands for limitation, mourning, taboo, magic, 
conservatism, old age, melancholy and sacrifice. 
43 Bladder 
Dreaming about having to go to the bathroom in public means 
that you will be ashamed or embarrassed. Usually this dream 
comes from a simple physical urge to empty your bladder, but 
your need for uninterrupted sleep makes your subconscious play 
these tricks with you to keep you from getting up. 
44 Blood, bleeding 
Blood is a symbol of vitality. Seeing a blood in a dream: be 
careful of other people in different situations. If you are losing 
blood, it means "weakening" of your energies and frustration at 
this moment in your life. It is very important to know where you 
are bleeding. If you see blood on your hands: stop being 
involved in someone's business. If you see someone else 
bleeding, you are concerned about your friend. Dreaming about 
bleeding always points to the emotional wounds that you don't 
45 Blue 
Blue has always something to do with intellectual and spiritual 
events, insights, experiences, and mental processes. It is 
opposite of the emotional "red", because it is "cool" and 
"analytical". A soft gentle blue is typically female colour. Blue 
is a symbol of emotional contentment that we all would like to 
attain. It indicates that you live wisely and with compassion. 
Blue stands for intellectual goals and insight, faith, and spiritual 
46 Boat 
The boat is a symbol of a part of your personality which you 
need in order to move ahead in the ocean of life. Seeing a boat 
foretells a trip or a change in life. If the water is clear, it 
betokens a good trip or change. If the water is murky, it predicts 
misfortune or mishap. The water also symbolizes a shaky 
ground, and the physical condition of the boat will show you 
what your actual situation is. 
47 Book A book in a dream could symbolize the "book of your life". If
you are sitting in the middle of a book pile or in the library, your 
dream indicates that you are taken to the intellectual limit, or 
you live with too much stress. Buying a book: you will receive 
interesting news which will serve you well. Reading a book: 
you are creating something new from your memories, insights 
and experiences. If you are reading a serious book, you are 
gaining wisdom. Writing a book: you are not satisfied with your 
career and would like to rewrite the book of your life. If the 
book has a title, try to analyse its meaning, but remember, that it 
is a metaphor and should be interpreted accordingly. 
48 Boss, chief 
If you dream about your boss, expect something unpleasant in 
the near future. Having an argument with your boss denotes 
problems at work; you feel insecure and scared to lose your job. 
Shaking hands with your boss: you will change jobs. Receiving 
a gift from your boss means a loss or a change of job. 
49 Bottle 
Seeing one or several full bottles means fun or an invitation. 
Empty bottles are a warning about an unpleasant event. A 
broken bottle denotes bad news. A bottle of red wine is a sign of 
50 Bouquet 
Seeing a bouquet of flowers means that you have very reliable 
friends. Being given a bouquet of flowers means that someone 
is admiring you. Losing or leaving a bouquet somewhere: your 
love is not returned. 
51 Boyfriend 
It is common to have dreams with ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends, 
though we might have a current partner right now. 
Usually your ex is a symbol of perfection and whatever you 
miss with a current partner may be brought up in your dream 
with your ex. If you dream of a specific person being your 
boyfriend, look also at other symbols in a dream in order to 
interpret it. If your boyfriend is causing you harm or hitting you, 
you'd better to take this warning literally and keep away from 
52 Bracelet 
If you dream of wearing a bracelet in your dream, you are going 
to meet a good friend. Losing a bracelet denotes an end of your 
love relationship. Receiving a bracelet as a gift is a warning: be 
aware of jealousy or too much passion. 
53 Braid 
If you are making braids in your hair, it means that you lost 
your romantic senses. Cutting off your braids: you want to get 
rid of your annoying habits. Seeing a braid: you don't have the 
courage to try something new. Braids also represent sort of 
"past" you are hanging on, and want to cut it off. 
54 Breast, chest The breast usually expresses sexual desires, but also need for 
love, safety and security. looking at the beautiful breast of a
woman denotes good luck and a joyful love life. Seeing an 
emaciated breast foretells poverty and misery. For a man, to 
dream about hair on his chest means that his financial situation 
will improve. If a woman dreams of holding a baby at her 
breast, either she feels homesick, or has much empathy for 
another person. 
55 Breeze 
Dreams about weather represent a personal "weather forecast", 
telling us if there are storms or sunny days in store for us. But 
more often these dreams reflect our moods in waking lives and 
foretell what lies ahead. Dreaming of a cheerful breeze means 
that you are right now at a low and pessimistic mood. This 
invigorating breeze in the dream would suggest that you need to 
pull yourself together and show some spirit. 
56 Bride 
Seeing a bride in a dream is always a good omen: something 
pleasant is coming your way. If a woman dreams of being a 
bride, it denotes positive developments in the romance, maybe 
even marriage. If a man dreams of embracing a bride, he is 
involved in a foolish love affair. 
57 Bridge 
Crossing a bridge means reaching a new "shore" on your life's 
journey, changes for the better and leaving behind old problems. 
It may also mean advancement in your professional and private 
life. If the bridge is broken down, it is a sign of bad luck and 
means that the project will fail. Take this dream into account 
and do not make any changes in your lifestyle until better times. 
Walking across a long bridge means that your future will be 
filled with lots of adventures. A bridge is a symbol of an 
emotional transition which usually is a good omen. 
58 Brook 
A calm, slow-moving brook is a sign of good health, good luck 
and success. Turbulent water of a brook denotes that you are 
restless and stressed. A clear brook in a dream means that your 
projects will move ahead without complications. 
59 Brown 
Brown has always been the colour of earth. This colour is very 
warm, calm, and motherly feminine. Being dressed in a brown 
gown in a dream means the dreamer has chosen a natural 
lifestyle or would like to live that way. Brown is a mixture of 
orange and black. It symbolizes a connection to the earth, 
nature, humility, earth, and emotional stamina. It is passive, but 
60 Buffalo The buffalo represents power and resolution. If you dream of a 
buffalo, you might have a considerable amount of income 
within next few weeks. If the buffalo is killed or injured, it is a 
bad omen: do not undertake any new ventures. Dreaming of a 
herd of buffalos will bring you a peace of mind and abundance.
If buffalo allows you to pet it, you will have a nice tranquil 
married life. 
61 Building 
Buildings in dreams often represent our bodies or 
personalities.The building may also represent intellect or 
understanding: people who are about to take up a new project 
may explore unfamiliar rooms in a well-known house. In many 
cases, a journey into exploration of a building represents your 
own desire to learn yourself and resolve ongoing psychological 
problem. The building also is a symbol that stands for 
expanding your life. Usually it doesn't matter how tall or big the 
building is, or how well it is decorated, but it is a good sign 
which tells you that your plans are going to be successful. But if 
the house is in a bad shape or falling down, it is a warning: your 
plans or decisions will hurt you and result in losses. In a 
woman's dream a building/house is often a symbol of her body. 
Then you should interpret the parts of the house like roof - head, 
windows - sexual organs, ground floor/first floor - internal 
organs, basement - feet. 
62 Bullets 
A dream of a gun or bullet may contain an immediate and real 
warning. If you are hit by a bullet in your dream, it is definitely 
connected with your health. If you see a bullet, it may be a sign 
that there is a scandal on the way. 
63 Bumblebees 
Seeing bumblebees flying around means that you are wasting 
your time with some unimportant matters. A bumblebee is not a 
good sign, because the pain they cause is bigger than any other 
bee does. Take this dream also as a warning that you may have 
to watch out for "false" friends that may "sting you". Try to 
analyse the rest elements of your dream to draw a correct 
64 Bus, buses 
In a man's dream a bus symbolizes an ambition or determination 
to get advancement in work. Riding on a bus: you are satisfied, 
but still too attached to your old points of view. Riding in a bus 
which took a wrong direction: you feel isolated. If you missed a 
bus: you feel insecure or uncertain in a particular area of your 
waking life. If you got into a bus accident: you are to experience 
a time of frustration or financial embarrassment. To wait for a 
bus: you will have a temporary setback in pursuing your goals. 
65 Bush 
Seeing somebody behind a bush: be careful about people who 
gossip. If the bush is full of green leaves: good news and great 
joy in the house. Seeing a leafless and brittle bush denotes a 
failure of your plan. 
66 Butterfly The butterfly is a symbol of infidelity, inconstancy. Particularly 
it relates to love relationships. Dreaming of a butterfly could
mean that you are being vain or unfaithful, and it will bring you 
disappointments. Catching a butterfly: your happiness won't last 
long. Seeing a butterfly: either your partner is unfaithful, or a 
friend will become fickle. The other possible meaning: butterfly 
is a symbol of changeability. It may imply that you are going 
through an inner change like caterpillar transforms into a 
butterfly! And this change is going to be positive. 
List of words starting with the letter "C": 
No Keywords Interpretation 
1 Cab 
If you are riding a cab alone, it means that your are satisfied 
with your occupations and money situation. Driving with some 
people: you will be surrounded by gossips. 
2 Cabin (ship) 
If you dream of being in a ship cabin in the open sea and there 
is a storm, it means that you are to go through financial loss 
and grief. Dreaming of being in a ship cabin and sailing at a 
calm and bright weather foretells that legal matters or law suits 
will be improving to your benefit. 
3 Cackle 
If you heard cackling hens in your dream, there has been a 
disaster in your surroundings or maybe a death. It also maybe 
a sign of a forthcoming illness or loss. 
4 Cactus 
Dreaming about a cactus may say a little bit about your 
feelings at this time. Since the cactus is a prickly plant, it 
defends itself with spines, and so maybe you want to be left in 
privacy within your boundaries and protect yourself from 
intruders. Getting punctured by a cactus: your thoughtless 
behaviour will cause you harm. Watering a cactus: you are too 
nice to people who didn't deserve it. Looking at a small cactus 
on a windowsill: you are too stingy with yourself and people. 
A cactus also could symbolize a victory over adversity since it 
can survive without water in the desert and got adapted to 
unbearably hot conditions. So, it means that you will win 
because you were able to adapt to existing circumstances. 
5 Cafeteria, cafe 
Seeing a cafeteria in the dream means that you want to have 
more friends. Working as a waiter/waitress in a cafe or 
cafeteria signifies that you are surrounded by unsavoury 
people and need to find new friends. Sitting in a cafe is a sign 
that you can't change or do anything at the present time. 
6 Cage Dreaming about a cage is always connected with the 
limitations imposed on you by your surroundings, upbringing
or promises you made. Being in a cage means that you feel 
imprisoned and want to break out. Seeing a bird in a cage in 
the dream is a sign that an unfavourable situation is going to 
turn for the better. 
7 Cake 
Dreaming about cakes is a good omen which means that you 
will be fortunate in your undertaking. If you are baking a cake 
in your dream: you have a tendency to overindulge and this 
shortcoming should be reined in. Dreaming of eating a cake or 
looking at it: company is coming. If a woman dreams of a 
wedding cake, it is a sign of unhappy and ill marriage. 
8 Calculator 
If you are using measurement instruments like calculator in 
your dream, it show first of all that you are trying to use your 
practical and logical approach to tackle problems or to deal 
with a present situation. If you see someone using a calculator 
in your dream, you might soon see a colder, calculating side of 
this person. 
9 Calendar 
The calendar stands for how you use and plan your time and 
live your life. Seeing a calendar on the wall means that you are 
very well organised. It also may signify unpleasant surprises. 
Throwing out a calendar means that after a lot of worries and 
troubles your situation is going to improve. Buying a new 
calendar: friends will come to visit you. 
10 Call, calling 
Hearing someone call means that you will be asked to do some 
important task or given an order. If someone is calling your 
name, it might be a sign that a distant friend needs your help or 
it is a warning of approaching danger. 
11 Calves, calf 
A calf usually stands for superficial amusement and carefree, 
frivolous attitude. Watching calves or a calf playing is a 
warning that you are going to cause mischief. Feeding a calf: 
you are generous towards the wrong people. Seeing a calf 
standing near its mother means that you are scared to act 
independently and depend on others and look to them for 
leadership. If you dream of a calf being slaughtered, a specific 
matter will turn out badly. In general, if you dream of a calf, 
you need to pay more attention to your maturity, personal 
growth and the need to be independent. 
12 Camel The camel is a symbol of patience, perseverance, stamina, 
modesty and moderation. Seeing a camel means anger and 
frustration, because the problems you thought were solved are 
back. Dreaming of camels loaded with merchandise: you will 
be rewarded for your efforts and care. Riding a camel: you 
would like others to take care of your responsibilities. If you 
are buying a camel, it means that your investments and
business transactions will turn out well. A camel also may 
represent your personality or your memories. You need then to 
pay more attention how heavy the camel is loaded and what 
surrounds the camel. 
13 Canal 
The canal is a sign of your ability to manage your passions and 
desires turning them into material and intellectual goals. If you 
dream about a canal: a business affair that is not above board 
might cause problems. If you are participating in the 
construction of the canal: you have very good chances for your 
future. Seeing ships in the canal: you might find new friends, 
make some contacts or go abroad. 
14 Cancer 
Dreams about having cancer probably do not concern a real 
illness, but rather symbolize anxieties over a problem or a 
situation which leaves one feeling ravaged. 
15 Candle 
A candle has may meanings in dreams. First of all it is a 
symbol of light which represents a connection between spirit 
and matter. If you see a brightly burning candle, it means that 
the future hopes will turn out the way you wanted. Sometimes 
candles signify an invitation to a party. If a candle flame in 
your dream is flickering, it is a warning saying that the 
condition of your health is not stable. Watching a candle 
burning quietly and steadily is a sign of piece of mind, 
contemplation and desire to look within. If the flame of a 
candle goes off, you maybe informed about the illness or a 
death of a relative or somebody close to you. It also could 
mean the end of a close friendship or relationship. In other 
sense, a candle is a phallic symbol and could mean a flame of 
passion burning inside you. Then seeing a candle in the dream 
could symbolize your desire for more understanding and 
enlightenment, or wisdom. 
16 Cannibalism 
Consuming the flesh of another person is to absorb his or her 
life force or vital power. It is very important to identify the 
characteristics or attributes of the victim that you wish to 
posses or take into spirit. Eating is a symbol of taking spiritual 
17 Cannon 
The cannon is a symbol of male aggression and reckless sexual 
passions. If you see a lot of cannons in your dream: arguments 
and deception will make your life miserable. A firing cannon 
signifies an unpleasant situation or an accident. If you hear 
cannon shots: there is good news on the way. Seeing a cannon 
ball means that you will be able to get out of a dangerous 
situation. In a woman's dream the cannon may symbolise her 
fears towards the male aggression and sexual abuse.
18 Canoe paddle, paddling 
A canoe paddle represents the energy with which you are 
moving through life - your hopes, desires, ideals and cravings. 
Having seen this dream you need to pay attention to some 
details like: how quickly you move in canoe or you stay in one 
place and don't make any progress. 
19 Car, cars, auto 
The car in your dreams stands for your current actions. The 
movement of the car is the way you are trying to make 
progress in life and the extent to which you feel in control. If 
the car in your dream has poor controls or missing parts, it 
would suggest that your sense of control over current 
conditions is being compromised. If you dream about driving 
an unknown car, which seems not to be familiar to you, and 
because of it you may feel a lot of frustration, could possibly 
mean that you are going through the change of your life 
conditions like changing jobs, experiencing first pregnancy 
etc. Also, the way you drive a car in the dream reflects the 
style you are using to go after what you want. Car parts also 
have specific meanings and all other symbols in your dreams 
should be considered. 
20 Castle 
The castle is a warning of being too vain and ambitious. 
Looking at a castle means that you have too much imagination 
and unrealistic hopes which may turn into disappointments. 
Being in a castle as a guest: you will meet an influential and 
distinguished person. If you live in a beautiful castle where 
everything is under your control and command and everybody 
obeys you, this dream foretells that you will have a 
comfortable house with a loving and generous spouse. 
21 Castration 
It is a very disturbing dream for any man, and more likely it 
relates to impotence or fear of it, or anxiety that he might not 
be able to satisfy a particular woman. The dream might also 
refer to a fear that someone wants to emasculate you not 
necessarily in a sexual content. For a woman a dream of 
castrating a man expresses very powerful emotions. It usually 
reflects her desire to posses and subdue her partner and feel 
22 Cat, cats 
On one hand the cat is a symbol of female sexuality, and on 
the other hand, it is the essence of deceit. Seeing a white cat 
means that you feel great affection for someone. Seeing a two-coloured 
cat: your feelings are passionate. A black cat is 
always a warning of impending danger. Watching several cats 
means that your partner is unfaithful. Dreaming about wild 
cats: you might have a fight with your neighbours. 
23 Cave Being in a dark cave: you are overwhelmed by a current 
situation or present problems. Living in a cave suggests that
you are getting unpopular because of your seclusion. If you are 
digging a cave, it could possibly foretell the death in your 
surroundings. Coming out of the dark cave means that your 
affairs are going to improve after a time of deprivation like 
unemployment, depression etc. 
24 Cemetery 
If you dream about walking through the cemetery, it might be 
a sign that you are seeking peace and quiet. On the other hand, 
it could signify that you are holding onto the past. Your 
subconscious might draw the graveyard, if in real life you are 
under pressure and need to make a decision, or you are too 
preoccupied with your past experiences and want to bury 
them. Bringing flowers to the cemetery means a death in the 
25 Chain 
The chain represents a burden you are chained to. Also a chain 
represents a connection between two people, different 
extremes, you and your past. If you dream of seeing a person 
with a chain , it means that unconsciously you are connected to 
somebody and you want to have a break and feel free. If you 
see yourself being tied up with chains, it signifies that it will 
be difficult for you to acquire freedom. Seeing a chain also 
could mean that you need to let go of the past. If you are trying 
to break the chain, you will succeed in freeing yourself from 
something which confines you. Hearing a chain sound: you 
will receive some news which will negatively affect your 
26 Chamomile 
Dreaming about chamomile: you are about to get a cold. 
Collecting chamomiles in the garden means that you will get 
sick, but will recover soon. 
27 Champagne Dreaming of a glass or a bottle of champagne predicts good 
possibly short-term fortune. 
28 Chapel 
The chapel reflects your need for solitude and contemplation. 
The dream also says that this is the right time for religious 
reflection and the search for a higher power. Seeing or being 
inside a chapel means that you are enjoying inner peace. See 
29 Chariots 
A chariot stands for your inner powers and desires to quickly 
progress and succeed at something. If you are riding in a 
beautifully decorated chariot, you are going to face good 
opportunities and you financial situation will improve. If you 
dream of falling off the chariot, or somebody falling from the 
chariot, you are going to suffer failure. 
30 Chased In this dream you are usually being chased by some villains, 
monsters or criminals who wish to harm you. But often these
pursuers represent current tensions and issues rather than 
actual people. This dream usually shows the level of stress you 
have at the moment, and is a signal to take control over the 
worries and resolve issues with a clear head. 
31 Cherries, cherry 
Dreaming of ripe cherries can be considered a dream of wish-fulfilment. 
If you are picking or eating cherries: your wishes 
are being fulfilled. If cherries are sour or bitter you will be 
disappointed with love. Seeing rotten cherries denotes that 
somebody is gossiping about you. Dreaming of a cherry-tree in 
blossom is a good omen foretelling good fortune and 
happiness. If you are climbing a cherry-tree, you are going to 
start a short love affair. Falling off the cherry tree means that 
your adventure will end not in a very good way. 
32 Chicken, hen 
Dreaming about chickens means that good times are just 
around the corner. Seeing several chickens: don't waste time 
with idle talk. Plucking a chicken: you are not properly 
compensated for your work. Eating a chicken denotes rewards 
at your job. If a man dreams of trying to catch a chicken, he is 
too much into short love affairs, but nonw bring him 
satisfaction. Watching a hen laying eggs: you will receive 
money soon. Seeing a hen sitting on eggs: your wishes will 
come true. 
33 Child, Children 
Children often represent one's inner child in a dream, and can 
bear both positive and negative meanings. In a positive sense, 
they symbolize unrealized potential, the process or need for 
growth, the development of skills, the fruits of relationships 
and of the future. In a negative sense, dreaming of children 
reflects the immaturity, infantilism and self-centerdness. 
34 Chocolate 
Chocolate stands for temptation, vitality and good health. If 
you are giving a chocolate gift to somebody, it means that you 
would like somebody to be your friend. Seeing chocolate in 
the dream could also mean that you are literally dependent on 
food and need to stop eating much. Receiving chocolate as a 
gift indicates that soon you will gain a good and reliable 
35 Church 
Seeing a church in your dream may be a sign of your growing 
maturity and inner faith. Some people who are in need of help 
can have this dream. If you dream of praying in the church, 
you will receive a help from above and your wish will be 
fulfilled. Watching a church collapse: you lost your faith in 
36 Cigarettes (smoking) Cigarettes is a symbol of addiction and satisfaction. If you are 
smoking a cigarette, or offering a cigarette to others, it is a
lucky omen which denotes self-satisfaction and prosperity. If 
you are smoking in smoke-free areas: you are trying to get 
your own way even if it is bothering others. If you watch other 
people smoke: someone's behaviour is bothering you. If you 
have never smoked in real life and dream of smoking: some 
addictive patterns in your life are coming through. Take a look 
what has taken a hold of you and might be dangerous even for 
your health. It may indicate that some bad habits are going to 
cause you harm. 
37 Circle 
The circle is a symbol of perfection, completeness and 
symmetry. Seeing a perfectly drawn circle in the dream is a 
good omen predicting good luck and prosperity. If the circle is 
broken, your marriage will fail. On the other hand, seeing a 
circle in the dream could be a warning that you are going in 
circles, especially if you are drawing a circle. Standing inside 
the circle: you are emotionally-balanced. 
38 Circus 
If you see a circus in your dream, it is a warning that you are 
going to embarrass yourself. Being at a circus and watching a 
performance: you might get involved into an expensive 
39 Cleaning (cleansing) 
If you dream about cleaning, your subconscious is trying to 
say that you need some "cleaning" or "polishing" of your 
character, or it could be a sign that you need to pay more 
attention to your relationships and be more supportive. 
40 Cliff 
Standing on a cliff denotes that a difficult task is ahead which 
demands a special care. Seeing a cliff at the seashore: hidden 
dangers and unconscious anxieties make a decision difficult. 
41 Climbing 
Dreaming of climbing is always connected to pursuing certain 
goals and overcoming different problems. If you are climbing 
stairs, a ladder or a hill, you are going to successfully complete 
your project, meet your goals. If there are obstacles involved 
when climbing, it is a sign that you will have difficulties in 
reaching your goal, but your efforts will be rewarded. 
Climbing a high mountain: difficult obligations have to be 
concluded. Climbing a steep mountain with your partner is a 
sign that you want to reach the peak of your sexual desires. 
42 Clock 
Clock dreams represent deadlines, running out of time, an 
acute awareness of the passing time. Trying to stop a clock, or 
breaking a clock, can represent a fear of death. Clock gone out 
of control symbolize unresolved fears and anxieties. 
43 Closet Seeing a closet in the dream: you need to find time to sort out 
your personal and work affairs. Dreaming of an open closet is 
a warning about being more careful with people who surround
you. Seeing a closed closet means that you need to open up 
and be friendlier to people. In another sense, the closet stands 
for your body and your needs. Pay more attention to the 
details: is your closet well-organised, clean or empty? If you 
dream of an empty closet, you need a break to replenish your 
44 Clothing 
Dreams about clothing are extremely common and usually are 
telling us something about our self image or status. If in your 
dream you are wearing clothes very different from what you 
have in your wardrobe, the implications may be that you are 
discontented with your image. If you dream of being dressed 
improperly or untidily when others around you are impeccably 
clothed, it is a sign that you feel inferior or insecure, and you 
are not "fitting in" with the people around you. Dreaming of 
being dressed in formal clothes, when others are dressed 
casually, may suggest that you behave snobbishly or you are 
uncertain about your social identity. 
45 Clouds 
Clouds may represent confusion, sometimes a state of 
complete unhappiness, or something being obscured from 
understanding. Seeing dark or even black clouds denote a 
period of unhappy self-reflection prior to an emergence of a 
new conciousness. 
46 Coffin 
Seeing a coffin might be a signal that you need to say goodbye 
to something that has died. If you dream of an empty coffin, it 
is a good omen which means that you will reach a ripe old age 
and shouldn't worry in vain. Seeing a dead body in the coffin: 
you are going to suffer some financial setbacks and losses. 
Seeing yourself in a coffin denotes that you will have a long, 
wonderful and healthy life. 
47 Comb, combing 
Dreaming of combing long hair signifies that your new 
friendship will last for a long time. A comb stands for family 
differences, different opinions and confrontations. If a comb is 
broken: a serious disagreement is going to worsen. In general, 
dreaming of combing hair or a comb should be considered as a 
signal that you need to pay more attention to your family 
affairs, and keep a better control over things. 
48 Condoms 
Condoms have the obvious connection to the preventive 
contraception and appear in the dreams that deal with the 
relationship concerns. In real life condoms are symbols of 
protection and prophylactics, but in dreams they symbolize 
psychological protection from all sorts of problems in 
relationships. It send the message that you should proceed 
towards love with vigilance.
49 Contract (agreement) 
Dreaming of signing a contract implies some kind of 
responsibility to be taken in future. If you are signing a 
contract, it could mean a rise in your business career, and 
rejecting to sign a contract, you will probably lose an 
opportunity to be promoted at work. If you are forced to sign a 
contract, somebody is trying to take advantage of you, do not 
take any responsibilities at this time. 
50 Corridors 
Corridors, hallways and passages with doors and rooms along 
them in the house characterize free choices and options 
arranged in your own mind. Sometimes wondering along a 
hallway with doors means that you have so much choice that it 
is difficult to decide which option is the best for you. 
51 Costume 
If you are wearing a costume in your dream, it indicates that 
you have created a facade around you and are disguising your 
real self. If you are wearing a masquerade costume which 
looks funny, it could mean that you had been foolish in some 
52 Court 
Dreaming about a court could imply your need to defend 
yourself in front of other people or you want to rid yourself of 
bad habits. If you are judging another person in court, it means 
that you are offended by that person, but you are not ready to 
confront this person. Standing in front of a judge could imply 
that you would like to get rid of your bad habits. Being as a 
witness in court indicates that one of your friends needs help. 
If you are convicted in court: you are wasting your time 
waiting for thanks from somebody. 
53 Cradle 
If you are single and you are dreaming of a cradle, more likely 
that you will get married soon, for married people it could 
mean that there is a good event on the way. Watching a baby 
in the cradle means that you are in a delicate situation and try 
to keep someone from talking. On the other hand, this dream 
could be a reflection of your subconscious desire to have a 
baby in reality. 
54 Crash 
If you dream of a crash, or crashing yourself, it means that 
there are unexpected challenges which interfere with your 
plans. If you dream of a crash in a stock market, your 
investments become stronger and will grow. If you crash a car, 
you should be careful with your goals and plans because they 
may fail. 
55 Cripple If you are dreaming that you are deformed, or have become a 
cripple, it could mean that you are "crippled" or injured 
emotionally, and you are not in position to do anything about 
it. It may also indicate that you have a low self-esteem or low
opinion about yourself. If you are taking care of a cripple, it 
means that you are caring about an unhappy person. 
56 Crocodile 
Crocodiles in dreams in a positive way represent your 
potential and powers capable to seize luck when it comes. In a 
negative sense, crocodiles represent hazards lying beneath the 
surface of a seemingly harmless situation. Seeing a crocodile 
in the dream is a warning: you are surrounded by evil-minded 
people. If you got bitten by a crocodile, be careful: a 
dangerous situation has developed. Killing a crocodile in the 
dream is a sign that you will be able to defeat a powerful 
enemy. Also, see Alligator. 
57 Crossroads 
Crossroads in the dreams represent your worries and fears 
about taking decisions at this turning point in your life. If you 
are standing at a crossroad, it is time to take a decision which 
will affect your future and you cannot postpone it any more. It 
is very important to remember which road you chose. Is it a 
straight road or winding? Did it go to the south, north, west or 
58 Crow (blackbird) 
The crow always represents a fear or failure. It also foretells 
bad luck or death of a close relative. But if you see several 
crows on a tree: there will be a family reunion. If you catch a 
crow: the future is going to be sad and tedious. Hearing a crow 
screeching: bad news will come. 
59 Crown 
If you dream of being crowned, you are chosen to fulfil a great 
task. Wearing a crown reveals your desire to be in the centre 
of attention and admiration. Looking at a crown is a warning 
that before you become a "king" you need to work hard and be 
a servant of people. 
60 Curtains, drapes 
If you dream of closing curtains in your dream, it is a sign that 
you do not want to face up to a problem or simply are closing 
your eyes on something. In the other sense, this dream could 
denote that you are being secretive and don't want other people 
to learn about your feelings and thoughts. 
61 Cushion 
Dreaming of a cushion may suggest that you are trying to hide 
or protect yourself from something unpleasant what you have 
to face in waking life. On the other hand, if you are simply 
relaxed in a beautiful cushion, the dream could mean that you 
feel secure about your personal relationship or in a more 
material sense. The colour of the cushion may be also 
1 Dagger The dagger is a symbol of aggression, physical destruction and 
emotional/mental power. If you are holding a dagger and point it at
somebody in your dream: you are unconsciously aggressive, slow 
down your pace. If you are wounded by a dagger, you will hear some 
sad news. Defending yourself with a dagger is a sign that you will be 
able to resolve current matters and topple your enemy. Being attacked 
by someone with a dagger: be careful of muggers and people who can 
harm you physically or mentally. 
2 Daisy 
Daisies symbolize purity, innocence, freshness, the sun, intellectual 
light. They also are associated with the Virgin Mary, and are symbols 
of immortality and salvation. 
3 Dancing 
Dancing in the dream reflects your inner desire for freedom, emotional 
satisfaction and spontaneity. If you are dancing by yourself, it is a sign 
that you want some attention from a certain person. Being led to a 
dance floor by somebody means that, if even you might not like the 
situation, you have to accept it. If you dream of dancing with a partner, 
you need to remember who is leading, it will tell you more about your 
current relationship. Also, dancing in general in dreams could express 
your happiness and luck in love, though not so long lasting. 
4 Danger 
This dream refers to a category of nightmares. Dreams of danger are 
warning us about something in our waking lives and we should take a 
notice of them. If your life is threatened by immediate danger, and you 
are trying to escape, it could mean that you are going to get a high 
position in business or society. Dreaming continuously about danger 
and dangerous situations may suggest that you need to have a break 
from work and maybe to go to the doctor for a check-up. 
5 Darkness 
Being in the darkness, a dark room etc. means that you feel insecure 
about your work, yourself or life in general. It also could mean that 
you don't understand something, or you are not informed well. Seeing 
a small light or a light switch means that there is help on the way and 
you will be able to finish with the "darkness". Being a dark cave means 
that you feel unprotected. Dreaming about darkness always refers to an 
emotionally dangerous situation which is not resolved. 
6 Dates 
Dates are symbols of sexual experiences and pleasures, especially in 
men's dreams. If a man dreams of eating dates, he wants to have sexual 
relations with more than one woman. But if a man dreams of eating 
one date, he is going to meet an old love. Giving a date to somebody in 
your dream means that you are going to be kissed soon. 
7 Daughter 
If you are dreaming about having a daughter, though in real life you 
don't have one, it is a sign that you want to be accepted by a woman or 
want her to take care of you. If you have a daughter, then dreaming of 
your real daughter may intuitively suggest that she needs your help or 
8 Deafness If you are dreaming about being deaf, it is a sign that you are also 
"deaf" to what people tell you. Try to be more open to the needs and
feelings of other people, don't be egoistic. 
9 Death 
On a deeper psychological level dreams of death reflect some kind of 
end or finalization of affairs, emotions, relationships. Seeing a dead 
stranger is a sign that you are thinking about separation or you have 
managed to resolve a difficult situation successfully. Seeing an open 
grave means that you have suffered a loss, but will be able to recover 
from it. Dreams of death reflect the phase of end in our lives and the 
time of change. 
10 Debt 
Dreaming of having debts is always a reminder that you have 
responsibilities and you need to deal with them now, if you want to 
have peace and harmony. Also this dream could reflect your inferiority 
complex that you are not up to the standards of certain people, tasks or 
that you owe some people something. 
11 Decapitation 
Dreaming about decapitation signifies that you are revising your 
attitude about concrete events. If you are the one who is being 
decapitated, you will experience shame, illness or embarrassment. If 
you are decapitating somebody: you might win in a legal case or a 
conflict. If you see your acquaintance being decapitated: you are going 
to lose a person you love. Watching somebody being decapitated: you 
will acquire enemies or defeat an adversary. 
12 Deceased 
Dreaming of a deceased person is usually a warning that tells you 
about being careful in all your affairs until this unfavourable time 
passes. If a woman dreams of her deceased husband: she has finally 
accepted his death. Seeing a deceased person: the person is trying to 
look after you and wants to tell you something what will support you. 
13 Deer, antelope 
If you dream of several deer’s or antelopes, you want some personal 
freedom. Very often a single deer in the dream represents the qualities 
of your character like gentleness, tenderness, understanding and need 
for protection and safety. A deer also may represent a person dear to 
you, someone who is vulnerable and needs your help and protection at 
present time. 
14 Demons 
If you are dreaming of demons, you are denying a dark part of 
yourself, or feelings that have taken hold of you. Seeing demons also 
should be regarded as a warning against falling for lusts and unhealthy 
habits. If you see these dreams too often, you are on the edge of the 
psychological crisis and need help of a doctor. 
15 Devil 
Seeing a devil in the dream is a signal that you are too preoccupied 
with the negative thoughts, or you are surrounded by people who 
threaten your serenity. A devil is a symbol of temptations, dark forces, 
confusion, darkness and death. If dream of a devil, be very careful, 
because there might be serious consequences, if you yield to 
16 Diamonds Dreaming of wearing a diamond in a dream is usually a sign of an
overly developed ego, or strong feelings of inferiority. Losing a 
diamond ring: separation from a loved one. Wearing a diamond 
bracelet/ring/necklace means that you are covering up a lack of self-worth 
with external "things" (sometimes also with bragging). 
Dreaming of someone else wearing a diamond: watch out for false 
friends. Receiving a diamond as a gift: you will soon celebrate a happy 
event, or even an engagement; it also might mean an improvement in 
your social status. 
17 Diary, days 
The diary is a symbol of the past events that were important to you. If 
you dream of a diary, your subconscious might be telling you that you 
are confronted with the past experiences which you didn't reconcile 
18 Dice 
Dice is a symbol of good chances and luck. If you are playing a game 
with dices, and you are winning, it is a good omen which foretells you 
success and good luck. On the other hand, losing a game with dices 
foretells misfortune and failure of hopes. Seeing dice means that you 
are irresponsible and have taken some risks which might result in 
19 Disappearing 
Dreaming of people or things disappearing reflects your insecurities 
and concerns about particular people, life situations and conditions. 
You need to work on the level of your confidence. 
20 Divorce 
Dreaming about getting a divorce means that you could be dissatisfied 
with you marriage, or you are afraid of losing your partner's love. 
Dreaming of other people divorces is a warning that you need to take 
your vows a bit more seriously. 
21 Dog, dogs 
If a dog in your dream is a nice and friendly creature, it represents your 
love and loyalty. For a woman, seeing a dog in her dream is mostly 
associated with her love partner. If she is trying to pick out a dog or a 
puppy, it means that she is too picky with the opposite sex. Seeing an 
injured or confined dog in the dream is a sign that you should pay 
more attention to yourself and your health, or get out of a situation 
where you are being hurt. In cases, when a dog is threatening you, it 
suggests that someone or some situation is bothersome and it make 
you feel vulnerable. 
22 Dolls 
Dolls in our dreams represent innocence, childhood and immaturity. If 
you dream of a doll being your baby, this dream suggests that you 
have created a new plan or project, and it implies that if you go on 
with this project you might put yourself in the situation of being 
manipulated. In men's dreams dolls usually represent an opposite sex 
and foretells an affair. 
23 Dolphins Dolphins symbolize your sense of connection with others and with the 
world. Since dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, they represent 
your mental traits and achievements in the dreams. Dolphins ironically
appear in our dreams, when we are at low points in our lives, these 
dreams bring a positive feeling and make us feel needed, connected 
and valued. If you see a dolphin in danger, this dream implies that 
some important connection is under threat or your ability to speak 
openly and honestly is damaged. 
24 Door 
In the dream featuring doors the most important factor is whether they 
were opening or closing. If you are closing the door, it means that you 
are shutting something out of your life. If you see one door opening 
and the other closing, this dream could reflect changes in your waking 
life like changing jobs. Seeing a door in a poor state may reflect your 
poor physical condition. 
25 Doorways 
Doorways stand for opportunities and potential changes. If you dream 
of somebody knocking on your front door, it may signify a recent 
opportunity that is being presented to you. Opportunities can be both 
positive and negative. For example, if a woman dreams of a dark 
stranger at the door, she might embark on a sudden relationship which 
won't comfort her. 
26 Dove 
Doves are emblems of peace, love, consent, integration and fulfilment. 
Doves also can represent creative works you have undertaken, things 
you promised yourself or potential for happiness. If you have a conflict 
or dispute with another person, a dove in your dream heralds that both 
of you will come to an agreement. If you have an inner conflict, a dove 
could represent the host of opportunities open to you and that your 
creativeness is no longer blocked. 
27 Dragon 
The dragon represents a person with ruthless attitude who will do 
anything to succeed. if you are killing a dragon, it means that you let 
go of this heartless and shrewd attitude. Winning a fight with a dragon 
means that you will master the powers of unconscious. Being injured 
during the fight means that you will be hurt by a powerful enemy. In 
men's dreams a dragon very often represents a domineering woman 
suppressing emotionally and spiritually. Defeating a dragon means that 
a man wants to dominate a woman. 
28 Dress Dreams of dresses usually show how you want people to see you or 
how you represent yourself. Wearing or looking at a beautiful dress 
signifies that you are living a comfortable life and enjoy your 
popularity. Taking a dress off: you are very trusting person, but it can 
harm you. A very short dress implies a lack of confidence or a feeling 
of inferiority. The colours of dresses are also very important. Wearing 
a white dress means that people like you, but a black dress symbolises 
sadness and sorrow. A red dress represent arrogance. A green dress 
stands for hopes and wish-fulfilment. A yellow dress signifies 
deception or intrigue. If you are tearing a dress, it indicates that you 
react excessively to the situation. Washing a dress in the dream 
denotes that you need to pay more attention to your finances, you
probably are spending too much. 
29 Drowning 
Dreams about being immersed in water, for example in a bath or a see, 
may allude to your current waking emotional experience. It may be a 
sign of your emotional insecurity. 
30 Drugs, addiction 
If you dream that you are a drug addict, your unconscious may be 
warning you not to fall into this highly dangerous form of escapism. In 
real life the drug may be more innocent, you can get addicted to work, 
another person, smoking, food etc. A dream of taking an overdose may 
equally means "overdosing" in waking life: may be you are working 
too hard, seeing too much of someone, or being too possessive. 
31 Duck 
A duck represents wisdom and intelligence. Catching a duck: your 
plans will finally succeed. Seeing a duck swimming in a dirty water: 
unfavourable news will arrive. Seeing a duck swimming on a clear 
water: you will have a lucky journey possibly by sea. Ducks on a farm 
foretell prosperity and good harvest. Hunting or shooting a duck: you 
are going to lose job or acquire new enemies. Watching ducks fly: you 
will have a good luck in connection with your marriage or family. 
Eagles are symbols of strategic intellect and freedom. Dreaming 
about eagles may reflect your unconscious longing for freedom. An 
eagle flying high in the sky represents your high ambitions and need 
for independence. If you dream of an eagle catching a prey, your 
subconscious might be telling you that you feel inferior in the 
presence of a stronger person. Seeing an eagle in a cage: you feel 
confined and restricted by people, situations or life conditions. If you 
see an eagle landing near you, it's a bad omen foretelling a death of a 
good friend. If an eagle is attacking you in your dream, consider it as 
a warning: you might be in danger, or you interfere with someone's 
2 Earrings 
Dreaming of getting earrings as a gift means that somebody is in love 
with you, or wants to be your friend. Losing earrings means financial 
losses. Seeing a beautiful woman with attractive earrings denotes that 
there are good news on the way. On the other hand, dreaming of 
earrings may be drawing your attention to your ears, if you don't "get 
the message" from somebody. 
3 Ears 
Dreaming about ears is a sign that you get easily impressed by 
people, don't listen to gossips around you. If your ears are clogged or 
you are deaf: you trust people who don't deserve it. Cleaning ears 
means that your mistrust towards some people got justified. If 
someone is pulling your ear: you gave a promise and have to fulfil it. 
If you are pulling someone's ear: someone's mistake cause you grief.
4 Earthquake 
Dreaming of an earthquake is a warning: if you can withstand 
disturbances in life, you will find a new place or starting point. 
Earthquakes usually stand for sudden changes which take place in our 
personal or social lives. This dream does not mean that you can 
prevent these changes, but tells you to be firm and true to yourself if 
you want a positive outcome. 
5 Earthworm 
Dreaming of earthworms is a signal that you need to be more 
considerate in pursuing your life's goals. Seeing an earthworm: don't 
disregard other people hard work, be more frugal yourself. Using 
earthworms for bait: you are following your own path, you are often 
inconsiderate and sometimes even unscrupulous. 
6 Eating 
Eating in dreams almost always represent experiences we are having 
or are trying to have. If you dream of eating at a large table, you want 
to have more social interaction in your life. Eating alone a rich meal 
means that you became unpopular because of your recklessness and 
lack of empathy. If you are hungry, but can't have anything to eat, 
expect a change in your life. Also, if in real life you are on a diet, you 
might be often dreaming about food. 
7 Echo 
An echo indicates an emotional reaction to an external event. Hearing 
an echo foretells that a pleasant company is going to visit you. 
Hearing the echo of your words is a warning that you should be more 
careful with your words, because they may trigger gossips. Hearing 
an echo in the forest betokens a time of loneliness. 
8 Eels 
The eel is a symbol of temptation and represents sexual desires. 
Dreaming of numerous eels in the water symbolizes a longing for 
sexual orgasm. If you managed to catch an eel in the dream, it is a 
sign that your business deal is proceeding successfully, but people 
around it are envious. Dreaming about an eel predicts good news or 
positive outcome of a project. If you cannot hold an eel in your hands 
and it slips away from you, you won't be lucky with your plans or 
projects in the nearest future. If you are ill and you have this dream, it 
is a sign that you are going to get better and will have more energy. If 
the eel is wriggling, it is a warning that someone of the opposite sex 
is trying to impress you, but may have less than honourable 
9 Eggs 
The egg is symbol of beginning of life and growth. Seeing eggs in 
dreams is always a positive omen unless the eggs are rotten. Eating 
an egg is the dream is a good sign for a lasting relationship. If you 
dream of finding a nest full of eggs: expect extra money in the form 
of a win or inheritance. Seeing a lot of colourful eggs foretells a 
joyful event in your family or means a lot of children. Having eggs 
thrown at you means that people are going to attack you. Seeing a 
broken or damaged egg means that you might suffer soon some small 
losses or bad luck.
10 Eight (numbers) 
Eight is a number that has traditionally been associated with hard 
work, ambition, patience. Eight is always associated with four since it 
is the double of four, and is considered to be a lucky number. Eight is 
a symbol of Saturn and is always connected with "Karma". 
11 Elephant 
The elephant in an emblem of enormous strength, sovereignty, 
stability and power. Seeing an elephant in the dream indicates that 
your job is going well and success is guaranteed. Dreaming of an 
elephant also can be a warning that you need to behave more 
prudently and be steadfast. Riding an elephant predicts good luck in 
your marriage or meeting a nice person. Seeing an elephant in a 
circus means that people will think of you as foolish. 
12 Elevator 
Riding in an elevator means that you are looking for help with a 
specific problem, or you want to achieve your goals in a hurry 
without putting much effort into it. Riding up in the elevator means 
social and professional advancement. Riding down in an elevator 
means the desire for sexual adventures or your fortunes will decrease. 
Seeing an elevator in your house means that you want to advance in 
life fast without much effort. 
13 Eleven (numbers) 
Eleven is a master number which strengthens the effect of two. It is 
often the symbol of an illegal union of two people. Sometimes eleven 
is the symbol of your desire for good long-term relationship. It might 
also be the sign of a problem or changes in your vegetative nervous 
14 Enemy 
Dreaming of enemies always foretells impending arguments, conflicts 
and struggles. If you have this dream, be on alert. If the enemy wins 
out over you, it is a sign that you are in danger of much loss, but a 
good friend will help you out. 
15 Escape, fleeing 
A dream about escaping means that you will be able to luckily avoid 
danger in time. If you dream of escaping, it is a sign that you are 
avoiding danger at the last moment. If you are helping someone else 
to escape, your help and good deed will cause problems in the future. 
Escaping from a wild animals denotes that you are dealing with a 
false friend. 
16 Exam 
Dreaming of passing an exam is a common dream theme. Usually 
people dream of being unprepared to the exam and having fears to 
fail. It means that you might be overloaded with tasks in work or be 
in a high-pressure situation. This dream can also indicate that you are 
concerned with high-performance which is crucial to your work, 
study etc. Usually people dreaming of failing an exam have very high 
standards of excellence and are goal, career-oriented. 
17 Eyes If you have a recurring dream about your eyes, it may suggest that 
you need an eye test. On the other hand, if you dream of being blind, 
it refers more likely to what you are unable to see or refuse to see.
Dreaming of your eyes being injured or damaged suggests that 
someone is trying to take advantage of you in business. Wearing a 
blindfold in the dream alludes to the fact that you are closing your 
eyes to the truth of a real life situation. 
1 Face 
Faces in the dreams are "mirrors 
of our souls". Sometimes we 
might dream of a stranger's face 
who will cross our path years 
later. Seeing a person with a pale 
face means a likely illness or 
even death. Seeing an ugly face 
reflects your doubts and worries 
about conflicts with other people. 
If you see a reflection of a 
beautiful face in the water: you 
will have a long and harmonious 
life. Seeing a face with too much 
make-up is a warning that people 
around you or your friends are 
not what they pretend to be. 
Dreaming of your own face in 
the mirror foretells some 
2 Factory 
Factories and processing plants 
reflect the worker part of your 
personality. The conditions 
around the factory denote the 
health of your urge to contribute 
and create. Dreaming of a factory 
is a good sign, promising 
business success. If you see 
yourself working at a factory, it 
means that life is too hectic for 
you and full of tension, but you 
are satisfied with your job. 
3 Fainting Fainting is a sign of helpless 
feelings towards someone or 
your freedom from some 
responsibilities. Dreaming of 
fainting also could reflect some 
failures and small losses. If you 
dream of someone fainting, you
will be asked for help or even 
money. If you frequently dream 
of fainting, it could be a sign of a 
poor blood circulation in your 
brain during the night. 
4 Fair 
If you dream about visiting a fair, 
it could be a warning against 
making unnecessary purchases or 
being superficial. Being at a fair 
also could mean the opposite: 
you might make a good business 
transaction or a profitable 
connection. Winning prizes at a 
fair signifies a true love. 
5 Fairy 
Dreaming of a fairy is a good 
omen predicting good luck in 
personal life and wish-fulfilment. 
Sometimes it means a possible 
engagement for single people. If 
a fairy in your dream is sad, it 
denotes possible losses in love 
and money. 
6 Fall, autumn 
Fall is a symbol of harvest and 
could possibly mean that you are 
going to receive rewards for your 
past efforts. Or it could suggest 
that you need to let go of 
frivolities and become more 
reflective. Dreaming of fall has 
arrived denotes unpleasantness 
ahead. This dream also could 
reflect your unconscious fears of 
getting old. Seeing a landscape 
with autumn colours shows that 
your love for a certain person is 
slowly dying. In men's dreams, 
fall often expresses a fear of 
7 Fall, falling Sometimes we have a strange 
dream where we are walking 
along a path or stairs and one 
false step makes us fall. Falling 
can be momentous and short, or 
long lasting with tumbling in the
air. Dreams of falling usually 
reflect a feeling of loss of 
control, your fears and 
insecurities, and can be a sign of 
stress, tension and pressures in 
your current life. Dreaming about 
falling into a ditch is a sign that 
your reputation is about to suffer. 
Watching other people fall means 
that you will unmask your 
8 Fame 
A dream of fame maybe wish-fulfilment, 
a reflection of some 
public act, or may reflect the fact 
that more people recognize your 
waking behaviour than you 
realize. Dreaming of famous 
people or celebrities is quite 
common for adolescents, and it 
reflects a teen's desire to be a part 
of talented and admired people. 
Celebrity dreams show the strong 
urge to find a place within a 
group that is emotionally secure 
and creatively satisfying. 
9 Family Dreams featuring our family 
members can be reassuring. They 
may give us confidence and 
support, or they may concentrate 
on present long-term problems 
from which we have little 
prospect of escape. If you dream 
of your life's partner, this dream 
could carry a very important 
message about the condition of 
your relationship. A negative 
dream of a partner would imply 
an underlying problem when all 
seems well in the relationship. If 
you dream of your parents, they 
represent ultimate authority 
figures in dreams and stand for 
your insecurities. If your father 
was authoritarian, his appearance 
in the dream could reflect a lack
of self-confidence. Dreams about 
your brothers and sisters may 
represent characteristics which 
you admire or dislike about your 
siblings or about yourself. 
Dreams, involving grandparents, 
are always extremely positive. 
Dreaming of a dead grandparent 
would suggest that you inherited 
some of their wisdom. 
10 Farmer 
The farmer in dreams is a symbol 
of a simple and natural lifestyle 
you are hoping for. Seeing a 
farmer working means that you 
are leading a contented life. 
Being a farmer in the dream 
suggests that you are leading a 
burdensome life, or you have to 
work hard in order to have a 
peaceful old age. However, your 
goals and your work are on solid 
ground promising great success. 
11 Father 
Your father or a father figure 
represents your need for safety 
and security, especially in 
women's dreams. If a woman 
dreams of her father, this dream 
could be a warning from her 
conscious that she changes her 
partners frequently. Speaking to 
your father denotes your 
suppressed desire to be guided 
and supported. 
12 Feather 
Feathers represent your hopes 
and thoughts, sometimes vanity 
and false pride. If you dream of 
decorating yourself with feathers, 
it means that you are too vain and 
egocentric. Seeing a black feather 
foretells bad luck, and a white 
feather means fun. Watching 
feathers fly is a warning that you 
need to decrease your money-spending 
13 Feet 
A dream about feet is sometimes 
an allusion to the general 
process. Have you been going 
too far in some way or are you 
simply weary of a task you are 
unable to see the end of? 
Washing your feet in the dream 
denotes a relief from worries. If 
your feet are itchy, you are going 
on a journey. Seeing someone's 
feet denotes a new acquaintance. 
If your feet hurt, you will have 
minor family problems. 
Dreaming of lameness could 
mean that you are unable to 
14 Fence 
A fence has two meanings: an 
obstacle or protection. It is very 
important to know if the fence is 
blocking your path or 
surrounding a property. If you 
are standing in front of a fence, 
you need to put some effort in 
order to overcome an obstacle. 
Climbing over a fence is sure bet 
that you will resolve your 
15 Fever 
If you are not ill in waking life, a 
fever might symbolize your 
feverish passion for someone. 
Dreaming about fever also could 
mean that you are living out 
unconscious fears. Fever dreams 
mean that your unconscious is 
working hard to deal with 
repressed emotions or fears. A 
fever could also indicate 
uncertain times in your life and 
16 Fighting Dreaming about fighting reflects 
the difficulties you have in 
balancing your conflicting 
personality traits. If you are 
watching a fight: you could help 
other people with your
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
ompPsychic dreams
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ompPsychic dreams

  • 1. Psychic dreams - Most dreams are standard dreams whose plot and content relate to inner psychological processes that are brought to mind through the dream. On average over 90% of dreams are purely symbolic and relate to your own personal process of growth. We use the term psychic dream to cover a range of dream phenomena some of which include classic premonition dreams, astral travel dreams, past life dreams and intuitive insight dreams. Premonition dreams feature details of events on a particular timeline that may or may not manifest, these present as mainly literal rather than symbolic dreams and often you do not feature in any role in the dream, but rather feel as an observer floating or observing from above or outside of the event. Astral dreams are dreams where you recall having visited people or places as a detached observer or as a participant in some way and then in your waking life you may discover that what you saw or experienced in astral captured by the dream was in fact a real event occurring somewhere although not necessarily at the exact time you where asleep. Past life dreams feature events and experiences from past lives. You may experience the dream story through the eyes of a previous identity or observe the story from above. The past life dream story will follow more like a real life than the typical dream content does. We have used the term intuitive insight dream for the dreams where you contemplate issues and learning and gain insight while you are sleeping. You may find a mixture of dreams as well, perhaps a past life dream mixed with intuitive insight ending with a standard symbolic lucid dream. Guides often appear in dreams in various roles to facilitate an insight and your learning. You may also be in contact with departed loved ones in psychic dreams, this is not to be confused with a symbolic dream wherein the person may be a symbolic representation of an issue or aspect of your self. Interpretation 1 Abandon Abandoning something bad in your dream means that you might soon receive good financial news. But if someone abandons you, it can be a sign of trouble which you possibly can overcome by acknowledging this warning and reconciling yourself with the problem. If you saw some sort of abandonment in your dream, it means that you will hear soon some very important information. 3 Abdomen If you have pains in abdomen it will indicate success or achievement due to your good physical condition and healthiness. Seeing your abdomen being bare or showed to others, is a warning that you might be tricked or deceived by someone you trust and love. 4 Abduction Abduction in you dream indicates wish-fulfilment and is, in general, a good sign of achieving goals which seemed unattainable. Dreaming about being abducted indicates success for you, even if you have a lot of resistance in real life situations. But if you observe someone being abducted, you can expect some unexpected news! 5 Abhorrence If you have a strong hatred or feeling of dislike for something in your dream, it is a warning that you may be in danger or have some difficult situations which can not be foreseen. If the feeling was not very strong and you were a bit irritated by it, then it means that you will be able to overcome your problems.
  • 2. 6 Abnormal When you dream of something abnormal which can be described as a sci-fi film, where we see very strange things happening and not existing animals, it means that very soon you are going to find a useful solution to your present problems. 7 Abortion If you dream of an abortion, it means that you might be following a fruitless path in life, or certain goals are not worth of pursuing them. For a woman, it can also indicate that her health is in danger. 8 Abroad . If you dream of traveling and going abroad, it means that you are experiencing some unsettled conditions and considering traveling abroad or changing location. Traveling abroad by ship denotes that you could make a new influential friend very soon. 9 Abscond Running away, escaping for a man in his dream means that he should be on alert expecting possible deceit from his surroundings at work. For a woman, this dream is a warning to be careful where she gives her affection. 10 Abstinence It's a very contradictory dream, because it may mean the opposite . If you are practicing abstinence from drinking or other temptations, it may be considered as a warning against being arrogant or overconfident. And if you show abstinence without necessity, it means that there are great rewards on the way. 11 Abundance Dreaming of abundance can be both, a warning and a good sign . The first means that you should keep your resources and energies till better times. And the second is a good omen for taking new experiences. 12 Abuse When you dream of abusing someone, you are going to suffer implications from close people whom you have treated not so well recently. If you are abused physically or verbally in your dream, you will get into the trap of your enemy. In general, this dream is a warning to be more cautious with your surroundings, new acquaintances and to control your temper. 13 Abyss This dream you should consider as a warning. An abyss always symbolizes an obstacle. And if you are falling into it, you might be in great danger in your business dealings. But if you managed not to fall into an abyss, it indicates that you will be able to overcome your problem. 15 Accelerator If you use an accelerator or gas pedal in your dream, it is an indication that you will achieve your goals with little outside assistance rather than your own efforts. On the other hand, if the accelerator is broken and you cannot control it, there is a warning that you can develop a habit which will become a vice. 16 Accident If you dream of an accident, you should more carefully pay attention to the detail: how did the accident happen, who was involved in your dream. Sometimes it just means that you need to be more careful while crossing the road, if you dreamt of being run over by a car; or if you had an accident with some instruments, maybe you need to repair them in order to avoid accidents in future. But if in your dream you had some other people watching you having an accident, it means that you will be involved in danger through this person. An accident by sea (ship or boat) promises a great deal of love affairs. 17 Acid Dreaming about acid might be the sign of an intense fear that can threaten "to dissolve" you. It could also mean that you are too distrustful or contemptuous of others, and if you don't change, this so called "acid" can "dissolve" your relationships. 18 Actor, actress, acting in a movie Dreaming about acting in a movie means that you dislike false and hypocritical people, or you are pretending to be somebody you are not. Seeing others to play in the movie is a warning: be aware of treachery and lies. Seeing an
  • 3. actor in a dream: you want something you can't have. If you are the film actor: you don't feel comfortable around your friends. 19 Admiration, admiring Dreaming about admiring someone means that you are too easily led by people and you don't check their intentions first. 20 Adoption If you are adopted it means that you are accepted in real life. If you are putting someone up for adoption, it means you will be rejected. Also it can mean adopting new ideas, points-of-view. 21 Adultery Dreaming of adultery might be surprising, because it can be absolutely not connected to the reality. A dream of committing adultery does not exactly say that you are cheating on your partner, but it may make you feel guilty. This way your subconscious tells you that you have some offences against others or your partner, and even against your own true nature. Very often people who are involved in an emotionally and sexually cold relationships are likely experience this dream. Also for some people it means that they are ready to have an affair. 22 Aggression If you dream of hitting or shooting somebody, or any other act of aggression, it expresses anger that has not been acknowledged during the day. If we can't fulfil the wishes, demands, or expectations of others, we feel guilty, and our unconscious often "lets off steam" by way of aggressive attacks. See Attack, Murder, Killing. 23 Agony Agonizing over something or feeling tortured in a dream means that you failed to deal with something in waking life, or you have hurt someone and it is now coming back to haunt you. See Pain. 24 Air Oxygen is an element we cannot do without for our basic survival. If you are deprived of air in your dreams, in one word, you are suffocating, it represents some kind of psychological or intellectual deprivation. If you dream of being outdoors and breathing a clear air, this dream may suggest that you need a freedom to your thoughts. On the other hand, it may be drawing a release from a problem or continuous difficult situation. 25 Airplane It depends what exactly you see in your dream. If you are flying and enjoying it, this means happiness. It also can indicate a desire to rise above all and escape. If you dream of airplane disaster, it may symbolize that you are involved into a project which is destined to fail, or it may also symbolize a financial or intellectual failure. 26 AirportA dream of being in an airport or a railroad station may indicate how secure you feel about a new project or a situation. If you see a busy airport it represents your desire for freedom or for travelling. If the airport is deserted, your travel plans may be changed. 27 Alcohol Drinking a small amount of alcohol means you will have interesting ideas. In general, alcohol symbolizes secret desires. The meaning may become clearer, if you analyse some other symbols in the dream. Very useful to notice is what alcohol made you feel: more courageous, more confident? It will show what you lack in real life. If you drink to intoxication, it shows your strong desire to escape reality. If you see someone being drunk, it shows your negative attitude towards that person. Being sober in a crowd of drunk people signifies a feeling of being left out, loneliness, or the opposite - being superior. 28 Alligator Alligators represent problematic situation which are intense, but do not last long. The alligator may symbolize a problem, responsibility or task in your real life that has troubled you a bit, and needs "wrestling", sometimes with the help of others. 29 Almonds Eating sweet almonds means that you are loved and respected by your friends and they support your efforts. Eating bitter almonds: you will be disappointed by friends or acquaintances.
  • 4. 30 Altar If you dream about an altar, a project will turn out well. Seeing lighted candles on the altar means that certain plans will work out. Kneeling in front of the altar is a symbol for your respectful and reverent ethics and the ability to sacrifice small desires on the "altar of your ideals". It also could be a sign that you will receive help from "above", or a secret wish will be granted. Seeing an altar decorated with flowers may predict a soon wedding. Dreaming of decorating an altar denotes fun and good luck. 31 Ambulance Seeing an ambulance in your dream is a sign that you do not pay attention to some part of your life, and this carelessness and indiscretion may lead to a catastrophe. Also, you should literally take this warning and look after your health, because you might have an inner fear of contracting some kind of disease. 32 Amethyst Dreaming of the amethyst brings good luck. If you have business dealings, amethyst in your dream foretells a receipt of a small satisfying income. In a married life, amethyst means a happy and calm marriage. If you lose the amethyst in your dream, it may signify a material loss or problems in your personal life. 33 Amputation If you dream about an arm or leg amputation, expect emotional loss in the near future. Undergoing amputation denotes separation from a loved one. If your hand is being amputated, your actions are restricted. Amputation of a leg carries a message: you should stop running away. Dreaming about amputation means that your life has been torn apart and your peace of mind is in danger. The part being amputated usually refers to parts of ourselves that haven't been functioning properly. 34 Amusement park Seeing an amusement park in a dream and having a lot of fun there signals that you need to start having a little bit more fun in waking life. If the amusement park looked gloomy and dark, it may be a warning that you have reached a critical point when to stay away from fun and amusement may affect your psychological health. If you have some kind of an accident in an amusement park, it may indicate that you have an inner fear of overcoming something in your life. 35 Anchor The anchor is a symbol of hope, confidence, and health. If you see an anchor in your dream, your hopes will soon be fulfilled. Seeing a broken anchor is a sign of bad luck. Anchoring in a harbour means that you have found a solid ground. Throwing an anchor means that you are hoping for someone's help, but it is better to act on your own initiative. 36 AngelsDreaming of angels always means that you study your present attitudes. The angel is a divine messenger that can give you some new insights in finding a new way. If a woman dreams of an angel, the angel represents a longing for harmony, emotional connection and guidance. Seeing an angel symbolizes good luck and shows the strength of your character. If you are an angel in your dream, there is love and friendship on the way. Being surrounded by angels means you will find inner peace and satisfaction. 37 Anger, wrath, resentment Anger is one of our strongest emotions. It can express itself in our dreams. The dream where you are aggressive towards somebody and feel a strong anger, means that you have a deeply rooted problem within yourself, a kind of inner struggle, it might be your envy towards that person, if you feel subconsciously inferior or there was a kind of rejection which you cannot accept. A man, dreaming of sexually assaulting or raping a woman, might have a sexual problem that requires treatment. 38 Animal, animals Animals represent the parts of our personality and the depths of our unconscious, our instincts. Animals in dreams are always symbols of our subdued desires, this way our subconscious communicates to us about forbidden.
  • 5. Bear: a symbol of power, vitality, strength and endurance. Fish: a fear of loosing love. Dog: extremely subdued sexual urges; a true friend. Insects: repressed anger, emotional stress, family problems. Cat: a symbol of female eroticism and sometimes repressed desire for freedom. Cow: female sexual urges combined with patience and calm. Lion: glorified and powerful physical contact between men and women. Mouse: a symbol of femininity; a fear of mice - a fear to acknowledge your femininity. Horse: aroused, but unrealised physical energies or controlled vitality. Serpent: a phallic symbol; woman dreaming of serpents usually suffer from unfulfilled sexuality. Small animals usually represent a small sibling; large animals stand for your character features and repressed cravings. Animals talking to us with human voices are a warning that people can hurt you or take advantage of you. Dead animals are the sign of a change in your personal situation. Animals are a symbol of primitive character traits like passion, greed, anger. 39 Ants Ants symbolise wisdom, hard work, organisation, persistence and accomplishment. When ants appear in your dream in a positive neutral light, it means that you are being industrious and diligent, ants in this case are a symbol of accomplishment and success. If you are being bitten by an ant, you need to take advantage of an opportunity in your professional life. If you are stepping on an anthill, your clumsy behaviour will provoke a lot of frustration. At the same time, seeing a lot of ants in your dream could be a sign of a problem with your nervous system, because ants also is a symbol of annoying things. It might show that you have overworked and need a break. If you see this dream too often, it is a signal to pay more attention to health issues. 40 Apartment Dreaming of an apartment symbolizes the state of dreamer's finances or the state of a situation in which you are involved. Beautifully-furnished and luxury apartment will indicate improvement in your finance situation. And opposite, seeing a shabby and dark apartment stands for misfortune and losses. 41 Apostle This dream contains a religious image which is mostly seen by men in their dreams. Be attentive to the words said by apostle since it can be a clear message which should be taken literally. 42 Apple The apple is a symbol of love and fertility. If you see a tree with lots of apples, it means that you have many friends. Eating a ripe apple means you will meet someone special; if you are married, then it means a renewal of your love life. If you see an apple full of worms, it symbolizes problems in your love relationship. If your apple is rotten, there are troubles on the way! If you are biting into a sour apple, you are in danger of dealing with an unpleasant situation or loosing somebody dear to you. If you are looking at an apple tree in blossom, you will have business success. 43 Aquarium Seeing fish in an aquarium indicates small short pleasures you are going to have or having right now in your life. The condition of water (clear/murky) and the size and condition of fish are very important. They depict the quality and amount of pleasure. 44 Argument If you dream of arguing with someone you know, it may be an indicator of your dissatisfaction with something this person does in reality and desire to argue,
  • 6. but you wouldn't do it in real life. This dream should be considered also as a warning against impulsive and thoughtless decisions. 45 Arm, arms If you see in your dream, that your arms are stronger than usual, it is a sign that there is a hard work ahead. If your arms or someone's arms are covered in hair: you are about to receive money. Breaking or injuring your arms symbolizes family fights and squabbles or careless actions. If one of your arms is missing: you are suffering from painful inhibitions. Your left arm is associated with your supportive and nurturing nature, right arm represents your outgoing nature. 46 Armour Dreaming about armour means that subconsciously you feel that you need a protection and want to be shielded from different influences. Wearing an armour: you are afraid of being attacked by others, being hurt. You need to analyse what made you wear the armour: your fears, your defensive attitude? Sometimes the armour represents your protective behaviour due to which other people cannot get close to you. In any case, dreaming of armour means that you need to change something in your life, because walking in a heavy "armour" is quite difficult. 47 Arrow Any weapon type can be considered as a phallic symbol. Arrows stand for the rays of life and it is also a phallic symbol. If you see an arrow in your dream, it means that current arguments and conflicts are partially your fault. If you are shooting an arrow, be aware that you are going to be the target, and because of your behaviour you may lose a close friend. If you got hit by an arrow: there is a breakdown or disaster on the horizon. An arrow pointed in a certain direction could be a pointer where you need to go in your professional or personal life. 48 Ashes Ash is a symbol of death, grief and self-punishment. Dreaming about ashes is not a good omen. If you disturb ashes, it is a message that someone is going to die. Stepping or falling into ashes implies a loss of money, financial problems. Watching a lot of ashes signifies bitter disappointment and pain. But if you collect ashes, you will have an increase in material things. 49 Assassination (murder) Dreams of assassination or murder have similar meanings. There are strong feelings and emotions involved. If you are an assassin and you are killing someone, it might symbolize your strong protest and anger towards this person. If you watch an assassination with a lot of blood, it is a bad omen, you underestimated your enemy. If you are struck by an assassin, the realization of your goals will fail. 50 Attack If you dream of being attacked, your projects are going to fail or you might be soon in danger. If the violence in the dream was not your main concern, but the threat of the attack was your main fear, there may be a warning about an attack in waking life. This may not by a physical assault, but perhaps an attack on your character and integrity. This dream should be taken into account as a warning: you will need to be cautious during next several weeks. 51 Attic The attic is similar to basement where we also may store material. Ghosts in the attic typically represent memories that pursue us. Stored clothes and furniture may reflect unused potential stored away through fears or discouragement. When you dream of an attic, consider making your current conditions more comfortable and balanced. If the attic is well organized and brightly lit, then you will have luck with either love or matrimony. The attic can also represent the mind, and if the attic is chaotic this will be a sign telling you to organize your thoughts for better living.
  • 7. 52 Auto, automobile This is a favourite subject in men's dreams. The car in your dreams says a lot about your current situation. The movement of your car is like a metaphor for the way you are trying to follow to make a progress in your life. The condition of the vehicle could be regarded as a condition of your health. See interpretation for "car". 53 Avalanche If you dream of an avalanche, it means that you triggered something negative what is impossible to stop. If in your dream you are swept away by an avalanche, the implication might be that your life is out of control. Avalanche is usually a warning and it can be avoided if you carefully reconsider your life situation. 54 Axe, axes The axe in a dream may appear as a weapon or a tool. But at all times, it is a symbol of battle or fight. In dreams it may symbolize quarrels with people in your environment, and if you are the one who is using the axe, your role in this arguments is the major one. If you are the wood: the separation from your love partner is about to happen. Picking up an axe is a sign of bad luck, terror and conflict. An axe-dream often means that your authority is only a show, and is not based on the strength of your character. If you see someone else working with an axe, it means that you are suffering, because of the inconsiderate actions of others. List of words starting with the letter "B": No Keywords Interpretation 1 Baby If you dream of feeding a baby in your dream: you have to work hard before you receive the rewards of your labour. Rocking a baby in a cradle: you will have good luck and happiness. If you see a dead baby, someone is going to die. If you are giving a birth, you will have a new direction in life or a new idea. Being annoyed in a dream of a baby crying may signify illness or minor disappointments in your personal life. If a woman is nurturing a baby at her breasts, she probably desperately wants to have a baby, or wants to take care of someone. 3 Back Watching someone's back means you will be shown "the other side of the coin". If someone is turning his/her back on you: your old friendship which turned difficult is rekindled. The dream may also mean that some people are acting superior and clearly have a low opinion about you. Everything has two sides and can be judged from different perspectives. This dream may express your fear that something is going on "behind your back". Another thing: maybe you are hiding something from others? 5 Backpack Carrying a backpack symbolizes responsibilities weighing upon you and interfere with your everyday activities. Another meaning of this dream is that you are carrying your past memories or experiences which became a burden. 6 Backyard The backyard usually represents the territory of your life which is taken for granted. It is a potential which you have and may
  • 8. use any time. 7 Bacon If the taste of a bacon is rancid, it is a symbol of a failed affair, business or relationship. In general, eating a bacon should be considered also as a signal to pay more attention to what you eat and how sensible you are about food. To dream about handling bacon with dirty hands is a bad omen, this way you handle your affairs. 8 Badger The badger may represent your inner qualities like fierceness, resistance to discouragement, enormous energy, tenancy, persistence, ferociousness. If you have a situation in real life, it means that you use this qualities to get the result you need. In a negative way, badgers represent powers that are on the edge of intimidation. Sometimes is may depict someone from your surroundings who has a dominating nature. 9 Bag, bags An empty bag might be a sign of a low bank balance or financial difficulties which will persist for a while. Carrying a heavy bag means that you have a lot of work to do. Seeing a full bag: expect receiving some money. Loosing a bag: something is not going to happen the way you want. Finding unexpected things in a bag: your subconscious tries to show you some character traits of which you were not aware before. 11 Bail If you dream of making a bail, your subconscious is telling you that you need to accept help from professionals. 13 Bakery, baking, baker Dreaming about baking means that something inedible will be transformed into a delicious and digestible form. Seeing a bakery with a good smell and smiling people indicates a lot of success for you. Seeing a baker: your current problems will be resolved. But seeing a baker making bread signifies that you should be careful with people who want something from you. If you see an oven actively used by a baker: your financial matters will improve. In general, dreaming of bakery, a baker and baking indicates positive changes in the near future. 14 Ball Playing with a colourful ball or balloon signifies that if you got disappointed, you will get over it quickly. If you are playing with a ball on your own, it is a sign of a passing love affair. But if you play ball with a lot of people, it denotes a positive relationship with a new person. Playing ball with you life's partner is a good sign which means that you are learning from each other in a playful manner. The ball also may symbolize your destiny, and what you do with your life. Sometimes it plays games with us! 15 Balloon Watching a balloon floating in the air: you are naive and soon will be disappointed. If the balloon is bursting, you hopes and
  • 9. dreams will fail. Seeing a balloon indicates that you may have a positive discovery or get interesting ideas. A floating balloon may also signify a love affair which will quickly "dissolve" in the air. If you are travelling in a balloon: you lost the perspective or your goals. Watching a hot air balloon explode means that someone is so angry with you, that is about to explode! 16 Banana A banana symbolizes a desire of erotic adventures. If you are eating banana in your dream, your erotic desires will soon be satisfied. Since banana is a phallic symbol, seeing a banana in a dream means that you want an intimate relationship with another person. Mostly, in female dreams, banana represents sexual desires. If the banana is rotten, it may point to disappointments in matters of love. 17 Bandage Dreaming about being bandaged signifies emotional hurts you are experiencing or you will experience. It is also can be a sign of the healing process you are going through. 18 Basement Buildings in dreams often represent our bodies or personalities. The building may also represent intellect or understanding: people who are about to take up a new project may explore unfamiliar rooms in a well-known house. In many cases, a journey into exploration of a building represents your own desire to learn yourself and resolve ongoing psychological problem. The building also is a symbol that stands for expanding your life. Usually it doesn't matter how tall or big the building is, or how well it is decorated, but it is a good sign which tells you that your plans are going to be successful. But if the house is in a bad shape or falling down, it is a warning: your plans or decisions will hurt you and result in losses. In a woman's dream a building/house is often a symbol of her body. Then you should interpret the parts of the house like roof - head, windows - sexual organs, ground floor/first floor - internal organs, basement - feet. 19 Basket The basket is an ancient symbol for the womb. If you dream of holding an empty basket, be prepared for a disappointment in matters of love. If you are handing a basket to someone, it means that you are denying someone's request, or deciding against something. Dreaming of a flower basket denotes good times, happiness, and a gift. Looking at a laundry basket indicates that dishonest people are taking advantage of you. 20 Bat, bats The bat is a symbol of the dark side of a dreamer's personality. Since the bat is hit by blindness, but has got a wonderful sense of direction, this dream may say to you that you are using more your intuition rather than logic, and you might be blind to some
  • 10. sort of things. But at the same time a bat is a symbol of a free will, freedom since it has wings! Seeing several bats means your worries about debts. Sometimes a bat can represent a black messenger betokening death, illness or a personal disaster. To interpret your dream, try to connect other elements in your dream with the bat symbol. 21 Bathroom In dreams bathrooms symbolize physical and emotional cleansing, and toilet dreams deal with letting go of what we no longer need. If we don't get a support in real life and our feelings are not nurtured, we might dreams of flooding in the bathroom. 22 Beach This dream may hint that you are not getting as much pleasure out of life as you could. It may show that you need a period of relaxation and rest. On the other hand, this dream may suggest that you take more interest in your work so that the daily grind becomes less of a trudge and more of an adventure. Dreams of lazing on a tropical beach may be reflecting pleasures you most enjoy. Also dreaming of being on the beach could indicate that your goals are far-reaching. Watching high-waves crashing on the shore: you will face difficulties and resistance on the way to your goals. 23 Beans The bean is a symbol of the female sex organ, especially in men's dreams. Eating beans in a dream means frustration at job, or at home, sometimes a downturn in your financial situation. Seeing bean plants in blossom: love more modesty. Picking and eating beans means successful business dealings. 24 Bear In a positive sense a bear represents an inner force of power and strength ready to be used. For instance, dreaming of a bear could mean that your dormant powers are being gathered in preparation. And when you need to act, you can be amazed by the forces you have at your disposal. Bears usually carry a negative meaning in men's dreams representing symbols of domination and fear, and can symbolize, for instance, a controlling wife or mother. People who went through painful accidents are prone to dream of being chased by a bear. Seeing a bear also can mean that you are insecure about your personal relationship, sometimes it means gossips or financial losses. 25 Beard A beard in a man's dream symbolizes masculine power. Also it is a sign of courage and wisdom. Seeing a man with a long beard: you will live in prosperity. If a man dreams of shaving off a beard, it might signify that he is scared of losing his masculine power. In another sense, this dream could mean that a man needs to get rid of his prejudices or habitual behaviour. If a man is dreaming of a woman with a beard, he should be more
  • 11. careful with the opposite sex. 26 Bed, beds The bed is a symbol of regeneration, love, death and birth. Seeing an empty bed means bad news or news about a death. Seeing yourself in bed: you need to take care of your health. If you sleep on a strange bed, it is a warning: don't be too trusting, be cautious with strangers or new friends. Seeing a soil on your bed means that you are surrounded by ill-natured people. If your own bed is in a mess, your hidden secrets are to be discovered and cause you embarrassment. 27 Bedroom The bedroom is a symbol of your sexual life, also it is a place where you have a rest. It is your private part of the house which in dreams reflects your love life. Dreaming of making your bed means that you are not enjoying a rewarding relationship or sex life. 28 Bee, bees In a positive sense, bees represent fertile and productive processes and symbolize industriousness and the way you organize your life. Dreaming of many bees flying together means that you will work productively and hard, but you can look forward to a "good harvest". Watching a bee collecting honey means a more deeper bond in a love relationship. Getting stung by a bee: there will be great changes in your life. 30 Beetle Beetle represents ups and downs, success and failure. Seeing a lot of beetles in a dream: losses are inevitable. Catching a beetle: you will make a new friend or resolve a problem. Watching a beetle: you need to be humble if you want people to like you. Killing a beetle in your dream means that you need to come to terms with a mistake. 31 Beggar A beggar in your dream could represent you, and the focus will be the area of your personality or sphere of your life that is in some way deficient. Very likely that your emotional life is pretty empty. Dreaming about a beggar entering a house means that a visitor is going to surprise you. If you are giving a gift to a beggar, you will soon get positive results and get a relief from an uncomfortable situation. 32 Bell A bell may indicate the beginning of a favourable phase in your life. In a negative sense, a bell could signify misfortune and disappointments. Hearing bells ringing predicts pleasant events in your personal life, with family or friends. If you dream of ringing a bell, you will make someone happy. Looking at a bell in a dream denotes that a dreamer is pursuing a specific objective, but must solve a few problems first. 33 Belt The belt is a symbol of erotic needs for power and influence over other people. Finding a belt in a dream means that you are
  • 12. gaining the trust of another person. Losing a belt foretells misery in love matters. Seeing an old belt in a dream means that all efforts and struggles come to nothing. 34 Berries If you dream of picking berries, you are looking for a lover. Eating berries denotes erotic desires. It could also mean that you are going to win something. Unripe or dried berries denote impending frustrations and conflicts, and misfortune in love. 35 Bet, betting (wager) If you are betting: you are taking too many risks in money matters or at the game table. Winning a bet: you have become involved in a risky matter and you will suffer losses. Losing a bet: unexpected luck is coming your way. 36 Bicycle A bicycle stands for an individual choice of direction, strength and effort. Riding a bike in a dream may suggest that you are the one who is in charge of your own destiny. If you feel as if your bike is floating in the air, you want to advance socially, and to improve your financial situation. Buying a bicycle means that you need to be more active and improve your physical condition. 37 Bird A bird is a symbol of intellectual flight, ideals and intuition. Seeing a bird in a dream means that someone wants to cheat you. Seeing birds flying away: sadness and loneliness awaits you. If you dream of a flock of migratory birds in the sky: you will feel homesick and lonely. If you are listening to singing birds, you will receive good news. Watching predatory birds flying means that your enemies are waiting for a chance to attack you. To dream of feeding birds with a lot of birdseed promises a very large income in the near future. If you are spreading birdseed around on the ground, your business will take root and grow. 38 Birth For men and women this dream has slightly different meanings. If a woman dreams about birth: it is a sign of personal growth implying that the process will be painful. It also can mean a new attitude towards life. In a man's dream it usually means a birth of new ideas, tasks, plans. Dreaming of a difficult birth signifies that you need to let go of something you love very much, it also may refer to an illness. In relation to animals, the birth means a new opportunity, or a new phase in your life. 39 Birthday If you are dreaming of celebrating your own birthday, it is a sign that there is a pleasant surprise in store for you. But if you are celebrating someone's birthday in your dream: meeting other people will open some positive career opportunities to you. 40 Birthday cake Dreaming of a birthday cake means that you will have a lot of good luck through the help of your close friends. If the cake
  • 13. looks ugly in your dream, it is a sign of a bad luck which won't be long lasting. Sometimes dreaming of a birthday cake indicates a real birthday of someone close to you, or a birth of a baby. 41 Bite, biting Biting someone in your dream can be a warning that you are causing pain to someone by overdoing the pressure. In other cases it could mean that you are dealing with problems with low ethics. If you dream of being a vampire, then biting means that you want to do things your way and be independent. 42 Black Black is the colour of the unconscious, of sinking into the darkness, or mourning. Black is masculine; it is the colour of the night. Black stands for limitation, mourning, taboo, magic, conservatism, old age, melancholy and sacrifice. 43 Bladder Dreaming about having to go to the bathroom in public means that you will be ashamed or embarrassed. Usually this dream comes from a simple physical urge to empty your bladder, but your need for uninterrupted sleep makes your subconscious play these tricks with you to keep you from getting up. 44 Blood, bleeding Blood is a symbol of vitality. Seeing a blood in a dream: be careful of other people in different situations. If you are losing blood, it means "weakening" of your energies and frustration at this moment in your life. It is very important to know where you are bleeding. If you see blood on your hands: stop being involved in someone's business. If you see someone else bleeding, you are concerned about your friend. Dreaming about bleeding always points to the emotional wounds that you don't acknowledge. 45 Blue Blue has always something to do with intellectual and spiritual events, insights, experiences, and mental processes. It is opposite of the emotional "red", because it is "cool" and "analytical". A soft gentle blue is typically female colour. Blue is a symbol of emotional contentment that we all would like to attain. It indicates that you live wisely and with compassion. Blue stands for intellectual goals and insight, faith, and spiritual maturity. 46 Boat The boat is a symbol of a part of your personality which you need in order to move ahead in the ocean of life. Seeing a boat foretells a trip or a change in life. If the water is clear, it betokens a good trip or change. If the water is murky, it predicts misfortune or mishap. The water also symbolizes a shaky ground, and the physical condition of the boat will show you what your actual situation is. 47 Book A book in a dream could symbolize the "book of your life". If
  • 14. you are sitting in the middle of a book pile or in the library, your dream indicates that you are taken to the intellectual limit, or you live with too much stress. Buying a book: you will receive interesting news which will serve you well. Reading a book: you are creating something new from your memories, insights and experiences. If you are reading a serious book, you are gaining wisdom. Writing a book: you are not satisfied with your career and would like to rewrite the book of your life. If the book has a title, try to analyse its meaning, but remember, that it is a metaphor and should be interpreted accordingly. 48 Boss, chief If you dream about your boss, expect something unpleasant in the near future. Having an argument with your boss denotes problems at work; you feel insecure and scared to lose your job. Shaking hands with your boss: you will change jobs. Receiving a gift from your boss means a loss or a change of job. 49 Bottle Seeing one or several full bottles means fun or an invitation. Empty bottles are a warning about an unpleasant event. A broken bottle denotes bad news. A bottle of red wine is a sign of prosperity. 50 Bouquet Seeing a bouquet of flowers means that you have very reliable friends. Being given a bouquet of flowers means that someone is admiring you. Losing or leaving a bouquet somewhere: your love is not returned. 51 Boyfriend It is common to have dreams with ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends, though we might have a current partner right now. Usually your ex is a symbol of perfection and whatever you miss with a current partner may be brought up in your dream with your ex. If you dream of a specific person being your boyfriend, look also at other symbols in a dream in order to interpret it. If your boyfriend is causing you harm or hitting you, you'd better to take this warning literally and keep away from him. 52 Bracelet If you dream of wearing a bracelet in your dream, you are going to meet a good friend. Losing a bracelet denotes an end of your love relationship. Receiving a bracelet as a gift is a warning: be aware of jealousy or too much passion. 53 Braid If you are making braids in your hair, it means that you lost your romantic senses. Cutting off your braids: you want to get rid of your annoying habits. Seeing a braid: you don't have the courage to try something new. Braids also represent sort of "past" you are hanging on, and want to cut it off. 54 Breast, chest The breast usually expresses sexual desires, but also need for love, safety and security. looking at the beautiful breast of a
  • 15. woman denotes good luck and a joyful love life. Seeing an emaciated breast foretells poverty and misery. For a man, to dream about hair on his chest means that his financial situation will improve. If a woman dreams of holding a baby at her breast, either she feels homesick, or has much empathy for another person. 55 Breeze Dreams about weather represent a personal "weather forecast", telling us if there are storms or sunny days in store for us. But more often these dreams reflect our moods in waking lives and foretell what lies ahead. Dreaming of a cheerful breeze means that you are right now at a low and pessimistic mood. This invigorating breeze in the dream would suggest that you need to pull yourself together and show some spirit. 56 Bride Seeing a bride in a dream is always a good omen: something pleasant is coming your way. If a woman dreams of being a bride, it denotes positive developments in the romance, maybe even marriage. If a man dreams of embracing a bride, he is involved in a foolish love affair. 57 Bridge Crossing a bridge means reaching a new "shore" on your life's journey, changes for the better and leaving behind old problems. It may also mean advancement in your professional and private life. If the bridge is broken down, it is a sign of bad luck and means that the project will fail. Take this dream into account and do not make any changes in your lifestyle until better times. Walking across a long bridge means that your future will be filled with lots of adventures. A bridge is a symbol of an emotional transition which usually is a good omen. 58 Brook A calm, slow-moving brook is a sign of good health, good luck and success. Turbulent water of a brook denotes that you are restless and stressed. A clear brook in a dream means that your projects will move ahead without complications. 59 Brown Brown has always been the colour of earth. This colour is very warm, calm, and motherly feminine. Being dressed in a brown gown in a dream means the dreamer has chosen a natural lifestyle or would like to live that way. Brown is a mixture of orange and black. It symbolizes a connection to the earth, nature, humility, earth, and emotional stamina. It is passive, but persistent. 60 Buffalo The buffalo represents power and resolution. If you dream of a buffalo, you might have a considerable amount of income within next few weeks. If the buffalo is killed or injured, it is a bad omen: do not undertake any new ventures. Dreaming of a herd of buffalos will bring you a peace of mind and abundance.
  • 16. If buffalo allows you to pet it, you will have a nice tranquil married life. 61 Building Buildings in dreams often represent our bodies or personalities.The building may also represent intellect or understanding: people who are about to take up a new project may explore unfamiliar rooms in a well-known house. In many cases, a journey into exploration of a building represents your own desire to learn yourself and resolve ongoing psychological problem. The building also is a symbol that stands for expanding your life. Usually it doesn't matter how tall or big the building is, or how well it is decorated, but it is a good sign which tells you that your plans are going to be successful. But if the house is in a bad shape or falling down, it is a warning: your plans or decisions will hurt you and result in losses. In a woman's dream a building/house is often a symbol of her body. Then you should interpret the parts of the house like roof - head, windows - sexual organs, ground floor/first floor - internal organs, basement - feet. 62 Bullets A dream of a gun or bullet may contain an immediate and real warning. If you are hit by a bullet in your dream, it is definitely connected with your health. If you see a bullet, it may be a sign that there is a scandal on the way. 63 Bumblebees Seeing bumblebees flying around means that you are wasting your time with some unimportant matters. A bumblebee is not a good sign, because the pain they cause is bigger than any other bee does. Take this dream also as a warning that you may have to watch out for "false" friends that may "sting you". Try to analyse the rest elements of your dream to draw a correct conclusion. 64 Bus, buses In a man's dream a bus symbolizes an ambition or determination to get advancement in work. Riding on a bus: you are satisfied, but still too attached to your old points of view. Riding in a bus which took a wrong direction: you feel isolated. If you missed a bus: you feel insecure or uncertain in a particular area of your waking life. If you got into a bus accident: you are to experience a time of frustration or financial embarrassment. To wait for a bus: you will have a temporary setback in pursuing your goals. 65 Bush Seeing somebody behind a bush: be careful about people who gossip. If the bush is full of green leaves: good news and great joy in the house. Seeing a leafless and brittle bush denotes a failure of your plan. 66 Butterfly The butterfly is a symbol of infidelity, inconstancy. Particularly it relates to love relationships. Dreaming of a butterfly could
  • 17. mean that you are being vain or unfaithful, and it will bring you disappointments. Catching a butterfly: your happiness won't last long. Seeing a butterfly: either your partner is unfaithful, or a friend will become fickle. The other possible meaning: butterfly is a symbol of changeability. It may imply that you are going through an inner change like caterpillar transforms into a butterfly! And this change is going to be positive. List of words starting with the letter "C": No Keywords Interpretation 1 Cab If you are riding a cab alone, it means that your are satisfied with your occupations and money situation. Driving with some people: you will be surrounded by gossips. 2 Cabin (ship) If you dream of being in a ship cabin in the open sea and there is a storm, it means that you are to go through financial loss and grief. Dreaming of being in a ship cabin and sailing at a calm and bright weather foretells that legal matters or law suits will be improving to your benefit. 3 Cackle If you heard cackling hens in your dream, there has been a disaster in your surroundings or maybe a death. It also maybe a sign of a forthcoming illness or loss. 4 Cactus Dreaming about a cactus may say a little bit about your feelings at this time. Since the cactus is a prickly plant, it defends itself with spines, and so maybe you want to be left in privacy within your boundaries and protect yourself from intruders. Getting punctured by a cactus: your thoughtless behaviour will cause you harm. Watering a cactus: you are too nice to people who didn't deserve it. Looking at a small cactus on a windowsill: you are too stingy with yourself and people. A cactus also could symbolize a victory over adversity since it can survive without water in the desert and got adapted to unbearably hot conditions. So, it means that you will win because you were able to adapt to existing circumstances. 5 Cafeteria, cafe Seeing a cafeteria in the dream means that you want to have more friends. Working as a waiter/waitress in a cafe or cafeteria signifies that you are surrounded by unsavoury people and need to find new friends. Sitting in a cafe is a sign that you can't change or do anything at the present time. 6 Cage Dreaming about a cage is always connected with the limitations imposed on you by your surroundings, upbringing
  • 18. or promises you made. Being in a cage means that you feel imprisoned and want to break out. Seeing a bird in a cage in the dream is a sign that an unfavourable situation is going to turn for the better. 7 Cake Dreaming about cakes is a good omen which means that you will be fortunate in your undertaking. If you are baking a cake in your dream: you have a tendency to overindulge and this shortcoming should be reined in. Dreaming of eating a cake or looking at it: company is coming. If a woman dreams of a wedding cake, it is a sign of unhappy and ill marriage. 8 Calculator If you are using measurement instruments like calculator in your dream, it show first of all that you are trying to use your practical and logical approach to tackle problems or to deal with a present situation. If you see someone using a calculator in your dream, you might soon see a colder, calculating side of this person. 9 Calendar The calendar stands for how you use and plan your time and live your life. Seeing a calendar on the wall means that you are very well organised. It also may signify unpleasant surprises. Throwing out a calendar means that after a lot of worries and troubles your situation is going to improve. Buying a new calendar: friends will come to visit you. 10 Call, calling Hearing someone call means that you will be asked to do some important task or given an order. If someone is calling your name, it might be a sign that a distant friend needs your help or it is a warning of approaching danger. 11 Calves, calf A calf usually stands for superficial amusement and carefree, frivolous attitude. Watching calves or a calf playing is a warning that you are going to cause mischief. Feeding a calf: you are generous towards the wrong people. Seeing a calf standing near its mother means that you are scared to act independently and depend on others and look to them for leadership. If you dream of a calf being slaughtered, a specific matter will turn out badly. In general, if you dream of a calf, you need to pay more attention to your maturity, personal growth and the need to be independent. 12 Camel The camel is a symbol of patience, perseverance, stamina, modesty and moderation. Seeing a camel means anger and frustration, because the problems you thought were solved are back. Dreaming of camels loaded with merchandise: you will be rewarded for your efforts and care. Riding a camel: you would like others to take care of your responsibilities. If you are buying a camel, it means that your investments and
  • 19. business transactions will turn out well. A camel also may represent your personality or your memories. You need then to pay more attention how heavy the camel is loaded and what surrounds the camel. 13 Canal The canal is a sign of your ability to manage your passions and desires turning them into material and intellectual goals. If you dream about a canal: a business affair that is not above board might cause problems. If you are participating in the construction of the canal: you have very good chances for your future. Seeing ships in the canal: you might find new friends, make some contacts or go abroad. 14 Cancer Dreams about having cancer probably do not concern a real illness, but rather symbolize anxieties over a problem or a situation which leaves one feeling ravaged. 15 Candle A candle has may meanings in dreams. First of all it is a symbol of light which represents a connection between spirit and matter. If you see a brightly burning candle, it means that the future hopes will turn out the way you wanted. Sometimes candles signify an invitation to a party. If a candle flame in your dream is flickering, it is a warning saying that the condition of your health is not stable. Watching a candle burning quietly and steadily is a sign of piece of mind, contemplation and desire to look within. If the flame of a candle goes off, you maybe informed about the illness or a death of a relative or somebody close to you. It also could mean the end of a close friendship or relationship. In other sense, a candle is a phallic symbol and could mean a flame of passion burning inside you. Then seeing a candle in the dream could symbolize your desire for more understanding and enlightenment, or wisdom. 16 Cannibalism Consuming the flesh of another person is to absorb his or her life force or vital power. It is very important to identify the characteristics or attributes of the victim that you wish to posses or take into spirit. Eating is a symbol of taking spiritual nourishment. 17 Cannon The cannon is a symbol of male aggression and reckless sexual passions. If you see a lot of cannons in your dream: arguments and deception will make your life miserable. A firing cannon signifies an unpleasant situation or an accident. If you hear cannon shots: there is good news on the way. Seeing a cannon ball means that you will be able to get out of a dangerous situation. In a woman's dream the cannon may symbolise her fears towards the male aggression and sexual abuse.
  • 20. 18 Canoe paddle, paddling A canoe paddle represents the energy with which you are moving through life - your hopes, desires, ideals and cravings. Having seen this dream you need to pay attention to some details like: how quickly you move in canoe or you stay in one place and don't make any progress. 19 Car, cars, auto The car in your dreams stands for your current actions. The movement of the car is the way you are trying to make progress in life and the extent to which you feel in control. If the car in your dream has poor controls or missing parts, it would suggest that your sense of control over current conditions is being compromised. If you dream about driving an unknown car, which seems not to be familiar to you, and because of it you may feel a lot of frustration, could possibly mean that you are going through the change of your life conditions like changing jobs, experiencing first pregnancy etc. Also, the way you drive a car in the dream reflects the style you are using to go after what you want. Car parts also have specific meanings and all other symbols in your dreams should be considered. 20 Castle The castle is a warning of being too vain and ambitious. Looking at a castle means that you have too much imagination and unrealistic hopes which may turn into disappointments. Being in a castle as a guest: you will meet an influential and distinguished person. If you live in a beautiful castle where everything is under your control and command and everybody obeys you, this dream foretells that you will have a comfortable house with a loving and generous spouse. 21 Castration It is a very disturbing dream for any man, and more likely it relates to impotence or fear of it, or anxiety that he might not be able to satisfy a particular woman. The dream might also refer to a fear that someone wants to emasculate you not necessarily in a sexual content. For a woman a dream of castrating a man expresses very powerful emotions. It usually reflects her desire to posses and subdue her partner and feel superior. 22 Cat, cats On one hand the cat is a symbol of female sexuality, and on the other hand, it is the essence of deceit. Seeing a white cat means that you feel great affection for someone. Seeing a two-coloured cat: your feelings are passionate. A black cat is always a warning of impending danger. Watching several cats means that your partner is unfaithful. Dreaming about wild cats: you might have a fight with your neighbours. 23 Cave Being in a dark cave: you are overwhelmed by a current situation or present problems. Living in a cave suggests that
  • 21. you are getting unpopular because of your seclusion. If you are digging a cave, it could possibly foretell the death in your surroundings. Coming out of the dark cave means that your affairs are going to improve after a time of deprivation like unemployment, depression etc. 24 Cemetery If you dream about walking through the cemetery, it might be a sign that you are seeking peace and quiet. On the other hand, it could signify that you are holding onto the past. Your subconscious might draw the graveyard, if in real life you are under pressure and need to make a decision, or you are too preoccupied with your past experiences and want to bury them. Bringing flowers to the cemetery means a death in the family. 25 Chain The chain represents a burden you are chained to. Also a chain represents a connection between two people, different extremes, you and your past. If you dream of seeing a person with a chain , it means that unconsciously you are connected to somebody and you want to have a break and feel free. If you see yourself being tied up with chains, it signifies that it will be difficult for you to acquire freedom. Seeing a chain also could mean that you need to let go of the past. If you are trying to break the chain, you will succeed in freeing yourself from something which confines you. Hearing a chain sound: you will receive some news which will negatively affect your future. 26 Chamomile Dreaming about chamomile: you are about to get a cold. Collecting chamomiles in the garden means that you will get sick, but will recover soon. 27 Champagne Dreaming of a glass or a bottle of champagne predicts good possibly short-term fortune. 28 Chapel The chapel reflects your need for solitude and contemplation. The dream also says that this is the right time for religious reflection and the search for a higher power. Seeing or being inside a chapel means that you are enjoying inner peace. See Church. 29 Chariots A chariot stands for your inner powers and desires to quickly progress and succeed at something. If you are riding in a beautifully decorated chariot, you are going to face good opportunities and you financial situation will improve. If you dream of falling off the chariot, or somebody falling from the chariot, you are going to suffer failure. 30 Chased In this dream you are usually being chased by some villains, monsters or criminals who wish to harm you. But often these
  • 22. pursuers represent current tensions and issues rather than actual people. This dream usually shows the level of stress you have at the moment, and is a signal to take control over the worries and resolve issues with a clear head. 31 Cherries, cherry Dreaming of ripe cherries can be considered a dream of wish-fulfilment. If you are picking or eating cherries: your wishes are being fulfilled. If cherries are sour or bitter you will be disappointed with love. Seeing rotten cherries denotes that somebody is gossiping about you. Dreaming of a cherry-tree in blossom is a good omen foretelling good fortune and happiness. If you are climbing a cherry-tree, you are going to start a short love affair. Falling off the cherry tree means that your adventure will end not in a very good way. 32 Chicken, hen Dreaming about chickens means that good times are just around the corner. Seeing several chickens: don't waste time with idle talk. Plucking a chicken: you are not properly compensated for your work. Eating a chicken denotes rewards at your job. If a man dreams of trying to catch a chicken, he is too much into short love affairs, but nonw bring him satisfaction. Watching a hen laying eggs: you will receive money soon. Seeing a hen sitting on eggs: your wishes will come true. 33 Child, Children Children often represent one's inner child in a dream, and can bear both positive and negative meanings. In a positive sense, they symbolize unrealized potential, the process or need for growth, the development of skills, the fruits of relationships and of the future. In a negative sense, dreaming of children reflects the immaturity, infantilism and self-centerdness. 34 Chocolate Chocolate stands for temptation, vitality and good health. If you are giving a chocolate gift to somebody, it means that you would like somebody to be your friend. Seeing chocolate in the dream could also mean that you are literally dependent on food and need to stop eating much. Receiving chocolate as a gift indicates that soon you will gain a good and reliable friend. 35 Church Seeing a church in your dream may be a sign of your growing maturity and inner faith. Some people who are in need of help can have this dream. If you dream of praying in the church, you will receive a help from above and your wish will be fulfilled. Watching a church collapse: you lost your faith in God. 36 Cigarettes (smoking) Cigarettes is a symbol of addiction and satisfaction. If you are smoking a cigarette, or offering a cigarette to others, it is a
  • 23. lucky omen which denotes self-satisfaction and prosperity. If you are smoking in smoke-free areas: you are trying to get your own way even if it is bothering others. If you watch other people smoke: someone's behaviour is bothering you. If you have never smoked in real life and dream of smoking: some addictive patterns in your life are coming through. Take a look what has taken a hold of you and might be dangerous even for your health. It may indicate that some bad habits are going to cause you harm. 37 Circle The circle is a symbol of perfection, completeness and symmetry. Seeing a perfectly drawn circle in the dream is a good omen predicting good luck and prosperity. If the circle is broken, your marriage will fail. On the other hand, seeing a circle in the dream could be a warning that you are going in circles, especially if you are drawing a circle. Standing inside the circle: you are emotionally-balanced. 38 Circus If you see a circus in your dream, it is a warning that you are going to embarrass yourself. Being at a circus and watching a performance: you might get involved into an expensive enterprise. 39 Cleaning (cleansing) If you dream about cleaning, your subconscious is trying to say that you need some "cleaning" or "polishing" of your character, or it could be a sign that you need to pay more attention to your relationships and be more supportive. 40 Cliff Standing on a cliff denotes that a difficult task is ahead which demands a special care. Seeing a cliff at the seashore: hidden dangers and unconscious anxieties make a decision difficult. 41 Climbing Dreaming of climbing is always connected to pursuing certain goals and overcoming different problems. If you are climbing stairs, a ladder or a hill, you are going to successfully complete your project, meet your goals. If there are obstacles involved when climbing, it is a sign that you will have difficulties in reaching your goal, but your efforts will be rewarded. Climbing a high mountain: difficult obligations have to be concluded. Climbing a steep mountain with your partner is a sign that you want to reach the peak of your sexual desires. 42 Clock Clock dreams represent deadlines, running out of time, an acute awareness of the passing time. Trying to stop a clock, or breaking a clock, can represent a fear of death. Clock gone out of control symbolize unresolved fears and anxieties. 43 Closet Seeing a closet in the dream: you need to find time to sort out your personal and work affairs. Dreaming of an open closet is a warning about being more careful with people who surround
  • 24. you. Seeing a closed closet means that you need to open up and be friendlier to people. In another sense, the closet stands for your body and your needs. Pay more attention to the details: is your closet well-organised, clean or empty? If you dream of an empty closet, you need a break to replenish your energies. 44 Clothing Dreams about clothing are extremely common and usually are telling us something about our self image or status. If in your dream you are wearing clothes very different from what you have in your wardrobe, the implications may be that you are discontented with your image. If you dream of being dressed improperly or untidily when others around you are impeccably clothed, it is a sign that you feel inferior or insecure, and you are not "fitting in" with the people around you. Dreaming of being dressed in formal clothes, when others are dressed casually, may suggest that you behave snobbishly or you are uncertain about your social identity. 45 Clouds Clouds may represent confusion, sometimes a state of complete unhappiness, or something being obscured from understanding. Seeing dark or even black clouds denote a period of unhappy self-reflection prior to an emergence of a new conciousness. 46 Coffin Seeing a coffin might be a signal that you need to say goodbye to something that has died. If you dream of an empty coffin, it is a good omen which means that you will reach a ripe old age and shouldn't worry in vain. Seeing a dead body in the coffin: you are going to suffer some financial setbacks and losses. Seeing yourself in a coffin denotes that you will have a long, wonderful and healthy life. 47 Comb, combing Dreaming of combing long hair signifies that your new friendship will last for a long time. A comb stands for family differences, different opinions and confrontations. If a comb is broken: a serious disagreement is going to worsen. In general, dreaming of combing hair or a comb should be considered as a signal that you need to pay more attention to your family affairs, and keep a better control over things. 48 Condoms Condoms have the obvious connection to the preventive contraception and appear in the dreams that deal with the relationship concerns. In real life condoms are symbols of protection and prophylactics, but in dreams they symbolize psychological protection from all sorts of problems in relationships. It send the message that you should proceed towards love with vigilance.
  • 25. 49 Contract (agreement) Dreaming of signing a contract implies some kind of responsibility to be taken in future. If you are signing a contract, it could mean a rise in your business career, and rejecting to sign a contract, you will probably lose an opportunity to be promoted at work. If you are forced to sign a contract, somebody is trying to take advantage of you, do not take any responsibilities at this time. 50 Corridors Corridors, hallways and passages with doors and rooms along them in the house characterize free choices and options arranged in your own mind. Sometimes wondering along a hallway with doors means that you have so much choice that it is difficult to decide which option is the best for you. 51 Costume If you are wearing a costume in your dream, it indicates that you have created a facade around you and are disguising your real self. If you are wearing a masquerade costume which looks funny, it could mean that you had been foolish in some matters. 52 Court Dreaming about a court could imply your need to defend yourself in front of other people or you want to rid yourself of bad habits. If you are judging another person in court, it means that you are offended by that person, but you are not ready to confront this person. Standing in front of a judge could imply that you would like to get rid of your bad habits. Being as a witness in court indicates that one of your friends needs help. If you are convicted in court: you are wasting your time waiting for thanks from somebody. 53 Cradle If you are single and you are dreaming of a cradle, more likely that you will get married soon, for married people it could mean that there is a good event on the way. Watching a baby in the cradle means that you are in a delicate situation and try to keep someone from talking. On the other hand, this dream could be a reflection of your subconscious desire to have a baby in reality. 54 Crash If you dream of a crash, or crashing yourself, it means that there are unexpected challenges which interfere with your plans. If you dream of a crash in a stock market, your investments become stronger and will grow. If you crash a car, you should be careful with your goals and plans because they may fail. 55 Cripple If you are dreaming that you are deformed, or have become a cripple, it could mean that you are "crippled" or injured emotionally, and you are not in position to do anything about it. It may also indicate that you have a low self-esteem or low
  • 26. opinion about yourself. If you are taking care of a cripple, it means that you are caring about an unhappy person. 56 Crocodile Crocodiles in dreams in a positive way represent your potential and powers capable to seize luck when it comes. In a negative sense, crocodiles represent hazards lying beneath the surface of a seemingly harmless situation. Seeing a crocodile in the dream is a warning: you are surrounded by evil-minded people. If you got bitten by a crocodile, be careful: a dangerous situation has developed. Killing a crocodile in the dream is a sign that you will be able to defeat a powerful enemy. Also, see Alligator. 57 Crossroads Crossroads in the dreams represent your worries and fears about taking decisions at this turning point in your life. If you are standing at a crossroad, it is time to take a decision which will affect your future and you cannot postpone it any more. It is very important to remember which road you chose. Is it a straight road or winding? Did it go to the south, north, west or east? 58 Crow (blackbird) The crow always represents a fear or failure. It also foretells bad luck or death of a close relative. But if you see several crows on a tree: there will be a family reunion. If you catch a crow: the future is going to be sad and tedious. Hearing a crow screeching: bad news will come. 59 Crown If you dream of being crowned, you are chosen to fulfil a great task. Wearing a crown reveals your desire to be in the centre of attention and admiration. Looking at a crown is a warning that before you become a "king" you need to work hard and be a servant of people. 60 Curtains, drapes If you dream of closing curtains in your dream, it is a sign that you do not want to face up to a problem or simply are closing your eyes on something. In the other sense, this dream could denote that you are being secretive and don't want other people to learn about your feelings and thoughts. 61 Cushion Dreaming of a cushion may suggest that you are trying to hide or protect yourself from something unpleasant what you have to face in waking life. On the other hand, if you are simply relaxed in a beautiful cushion, the dream could mean that you feel secure about your personal relationship or in a more material sense. The colour of the cushion may be also significant. 1 Dagger The dagger is a symbol of aggression, physical destruction and emotional/mental power. If you are holding a dagger and point it at
  • 27. somebody in your dream: you are unconsciously aggressive, slow down your pace. If you are wounded by a dagger, you will hear some sad news. Defending yourself with a dagger is a sign that you will be able to resolve current matters and topple your enemy. Being attacked by someone with a dagger: be careful of muggers and people who can harm you physically or mentally. 2 Daisy Daisies symbolize purity, innocence, freshness, the sun, intellectual light. They also are associated with the Virgin Mary, and are symbols of immortality and salvation. 3 Dancing Dancing in the dream reflects your inner desire for freedom, emotional satisfaction and spontaneity. If you are dancing by yourself, it is a sign that you want some attention from a certain person. Being led to a dance floor by somebody means that, if even you might not like the situation, you have to accept it. If you dream of dancing with a partner, you need to remember who is leading, it will tell you more about your current relationship. Also, dancing in general in dreams could express your happiness and luck in love, though not so long lasting. 4 Danger This dream refers to a category of nightmares. Dreams of danger are warning us about something in our waking lives and we should take a notice of them. If your life is threatened by immediate danger, and you are trying to escape, it could mean that you are going to get a high position in business or society. Dreaming continuously about danger and dangerous situations may suggest that you need to have a break from work and maybe to go to the doctor for a check-up. 5 Darkness Being in the darkness, a dark room etc. means that you feel insecure about your work, yourself or life in general. It also could mean that you don't understand something, or you are not informed well. Seeing a small light or a light switch means that there is help on the way and you will be able to finish with the "darkness". Being a dark cave means that you feel unprotected. Dreaming about darkness always refers to an emotionally dangerous situation which is not resolved. 6 Dates Dates are symbols of sexual experiences and pleasures, especially in men's dreams. If a man dreams of eating dates, he wants to have sexual relations with more than one woman. But if a man dreams of eating one date, he is going to meet an old love. Giving a date to somebody in your dream means that you are going to be kissed soon. 7 Daughter If you are dreaming about having a daughter, though in real life you don't have one, it is a sign that you want to be accepted by a woman or want her to take care of you. If you have a daughter, then dreaming of your real daughter may intuitively suggest that she needs your help or advise. 8 Deafness If you are dreaming about being deaf, it is a sign that you are also "deaf" to what people tell you. Try to be more open to the needs and
  • 28. feelings of other people, don't be egoistic. 9 Death On a deeper psychological level dreams of death reflect some kind of end or finalization of affairs, emotions, relationships. Seeing a dead stranger is a sign that you are thinking about separation or you have managed to resolve a difficult situation successfully. Seeing an open grave means that you have suffered a loss, but will be able to recover from it. Dreams of death reflect the phase of end in our lives and the time of change. 10 Debt Dreaming of having debts is always a reminder that you have responsibilities and you need to deal with them now, if you want to have peace and harmony. Also this dream could reflect your inferiority complex that you are not up to the standards of certain people, tasks or that you owe some people something. 11 Decapitation Dreaming about decapitation signifies that you are revising your attitude about concrete events. If you are the one who is being decapitated, you will experience shame, illness or embarrassment. If you are decapitating somebody: you might win in a legal case or a conflict. If you see your acquaintance being decapitated: you are going to lose a person you love. Watching somebody being decapitated: you will acquire enemies or defeat an adversary. 12 Deceased Dreaming of a deceased person is usually a warning that tells you about being careful in all your affairs until this unfavourable time passes. If a woman dreams of her deceased husband: she has finally accepted his death. Seeing a deceased person: the person is trying to look after you and wants to tell you something what will support you. 13 Deer, antelope If you dream of several deer’s or antelopes, you want some personal freedom. Very often a single deer in the dream represents the qualities of your character like gentleness, tenderness, understanding and need for protection and safety. A deer also may represent a person dear to you, someone who is vulnerable and needs your help and protection at present time. 14 Demons If you are dreaming of demons, you are denying a dark part of yourself, or feelings that have taken hold of you. Seeing demons also should be regarded as a warning against falling for lusts and unhealthy habits. If you see these dreams too often, you are on the edge of the psychological crisis and need help of a doctor. 15 Devil Seeing a devil in the dream is a signal that you are too preoccupied with the negative thoughts, or you are surrounded by people who threaten your serenity. A devil is a symbol of temptations, dark forces, confusion, darkness and death. If dream of a devil, be very careful, because there might be serious consequences, if you yield to temptations. 16 Diamonds Dreaming of wearing a diamond in a dream is usually a sign of an
  • 29. overly developed ego, or strong feelings of inferiority. Losing a diamond ring: separation from a loved one. Wearing a diamond bracelet/ring/necklace means that you are covering up a lack of self-worth with external "things" (sometimes also with bragging). Dreaming of someone else wearing a diamond: watch out for false friends. Receiving a diamond as a gift: you will soon celebrate a happy event, or even an engagement; it also might mean an improvement in your social status. 17 Diary, days The diary is a symbol of the past events that were important to you. If you dream of a diary, your subconscious might be telling you that you are confronted with the past experiences which you didn't reconcile with. 18 Dice Dice is a symbol of good chances and luck. If you are playing a game with dices, and you are winning, it is a good omen which foretells you success and good luck. On the other hand, losing a game with dices foretells misfortune and failure of hopes. Seeing dice means that you are irresponsible and have taken some risks which might result in losses. 19 Disappearing Dreaming of people or things disappearing reflects your insecurities and concerns about particular people, life situations and conditions. You need to work on the level of your confidence. 20 Divorce Dreaming about getting a divorce means that you could be dissatisfied with you marriage, or you are afraid of losing your partner's love. Dreaming of other people divorces is a warning that you need to take your vows a bit more seriously. 21 Dog, dogs If a dog in your dream is a nice and friendly creature, it represents your love and loyalty. For a woman, seeing a dog in her dream is mostly associated with her love partner. If she is trying to pick out a dog or a puppy, it means that she is too picky with the opposite sex. Seeing an injured or confined dog in the dream is a sign that you should pay more attention to yourself and your health, or get out of a situation where you are being hurt. In cases, when a dog is threatening you, it suggests that someone or some situation is bothersome and it make you feel vulnerable. 22 Dolls Dolls in our dreams represent innocence, childhood and immaturity. If you dream of a doll being your baby, this dream suggests that you have created a new plan or project, and it implies that if you go on with this project you might put yourself in the situation of being manipulated. In men's dreams dolls usually represent an opposite sex and foretells an affair. 23 Dolphins Dolphins symbolize your sense of connection with others and with the world. Since dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, they represent your mental traits and achievements in the dreams. Dolphins ironically
  • 30. appear in our dreams, when we are at low points in our lives, these dreams bring a positive feeling and make us feel needed, connected and valued. If you see a dolphin in danger, this dream implies that some important connection is under threat or your ability to speak openly and honestly is damaged. 24 Door In the dream featuring doors the most important factor is whether they were opening or closing. If you are closing the door, it means that you are shutting something out of your life. If you see one door opening and the other closing, this dream could reflect changes in your waking life like changing jobs. Seeing a door in a poor state may reflect your poor physical condition. 25 Doorways Doorways stand for opportunities and potential changes. If you dream of somebody knocking on your front door, it may signify a recent opportunity that is being presented to you. Opportunities can be both positive and negative. For example, if a woman dreams of a dark stranger at the door, she might embark on a sudden relationship which won't comfort her. 26 Dove Doves are emblems of peace, love, consent, integration and fulfilment. Doves also can represent creative works you have undertaken, things you promised yourself or potential for happiness. If you have a conflict or dispute with another person, a dove in your dream heralds that both of you will come to an agreement. If you have an inner conflict, a dove could represent the host of opportunities open to you and that your creativeness is no longer blocked. 27 Dragon The dragon represents a person with ruthless attitude who will do anything to succeed. if you are killing a dragon, it means that you let go of this heartless and shrewd attitude. Winning a fight with a dragon means that you will master the powers of unconscious. Being injured during the fight means that you will be hurt by a powerful enemy. In men's dreams a dragon very often represents a domineering woman suppressing emotionally and spiritually. Defeating a dragon means that a man wants to dominate a woman. 28 Dress Dreams of dresses usually show how you want people to see you or how you represent yourself. Wearing or looking at a beautiful dress signifies that you are living a comfortable life and enjoy your popularity. Taking a dress off: you are very trusting person, but it can harm you. A very short dress implies a lack of confidence or a feeling of inferiority. The colours of dresses are also very important. Wearing a white dress means that people like you, but a black dress symbolises sadness and sorrow. A red dress represent arrogance. A green dress stands for hopes and wish-fulfilment. A yellow dress signifies deception or intrigue. If you are tearing a dress, it indicates that you react excessively to the situation. Washing a dress in the dream denotes that you need to pay more attention to your finances, you
  • 31. probably are spending too much. 29 Drowning Dreams about being immersed in water, for example in a bath or a see, may allude to your current waking emotional experience. It may be a sign of your emotional insecurity. 30 Drugs, addiction If you dream that you are a drug addict, your unconscious may be warning you not to fall into this highly dangerous form of escapism. In real life the drug may be more innocent, you can get addicted to work, another person, smoking, food etc. A dream of taking an overdose may equally means "overdosing" in waking life: may be you are working too hard, seeing too much of someone, or being too possessive. 31 Duck A duck represents wisdom and intelligence. Catching a duck: your plans will finally succeed. Seeing a duck swimming in a dirty water: unfavourable news will arrive. Seeing a duck swimming on a clear water: you will have a lucky journey possibly by sea. Ducks on a farm foretell prosperity and good harvest. Hunting or shooting a duck: you are going to lose job or acquire new enemies. Watching ducks fly: you will have a good luck in connection with your marriage or family. Eagles Eagles are symbols of strategic intellect and freedom. Dreaming about eagles may reflect your unconscious longing for freedom. An eagle flying high in the sky represents your high ambitions and need for independence. If you dream of an eagle catching a prey, your subconscious might be telling you that you feel inferior in the presence of a stronger person. Seeing an eagle in a cage: you feel confined and restricted by people, situations or life conditions. If you see an eagle landing near you, it's a bad omen foretelling a death of a good friend. If an eagle is attacking you in your dream, consider it as a warning: you might be in danger, or you interfere with someone's plans. 2 Earrings Dreaming of getting earrings as a gift means that somebody is in love with you, or wants to be your friend. Losing earrings means financial losses. Seeing a beautiful woman with attractive earrings denotes that there are good news on the way. On the other hand, dreaming of earrings may be drawing your attention to your ears, if you don't "get the message" from somebody. 3 Ears Dreaming about ears is a sign that you get easily impressed by people, don't listen to gossips around you. If your ears are clogged or you are deaf: you trust people who don't deserve it. Cleaning ears means that your mistrust towards some people got justified. If someone is pulling your ear: you gave a promise and have to fulfil it. If you are pulling someone's ear: someone's mistake cause you grief.
  • 32. 4 Earthquake Dreaming of an earthquake is a warning: if you can withstand disturbances in life, you will find a new place or starting point. Earthquakes usually stand for sudden changes which take place in our personal or social lives. This dream does not mean that you can prevent these changes, but tells you to be firm and true to yourself if you want a positive outcome. 5 Earthworm Dreaming of earthworms is a signal that you need to be more considerate in pursuing your life's goals. Seeing an earthworm: don't disregard other people hard work, be more frugal yourself. Using earthworms for bait: you are following your own path, you are often inconsiderate and sometimes even unscrupulous. 6 Eating Eating in dreams almost always represent experiences we are having or are trying to have. If you dream of eating at a large table, you want to have more social interaction in your life. Eating alone a rich meal means that you became unpopular because of your recklessness and lack of empathy. If you are hungry, but can't have anything to eat, expect a change in your life. Also, if in real life you are on a diet, you might be often dreaming about food. 7 Echo An echo indicates an emotional reaction to an external event. Hearing an echo foretells that a pleasant company is going to visit you. Hearing the echo of your words is a warning that you should be more careful with your words, because they may trigger gossips. Hearing an echo in the forest betokens a time of loneliness. 8 Eels The eel is a symbol of temptation and represents sexual desires. Dreaming of numerous eels in the water symbolizes a longing for sexual orgasm. If you managed to catch an eel in the dream, it is a sign that your business deal is proceeding successfully, but people around it are envious. Dreaming about an eel predicts good news or positive outcome of a project. If you cannot hold an eel in your hands and it slips away from you, you won't be lucky with your plans or projects in the nearest future. If you are ill and you have this dream, it is a sign that you are going to get better and will have more energy. If the eel is wriggling, it is a warning that someone of the opposite sex is trying to impress you, but may have less than honourable intentions. 9 Eggs The egg is symbol of beginning of life and growth. Seeing eggs in dreams is always a positive omen unless the eggs are rotten. Eating an egg is the dream is a good sign for a lasting relationship. If you dream of finding a nest full of eggs: expect extra money in the form of a win or inheritance. Seeing a lot of colourful eggs foretells a joyful event in your family or means a lot of children. Having eggs thrown at you means that people are going to attack you. Seeing a broken or damaged egg means that you might suffer soon some small losses or bad luck.
  • 33. 10 Eight (numbers) Eight is a number that has traditionally been associated with hard work, ambition, patience. Eight is always associated with four since it is the double of four, and is considered to be a lucky number. Eight is a symbol of Saturn and is always connected with "Karma". 11 Elephant The elephant in an emblem of enormous strength, sovereignty, stability and power. Seeing an elephant in the dream indicates that your job is going well and success is guaranteed. Dreaming of an elephant also can be a warning that you need to behave more prudently and be steadfast. Riding an elephant predicts good luck in your marriage or meeting a nice person. Seeing an elephant in a circus means that people will think of you as foolish. 12 Elevator Riding in an elevator means that you are looking for help with a specific problem, or you want to achieve your goals in a hurry without putting much effort into it. Riding up in the elevator means social and professional advancement. Riding down in an elevator means the desire for sexual adventures or your fortunes will decrease. Seeing an elevator in your house means that you want to advance in life fast without much effort. 13 Eleven (numbers) Eleven is a master number which strengthens the effect of two. It is often the symbol of an illegal union of two people. Sometimes eleven is the symbol of your desire for good long-term relationship. It might also be the sign of a problem or changes in your vegetative nervous system. 14 Enemy Dreaming of enemies always foretells impending arguments, conflicts and struggles. If you have this dream, be on alert. If the enemy wins out over you, it is a sign that you are in danger of much loss, but a good friend will help you out. 15 Escape, fleeing A dream about escaping means that you will be able to luckily avoid danger in time. If you dream of escaping, it is a sign that you are avoiding danger at the last moment. If you are helping someone else to escape, your help and good deed will cause problems in the future. Escaping from a wild animals denotes that you are dealing with a false friend. 16 Exam Dreaming of passing an exam is a common dream theme. Usually people dream of being unprepared to the exam and having fears to fail. It means that you might be overloaded with tasks in work or be in a high-pressure situation. This dream can also indicate that you are concerned with high-performance which is crucial to your work, study etc. Usually people dreaming of failing an exam have very high standards of excellence and are goal, career-oriented. 17 Eyes If you have a recurring dream about your eyes, it may suggest that you need an eye test. On the other hand, if you dream of being blind, it refers more likely to what you are unable to see or refuse to see.
  • 34. Dreaming of your eyes being injured or damaged suggests that someone is trying to take advantage of you in business. Wearing a blindfold in the dream alludes to the fact that you are closing your eyes to the truth of a real life situation. 1 Face Faces in the dreams are "mirrors of our souls". Sometimes we might dream of a stranger's face who will cross our path years later. Seeing a person with a pale face means a likely illness or even death. Seeing an ugly face reflects your doubts and worries about conflicts with other people. If you see a reflection of a beautiful face in the water: you will have a long and harmonious life. Seeing a face with too much make-up is a warning that people around you or your friends are not what they pretend to be. Dreaming of your own face in the mirror foretells some troubles. 2 Factory Factories and processing plants reflect the worker part of your personality. The conditions around the factory denote the health of your urge to contribute and create. Dreaming of a factory is a good sign, promising business success. If you see yourself working at a factory, it means that life is too hectic for you and full of tension, but you are satisfied with your job. 3 Fainting Fainting is a sign of helpless feelings towards someone or your freedom from some responsibilities. Dreaming of fainting also could reflect some failures and small losses. If you dream of someone fainting, you
  • 35. will be asked for help or even money. If you frequently dream of fainting, it could be a sign of a poor blood circulation in your brain during the night. 4 Fair If you dream about visiting a fair, it could be a warning against making unnecessary purchases or being superficial. Being at a fair also could mean the opposite: you might make a good business transaction or a profitable connection. Winning prizes at a fair signifies a true love. 5 Fairy Dreaming of a fairy is a good omen predicting good luck in personal life and wish-fulfilment. Sometimes it means a possible engagement for single people. If a fairy in your dream is sad, it denotes possible losses in love and money. 6 Fall, autumn Fall is a symbol of harvest and could possibly mean that you are going to receive rewards for your past efforts. Or it could suggest that you need to let go of frivolities and become more reflective. Dreaming of fall has arrived denotes unpleasantness ahead. This dream also could reflect your unconscious fears of getting old. Seeing a landscape with autumn colours shows that your love for a certain person is slowly dying. In men's dreams, fall often expresses a fear of impotence. 7 Fall, falling Sometimes we have a strange dream where we are walking along a path or stairs and one false step makes us fall. Falling can be momentous and short, or long lasting with tumbling in the
  • 36. air. Dreams of falling usually reflect a feeling of loss of control, your fears and insecurities, and can be a sign of stress, tension and pressures in your current life. Dreaming about falling into a ditch is a sign that your reputation is about to suffer. Watching other people fall means that you will unmask your enemies. 8 Fame A dream of fame maybe wish-fulfilment, a reflection of some public act, or may reflect the fact that more people recognize your waking behaviour than you realize. Dreaming of famous people or celebrities is quite common for adolescents, and it reflects a teen's desire to be a part of talented and admired people. Celebrity dreams show the strong urge to find a place within a group that is emotionally secure and creatively satisfying. 9 Family Dreams featuring our family members can be reassuring. They may give us confidence and support, or they may concentrate on present long-term problems from which we have little prospect of escape. If you dream of your life's partner, this dream could carry a very important message about the condition of your relationship. A negative dream of a partner would imply an underlying problem when all seems well in the relationship. If you dream of your parents, they represent ultimate authority figures in dreams and stand for your insecurities. If your father was authoritarian, his appearance in the dream could reflect a lack
  • 37. of self-confidence. Dreams about your brothers and sisters may represent characteristics which you admire or dislike about your siblings or about yourself. Dreams, involving grandparents, are always extremely positive. Dreaming of a dead grandparent would suggest that you inherited some of their wisdom. 10 Farmer The farmer in dreams is a symbol of a simple and natural lifestyle you are hoping for. Seeing a farmer working means that you are leading a contented life. Being a farmer in the dream suggests that you are leading a burdensome life, or you have to work hard in order to have a peaceful old age. However, your goals and your work are on solid ground promising great success. 11 Father Your father or a father figure represents your need for safety and security, especially in women's dreams. If a woman dreams of her father, this dream could be a warning from her conscious that she changes her partners frequently. Speaking to your father denotes your suppressed desire to be guided and supported. 12 Feather Feathers represent your hopes and thoughts, sometimes vanity and false pride. If you dream of decorating yourself with feathers, it means that you are too vain and egocentric. Seeing a black feather foretells bad luck, and a white feather means fun. Watching feathers fly is a warning that you need to decrease your money-spending habits.
  • 38. 13 Feet A dream about feet is sometimes an allusion to the general process. Have you been going too far in some way or are you simply weary of a task you are unable to see the end of? Washing your feet in the dream denotes a relief from worries. If your feet are itchy, you are going on a journey. Seeing someone's feet denotes a new acquaintance. If your feet hurt, you will have minor family problems. Dreaming of lameness could mean that you are unable to proceed. 14 Fence A fence has two meanings: an obstacle or protection. It is very important to know if the fence is blocking your path or surrounding a property. If you are standing in front of a fence, you need to put some effort in order to overcome an obstacle. Climbing over a fence is sure bet that you will resolve your problems. 15 Fever If you are not ill in waking life, a fever might symbolize your feverish passion for someone. Dreaming about fever also could mean that you are living out unconscious fears. Fever dreams mean that your unconscious is working hard to deal with repressed emotions or fears. A fever could also indicate uncertain times in your life and relationships. 16 Fighting Dreaming about fighting reflects the difficulties you have in balancing your conflicting personality traits. If you are watching a fight: you could help other people with your